HomeMy WebLinkAbout10742_Robert Gureno_199205080 Applicant Name Address Address I City, 4Cit.�-n CAMA AND DREDGE AND FILL GENERAL I C-- F F H PRMTEe (TA fro 1.0742 as authorized by the State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NCAC Phone Number �� r,r.&� /) Proje t Location (County, State Road, Water Bo y, etc. Type of Project Activity E a a L S er State tl zip / 1 7n 3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION SKETCH (SCALE: ) Pier (dock) length tt 1 Groin length• t� number Bulkhead length max. distance offshore Basin, channel dimensions cubic yards Boat ramp dimensions L� Other J This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action; and may cause the permit to be- come null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that 1) this pro- ject is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement has been obtained from adjacent riparian landowners certifying that they have no objections to the proposed work. attachments issuing date applicant's signature permit officer's signature expiration date In issuing this permit the State of North Carolina certifies that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal application feel Management Program. Ll "d OUT 0 �p1 R 230 • {fyIj 2g06 g2� -L r�B 001 i S 51-08-30 W" M co 200.00, N 51-08-30 E 110 ' o (15.000) 0 2 200.00 o "� 95 �. ... A i ' � i ' 94 O � W (s.000) "1 62 (19.374) 1 (19.374) jh �.• •• It, �y n Leo sv Z > 1 1 •00�?S a' <1s•000): O i 38. �l ,^G� `, ` *Q�I A ILI 0 r i - e _ 0 W CIO (15.000) I Z `I '. • t t ^+ N 49-14 2 E 3 1� IJ , 11 n tt C N 97 ~ Z 1 5. 50' '" ( 15.50 • I m t 1 i t j (08-3) Z (107 I1 •• 24.701+ 4.70 N "51-06-30E (15,000) -)01 30 W I I 200.00, I o I I (15,000) 9 H o W 3 �� 3�' 30' (15,000) Q o o i - vi n o n ^ I o 1O 6 (15.000) o I o o tt N 51-08-30 E n cn n N t 200.00' 1 ro CZ S 51-OB-30 W I � (15,000) 5 000) �? i " o :I (,5.00,» zoo.00' I (t5, J I N to I ,� I .-E o tt O\ N 62(1S,0zW3) 52 10 ,t N4'�2 201 .00, I o, W,3 I Z ooI (15.000)., CW cv26.00, -S6_21Z 2o4Z 100 ,3z r Q(15,000) �i I O (15,000) L J I ,o R 35.35' 21,08' (16, 247) I- U N 51-o8-30 E o I 5 - t F • 2��.A� �9� o tt $ I r'- 20`z I m Ow 3, 3. I (17,419) ( 7 a•' LO (16.876) 9r 9 w I I I �i (15,000) i , 3 F, 1�� 20' BUILDIN .103 I ,p I (20,4M16) (17,199) 1 M 29.46, L1NE tt WATER LINE tt IN h: I� I lO1 �p ry�nr lO2 /Z /B 1L01NG 2A3.20' l — L-234.316' n I / / a ;Z / L-654.5j41 (15,000) 1 O t 92 6 i voi 30, n I i , , / tt , 09 t-OB-30 4 3I0 30^1•("0- 200.00' oo hh 5pp` 0 �•9• / i N W 8 6 i '�' �� , 30 / N I, _ O N (15.332) n i / 92'60 N II 9 I o a 10 � _N ul 14, W 23.2g / �3A 9 J 92� 5a Op / -1w 11 c (15,008) p (15,( / 00, / 3;.. / / a 1 2 1 (Is.00s) m N ( N ' (15,008) m xn (159008)10 it -tl tt 78.9J t o . 15 - ss 2 , / .19.9 L514.446' _ - / /(15,050) ' 6 p9 p3� GU RV E 3 1 7 (15,050) 0 '6 0 , (15,050) 18 � / �,o (ts.oso) � .. - YAMID EMOUR TROPER77 OWME OOCUMN 585 Broad Creek Road New Bern, North Carolina 28560 (919)633-5500 April 30, 1992 Division of Coastal Management P. 0. Box 769 Morehead City, NC 28577 ATT: Mr. Charles Pigott The Waterfront Committee has reviewed the proposed dock on Lot 105, Section 5, for Mr. Guarino. This Committee has no objections as the dock meets the ruling specifications and covenants at Fairfield Harbour. It is the understanding of the committee that the neighbor on Lot 106 has been advised and also has no objection. It is felt that Mr. Guarino should proceed with the dock as planned as soon as possible. Very truly yours, R. D. Brown, Chairman Property Control Committee RDB/vc f�. ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATELrNT (FOR A PIER) I hereby certify that I own property.adjacent to �'/Z Ivi2,FH a 's property located at (Name of Property Owner) (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on SPY?,N cypp plc -,,in &&L) /� N.C. (Wat rbody) (Town and/or County) He has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. I understand that a pier must be set back a minimum distance of fifteen feet (151) from my area -of riparian access unless waived by me. I do not wish to waive that setback requirement. I do wish to waive that setback requirement. ----------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be filled in by individual proposing development) 9� o,77- Ny Signature' Print or Type Name Telephone Number I FnAP'R E 8 1992 E --- )CL-1A/Z -f�� '• -- -- -- 0?04,060 I .3 ^ O 7J Zd l,� �✓1c L S�2i ovL� �i�'_�_�`t/l l�e� c�G� �-C— _ _ 7`f% &J-6 - L P27 D ui�/�j - V—Z -12,,`�I.drAle— A D/2/ 7/0,-� /,s' - - i-�'U��sb� �G_�-•� - - --1 _r�Cs _ _l.