HomeMy WebLinkAbout12083_VISION CABLE COMMUNICATIONS, INC._19931012rnAen erJfl no[nr[ enin [uI • Applicant Name - Address 1. City s +' Project Location ( c GENERAL . ,. PERMIT N - Cft as authorized by the State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources and t e Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NCAC ! Pone Number l nty, State Road, Water Body, State Type of Project Activity L . 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION SKETCH Pier (dock) length t---_ Groin length number Bulkhead length max. distance offshore Basin, channel dimensions cubic yards Boat ramp dimensions Other This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action; and may cause the permit to be- come null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that 1) this pro- ject is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement has been obtained from adjacent riparian landowners certifying that they have no objections to the proposed work. In issuing this permit the State of North Carolina certifies that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. Zip (SCALE: p \ applicant's signature permit officer's signature issuing date attachments 1 16 application few.,- s expiration date Vi -1 n Cable 0f - 500 Vision Cabl MDrive pC1ty o. Box 990 CHECK rvo. Q 13184 Newport, N.C. 28570 CHEMICAL BANK 52 BROADWAY NEW YORK, N.Y. 10004 PAY TO THE ORDER`iiJiY�l', F OF DATE 10-11-93 AMOUNT E**50,00 D•E•H.N.R. L u� 3 — 013184��� 1• .0 2 1000 l 28i: 3 2 s"'00 3 j, ?11m L2 210 TO : MOREHEAD CITY ~--REF-23—'9K WED 13:21 M E,10 OF COASTAL M5MNT TEL N0:(919) 33-1495 V355 POS lf1i ! rtttJtCT •/�11 t ��f~ t+G Cam✓ Cl�. •���� r4k7t! sa •rw �, �1 .••t i 1 ARTERET ■.aca.r,e•r ro.r COUNTY r rvu' •� O PROPOSED CABLE MOSSR40 RADIO ISLAND TO BEAUFORT CARTM T COUNTY. N.C. is MS04 CABLE Co►r WVNICATtONS• INa P. 0. Box 990 NEWPORT..NORTH CAIROUNA >b000 o >nm .mo .000 CENWRY/von Desert. IT M.001SMnNG ENdNECRS & PLMNERS .R71 r1 •r10 !>RLT, R.1MTT:>rl ir.C. 204M Alb! f M-3-N�I r,alr 11 ��Y*"m TO: MOREHEAD CITY --- SEP-29—' 93 I,ED 13: 21 I D : D I V OF COASTAL MGMNT TEL NO: (919) 733-1495 U-755 P09 - • Y Marti �o M N � ♦ ti r, w' i�L.a"— PROPOSED CABLE CROSSING RADIO HAND TO BEAUFORT CARTERET COUNTY, N.C. P. VISION CAMX COUMLINICATM% INC. P. 0. BOX 990 NEWPOfM NORTH CAROUNA 'bP soo r00 ivo o sro too auUc 1--400' MTCENTURY/von Oesen CONSULTHC EN9MMS & PLANMRS roe Na1117 TMO 1lKL� mmwmcrow, w.G "jw R tar xs-ein rar (nq 'M)-aat SHY. 2 TO: MOREHEAD C I TY -. .- SEP-29-'93 kED 13:22 ID:EIV OF COPSTHL M3MNT TEL NO=(919) 732-1495 "355 P10 -----_. ONE STORY FRAWE BLDC OLU DOCK HIGHWAY MGHT Or WAY AND CONCRETE TOL£ GENTERl1NE OF 0VFitt1EAD POSER lIUE 4X4'X4� 6.78 PIT NCit FENDER BJ4PE7i S g'rJIL JP.P --FENDER TELE. RISER `f b 3 PROPL tD (:ABtE Gt7MaJ[i tiiEFS 1 OUSHES o' (9Cf YROFiIE BCLOI� cowl KZutRo WAL1 U.S. 