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2023-2024 Annual Monitoring Network Plan for the North Carolina Division of Air
Volume 1
Network Descriptions
June 28, 2023
North Carolina Division of Air Quality
A Division of the North Carolina Department
of Environmental Quality
Mail Service Center 1641
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1641
By the signatures below, the North Carolina Division of Air Quality, or DAQ, certifies
that the information contained in the 2023-2024 Annual Monitoring Network Plan is
complete and accurate at the time of submittal to the United States Environmental
Protection Agency, or EPA, Region 4. However, due to circumstances that may arise
during the sampling year, some network information may change. DAQ will submit a
notification of change and a request for approval to EPA Region 4 at that time.
Signature __________________________________________ Date ______
Roy Patrick Butler
Ambient Monitoring Section Chief, DAQ
Signature __________________________________________ Date ______
Michael Abraczinskas
Director, DAQ
I. Introduction
The North Carolina Division of Air Quality, or DAQ, works with the state's
citizens to protect and improve outdoor, or ambient, air quality in North Carolina for the
health, benefit and economic well-being of all. To carry out this mission, DAQ has
programs for monitoring air quality, permitting and inspecting air emissions sources,
developing plans for improving air quality and educating and informing the public about
air quality issues.
DAQ, which is part of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality,
or DEQ, also enforces state and federal air pollution regulations. In North Carolina, the
General Assembly enacts state air pollution laws, and the Environmental Management
Commission adopts most regulations dealing with air quality. In addition, the United
States Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA, has designated DAQ as the lead
agency for enforcing federal laws and regulations dealing with air pollution in North
The Ambient Monitoring Section, or AMS, of the division operates an air quality-
monitoring program for the state. The AMS is responsible for measuring levels of
regulated pollutants in the outdoor air by maintaining a network of 40 monitoring stations
across the state to measure the concentration of pollutants such as ozone, lead, particles
(i.e., dust), nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide. The AMS provides
these monitoring services in accordance with EPA regulatory requirements. EPA and
DAQ have designed the criteria pollutant monitoring system to make measurements to
assess compliance with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards, or NAAQS, as set
by the EPA. The NAAQS specify concentration level thresholds for criteria air pollutants
to protect the public health and welfare.
The law as defined in Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, or CFR,
Section 58.10 Annual Monitoring Network Plan and Periodic Network Assessment
requires an annual monitoring network plan. This plan must provide the following
information for each monitoring station in the network:
• The Air Quality System, or AQS, site identification number.
• The location, including street address and geographical coordinates.
• The sampling and analysis method(s) for each measured parameter.
• The operating schedules for each monitor.
• Any proposals to remove or move a monitoring station within a period of 18
months following plan submittal.
• The monitoring objective and spatial scale of representativeness for each monitor
as defined in Appendix D to part 40 CFR Part 58.
• The identification of any sites that are suitable and sites that are not suitable for
comparison against the annual fine particle, or PM2.5, NAAQS as described in
Section 58.30; and
• The metropolitan statistical area, or MSA, core-based statistical area, or CBSA,
combined statistical area, or CSA, or other area represented by the monitor.
• The designation of any lead, or Pb, monitors as either source-oriented or non-
source-oriented as required in Appendix D to 40 CFR Part 58.
• Any source-oriented monitors for which a waiver has been requested or granted
by the EPA regional administrator as allowed for under paragraph 4.5(a)(ii) of
Appendix D to 40 CFR Part 58.
• Any source-oriented or non-source-oriented site for which a waiver has been
requested or granted by the EPA regional administrator for the use of Pb-PM10
monitoring in lieu of Pb-TSP monitoring as allowed for under paragraph 2.10 of
Appendix C to 40 CFR Part 58.
• The identification of required nitrogen dioxide, or NO2, monitors as either near-
road or area-wide sites in accordance with Appendix D, Section 4.3 of 40 CFR
Part 58; and
• The identification of any PM2.5 federal equivalent methods, or FEMs and/or
approved regional methods, or ARMs, used in the monitoring agency's network
where the data are not of sufficient quality such that data are not to be compared
to the NAAQS.
This plan contains information on the criteria and other pollutant monitoring
networks operated by DAQ. It continues in the following sections as outlined below:
II. Summary of Proposed Changes
III. Carbon Monoxide, or CO, Monitoring Network
IV. Sulfur Dioxide Monitoring Network
V. Ozone Monitoring Network
VI. Particle Monitoring Network for Particles with Aerodynamic Diameters of
10 Micrometers or Less, or PM10
VII. Fine Particle, PM2.5, Monitoring Network
VIII. Lead Monitoring Network
IX. Urban Air Toxics Monitoring Network
X. DAQ NCore Monitoring Network
XI. Nitrogen Dioxide Monitoring Network
XII. Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Station, PAMS, Network
XIII. Background Atmospheric Deposition Network
XIV. EPA Approval Dates for Quality Management Plan and Quality
Assurance Project Plans
XV. Equipment Condition of North Carolina Monitoring Sites
Appendix A. Summary of Monitoring Sites and Types of Monitors provides a
table summarizing the monitoring network and providing the types of monitors operated
at each station. DAQ and the Asheville-Buncombe Air Quality Agency fill out annual
network review forms each year for each operated monitoring site. Volume 2 includes
these annual network review forms as an appendix to each regional section. They are also
available for review at the Division of Air Quality, 217 West Jones Street, Raleigh, North
Carolina, 27603.
Appendix B provides the Mecklenburg County Air Quality 2022 Annual
Monitoring Network Plan.
Appendix C provides the Forsyth County Office of Environmental Assistance and
Protection 2022 Annual Monitoring Network Plan.
Volume II of the Annual Network Plan discusses the monitoring network by
metropolitan statistical areas, or MSAs, organized by the area of the state in which they
are located. Regional office monitoring personnel manage the day-to-day operations of
the monitors. Monitoring personnel are in each of the seven regional DAQ offices in
Asheville, Mooresville, Winston-Salem, Raleigh, Fayetteville, Washington, and
Wilmington. Volume II of the monitoring plan discusses the monitoring network for each
regional office starting with Asheville in the west and moving to Wilmington in the east.
The plan further subdivides each region into sections based on MSAs. Volume II
discusses the current monitoring as well as future monitoring plans or needs.
In February 2013, the Office of Management and Budget revised the definitions
of MSAs based on the 2010 census.1 Due to these revisions, North Carolina gained two
MSAs in the eastern part of the state: Myrtle Beach-Conway-North Myrtle Beach and
New Bern. Three MSAs gained additional counties and, thus, additional people –
Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia, Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News and Winston-
Salem. Two MSAs lost counties and, thus, people – Greenville and Wilmington. In
September 2018, the Office of Management and Budget revised the definitions of MSAs
again as shown in Figure 1.2 Due to these revisions four MSAs gained additional
counties and, thus, additional people – Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia gained Anson
County, Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News gained Camden County, Durham gained
Granville County and Fayetteville gained Harnett County. The discussions in this
network monitoring plan use the September 2018 MSA definitions.
Figure 1. North Carolina metropolitan statistical areas based on September 2018
MSA definitions
1 Office of Management and Budget, OMB BULLETIN NO. 13-01: Revised Delineations of Metropolitan
Statistical Areas, Micropolitan Statistical Areas and Combined Statistical Areas and Guidance on Uses of
the Delineations of These Areas, Feb. 28, 2013, available on the worldwide web at
https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/sites/default/files/omb/bulletins/2013/b13-01.pdf, accessed May 18,
2 Office of Management and Budget, OMB BULLETIN NO. 18-04: Revised Delineations of Metropolitan
Statistical Areas, Micropolitan Statistical Areas and Combined Statistical Areas and Guidance on Uses of
the Delineations of These Areas, Sept. 14, 2018, available on the worldwide web at
https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Bulletin-18-04.pdf, accessed April 25, 2020.
From 2007 through March 2015, the EPA considered DAQ and the three local
programs in North Carolina to be one primary quality assurance organization, or PQAO.
In 2014, the EPA determined the state and local programs did not meet the PQAO
requirements listed in Section 3 of 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix A.3 Forsyth County
Environmental Assistance and Protection and Mecklenburg County Air Quality decided
to become separate PQAOs starting March 19, 2015. The Asheville-Buncombe Air
Quality Agency, or ABAQA, formerly known as the Western North Carolina Regional
Air Quality Agency, elected to remain with DAQ as a joint PQAO. In 2016, Duke Energy
Progress decided to operate two sulfur dioxide sites as part of the DAQ PQAO to meet
the data requirements rule. On December 31, 2020, Duke shut down its last monitor
required as part of the data requirements rule; therefore, it is no longer part of the DAQ
In 2021, Congress provided the EPA with funds from the American Rescue Plan
(ARP). The EPA was tasked with investing these funds in upgrading the fine particle
monitoring network and expanding monitoring into underserved communities. DAQ
applied for these funds. DEQ is committed to the principles of environmental justice,
including ensuring equitable ambient air quality monitoring in communities across North
Carolina, especially in underserved and overburdened communities. As a result of this
commitment and applying for the grant funds, DEQ conducted an analysis to determine
the current locations of air quality monitors across North Carolina and how many of those
monitors are within potentially underserved block groups. The results of this analysis are
provided in Appendix D. Current Air Quality Monitor Locations and Potentially
Underserved Communities.
3 Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 58, Ambient Air Quality Surveillance. Appendix A to Part 58 –
Quality Assurance Requirements for Monitors used in Evaluations of National Ambient Air Quality
Standards: Electronic Code of Federal Regulations, May 21, 2020, Section 1.2, available at
div9, accessed May 23, 2020.
I. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 3
Contents ............................................................................................................................. 7
List of Tables ..................................................................................................................... 9
List of Figures .................................................................................................................. 12
II. Summary of Proposed Changes................................................................................ 17
A. Monitors Scheduled to Start Up or Shut Down in 2022, 2023 or 2024 that were
included in the 2022-2023 Network Plan ..................................................................... 20
1. Monitoring Changes in the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia MSA ....................... 23
2. Monitoring Changes in the Raleigh MSA ........................................................ 24
3. Monitoring Changes in the Winston-Salem MSA ............................................ 25
4. Monitoring Changes in the Durham MSA ........................................................ 26
5. Monitoring Changes in the Myrtle Beach-Conway-North Myrtle Beach MSA 27
6. Monitoring Changes in the Asheville, Wilmington and Greenville MSAs ...... 28
7. Monitoring Changes in Areas Not in MSAs ..................................................... 28
B. Sites to be Relocated or Moved................................................................................ 30
1. Potential Relocation of the Rockwell site in the Charlotte MSA ..................... 31
2. Replacement of Monitoring Shelter and Possible Relocation of the Bethany site
in the Greensboro MSA ............................................................................................ 32
3. Replacement of Monitoring Shelter and Possible Relocation of the Butner site
in the Durham MSA .................................................................................................. 33
4. Relocation of the Board of Education site in the Asheville MSA .................... 34
5. Relocation of the Wade site in the Fayetteville MSA....................................... 34
6. Monitor Relocations in the Hickory MSA ........................................................ 35
Monitor Relocations in the Areas Outside of MSAs ................................................ 36
C. Changes to the Methods Used to Measure Fine Particles for Comparison to the
NAAQS ......................................................................................................................... 37
D. Rotating Background Monitors ................................................................................ 41
E. Addition of Nafion Dryers to the Ozone Monitoring Probes at Linville Falls and
Monroe .......................................................................................................................... 41
F. Waiver Requests ....................................................................................................... 45
III. Carbon Monoxide, or CO, Monitoring Network ................................................. 46
IV. Sulfur Dioxide Monitoring Network ....................................................................... 51
Population Weighted Emissions Index Sulfur Dioxide Monitoring ............................. 54
A. Temporary Special Purpose Background Monitors .............................................. 58
B. Facilities Subject to the SO2 Data Requirements Rule, DRR .............................. 58
V. Ozone Monitoring Network ...................................................................................... 65
A. Analysis of Existing Monitors .............................................................................. 65
1. Analysis of Measured Concentrations Compared to NAAQS .............................. 65
2. Analysis of Operating Monitors Compared to Appendix D Requirements .......... 69
B. Analysis of Unmonitored Areas with Rapid Population Growth ......................... 75
1. Brunswick County ................................................................................................ 75
2. Cabarrus County ................................................................................................... 76
3. Camden County .................................................................................................... 76
4. Currituck County .................................................................................................. 77
5. Franklin County .................................................................................................... 77
6. Iredell County ....................................................................................................... 78
7. Pender County ....................................................................................................... 78
C. Changes to Existing Monitors ............................................................................... 79
D. DAQ Recommendations ....................................................................................... 79
E. Network Description ............................................................................................. 80
VI. Particle Monitoring Network for Particles with Aerodynamic Diameters of 10
Micrometers or Less, or PM10........................................................................................ 95
VII. Fine Particle, PM2.5, Monitoring Network .......................................................... 107
A. The Federal Reference Method and Federal Equivalent Method Network ........ 107
B. Continuous Fine Particle Monitoring Network................................................... 127
C. Manual Speciation Fine Particle Monitoring Network ....................................... 139
VIII. Lead Monitoring Network .................................................................................. 142
IX. Urban Air Toxics Monitoring Network ................................................................ 146
X. DAQ NCore Monitoring Network .......................................................................... 153
A. Overview ................................................................................................................ 153
B. Monitor Siting Considerations ............................................................................... 153
C. Monitors/Methods .................................................................................................. 154
D. Readiness Preparation ............................................................................................ 155
E. Waiver Requests ..................................................................................................... 156
1. Millbrook Meteorological Tower ....................................................................... 156
2. NOy Probe Placement ......................................................................................... 158
3. Teledyne T640x Temperature Control Daily Standard Deviation Measurement 158
XI. Nitrogen Dioxide Monitoring Network ................................................................ 160
A. Near-Road Monitoring ........................................................................................ 161
B. Area wide sites .................................................................................................... 163
C. Regional Administrator Required Monitoring .................................................... 164
D. Other Monitoring ................................................................................................ 164
XII. Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Station, PAMS, Network ................... 169
A. PAMS Implementation Process ............................................................................. 169
B. Major Objectives .................................................................................................... 170
C. Monitors/Methods .................................................................................................. 172
XIII. Background Atmospheric Deposition Network ................................................ 174
XIV. EPA Approval Dates for Quality Management Plan and Quality Assurance
Project Plans .................................................................................................................. 178
XV. Equipment Condition of North Carolina Monitoring Sites .............................. 190
XVI. Resources .............................................................................................................. 194
Appendix A. Summary of Monitoring Sites and Types of Monitors ....................... 199
Appendix B. 2022 Annual Monitoring Network Plan for Mecklenburg County Air
Quality ............................................................................................................................ 203
Appendix C. 2022 Annual Monitoring Network Plan for Forsyth County Office of
Environmental Assistance and Protection .................................................................. 204
Appendix D. Current Air Quality Monitor Locations and Potentially Underserved
Communities .................................................................................................................. 205
Introduction ................................................................................................................. 205
Methodology ............................................................................................................... 205
Results ......................................................................................................................... 205
Background Atmospheric Deposition Network ...................................................... 206
NO2 ......................................................................................................................... 207
NOy ......................................................................................................................... 207
Ozone ...................................................................................................................... 207
PM2.5 ....................................................................................................................... 208
PM10 ........................................................................................................................ 209
Urban Air Toxics .................................................................................................... 209
SO2 .......................................................................................................................... 210
CO ........................................................................................................................... 210
Other ....................................................................................................................... 210
Appendix E. Hickory Data Analysis For Relocating the Fine Particle Monitors on
the Site ............................................................................................................................ 211
Introduction ................................................................................................................. 211
Detailed Siting Information on the Proposed Location .............................................. 212
Summary ..................................................................................................................... 218
Appendix F. Bryson City Data Analysis for Relocating the Fine Particle Monitor on
the Site ............................................................................................................................ 219
Introduction ................................................................................................................. 219
Detailed Siting Information on the Proposed Location .............................................. 221
Summary ..................................................................................................................... 225
Appendix G. Approved Waivers and Other Requests .............................................. 226
1. Waiver Renewals ............................................................................................ 226
2. Approved 2020 Requests ................................................................................ 237
Appendix H. Monitoring Agreement between Virginia and North Carolina for the
Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News Metropolitan Statistical Area ................... 252
Appendix I. NCore Monitoring Plan Approval Letter .............................................. 256
Appendix J. 2010 Network Plan EPA Approval Letter ............................................ 258
Appendix K. Monitoring Agreement for the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia
Metropolitan Statistical Area....................................................................................... 265
Appendix L. Scale of Representativeness ................................................................... 273
Appendix M – 2023 Annual Report for EPA’s Data Requirements Rule to
Demonstrate Attainment with the 2010 1-Hour SO2 NAAQS ................................. 274
Appendix N. Public Notice of Availability of Network Plan ..................................... 277
Appendix O. Public Comments Received and Response ........................................... 281
Glossary ......................................................................................................................... 282
List of Tables
Table 1 Alphabetical list of fastest-growing counties in North Carolina based on
population change between April 1, 2010, and April 1, 2020, or July 1, 2021, and
July 1, 2022. .............................................................................................................. 17
Table 2 Summary of Monitors Scheduled to Start Up or Shut Down in 2021, 2022, 2023
or 2024 Updated information previously included in the 2021-2022 Network Plan 20
Table 3 Updated Summary of Monitors Scheduled to Relocate or Move in 2022, 2023 or
2024 previously listed in the 2021-2022 Network Plan............................................ 31
Table 4 Primary Monitoring Methods at Fine Particle Monitoring Sites ......................... 38
Table 5 The 2022-2025 Rotating Background Sulfur Dioxide Monitoring Network ...... 42
Table 6 The 2022-2025 Rotating Background PM10 Monitoring Network ...................... 43
Table 7 The 2023-2024 Carbon Monoxide Monitoring Network for the Charlotte-
Concord-Gastonia MSA a ......................................................................................... 49
Table 8 The 2023-2024 Carbon Monoxide Monitoring Network for the Raleigh MSA a .. 50
Table 9 Population-Weighted Emission Indices Using the 2014/2017 National Emissions
Inventory and 2021 Population Estimates for North Carolina Metropolitan Statistical
Areas ......................................................................................................................... 56
Table 10 The 2023-2024 Sulfur Dioxide Monitoring Network for the Charlotte-Concord-
Gastonia and Raleigh MSAs a ................................................................................... 61
Table 11 The 2023-2024 Sulfur Dioxide Monitoring Network for the Greensboro,
Winston-Salem, and Fayetteville MSAs a ................................................................. 62
Table 12 The 2023-2024 Sulfur Dioxide Monitoring Network for the Durham-Chapel
Hill, Asheville, and Hickory MSAs .......................................................................... 63
Table 13 The 2023-2024 Sulfur Dioxide Monitoring Network for areas outside MSAs a
................................................................................................................................... 64
Table 14 Design Values and Required Ozone Monitors for North Carolina Metropolitan
Statistical Areas, MSA .............................................................................................. 70
Table 15 The Ozone Monitoring Network for the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia MSA a .. 81
Table 16 The Ozone Monitoring Network for the Raleigh MSA a ................................... 83
Table 17 The Ozone Monitoring Network for the Greensboro-High Point MSA a .......... 84
Table 18 The Ozone Monitoring Network for the Winston-Salem MSA a ...................... 85
Table 19 The Ozone Monitoring Network for the Durham-Chapel Hill MSA a .............. 86
Table 20 The Ozone Monitoring Network for the Asheville MSA a ................................ 87
Table 21. The Ozone Monitoring Network for the Fayetteville MSA a ........................... 88
Table 22 The Ozone Monitoring Network for the Hickory MSA a .................................. 89
Table 23 The Ozone Monitoring Network for the Wilmington, Greenville and Rocky
Mount MSAs a .......................................................................................................... 90
Table 24 The Ozone Monitoring Network for the Mountain Tops a ................................ 91
Table 25 The Ozone Monitoring Network for the Valley, Piedmont and Coastal Sites that
