HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_1000094_20200821_CMPL_InspRpt NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF Wilmington Regional Office AIR QUALITY Southport Concrete Corporation NC Facility ID 1000094 Inspection Report County/FIPS: Brunswick/019 Date: 08/21/2020 Facility Data Permit Data Southport Concrete Corporation Permit 08605 /R07 3710 Skyview Lane Issued 12/21/2017 Southport,NC 28461 Expires 11/30/2024 Lat: 33d 56.1856m Long: 78d 5.1769m Classification Small SIC: 3273/Ready-Mixed Concrete Permit Status Active NAICS: 32732/Ready-Mix Concrete Manufacturing Current Permit Application(s)None Contact Data Program Applicability Facility Contact Authorized Contact Technical Contact SIF John Chiulli John Chiulli John Chiulli General Manager General Manager General Manager (910)457-4441 (910)457-4441 (910)457-4441 9I0 367-1500 cell Compliance Data Comments: Inspect facility as scheduled. Inspection Date 07/28/2020 Inspector's Name Scott Sanders Inspector's Signature: Scott Sanders C Operating Status Operating Compliance Code Compliance- inspection Action Code FCE Date of Signature: 8/21/20 ",9 On-Site Inspection Result Compliance Total Actual emissions in TONS/YEAR: TSP SO2 NOX VOC CO PMIO *HAP 2015 6.65 --- --- --- 1.97 0.5620 2010 2.77 --- --- --- --- 0.8300 0.2380 * Highest HAP Emitted inpounds) Five Year Violation History:None Date Letter Tyr)e Rule Violated Violation Resolution Date Performed Stack Tests since last FCE:None Date Test Results Test Method(s) Source(s)Tested l Southport Concrete Corporation August 21,2020 Directions Turn right onto Cardinal Drive as you leave WiRO and continue for 0.2 miles. Turn left onto Market Street and continue for 0.4 miles and then turn right onto US-74/MLK Parkway. Continue on for 5.3 miles. Use the right lane to merge onto NC-133 S/US-74 W/Isabel Holmes Bridge via the ramp to Whiteville. Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto US 421 S/US-74 W. Continue for 1.1 miles and keep right at the fork following signs for US-17 S/US-74 W/US-76 W/NC-133 SBrunswick County Beaches and merge onto NC-133 S/US-17 S/US-74 W/US- 76 W. Continue for 1.8 miles and take the first Leland exit toward Southport/Oak Island. Merge onto NC-133 S/River Rd. SE and continue for 20.5 miles. Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto NC-133/NC-87 S. Continue for one mile and then turn right onto NC-133 S. Continue on for 3.1 miles. Turn right onto Airport Road SE and continue for 1.8 miles. Turn right onto Skyview Lane SE and continue for approximately 0.3 miles until you see the concrete plant, which is located at the end of the road. Compliance History This facility has a history of operating in compliance with DAQ rules. This assessment is based on a review of the office file documents and IBeam module data associated with this source. The review revealed that zero (0)NOD's,NOV's, or NRE's have been issued during the past 5 years (time period reviewed). GACT Generators/Engines Status There are no emergency or non-emergency generators located onsite;therefore,NSPS Subpart IIII and JJJJ, and NESHAP Subpart ZZZZ are not applicable. Concrete-Batch Process Concrete-Batch Process Descriytion This plant produces what is defined as ready-mix concrete mixture through a batch process. The maximum rated production capacity is 80 cubic yards per hour, which is documented in the air permit. Typical production equipment consists of dozers,front end loaders,aggregate bins,conveyors, cement storage silos, flyash storage silos, weigh hopper, and transport trucks equipped with mixers. Concrete batch plant operations primarily consist of silo loading, weigh hopper loading (cement and flyash), aggregate transfer by conveyors, and mixer (truck loading activities) loading. A concrete batch plant stores, conveys, measures, and discharges the ingredients for making concrete according to a set recipe. This involves the transfer of sand, aggregates, cement, and flyash, into transit-mix trucks. Cement and flyash are transferred from silos to the weigh hopper as a conveyor transfers sand Page 2 of 11 Southport Concrete Corporation August 21,2020 and aggregates into a discharge area located below the weigh hopper. The ingredients for making concrete (sand, aggregates, cement, flyash, etc.) are discharged into a transit mixer truck by gravity through the discharge area, which is partially enclosed. The discharge area is normally equipped with a flexible boot(hose or chute)that transfers the ingredients into the truck mixer. The ingredients are then mixed with water to form concrete as the trucks travel to construction sites. Process Pollutants and Emissions The primary air pollutant associated with concrete batch plants is particulate matter(PM 2.5, PM-10 and TSP). Onsite vehicle and equipment movement and wind erosion from stockpiled materials can generate non-process fugitive dust emissions during dry weather conditions. Particulate emissions are generated during the pneumatic transfer of material (cement and flyash) from tanker truck to storage silo. The emissions occur as the silo fills and air is displaced through the bagfilter. Fugitive dust emissions are generated as sand and aggregates are conveyed from storage into transit-mix trucks and as flyash and cement are transferred from silo to weigh hopper into transit-mix trucks. When the materials (aggregates, cement, and flyash, etc.) are discharged into the truck mixer, fugitive dust is generated from what this writer describes as blowback emissions. The mixer is rotating slowly and is designed with metal flights for mixing purposes. This creates an environment(air movement)that basically blows or forces dust out of the truck mixer into the ambient air around the unsealed edge of the line (hose, chute, or boot) that is used to transfer cement, flyash, and aggregates into the mixer. The fugitive dust emissions associated with blowback phenomena appear to be much heavier during periods of moderate to heavy winds. Visible emissions can be excessive unless the mixer truck is equipped with a hooded enclosure of some type with a vacuum point,which is not the case at this plant. Even if this plant were equipped with an enclosure and vacuum system, visible emissions in the form of fugitive dust would still occur to some degree during periods of moderate and heavy wind in the opinion of this writer. It should be noted that the truckload out system is equipped with a flexible rubber boot (hose) that extends from the weigh hopper/aggregate load out operation down into the mix truck. This increases the efficiency of the system and reduces fugitive dust emissions (blowback from truck) during transport (mix) truck loading. Permit Information Page 3 of 11 Southport Concrete Corporation August 21,2020 Permit No. 08605R07 was issued to the facility for the operation of the following: Emission Emission Source Control Control System Source ID Description F System ID Description ES-1 one portable plant CD-lA one bagfilter(264 square cement silo feet of surface area) ES-2 one weigh hopper CD-2 one bagfilter(20 square feet of surface area) j ES-3 one cement and/or CD-3 one bagfilter (240 square flyash silo Ifeet of surface area) ES-4 one cement and/or CD-4 (one bagfilter (280 square flyash silo (feet of surface area) -- * Currently operating (ES1, ES2, and ES3). * ES4 is onsite but not installed. Ross Company of Brownwood Texas manufactured the mobile(portable)batch plant(Rustler II). This plant was brand new and put at this location in 1996. Mr. Chiulli took ownership of the facility in 2004. This portable plant is equipped with a combination cement and/or flyash bin(used as a silo). The cement weigh hopper and loading operation is controlled by a small bagfilter(ES-2)that operates by natural draft (no fan). This bagfilter is located on the weigh hopper housing and is an integral part of the process. The ES-1 silo is the main cement silo. It and the associated bagfilter(240 sq. ft. of filter area) are operating. This bagfilter is currently fairly new and was installed in May 2018. The air permit was recently modified on December 21, 2017 to add this slightly larger and more efficient(jet pulse self-cleaning)baghouse for the cement silo. The ES-3 silo (blue) and associated bagfilter(240 square feet of filter area) is currently non- operational and is down for repairs due to a gear box problem. This is the flyash silo. The facility is currently therefore not using flyash. The ES-4 silo (gray/beige) and associated bagfilter are on site but not completely installed. The facility has no plans to operate this unit now; however, the company does not want to remove the equipment from the permit. Insienificant/Exemot Sources The following was added to the air permit at a previous permit renewal on February 20, 2012 and was carried over into the current permit. Page 4 of I I Southport Concrete Corporation August 21,2020 Source Exemption Source of Source of Title V Regulation TAPS? Pollutants? IES-Prestress - one concrete pre-stress operation 2Q .0102 (h)(5) No Yes IES-Mobile crusher- one mobile concrete crusher, 115 tons(hr maximum F2Q .0102 (h)(5) No Yes capacity. IES-Mobile screener-one mobile crushed concrete screener, 100 hp 2Q .0102 (h)(5) No Yes diesel engine. The mobile concrete crusher equipped with screener and conveyors listed above previously operated onsite on a periodic basis. The maximum crushing capacity for this unit is 115 tph. The mobile plant normally crushed less than 10,000 tons and burned less than 2,500 gallons of diesel fuel during any 12-month rolling time period. No crushing is currently occurring with the 115 tph mobile concrete crusher because the equipment is down for maintenance. Before last year, no crushing had taken place since April of 2015. Before that, 300 to 400 tons of concrete were crushed per month. Crushing was taking place during the inspection with a different and newer 110 tph mobile concrete crusher equipped with screener and conveyors. More on this to follow. A permit to operate these mobile crushers is not required due to the capacity (less than 150 tph); if the plant crushes less than 300,000 tons per year and burns less than 17,000 gallons of diesel fuel at any one site. The facility previously removed a small No. 2 oil-fired boiler (5.23 million BTU per hour maximum heat input) from the site. The boiler had been used to supply heat(steam) for a concrete curing process associated with a pre-stress concrete products operation located on site. The curing process is now accomplished through ambient temperatures. This pre-stress operation is used to manufacture septic tanks and concrete beams for bulkheads and permit to operate is not currently required due to emissions (less than 5 tpy TSP). The facility makes septic tanks occasionally. No septic tanks were made in the last several years, however three(3)septic tanks were made recently back in January 2020 according to Mr. Chiulli. Some concrete beams for bulkheads were also made several years ago. 100% of the business here is currently ready-mix concrete. All three insignificant sources have potential emissions less than 5 tons per year. DAO Rules Page 5 of 11 I Southport Concrete Corporation August 21,2020 Permit No. 08605R07 references the following rules: 15A NCAC 2D .0202, "PERMIT RENEWAL AND EMISSION INVENTORY REQUIREMENT" 15A NCAC 2D .0515, "PARTICULATES FROM MISCELLANEOUS INDUSTRIAL PROCESSES" 15A NCAC 2D .0521, "CONTROL OF VISIBLE EMISSIONS" 15A NCAC 2D .0535, "EXCESS EMISSIONS REPORTING AND MALFUNCTIONS" 15A NCAC 2D .0540, "PARTICUALTES FROM FUGITIVE DUST EMISSION SOURCES" 15A NCAC 2D .0611, "MONITORING EMISSIONS FROM OTHER SOURCES" Control System Maintenance Bagfrlter maintenance and recordkeeping requirements are addressed in Condition No A (7) of Permit No. 08605R07. The facility is required to conduct one annual internal inspection of the bagfilter system in addition to performing the periodic inspections and maintenance as recommended by the equipment manufacturer along with maintaining a record of all work. The bagfilters are monitored visually daily when operating. One internal bagfilter maintenance inspection is conducted monthly during normal operation. Bagfrlter maintenance records are being maintained (manually) as required by the permit and are available for review. The bagfilters were last inspected(internally)on June 25,2020 and there were no repair issues addressed. All the bags in the cement silo (ES-1) were replaced on April 23, 2020. All the bags (4 small)were replaced in the weigh hopper baghouse on April 23, 2020 as well. The new cement silo baghouse was put into operation in May 2018. The flyash silo baghouse is scheduled to be changed out when it is repaired and put back into operation. The flyash silo baghouse is also a jet pulse self-cleaning type baghouse,which prolongs the life of those bags. Repairs/changes to all bagfilters are made as necessary when needed and a full inventory of bags is maintained on site for replacement purposes. Compliance with the annual internal inspection, maintenance, and recordkeeping requirements is being achieved. A copy of the last few months of baghouse maintenance logs are attached for reference. Line Delivery Pressure Monitoring The line pressure associated with the pneumatic transfer of cement and flyash from a tanker truck is monitored by the facility. Page 6 of 11 Southport Concrete Corporation August 21,2020 Excess delivery pressure (above 12 psi for cement and 10 psi for flyash) can result in filter failure due to the increased line velocity. This velocity or delivery pressure can result in silo overfilling which allows the stored material to be pulled or vacuumed into the associated control device damaging the unit and reducing efficiency. Delivery pressure, if excessive, also has the potential to damage the silo product supply line because such pressure can have a sandblasting affect that creates holes and leaks. The facility limits the line delivery pressure of cement to 12 psi and flyash to 10 psi. Additional Info This facility monitors silo inventories through the computer on a continuous basis. In addition, one manual sounding is conducted daily. This prevents silo overfilling and the damage that can occur because of a computer product tracking error. This facility will water the main plant access road and the plant premises with mixer trucks during dry weather conditions. This is currently being done as needed. Inspection Summary A complaint driven Full Compliance Evaluation (FCE) was conducted on July 28, 2020. A follow up site visit was conducted on August 11, 2020. John Chiulli, Plant General Manager, and Carlton Nobles, Crusher Operator, were the onsite inspection contacts. The air permit, applicable rules, maintenance requirements, and the recent dust complaints were discussed with Mr. Chiulli during the inspection. The current loading rate for this facility is approximately one hundred and twenty-five (125) yards of cement per day. This facility currently runs seven(7) trucks out of this site. A load of cement was observed being loaded into the cement storage silo by tanker truck during the inspection. The opacity reading for visible emissions was 0%. Transport trucks were also observed being loaded with no fugitive dust being produced. This facility receives approximately five (5) to seven (7) loads of cement per week with an average process rate of twenty-five (25) tons per load per hour. Loading time is usually one hour. No non-process or process fugitive dust emissions were observed migrating on or beyond the property line during the inspection. Page 7 of 11 Southport Concrete Corporation August 21,2020 The newer, permanent concrete crusher was observed operating on site during the last compliance inspection on July 29,2019,on a follow up site visit on July 31,2019, on October 18, 2019 in response to a complaint, and during this July 28, 2020 compliance inspection/complaint investigation. On July 25, 2019 a nearby residential neighbor called DAQ WiRO to complain about a concrete crusher causing dust impacts off site. DAQ WiRO called the facility and asked them to utilize water spray and mitigate dust. On July 29, 2019 a site inspection was conducted. Contact was made with John Chiulli, General Manager. It had been several years since concrete crushing last took place here. The crushed material is sold by Southport Concrete for ABC (crush and run) material for driveways, etc. The crusher was observed operating during that inspection for a trial run for just a few minutes. Dust suppression (water) was present and operating on the equipment but appeared to not be adequate enough. Fugitive emissions appeared to be too much therefore the equipment was immediately shut down until more corrective action could be taken. The washout material being crushed is naturally very dry so it is imperative to wet the material before and during crushing,screening and conveying to avoid excessive fugitives. This crusher is rated at 110 tons per hour,but operates at 80 tons per hour according to plant personnel. A 6 cylinder diesel engine powers this equipment. The facility recently purchased and is using a 70 gallon per hour pump to get the well water that is stored in a nearby storage tank up to the crushing equipment. The facility had been crushing on and off for the past two to three months and had crushed a total of 4,000 tons up to that point. A follow up inspection was done two days later on July 31, 2019 to observe the equipment operating after some corrective actions were taken. The crusher appeared to be operating at 0% opacity all morning long. I took a video and pictures. No fugitive dust was observed coming the equipment. The crusher operation now contains 13 sprayers on it. There are 5 sprayers located at the crusher, 5 sprayers at the discharge belt, and 3 sprayers at the screener. I was very pleased with the measures the facility took with this matter and the results of their work. The complainant was informed of my findings after the inspection. He seemed very receptive and was pleased with DAQ's complaint response. Pictures of this crusher were attached to that inspection report for reference. On October 8,2019,the complainant called DAQ WiRO to indicate the concrete crusher was currently dusting and the wind was blowing the dust towards his house. Unable to make an immediate trip to the plant site, I called and spoke to John Chiulli to find out what was going on. He indicated that he observed the concrete crusher dusting earlier today and immediately told his employee to shut it down. He indicated a main water hose on the equipment broke and said it would be fixed before crushing operations resume. On October 18, 2019, I conducted an unannounced site visit to the plant to observe the concrete crushing. Water was observed present at the crusher and conveyor areas and the pile of material being crushed was observed wet. I observed no dust coming from the crusher and took pictures at the time. On January 6, 2020, I conducted dust complaint surveillance at the complainant's home in response to another recent complaint of ongoing dust issues from time to time with the concrete crusher near his home. The crusher was not operating in the morning or afternoon Page 8 of 11 Southport Concrete Corporation August 21,2020 on that day. On May 26, 2020, the complainant called and indicated the concrete crusher was currently dusting and dust was falling on his property. I called and spoke with John Chiulli. He said they were crushing concrete at the time with water present on the unit. He said he would walk over to take a look at the crusher and offered to send me a picture. He then called me a short time later and said the crusher just clogged up and had to be shut down before he could get a picture. He indicted the hill behind the complainant has been reduced in size a good bit and they were almost through crushing the remaining washout in that area of the plant. Due to the recent number of dust complaints, he indicated they will immediately move the crusher 60 to 70 feet further away from the complainant's home to the other side of the screener in order to crush to remaining wash out material nearby. He indicated to me that he has been receiving concrete from offsite from individuals and crushing that material at the crusher's present location. He indicated he would stop doing that immediately until they can get the crusher moved to a permanent spot on the other side of the property as far away from the complainant's home as possible. I concurred with those plans and reiterated to Mr. Chiulli that fugitive dust from the crusher must not go beyond the property line. It should be noted that certain work restrictions(no full scale site inspections,no meeting with the public at their home, etc.)were put into place during this time due to the Covid-19 pandemic. On July 21,2020,the complainant entailed me complaining of dust issues again. I was off on vacation week that particular week and planned to address this issue when I got back to work next week. On July 24, 2020, I received a phone call from my supervisor indicating the complainant had very recently entailed Asst.Secretary,Sheila Holman,complaining about the dust and for me to please call the complainant today if possible to discuss this matter. I immediately called the complainant to discuss his complaint. I informed him that I would do a site inspection at the facility next week and would also meet with him at his residence. On July 27, 2020, our office received a forwarded citizen complaint from Representative Frank Iler's office concerning dust, asbestos and well water issues at this facility. All of this email correspondence is attached for reference. On July 28, 2020 at 9:30 am, I met with the complainant at his home to observe and discuss the dust issues. Only the top of the operating excavator being used for crushing was visible from the complainant's property. I observed a small amount of dust coming from either the crusher area or from the plant grounds resulting from vehicle traffic. I could not see exactly where the dust was coming from because the berm was blocking my view. I then conducted an unannounced facility inspection at the concrete plant site. Upon arrival, I immediately observed the concrete crusher operating with three water sprays present on the equipment. There was one sprayer located at the crusher and two sprayers located at the discharge belt. A small amount of dust of was observed coming from the crusher (5-10% opacity) but was not observed drifting beyond the property line. Pictures were taken. Contact was then made with the Crusher Operator, Carlton Nobles, and General Manager, John Chiulli. Mr. Chiulli indicated the crusher was moved 50 to 75 feet further away from the complainant since our last conversation on May 26,2020. I suggested that more water sprayers needed to be installed on the crusher to completely prevent any dust from coming from it. Mr. Chiulli concurred and indicated he would install those measures very soon and would also install sprinklers to Page 9 of 11 Southport Concrete Corporation August 21,2020 the high traffic areas of the plant grounds to prevent airborne fugitive emissions. I requested for a follow up inspection to occur in the near future once these measures were taken. The hill of concrete material located directly behind the complainant appears to have been reduced by 90% from what is was previously. Mr. Chiulli indicated that plans are to be completely done crushing the material located directly behind the complainant in the next week or two. He indicated the crusher will be moving another 50 to 75 feet further away from the complainant when this occurs. He indicated the amount of concrete material he has received recently from offsite has been minimized since our May conversation. Mr. Chiulli estimated they are currently crushing 250 tons per day (10 truckloads per day) for an estimated total of 20,000 tons per year. He indicated they are accepting on the average of five pickup up truck loads per week of raw concrete material received from offsite. He also indicated that they recently put down some millings on part of the plant grounds and that has helped prevent fugitive emissions from that particular area. On July 29,2020,Jeff Dellinger,Industrial Hygiene Consultant Supervisor with the NC Dept. of Health and Human Services Health Hazards Control Unit(HHCU),inquired to DAQ WIRO about asbestos concerns when concrete is crushed at this facility. He requested digital photos of the piles of the non-ground concrete located onsite. Email correspondence about this matter is attached. Mr. Chiulli called on July 30,2020 to indicate that they just added four additional water spray bars on the concrete crusher. He said the crusher was up and running this morning with the new water measures in place, however a part broke on the equipment so the crusher will be shut down for maintenance until after the impending hurricane. I spoke with Jeff Dellinger(HHCU) on August 3, 2020 to inform him that I have a follow up site inspection scheduled for after the hurricane to observe the latest measures the facility has taken to prevent dust. I informed him that I would take pictures per his request during the upcoming visit. No site visit was able to be conducted the week of August 3, 2020 due to the landfall of Hurricane Isaias. Mr. Chiulli called the morning of August 11,2020 to inform the concrete crusher was up and running and invited me to come down for the follow up site inspection. I arrived at the facility later on that morning to conduct my follow up. Upon arrival, the plant grounds appeared wet from the heavy rain the night before. No fugitive dust was observed from the plant grounds during the inspection. The concrete crusher was observed operating at 0% opacity (no dust) throughout the inspection with adequate water spray present on the unit. Pictures of the concrete crusher were taken. Five water sprayers (four newly installed) were observed at the crusher. Two sprayers were observed at the discharge belt(as before). A new sprinkler system was observed installed by the access road where the concrete material is received from offsite. A picture of the sprinkler was taken. Mr. Chiulli indicated that he plans to install one more sprinkler system in another heavy traffic area location on the plant grounds. He indicated that plans are to keep extending the road where the concrete material is received further along down the perimeter of the property and the crusher will move with the road and further away from the complainant as time goes on. He indicated the remaining large pile of washout will mostly be screened (not crushed) and water spray will be installed on the screener when this Page 10 of 11 Southport Concrete Corporation August 21,2020 occurs. Mr. Chiulli also indicated the concrete crusher operator,Carlton Nobles,is scheduled for shoulder surgery in September and he will be out of work for six months, so crushing will probably not occur while he is out. On August 12, 2020 I sent Jeff Dellinger, HHCU, pictures of the non-ground piles of concrete located on site. Mr. Dellinger indicated that he is looking to see if the facility grinds concrete that has painted surfaces or coatings, mastics or glues or oil stains on the concrete. All of these types of coatings could contain asbestos and cannot be ground until the owner/operator hires a NC accredited asbestos inspector to collect samples and receive the lab results documenting the materials do not contain asbestos. If asbestos is identified then grinding concrete with asbestos is not allowed and the material must be disposed of in an approved landfill. Raw or untreated concrete typically does not contain asbestos. The pictures I took indicted only a very small amount of painted concrete material. Mr. Dellinger has been in contact with Mr. Chiulli recently about this matter and suggested the facility put up a sign where the concrete is delivered stating only raw concrete material can be received with no paint, mastics, glues, or oil stains on the concrete. He also suggested a dumpster be placed at this area. Mr. Dellinger indicated he has draft guidance that addresses asbestos when grinding concrete and is currently waiting on management to review before giving Mr. Chiulli a copy. Mr. Dellinger indicated that he is planning a site visit to this facility in the near future and indicated he will contact me so we could meet together and perform a joint site visit. This plant produced 31,075 cubic yards of concrete in CY 2015, 31,932 cubic yards in CY 2016, 30,285.5 cubic yards in CY 2017, 30,226.5 cubic yards in CY 2018, and 28,047 cubic yards in CY 2019. Southport Concrete Corporation is accepted in compliance with Air Quality rules during the inspection and subsequent follow-up. Page 11 of 11 MONTHLY BAGHOUSE MAINTENANCE CHECKLIST WHAT ITEMS TO INSPECT DATE: _ d SILO 1 SILO 2 SILO 3 SILO 4 E 5 , A/ E82 ' E ES4 _ `OK Repaired OK Repaired OK Repaired OK Repaired Doorseal Bag for build up Clean inside of house Pressure relief valve \ �c openings - _ Shaker Brackets for bags Ile Integrity of house Ll v; ADDITIONAL MAINTENANCE OR COMMENTS CHECKED MONTHLY BAGHOUSE MAINTENANCE CHECKLIST WHAT ITEMS TO INSPECT DATE: f` SILO 1 SILO 2 SILO 3 SILO 4 E31 E32 j E83�G,� ES4 _ Repaired OK: Repaired OK Repaired OK Repaired Doorseal Bag for build up Clean inside of house Pressure relief valve �. openings _ Shaker Brackets for bags Integrity of house ADDITIONAL MAINTENANCE OR COMMENTS ,F' CHECKED B , MONTHLY BAGHOUSE MAINTENANCE CHECKLIST WHAT ITEMS TO INSPECT DATE: ` l SILO 1 SILO 2 SILO 3 SILO 4 V"l E�Q�L)� ��,16� E� Repaired OK Repaired OK Repaired OK Repaired JK - Doorseal Bag for bulld up Clean inside of house Pressure relief valve openings _ Shaker Brackets for bags Integrity of house Ll �T ADDITIONAL MAINTENANCE OR COMMENTS ;P r CHECKED B - T Page 1 of 1 [External] Fwd: Southport concrete Jon Hall <jonha11317@gmaiI.com> Tue 7/21/2020 8:56 AM To: Sanders,Scott <scott.sanders@ncdenr.gov> i 1 attachments(3 MB) IMG-138942466.M0V: CAUTION: External email.Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify.Send all suspicious email as an attachment to reoort.sDamVnc.goy The Dust continues. Just letting you know that the dust from the sight is getting wors once again.They are bringing on more concrete to the berm behind me and dry is an understatement Just the movement of the excavator and trucks is enough to cause the dust to become airborne. This site is clearly not being wet down. I do hope you can respond appropriately without contacting them directly therefore you can witness same in person. The screening machine is located directly behind my house I have not seen it operational today however if it cranks up there will be a tremendous amount of dust.The wind is keeping it off my property at the moment however even with the sour wind yesterday I still had dust falling here on my property. Have a great day. ---------- Forwarded message --------- From:Jon Hall <ionha113170amail.com> Date: Fri, Jan 17, 2020 at 6:01 PM Subject: Southport concrete To: Sanders, Scott <scott.sanders@ncdenr.gov> Scott , per our conversation today 1 wanted to thank you for stopping by the plant and observing the operation today. I do appreciate your call with your findings. The dust has been kept to a minimum due to the concrete crusher being down for repairs. The only concern I have at this moment aside from dust is groundwater and the close proximity to my well, the only water source I have. I did find out that most of the concrete is being delivered to the site to be reclaimed at this time and is coming from the waste treatment plant that is being disassembled in Southport near the marina. I still feel that it is necessary for the local residents to have well water testing provided by the county free of charge because we are not offered county water at this time. If this operation was not "grandfathered" it would be required to be classified industrial under zoning and potential require more permitting under state DEQ and Brunswick County. https://oudook.office365.corn/mail/inbox/id/AAQkADRkYzNmM WPiL W QzN jktNDc5M... 7/26/2020 Page 1 of 4 Filar.Concrete dust Newland,Brad<brad.newland@rscdenr.gcn,> Fri 7?24 Y 20 SW AM T.sMdan,soon<.ft'AndMdnedel".. Ice Almksead Ashby nsheyamsd.ad®rchmgov> Scott Can you contact Mr.Hall and the facility and do a ride by. Is this the DMF guy? Brad Newland Regional Supervisor NC[legion of Air Quality NC Department of Environmental Quality 910 796-7234 ph 910 350.200S lit brad.newlan d®ncdent.gov Eevil r<synndr.le wid)nom mb ees ris osubjKr re IN Norte" .no Pubbe efewds low and mev M dnsloerd Mnadpartvs Feel Abracxindus,Michael<mkhaeLabraccinskaFOnothe r.gov> _ - Sent Friday.July 24,20208:01 AM To:Newland,Bad 4red.rnvMnd@ncdenr.gcw.;Amanarl Ashby gshby wmidead@nodenyoe> Co Patn1 Michael<mac%..LpJ aWl@ncdev,cw> Subject RE:Ce ncrete dust &ad and Ashby, Please reach out to Mr Hall today,and investigate. Thadi you. Mike Abrxdmkas,FIT,CIPM Hector.Division of Air Ch aldy North Cardin.Divestment of Eneeonlmdal quality 1641 Mall SereKe Center Raleigh,I4C 27699 1641 Michael Abrawnskasdlncdincauv 919J0784471oHkel 919.6654 223(call nee.wwlwbuuaNJ,s. rdYe.,lvanp MbP<ua.es�Jw<.evu�e.etl.w,Mav<.NmNYe.ww From:Hdmke,ShdN Lm:Friday,Jury 24.2020 7M AM T.Abrmoinskas,Mutual<mkMel.abracvkulungmdorva.w;Pktnj,MkhaN<mkM<LOktni@iKdenraov> Subject:Fee:coaxial dun Mike and Michael, Can you all please respond to Mr.Hall?Thank you. Sheila SMIe Haman Asfistent Secretary for Emlrmmmt NCDEQ 1601 Mat Srv4¢Canter ROW0,NC 27699.1601 Phone: (919)7()7-g619 Fa<:(919)707-8619 snale,1g201Y1@!JC0tm.9m' ...m............... .......... .. .................... ............... Emil correspondence to and from this adilms is nlbkd is the North Carolina Public RKvds Use and my,be proceed to third pertks unless the im"t Is exempt or statue a other regulation. .................I.........................on..............I............. From:Hall,sonamn<lpnlnin.Ila l,®MCMr QO\> Sent Firl Me 24,2020 7.49 AM T.Holman,ShHN<1h gLhg lVi anRn< enraos> Subact R.:Com ab dun 1 i n leserved"I during this lime that air quality swim may be working from home.However I would think a response would be reasonable,Nothing is being dune that I have obsared and the dust cominlc. https://outlook.office365.com/mail/inbox/id/AAQkADRkYzNmM WFiLWQzNjktNDc5M... 7/26/2020 Page 2 of 4 https://outlook.office365.com/maii/inbox/id/AAQkADRkYzNmM W FiL WQzNj ktNDc5M... 7/26/2020 X' y 71 ' ", �, i} ft•. - + �� �its'- •4 1 °i`1._�I M.1 g A� . . y� {� + { ♦ {� ..may xjIs, . +� Wig{ �1 Aa i.�t,IJ•�{� 1 Y i � a>, ar - '� 1 ' ,� fvn J rim►.. � .1, - . ♦ it . t 1 i N Page 4 of 4 �a 4 gg esr P At p eh y. GH fludoot fear 73 From:Hall,JonaMm Sant:Wednesdq,July 15,3010 2:39:35 PM To:Helman,Shai4<tlwda.holmanWncdenreoa> SublecL Concrete dust Cloud afternoon mi sm my name a Jonathan Hill,I would like to speak so you at your com emence in reference to an air quality issue at my rankncc. I have gone through the proper charmcls in order toga wine type of resolve,however very link has been accomplished.My residence Borden the property of a local concrete plant in which this plant has begun crushing and recycling old concrete from era demolition.I have made numerous reports in reference to excessive dust falling on my property to the Wilmington DFQ office air quality section over the past 16 months.I am reaching out to you in order W have some type of resolve.Thank you for your time Jon I]all 910 sag M57 https.//outlook.office365.con/maii/inbox/id/AAQkADRkYzNmM WFiLWQzNjktNDc5M... 7/26/2020 Page 1 of 6 Re: [External] FW: Air & Water Safety Concern regarding Southport Concrete located at 3710 Skyview Lane, Southport, NC 28461 Sanders, Scott <scott.sanders@ncdenr.gov> Mon 7/27/2020 3:58 PM To: Newland, Brad <brad.newland@ncdenr.gov> I plan to go tomorrow morning. Call me when you get a chance. Scott Sanders, Environmental Specialist Wilmington Regional Office NC DEQ, Division of Air Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone: 910-796-7239 Cell: 910-512-5444 Fax: 910-350-2004 www.ncair.org scott.sandersCla ncdenr.00v Y*#Y#YY*Y########Y####YYYYYYYYYY#Y#YY#YY#*#######*Y**Y*#Y#Y#*Y Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation. **#*#**##*Y*#YY****YYYYYYY#YYY*####**#Y*#*##***#*YYYYYYY*Y#*** From: Newland, Brad<brad.newiand@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Monday,July 27,20201:03 PM To:Sanders,Scott<scott.sanders@ncdenr.gov> Cc:Armistead,Ashby<ashby.armistead@ncdenr.gov> Subject: FW:[External] FW:Air&Water Safety Concern regarding Southport Concrete located at 3710 Skyview Lane,Southport, NC 28461 Scott, Here is another inquiry regarding SP Concrete. Let me know what your progress/plans are at this point. Brad Newland, PE, CPM Regional Supervisor Division of Air Quality North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 910 796-7234 Ph 910 350.2004 fx Brad.Newland@ncdenr.gov DEQ-Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Dr Ext Wilmington, NC 28405 https://outlook.office365.com/rnaiUsentitems/id/AAQkADRkYzNmM W FiL WQzNjktNDc... 7/27/2020 Page 2 of 6 Q:,s Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From:Pjetraj, Michael<michael.pjetraj@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Monday,July 27, 202012:32 PM To:Newland, Brad<brad.newland@ncdenr.gov> Subject:FW: (External) FW:Air&Water Safety Concern regarding Southport Concrete located at 3710 Skyview Lane,Southport, NC 28461 Brad, Please see the emails below&the attached information. Please provide a summary of any recent actions(since the last inspection). Let's discuss the content of the email&an open air site visit. Thanks Michael Michael Pjetraj, P.E.,CPM Deputy Director Division of Air Quality North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 919-707-8497 office 919-820-6603 mobile michael.oietraAricdenr.oov 217 West Jones Street 1641 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1641 �DEQ� Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. https://outlook.office365.com/maii/sentitems/id/AAQkADRkYzNmMWFiL WQzNjktNDc... 7/27/2020 Page 3 of 6 From: Hicks,Joy A<iov.hicks@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Monday,July 27,202012:09 PM To:Pjetraj,Michael<michael.oietrai@ncdenr.aov>;Abraczinskas,Michael <michael.abraczinskas@ncdenr.tzov> Cc:Holman,Sheila<sheila.holman@ncdenr.aov>;Nunna,Shrikar<shrikar.nunnaCcancdenr.gov> Subject: FW: [External) FW:Air&Water Safety Concern regarding Southport Concrete located at 3710 Skyvlew Lane,Southport, NC 28461 Mike, I received the constituent email below from Rep. I ler's office. Although the complaint appears to be mostly Air Quality related, it does reference asbestos,hazardous materials and well water. Please advise on this situation—and please let me know your thoughts if we need to engage other Divisions or DHHS. Thanks. Joy Hicks Senior Director of Governmental Affairs and Policy NC Department of Environmental Quality 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-160I 919-707-8618 office 919-605-1951 cell Joy.Hicks Gi ncdenr.eov roan.cancxir�aD' tNyu0u�n1 M[mMamMn41 GW V Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Caw and may be discbsed to third parties From:Carla Langdon(Rep.Frank Iler)[mailtoalerla@nclea.net) Sent:Monday,July 27,202011:20 AM To:Hicks,Joy A<loy.hicks@ncdencaov> Subject: [External] FW:Air&Water Safety Concern regarding Southport Concrete located at 3710 Skyview Lane,Southport, NC 28461 CAUTION:External email.Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify.Send all suspicious email as an attachment to reoort.soam@nc.aov Hi Joy, https://outlook.ofriice365.c,onVmail/sentitems/id/AAQkADRkYzNmMWFiL WQzNjktNDc... 7/27/2020 Page 4 of 6 Rep. Iler talked to Mr.Gray late last week and asked him to send this information in an email so he could forward it on to you. I'm not sure who could take a look and see if there is anything that can be done. Thanks, Carla Carla Langdon Legislative Assistant �f3 t�irr+;,vi�idirr••�rrrir/.• ,y/•r North Carolina House of Representatives 300 N.Salisbury Street 639 Legislative Office Building Raleigh,NC 27603 Phone: (919) 301-1450 Email: Frank.iler@NCLEG.NET From: Brannon Gray<bgray@taalic.us> Sent: Monday,July 27,202012:04 AM To: Rep. Frank Iler<Frank.I ler@ ncleg.net> Subject:Air&Water Safety Concern regarding Southport Concrete located at 3710 Skyview lane, Southport, NC 28461 Rep. Frank Iler, In the last two years the Southport Concrete Corporation, located just behind the Oakwood Glen subdivision, has been grinding reclaimed concrete irresponsibly. The reclaimed concrete is coming from multiple demolition projects throughout the county,two of which are confirmed to be the old Oak Island Bridge and the Southport sewage treatment facility. Although the Southport Concrete Corporation has always been a neighbor,in the last two years especially I've begun to notice some harmful and irresponsible practices at the Plant. What first caught my attention was the increasing size of the berm just behind the Oakwood Glen subdivision. As the berm grew larger,the Oakwood Glen subdivision began to experience problems with flooding.This flooding, however, was minor in comparison to the current problem. Aside from the obvious complaints of noise that come from the plant,the Oakwood Glen subdivision is suffocating in the hazardous dust that is produced from them grinding the reclaimed concrete in irresponsible ways.To my understanding, if the plant were operating within the constraints of the law,the berm and concrete would be wet before grinding in order to prevent the dust. While concrete dust is harmful on its own,the reclaimed concrete from the Oak Island Bridge is more hazardous because the bridge was constructed during a period of time when asbestos was used to strengthen concrete. Asbestos is extremely dangerous to human health when airborne. Concrete is also https://outlook.offiec365.com/maiUsentitems/id/AAQkADRkYzNmM WFiL WQzNjktNDc... 7/27/2020 Page 5 of 6 constructed with fly ash,which is very poisonous to both people and the environment. Both of these dangerous substances are likely being released Into the air and are contaminating to homes and the environment. Due to the plant's location in this residentially zoned district, the Oakwood Glen subdivision is facing potential problems with both decreasing property values and damage. Not to mention the burden of not being able to have ready access to clean, potable water. Another issue is the fact that both family and neighbors rely on well water since the county does not offer water in the Oakwood Glen subdivision residential area. The Oakwood Glen subdivision has reached out to the county to have the well water tested,though their response was that the residents would have to pay$350 each in order to have this done—even though this is a serious threat to the residents of this area. It is my thinking that the county should offer to test the water for free considering that they do not offer water to this area and the threat that the plant poses to the water table. The pump house at a few locations are approximately seventy-five (75) feet away from the largest berm and the concrete grinder.That same berm is within approximately forty (40)feet away from most property lines. What Is perhaps most baffling about this situation is the location of the plant, which is zoned as a residential area.The plant has also been extending its footprint in recent years, and has begun to spill over property lines. Despite having many videos of this irresponsible behavior, the community has been unable to warrant any resolution from any of the state DEQ or county officials so far. As stated before,this concrete dust is causing a great deal of stress and anxiety, as the community has to inhale these hazardous byproducts every day. I respectfully ask that the North Carolina Department of Environment Quality investigate Southport Concrete Corporation's operation to see if more stringent monitoring could be added to their permit. According to the North Carolina Division of Air Quality inspection report filed on August 7, 2019, quarterly, semi-annual or annual reporting is not required.The report also noted that the plant is"classified as poor based on the visible condition of the processing equipment." On behalf of the neighbors in Oakwood Glen, as well as those residing in the adjacent Town of St.lames, I respectfully request that you return to inspect the plant's operations and require more frequent reporting on their air quality permit. Please let us know how we can assist in this matter. Very Respectfully, Brannon Gray Be safe and cover six, Brannon Gray 910,242.4900 Office https://outlook.ofFce365.com/maiUsentitems/id/AAQkADRkYzNmM WFiL W QzNjktNDc... 7/27/2020 Page 6 of 6 910.685.1153 Cell www.tsallc.us "Leadership is solving problems.The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help or concluded you do not care. Either case is a failure of leadership." - General Colin Powell This transmission is intended for the individual or entity to which it is addressed ONLY and may contain information, which is privileged or confidential.Any disclosure, distribution,or copying of this information is strictly prohibited. Furthermore, if the reader of this email message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, distribution, or copying of this Information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately by calling the above telephone number, https://outlook.office365.com/mail/sentitems/id/AAQkADRkYzN mM WFiL WQzNjktNDe... 7/27/2020 Page I of 4 Fw: quick question for you Newland, Brad <brad.newland@ncdenr.gov> Wed 7/29/2020 1.30 PM To: Sanders,Scott <scott.sanders@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Armistead,Ashby <ashby.armistead@ncdenr.gov> See attached regarding the Southport concrete pics you are getting. Brad Newland Regional Supervisor NC Division of Air Quality NC Department of Environmental Quality 910 796-7234 ph 910 350-2005 fx brad.newland@ncdenr.gov Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Low and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Pjetraj, Michael<michael.pjetraj@ncdenr.gov> Sent:Wednesday,July 29,20201:26 PM To:Newland, Brad<brad.newland@ncdenr.gov> Subject:FW:quick question for you From: Dellinger,Jeff<jeff.dellinger@dhhs.nc.gov> Sent:Wednesday,July 29, 20201:25 PM To: Pjetraj,Michael<michael.pjetraj@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE:quick question for you I can use close ups,several feet away and general photo showing amount of non-ground concrete. I'm interested to see if they intend or usually grind concrete that has painted surfaces or coatings, mastics or glues or oil stains on the concrete. All of these type of coatings could contain asbestos and cannot be ground until the owner/operator hires a NC accredited asbestos inspector to collect samples and receive the lab results documenting the materials do not contain asbestos. If asbestos is identified than grinding concrete with asbestos is not allowed and the material must be disposed of in an approved landfill. Raw or untreated concrete typically does not contain asbestos. However,we have identified asbestos in the concrete itself when it comes from a concrete pad where a boiler was located or concrete slabs from multi-story buildings where they used asbestos leveling cement to make the concrete ceiling look smooth. https://oudook.office365.com/mail/inbox/id/AAQkADRkYzNmMW FiL W QzNjktN Dc5M... 8/10/2020 1 Page 2 of 4 We will need to determine if a site visit is needed by one of our staff so can you send me the inspector's contact information so we can arrange a joint visit in the future? Thanks, jeff Jeffery W. Dellinger Industrial Hygiene Consultant Supervisor Division of Public Health, Environmental Health Section Health Hazards Control Unit(HHCU) N.C. Department of Health and Human Services Office: (919) 707-5972 Fax: (919)870-4808 Email: Jeff.dellingeradhhs.nc,gov Web: https://epi.dph,ncdhhs.gov/asbestos/healthaz.htmi httr)s://epi.dph,ncdhhs.clov/lead/ihmo.htmi 1912 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1912 42 No.dr Carnim Pubic Health Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Twitter YouTube Unauthorized disclosure of juvenile,health,legally privileged.or otherwise confidential information,Including confidential information relating to an ongoing State procurement effort,is prohibited by law.If you have received this a-mail in error,please notify the sender immedistely and delete all records of this e-mail. From:Pjetraj, Michael Sent:Wednesday,July 29,20201:01 PM To:Dellinger,Jeff<]eff.dellinaer@dhhs.nc.gov> Subject:RE:quick question for you Jeff, Thanks for the note. https://outtook.office365.con/mail/inbox/id/AAQkADRkYzNMM WFiL WQzNjktNDc5M... 8/10/2020 Page 3 of 4 I spoke with our Wilmington Regional Supervisor on this issue this afternoon. The DAQ inspector was on site Monday&will return on Thursday or next Monday. He will take more detailed pictures for you at that time. Do you need close ups? Within 12",6"or just general 10'away photos? The inspector plans to take close up photos of the material before grinding and immediately after grinding. Thanks for all of your help. Michael Michael Pjetraj,P.E.,CPM Deputy Director Division of Air Quality North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 919-707-8497 office 919-820-6603 mobile michael.oietraiOncdenr.aov 217 West Jones Street 1841 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1641 �E W> Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From:Dellinger,Jeff<ieff.dellinzer@dhhs.nc.eov> Sent:Wednesday,July 29,202011:26 AM To:Pjetraj,Michael<michael.oietraiCdncdenr.eov> Subject:quick question for you Hey Mr, Pjetraj, Regarding the complaint at Southport and possible asbestos concems when grinding concrete. Is it possible to have the AQ Inspector take digital photos of the piles of concrete and email them to my attention? jeff Jeffery W. Dellinger Industrial Hygiene Consultant Supervisor https://outlook.office365.com/mail/inbox/id/AAQkADRkYzNmM WFiL WQzNjktNDc5M... 8/10/2020 Page 4 of 4 Division of Public Health, Environmental Health Section Health Hazards Control Unit(HHCU) N.C. Department of Health and Human Services Office: (919)707-5972 Fax: (919) 870-4808 Email: Jeff dellinger0dhhs nc aov Web: hfti2s:Hepi.dph.ncdhhs.gov/asbestosthealthaz.html hftr)s://eL)i,dph.ncdhhs.gov/1ead/lhmp.html 1912 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1912 Ja Ne.Nr caCold t>wrK"Cold, Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Twitter YouTube Unauthorized disclosure of juvenile,health,legally privileged,or otherwise confidential information.including confidential information relating to an ongoing Stale procurement anon,is prohibited by law.If you have received this email in error,please notify,the sender immediately and delete all records of this email. Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carelina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized Stale official.Unauthorized disclosure of juvenile,health,legally privileged,or otherwise confidential Information. including confidential Information relating to an ongoing State procurement effort,Is prohibited by law.If you have received this email In enor,please notify the sender Immediately and delete all records of this email. https://outlook.offic.e365.com/mail/inbox/id/AAQkADRkYzNmMWFiL WQzNjktNDc5M... 8/10/2020 I ' r-4. N OE 0 N� N; a. CV nr g� O o � m a e ` ff 1 a �N A ' I 1 •,F •,.< 1 n^ � { IIED r I ,C1 0 1 � O � . �I y C 14 4 1 A .. ., �TF li lZ� 2 1.