HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_0900009_20221028_CMPL_CompRpt_Toxics TRq V/-
The Chemours Company
it Chemours Fayetteville Works
22828 NC Highway 87 W
Fayetteville,NC 28306
CERTIFIED MAIL ARTICLE NUMBER 7017 1450 0002 3902 4386
And sent via email
October 28, 2022
Ms. Heather Carter
NCDEQ - Division of Air Quality
225 Green Street- Suite 714
Fayetteville,NC 28301
SUBJECT: 3Q22 Toxic Air Pollutant Emissions Report
Chemours Company—Fayetteville Works
Air Permit No. 03735T48
Facility ID: 0900009
Bladen County,North Carolina
Dear Ms. Carter:
Enclosed is the required quarterly TAP report and one photocopy of the report.
Table 1 gives the facility-wide emissions of toxic air pollutants. All facility-wide toxic air pollutant
emissions were below the respective permit limits listed in Section 2(A) of the referenced permit.
If you have any questions,please feel free to call me at (910) 678-1213.
Cs,-4' �
Christel E. Compton
Program Manager
NOV 0 2 2022
Chemours Company- Fayetteville Works 1 3Q22
Air Permit No. 03735T48 Page 1 of 4
Facility Maximum
Emissions Emission Rate
Toxic Air Pollutant - - - Emission
During During Past
3Q22 Quarter
Acetaldehyde 0 lb. 0.01 lb/hr 395 lb/hr
Acetic Acid 405 lb. 0.83 lb/hr 54.1 lb/hr
Acrolein 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 1.17 lb/hr
Acrylonitrile 0 lb. 0.00I lb/yr 240 lb/yr
Ammonia 659 lb. 1.13 lb/hr 39.5 lb/hr
Ammonium Chromate 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 0.54 lb/day
Ammonium Dichromate 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 0.54 lb/day
Aniline 0lb. 0.00lb/hr 14.621b/hr
Arsenic & Inorganic Arsenic 0 lb. 0.11 lb/yr 0.37 lb/yr
Aziridine 0lb. 0.00lb/day 5.261b/day
Benzene 2 lb. 9.28 lb/yr 192 lb/yr
Benzidene and salts 0 lb. 0.00 lb/yr 0.02 lb/yr
Benzo(a)pyrene 0 lb. 0.00 lb/yr 52.8 lb/yr
Benzyl Chloride 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 7.31 lb/hr
Beryllium 0 lb. 0.01'lb/yr 6.56 lb/yr
Beryllium Chloride 01 lb. 0.00;lb/yr 6.56 lb/yr
Beryllium Fluoride 0 lb. 0.00 lb/yr 6.56 lb/yr
Beryllium Nitrate 0'lb. 0.00 lb/yr 6.56 lb/yr
Bis-chloromethyl Ether 0'�lb. 0.00 lb/yr 0.59 lb/yr
Bromine 71 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 2.921b/hr
1,3-Butadiene 0 lb. 0.01'lb/yr 272 lb/yr
Cadmium 0 lb. 0.59I lb/yr 8.8 lb/yr
Cadmium Acetate 0�lb. 0.00 lb/yr 8.8 lb/yr
Cadmium Bromide 0 lb. 0.00 lb/yr 8.8 lb/yr
Calcium Chromate 0 lb. 0.00 lb/yr 0.13 lb/yr
Carbon Disulfide 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 163 lb/day
Carbon Tetrachloride 0 lb. 0.00'�lb/yr 10,723 lb/yr
Chlorine 410 lb. 0.19 lb/hr 13.1 lb/hr
Chlorine 410 lb. 4.46 lb/day 32.9 lb/day
Chlorobenzene 0 lb. 0.00'lb/day 1,929 lb/day
Chloroform 0lb. 1.001b/yr 6,8821b/yr
Chloroprene 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 51.1 lb/hr
Chemours Company- Fayetteville Works During 3Q22
Air Permit No. 03735T48 Page 2 of 4
Facility Maximum
Emissions Emission Rate Permitted
Toxic Air Pollutant - Emission
3Q22 During Past
Chloroprene 0lb. 0.00lb/day 386lb/day
Chromic Acid 0 lb. 0.02 lb/day 0.54 lb/day
Chromium (VI) 0 lb. 0.00 lb/yr 0.13 lb/yr
Cresol 0lb. 0.00 lb/hr 32.151b/hr
para-(1,4) dichlorobenzene 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 965 lb/hr
Dichlorodifluoromethane 0lb. 0.00lb/day 217,477lb/day
Dichlorofluoromethane 0lb. 0.00lb/day 4381b/day
Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 26.3 lb/day
Dimethyl Sulfate 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 2.63 lb/day
1,4-dioxane 0lb. 0.00lb/day 4911b/day
E ichloroh drin 0 lb. 0.00 lb/ r 132,832lb/yr
Ethyl Acetate 4 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 2,046 lb/hr
Ethylenediamine 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 36.5 lb/hr
Ethylenediamine 0lb. 0.00lb/day 263lb/day
Ethylene Dibromide 0 lb. 0.00 lb/yr 6401b/yr
Ethylene Dichloride 6 lb. 21.90 lb/yr 6,081 lb/yr
Ethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 27.8 lb/hr
Ethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 105 lb/day
Ethylene Oxide 0 lb. 0.00 lb/yr 43.2 lb/yr
Ethyl Mercaptan 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 1.46 lb/hr
Fluorides 0 lb. 0.06 lb/hr 3.65 lb/hr
Fluorides 0lb. 1.461b/day 14.03lb/day
Formaldehyde 10lb. 0.09lb/hr 2.191b/hr
Hexach Iorocyclopentadiene 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 0.15 lb/hr
Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 0lb. 0.00lb/day 0.531b/day
Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 0 lb. 0.00 lb/yr 0.12 lb/yr
n-Hexane 239lb. 10.081b/day 965lb/day
Hexane isomers 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 5,262 lb/hr
Hydrazine 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 0.53 lb/hr
Hydrogen Chloride 167 lb. 0.26 lb/hr 10.2 lb/hr
Hydrogen Cyanide 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 16.1 lb/hr
Hydrogen Cyanide 0 lb. 1 0.00 lb/day 123 lb/day
Chemours Company-Fayetteville Works During 3Q22
Air Permit No. 03735T48 Page 3 of 4
Facility Maximum
Emissions Emission Rate Permitted
Toxic Air Pollutant -- Emission
3Q22 During Past
- Limit
Hydrogen Fluoride (High Stacks) 559 lb. 0.56 lb/hr 7.28 lb/hr
Hydrogen Fluoride (High Stacks) 559 lb. 13.37 lb/day 52.45 lb/da
Hydrogen Fluoride (Other sources) 0 lb. 0.56 lb/hr 2.7 lb/hr
Hydrogen Fluoride (Other sources) 0 lb. 13.37 lb/day 19.4 lb/day
Hydrogen Sulfide 35 lb. 0.02 lb/hr 30.7 lb/hr
Maleic Anhydride 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 1.461b/hr
Maleic Anhydride 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 10.5 lb/day
Manganese &Compounds 0 lb. 0.03 lb/day 27.2 lb/day
Manganese Cyclopentadienyl Tricarbonyl 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 0.53 lb/day
Manganese Tetroxide 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 5.44 lb/day
Mercury, alkyl 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 0.05 lb/day
Mercury, aryl &a 1 inorganic lb. 0.00 lb/hr 0.53 lb/hr
ga 0
Mercury,vapor 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 0.53 lb/hr
Methyl Chloroform 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 3,581 lb/hr
Methyl Chloroform 0 lb. 0.01 lb/day 10,523 lb/day
Methylene Chloride 1,337 lb. 0.61 lb/hr 24.85 lb/hr
Methylene Chloride 1,337 lb. 1,411 lb/yr 38,409 lb/yr
Methyl Ethyl Ketone 258 lb. 0.55 lb/hr 1,293 lb/hr
Methyl Ethyl Ketone 258 lb. 4.11 lb/day 3,245 lb/day
Methyl Isobutyl Ketone 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 438 lb/hr
Methyl Isobutyl Ketone 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 2,245 lb/day
Methyl Mercaptan 1 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 0.73 lb/hr
Nickel Carbonyl 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 0.53 lb/day
Nickel Metal 0 lb. 0.02 lb/day 5.26 lb/day
Nickel, soluble compounds 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 5.261b/day
Nickel Subsulfide 0 lb. 0.00 lb/yr 3.36 lb/yr
Nitric Acid 31 1b. 0.01 lb/hr 14.6 lb/hr
Nitrobenzene 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 7.31 lb/hr
Nitrobenzene 0lb. 0.00lb/day 52.61b/day
N-nitrosodimethylamine 0 lb. 0.00 lb/yr 80.0 lb/yr
Pentachlorophenol 0 lb. 1 0.00 lb/hr 1 0.37 lb/hr
Pentachlorophenol Olb. 1 0.00lb/day 2.63lb/day
Chemours Company-Fayetteville Works During 3Q22
Air Permit No. 03735T48 Page 4 of 4
Facility Maximum
Emissions Emission Rate Permitted
Toxic Air Pollutant Emission
3Q22 During Past
Perchloroethylene 0lb. 0.00lb/yr 304,073lb/yr
Phenol 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 13.9 lb/hr
Phosgene 0lb. 0.00lb/day 2.19lb/day
Phosphine 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 1.9 lb/hr
Polychlorinated Biphenyls 0 lb. 0.00 lb/yr 133 lb/yr
Potassium Chromate 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 0.54 lb/day
Potassium Dichromate 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 0.54 lb/day
Sodium Chromate 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 0.54 lb/day
Sodium Dichromate 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 0.541b/day
Strontium Chromate 0 lb. 0.00 lb/yr 0.13 lb/yr
Styrene 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 155 lb/hr
Sulfuric Acid 95 lb. 0.36 lb/hr 1.46 lb/hr
Sulfuric Acid 95 lb. 5.29 lb/day 10.5 lb/day
Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 0lb. 0.00lb/yr 0.0048lb/yr
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloro-2,2,Difluoroethane 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 45,600 lb/day
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloro-1,2,Difluoroethane 0lb. 0.00lb/day 45,600lb/day
151,1,2-tetrachloroethane 0lb. 0.00lb/yr 10,082lb/yr
Toluene 8,414 lb. 6.06 lb/hr 818 lb/hr
Toluene 8,414 lb. 98.61 lb/day 4,122 lb/day
Toluene-2,4-diisocyanate 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 0.22 lb/hr
Toluene-2,4-diisocyanate 0lb. 0.00lb/day 0.44lb/day
Trichloroethylene 01b. 0.00lb/yr 94,423lb/yr
Trichlorofluoromethane 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 8,185 lb/hr
1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane 848lb. 4.60lb/hr 13,885lb/hr
Vinyl Chloride 0 lb. 0.00 lb/yr 608 lb/yr
Vinylidine Chloride 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 105 lb/day
Xylene 2,358 lb. 5.17 lb/hr 950 lb/hr
Xylene 25358lb. 37.68lb/day 2,368lb/day
Zinc Chromate 0 lb. 0.00 lb/yr 0.13 lb/yr
Chemours Company - Fayetteville Works 3Q22
Air Permit No. 03735T48 Page 1 of 4
Facility Maximum
Emissions Emission Rate Permitted
Toxic Air Pollutant Emission
During During Past
3Q22 Quarter
Acetaldehyde 0 lb. 0.01 lb/hr 395 lb/hr
Acetic Acid 405�lb. 0.83 lb/hr 54.1 lb/hr
Acrolein 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 1.17 lb/hr
Acrylonitrile 0 lb. 0.00 lb/yr 240 lb/yr
Ammonia 659 lb. 1.13 lb/hr 39.5 lb/hr
Ammonium Chromate 0'lb. 0.00 lb/day 0.54 lb/day
Ammonium Dichromate 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 0.541b/day
Aniline 0lb. 0.001b/hr 14.621b/hr
Arsenic & Inorganic Arsenic 0,lb. 0.11 'lb/yr 0.37 lb/yr
Aziridine 0'i lb. 0.00'I lb/day 5.26 lb/day
Benzene 2 lb. 9.28 lb/yr 192 lb/yr
Benzidene and salts 0'lb. 0.00 lb/yr 0.02 lb/yr
Benzo(a)pyrene 0 lb. 0.00 lb/yr 52.8 lb/yr
Benzyl Chloride 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 7.31 lb/hr
Beryllium 0 lb. 0.01 lb/yr 6.56 lb/yr
Beryllium Chloride 0 lb. 0.00 lb/yr 6.56 1b/yr
Beryllium Fluoride 0 lb. 0.00 lb/yr 6.56 lb/yr
Beryllium Nitrate 0 lb. 0.00'lb/yr 6.56 lb/yr
Bis-chloromethyl Ether 0 lb. 0.00 lb/yr 0.59 lb/yr
Bromine 7'lb. 0.00 lb/hr 2.92 lb/hr
1,3-Butadiene 0 lb. 0.01 lb/yr 272 lb/yr
Cadmium 0 lb. 0.59 lb/yr 8.8 lb/yr
Cadmium Acetate 0 lb. 0.00 lb/yr 8.8 lb/yr
Cadmium Bromide 0'lb. 0.00'lb/yr 8.8 lb/yr
Calcium Chromate 0I lb. 0.00,lb/yr 0.13 lb/yr
Carbon Disulfide 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 163 lb/day
Carbon Tetrachloride 0 lb. 0.00 j lb/yr 10,723 lb/yr
Chlorine 410 lb. 0.19!lb/hr 13.1 lb/hr
Chlorine 410 lb. 4.46!lb/day 32.9 lb/day
Chlorobenzene 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 1,929 lb/day
Chloroform 0 it 1.00',lb/yr 6,882 lb/yr
Chloroprene 0 lb. 0.001 lb/hr 51.1 1b/hr
Chemours Company-Fayetteville Works During 3Q22
Air Permit No. 03735T48 Page 2 of 4
Facility Maximum
Emissions Emission Rate Permitted
Toxic Air Pollutant Emission
3Q22 During Past
Chloroprene 0lb. 0.00lb/day 386lb/day
Chromic Acid 0 lb. 0.02 lb/day 0.54 lb/day
Chromium (VI) 0 lb. 0.00 lb/yr 0.13 lb/yr
Cresol Olb. 0.00 lb/hr 32.15lb/hr
para-(1,4) dichlorobenzene 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 965 lb/hr
Dichlorodifluoromethane 0lb. 0.00lb/day 217,477lb/day
Dichlorofluoromethane 0lb. 0.00lb/day 438lb/day
Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 26.3 lb/day
Dimethyl Sulfate 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 2.63 lb/day
1,4-dioxane 0lb. 0.00lb/day 4911b/day
Epichlorohydrin 0lb. 0.00lb/yr 132,8321b/yr
Ethyl Acetate 4 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 2,046 lb/hr
Ethylenediamine 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 36.5 lb/hr
