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Complaint Investigation Report County: Bladen Region: FRO NC Dept. of Environment&Natural Resources Suspect: DuPont Company -Fayetteville Works Facility ID# 0900009 15164 Division of Air Quality Record # 15164 Regional Investigator: Reeves, Gregory Suspect: DuPont Company-Fayetteville Works Regional Co-investigator: Suspect Contact: Ellis H. McGaughy Non-DAQ Investigator: Physical Location: 22828 NC Highway 87 West- Fayetteville Date Complaint Received: 10/31/2013 Mailing Address: 22828 NC Highway 87 West Received By: Reeves, Gregory City/State/Zip: Fayetteville NC 28306 Date assigned: 10/31/2013 Telephone: (910)678-1546 Alternate Telephone: Investigation date: 11/01/2013 Complainant: Gregory Reeves Follow-up date: 01/14/2014 Complainant Address: Report submit date: 01/14/2014 City/State/Zip: NC Telephone(H): Complaint type: OTHER Telephone(W): (910)433-3373 Complaint description: Release of unknown Call Back Required? No Response Requested quantity of dichloromethane(methylene chloride) from a process tower at the DuPont facility. The release was reported to the NRC at 3:35 PM on 10/31/2013 by Mike Johnson of DuPont. Referral to DAQ: EPA Situation Dangerous: No Violation documented: No Occurring Now: No NCFSPermit: N/A Signature: 40! �I Report Date: Comments/Directions: DuPont Company-Fayetteville Works is located on NC Highway 87 in Bladen County. From FRO, take Highway 87 south. The entrance to the facility is approximately 18 miles from FRO on the left side of Highway 87 just before the Cumberland/Bladen County line. Summary of investigation: 11/01/13—Mike Johnson left a telephone voice message to Greg Reeves of FRO at 08:18 AM, reporting an estimated 600 pound release of methylene chloride (dichloromethane) coolant. The leak appears to have lasted less than one hour. Some of the material was captured in a below-ground sump, but some was released to the atmosphere. Based on preliminary estimates, it appears that the release exceeds the 2D .1100 toxics limitations in the permit(24.85 lb/hr). One employee was seriously injured and taken to a hospital for treatment of severe frostbite. No additional information was available. 9:00 AM 11/01/13 - Greg Reeves called Mike Johnson to discuss the incident. No additional information was available at that time. Mr. Reeves requested that a copy of the incident investigation be forwarded to FRO when completed. In addition, a formal letter documenting the release is required to be sent to the Regional Supervisor,DAQ, within 15 days after the incident, as this appears to be a deviation of the toxics emission limitations under 2D .l 100 in the air permit. 11/11/13—FRO received a letter from DuPont documenting the excess emissions on 10/31/13. The report stated that approximately 1,181 pounds of methylene chloride was unaccounted for, and that it was assumed to be vented to atmosphere through the Nafion®Polymers Process Stack(ID No.NEP-G)during a 1-hour period. This emission exceeds the permitted toxic emission rate of 24.85 pounds per hour in the current air permit under 2D .1100. Mr. Johnson stated that the employee involved in the incident is still in the hospital, and has been placed in a medically-induced coma while undergoing treatment for his injuries. He has not been interviewed as of this date,and the investigation of the incident is still ongoing. No basic cause has yet been determined for the release. 12/04/13—Greg Reeves spoke with Mike Johnson regarding the release. The investigation is still ongoing. The injured employee is still in the hospital in a medically-induced coma, so has still not been interviewed regarding the incident. 01/14/14—Greg Reeves spoke with Mike Johnson. Mr. Johnson indicated that although the incident investigation is still not complete, it appears that the incident was not the result of a malfunction. It appears that an employee action caused this release. Incident investigation completed 01/14/14 i INCIDENT DESCRIPTION SAYS THE RELEASE IS COMING FROM A "TOWN", THE RELEASE IS COMING FROM A "TOWER" OR BUILDING AT THE FACILITY. *** END NOTIFICATION UPDATE ALERT REPORT # 1064549 *** Report any problems by calling 1-800-424-8802 http://www.nrc.uscg.mil -i z r DU f a17 I DuPont Chemicals&Fluoroproduats ® Fayetteville Works Plant 22823 NC Hwy 87 West Fayetteville,NC 28306-7332 CFRTIFIFD MAIL ARTICLE NUMBER 7007 0710 00051455 9218 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED November 11, 2013 Mr•. Steven F. Vozzo NCDENR—Division of Air Quality Fayetteville Regional Office 225 Green Street—Suite 714 Fayetteville,NC 28301 SUBJECT: Title V Air Quality Permit Deviation and Excess Emissions DuPont Company—Fayetteville Works Air Quality Permit No. 03735T37 Facility ID: 0900009, Fayetteville, Bladen County Dear Mr, Vozzo: Pursuant to Part I Section 3(I.A)(2)(a) and Section 3(I.A.)(3)(a) of the subject Title V permit, this Ietter is the required notification of excess emissions and a state-enforceable- only permit deviation of an emissions limitation for methylene chloride specified in Part I Section 2.2(B)(1) of the subject permit, which is the rule regulating North Carolina toxic air pollutant emissions per ISA NCAC 2D .1100• That limitation sets a facility-wide emission limit of 24.85 pounds of inethylene chloride per hour. Methylene c1doride is used as the heat-transfer liquid ("brine") throughout the site's Nation® Process Area. On October 31, 2013, a 3/8-inch copper tube fitting in the brine system became detached, which resulted in the release of methylene chloride inside of the Nation©Polymers Process manufacturing building. This release from the brine system resulted in 1,181 pounds of methylene chloride being unaccounted for and presumed to have been vented to the atmosphere through the NafionOO Polymers Process stack(11)No. NEP-G) during a 1-hour period. &I.du Pont de Nemours and Company Mr. Steven F. Vozzo Page 2 of 2 NCDENR—Division of Air Quality , ,i ; November I t,2013 The loss of 1,181 pounds of methylene chloride during a 1-hour period exceeds the Part I Section 2,2(B)(1) limit of 24.851b/lu methylene chloride. The cause of this deviation was due to a release of methylene chloride from a detached copper tube fitting in the NafionO Process Area's brine system, The NafionO Polymers Process is currently shutdown due to this incident. The brine - system's copper tube fitting will have been reattached prior to the start-up of that Nation@ Polymers Process. If you have any questions regarding this excess emission and permit deviation, or if you need any additional information,please contact Michael Johnson at(910) 678-1155. To comply with the requirement of Section 3(D) of the subject permit, the required photocopy of this letter is enclosed. By my signature below, I certify that I believe the information contained in this letter is true, accurate,and complete, Sincerely, Ellis H. McGaughy Plant Manager OU PANT DuPont Chemicals&Fluoroproducts Fayetteville Works Plant 22828 NC Hwy 87 West RECEIVED Fayetteville,NC 28306-7332 NOV 13 2013 DENR-FAYETTEMLLE REGIONAL OFFICE CERTIFIED MAIL ARTICLE NUMBER 7007 0710 0005 1455 9218 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED November 11, 2013 Mr. Steven F. Vozzo NCDENR—Division of Air Quality Fayetteville Regional Office 225 Green Street—Suite 714 Fayetteville,NC 28301 SUBJECT: Title V Air Quality Permit Deviation and Excess Emissions DuPont Company—Fayetteville Works Air Quality Permit No. 03735T37 Facility ID: 0900009, Fayetteville, Bladen County Dear Mr. Vozzo: Pursuant to Part I Section 3(I.A)(2)(a) and Section 3(I.A.)