are not in an MSA (Part 1) a ...................................................................................... 93
Table 26 The Ozone Monitoring Network for the Valley, Piedmont and Coastal Sites that
are not in an MSA, Part 2 a ....................................................................................... 94
Table 27 Ambient Concentrations and Required Number of PM10 Monitors for North
Carolina Metropolitan Statistical Areas, MSA ......................................................... 98
Table 28 PM10 Monitoring Network for the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia MSA a ......... 101
Table 29 PM10 Monitoring Network for the Raleigh-Durham-Cary CSA a ................... 102
Table 30 The PM10 Monitoring Network for the Greensboro-Winston-Salem-High Point
CSA ......................................................................................................................... 103
Table 31 The PM10 Monitoring Network for the Fayetteville, Hickory, and Wilmington
MSAs a .................................................................................................................... 104
Table 32 The PM10 Monitoring Network for the Valley, Piedmont and Coastal Sites that
are not in an MSA a ................................................................................................. 105
Table 33 Design Values and Required Fine Particle Monitors for North Carolina
Metropolitan Statistical Areas, MSA ...................................................................... 117
Table 34 The NAAQS Fine Particle Monitoring Network for the ................................. 119
Table 35 The NAAQS Fine Particle Monitoring Network for the Raleigh MSA a ......... 120
Table 36 The NAAQS Fine Particle Monitoring Network for the Winston-Salem and
Greensboro-High Point MSAs a .............................................................................. 121
Table 37 2022-2023 NAAQS Fine Particle Monitoring Network for the Durham-Chapel
Hill, Asheville and Hickory MSAs a ....................................................................... 123
Table 38 The 2022-2023 NAAQS Fine Particle Monitoring Network for the Fayetteville,
Wilmington and Greenville MSAs a ....................................................................... 124
Table 39 The NAAQS Fine Particle Monitoring Network for the Valley, Piedmont and
Coastal Sites that are not in an MSA a .................................................................... 126
Table 40 The Continuous Fine Particle Monitoring Network for the Charlotte-Concord-
Gastonia MSA a ...................................................................................................... 130
Table 41 The 2022-2023 Continuous Fine Particle Monitoring Network for the Raleigh
and Greensboro-High Point MSA a ........................................................................ 132
Table 42 The 2022-2023 Continuous Fine Particle Monitoring Network for the Winston-
Salem MSA a ........................................................................................................... 134
Table 43 The 2022-2023 Continuous Fine Particle Monitoring Network for the Durham-
Chapel Hill, Asheville, Fayetteville and Hickory MSAs a .................................... 135
Table 44 The 2022-2023 Continuous Fine Particle Monitoring Network for the
Wilmington, Greenville, and Rocky Mount MSAs a .............................................. 137
Table 45 The 2022-2023 Continuous Fine Particle Monitoring Network for the Valley,
Piedmont and Coastal Sites that are not in an MSA a ............................................. 138
Table 46 The 2022-2023 Fine Particle Manual Speciation Monitoring Network for the
Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia, Raleigh, and Winston-Salem MSAs a ..................... 140
Table 47 List of Measured and Reported Urban Air Toxic ........................................... 146
Table 48. List of Measured and Reported Urban Air Toxic Carbonyl Compounds ....... 147
Table 49 The Air Toxics Monitoring Network for the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia,
Raleigh, and Winston-Salem MSAs ....................................................................... 150
Table 50 The Air Toxics Monitoring Network for the Asheville, Wilmington and
Greenville MSAs .................................................................................................... 151
Table 51 The Air Toxics Monitoring Network for Areas not in MSAs ......................... 152
Table 52. Specifics for the East Millbrook Middle School NCore Site.......................... 153
Table 53. Specifics for the East Millbrook Middle School NCore Site.......................... 154
Table 54. Fleet Equivalent Average Annual Daily Traffic for Selected Road Segments in
the Raleigh Metropolitan Statistical Area ............................................................... 161
Table 55 The 2022-2023 Nitrogen Dioxide Monitoring Network for the Charlotte-
Concord-Gastonia MSA a ....................................................................................... 166
Table 56 The 2022-2023 Nitrogen Dioxide Monitoring Network for the Raleigh MSA 167
Table 57 The Winston-Salem MSA Nitrogen Dioxide Monitoring Network a .............. 167
Table 58 The 2022-2023 Nitrogen Dioxide Monitoring Network for Areas not in MSAs a
................................................................................................................................. 168
Table 59 The 2022-2023 Atmospheric Deposition Network for the Charlotte-Concord-
Gastonia and Raleigh MSAs a ................................................................................. 175
Table 60 The 2022-2023 Background Atmospheric Deposition Network for the
Greensboro and Asheville MSAs a ......................................................................... 175
Table 61 The 2022-2023 Background Atmospheric Deposition Network for the
Wilmington and Greenville MSAs a ....................................................................... 176
Table 62 The 2022-2023 Background Atmospheric Deposition Network for Areas not in
MSAs a .................................................................................................................... 177
Table 63 Dates the EPA Approved the Quality Management Plan and Quality Assurance
Project Plans............................................................................................................ 178
Table 64. Demographic overview for Background Atmospheric Deposition Monitors in
North Carolina Potentially Underserved Communities .......................................... 206
Table 65. Demographic overview for NO2 Ambient Air Monitors in North Carolina
Potentially Underserved Communities ................................................................... 207
Table 66. Demographic overview for NOy Ambient Air Monitors in North Carolina
Potentially Underserved Communities ................................................................... 207
Table 67. Demographic overview for Ozone Ambient Air Monitors in North Carolina
Potentially Underserved Communities ................................................................... 207
Table 68. Demographic overview for PM2.5 Ambient Air Monitors in North Carolina
Potentially Underserved Communities ................................................................... 208
Table 69. Demographic overview for PM10 Ambient Air Monitors in North Carolina
Potentially Underserved Communities ................................................................... 209
Table 70. Demographic overview for Urban Air Toxics Ambient Air Monitors in North
Carolina Potentially Underserved Communities .................................................... 209
Table 71. Demographic overview for SO2 Ambient Air Monitors in North Carolina
Potentially Underserved Communities ................................................................... 210
Table 72. Demographic overview for CO Ambient Air Monitors in North Carolina
Potentially Underserved Communities ................................................................... 210
Table 73. Other considerations in site selection ............................................................. 216
Table 74. Other considerations in site selection for Bryson monitor relocation ............ 224
Table 75 Raleigh Air Quality Index (AQI) Summary for 2011 to 2019 ....................... 228
Table 76 Sites to be Combined for Ozone Design Value Calculations ......................... 238
List of Figures
Figure 1. North Carolina metropolitan statistical areas based on September 2018 MSA
definitions ................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 2. Estimated Growth by County from July 1, 2020, to July 1, 2021 ..................... 19
Figure 3. Estimated Rate of Growth by County from April 2010 to April 2020 .............. 20
Figure 4. The Rockwell ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and particle monitoring site................ 24
Figure 5. The Millbrook PAMS and NCore-monitoring site ............................................ 25
Figure 6. The Lexington particle monitoring site ............................................................. 26
Figure 7. The Durham Armory multi-pollutant monitoring site ....................................... 27
Figure 8. The Bayview Ferry sulfur dioxide monitoring site ........................................... 28
Figure 9. The Candor particle, air toxics and atmospheric deposition monitoring site .... 29
Figure 10. The Bryson City ozone and particle monitoring site ....................................... 30
Figure 11. Aerial view of the Rockwell site (upper righthand corner) in relationship to
proposed new location at the abandoned wastewater treatment plant ...................... 32
Figure 12. Aerial view of the Bethany site (orange balloon) ............................................ 33
Figure 13. Aerial view of the Butner site (red balloon) .................................................... 33
Figure 14. Locations of current and proposed monitoring stations .................................. 34
Figure 15. Location of the Wade School site relative to the Wade site ............................ 35
Figure 16. Aerial view of the Hickory fine particle monitoring site showing relative
positions of the current location and proposed location ........................................... 36
Figure 17. Relocation of the continuous fine particle monitor at Bryson City ................. 37
Figure 18. Location of carbon monoxide monitoring sites ............................................... 46
Figure 19. Statewide 8-hour carbon monoxide levels through 2019 ................................ 47
Figure 20. Maximum 1-hour carbon monoxide concentrations measured in North
Carolina from 2011 to 2021 ...................................................................................... 47
Figure 21. Maximum 8-hour carbon monoxide concentrations measured in North
Carolina from 2011 to 2021 ...................................................................................... 48
Figure 22. Statewide trends for sulfur dioxide.................................................................. 51
Figure 23. Sulfur dioxide 1-hour design value trends for SLAMS monitors ................... 52
Figure 24. Background Sulfur Dioxide Concentrations ................................................... 53
Figure 25. Location of the Bayview Ferry Site, B, Relative to the Aurora Site, A .......... 54
Figure 26. Location of North Carolina PWEI monitors ................................................... 58
Figure 27. Statewide trends for ozone .............................................................................. 65
Figure 28. Ozone design values in the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia MSA ...................... 66
Figure 29. Ozone design values in the Raleigh and Durham-Chapel Hill MSAs ............. 66
Figure 30. Ozone design values for the Greensboro-High Point and Winston-Salem
MSAs ........................................................................................................................ 67
Figure 31. Ozone design values for the Asheville MSA and North Carolina mountains . 67
Figure 32. Ozone design values in the Fayetteville, Greenville, Rocky Mount and
Wilmington MSAs and at other coastal sites ............................................................ 68
Figure 33. Ozone design values in the Hickory MSA and at other monitors in the
piedmont area ............................................................................................................ 68
Figure 34. Title 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix D, Table D-2................................................ 69
Figure 35. Ozone monitors in the Charlotte area .............................................................. 72
Figure 36. Ozone monitors in the Durham-Chapel Hill area ............................................ 73
Figure 37. Probability of having one exceedance of the 70-ppb ozone standard in the
Myrtle Beach-Conway-North Myrtle Beach MSA ................................................... 75
Figure 38. Probability of having one exceedance of the 70-ppb ozone standard in the
Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News MSA. ........................................................ 77
Figure 39. Ozone monitors in the Raleigh MSA .............................................................. 78
Figure 40. Probability of having one exceedance of the 70-ppb ozone standard in the
Wilmington MSA...................................................................................................... 79
Figure 41. Location of 2022 ozone monitoring stations ................................................... 80
Figure 42. Statewide trends for PM10 ............................................................................... 95
Figure 43. Maximum 24-hour PM10 concentration in the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia
MSA .......................................................................................................................... 96
Figure 44. Maximum 24-hour PM10 concentrations in North Carolina urban areas ........ 96
Figure 45. Maximum PM10 concentrations for rotating background monitors in North
Carolina ..................................................................................................................... 97
Figure 46. Table D-4 from 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix D ................................................ 97
Figure 47. 2022-2023 PM10 Monitor Locations ............................................................. 100
Figure 48. Statewide trends for fine particles ................................................................. 107
Figure 49. Measured daily fine particle design values in the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia
MSA ........................................................................................................................ 108
Figure 50. Annual design values measured in the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia MSA .. 109
Figure 51. Daily fine-particle design values measured in the Raleigh-Durham CSA .... 109
Figure 52. Annual fine-particle design values measured in the Raleigh-Durham CSA . 110
Figure 53. Daily fine-particle design values measured in the Greensboro-Winston-Salem
CSA ......................................................................................................................... 110
Figure 54. Annual fine-particle design values measured in the Greensboro-Winston-
Salem CSA .............................................................................................................. 111
Figure 55. Daily fine-particle design values measured in western North Carolina ........ 111
Figure 56. Annual fine-particle design values measured in western North Carolina ..... 112
Figure 57. Daily fine-particle design values measured in central North Carolina .......... 112
Figure 58. Annual fine-particle design values measured in central North Carolina ....... 113
Figure 59. Daily design values measured in eastern North Carolina .............................. 113
Figure 60. Annual fine-particle design values measured in eastern North Carolina ...... 114
Figure 61. Current 2023 and proposed 2024 federal reference and equivalent method
monitoring network ................................................................................................. 116
Figure 62. Title 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix D, Table D-5.............................................. 117
Figure 63. 2022-2023 Fine Particle Continuous Monitor Network ................................ 128
Figure 64. Statewide 24-hour lead levels through 2019 ................................................. 142
Figure 65. Maximum annual lead concentrations measured at North Carolina NCore
Stations .................................................................................................................... 145
Figure 66. Millbrook NCore Site .................................................................................... 157
Figure 67. Millbrook T640x Temperature Data from June 2022 to January 2023 ......... 159
Figure 68. Statewide 1-hour and annual NO2 levels through 2019 ................................ 160
Figure 69. 2020 Map of Average Annual Daily Traffic in the Raleigh MSA ................ 162
Figure 70 Wake County Near-Road Monitoring Station Location, red circle ................ 163
Figure 71. 2022-2023 Nitrogen Dioxide Monitoring Network ...................................... 164
Figure 72. Locations of the Background Atmospheric Deposition Network ................. 174
Figure 73. Signature Page from the DEQ Quality Management Plan ............................ 179
Figure 74. Approval Letter for the PAMS QAPP ........................................................... 181
Figure 75. Approval letter for the NCore QAPP ............................................................ 182
Figure 76. Approval letter for the Near Road Monitoring QAPP................................... 183
Figure 77. Approval Letter for the Urban Air Toxics QAPP ......................................... 184
Figure 78. Approval letter for the Ozone QAPP............................................................. 185
Figure 79. Approval letter for the Northampton County Background Monitoring QAPP
................................................................................................................................. 186
Figure 80. Approval letter for the Background Monitoring Program QAPP ................. 187
Figure 81. Approval letter for the SLAMS Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Dioxide QAPP
................................................................................................................................. 188
Figure 82. Approval letter for the PM QAPP ................................................................. 189
Figure 83. Aerial view of the Hickory fine particle monitoring site showing relative
positions of the current location and proposed location ......................................... 211
Figure 84. New monitoring location ............................................................................... 212
Figure 85. Looking north from proposed location .......................................................... 212
Figure 86. Looking west from the new location ............................................................. 212
Figure 87. Looking south from the new location ............................................................ 212
Figure 88. 2019 Traffic count map for Hickory (from DOT) ......................................... 213
Figure 89. Location of the proposed monitoring station relative to the population of
Hickory ................................................................................................................... 214
Figure 90. Wind rose for Hickory using last six years of data (from NC State Climate
Office) ..................................................................................................................... 214
Figure 91. Hickory springtime wind rose (from NC State Climate Office) ................... 215
Figure 92. Hickory summertime wind rose (from NC State Climate Office) ................ 215
Figure 93. Hickory fall-time wind rose (from NC State Climate Office) ....................... 215
Figure 94. Hickory wintertime wind rose (from NC State Climate Office) ................... 215
Figure 94. Figure E-1 from Appendix E used to determine spatial scale of
representativeness for particle monitors ................................................................. 216
Figure 96. Location of new monitoring location relative to facilities regulated by DAQ
................................................................................................................................. 217
Figure 97. Relocation of the continuous fine particle monitor at Bryson City ............... 219
Figure 98. Current fine particle monitor location with trees in the background............. 220
Figure 99. Location of new platform relative to current platform and trees of concern . 221
Figure 100. Looking west at the new fine particle monitoring location ......................... 221
Figure 101. Looking northwest at the new location ....................................................... 221
Figure 102. Location of new platform relative to roadway ............................................ 221
Figure 103. Traffic count map (from DOT).................................................................... 222
Figure 104. Location of the monitoring station relative to the population of Bryson City
................................................................................................................................. 222
Figure 105. Wind rose for Bryson City using last five years of data .............................. 223
Figure 106. Figure E-1 from Appendix E used to determine spatial scale of
representativeness for particle monitors ................................................................. 224
Figure 107. Location of monitoring location relative to facilities regulated by DAQ ... 225
Figure 108. PM10 concentrations measured in Raleigh from 2004 through 2020 .......... 227
Figure 109. PM10 Emissions in the Raleigh MSA from 2008 to 2018 ........................... 229
Figure 110. Millbrook NCore Site .................................................................................. 230
Figure 111. Site diagram showing locations of trees relative to the fine particle
monitoring location. ................................................................................................ 232
Figure 112. Wind Rose for the Raleigh-Durham Airport for 2015-2019. ...................... 233
Figure 113. Trees to the north of the site. ....................................................................... 234
Figure 114. Taken from the fine particle monitor towards the east, showing trees and
access road. ............................................................................................................. 235
Figure 115. Taken from fine particle monitor. Shows the trees to the south and the
interstate highway. .................................................................................................. 235
Figure 116. Taken from the fine particle monitor towards the west. .............................. 236
Figure 117. Relationship between the Taylorsville, Waggin Trail and Taylorsville
Liledoun Sites ......................................................................................................... 240
Figure 118. Comparison of Maximum 8-Hour Averaged Ozone Concentrations at
Waggin Trail and Taylorsville ................................................................................ 241
Figure 119. Comparison of maximum daily 8-hour ozone concentrations .................... 241
Figure 120. Location of the Linville Falls Site (old site) and Linville Falls (new site).. 242
Figure 121. Location of Honeycutt, Golfview and Hope Mills Police Department sites 243
Figure 122. Location of the Fork Recreational Center, Cooleemee and Mocksville sites
................................................................................................................................. 244
Figure 123. Locations of the Durham Armory and Duke Street sites in Durham County
................................................................................................................................. 245
Figure 124. Locations of the Mendenhall and McLeansville sites in Guilford County . 246
Figure 125. Comparison of 8-Hour Averaged Daily Maximum Concentrations at
Mendenhall and McLeansville ................................................................................ 246
Figure 126. Locations of the Haywood County Health Department and Waynesville
School sites ............................................................................................................. 247
Figure 127. Locations of the West Johnston Site on Highway 301 (old site) and West
Johnston Site on Jack Road (new site) .................................................................... 248
Figure 128. Relationship between State Route 1315 site and Crouse Site ..................... 248
Figure 129. Comparison of 8-Hour Averaged Ozone Concentrations at the Crouse and
State Route 1315 Sites ............................................................................................ 249
Figure 130. Locations of the Bushy Fork Site (old site) and Bushy Fork (new site) ..... 250
Figure 131. Location of Farmville and Pitt County Agricultural Sites........................... 250
Figure 132. Locations of the State Highway 128 Site (old site) and Mount Mitchell (new
site) .......................................................................................................................... 251
II. Summary of Proposed Changes
This section lists the known changes to the network expected to occur during the
next 18 months. Table 1 contains a list of the fastest-growing counties in North Carolina
for reference in the discussions in this section and the following sections of the plan,
which describe monitoring changes required because of population growth in the MSA.
Figure 2 is a map that shows which counties grew the fastest during the past year by
percentage and Figure 3 is a map that shows which counties grew the fastest during the
past decade by percentage. Appendix D. Current Air Quality Monitor Locations and
Potentially Underserved Communities contains an analysis of current air quality monitors
and potentially underserved communities. This section organizes the discussion as
• Monitors scheduled to start up or shut down in 2022, 2023 or 2024 that
were previously included in the 2022-2023 network plan;
• Sites to be relocated, moved, or upgraded in 2023 or 2024;
• Changes to the methods used to measure fine particles for comparison to
the NAAQS;
• Rotating background monitors and their operating schedules;
• Addition of a Nafion dryer to the Linville Falls and Monroe ozone
monitoring sites; and
• Waiver and other requests.
Table 1 Alphabetical list of fastest-growing counties in North Carolina based on population
change between April 1, 2010, and April 1, 2020, or July 1, 2021, and July 1, 2022.
July 1,
Ranking of
by 2022
Reason for Selection as one of the Fastest-Growing
Counties in North Carolina
Brunswick 153,064 19
Fastest growing county in NC percentagewise. Growth
of 8,257 people (5.7%) percent from 2021 to 2022 and
27.2% from April 1, 2010, to April 1, 2020. Annually,
it’s the nation’s 30th (percentagewise) and 70th (in
population) fastest-growing county.
Cabarrus 235,797 9
17th fastest growing county in NC percentagewise.
Growth of 4,071 people (1.8%) from 2021 to 2022 and
26.8% from April 1, 2010, to April 1, 2020. Annually,
it’s the nation’s 97th fastest-growing county in
Camden 11,088 94
7th fastest growing county percentagewise. Growth of
272 people (2.5%) from 2021 to 2022 and 3.8% from
April 1, 2010, to April 1, 2020. Annually, it’s the
nation’s 39th fastest-growing county percentagewise.
Table 1 Alphabetical list of fastest-growing counties in North Carolina based on population
change between April 1, 2010, and April 1, 2020, or July 1, 2021, and July 1, 2022.
July 1,
Ranking of
by 2022
Reason for Selection as one of the Fastest-Growing
Counties in North Carolina
Currituck 31,015 70
2nd fastest growing county percentagewise. Growth of
1,301 people (4.4%) from 2021 to 2022 and 19.3% from
April 1, 2010, to July 1, 2020. Annually, it’s the
nation’s 29th fastest-growing county percentagewise.
Durham 332,680 6 Growth of 2,981 people (0.9%) from 2021 to 2022 and
21.4 % from April 1, 2010 to April 1, 2020. 6th largest
county in NC by population.
Franklin 74,539 37
4th fastest growing county in NC. Growth of 2,742
people (3.8%) between July 1, 2021 and July 1, 2022
and 13.1% between April 1, 2010, and April 1, 2020.
Annually, it’s the nation’s 52nd fastest-growing county
Iredell 195,897 14
8th fastest growing county in NC in population. Growth
of 3,679 people (1.9%) between July 1, 2021 and July 1,
2022, and 17.1 % between April 1, 2010, and April 1,
2020. Annually, it’s the nation’s 94th fastest-growing
county in population.
Johnston 234,778 11
6th fastest growing county in NC percentagewise.
Growth of 7,465 people (3.3%) from 2021 to 2022 and
27.9 % from April 1, 2010, to April 1, 2020. North
Carolina’s 2nd fastest growing county percentagewise.
Annually, it’s the nation’s 45th (percentagewise) and
38th (in population) fastest-growing county.
Lincoln 93,095 31 5th fastest growing county in NC percentagewise.
Growth of 3,225 people (3.6%) from 2021 to 2022, and
10.9 % from April 1, 2010, to April 1, 2020.
g 1,145,392 2
2nd most populous county in NC. Growth of 19,583
people (1.7%) between July 1, 2021 and July 1, 2022,
and 21.3 % between April 1, 2010, and April 1, 2020.
Nation’s 41st largest county in 2021.
Pender 65,737 41
3rd fastest growing county in NC percentagewise.
Growth of 2,665 people (4.2%) from 2021 to 2022, and
15.3 % from April 1, 2010, to April 1, 2020. Annually,
it’s the nation’s 57th fastest-growing county
Union 249,070 8
6th most populous county in NC. Growth of 4,810
people (2.0%) from 2021 to 2022 and 18.4 % from April
1, 2010, to April 1, 2020. Annually, it’s the nation’s 93rd
fastest-growing county in population.
Table 1 Alphabetical list of fastest-growing counties in North Carolina based on population
change between April 1, 2010, and April 1, 2020, or July 1, 2021, and July 1, 2022.
July 1,
Ranking of
by 2022
Reason for Selection as one of the Fastest-Growing
Counties in North Carolina
Wake 1,175,021 1
Growth of 22,664 people (2.0%) from 2021-2022 and
25.4 % from April 1, 2010, to April 1, 2020. North
Carolina’s fastest growing county based on number of
people. Nation’s 39th largest county in 2021. Annually,
it’s the nation’s 14th fastest-growing county in
Figure 2. Estimated Growth by County from July 1, 2020, to July 1, 2021
Figure 3. Estimated Rate of Growth by County from April 2010 to April 2020
A. Monitors Scheduled to Start Up or Shut Down in 2022, 2023 or 2024 that were
included in the 2022-2023 Network Plan
Table 2 presents a list of monitors DAQ either expects to, or has already, started
up or shut down in 2022, 2023 or 2024 that were not included in the 2021-2022 network
plan listed by metropolitan statistical area, or MSA and Air Quality System, or AQS, site
identification number. Appendix B. 2022 Annual Monitoring Network Plan for
Mecklenburg County Air Quality discusses changes to the monitors operated by
Mecklenburg County Air Quality. Appendix C. 2022 Annual Monitoring Network Plan
for Forsyth County Office of Environmental Assistance and Protection discusses changes
to the monitors operated by Forsyth County. This section discusses the changes listed in
the table applying to monitoring sites operated by DAQ, Duke and ABAQA.
Table 2 Summary of Monitors Scheduled to Start Up or Shut Down in 2021, 2022, 2023
or 2024 Updated information previously included in the 2021-2022 Network Plan
AQS Site
Id Number Site Name
Monitor or
Pollutant Proposed Change
371190041 Garinger
UAT VOCs Sampling suspended
Hydrocarbons Monitoring started 5/29/2021
Monitoring expected
to start 6/1/2023
True NO2 Monitoring started 8/1/2022
UV Radiation Monitoring started 8/1/2022
371190050 Equipment
Drive True NO2 Monitoring will start Around
Table 2 Summary of Monitors Scheduled to Start Up or Shut Down in 2021, 2022, 2023
or 2024 Updated information previously included in the 2021-2022 Network Plan
AQS Site
Id Number Site Name
Monitor or
Pollutant Proposed Change
371590021 Rockwell
Pressure Monitoring started 6/1/2021
Temperature Monitoring started 6/01/2021
Humidity Monitoring started 6/01/2021
Raleigh 371830014 Millbrook
UAT VOCs Sampling Suspended
NO2 Monitoring method
changed 5/19/2021
NOx Monitoring ended 7/16/2021
Hydrocarbons Monitoring expected
to start
Carbonyls Monitoring started 5/1/2021
370670022 Hattie
sequential monitor
UAT VOCs Sampling Suspended
370570002 Lexington PM2.5 BAM1022 will
replace BAM 1020
Durham 370630015 Durham
PM2.5 When funds allow
the T640X will
replace the BAM
1020 coarse
06/30/2023 PM10
Table 2 Summary of Monitors Scheduled to Start Up or Shut Down in 2021, 2022, 2023
or 2024 Updated information previously included in the 2021-2022 Network Plan
AQS Site
Id Number Site Name
Monitor or
Pollutant Proposed Change
Myrtle Beach-
North Myrtle
450510008 Coastal
PM2.5 South Carolina
added a T640 in
Horry County on
February 23, 2023.
POC 88101-3
PM10 to
start EOY
37019xxxx To be
determined Ozone If needed based on
ozone design values
To be
Asheville 370210035 AB Tech UAT VOCs
Wilmington 371290010 Eagles
Island UAT VOCs
Greenville 371470010
Pitt County
Table 2 Summary of Monitors Scheduled to Start Up or Shut Down in 2021, 2022, 2023
or 2024 Updated information previously included in the 2021-2022 Network Plan
AQS Site
Id Number Site Name
Monitor or
Pollutant Proposed Change
Not in an
370119991 Cranberry Ozone EPA suspended
monitoring 5/10/2022
370130151 Bayview
Wind speed Monitoring method
changed to Met One
All in One 2
6/01/2021 Wind direction
Monitoring started 6/01/2021 Relative
370990006 Cherokee PM2.5 Monitoring ended 11/01/2021
371230001 Candor
PM2.5 BAM1022 will
replace BAM 1020
Temperature Monitoring method
changed to Met One
All in One 2
6/01/2021 Relative
Wind speed
Wind direction
Pressure Monitoring started 6/01/2021
371730002 Bryson
PM2.5 BAM1022 will
replace BAM 1020 Fall 2023
Temperature Monitoring method
changed to Met One
All in One 2
6/01/2021 Relative
Wind speed
Wind direction
Pressure Monitoring started 6/01/2021
371730007 Old High
School PM2.5 Collocated
monitoring started 11/1/2021
1. Monitoring Changes in the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia MSA
The changes Mecklenburg County Air Quality made in the Charlotte-Concord-
Gastonia MSA to the monitors it operates are discussed in Appendix B. 2022 Annual
Monitoring Network Plan for Mecklenburg County Air Quality. In addition to the
changes reported in Appendix B, DAQ discontinued the UAT VOC program on February
6, 2023, due to staffing shortages. The UAT Carbonyl program is unaffected by this
The rest of this subsection discusses the Rockwell site in this MSA where DAQ made
changes in 2021 or plans to make changes in 2023 or 2024. To meet the need for
background data for prevention of significant deterioration modeling and permitting,
DAQ added a nitrogen dioxide monitor on October 22, 2020. In addition, DAQ added a
Met One All-in-One meteorological station to the site and started reporting the data from
it on June 1, 2021. The All-in-One collects wind speed and direction data as well as air
temperature, relative humidity, and barometric pressure. Discussions are also underway
concerning the potential for having to relocate this site. No firm plans are in place at the
present time and no move is currently planned for the 2023-24 time period.
Figure 4. The Rockwell ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and particle monitoring site
2. Monitoring Changes in the Raleigh MSA
Several changes occurred at the Millbrook site in 2021 and 2022. The DAQ
purchased a CAPS monitor to replace the photolytic NO2 monitor. The CAPS monitor
was added to the monitoring shelter and started operating on May 19, 2021. The
photolytic monitor was shut down on July 16, 2021.
DAQ continued to make changes to the site to prepare for PAMS seasonal
monitoring from June 1 to August 31 each year. The DAQ added a gas chromatograph to
collect hydrocarbon data, which was expected to be operational by the start of the 2023
PAMS season until the PAMS Chemist resigned in February 2023. The DAQ is working
to hire a PAMS Chemist. The sequential carbonyl sampler to collect eight-hour carbonyl
samples started operating on May 1, 2021, and should operate during each subsequent
PAMS season.
DAQ discontinued the UAT VOC program on February 3, 2023, due to the
retirement of a veteran Chemist and ensuing difficulties in hiring a replacement Chemist.
Optimistically, new staff will be available and trained by the end of 2023. UAT
Carbonyl program is unaffected by staffing problems and continues to operate. No
additional changes are proposed for 2023-24 time period.
Figure 5. The Millbrook PAMS and NCore-monitoring site
3. Monitoring Changes in the Winston-Salem MSA
The changes Forsyth County made in the Winston-Salem MSA to the monitors
they operate are discussed in Appendix C. 2022 Annual Monitoring Network Plan for
Forsyth County Office of Environmental Assistance and Protection. In addition to the
changes reported in Appendix C, DAQ suspended the VOC UAT program due to lack of
trained staff. Optimistically new staff will be available and trained by the end of 2023.
The rest of this subsection discusses the Lexington site in this MSA where DAQ plans to
make changes in 2023.
To simplify the fine particle monitoring network and reduce the types of monitors
used in the network to two FEMs and one FRM, DAQ requested American Rescue Plan
(ARP) funds from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to purchase Met One
BAM 1022s to replace the standalone Met One BAM 1020s in the network. This funding
request was approved by the EPA and the EPA granted the funds on August 10, 2022, to
purchase a BAM 1022 to place at the Lexington site. However, a similar request for
funds to purchase a T640X to replace the BAM1020 at Durham Armory was not
approved. As the Lexington BAM1020 is collocated with an FRM, the Lexington
BAM1020 will continue in operation until after all other BAM1020s have been replaced.
DAQ anticipates replacing the BAM 1020 at Lexington with a BAM 1022 sometime in
late 2023 or 2024 if funds are made available for the purchase of a T640x to replace the
BAM1020 at Durham Armory.
Figure 6. The Lexington particle monitoring site
4. Monitoring Changes in the Durham MSA
DAQ monitors for ozone, sulfur dioxide, fine particles, particles with
aerodynamic diameters of 10 microns or less and coarse particles at the Durham
Armory site in Durham County. To simplify the fine particle monitoring network and
reduce the types of monitors used in the network to two FEMs and one FRM, DAQ
requested American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds from the EPA to purchase a Teledyne
T640X to replace Met One BAM 1020 coarse unit at this site. This funding request was
not approved by the EPA. The DAQ plans to replace the BAM 1020 coarse unit with a
T640X monitor whenever funding to do so becomes available. This monitor must be
replaced before the BAM 1020 monitor at Lexington can be replaced with a BAM 1022
because the Lexington site is the collocated BAM 1020 – FRM site.
Figure 7. The Durham Armory multi-pollutant monitoring site
5. Monitoring Changes in the Myrtle Beach-Conway-North Myrtle Beach MSA
In February 2013, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) combined Horry
County with Brunswick County, NC to establish the Myrtle Beach-Conway-North Myrtle
Beach, SC-NC MSA. In conjunction with the DAQ, local government, and stakeholders,
the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) established
the Coastal Carolina Monitoring Site to be representative of expected maximum ozone
concentrations in northeast South Carolina. To meet the minimum monitoring criteria in
40 CFR Part 58, Appendix D, at least one ozone monitor is required in the MSA. DAQ
and DHEC have started the process of finding an appropriate site for a second ozone
monitor in the MSA, should it be required in accordance with Appendix D of 40 CFR
Part 58. According to the U.S. Census 2022 population estimate, the population in the
MSA is above the threshold, requiring one PM10 and one PM2.5 monitor. DHEC has
begun monitoring PM2.5 at the Coastal Carolina Site and has plans to establish a PM10
monitor at the Coastal Carolina site before the end of 2023.
6. Monitoring Changes in the Asheville, Wilmington and Greenville MSAs
DAQ suspended the UAT VOC program on February 3, 2023, due to the
retirement of a veteran Chemist. Optimistically a replacement Chemist can be hired and
trained, and the program will recommence by late 2023. This change effected VOC
collection at A-B Tech, Eagles Island, and Pitt County Agricultural Center sites.
7. Monitoring Changes in Areas Not in MSAs
This subsection discusses the monitoring changes in areas not in MSAs, including
changes to CASTNET and tribal monitors.
Monitoring Changes at the CASTNET Site in Avery County
On May 10, 2022, EPA suspended operations of several CASTNET monitoring
locations throughout the country for the remainder of the federal fiscal year due to
budgetary constraints (see https://www.epa.gov/castnet). This suspension included the
Cranberry (37-011-9991) ozone monitor in Avery County. The EPA did not indicate if
this suspension will be temporary or permanent. The DAQ believes suspending operation
of the Cranberry sites will not have implications on modeling for attainment designations
or for future regional haze or the PM2.5 NAAQS and upcoming designations.
Monitoring Changes at the Bayview Ferry Site in Beaufort County
As noted previously, in 2021, DAQ added a Met One All-in-One meteorological
station to the Bayview Ferry site to replace the wind sensors at the site and add relative
humidity, ambient temperature and barometric pressure. No additional changes are
planned for the 2023-2024 period.
Figure 8. The Bayview Ferry sulfur dioxide monitoring site
Monitoring Changes for the Tribal Monitors in Jackson and Swain Counties
On Nov. 1, 2021, the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians shut down the collocated
sequential fine particle monitors at the Cherokee (37-099-0006) monitoring site in
Jackson County. One of the sequential fine particle monitors was moved to the Old
School site in Swain County and started monitoring as a collocated monitor for the T640
primary monitor at the site on Nov. 1, 2021.
Monitoring Changes at the Candor Site in Montgomery County
In 2021, DAQ added a Met One All-in-One meteorological station to the Candor
site to replace the wind, relative humidity, and ambient temperature sensors at the site
and add barometric pressure. As of June 1, 2021, the relative humidity and ambient
temperature are measured at 10 meters instead of 2 meters above ground level. DAQ
suspended the UAT VOC collection program due to lack of trained staff. DAQ hopes to
reestablish this program in late 2023 as trained staff become available.
As stated earlier, to simplify the fine particle monitoring network and reduce the
types of monitors used in the network to two FEMs and one FRM, DAQ requested ARP
funds from the EPA to purchase Met One BAM 1022s to replace the standalone Met One
BAM 1020s in the network. This funding request was approved by the EPA and the EPA
granted the funds on August 10, 2022, to purchase a BAM 1022 to place at the Candor
site. DAQ anticipates replacing the BAM 1020 at Candor with a BAM 1022 sometime in
late 2023.
Figure 9. The Candor particle, air toxics and atmospheric deposition monitoring site
Monitoring Changes at the Bryson City Site in Swain County
In 2021, DAQ added a Met One All-in-One meteorological station to the Bryson
City site to replace the wind, relative humidity, and ambient temperature sensors at the
site and add barometric pressure. As of June 1, 2021, the relative humidity and ambient
temperature are measured at 10 meters instead of 2 meters above ground level.
As stated earlier, to simplify the fine particle monitoring network and reduce the
types of monitors used in the network to two FEMs and one FRM, DAQ requested ARP
funds from the EPA to purchase Met One BAM 1022s to replace the standalone Met One
BAM 1020s in the network. This funding request was approved by the EPA and the EPA
granted the funds on August 10, 2022, to purchase a BAM 1022 to place at the Bryson
City site. DAQ anticipates replacing the BAM 1020 at Bryson City with a BAM 1022
sometime in 2023.
Figure 10. The Bryson City ozone and particle monitoring site
B. Sites to be Relocated or Moved
Table 3 presents an updated list of monitors DAQ either expects to, or has already
relocated, in 2022, 2023 or 2024. These were included originally in the 2021-2022
network plan listed by MSA and AQS site identification number. Appendix B. 2022
Annual Monitoring Network Plan for Mecklenburg County Air Quality discusses changes
to the monitors operated by Mecklenburg County Air Quality. Appendix C. 2022 Annual
Monitoring Network Plan for Forsyth County Office of Environmental Assistance and
Protection discusses changes to the monitors operated by Forsyth County. This section
primarily discusses the changes listed in the table applying to monitoring sites operated
by DAQ and ABAQA.
Table 3 Updated Summary of Monitors Scheduled to Relocate or Move in 2022,
2023 or 2024 previously listed in the 2021-2022 Network Plan
AQS Site
Number Site Name
Pollutant Proposed Change
371590021 Rockwell
Site may be relocated
due to future
Greensboro 371570099 Bethany Ozone
Site may shut down to
be relocated to add new
Durham 37770001 Butner Ozone
Site may shut down to
be relocated to add new
Asheville 370210034 Board of
PM2.5 Site was relocated from
the roof onto the ground April 2022 Speciated
Fayetteville 370510011 Wade
School Ozone Site started in operation 03/1/2022
Hickory 370350004 Hickory PM2.5 Monitors were relocated
on the existing site 01/26/2023
Not in an
MSA 371730002 Bryson PM2.5
BAM 1022 will be
relocated on existing
Late 2023
DAQ completed the relocation of the Wade site to the Wade School site in time for the
start of the 2022 ozone season. DAQ had planned to replace shelters at Bethany in the
Greensboro MSA and Butner in the Durham MSA in the 2022-23 time period, but
funding has not been available. ABAQA relocated the PM2.5 monitors at the Board of
Education in April 2023. Due to public roadway expansion, the monitors at Hickory
were moved on 01/26/2023. The replacement/relocation of the PM2.5 monitor at the
Bryson site has not been completed but is expected to take place by midsummer of 2023.
While the property owners at the Rockwell site have informed DAQ of plans to expand
the facility which will require the monitoring station to be relocated, no firm date for such
a move has been established. The following subsections provide more information on
these sites.
1. Potential Relocation of the Rockwell site in the Charlotte MSA
During the EPA National Performance Audit Program (NPAP) audit on Aug. 22, 2022, at
Rockwell Mr. Paul Chappin was approached by Mr. Tim Linker, head of maintenance
and public works for the Town of Rockwell. Mr. Linker indicated there are discussions in
Rockwell government about expanding the Rockwell maintenance facilities to the point
where DAQ may need to move the entire Rockwell site. The Town of Rockwell has not
made any definite plans yet. Mr. Linker also stated that there are two locations where the
city could accommodate a new site within a mile of the current site. The best location
would be at the abandoned wastewater treatment plant in Rockwell (see Figure 11). The
other was further to the West. If DAQ decides to move the site, DAQ will submit an
Addendum to Volume 1 of the NC DEQ 2023-2024 Network Monitoring Plan.
Figure 11. Aerial view of the Rockwell site (upper righthand corner) in relationship
to proposed new location at the abandoned wastewater treatment plant
2. Replacement of Monitoring Shelter and Possible Relocation of the Bethany
site in the Greensboro MSA
After the 2023 ozone season, DAQ plans to replace the ozone and sulfur dioxide
monitoring shelter at Bethany, 37-157-0099 if funding becomes available to purchase a
new shelter. If a concrete pad cannot be installed at the current location or if the DAQ
anticipates being unable to remain at the current location long term, DAQ may have to
relocate the site. The property it is on belongs to the Rockingham County School, but the
school there has been empty for many years now. If DAQ decides to move the site, DAQ
will submit an Addendum to Volume 1 of the NC DEQ 2023-2024 Network Monitoring
Figure 12. Aerial view of the Bethany site (orange balloon)
3. Replacement of Monitoring Shelter and Possible Relocation of the Butner site
in the Durham MSA
After the 2023 ozone season, DAQ plans to replace the ozone monitoring shelter
at Butner, 37-077-0001 if funding becomes available to purchase a new shelter. If a
concrete pad cannot be installed at the current location or if the DAQ anticipates being
unable to remain at the current location long term, DAQ may have to relocate the site.
The property it is on belongs to the South Granville Water and Sewer Authority. If DAQ
decides to move the site, DAQ will submit an Addendum to Volume 1 of the NC DEQ
2023-2024 Network Monitoring Plan.
Figure 13. Aerial view of the Butner site (red balloon)
4. Relocation of the Board of Education site in the Asheville MSA
Mr. Ryan Brown, with the Air and Radiation Division (ARD) of the EPA Region
4, called the ABAQA to inform them about the availability of a collocation shelter for
sensor studies for installation at the Board of Education site (37-021-0034) located in
Asheville, North Carolina. Further conversations with Mr. Brown and the property
owners at the Board of Education site indicated that for the collocation shelter to be
properly installed and accessible to the public, the current monitoring site would need to
be relocated from the roof of the building to the ground. As a result, ABAQA contacted
the maintenance staff at the Board of Education Building to see if the rooftop monitors
could be relocated on the ground approximately 168 meters east of the current location as
shown in Figure 14. The Board of Education maintenance staff has agreed to this location
and the move occurred in April of 2023. Information on this site relocation is available
in the 2023-2024 Annual Network Monitoring Plan for the North Carolina Division of
Air Quality Volume 1 Addendum 1. Board of Education Information for Relocating the
Fine Particle (PM2.5) Monitors.4
Figure 14. Locations of current and proposed monitoring stations
5. Relocation of the Wade site in the Fayetteville MSA
After the 2021 ozone season, DAQ relocated the ozone monitoring station at
Wade, 37-051-0008, to the Wade School site, 37-051-0011. More information on the
4 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, 2021-2022 Annual Monitoring Network Plan for
the North Carolina Division of Air Quality, Volume 1, Addendum 1 Board of Education Information for
Relocating the Fine Particle (PM2.5) Monitors, May 13, 2022, available on the worldwide web at
Wade School site is available in Addendum 1 to Volume 1 of the NC DEQ 2019-2020
Final Network Monitoring Plan: Wade Relocation Siting Analysis and Site Information.5
The new site at District 7 Elementary School is 2.23 kilometers southeast of the old Wade
site as shown in Figure 15. After successfully obtaining power to the site, DAQ
established the new Wade School site in early 2022 in time for the start of the 2022 ozone
Figure 15. Location of the Wade School site relative to the Wade site
6. Monitor Relocations in the Hickory MSA
On May 5, 2020, Mr. David Leonetti with the City of Hickory contacted DAQ about the
monitors located at the Hickory water tower. The North Carolina Department of
Transportation (DOT) is widening US-321, which will dictate some temporary changes
and rerouting of traffic lanes, closure of an overpass near the site, as well as the striking
of new right of ways near the site on the two roads that border the water tower property.
The road itself will not increase, just the right of way distance and maybe some area for a
sidewalk and improvements would increase. On May 12, 2021, Mr. Leonetti contacted
DAQ again about moving the monitors approximately 38 meters northward towards 1st
Avenue SW as shown in Figure 16. The new location allows the monitors to remain at
least 17 meters from the nearest travel lane on all sides. As shown in the wind rose in the
inset of Figure 16, the predominant winds at the Hickory airport are from the south
southwest and west northwest. DAQ completed the relocation of the monitors on January
26, 2023. For additional information on the relocation of these monitors see Appendix E.
Hickory Data Analysis For Relocating the Fine Particle Monitors on the Site.
5 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 2019-2020 Final Network Monitoring Plan,
Volume 1 Network Descriptions, Addendum 1 Wade Relocation Siting Analysis and Site Information,
March 31, 2020, available on the worldwide web at
Figure 16. Aerial view of the Hickory fine particle monitoring site showing relative
positions of the current location and proposed location
Monitor Relocations in the Areas Outside of MSAs
During the 2021 annual network review, Mr. Steve Ensley noted that the tree
located 10.97 meters to the southwest of the continuous fine particle monitor inlet would
soon become an obstacle to air flow. DAQ has completed plans for the relocation to the
proposed location shown in Figure 17 below. The relocation is expected to be completed
by mid-summer 2023. DAQ expects to replace the existing BAM 1020 with a BAM
1022 at that time. As stated previously, this relocation will not require a change in AQS
identification number or address because the monitor is remaining on the same property.
For more information on the relocation of this fine particle monitor see Appendix F.
Bryson City Data Analysis For Relocating the Fine Particle Monitor on the Site.
Figure 17. Relocation of the continuous fine particle monitor at Bryson City
C. Changes to the Methods Used to Measure Fine Particles for Comparison to the
Table 4 lists the primary monitoring method for fine particles at all currently
operating fine particle monitoring sites for all years a fine particle monitor operated at the
site. From 1999 until the end of 2015, DAQ used an Ruprecht & Patshneck (R&P) Model
2025 PM2.5 Sequential Monitor with a well impactor ninety-six (WINS) impactor, Air
Quality System, AQS, method code 118 and EPA reference method designation RFPS-
0498-118 for determining compliance with the fine particle NAAQS for all but three of
its sites. Starting on Jan. 1, 2016, DAQ switched to using an R&P Model 2025 PM2.5
Sequential Monitor with a very sharp cut cyclone, AQS method code 145 and EPA
reference method designation RFPS-1006-145.
Table 4 Primary Monitoring Methods at Fine Particle Monitoring Sites
n Statistical
AQS Site
Id Number Site Name Primary Monitor Method
371590021 Rockwell
R&P Model 2025 PM2.5
Sequential with WINS (118)
1/1/2005 to
Met One BAM-1022 Mass
Monitor with VSCC (209)
to present
371010002 West Johnston
R&P Model 2025 PM2.5
Sequential with WINS (118)
1/1/2009 to
R&P Model 2025 PM2.5
Sequential with VSCC (145)
Met One BAM-1022 Mass
Monitor with VSCC (209)
1/1/2018 to
371830014 Millbrook
R&P Model 2025 PM2.5
Sequential with WINS (118)
1/1/1999 to
Met One BAM-1020 Mass
Monitor with VSCC (170)
1/1/2011 to
R&P Model 2025 PM2.5
Sequential with VSCC (145)
1/1/2016 to
Teledyne T640X at 16.67
LPM (238)
to present
371830021 Triple Oak Met One BAM-1022 Mass
Monitor with VSCC (209)
1/4/2017 to
High Point 370810013 Mendenhall
R&P Model 2025 PM2.5
Sequential with WINS (118)
R&P Model 2025 PM2.5
Sequential with VSCC (145)
Met One BAM-1022 Mass
Monitor with VSCC (209)
to present
Salem 370570002 Lexington
R&P Model 2025 PM2.5
Sequential with WINS (118)
1/1/1999 to
Met One BAM-1020 Mass
Monitor with VSCC (170)
1/1/2016 to
Chapel Hill 370630015 Durham
R&P Model 2025 PM2.5
Sequential with WINS (118)
4/1/2007 to
R&P Model 2025 PM2.5
Sequential with VSCC (145)
Met One BAM-1020 Mass
Monitor with VSCC (170)
to present
Table 4 Primary Monitoring Methods at Fine Particle Monitoring Sites
n Statistical
AQS Site
Id Number Site Name Primary Monitor Method
Asheville 370210034 Board of
R&P Model 2025 PM2.5
Sequential with WINS (118)
1/1/1999 to
R&P Model 2025 PM2.5
Sequential with VSCC (145)
1/1/2016 to
Met One BAM-1022 Mass
Monitor with VSCC (209)
1/1/2019 to
Fayetteville 370510009 William Owen
R&P Model 2025 PM2.5
Sequential with WINS (118)
1/1/1999 to
R&P Model 2025 PM2.5
Sequential with VSCC (145)
Met One BAM-1022 Mass
Monitor with VSCC (209)
1/1/2020 to
Hickory 370350004 Hickory
Water Tower
R&P Model 2025 PM2.5
Sequential with WINS (118)
1/1/1999 to
R&P Model 2025 PM2.5
Sequential with VSCC (145)
Met One BAM-1022 Mass
Monitor with VSCC (209)
1/1/2017 to
Wilmington 371290002 Castle Hayne
R&P Model 2025 PM2.5
Sequential with WINS (118)
7/1/2002 to
Met One BAM-1020 Mass
Monitor with VSCC (170)
to present
Greenville 371470006
Pitt County
R&P Model 2025 PM2.5
Sequential with WINS (118)
1/1/1999 to
R&P Model 2025 PM2.5
Sequential with VSCC (145)
1/1/2016 to
Met One BAM-1022 Mass
Monitor with VSCC (209)
7/1/2019 to
Not in a MSA
371210004 Spruce Pine
R&P Model 2025 PM2.5
Sequential with WINS (118)
1/9/2014 to
R&P Model 2025 PM2.5
Sequential with VSCC (145)
1/1/2016 to
Met One BAM-1022 Mass
Monitor with VSCC (209)
1/1/2018 to
371230001 Candor
R&P Model 2025 PM2.5
Sequential with WINS (118)
Met One BAM-1020 Mass
Monitor with VSCC (170)
7/1/2015 to
Table 4 Primary Monitoring Methods at Fine Particle Monitoring Sites
n Statistical
AQS Site
Id Number Site Name Primary Monitor Method
371310003 Northampton
Met One BAM-1022 Mass
Monitor with VSCC (209)
to present
371730002 Bryson City
R&P Model 2025 PM2.5
Sequential with WINS (118)
1/1/1999 to
Met One BAM-1020 Mass
Monitor with VSCC (170)
4/1/2011 to
DAQ used an R&P Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance (TEOM) Series
1400a for continuous, averaged-on-an-hourly-basis measurement of fine particles until
January 2016. This model of TEOM was ineligible to become a federal equivalent
method or FEM, for fine particles because it did not work as well in other parts of the
nation as it does in North Carolina. Reference and equivalent methods need to work the
same throughout the nation. In addition, the manufacturer stopped supporting this model
of TEOM, so its continued operation was no longer feasible.
In early 2008, the EPA approved the Met One BAM 1020, as a FEM. Since 2008,
DAQ purchased numerous BAM 1020s. In 2014, DAQ established a site at Blackstone in
Lee County, which shut down in 2018, and added BAM 1020s at the Lexington and
Hickory sites. In 2015, the division added a BAM 1020 at the Durham Armory and BAM
1022s at the Hickory, Mendenhall, and William Owen sites. In 2016, DAQ added BAM
1022s at the Pitt County Agricultural Center, Spruce Pine, and West Johnston sites. After
one-to-two-year studies, the division replaced five R&P Model 2025 PM2.5 sequential
monitors with BAM 1020s. Four of these BAM monitors are located at the Lexington,
37-057-0002, Candor, 37-123-0001, Castle Hayne, 37-129-0002, and Bryson City, 37-
173-0002, monitoring sites. DAQ replaced the Hickory R&P Model 2025 PM2.5
sequential monitor with a BAM 1022. In 2018, the division replaced three more R&P
Model 2025 PM2.5 sequential monitors with BAM 1022s at Mendenhall, 37-081-0013,
West Johnston, 37-101-0002, and Spruce Pine, 37-121-0004. In 2019, ABAQA replaced
the primary Thermo Model 2025i PM2.5 sequential monitor at the Board of Education,
37-021-0034, with a BAM 1022 and designated the sequential monitor as a collocated
monitor. Also in 2019, DAQ replaced the Thermo Model 2025i PM2.5 sequential monitor
at the Pitt County Agricultural Center, 37-147-0006, with a BAM 1022. In 2020 DAQ
replaced the Thermo Model 2025i PM2.5 sequential monitor at the William Owen site, 37-
051-0009, with a BAM 1022 and the Thermo Model 2025i PM2.5 sequential monitor at
the Durham Armory, 37-063-0015, with a BAM 1020. Also in 2020, DAQ made the
Teledyne T640X at Millbrook, 37-183-0014, the primary monitor.
DAQ requested and received permission to exclude data from operating BAMs
from comparison to the NAAQS. On Dec. 15, 2016, the EPA approved operating the
Raleigh Millbrook BAM 1020 as an air quality index, or AQI, monitor only.6 The DAQ
shut down the BAM 1020 at Millbrook in 2022.
D. Rotating Background Monitors
DAQ operates two rotating background monitoring networks to provide
background concentration data for prevention of significant deterioration, PSD,
modeling. PSD modeling is a federal requirement necessitating the collection of one
calendar year of background data.7 Monitors for SO2 or PM10 rotate to these sites every
three years. DAQ selects these rotating sites to provide the greatest possible spatial
coverage from the coastal plain to the foothills. Table 5 and Table 6 provide the
background monitoring sites with their operating schedules. In 2020, the DAQ decided to
start operating the SO2 rotating monitors on a calendar year schedule starting in 2022.
DAQ made this change to facilitate obtaining NPAP audits for the monitors as the
monitors need to be operating in January to get on the NPAP schedule. However, since
data from the rotating monitors cannot be used to determine a three-year design value, the
EPA has concluded that NPAP Audits are not required on the rotating monitors.
E. Addition of Nafion Dryers to the Ozone Monitoring Probes at Linville Falls and
After extensive testing of the Nafion dryer system used by the EPA on the
CASTNET sites in North Carolina, the DAQ moved forward with installing the dryer at
the Linville Falls site on Sep. 26, 2019, and the Monroe site on Oct. 2, 2019. Both ozone
monitoring systems were evaluated by completing through-the-probe audits before and
after installation of the dryer. The addition of the Nafion dryer assembly appeared to have
no impact on the ambient monitoring data. The DAQ contacted EPA Region 4 to request
permission to use the Nafion dryers for the 2020 ozone season. Region 4 referred our
request to the Office of Research and Development, or ORD. DAQ worked with ORD by
providing them with information to help them with moving forward to grant nationwide
approval for the use of the Nafion dryer system for ozone monitoring. While waiting for
approval, the DAQ flagged all the ozone data collected at these two sites with a 6 flag in
AQS. On Feb. 19, 2021, the EPA approved the use of the Nafion dryer nationwide. DAQ
did not reinstall the Nafion dryer at these sites in 2022.
6 2016 State of North Carolina Ambient Air Monitoring Network Plan, The U. S. EPA Region 4 Comments
and Recommendations, p11, available at
7 42 U.S.C. United States Code, 2013 Edition Title 42 - THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE
AND ACTIVITIES Part C - Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality subpart i - clean air Sec.
7475 - Preconstruction requirements, available on the worldwide web at
Table 5 The 2022-2025 Rotating Background Sulfur Dioxide Monitoring Network
AQS Site Id Number: 37-157-0099 37-051-0010 37-027-0003 37-117-0001
Site Name: Bethany Honeycutt E.S. Lenoir Jamesville
Street Address: 6371 NC 65 4665 Lakewood Drive 291 Nuway Circle 1210 Hayes Street
City: Bethany Fayetteville Lenoir Jamesville
Latitude: 36.308889 35.00 35.935833 35.810690
Longitude: -79.859167 -78.99 -81.530278 -76.897820
represented: Greensboro-High Point Fayetteville Hickory Not in an MSA
Monitor Type: Special purpose Special purpose Special purpose Special purpose
Operating Schedule: Hourly- every third year Hourly- every third
Hourly – every third
year Hourly – every third year
Statement of Purpose:
Industrial expansion
monitoring for PSD
Industrial expansion
monitoring for PSD
Industrial expansion
monitoring for PSD
Industrial expansion
monitoring for PSD
Monitoring Objective: General/ background Population exposure General/ background Upwind/ background
general/ background
Scale: Urban Neighborhood Regional Urban
Suitable for Comparison
to NAAQS: Yes Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of 40
CFR Part 58, Appendix
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of 40
CFR Part 58, Appendix
Yes: EQSA-0486-060 Yes: EQSA-0486-
060 Yes: EQSA-0486-060 Yes: EQSA-0486-060
Meets Requirements of 40
CFR Part 58, Appendix
No No No No
Table 5 The 2022-2025 Rotating Background Sulfur Dioxide Monitoring Network
Meets Requirements of 40
CFR Part 58, Appendix E: Yes Yes Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or
Operating 1/1/2023 to
Will operate
1/01/2024 to
Operated 1/1/2022 to
Operated 1/1/2022 to
Table 6 The 2022-2025 Rotating Background PM10 Monitoring Network
AQS Site Id
Number: 37-003-0005 37-129-0002 37-033-0001 37-107-0004 37-117-0001 371230001
Site Name: Taylorsville-
Liledoun Castle Hayne Cherry Grove Lenoir Community
College Jamesville Candor
Street Address: 700 Liledoun
6028 Holly
Shelter Road
7074 Cherry
Grove Road 231 Highway 58 S 1210 Hayes
112 Perry
City: Taylorsville Castle Hayne Reidsville Kinston Jamesville Candor
Latitude: 35.9139 34.364167 36.307033 35.231459 35.810690 35.263165
Longitude: -81.191 -77.838611 -79.467417 -77.568792 -76.897820 -79.836636
represented: Hickory Wilmington Not in an
MSA Not in an MSA Not in an MSA Not in an MSA
Monitor Type: Special
purpose Special purpose Special purpose Special
Operating Schedule:
3-year rotation
3-year rotation
3-year rotation
Statement of
for PSD
for PSD
for PSD
Industrial expansion
monitoring for PSD
monitoring for
PSD modeling.
monitoring for
PSD modeling
Table 6 The 2022-2025 Rotating Background PM10 Monitoring Network
AQS Site Id
Number: 37-003-0005 37-129-0002 37-033-0001 37-107-0004 37-117-0001 371230001
Site Name: Taylorsville-
Liledoun Castle Hayne Cherry Grove Lenoir Community
College Jamesville Candor
Population exposure
general/ background
Scale: Urban Urban Urban Neighborhood Urban Regional
Suitable for
Comparison to
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix A:
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix C:
122 EQPM-0798-122 EQPM-0798-122 EQPM-0798-
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix D:
Yes – not
Yes – not
Yes – not
Yes – not required Yes – not
Yes – not
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix E:
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or
6/24/2022 to
Will operate
12/18/2022 to
Will operate
10/1/2023 to
7/1/2021 to
Will operate
9/24/2023 to
F. Waiver Requests
DAQ has one waiver request as noted below. Waivers that were renewed or
granted in 2020 are provided in Appendix G. Approved Waivers and Other Requests.
Waiver request for Teledyne T640x Temperature Control Daily Standard Deviation
DAQ requests a waiver from the requirement listed in the Teledyne T640x
Continuous PM2.5 Local Conditions and PM10 Standard Temperature and Pressure
Validation Template regarding the standard deviation for temperature control. The
template states that daily temperature control should exhibit a standard deviation of
<2.1 ºC over a 24-hour period. DAQ replaced the BAM 1020 primary particulate
monitor at the Millbrook Site (37-183-0014) with the Teledyne T640x on 10/01/20.
The placement of the T640x meets all criteria specified in the validation template
in the QA Handbook Volume II, Appendix D Revision No. 1.0 and in the manufacturer’s
operations manual. As shown below, the 24 hour standard deviation for the instrument,
as recorded between 06/22 and 01/23, exceeds the current template requirement for
standard deviation over the entire period. During this time period the T640x operated
within the acceptable temperature range of 0- 50 ºC, listed in the template. The T640x
currently in use at the Millbrook site was purchased complete from the manufacturer with
the recommended outdoor enclosure.
Standard Devia�onDate
Millbrook T640x Box Temp. (○C) 24hr. Standard Devia�on
III. Carbon Monoxide, or CO, Monitoring Network
The DAQ and Mecklenburg County Air Quality, or MCAQ, conduct carbon monoxide
monitoring in two of the major urban areas of the state, the Raleigh and Charlotte-
Concord-Gastonia metropolitan statistical areas, also known as MSAs. As shown in
Figure 18, the 2023-2024 state-operated network consists of two monitors in Raleigh
operated by DAQ and two monitors in Charlotte operated by MCAQ. All four monitors
collect data using a federal reference method for comparison to the national ambient air
quality standards, also known as NAAQS.
Figure 18. Location of carbon monoxide monitoring sites
Until the end of 2015, the local program agency in Forsyth County also operated a
carbon monoxide monitor in Winston-Salem. However, because statewide carbon
monoxide levels have fallen so far below the standard, as shown in Figure 19, and the
state has maintained the standard for more than 20 years, the Peters Creek Winston-
Salem micro-scale site is no longer required, and Forsyth County shut down this site at
the end of 2015.
Figure 19. Statewide 8-hour carbon monoxide levels through 2019
(from Air Quality Trends in North Carolina, October 2020, located at
One monitor in Raleigh and one monitor in Charlotte are located near the
interstate highway. The other sites in Raleigh and Charlotte are middle and neighborhood
scale sites that are part of the national core, also known as NCore, network. As shown in
Figure 20 and Figure 21, none of the currently operating sites reported exceedances of the
1- or 8-hour ambient air quality standards from 2017 to 2022.
Figure 20. Maximum 1-hour carbon monoxide concentrations measured in North
Carolina from 2011 to 2021
Figure 21. Maximum 8-hour carbon monoxide concentrations measured in North
Carolina from 2011 to 2021
As of the end of 2015, the state has met all the monitoring requirements in the
DAQ carbon monoxide maintenance state implementation plans, also known as SIPs, for
Mecklenburg, Forsyth, Durham, and Wake counties. The SIP required the state to operate
at least one carbon monoxide monitor in Mecklenburg, Forsyth and either Durham or
Wake counties through the end of 2015 so the data from the monitor could trigger
contingency requirements.8
Figure 20 provides the maximum 1-hour and Figure 21 provides the maximum 8-
hour concentrations for all operating sites for 2011 through 2021. All measured carbon
monoxide concentrations during the past five years have been well below 80% of the
standards. The maximum 1-hour concentration during the past five years was 7 percent of
the standard and occurred at the Garinger site in 2018. The maximum 8-hour
concentration during the past five years was 19 percent of the standard and occurred at
Remount Road in 2018. Currently the state and local programs are operating the
minimum required carbon monoxide network, that is, one carbon monoxide monitor at
each NCore and each near-road site. The state and the MCAQ local program started
operating a carbon monoxide monitor at the near road stations in Raleigh and Charlotte in
late 2016 to meet the Jan. 1, 2017, start date.9
Table 7 provides the location, the statement of purpose, the status for each
monitoring site regarding whether it is suitable for comparison to the NAAQS and meets
8 “Carbon Monoxide (CO) Limited Maintenance Plan for the Charlotte, Raleigh/Durham & Winston-Salem
CO Maintenance Areas”, Aug. 2, 2012, available at http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/air-quality/air-
9 “Appendix D to Part 58—Network Design Criteria for Ambient Air Quality Monitoring,” 4.2 Carbon
Monoxide (CO) Design Criteria, 4.2.1 General Requirements, available at https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-
bin/retrieveECFR?gp=&r=PART&n=40y6., accessed on April 22, 2017.
the requirements in Appendices A, C, D and E of 40 CFR Part 58 and a summary of
proposed and planned changes to the carbon monoxide monitoring network in the
Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia MSA. Table 8 provides the location, the statement of
purpose, the status for each monitoring site regarding whether it is suitable for
comparison to the NAAQS and meets the requirements in Appendices A, C, D and E of
40 CFR Part 58 and a summary of proposed and planned changes to the carbon monoxide
monitoring network in the Raleigh MSA.
Table 7 The 2023-2024 Carbon Monoxide Monitoring Network for
the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia MSA a
AQS Site Id Number: 37-119-0041 37-119-0045
Site Name: Garinger High School Remount
Street Address: 1130 Eastway Drive 1030 Remount Road
City: Charlotte Charlotte
Latitude: 35.2401 35.212657
Longitude: -80.7857 -80.874401
MSA, CSA or CBSA represented: Charlotte-Concord-
Monitor Type: SLAMS SLAMS
Operating Schedule: Hourly Hourly
Statement of Purpose:
Compliance with
NAAQS; ozone and
fine particle precursor
Near road
monitoring site. AQI
Monitoring Objective: Population exposure Highest
Scale: Neighborhood Micro-scale
Suitable for Comparison to NAAQS: Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of Part 58,
Appendix A: Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of Part 58,
Appendix C: Yes: RFCA-0981-054 Yes: RFCA-0981-
Meets Requirements of Part 58,
Appendix D: Yes - NCore Yes - near road
Meets Requirements of Part 58,
Appendix E: Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or Change: None None
a Both monitors use an Instrumental nondispersive infrared Thermo Electron 48 i-TLE
method, Air Quality System, AQS, method code 554 and are operated by Mecklenburg
County Air Quality, AQS primary quality assurance and reporting agency 0669
Table 8 The 2023-2024 Carbon Monoxide Monitoring Network for the Raleigh MSA a
AQS Site Id Number: 37-183-0014 37-183-0021
Site Name: Millbrook School Triple Oak Road
Street Address: 3801 Spring Forest Road 2826 Triple Oak
City: Raleigh Cary
Latitude: 35.8561 35.8654
Longitude: -78.5742 -78.8195
MSA, CSA or CBSA represented: Raleigh Raleigh
Monitor Type: SLAMS SLAMS
Operating Schedule: Hourly Hourly
Statement of Purpose:
Compliance with
NAAQS; ozone and fine
particle precursor
Near road
monitoring site. AQI
Monitoring Objective:
Population exposure;
general/ background;
maximum ozone
Scale: Middle Micro-scale
Suitable for Comparison to NAAQS: Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of Part 58,
Appendix A: Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of Part 58,
Appendix C: Yes: RFCA-0981-054 Yes: RFCA-0981-
Meets Requirements of Part 58,
Appendix D: Yes - NCore Yes - near road
Meets Requirements of Part 58,
Appendix E: Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or Change: None None
a Both monitors use an Instrumental nondispersive infrared Thermo Electron 48 i-TLE
method, AQS method code 554
IV. Sulfur Dioxide Monitoring Network
Sulfur dioxide, or SO2, monitoring is conducted in North Carolina at 10 sites, 8
operated by the DAQ and at two sites operated by local programs.
In addition, from January 1, 2012, through April 15, 2015, the South Carolina
Department of Health and Environmental Control, or DHEC, operated an upwind
background special purpose SO2 monitor in York County, South Carolina, part of the
Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia Metropolitan Statistical Area, MSA. At the end of 2016,
DHEC moved this York County monitoring site from 2316 Chester Highway to the York
Landfill at 310 Langrum Road. DHEC operated this upwind background special purpose
SO2 monitor at the York Landfill site from May 22, 2018 to January 13, 2023.
The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality also operates two SO2
monitors in the Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News MSA. One monitor has operated
since June 23, 2010, at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) -
Langley Research Center in Hampton City. The other monitor, located at the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) facility in Norfolk City has operated
continuously since January 6, 2011.
The EPA and DAQ use the data collected to determine human health effect
exposures in MSAs with more than one million people, to collect background levels for
prevention of significant deterioration, also known as PSD, permit modeling and to
determine the impact on SO2 levels from facilities that burn large quantities of fossil fuels
or manufacture sulfuric acid. Currently, the DAQ and local programs monitor four major
cities (Charlotte, Raleigh, Winston-Salem, and Durham) for SO2. Data from previous
years, as shown in Figure 22, indicate statewide levels of sulfur dioxide in most areas are
well below the 1-hour standard established by the United States Environmental
Protection Agency, or EPA.
Figure 22. Statewide trends for sulfur dioxide
(from Air Quality Trends in North Carolina, October 2020, located at
Figure 23 and Figure 24 show the design value or the 99th percentile of daily
maximum one-hour concentrations of SO2 measured in North Carolina between 2011 and
2021 as compared to the national ambient air quality standards, NAAQS. Although the
design value exceeded the standard in Wilmington in 2011, in 2015 all measured design
values in the state were less than 28 percent of the standard. The source-oriented monitor
at Canton reported 2017-2019 and 2018-2020 design values over the standard. DAQ
worked with this facility to reduce its SO2 emissions so that the 2020-2022 design value
is only 49 percent of the standard. Early in 2023 the Evergreen Packaging Mill, the
source of the SO2 emissions, announced plans to shut down in 2023. Once the shutdown
occurs, the Canton SO2 monitor will no longer be needed. Should this happen the DAQ
will determine the appropriate time to shut down the Canton SO2 monitoring site. For the
rotating and special purpose monitors the maximum 99-percentile 1-hour concentration
during the past five years was 17% of the standard and occurred at the Bethany site in
Figure 23. Sulfur dioxide 1-hour design value trends for SLAMS monitors
Figure 24. Background Sulfur Dioxide Concentrations
The division operates one trace-level SO2 monitor on a 100-ppb scale because low
levels of SO2 are a precursor for fine particle formation. The current network consists of
one site in Wake County. The Wake County site is a national core, also known as NCore,
monitoring site. DAQ monitors for these trace-level-particle precursor pollutants year-
round because monitoring for fine particles is required on a year-round basis.
Mecklenburg County Air Quality also operates a trace-level SO2 monitor at the Garinger
NCore site in Mecklenburg County.
When an industry or business wants to expand or begin operations in an area, the
federal government requires the business to conduct 12 consecutive months of
background monitoring to use in modeling to demonstrate the addition or expansion of
the facility will not contribute to the significant deterioration of air quality in that area. In
2010, DAQ modified the rotating PSD network by shutting down the Bryson City SO2
monitor in Swain County and adding rotating PSD SO2 monitors at Lenoir in Caldwell
County and Bethany in Rockingham County. Assessment of the SO2 monitoring network
indicated that these changes could improve the ability of DAQ to meet its obligation to
provide relevant background SO2 data for PSD modeling. In 2015, the division decided to
shut down the rotating PSD SO2 monitor at Pittsboro. DAQ no longer needed the monitor
because of the monitor at the Durham Armory.
In 2011, DAQ moved the Aurora monitor across the Pamlico River to the
Bayview Ferry station because more people live there, and the new site is downwind of
the PCS facility. Figure 25 shows the relative location of the two sites. The Bayview
Ferry site began operating in January 2011.
Figure 25. Location of the Bayview Ferry Site, B, Relative to the Aurora Site, A
Population Weighted Emissions Index Sulfur Dioxide Monitoring
In 2010, the EPA changed the monitoring regulations for sulfur dioxide to support
the lower sulfur dioxide NAAQS.10 For the SO2 monitoring network the EPA developed
10 Primary National Ambient Air Quality Standard for Sulfur Dioxide, Final Rule, Federal Register, Vol.
75, No. 119, June 22, 2010, available on the worldwide web at
https://www3.epa.gov/ttn/naaqs/standards/so2/fr/20100622.pdf, accessed on May 13, 2017.
the population weighted emissions index, PWEI. The EPA calculates a PWEI for each
core-based statistical area, or CBSA by multiplying the population of each CBSA, using
the most current census data or estimates, by the total amount of SO2 in tons per year
emitted within the CBSA, using an aggregate of the most recent county level emissions
data available in the national emissions inventory, or NEI, for each county in each CBSA.
The EPA then divides the resulting product by 1,000,000, providing a PWEI value. The
units for the PWEI value are million person-tons per year. For any CBSA with a
calculated PWEI value equal to or greater than 1,000,000, a minimum of three SO2
monitors are required within that CBSA. For any CBSA with a calculated PWEI value
equal to or greater than 100,000, but less than 1,000,000, a minimum of two SO2
monitors are required within that CBSA. For any CBSA with a calculated PWEI value
equal to or greater than 5,000, but less than 100,000 a minimum of one SO2 monitor is
required within that CBSA.
The SO2 monitoring site required because of the calculated PWEI in each CBSA
satisfies minimum monitoring requirements if the monitor is sited within the boundaries
of the parent CBSA and is one of the following site types as defined in section 1.1.1 of 40
CFR Part 58, Appendix D: population exposure, highest concentration, source impacts,
general background, or regional transport. An SO2 monitor at an NCore station may
satisfy minimum monitoring requirements if that monitor is located within a CBSA that
is required to have one or more PWEI monitors.
In 2013, the 2010 sulfur dioxide monitoring requirements required North Carolina
to add three PWEI sulfur dioxide monitors to three MSAs in North Carolina: Charlotte-
Concord-Gastonia, Durham-Chapel Hill, and Wilmington.
In February 2020, the EPA released updated 2017 point-source emissions and
non-road emissions for the 2017 NEI.11 DAQ calculated new PWEI values for each
MSA using a combination of the 2014 and 2017 NEIs and 2021 population estimates.12
Table 9 presents these PWEI values. Due to lower emissions in the Wilmington area, the
Wilmington PWEI monitor is no longer required so DAQ shut down the monitor at the
end of 2017. Figure 26 shows the locations of the two required PWEI sulfur dioxide
monitoring sites based on the 2014 and 2017 NEI and 2021 population estimates.
11 2017 National Emission Inventory, February 2020 Version: The August 2019 point sources have been
improved to include rail yards, offshore sources, and other minor updates. The released NEI now also
includes nonroad sources (except commercial marine and rail lines), wildfires, and prescribed burning,
available online at https://www.epa.gov/air-emissions-inventories/2017-national-emissions-inventory-nei-
data. Accessed April 25, 2020.
12 Cumulative Estimates of Resident Population Change and Rankings for Metropolitan Statistical Areas in
the United States and Puerto Rico: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2019, U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division,
Released March 2020, available online at https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-kits/2020/pop-
Table 9 Population-Weighted Emission Indices Using the 2014/2017 National Emissions Inventory and 2021 Population Estimates for
North Carolina Metropolitan Statistical Areas
Metropolitan Statistical Area a
SO2 Emissions, tons b
July 1, 2022 e
of SO2
Point b
Road b
Road c
Point c
Events d Total
Asheville 6,706.66 2.30 56.82 196.94 9.70 6,972.42 476,072 3,319.37 0
Burlington 12.97 0.90 17.33 27.85 0.51 59.56 176,353 10.50 0
Charlotte-Gastonia-Concord 5,097.18 13.16 281.37 340.02 62.42 5,794.15 2,756,069 15,969.08 1
Durham Chapel Hill 7,778.44 2.92 65.10 78.66 27.46 7,952.57 664,310 5,282.98 1
Fayetteville 104.93 1.80 50.65 48.87 140.39 346.65 529,318 183.48 0
Goldsboro 77.14 0.60 12.63 19.50 2.19 112.07 117,286 13.14 0
Greensboro-High Point 78.17 4.02 72.33 162.68 7.35 324.55 784,101 254.48 0
Greenville 59.13 0.96 16.22 21.04 0.50 97.85 173,542 16.98 0
Hickory 4,581.36 2.21 40.75 142.63 156.20 4,923.16 368,347 1,813.43 0
Jacksonville 239.75 0.77 17.98 183.31 59.75 501.58 207,298 103.97 0
Myrtle Beach-Conway-North
Myrtle Beach 3,705.14 2.75 46.48 604.51 89.38 4,448.27 536,165 2,385.00 0
New Bern 744.57 1.24 13.04 165.66 100.05 1024.56 122,488 125.50 0
Raleigh 264.39 6.64 127.57 113.37 8.73 520.71 1,484,338 772.89 0
Rocky Mount 52.24 0.84 20.23 30.24 7.53 111.09 144,090 16.01 0
Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport
News 2,113.58 10.12 159.38 2,123.08 34.03 4,440.18 1,806,840 8,022.71 1
Wilmington 177.13 1.45 27.57 350.96 64.73 621.84 300,658 186.96 0
Winston-Salem 5,096.99 3.01 58.86 186.99 10.71 5,356.55 688,471 3,687.84 0
a Office of Management and Budget, OMB BULLETIN NO. 18-04: Revised Delineations of Metropolitan Statistical Areas,
Micropolitan Statistical Areas and Combined Statistical Areas and Guidance on Uses of the Delineations of These Areas, Sept. 14,
2018, available on the worldwide web at https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Bulletin-18-04.pdf, accessed April
25, 2020.
b Source: 2017 National Emission Inventory, February 2020 Version: The August 2019 point sources have been improved to include
rail yards, offshore sources, and other minor updates. The released NEI now also includes nonroad sources (except commercial marine
and rail lines), wildfires, and prescribed burning, available online at https://www.epa.gov/air-emissions-inventories/2017-national-
emissions-inventory-nei-data. Accessed April 25, 2020.
c Source: 2014 National Emission Inventory, Version 2, available online at https://www.epa.gov/air-emissions-inventories/2014-
national-emissions-inventory-nei-data. Accessed April 25, 2020.
d Source: 2017 National Emission Inventory, Additional Summary Data, Events-Fires, April 2020 Version, available online at
https://www.epa.gov/air-emissions-inventories/2017-national-emissions-inventory-nei-data. Accessed April 26, 2020.
e Source: Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Counties: April 1, 2020 to July 1, 2022 (CBSA-MET-EST2022-POP), U.S.
Census Bureau, Population Division, Released March 2023, available online at https://www.census.gov/data/tables/time-
Figure 26. Location of North Carolina PWEI monitors
A. Temporary Special Purpose Background Monitors
In 2014, the EPA came out with guidance for modeling and monitoring around
specific facilities emitting over certain quantities of sulfur dioxide. The modeling and/or
monitoring is required to demonstrate compliance with the NAAQS. The modeling
guidance requires agencies to consider background levels of sulfur dioxide. DAQ
anticipated that the Roxboro coal-fired electric generating facility in Person County
would require modeling. DAQ had not collected background sulfur dioxide data in
Person County within the last three years. Thus, the division collected background sulfur
dioxide data at the Bushy Fork site from May 21, 2014, through late May 2015 to meet
the federally required modeling protocols. For similar reasons, from August 2014 through
August 2015, DAQ operated a sulfur dioxide monitor at Bryson City in Swain County.
The division anticipated that the Asheville coal-fired electric generating plant in
Buncombe County would also be a facility for which the division would need to do
B. Facilities Subject to the SO2 Data Requirements Rule, DRR
On Jan. 15, 2016, DAQ submitted to the EPA a list identifying all facilities within
North Carolina with SO2 emissions that exceeded the 2,000 tons per year threshold based
on the most recent emissions data. The division’s list also includes facilities for which
DAQ received third-party SO2 modeling information even though the emissions for the
facilities were below the 2,000 tons per year threshold. By July 15, 2016, DAQ submitted
to the EPA documentation specifying the compliance path – modeling or monitoring –
for each of the affected facilities.
The division used ambient monitoring to characterize air quality for the following
• Duke Energy Progress, Roxboro Plant, Facility ID 7300029;
• Duke Energy Progress, Asheville Plant, Facility ID 37-021-00628 (this facility is
regulated by the Western North Carolina Regional Air Quality Agency);
• Blue Ridge Paper Products, Canton Mill, also known as Evergreen, Facility ID
• PCS Phosphate Company, Inc. – Aurora, Facility ID 0700071; and
• CPI USA North Carolina – Southport Plant, Facility ID 1000067.
DAQ established a single SO2 monitor at each of these facilities. Specific details for each
facility were included in the appendices or an addendum to Volume 1 of the 2016-2017
North Carolina Final Network Monitoring Plan.13
Note that:
• Duke Energy operated the monitor at Roxboro and Asheville as part of DAQ’s
primary quality assurance organization, or PQAO. Duke provided full access
to all data on an hourly basis for reporting to AirNow and DAQ’s real-time
website. Duke quality assured, or QA’d, the data on a daily and monthly basis.
DAQ performed additional QA activities, including performance evaluations,
technical system audits and annual certification of the data. The EPA granted
DAQ and Duke permission to shut down these two monitors in 2020. 14
• DAQ operated the monitors at Evergreen’s Canton mill, PCS Phosphate and
CPI Southport. DAQ requested permission to shut down the monitor at CPI
Southport in the 2021-2022 network plan (see section II.A.4. Monitoring
Changes in the Myrtle Beach-Conway-North Myrtle Beach MSA). The EPA
13 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 2016-2017 Final Network Monitoring Plan,
Appendix D. Duke Energy Roxboro Siting Analysis and Additional Site Information, July 1, 2016,
available on the worldwide web at
Appendix E. Evergreen Packaging Canton Siting Analysis and Additional Site Information, July 1, 2016,
available on the worldwide web at
Appendix K. PCS Phosphate, Inc. - Aurora Siting Analysis and Additional Site Information, July 1, 2016,
available on the worldwide web at
Appendix L. CPI Southport Siting Analysis and Additional Site Information, Sep.1, 2016, available on the
worldwide web at
http://xapps.ncdenr.org/aq/documents/DocsSearch.do?dispatch=download&documentId=9275; and
Addendum 2 Duke Progress Energy Skyland Siting Analysis and Additional Site Information, Dec, 28,
2016, available on the worldwide web at
14 United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2020-2021 State of North Carolina Ambient Air
Monitoring Network Plan, The U. S. EPA Region 4 Comments and Recommendations, p11, available at
granted DAQ permission to shut down this monitor in 2021. 15 DAQ has
received notification that Evergreen’s Canton Paper Mill will cease operations
in mid-summer 2023. DAQ will continue to operate this monitor until final
disposition of the facility is made. At that time the DAQ will decide on
whether to continue to operate this monitor or not. DAQ plans to continue
operating the monitor at Bayview Ferry indefinitely.
• DAQ reports the data to AirNow-Tech and EPA’s Air Quality System, or
AQS, and certifies data for these monitors.
DAQ provided modeling input and output files for siting the monitors to the EPA
in 2016 outside of the network plan. A Region 4 representative visited each monitoring
site except the existing site at Bayview. The EPA visited all the sites including Bayview
during the March 2019 EPA triennial technical systems audit.
Table 10 through Table 13 provide the following information for the sulfur
dioxide monitoring networks in the various MSAs throughout North Carolina:
(1) The location;
(2) The statement of purpose;
(3) The status for each monitoring site regarding whether it is suitable for
comparison to the NAAQS and meets the requirements in Appendices A, C, D
and E of 40 CFR Part 58; and
(4) A summary of proposed and planned changes.
15 United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2021-2022 State of North Carolina Ambient Air
Monitoring Network Plan, The U. S. EPA Region 4 Comments and Recommendations, p2, available at
Table 10 The 2023-2024 Sulfur Dioxide Monitoring Network for the
Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia and Raleigh MSAs a
AQS Site Id Number: 37-119-0041 37-183-0014
Site Name: Garinger Millbrook
Street Address: 1130 Eastway Drive 3801 Spring Forest Road
City: Charlotte Raleigh
Latitude: 35.2401 35.8561
Longitude: -80.7857 -78.5742
represented: Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia Raleigh
Monitor Type: SLAMS SLAMS
Operating Schedule: Hourly – every year Hourly – every year
Statement of Purpose:
Compliance with the NAAQS;
required monitor for NCore &
Required monitor for NCore.
SO2 fine particle precursor
monitoring. Compliance
Monitoring Objective: Population exposure General/ background
Scale: Neighborhood Neighborhood
Suitable for
Comparison to
Yes Yes
Meets Requirements
of Part 58, Appendix
Yes Yes
Meets Requirements
of Part 58, Appendix
Yes: EQSA-0486-060 Yes: EQSA-0486-060
Meets Requirements
of Part 58, Appendix
Yes – NCore & PWEI Yes - NCore
Meets Requirements
of Part 58, Appendix
Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or
Change: None None
a Both monitors use an instrumental pulsed fluorescence method using a Thermo Electron 43i
TLE, Air Quality System, AQS, method code 560.
b Operated by Mecklenburg County Air Quality, AQS reporting agency 0669
Table 11 The 2023-2024 Sulfur Dioxide Monitoring Network for the
Greensboro, Winston-Salem, and Fayetteville MSAs a
AQS Site Id Number: 37-157-0099 37-067-0022b 37-051-0010 b
Site Name: Bethany Hattie Avenue Honeycutt E.S.
Street Address: 6371 NC 65 1300 block of
Hattie Avenue
4665 Lakewood
City: Bethany Winston-Salem Fayetteville
Latitude: 36.308889 36.110556 35.00
Longitude: -79.859167 -80.226667 -78.99
Point Winston-Salem Fayetteville
Monitor Type: Special purpose Other Special purpose
Operating Schedule: Hourly- every
third year
Hourly- every
Hourly- every third
Statement of Purpose:
monitoring for
PSD modeling.
Compliance with
the NAAQS;
PWEI Monitor
Industrial expansion
monitoring for PSD
Scale: Urban Neighborhood Neighborhood
Suitable for
Comparison to
Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements
of Part 58, Appendix
Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements
of Part 58, Appendix
Yes: EQSA-
Yes: EQSA-
Yes: EQSA-0486-
Meets Requirements
of Part 58, Appendix
Yes – not required
by Appendix D
Yes – not
required by
Appendix D
Yes – not required
by Appendix D
Meets Requirements
of Part 58, Appendix
Yes Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or
Will cease
operation on
None Will operate again
in 2024
a All monitors use an instrumental pulsed fluorescence method using a Thermo
Electron 43i, Air Quality System, AQS, method code 060.
b Operated by Forsyth County Office of Environmental Assistance and Protection,
AQS primary quality assurance organization and reporting agency 0403
Table 12 The 2023-2024 Sulfur Dioxide Monitoring Network for the
Durham-Chapel Hill, Asheville, and Hickory MSAs
AQS Site Id Number: 37-063-0015 a 37-087-0013 b 37-027-0003 a
Site Name: Durham Armory Canton DRR Lenoir
Street Address: 801 Stadium Drive Pace Street,
Evergreen Plant
291 Nuway
City: Durham Canton Lenoir
Latitude: 36.032944 35.534 35.935833
Longitude: -78.905417 -82.853 -81.530278
Hill Asheville Hickory
Monitor Type: SLAMS SLAMS Special
Operating Schedule: Hourly – every
year Hourly Hourly – every
third year
Statement of Purpose:
PWEI monitor for
Hill MSA.
concentration site
near the Evergreen
Plant. Compliance
monitoring for
PSD modeling.
Monitoring Objective: Population
exposure Source-oriented General/
Scale: Urban Middle Regional
Suitable for
Comparison to
Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix A: Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix C:
Yes: EQSA-0486-
Yes: EQSA-0486-
Yes: EQSA-
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix D: Yes - PWEI
Yes – Required by
Data Requirements
Yes – not
required by
Appendix D
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix E: Yes Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or
Change: None
Decision pending
final disposition of
a Monitors use an instrumental pulsed fluorescence method using a Thermo Electron
43i, Air Quality System, AQS, method code 060.
b Monitor uses an instrumental pulsed fluorescence method using a Thermo Electron
43i TLE, AQS method code 560.
Table 13 The 2023-2024 Sulfur Dioxide Monitoring Network
for areas outside MSAs a
AQS Site Id Number: 370130151 b 37-117-0001
Site Name: Bayview Jamesville
Street Address: 229 NC Highway 306N 1210 Hayes Street
City: Bath Jamesville
Latitude: 35.428 35.810690
Longitude: -76.74 -76.897820
represented: None Not in an MSA
Monitor Type: SLAMS Special purpose
Operating Schedule: Hourly – every year Hourly – every third year
Statement of Purpose:
Fenceline monitoring at
PCS Phosphate facility to
ensure compliance with
Industrial expansion
monitoring for PSD
Monitoring Objective: Source-oriented Upwind/ background
general/ background
Scale: Urban Urban
Suitable for Comparison to
NAAQS: Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of Part
58, Appendix A: Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of Part
58, Appendix C: Yes: EQSA-0486-060 Yes: EQSA-0486-060
Meets Requirements of Part
58, Appendix D: Yes – DRR monitor
Yes – rotating PSD
background monitor not
required by Appendix D
Meets Requirements of Part
58, Appendix E: Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or Change: None Ended 12/31/22
a Both monitors use an instrumental pulsed fluorescence method using a Thermo
Electron 43i, Air Quality System, AQS, method code 060.
b This monitor is in Beaufort County across the river from the PCS Phosphate facility. It
replaced the New Aurora Site, 370130007, which was dislocated by nearby current land
clearing and future mining activities.
V. Ozone Monitoring Network
The DAQ operates an extensive ozone network covering the state from large
urban areas to smaller rural areas and from valley communities to mountain top
recreation and wilderness areas. This strong network has greatly benefited the state by
enabling DAQ to learn how ozone is transported to and within the state, to identify the
parts of the state where the formation of ozone results in peak concentrations and to know
where ozone concentrations do and do not exceed the national ambient air quality
standards, NAAQS. By having sufficient monitors to provide understanding of ozone
formation in an area, DAQ could make strong arguments with the United States
Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA, to prevent certain areas of the state from
being designated as nonattainment and could develop effective state implementation
plans. Data from previous years, as shown in Figure 27, indicate statewide levels of
ozone are below the 8-hour standard established by the EPA in 2015.
Figure 27. Statewide trends for ozone
(from Air Quality Trends in North Carolina, October 2020, located at
A. Analysis of Existing Monitors
1. Analysis of Measured Concentrations Compared to NAAQS
Figure 28 through Figure 33 graphically display the ozone design values for the
monitors in the North Carolina state-operated network for at least the past five years. This
information is important because 40 CFR Section 58.14(c)(1) requires a monitor to be
attaining the NAAQS for the past five years before the monitor can be shut down. On
Oct. 1, 2015, the EPA lowered the 8-hour ozone standard to 0.070 parts per million.
Currently all the 34 monitors operated by the state, local and tribal programs in 2021
have met an 8-hour ozone design value of 0.070 parts per million for the past five years.
Figure 28. Ozone design values in the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia MSA
Figure 29. Ozone design values in the Raleigh and Durham-Chapel Hill MSAs
Figure 30. Ozone design values for the Greensboro-High Point and Winston-Salem
Figure 31. Ozone design values for the Asheville MSA and North Carolina
Figure 32. Ozone design values in the Fayetteville, Greenville, Rocky Mount and
Wilmington MSAs and at other coastal sites
Figure 33. Ozone design values in the Hickory MSA and at other monitors in the
piedmont area
None of these 34 monitors has a design value less than 80%of the NAAQS so
none will meet the additional requirement of having less than 10% probability of
exceeding 80% of the NAAQS during the next three years. Thus, DAQ does not propose
to shut down any ozone monitors based on design values alone.
2. Analysis of Operating Monitors Compared to Appendix D Requirements
Other ozone monitors DAQ can consider for shut down are those monitors that
exceed the minimum number of monitors required in 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix D, Table
D-2 provided in Figure 34. The latest estimated population of the MSA and the most
recent ozone 8-hour design value for the area determines the number of required monitors
for an area.
Figure 34. Title 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix D, Table D-2
Table 14 provides the 2021-estimated population for the MSAs in North Carolina,
the design values for 2020-2022, the number of required monitors based on Appendix D
of 40 CFR Part 58 and the number of current monitors operated by DAQ and the local
programs. Currently, the division and the local programs operate at least the minimum
number of required monitors in every MSA except for the Virginia Beach-Norfolk-
Newport News and the Myrtle Beach-Conway-North Myrtle Beach MSAs. DAQ has a
written agreement with the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, VDEQ,
Office of Air Quality Monitoring, that VDEQ will maintain the minimum required
number of monitors for the Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News MSA.16
16 See Appendix H. Monitoring Agreement between Virginia and North Carolina for the Virginia Beach-
Norfolk-Newport News Metropolitan Statistical Area.
Table 14 Design Values and Required Ozone Monitors for North Carolina
Metropolitan Statistical Areas, MSA
2022 a
Ozone 8-Hour
Design Value
(As percent of
Number of
Monitors operated
in North Carolina
Required Current
Charlotte-Concord- Gastonia 2,756,069 91 2 5 c
Virginia Beach-Norfolk-
Newport News, VA-NC 1,806,840 83* 1 0 d
Raleigh 1,484,338 86 2 2
Greensboro-High Point 784,101 89 2 2
Winston-Salem 688,471 90 2 3
Durham-Chapel Hill 664,310 83 1 3
Fayetteville 529,318 93 2 2
Myrtle Beach-Conway-North
Myrtle Beach, SC-NC 536,165 84* 1 0 e
Asheville 476,072 83 1 2
Hickory-Lenoir-Morganton 368,347 81 1 2
Wilmington 300,658 83 0 1
Jacksonville 207,298 Not Available 0 0
Greenville 173,542 84 0 1
Burlington 176,353 Not Available 0 0
Rocky Mount 144,090 84 0 1
New Bern 122,488 Not Available 0 0
Goldsboro 117,286 Not Available 0 0
a Source: Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Counties: April 1, 2020 to
July 1, 2022 (CBSA-MET-EST2022-POP), U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division,
Released March 2023, available online at https://www.census.gov/data/tables/time-
b The national ambient air quality standard for an 8-hour period is 0.070 parts per
million. The EPA bases attainment on the average of the 4th highest value over three
consecutive ozone seasons. Values of 0.070, which is equivalent to 100 percent, and
below are attaining the national ambient air quality standard.
c South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control and the Catawba
Indian Nation each operate a monitor in York County, South Carolina.
d Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, VDEQ, Office of Air Quality
Monitoring operates three monitors in this MSA.
e South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control operates a monitor
in Horry County, South Carolina, starting in July 2016.
*Denotes 2019-2021 Design Values
The Office of Management and Budget changed the Myrtle Beach-Conway-North
Myrtle Beach MSA definition in February 2013 to include Brunswick County in North
Carolina. Adding Brunswick County to the MSA resulted in the MSA exceeding the
350,000 population-threshold for a required ozone monitor. In May 2015, the South
Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, DHEC, proposed operating a
monitor in Horry County. DHEC started operating this monitor on July 27, 2016. DAQ
worked with DHEC to develop an appropriate monitoring agreement.17 Brunswick
County was formerly part of the Wilmington, NC, MSA and for many years was
characterized by the Castle Hayne ozone monitor. As shown in Figure 32, Castle Hayne’s
highest design value during the past five years was 59 ppb. The Castle Hayne monitor has
never violated the ozone standard.
The Coastal Carolina ozone monitor in the Myrtle Beach area collected its first
complete ozone design value in 2019. Its design value for 2017-2019 was at 86 percent of
the NAAQS, requiring the MSA to have a second ozone monitor according to Appendix
D of 40 CFR Part 58 (see Figure 34). Since this design value was the first complete
design value for the monitor and the 2017-2019 design value was so close to the 85-
percent threshold, DAQ and DHEC are working with EPA Region 4 to determine the
appropriate ozone monitoring for this MSA. The 2018-2020 design value was at 84
percent of the NAAQS, but the design value was not valid because the three-year
completeness was less than 90 percent. The 2019-2021 design value is also at 84 percent
of the NAAQS and is valid. According to the AQS AMP480 report for the 2020- 2022
period, that latest valid design value for the Coastal Carolina ozone monitor is .058 or
83% of the NAAQS. DAQ has decided to delay analysis of this MSA for the location of
a second ozone monitor until a valid design value above 85 percent of the standard is
DAQ evaluated each MSA where there are more monitors operating than required
by the regulations. This evaluation determined whether all the current monitors in the
MSA are still needed and providing valuable information. The local program monitors
were not included in this analysis. The local program monitors were excluded because the
decision on whether to continue to operate them or shut them down is up to the local
program and not DAQ. Thus, DAQ considered 10 monitors in this evaluation.
Monroe Middle School, 37-179-0003
Monroe Middle School, shown in Figure 35, is in the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia
MSA, also known as the Metrolina area. This monitor provides valuable information for
ozone forecasting in the Metrolina area. Because it is attaining the standard, these data
can also be used to justify excluding part of Union County from the Metrolina
nonattainment area should the area fail to attain the 2015 ozone standard at any time in
the future. Union County is one of the fastest-growing counties in North Carolina and is
one of the fastest-growing counties in the nation. It is also located in the state’s largest
MSA. DAQ will retain this site because this monitor is important for attainment and
maintenance plan development for the Metrolina area especially if the ozone standard is
lowered later this year.
17 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) on Criteria Monitoring Between SCDHEC and NCDENR DAQ,
July 1, 2015, Available on the worldwide web at
Figure 35. Ozone monitors in the Charlotte area
Crouse, 37-109-0004
As shown in Figure 35, Crouse is in the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia MSA. This
monitor provides valuable spatial information for ozone forecasting in the Charlotte area.
Elimination of the Crouse monitor would leave a hole in the ozone network in the area to
the west of Charlotte. The data from this monitor are also valuable in helping to
determine nonattainment boundaries and keeping Lincoln County or parts of Lincoln
County from being designated as nonattainment should the Metrolina area in the future
ever fail to attain the 2015 ozone standard. Lincoln County is one of the fastest-growing
counties in North Carolina and is one of the fastest-growing counties in the nation. It is
also located in the state’s largest MSA. DAQ will retain this site because this monitor is
important for attainment and maintenance plan development for the Metrolina area
especially if the ozone standard is lowered later this year.
Rockwell, 37-159-0021
As shown in Figure 35, Rockwell is in the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia MSA. The
ozone concentrations measured at Rockwell are sometimes among the highest ozone
concentrations measured in the MSA. DAQ believes the information collected at
Rockwell is important for adding to the understanding of pollution formation and
transport in the piedmont area. Rockwell is downwind of Charlotte and provides
information on the pollution being transferred out of Charlotte into the Winston-Salem
area. The division views this monitor as being a significant monitor for attainment and
maintenance plan development, especially if the ozone standard is lowered later this year.
Thus, DAQ plans to retain the Rockwell monitor.
The Rockwell
site is furthest
to the
northeast; the
Monroe site is
furthest to the
southeast; and
the Crouse site
is furthest to
the northwest.
The color of the
map indicates
the probability
of having at
least one
exceedance of
the 2015 ozone
standard of
0.070 parts per
Butner, 37-077-0001
Butner, shown in Figure 36, is in the Durham-Chapel Hill MSA. This monitor is
the third monitor in the Durham area. Because it is attaining the standard, not the design
value monitor for the MSA and is not required by Appendix D to 40 CFR Part 58, the
DAQ may consider shutting this monitor down sometime in the future. As shown in
Figure 36, the exceedance probability is low and does not vary throughout this area, so
the Butner area is probably well represented by the other monitors in the MSA.
Eventually, DAQ will need to replace the monitoring shelter and the site will need to be
relocated at that time. The DAQ may decide to deploy these resources in other parts of
the state where more need for ozone monitoring exists but does not contemplate such a
change in during the 2023 Ozone season.
Figure 36. Ozone monitors in the Durham-Chapel Hill area
Durham Armory, 37-063-0015
As shown in Figure 36, the Durham Armory site is in the Durham-Chapel Hill
MSA. The ozone concentrations measured at the Durham Armory are sometimes among
the highest ozone concentrations measured in the MSA. The Durham Armory site is a
multiple pollutant site located in Durham County, one of the fastest growing counties in
the state. DAQ believes the information collected at the Durham Armory monitor is
important for providing real-time air quality information to the residents of Durham and
for air quality forecasting. The division also views this monitor as being a significant
monitor for attainment and maintenance plan development, especially if the ozone
standard is lowered later this year. Thus, DAQ plans to retain the Durham Armory
Waynesville School, 37-087-0008
The Waynesville School monitor is in the Asheville MSA. This monitor is the
second monitor in the Asheville area. Because the design value for this MSA is less than
85 percent of the NAAQS and is attaining the standard and usually reports a design value
that is less than or equal to the design value reported by the Bent Creek monitor, DAQ
could consider shutting this site down. However, since the EPA is reconsidering the
ozone standard and the standard could be lowered requiring a second monitor in the
MSA, DAQ does not plan to shut this site down at this time as it would be expensive to
restart a site if the design value for the MSA goes back up over 85 percent of the standard
next year. Thus, DAQ plans to retain the Waynesville School monitor at this time.
Lenoir, 37-027-0003
The Lenoir monitor is in the Hickory-Lenoir-Morganton MSA. This monitor is
the second monitor in the Hickory area. Because the design value for this MSA is less
than 85 percent of the NAAQS and the Lenoir monitor is attaining the standard and not
the design value monitor, DAQ could consider shutting this site down. However, since
the EPA is reconsidering the ozone standard and the standard could be lowered requiring
a second monitor in the MSA, DAQ does not plan to shut this site down at this time as it
would be expensive to restart a site if the design value for the MSA goes back up over 85
percent of the standard next year. Thus, DAQ plans to retain the Lenoir monitor
Castle Hayne, 37-129-0002
The Castle Hayne monitor is in an area where there is a great deal of interest in
the air quality because there were once plans to build a cement facility across the road
from the monitor. DAQ believes it is important to maintain a monitor at this location. In
addition, nearby Pender County grew rapidly during the last decade. Pender County is the
57th fastest-growing county in the nation percentagewise in 2021- 2022.18 Thus, DAQ
plans to retain the Castle Hayne monitor.
Pitt County Agricultural Center, 37-147-0006
The Pitt County Agricultural Center monitor is in the Greenville MSA. DAQ
believes it is important to maintain a monitor at this location to provide real-time air
quality data to the public due to Eastern Carolina University, the medical school and
hospital. Thus, DAQ plans to retain the Pitt County Agricultural Center monitor.
18 Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Counties in the United States: April 1, 2020 to July 1,
2021 (CO-EST2021-POP), Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division, Release Date: March 2022.
Leggett, 37-065-0099
The Leggett monitor is in the Rocky Mount MSA. The monitor is valuable for
forecasting and providing real-time air quality information for the area. Thus, DAQ plans
to retain the Leggett monitor.
B. Analysis of Unmonitored Areas with Rapid Population Growth
DAQ also evaluated the state’s fastest-growing areas based on 2021 population
estimates. Of the 13 fastest-growing counties in North Carolina listed in Table 1, seven of
those counties lack an ozone monitor.
