HomeMy WebLinkAbout12435_FAIRWAYS UTILITIES, INC. & HILL, JOSEPH JR._19931122�( I CAMA AND DREDGE AND FILL 1 GENERAL N� PERMIT 3 as authorized by the State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resource Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NCAC Applicant Name Address City State Project Location (County, State Road, Water Body, etc.) Type of Project Activity Phone Number Zip PROJECT DESCRIPTION SKETCH (SCALE: ) Pier (dock) length 111 Groin length^ number Bulkhead length i t'� i 1-- E !. _ a i t max. distance offshore Basin, channel dimensions _ 1 1- a I• i— T i - cubic yards i r j .. •` % ; I Boat ramp dimensions Other 9 — This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, applicant's signature imprisonment or civil action; and may cause the permit to be- I come null and void. I This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that 1) this pro- ject is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement has been obtained from adjacent riparian landowners certifying that they have no objections to the proposed work. attachments ', issuing date permit officer's signature piration date In issuing this permit the State of North Carolina certifies that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal application fee _ Management Program. ROUTE'S.R. 1100 PROJECT Lamb's Bluff STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF New Hanover DEPARTtIENT OF TRANSPORTATION := RIGHT OF WAY ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT i -AND- PRIMARY AND SECONDARY }}'HIGHWAYS li a ­T4irways Utilities Incorporated 1\(,)V 1993 5717 Carolina Beach Road Wilrninato�` N-� 28412 F1Ixf11 ION OF THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this the 2ndday of November COAST,p AARAGEMENT by and between the Department of Transportation, party of the first part; an Fairways Utilities Tnrrlrnnratod party of the second part, W I T N E S S E T H: THAT WHEREAS, the party of the second part desires to encroach on the right of way of the public road designated as Route CR 11Q0 located 7 miles south of Wilmin ton with the construction and/or erection o LF 8 pSDR 21 PVC water line, 134 LF 8" Class 50 ductile iron water line. 270 LF 12" 0 0.188 wall thickness steel encasement pipe .WHEREAS, it is to the material advantage of the party of the second part to effect this encroachment, and the party of the first part in the exercise of authority conferred upon it by statute, is willing to permit the encroachment within the limits of the right of way as Indicated, subject to the conditions of this agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED that the party of the first part hereby grants to the party of the second part the right and privilege to snake this encroachment as shown on attached plan sheet (s), specifications and special provisions which are made a part Kereof upon the following conditions, to wit: That the Installation, operation, and m fntenar.ce of the above described facility will be accomplished In ac- cordance with the partyr of the fIr.t pert'• latest POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR ACCOMMODATING UTILITIES ON HIGHWAY R1G7rFf3-OF•MAY, end such revlelone and e-And...t thereto ae may �Zn • • ��'•—��• ° s eyreemen n- orms on as to thew. pollci.e end procedure• my be obtained from the Division Engineer or State Utility Aq ertt of the party of the first part. That the said party of the second part bind. and obligatwe hi nee if to install end mintain the encroaching facility In such Bets end proper condition that it will not Interfere with or endanger travel upon said hlghwak, nor obstruct nor interfere with the proper maintenance thereof, to ref ml,uree the party of the first part for the east Incurred for any refafre or maintenance to its toadwC;ft�nandStructures an ntimeathe parttoofthe thenfirstePart 'halls letence of the facilities o[ the party of the second Y party require the removal of or changes 1n the location of the said Iacllltlee, that the said party of the second part binds himself, his successors and assigns, to promptly re.o•e or alter tit. •aid facilities, in order lo_eonfors to the said requirement, without any cost to the party of the first part. . That the party of the second part agrees to Provide during construction and any subsequent mintenenee proper signs slgnal lights, flagmen and other warning device., for the protection of traffic in conformance with the latest Manuel on Uniform Traffic Cortt rot Dertcee !or Streets and III hva a and A...d..nts or yupplewwats thereto. Infor- ms on es o • ve rule en tapir .irons usy o le ne rw. the Div..lon Engineer of the petty of the (fret pert. iltat the party of the second part hereby agrees to indemnify and save harmless the party of the first part fro. all damages and claims for damage that tm r err.