(3)(a) of the subject Title V permit, this letter is the required notification of excess emissions and a state-enforceable- only permit deviation of an emissions limitation for methylene chloride specified in Part I Section 2.2(B)(1) of the subject permit, which is the rule regulating North Carolina toxic air pollutant emissions per 15A NCAC 2D .1100. That limitation sets a facility-wide emission limit of 24.85 pounds of methylene chloride per hour. Methylene chloride is used as the heat-transfer liquid ("brine") throughout the site's Nafion® Process Area. On October 31, 2013, a 3/8-inch copper tube fitting in the brine system became detached, which resulted in the release of methylene chloride inside of the Nafion(&Polymers Process manufacturing building. This release from the brine system resulted in 1,181 pounds of methylene chloride being unaccounted for and presumed to have been vented to the atmosphere through the Nafion® Polymers Process stack(ID No. NEP-G) during a 1-hour period. E.I.du Pont de Nemours and Company Mr. Steven F. Vozzo Page 2 of 2 NCDENR—Division of Air Quality November 11, 2013 The loss of 1,181 pounds of methylene chloride during a 1-hour period exceeds the Part I Section 2.2(B)(1) limit of 24.85 lb/hr methylene chloride. The cause of this deviation was due to a release of methylene chloride from a detached copper tube fitting in the Nafion®Process Area's brine system. The Nafion® Polymers Process is currently shutdown due to this incident. The brine _ system's copper tube fitting will have been reattached prior to the start-up of that Nafion® Polymers Process. If you have any questions regarding this excess emission and permit deviation, or if you need any additional information, please contact Michael Johnson at (910) 678-1155. To comply with the requirement of Section 3(D) of the subject permit, the required photocopy of this letter is enclosed. By my signature below, I certify that I believe the information contained in this letter is true, accurate, and complete. Sincerely, Ellis H. McGaughy Plant Manager Reeves, Gregory W From: Reid, Mike Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2013 4:02 PM To: Reeves, Gregory W Cc: Vozzo, Steven; Thomas, Mike; Cherry, Lori; Lewis, Steven Subject: FW: NRC#1064549 Note update of the NRC report. Michael Reid, 112(r) Program Coordinator Technical Services Section NC DENR, Division of Air Quality 1641 Mail Service Center . Raleigh, NC 27699-1641 Phone: 919-707-8443 Fax: 919-715-0718 www.ncair.org mile.reid(@ncdenr.gov ***************************************************************************************** Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation. ***************************************************************************************** -----Original Message----- - From: Kenneth Rhame [mailto:Rhame.Kenneth(@epa.gov] Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2013 3:55 PM To: Reid, Mile; Lewis, Steven Subject: Fw: NRC#1064549 From: HQS-PF-fldr-NRC(@uscg.mil <HOS-PF-fldr-NRC(dusca.mil> Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2013 3:53:47 PM To: Kenneth Rhame Subject: NRC#1064549 NATIONAL RESPONSE CENTER 1-800-424-8802 ******* NOTIFICATION UPDATE ALERT ******* Incident Report # 1064549 INITIAL INCIDENT DETAILS Report Taken: 31-OCT-13 at 15:43 Incident Type: FIXED Incident Cause: UNKNOWN Location: City: FAYETTEVILLE County: BLADEN State: NC -------------------------------------------------------------- **** UPDATED INFORMATION **** Report Updated By: CIV TIMOTHY SMITH Correction Released: 31-OCT-13 at 15:53 1 4 E �, �� r Reeves, Gregory W From: Reid, Mike Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2013 4:00 PM To: Reeves, Gregory W Cc: 'Kenneth Rhame'; Lewis, Steven; Cherry, Lori; Colon, Teresa; Guan, Hong; Thomas, Mike; Vozzo, Steven Subject: FW: NRC#1064549 Just spoke w/ Mr. Johnson. Please disregard the "description of incident" section. The release is confined to a tower not a town. Mr. Johnson was not able to offer me any more clarification of the release at this time other then it appears to be contained. Mr. Johnson further stated that he would send the NRC a clarification on the event description. Mike R. Michael Reid, 112(r) Program Coordinator Technical Services Section NC DENR, Division of Air Quality 1641 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1641 Phone: 919-707-8443 Fax: 919-715-0718 www.ncair.org mike.reid@ncdenr.gov ***************************************************************************************** Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation. ***************************************************************************************** -----Original