HomeMy WebLinkAbout10724_General Permit_19920715Pier (dock) length Groin length number Bulkhead length max. distance offshore Basin, channel dimensions cubic yards Boat ramp dimensions Other C A., —7 , 13 �� K CAMA AND DREDGE AND FILL GENERAL PERMIT °r N9 1Q7�4 as authorized by the State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NCAC Applicant Name Phone Number Address City. /, TC, t„( Project Location (County, State Road, Water Body, etc.) Type of Project Activity State PROJECT DESCRIPTION SKETCH Ile, C t � l(/fir M Zips (SCALE: f I/ / �, Sow Y,:\ d N\ e This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action; and may cause the permit to be- come null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that 1) this pro- ject is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement has been obtained from adjacent riparian landowners certifying that they have no objections to the proposed work. In issuing this permit the State of North Carolina certifies that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. applicant's signature permit officer's signature _ 1 r-- issuing date expiration date attachments application fee f 4"C • ` o SunFest '92 MAF LEGEND A - W Vendor Sections n Concert Entrances [, SunFest Currency Exchange T Concert Ticket Office & Main Bank Beach ABPD Public Safety & Emerg. Medical I..I D Q SunFest Adminlstrci %;on New Boar-lwalk Controlled /lccess Porto Jon; ENTRANCE TO FESTIVAL N • - a CD Q LL a a C7 � 4 j: 10, 1 4i GO-CART < < & FERRIS o 4 WHEEL ;d . 0 OPULIC O ;z PARK I G ��\ 3 MAP LEGEND 7: QP L 2 � 1. Welcome Tents CO � C1 2• Main Festival Stage (Bands) C m 3. Secondary Festival Stage QQ (Do Stuff) 4. Small Performing Stages Q . 5. Dumpsters 6. Concert Band Staging Area -p and Dressing Rooms h The Maid CONCERT All Vendors, Press, Musicians, STAGE Is Located A Event Staff, Etc., check in at On TI'Ee Beach. HDQ in the Pavillion m E -N F -N D-S n Fr_3 D S-1 E-S F -S 4 COORS-TRK 5 PAVILLION (HDQ) PRESS WB < Q CON ";ERT AREA I AMERICA'Itl Cn �J RED CROS ------------J TENT ATLANTIC 0CEAN State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Marine Fisheries P.O. Box 769 • Morehead City, North Carolina 28557-0769 James G. Martin, Governor William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary 16 July 1992 MEMORANDUM TO: Charles Jones FROM: P.A. Wojciechowski� SUBJECT: Sunfest Music Festival at Atlantic Beach William T Hogarth, Director (919) 726-7021 I recommend that the proposed barriers along the water line be placed in such a manner (approximately 30 feet) to allow the passage and use of the dry sand beach by the general public, without interference. PAW/jjp An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer