HomeMy WebLinkAbout41332_BENTON, RAYMOND_2005041507/01/2007 11:41 2526391702 DUCK CREEK MARINA PAGE 03 1qiqFlow 2w:* , A' Ai. OdE k O[Lt�' , C''; '- PM 1i 4 t'j 'AMWIT' Previous permit # 'Partial Reissue M6 .1cat 13 Con p I et-6 Ref s!�u e V permit Issued Date previous perrnit Issued Ont.of Environment and Natural Resources and'tiiaI i* n. area �f (iworimental concern pursuant to I SA NCA(t K", Project Location, County 'XI A Street Address/ state Road/ Lot #(s) V IC fl Subdivision City—_..' ZIP ''Affected I BffA DIES L9.Ff5 Phone River Basin JOIH D1 VBA ClNIA AEC s):, 111f­ Adj. Wtr. 14-4 ik!,. man uLr�Ln) OF& at�L Closest Maj. Wtr. Body yes /C��/ CrIt. Flab. yes no ILL * Type ipr* Ac�tjy J 7 (Scale- �K� Pier (dock) -lef4ih, .1 4w b /J, �li�� FInSe Grde Bulk l� awly number J_ "I J 7 J __4 r 4— I Ill l"gth ftue. offshore` mix distance o$sFtoreof t J . . . . . . + channel 7-F 7 CU 7. ramp. . . . . . . . iouW Boadift r L 4.. J. t —4— . . . . . . . . . . . . . _7 4T A building permit maybe mqul* by: r.otin on back regarding River Basin rules. Notes/ Specw - miv nF COASTAL MONT FAN N0. 4 V.. US ':!'lI.lhI MAILItF t)9✓~�i_Ytf:t'I��i'"1' T,ZL(,)�n�,SrX`T';i7 x - — 171VI.Shc7ti (11' ('0,1,S'1AL lUPAR AN P17MI'1`.Ct'l 5 ()YY`lil: OZ'IFICAT10INf)"VAIk&' rVl�.ti( Kati � h:,,►lc of ill dividual u1►lily in" fnt 7 Address or i►ruttcrty;_S2 (lot of lt.,m 4 1-rat ur rou1; (City Crwnty) 1 Iletelly c:rc'(tfy thTt i own prol-it rLy Pdj(:-cnt b-)11(c abt�va refcrenecd l tol�r.rty. 'rh( ieldivi(WAI n,'plying for this permit hos ilvscribccl (� (ltc (as shoµ'n on tJlc t,tt;iChCtl drawittt) the develop174Citt ilaay ,(rt• proposing. A desctiption or drawing, with dintensicew, sho►lid be 15ravie C-0 Witte this ICRItr. I have no objec(ioits to this pr0l)0S31. Ifyou have. obieely4ms Io ivhal is being proposed, plcrise Wt*d the Divis'iolt 4 Coaslnl [t fir�trr(,�t•erierll, too Commerre Ave,, h(oreltead City, NC 28557 or call (.252) 808-2808 )villelti .10 plays of rreelpl of (MY notice. No response is cop:s4dered the same as ran ohjeetiori if you lrrrve been nolVied. by Cerlif ed Moil, W-AIVFIt 5F.CTION' t iirttl�:r.;tnnil titlt a crier, duck, inooring pilings, breakwater, boadlQU--se, lift or s;ln(tbllgs imist be sct back a minimum disUnnece of 15' front my area eC riparian access urlicss waived by tilt. Or yalt WiS11 TO waive the setback, you musk initial tilt sppropfiate binnk Wow) I oo wish to waivo t1(u 15' setback rt;quiteilic)it. wX_- I (ln nni wish to waive rile 15' setback rcquireme at. 411:1. tier Aale f'rlrrt iirra�^ Te�ephunr, tlunrBrr With Area ('this 1r'r. tt, ;i r:,, 'it ur i�:,, lt.} r',,, ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to o l� (Name bf Property Owner) property located at q v-%-O ® yi�� (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on in N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) He'has described to me as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location and, I have no objections to his proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (To be filled in by individual proposing development) Signature Print or Type Name Telephone Number Date: �"�� 0 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATENLENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to�.J. �v��� I I� G/4 (Name of Property Owner) property located at 19-Y-" O (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on % c\ C�� t�\� , in CiZY'� V ja- -4 �y/`'—Ty N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) He has described to me as shown below, the development he is proposing at that locat!o and, I have no objections to his proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPNIENT (To be f7lled in by individual proposing development) R^,"`' -t- `'ems �x Ri 7- V � V � O Signature Print or Type Ndni U 14 j--f- *1 ,/ Y Telephone Number 25`� 6'32 y%7v Date: / a 4 r p DUCK CREEK SfAALL BOAT PH, ( 2) 637_2045, (25ssa 1�02 ARr`�.f�'` ' >�� `��,� . P.O. BOX 40 ! '� l` ���� \ • f\�/' f f l f�, f�f>�r �- �� \ 9903 BRIDGETON, NC 28519 �jtJ�li� PAY�AJ / 1''�f TO,THE %�'�•. >�tir�\ I� �`.. DATE c) 1.�{ 1 'TJ 07 /�? ,�j�5 j�0J5s'} ORDER --�� xN OF�1 -- - ---)PBOLS0.4 DOLLARS 8�, CITIZIE S BANK .� f f� �r ,f�l�fNel f ! r f :A www.flrstcltizens.comFIRST ;\�'� FOR (� `` .a fir,\ Nf 1190099030■jw 11 \ .0 0 1. 2 5 5 7 1011' �,�iN, J .