Message----- From: Kenneth Rhame [mailto:Rhame.Kenneth@epa.gov] Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2013 3:51 PM To: Reid, Mile; Lewis, Steven Subject: Fw: NRC#1064549 From: HQS-PF-fldr-NRC@uscg.mil <HQS-PF-fldr-NRC@uscg.mil> Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2013 3:49:06 PM To: Kenneth Rhame Subject: NRC#1064549 NATIONAL RESPONSE CENTER 1-800-424-8802 ***GOVERNMENT USE ONLY***GOVERNMENT USE ONLY*** Information released to a third party shall comply with any applicable federal and/or state Freedom of Information and Privacy Laws Incident Report # 1064549 INCIDENT DESCRIPTION *Report taken by: CIV DAVID DEDEAUX at 15:43 on 31-OCT-13 1 Incident Type: FIXED Incident Cause: UNKNOWN Affected Area: Incident occurred on 31-OCT-13 at 15:35 local incident time. Affected Medium: AIR ATMOSPHERE REPORTING PARTY Name: MICHAEL JOHNSON Organization: DUPONT Address: 22828 NC HWY 87W FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28306 PRIMARY Phone: (910)6781155 ALTERNATE Phone: (910)4248042 Type of Organization: PRIVATE ENTERPRISE SUSPECTED RESPONSIBLE PARTY _ Name: MICHAEL JOHNSON Organization: DUPONT Address: 22828 NC HWY 87W FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28306 PRIMARY Phone: (910)6781155 ALTERNATE Phone: (910)4248042 INCIDENT LOCATION 22828 NC HWY 87W County: BLADEN City: FAYETTEVILLE State: NC Zip: 28306 RELEASED MATERIAL(S) CHRIS Code: DCM Official Material Name: DICHLOROMETHANE _ Also Known As: Qty Released: 0 UNKNOWN AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF INCIDENT CALLER STATED THAT THERE WAS A RELEASE OF DICHLOROMETHANE FROM AN UNKNOWN SOURCE INSIDE A TOWN THAT IS BEING RESPONDED TO AT THIS TIME. SENSITIVE INFORMATION INCIDENT DETAILS Package: N/A Building ID: Type of Fixed Object: CHEMICAL FACILITY Power Generating Facility: UNKNOWN Generating Capacity: Type of Fuel: NPDES: NPDES Compliance: UNKNOWN IMPACT Fire Involved: NO Fire Extinguished: UNKNOWN 2 I INJURIES: NO Hospitalized: Empl/Crew: Passenger: FATALITIES: NO Empl/Crew: Passenger: Occupant: EVACUATIONS:NO Who Evacuated: Radius/Area: Damages: NO Hours Direction of Closure Type Description of Closure Closed Closure N Air: N Major Road: Artery:N N Waterway: N Track: Environmental Impact: NO Media Interest: UNKNOWN Community Impact due to Material: REMEDIAL ACTIONS INVESTIGATION UNDERWAY Release Secured: YES Release Rate: Estimated Release Duration: WEATHER Weather: OVERCAST, °F ADDITIONAL AGENCIES NOTIFIED -- Federal: State/Local: State/Local On Scene: State Agency Number: NOTIFICATIONS BY NRC DHS I&A STATE AND LOCAL PRGM OFFICE (RALEIGH, NC FUSION CENTER) 31-OCT-13 15:48 (202)5575179 DHS SOUTH CAROLINA FUSION CENTER (LE SENSITIVE ADVISORS & LIASON PROGRA 31-OCT-13 15:48 (866)4728477 DOT CRISIS MANAGEMENT CENTER (MAIN OFFICE) 31-OCT-13 15:48 (202)3661863 U.S. EPA IV (MAIN OFFICE) (404)6504955 U.S. EPA IV (NC/SC INCIDENTS) 31-OCT-13 15:48 (404)6504955 NC DEPT OF EMERGENCY MGMT (MAIN OFFICE) 31-OCT-13 15:48 (800)8580368 NC OCCUPATIONAL ENVMTL EPIDEMIOLOGY (COMMAND CENTER) 31-OCT-13 15:48 (919)7075950 NC PUBLIC HEALTH PREPARE AND RESPNS (PHPR COMMAND CENTER) 31-OCT-13 15:48 (919)7150919 NATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE COORD CTR (MAIN OFFICE) 31-OCT-13 15:48 (202)2829201 NOAA RPTS FOR NC (MAIN OFFICE) 31-OCT-13 15:48 (206)5264911 NATIONAL RESPONSE CENTER HQ (AUTOMATIC REPORTS) 3 31-OCT-13 15:48 (202)2671136 SEAHAWK IOC (INTER-AGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER) 31-OCT-13 15:48 (803)2060971 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DENR (MAIN OFFICE) 31-OCT-13 15:48 (919)8076300 USCG DISTRICT 5 (D5 DRAT) 31-OCT-13 15:48 (757)3986231 USCG DISTRICT 5 (INTEL CHIEF) 31-OCT-13 15:48 (757)3986655 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CALLER WILL NOTIFY THE STATE AND THE LEPC. *** END INCIDENT REPORT #1064549 *** Report any problems by calling 1-800-424-8802 PLEASE VISIT OUR WEB SITE AT http://www.nrc.uscg.mil —a �I 4 � .� [6 -R 4 k �'