Ethylenediamine 0lb. 0.00lb/day 263lb/day
Ethylene Dibromide 0 lb. 0.00 lb/yr 640 lb/yr
Ethylene Dichloride 6 lb. 21.90 lb/yr 6,081 lb/yr
Ethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 27.8 lb/hr
Ethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 105 lb/day
Ethylene Oxide 0 lb. 0.00 lb/yr 43.2 lb/yr
Ethyl Mercaptan 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 1.46 lb/hr
Fluorides 0 lb. 0.06 lb/hr 3.65 lb/hr
Fluorides 0lb. 1.46lb/day 14.03lb/day
Formaldehyde 10lb. 0.091b/hr 2.19lb/hr
Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 0.15 lb/hr
Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 0lb. 0.00lb/day 0.53lb/day
Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 0 lb. 0.00 lb/yr 0.12 lb/yr
n-Hexane 239lb. 10.08lb/day 965lb/day
Hexane isomers 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 5,262 lb/hr
Hydrazine 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 0.53 lb/hr
Hydrogen Chloride 167 lb. 0.26 lb/hr 10.2 lb/hr
Hydrogen Cyanide 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 16.1 lb/hr
Hydrogen Cyanide 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 123 lb/day
Chemours Company - Fayetteville Works During 3Q22
Air Permit No. 03735T48 Page 3 of 4
Facility Maximum
Emissions Emission Rate Permitted
Toxic Air Pollutant Emission
3Q22 During Past
-- Limit
Hydrogen Fluoride (High Stacks) 559 lb. 0.56 j lb/hr 7.28 lb/hr
Hydrogen Fluoride (High Stacks) 559 lb. 13.37'lb/day 52.45 lb/day
Hydrogen Fluoride (Other sources) 0 lb. 0.56 lb/hr 2.7 lb/hr
Hydrogen Fluoride (Other sources) 0 lb. 13.37 lb/day 19.4 lb/day
Hydrogen Sulfide 35 lb. 0.02 lb/hr 30.7 lb/hr
Maleic Anhydride 0'lb. 0.00 lb/hr 1.46 lb/hr
Maleic Anhydride 01 lb. 0.00 lb/day 10.5 lb/day
Manganese & Compounds 0 lb. 0.03 lb/day 27.2 lb/day
Manganese Cyclopentadienyl Tricarbonyl 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 0.53 lb/day
Manganese Tetroxide 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 5.44 lb/day
Mercury, alkyl 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 0.05 lb/day
Mercury, aryl & inorganic 0'lb. 0.00'i lb/hr 0.53 lb/hr
Mercury, vapor 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 0.53 lb/hr
Methyl Chloroform 0 lb. 0.00I lb/hr 3,581 lb/hr
Methyl Chloroform 0,lb. 0.01 lb/day 10,523 lb/day
Methylene Chloride 1,337 lb. 0.61 lb/hr 24.85 lb/hr
Methylene Chloride 11337I lb. 11411 lb/yr 38,409 lb/yr
Methyl Ethyl Ketone 2581 lb. 0.55 lb/hr 1,293 lb/hr
Methyl Ethyl Ketone 25 81 lb. 4.11 lb/day 3,245 lb/day
Methyl Isobutyl Ketone 0'lb. 0.00 lb/hr 438 lb/hr
Methyl Isobutyl Ketone 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 2,245 lb/day
Methyl Mercaptan 1 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 0.73 lb/hr
Nickel Carbonyl 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 0.53 lb/day
Nickel Metal 0 lb. 0.02 lb/day 5.26 lb/day
Nickel, soluble compounds 0 lb. 0.00'lb/day 5.26 lb/day
Nickel Subsulfide 0 lb. 0.00 lb/yr 3.36 lb/yr
Nitric Acid 31 lb. 0.01 lb/hr 14.6 lb/hr
Nitrobenzene 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 7.31 lb/hr
Nitrobenzene 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 52.6 lb/day
N-nitrosodimethylamine 0 lb. 0.00 lb/yr 80.0 lb/yr
Pentachlorophenol 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 0.37 lb/hr
Pentachlorophenol Olb. 0.00lb/day 2.631b/day
Chemours Company-Fayetteville Works During 3Q22
Air Permit No. 03735T48 Page 4 of 4
Facility Maximum
Emissions Emission Rate Permitted
Toxic Air Pollutant Emission
3Q22 During Past
Perchloroethylene 0lb. 0.00lb/yr 304,0731b/yr
Phenol 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 13.9 lb/hr
Phosgene 0lb. 0.00lb/day 2.19lb/day
Phos hine 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 1.9lb/hr
Polychlorinated Biphenyls 0 lb. 0.00 lb/yr 133 lb/yr
Potassium Chromate 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 0.54 lb/day
Potassium Dichromate 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 0.54 lb/day
Sodium Chromate 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 0.54 lb/day
Sodium Dichromate 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 0.54 lb/day
Strontium Chromate 0 lb. 0.00 lb/yr 0.13 lb/yr
Styrene 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 155 lb/hr
Sulfuric Acid 95 lb. 0.36 lb/hr 1.46 lb/hr
Sulfuric Acid 95 lb. 5.29 lb/day 10.5 lb/day
Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 0lb. 0.00lb/yr 0.00481b/yr
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloro-2,2,Difluoroethane 0lb. 0.00lb/day 45,600lb/day
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloro-1,2,Difluoroethane 0lb. 0.00lb/day 45,600lb/day
1,1,1,2-tetrachloroethane 0lb. 0.00lb/yr 10,0821b/yr
Toluene 8,414 lb. 6.06 lb/hr 818 lb/hr
Toluene 8,414 lb. 98.61 lb/day 4,122 lb/day
Toluene-2,4-diisoc anate 0 lb. 0.00 lb/hr 0.221b/hr
Toluene-2,4-diisocyanate 0lb. 0.00lb/day 0.441b/day
Trichloroethylene 0lb. 0.00lb/yr 94,4231b/yr
Trichlorofluoromethane 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 8,185 lb/hr
1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane 848lb. 4.601b/hr 13,885lb/hr
Vinyl Chloride 0 lb. 0.00 lb/yr 608 lb/yr
Vinylidine Chloride 0 lb. 0.00 lb/day 105 lb/day
Xylene 2,358 lb. 5.17 lb/hr 950 lb/hr
Xylene 2,358lb. 37.68lb/day 2,3681b/day
Zinc Chromate 0 lb. 0.00 lb/yr 0.13 lb/yr
�M N �il��k I��' �✓
The Chemours Company
Chemours Fayetteville Works
22828 NC Highway 87 W
Fayetteville,NC 28306
Certified Mail: 7017 1450 0002 3902 4379S%IOPAU
And sent via email l�
Z 2Z--
October 28, 2022
Heather Carter
Fayetteville Regional Supervisor
Division of Air Quality
225 Green Street, Suite 714
Fayetteville,NC 28301
Re: Continuous Compliance Report
Title V Permit No: 03735T48
Facility ID: 0900009
Chemours Company—Fayetteville Works
Dear Ms.Carter,
This submittal is intended to satisfy Section 2.2 D.1 j of the facility's Title V Air Permit,which requires
Chemours to submit quarterly continuous compliance reports.
