HomeMy WebLinkAbout10827_General Permit_19920714CAMA AND DREDGE AND FILL t - GENERAL� f T } a�7x( �.• PERMIT a t4 I �4 �7 as authorized by the State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NCAC 70 ( )r' n Applicant Name gesq— Ste(- ��a Gt- pp Phone Number Address k s City . T R A State Zip$ — Project Location (Coun y State Road Water,,Body etc 04 Type of Project Activitx a` (59o�, PROJECT DESCRIPTION SKETCHEt`-pA Pier (dock) length Groin length T� number Bulkhead length max. distance offshore Basin, channel dimensions cubic yards Boat ramp dimensions Other W Q1 This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action; and may cause the permit to be- come null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that 1) this pro- ject is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement has been obtained from adjacent riparian landowners certifying that they have no objections to the proposed work. (SCALE: -.60 25 e applicant's signature permit officer's signature issuing date expiration date attachments _/Y --A 2Al / 2rl 0 In issuing this permit the State of North Carolina certifies that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal application fee 1� Management Program. June 24, 1992 Mr. Charles 0. Pigott Coastal Management Field Representative Division of Coastal Management P. 0. Box 769 Morehead City, NC 28557 Dear Mr. Pigott, I own the lot at 1 White Oak Landing. Since seeing you on April 22, 1992, I have bee n trying to get the Adjacent Riparian Property Owner statements needed to obtain a Bulkhead Permit. Mr. Davis, who owns the lot at 2 White Oak Landing, was reluctant to sign and return the form as he was selling the property. He said he would sign if Mr. A. E. 14unro, the man buying the property had no objection. I contacted Mr. Munro and have provided him information on the lot grading, bulkhead construction, etc. Per the enclosed letter he agreed to contact Mr. Davis to have him sign the form. I have received nothing from Mr. Davis and when I attempted to contact him, I found the phone disconnected and he has moved. I have no way of finding him at this point and no promised date on the closing on the sale of the lot at 2 White Oak Landing. Based on the enclosed documentation, I am requesting that I be issued a Bulkhead Permit so I can proceed with putting a home on my property. Enclosed is the $50.00 fee, maps to the property and a copy of the CAMA Minor Development Permit which I have been issued. Mr. Davis' last address was: 112 Goldsborough Village Bayonne, NJ 07002 Phone NO. 201/823-3905 Sincerly, Floyd E. Hobart, J . 3 Logan Road East P.O. Box 316 Ironia, NJ 07845 201/584-8876 O l(p�-"�I d^t ���-.�""., 6 (� � JUN 3 1 1992 L., i•..._l • ...�..W i...: P 379 060 697 Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided rw,iosr""s Do not use for International Mail (See Reverse) Sent to 2 -e u';.s Street and N 1 �rJlci prov V'l� P State and 71P Cn a A t a n n Pnstagr Certified Fee SnPc•inl Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fen tReceipt Showing Ino Whom &Date Delivered / neoan neceipt Showing to Whom. Date, and Addressee's Address MIAL sta ✓Z Foes '. � � / Postma a1,99 J. nn J U N 1�52 ,t �. &5 ��L7 iI �. r u ------------------------- --- April 28, 1992 Dear Mr. Davis; I am Floyd Hobart and I and my wife Dorothy own the property at 1 White Oak Landing which is adjacent to your property. We are in the process of making arrangements to build a house on the property, as part of that process we need various permits. One permit for the bulk heading requires that I send you the enclosed "Adjacent Riparian Property Owner Statement". If you have no objections to the construction of a bulkhead on my property, please, sign it and return it in the enclosed envelope. If you have any objections, please, note them and return the form to me anyway. The other permit is a "LAMA Minor Development Permit" which requires me to notify you of the fact that I propose