HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_0800081_20190306_CMPL_Malf-Det - ROY COOPER NOATH CAROLINA Cora»or EA wfrorpmem tint OW NY MI HAEL ,RE AN sec,ejary M€ HAEL ABRA ZINSKAS March 6, 2019 Mr. Brett Elliott, General Manager Valley Proteins—Lewiston Division PO Box 10 Lewiston-Woodville,NC 27849 SUBJECT: Cross Flow Scrubber Fan Malfunction NCAC 15A 2D.0535 and 2Q.0508(f)(2) Permit Condition 3. I. A. Valley Proteins, Inc. Lewiston, Bertie County,North Carolina Air Permit No. 03085T32, Facility ID: 0800081, Fee Class: Title V Dear Mr. Elliott: On February 25, 2019 this office received your February 23, 2019 email which documented the crossflow scrubber fan motor failed at 2:00 PM on February 23, 2019 and repairs were initiated immediately. On February 23, 2019 your follow-up email documented that repair was completed and the scrubber was back in operation six hours later at 8:00 PM. The notifications meet the requirement in your Air Permit pursuant to 15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)(2). The written notification of the excess emissions incidents also satisfies the requirements of 15A NCAC 2D .0535(c), and will be considered by this Division a malfunction as defined in 15A NCAC 2D .0535 (a)(2)which states, "Malfunction"means any unavoidable failure of air pollution control equipment,process equipment, or process to operate in a normal and usual manner that results in excess emissions. Excess emissions during periods of routine start-up and shut-down of process equipment are not considered a malfunction. Failures caused entirely or in part by poor maintenance, careless operations or any other upset condition within the control of the emission source are not considered a malfunction. " A....a..+a hlnrth Caratina Deparm-wa of Fmlrannwntal QLk*ty I Dhislon of Ale QL&Wlty Wa9hdn9T�nRt9WWOfirioe 1 9E:}wa%hlneWr} MA I WashWgtno.N43l'thrsrmnaz7mo Z57,944h64817 135Q,975,3M F Mr. Elliot March 6, 2019 Page 2 of 2 If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter,please feel free to call Betsy Huddleston or me at(252) 946-6481. Sincerely yours, Robert P. Fisher, Regional Supervisor, Division of Air Quality, NCDEQ RPF c: Washington Regional Office DAQ Washington Regional Office-Documents\ Facilities\Bertie08\00081\20190306 Malfunction Determination.docx _. NC DAQ Excess Emissions Form Date: 3/yjZol g Based on the information that the facility submits, the Division will determine if a malfunction has occurred. This reporting requirement does not allow the operation of the facility in excess of Environmental Management Commission Regulations. Continuing to operate the facility in this manner is at the facility's own risk. As required by 15A NCAC 2D.0535,"Excess Emissions Reporting and Malfunctions"(f), "The owner or operator of a source of excess emissions which last for more than four hours and which results from a malfunction;a breakdown of process or control equipment or any other abnormal conditions,shall:(1)notify the director or his designee of any such occurrence by 9am of the next business day of becoming aware of the occurrence." Title V facilities are required to report deviations within one business day and submit a written report within two business days after the deviation pursuant to 15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)(2). Complete this Information (A) Name and location of the facility: yall e4 Pi'a fB>h5 (B) Equipment involved and the nature and cause of the excess emissions/ alfunction deviation: see f�<a � t'rna�ls CYbdSrClow gr_rub or , N,-chanrr..l trr/w-e ear, A/0 SRe 4-Ae �1,2fa�& bra 'TUt�ljnn. (C) The time/date the event was first observed: 2:6t PM 2 Z� 3�y61', (Y�1 t cte d ew— 4 j (D) The expected duration: Cnaed "�.6b PM ZJZ3/�19 (E) An estimated rate of emissions(if known): V6C emisSlo»S d,o917lb1lon Cpyrin)/eti1 I?2vYRG/le7 j . 0,0917(220d-r75) v 26F•G /b5 (_ayifrat/,4 VO6 avow" C)01, Can}rot ,5o UnCart'rvllec� N (F) A written report*is required to be submitted to the Regional Supervisor.In accordance with 15A NCAC 2D 7A3 lbs .0535(f)(3)the report is to include the following information: (1) name and location of the facility, (2) identification or description of the processes and control devices involved in the malfunction or breakdown, (3) the cause and nature of the event, (4) time and duration of the violation or the expected duration of the excess emission if the malfunction or breakdown has not been fixed, (5) .estimated quantity of pollutant emitted, - (6) steps taken to control the emissions and to prevent recurrences and if the malfunction or breakdown has not been fixed,steps planned to be taken,and - (7) any other pertinent information requested by the director. *If the company is Title V with a federal permit,the written report is required to be submitted within 2 business days. All reports of deviations from permit requirements must be certified by the responsible official. *For non-Title V facilities,the written report is required to be submitted within 15days. i Version 1.1-10119104 j i k For DAO use: Name of Notifrer: y `'Ill o// Telephone Number: 7�y'7�g`gjJ7 Z Received by: fs AyOl� Date/TimeReceived: 21Z3 2atcf 9SOP11" Comments: 13rcH Gava/ IfV /�"? Cmull ':�Oljwsg4 r?ms S/.ba; `lome 30 Oli�n� Follow-up Written Notification Received: yes 2,12212415 If1o:r(o P/p ha 'e1nal!6fnytZ�zs�Lo1 q and reviewed by: 92 cy XluwlPS4o7^ Comments• Final review by Supervisor: I V "— Date: Decision: Malfunction approved for these circumstances: V Yes No Comments : L: 1 t 11 o f�U i n( ti t✓ g„� IG cc:Regional Facility File Central Files,RCO Y/N Compliant with reporting Timeliness and Certification? If the company is Title V with a federal permit,the written report is required to be submitted within 2 business days.All reports of deviations from permit requirements must be certified by the responsible official. For non-Title V facilities,the written report is required to be submitted within 15 days. Y/N ...the Director shall consider,along with any other pertinent information,the following:* I / (1)The air cleaning device,process equipment,or process has been maintained and operated,to the maximum extent racticable, consistent with good practice for minimizing emissions; y (2)Repairs have been made expeditiously when the emission limits have been exceeded; ho llfri 1- '11 S e-Qnh-01ly (3)The amount and duration of the excess emissions,including any bypass,have been minimized to maximum extent practicable; 4 All practical steps have been taken to minimize the impact of the excess emissions on ambient au quality; 5 The excess emissions are not p art of a recurring pattern indicative of inadequate design,operation,or maintenance; / (6)The requirements of Paragraph(f)of this Rule have been met;and ni p, (7)If the source is required to have amalfunction abatement plan,it has followed that plan. / Excess emissions caused by malfunctions from this source were less than 15 percent of the operating time during the calendar year. No hurn2ucaP lrr rN ?CatiVo vat CO-P re r # Additional Concern: How many times before has this source experienced this type of malfunction? *Ref;NCAC D-.0535 Excess Emissions Reporting And Malfunctions Huddleston, Betsy i I From: Huddleston, Betsy Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2019 3:23 PM To: Fisher, Robert Subject: Valley Proteins Crossflow Scrubber Fan Malfunction History i I did not see any malfunctions documented other than for the crossf low scrubber fan. Malfunctions were reported and evaluated for the following dates: 10/04/2018-10/07/2018 " 11/23/2018(5 hrs)____U 0 a 8/28/2018-9/03/2018 A-w 8/23/2018-8/26/2018 There were non malfunction records in my email or in Sharepoint for 2016-2017 The next one back occurred from 12/7/2015-12/9/2015 Betsy Huddleston i4 EwL-ownewdEngimer Dicasian of Air Quaht�,ttuashmgtonRegional Office s 252.948 3335(Office) 043 tip' on Square IhII 252.975.3716(Fax) 1Washin�tm NC 27889 Betsy.Huddleston,, mdemr.go j I 1 w .. Huddleston, Betsy From: Huddleston, Betsy Sent: Monday, February 25, 2019 12:47 PM To: Jones, Van Subject: RE: [External] FW: Scrubberfan Lewiston r An email is fine for notification. Brent supplied what I need to know (the email didn't go through due to spelling error in my name). I'll run the information by Rob Fisher, and let you know if he has anything to add. -----Original Message----- From:Jones,Van <VJones@valleyproteins.com> Sent: Monday, February 25, 2019 11:55 AM To: Huddleston, Betsy<betsy.huddleston@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] FW:Scrubber fan Lewiston CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to repo rt.spam@nc.gov<mailto:repo rt.spam@nc.gov> Email he sent after repairs were made. -----Original Message----- From: Elliott, Brett Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2019 10:56 PM To: Besty.huddleston@ncdenr.gov Cc: Haynes, Matthew;Jones,Van Subject: Scrubber fan