Name ID# Project Name Page count Year Document Date County Issue Date Permit #
NCDOT 98-11 Mitigation
NCDOT 98-11 Minor Mod NC 94 Alligator River
98-11 Change Plans to provide a vertical navigational clearance of 7 Ft around center spans 32 10/29/2012
NCDOT 98-11 NC 94 Alligator River
98-11 Bridge Replacement 188 8/8/2011
NCDOT 98-11 Refinement NC 94 Alligator River
98-11 Alter Mitigation Plans 15 6/7/2013
NCDOT 98-11 Refinement NC 94 Alligator River (2)
98-11 In-Water work Moratorium 7 11/18/2011
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