'Hwy. #70 DE GRAYN PAUL. BRIDGE m PLAMt 0 1"s100' ():-D DOM ASPHALT ��M 5+ 6 ENT PAVEMENT Vk W Li -a Lid L W Lw o t11 -14 M _la -22 ALM — az � N cv u6LIL n �to J n I � 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+0G PROFILE BENCH MARK: 1'-1 2IZOWAL USC&C UONUMENT "X 112" SET IN 1"-10' VERTICAL TOP OF ABUTUFNT AT SOUTHWEST COR14ER 4r7 BRIVOE EL1_V. 15.82 M~ S-L. ""POSED OUR" T ✓1 .f �o h G r p o wj I 1 i 1 I �+00 5+00 0 PROPOSED CABLE CROSSING RADIO ISLAND TO BEAUFORT CARTERET COUNTY, N.C. VISION CABLE COMMUNICAMONS, INC, P. 0. BOX 990 NEWPORT, NORTH CAROLINA 0 25 50 too 200 54-'ALE- 1" � 100' 1l.AY 26. 1993 L-TmCENTURY/von Oesen CONSULTING ENGINEERS & PLANNERS 05 NOF:TN "RD STR£ET, VALMt( OMN. tr_C. M402 PNONC: (919) 763-041 FAX; (919) 7E3-4186 SHFCT 3 TLC : MOREHEAD CITY SEP-29-'93 WED 13:23 ID:DIV OF COASTAL MGMNT TEL NO:(919) 733-1495 9355 P11 HIGHWAY ROW 8f MAY AND tfMTERUNE OF CVM CAD PO►ER lN1E COOCKIF POLE (sm pfmnL( 8aQw) 'f 4 u ��► NOW OR FORaRL AUSTM y cm 4'X4'X4' GONG. RrMNWG WALL U.S. HWY. #70 Ln r i i of:) 7+00 8*00 PROFILE y+0p —.1. 1'_100' HORIZONTAL 1"-10' VERTICAL 1900MARK: USCG MONUMENT 'X 112" SET IN TOP OF ABUTMENT AT SWTHWEST CORNER OF BRIDGE ELEV. 15.82 M.S.L. —10 -14 fsr, — 22 —26 AATWrLrr -j00 10+00 11 +00 11 7B PROPOSED CABLE CROSSING RADIO ISLAND TO BEAUFORT CARTERET COUNTY, N.C. FOR VISION CABLE COMMUNICATIONS. INC. P. 0. BOX 990 NEWPORT. NORTH CAROLINA 0 25 50 100 200 SCALE- 1" . 140' UAY 26, 1993 TMCENTURY/von Oesen CONSULTING ENGINEERS & PLANNERS •DS NORTN ViRD STREET. MIIMH57 M, N.C_ 284M POONL (919) 763—b141 FAX (919) 763-4100 SHEET 4 TQ : MOREHEAD CITY --SEP-29-193 WED 13:26 ID:DIV OF COASTAL MGMNT TEL NO:C9191 733-1495 4355 P15 Photo 7: View of east pit Berea, lWkirg west_ w�R lb� Vie 4OW TO : MOREHEAD CITY '- REF-29` 93 4ED 1 7-: 24 1 D: D I U OF CDASTAL Mu11[,T TE,- NO: C919j 733-1495 W355 P1 Photos 3 and 4: views of area of Gallants Channel where buried cable will be placed, looking east. m J.� ' _ .t- ' _ `qw�, ' _ - j ��-.. �~ � a5rb • •fit -• . � �� � � � / Ste; .. _ L . -.�� � �.- ' •a y' . � .• .�t._�!� .. Ots;7;''�•�� ` �.� • aH-1i'w JCe j io. y:',,,. ,•• ��„ rev P 431'070 171 RECE11"T FOR CERTIFIED MAIL. ;;:'` ,': •. Ma �nsuwKt cartes Ma�oFo . , • AYIT f0A nNTIeNATi0e4 NElal .. � Sew 10 Mr. RiChlTd'C. Flowers "Y,C%Txp Glenn RDlid ., a p Rlorft-!� engPLridt NC 28557 Postage S PS Fora( 3809, June 1985 • IIAAl.Q. trllW"71l qq O n Q v n o e CD Fr Quo N 00 P 431 D70 173 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL Fq Welp rF N f"Rwrfr PRD%"m N0f 108 eNTF19MA710AML FIML lSae PgVerspl Semi INT. William F, Blankle P'. 8. Box 8QI Po, S"Io M+d ZNP Code Beaufort. N-C Pnstxp S Cen/ud Pee Speomf Ocliven Fnc' Re%Wx1gb 1 Dwlwnry Fee Relwn Peca+pr snow ng to vham and [kve DNwened Rm,n Recopi showxtg to whom. 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