HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_0200086_20200311_CMPL_CAV-Rpt NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF Mooresville Regional Office AIR QUALITY Huntington House, Inc. NC Facility ID 0200086 Inspection Report County/FIPS:Alexander/003 Date: 03/11/2020 Facility Data Permit Data Huntington House, Inc. Permit n/a 661 Rink Dam Road Issued n/a Taylorsville,NC 28681 Expires n/a Lat: 35d 48.9606m Long: 81d 17.8854m Class/Status Permit Exempt SIC: 2512/Upholstered Household Furniture Permit Status Inactive NAICS: 337121 /Upholstered Household Furniture Manufacturing Current Permit Application(s)None Contact Data Program Applicability Facility Contact Authorized Contact Technical Contact SIP Johnny Slagle Johnny Slagle Johnny Slagle CFO CFO CFO (828)495-4400 (828)495-4400 (828)495-4400 Compliance Data Comments: Inspection Date 03/I1/2020 � Q � Inspector's Name Robert Papuga Inspector's Signature: ' j Operating Status Operating 00 Compliance Code Compliance-inspection Action Code FCE Date of Signature: 3 _ Z S - 2O 2 O On-Site Inspection Result Compliance Total Actual emissions in TONS/YEAR: TSP S02 NOX VOC CO PM10 * HAP 2011 131 --- 0.0000 1.25 0.0000 0.5800 814.06 2007 9.92 --- --- 2.67 --- 5.32 1437.55 _ *Highest HAP Emitted inpounds) Five Year Violation History:None Date .Letter Tvue Rule Violated Violation Resolution Date Performed Stack Tests since last FCE: None _ Date "rest Results Test Method(s) Source(s)Tested Huntington House;Inc. March 11,2020 Page of Type Action: _Full Compliance _Partial Compliance _Complaint Other: Compliance Assurance Visit Evaluation Evaluation/Reinspection Investigation Data Date submitted for initial review 03/12/2020 IBEAM INFO, WARNING/OB, NOD,NOV,NRE Tracking: X IBEAM Document -XL'IBEAM Inspection, list date inspected —X IBEAM LAT/LONG,Facility Locked -X IBEAM Inspection, list date draft is submitted X IBEAM LAP/LONG, Coordinates checked- - IBEAM Inspection,pollutants/programs checked _IBEAM Complaint X_IBEAM Planning,Next Inspection Date 03701/2022 Directions: From the intersection of Hwy. 64/90 and Hwy. 127 in Taylorsville, travel Hwy. 127 south approximately 8 miles to Bethlehem,turn left onto Rink Dam Road,travel approximately 0.6 mile and the facility is located on the left at 661 Rink Dam Road. Safety Equipment: Safety glasses, ear protection and steel toe shoes are required for an inspection at this facility. Safety Issues: None. Facility LATILonn: A review of the facility's coordinates on "Map of Regulatcd AQ Facilities" indicate that the facility's latitude and longitude coordinates are accurate. Email Contacts: The facility email contacts were verified. No changes are needed in IBEAM. Compliance Assurance Visit: 1. The purpose of this site visit was to conduct a routine compliance assurance visit. This facility manufactures upholstered furniture. The plant currently operates eight hours per day, five days per week, Monday through Friday. The facility processed approximately 36,000 bd. ft. of lumber per month during 2019. I was accompanied on this inspection by Mr.Johnny Slagle, CFO. 2. Facility Contact Information: During the inspection I verified the facility contact information in IBEAM with Mr. Slagle. No changes to the facility contact information are needed in IBEAM. 3. Compliance History: No problems have been noted in the last five years by DAQ, prior to this inspection. The current compliance status is discussed in the following sections. Huntington House,Inc. March 11,2020 Page 3 of 4 4. Source Observations: This facility has one cyclone installed on woodworking equipment. The facility also has two dry filter type paint spray booths. The cyclone and both dry filter spray booths were installed after July 1, 1971 and are subject to the 20% opacity limit for visible emissions when averaged over a six-minute period. Woodworking equipment consisting of saws, sander, planer and shop floor cleanup ducts that are vented to the cyclone. Various woodworking equipment and the cyclone were in operation. I observed no visible emissions from the woodworking equipment or the exhaust of the cyclone during this visit. Various sealers, lacquers are applied via atomized spray guns to wooden furniture surfaces in the dry filter spray booths. Containers were properly closed with tightly fitting lids and no defects were found in the container or lids. During the compliance assurance visit, I observed no open containers, spills or any other cleaning operations being conducted at this facility. This office has not received any fugitive dust emissions complaints regarding this facility. This facility has paved roads. During this visit, I observed no fugitive dust from this facility. I discussed with Mr. Slagle if any excess emissions had occurred at this facility since the last inspection on November 8, 2018. Mr. Slagle stated that no excess emissions had occurred at this facility. There are no gasoline storage tanks, engines/generators/fire pumps,boilers or any other sources at this facility. Therefore, this facility is not subject to the requirements of NSPS,NESHAP/MACT, RACT or 112(r). 