HomeMy WebLinkAbout10884_General Permit_19920902CAMA AND DREDGE AND FILL ,. GENERALPERMIT o 1 Na 10884 as authorized by the State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NCAC ? H - i - Applicant Name Address City Project Location (Cou State Road Water a 13' (-�� Type of Project Activity 100 L A E etc. �D Phone Number b 3?— h J 0 0 State ZA zip � ; 3 1 1 it, PROJECT DESCRIPTION SKETCH 5 PT (SCALE: ) Pier (dock) length 0� S 0 V Groin length. number Bulkhead length max. distance offshore Basin, channel dimensions cubic yards Boat ramp dimensions Other This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action; and may cause the permit to be- come null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that 1) this pro- ject is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement has been obtained from adjacent riparian landowners certifying that they have no objections to the proposed work. applicant's signature permit officer's signature 9-9- > d - ;L2 issuing date expiration date attachments �/� c /-7 /—) / a? eq Z) In issuing this permit the State of North Carolina certifies that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. application fee .+ \50. L23 5.0' 6.67' 1.675 C. 30.47' 50.0p, oo'L 90.1S77°22'33"W R 50.0�_- 103. 99' o L034 A.C. / / r 60. 95'J// N 3 R 50.00 ti o� 0) N ® rn ono m/ o I 172. 10' `av� v U, LOU AC. vti`, / �y ��L L 59. 64' S ~ E O v u+• m tD / a • L 2 1 .t3• R 25. 0S05°56' 55"W S24° 1 6' 05" W �d�\ 69. 3 1 ' 1' ; / - 4 - ��°'� // 1 S24°50' 51'W / \p6 % 880 AC' 28. 02' S71004' 28'W 24. 00' � Q i (36,0 ell e S63 08' 50" W i 0' 0. — 39. 46' a . /� a \°Dck ,0 0. 44' 47�f ' a51, 6 N86° 27' 55" W ' - 36.75' - ��i �j�'��00' �� J �/ fie• �0° R� LU 2. 1 08 AC. i�tk ti S77° 00' 36' E �6 �`��° - n, S74'54' 34- E 71 . 43' - ET x`9u'. `—loll co - - - - 7 1 . 8 7' - Q 3 4. 02" W Z81. 45' p "f 9 N61 4° - L25 564° p4 28.E 354. 61 950° 3' 49' E L28 L29 / \ -� L 404 WET A OS `INE L32 I S7 10 37' 58' W BY: 2S.76' Weyerhaeuser Real Estate Co. I � �i S77° 53' 00' W 39. 8 I' DATE: o° -i 7.748 AC. / ' 20' E 564° 33 335 p0' �• �` S60048' 29' W 58. 84' S 14° 50' 34' W Z e. 4. �6 be; C C ' / 14. 17' P S � � _ 5 Z��• ZZp 2. 065 AC. L ap ' � v' � 5 9. 6 4' R 50 0' + 21. 3' cD R 25. 0' S05° 56' 55" W _ 3 5. 2 7 ' S24 16 05 W • I 69. 3 1' S240 50 5 I W 1 . 880 AC- 28. 02' -S71004' 28"W 24. 00' F, S63° 08' 50" W 39. 46' S3 \ a°' S85° 27' 38" W 24. 80' 200. - --- N86° 27' 55" W P (�- ° 1, \ 36.75' 17 m' S74° 54' 34" E 7 1 , 43' G� CO — S22005 1 •W J " — 71.87' _Q 45, �. > > - S200 4' 49" E 95 3' / NE�- JA) / IN/ BY: S7 1 ° 37' 58" W Weyerhaeuser Real Estate Co. / 28. 76' DATE: Y �i S 7 7° 5 3' 00" W 0 3 9, 8 1 ' i I . BY: Z-1 Weyerhaeuser Real E Co. DATE:-- Z-2 4- 11 — I ( - D-0 ALOACD-4T RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNE2 STATfI UVr AU6 2 1 1992 Real Estate C Weyerhaeuser I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to We Y .__o_. _ property located at Lot 2, Ball Creek Subdivision _ (lot, Ulcr.k, mac3, et.c. — ----- Ball Creek Florence, NC (body of water) (t-own) --- --- --- -- 'i,rtli Carolina in Pamlico County. The proposal has been described to me as sham 111" (1� velopment, a bier/hulkhead/structure, and Uie proposed location, and I have no (circle one) Ljcctions to the proposal. I understand that if the develciinent. is a pier, it, mllst. f, h.zck, a mum distance of 15 feet frcxn my -area of riparian access unless %,air l ��1,L'I� 1 c{o)clo n_ot wish to waiv<, that sethac-k requiiement. (circle one) P-5,c .+��.�*t****************** �•-t,t**,t***********+.�,t,t****,t**,t*,t*******,t*.t*,t*,t *,t ,t****�*ktk�., • Jption and/or drawing of proposed develolment: (to h--' filled in h5� i_ndivi tu,t i ny (levelopment.) INDICATE T11E SIZE, AM) LOCATION OF 'Ill],' S'IPUC IURE AN) THE t v'c.E 13;;lilEm E:ACii Pp.OPo2'rY LINE AND n1E JgATM. See attached survey with drawing and attached drawing with measurements. (Original must be retained in the Inspection Department) . BY: igna ure - Weyerhaeuser Real Estate Co. _ Name (Please Print) 'arch n / Bell Poi _" " -- — o B 0, Ug 6 orton (C) 91 \6 Skip�C� r 41', Cedar Pt 6 P tter (C) N/ �y X• _ s Cq,� N l Y r4P' x ft a z .. \\ � eysy;u�,,,,.`• �` 1 g `� .gyp v ,� �M4� \` 1 -_ � +•�3... .t `.•: \N '�,'"yf± 3'L�KB pi i+ ,TM.i' Y r.� • / Y -..a/ - N -_d, h. •d F,1.L,$1�£v rt la '---�v � `ie � � _ i• X6 die X6 4- 3 r \� ., ence Flo enc (E) �,C ncord o s C •��, zSt Mark Ch n x6 N 0 2 x7 s _ .-. �" -- 35007'30" y- y 40' WHORTONSVILLE 2 4 MI. INTERIOR -GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, WASHINGTON. D.C.-1953 76° 7'30" '1pp LISUGS T-8995 �@ ROAD CLASSIFICATION a Ito'0 1 MILE � / Heavy-duty 4LANE� L� Light duty......____— ,; vy- ty....._�� '0 FEET 4 LANE C, LANE �i i� Medium -duty � Unimproved dirt=====av �R Z � � � 0 U. S. Route O State Route ;✓ J�-� t `�`.��� �-� S Z4N0 T(\jt VANDEMERE, N. C. S (I 1\13507.5-W7637.5/7.5 1950 -ST