HomeMy WebLinkAbout10759_Aviation Fuel Terminal_19920507Applicant Address City 2 Proiect Lc Type of Projec CAMA AND DREDGE AND FILL GENERAL " ' k3 PERMIT No. 10759 as authorized by the State of North Carolina //QQ //'�� Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources oasta e uyEe,�,Oofnmission in an area of �a vironm�enta_l concer pursuant '- 5 NCA ar ((,,i/((jj if 7e,i%��!%�l /l Phone'Nufnber G-� � i Zip I � � nty, St to Road, Water BYdy, etc.) A ca5 S 9P i y Gr. f e PROJECT DESCRIPTIO Pier (dock) length Groin length_ number Bulkhead length 10 ax. dista wlllsh ore Basin, channel dimensions. cubic yards Boat ramp dimensions Other This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action; and may cause the permit to be- come null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to thi_ permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that 1) this pro - is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ances, and 2) a written statement has been obtained from �6-a acent riparian Ian- owners certl ying that they Piave no objections to the proposewor�'—` In issuing this permit the State of North Carolina certifies that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. (SCALE: .IV c-Z i j- plicant's signature % i i permit officer's signature / issuing dat t►/ expiration date 7/'/ �' attachments !� application fee G� •t ' f��//''!'�aa •r f"�. +.•- . � .F ,7,�ri+, �L'` f' � t1 � .. • 1• �i Yf� 1f .1. 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' rtrr !t. /�, � ?"•-'�;� _ �t°tz ` ;� �,`x�- � !• iJt�r.r. e C tip{ ;� SR�.`°tlj] 1111 a y'� t M1r s �' • 1 " o; • j'yy. ., a _�{ �'1a •�"i c)�X tJ M �1 �z{! • / � { ` �- •:i �,.�/.,, • �,� �. /l, ,�1•� 1. S f�p�f r ,y`•�r, �` ��_ ..4. ,j •�^r . . •':.;rid b �� t' �liii. {►' i. ?y 4 ;♦� �IT- IL'♦ t:CS,},j(�• f+_[ f ..x`I'4 Ilk I t,l �„� � _ �, N�. r� %� •Y'...__�- i �t���a.�� .1iv�x.t ..� J'.,q ` f' �' c � i 4i r - • �i�'_ •'-'i:(' sir b f Y t..0 ,. ij It �,( ' �i r ► t ¢ i After crossing Morehead City -High Rise Bridge turn first right from HWY onto State Road 1224 (Morgan Road). From State Road 1224 enter into Ft. Macon Road.and exit at main gate of Aviation Fuel Terminals, Inc. i TD DIKE0 D I �� (Doo 0 00 ri rA IT , �•-� ems--- M�..w. '✓ -- �I TON rUELTERX INA� INC. RADIO 1 S! AND-HAU. Fv,Q,- SKETCK 590WING 0� _r � t 2 fuel Terry; 1.5,Thc, Rud i0 is Ignd tXislln� Du�k�ego� i AVIATION FUEL TERMINALS, INC. c�/ zzL - "LC-2JLd BEAUFORT, N.C. 28516 April 24, 1992 Mr. James L. Mercer Field Representative III Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources P. 0. Box 769 Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Dear Mr. Mercer: We appreciate your rapid response to our letter dated April 13, 1992 concerning our bulkhead and also, your sending us the forms necessary for the proper permits. Enclosed herewith is, hopefully, all the information needed to get started on the permit acquisition. Again, thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, AVIATION FUEL TERMINALS, INC. Lester G. Murphy, Manag/r LGM/bp Encls. AVIATION FUEL TERMINALS, INC. BEAUFORT, N.C. 28516 April 13, 1992 Mr. James L. Mercer N. C. Department of Natural Resources & Community Development P. 0. Box 769 Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Dear Mr. Mercer: Wo are experiencing a problem within our bulkhead system and the intent of this letter is to request permission to proceed with necessary action that should correct the same. The area involved is a section directly in front of the sulphur operation and more accurately defined as being between the sulphur loading arm dock and the sul- phur barge dock, a distance of approximately 250 feet, running from north to south. We believe that additional stone rip -rap similar to the North Carolina Department of Transportation Classifi- cation Number 2, placed properly against the water side of the bulkhead, will increase stability sufficiently to stop