- by reason of the installation end teelnt.nenc. of this an- eroachment. That the party of the second pert agrees to restore ell cress disturbed during installation and maintenance to the at taros t I.. of the Dlvlalon Eogi.... of the party of the first part. The party of the second part Ayrses to exercise every reasonable precaution durlr.q construction and maintenance to prevent eroding of -oil. .fltim erar Iwllu tfon of river•, strwene, lel:e e, reaervofa e, other water Impoundment', ground surfaces of other pro:.ertyf ppollutfon of the air., There •hall I. eoa.pllenee with applicable rules end re7uletlone of the North C•rce- a Dlvle1. of Environ men tat }b negenent, Borth"[:arollna Sedlcentetlon Control Caa.leslon, and with ordlnences and t eguletlone of verlove count its, munlclpalttle. and ether official agencies reletlnq to pvllutlon prevention and control. ,mien any installs item or m lntenance operation disturb. the ground surfec. and lh• exlsling ground cover, the party of the second part egrr- to re.o,. and replace the sod or otherwise reestablish the prase cover to meet tit• satiefactlon of tl,o Dill -ion Engines of the party of the first pert. 71,et thw party c( the second part agrees to ssstm.a the aclu.,l cost of any inspection of the work eontleerea :o b. n•c•asary by the Division Engineer of the party of the first part. That the party of the second pert e7rees to have available at the construction site, at all times during con- struction, a copy of this agreement ehowli,q evidence of approval by the tarty of the !fret part. Th. party of the first part reserves the right to stop all work trnlems evldevice of approval can be thown. Provided the work contained 1n tf,ls agreement 1• being performed on a completed highway open to traffic: .the Party of the second part aTrtes to give written notice to the Division Engineer of the petty of the first part whom all work contained herein has been completed. Unless eheetfltally reque.ted by the party of the first Patt, wr It ten notice of completion of —rk on highway Projects under construction will not b. required. That in the case of noncong,llance with the term. of this agreement by the party of the second ppaart, the party of the first part ....r vas the r:gl.t to atop ell work until Ilse facility i.e. L•tn brought Into CO&P lance at r•- ,soved from the right of way at no cost to it,* !arty oI the Ilrst pert. Tl.wt it is w.lt..,i L/ Loth p.tllee heat 11.f& eorean•ni shall Lecos:w void if Actual construction of tl.e work c ontompiet eel n•rcrn is not u•Wn .limn one tlf y.ar fro. the oat. at eurhorlratlon by the party or the first Pert titles■ writ ton wAlver i■ secured by the Party of the second part from the party of the tint part. Durin7 the performance of this contracttt the et"nd party, for Itself, its seelgnsta and successors In interest (hereinafter referred to es the-tonlracior'l, agrees ae follows: Con illanc•• !th I'a vlalI one: The contractor .hall comply with the Regulations relative to nondlecrimin- otlon in .were y-aseraie7 pro7r e.a of Ite U. L, Depirtment of Tronsporlellon, Title 19, Code of !'aderel k.qulatlone, Part 21. as they may Iw .,mended from tls.e to tine. Iherelnart.r rclerred to as the ktgula- tlons), which are herein ineor.porated by refercn,:e and made a pert of title contract- F6RH R/W 16.1 (Rev. July 1, 1977) b. Hondlscriolnationt The contractor, with regard to the wort performed by It during the contract, •hell not 3 acts o ne • on he grounds of race, color, or national origin in the selection and retention of subcon. tractor•, Including procurement• of