HomeMy WebLinkAbout7873_W B MCLEAN ESTATE AND EXECUTRIX PAXOR M HOLZ_19901203' N Y Applicant Name Address City Project Locatior CAMA AND DREDGE AND FILL 7873 T GENERAL --� �/ / 27,3 PERM I ,.^. L? e 2 ." P rP D authorized by the State of North Carolina, / i � / (Aiss:ionP(T Department of Natural Resources and Community Development a th stal Re s in an area of environmental concer ;pursuant to 15 NCAC Phone Number r � ouun\ty, State Road Type of Project Activity Body, etfi•) iA mil%I/l/llJ PROJECT DESCRIPTION SKETCH (SCALE: ) Pier (dock) length F7 / OZ-d GSA Groin length /�X number Bulkhead length Q T ax. distance offshore Basin, channel dimensions �) ` �J �� / /C;/� ` ! /,i/� •�� cubic yards ts(// Boat ramp dimensions 7�r—% Other 9/ 9 72 &, ,7r) / This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site j drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any / { [.� violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, 244, imprisonment or civil action; and may cause the permit to be- ;, ap licant's signature come null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the` — permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that 1) this pro- 0 is consistent with the local land use plan and all local nances, and 2) a written statement has been obtained from adjacent riparian landowners certl ring that they have no o jec ions o pose work. i permit otncer-s signature issui g date expiration date attachments,7 //(//P 14V In issuing this permit the State of North Carolina certifies that ��� this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal application fee — Management Program. • 114- IL 4e''' !.3 w< it �x IV D G A {= A }- .7- �- J T 1 t 1=X��T/N T r,N s / f3&C-k side, bT- f e Al T • �� MG J, 1,4 Al Hb4s&' 11UW11CI.Nl' RIPARIAN 1'1101'1•Z1'1'y M411•.11 1 hereby cerLity t11aL I own property adjacent Lo�;, e 's property located at (lo block, rood, etc.) Oil in , N.C. (venter body) (town and/or county) Ile has described to me as slKMI below the development lie is proposing at that location and I have no objections to his proposal. I wderstand that this pier/bulkhead/structure must be setback a minimum distance of 15 fee (circle on") from my area of riparian access wiless waived by rne. I do do not wish waive tliat setback requirement. (circle one) #AAAAAAR#AAAAA####AAARAAAAAAAA*#*A**ARA***A*#A*#RAMAAAAAAAA*AA#*AAA AAA*A* � Unecriptlon and/or drnwing of proponed devolopmen (to be f iiid in by individual pr ooing development) �• r W p7' �� �• r ,yogis AAMRAAAAAARAA*AAAAAAAA#ARAAAAAAARA*AA*AAAA*AAAAAAA#AAAA Signature Name Phone Nun AAAAAAA*A ALUACEM' 11111AIt111N 1'ItUI'I-3t'1'y C7Pli llat � 1'lYl'L1.jj.j.rl, i hereby certify Ulat I owl property adjacent Lo j�4y�� / l Is property loca Led at 90 p (lot, block, toed, etc.) on �- in N.C. (water body) (town and/or county) lle leas described to me as shown below the development lie is proposing at that location and I have no objections to his proposal. I understand that this pier/bulkhead/structure must be set back a minimum distance of 15 fe t I (circle one) frun my area of riparian access unless waived by me. I do do not wish to waive that setback requirement. (circle one) ##AAA######**AAAA#####*AAAA******ARRRARRA**A*RR*R*AAA*****ARAARARAAAMRAR�R Unecriptlon and/or drnwing or proposed devolopmenti ( o be filled In by Individual propooin devel4 moot) i i AAAAAAAR v r At � v �d *A*AAARRAARRR#*AARRA/M*A#A�RAR Signature N�vne _ mone NuiJxer 11LUACl'1,11' RIPAItINJ 1,1101,l•]t•1'Y (Xlillal ,;'1'1ITI11;LP1' 1 hereby certify tl►at I own property adjacent to _15g A1T 115�40, 4GS a 's property located at Oi2-Ua (lot, bl_ock, roed, etc o►l.) in _� �,.�. �f.. , N . C. ( nter body) (town and/or county) lie has described to me as spawn below the development he is proposing at Uiat location and I have no objections to his proposal. I understand that Uiis pier/bulkhead/stricture must be set back a minimum distance of 15 feet (circle one) frun my area of riparian access w►less waived by me. I do do not wish to waive that setback requirement. (circle one) ##ARAA*R##**##****R*RkR**#R#*####*#**R*#*R*##***R*R****#****A#*#***#R***## Unncription and/or drnwing or proponed developments (to he rllied in by indlvidunl propooing development) Signature Name Throne Nuil)er ALUAC'I111' RIPA11111IJ I'IIUI'I]i'1'Y U4AII;IZ S'1'l�'1'LI11�11' At I hereby certify tliat- I own property adjacent to Is proporty located at (lot, block, oad, etc.) Oil in , N.C. ►.nter body) (town n►►d/or co►►nty) lie has described to me as shown below the develolxnent he Is proposing at Lhat location and I have no objections to his proposal. I uliderstand that this pier/bulkhead/structure must be set back a minimum distance of 15 feet (circle ono) frun my area of riparian access w►less waived by me. I do do not wish to waive teat setback requirement. (circle one) #AAAAAAR#A#A#AA###AAkkRRA#AAA##A#AAR#RA#AAAAA##AA#RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#AAAAAAA Uoncriptlon and/or drntiing or proponed devolopmor►t► (to he ruled in by indlvldunl propooing developmont) 30 x lq, r Q e /v T > ��ad� N r- � \Y' ARAAAAAAAAAA#AAA RAAAAAARAAARRAAAARAAR#AAA�A�*RAAAAA#AAAARAA AAAAAAA - rw SrqnaLure Name Fzfzz Phone NLnid,er