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016-24 CMT - Conch LLC
017-24 CMT - Hatzopoulos, Joseph
017-24 KDH - Pfeifer, Cynthia
020-24 CMT - Culbirth, David and Pattie
023-24 CMT - Clarke, Rebecca
026-24 CMT - Husted, William
027-24 - Grinnan, Susan
028-24 CMT - Shayner, Robert
029-24 GRD - McCann, Andy
030-24 CMT - Martha Wood Beach Cottage
031-24 CMT - Parsons, Julie
03-24 KH - Jackson, George
04-24 AY - NENC Properties
05-24 SS - Lancsek, Michael
05-24AY - Dare County and Stumpy Point Community Center
06-24 KH - Hoag, Suzanne
06-24 SS - Cicconi, James
06-24AY - Wilson, Michael and Susan
07-24 KDH - Bharat Patel (Wingate Inn)
07-24 KH - Lewellyn, Steve
07-24 SS - Birdsong, Sandra
07-24AY - Flaherty, Morgan and Abbie
07-24AY - Lambert, Robert & Kerry
08-24 KH - KH4220 LLC
09-24 KH - Thompson, Rudy
10-24 KH - Morabito, Joseph and Letitia
11-24 KH - Seward, Chris and Pam
11-25-2024A RR - Town of Kitty Hawk
12-24 KH - Ashworth, Jeffrey
13-24 KH - Rhodes, Joseph
15-24 KH - Thompson, April and Tommy
16-24KH - Page 43 LLC
17-24 KH - Cochran, Mark
2021-12 - Kosman, Katherine
2023-38 (MOD) - Stinger, Robert
2024-1 - Summs, Mark
2024-11 - Roth, Steven and Lory
2024-2 - CSZ Construction
2024-21 MOD - W. M. Rich LLC
2024-3 - Narutowicz, James
2024-4 - Handerhan, Gregory and Brenda
2024-5 - Kenefick, Francis
2024-6 - Mudgett-Reed, Linda
2024-7 - Likpchak, Benjamin and Sands, Jessica
2025-01 - W.M. Rich, LLC
2025-02 - Spencer, Paul
2025-03 - Miller, Shannon
2025-10 - Scott James and JL Morris Construction
2025-4 - Rose, Sue and Hank
2025-5 - Benson, Rondal and Kelly
2025-7 - Catoe, Cameron
2025-8 - Williams, Mayme & Clyde
24-011 - SAGA Construction Inc
24-103 - Patel, Shilpesh
D-2024-020 - Hardwick, Keith and Pinto, Peter
D-2024-022 - Mancil, John
Hi-41-2023 - IMOB Investments
Hi-62-2024 - Denial - John and Agata Butler
Hi-68-2024 - Lighthouse View Motel
Hi-71-2024 - Davis, Charles
Hi-72-2024 - Fletcher, Erick
Hi-72-2024 (MOD) - Fletcher, Erick
Hi-73-2024-Johnson, Troy and Cheryl
Hi-74-2024 - Devamithran, Joseph
Hi-75-24 - Denial - Donald McCoy
Hi-76-2024 - Oden, Don
Hi-77-2024 - Shpeherd, Peter
Hi-78-2024 - Hatteras Estates POA
Hi-79-2024 - Cadena, Kenneth
Hi-80-2024 - Galligan, John
Hi-81-2024 - Richardson, Rennie
Hi-82-2024 - Fish Ptrol, LLC
Hi-83-2024 - The Pony Pen
Hi-84-2024 - Asal, David
Hi-85-2024 - Farren, Alan
Hi-86-2024 - O'Brian, Peter
Hi-87-2024 - Enyart, Robert and Caitlin
Hi-88-2024 - DeDeoglou, Helene
Hi-89-2024 - Huddleston, Jeffrey
Hi-91-2024 - Hatteras Ventures, LLC
Hi-92-2024 - Williamson, Stephen
Hi-93-2024 - Hatteras Ventures LLC
Hi-95-2024 - Steinway Properties LLC - Robert Stein
Hi-96-2024 - Austin Brothers LLC
Hi-97-2024 - Johnson, Daniel and Jennifer
Hi-98-2024 - Frederick, Jackie
Hi-99-2024 - Petty, Troy and Annah
Transfer Hi-14-2022 - Earth Resources Inc