HomeMy WebLinkAbout10737_G P Furtner_19920423CAMA AND DREDGE AND FILL` GENERAL — c FFH PERMIT �efNW 14737 as authorized by the State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NCAC 1--�_ //cO Applicant NameT Address City Pro'e t Location (County, State Road, Water Body, tc.) Type of Project Activity PROJECT DESCRIPTION I SKETCH Pier (dock) length Groin length number Bulkhead length max. distance offshore distance offshore Basin, channel dimensions. cubic yards Boat ramp dimensions Other Phone Number 7 ,:) A � 7 State / c. Zip D ;-/ J ��', `,. (SCALE: 1�1 This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site A drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action; and may cause the permit to be- ri come null and void. /1 This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the projects is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that 1) this pro- ject is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement has been obtained from adjacent riparian landowners certifying that they have no objections to the proposed work. In issuing this permit the State of North Carolina certifies that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. r applicant's signature permit otticer's signature issuing date expiration date attachments -/ " C/ l e 7 / / A" application fee I �ev GENERAL PERMIT APPLICATION INFORMATION APPLICANT'S NAME: f!J M.---ING ADDRESS: (First) (Middle) ( ast) (PERMANENT)-� STATE ��. ZIP,2 TELEPHONE:.- ;:.:. WORK ( > ` HOME (97y ) %.�(o-off%9(o CONTRACTOR'S NAME:' TELEPHONE NUMBER PROJECT LOCATION: N.C. Hwy. # SR # Road/Street Name d.. dT�,2-fncr Waterway Name S'p�v (24601C County Town Al �c v --- E2N Su . � bdivision - � PROJECT ACTIVTTIFS- PIER: Total dimensions of pier from MHW to platform (Length) (Width) 'T' or. 'L'-head platform (Length) (Width) (Number of Mooring Piles) Water depth at end of pier Number of Mooring piles F T HOUSE/BOAT LIFT: Length Width Number of Piles Water Depth BULKHEAD: 1 Total length Average distance waterward MHW 44 Maximum distance waterward MHW fl #2 Total length Average distance waterward MHW Maximum distance waterward MHW RIPRAP: Total length Base width from MHW EXCAVATION: [MAINTENANCE 'ONLY' Length Width Depth of Cut Adjusted water depth on MLW Existing water depth(s) Estimated Cubic Yards (length x width x depth/27) Type of spoil: Sand Mud Dragline Backhoe Hydraulic ADJACENT RZPARnu PROPERTY (xmm STATElLnmT I'hereby.certify that I own property adjacent to fig /ZTf�� 's property located at h, ,(Name ;of .•;Property. Owner) f (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) 'on' N.C. (Wat body) .(Town and/br County) He'•has•described tome, as shown below, the development he is proposing at'that'location, and; I have no objections to his proposal: :`----------------------------------------------------------------- DES CRIPTION AND/OR•DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: filled in b individual.proposing gdeveloPdevelopment) • J`. - • = Signature _ -Print or Type Name County of !elephone Number State Of -z/I I./_, Notary•Pu My Commission. Expires:: • 63' BvtJR1fAD -• A CRMO antujW 19'Fxom mr. LW ff Ciro= summD .3'FXOKtIm►.tuYf ifer.5 LOT 33 c CR Zd aD1X�lFI ours mvtx�ro \ dWOM ?Mime rO� OASM j, FAIRFIFLZ 14AR13CUR CLIPPER INLET 40, 40 .. PRFPAd"D Dy FOA WATERFRONT Wmj4jrrw! � ----SAMEAf_DOCX ...... Q .. - - - � _ ter. � .. �; +,� .,.�.= ,_ _ . -' ' ' • • • • k a -DST .•r.�- 4+ • . y r I s'x rr M_lx. DOcx ,;rcr.5 — Lor 3,Y 60'BULKHEAD- NO Yes *' o� y x , "' s_ a Q� M"E�i►t; �s o ti < ' , p> W. ul. J j 0 "far Yt}aas °` `c 4l < 4 �' ra"ex`4 � i�. 