HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_0900009_20100527_CMPL_InspRpt A,
NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF Fayetteville Regional Office
t IR''OUALITY DuPont Company-Fayetteville Works
Inspction Report NC Facility ID 0900009
D'te^06/07/2010 County/FIPS:Bladen/017
Facility Data Compliance Data
DuPont Company - Fayetteville Works Inspection Date 05/27/2010
,48M8 NO Highway 87 West
Inspector's Name Tien Nguyen
Fayetteville,NC 28302 Operating Status Operating
Li}ti''39d 50.6000m Long:78d 50.2930m Compliance Code Compliance-inspection
�41Ct_:30`81 nsupported Plastics Film And Sheet Action Code FCE
326113/ nlaminated Plastics Film and Sheet(except Packaging) On-Site Inspection Result Compliance
Contact Data Permit Data
Facility Contact Authorized Contact Technical Contact permit 03735/T35
t MtenaelJohnson Karen Wrigley Michael Johnson Issued 2/22/2010
Enyicorimentid Manager Plant Manager Environmental Manager Expires I/31/2015
(9j0);678-1155 (910)678-1546 (910)678-I155 Classification Title V
l Permit Status Active
Tns 's Signature: n ,// Ip Comments:
i, . " ��_ N�v✓�-' f�"- of
Date bf Signature: CM.Zolo
)� MALT/GACT REVIEW: The ButaciteO Polyvinyl Butyral Process and the Nafion@ processes are subject to
MALT FFFF for Miscellaneous Organic Chemical Manufacturing.Butacite®process wastewater is classified as
group 2 because the concentration of methanol in the wastewater falls well below the Group 1 threshold of 30,000
The Fayetteville Works paint operations(ID Nos.I-09 and I-10)are not subject to the Area Source Paint
Stripping&Coating MACT in 40 CFR 63,Subpart HHHHHH because the facility does not perform paint stripping
` rising methylene chloride("MeCI")for the removal of dried paint from wood,metal,plastic,and other substrates.
TI. 1 DIRECTIONS TO SITE: Dupont Company-Fayetteville Works is located on NC Highway 87 in Bladen County.
From Fayetteville,take Highway 87 south. The entrance to the facility is approximately 18 miles from FRO on the
r .
left side of Highway 87 just before the Cumberland/Bladen County line.
III.' SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: Safety glasses,hearing protection,and safety shoes are needed.
IV. ' FACILITY DESCRIPTION: Dupont Company-Fayetteville Works is a chemical manufacturing facility located
In Bladen County. The facility employs approximately 500 employees and 100 contractors on a 24X7 basis.
Production and employees have decreased drastically at the DuPont Fayetteville facility since the previous
inspection. Most contractors are now employed only half time. DuPont Fayetteville consists of six individual
manufacturing plants,a boiler house and a waste treatment operation. Several processes have PSD avoidance
conditions. The facility has two permanent boilers onsite,one permanent boiler which is permitted but not yet
i constructed,as well as one temporary boiler.
V. PRE-INSPECTION SUMMARY: On May 27,2010,Greg Reeves,Maureen Matroni-Rakes,and Tien Nguyen of
the Fayetteville Regional Office,met with Mike Johnson,Environmental Manager for a full compliance inspection.
During the pre-inspection conference,we discussed the status/operation mode of all manufacturing plants and
recently permitted equipment. We reviewed daily records of the completed batches and monthly records of total
emissions from each affected MCPU.Mr.Johnson confirmed that there have been no changes in emission sources
since the previous inspection/permit modification and that the emissions sources listed on the permit had not
changed. Mr.Johnson,along with Technical Engineers from various manufacturing facilities,led a tour of
individual plants and provided the required records. PSD records and most all other records are accessible on the
Intranet in Mr.Johnson's office now. The recently permitted second PVF facility is under construction but is not
planned to be operational until June 2010. The newly permitted boiler is not yet under construction and Mr.Johnson
stated that the modification would not happen in the near future. Polyvinyl Butyral Sheeting Rotogravure Printing
Operation and associated spray scrubber were deleted from the permit.This emission source is no longer
operational. The source was affected by 40 CFR 63,Subpart KK(MACT for the Printing and Publishing Industry).
These requirements have been entirely removed from the permit.
VI. PERMITTED EMISSION SOURCES: At the time of the inspection,DuPont Company—Fayetteville Works was
operating under Permit No.03735T35 which includes the followingemission sources:
PS-A Natural Gas/No.2 fuel oil/No. 6 fuel oil- N/A N/A
fired boiler(139.4 million Btu per hour
maximum heat input)
PS-B Natural Gas/No. 2 fuel oil/No. 6 fuel oil- N/A N/A
fired boiler(88.4 million Btu per hour
maximum heat input)
PS-C Natural Gas/No. 2 fuel oil-fired boiler N/A N/A
NSPS De (97 million Btu per hour maximum heat
input)equipped with a low-NOx burner
PS-Temp Natural Gas/No.2 fuel oil-fired boiler N/A N/A
NSPS Dc (greater than 30.0 and less than 100.0
million Btu per hour maximum heat
BS-A Butyraldehyde storage tank BCD-A Brine-cooled condenser
BS-B 1.1 Butacite polyvinyl butyral flake reactors BCD-B 1 Packed-bed column scrubber with mist
through (4 units) eliminator(8 gallons per minute water
BS-B 1.4 injection rate averaged over a 3-hour
MACT FFFFperiod)(state-enforceable,only)
BS-132.1 Butacite polyvinyl butyral flake reactors BCD-B2 Packed-bed column scrubber with mist
through (4 units) eliminator(8 gallons per minute water
BS-132.4 injection rate averaged over a 3-hour
MACT FFFFperiod)(state-enforceable,only)
BS-C Butacite polyvinyl butyral flake dryer BCD-Cl Cyclone separator
MACT FFFF BCD-C2 Fabric filter(6,858 square feet of filter.
