HomeMy WebLinkAbout51282_NC DOT_20081222❑CAMA / ❑ DREDGE & FILL GENERAL PERMIT ❑New ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC Previous permit # Date previous permit issued Applicant Name LJ Project Location: County Address Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) i City '' State '' ZIP Phone # (` t' -) J I Fax # ( ) Authorized Agent Affected ❑ CW ❑ EW ❑ PTA ❑ ES ❑ PTS AEC(s): ❑ OEA ❑ HHF ❑ IH ❑ UBA ❑ N/A ❑ PWS: ❑ FC: ORW: yes / no PNA yes / no Crit.Hab. yes / no ❑ Rules attached. Subdivision City ZIP R' Phone # ( ) River Basin Adj. Wtr. Body (nat /man /unkn) Closest Maj. Wtr. Body ®®■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■��■■ ■■:■:■■■■ ■■■■■r■■r■��■■r��■■tee:�r./�i■■Y�9l19�1�1■�iJ ■■■■a■■■■■■■■ ■■■���■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■�!■■■■�i;iY■�■■�i■�iil■■i�Ll■L�■■CIO■Li ■■■®a■■®�®■�■i■■■■■���■■®■■■■■■■■■■ a■:iote ::::;;::::::::� �■ on back regarding River Basin rules. Agent or Applicant Printed Name Signature Please read compliance statement on back of permit Application Fee(s) Check # Permit Officer's Signature Issuing Date Expiration Date i Local Planning Jurisdiction Rover File Name I Statement of Compliance and Consistency This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the permit to become null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that 1) prior to undertaking any activities authorized by this permit, the applicant will confer with appropriate local authorities to confirm that this project is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement or certified mail return receipt has been obtained from the adjacent riparian landowner(s) . The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this permit under the best available information and belief, certify that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. River Basin Rules Applicable To Your Project: ❑ Tar - Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules ❑ Other: ❑ Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules If indicated on front of permit, your project is subject to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Quality. Contact the Division of Water Quality at the Washington Regional Office (252-946-6481) or the Wilmington Regional Office (910-796-7215) for more information on how to comply with these buffer rules. Division of Coastal Management Offices Raleigh Office Morehead City Headquarters Mailing Address: 400 Commerce Ave 1638 Mail Service Center Morehead City, NC 28557 Raleigh, NC 27699-1638 252-808-2808/ 1-888ARCOAST Location: Fax: 252-247-3330 2728 Capital Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 919-733-2293 Fax: 919-733-1495 (Serves: Carteret, Craven, Onslow -above New River Inlet- and Pamlico Counties) Elizabeth City District 1367 U.S. 17 South Elizabeth City, NC 27909 252-264-3901 Fax: 252-264-3723 (Serves: Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Pasquotank and Perquimans Counties) Washington District 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 252-946-6481 Fax: 252-948-0478 (Serves: Beaufort, Bertie, Hertford, Hyde, Tyrrell and Washington Counties) Wilmington District 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 910-796-7215 Fax: 910-395-3964 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover, Onslow -below New River Inlet- and Pender Counties) Revised 08/09/06 CACAMA / ❑ DREDGE & FILL JI` 014 �) Z GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# �Y<ew ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment and Natural Resources y 7 -7 C 0 and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC s ( i [mules attached. it :c Applicant Name. � �- � Project Location: County ff;'VA'Wkc _-!- Address J �-� +� P !f f "^ �f 'yam Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) 1 y� +^ �•� t <� I)°"` City W� wVr3�-ai^ State ZIP�y�f cC'itd.�rl �Sr��� ����SP]Y(.if.zf2tf) Phone # ('1110) '-J- `r_7)_4Fax, # (_) Subdivision Authorized Agent s afo n Y.'") eQjn � City 0 ���,r -1 r!`` yy� ,_1ZT'r ZIP n� ❑ CW ❑ EW ❑ PTA ❑ ES ❑ PTS Phone # O River Basin rr-� Affected j p AEC(s): �IOEA � HHF El ElUBA ❑ N/A Adj. Wtr. Body `' ' l a`"�f c ' C_ hat,/man /unkn) ORW: yes / no PNA yes / no Crit.Hab. yes / no Closest Maj. Wtr. Body Type of Project/ Activity (Scale: �11A ) Pier (dock) length Platform(s) r r Finger pier(s) N'T'_-r,_T- T- - .. Groin length4 number Vp1 a � Bulkhead/ Riprap length avg distance offshore f fI � aC max distance offshore G. Y • __ - - - Basin, channel - - ---- 1 �- -- - j� cubic yards -v r Boat ramp { - -- - - - -- - -i --- j - - Boathouse/ Boatlift - ! +LG t / 0 Q �%rc i 1J r'�Pl>� )ek IN gi Z Beach Bulldozing Other I x ° CI y`sc�tt _ j� �Z�' - <<� - -% �i d�- : Shoreline Length r -I aif 1 11d Y►t J �- I T O- } � i---- - - SAV: not sure yes no fir---�-------- - +- � --;--- ---- Sandbags: not sure yes no Moratorium: n/a yes no - -T — -- 1--' - - --- I. Photos: es no I Waiver Attached: ye no------ - - _� t --- -- -- - 0 A building permit may be required by: rc ✓n Q l See note on back regarding River Basin rules. Notes/Special Conditions r ;�'` Sc"IarP,`�cas�c� C wi .14' jo'r d'�l 1 I 116 I dL��C 4Gs `C�i i�f C-1 S�ci vJ L, � f rkC�ul�— � �i � :' �—� +��"�t-"l tae�� C ?:.iri} _ s Agent or Applicant Pi 048 ame S -�- Please read compliance statement on back of permit" Application Fee(s) Check # Permit0 cer's Signature 0Z«Lww aa,;)-o0e T"" "x-)J'7100 Issuing Date Expiration Date rJ e e '\ J jj . � l� Local Planning Jurisdiction Rover File Name IVA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley, Governor James H. Gregson, Director William G. Ross Jr., Secretary December 29, 2008 NC DOT Mason Herndon 124 Division Dr. Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Mr. Herndon Attached is General Permit #51282 C to install 225'of sandbags to protect public road, Immediately East of Charlotte Street along SR 1888 (2nd street). Ocean Isle Beach, NC In order to validate this permit, please sign the permit as indicated. Retain the white copy for your files and return the signed yellow and pink copies to us in the enclosed, self-addressed envelope. If the signed permit copies are not returned to this office before the initiation of development, you will be working without authorization and will be subject to a Notice of Violation and subsequent civil penalties. We appreciate your early attention to this matter. Sincerely, Stephen Lane Coastal Management Representative lsb Enclosures 400 Commerce Avenue, Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Phone: 252-808-2808 \ FAX: 252-247-3330 \ Internet: www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Emplover— 50% Recyded 110% Post consumer Paper THIRD STREET ? £LGE OF 11Y /77r I j ! I I if I 1 ! PRsmirNARY LAYOUT OF SANDBAGS RECONSTRUCTTON t I DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTTON i----------------------fA BLDG 0L1;9t.'; BLDG BLDG ULL 3881 .__..._. _........_.. -'tRiarFIC�k7 =_ . ...r.... t � I .'� -_ �� So.CD' aar a aar . aor n aor s ro, n aor n i r W .®Fs.w iwET 1 1 q}GR ..._. "�-.. n.uao woo Dona .a.auuso>, Dona •uuuso. onEu .uuusw aona ..auusa aa« .uuvsa+ oocu .uwrvm I 1 t i SECTION .1700 - GENERAL PERMIT FOR EMERGENCY WORK REQUIRING A CAMA AND/OR A DREDGE AND FILL PERMIT 15A NCAC 0711.1701 PURPOSE This permit allows work necessary to protect property and/or prevent further damage to property caused by a sudden or unexpected natural event or structural failure which inuninently endangers life or structure. For the purposes of this general permit, major storms such as hurricanes, northeasters or southwesters may be considered a sudden unexpected natural event although such storms may be predicted and publicized in advance. History Note: Authority G.S. 113-229(cl); 113A-107(a),(b); 113A-113(b); 113A-118.1; Eff. November 1, 1985. 15A NCAC 07H .1702 APPROVAL PROCEDURES (a) Any person wishing to undertake development in an area of environmental concern necessary to protect life or endangered strictures will notify the Division of Coastal Management or Local Permit Office (LPO) when a possible emergency situation exists. (b) The applicant may qualify for approval of work described in this permit after an onsite inspection by the LPO or Division of Coastal Management Field Consultant and upon his findings that the proposed emergency work requires a CAMA and/or Dredge and Fill permit. The LPO shall issue the permit if the required emergency measures constitute minor development. (c) Once the LPO or Consultant determines that the applicant's proposed project may qualify for an emergency permit, he shall consult with the applicant and assist him in preparing an application. The applicant shall include a sketch showing existing conditions and the proposed work. (d) The applicant for an emergency permit must take all reasonable steps to notify adjacent riparian landowners of the application, and prior to receiving a permit will certify by signing the permit the following: (1) that a copy of the application and sketch has been served on all adjacent riparian landowners, or if service of a copy was not feasible, that the applicant has explained the project to all adjacent riparian landowners; (2) that the applicant has explained to all adjacent riparian landowners that they have a right to oppose the issuance of a permit by filing objections with the local CAMA permit officer or with the Secretary of the Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources; (3) that, as to adjacent riparian landowners not contacted, the applicant s made a reasonable attempt to contact them and furnish them with the required information. (e) All work authorized by this general permit will cease after thirty days from the date tfissuance. History Note: Authority G.S. 113-229(cl); 113A-107(a), (b); 113A-113(b); 113A-118.. Eff. November 1, 1985; Amended Eff. May 1, 1990. 