HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_7400298_20230919_CMPL_InspRptNORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Inspection Report Date: 09/19/2023 Washington Regional Office Greenville Ready Mixed Concrete - Greenville NC Facility ID 7400298 County/FIPS: Pitt/147 Facility Data Greenville Ready Mixed Concrete - Greenville 612 Barrus Construction Road Greenville, NC 27858 Lat: 35d 40.3309m Long: 77d 26.3079m SIC: 3273 / Ready-Mixed Concrete NAICS: 32732 / Ready-Mix Concrete Manufacturing Permit Data Permit n/a Issued n/a Expires n/a Class/Status Permit Exempt Permit Status Inactive Current Permit Application(s) None Program Applicability SIP Contact Data Facility Contact David Hardee Chief Operations Manager (252) 756-0119 Authorized Contact David Hardee Chief Operations Manager (252) 756-0119 Technical Contact Daniel Sutton Assistant Plant Manager (252) 756-0119 Comments: The facility appeared to operate in compliance with all applicable regulations and permit conditions at the time of inspection. Inspector’s Signature: Date of Signature: 9/19/2023 Compliance Data Inspection Date 09/14/2023 Inspector’s Name Yongcheng Chen Operating Status Operating Compliance Status Compliance - inspection Action Code CAV Inspection Result Compliance Total Actual emissions in TONS/YEAR: TSP SO2 NOX VOC CO PM10 * HAP No emissions inventory on record. * Highest HAP Emitted (in pounds) Five Year Violation History: None Performed Stack Tests since last FCE: None LOCATION: From WaRO take Highway 264W to Greenville. At the junction of Highway 264/Greenville Boulevard 264W, turn right and follow the bypass towards Wilson. Exit Hwy 264W bypass onto Hwy 33 North towards Tarboro. On Highway 33N, past Belvoir Elementary School, turn left onto SR 1402 (Barrus Construction Road). The facility is located approximately one mile on your left. FACILITY SAFETY: Recommended PPE: hardhat, steel toe shoes, eye protection, and reflective vest. PROCESS DESCRIPTION: This facility is a concrete batch plant where sand, water, and aggregates are weighed in a hopper and gravity fed into delivery trucks. EMISSION SOURCES: One concrete batch plant with fabric filter air pollution control system(s) installed on all sources; 1. One (1) cement mixing weigh hopper and loading operation; 2. Silos for cement and fly ash storage. INSPECTION OBSERVATIONS/COMMENTS: On 9/14/2023, I conducted a compliance assurance visit with the assistance of Daniel Sutton, Assistant Plant Manager (John Winstead, Plant Manager retired). Mr. Sutton explained that they do not use this location regularly but the baghouse is inspected after every extended shutdown. Otherwise, the baghouse is inspected and cleaned monthly and bags are replaced as needed. The logbook on site was up to date. The facility was in operation at the time of inspection and less than 5% visible emissions were observed from the stack. I ob served no fugitive dust or odors leaving the facility property and all equipment appeared to be well maintained. Mr. Winstead explained that they do utilize a water truck to water down the yard if dust becomes an issue during dry days. The facility produced a total of 10,715.25 yd³ of concrete in 2022. REGULATORY REVIEW: 2D .0515 – “Particulates from Miscellaneous Industrial Process” The allowable emission rates for particulate matter from any stack, vent, or outlet, resulting from any industrial process fo r which no other emission control standards are applicable, shall not exceed the rates as outlined in this regulation. The facility demonstrates that they practice proper operation and maintenance of their sources and it is reasonable to expect that they do not exceed allowable emission rates. Compliance is indicated 2D .0521 – “Control of Visible Emissions” Visible emissions (VE) from permitted sources shall not be more than 20% opacity when averaged over a six -minute period. The facility was operating at the time of inspection and less than 5% VE was observed. There have been no complaints regarding VE since the time of last compliance assurance visit. Compliance is indicated 2D .0535 – “Excess Emissions reporting and Malfunctions” There were no indications of equipment malfunctions that would result in excessive emissions requiring more than four hours t o repair. No such reports have been submitted since the time of last compliance assurance visit. Compliance is indicated 2D .0540 – “Fugitive Dust Control Requirement” “Fugitive dust emissions” means particulate matter from process operations that does not pass through a stack or vent and that is generated within the facility property from activities such as: unloading and loading areas, process areas stockpiles, stock pile working, facility parking lots, and facility roads (including access roads and haul roads). No fugitive dust emissions were observed and no complaints regarding fugitive dust have been received since the time of last compliance assurance visit. The facility utilizes a water truck to water down the yard as needed. Compliance is indicated 2D .0611 – “Bag Filter Requirements” At minimum the facility shall perform an annual internal inspection of the dust collector system. In addition, the facility s hall perform monthly external inspections and maintenance as recommended by the equipment manufacturer. The facility changed to a new “WAM” baghouse system in 2022 and the system is a self cleaning system. Compliance is indicated 2D .1104 – “Toxic Air Pollutant Control Requirements” The facility shall limit the quantity of concrete produced to less than the applicable maximum production rate, based on the m inimum distance to the property line. The minimum distance to the property line is the distance from the cement mixing weigh hopper to the closest point of the facility’s property line. This facility is 175 feet from the property line. This makes their maximum concrete production rate 120,000 yd³ per year. With only 18,467 yd³ total produced in 2023 this facility is well within their limit. Compliance is indicated 2Q .0310 – “General Permit Requirements” The facility must operate only the equipment listed in the General Permit equipment list, not be subject to any 15A NCAC 2D o r 2Q regulation not addressed in Specific Condition A. 1 of the Permit, not exceed 138 yds 3 per hour of concrete production, and comply with the Toxics property line distance requirements. Compliance is indicated 2D .1100, 2Q .0711 – “Toxic Air Pollutant Control Requirements” Facility-wide actual emissions may not exceed the Toxic Permit Emission Rates (TPERs) listed in 15A NCAC 2Q .0711: Pollutant Carcinogens (lb/yr) Chronic Toxicants (lb/day) Acute Systemic Toxicants (lb/hr) Acute Irritants (lb/hr) Beryllium 0.28 Cadmium 0.37 Chromium* 0.013 Manganese and compounds 0.63 Nickel metal 0.13 This facility’s permit was rescinded 9/20/2016 because facility-wide actual emissions of particulate matter (PM10), sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide, hazardous air pollutants (HAP), and toxic air pollutants (TAP), from previous years, each has been less than five (5) tons per year and the total actual aggregate emissions of these pollutants h ave been less than 10 tons per year. There are no future plans to make any changes that would increase emissions above these exemption thre sholds. Compliance is indicated 112(R) APPLICABILITY: The facility does not store applicable volumes of 112(r) materials. FIVE YEAR COMPLIANCE HISTORY: None. CONCLUSIONS, COMMENTS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The facility appeared to operate in compliance with all applicable air quality regulations at the time of the compliance assurance visit.