HomeMy WebLinkAbout38335_BENBOW, PAUL_20040512 (2)11/04/2004 00:05 9102937045 KENNEDY CONSTRUCTION PAGE 03 Mai 13 2004 2:21517- CADRE- Systems, Inc. 19 6'7 7 p / ❑ DR'�D� i--IQ A FIJLL too .� 3 �,? 3 yo 38333 f1�ERAL. i��►ERMI'�T — C Preevlous rmR # if ew OModificatlon -Com IetesRelYfue LPartlalReiss P at prtv�ous permit Issued N_/�t As 4rtho red by the twe of North ,::vrolina, eparlment o! E ronment and Na I Rasource� -^-� and ti:a I Rhource,s Commim en In an a o1 erwaron ml concern pursuam to I SA NCAC (14 ' G //,10 L' Applkan None .,�1 Ibi"" �ou✓ ProjecrLocerion: County Address `i �a ^'-- Street Address/ Sure R.oad1 Lot # (s) Cary # �( }' Subdivision ktho dgert' �'' C� Affected nor 6E� `T'r►"iCA :ie�i3. Phone # (_) River Basin ti �I' 0.1( _ ACC S : COWA ;^HHV nt-, �UhA: nwA ^.1 r.�. � . i �� C PWS G PC Adj. Wtt. Baby 1 n _C;"' ORW: no PiVA. y ;a ; 0ri'[ Hab. yes/no Ckmast Maj. Wtr, Body - Type of Prolec.V Activity �_ _ r`-r:.�.t"c� D 0 r o f' ✓�irC. l b. l k1.d. r?, (Scale: A14— PwQrm ` i Ft% -pi Ksl I i...... .. ...... _l ... t_ ! � �. 1 , Gralf :• . x : , rpir b4r--- • qaC I�rtSlh �� i , { ..:.. •• ..f I:,. ic, t .....a F.. in Mane IDC I. ....:.......... .. _00 80at ram 1 n : 1 m• .... •..... -.... ... h --• each —i i I al FhJ � .i ,bo-.��0�.✓' d✓R-ir'.. 'Q{9� rf I Other .. •• I �, � .. � ' 5htxalltrr04i_.... - .. t SAY net"ft yes r.t: Sandbap not mrs y" i .. ..._ . .._ .- .- ..... ,... _ _.. .... i_-'._ •... 1 _ �• . �.,--. t--, !Ifx ... • 1". ,.! �. .�. I . •r NgAK*r _ A bulldin prrmlt may be required b r. j St■ nva on back rqardlng RNer Baeln rWet, _ ¢ ndces/ alcanddoro ' ow A/NG✓. 4 a Slsnedn eapj readcomplwwa rho■m■neonbaekolpa►mk Ibuing06m ExpimWan OEM DD APPIIOpCi1 s) GhaCk . ;1��tJur'tcSctbn RnwrNleNLrrN See instructions on back. Call 1-800-PICK-UPS (800-742-5877) for additional information. TRACKING NUMBER `SHIPMENT FROM SHIPPER'S UPSACCOUNTNO. UPS ACCOUNT NO. NAME I ELEPHONE OMPANY TREET DD ESS ITY ND ATE ZIP CODE 2 `EXTREMELY URGENT DELIVERY TO COMPANY EET ADDRESS DEPT.7rLR. I ITY AND 6TATE (INCLUDE COUNTRY IF INTERNATIONAL) ZIP UODE -- WEIGHT IMENSIONAL WEIGHT SHIPPERS If Applicable COPY DAY EXPRESS • • ❑NEXT AIR ❑ (INTL) FORWORDE EXPRESS SHIPMENTS DOCUMENTS $ Mark an'X' in this box it shipment ontY ❑ ONLY carca� documenis of no WRIIIefCIall value. ❑ATURDAY 6ATURDAY PICKUP ❑ DELIVERY $ see ��vucoons. see loslmcnms. • INSURED VALUE $ • • ❑ corrtaas are aiAorrtlAtglly �oer�stoo'irso-rn $ E AMOUNT $ ❑C.O.D. u . d. erxe. arrwx to to wle -tcea anti,oa,Plelm $ uPsc.aD. D.tag toptxaya. AMOUNT •� ❑ An Adtl ee Inl Handling Charge applies for certain $ items. See instructions. $ BILL 81LL THIRD &LL •• SHIPPER RECEIVER PARTY CREDIT CARD American Express CHECK rEsr�� Diner's Club • ❑ 1 Discover ❑ ❑ ❑ MasterCard ❑ 1 Visa LREc AO Accorvrvr No Iry SEc orvBJ ECEIVERS i THIRD PARTYS UPS ACCT. NO. OR MAJOR CREDIT CARD NO. I EXPIRATION nATF 1 • win OlOt9fy BROW UPS WORLDWIDE EXPRESS TERMS AND CONDITIONS I United Parcel Service through its aBilteles (the -carrier) Is engaged le the in naumral uansppr!ation of smsll packages in UPS Worldwide Expmes, Each package shall be considered a separate and distinct shlpmer. Commoddlee Handiad and Reatloflohe upon Service The carrier Wars d.nspodation of general commodities, as usually defined, Subject to the following mainchore' (A) No service shall be rendered in the mansportallon of. and shippers are prohibited from Shipping, edibles, of unusual value. Packages having a value of more than $50,000 (U.S.) - 5500 (U.S.) for packages containing jewelry (net Including costume termini or a.: . Saw Shipped vla A UPS Leber Center - are prohibited from being shipped and will not be accepted for uambo Qnm. TO. value per package Is $50,OD0 (U.S.) except tot packages containing Jewelry (not Including costume jewelry) or packages Shipped t via A UPS Letter Can.,, in which case the maximum mum per package Is 5500 (U.S.). Tha maximum liability per package assumed by UPS shag not exceed 5100 (U.S.) regardless of the purchase of insurance for protection In access of $100 (U.S.). The maximum Ilablllly par package assumed by the applicable Insumnae company shall not exceed $50,000 (U.S.) (less $100), except tar packages it Jewelry ind Including cdalume Jewelry) or packages Shipped via a UPS Letter Center, In which was he maximum Imbllay assumed by the eppticabf. fmurericu company shall not exceed $500 (U.S.) (less 5100), regardless of the value In excess of the maximum. (b) Refer to (he applicabld earA;e guide for weight and size restrictions. (0) No service shelf be mndamdin the transpormear, of any of the ptchibiledadicles listed In the applicable Sam guide. (d) The carrier does cal pmvae a proiactive Service for the trensponefim d perishable commmtlkles or of commodtis. requiring protection from heat of cold. Such commodities wit be accepted for mensponaeon solely at he shipper's risk for damage occasioned by exposure t0 ham or cold Prohlbited by Law No service shall be rendered by the carrier m the transportation of any shipment which Is prohibited by law or regulation of any federal. State, provincial, or local government In the origin or wo n.lion c0unl,as. Right of )-plaflor, The come, maerves line right 10 open and inspect any package tendered fail for transportation. Refusal of Pookegee The carrier msercas the nght to refuse any package which by reason of throu e cangs ant any other character of Its contents Is liable, in the judgement of Ina caller, to soil, taint. or otherwise damage other merchandise or equipment, ant which Is ecocomicady or operationally Impracticable to transport, or which Is Ihgraparly pecked or wrapped. Packages must be so packed or wrapped As to pass the lasts set forth In he International Safe Trans II Assimilation Procedure I.A. Be,),.. Not Provided C O.D.. Call Tag. and Dsl—y Confirmation services are net provided lot international shipments. PrdvW.- tar Cuamma Clmmnce The shipper must provide required documentation for customs eJeamnce. By providing required documentation, the Shipper .'fill.That ati immmenls And information m1wing to exportation and Importation am true and correct. Furthermore, the shipper underslande that civil and criminal penalties, including lodertum and sale may be imposed for making false or fraudulent ammmenie, or for the v10lalion of U.S. laws on expansion (sea 13 U.S.C. Section 305, 22 U.S.C. Seallon 401, 18 U.S.C. Sao— 1001. and 50 U.SC. Alan410). When a shipment is tendered to the Carrier, (he carrier is thereby appointed as the agar for Performance of customs clearance. where .;lowed by new The -. is spearf d as the nommill corm gne. for the purpose of designating a customs broker to perform customs clearance. Local authorities may require documentation corl—ing that the carrier has been designated as the nominal aoneigtae. Customs penalties, storage charges, or other expenses Incurred as a result of an action by Customs or Callum by the shipper or consignee to provide proper documentation or to obtain a required license or permit will be changed to the consignee along with any appllcebla duly Intl tax, However, the Shipper Is liable for payment in the event 01 man -payment by Ihe conalgnea. The Carrier prWdes brokerage servo. at no additional Charge for m0he customs clearance of Express and Expedited shipments. Addslonal chergea may apply for complex customs clearance procedures which Include. but am not limited to, the lollawing: Cleererrce procedures nvaWng A government agency other than Customs CuelOme Bonds Drawbacks Formal l mros involving more than five I.rik lines Live Entries Marking Attendance Temporary Import Bonds (TI.B.) Cortacflon of Wrong Addreee It UPS Is unable he deliver any package because d an Incorrect Address, UPS will make roasonable efforts, to be determined in its sole tllscrfian, to secure the correct address. II the correct address Is secured and l0und lit be In the same destination country, the shipper will be notified of the cohedton, and an additional charge, as stated on the then current rate than, will As assessed for delivery or attempted delivery to the Conrad address. Postal Code and Telephone Number The consignee's postal code, telephone number, and contact name are Internal Information. To ensure prompt delivery, always Include postal code, telephone number, and contact name an he UPS Air Shipping Document. Delivery Attempts II the CA at Is unable to make delivery of a shipment, a non4ellvery notice will be fell At the consignee's addmss stating that deWery has been ahempled. Timmet.f, A second. and 0 necessary, a third attempt to deliver Will be made without additional charge, Interruption of Servo. The carrier shall not be liable for any inlehupli0n of delivery service due to a cause beyond the ..at. qo 1.1. or to Shift— lockouts, orlebor disputes. Return of Undeliverable Paekagea Air shipments refused by consignees. or which Ion any other mason canna, be delivered, will be held and the Shipper will be contacted or further instructions. The shipper will be responsible lot payment of all What charges including, but not limited to. lamenting. disposal, or return ant transportation charges. as well as any duly and tax, d applicable. Roles See The applicable rate Mart in Iliad of the llma of shipping Ion miss, Trznsportabon charges, except the charge for UPS Letters, am based on the gross wmipr of the shipment or the dimensional (volumetric) weigh) of he Shipment, whlchem, IS greater. Dimensional weight Is based on the curter International N, Transpon Assa.latlon (IATA) volumetric slendvd, which is subled to change without notice. When the dimensional weight of a shipment —bad. the ..fuel welght he Shipment must be recorded on A UPS Waybill. Fractions of a pound will be Increasedi to the text full pound. Payment for 8ervlee T'ne canter's credit terms require payment of eft charges within seven (7) days .11.1 —PI of cans bud. When using A UPS Air Shipping Occurrent, air UPS Wertdwlda Express shpmenls am prepaid and all charges must be paid by the shipper. Woridwide Express Service Guarenma The tamer guarantees on-sahedute delivery of all UPS Worldwide Express Service shipmente. In the event he Carta, tails Ion combat. delivery or adempf derioary within the camers Ilme commitment, the carrier. at the comers option, will credit or refund the shipping &.,gas to he payout upon request, subject to the lollowing mndilions'. (e) The coolers guaranteed delivery schedule has been obtained by contoctirlp the canners Customer Service Wlcs, (b) The package been a progeny completed UPS Air Shipping Document showing the coreigneas coned name, deliverable etldress, and poster coda. fc) The shipment is tendered to the carder during the carriers published business hours. (d) All Sopllcable doclxnanlinch mqubed by the origin and/or destination coumry is completed arch induced with the Shipment. (0) The comer is notified in writing or by telephone of a service failure within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of scheduled delivery and is advised of the consignee's name and address, date of Shipment, package weight, and the UPS Tracking Number. The guarantee does nor apply to shipments which era delayed due to causes beyond he comets control including, but not limited to. the lollowing, The unavall.bilay, or refused of a person to accept delivery of the shipmate, acts of Goo, public authorities acting with actual of apparent authority an the premises, Sale of amiso— of Customs of similar authorities, failure by the Shipper or con i goes to provoa proper documentation, hots, strikes or other labor disputes, civil apmmdlone, disruptions In air ant ground transportation mirworkl, such as weather pbenchreoe, and mortar disasters. Theca ant provides optional Saturday d h-y to specific International destinations. Contact your UPS Customer SaNce office I1-S06782-7892) for destinations served and complete guarantee and hone-i,lainsll details. The shipment must be recorded an a UPS Waybill to —No Saturday tlellvery. R-Ibonalblltry ter Lou or Damage Each UPS Letter or package Is automatically protected by UPS against loss or damage up to a was of $100. Unless a greater value Is recorded In the insured value field as apaopdam for the UPS shebang system used. Iha snApor agrees In the released value M each package or Leiter Is no greater than $100. which is a reasonable value under the drcumolances surrounding the transporlalion. UPS'a maximum liabilil per package ant Letter shall not exceed $100. regardless of he purchase of insurance for protection in pxcoas of 5100, it additional protection Is dealred, a shipper may purchase insurance for amounts In excess of 5100 by showing the full value in the insured value field, As appropriate for the UPS shipping system used. An Insurance preall as es,aVished by In. Inaumr, of the shipment, will be assessed for each additional $100. or fradron thereof, of insured value In excess of $100 up to the Units of Insurance, and the Shipper.11 W au—kca))y—,Ad as an additional Insured under a shippers interest insurance policy issued to UPS as he named Insured, provided the shipper pays the additional charge. Insurance Is not prwlded tour UPS Prepaid Letters. For more Informed. an the Is —and condmmne of this Insurance Cell 1-877.242.7930 to obtain an Excess Value Insurance brochure. Claims for loss at, or damage to, the chippers properly wilt be flied with UPS. Claims lout made wahin six (6) monks after delivery of the package, or in the case of non-dellvery, within six (8) moral.11.1 A r..enable time to, tlellvery hen elected. shall be deemed waived. Tha carrier net not be liable lot any special, Inddemf, or coneequIthaw damages. All shipments ere subject to the to,= and conditions contained In the UPS Terlll, which can be found at wW W.upILOm. THE RULES RELATING TO LIABILITY ESTABLISHED BY THE WARSAW CONVENTION AND ANY AMENDMENTS THERETO SHALL APPLY TO THE INTERNATIONAL CARRIAGE OF ANY SHIPMENT HEREUNDER INSOFAR AS THE SAME IS GOVERNED Paul Benbow f 1005 Abberley Lane £ Apex NC 27502 Mark Hardeman `° CD NC DENER — CAMA 151-B Hwy 24 Hestron Plaza II Morehead City NC 28557 Dear Mark : Please find attached my check # 3301 for $ 300.00 to cover the renewal of CAMA permits # 39307 and 38335. ;Tha Paul Benbow