07H .1703 PERMIT FEE The agency shall not charge a fee for permitting work necessary to respond to emergency temporary erosion control structure is used. In those cases, the applicant shall pay a ($400.00) by check or money order made payable to the Department. History Note: Authority G.S. 113-229(cl); 113A-107(a), (b); 113A-113(b); 113A-118. Eff. November 1, 1985; Amended Eff. September 1, 2006; August 1, 2002; March 1, 1991; On 15A NCAC 07H .1704 GENERAL CONDITIONS (a) Work permitted by means of an emergency permit shall be subject to the following I ,ns except in the case when a fee of four hundred dollars ; 113A-119; 1, 1993 (1) No work shall begin until an onsite meeting is held with the applicant and appropriate Division of Coastal Management representative so that the proposed emergency work can be appropriately marked. Written authorization to proceed with the proposed development can be issued during this visit. (2) No work shall be permitted other than that which is necessary to reasonably protect against or reduce the imminent danger caused by the emergency to restore the damaged property to its condition immediately before the emergency, or to re-establish necessary public facilities or transportation corridors. (3) Any permitted erosion control projects shall be located no more than 20 feet waterward of the endangered structure. (4) Fill materials used in conjunction with emergency work for storm or erosion control shall be obtained from an upland source. Excavation below MHW in the Ocean Hazard AEC may be allowed to obtain material to fill sandbags used for emergency protection. (5) Structural work shall meet sound engineering practices. (6) This permit allows the use of oceanfront erosion control measures for all oceanfront properties without regard to the size of the existing structure on the property or the date of construction. (b) Individuals shall allow authorized representatives of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources to make inspections at any time deemed necessary to be sure that the activity being perfonned under authority of this general permit is in accordance with the terms and conditions prescribed herein. (c) There shall be no unreasonable interference with navigation or public use of the waters during or after construction. (d) This permit will not be applicable to proposed construction where the Department has determined, based on an initial review of the application, that notice and review pursuant to G.S. 113A-119 is necessary because there are unresolved questions concerning the proposed activity's impact on adjoining properties or on water quality; air quality; coastal wetlands; cultural or historic sites; wildlife; fisheries resources; or public trust rights. (e) This permit does not eliminate the need to obtain any other state, local, or federal authorization. (f) Development carried out under this permit must be consistent with all local requirements, CAMA rules, and local land use plans, storm hazard mitigation, and post -disaster recovery plans current at the time of authorization. History Note: Authority G.S. 113-229(cl); 113A-107(a),(b); 113A-113(b); 113.4-118.1; Eff. November 1, 1985; Amended Eff. December 1, 1991; May], 1990; RRC Objection due to ambiguity Eff. May 19, 1994; Amended Eff. August 1,1998, July 1, 1994. 15A NCAC 07H .1705 SPECIFIC CONDITIONS (a) Temporary Erosion Control Structures in the Ocean Hazard AEC. (1) Permittable temporary erosion control structures shall be limited to sandt and parallel to the shore. (2) Temporary erosion control structures as defined in Subparagraph (1) protect only imminently threatened roads and associated right of ways, E systems. A structure will be considered to be imminently threatened ii right-of-way in the case of roads, is less than 20 feet away from the ei located more than 20 feet from the erosion scarp or in areas where there also be found to be imminently threatened when site conditions, such as erosion, tend to increase the risk of imminent damage to the structure. (3) Temporary erosion control structures may be used