as part of my site preparation to disturb the root mass along the front of my property on the White Oak River. I will be filling in behind the bulkhead and sloping the land back toward the house to get rid of the straight drop down to the river. The application for the "LAMA" permit does not require that a form signed by you accompany the application. If you have any concerns you could contact: Mr. Bradley Nofzinger Zoning - CAMA Officer Onslow County Planning Department 604 College Street Jacksonville, N.C. 28540 Phone No. 9190455-3661 If you have any concerns which I can address, please, write or call me at 201-584-8876 Home or 908-851-3552 Business. I thank you for taking the time to read this letter and enclosures and await your decision. Yours truly, Floy E. Hobart Fri 77, -------------------- ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT hereby certify that I own property adjacent to �o -r A5. e G O H It a A44 Y� 's property located at ( Name of Property er) / I / ,j� 1 W 4 �G �a K �G a,, .O, a h No ��a V, 4 o / y/ ?Y l 4 1�/ y ( t, Block, Road, etc.) on / on 1'Y J �7G ✓ OG.AL lf1VG, in �/ _ 0N/ S 6b✓ . N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) He h,F--= described to me, as shown below, the development he is propczfzag at that location, and, I have no objections to his propsz,=1. ----- ------------------------g ------------------------------ Nc�✓ '7 / 9`.. f - 40H 3k/kAtod DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be filled in by individual proposing development) 43 _ 1 O _ le►y ��/ 2 �,� ace/< Signature Print or Type Name Telephone Number JUN 3 0 11992 i':,� vuCT Tli� �' • .----------- m rn c 7 O O 00 M E 6 LL W a P 379 060 698 Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided M ir°vuim Do not use for International Mail (See Reverse) rlt In G /Pa t-- $he and Stta Ind ZIP Code P.O., S// l• Postaqe Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered Return Receipt Showing to Whom. Da:-. and Addressee's Add—,, TOTAI Po.,16§e 6 & Fees F'ostrnhrk �1 ' 9 April 28, 1992 Dear Ms. Holland; I am Floyd Hobart and I and my wife Dorothy own the property at 1 White Oak Landing which is adjacent to your property. We are in the process of making arrangements to build a house on the property, as part of that process we need various permits. One permit for the bulk heading requires that I send you the enclosed "Adjacent Riparian Property Owner Statement". If you have no objections to the construction of a bulkhead on my property, please, sign it and return it in the enclosed en-�-reiopee If you have any objections, please, note them and return the form to me anyway. The other permit is a "LAMA Minor Development Permit" which requires me to notify you of the fact that I propose as part of my site preparation to disturb the root mass along the front of my property on the White Oak River. I will be filling in behind the bulkhead and sloping the land back toward the house to get rid of the straight drop down to the river. The application for the "CAMA" permit does not require that a form signed by you accompany the application. If you have any concerns you could contact: Mr. Bradley Nofzinger Zoning - CAMA Officer Onslow County Planning Department 604 College Street Jacksonville, N.C. 28540 Phone No. 9190455-3661 If you have any concerns which I can address, please, write or call me at 201-584-8876 Home or 908-851-3552 Business. I thank you for taking the time to read this letter and enclosures and await your decision. Yours truly, Floyd E. Hobart U LU i ICJ Li Lam. . - . ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to G L>VYPHV D, Q y� 's property located at (Name of Property er) WA; 16 Da k 4ah"/'� g po,� f �Y;,•�- (Ldt, Block, Road, etc.) on 17%h 7 L OGL Il J V G✓ in A_ DJ4 S /ob✓ N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) He has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. --------------------------------- New- / 9 ? j`.'