Please find in Table 1 on the following page a summary of the GenX Compounds emissions for the 12-
month period ending September 30,2022.
The spreadsheet file with the calculations underlying the GenX Compounds emissions presented in Table
1 was prepared by our consultant,ERM NC,Inc. ("ERM"). The spreadsheet file also provides the
emissions test data,control device data,and production data underlying the calculations, as well as notes
on the calculation methodologies. Because the spreadsheet file contains confidential business information
of Chemours,we will send that spreadsheet file under separate cover directly to you,and the spreadsheet
file will not be further distributed or posted on Chemours' website.
The control device operating parameters for the thermal oxidizer/scrubber system are provided under
separate cover in the quarterly Thermal Oxidizer report and control device operating parameters for the
carbon beds are provided under separate cover in the quarterly Carbon Bed report. The monitoring data is
maintained onsite and available for review upon request. If you have any questions,please contact me at
L."G CA,-V
Christel Compton
Environmental Manager
Chemours—Fayetteville Works
NOV 0 2 2022
, - /�f2m
Table 1
Chemours-Fayetteville Works GenX Emissions Summary
12-Month Rolling Emissions
(Per Pe rmit Condition 2.2.D.1)
Equipment/ Accidental '1'h 12-Month Rolling
lie Oxidize OtherProcess Monthly Facility-
Fugitive Release Sum of Facility-Wide
Month Notes Emissions Emissions Wide Emissions
Emissions Emissions (lbs) Ohs) (lbs) Emissions
Ohs) (lbs) (lbs)
October 2021 Actual 0.250 0.006 0.002 0.053 0.311 32.837
November 2021 Actual 0.945 0.090 0.007 0.105 1.147 32.220
December 2021 Actual 0.297 0.000 0.002 0.069 0.368 31.199
January 2022 Actual 0.949 0.070 0.006 0.030 1.055 29.618
Februuy 2022 Actual 1.555 0.103 0.018 0.084 1.760 29.722
March 2022 Actual 0.250 0.000 0.002 0.120 0.372 17.456
A r112022 Actual 0.636 0.560 0.006 0.100 1.302 16.356
May 2022 Actual 3.624 0.003 0.022 0.240 3.889 17.197
June 2022 Actual 1.718 0.238 0.021 0.116 2.094 16.679
July 2022 Actual 0.423 1.110 0.009 0.091 1.633 17.384
August 2022 Actual 1.342 0.000 0.002 0.250 1.594 16.891
September 2022 Actual 0.336 0.057 0.002 0.124 0.519 16.044
Annual Emdssions Limitation 23.027
US 165838124vl
The Chemours Company
Chemours Fayetteville Works
22828 NC Highway 87 W
Fayetteville,NC 28306
Certified Mail: 7017 1450 0002 3902 4379
And sent via email
October 28, 2022
Heather Carter
Fayetteville Regional Supervisor
Division of Air Quality
225 Green Street, Suite 714
Fayetteville,NC 28301
Re: Continuous Compliance Report
Title V Permit No: 03 73 5T48
Facility ID: 0900009
Chemours Company—Fayetteville Works
Dear Ms.Carter,
This submittal is intended to satisfy Section 2.2 D.1.j of the facility's Title V Air Permit,which requires
Chemours to submit quarterly continuous compliance reports.
Please find in Table 1 on the following page a summary of the GenX Compounds emissions for the 12-
month period ending September 30, 2022.
The spreadsheet file with the calculations underlying the GenX Compounds emissions presented in Table
1 was prepared by our consultant,ERM NC, Inc. ("ERM"). The spreadsheet file also provides the
emissions test data, control device data, and production data underlying the calculations, as well as notes
on the calculation methodologies. Because the spreadsheet file contains confidential business information
of Chemours,we will send that spreadsheet file under separate cover directly to you, and the spreadsheet
file will not be further distributed or posted on Chemours' website.
The control device operating parameters for the thermal oxidizer/scrubber system are provided under
separate cover in the quarterly Thermal Oxidizer report and control device operating parameters for the
carbon beds are provided under separate cover in the quarterly Carbon Bed report. The monitoring data is
maintained onsite and available for review upon request. If you have any questions, please contact me at
christel.e.compton a,cliemours.com.
Christel Compton
Environmental Manager
Chemours—Fayetteville Works
Table 1
Chemours-Fayetteville Works GenX Emissions Summary
12-Month Rolling Emissions
(Per Permit Condition 2.2.D.1)
Equipment/ Accidental 12-Month Rolling
ThermalOxidize Other Process Monthly Facility-Fugitive Release Sum of Facility-Wide
Month Notes Emissions Emissions Wide Emissions
Emissions Emissions Emissions
(lbs) Obs) (]bs) Ohs) (lbs) (Ibs)
October 2021 Actual 0.250 0.006 0.002 0.053 0.311 32.837
November 2021 Actual 0.945 0.090 0.007 0.105 1.147 32.220
December 2021 Actual 0.297 0.000 0.002 0.069 0.368 31.199
January 2022 Actual 0.949 0.070 0.006 0.030 1.055 29.618
February 2022 Actual 1.555 0.103 0.018 0.084 1.760 29.722
March 2022 Actual 0.250 0.000 0.002 0.120 0.372 17.456
Apr112022 Actual 0.636 0.560 0.006 0.100 1.302 16.356
May 2022 Actual 3.624 0.003 0.022 0.240 3.889 17.197
June 2022 Actual 1.718 0.238 0.021 0.116 2.094 16.679
July 2022 Actual 0.423 1.110 0.009 0.091 1.633 17.384
August 2022 Actual 1.342 0.000 0.002 0.250 1 1.594 16.891
September 2022 Actual 0.336 r 0.057 0.002 0.124 0.519 16.044
Annual Emissions Limitation 23.027
US 1658381240
IIMO 111
The Chemours Company
Chemours" Fayetteville Works
22828 NC Highway 87 W
Fayetteville,NC 28306
OCT 31 2022
CERTIFIED MAIL ARTICLE NUMBER 7017 1450 0002 3902 4164
October 28, 2022
Heather Carter
NCDEQ—Division of Air Quality
225 Green Street— Suite 714
Fayetteville,NC 28301
SUBJECT: Chemours Company—Fayetteville Works
Title V Air Permit No. 03735T48
Facility ID No. 0900009
Quarterly Summary Report—Carbon Adsorbers—3rd Quarter 2022
Ms. Carter,
Attached is the quarterly summary report for the period from July 1, 2022 to September 30, 2022
for the Chemours Fayetteville Works submitted pursuant to Air Quality Permit No. 03735T48.
Enclosed you will find the required photocopies of this report.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (910) 678-1213.
Christel Compton
Program Manager
Chemours Company—Fayetteville Works Quarterly Report(per 2.2 D.1)—3rd Quarter 2022
Air Permit No. 03735T48 Page 1 of 6
Carbon Adsorbers and Enhanced LDAR Program Quarterly Report
(per Air Quality Permit No. 03735T48, Condition Section 2.2 D.1)
Air Quality Permit No. 03735T48, Condition 2.2 D.1: "15A NCAC 02Q .0519(a)(7) and
Consent Order"
Pursuant to Section 2.2 D.l.m of the subject Title V permit,the permittee shall submit a quarterly
summary report that includes monitoring and recordkeeping activities specified in Section 2.2 D.1.
The summary report shall include the information recorded as required in Section 2.2 D.1.k and 1.
For clarity, this report has been broken down into subsections for each monitoring and
recordkeeping requirement contained in Sections 2.2 D.1.k. and 2.2 D.1.1.
Section 2.2 D.l.m.i
The summary report shall include the information recorded as required in Section 2.2 D.Lk
and 1.
Section 2.2 D.I.M. Records of all production data and hours of operation collected during
performance tests
Chemours submitted production data with the emissions reports for each performance test
conducted. Additional production data and hours of operation are maintained onsite and are
available upon request.
Section 2.2 D.I.k.ii: Records of the calculations, and all supporting documentation, of annual
GenX Compound emissions to demonstrate compliance with the emissions limitations specified
in Section 2.2 D.1.a.
Quarterly emissions reports are submitted using the 12-month rolling calculation in January,April,
July, and October.
Section 2.2 D.I.k.iii: If the emission source is not operating, a record of this fact, along with
the corresponding date and time.
Records indicating periods when the emission sources were not operating are being maintained
and available upon request. A summary list of dates the emission sources were not operating is as
Chemours Company—Fayetteville Works Quarterly Report (per 2.2 D.1)—3rd Quarter 2022
Air Permit No. 03735T48 Page 2 of 6
Area No. of days Specific dates Comments
VE North 15 days (7/12, 7/15, 7/18-7/23) (8/24-8/30) Campaign turnaround
PPA 22 days (7/2, 7/9, 7/22, 7/23, 7/28-7/31) Scheduled downtime; no
(8/1-8/9, 8/27) (9/3, 9/10, 9/17, issues
VE South 0 days n/a No issues
Semiworks 72 days (7/1-7/26, 7/29-7/31) (8/5-8/7, Small batch process; Limited
8/9-8/14, 8/24-8/31) (9/1, 9/5- production
Section 2.2 D.Lk.iv: Records of all inspections and maintenance conducted for the Carbon
Adsorbers (ID Nos.ACD A2 and NCD-Q3) as specified in Section 2.2 D.1.d.
The Carbon Adsorber manufacturer does not provide any recommendations on a routine
maintenance schedule, however, Chemours has developed a preventive maintenance plan for the
Carbon Adsorbers. In addition, annual inspections of the structural integrity of the carbon
adsorber systems and the duct work and piping leading to the carbon adsorbers are required.
In accordance with a letter issued by DAQ to Chemours on November 2, 2021, carbon bed
replacement schedules for PPA and VE South were approved and are as follows:
• Replace the carbon in the PPA Carbon Adsorber when operating times reach 2,950—3,050
operating hours.
• Replace the carbon in the VE-South Indoor Fugitives Carbon Adsorber annually (once
every 12 months).
Note:Carbon changeouts reset the operating hours count to zero.
Carbon changeout Operating Operating hours at time Previous carbon
date hours at end of of carbon change changeout date
PPA None this 1428 hours n/a 06/27/22
VE South 10/20/2021
The following is a summary of Carbon Adsorber inspections and maintenance conducted this
quarter. Note: any carbon changeouts will automatically include internal and external inspections
as part of the changeout.
Chemours Company—Fayetteville Works Quarterly Report (per 2.2 D.1)—3rd Quarter 2022
Air Permit No. 03735T48 Page 3 of 6
VE North Carbon Unit Date Completed
Inspections None this quarter n/a
Maintenance None this quarter n/a
Repairs None this quarter n/a
PPA Carbon Unit Date Completed
Inspections None this quarter n/a
Maintenance None this quarter n/a
Repairs None this quarter n/a
VE South Carbon Unit Date Completed
Inspections None this quarter n/a
Maintenance None this quarter n/a
Repairs None this quarter n/a
Semiworks Carbon Unit Date Completed
Inspections None this quarter n/a
Maintenance None this quarter n/a
Repairs None this quarter n/a
Section 2.2 D.l.k.v: Records of all instances of process shutdowns, including those triggered
by the pressure differential alarms associated with the carbon adsorber systems.
Records of all instances of process shutdowns that occurred during this quarter are shown below:
Area No. of days Specific dates Comments
VE North 15 days (7/12, 7/15, 7/18-7/23) (8/24-8/30) Campaign turnaround; Carbon
PPA 22 days (7/2, 7/9, 7/22, 7/23, 7/28-7/31) Scheduled downtime; no
(8/1-8/9, 8/27) (9/3, 9/10, 9/17, issues
VE South 0 days n/a No issues
Semiworks 72 days (7/1-7/26, 7/29-7/31) (8/5-8/7, Small batch process; Limited
8/9-8/14, 8/24-8/31) (9/1, 9/5- production
Chemours Company—Fayetteville Works Quarterly Report (per 2.2 D.1)—3rd Quarter 2022
Air Permit No. 03735T48 Page 4 of 6
During this quarter, there were no instances where a process shutdown was triggered by the
pressure differential alarms associated with any of the carbon adsorber systems. Detailed process
operating times are maintained onsite and available upon request.
Section 2.2 D.I.k.vi: Records of all inspections and calibration of monitoring equipment as
required in Section 2.2 D.I.f and D.1.h.
(2.2 D.l.f.)—Inspection and calibration records for all equipment associated with the DCS system
are maintained onsite and available upon request. The procedures and schedule for maintenance
and servicing of the DCS system is outlined in the site-specific monitoring plan. It provides details
on calibration, preventive maintenance, spare parts, data recording and calculations, accuracy,
corrective action for malfunctioning CMS, ongoing operation and maintenance, and data quality
assurance procedures. A copy of the site-specific monitoring plan is maintained onsite and
available upon request.
(2.2 D.Lh.) - TEAM Industrial Services (Wilmington, NC office) is contracted to satisfy the
monitoring requirements for fugitive emissions from process equipment. All monitoring records
and calibration records for the monitoring equipment (TVA) are maintained onsite and available
for review upon request.
Section 2.2 D.1.l.i: A copy of each test report and compliance report submitted to NC DAQ to
comply with Section 2.2 D.I. including all documentation supporting any compliance report.
Chemours continues to submit to the NC DAQ a copy of each emissions test report and compliance
reports, including supporting documentation as specified in the Title V permit. The test reports
and compliance reports are maintained onsite and available upon request.
Section 2.2 D.I.l.H. The most recent copy of the approved Carbon Adsorber shutdown and
malfunction plan required in Section 2.2 D.I.g. Records of instances where the differential
pressure monitors required in Section 2.2 D.I.f have resulted in process shutdowns.