BS-El Butacite Line No. 3 Sheeting Extrusion BCD-E1 Water-Cooled Condenser(voluntary
Process,including four(4)extruders use only)
BS-E2 Butacite Line No.4 Sheeting Extrusion BCD-E2 Water-Cooled Condenser(voluntary
Process,includin four(4)extruders use only)
BS-E3 Butacite Line No.3 Back-End N/A N/A
Processes,including a quencher,
dr er/relaxer,and wind-u area
BS-E4 Butacite Line No.4 Back-End N/A N/A
Processes,including a quencher,
dryer/relaxer'and wind-up area
BS-F Butacite PVA Unloading System and N/A N/A
MACT FFFF I Storage Silos
BS-G Butacite PVA Dissolver Tank System N/A N/A
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' NS'-/fie� n 4Naflon®H�xfl�oropropylette epoxide, ,`�+ I�JGD ffd�l ,��f�l��p�at�czd�itbii�r(7�060 t
r CTFFFF. pCOFBSS�_.( Q�� ! { rt 1 t j t 1�1 .�11(i1QUT ICit�td'In�eetl0t!race;! 5 E I
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!+ � d`OY1 3 +Rtp prtod) n ,x
NS�B Nafl4 ® �pYl RCh�rs Loth process °+ NGD Hdr1 13fle'plte s�rgbh�jtX7 000
1 AGT FFFF' il t aip/ho =11 ytd e. ion rate
NGtS HdF2 ` aft a pl to s�rpbl er(7;OQQ+ R'
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MALT�FFF . � � i�tipgt�atn?ito��ligC}td iiy�eetton fate ' '
,' r ' ',� ++✓ i f I Or �✓V'CYa�Cd OVe}'a��10U1'p�ri0(�� t. ! ? �`,
rNCD Hdr2 Bade plat��scrbber{��000 '` ", +�
ti kdQgrni/hbiU ligU(d�yjeottpn ratg
?d4r, 3,or erlblkrr
NS.D NafignC��tsu Process �, NGD d�dri Baf e piste s�rUbber(7d09
✓t ti 7. i ' 1 t'.> kilg}wo.y�i'iQU15 tnjecti4lt YaYe ✓ 2' ,!
' ✓ ! , ' orvegaged over a 3 haur period)
6 ' �f s �`" ` �, _ ` , ✓` � ,NGD Iidf2 „ sa�ti��pi�te�orpi5ber(��000 ' ' � � �
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�JIS H Naf�oltk?npetnbfai 64rocgss NlA 15/A
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NS X " IVafion0 membfans coaring 'sTIq NlA
NS J Taflon®semiWgrks WA
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�S A ' Polylpei Pr6czasipg AldrT?tocs laGT? Al �Vetseit3b6�r'(3Q galios het minutg '
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tl'catgiltfollll a a {kfx1� re ,t'r
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fir�acb vafiPtts In [ltl£Uoturnig Y
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PO�rernouse( 11H98�(I�� 131' > is , ° .t v✓ , j a r t , v k It ' i r , '
tr , # i The fplty i�p inrt�il e'rI to,01? d INR'2 or)6 Fue o 1 f 3h'§/Nd;2/N&`6401
(88 41 ntBnlS�/fifi nf3XlrtsmmislhB
heat In ut,Ps A one N turai G 9
11 n 1, 4 tl
dt�d oUb�Nat tal bias/ o Elie]oil f}red b' 110 With oVw NOx l uriler'(9� IU/ht niaxl>hura iieai input'P�'Gj
nhg third boder'(PS C}Wd�}ecnfl'y pee>xtlfted dad is pot'yet Undec 6ohs fraction Ae6ordl8g to Mkt Jbiis3[i 'the r _" '�I
z n t , I ,f , iv
6onstPG6fz611 piq oot tyili lips begli aayslm Soon A1Spr daring thF last reyislop ,thq bdtlets Were l,grjmff d to- ,
u cloiti Zllst(la(peal g $ TilBfp iJit cU t >j iy f1b8s pob hUve��q ss to natu aI gas buvar&proposlhp,to gilhjnMor ]'gas o
lines lb o£ao[Uty in the fit�re i° 1}e ivio ohsirq porlgrs S 'Urq Oho SiimBSfaak,{The$o, vvas dammed iecehEl and
has been Zedueed,(h helghf drASElcaily t ,'50hfeet T q lsfgor boner has��leaht apaUlty o£1113,09Q pou>lds gfsteam
per houeran�Was tilanUfac[Ufed n 194,'Ttje smaller boxier wok{papafaefUYed l> ,192,wh steam capabify pf
22X0 p6ghds per hour ,They atebgth pre NSPS boners howe, fr',j oiler TES L Hoeg haveavdidhnce
i condition£at °I>� I�YT t0 [bx,and�SOzli'T� The sgfYWare plod attho 4oiler}lopse aI 81 jh6 6 ereloi`to tts6iC briEei'la
poiiptanf eliifss}oils fb fi28 D a�6i 4hpe fedulreiriefit}or tll�s}n jY@t l bilerli,The n@lV boiler(PS G}is sublod t fo
i`gp" Dc Due to debotttepe'6k4 of the boners+by tlae PyF faoi�ify DpPonC noW has a faoflity'Wlde PS15 SO2
" ehi ]bna 1616681
, 1 ,
I � t`
4 MFF t t: r � v:z �� `
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' k ParitpUlale emtsstohs fro�m bgflorsP,S i aftd`J' shall not exebed 0 26 �,IhslidmtU, =ParhUlat@ omissions
�� I p COPY�AhiCtE The AP 42emis fit r£ ato fof o.a2 fuel oil t�0 Oi ��bs( '0 b'1hs/gtih$lu t° '
for Nb, 6�f{iel ptl v � ' 2 y !v �N, t,f 24 �?C��to addla
h� � ♦ �/ t
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I$A,NCAC t,0516a5ULFU)<t D OYI E ISS>lON$FRO 1 ) >JST)�Q i1SOUI{C S' The sdlfur
[oxide e iS to s£rahi,oachbotf rah Il ceod 2 pounds Po ill[ ❑ toa np , , 1 ,� ,r� ��
qq (+ ry� t i d Tfie sulfur n tent
f No �((fttgja o�1 shad n9t exceed 2 lv/o sulfur, weight The'Pefm tl e S�aifi tna�titattl ....e is nr A[i No 6 "j
fizel pt�, hlptnent$ x ' ki L .�, -�, i I[ �. ' s '}
IN GONLPJ Tt�N�E Tho ,42 en'ti�stgfis factac for'T p,2 fuel oil t (S 5071}�A/Iglu dnd` 20 lbslnihBtu �` u`
r iQo 6 fine]oil As la_g as 8 No,(foal 40txs npt expeac di¢fjt I`sglf ji ih{it tiie PepUlatory lthtat Wtli not be`
QXpeeded dUkinp fi5rtda`operattbn'l q ports, erq revtev�ed dU£tng iho mspeptfon,and to al fuel iisdgo.qs wail
as avera e`sglfur content qre iyen to tic Jb s0 afser e ch niod tfi If$hgstrsy11lflµ;cohfent
oil wa oL%a t} The\fze`ilityast?ot otftbtisted l Ip 6 `feel 8iI slpoo lvlaplf 200$ait hstn Pik sf SpI g
comugt it figi>i Theh7o�6 fuel oti ta>3k�lagbe�ri entptxed And pload putA Ail iId 2 ftl ptl is uelo 0 �% '
shlfdt b�w8}gtit qt;d nosy of the N6 2 fuel Was Ultra low {�lf1Yr fool oil 115�i m�,
f9A NAGD 052i COf� O�O V7fSTB]Lf�E1V(� SION� Yts�ble efittsstpns from Bp1teS A
x not g ' %'dpdcity eif�isihle orris exo pd 4b tpn from PS B add FS Te'mp shgi ndt e 2eed 0`%o`pa `�hg
pefmittcp sltail record a'datiy visibig eissl3Us�eW alUat{v q(ntirml qr abovd notm4l} when combusting N4 6,
IF oil afid rrtatntafn`a logbpok shoW�pp the r�&ults of odpf C�aiU&Cions lf4ese rgsUltq irom anbnitoring lnUs be
N COMPhIAN�E The boiler t{1S cpmbusfmgjNo,,2{dal oil during the nspedhbn and l obaeYvod 0�/6 ;
opacity, p the boiler atacl� Thg facliit�stoTped takipg darly VL obgervgtions i°the ep8 of Aprh 2008 sinoe
is v '((fin 6' U RE' e sul£nr
content of fuel cgiltbUSte�alt the ndW 15oilor10P3[C)shall not aftceod 0 5%by`ky�tght and vi'stble eiilfssiods are ' ' ;
limited fo 0%q o�fieii� l lti ai;t}oGificat on arc required ak WAS#U0tig�l att(i st$ftUP The fnpilityt�tlust F4titluct '
$BIn�annnisimaitXeer Ttgtb¢ 6 �itfedidS�WoI1J fiattltt#ieed lso f ftYdlUsagetd!f�telc�rttfic_a
As a`
�pRCtAIVGE i?allefs ��)is ltof �t4ttder �d tupl+�n
t z sIe
,r CQr 03i7> tE'( N 'IOfV O�i, Gl )'IG�A1V ,�R ''X•r XUATI�I�i` 'VOID�;NGE "` <�h a
!ONDsIVOh(S �tnis ohs from Boils}PS B�shg11 not azc d tiio�oll6wlrigtt 4Q 'NQ ;add 40 TP SOS
The�)?erttt¢e Shalleet,tlSn} 11"1y rpo dsrof fyel USageta>uel Suifdr9iSte1}t,S>fd nsq tdin fife]ceififiealtbns,
SenitahhQai rcpgrtffi is-a� ¢requltet�for monthly ollissslons( 4 onlh per od),Ioe�usage,a?td sit 9r bntent
`The Porn If&niltsi al d6hn' g11,deVfgtidn§in Utz re ort
Ili 9gMIPr UNCKL Alf reports show that the faoihty is Vlell below these eini�sions inrltts _The ourt`ofif NOx
�' ♦ v fiV f r i x ' ' 3 < 't sv+ ( r ..i...
e6 sstofts afo 21°to�'s anti S02 omiaBtdfl are] tops, ISye�oprt�f%Qtiosls were We 6Wved durigg
y COND1TtON Emtssrons ftom EEC boileYs sham npt exceed the folioVrmg �62,5 TPA �a' The Pormtttee,
shall kteepttponthly ieeords ofilel USage aRtl duelultuf dohie}ftr Phe Pe}Iptttee`si tU dlSo fepoYd tohftf 842
< etss3pns t ¢dr aniiuol`dpoting[s elan requited fdr ihopfh
sulfur co tq>lt, he Pertttinepe Iptj valso Inftt eye tiort ti
I Il COMPLIANCE 'CufregUy>the 12 nfoffsittlnmg total{s 1`tod pqr year since the fapth{y
cpinbUshngtnl�fiatrafpas and Kb a2 fUet oi(�The fdel btl also is yltra low sultUr(l5 ppm) poi
_ GE�'t1�4af10RS,v,'ere TOvlewed dhring the 1nspCCflan � , � 1 ' � �r r'Y s 1 �
*Butaclte®Process Area'(all sources labeled Wtfh$S arld BCD )k "
The Ffpfacnd0 th nu faotdrtil open tidh fnay es`a p60yyJhy,IF
6Utyra�sheetin aid rotogtavur,'prtp6flg opefat on
The opalian pYp�lSces fie>Sfhlb glass 1pm(nateTor car wIQOSHIQids�I he buiacite propels alga[holtdes tho z
butyrgldehyde�storage tanit�yVtth emtsstdns�ifd potential odofSfrotn the bd'tyraldehyd controlled`b 'a brine eo§led
it t
i ,
I ,
1 !,
y y t e
(ethyfen�glycol);condonset,+The process,al�o lnc leq%%y+paeketl
r scrub6pr s atld a butsctte fi ice�rypr contrpll by ayoyclone sep fato ah f�k1t}4-, �toF, ,A"�t�hjs d e orie ofltl�e
Batao�te]i eS tS hot o 'er tt>r n the remain n Butae�te hnes�s opefatiIA
n op��lty tPoftipt�s of the / 3 =z �.,
t - f° F e
y Butae3te area are$ub CCt to,the'bfON regmremettt ,; , t ,, ; r } , j,s y
vl 0 S
Pacttpulate smatter.erft�s Ions from flee$i hcito p{oc § `sh ll tAot e c 1E ,���P46h The li rn lit �1� 1t a
rggtttaid pQdtietton reepda The Permteb shall perfofm a monthly yIsuai eu¢annpnl Intgrnal,[nsetton ouAl
liaghousgs GD Cl and BqD C2,,A 164b00lC 0t4tlffi 'Ah" ,,mspectt s ali be lcgpt 1(p todale>
F s '� y e Ef y X ?:/�
IN�,QMP�IANE 'The flgl4ing proees�is doptYoiletl by bagfilefs Io reduceartibulatt mtfQifetnt§Sods „ ',
Yisugt t> peQl1bns pil these bya$fl{tern are eer orme�ox a daft basis and at3nfiai tnspgcgons are py�rforrh as , r
efl "BadR facdtty ea❑ b1ai1 tf��amourJtof prodpptton fbr any"given,t< eeYfod tp meet the iegblreme t of
r4dadt7og tg¢o ds Pd most rcvpra annual mterna�jhspeeEl J, May
15A NCAC 2D b521 CQNTt04 OF VIS� LE RM�SSi? 1�Is Y�$tbie$misstbds horn` e`flake dryer RS C
shdlioI ecgpdt2Q%gpac�ty Phe Permtt�ee s�ta31eeod,a inohthlywlgible emtsstpns¢Valut1ton(nor 6r
afioup,n9 ❑} 1)and n1 }>ttai 'a"I9 Qolts dwmg tho results bf each evatual oti y
I CO�I'If A N P�During the nspectipn,C o seFved�4%4'Y1a �E Q nldahQns ar9 perforiped�datly�a`ctnaily
` ` only durtltg eYety�� lft}'dpsplte thetr}tbhthly rpc�tSuementK
q6 QQN`�ROLAND PgafnBiTIoi dF ODORo�JS 3�iVl sslo v mxe�ttS�atle` `
," IirooesSsT aiI ndtFperafe wtthputoc�Qr cpptKolyuiptneitY ,Pin o4jecCt9 �b�eY4dof sl}nll trot b d$tetel fto m a
" these`aourey¢S' L�gµtd flow raja for>1CD Bl,ard BCD B�;s�all be$f least 8 gallops gr�rnitg,nndlhe ; t ^, : ,' , -
r " dtffp}'anttal piesSyre��all be less than 30 ln�chps of�V&ter Dyer�three�ptlr,pertQd �he Perin�ttee sli�ll perform ' ,
" peno}d�clnsltdtto�is and mamtenanee of`[3CA T41 aqd BQI)�.B2 as f6pQ��ended,by.th0r�anufap�ur`er AS a ,
z � mm�mg,p the ipspechaN and matutenanQe ISfoernnt Shall lnolucle msl3pcy�iph of Spray nozzles;pao�Cing dsq�ertal �
p(?emleaitfee�f�yslem(11`�so p9utpp� tlteel��nin�/dalibt�;�itp�n ��sget�le(l tostrJ��enta(Idn
r Iht COMP YAlyCE'AlbOdofous e ssio�ns fro}h thg�U yr l ettydp s(Qf ge nk$S dare gohU611e¢bYya x
s " ` C25ncfensQ�iCbAk, dQosem3Ssiohs+f�iintlie;flak$feasfbI�nes$Itp"B�a d$ 4B2areFpnfroli�{tllyaeked
r , lied S6rUbbets�CD �yhan�l BG12 The liquIW id floe r& vVss30 gptpEoir rgdofda observed bn the d �of the
n, " n$peatibittieif?oslsentatinuaiihterl?insp�AftOng' farepti25MiYs2b30 $e'diffr6f � xCSB
peetllytl(((((( loY inbt{es pf d atera AIaPmsaU omaf�elfy soli nd vtf IHe3ttS are eipUdled s N¢oor tyznoted
y dl�rl❑g tht3 $ eCt101 / ' Y Y t
Cfilt Pax Suhpazt FI+FFs>NESIIAP fo> IYTtsCelt!Q4b QXgd'ni Gfteoscal 1Yingirfgrm � Q1�,'
FdtOeabff k tecf PCU�Vitf} Cfroup 2 Pr pegs�$ht,t 'pr �tt�e,§half fc atts a Fpcori}oft ed y d e[ belch" s
}vas ctimjzletecf;a record o whether etch hdtch operq dafas qoh tdetpd standafd¢afeh�Ilia estimated+= `
yF at y 1 J �3 J V HtYr 66
, �t
uitcailJrollecf.ind conriQhed emtsstohs for,e;4dh,bateh,tx&t is Pp �td�red$6 beyq hop staxdrd liatCb and r¢ rda, ,,
of the cf a11y 365ay r4ltf n sutt5nn�trons of missions;qr altelhgth records Ihafcorrelhte to the ess�ghS Tpe
ISePmttt€e d{i ll 91so retamn the fo ldwigrecoi{'dsr) IP >T tdel}ltficatioh ahtl despriptlon strum id ptifibation
C�Oey Co nCOt1o#1,of pmpOtf pdS, nd'��trea flow Pay I✓min� F , , <� 3 " +1 z y
` IN G01 PIMAN� Recor(l$of Ihedaily 365'day rohilt$ uftSrlt�tibhs,zsf e�its ions ih�io 4{ 1001bs der,year
h6,ehSisatb is are pn�aulatpd(ic ed pn m ter3a�balai�ceS d W a�es I cbpeenraq} 4 on a,.month�y,basis All
the regUtrpmeitt rWort�s for baeh 4 feed MPrCU v�tt�t a Group 2 ate ayailabte a1 the site f
.......bpgYattoh prddupas a ybTtety°6'Q6lativelY ugcomthpq rStonp(ner add poly her pb8th{gals otng pf the'
mohpm@rs a re sh ppgd o st1�, while 6�hp sate ysed qns to tp,the prbduetidn of carious poaymers The'p�ol mars qre
shipped offstte of used Onslte to jirgduce Nnfiou ihemrang mdtdrJal A p"rmeip�l pSe osf tfie llsebiahp istito the 1
eici a tion/rpto�hjcltoft o cx] r1Jle nd spdiUm xydro9l afpl}1of alit h Iilanfsfi t'Ihe TO Waite,gas serub 'eYs;l9o4,w �I
at N4flon are used to co>ilrolahlk
e e �ssiotSs'of�arigu`s pollutants�inclgdmg hydrogeh flitorade and aeid ffNortdes
x DUrtti1. g Alto pectttt thodtfioalton1 the fa dity reque tad to acfd three pztstidg soutees,fo tllg"peirlatt IA'PQ �fuyl
Bther North,atS tnyl Ethdrs 5pxtx pgxtat❑er decbntammatioti processes_ he faculty received an Pnfofcement i;.
,; 5rr
4 It
eseI,sourcosi*RhpAjAntaJr pet 4
tider JQdpq tj
1.1 MA 1,Ite" ;It kill t,I
I� I
I I;0�,15 PARTX L�
....... IQy Q 67'
wth tto ob
....... iftprampro Batton re
d I --
COM1PLJANCKt],-`Pf60,Aidtt6i ko&fds-1 ire '6h'fna'hu 1;
pableatlea fatoputingtflCi ity, II'l
.......... ........
I I �i ,ON IQ l
l&RqLbF,,V,1S1 E9,WSNIOrW� Viii6jeto'n M-
(ifi- he membrane �' -
w-, '- Nol fi,yc,Q ty, NO j ecdfdk It eepjtig,�loff�D'
R MOL Nil""'ifti-A I 't! observedt,
0' WOIGSTMTS�-ION�it 6� lon
" e� , -1 —11111 , - I
5 t!N0-ACi,2Dj Qjq,�� I "
fq4 sMil eqipm
NQOM LI ,e is dons ionyrpcessiri cQ
Ulbt,b. f s ?TCD1I qrIIA& CDR&2 ,"T�4 e control 'Wos,41 o-hA*1hoht6ripg p4ra oters that erg Qw- bi �A'itne prsVe tpeor e `40 ',',Vl .4 e 14 anIt IS n PbAAiSoriqg:pakA
1 11 "1 1� Ilpell
1-,AY99ap'lANUM 01WA l& �W. o....0..0I, 0hf'�s or go,
IS,l, 00 MAPda le"9 Qr�w detected
it it
W I00, OV I t,
AMAOA 1 0111, IE
P4, _j,,EY,, N ON,OF
4"tt"r6i; t,
66MV 101W omit _6fth,pr6`06.i
1 1-9 11il 't 700'
VQV','IT 6iIOIA" .... .. b 6wfk�,ofAt'16 Ki ]AM'brs rh'q gr &pcV 0 k The Perrbjtte shall
Id f1
I - I-i - Ah" t,�,I14- l"N�--, 111-11 "l,"
'd cfi`yj�"
0 4nj oxi
OR!" VT1eCoT,§,il
[KI brlidr-1 iott&17,500,NX OMP E qed, 2;000 kg/
shutIr" tib iot,
er,p- i
wh I,P,Q,ta 8,S, Y.Yl-
1*'sys(eW W410,70 9"alarm 40orts 6N&4404 CfA
- Q ".qw-weptilo '66SIV 6
vqppM, `itliimt fty d�d"oIqIu`M-e tt4tiAhvtt 61M....X..MIIsdb kh Ted fk ciltty,
- 1i qso P rimpr y' wififfviu
, 1 , f1
1 �kitf
'C IP tti19) QAA'4 records 1fn"
W-4(o, M1F6 4
4 A , , - 4 t offfi , 1(1O 80 ki4x tl 27TP VlW V)
-`Idl kf5ljo tv 01,91 1 1014,5--hinissi s si r 40
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OSSfIO S'pEffil I
i AlaA 4PVjJ t il
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oottiffifnatioti ohit"(N I&M -F-' VA0� op ATION$', MW16. n9"frbp#
I"I I z-q
I f g:`4 111l W,0Q?M6',P6r'n rill'1keep-jffi6 I Vv
i5h4ffi hAt6d W &td
6' `Tho,diAfft i4 9 o ', 14 62 lons,pqyoar;��C �4ftfit Y,jhdJ4Cj1q g product
op ft,Wt&814'0 iojiiiiqjs it')'the cylinders,in8tddd`6 p0fgjhgtt ft ,fif§( Th is isrediofig,emissions 0wevpr,1,,.pv0rytpt6 4c i6p 0&v,
ontaitt can
jl. 'I,V
R,Pk0,: OSO j ,Lt'AN OUII,- 11, A
Q 0.r COSS
inyst I�4 III I,I I
'Vivi6titfp 0" 'Act Thef',
I I z 1 4
I liott�tkr,';ibiiPii twircmapre-not su, e t 6:1t, it of
ll 0 control
If qi
,, �I I 1 11
d'YJe4,�ThelMin g4lifftf,fiftep o H&6 6' fi, Ingo, 4 0 Wotg -
f 00 1 ul,
-6q ....... ...
