HomeMy WebLinkAbout51250_VAN HOOK, KENNETH_20081002❑ CAMA /, ❑ DREDGE & FILL p,, GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit # ❑New ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue jjjj���, Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC Rules attached. Applicant Name '"!' Project Location: County Address "j ' Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) City I State ZIP Phone # (_) Fax # Authorized Agent :__. f ElCW ❑ EW ❑ PTA ❑ PTS Affected AEC(s): ❑ OEA ElHHF ElIH [ UBA ElN/A ❑ PWS: ❑ FC: ORW: yes / no PNA yes / no Crit.Hab. yes / no Subdivision City ZIP Phone # ( ) River Basin Adj. Wtr. Body (nat /man /unkn) Closest Maj. Wtr. Body ! ME ONES ■NNE ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ MEMO ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ �■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ l ' .. 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This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that 1) prior to undertaking any activities authorized by this permit, the applicant will confer with appropriate local authorities to confirm that this project is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement or certified mail return receipt has been obtained from the adjacent riparian landowner(s) . The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this permit under the best available information and belief, certify that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. River Basin Rules Applicable To Your Project: Tar- Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules ❑ Other: tki Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules If indicated on front of permit, your project is subject to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Quality. Contact the Division of Water Quality at the Washington Regional Office (252-946-6481) or the Wilmington Regional Office (910-796-7215) for more information on how to comply with these buffer rules. Division of Coastal Management Offices Raleigh Office Morehead City Headquarters Mailing Address: 400 Commerce Ave 1638 Mail Service Center Morehead City, NC 28557 Raleigh, NC 27699-1638 252-808-2808/ I-888-4RCOAST Location: Fax: 252-247-3330 2728 Capital Blvd. (Serves: Carteret, Craven, Onslow -above Raleigh, NC 27604 New River Inlet- and Pamlico Counties) 919-733-2293 Fax:919-733-1495 Elizabeth City District 1367 U.S. 17 South Elizabeth City, NC 27909 252-264-3901 Fax:252-264-3723 (Serves: Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Pasquotank and Perquimans Counties) Washington District 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 252-946-6481 Fax: 252-948-0478 (Serves: Beaufort, Bertie, Hertford, Hyde, Tyrrell and Washington Counties) Wilmington District 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 910-796-7215 Fax: 910-395-3964 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover, Onslow -below New River Inlet- and Pender Counties) Revised 08/09/06 North Carolina Department of Environ meiltand NatUrad le.sairces �-'Ikfisinn EaFi'py. Gok.�P--J:'r Ch P.: I e a S. Jones. Di r 1) t ax �:.css J,- sr=s-ret�r: Date Applicant Name _4��5--TV4 Mailing Address (I page 1) bebalf, for tbn pu- r-nose of applying for and obtainhi - all CiV, T-A Pe'rmits neccssai7° to �-t'-" Dr cons +,r,7ct (activity) at(Iocation)—OC)('=' Thig certifte-f-ion is valid thru (date) Is;, U— n t 400 Comm—ce Avenue, Moro -ahead Citj, North Carnli-ia 28557 Phone: 252-808-2808'% FAX: 252-247-3330 \ Internet: www.ncroastalmanagement.net An Equal Opportunityamative Action Employer —50% Recycled 1 10% Past ConstjmerP2per ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT (FOR A PIERIMOORWG pHVVGSIBOATLIFTIBOATHOUSEi I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to )(E71-14 \1,� I- t�_'s (Name of Property Owner) property located at Qn (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) oni_ANA( yhr e- (a1 T AL -le (IR in i N.C. (Waterbody) WEST (Town and/or C ty) He has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. I understand that a pier/mooring pilmgs/boatli$/boathouse must be set back a minimum distance of fifteen feet (15) from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. I do not wish to waive the setback requirement. A - cpo I do wish to waive that setback requirement_ DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To befilled in by individual propaWng development) Print or Type Name Telephone Num Date: �� -r SEP-29-2008 10:56AM FROM-STUART CALWELL +3043443684 T-607 P.002/002 F-882 ADJAGENT RIP. W" PRaP `�%TY OWNER STA77IMNT (FORA PIER/�I WORINGPILING-W TLIFTIVOATE•OUSl, I hereby ccx ify that 14rwa property adjacent to 's j (Nuae of ft"erty Owner) prppezty lOcatCd at Stp.�-.