to protect only the pr septic system, but not such appurtenances as gazebos, decks or any amei to the erosion setback requirement. (4) Temporary erosion control structures may be placed seaward of a septic to relocate it on the same or adjoining lot so that it is landward of o protected. (5) Temporary erosion control structures must not extend more than 20 feet protected. The landward side of such temporary erosion control structu 20 feet seaward of the structure to be protected or the right-of-way in t placed above mean high water )f this Paragraph may be used to nd buildings and associated septic 'its foundation, septic system, or, osion scarp. Buildings and roads is not obvious erosion scarp may a flat beach profile or accelerated )al stricture and its associated that is allowed as an exception stem when there is no alternative in line with the structure being ;t the sides of the structure to be shall not be located more than case of roads. (6) The permittee shall be responsible for the removal of remnants of all or portions of any damaged temporary erosion control structure. (7) A temporary erosion control stricture may remain in place for up to two years after the date of approval if it is protecting a building with a total floor area of 5000 sq. ft. or less, or, for up to five years if the building has a total floor area of more than 5000 sq. ft. A temporary erosion control structure may remain in place for up to five years if it is protecting a bridge or a road. The property owner shall be responsible for removal of the temporary structure within 30 days of the end of the allowable time period. A temporary sandbag erosion control structure with a base width not exceeding 20 feet and a height not exceeding 6 feet may remain in place for up to five years or until May 2008, whichever is later, regardless of the size of the structure it is protecting if the community in which it is located is actively pursuing a beach nourishment project as of October 1, 2001. For purposes of this Rule, a community is considered to be actively pursuing a beach nourishment project if it has: (A) been issued a CAMA permit, where necessary, approving such project, or (B) an ongoing feasibility study by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and a commitment of local money, when necessary, or (C) received a favorable economic evaluation report on a federal project approved prior to 1986. If beach nourishment is rejected by the sponsoring agency or community, or ceases to be actively planned for a section of shoreline, the time extension is void and existing sandbags are subject to all applicable time limits set forth in Parts (1) through (15) of this Subparagraph. Sandbag strictures within nourishment project areas that exceed the 20 foot base width and 6 foot height limitation may be reconstructed to meet the size limitation and be eligible for this time extension: otherwise they must be removed by May 1, 2000 pursuant to Part (15) of this Subparagraph. (8) Once the temporary erosion control structure is determined to be unnecessary due to relocation or removal of the threatened structure or beach nourishment, it must be removed by the permittee within 30 days. (9) Removal of temporary erosion control structures shall not be required if they are covered by dunes with vegetation sufficient to be considered stable and natural. (10) Sandbags used to construct temporary erosion control structures shall be tan in color and three to five feet wide and seven to 15 feet long when measured flat. Base width of the structure shall not exceed 20 feet, and the height shall not exceed six feet. (11) Soldier pilings and other types of devices to anchor sandbags shall not be allowed. (12) Excavation below mean high water in the Ocean Hazard AEC may be allowed to obtain material to fill sandbags used for emergency protection. (13) An imminently threatened structure may only be protected once regardless of ownership. In the case of a building, a temporary erosion control structure may be extended, or new segments constructed, if additional areas of the building become imminently threatened. Where temporary structures are installed or extended incrementally, the time period for removal under Subparagraph (7) shall begin at the time the initial erosion control structure is installed. For the purpose of this rule: (i) a building and septic system will be considered as separate structures. (ii) a road or highway shall be allowed to be incrementally protected as sections become imminently threatened. The time period for removal of each section of sandbags shall begin at the time that section is installed