HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_1600155_20220422_ST_RvwMemo DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY April 22, 2022 MEMORANDUM To: Brad Newland, P.E., Wilmington Regional Office From: James E. Hammond, Stationary Source Compliance Branch (SSCB) RSH Subject: Collins Tree Service Pit Newport, Carteret County, North Carolina Facility ID 1600155, Air Permit No. 10655G00 Visible Emissions Testing of NSPS Subpart EEEE Trench Burner ID No. ACI Performed December 18, 2021 by Collins Tree Service Pit Tracking No. 2021-341st A report of the subject testing has been reviewed. The Method 9 visible emissions testing results demonstrate compliance with the applicable emissions standards. The source tested is a portable air curtain incinerator (ACI) listed in the permit as Air Burners T-300 Trench Burner (10 tons per hour firing capacity) that commenced construction after December 9, 2004. The Method 9 opacity results are tabulated below. Applicable Emissions Standards • 15A NCAC 2D .1904 Air Curtain Incinerators (as Readopted Eff. September 1, 2019) o Limits opacity to <_ 10% opacity (as determined by the average of 3 1-hour blocks consisting of 10 6-minute average opacity values) at all times, other than during startup or during malfunctions. o Limits opacity to <_ 35% opacity (as determined by the average of 3 1-hour blocks consisting of 10 6-minute average opacity values) during startup of the incinerator. Incinerator startup is defined as the first 30 minutes of operation. • 40 CFR 60 Subpart EEEE Standards of Performance for Other Solid Waste Incineration Units for Which Construction is Commenced After December 9, 2004, or for Which Modification or Reconstruction is Commenced on or After June 16, 2006 o Limits opacity to <_ 10% opacity (6-minute average) at all times, except during the startup period that is within the first 30 minutes of operation or during malfunctions. o Limits opacity during the startup period to <_ 35% opacity (6-minute average) during startup period that is within the first 30 minutes of operation. Table 1:Annual Test for EPA Method 9 Opacity Emission: Test Readings as Observed by Kevin Wri ht Test Results Emission Limit Emissions Source ID Test Date Average Opacity Opacity Standard Compliance ACI 12-18-2021 5.3%(3-hour Test Average) <_10% 15A NCAC 2D .1904 Indicated 7.3%(Highest 6-minute Average) <_10% 60 Subpart EEEE Indicated The Method 9 visible emissions observation forms indicate ACI operated at approximately 90%. Note that Collins should report the actual tested operating rate in the future as well as state the operating rate percent of permitted rate (or maximum normal rate), whichever applies. Compliance was indicated for visible emissions from Air Burners T-300 Trench Burner ACI. Note permit condition 2.1.A.2.e require subsequent annual opacity testing no more than 12 calendar months following the date of the previous test. If there are any questions concerning this matter, please contact me at 919 707-8412 or james.hammond@ncdenr.gov cc: IBEAM Documents — 1600155