Lewiston Betsy the repairs where made on the scrubber fan at 8:00 pm and we are back up and running. Thank you. k I The information transmitted herewith is confidential, proprietary information for use only by the addressee to whom it was supplied. This information is not to be disclosed to any person or entity not employed by the addressee company, and requiring the information to perform theirjob without the express written consent of Valley Proteins, Inc. I 4 1 �, a C Huddleston, Betsy From: Jones,Van <VJones@valleyproteins.com> Sent: Monday, February 25, 2019 11:54 AM To: Huddleston, Betsy Subject: RE: [External] Lewiston CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov<mailto:report.spam@nc.gov> Okay. Brett told me he mailed you twice Saturday. Once when it went down and again when repaired. Is mail satisfactory or do you prefer a letler? -----Original Message----- From: Huddleston, Betsy [mailto:betsy.huddleston@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Monday, February 25, 2019 11:38 AM To:Jones, Van Subject: RE: [External] Lewiston Hi Van, This is the first I've heard of a malfunction. I'll need information on when it occurred,what exactly went wrong, what was repaired, and how long it was down. -----Original Message----- From: Jones,Van <VJones@valleyproteins.com> Sent: Monday, February 25, 2019 9:54 AM To: Huddleston, Betsy<betsy.huddleston@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] Lewiston 6 I CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify.Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov<mailto:report.spam@nc.gov> Betsy, what further notification do you need from us on the fan malfunction Saturday evening? The information transmitted herewith is confidential, proprietary information for use only by the addressee to whom it was supplied. This information is not to be disclosed to any person or entity not employed by the addressee company, and requiring the information to perform theirjob without the express written consent of Valley Proteins, Inc. i I The information transmitted herewith is confidential, proprietary information for use only by the addressee to whom it j was supplied. This information is not to be disclosed to any person or entity not employed by the addressee company, and requiring the information to perform theirjob without the express written consent of Valley Proteins, Inc. 1 i Huddleston, Betsy From: Jones,Van <VJones@valleyproteins.com> Sent: Monday, February 25, 2019 11:55 AM To: Huddleston, Betsy Subject: [External] FW: Scrubber fan Lewiston CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov<mai Ito:repo rt.spam@nc.gov> Email he sent after repairs were made. -----Original Message----- From: Elliott, Brett Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2019 10:56 PM To: Besty.huddleston@ncdenr.gov Cc: Haynes, Matthew;Jones,Van Subject: Scrubber fan Lewiston Betsy the repairs where made on the scrubber fan at 5:00 pm and we are back up and running.Thank you. The information transmitted herewith is confidential, proprietary information for use only by the addressee to whom it was supplied. This information is not to be disclosed to any person or entity not employed by the addressee company, and requiring the information to perform theirjob without the express written consent of Valley Proteins, Inc. I I I� 4 i i i 1 f C Y] Huddleston, Betsy From: Jones, Van <VJones@valleyproteins.com> Sent: Monday, February 25, 2019 11:55 AM To: Huddleston, Betsy Subject: [External] FW: Cross flow scrubber fan Here is what he sent Saturday. From: Elliott, Brett Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2019 4:50 PM To: 'Besty.huddleston@ncdenr.gov' Cc: Haynes, Matthew; ]ones, Van Subject: Cross flow scrubber fan Betsy the Lewiston Plant had a mechanical failure on our cross flow scrubber fan at 2:00 pm today. We are in the process of making repairs and will update you when the unit is back in service.Thank You Brett Elliott General Manager Valley Proteins Lewiston Office: (252)-348-2381 ext. 35117 Cell Phone: (704)-718-9872 E-Mail: BE lliott@VAeVProteins.coni I I i The information transmitted herewith is confidential,proprietary information for use only by the addressee to whom i it was supplied. This information is not to be disclosed to any person or entity not employed by the addressee company, and requiring the information to perform their job without the express written consent of Valley Proteins, Inc. i i I 1