y the Jerk recjghp@$s Shy be 1 tj 6
....... soh Oq6,1 d f'64�Yffi
Nr , " " M -
9 I as,beep reire- 0 pqpigdlileast"
_ epdff " -i 1wA& eiSHMit6fft 46q l
Uid4h rflOfIR ll Im g, e Olyp q RO
P. An elepatJdayS after it is doieeted,The faq�itfy t
ha(operates V e4, exe an Opa
Y,466;4�, J) 6 R �f b'
_mp cslo,;�P,
0 h qpolicn jt6Qh;Wffi iW# r ddloift',the',p— b --b
POla .T Oft A ��Faff& -04h 4WWAAO,,,�:"�
-of ti
rluWI i3OT,
IVI-1 I-1................
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P Ildfilor2)meet the r
", jjqept�,,M. Y N, A XWAIX�,1, s!Apegqtp errs,
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"am 90
-�a ! ti�,
m a- ni has
0 P, Qh'i4ffop
t4 f6ij
MI. I Nee s
#j, gq
-h- $it Ifot"IvfACT
remogeyl standards
m b'iffiW Fdffl46tdd' dtfifiba aAAFruv an
�&WIR gq�k f-,p -"fimeevfmlop mg�'
kVi-li d6, #Ijform}jeqcf't_edf,q,W'I-TI
,R sjo din
10alt, s,a 0i 4toa lih t pr6dodeAh A m
j JrllckA y �q sgl4,tftj
P1 V , a
IT&b, Rl
'fi OU 46 0
Wlewito ty qqta.tor thiito
t tbi*A Q&of C S hernical,,,, e,vAQ,q �vltqj,!p -�§eyqp -P -1�1- 1,l.,
1,2(r)Iq 'Ofiffic4l 4,teide 10 "y'pi q�lify6e i", X, )g W`�'.-'
e , js�pl4nhio�,O
lgl' fj't6%
hU R da'deo.....FOIA&SOMV, iih
4 ,
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TR E B T-1 NI SANCLko"Jj)'�18i)6��,�l
-�M �1 111 L, - USTMOSION
04 tip
ss cafe led b� -66, q fig oh§p, V did y
ffi COMV666061,.
j K V;,E!eps ew 9 4,kt�a I't u
MA mos ,
"Y' 1184A,(10, i'hstantapepu�iy�if
ifi -Iffx
willik -Ill go-ji-x,fe'shut ownitio"U 1 the two, o rtavera 4
of Olsix'. 400 CjAer0fOM't 61 tier agesio
jt6Ftb control,PF N'
6 11 hab'st ft d g
Ins;�'�,�Y 11 1-- ....... ..
t f
. n t 1 {. J ! tt t t t ,:, y , tg{� r°'4' '
! � re ,t x Yt' ti ! - , : r
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a s , < r ,, t t F t ik
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x 4 "—Pi 't t o ta ) s lx '+ s - k t' txFa zfi`' a Ma r
*�VastOwater lreatrheht �rea�(all sources labeled WifrWTS and W fC(�xl# t, ! ` y t �, `4 " ,,
1 For the yraate�v�jer tretn}dhi Qperationd;thp Tifie Veld 1$ilepifi s Iivo iofty, ytt ✓ tyes cotroAipdfbY0 a +
r k t 1 ' ( ! $ra i 'a *, t ! s: r, n
impmgelnent ty(Z¢ict se�bber pVikh mts olin7inator4( ti17QhaSef migute diiule tasttlth hydeoxideolutton} ^Yi', ',
The Jvii oci a'neot� Orgatrio,`TESL CNIQ�')vwlll 1 o a Q�ss e$llissiot}�s from vfas.'eww tet Wtth es p6t fog{ti, \ ,,k{i �,
v , > x x " z , r vs Y ' Te ,,a ,
ggaptity of ep51ssi6hs,,ihethapoi is theinlossintftcant fit ISYsilUtant&oln th ateaifeatmen operation> �_5
{ e , Ft x �, ti , {' 'W Y t 1! tr� �'n , �fc ram, �, } ft4f t1., I y R xll! ! {'c ! �. .
15AGC�2D50 , OiVT>COI#�A�(DR�QHIBjONbFQDb � }xSIO�iS� He" gs� ateh� ` , x, {` ar,'
, !r , reatmelit kacility shall dot operate W�th'6ii mana errlen plan or Qdot c '. yj�esi p enf� Qp okJeciignaz l�odot ti ,
$hall noi'be aetpeted ftgoin thug sorutcer The sIydgrycts�shali�b poph 'by�edstie ipleptio s)r4b�6r �t<`
! l p�IBL IQg�gOk i§4tSO�reC(Ul�ed�f0T fho se Ul?�e(' t� l br> a, i� s! rri s ' S 1, h ! F 5y !