in accordance with Subparagraph (7) of this Rule. (14) Existing sandbag structures may be repaired or replaced within their originally permitted dimensions during the time period allowed under Subparagraph (7) of this Rule. (15) Existing sandbag structures that have been properly installed prior to ay 1, 1995 shall be allowed to remain in place according to the provisions of Subparagraphs (7), (8) and (9) of this Paragraph with the pertinent time periods beginning on May 1, 1995. (b) Erosion Control Structures in the Estuarine Shoreline, Estuarine Waters, and Public Tnist AECs. Work permitted by this general permit shall be subject to the following limitations: (1) no work shall be permitted other than that which is necessary to reason bly protect against or reduce the imminent danger caused by the emergency or to restore the damaged property to its condition immediately before the emergency; (2) the erosion control structure shall be located no more than 20 feet water and of the endangered structure; (3) fill material used in conjunction with emergency work for storm or erosion control in the Estuarine Shoreline, Estuarine Waters and Public Trust AECs shall be obtained om an upland source. (c) Protection, Rehabilitation, or Temporary Relocation of Public Facilities or Transportation Corridors. (1) Work permitted by this general permit shall be subject to the following limitations: (A) no work shall be permitted other than that which is necessary to reasonably protect against or reduce the imminent danger caused by the emergency or to restore the damaged property to its condition immediately before the emergency; (B) the erosion control structure shall be located no more than 20 feet waterward of the endangered structure; (C) any fill materials used in conjunction with emergency work for storm or erosion control shall be obtained from an upland source except that dredging for fill material to protect public facilities or transportation corridors will be considered in accordance with standards in 15A NCAC 7H .0208; (D) all fill materials or structures associated with temporary relocations which are located within Coastal Wetlands, Estuarine Water, or Public Trust AECs shall be removed after the emergency event has ended and the area restored to pre -disturbed conditions. (2) This permit only authorizes the immediate protection or temporary rehabilitation or relocation of existing public facilities. Long-term stabilization or relocation of public facilities shall be consistent with local governments' post -disaster recovery plans and policies which are part of their Land Use Plans. History Note: Authority G.S. 113-229(cl); 113A-107(a),(b); 113A-113(b); 113A-118.1; Eff. November 1, 1985; Amended Eff April], 1999; February], 1996, June 1, 1995; Temporary Amendment Eff. July 3, 2000; May 22, 2000; Amended Eff. August 1, 2002. _1 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS LYNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR December 17, 2008 Stephen Lane NC Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce Ave. Morehead City, N.C. 28557 Dear Mr. Lane: SECRETARY SUBJECT: Request for CAMA GP 1700 Authorization to repair additional sandbags at SR 1888 (Second Street), Ocean Isle Beach, Brunswick County. State Project # DF12203.2010010, UN Debit Work Order The North Carolina Department of Transportation by copy of the enclosed plan sheet, permission letters and adjacent property owner notifications is requesting authorization under CAMA General Permit 1700 to place additional sandbags along Second St. (SR 1888) on Ocean Isle Beach in Brunswick County. As a result of Tropical Storm Hanna, the existing 352 ft sandbag structure along SR 1888 has been severely damaged and additional erosion has either damaged or is currently threatening the roadway west of the existing damaged sandbag structure. NCDOT in cooperation with the Town of Ocean Isle, FEMA and private property owners is proposing to rebuild and modify 285 ft of the old sandbag structure to restore public access to property on the north side of Second St. NCDOT is proposing to rebuild this portion of the sandbag structure and roadway under CAMA Maintenance exemption G.S. 113A-103 as discussed in our field meeting held on November 25''. However, as mentioned above, there is also damaged and threatened roadway to the west of the old structure that requires sandbag protection and roadway repair. The new proposed sandbag structure will extend from the previously authorized structure 225 ft west and terminate at the Town Of Ocean Isle property at Charlotte St. as shown in the attached plan sheet. We have provided a method of debiting S400 to be submitted to CAMA for processing the general permit, as noted in the subject line of this application. We are also by copy of this application, is providing courtesy notifying to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that NCDOT is proposing to complete this work under GP 48. If you have any questions or need additional information please contact me at (910) 251-5724. Sincerely, Mason Herndon Division 3 DEO cc: Brad Shaver, Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District 124 Division Drive, Wilmington, NC 28401 PHONE: (910) 251-5724 FAX: (910) 251-5727 1U BLDG o L9 k I 4 a I — V 48B) --------._...._....