HomeMy WebLinkAbout13929_ARRINGTON, ROY_19941227I CAMA AND DREDGE AND FILL GENERAL `` 13929 PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources and the.Co-stal Resources.Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC! Applicant Name Phone`IVumber Address City r State .�' . t zip., P Project Location (County, State Road, Water Body, etc.) _ ♦ m _ , Type of Project Activity PROJECT• Pier (dock) length jk r I number Bulkhead length rrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrr r distance offshorerN' • . - ■ rf . r MEN ■ ■rrrrrrrr ■ ■ This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, ' applicant's signature imprisonment or civil action; and may cause the permit to be- come null and void. { This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer's signature permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that 1) this pro - is consistent with the local land use plan and all local issuing date a expiration date nances and 2) a written statement has been obtained from +..�`. adjacent riparian landowners certifying that they have no % r objections to the proposed work. attachments In issuing this permit the State of North Carolina certifies that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal application fee Management Program. i- �s� -Q�� C,13�2q MEMO DATE: 1 /4 /95 TO: John E. Bugg, Attorney SUBJECT: Permit Fee - CAMA Enclosed you will find your Check #7228 which represented the permit fee for a CAMA Permit forMcConkey, Colony, and Arrington. Please be advised that Mr, Doug Harris pre -paid for the permit (#GPC-13929). If you have any questions, please contact our office and ask for Jim Mercer (919) 726-7021. Thank you, Diana Hall, Secretary CAMA Enclosure From: +.`,�C' "r` ,�>, „� !G,11�Y• � � /'1 - -i � I _ n ✓i1 � 1 Y1 :1 I ' i1 N1 �i � YY1 /1 M1 � /1 Y C Y11 I 1 ✓/� M �Y1 /'1 M JOHN E. BUGG, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW CIENENTTURA BANK DUT-.n� n 2; .a 7228 UNIVERSITY OFFICE PARK, SUITE 160 66 es-,,• 411 ANDREWS RD. 383-9431 DURHAM, NC 27705 12 /22 /94 PAY TO THE Dept. of Environment, Health & Nat. Res. ******50.00 ORDER OF Fifty and DOLLARS Application Fee MEMO McConkey, Colony, Arrington 0007 2 2811' 1:0 5 3 1008 501:0 7000 r, E 4 18o r V Dou 4 ryV yfams - 5 --- L 2102130 -VN 241-72-6710 7660 P O Box 3006 919-240-1272 229 Bayview Blvd Atlantic Beach,28512 V r� 30I531 PAYTOTHE / ORDER OF CITIZEI�►S �► .�Rs t�� CLU: BANK flrq C111iM1 Bprlk 6 4N Cq MofM�oO Cl�h/NC 755,57/ FOR �:05310030D�:13173969t a 766 � olwtugp r6az -- = M I r.—. DEC 2 8 1994 APPLICATION TO ALLOW BEACH BULLDOZING LAND _ OF THE MEAN HIGH WATER MARK IN THE OCEAN HAZARD AEC The Applicant, Samuel A. McConkey, Jr., an Owner of that certain property along N.C. 58, Salter Path, North Carolina, Tax Map 13-36A-3-9, hereby applies for a permit to allow beach bulldozing to reconstruct or repair the frontal and/or primary dune system with reference to his property. My permanent mailing address is: Post Office Drawer 189 Morehead City, NC 28557 My site location is as described above, namely, Carteret County Tax Map 13-31A-3-9. The dimensions of my project area would be as follows: My property consists of approximately 100' of frontage. I would propose to have sand bulldozed from between the mean high and low tide lines (approximately 150') to restore the frontal dune system of my property to that which existed prior to Hurricane Gordon. This would consist of restoring my frontal or primary dune whereby it would be extended approximately 25' to 30' southward towards the ocean with an approximate 1.5' to 1' slope. The riparian property owners adjacent to me (Roy V. Arrington to the west and Colony By the Sea to the east) have given their written consent indicating they have no objection to such restoration work. Finally, enclosed is a check in the amount of $50.00 for my permit fee. If there is anything further needed, please contact Mr. John Bugg at 919-383-9431. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in this matter. With kindest regards, I am Yours truly, ue A. McConkey, Jr j Enclosure APPLICATION TO ALLOW BEACH BULLDOZING LANDWARD OF THE MEAN HIGH WATER MARK IN THE OCEAN HAZARD AEC The%Applican*may W. Arrington;. an owner of that certain property known as Lot 3, Block B of the Hoffman Beach Subdivision, Map Book 3 at Page 15, Carteret County Registry (Tax Map 13-36A-3-2), hereby applies for a permit to allow beach bulldozing to reconstruct or repair the frontal and/or primary dune system with reference to his property located at Salter Path, Carteret County, North Carolina. My permanent mailing address is: 2224 Walker Avenue *Greensboro, NC 27403 My site location is as described above, namely, Lot 3, Block B, Hoffman Beach Subdivision, Map Book 3 at Page 15, Carteret County Registry. The dimensions of my project area would be as follows: My property consists of approximately 135' of frontage. I would propose to have sand bulldozed from between the mean high and low tide lines (approximately 150') to restore the frontal dune system of my property to that which existed prior to Hurricane Gordon. This would consist of restoring my frontal or primary dune whereby it would be extended approximately 25' to 30' southward towards the ocean with an approximate 1.5' to 1' slope. The riparian property owners adjacent to me (Bobby Womble to the west and Lee S. Brown to the east) are going to have similar bulldozing work done to their property and have given their written consent indicating they have no objection to such restoration work. Finally, enclosed is a check in the amount of $50.00 for my permit fee. If there is anything further needed, please contact Mr. John Bugg at 919-383-9431. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in this matter. With kindest regards, I am Y 1 Roy W: ' gton Enclosure APPLICATION TO ALLOW BEACH BULLDOZING LANDWARD OF THE MEAN HIGH WATER MARK IN THE OCEAN HAZARD AEC The Applicant, 40y By the -tea, an owner of that certain property along N.C. 58, Indian Beach, North Carolina (Tax Map 13-36-1-11), hereby applies for a permit to allow beach bulldozing to reconstruct or repair the frontal and/or primary dune system with reference to such property located at Indian Beach, Carteret County, North Carolina. Our permanent mailing address is: Past- OfficeBox 264 ($*ter Path, NC 28575 Our site location is as described above, namely, Carteret County, Tax Map 13-36-1-11. The dimensions of such project area would be as follows: Our property consists of approximately 290' of frontage. We would propose to have sand bulldozed from between the mean high and low tide lines (approximately 150') to restore the frontal dune system of our property to that which existed prior to Hurricane Gordon. This would consist of restoring our frontal or primary dune whereby it would be extended approximately 25' to 30' southward towards the ocean with an approximate 1.5' to 1' slope. The riparian property owners adjacent to us (Samuel A. McConkey, Jr. to the west and Windward Dunes to the east) have given their written consent indicating they have no objection to such restoration work. Finally, enclosed is a check in the amount of $50.00 for my permit fee. If there is anything further needed, please contact Mr. John Bugg at 919-383-9431. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in this matter. With kindest regards, T_ am Yours very truly, COLONY BY THE SEA By: l Carl Stevenson, Manager Enclosure 12/27/1994 09:11 919-3939771 BUGG & WOLF Pis PAGE 02 APPLICATION TO ALLOW BEACH BULLDOZING LANDWARD F N JflgH WATER MARK IN THE OCEAN HAZARD AEC The Applicant., Samuel A. McConkey, Jr., an Owner of that certain prrgerty along N-C. 58, Salter Nth, North 0aroluaa, Tax Map 13-36A-3-9,1wreby applies for a permit to allow beach bulldozing to reconstruct or repair the frontal and/or primary dune- system with reference to his property. My pennanent trailing address is: Post Office Drawer 189 1V omhead City, NC 28557 My sitelocation is as described above, namely, Carteret County Tax Map 13-3 t A-3-9. "lire dimensions of my project area would be as follows: My property consists of approximately 100' of frontage. I would propose to have sand bulldoard from between the mean high and low tide lines (approximately IMY) to restore the frontal dune system of my property to that which existed prior to Hurricane Gordon. This would consist of r�,s-toring my frontal or primary dune whemby it would be extended approximately 25' to 30' southward towards the ocean with an approximate 1.5' to I'slope. The riparian property owners adjacent to me (Roy V. Arrington to the west and Colony By the Sea to the east) have ,liven their written con-g-,w indicating they have no objection to such restaration work. Finally, enclosed is a check in the amount of $50.00 for my permit fee. If there is anything further needed, please contact Mr. John Bugg at 919-383-943`1. bank you for your cooperation and astance in this r_ratter. With kindest regards, I aim Enclosure Yours trL�l ae ey, Jr�.'" �-1 lo2l27/1994 09:11 919-3839771 BUGG & WOLF PA PAGE 01 SuoG & 'W'oLj?, P. A. A.7701?NX YS AT Law Sulwil 160, 13N)VERSITY OFYIGE PARK JOHN E. BUO(I 411 A3mRmras ROAD JAY K WILAERSON DxinnAM, NORTH CAROLIN,A 2-7705 WZLLYAM J WOLF FAG SIMILE TRANSMISSI N TO: Mr.,JIa Mercer FROM: John E. Bugg, FACSIMME NCI.: 919-247- DATE: _ December 27, 1"4 POST OFFICEDQX 281I D tinuAm. No RTR CA$OLIN4k 27715 TELr-PwmgA (91o) auu-9431 Trr—H dPIBR (PAP) 383.9771 PHIS TRANSNIISSION TOTALS 2 PAGES (Including Coversh+eet) OfiginW to follow by mail: x._. -__ Yes Ho The material transmimed and communicated IAA min ("communication`) is intended only for the use of the ivdividussl or ca ity to wbicb it is addressed a W way coatailA iniortl>ation that constitutes work ptoduct, or is subject W attorney client Ovilep. or is cadantial and exempt from any disclosure under applicable law. If the ruder of this commmtication is not the itlteltded recipient, or the employee or Mgent responsible tar detivrsing ibis communication to the inter r=XV'p1�Fx4,. you an hereby notified that any dissemination, distribuG.vu or ng of this coy MQX.ai.ca6CM is strictlymet PrObibited- If you have received this counicatiorl in error, plewsc nn 't im(media(tely by td*booc and return the original message to us at the above address via the U.S- Postal Selvlce- Tbsok yoa- N MSAGE; c 12/22/1994 10:06 919-3839771 BUGG & WOLF PA PAGE 01 SouN E. Buoo JAY M. W1LKISRSON W1aa.xax J. Wou, TO: Hvca & V► oLi,, PA. A-rr0R2iEX5 AT LAW SUSTE 19o� uwT..v) RSTrY c grrxc8 PARR 411 ANDR.E" ROAD Posx Opvj )r� Box 281t l)xJoHA1f2, jr10R'Xu fAROI.rKA 27705 DuxzmAm, NORTH CAAOLTNA 27715 TE1r8PHON8 (910) 393.9431 TVj.zcopjnx l01101 303-0771 FA SIMILE 'TRANSMISSIONN CONFlIl►EN rUL ( ) Mr. Jim Mercer FAGSINME # 919-247-3330 FROM: Johaa E. Bugg, Esq. DATE: December 22, 1994 MUSH () THIS TRANSMISSION TOTALS I0. __ PAGES Original to fellow by mail. F_ Yes —No The material transmitted and coom oicated herein ("communication') is ititeaaded only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed, and may contain. Wor oration that constitutes work product, or is subject to attorney client privilege, of is confidential and exempt froiadi any disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this communication is not the intended recipient, or the ewployce of agent responsible tot delivering this communication to the imended recipient, you are hereby aodred that any dissemination, dimibuhonor copying of this communication is strictly p iWbitcd. If you have received this commuunic>ttion in error, please notify us immediately by telephone and return the original message to us at the above address via tbee U.S. Postal Service. Thank you. ** Check will accompany original in mail. 12/22/1934 10:06 919-3839771 BUGG & t4OLF PA PAGE 02 Jokrx E, BUGo JAY M. wILWEINSONl wIL[.xAM J. WOLF im BUGG & Woix, P A. ,A,TJCo'2WRYS AT LAW SUx-rr 1aa, UXIVLVRSITT OrFICE PARR 411 ANDIRYM 15 ROAD I)U,RI:IAM, KORTH GAROLTWA 27705 MEMORANDUM PosT orrXCH Box 2elI DURHA.M, NoRTU GnROLINA £77j5 TELEPHONE ('9.19) 3OU-6431 T$LEG rzzlk 1919Y 303-9771 Via TekwDier & U.S. Mail W. Jim Mercer, Department of Environment, Health & Natural Resources, Division of Coastal Manageulent FROM: John E. Bugg frl�ltlt December 22, 1994 Beach BuHdoziag, Salter Path, NC Please find enclosed the followirng docutnents: (1) A sketch of the properties with respect to which we intend to perform thw reclarnation work. (2) Applications to be filed on behalf of Womble, Bugg, Brown, Arrington and Colony By the Sea. Also enclosed is my firm's check in the amount of $200.M for these four (4) applications. Sant McConkey has been out -cif --town, but if he decides to join with us, then I would assurne he could handle the filing of his own application with you. (3) "Acknowledgements of No Objections" executed by the Windward Dunes Condomioiums and Ed Vick who are the adjacent riparian property owners to the east of Colony By the Sea and to the west of Bobby Womble, respectively. I would appreciate you reviewing the enclosed and advising of any additional documentation or clarification which you feel we need_ We are hoping to schedule this work to be performed between Christmas and New Yeazs- Many thanks for your cooperation and assistance. JED/ps Enclosures 12/22/1994 10:06 919-3839771 BUGG & WOLF Pry PAGE 03 APPLICATION TO ALLOW BEACH BULLDOZING LANDWARD OF THE. MEAN 1UGH WATER MARK IN THE OCEAN HAZARD AEC The Applicant, robe E. Bugg, an Ow.aer of that certain prrpeny known as Lot 5, Block B of the Hoffman Beach Subdivision, leap Book 3 at Page 15, Carteret County Registry (Tax Map 13-36A-3-4), hereby applies for a pemdt to allow beach bulldozing to trconstnict or repair the frontal and/or prhna.ry dune system with r9efereuce to his property located at Salter Path, Carteret County, North Carolina. My permanent mailing address is: 411 Andrews Road, Saute 160 University Office Park Durbam, NC 27705 My site location is as described above., namely, Lot 5, Black B, Roffman Beach Subdivision, Map Book 3 at Page 15, Carteret County Registry. The dimensions of my project area would be as follows: My property consists of appmxumtely 155' of Rage. I would propose to have sand bulldozed from between the mean high and low tide lines (approximately 150) to restore the fzantal dune system of my property to that which existed prior to Hurricane Gordon. This would consist of restoring my frontal or ptimary dune wh=by it would be extended approximately 25' to 3V southward towards the ocean with an approximate 1.5' to Y slope. The riparian property owners adjacent to me (Bobby Womble to the west and Lee S. Brawn to the east) axe going to have sinnilat' bulldozing work done to their property and have given their written consent indicating they have no objection to such restoration work. Finally, enclosed is a cheek in the amount of $50.00 for my permit fee. If there is anything further needed, please contact me at 919-383-9431. 'X'hank you for youz cooperation and assistance in this matter. With kindest regards, I am Yo very truly, -q Jo 6. B�gg IEB/ps Enclosure 12/22/1994 10:06 919-3835771 BUGG & WOLF PA PAGE 05 APPLICATION TO ALLOW BEACH BULLDOZING LANDWARD OF THE MEAAT GH WATfsIt RR IN Y'IE OCE N HA ltD AEC The Applicaz CW ner of that certain property known as Lot 4, Block H of the Hoffman Be t i ula ivision, Map look 3 at Page 15, Carteret County Registry (Tax Map 13-36A--3-3), hereby applies for a permit to allow beach bulldozing to reconstruct or repair the frontal and/or prinmry dune systenn with refetence to her property located at Salter Path, Carteret County, Notch Carolina My permauetnt rnailing address is: 1305 E. Mulberry Goldsboro, NC 27530 My site location is as described above, namely, Lot 4, Block B, "off -man Beach Subdivision, Map Book 3 at Page 15, Carteret County Registry. The dimensiO $ of MY project area would be as follows: My property consists of apploximaWy I55' of fmntag - I would propose to have sand bulldozed from between the mean high and low tide lines (approximately I W) to restore the frontal dune system of my property to that which existed prior to Hurricane Gordon. This would consist of restoring any fronmll or primary dune whereby it would be extended approximately 25' to 30' southward towards the ocean with an apProximate 1.5` to I' slope. The riparian property owners adjacent to nw (Bobby Womble to the west and Lee S. Brown to the east) are goring to have similar bulldozing work dome to their property and have given thei.z written consent indicating they have no objection to such restoration work. Finally, enclosed is a check in the amount of $50.00 for zny permit fee. If there is anything further needed, please contact Mr. John Bugg at 919-383-9431. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in this matter. With kindest regards, I am Yours very truly, E� Qe � (Mts.) Lee S. Brawn Enclosure 12/221'1994 10:05 919-3839771 BUGG & WOLF PA PAGE 07 FFb_T1 Panasonic FGX '�STLi"1 Pi-CNE �. fir. 10 1944 06:17FM P1 12/ 1 "PI y94 d w1 �--183977, E7 aGG 3, ! )QLF' PA P4GE R.ti APPLXCATtON TO ALLOW SLkCH BULLD071NO LANDWARD qF THE iE'�'Al�t HIQH WA'T� M R� ' ]yxe Apple, h 7' afcamble, an OwneT of dW cat't bi proVcr,y known ss Lot 6, Moak B of the Hoffm-,m Beach Subdivision, Map Book 3 at ftge 15, CaTtcrtt CountY RegiM (TIX Map 13-36A-3-5). hemby apv)l es for a pemlit to allow beach bulldozing to recon.strud *r f4*1 the froTtW s>mifit ptitnary dune :system with raefwence to 1,6 pdoperty lxzted at utter path, c hrw" County, Nonh t~ amli na. my p erbrtwmi mailing address is: tvly site location is 3s descriW above, namely, Lot b. Block fi, "O ftmm Bosch Subd,v,sicm, Map Sauk 3 at Page 15, Cart Cc�tutty liegistrX. I7ae d3m,crtsiotae of mY project am would bra as follows: My propcxty consists of appm%LT e►taly 155' of frontage. I would ptogose to have sand bulldozed from bowveen the mean high alid low tide lints (sPPmximnttly 15t7) to testom the frontal dum $yvew of my property to thiv wbiGh existed phor to Hurlicane Gordon. 'This waAM aotrsift of rovortaig my frontal or primary clone whereby it would be extended Opptvximately 25' to 30' soutbward towarda the ocean with an apptoximatt 1.5' to I' S[ope. "Tile rigaAm propeny owners adjacent to me (C. Edwin Vick, Sr. to the west and John S& $ugg to the east) have given their written content indicsting they havc no objection to such restoration work. Finally, emlowed is a bheok in the attmotmt of $50,00 fbT my Pvmit fee- If there is anrAjng fiuther ncedca, pieasa conW4 Mt. John Bugg at 919-383-9431. Thank you for yocu cooperation and asaiimce in this mauler. With ki>uleA regardq, I wn Youts very ply. 16a�� OPWIA- Bobby Womble Encloswe 12/22/1994 10:06 919-3839771 BUGG St WOLF PA PAGE 04 APPLICATION TO ALLOW BEACH BULI.DOZIKG LANDWARD OF HE IFAN 11IGH WA TE MARK IN JIM AN IiAZARP ,AEC The Apphicat ,w-� an owner of that certaut property known as Lot 3, Blu,k B of the Hoffman Beach Subdivision, Map Book 3 at Rage 15, Carteret County Registry (Tax Map 13-36A-3-2), hereby applies for a pem dt to allow beach bulldozing to WonstruCt or mpair the frontal and/or primary dune system. with reference to his property located at Salter path, C ntmt County, North Caroli-M My permanent n wiling address is: 2224 Walker Avenue Giroensboro, NC 27403 My site location is as described above, namely, Lot 3, Block B, Hoffman Beach Subdivision, Map Hook 3 at Page 15, Carteret C� cnm Registry. The dunensions of my project ama would be as follows: My property consists of approximately I-W- vf° V ge• I would propose to have sand bulldozed irom between the inean high and low tide lines (approximately 150`) to restore the frontal dune system of My property to that which existed prim to Hurricane Gordott. This would consist of restoring my frontal or p6 mary dune whereby it would be extended approximately 25' to 3(Y southward towards the ocean, with an approximate 1.5' to i' slope.. The ripanan property owners adjacent to zne (Bobby Womble to the west and Lee S. Brown► to the east) are going to have similar bulldozing work dome to their property and have given their written consent indicating they have no objection to such restoration work. Finally, enclosed is a check irx the amount of $50.00 for my permit fee. If there is anything fiutber needed, please contact Mx_ John Bugg at 919-383-9431. Thank you for your CoopeWion and assistance in thus matter. With kindest tegards, I am Ao) � rr ' on Enclosure 12/22/1994 10:06 919-3839771 BUGG &WOLF PA PAGE 06 APPLICATION To ALLOW BEACH BULLDOZING LANDWARD ()F THE MEAN CrII WATER 1V1ARi{ iN THE OCE N IiAZARD AEC The App�a W an owner of that certain property along N.C. 58, Indian Beach, North Carolina (Tax Map 13-36-1-11), hereby applies for a permit to allow beach bulldozing to teconstruct or repa:ur the frontal andfor primary dune system with reference to such property located at Indian Beach, Carteret County, North Carolina. Our perms ent mailing address is: post Office Box 264 Salter Path, NC 28575 our site location is as described above, nar'lely, Carteret County, Tax Map 13-36-1-11. The dirnensions of such project area would be as follows: our property consists of Y`,2WDf fitwtage. We would propose to have sand bulldozed froxn between the mean high and low tide lines (approximately 150') to restore the frontal dune systm of our proPertY to that which existed prior to Hurricane Gordon. This would consist of restori A& our frontal or primary dune whereby it would be extended appzoximately 25' to V southward towards the ocean with an approximate 1.5' to l' slope. The ripadm property owners adjacent to us (Samuel A. McConkey, Jr. to the west and Windward Dunes to the east) have given their written consent indicating they have no objection to such restoration work - Finally, enclosed is a check in the amount of $50.00 for MY permit fee. If there is anything further needed, please contact Mr. John Bugg at 919-383-9431 _ Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in this matter - With Idndest regards, I am Yours very truly, COLONY BY THE SEA By: Cart Stevenson, Manager Enclosure 13ro E*V Kira' yy .. CI { r I3Pi DCE,RAI nt GI:Ct'cl„e I'rrfvn..�i�..� i boo 1 < 7-9f' 7 w 0 3> i p m ,^ I railptd- 12/22/1994 10:06 919-3839771 BUGG & WOLF PA PAGE 09 Derembez 13, 1994 Acknowle dement Qf No Objection Department of avijronment, Health & NatuiW Resoumes Division of Coastal Nlamgement 3441 Abell StMet Ma&e Fisheries Building Morehead City, NC 28557 Gentlemen: I atn the owner of Lot 7, Block B, Hofftn:an Beach Subdivision, Map Book. 3 at page 15, Carteret County Registry, which is immediately west of and adjacent to the property of Bobby Womble which I understand to be Lot 6, Black B of the Hofft= Beach Subdivision. As an adjacent riparian property owner, this is to confirm that l have no objection to Mr. Womble s proposed bulldozing work which he intends to do insofar as the reconstruction or restoration of his ftmtal and/or primary dune system as a result of the erosion damage which recently occur-ed this fall in connection with high water caused by Hurricane Gordon. Yours very truly Vick, cc: Mir. Bobby Womble Mr. John F. Bugg 12I2211994 10:06 919-3839771 BUGG & WOLF PA PAGE 10 December 13, 1994 A,cknowledament of No 0)ectaon DepartmMt of Environment, Health & Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management 3441 Arendell Street Marine Fisheries Building Moorhead City, NC 28557 Gentlemen: This is to confirm that the Windward Dunes Condomi-aiums property, which is immediately east of and adjacent to the Colony by the Sea Condominium complex, is an adjacent riparian property owner to the Colony by the Sea property. Tbjs is also to confirm that the Windward Dunes has no objection to the proposal of Colony by the Sea to perform bulldozing work which it intends to do insofar as the reconstruction or restaTation of their frontal and/or primary dune system ,as a result of the erosion darnage which recently occurred this fall in connection with high water caused by Hurricane Gordon. Yours very truly, WINDWARD DUNES By: Manager CC.' Colony By the Sea Mr. John B. Bugg