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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_0900063_20220217_CMPL_InspRpt NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF Fayetteville Regional Office AIR QUALITY Peanut Processors Inc.-Plant 1 NC Facility ID 0900063 Inspection Report County/FIPS:Bladen/017 Date: 02/24/2022 Facility Data Permit Data Peanut Processors Inc. -Plant 1 Permit 08005/R09 7329 Albert Street Issued 7/22/2014 Dublin,NC 28332 Expires 6/30/2022 Lat: 34d 39.4840m Long: 78d 43.5440m Class/Status Small SIC: 2099/Food Preparations Nec Permit Status Active NAICS: 311911 /Roasted Nuts and Peanut Butter Manufacturing Current Permit Application(s)None Contact Data Program Applicability Facility Contact Authorized Contact Technical Contact SIP Les Hill Les Hill Les Hill Regulatory Manager Regulatory Manager Regulatory Manager (910)862-2136 (910)862-2136 (910)862-2136 Compliance Data Comments: Inspection Date 02/17/2022 Inspector's Name Stephen Allen Inspector's Signature: Operating Status Operating Compliance Status Compliance-inspection Action Code FCE Date of Signature: Inspection Result Compliance Total Actual emissions in TONS/YEAR: TSP S02 NOX VOC CO PM10 HAP 2013 2.17 --- 0.5000 0.1904 0.4000 2.17 18.00 2008 0.9300 -- 0.2400 0.0200 0.2000 0.7000 85.80 *Highest HAP Emitted(in pounds) Five Year Violation History:None Date Letter Type Rule Violated Violation Resolution Date Performed Stack Tests since last FCE:None Source(s)Tested Date Test Results Test Method(s) I. DIRECTIONS From FRO take Highway 87 South and travel about 20 miles to Dublin. The facility is on the right after passing the Highway 410 intersection. It is a good idea to call the facility on the way to allow Mr.Hill time to travel from his other office. II. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS All standard DAQ FRO safety gear is required. Be aware of hot surfaces due to high temperatures used during facility processes as well as forklifts. M. FACILITYIPROCESS DESCRIPTION Shelled peanuts are loaded from a hopper onto a conveyor and passed through the natural gas fired pre-heater at—180 degrees F in hot chambers and later finished with cooling chambers that drop the temperature down to—155 F. The purpose of this pre-heater is simply to warm the peanuts up. The peanuts are then blanched with dry heat at—190 degrees F in 5 electric dry blanching units. The blanching process swells the nut, cracks the skin, and allows for easy removal of the skin.After blanching,the peanuts are roasted by submerging in peanut oil at—3 5 5 degrees F. The product is then stored for packaging. Peanut Oil Roasting Process Peanut oil in the oil roaster is circulated out to a heat exchanger tank at—330 degrees F. The oil leaving the heat exchanger feeds into a filtering machine that removes any particles and debris before the oil is recycled back to the roaster. The recycling process helps maintain a consistent roasting temperature in the oil roaster. The peanuts reabsorb some of this recycled oil. There is no fan used in the process. About 60 gallons of new oil are added from the roasting peanuts to this recycling system each day. About 4 to 5 gallons of oil each day are lost during filtering. Air Emissions Description and Controls Particulate emissions from the pre-heater are controlled by a cyclone. The two smog hogs that used to operate in series with the cyclone are no longer in use. The exhaust from the cyclone simply passes through the smog hog ductwork to the atmosphere.Peanut skin particles from the 5 blanchers are vacuumed into another outside cyclone and the air is circulated back inside the building with no release to the outside. Emissions from the oil roaster are uncontrolled and are released through two cool zone stacks outside of the building. One of these stacks sits on top of the building near the cyclones and the other is toward the ground at the middle of the building. The peanut oil heat exchanger tank vapors vent uncontrolled through a stack outside of the building. PERMITTED NT LIST Ali, a,. 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INSPECTION CONFERENCE On 17 February 2022, I, Stephen Allen of FRO DAQ,conducted a compliance inspection at the Peanut Processors Plant#1 facility. I met with Less Hill,Plant Manager. We discussed the following: a) Verified FACFINDER information: Changes have been made in IBEAM. According to Mr.Hill,the facility has been purchased by Severn Peanuts so the facility name and contact information is subject to change. Mr.Hill is submitting name and ownership changes during their current permit renewal. b) We reviewed the facility's maintenance and inspection logbooks. Both were well maintained and up to date. c) Throughputs: 1 4; ........... .. ...................... ... 2021 2,616.11 �2,584.70 2020 2040.32 2932.5 2019 2338.5 .3 73 0.6 2018 —3200` 4525 2017 3300.58 4917.8 VI. INSPECTION SUMMARY Mr. Hill led me on a tour of the facility. The facility was not operating during the inspection. I observed the cyclone(CD 13)that controls emissions from the natural gas fired peanut roaster. Mr. Hill stated they have not added any new equipment at the facility and there have been no changes in the manufacturing process. The duct work for all of the cyclones appeared to be well maintained and in working order with no apparent holes or leaks. Overall,the facility appeared to be clean and well maintained. Mr. Hill and staff maintain a logbook with inspection and maintenance for the cyclone. All entries appeared up to date. I assisted Mr.Hill with the emission inventory that is due for the facility. VII. PERMIT STIPULATIONS A.2 2D .0202—PERMIT RENEWAL AND EMISSION INVENTORY REQUIREMENT—At least 90 days prior to the expiration date of this permit,the Permittee shall submit the permit renewal application and air pollution emission inventory. APPEARED IN COMPLLANCE—The most recent permit renewal was due by 2 June 2014 and was received on 28 May 2014. The next renewal is due in April 2022 with emission inventory for CY 2021. I assisted Mr. Dill with logging into AFRO and calculating the facility's emissions for 2021. A.3 2D .0503 PARTICULATES FROM FUEL BURNING INDIRECT HEAT EXCHANGERS -PM emissions from the fuel burning Natural Gas fired indirect heat exchanger,ES7 shall not exceed 0.91 lbs/mmBtu. APPEARED IN COMPLIANCE—The facility combusts only natural gas and AP-42 EF for PM total is 0.007 lb/mmBtu,well below the limit. A.4 2D .0515 PARTICULATES FROM MISCELLANEOUS INDUSTRIAL PROCESSES- particulate matter emissions from the emission sources shall not exceed allowable emission rates. APPEARED IN COMPLIANCE—Compliance was determined during the most recent permit review based on operating the source as described in the permit conditions. No changes have been made to source/devices or operations since that determination. A.5 2D .0516 SULFUR DIOXIDE CONTROL REQUIREMENT Shall not exceed 2.3 pounds per million Btu heat input. APPEARED IN COMPLIANCE—The facility combusts only natural gas and AP-42 EF for sulfur dioxide is 0.0006 lb/mmBtu,well below the limit. A.6 2D .0521 VISIBLE EMISSIONS CONTROL REQUIREMENT-Visible emissions from the emission sources,manufactured after July 1, 1971, shall not be more than 20 percent opacity when averaged over a six-minute period. APPEARED IN COMPLIANCE The facility was not operating at the time of inspection. I observed no particulate accumulation or any other indication of VE issues from the sources. A.7 2D .0535 NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENT-Facility is required to notify the DAQ of excess emissions that last for more than four hours. APPEAARED IN COMPLIANCE—Mr. Hill stated there have been no occurrences of excess emissions since the last inspection and he is aware of the reporting requirement. A.8 2D .0540 PARTICULATES FROM FUGITIVE DUST EMISSION SOURCES: - Shall not cause or allow fugitive dust emissions to cause or contribute to substantive complaints or excess visible emissions beyond the property boundary. APPEARED IN COMPLIANCE-No fugitive dust was observed beyond the property boundaries and Mr.Mill stated they have not received any dust complaints.No dust complaints have been received by FRO. A.9 2D.0611 CYCLONE REQUIREMENTS—(CD-13)-Particulate matter emissions from sources shall be controlled as described in the permitted equipment list,including annual inspections recorded in logbook and all maintenance activities recorded in logbook. APPEARED IN COMPLIANCE—The facility provided records indicating the last annual inspection occurred on 25 March 2021. Inspection and Maintenance logbook documents weekly inspections and notes any repairs made. The facility collects approximately three super sacks of peanut skins a week from this cyclone. 112R STATUS The facility does not store any of the listed chemicals above the threshold quantities, and is not required to maintain a written Risk Management Plan(RMP). NON-COMPLIANCE HISTORY SINCE 1 11/10/2010—higher opacity readings than usual were observed by Pam Vivian while driving by the facility doing other work at another location. She stopped in and notified Mr.Bud Lotz,Facility Contact,about this problem. She later returned that same day and the problem had been corrected by cleaning the ESP control devices and lowering the facility processing temperature. 4/11/2014—Issued NOV for B.6 violation of changing control devices without a permit modification,the previously permitted smog hogs were still connected in series with the permitted cyclone CD 13 but were no longer operating. X. COMMENTS/COMPLLANCE STATEMENT Peanut Processors Inc. - Plant 1 appeared to be operating in compliance with their current air permit on 17 February 2022. PINK SHEET Need to add 2D .1806 at next permit touch /sca