— p—...._........:.._..- 1M �oM+ of pB -�- }� :HW;arff. Sitkl.......... ..I .: - -- EDGE OF PAVEMENT _-- _ ---' PREI.VWMOY MYOUT OF SANDBAGS RECONSTRUCTION DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION BLD- BLDG NULLOT 0 a 0pT0 I OOEtIIRL-4m WEIOT I L On.WYSOM I OOELL O.LUYSaN I WELL Mt"sw I WELL 101 EL.Y I 90ELLLaeU- T 4 I LOT rKiUFLLAY rE - SO �k I w BLDG y� BLOC � �• WE 0 12/17/2008 11:05 7065572017 RAY BOYD Lt�-1'r-ed0E3 09 2B DIV 3 0-,PICE i I STATB or' NOKTH CAROLNA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MIC14AEL F. EASLEY DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS I_YNDO TIPPBTT GOVERNOR SELIFTAAY November 25, 2009 Mr. RNtym.ond O Boyd 56M R mwell Rd Suite 300 North Atlanta. Georgia 30342 Dear Mr, Boyd; PAGE 02 91P_2<15�27 P.02/92 This letter is requesting you to authorize the North Camhha Department of TTwisportation to apply For a CAMA permit to place sandbags adjacent ti and along your property locatod on Second Street at Ocean Isle Beach, (Section A, Block 72, I at 10) in order to pmtoct an cxisting sheet and right of way at that location. Please sign below whert indicated aak now ed$iug receipt; and authorization. Also please return this atuhoriwion in the enclosed srlf addressed stamped envelope or fax it to me at (910) 2.51-5727. Sincerely, Maroon Herndon Division 3 EnviTownental Supervisor 1, Raymond O Boyd, do hereby acknowledge receipt and "pmace of this notification. Dated:____ Signed: 0 124 Division Drirr., WH="gtoo. INC 22Q1 rts0,N1: p1r> 2S1d714 FAX (1119) 2AJJn? 71DTRL a.02 DEC—I?-2008 09:31 7065572017 98% P.02 STATE oF NORTH CAROUNA DEPARTM DU OF TRANSPORTATION IUC AEL F. PAR" DrYWON OF MHWAYS Ly. D= TPP'ETT GOVERNOR SOMMARY November 23, ZOOS Mr. Odell WUHamgm 2 Cameway Dr. Ocean Ide Bewrcb, NC 29469 Dear Mr. Wilii&mson: This Jew is requesting ycra m MWm= the Noah Carolina Dcptunent of Transposiatic a to apply % a CAMA permit to place swd begs a6wa t to and along yow 1 y lid on Sacoad Street st Ocean kk Beech, (Sac bm A, Block 22, Lot 11, 12 & 13) m order to Protect an existing sbW and rift of way at dw location. Please sign below where m&caaed 6*wwkdWg receipt sad sWhori Also please return this auffictiz1fion in the enclosed self addressed sUmVW envelope or fax it to me at (910) 251- 5727. sbxmvly, Masan Homdm Division 3 &Vmvisor L Odell VViil}ienasoa, do hereby ackmWiedge Dates: lit �Y xmmmmmjmWW% IN%.. iOWAi tHa(L p>A 1Si 7U FAX- A1" ZI-W" DEC-22-2008 10:44 DIU 3 OFFICE .Y 9102515727 P.02 SANDBAG To WhOTP Tt May Concern: 1 OVA NOTICE O TICE I, N C D 10, also acting as an authocizcd a cnt on behalf of _. R4yooaed 6.4 and Ndl am applying for a CAMA General _ Permit to place sa)-idbags as a temporary erosion yonirol, stnictuze in front of our property located at SA I s"�' is the tow of oc:en,, :r--r/.,- ec..l 1 havereadthe specifications in 15A. NCAC 711.1700 and understand that the sandbags may remain in place for tip to yca.rs after the elate of permit approval. I understand that I will be resp nsiblle for removing the sandbags within 30 days after that period or at any time that they are deter)„ined by DC.M staff or its agent to be unnc cssar� duc to relocation or removal of the structurc. X Will also be responsib c for removing any darn aged sandbags during the period they are aut orized to be in place. I also understand that the removal of the sandbags shall not be required if at the specified date for rQ moval they are delen-nincJ by DCM staff to be covered by dunes with vegetation suffic;icrt to be considered stable and natural. '1 A13THORTZED SIGNATURE: DATE: 17�2 - C7 K --- nor .a� �c�c,ra IV: 7a 96% P.02 TOTAL P.02 DEC-22-2008 10:44 DIU 3 OFFICE 9102515727 P.01 r • • F Nc Department of Transportation ti Division 3 124 Division Drive Wilmington, NC 234a1 *oqr Of1ics:910-251-5724 'floe"' Fax; 910-251-5727 F� airiiUe' .. To: der. v3v1 t Fax: -2,52 ` U From; Data: Z-- 2 4�a A- CCive •� CC: I - Ci Urgent ❑ For ReMew ❑ Please Com t ❑ nleasa Reply Q Please AecWle