HomeMy WebLinkAbout7958_TOWN OF NEWPORT & GARNDER, DERRYL_19920422Applicant Name Address ,A5kl� Cityi`Z Project Loc)tion CAMA AND DREDGE AND FILL � 7958 GENERAL N � PERMIT( ,�� as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Natural Resources and Community Development a t astal Reso rce o Sion in an area of environm tal concern ursuant to 15 NCAC �� ® ' rhcCelu br i my State Road, Water Type ofProject Activity 119 r ROJECT DESCRIPTION Pier (dock) length Groin length number Bulkhead length _max. distance offshore Basin, 7chhaaan�n'ell dimensions. 2`=max A�.. cubic yards Boat ramp dimensions Other State Zip SKETCH (SCALE: / le, .1 " Z This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any ` violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action; and may cause the permit to be-�— come null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance`• The applicant certifies by signing this permit that 1) this pro - is consistent with the local land use plan and all local finances, and 2) a written statement has been obtained from adjacent riparian landowners certifying that they have no objections to the proposed work. In issuing this permit the State of North Carolina certifies that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. applicant's signature 7 permit offi er's signature c12 ", issuing date expiration date attachmentsfX application fee 1n� 'IY� (..�� MAYOR DERRYLGARNER CLERK BEVERLY MCCARVILL ATTORNEY NELSON TAYLOR April 14 1992 TOWN OF NEWPORT POST OFFICE BOX 98 NEWPORT , N.0 28570 0f Mfg 9Elli,�P� • lMCOQBURAIF9 • s r� 866/�'• t-A-���'`` Mr. Jim Mercer Division of Coastal Management 3411 Arendell Street P.O. Box 769 Morehead City, NC 28557 Dear Mr. Mercer: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SEYMOUR RUBIN ROGER NEWBY VINCENT J. LASHAN JACKIE WINBERRY Timothy r�nn Enclosed is a request from the Town of Newport for CAMA approval to clean Deep Creek Canal from the bridge on S/R 1133 at Union Point eastward toward the Newport River for the maximum distance possible. Carteret County presently has a Drott (backhoe type) machine cleaning the canal west of the bridge and has agreed to clean the east section if approval is obtained from CAMA. The Town of Newport has several large drainage arteries which drain directly into Deep Creek, thus our concern and request for cleaning the east section. Perm'ssion has been received from the adjoining property owners (see attached) to place spoil material on their property. Spoil material will be contained on the high around property where a berm is already established. No additional 404 wetland will be filled. If any further information is required, please let me know. Sincerely, TOWN OF NEWFORT Derryl Garner Mayor DGjres THE TOWN WITH OLD FASHIONED COURTESY ADJACENT RIPARIAN LANDOWNERS STATEMENT General Statute 113-229 requires that riparian landowners with property adjoining a proposed excavation and/or.fill project be given thirty (30) days in which to comment on the project. This form allows the adjacent riparian landowner to express either: (1) That he objects to the project; or, (2) That he does not object and desires to waive his right to the 30-day period so that the processing of the application can progress more rapidly. Of course, the adjacent riparian landowner need not sign this form at all if he so chooses. I, Q&, Z. / � , am an adjacent riparian property owner and have seen a copy of the application submitted by owe, /t%Gsr%C7 dated �- /s = 59 2-- 19 wherein said applicant requests a permit to excavate, fill, or otherwise alter the land or water adjacent to my property. I have no objection to the project as presently proposed and hereby waive that right of objection as provided in General Statute 113-229. I'have objections to the project as presently proposed and comments are attached. dLzz,�? Signature of Adjacent Riparian Landowner DATE: FORWARD COMMENTS TO: Division of Coastal Management P. O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 ADJACENT RIPARIAN LANDOWNERS STATEMENT General Statute 113-229 requires that riparian landowners with property adjoining a proposed excavation and/or fill project be given thirty (30) days in which to comment on the project. This form allows the adjacent riparian landowner to express either: (1) That he objects to the project; or, (2) That he does not object and desires to waive his right to the 30-day period so that the processing of the application can progress more rapidly. Of course, the adjacent riparian landowner need not sign this form at all if he so chooses. h C am an adjacent riparian property owner and have seen a copy of the application �/� submitted by' , ,� dated --� /S- 9-2-- 1 wherein said applicant requests a permit to excavate, fill, or otherwise alter the land or water adjacent to my property. I have no objection to the project as presently proposed and hereby waive that right of objection as provided in General Statute 113-229. I have objections to the project as presently proposed and comments are attached. Signature of Adjacen Riparian Landowner DATE: FORWARD COMMENTS TO: Division of Coastal Management P. O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 0or" a ADJACENT RIPARIAN LANDOWNERS STATEMENT General Statute 113-229 requires that riparian landowners with property adjoining a proposed excavation and/or fill project be given thirty (30) comment on the days in which to com Y project. This form allows the adjacent riparian landowner to express either: (1) That he objects to the Project; not object and desires to waive hisrio( ghttothe30-daat he does that the Y Period so processing of the application can progress more rapidly. Of course, the adjacent riparian landowner need not sign this form at all if he so chop e I riparian p , am an adjacent Pr ert owner anod have seen a copy of the application submitted by dated 19 wherein said applicant requests a Permit to excavate, fill, or otherwise alter the land or water adjacent to my property. I have no objection to the project and hereby waive that right ofobjectioneas pro proposed General Statute 113-229. Provided in I have objections to the project as presentl and comments are attached. Y Proposed FORWARD COMMENTS TO: Division of Coastal Management P. O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 ?ignatur of A jacentparian Landowner DATE: ZZ _ / !�? 00r. ADJACENT RIPARIAN LANDOWNERS STATEMENT General Statute 113-229 requires that riparian landowners with property adjoining a proposed excavation and/or fill project be given thirty (30) comment on the days in which to co Y project. This form allows the adjacent riparian landowner to express either: (1) That he objects to the project; not object and desires to waive hisrio(at does ghttothe30-dar that the Y period so processing of the application can progress more rapidly. Of course, the adjacent riparian landowner need not sign this form at a if he so choo ripari_ am an adjacent property owner nd have seen a copy of the application submitted by dated Permit to excavate, 19 wherein said applicant requests a fill, or otherwise alter the land or water adjacent to my property. I have no objection to the project as presently and hereby waive that right of objectionas o proposed General Statute 113-229. Provided in I have objections to the project as presentl and comments are attached. Y Proposed FORWARD COMMENTS TO: Division of Coastal Management P. O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 gnature of Adjacent iparian Landowner DATE : — �- / / _ q 2-- 0or" ADJACENT RIPARIAN LANDOWNERS STATEMENT General Statute 113-229 requires that riparian landowners with property adjoining a proposed excavation and/or fill project be given thirty (30) comment on the days in which to com Y project. This form allows the adjacent riparian landowner to express either: (1) That he objects to the project; not object and desires to waive hisrio(at does ghttothe30-dar that the Y Period so processing of the application can progress more rapidly. Of course, the adjacent riparian landowner need not sign this form at all if he so chooses. riparian am an adjacent property ow submitted by ner and have seen a copy of the application , dated • 19 , wherein said applicant requests a Permit to excavate, fill, or otherwise alter the land or water adjacent to my property. I have no objection to the Project and hereby waive that rightofobjectioneaspro proposed Pro General Statute 113-229.vided in I have objections to the project as presently proposed and comments are attached. FORWARD COMMENTS TO: Division of Coastal Management P. 0. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 r 9, Z Signaturev of Adj aunt Riparian Landowner DATE:_ - i ADJACENT RIPARIAN LANDOWNERS STATEMENT General Statute 113-229 requires that riparian landowners with property adjoining a proposed excavation and/or fill project be given thirty (30) days in which to comment on the projec This form allows the adjacent riparian landowner to expresst' either: (1) That he objects to the not object and desires to waive hisprightttoothe(30-daat period does that the Y period so processing of the application can progress more rapidly. Of course, the adjacent riparian landowner need not sign this form at all if he so choo s I, riparian pro t am an adjacent P y o er'a ave seen a copy of the application submitted by - - dated w erein said applicant requests a Permit to excavate, fill, or otherwise alter the land or water adjacent to my property. —� I have no objection to the project and hereby waive that right ofobjectioneasnt o proposed General Statute 113-229. Provided in I have objections to the project as Presentl and comments are attached. Y Proposed FORWARD COMMENTS TO: Division of Coastal Management P. O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 ign ure o c t Riparian Lan w er DATE: CIO 16 If 3852 , ` ti 17 0 9� `I • 30�','. - - i /%ice �-•. fi 47'30" • • a x j: ;�� 1•y ? ewp m x/7 E . • Towero I r �,. ; 10 If _ -ii'"` 1 •2� •• B — /Troe('." II w II 1 1 — o s �•� /.� U II X 9 I II - _ 5,. •. cJ�' Ca p J Ito; .♦Is 38 r, -F` - r-yi\=��`�.\ - _ \ _'` - ILA 0 BM 7- u• - L A \ x• 380 000 %r s9 r �•\p ' FEET B rx32 tih roe , �y . \? it 0_ . it �� F Z° ^` ��`�' jL•o� it �/ vv ac :30) R _E H E La ci pti W 2 30 �� .� BM Ctc 19 ' m= 1, u 3847� 70 _ 34o45' 2 64G OOU FEET 330 MOREnEA0 G( r rs7 ,ui� c ATLANTIC 3 r 6 5_ 30" dapped by the U. S. Coast & Geodetic Survey oo� Edited and published by the Geological Survey * �v ' 1000 �y3 3ontrol by USUGS MN Culture and drainage in part compiled from A I G. aerial photographs taken 1946 5- ToR ra�phy by planetable methods 1947 Field check 1949 IO7MILS I 1•02' GENERAL PERMIT APPLICATION INFORMATION -D�y�� APPLICANT'S NAME. Derryl Garner acting for the Town of Newport (First) (Middle) (Last) MOING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 98 (PERMANENT) Newport STATE PdC ZIP 28570 TELEPHONE: WORK ( 919 ) 223-4749 HOME ( 919 ) 223-4141 CONTRACTOR'S NAME: Carteret County Mos. Cont. PROJECT LOCATION: TELEPHONE NUMBER N.C. Hwy. # SR # Road/Street Name Waterway Name T)PPn CYPPk County Carteret Town Newport Z— Subdivision P1/A PROJECT ACTIVITIES: PIER: Total dimensions of pier from MHW to platform N/A (Length) (Width) 'T' or 'L'-head platform N/A N/A N/A (Length) (Width) (Number of Mooring Piles) Water depth at end of pier N/A Number of Mooring piles N/A HOUSE/BOAT LIFT: Length N/A Number of Piles N/A Width N/A Water Depth N/A BULLHEAD: #1 Total length N/A Average distance waterward MHW NZA Maximum distance waterward MHW N/A #2 Total length N/A Average distance waterward MHW N/A Maximum distance waterward MHW N/A RIPRAP: Total length N/A Base width from MHW N/A EXCAVATION: [MAINTENANCE 'ONLY'] LengthTo be determined Width1,200 Depth of Cut 51 Adjusted water depth on MLW Existing water depth(s) Estimated Cubic Yards (length x width x depth/27) • Type of spoil: Sand Mud Other mixture of both with much forest Dragline Backhoe X debr3' ydraulic OTHER STRUCTURES: APPLICANT'S NAME: MA-LLING ADDRESS: (PERMANENT) GENERAL PERMIT APPLICATION INFORMATION 7)�����y� yL (First) (Middle) (Last) STATE IV, C. ZIP WORK (9/.9 ) 223-4749 HOME (9i9 ) 223-4/4/ CONTRACTOR'S NAME: �G4�T���CT Ca�A17-Z 41/%OS, COA1 ,, TELEPHONE NUMBER PROJECT LOCATION: N.C. Hwy. $ SR It Road/Street Name Waterway Name County CAXeT��� Town /�E/(/P�,Q% Subdivision 611 PROJECT ACTIVITIES: PIER: Total dimensions of pier from MHW to platform IVZ4 (Length) (Width) 'T' or 'L'-head platform /(% 1 ZA (Length) idth) (Number of Mooring Piles) Water depth at end of pier Ac/ A Number of Mooring piles /(/� E 2 HOUSE/BOAT LIFT: Length /,�,1/4 Width 1,,IZA Number of Piles �� Water Depth /11� BLU,KHEAD: ail Total length Average distance waterward MHW Maximum distance waterward MHW #2 Total length Average distance waterward MEW Maximum distance waterward MHW RIPRAP: Total length Base width from MEW EXCAVATION: [MAINTENANCE 'ONLY'] Length 7 ? Width / 2 0 Depth of Cut Adjusted water depth on MLW Existing water depth(s) Estimated Cubic Yards (length x width x depth/27) Type of spoil: Sand Dragline OTHER STRUCTURES: Mud O7H4-'I' A-41 x O� �7-N W17;41 Backhoe ✓ Hydraulic To 0 P,& R 71 eA 1) L A4Z& 4 X o PC-,Rr y 5 AU14 -S A C&A OF to O'� 0 r3,0138Y L it A4A1A11rL-'1VAAAf,E Lip: �' �: �' �E �y� ,� �.�.� � .r� �� � ��. UtOOIJ P 0 N 7