materiels and leas•• of equipment. The contractor shall not particL- pat• either directly or Indirectly in the discrimination prohibited by Section 21.5 of the Regulatlnna, Including employment practice• when the contract covers a progrcn scat forth In Appondlz 0 of the Rogulatione, o. Solicitations for Subcoutrect•, lncludlnq_Pro�curenent■ of M,tertels and E 1 mentr In all solicitations . ar y coape Ire t inq or n•goflatlon w a by ( e contractorFr uor o lie performed under • sub- contract. including pcocuren.nts of ae Nrlel• or lease• of equipment, each potential subcontractor or supplier ahall be notified by the contractor of the contractor's obligations under this contract and the Regulation• racialism to nondiscrimination on the grounds of race, color, or national origin. d, inlorma; ion and Arm,. n The son -for the II provide all Inr..m•, Ion and r. pow re r.Au tam ad by .he As,. 1. tI..., or dl... ti— n wed rur��— tu•nt in•r•w, and It. II p•r.lt act,aa to It• book I. records, account a, other leurc.f of I-formtIte, end Ita f•cI l lc l ac as may be d, to rm In.d by the 7a: a, tent of If an•por t. t l nn or the f,d,r•I Nlgh..ay Adni of a tea t l on to be per t[no.t tar •tear is in comp l lance with awth A.gul.tloni or dl neU tree. Where any Infor-•tlen r•qulred of a contractor 1. In the a.elusiv, possession of soother ..ho falls or car.,., to furnish this Inf.r-a,lon, the contractor shalt so certify to the 0•p•rt-ant of Transportation, or the Federal M19h.ay Administration a. appro;.rla,e, and shall cal fcrth what •!forts It has -ode to obtain the Infor.utlon, •. Sanctions for Nonce.?11. car in the .—of of the contractor'% noncompl lanc. with to, oondl,crl-In•llon prevlalen. or this cen,e.ct .she 9, t-c"� port•tie $halls impose such conga%[ sanctions as It or the federal Nlghwy Administration may determine to be apses pr late, In<ludlnq, but not Ilmlted to, withholding of ►ay —act, to the contractor under the contract unt11 the on voter <omsllaa, ."/or (7) cancellation, termination or s.spe..;on of the contract, In ..hole or In part. f. I� ., ,art.. el Frov;,len s. The conar.ctor shall lncl,d• the provl,loa of paragraphs •acme' through "f" In .very subcontract• nci lue in9—pr Deus— o�aterlals and I..... of aQulgrent, unittl • e-pt by the Reg+latlant, or diraeti— {slued pursuant IM re to, ih• contractor (hall t•4a fuch action -!.the,. ,ease%[ [o any tub<onlraei or pr oc ur•-ant a. the Oap•rtm.n[ o! Tr•nsporr•tlen r Ih• F•Jer•1 N19hw•y Aa*Inlevat.On -ace Jir•ct • m o! error,..q such provl•lon. Including . c,l on, for n compllanca rrovld•d, r, that. In lhe . .nc • ontractorsbe,-..s1n 10 d In, or Is thrc •t•ncd with, litigation with • subcon tr•cler o s uppllar a. • result el auto dl section, the conra<tor may racquet ,h• Oepart-ant of Tran%por [action to enlace Into .u<A Iitlgetlonr to protect the Int•r•sta of the St•[e, end, In •ddltlon, [A• wntr•c ter -.y r•Au•%t the .nl tad Tt•t•s to enter Into .u<A II [Iqa ion to protect the lots•. t. of the United Stages. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties to this agreement has caused the same to be executed in the day and year first above written. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BY: DIVISION ENGINEER ATTEST OR WITUMSs Stephen M. Miller, Secretary James D. Miller, President 5717 Carolina Beach Road Wilmington, N.C. 28412 . ......... maim. .. . 5717 Carolina Beach Road Wilminatnn. N_f_ Z8412 Second Party INSTRUCTION$ when the •pplic•nl Is • orpor•llon --unlclp•l{ty, this aqr •a -ant -u.t have the corDOl act• sac•; •-d be act •tied ►y IM orpor•tlon s r.1.r, .1b,the empo'••red city of/lclal, nle.s • r.lvv o orporact• feel end at[at•llen by tA• saeraay or by the ampo..•r•d Clty off lc sal la on It lac In he A•1•Igh office of the It..•... of Alght of Way. In [n. .pace preyld•d In thif ages amen, for asc.11. ' the n of the corporation o wnlelp•llty shall ►• typed above the name snd this of •11 person. signing th. .......nt ,h..Id be typed directly below their %19-aturs. This .q see -ant w.[ be accomp.nl.d, In the form of an attachment, by plans or drawl.gl shwlnq the tollwing applicable In lorwa loot _ 1. A11 rdy, snd ramps . 