. t /o" t3u/k4 ccad DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be filled in by individual proposing development) f3c�l /cl,eli�1 13• Pr, po5eJ fat, k Oak Signature Print or Type Name 31 � - 4 G i/ Telephone Number -'rPFI7 I li LJ _� P 379 060 696 Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided Do not use for International Mail (See Reverse) ,t 10 ;cAnC)re �a � eet and�Nn. I I / <� _ r.Q me and 71 Conn /4 `e $ Ay Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing p� to Whom R Date Delivered Itetwn Receipt Showing to Whom, C Date,, and A jdre &dross 7 TOTAL Postatih 0 & fees 1 C 0) PostPrrark �dV`A I 8 E � ,� l0 ~ tin to o n_ l i 9 LO ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to jr// d Y 41 AP:- e �GyO T l�+V D, AVJ4YI74'_Is property located at �1 .1. (Name o Prope�r�ty..a er) /17G C-94K aon/ OIyfl0�1V, , t,�'l y /� ( t, Block, Road, / etc.) on WA;Jle► OG�k (fIVG✓ in S7Gl�- OKS ��IN.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) He has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. ------------------------ ---------------------------------------- Nc w.-- / 9 7 p e f h .,g 43u/AA - . d DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be filled in by individual proposing development) �x,sf-,�S V/Zf�„ 4, /,, � �3 4/4.Gre�J 13• 43 ews - sti•�;�e 4/4ti� f�Y��oSuJ He- f A� A Oak Signature tv Print or Type Name Telephone Number ®' ! B S! 3 JUN 1992 : e 7e 9 s 2. a-TiQr�. 17 ./Dr- . D r JUN 3 0 1992 �,airasaaasaasaasa.r:ar I r t 0 1992 I /9/7 c�a" E. l�1417 /—V IV,'9 o mac/ /992 Sr T G'C��`yi C I B A 8 7 6 5 4 G Nil. 00272 I H1 XP REVISIONS 7nuc I ITR DESCRIPTION IF DATE APPROVED BACKFILL MATERIAL FLAN 2"XTX10' TIMBERS (I 27X12" TOP CAP NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY - 27XB"X10' T&G TIMBERS (REF) 2"X72" TREATED WOOD CAP BOARD (REF) — A RECESSED NUT AND OGEE WASHER 6"X6'X16' PILING 0' ZEF) APPROX. FINISHED GRADE RECESSED NUT AND OGEE WASHER ,,�— 4"X6" WALER (REF) 4 X6" WALER (3)PL (REF) J - I - I .. ............ ....... ...... ... .... ...................... ..... . ........ .... ................ .... .. ... .. 1 1� II I I I I I I I I I I I IIII I I I i I V II I I I I I I I I I I I it I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I II II I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I II II I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I IF I I III II II LJ LJ A -1 SEAWALL 8 1 7 5 it 4 on NOTE: 1. THIS DRAWING IS PER THE REQUEST OF MR. BOB LILES. 2. DRAWING FURNISHED BY CULDERA GRAPHICS, PH. 919-240-2662. JUN 3 0 N2 rUVy 2"X72 TREATED WOOD CAP BOARD FILTER SCREEN TO BE TACKED IN PLAR CAP BACKFILL i 1 /2" GALYANIZED STEEL TIE BACK ROD 6' / EROSION CONTROL FILTER SCREEN 2"XB"X10' T&G, 2.5 TREATED B"X6rX16' TIMBER PILING D C - NUT AND WASHER B 5"-6" DIA X 3'LG DEADMAN (LOCATE APPROX. 4'-5- BELOW FINISHED GRADE) —1 SEAWALL DETAIL NUMBER DESCRIPTION DVN RULING 4MAY9 2TRI-COUNTY STORAGE 6 CONST. CHK B.LILES 4MAY92 PO BOX 1997. MOREL-EAD CIFFY. NC, 23557 PHCNJE 919-2A7-5222 ENGR TITLE ARCH APPD SEAWALL DETAIL COST,ID 1 REV DI D0272 XP SCALE,3/4'=L' REF SHEET 1 OF 1 3 2 1 A I Eu94n. w P4a . .6 22..9 146 Fiuiip Ctecnt. Yawe4wi 0 CERTIFICATION OF OWNERSHIP AND DEDICATION hereby certify that I ^_m the owner of the property described .hereon, which is located In the subdivision jurisdiction of Onslow, County and that I hereby adopt this subdivision plan with my free consent, establish minimum building lines, and dedicate all streets , alleys, walks, parks, and other sl les and easements to - public or private use as noted-�/ .ram . 5,�� Date �'2 c 41 .'+,•i7,— Owner, �—�-�- C BY THE PLANNING BOARD The Onslow County Planning Board hereby approves the Revised Plot of lots I thru 14, to -.lob I thru 10, Section I of While Ook-Lond Htg Subd iyieJo r, . i � � / / ,n, ChZillin , Onslow oup Piohning Board Stale of North Carolina 0M1 SLo vs/ County 1 PAr_ peYp.iiJ5 PyIL"I's certify that this map was drawn under my supervision from on actual survey mode under my supervision; that the ratio a( precision as calculated by latitudes and departures is I / 10 � t , that the boundaries not surveyed are shown as broken fines plotted from mformcf-on found in Book , Page thot this map was prepared in accordance with G S. 47-30 as amended WITNESS my hand and seat this Z7 day of may , 19�. SIGNATURE ,..' _, `''• el Land' Surveyw L-Z(o40 t a_41L f Registration Number 1 State of North Card.—GAE7>—e T County t,—j�sria•7 8. GUt-•tr-erd CSs , Notary Public do hereby cert th t FME 02J94✓S at-105 fY —� personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing document. / Witness my hand on of eiol seat this 17day of MAY 5 a. Ciiyy_ Ry Notary Public Bl i/-i9- 90 My Commission Expires rnrn..aa',_ `Cross - hatched areas shown are to be used temporarily as the Cul-de-Sac r/w. Upon the extension of Holland Point Drive Only the normal 60' r/w will be private and the Ownership of the Cross -hatched areas will revert to the Owners of the tracts In which they Ile. LEGEND • Existing fron Pipe O Iron Pipe Set(Unless otherwise designated) Exist" Concrete Monument in, Concrete Monument Set Zone Tax Parcel ,.$RECORDED - COUNTY BOOK N lIz f I I -, b 60' r ;v Pro Drive s -ate DEDICATION OF COMMON AREAS White Oak Associates I declarant) in recording this plat of White Oak Landing has designed certom areas of land as water access, landscaped areas on Longwood Drive 6 Holland Point Drive intended for use by the homeowners in White Oak Landing for recreation and �J am" related activities. The designed areas are not dedicated hereby �� far use by me general public but ore dedicated to the common use and �- I enjoyment of the homeowners In While Oak Landing as more fully provided In the aec larallon of covenants, conditions, and restrictions �] applicable to White Oak Landing doted May Z , 1986. Sold declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions Is hereby incorporated and made part of this plot. -- j HEALTH DEPARTMENT CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that based on soils and field Investigation -_ Revised Lots I thru 10 of lots I Ihru 14 Section I of White Oak Landing appear to'De suitable for segttq tanks, t --- subject to Individual lot ev Iy'I A \ •. ✓� mil-r5/� /",; 'f,tL '.i� �..�.; G/ � Date County Health /Off cb \\ State of North Carolina "/'""'6k'8� County Toe foregoing certificate of L Notary Pubilc Is certified to be correcgt. Presented for reglstranon qnd recorded �fhts office I Boak a.PO ge-a Slide L9911- ��7 , on too ✓'� day of t986 An at o'clock 7'm. 71r.x Register of Deeds , Onsiw County NOTES SETBACKS REFERENCES OWNERS Streets to be Private Front 40' M.8. 23 PG, 49, Sllde C-157 White Oak Associates troll Pipes set at corners Side 1 O' - M.B 23 PG 154 A North Carohno Partnership except as shown- Rear 30' , Donald G. Lawrence, Partner •on river 40' 803 East hi= Street Vidloduoi Wells Movelock, North Carolina 919 477- 1064 100' 50 0 1 C D' 200' 300, PAGE SCALE IN FEEL' ♦ s of°-of-s2' w _� 21. M' . ]O� w ,.0;- s 46°-23-:7• w 79.47' 9977. 36 T.I. LI,r e.9r,.9 01$!Coco I 7•-9" a 40°-30-49" E $3.10' $ S-C" s 449- I7'_29' E 43. 19' " C-D" s Ise- 34 _03' E 31. ia' a- E. s 69°-34'-03" E 35.41 NOTES Iran Pipes Set on Bluff Line Only No Pal nts Set on Water Line There is an 10' Utility Easement reserved along each side of all property Imes except along White Oak River nd lines already a with tosements. Sfree� to De maintained by Home Owners Assoc. RECOMBINATION PLAT OF WHITE OAK LANDING Part of Section I Revised Lots I thru 14 to Lots I thru 10 White Oak Township, Onslow County— North Carolina Scale I' ° 100 May 2 . 1986 i. lit JUN 3 0 1992 ' pAK 0 4,1. RD RIVER RD. B IDGE GIBSON 032 ' ` N \ 1 O `O o IC q�F F 1A40 RpDE 83, elgrade oftv O .SARI"G"a.�v 1 �Q 17 11 \V \ I 1330 LOOP Rp ,SEASHORE REALTY — — 0Q v 14 RUeyls `p j RpATAN (919) 326-2033 -p R o 1461 n �a o I (919) 347-2144 _PP �� ♦♦ OFpPF \'.TABERNACLE SCN. ♦♦, p�F\F \ i NATI L is 0. ft q � yF�� 5alopa sue°\ / OREST JUN g 0 RD. y-- 99 c IazT ANTS g GP GR t /� 1_] I, ` '7 FJ, t 1 ILVERDALE SCN. , an `� 9 i 130 RD. I p�0 1425 SMUT" I RD. 1425-- _ \P 4 ,� 14 o;;, - ilvedale AAA F rpc. f�RE� - •+1 S ELLAor-R . ' P_ 0 Z UZ4E L p At \e/ / I N PS1 Ry `' \ 1 s� I / LQ�E fig s / P s \of GAM i/ ' Q ryD� 4u 1w. cp W Hubert lbo m o P T osi at Y� W G AAM SEY'e AN x /➢y ;." \�i` 3 TR ILERAI LER- y O PAR. r N H O/ST >y = PA w 24.. ►AGPS 0U E i r �S.y,P SBORp EO/ \ y o z 4Pr s • wAo t d +p\ILEpN^NFtK 0 DpTPON f t► o q No @ goJi_� 1 R, oUKj SW 1. ORBETT PASS IS ailing' c} "� ` Kellumtown F4��/ aP r W o o R GGS OROp n / n WP W m SANDER DR ER/� 00U % //• �9 P E D'T.���/(// _ JONES Z N C Q Fj` <j' DLE Z O `—'-^' A z E Q\ ✓ 1510 ` ScN. ; Q. � _ 1 172 cl) Y n s�FyssJo 90 0� �� ��s i _ e� PO s9 \. OTRo C 0 4- o ---24 AN \7USER7E a ea nGREPpf+. "D ff9�r +� \o v� RD. N ssa Dg-,� �-Ne& Landln s; CSEfk o gyo6Q° gAYyf F\pEN SH d b jj �O f 1 . e °STAR ILL ESTS GAZtNE _ f AREA Land* P �p INLET \ E �F'dCy OPS� �� s• 1 pr CF fA.IP.. nu••.:. BROWNS 1Nlr- e 17 Onslow County Local Goveryrr2ra s 92-0022 rerni]L ivumoer CAMA (MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT -,r- as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Natural Resources and Community Development and the Coastal Resources Commission for develop- ment in an area of environmental concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management." Issued to Floyd E. Hobart, 3 Logan Run East, P.O. Box 316, Ivonia, NJ 07845 authorizing development in Estuarine Shoreline A.E.C. at Lot# 1 White Oak Landing Subdivision as requested in the permittee's application dated __ 05/17/92 This permit, issued on 06/05/92 is subiect to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and speciai conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action; or may cause the permit to be null and void. 1. All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawing (s) as originally submitted. 2. All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, state and federal regulations. 3. Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. 4. The amount of impervious surface areas shall not exceed 30% of the lot area within the 75 ft. Area of Environmental Concern. 5. In order to prevent sedimentation, a vegetated buffer zone must be maintained between all disturbed areas and the adjacent water body or marsh. * Continued on back of page * This permit action may be appealed by :he permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. From the date of an appeal, any work conducted under this permit must cease until the appeal is resolved. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or proiect modifications not covered under this permit require "urther written permit approval. All work must .:ease when this permit expires on December 31, 1995 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consis- tent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not oe transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Ntanagement. no Permit Officer (signature) Bradley D. Nofzinger name 604 College Street address Jacksonville, NC r7rrrI7 Permittee (signature required if speciaTrditiwons a ove appl. ermit) c_J LJ iJ L__- - - - - - - - - - - - - - �. Prior to initiating any land disturbing activities, a barrier line between the land cloth, staked hay bales, or burlap must be installed between the land disturbing activity and the adjacent marsh until such time as the area has been properly stabilized with a vegetated cover. 7. Pursuant to 15NCAC Subchap. 7J.0406 (b), this permit may not be assigned, transferred, sold or otherwise disposed of to a third party. 8. Bulkhead shall be installed prior to initiating any land disturbing activity. 9. Bulkhead shall be permitted by the Division of Coastal Management prior to installation. 7- iy- � � � � D�� dab90 E a ¢•�'' .t � ,� � +`, � y � S � � � �j� � .� ���, ti � � L;'„ �7' • v .�,. y � � x� �, � {tx 1 �r:� �'