1. Brunswick County
Brunswick County, the 30th fastest-growing county in the nation percentagewise
between July 1, 2020 and July 1, 2021. It was the fastest-growing county in the North
Carolina last year, increasing by 5.7%. This county is impacted by growth in the
Wilmington, North Carolina and North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, areas. As of
February 2013, Brunswick County is one of two counties making up the Myrtle Beach-
Conway-North Myrtle Beach MSA. Before then, this county was part of the Wilmington
MSA. The Myrtle Beach-Conway-North Myrtle Beach MSA population exceeds
350,000, requiring an ozone monitor. The 2020 to 2022 design value for the MSA is less
than 85% of the standard. As shown in Figure 37, the probability of having one
exceedance of the 70-ppb ozone standard is less than 20%. DAQ has a monitoring
agreement with the SCDHEC, which in July 2016 established the Coastal Carolina
monitoring site in this MSA.
Figure 37. Probability of having one exceedance of the 70-ppb ozone standard in the
Myrtle Beach-Conway-North Myrtle Beach MSA
2. Cabarrus County
Cabarrus County, the 17th fastest-growing county in the state during the past year,
percentagewise, grew by 4,071 people or 1.7% between July 1, 2021 and July 1, 2022,
according to the latest census estimates. Cabarrus County is in the Charlotte-Concord-
Gastonia MSA. Currently, DAQ is required to operate two monitors in the MSA. As
shown in Figure 35, this MSA currently has seven ozone monitors, with one monitor to
the south in Union County, one to the north in Rowan County, and two to the southwest
in Mecklenburg County. The ozone exceedance probability for Cabarrus County
indicates the probability of having one exceedance of the 70-ppb ozone standard in this
county is as likely as the probability of having one exceedance at either of the two
monitors in Mecklenburg County. Thus, the existing monitors should adequately
characterize the air quality here. Currently, DAQ has no plans to monitor ozone here.
3. Camden County
The census bureau estimates Camden County grew by 272 people or 2.5%
between July 1, 2021 and July 1, 2022. It is the 7th fastest-growing county in the state
during July 1 2021- July 1 2022 period percentagewise. Camden County is in the
Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News MSA. Currently, DAQ is required to operate two
monitors in this MSA. As shown in Figure 38, VDEQ currently operates three ozone
monitors in this MSA. The ozone exceedance probability for this county indicates the
probability of having one exceedance of the 70-ppb ozone standard here is similar to the
probability of having an exceedance at one of these three monitors. Thus, the existing
monitors should adequately characterize the air quality in this county. DAQ has no plans
to monitor ozone here.
Figure 38. Probability of having one exceedance of the 70-ppb ozone
standard in the Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News MSA.
4. Currituck County
The census bureau estimates Currituck County grew by 1,301 people or 4.4%
between July 1, 2021 and July 1, 2022. It was the 29th fastest-growing county in the
nation during the 2020- 2021 time period. Currituck County, like Camden County, is in
the Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News MSA as shown in Figure 38. Like Camden
County, the ozone exceedance probability for this county indicates the probability of
having one exceedance of the 70-ppb ozone standard here is similar to the probability of
having an exceedance at one of the three monitors operated by VDEQ. Thus, the existing
monitors should adequately characterize the air quality in this county. DAQ has no plans
to monitor ozone here.
5. Franklin County
The census bureau estimates Franklin County to have grown by 2,742 people or
3.8 percent between July 1, 2021 and July 1, 2022. As shown in Figure 39, Franklin
County is part of the Raleigh MSA. Currently, there are two monitors in the Raleigh
MSA –Millbrook, 37-183-0014, and West Johnston, 37-101-0002. The 2020-2022 ozone
design value for the Raleigh MSA is at 86% of the standard. Based on the probability of
exceeding the standard shown in Figure 39, the division expects the ozone concentrations
in Franklin County to be the same as or lower than the ozone concentrations measured at
the two monitors in the MSA. Thus, the existing monitors should adequately characterize
the air quality in Franklin County. DAQ has no plans to monitor for ozone there.
Figure 39. Ozone monitors in the Raleigh MSA
6. Iredell County
Iredell County, was the 8th fastest-growing county in the state during the past year
and grew by 3,679 people or 1.9% between July 1, 2021 and July 1, 2022, according to
the 2022 census estimates. Iredell County is in the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia MSA.
Currently, DAQ is required to operate two monitors in the MSA. As shown in Figure 35,
this MSA currently has seven ozone monitors, with one monitor to the southwest in
Lincoln County, one to the southeast in Rowan County, and two to the south in
Mecklenburg County. The ozone exceedance probability for Iredell County indicates the
probability of having one exceedance of the 70-ppb ozone standard in this county is as
likely or less likely as the probability of having one exceedance at either of the two
monitors in Mecklenburg County. Thus, the existing monitors should adequately
characterize the air quality here. Currently, DAQ has no plans to monitor ozone here.
7. Pender County
Pender County grew by 2,665 people or 4.2% between July 1, 2021, and July 1,
2022, and is the 3rd fastest-growing county in the state during the last year,
percentagewise. Pender County is in the Wilmington MSA. Currently, DAQ is not
required to operate any ozone monitors in the MSA. However, the division operates an
ozone monitor at Castle Hayne in New Hanover County. The Castle Hayne monitor
indicates the ozone concentrations on the coast are currently at 83% of the NAAQS. The
ozone exceedance probability for Pender County shown in Figure 40 indicates the
probability of having one exceedance of the 70-ppb ozone standard in Pender County is
similar to the probability of having an exceedance at Castle Hayne. As a result, DAQ has
no plans to monitor for ozone in Pender County.
Figure 40. Probability of having one exceedance of the 70-ppb ozone standard in the
Wilmington MSA
C. Changes to Existing Monitors
As described in Section II. Summary of Proposed Changes, DAQ replaced shelters at
Wade and Lenoir. When funds become available, DAQ plans to replace shelters at Butner
(see Replacement of Monitoring Shelter and Possible Relocation of the Butner site in the
Durham MSA), and Bethany (see Replacement of Monitoring Shelter and Possible
Relocation of the Bethany site in the Greensboro MSA). At the end of the 2019 ozone
season, DAQ also added Nafion dryers to the ozone sampling probes at Linville Falls and
Monroe. DAQ used the dryers at these sites during the 2020 and 2021 ozone seasons and
discontinued their use in 2022.
D. DAQ Recommendations
The division recommends:
• Maintaining the current size of the network and all the currently operating
sites until after the reconsideration of the ozone standard;
• Not establishing any new ozone sites in 2023 or 2024;
• Evaluating the Butner site to determine if it should be maintained long-
term before the site is relocated and a new shelter is installed; and
E. Network Description
Figure 41 shows the locations of the ozone monitors operating in 2023. Table 15 through
Table 26 lists the locations, monitor type, operating schedules, monitoring objectives,
scales, statement of purpose and any proposed change to the monitor or site. All monitors
listed in these tables are suitable for comparison to the national ambient air quality
standards and meet the requirements of Appendices A, C, D and E of Part 58. All these
monitors use the EPA equivalent method designation EQOA-0880-047. All seasonal
monitors operate on an hourly schedule from March 1 through Oct. 31 each year, except
for the mountain top monitors, which will operate as soon after March 1 as the weather
will allow through Oct. 31. DAQ requested and received a waiver for the start of the
monitoring season for the mountaintop sites because authorities often close the roads
going to the sites during February. Several of the monitors operate year-round.
Figure 41. Location of 2022 ozone monitoring stations
Table 15 The Ozone Monitoring Network for the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia MSA a
AQS Site Id
Number: 37-109-0004 37-119-0041 b 37-119-0046 b 37-159-0021 37-179-0003
Site Name: Crouse Garinger University
Meadows Rockwell Monroe Middle
1130 Eastway Drive 1660 Pavilion Blvd 301 West Street 701 Charles Street
City: Lincolnton Charlotte Charlotte Rockwell Monroe
Latitude: 35.438556 35.2401 35.314158 35.551868 34.973889
Longitude: -81.276750 -80.7857 -80.713469 -80.395039 -80.540833
Monitor Type: SLAMS SLAMS / NCore SLAMS Special purpose Special purpose
3/1 to 10/31
Year round
3/1 to 10/31
Year round
3/1 to 10/31
Statement of
Compliance w/
reporting; ozone
AQI reporting.
Modeling; compliance
concentration Highest concentration Population exposure
Scale: Urban Neighborhood Urban Urban Neighborhood
Suitable for
Comparison to
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Requirements Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Table 15 The Ozone Monitoring Network for the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia MSA a
of Part 58,
Appendix A:
of Part 58,
Appendix C:
Yes: EQOA-0880-
Yes: EQOA-0880-
047 Yes: EQOA-0880-047 Yes: EQOA-0880-
of Part 58,
Appendix D:
Yes – not
required by
Appendix D
Yes - NCore Yes Yes – not required by
Appendix D
Yes – not required by
Appendix D
of Part 58,
Appendix E:
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Proposal to
Move or
None None None Site may relocate after
Nafion dryer
removed in 2022
a All monitors use an instrumental ultraviolet method, Air Quality System, AQS, method code 047. All monitors use the EPA
equivalent method designation EQOA-0880-047.
b Operated by Mecklenburg County Air Quality, AQS primary quality assurance organization and reporting agency 0669
Table 16 The Ozone Monitoring Network for the Raleigh MSA a
AQS Site Id Number: 37-101-0002 37-183-0014
Site Name: West Johnston Millbrook
Street Address: 1338 Jack Road c 3801 Spring Forest Road
City: Clayton Raleigh
Latitude: 35.590833 35.8561
Longitude: -78.461944 -78.5742
represented: Raleigh Raleigh
Monitor Type: SLAMS SLAMS / NCore
Operating Schedule: Hourly
3/1 to 10/31
Year round
Statement of Purpose:
Real-time AQI reporting
for the Raleigh MSA.
Compliance w/NAAQS.
SIP development
Maximum Concentration Site for
Raleigh MSA. Ozone precursor
monitoring Site. Real-time AQI
reporting for the Raleigh MSA.
Compliance w/NAAQS.
Monitoring Objective: General/background Maximum ozone concentration/
population exposure
Scale: Urban Neighborhood
Suitable for Comparison to
NAAQS: Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of Part
58, Appendix A: Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of Part
58, Appendix C: Yes: EQOA-0880-047 Yes: EQOA-0880-047
Meets Requirements of Part
58, Appendix D: Yes Yes - NCore
Meets Requirements of Part
58, Appendix E: Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or
Change: None None
a All monitors use an instrumental ultraviolet method, Air Quality System, AQS, method code
047. All monitors use the EPA equivalent method designation EQOA-0880-047.
Table 17 The Ozone Monitoring Network for the Greensboro-High Point MSA a
AQS Site Id Number: 37-081-0013 37-157-0099
Site Name: Mendenhall Bethany
Street Address: 205 Willoughby Blvd. 6371 NC 65
City: Greensboro Bethany
Latitude: 36.109167 36.308889
Longitude: -79.801111 -79.859167
represented: Greensboro-High Point Greensboro-High Point
Monitor Type: SLAMS SLAMS
Operating Schedule: Hourly
3/1 to 10/31
3/1 to 10/31
Statement of Purpose:
Maximum concentration site
downwind of the Greensboro-
High Point MSA. Compliance
w/NAAQS. Real-time AQI
reporting for the Greensboro-
Winston-Salem-High-Point CSA
Maximum ozone concentration
site downwind of the Winston-
Salem MSA. Real-time AQI
reporting for the Greensboro-
CSA. Compliance w/NAAQS.
Monitoring Objective: Population exposure Highest concentration
Scale: Urban Urban
Suitable for
Comparison to
Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix A: Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix C: Yes: EQOA-0880-047 Yes: EQOA-0880-047
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix D: Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix E: Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or
Change: None
Shelter may be replaced; site
may be relocated to
accommodate shelter
a All monitors use an instrumental ultraviolet method, Air Quality System, AQS, method code
047. All monitors use the EPA equivalent method designation EQOA-0880-047.
Table 18 The Ozone Monitoring Network for the Winston-Salem MSA a
AQS Site Id Number: 37-067-0022b 37-067-0030 b 37-067-1008 b
Site Name: Hattie Avenue Clemmons School Union Cross
Street Address: 1300 block of Hattie
Fraternity Church
3656 Piedmont
Memorial Drive
City: Winston-Salem Clemmons Union Cross
Latitude: 36.110556 36.026000 36.050833
Longitude: -80.226667 -80.342000 -80.143889
represented: Winston-Salem Winston-Salem Winston-Salem
Monitor Type: Other SLAMS SLAMS
Operating Schedule: Hourly; 3/1 to 10/31 Hourly; 3/1 to 10/31 Hourly; 3/1 to
Statement of Purpose:
Urban center city site
for modeling. Real-
time AQI reporting for
the Greensboro-
Point CSA.
. Real-time AQI
reporting for the
Salem-High Point
CSA. Compliance
Monitoring Objective: Population exposure Population exposure Population
Scale: Neighborhood Neighborhood Neighborhood
Suitable for
Comparison to
Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix A: Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix C: Yes: EQOA-0880-047 Yes: EQOA-0880-
Yes: EQOA-
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix D: Yes Yes – not required by
Appendix D Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix E: Yes Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or
Change: None None None
a All monitors use an instrumental ultraviolet method, AQS method code 047. All monitors use
the EPA equivalent method designation EQOA-0880-047.
b Operated by Forsyth County Office of Environmental Assistance and Protection, AQS
primary quality assurance organization and reporting agency 0403
Table 19 The Ozone Monitoring Network for the Durham-Chapel Hill MSA a
AQS Site Id Number: 37-063-0015 37-077-0001 37-145-0003
Site Name: Durham Armory Butner Bushy Fork
Street Address: 801 Stadium
Drive 800 Central Ave 7901 Burlington
City: Durham Butner Hurdle Mills
Latitude: 36.032944 36.141111 36.306965
Longitude: -78.905417 -78.768056 -79.091970
Hill Not in an MSA Durham-Chapel Hill
Operating Schedule: Hourly
3/1 to 10/31
3/1 to 10/31
3/1 to 10/31
Statement of Purpose:
concentration site
in the Durham-
Chapel Hill MSA.
Real-time AQI
reporting for the
Hill MSA.
Maximum concentration
site downwind for the
Durham-Chapel Hill
MSA. Modeling. Real-
time AQI reporting for the
Hill CSA. Compliance
Monitoring Objective: Population
exposure Highest concentration General/background
Scale: Neighborhood Urban Urban
Suitable for
Comparison to
Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix A: Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix C:
Yes: EQOA-
0880-047 Yes: EQOA-0880-047 Yes: EQOA-0880-
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix D: Yes Yes Yes – Not required
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix E: Yes Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or
Change: None Shelter may be replaced;
site may be relocated None
a All monitors use an instrumental ultraviolet method, Air Quality System, AQS, method code
047. All monitors use the EPA equivalent method designation EQOA-0880-047.
Table 20 The Ozone Monitoring Network for the Asheville MSA a
AQS Site Id Number: 37-021-0030 b 37-087-0008
Site Name: Bent Creek Waynesville E.S.
Street Address: Route 191 South 2236 Asheville Road
City: Asheville Waynesville
Latitude: 35.500102 35.507224
Longitude: -82.599860 -82.963625
represented: Asheville Asheville
Monitor Type: SLAMS SLAMS
Operating Schedule: Hourly
3/1 to 10/31
3/1 to 10/31
Statement of Purpose:
Industrial expansion monitoring
for PSD modeling. Real-time
AQI reporting. Compliance with
the NAAQS.
Low elevation, i.e., valley, site
for Haywood County. Real-
time AQI reporting. Modeling.
Compliance w/NAAQS.
Monitoring Objective: Maximum ozone concentration/
Highest concentration Population exposure
Scale: Urban Urban
Suitable for
Comparison to
Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix A: Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix C: Yes: EQOA-0880-047 Yes: EQOA-0880-047
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix D: Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix E: Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or
Change: None None
a All monitors use an instrumental ultraviolet method, Air Quality System, AQS, method code
047. All monitors use the EPA equivalent method designation EQOA-0880-047.
b Operated by Western North Carolina Regional Air Quality Agency, AQS reporting agency
Table 21. The Ozone Monitoring Network for the Fayetteville MSA a
AQS Site Id Number: 37-051-0011 37-051-0010
Site Name: Wade School Honeycutt E.S.
Street Address: 5721 Smithfield Road 4665 Lakewood Drive
City: Wade Fayetteville
Latitude: 35.1487 35.00
Longitude: -78.7068 -78.99
represented: Fayetteville Fayetteville
Monitor Type: SLAMS SLAMS
Operating Schedule: Hourly - 3/1 to 10/31 Hourly - 3/1 to 10/31
Statement of Purpose:
Maximum concentration site in
the Fayetteville MSA. Real-time
AQI reporting for the
Fayetteville MSA. Compliance
Upwind site in the Fayetteville
MSA. Real-time AQI reporting
for the Fayetteville MSA.
Compliance w/NAAQS
Monitoring Objective: Highest concentration Population exposure
Scale: Urban Neighborhood
Suitable for
Comparison to
Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix A: Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix C: Yes: EQOA-0880-047 Yes: EQOA-0880-047
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix D: Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix E: Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or
Site was relocated from Wade
and started on 3/1/2022 None
a All monitors use an instrumental ultraviolet method, Air Quality System, AQS, method code
047. All monitors use the EPA equivalent method designation EQOA-0880-047.
Table 22 The Ozone Monitoring Network for the Hickory MSA a
AQS Site Id Number: 37-003-0005 37-027-0003
Site Name: Taylorsville-Liledoun Lenoir
Street Address: 700 Liledoun Road 291 Nuway Circle
City: Taylorsville Lenoir
Latitude: 35.9139 35.935833
Longitude: -81.191 -81.530278
represented: Hickory Hickory
Monitor Type: SLAMS SLAMS
Operating Schedule: Hourly
3/1 to 10/31
3/1 to 10/31
Statement of Purpose: Compliance
Highest ozone-precursor concentration
site for Hickory MSA. Real-time AQI
reporting. Compliance w/NAAQS.
Monitoring Objective: General/ background General/ background
Scale: Urban Regional
Suitable for
Comparison to
Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix A: Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix C: Yes: EQOA-0880-047 Yes: EQOA-0880-047
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix D: Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix E: Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or
Change: None Monitoring shelter was replaced in 2021
a All monitors use an instrumental ultraviolet method, AQS method code 047. All monitors use
the EPA equivalent method designation EQOA-0880-047.
Table 23 The Ozone Monitoring Network for the
Wilmington, Greenville and Rocky Mount MSAs a
AQS Site Id
Number: 37-129-0002 37-147-0006 37-065-0099
Site Name: Castle Hayne Pitt County Ag
Center Leggett
Street Address: 6028 Holly Shelter
403 Government
Circle 7589 NC Hwy 33-NW
City: Castle Hayne Greenville Leggett
Latitude: 34.364167 35.638610 35.988333
Longitude: -77.838611 -77.358050 -77.582778
represented: Wilmington Greenville Rocky Mount
Operating Schedule: Hourly
3/1 to 10/31
3/1 to 10/31
3/1 to 10/31
Statement of
Real-time AQI
Real-time AQI
Real-time AQI
reporting. Compliance
Objective: Population exposure Population exposure General/ background
Scale: Neighborhood Neighborhood Regional
Suitable for
Comparison to
Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements
of Part 58, Appendix
Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements
of Part 58, Appendix
Yes: EQOA-0880-
Yes: EQOA-0880-
Yes: EQOA-0880-
Meets Requirements
of Part 58, Appendix
Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements
of Part 58, Appendix
Yes Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or
Monitoring shelter
was replaced in
None None
a All monitors use an instrumental ultraviolet method, Air Quality System, AQS, method code
047. All monitors use the EPA equivalent method designation EQOA-0880-047.
Table 24 The Ozone Monitoring Network for the Mountain Tops a
AQS Site Id
Number: 37-075-0001b 37-087-0035 37-087-0036 37-199-0004
Site Name: Joanna Bald Frying Pan Purchase Knob Mount Mitchell
Street Address: Forest Road
423 Spur
State Rd 450,
Blue Ridge Pkwy
Mile 409
6905 Purchase
2388 State Hwy
City: Robbinsville Pisgah Forest Waynesville, in
the GSMNP Burnsville
Latitude: 35.2578 35.379167 35.590000 35.765413
Longitude: -83.7955 -82.792500 -83.077500 -82.264944
Not in an MSA Not in an MSA Not in an MSA Not in an MSA
Monitor Type: Other Other Other Special purpose
4/1 to 10/31
4/1 to 10/31
4/1 to 10/31
4/1 to 10/31
Statement of
Operated in
with the USFS.