7. Migho. t ow. f ­1 lines and whew* applicable, the control of access Iln., ). loc•llon of the ••1,tlnq and/pr •repo sad aneloac Mont , titang, Is,, fir• and type of •n.....he.nt , S.e Method of Installation 6. 01 of Ions sho.inq the dl,tane. from the pneroach-ant to edge of pavement, fhould.r I. ftructuref, etc. , 2, Location by highway surrrY •ratio.. —her• If station nu-b., cannot be p4laln•d, loc•Ilan ,hould ae O.— by 'I Is from scone Id.ntlllable point, such • . bridge, road. In, ..... don, ale, (To .,.fat In preparation of the ancro.cIvne pia., lM Oepar l...is roadway •tans may be seen. at the yarlou1 Milf..ay Olrl aloe Offices, or at tM or elh of flca.) - 1. Oral..9• %tru<turaa or bridge. If affee tad by encroach-.n[ (Imp. v.rt1e•1 end Mel tontal dl-.n%lon, from pneroseh- w.l to ...east part of structure) ), Mho od f att•ehm.nt to Jlnage c-ctun. or bridge., 10. ManaI'. . ,1.: ace lqn ra ll, On underground utl lltla , the d•plh o/ bury undo all traveled lama . fhouida., iitcha , sid.waf4s, etc. 1 I.. L.ngtA, ,Ire end lyva el • c. semen. wh•r. re qulr•d.. _ 11.E On and erground c oaring., —,aln. s. to -•shod of ,,...In, - boring and J•c41-q, -pan cut. .tc. 14, te<•cion of rent% .. GENEML AEOUIRIMENTT _ 1, Any act M'ant to a bridge or other drainage structure Hutt b• ap vroved by he Head of Structure 0•alq, In Raleigh* prr to sub.lrslon of ercr, •<n-ant .qr re -ant to the Olelalon engineer, . .7. Al:lcrosalnq. should b• al near a. pof .Ibl• n r.•I to the c•nt.rlln. o/ the Alghw •y, ), Mlnl..,m vrllc.l ci•ar•nca of o .rh.•d wlr•,oand cable. •bow. all ro.dw•ys -oft conform to clear ants at cut la In. Na lon.l ileetrle S.!•tY Code, '- b,' fnc•famen,% ,h.rl ea tend Iroe ditch Iln•. to dl tch Ian• In cut ,.ctlont and S' beyond toe -f clop., In fill toed..., S, All want! %Mold be eel. nd.d go the right of way Iln• or of olh •rwls. re gulr.l by the Oep•rtmsnt. 6, All pip• ♦nc af.-.n if •a le -a t. rlal and ,tranjth !hall -.et the sl,nd•rds and specifications of lM 0.0•rtm•nt. f. Any sees 1.1 provl,lon. er ,veelllutlo.l n to Ina par (or— of the wet or top -.shod of eenllruetlon Ina may b. r•vu lees by the O.p•r t-ant vvft b• shp.n o :spare,* sheet •tt•ched to encroach -ant agree -ant prow lJ.1 tNt ugh in (or-e, Ian ....not b. ,, on plane or dam.+Inge. 1. The 1:p......1 , 01 el, Ior [n9ina•r should b• gl van notice b, the •IspIlent pr for t- ac lual It•I tf n9 of In l tall•tl o. {ne lud ed in tole •yam« 5' MIN. SEPARATION BETWEEN PIPE AND BULKHEAD Ca) ALL POINTS B'0 PVC 2-45' FLANGED OR IK RESTRAINED JOINT BENDS ATTACH PIPE TO REINFORCED CONCRETE PILE CAPS USING ly 3" WIDE X 3/8' THICK GALV. STEEL STRAPS AND 314" STEEL ANCHOR BOLTS. NOV L 8 1993 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT EXPANSION JOINT I FLOW 1 S. R. //00 ( PAVED) EXPANSION i JOINT B"0 PVC 2 - 45' FLANGED OR RESTRAINED JOINT LORD'S CREEK ( TIDAL) BENDS MARSH MARSH \ MA R S H l — — — )1 —�_ R W_ PLAN TRANSITION TO ABOVE GROUND PIPE EXISTING BULKHEAD IWOOD) \ EXISTING BRIDGE PRESTRESSED CONCRETE ( 91' SPAN) i VERTICAL CLEARANCE OF B"D PIC \ PIPE SHALL EQUAL j VERTICAL \\lh CLEARANCE OF MARSH BRIDGE PROVIDE TWO 12) 40' JOINTS AND THREE (3) IS' JOINTS FOR A �� NAVIGABLE i TOTAL OF 134 L F OF FLANGED / CHANNEL \1 OR RESTRAINED JOINT CLASS 50 DUCTILE IRON PIPE. PROVIDE \ll � a\ //` EXPANSION JOINT AT EACH END OF EXPOSED PIPING. EXPANSION JOINTS: TU';BE EBARA /RON "EX.i TE7V0 ''' 200" OR APPROVED '. EQUAL`I "'WITH APPROPRIATE TRANSITIONS TO DUCT/LE IRON PIPING. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT GUARD RAIL TRANSITION TO BELOW GROUND PIPE 71 j=R MARSH \ll /// TRANSITION FROM CLASS 50 DIP TO 200 PSI PVC (p lO L F ( MIN) BEYOND PROVIDE PIPE SUPPORT SYSTEM, STREAM BANK 12"x 12" PILE BENTS, REINFORCED CONCRETE W1 TH 60"L x 30"W x /B'H REINFORCED CONCRETE CAP. PROFILE ( VIEW FROM UPSTREAM) SCALE: I = 20 Hoyt. I = 5' Vert. WATER MAIN CROSSING LORD I CREEK -DI 14 92 LU �.;. 421 132 SILVER LAKE (UNINC.) 1 �Q POP. 3,678 Myrtle Grov YRTLE GROVE (UNINC.) POP. 2,552 Q 1492 � Pilots Ridge Airport h 11 � 1 .I 1 - 1 100 PROJECT u 34°OS' r,nl I T SITE az1 l; ( W Sea u Breezed MATCH y r LINE )f / r �a i'.. •'':: ' ,} ; CAROLINA BEACH INLET( ! , CQASTAL ROLINA ;CI BEACH POP. 2,000 1573 LOCATION MAP NOV 18 1993 DIVISION OF FAL MANAGEMEt