Carbon Adsorber operational procedures are maintained onsite and available upon request. During
this reporting quarter, there were no instances that occurred where a process shutdown was
triggered by the pressure differential alarms associated with the Carbon Adsorber systems.
Detailed process operating times are maintained onsite and available upon request.
Section 2.2 D.I.l.iii: The most recent copy of the approved Enhanced Leak Detection and
Repair Program required in Section 2.2 D.I.h.
The most recent copy of the Enhanced Leak Detection and Repair(LDAR)program was submitted
on August 14, 2019 to the NC DAQ Fayetteville Regional Office.
Chemours Company—Fayetteville Works Quarterly Report(per 2.2 D.1)—3rd Quarter 2022
Air Permit No. 03735T48 Page 5 of 6
Section 2.2 D.I.l.iii.A: Pressure testing records, including, but not limited to, the date of
inspection, results of the inspection/pressure testing, repairs made to any equipment found to
be leaking during pressure testing, and follow-up pressure testing to verify successful repair.
Pressure testing was completed as required and records are maintained onsite and are available
upon request. During this reporting quarter, there were no instances of equipment found to be
leaking during pressure testing,therefore,no repairs were required for any equipment.
. ... inspection including . . .
Section 2.2 D.1.l.iii.B: AVO inspection records, including the completed checklist specified in
Section 2.2 D.I.h.ii.0 and inspection results including any leaks found and repair actions
AVO inspections were completed as required and the records are maintained onsite and are
available upon request. During this reporting quarter, the AVO inspections did not find evidence
of any leaks.
Section 2.2 D.I.I.iii.C. Method 21 and enhanced area monitoring results.
Method 21 monitoring is conducted by TEAM Industrial Services for the Enhanced LDAR
program. All monitoring reports and records of leaks found, repairs made, and re-monitoring
results are maintained onsite and are available upon request.During this reporting quarter,Method
21 and enhanced area monitoring results identified no components with monitored results
exceeding the lower leak definition.
Section 2.2 D.I.I.ii.D: Replacement program for valves and connectors logs of leakers and
repair attempts.
The replacement program for components identified as `leakers' is detailed in the Enhanced LDAR
Procedure. A 12-month rolling log is used to record and track all readings above the lower leak
definition to assist with the component replacement program. The following is a summary of the
components recorded as exceeding the lower leak definition as defined by the permit:
July 2022—no components exceeding the lower leak definition.
August 2022—no components exceeding the lower leak definition.
September 2022—no components exceeding the lower leak definition.
There have been outdoor valves replaced with Bellows or other secondary packing to reduce the
chance of fugitive leaks. Assessments for valve replacements will continue and is a part of
continual improvement.
Chemours Company—Fayetteville Works Quarterly Report (per 2.2 D.1)—3rd Quarter 2022
Air Permit No. 03735T48 Page 6 of 6
Section 2.2 D.l.m.ii
The Permittee shall include in the summary report any excess emissions that have occurred
during the reporting period. Excess emissions are defined as any calculated annual rolling
average GenX Compound emissions rate, calculated as required in Section 2.2 D.La, above,
that exceeds the emission limit in Section 2.2 D.1.a.
There were no excess emissions during this reporting period. The 12-month rolling calculation
for HFPO-DA remained below the 23.027 pounds per year limit.
TM At �►I o� I�� ✓
The Chemours Company
Chemours- Fayetteville Works
22828 NC Highway 87 W
Fayetteville,NC 28306
OCT 3 12022
CERTIFIED MAIL ARTICLE NUMBER 7017 14.50 0002 3902 4171
October 28, 2022
Heather Carter
NCDEQ—Division of Air Quality
225 Green Street—Suite 714
Fayetteville,NC 28301
SUBJECT: Chemours Company—Fayetteville Works
Title V Permit Quarterly Summary Report for Thermal Oxidizer—3Q 2022
Air Permit No. 03735T48
Facility ID No. 0900009
Ms. Carter,
Attached is the quarterly summary report for the period from July 1, 2022 to September 30, 2022
for the Chemours Fayetteville Works Thermal Oxidizer per Section 2.1 B.11.n pursuant to Air
Quality Permit No. 03735T48.
Enclosed you will find the required photocopies of this report.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (910) 678-1213.
, --- �.
Christel Compton
Program Manager
Chemours Company—Fayetteville Works Quarterly Report (per 2.1 B.11)—3rd Quarter 2022
Air Permit No. 03735T48 Page 1 of 8
Thermal Oxidizer and 4-Sta2e Scrubber System Quarterly Report
(per Air Quality Permit No. 03735T48, Condition 2.1
Air Quality Permit No. 03735T48, Condition 2.1 B.11: "15A NCAC 02Q .0519(a)(7) and
Consent Order"
Pursuant to Section 2.1 B.11.n. of the subject Title V permit, the permittee shall submit a quarterly
summary report that includes monitoring and recordkeeping activities specified in Section 2.1
B.II.f. through B.11.n. The summary report shall include the information recorded as required
in Section 2.1 B.11 f. through B.11.n. For clarity, this report has been broken down into
subsections for each monitoring and recordkeeping requirement contained in Sections 2.1 B.II.f.
through 2.1 B.11.n.
Section 2.1 BALL
Emissions of all PFAS, including GenX compounds,from the following emissions sources (ID
shall be controlled by a Thermal Oxidizer and 4-Stage Scrubber System (ID Nos. NCD-QI and
NCD-Q2). The Permittee shall perform inspections and maintenance as recommended by the
manufacturer. In addition to the manufacturer's recommendations, the inspection and
maintenance requirement shall include:
Section 2.1 B.11 f.is Hourly visual or positive detection by flame scanner checks of the Thermal
Oxidizer flame and burner while in operation and annual inspections of the burner assemblies,
blowers,fans, dampers, refractory lining, oxidizer shell,fuel lines, and ductwork.
The DCS/CMS provides continuous monitoring of the flame and burner by using two separate
infrared flame scanners. The data historian application(IP21) collects real-time process data from
the DCS to provide control and supervision of the process. The flame can also be detected visually
by a view port.
The following table includes a summary of periods when the flame was not detected within the
Thermal Oxidizer combustion chamber:
Table 1: Summary of Periods When a Flame Was Not Detected
Date Duration Reason
8/18/22 13 minutes System interlocked due to short circuit in signal cord.
9/14/22 196 minutes System interlocked due to DCS circuit board failure.
9/21/22 51 minutes Circuit breaker tripped when the emergency generator was taken offline to
perform service.
Total unscheduled flameout duration for the quarter= 4.33 hours
Chemours Company—Fayetteville Works Quarterly Report (per 2.1 B.11)—3rd Quarter 2022
Air Permit No. 03735T48 Page 2 of 8
Table 2: Scheduled Thermal Oxidizer Shutdowns During This Quarter
Date Duration Reason
0 hours There were no scheduled shutdowns during this quarter.
At no time were the processes allowed to vent to the atmosphere without being controlled by the
Thermal Oxidizer and 4-Stage Scrubber System which includes the times during the above
conditions. All flows were held in the accumulator tanks until the flame could be reestablished
and target temperature achieved.
Annual inspections of the burner assemblies, blowers, fans, dampers, refractory lining, oxidizer
shell, fuel lines, and ductwork were completed in October 2021 during the annual TAR shutdown.
Inspection and maintenance records are maintained onsite and are available upon request.
Section 2.1 B.H.J.ii: Annual inspection of scrubber spray nozzles to detect clogging or
corrosion damage of nozzles and perform maintenance and repair when necessary to ensure
proper operation of the scrubber.
Annual inspection of the scrubber spray nozzles was completed in October 2021 during the annual
TAR shutdown. During this quarter, there were no issues noted with the scrubber spray nozzles.
Inspection and maintenance records are maintained onsite and are available upon request.
Section 2.1 B.11 f.iii: Annual inspection of scrubber packing material to ensure proper packing
depth and to check for clogging.
The annual inspection of the scrubber packing material was completed during the annual shutdown
in October 2021. Inspection and maintenance records are maintained onsite and are available upon
Section 2.1 B.11 f iv: Annual inspection, cleaning, and calibration of all associated
Annual inspections, cleaning, and calibration of associated instrumentation was completed in
October 2021 during the annual TAR shutdown. Inspection and maintenance records are
maintained onsite and are available upon request.
Chemours Company—Fayetteville Works Quarterly Report (per 2.1 B.11)—3rd Quarter 2022
Air Permit No. 03 73 5T48 Page 3 of 8
Section 2.1 B.11 f v: In addition to annual inspections, the Permittee shall also conduct the
inspections required in paragraphs i. thru iv., above, whenever the Thermal Oxidizer and 4-
Stage Scrubber System are nonoperational for a minimum of 72 hours.
Table 3: Thermal Oxidizer&Scrubber System Nonoperational Hours Summary
System Total Nonoperational Reason/Cause
Hours during this Quarter
Thermal Oxidizer 4.33 Refer to Tables 1 & 2 for periods when a flame was
not detected and any scheduled shutdowns. Section
2.1 8.11.f.i
4-Stage Scrubber 0 N/A
The Thermal Oxidizer and 4-Stage Scrubber System were not nonoperational for more than 72
consecutive hours during this quarter.
Section 2.1 B.11.
The Permittee shall develop, and submit to NC DAQ for approval, a site specific monitoring
plan that addresses design, data collection, and quality assurance/quality control elements for
operating each CMS installed according to Section 2.1 B.11.h. and B.11.i. The monitoring plan
shall address the following:
Section 2.1 B.11.g.is Initial and any subsequent calibration of the CMS.
Section 2.1 B.11.g.ii: Determination and adjustment of the calibration drift of the CMS.
Section 2.1 B.11 g.raa. Preventive maintenance of the CMS, including spare parts inventory.
Section 2.1 B.11.g.iv: Data recording, calculations, and reporting.
Section 2.1 B.11.g.v: Accuracy audit procedures, including sampling and analysis methods.
Section 2.1 B.11.g.vi: Program of corrective action for a malfunctioning CMS.
Section 2.1 B.H.g.vii: Ongoing operation and maintenance procedures.
Section 2.1 B.11.g.viii: Ongoing data quality assurance procedures.
A detailed site-specific monitoring plan for the Thermal Oxidizer and 4-Stage Scrubber System
was submitted to NC DAQ on November 27, 2019. It provides details on calibration, preventive
maintenance, spare parts, data recording and calculations, accuracy, corrective action for
malfunctioning CMS, ongoing operation and maintenance, and data quality assurance procedures.
A copy of the site-specific monitoring plan is maintained onsite and available upon request.
Chemours Company—Fayetteville Works Quarterly Report(per 2.1 B.11)—3rd Quarter 2022
Air Permit No. 03735T48 Page 4 of 8
Section 2.1 B.11.h
The Permittee shall install, calibrate, maintain, and operate a CMS for the Thermal Oxidizer.
The CMS shall include a continuous recorder capable of taking measurement at least once every
15 minutes. The Permittee shall operate the CMS according to the approved site-specific
monitoring plan specified in Section 2.1 B.11.g., above, to ensure the following operational
parameters are maintained.
The Site has a DCS, capable of taking readings at least every 15 minutes. The DCS system is
maintained and operated according to the approved site-specific monitoring plan.
Section 2.1 B.Il.h.i: A minimum combustion chamber temperature of 1800 degrees Fahrenheit
(3-hour rolling average).
For this quarter, the lowest 3-hour rolling average combustion chamber temperature (while the
Thermal Oxidizer was in operation) was 2,008 degrees Fahrenheit ff). During this quarter,
while the emissions sources were in operation, there were no instances where the 3-hour rolling
average combustion chamber temperature dropped below the minimum 1,800'F.
Section 2.1 B.11.h.ii: A maximum Thermal Oxidizer inlet gas feed rate of 2,200 pounds per
hour(3-hours rolling average).
For this quarter,the maximum 3-hour rolling average inlet gas feed rate (combined total)was 935
lbs/hour. During this quarter, while the emissions sources were in operation, there were no
instances where the 3-hour rolling average thermal oxidizer inlet gas feed rate exceeded 2,200
Section 2.1 B.11.h.iii: Failure to operate the temperature monitor or inletfeed gas monitoring
device identified, above, for at least 97 percent of the total operational time per quarterly
reporting period shall constitute noncompliance with the emission limits in Section 2.1 B.II a.
The DCS was operational 100% of the time during the quarter when the Thermal Oxidizer was
operational. The DCS communicated and recorded the combustion chamber temperature and inlet
feed gas flow rate data for 100% of the operational time.
Section 2.1 B.11.i
The Permittee shall install, calibrate, maintain, and operate the CMS for the 4-Stage Scrubber
System. The CMS shall include a continuous recorder capable of taking a measurement at least
Chemours Company—Fayetteville Works Quarterly Report(per 2.1 B.11)—3 rd Quarter 2022
Air Permit No. 03735T48 Page 5 of 8
once every 15 minutes. The Permittee shall operate the CMS according to the approved site-
specific monitoring plan specified in Section 2.1 B.H.g., to ensure the following operational
parameters are maintained.
The Site has a DCS, capable of taking readings at least every 15 minutes. The CMS was operated
according to the approved site-specific monitoring plan during the quarter. A copy of the site-
specific monitoring plan is maintained onsite and available upon request.
Section 2.1 B.H.i.is The scrubber liquor flow shall be a minimum of 40 gallons per minute for
the fourth caustic scrubber stage.
The lowest flow rate recorded during this quarter was 87 GPM. Records of scrubber liquor flow.
rate are maintained onsite and available upon request.
Section 2.1 B.H.i.ii: A minimum scrubber liquor pH, no less than 7.1 (3-hour rolling average)
for the fourth scrubber stage.
For this quarter, during the time the scrubber was in operation, the lowest 3-hour rolling average
scrubber liquor pH was 8.2. Therefore, during this quarter, there were no instances where 3-hour
rolling average scrubber liquor pH was below 7.1, while the emissions sources were in operation.
Records of the scrubber liquor pH are maintained onsite and available upon request.
Section 2.1 B.H.i.iii: Failure to operate the scrubber liquorflow meter orpHmeter, identified
in i. and ii.,for at least 97 percent of the total operational time per quarterly reporting period
shall constitute noncompliance with the emission limits in Section 2.1 B.H.a.
The DCS was operational 100% of the time during the quarter when the system was operational,
as were the scrubber liquor flow and pH meters. The DCS communicated and recorded the
scrubber liquor flow rate and the pH reading for 100%of the operational time,while the emission
sources were in operation.
Section 2.1 B.H.J.
Except as specified in Section 2.1 B.H.k., the Permittee shall operate the Thermal Oxidizer and
4-Stage Scrubber System at all times when the emission sources (ID Nos. NSA, NS-B, NS-C,
NS-D-1,NS-E,NS-F,NS-G-1,NS-K,NS-M,NS-N,NS-O, and NS-P) are operating.
During this quarter, the Thermal Oxidizer and 4-Stage Scrubber System was in operation at all
times when the emissions sources were in operation. Records are maintained onsite and available
upon request.
Chemours Company—Fayetteville Works Quarterly Report(per 2.1 B.11)—3rd Quarter 2022
Air Permit No. 03735T48 Page 6 of 8
Section 2.1 B.11.k.
Prior to operation of the Thermal Oxidizer and 4-Stage Scrubber System, the Permittee shall
develop, and submit to NC DAQ for approval, a detailed shutdown and malfunction plan for the
Thermal Oxidizer and 4-stage Scrubber System that contains specific procedures for initiating
the shutdown of process emission sources during periods of control device shutdown and
malfunction, and a program of corrective action for malfunctioning processes, and control
systems used to comply with the limits in Section 2.1 B.11.a. The Permittee shall keep a copy of
the approved plan onsite.
A Shutdown and Malfunction Plan for the Thermal Oxidizer and Y
4-Stage Scrubber System was
submitted to NC DAQ on December 18,2019,which included a Proactive Maintenance Plan. The
maintenance plan includes predictive maintenance, preventive maintenance, functional checks,
corrective maintenance, and annual inspections to ensure the reliability of the Thermal Oxidizer
and 4-Stage Scrubber System.
A copy of the Shutdown and Malfunction Plan is maintained onsite and available upon request.
Section 2.1 B.H.k.i: To ensure that the control devices are well maintained to minimize
malfunctions, the plan shall include a maintenance schedule for the Thermal Oxidizer and 4-
Stage Scrubber System that is consistent with, but not limited to the manufacturer's instructions
and recommendations for routine and long-term maintenance, as specified in Section 2.1
B.11.h. and B.11,i.
A Shutdown and Malfunction Plan was submitted to NC DAQ on December 18,2019 that includes
a Proactive Maintenance Plan,which is the maintenance schedule for the Thermal Oxidizer and 4-
Stage Scrubber System. The Proactive Maintenance Plan includes predictive maintenance,
preventive maintenance, functional checks, corrective maintenance, and annual inspections to
ensure the reliability of the Thermal Oxidizer and 4-Stage Scrubber system.
A copy of the Shutdown and Malfunction Plan is maintained onsite and available upon request.
Section 2.1 B.H.k.ii: An inspection schedule for each CMS installed on the Thermal Oxidizer
and 4-Stage Scrubber System to ensure, at least once in each 24-hour period, that each CMS is
properly functioning.
The CMS is comprised of a DCS and IP21 and have various systems backup and other
redundancies built into it to ensure, at least once in each 24-hour period,proper functioning of the
system. The IP21 application has a series of queries that monitor aspects of the application and
data provided by the DCS and will send email alerts to the various support teams to investigate
and correct any potential malfunctions. The inspection schedule for the DCS is specified in the
Shutdown and Malfunction Plan and is maintained onsite and available upon request.
Chemours Company—Fayetteville Works Quarterly Report(per 2.1 B.11)—3rd Quarter 2022
Air Permit No. 03735T48 Page 7 of 8
Section 2.1 B.Il.k.iii: At no time shall the emissions from the emissions sources (ID Nos. NS-
A, NS-B, AS-C, ASD-1, NS-E, NS-F, AS-G-1, AS-K, NSM, NS-N, NS-O, and ASP) be
allowed to vent to the atmosphere without being controlled in the Thermal Oxidizer and 4-Stage
Scrubber System.
During the reporting quarter, the emissions from the emission sources did not vent to the
atmosphere without being controlled by the Thermal Oxidizer and 4-Stage Scrubber System.
Section 2.1 B.11.1.
The Permittee shall record the following information monthly in a logbook (written or
electronic) that shall be maintained onsite and made available to NC DAQ upon request.
Section 2.1 B.11.1.i.: Records of the continuous and 3-hour rolling average operating
parameters specified in Section 2.1 B.11.h. and B.I Li.,for the Thermal Oxidizer and 4-Stage
Scrubber System.
The IP21 data historian application has the capability to store 5 years of process data that includes
3-hour rolling averages. Process data records are maintained onsite and available upon request.
Section 2.1 B.11.l.ii.: If the emission sources are not operating, a record of this fact along with
the corresponding date and time.
Process operating times for the emissions sources are submitted to NC DAQ every 2 weeks.
Detailed records are maintained onsite and available upon request.
Section 2.1 B.11.l.iii.: Records o all inspections and maintenance conducted or the Thermal
.f p f
Oxidizer and 4-Stage Scrubber System, as specified in Section 2.1 B.11.f.
Annual inspections and maintenance were completed in October 2021 during the annual TAR
Records of inspections and maintenance conducted are maintained onsite and available upon
Section 2.1 B.11.l.iv.: Records associated with the site-specific monitoring plan specified in
Section 2.1 B.11.g.
Records associated with the site-specific monitoring plan are maintained onsite and available upon
Section 2.1 B.H.m.
The Permittee shall retain all results of performance testing conducted in accordance with
Section 2.1 B.11.b. and B.Il.c., including development of the operating parameters, as specified
in Section 2.1 B.H.h. and B.11.i., and the calculation of the Thermal Oxidizer and 4-Stage
Chemours Company—Fayetteville Works Quarterly Report(per 2.1 B.11)—3rd Quarter 2022
Air Permit No. 03735T48 Page 8 of 8
Scrubber System control efficiency with respect to the control of all PFAS, including GenX
compounds, and emissions from the emission sources (ID Nos. NSA, NS-B, NS-C, NS-D-1,
NS-E,NS-F,NS-G-1,NS-K,NS-M,NS-N,NS-O, and NS-P).
Records of results from performance testing conducted on the Thermal Oxidizer and 4-Stage
Scrubber System have been submitted to the State and copies are maintained onsite and available
upon request.
Chemours has submitted stack testing reports for each performance test, along with supporting
documentation that includes operational parameters for the Thermal Oxidizer and 4-Stage
Scrubber System and for the emissions sources during the testing periods. The most recent stack
testing results report was submitted to NC DAQ on March 25, 2022 that demonstrated a control
efficiency that exceeded 99.99%.
Section 2.1 B.11.n.
The Permittee shall submit a quarterly summary report of monitoring and recordkeeping
activities specified in Section 2.1 B.I Lf through B.11.n.
All instances of deviations from the requirements of this permit must be clearly identified.
During this quarter, there were no instances of deviations from the requirements of Section 2.1
B.11.f through 2.1 B.11.n of the air permit.