5. Exemption Qualification: This facility submitted a request to rescind Air Permit No. 08669R03 on August 15, 2016. This office sent a letter dated December 9,2016 rescinding the current air permit since the actual facility- wide emissions of particulate matter(PM10), sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides,volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide, hazardous air pollutants (HAP) and toxic air pollutants (TAP) has been less than five tons per year and the total aggregate emissions of these pollutants are less than ten tons per year. This facility has not changed or modified the equipment to increase emissions above the exemption thresholds since the rescission request. Therefore,this facility still qualifies for exemption under 15A NCAC 2Q .0IO2(d). 6. Compliance Determination: Based on my observations, this facility appeared to be in compliance with the air quality rules (213 .0521-visible emissions; 2D .0515-particulates from miscellaneous industrial process; 2D .0535-excess emissions; 2D .0540-fugitive dust .emissions at the time of the visit. The compliance assurance visit checklist is attached on page 4. RJP:lhe c: MRO File https://neconnect.shuepoint.com/sites/DAQ-MRO/Counties/ALEXANDER/00086/INSPECT 20200311_CAV.doex Huntington House, Inc. March 11,2020 Page 4 of 4 ( - Compliance Assurance Visit Checklist TF rev.11/03/16� IFacilityName: Huntington House I I I I I I I I I _ I Physical Site Address: 661 Rink Dam Road I I I I I I I I (City: Taylorsville I I IZip Code: 28621 1 (County: Alexanderl I (Facility Contact: Johnny Slagle I I ITitle: CFO (Phone No.: 828-495-4000 ext.324 I I (Mailing Address: PO Box 6231 Hickory,NC 28603 (Facility Contact Email Address: iohnnvsCelhuntinetonhouse.com I I I I I I 1 Is the facility contact the person that you met? If not,fill out the following: Yes I I I _ IContactName: I i ITtle: 1 I _ _ (Phone No.: I I Mailing Address: I i I lEmail Address: I I 1 I Safety requirements:safety shoes(yes)-safety glasses(yes)-hearing protection(yes)-hardhat(no) ther(please describe): Safet Vest —T —T Normal operating sched_ule_(hr/d,d/wk,wk/yr): a hours per day. 5 days a week. 50 weeks a year. �--- -- -- - ---- T - - o-- - - - — II- �- - - Opacity(%)_indicate any non-zero opacities observed: 0•� I 1 I Odors-iindicate if any objectionable odors were detected beyond the property boundary: None iFugitive dust-indicate whether fugitive dust was observed leaving property boundary: None T I - ----- - -- ----r.—�-_-ram-- - �� .since-last inspection,have there been any changes in equi ment oropemtion? No Throughput and/or fuel usage with units: 432107bd.Ft. CY2019 I I I I I Control device(s)(list): Cyclone(8 feet in diameter) I I Properlyoperated andmaintained? Yes 1 I ! Fora perrqitexemptfacilityfoundto beimproperly operatingor maintaining plant equipment:1)provide compliance. I assistance as a first option;2)initiate enforcement action In egregious/repeat cases;3)re-evaluate facility's emissions using a_____ more representative control efficiency/emission factor;4)If re-evaluated actual emissions result in a classification/registration _ _ ichange,follow enforcement guidelines fo_r_operati_on withouto permit/registration_and 5)in rase compliance visit frequency. [Notes or calculation space: (Emission source of VOC's and HAWS: Dry filterspray booths. I I I ITSP=1.31/PM10-0.58/VOC-1.25/HAP=0.40/all units aretons peryear. CY2011. I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i Permit Exemption: •Actual emissions from th_e previous years)(and projected actual)of PM10,5O2,NOx,VOCS,CO,HAPs,and TAPS are each<5 tpy and whose actual total aggregateoftheseemissionsare<10t_py -Can besubiectto40CFR Part 63(MACTorGACT)and40CFR Part 60(NSPS)--Cannot be subject to Rule 2Q.0315(Synthetic Minor Facilities)or 2Q.0500(Title V Procedures) Registration: •Actual aggregate emissions>=5 tpy and<25 tpy:PM10,CO3N0x,SO2,V_OCs,HA-Ps,and TAPS..—_- •Cannot meet permit exemptionunder 2QA102(d)_ l -Cannot be subject to Rule 2Q.0315(Synthetic Minor Facilities)or 2Q.0500(Tiitle V Procedures) Cannot be subject to 40 CFR Part 63(MACn {Can be subject to 40 CFR Part 63(GAC-01 Cannot emit volatile organic compounds or nitrogen oxides if the facility is located in a nonattain_ment ar_e_a__ ____ -Cannot be subject to 40 CFR Part 60 NSPS except for sources which are exempt u-nder 2Q.0102 or roodworkine: %e ach must total 100 -- - Wood waste(tpy)_ Planing 01 _ orll- Sawing/chipping) 201 Thro_ughput(board ft/yr)_1432107 CY2019 Rpughsawingl 301 Wet/dry wood?I I I , Finesawingl 501 1 Bagfilter orcyclone?I Cyclone(8 feet) Millinhog)( 01 1 -- — --- g(&Moldingi 0 -- - - - - ---- ---- _ _ �Sandingl _—