HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeneral Permits (6419)77t tr CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION Y_ FROM REQUIRING A CAMA PERMIT c as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuantAo 15 NCAC-Subchapter-7K .o203. Applicant Name Phone Number Address City State Zip Project Location (County, State Road, Water Body, etc.) i,. Type and Dimensions of Project The proposed project to be located and constructed as described above is hereby certified as exempt from the CAMA permit re- quirement pursuant to-15 NCAC7K .0203. This exemption to CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of your obtaining any other State, Federal, or Local authorization. -This cc tification of exemption from requiring a CAMA permitis -valid for-90 days -from the date of issuance Following expiration, -aa7e-examination ofthe project and project site may be necessary -to"eontinue"this eertification. SKETCH (SCALE: ) I ...�•�.a . ....� �i %r .� �J t � � % � %s +�-' f2 5 2. �-�''S tl -- J96 r7w, er rr� cs ,�,�� c.>, �'`�� l.�S Ar©E y� fir, �l`s� �� Usr .-�� � . yJ` • /��, / �✓ (; �, �.�,/G' - � 5 �- �F ?� � /�?�r ;'C", = �.t, yGy • •fir �'� J J r Any person who proceeds with a development without the con- sent of a CAMA official under the mistaken assumption that the development is exempted, will be in violation of the CAMA if there is a subsequent determination that a permit was required for the development. The applicant certifies by signing this exemption that (1) the ap- plicant has read and will abide by the conditions of this exemp- tion, and- (2)a-writtenstate ment has been obtained-f adjacent landowners• certifying that -they have no -objections to -the proposed work. N. Applicant's signature CAMA Official's signature Issuing date Expiration-d'ate At=l>1 Yst`°'l'SWorth-CaTdM,a-Aiimrni'strative Code 7K .0203 No A North Carohna.Wildhfe Resources Cprnm�� R2 512 N. Sa6bucy Street, Raleigh, Nordi Carolina 27604-I188, 919-733-3391 Comes R.. lF'ullwood, Eaec'urive Director BEACH BULIUDOZING AND SANDBAGGING PERMIT CONDITIONS TO PRV—VF—NT TAKE OF SEA TURTLE NESTS AND EUTCHIINGS ON NESTING RF ACBES a NORTH CAROLIlVA 1 _ The applicant or contractor hired by the applicant to conduct bull -dozing as&zties or insult sandbags (construction activities) is responsible for conmcdjag the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission's (Commission) Sea Turtle Project Coordinator, Ruth Bc,-ache< at(252) '729-1359, or parer nc=ber (252) 247-z117, at least 48 hocus prior to the irfitiation of work The applicant or contractor shall be prepared to inform Ms Boettcher of the location of the work site and provide an estimate on hew long it will take to complete the job_ Ms_ Boettcher, in turn, will contact the local sea turtle organiz,r;rm that carries a State Endangered. Species Permit to, (1) ascertain whethw pre-�iou :ly laid, viable nests exist in the -v od-, area; and (2) determine whether the pP'ttee is wiU -to search the work area every morning (before 9:00 am) for new rests that may have been laid the previous nib until the job has been .wmplered_ If the permittee does not agree to csriy out daily surveys, the applicant or contractor is respons��ble for making other ar= emeuts to hzve the area monitored_ AII new momtormg arrangements must be approved of by the Commission betnre they are initiated_ 2. DaZy monitoring for turtle aestinj activity will not be required after September 15_ However, the anplic = or contractor grail still be required to contact -Ms, Boettcher prior to the initiation ofwark to asceta whew wiablenests exist in the worm area 3_ Once the applicant or contractor has oontacted Ms_ BoettcheT and the perminee agrees to conduct daily nest surveys for diction activities to be Conducted prior to September 15, the following shall occur before work can begin_ a. The pemiitter vexes that no previously laid nests east in the work area where construction-rel-ed impacts may occur_ If a nest is present, work cannot l riu UaUl i:Zrt Lhr turd hr. LnLi L--1 sill LLc yuLii.LL= I,e� tl,.c i,[Lli rate analysis. Upon the compie+. ua ofthe hatch rate analysis, Ms_ Boettcher shO inform the contractor that work can begin. b- If consizuc6an activities can begin i.mmediabAy- (i.e., prior to September 15, the permitted agrees to monitor the work site daily and no viable newts e�� in the work area, or afrer September 15 no viable nests ex in the work area), the permitted and the contractor shall establish a method of comet, mication (e. a., exchange of telephone numbers) that would enable the: percnittee to notify the contractor every morning whether or nut a nest had been laid at the -work site the previous - 4- No daily construction act ies, including the operaudon of vehicles or equipment, or the disturbance of the sand satiate; shall be initiated until after t►1he per�ni�tee has notified the contractor that no new nests have been laid where construction -related impacts unay Occur- 5. Should anew nest be laid in the area whew construction activities are planned, those activities shall not begin unto the permit`Lee performs one of the fbHOWing actions. (1) determines that the nest requires relocation because it has been laid under a sloughing escarpmeat or in an area where it would be susceptible to frequent tidal immdation ands or erosion and moves the nest out of the work site; or (2) determines the nest laid should remain in place and desiVanates and marks off (with stakes and fiaagng) a 20 ft, x �0 ft. buffer zone around the nest. The buffer zone shall remain free of all human and vehicular traffic and construction supplies equipment and debris- The contractor shall wait fbr notification front the permittee that the nea is secure before resuming work. 6- If the 20 ft. x 20 $ buffer zone aroLmd nests left in place i=edes construction activities, the contractor shall Re end work uatil the nest has ELtched and the hatch rate analy§is has been performed by the permittee. Upon the completion of the hatch rate analysis, the permittee shall inform the contractor tha work can res=e- 7- No consttuction activities shall be allowed after dat''k (one halfhour after dusk)- S. All bull -dozers and constnrction equipment, supplies, materials, or debris shall be removed to an upland area landward of the dune line at the end of each the work day prior to ni4htf k 9- All deep ruts or holes created by the bull -dozer or other heavy equipment strati be removed at the end of the work day prior to mghtiall. 10. When moving bul-dozers or other heavy equipment from one location to anoth- on the beach, driving shall be corgi to wet packed sand (below the high water mark) as much as possible.