the east to west movement and thereby eliminating a probable blow out at some later date. It is estimated that approximately 750 to 1,000 tons of the material mentioned above should be used to stop the scouring caused by a continual torque created by tugs arriving and departing with sulphur barges at the sulphur barge dock. If we are granted permission to proceed, T. A. Loving Company of Goldsboro, North Carolina will be the general contractor and the total operation would be conducted from water borne equipment. The material would be purchased from a quarry in New Bern, North Carolina, transported and placed on the site as soon as possible. 4 Mr. James L. Mercer April 13, 1992 Page 2 The area in need of repairs was reworked in the fall of 1983 under a North Carolina permit # E5-83. Hopefully you will see fit to assist us in acquiring the necessary permits to proceed. Sincerely, AVIATION FUEL TERMINALS, INC. Lester G. Murphy, Manage er� p 9 LGM/bp cc: Mr, Samuel Hunter, President T. A. Loving Company Mr. R. C. Blue, Secretary Aviation Fuel Terminals, Inc. AVIATION FUEL TERMINALS, INC. %4F 'Wale� '16� BEAUFORT, N.C. 28516 May 11, 1992 Mr. James L. Mercer Field Representative III Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources P. 0. Box 769 Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 RE: Our letters dated April 13, 1992 and April 24, 1992 Dear Mr. Mercer: Your visit to the bulkhead site at our facility on May 7, 1992 is greatly appreciated. I am sure you saw why we are so concerned about its condition and why we feel that something must be done as quickly as possible to eliminate a probable blow out. Please accept our check number 12238 for $50.00 as a deposit necessary to get the emergency permitting procedure in motion and data necessary to verify location and needs for the project. We sincerely solicit your support in this matter. Respectfully, AIVATION FUEL TERMINALS, INC. 1 ester G. Murphy, Manag r LGM/bp encIs. AVIATION FUEL TERMINALS, INC. aFT Mr. James L. Mercer N. C. Department of Natural Resources & Community Development P. 0. Box 769 Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Dear Mr. Mercer: F7 T 7 e �d APR 15 i992 BEAUFORT, N.C. 28516 72Z- 31�3-- April 13, 1992 We are experiencing a problem within our bulkhead system and the intent of this letter is to request permission to proceed with necessary action that should correct the same. The area involved is a section directly in front of the sulphur operation and more accurately defined as being between the sulphur loading arm dock and the sul- phur barge dock, a distance of approximately 250 feet, running from north to south. We believe that additional stone rip -rap similar to the North Carolina Department of Transportation Classifi- cation Number 2, placed properly against the water side of the bulkhead, will increase stability sufficiently to stop the east to west movement and thereby eliminating a probable blow out at some later date. It is estimated that approximately 750 to 1,000 tons of the material mentioned above should be used to stop the scouring caused by a continual torque created by tugs arriving and departing with sulphur barges at the sulphur barge dock. If we are granted permission to proceed, T. A. Loving Company of Goldsboro, North Carolina will be the general contractor and the total operation would be conducted from water borne equipment. The material would be purchased from a quarry in New Bern, North Carolina, transported and placed on the site as soon as possible. Mr. James L. Mercer April 13, 1992 Page 2 The area in need of repairs was reworked in the fall of 1983 under a North Carolina permit # E5-83. Hopefully you will see fit to assist us in acquiring the necessary permits to proceed. Sincerely, AVIATION FUEL TERMINALS, INC. Lester G. Murphy, Manage LGM/bp cc: Mr. Samuel Hunter, President T. A. Loving Company Mr. R. C. Blue, Secretary Aviation Fuel Terminals, Inc.