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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_0900009_20200520_CMPL_CmplDetLtr ROY COOPER ° mO Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary �. - MICHAELA.ABRACZINSKAS NORTH CAROLINA °""`°' Environmental Quality 20 May 2020 Brian Long, Plant Manager Chemours Company—Fayetteville Works 22828 NC Highway 87 West Fayetteville,NC 28306 SUBJECT: Enhanced Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) Procedure Approval Chemours Company—Fayetteville Works Permit No. 03735T47 Fayetteville, NC, Bladen County Facility ID: 0900009 Fee Class: Title V Dear Mr. Long: The North Carolina Division of Air Quality (DAQ) is in receipt of your submitted updated proposed Enhanced Leak Detection and Repair(LDAR) Procedures for the Chemours Company—Fayetteville Works facility. The submission was initially received by DAQ on 13 May 2019 and subsequently revised on 14 August 2019. The procedures were further revised and the final update submitted to DAQ on 31 December 2019. Chemours entered into a Consent Order (Order) with the Department of Environmental Quality and the Cape Fear River Watch on 25 February 2019. Subsequent to that Order, DAQ issued air quality permit 03735T44 on 24 March 2019, which incorporated certain requirements from the Order. Permit 03735T44 contains Specific Condition and Limitation 2.2.D.l.h"Inspections and Monitoring—Enhanced Leak Detection and Repair Program"which requires that no later than 13 May 2019, Chemours develop and submit to DAQ for approval, an enhanced leak detection and repair program, addressing pressure testing, enhanced audial, visual, and olfactory (AVO) inspections, routine Method 21 instrument monitoring, enhanced area monitoring, replacement or improvement program for valves and connectors, and maintenance and calibration of any instrumentation and equipment used to implement the enhanced leak detection and repair program. DAQ staff have reviewed the submitted Enhanced LDAR Procedures and determined that these procedures meet the requirements of the applicable permit condition. The DAQ is approving the Enhanced LDAR Procedures as submitted on 31 December 2019. C ^1n North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Air Quality �<J Fayetie 5900 T Regional Office '22 r(;rersn S[ry et,Surte 71d Fayetteville.North C.arolina7.$361 1�/ 5.7h67 F Enhanced LDAR Procedures Approval 20 May 2020 Page 2 If you have any questions concerning this approval or other issues regarding your permit, please contact Gregory Reeves, Permits Coordinator, or me at 910-433-3300. Sincerely, (1 Heather S. Carter Regional Supervisor Division of Air Quality, NC DEQ HSC\gwr cc: FRO Facility Files Attachment: Environmental Procedures Enhanced LDAR for DAF and DA Emissions �I ^� North Carolina Department of Envaonmental Quality Division of Air Quality tt rayeville Regional Office 1 225 Green Su vet.Suite,7141 Fayetteville,North Carolina 28301 910.43333009 1910.485.7447E ENVIRONMENTAL PROCEDURES ENHANCED MAR FOR DAF & DA EMISSIONS I. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The intent of this procedure is to provide additional LDAR 'best practices'which will assist in reducing emissions specific to DAF production and further enhance our current LDAR monitoring programs II. PURPOSE To provide instructional guidance for Enhanced Pressure Testing, Enhanced AVO Inspections, and additional instrument (TVA) monitoring for all equipment containing 1% or greater DAF or DA. III. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS A. Extra caution should be exercised when patrolling near equipment/lines associated with DAF production. B. Knowledge of all area safety equipment locations and status must be known in order to provide a safe and immediate response in the unlikely event a leak is detected. C. When Chemours personnel are using the TVA instrument to monitor equipment containing DAF or DA, care and good judgement must be exercised to prevent damaging the TVA analyzer. It is recommended the TVA instrument only be used after the repairs have been made to verify the repair was successful. D. As per normal area operating procedures, ALL leaks are to be reported immediately. IV. ENHANCED AVO INSPECTIONS A. Each area that is identified as having equipment/lines which contain 1% or greater DAF or DA, must conduct a daily AVO inspection on that equipment and provide a signed checksheet which will be submitted daily. B. The AVO inspection sheet (aka: LDAR Inspection Record) should include a list of all equipment to be inspected along with information such as the date, time, name of the person conducting the inspection, and detailed descriptions of the areas or equipment inspected. Inspection results, including any leaks found and repair actions taken, would also be documented and maintained. V. ENHANCED PRESSURE TESTING A. To reduce the potential of fugitive emissions from equipment containing 1% or greater DAF or DA outdoors, a leak during enhanced pressure test is defined as a change in pressure greater than 3.45 kpa (0.5 psi) during a 30-minute interval. B. The following areas have been identified as needing to follow the enhanced pressure testing guidelines: 1. VE North 2. VE South 3. PPA 4. Semi-works Note: It is recommended that ALL areas review their leak checking procedures to ensure that we are operating at a more efficient level to reduce future equipment leaks. C. Each time a leak check is to be performed on equipment containing 1% or greater DAF or DA, use the PRESSURE TESTING CHECKSHEET (next page) to document leak tests. Normal operating procedures are to be used for set point of pressure testing. However, the rate of change in this procedure (3.45 kpa/30 min) supersedes existing procedures unless the rate of change is already lower. PRESSURE TESTING Date: AREA CAMPAIGN (if applicable) EQUIPMENT Normal Operating Pressure START TIME PRESSURE END TIME PRESSURE TIME ELAPSED Change in Pressure PASS OR LEAK A Leak is detected if the rate of change in pressure is greater than 3.45 kPa (or 0.5 psig) in 30 minutes or if there is visible, audible, or olfactory evidence of fluid loss. If a Leak is found document repairs made to equipment: RETEST START TIME PRESSURE END TIME PRESSURE TIME ELAPSED Change in Pressure PASS OR LEAK PRINT NAME SIGNATURE DATE *Attach additional sheets if necessary If a process fails the retest or the second of two consecutive pressure tests, it shall be repaired as soon as practicable, but not later than 30 calendar days after the second pressure test, provided the following conditions are met. Delay of repair of equipment for which leaks have been detected is allowed if the replacement equipment is not available providing the following conditions are met: • Equipment supplies have been depleted and supplies had been sufficiently stocked before the supplies were depleted. • The repair is made no later than 10 calendar days after delivery of the replacement equipment. • Delay of Repair must be approved by Environmental Resource. VI. ADDITIONAL INSTRUMENT MONITORING A. Additional instrument (TVA) monitoring using EPA Method 21 will be expanded to include all outdoor equipment/lines identified as containing 1% or greater DAF or DA. B. All outdoor equipment/lines identified as containing 1% or greater DAF or DA will be tagged with a `round black' tag which will have a number that corresponds to a specific location on the P&ID. C. Routine quarterly instrument (TVA) monitoring of valves will be conducted by TEAM Industrial Emissions Control Services. Routine annual instrument (TVA) monitoring will be conducted by TEAM, INC for connectors. TEAM, INC will be responsible for the calibration and maintenance of the TVA. D. Fugitive emission calculations will use the date and time stamp on the LDAR TEAM report for each component as the start of emissions and will reset and time when new measurement is made. VII. LEAK REPAIR A. The Enhanced LDAR monitoring will initiate replacement with low emission technology based on the following criteria: a. a leak will be defined as 100 ppm as measured by instrument monitoring b. Manual Valves and Gaskets (i) first leak, use normal means for repair on first attempt, ie tighten flanges, packing, bonnet (a) if pass then no further action (b) if fail then replace with low-emission valve or certified re-built or new gasket (ii) maintain log of leakers and replace repeat leakers (rolling 12- months). If a component is found to be leaking above 100 ppm twice during a 12-month period, conduct a first repair attempt as per usual procedures but even if a first repair attempt repairs the second leak, replace with low-emission technology during the next shutdown. c. Automated Valves (i) first leak, use normal means for repair on first attempt, le tighten flanges, packing, bonnet (a) if pass then no further action; (b) if fail then pull valve and rebuild with vendor's appropriate low—emission technology in Chemours maintenance shop; if still fails then order new low-emission control valve and replace during next shutdown following receipt of the valve (ii) maintain log of leakers and replace repeat leakers (rolling 12- months). If a component is found to be leaking above 100 ppm twice during a 12-month period, conduct a first repair attempt as per usual procedures but even if a first repair attempt repairs the second leak, order new low-E automated valve and when received replace during next shutdown