IN G01�4RT YAI G 'd6bt'oi?s p lijs�to zs olfij ,&Wd e`dryers arB cone il¢d b asCEui�ber ufhizing�;� ,,, ` ;�
V 4 i j { 4 f,� t I tte U + f¢ k t - 1 '
1?4tas¢tUtp 11dtgi{iebytrptl V�astewater tieatmehf odots=were{1of fi9te¢of pol} dary lmes� The sl5ge e
i i d s '�� r rl-tl n t a 5"',II tct , n a',.'
rgte a Ore ioca ed,ihslde U ttdagg .The faoitity t-.4ps ht intonartce rceprd forithe scrui2ber]n their eledttonic t
i x. ! v ! x t 1, x x n ,, 1 i F r
txiditEtehanee pPogram TIIC piosf rep$nt mspectign was$ yne 2009. ! ° # x ,e' " a
tl ?'se ! { - Xth Xp 1, a y y yt �{F'! ��` ff5 �liP "{. Xrl �£r_ c , !. ! e {: < 1i
Tenna6rhr V$o ler S 1Cena111-11
This l3d}iyie t ggr,, {ltI'llTt etl o�rNa(dppr�al Cr4S NOl'ti and i§>?}ought 6fi4i" "4` a" `t§peedgd'y$ is `J h�hoilop was ,` {
Oli§At if'� 1�'4tc#p d htljr0�1 41 ]fryat}il .b09 tf t,��.E, ' a'e � t y `� i i " ,' ,,r r " ; t , n r C
t ) S t r, ! , # x ) ;+t £� fi, L ! ) f l ,£ r e e 1 9
1 ! k r ft - t i1�1, I i 1 F i , f '1 a , , I'llt 5
! ", ISA!NCAC Zb� .9f O� PARTICULATE$F,b 'F,I1� ) URNIN', zN 0�,T I(I$A� �"Il� - yAN�A)F S ;�;,, ;
11FA reglate eiiiissiot��_,y the temporgy bgile sfi�lt not eXceed OfS ¢1�§(ltiitt$ht �` -,'
a 1.T1*C'QMP IV "°, T#e 42,`efpissiohs ta$toF F Nor 2 fuel''oil is Q,0�4ltisxdroBT�J r �`_E
< s S :x , e , c tl; re it r r i,
rie" ( r'! "tii , i t , v x �t t ) c
` ISA NCA,2� 0sz4 NE{ sOu> C > RFOi� AN ?r NUARns 5 a t ill net TOe sjf p6O,tent
of a 1 ecei erl fuel of sis 11 not exct ed, v p ffi b lei ht The po mitte8 shal Xha11 {nta n f et cerhflc tibhs " ` '
w , ` aild titbrsfh)�`$moGnts c#ify�el��t>tg , �he'flac'liiy,mVsi,PY4uide,h6ti0i,�ttoq,whdh�the'tift is bfofrphieon atta attd �
�' pp ratiod�l! TI}efacil�ty must also cgn4)Upumemyg yj p,§ipg of sUbm}q�iyf a`s oe�atedlp otocbl,etc'1,1, +
1(I N11", OWUANCiE`�F of ceri ,lizdicatg fui i ot� l ssitfian 0 5l. I r ` Wig t,aclaally'most]s 1�p�5m' ;>
11, ' x sulfar Ai 1 , 1 °i fix S r) ',+ l��tr x rt I _ nl sK� i , r ;, t i ,t-.
t t i l: f 7> tis ! 't t '' f f�t ,<, ", h i �5;. t - ,� t. ,ito Y<,S ��*...s t4 ,< x Sx t i { r t i 1
,� 1 t o J i f [. f 2 , y v J 9 i h p l xx {(e tIi, F' � t $ ) S tt
5A I AC 2Q 0, -,p, N TON (?� SSG �I111CAi.iI�T'DET>,)QO tATfON"AVOO N 19' `
QO YP1fglsi ,' f>tirssions fromtt g tempdra bbde3 Temp shah not exceeY�ihe'foJlo�vtng! 4011 X SOz'
"_hbIper I# e PhIll keep rtionthly rdo of t13e 4'ffi iii bf,,( co'ipbltgol : Seth}Anpu prepoi ing is filsb , t , `
tegllire4l or tttohthly agmbit� on t cab i tJoits , ]tf htii p kivd)- r , ,
3 5 ! r a 6 3 a) n N i at t t C j ' ! tie '�� c !
IN GOiVI 1AlVCTy l t l slon i eYe }p�,, xr_,,#eP�y bx t6nsApe�yet s
! , Y P v f a �'.,� rx 'k, ' ' t, 1 x. tv,Si t , t t L , o i
t t i ,'.,, �r ! t �t � ti %ie `t iY. �; yt ,! � . Je t 1zi !h t t r y t x, ,ii `t µ{r
s° '.�r�C11LIN(Yla§®B1ltS ManufaCftihtfts 'a�thib l C A�)'�fpsS t�',il j st 11 e e : l ! : e{ t. F ', t
y The'SafityGl 1Sl�tit b@g tt Qpelat16 fit,2 " an51-Ftttites rigl�plasi%c giaS atltattate !j Ihis prodUbt�s`sirnihr r
to the' ittacit ptoduct111 ll l howeyei>thts ttlaterial is muchsfronge ,evenScplosdnYoof the faciitty tfas U CrUslilpg
sy§ertl is ed l0 6citstl l�e tSalieti�ed faw m t9rial 'IN"
,usligd #ePIg is sent ip a g1%,Whipti rs c{,olih411�1 by�,j � ��,
bagh¢ilse that __., ihdgoU,';e enure, focess talfes puce to a 4"AI *t to void c6flta>4iihaiton by hnt,dixt,etc a
11 ri. i i J t t, in a, ti '` yx x r i! la - t Ill:
', t ,4a " t c 't - e� C sT M 'r ,r ! i ;t it i '/ , e�
I5A�NCAL 2D,b521 CO11�1N�Yt L( Fl,,, 1BLL IssitbNs tr visible emisstoh$from theSe1ltfryGlas , � !
