HomeMy WebLinkAbout27979_HAM, BOBBY_20010509CAMA and DREDGE AND FILL PERMIT 27979 - as authorized by the State of North Carolina - , _F" (< 4 ?fist; "II38 Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NCAC A licant Name �'j d �l, f I, .0, " 11 r"" , 1 , -�, , - Phone Number pp —r— Address AA City State Project Location (County, State Road, Water Body, etc.) Type of Project Activity � In �l x ( t t f lim PROJECT DESCRIPTION Pier (dock) Length Groin Length number Bulkhead Length max. distance offshore Basin, channel dimensions cubic yards Boat ramp dimensions Other zip This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms applicant's signature may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action; and may cause the permit to become null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit of- ficer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certi- fies by signing this permit that 1) this project is consistent with the local issuing date expiration date land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement has been obtained from adjacent riparian landowners certifying that they have no objections to the proposed work. attachments In issuing this permit the State of North Carolina certifies that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. application fee MACK BAKER CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. WACHOVIA BANK, NA 12837 PH. (252) 247-6444 MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 FAX (252) 247A451 66-152/531 405 EVANS ST., SUITE D•1 MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 5/8/2001 In W • M M R PAY TO THE DENR $ * * 100.00 p ORDER OF N One Hundred and 00/100************************************************************** DOLLARS B DENR Z 0 RI a a 42, MEMO Broad Creek/Lot 3� l�l(1•►+ G+d7979J ��%Y����� 11101283?11■ 1605310IS291: 51,6L 0023670 v0' ua u, "iu �" JPEG bnnge 634x872 pixc)s ADJACENT RIPARW PROPERTY 0 WNIP STAB MN NT (FOR A PI6RJ,NOORING PQINGS/BO,tTU TIhOAMOOM I hereby = y that I own propc: y want m Mack Harter Const. Co. S (Name of Property Owner) prppm Ly kxzmd at Lot * I , water Lana (Lat, Blocks, Road, etc.) on aoquo soun4 In eartera't County N.C. Cwaterbody) (Tawa xndlor Canary) f'e has dm-abed to me, as shown belew, dIc development he is propesine ac thz- loulioa, and, i h:ve no objacamu to his propoal. 1 undencmd ttsal a pie-; tnoorsng i puiagshxsadift/bauhouse must be sr_ Lack a artnimum disance of &Re:a fesc (lS') fmra my area of riparian access unless waived by mc. I daild wills to want the snDut Rgvirtmenc. i 1, I wish sn ware d-.at setback MgLu MCAL i1 r DESCRI T ON A.NWOR DFAi*NG OF.PROPOSED DEVEW?NtE-�.T: - a' (To be filled in. by tisdivrdudl p'vpcjsn; dayrlvpment) ' 44e attached .:.. .., ...1,...,.:.:, Print or Type Name 4 30/ /L /COI Tclepisone Number • ..r I of a 518/013:57 PM May 08 01 12:12p JOE LOGRN 2522472274 p.1 A JACi:N'r Ter AkVi-'ti MOPERTY C3irYltiEIt STAI (FOR A PIERIMOORING PILINGSIBOATLIFTI$OATKOOSE) I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Mack Baker const. Ica- 5 (Name of Property Owner) property located at Lot * 1, Water Lane (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on Bogue Sound tin Carteret Count { (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) He has described la nu;, as &Iowa below, the development he is proposing ac tl - locutiu and, I have no objections to his proposal. I understand drat a P-- moor' piyngyboatlif AxnLhoux must be se: pack a minimum distance of fifteen feet (15') ftc na illy JxC x of riparian access unless waived by me. I du not wish to waive the setback requirement. I do wish to waive ti:at setback requirement. ------------ DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWUgG OF PROPOSED DEVELOP-VE. Y.- (To be filled in by individual prapasin development) see attached _---------- --------- V l_- Print or ype Name -S2- �)Yi SY� - Tek9hone Number Date: Q j Y 1 CARTL 0 ! r G AUA ►� 1I I CIC T h r�"IY Ai 01093 95 $I YttGN 632L.1 r 'x uYl hl Al' Ar.,, I I' Wil'11, 1 1 14 !r f PIA ch kAC 1 . 1 • 1 i (t9. J� I S ^ 70 a ♦ 1. N I�- 1. t a;wb Yb JI'ldl1. SNUIrN Utlll.41h SUer I It, 1, YI 1m IA$; l tel l kU4%1V :lr nrilM: .: ul lilt tAhllrll Ii.,,:i, II...h:ll.Ml `y AI 7•�TJ 1 JI lot (M.14n11 4UUN11 VIAN/UN(, byANu ANL IM t41,A6ftfAN1AL Mack Baker Construction Company 405 Evans St. Suite D-1 Morehead City, NC 28557 252 247 64449 252 247 4451, fax May 8, 2001 Mack Baker Construction Company is allowing Bobby Ham to act as our agent to acquire a CAMA permit for a pier and to be issued in Bobby Hams' name. Thank you, Mack Baker Construction Company PC I , � w•' 11 � f CARTL vto " Q� ' T Ct tow It- L ,,-'KLEAR r / S )� •�) I A 4 IDD 7) h� •+ 1•• I 1+ V , / W PM Y. 1,�5 � ~ ' � �'— r•I. 1. Icm J).Nll y tl 3 trI :1 I 1 35,91t2 S4 it STYRON ,' S28/59 6325v 1003631 1 "l FIYI FI • III • �•.�'/ Al' Ali • YYIII II,I• - I,I Irl 1. 1'w1.. I. t• .. \) C FACT :. 9 •jam i w L9 I Allllp Vlli: +•f:rt swt'ww ni4t UN SUwIkG MY lw, tAli1001 (6UNIt i� • tl FFll'FI S`. '' fill Ii•D,NGS Ui Inl UFit l:il if JN1ti f",IF DNn; ►lµ Ot iMt (A• 'LW tivlrlT PIAFr;'Fl, lUAkt, ANi, Int J%V;IGMM1111At � i r MONITORING & COMPLETION REPORT [CAMA Major Development & State Dredge & Fill Permits] PERMITTEE' S NAME: _ 34by Pan PERMIT # Z 7 I74 LOCATION: b t if 1 Wafe- taint Q f I brooj (ree I. L000 Qd • FIELD REP. Rrodd (reek (or mw-, , CArir,e f (ow-ly PHONE: c rN * ZSL- 531- 595$ DATE OF INSPECTION q-13-01 Spa ✓i/ DATE REPORTEDLY COMPLETE: %)/A 1) Do the measured dimensions of the development differ from those indicated in the permit and workplat? YES/NO [circle one]. i COMMENT: '` Nt V(1 2) SEDIMENTATION & EROSION CONTROL: Has Permittee seeded, grassed, or otherwise stabilized all disturbed areas? YES/NO [circle one] COMMENT: 3) FUTURE MONITORING & ENFORCEMENT ACTION: Is further investigation or enforcement action needed? YES/NO [circle one]. COMMENT: