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16457_STEVENSON, CARL_19960819
!t C CAMA AND DREDGE AND FILL g�> Q' GENERAL PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources and ft, C�gstal` 7gO.W0es Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC 33 ��7j Cf �Applicant N je , "r t ~ - Phone Number � / Address o &I �5 City �-� e State Zip Project Locatio„B ounty, State, oad, W ter od et .) �•'�`�' ''' at ,aC L b Ch. j Type of Project Activity PROJECT DESCRIPTION I SKETCH ,-- If Ir 0 D (SCALE: II Pier (dock) length Groin lengthy. number Bulkhead length (`(% 6!" / I LI max. distance offshore Basin, channel dimensions f d +=• rl� . wig �''r ��__ _ . ' _. C_.:� �a $fry •� �+� '� �% ,{ f 1 cubic yards C� Boat ramp dimensions O th W1 l a w t ' r c This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action; and may cause the permit to be- come null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that 1) this pro- ject is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement has been obtained from adjacent riparian landowners certifying that they have no objections to the proposed work. In issuing this permit the State of North Carolina certifies that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. 12- lq - q 6 ti issuing date ap p permit otticer's signature / q - Iq - q (L, attachments ` _) 0� tic V 0 Q0i. application fee expiration date R 0/1996 09:47 919- 8 9771 EI_bati _. ir,Ii9LF PA BUCJCj & WOLF, PA. JOHN E. Btip.�TTJRNLYS AT LAw O SIIITF IcO, IJ.lYIVERSJTY C)Pr•ICE PARR ?:AWARD N, POLJARA 411 ANDREWS JAY M. WILXSR3Jiv ROAD wILLIAWpLF DURRA C; NOnTIJ AROLI.NA 27705 M .J. -{ MEMORANDUM (Via T'elecopier) TO: Mr. Wilson E, Blackruou FROM: Johan E. Bugg RE: Bulldozin 1; - Hoffman Beach, Carteret Comity, N.C. DATE: August. 15, 1"6 PAGE ©2 r PONT oFFleg Box 2917 I)irRNAM, NnR?x CAnpLINA 2771;, TELR-'rHJNY, i©lid) 363.6 31 TELEGOFIER (91V) 383-0771 As per our conversation this date, this is to confirm, that you will do the beach restoration work as Your contact person will berKarleGarlvck below 919-�be necessary beginning on or about August or 1996, unavailable, then Carl Stephenson (919-247-77074 Colon 7-0113, Colony By The Sea) or, if he is 3 for map of local area. HoffMa.n Beach is adjacent to alter p The t)Sea). See attachment No. Some of the property owners have already rebuilt their stairs which however would a h�ch y° operator will have to work around. Such obstructions, affecting the overall average production expected. appear t° be minor insofar as WE. Blac . on _vnstiu tion C In an Jnc.' uote 1' understand you propose the use of a wide track articulating blade (which also I understand to be equivalent high o carriage, t_. our c With a i 2' be $1,000.00 for -mobilization and demobilization plus a $125.00 e b)' Your charge would At this rate, you previously guaranteed an operating production Of r hour operating charge. yards of backf>11 per operating hour, you also previously indicated hOWes�than ]Oo cubic still expect a considerably higher production rate than lop cubic yards e your actual production ve rates previously realized did considerablyer, that bel, would any reason you no Ionger want to guarantee this mini exceed this minimum. If for xnttm production, then please advise. Nature and E ent of Work Re uired I have estimated that this restoration work should be expected to involve approximately 10 cubic yards of sand to be backfilled t olve shown in Attachment #1 (i.e, a per front foot as per the t This estimate ppraxirnately 13_5p to 1500 cubic typical section assumes an existing eroded wall to a height of •t yards for 150' of frontage). backf lling against such wall to be at a slope of approxirnatel 4 PPr, co ately 18' with Y 1 extending out `r 0-, Oj w ul a CL iY u� 6,j 4 s J C---D CD I l3ro W%, r#or r— r` 0 m Cr. �+ (qCFo4A1 r Cr, �',��•��5/�_ S'/�ar� Co3 t o� ��cf1 rrrfor.�f��,.. a� � }5C'Ow.� � �``�to,� .f/�o!-� G�S�= O'� G►CL''C�' P-'�S1�o�-,�%o,..� : ,29/ ' 7 2° tf'iC) I'll? Id LIJ 1 �? CL ss 1110 -4AC b1b rn ik, -n G-LG - 6A z 6 /6 4! ke H. a/" 12/1996 15: 51 915-38 9-7 1 BUGG & WOLF FA LAND OWNER NAME AND HOME ADDRESS Bobby and Betsy .Womble (155') 9529 Lee Yancey Road Bullock, NC 21507 Phone No. 919-603=1952 Fax No. 919-603-1952 Beach No. 919-240-0955 John E. Bugg, et al. (155') 411 Andrews Road Durham, NC 27705 Phone No. 919-383-9431 Fax No. 919-383-9771 Lee S. Brown (155') c/o Jim Trammell 1305 E. Mulberry Street Goldsboro, NC 27530 Phone No. 919-731-5600 Fax No. 919-731-56616 .Roy W. Arrington (135') 224 Walker Avenue Greensboro, NC Phone No, 1-800-477-2673 Fax No. 910-547-0044 Colony by the Sea (291') P.O. Box 264 Salter Path, N 28575 Phone No. 1-800-624-5869 * Includes '/z of 10' access eawri-tent. PAGE 04 r HOFFMAN BEACH SUBDIVISION PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Lot 6, B 1 B, Map Boole 3, p. 15 (Tax Map 13-36A-3-5) Lot 5, B 1 B (Tax Map 13-36A-3-4) Lot 4, B 1 B (Tax Map 13-36A-3-3) Lot 3, 81 B (Tax Map 13-36A-3-2) (Tax Map 13-36-1-11) OD w a r� 3 t� IL 1. Li ode IL 19 13 PO fro�� r-. r~ r-- Cr. '�'Joej'COLJ o