1\` � o � •. (10C� ¢'. ' s 3J�t � t ..ems �tg� � '� � : r' sti�*.Frf{ txy d,..,.sy j , a s. �' r �;y "rI , � n � i .N• �f Asti �j � `, � ! ` t� �,���'. t 8 NS b � t ` � ^v ,. sEo'oEl c,�, o s A, 3N11 v 9NIO-11 f1B soZ1A�3t� n 0 ,h h �t 11\M% z" M m 1 2t0�p0r� JL 1 - o N 39-az 01 : l r `A 100 .00 r 94 O..b ♦ Z'tfuJ off,. tr �',$�'"ci•" TJ +`f !�` jt sn - N d 1•.�'}� Mf_ ti i I e k' i,1"l h' +�_ys�t'."...IT7 . it "'Is'a" r a �" .r� r } N o °�t�rij s". .. r'Rv °l' �j �� �s����� �`P � ��� ����•. ..�i ��t :2+ �✓3=. tr. ol y t ;1 .� �i��W�j ',�' � v tj+ 2 a'{~ t t�-r��i-R�6k ,... t• .. J h'i {lt {d� XF s Ai}i 7i'1v `r ` z r,eTt� • �.� � ..xrr^ - r` b � Iry �µ .Y ..�;f2X�s'`'t'�'` 4'ti�: , ' ..- .. ADJACENT IZIPARTAM PROPERTY CUNER STATMENT Thereby.certify that I own property adjacent to Is property located at T: v� er , k� ¢�•,� ",;•,(Name o : •Pro .Own .. - 2 S Ice - (Lot,, Block, Road, etc.) Ton, 12 �� , in Alp4i 1�F�t� F�i� C�Ue� N.c. (Waterbody) .(Town and/or County) he is elow, the development . • •.He'• has -described to'me, as shown b ro at 'that location,, and i have no obj ections to his osin th 7 proposing ! . proposal: DESCRIPTION AND/OR -DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: To. be filled in by individual. proposing development) S,�ri � ��aw� %^f I Ayxo 4 Signature . Print or Type Name 7d'P County of JAZ�2� 'elephone Number State of( �— r } No r Publi My Commission Expires:: �01 Cr irs July 25, 1991,% Z3*9ULKMfAZ) o r 17 r jz 6 E3O S Vt :KW:,AM4 0)\ , %L 0­7 • c efiours a uzkArp zt Lor 32 TL)RNlttCj FAIRVIEL.:3 HARBOUR Id'CLIPPER INLET ......... ....so SCALC iN ,Err PoA wiTrRcjwNr commirma SAHEASDOCK 'DST 6,xzs - !44 K. Dock (.1-,Jrcr--5, — for 0 r,� UP�c�t �•`�.`'3�t (' u+ < ! N n '� : �' y� - �� . >�t � ' :� .r a� �� l�''- r• Yi ��'`r � "�,. `� tii��yn �' �`'�t j�y 19ik I:''lr � �' 3 �1�Zp�TP �'P y!� �L. � •���' f;+ Y"� �.�. Ox 7iFe Cj 4I r +>ia$cY 36—. t !2 S d Ly£££ t 5a 1 _ '� 11�r+i r " •Zp9 •b6 10 9NIa-11 ne ,oZ ` � ±g,, 'SA.71 _ n co O N * N \ o ^' N 39 4201 , a * m 2\0+p o 100 'rtit>. : .� ('.fR �...•"l ''� )�"Y �� WdVIA �, � � �?'• t ♦ „�� % Y� „�� 1 caps 0 09 � M � ],� t -� » sT iS '• ,�_ r�"i�� � �rt��� y- t''` c `�: =L` 'ire 3 of 1 j�„Q ->w,• � 3 s � T ;�`i� R '� �'� r � t•r'i1� � � � P t E.AiF, Y %• JS d r� s�!'�r.t '� I�FYci'� 7•'yt �u � .1 .Y t �r'�• ' ',,?�,i'. ° E�^PvfC 0'^•' 'y' .. �,r/ • t 'Yv PERMIT NO. 11732 CRAVEN COUNTY INSPECTION DEPARTMENT MASTER PERMIT al?-636-6607 ?c mission i5 ha:r:-iby granted co: 14r' M ,�Z� � l ADDRESS PHONE 7 y... i) A T is _. .�..� _ (i.; ...!._..v.�..._.,.____..._........._.,_. o n�sr'or 532 C, 1 the G wo.-', as c-sc'ribed, n ? `�"RHIT APPLIC-hTIO;. All 'Jor.,, Shall � . � . . �j- strict accordance w tr N,Ot?TI•i CAROLINA STATE BUILDING CODE and ? lt=?T ap p L ir-ab le :..00Al, , -%N'D F I aW5 mild OrU in- C EIS . d'rrl.l�al % to co;l.lply wi. h ti'lie`. terns of this permit way r'_sui't in tai» �- evo- C t,ti,Z7 of the "oortli t. It shin . be ;h3_.' resports i b, iI ity of' the per mi". Clo E to sclieduli1 aI I rms , g i Jing 3t ieaL; c C:IIa-'Ciay flip ice t%'} •i:.h- I N PE'CT I ON Or PAR T IIEHT . Z1.EC-R I C;AL PERMIT __. _ REFOVAT i ON FERN I T i tsiL Uxi4G PERMIT i103ILE' HOME PE'RNIT INSULATION PERrII'I' SUIMMING POOL. PERMIT _ PLU11BI NG PERMIT _— _ CAN fi PERMIT MECHANICAL PERMIT CODE BOOKS SIGN PERMIT DOCK PERMIT DEVELOPMENT PERMIT UNDERGROUND TANK PERMIT DEMOLITION PERMIT TOTAL FEES .t \,Jq '('� '?' ,h ; � 6 w "`�`� . - i 4 T t kt�a kh I, �}�5��6'�tt�t` .' �'� n ✓+ r �. {.t��.ya"�,{e�plik %�,�, j, < i � }; + }:.o ., .I tix -3;.�/ � f . � S ♦;. �- it�ik �fui.+7W5dr0."zi 4 1 }. ' ���p. �` •�e•' 'la �i l . 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