' ai<dt�o Uri�g di11 t'y�Or no exce', 2f o ppablt � I9�i}ngntto�il`g z�cd�dke0ptp$,C reportitlgrequiredl "' `
/ 11
" i �1� L, , rr bu>'ing t{ie] SpeCtfeft'�we°Obsdr}�eth0°70 VE r , S, s + .+ r� 1 j ,'�
} f f' ! ! S ! l 4x{ f lF C ( , it. , t�
1�ATCAC 2D804bNTR�L`E1ND �2Qq� )I4P1 O bllOROI]S EIYIISSIOIyS ,The Sehtryt las
ivanufsturing£ability s}iali not opetatetiho4tifhplenienjiilg a managempntplah or withoitf;6doP co>itxol t
rt equip ent i t' 1'u / �, 'i
INICO IJANCE No 6dor¢w'' noted surrgi}htimg dime iaoiirty
F ; x !<
i` '. ` ,,l t e v_w t , � , ,L i, a Y ` ,i , !"
t; i t ! , al t q t >i
si t } r,
v t .� -I
> !
f �1
,, S ` -< 4id N�
4 \ r/ t x i
1 t t
t , K I i r t r 1 t F -
Polvwnl Fluoride(PUPi Po1VnSer Manufabtutirie Ffictrty t'(RS�B &FS C2* '�. , �
1 hz$t�o11�Y�kSttec�ropefuttoh z4 the layer Pgrtiop o> gPt�13i1{eAr20Q7 h$)ac113ty hegr�copsttddtion Qn�the secott�l r
fapiliky ),ho ever,rt)s not expeckei(Ao be opret Jo �7Yi li�Juue 2Q1b r u7ny f) vr1�e leauts zh a c ruinuoUs
` reackox t( Q e ude po�yvg1 flUoYide(PUF), pe PYF t�� p �atdeif thr6gh =bc1'f111fpress theyr` i''
tuptiaf ct{if Tpena[p{ocluct is PUR;9ohd p9wde TI�eVFprbduce`d:a�this fd[Ey is �ed f5 phptoVohaic
-tfartA Igte emf ssiops from khe ry, factjtty sh 11 lok e7 ceec�4 *Pq�� �rhe Pert ittee haft(iiaigkam K
„ ✓
1ik6duc(Apn aeooft�§of the process rates tt�tOtts per hour , d; y
Il�fi C�1VfPLIf1)iTCE Th&PpfdGess:cbfitroi s`yslem recQrcJ �roces§�r�tes and e'il c)n"4(noS�ce any em)ssion oP v s
tl6 1af F _ ' e k ,i
—,,par S @sF; t t r< rz
G��'1 C QG 2A 0521 COlY7CR0�0 �I$ k l E 1SS�O1�S ,Ulsible etn lion froill{lie P fgail(y shall t
riot e�tcged 20%oaeiky Once eacri monkh he;,erm[t� shgll'pbselYe the gntissrI1Fofi�eiefispoint�o#the
n, L
b ghouse o aUy yts�ble emjssioits"above AlorMai
I ,CbMPt L41YC� 'During to ittspea(gd wp o�3servje Q%UPx yTte bhot��u�e>hu [>pok fs 15atred'With aP �'
s ` l g7�']Zlt f(O}Jl U1G'StGam;taIVC t `-�2 { r s r r rYa� r S 4ys
� h Q�i,Q ObU> 6US EAIISSIQNS ` The RUR fpct�tty l
15A#VC 2 ,<806 b RQ �ANb PRQ]�iI$1TT
�1t 11 not g#era(e wr louk tmp optentmg t`manageAllgin pula or�fthouS odor c6ntrol�z���tti6ot r z,
` IN CQI ,I<ANCE puTigg the]n$peGklOn lh0 OdOT W�,9e�eCted, J- ` ' ( { ?, F ' ,9 °e.�,
F 3 ✓ e i ' ,
* s
OND�TIQNS limtszphsr'gm`4he kwo PUF fai)i(tes fk?S"� �&FS:'C7) ali]tbt exrl6e�the"aliowm '!
TPY F. x1e PeAtnliiee shah kgponkhly:recgrds of(rG emi3slofis�e�le11 nt8d by met�toc�s to Pe> it ;,.�
Snhtrannpai reporting[�also nquved for itlgnFijhil) em4sstolts(i7 mopth periods / a,
N�OMP >ANCE ; hecfll is hbt teyuired�o mairt4ti tttls'd#!& et ...o ) seCod fac)�rt$ )las iiot het r
lieru oPSApxiot! (Tlig pokenhal for each th41�tdqu 'fkclitty is le�f'fha6,46 0%I ye0
*R8�ilhtve 6Yidd T6xi Lats *r „x
i � tIANr �t
r 15A �A(': J�,1100` ONT OT'Q�'T9 1«ALR 1'QN1,it
T,UTAN'fS THe b lntkjee shah rd trifaihrecbrQs
Qf pFotluc(1bU rates,t�ttogll�y§:mOkerial gage,erces er3iis1oh�4,att cofiirof equi�Snattt fgll}tras; k ; f'
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