HomeMy WebLinkAbout10922_General Permit_19921028Applicant P Address _4 City Project Loc IZAMA AND DREDGE AND FILL„ GENERAL ��/ may'' PERMIT ^1) NT9 10922 as authorized by the State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources and a tal R o mission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NCAC Phon��u'inber,���� State`•Road, War Body„ etc.) Type of Proje6v,Activity 4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Pier (dock) length Q>]� a i Groin length. number Bulkhead length `ax. distance offshore Basin, channel dimensions cubic yards Boat ramp dimensions Other SKETCH This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine imprisonment or civil action; and may cause the permit to b come null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to-thr permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that 1) this pro - is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ances, and 2) a written statement has bee . ed from ascent rivarian Tn-Jo-wne— rs certi!' v� in2� that thev have no In issuing this permit the State of North Carolina certifies that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. State ' Zip (SCALE:' ;al' ) applicant's signature permit otttcer's�signature Z-CZ�4.jz� issuing date/ '-• //) expiration d5— ate attachments • or) application fee r` L- ; ' ox/ ,:�Ta `/ - Z v �Z c?..AW ,firer • 60 i A � &,I!�S� psi 6� faar TO /? i✓ L c FT o jv D;,ei C,e ` e- R �6-6 -.(- fd i s 9,,* lz eyvt7 yt� Cs o ,Oo c,� o •v ! - s ��•v/° •eTjs- �h ic4 is 1�-cIXA��.,,T y 7-0 sb oz O1 ,s;i GENERAL PERMIT APPLICATION INFORMATION r ICANT'S NAME: 4/ p &z q L /, � C � I//� ; d� S #ILLING (First) (Middle) (Last) ADDRESS: tL_9 7 (PERMANENT) Al F 6c, 46 vQ % STATE /2, C ZIP TELEPHONE: WORK (2t� ) HOME CONTRACTOR'S NAME: 6- CIVE Q,`G GS �S'CL TELEPHONE NUMBER PROJECT LOCATION: N.C. Hwy. # y SR # Road/Street Name AAcs 0� 7 A Waterway Name fin u'l "o-7 Sv �/u� County C,#g 7" e7 Town CRCtJ 1Ai•6-1¢S7 Subdivision nti;�lrl�G ice✓ Hli-y:Z PROJECT ACTIVITIES: PIER: Total dimensions of pier from MHW to platform (Length) (Width) i 'T' or 'L'-head platform 2 0� (Length) (Width) (Number of Mooring Piles) Water depth at end of pier 3 Number of Mooring piles 1-9 4kT HOUSE/BOATLLIFT: Length ) V , Width % D ,X7 41 7414 la;d Number of Piles _ C Water Depth BULKHEAD: #1 Total length Average distance waterward MHW Maximum distance waterward MHW fit Total length Average distance waterward MHW Maximum distance waterward MHW RIPRAP: Total length EXCAVATION: [MAINTENANCE 'ONLY'] Base width from MHW Length Width Depth of Cut Adjusted water depth on MLW Existing water depth(s) Estimated Cubic Yards (Length x width x depth/27) is Type of spoil: Sand Mud Dragline Backhoe Hydraulic OTHER STRUCTURES: I vl a °� t J/ Fr DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 41 WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS f.� PO. BOX 1890 / WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 IN REPLY REFER TO Regulatory Branch December 31, 1992 Wetland Determination, Action ID. 199300808 Mr. Gene Riggs Route 5, Box 675-B Newport, North Carolina 28570 Dear Mr. Riggs: On November 24, 1992 Mr. Mickey Sugg of my staff met with you on your property located off Highway 24, in the southeast corner of intersection with S.R. 1141, adjacent to Bogue Sound, in Gayles Creek, Carteret County, North Carolina. The purpose of this site visit was to inspect the property for waters and wetlands subject to Department of the Army (DA) permitting authority and to discuss your proposed plans to place fill material on your property. The site investigation revealed that waters and wetlands subject to DA permitting authority exist within the area on your property that you proposed to place the fill material. During the site visit, Mr. Sugg established the wetland/upland boundary by using pink flagging. He explained that any activity that takes place landward of the boundary would not require any Federal permits. However, issuance of Department of the Army authorization must precede any placement of excavated or fill material waterward of the flagged alignment in Section 404 wetlands on your property. Any unauthorized activity would be a violation of Federal law. Enclosed is a copy of a Wetland Determination Form, providing specific information obtained at stations on your property. The data on this form support the presence of wetlands on your property in accordance with the criteria set forth in the 1987 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Wetland delineation Manual. If you have any questions or comments, please address them to Mr. Sugg, Regulatory Branch, Wilmington District, at telephone (919) 251-4466. Sincerely, Vne Wrig ie Regulatory Branch Enclosure ,g -2- Copies Furnished (with enclosure): Mr. Thomas Welborn, Chief U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Region IV Wetlands Regulatory Unit 345 Courtland Street, NE. Atlanta, Georgia 30365 Mr. John Dorney Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 MEMO DATE: — TO: SUBJECT: �^H SPATEo� 3 1 M From: North Carolina Department of Health, and Natural Resources Environment, �Jg Printed on Recycled Paper %�°z: C �� �_„ %6;