� �g -p- z-r t `'� (Lot, EHodE, toad, Or-) (Waftrbody) (lyz-,.'r (ToWR and/or C ) He has describcd to me„ ss shown below. the dev4b*ment he is proposing at that locadcw, aad lhavenoobjoatiimtohislnopoml_ IuncimmadthatApierlmoog�"* must be setback a n4mhmm dit.tance of fifteen ffet (15') f rim my ar L a of riparian access unless waived by me - I dg wish to. ivaiva t}te sedowak I AS wish to wrap a that scdmck _ t _�. I#=CXU-n0N ,AlvDvOR MAWING =OFin by dr�a C � i • e S- s fs' or Type xa T�e Number Xx 9 ag I� I� Page 1 of 1 Site: 206 WHITTAKER POINT RD i 'f 55 2471 J 082-330-55 t 14 3332 J082-330-57 117 - 57 a o� -'" 190 r'3294 = _ Property Details: START 115527 UNIQUEID 5436 ACCTNUM 15782700 1 LASTNAME IVAN HOOK, KENNETH FIRSTNAME CAREOF I ETUX SANDRA H ADDR1 IF14 FORREST HILLS CIR IFADDR2 CITY KING STATE NC ZIP 27021 JPARRECNUM 1111810 NAME JIVAN HOOK, KENNETH IMAPNO J082-330-66 CONTROLNUM I PIN CLSCODE OR DISTTOWN 11 D02 INSERT J082 I DBLCIR BLOCK 1330 11PARCELNO 166 SITEADDR 11206 WHITTAKER POINT RD SITUSADDR 11206 SITUSROAD WHITTAKER POINT RD EXEMPT LEGDESCI JIBLOCK D LOT 66 SEA VISTA =ILEGDESC2 I WHITTAKER POINT ROAD TOTACRES 110 11CRNTTOTUSE 10 CRNTTOTDEF 10 CRNTLANDVA 172476 CRNTBLDGVA 153434 CRNTOBLDGV 1113788 TOTCRNTVAL 11339698 11 FIRECODE S HOUSECODE P SEWERCODE SALEAMNT 1210050 JISALEDATE 6/1/1991 SALEDATE2 1169,551 SALECODE S ROADNUM 0 PCTCOMP 100 WILLBOOK 10 WILLPAGE 110 DB PG 275/120 DEEDBOOK 11275 DEEDPAGE 11120 PLAT 8Jun MOBHOME 110 http://www2.undersys.comlscripts/testadvlusiwebpe.dlllusi?fonnis=ptmap&MouseX=O&... 9/ 12/2008 BROAD CREEK CONSTRUCTION 6387 PH.252-745-4252 66-112/531 ii CREEKVIEW CT MERRITT, NC 28556-9572 [/lair H,,?6,d Clgrkn This Buffer Authorization is not considered approved until the DWQ has received both this signed form AND the project map. Submit the requested information to: Division of Water Quality Attn: Surface Water/Buffer Program 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 By your signature below you agree to be held responsible for meeting ALL of the above listed conditions and verify that all information is complete and accurate. Please be aware, violations of the above -listed conditions are subject to civil penalty assessment of up to twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) per violation per day. is Signature CAMA General Permit Number: North Carolina Division of Water Quality Internet: www.ncwaterquality.ore 943 Washington Square Mall Phone: 252-946-6481 Washington, NC 27889 FAX 252-946-9215 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled110% Post Consumer Paper D NorthCarohna Naturallb, ate William G. Ross Jr., Sec,etary North Carolina Department or environment and Natu.;al Resources Coleen H. Sullins,,Cirector Chuck Wakild, Deputy Director BUFFER AUTHORIZATION CEFITIFICATE FOR PIER ACCESS A riparian buffer authorization is required for an approved access way through the Tar -Pamlico & Neuse River Riparian buffer per Division of Water Quality (DWQ) regulations 15A NCAC 0213.0233 & .0259. Activities covered by your Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) permit are deemed to have a Buffer Authorization from the DWQ as long as the project can meet ALL of the conditions listed below. If ALL of the avoidance and minimization guidelines listed below cannot be met, a separate buffer authorization request must be submitted using a Pre -Construction Notification (PCN) application to DWQ at the address below. A PCN application may be obtained on the DWQ site http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/wetiands.htmI- Any questions regarding this process should be directed to the wetland/buffer staff of the DWQ in the Washington Regional Office at 252-946-6481, or the 401 Oversight Unit in the Raleigh Central Office at 919-733-6893. A written authorization from DWQ MUST be received prior to any construction activities in the riparian buffer, including land clearing. Failure to secure a Buffer Authorization prior to construction &/or land clearing shall subject the property owner & the party (contractor) performing the construction &/or land clearing to a civil penalty of up to $25,000 per day per violation. ❑ Pier access must cross the riparian buffer perpendicularly (which is defined as between 75 and 105 degrees). The alignment should also be located to minimize the removal of woody vegetation to the greatest extent practicable. ❑ Walkway/access shall be made of pervious materials like open -slatted wood, mulch, or grass. The use of impervious materials like concrete, pavers, or gravel will require a PCN review and a separate Buffer Authorization. A request for an impervious walkway shall include a justification of need. ❑ The width of the access is limited to six (6) feet or less. A width of greater than 6 feet wide shall require a PCN review and a separate Buffer Authorization. A request for an access greater than 6 feet shall include a justification of need. ❑ Please submit a project map of your property indicating the location of the pier and any requested walkway/access. North Carolina Division of Water Quality Internet: www.ncwatergaality.or� 943 Washington Square Mall Phone: 252-946-6481 Washington, NC 27889 FAX 252-946-9215 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper NorthCarolina Natimally