� o-ceC-C��-7C-' �'"�5`c� 1��3�_�1�;_ _j i 42 " XZ43 )W<SO6� / Sc io�/1G`f 6!�✓c-ter 7"O TAPS i 7��ye c 1�Dve h aawunixaro-norueyeutWMex+clri4isu�wawssiac+ic�.riilew;,,. �,�. f� v..� t .. F.• PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, $300 -4-om' Print your name, address and ZIP Code here • FOLEY & FOLEY MARINE • CONTRACTORS, INC. P.O. BOX 3482 NEW BERN, NC 28564 JL1V W V-n. I also wish to receive the • Complete items 1 and/or 2 for additional services. • Complete items 3, and 4a & b. following services (for an extra • Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can fee): return this card to you. • Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space 1. ❑ Addressee's Address does not permit. • Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the article number. 2 ❑ Restricted Delivery • The Return Receipt Fee will provide you the signature of the person delivere to and the date of delivery. Consult postmaster for fee. J_ 3. Article Addressed to: 4a. Article Number 4b. Service Type D ❑ Registered ❑ Insured .;qd ❑ COD c x !S Mail ❑ Return Receipt for J/IG� G � �r Merchandise G N / U/V V.3� Rate o livery 5. 'Siignat r (Addre ee) �8r ems s Address (Only if requested 1��1 �LGz✓"�G'' f s paid) Form 38 11, Novemb r 1990 * U.S. GPO: 1991-287-M DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT P o88 580 553 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) Sent to MPStreet �� vnd No.M rn a and ZIP�Pode ..�J ui * (Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to whom and Date Delivered Go Return receipt showing to whom rn Date, and Address of c TOTAL Postage a LL � 1PR c Postmark or Da — 1� rai U e s 1992 0 LL UQ a -C C ld� UJ n> 00 .. S CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Dear G�o� l��ro(Eiz oTEEL APR 2 8 1992 This letter is to notify you as an adjacent riparian landowner of Mr./Mrs. yir2T (r'v29.A.0 plans to construct ,�Zy on their property located at O—T to S S'FC S A 1'f: To in iU F...cy 3 FW 01 NC. The sketch on the "��� aid accurately depicts the proposed construction. Should you have no objections to this proposal, please check the statement below, sign and date the blanks below the statement, and return this letter to: FD�Ey d- 66�,Ev (�0 J?o-"" 3NF2 F�-w a -ej N_c. a ks as soon as possible. Should you have objections to this proposal, please send your written comments to the NC Division of Coastal Management, P. O. Box 769, Morehead City, NC 28557. Written comments must be received within ten (10) days of receipt of this notice. Failure to respond in either method within ten (10) days will be interpreted as no objection. Sincerely, �'A I have no objection to the project as presently proposed and hereby waive that right of objection as provided in General Statute 113-229. I have objections to the project as presently proposed and have enclosed comments. DATEat'�/L i�9 � n �a STATE o State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management 3411 Arendell Street • Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 James G. Martin, Governor Roger N. Schecter William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary May 12, 1992 Director Mr. George Winter, Jr. 6202 Pelican Drive New Bern, NC 28560 Dear Mr. Winter: Enclosed is a copy oreno's General Permit CC_1_ ?2 to install a pier 24' long x 5 wide -located at his property on Lot #105, Section 5, Corsair Inlet, Fairfield Harbour, Craven County, NC. If you wish to appeal this decision, contact me for the proper appeal form. This appeal must be made within twenty (20) days of the permit decision which was made on May 8, 1992. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact me at my Morehead City office, (919) 726-7021. Sincerely, _ Charles O. Pigott Field Representative COP/dh Enclosure cc: Charles S. Jones Norm Sanders, COE P.O. Box 769, Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Telephone 919-726-7021 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer