HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_0900009_20220809_CMPL_RFI �I
Director Environmental Quanty N C Department of
Env(ronmental Quality
August 9, 2022 Received
AUG 12 2022
Ms. Dawn Hughes, Plant Manager Winston-SaIeRECEIVED
Chemours Company—Fayetteville Works Reg;-n h! nJfrfiir-S
22828 NC Highway 87 West AUG 16 2022
Fayetteville,NC 28306
SUBJECT: Additional Information Request-Accidental Release of Hexafluoropropylene
Oxide Dimer Acid Fluoride on July 2,2022
Chemours Company—Fayetteville Works
Air Permit No. 03735T48
Facility ID No. 0900009
Dear Ms. Hughes:
Thank you for the information that Christel Compton and you have provided to Division
of Air Quality(DAQ)personnel through various emails and virtual meetings regarding an
accidental release of hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid fluoride(HFPO-DAF) from the
Vinyl Ethers North tower on July 2, 2022. These communications have provided DAQ staff
with initial information related to the July 2nd accidental release, Chemours Company—
Fayetteville Work's (Chemours)investigation of the release, and corrective actions taken by
your company to prevent similar events in the future.
As you are aware, Chemours has a general duty responsibility to design and maintain a
facility with measures in place to prevent chemical releases and to minimize the consequences of
accidental releases which do occur. In addition, accidental releases from the facility have a
direct impact on Chemours ability to comply with emissions limits contained in your company's
air quality permit. To verify that appropriate steps are being taken to meet your general
duty responsibilities and ensure compliance with applicable emissions limits,please provide
the following information to this office by August 23,2022:
1. A copy of the full investigative report associated with the July 2nd event and a detailed
summary of the root cause analysis for this event;
2. A detailed description and example calculations demonstrating how Chemours calculated
the estimated emission rate of 1.07 pounds for the July 2nd accidental release; and
3. A summary of actions taken or planned by Chemours to minimize the number of
occurrences, duration, and magnitude of chemical leaks throughout all processes at the
Fayetteville Works facility.
DEFQ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Air Quality
. ��,� 217 West Jones Street J 1641 Mail Service Center I Raleigh.North Carolina 27699-1641
'�'"'""""� � 919.707.8400
Chemours Company—Fayetteville Works
August 9,2022
Page 2
If you believe your response contains confidential business information(CBI),please
submit two versions of your response: a confidential version and a publicly viewable version.
The confidential version should be submitted in hardcopy format and should include all the
information for which confidentiality has been requested. Only the page(s) containing
confidential information should be marked as "confidential."Pursuant to 15A NCAC 02Q .0107,
please also include a written justification for the confidentiality claim. If confidential
information is removed from any document, an insert should be included to reference that
information was removed for confidentiality purposes.
If you have any questions,please contact me at(919) 707-8404.
114-, � �ka
Stephen G. Hall
Chief, Technical Services Section
Division of Air Quality,NC DEQ
cc: Christel Compton, Chemours Company(e-copy)
Mike Abraczinskas, DAQ Director(e-copy)
Heather Carter, FRO Regional Supervisor(hard copy and e-copy)
IBEAM Documents (0900009)