Located in a
Class I area.
Provides ozone
data for PSD
modeling for
Provides AQI
data for
Operated in
cooperation with
the USFS.
Located in a
Class I area and
collocated at an
Provides ozone
data for PSD
modeling for
Provides AQI
data for
recreational users.
Operated in
with the NPS.
Located in a
Class I area.
Provides ozone
data for PSD
modeling for
Provides AQI
data for
Provides ozone
data for PSD
modeling for
Provides AQI
data for
users. Modeling.
Welfare related
Welfare related
impacts/ general/
nal transport
Welfare related
Welfare related
impacts/ general/
Scale: Regional Regional Regional Regional
Table 24 The Ozone Monitoring Network for the Mountain Tops a
AQS Site Id
Number: 37-075-0001b 37-087-0035 37-087-0036 37-199-0004
Site Name: Joanna Bald Frying Pan Purchase Knob Mount Mitchell
Suitable for
Comparison to
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Requirements of
Part 58,
Appendix A:
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Requirements of
Part 58,
Appendix C:
Yes: EQOA-
Yes: EQOA-
Yes: EQOA-
Yes: EQOA-
Requirements of
Part 58,
Appendix D:
Yes – not
Yes – not
Yes – not
Yes – not
Requirements of
Part 58,
Appendix E:
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Proposal to
Move or
ozone season
starts when
weather allows
ozone season
starts when
weather allows
ozone season
starts when
weather allows
ozone season
starts when
weather allows
a All monitors use an instrumental ultraviolet method, Air Quality System, AQS, method code
047. All monitors use the EPA equivalent method designation EQOA-0880-047.
b This monitor is owned by the United States Forest Service and operated by the North
Carolina Division of Air Quality.
Table 25 The Ozone Monitoring Network for the Valley, Piedmont and Coastal Sites that
are not in an MSA (Part 1) a
AQS Site Id
Number: 37-011-0002 37-033-0001
Site Name: Linville Falls Cherry Grove
Street Address: 100 Linville Falls Road 7074 Cherry Grove Road
City: Linville Falls Reidsville
Latitude: 35.972222 36.307033
Longitude: -81.933056 -79.467417
represented: Not in an MSA Not in an MSA
Monitor Type: Other Other
Operating Schedule: Hourly
4/1 to 10/31
3/1 to 10/31
Statement of
Operated in cooperation with the
USFS. Located in a Class I area and
collocated at an IMPROVE site.
Provides ozone data for PSD modeling
for industrial expansion. Provides AQI
data for recreational users. Modeling.
Compliance w/NAAQS.
Extreme downwind site for
the Greensboro-High Point
MSA. Modeling. Real-time
AQI reporting for the
Salem-High Point CSA.
Compliance w/ NAAQS
Welfare related impacts/ general/
background General/ background
Scale: Urban Urban
Suitable for
Comparison to
Yes Yes
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix A:
Yes Yes
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix C:
Yes: EQOA-0880-047 Yes: EQOA-0880-047
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix D:
Yes – not required Yes – not required
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix E:
Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or
Change: Nafion dryer removed in 2022 None
a All monitors use an instrumental ultraviolet method, Air Quality System, AQS, method code
047. All monitors use the EPA equivalent method designation EQOA-0880-047.
b This monitor is owned by the United States Forest Service and operated by the North
Carolina Division of Air Quality.
Table 26 The Ozone Monitoring Network for the Valley, Piedmont and Coastal Sites that
are not in an MSA, Part 2 a
AQS Site Id Number: 37-107-0004 37-117-0001 37-173-0002
Site Name:
Jamesville Bryson City
Street Address: 231 Highway 58
S 1210 Hayes Street Parks & Rec Building,
Center Street
City: Kinston Jamesville Bryson City
Latitude: 35.231459 35.810690 35.434767
Longitude: -77.568792 -76.897820 -83.442133
represented: Not in an MSA Not in an MSA Not in an MSA
Monitor Type: Other SLAMS SLAMS
Operating Schedule: Hourly
3/1 to 10/31
3/1 to 10/31
3/1 to 10/31
Statement of Purpose: Compliance
Regional transport and
general background
site. Low elevation,
i.e. valley, mountain
site on the NC side of
the GSMNP.
Monitoring Objective: General/
background General/ background General/ background
Scale: Neighborhood Regional Neighborhood
Suitable for
Comparison to
Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix A: Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix C:
Yes: EQOA-
Yes: EQOA-0880-
Yes: EQOA-0880-
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix D:
Yes – not
required Yes – not required Yes – no required
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix E: Yes Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or
Change: None None None
a All monitors use an instrumental ultraviolet method, Air Quality System, AQS, method code
047. All monitors use the EPA equivalent method designation EQOA-0880-047.
VI. Particle Monitoring Network for Particles with Aerodynamic Diameters of 10
Micrometers or Less, or PM10
The DAQ monitors for particles of 10 micrometers or less aerodynamic diameter, or
PM10, in North Carolina at four permanent sites (Raleigh, Greensboro, Durham and Fayetteville)
and six rotating sites. The local programs operate PM10 monitors at three sites. In addition, the
Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, or VDEQ, operates PM10 monitors at two sites in
the Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News Metropolitan Statistical area, or MSA. Analysts and
modelers use these data to determine human health effect exposures in MSAs with over 500,000
people and to collect background levels for prevention of significant deterioration, also known as
PSD. DAQ also uses PM10 as a surrogate for PSD modeling for the state standard for total
suspended particulates, also known as TSP. Data from previous years, as shown in Figure 42,
indicate statewide levels of PM10 are well below the 24-hour standard.
Figure 42. Statewide trends for PM10
(from Air Quality Trends in North Carolina, October 2020, located at
Figure 43 through Figure 45 provide the highest PM10 concentrations measured in North
Carolina for the 10-year period ending in 2021. The high values in 2020 were due to the Saharan
dust storm in June. The monitoring regulations currently require a monitor to be attaining the
national ambient air quality standards, NAAQS, for the past five years before the operating
agency can shut down the monitor. All PM10 monitors operated in North Carolina in the last five
years have attained the NAAQS and have reported values less than 80 percent of the standard.
Thus, the only monitors the EPA requires the state to operate are the ones required to meet the
minimum monitoring requirements in 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix D, Table D-4 provided in
Figure 46 and those used to provide background data for PSD modeling.
Figure 43. Maximum 24-hour PM10 concentration in the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia MSA
Figure 44. Maximum 24-hour PM10 concentrations in North Carolina urban areas
Figure 45. Maximum PM10 concentrations for rotating background monitors in North
Figure 46. Table D-4 from 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix D
The estimated 2021 population of the MSA and the most recent PM10 ambient
concentration values for the area determines the number of required monitors for an area. Table
27 provides the 2021 estimated total population for the MSAs in North Carolina, the maximum
ambient daily concentration values as percentage of the NAAQS for 2021, the number of
required monitors based on 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix D, Table D-4 and the number of current
monitors operated by DAQ and the local programs. Currently, the division and the local
programs are operating the minimum number of required monitors in every MSA except for the
Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News, the Myrtle Beach-Conway-North Myrtle Beach, and the
Raleigh MSA. DAQ has a written agreement with the VDEQ, Office of Air Quality Monitoring,
that VDEQ will maintain the minimum required number of monitors for the Virginia Beach-
Norfolk-Newport News MSA.19 DAQ also has a monitoring agreement with the South Carolina
Department of Health and Environmental Control.20 SC has proposed starting PM10 monitoring
at the Coastal Carolina Monitoring site by the end of 2023.
Table 27 Ambient Concentrations and Required Number of PM10 Monitors
for North Carolina Metropolitan Statistical Areas, MSA
2021 a
2022 PM10 24-Hour
Maximum Ambient
Concentration, as
percent of NAAQS
Number of Monitors
operated in North
Required b Current
Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia 2,701,046 26 2-4 2
Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News, VA-NC 1,803,328 31 2-4 0 c
Raleigh 1,448,411 21 2-4 1d
Greensboro-High Point 778,848 17 1-2 1
Winston-Salem 681,438 22 1-2 1
Durham-Chapel Hill 654,012 19 1-2 1
Fayetteville 524,588 28 1-2 1
Myrtle Beach-Conway-North Myrtle Beach, SC-
NC 509,794 Not Available 1-2 0
Asheville 472,341 20 e 0-1 0
Hickory 366,441 16* 0-1 rotating
Wilmington 291,833 30 0-1 rotating
Jacksonville 206,160 25 g 0 0
Burlington 173,877 Not Available 0 0
Greenville 172,169 Not Available 0 0
Rocky Mount 143,535 30 h 0 0
New Bern 122,273 Not Available 0 0
Goldsboro 116,835 21 g 0 0
a Source: Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Metropolitan Statistical Areas in the United
States and Puerto Rico: April 1, 2020 to July 1, 2021 (CBSA-MET-EST2021-POP), U.S. Census Bureau,
Population Division, Released March 2022, available online at https://www.census.gov/data/tables/time-
b 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix D, Table D-4
c The Virginia Department of Environment operates two PM10 monitors
d DAQ received a waiver in 2008, renewed in 2015 and 2020, for the second required PM10 monitor
e PM10 24-hour maximum ambient concentration is from 2009
*PM10 24-hour maximum ambient concentration is from the rotating monitor in Taylorsville which collected
data for 49 percent of the days in 2020.
g PM10 24-hour maximum ambient concentration is from 2007
h PM10 24-hour maximum ambient concentration is from 2006
19 See Appendix H. Monitoring Agreement between Virginia and North Carolina for the Virginia Beach-Norfolk-
Newport News Metropolitan Statistical Area.
20 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) on Criteria Monitoring Between SCDHEC and NCDENR DAQ, July 1,
2015, Available on the worldwide web at
DAQ received a waiver from the EPA for the second required monitor in the Raleigh
MSA. The EPA granted the waiver because PM10 values recorded in the Raleigh MSA have been
less than 50 percent of the NAAQS except when exceptional events on June 12, 2008 (smoke
from a fire), and June 28, 2020 (dust from Africa), or asphalt paving of the next-door parking lot
on April 8, 2021, affected the monitor at the Millbrook School site.
DAQ shut down the PM10 monitor at Hickory at the end of 2014 because the division did
not use the data for PSD modeling, the measured concentrations were less than 40 percent of the
standard and trending downward, and the population in Hickory is less than 500,000.
In 2011, DAQ modified its PM10 PSD monitoring network by establishing a network of
rotating background PM10 sites. One to three PM10 monitors operate each year, and each site
operates once every 39 months. Because the division shut down the Grier-School particle
monitoring site in Gastonia at the end of 2014, DAQ replaced the rotating PM10 monitor at Grier
School with a rotating PM10 monitor at the Taylorsville Liledoun site. Likewise, when DAQ shut
down the Marion and Kenansville particle monitoring sites, DAQ moved the rotating PM10
monitors at those sites to the Lenoir Community College, or LCC, site in Kinston and the Castle
Hayne site in Wilmington. Thus, the six PM10 rotating background sites are:
• Castle Hayne, Candor and LCC, which operated from October 1, 2020, to November
2, 2021; and which are scheduled to run from 09/23/23 through 10/31/24
• Jamesville, which operated from July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022;
• Cherry Grove, which operated in 2020 and which has operated since 12/18/22 and
will continue to operate through 01/07/24 and
• Taylorsville Liledoun, which operated from July 2019 through June 2020 and
restarted operation on 06/24/22 and will operate through 06/30/23.
Two of these six sites, Candor and Castle Hayne, are also fine particle monitoring sites. The
other four sites are ozone-monitoring sites.
The monitoring regulations promulgated in 2006 include a method for measuring coarse
particles. The coarse particle monitoring method measures coarse particles by the difference
between the measured PM10 concentration and the fine particle concentration measured using the
same sampling and analytical method. DAQ purchased two coarse particle BAM monitors and
two coarse-particle optical monitors. After May 5, 2021, DAQ will shut down the coarse particle
BAM monitor at Millbrook and only operate the coarse particle optical monitor at that site.
Currently, DAQ is collecting coarse particle data at three sites, Millbrook (37-183-0014),
Durham Armory (37-063-0015) and Castle Hayne (37-129-0002), a rotating PM10 site. By mid-
January 2016, the division had converted all manual PM10 high volume samplers to continuous
PM10 low volume samplers.
Figure 47 provides the locations of the SLAMS and rotating PM10-monitoring sites. In
addition, Figure 47 shows the sites that measure PM10-2.5 also known as coarse particles. The
three Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE) sites in North
Carolina, at Swanquarter, Frying Pan Mountain and Linville Falls, not shown on the map, also
measure PM10-2.5. Table 28 through Table 32 list the locations, monitor type, operating
schedules, monitoring objectives, scales, statement of purpose, status for each current and
proposed monitoring site regarding whether it is suitable for comparison to the NAAQS and
meets the requirements in Appendices A, C, D and E of 40 CFR Part 58 and any proposed
changes to the network. All monitors listed in these tables are suitable for comparison to the
NAAQS. All monitors meet the requirements of Appendices A, C, D and E of 40 CFR Part 58.
All monitors operate year-round.
Figure 47. 2022-2023 PM10 Monitor Locations
Table 28 PM10 Monitoring Network for the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia MSA a
AQS Site Id Number: 37-119-0041 b 371190047 b
Site Name: Garinger High School Ramblewood Park
Street Address: 1130 Eastway Drive 10200 Nations Ford Road
City: Charlotte Charlotte
Latitude: 35.2401 35.12395
Longitude: -80.7857 -80.90758
Gastonia Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia
Monitor Type: SLAMS SLAMS
Operating Schedule: Hourly Hourly
Statement of Purpose:
Required by Appendix D.
Compliance w/NAAQS.
Industrial expansion
monitoring for PSD
Required by Appendix D.
Compliance w/NAAQS.
Industrial expansion monitoring
for PSD modeling.
Monitoring Objective: Population exposure Population exposure
Scale: Neighborhood Neighborhood
Suitable for Comparison to
NAAQS: Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of Part
58, Appendix A: Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of Part
58, Appendix C: Yes: EQPM-0798-122 Yes: EQPM-0798-122
Meets Requirements of Part
58, Appendix D: Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of Part
58, Appendix E: Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or
Change: None None
a Both monitors are a Met One 1020 beta attenuation monitor, Air Quality System, AQS,
method code 122. It uses the EPA equivalent method designation EQPM-0798-122.
b Operated by Mecklenburg County Air Quality, AQS primary quality assurance organization
and reporting agency 0669
Table 29 PM10 Monitoring Network for the Raleigh-Durham-Cary CSA a
AQS Site Id
Number: 37-063-0015 37-183-0014
Site Name: Durham Armory Millbrook
Street Address: 801 Stadium Drive 3801 Spring Forest Road
City: Durham Raleigh
Latitude: 36.032944 35.8561
Longitude: -78.905417 -78.5742
represented: Durham-Chapel Hill Raleigh
Monitor Type: SLAMS SLAMS
Operating Schedule: Hourly Hourly
Statement of
Required by Appendix D.
Compliance w/NAAQS.
Industrial expansion monitoring
for PSD modeling.
Required by Appendix D.
Compliance w/NAAQS.
Industrial expansion monitoring
for PSD modeling.
Objective: Population exposure Population exposure
Scale: Neighborhood Neighborhood
Suitable for
Comparison to
Yes Yes
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix A:
Yes Yes
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix C:
Yes: EQPM-0798-122 Yes: EQPM-0516-239
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix D:
Yes Yes
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix E:
Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or
Change: None None
a The Durham Armory monitor is a Met One 1020 beta attenuation monitor, Air Quality
System, AQS, method code 122. It uses the EPA equivalent method designation EQPM-0798-
122. The Millbrook monitor is a Teledyne T640X monitor. The Teledyne API T640X operates
at 16.67 LPM, AQS Method Code 239, U.S. EPA equivalent method designation EQPM-
0516-239. Both monitors are also used to calculate and report PM10-2.5.
Table 30 The PM10 Monitoring Network for the Greensboro-Winston-Salem-High Point
AQS Site Id
Number: 37-067-0022a 37-081-0013b
Site Name: Hattie Avenue Mendenhall School
Street Address: 1300 block of Hattie Avenue 205 Willoughby Blvd.
City: Winston-Salem Greensboro
Latitude: 36.110556 36.109167
Longitude: -80.226667 -79.801111
represented: Winston-Salem Greensboro-High Point
Monitor Type: SLAMS SLAMS
Operating Schedule: Hourly Hourly
Statement of
Required by Appendix D.
Compliance w/NAAQS. Industrial
expansion monitoring for PSD
Required by Appendix D.
Compliance w/NAAQS.
Industrial expansion monitoring
for PSD modeling.
Objective: Population exposure Population exposure/ general/
Scale: Neighborhood Neighborhood/urban
Suitable for
Comparison to
Yes Yes
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix A:
Yes Yes
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix C:
Yes: EQPM-0516-239 EQPM-0798-122
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix D:
Yes Yes
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix E:
Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or
Change: None None
a Operated by Forsyth County Office of Environmental Assistance and Protection, AQS
primary quality assurance organization and reporting agency 0403. Monitor uses a Teledyne
API T640X at 16.67 LPM, AQS Method Code 239, U.S. EPA equivalent method designation
EQPM-0516-239. This monitor also reports PM10-2.5.
b This monitor uses a Met One 1020 beta attenuation monitor, Air Quality System, AQS,
method code 122. This monitor uses the EPA equivalent method designation EQPM-0798-122.
Table 31 The PM10 Monitoring Network for the Fayetteville, Hickory, and Wilmington
MSAs a
AQS Site Id Number: 370510009 37-003-0005 37-129-0002
Site Name: William Owen Taylorsville-
Liledoun Castle Hayne
Street Address: 4533 Raeford Road 700 Liledoun
6028 Holly Shelter
City: Fayetteville Taylorsville Castle Hayne
Latitude: 35.041416 35.9139 34.364167
Longitude: -78.953112 -81.191 -77.838611
represented: Fayetteville Hickory Wilmington
Monitor Type: SLAMS Special purpose Special purpose
Operating Schedule: Hourly Hourly
3-year rotation
3-year rotation
Statement of Purpose:
Required by Appendix
D. Compliance
w/NAAQS. Industrial
expansion monitoring
for PSD modeling.
monitoring for
PSD modeling
Industrial expansion
monitoring for PSD
Monitoring Objective: Population exposure General/
background General/ background
Scale: Urban Urban Urban
Suitable for
Comparison to
Yes, but only
operated for one
year at a time
Yes, but only operated
for one year at a time
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix A: Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix C: EQPM-0798-122 EQPM-0798-122 EQPM-0516-239
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix D: Yes
Yes – not
required by
Appendix D
Yes – not required by
Appendix D
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix E: Yes Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or
Change: None
started on
06/24/22 and
will end on
Monitoring will start
a The William Owen and Taylorsville Liledoun monitors use a Met One 1020 beta attenuation
monitor, Air Quality System, AQS, method code 122. The EPA equivalent method designation
is EQPM-0798-122. The Castle Hayne monitor is a Teledyne T640X monitor. The Teledyne
API T640X operates at 16.67 LPM, AQS Method Code 239, U.S. EPA equivalent method
designation EQPM-0516-239. This monitor is also used to calculate and report PM10-2.5.
Table 32 The PM10 Monitoring Network for the Valley, Piedmont and Coastal Sites that
are not in an MSA a
AQS Site Id
Number: 37-033-0001 37-107-0004 37-117-0001 37-123-0001
Site Name: Cherry Grove
Jamesville Candor
7074 Cherry
Grove Road
231 Highway 58
S 1210 Hayes Street 126 Perry Drive
City: Reidsville Kinston Jamesville Candor
Latitude: 36.307033 35.231459 35.810690 35.263165
Longitude: -79.467417 -77.568792 -76.897820 -79.836636
Not in an MSA
Not in an MSA
but in the
Kinston, NC
Statistical Area
Not in an MSA Not in an MSA
Monitor Type: Special purpose Special purpose Special purpose Special purpose
3-year rotation
3-year rotation
3-year rotation
3-year rotation
Statement of
monitoring for
PSD modeling
for northern
piedmont areas
monitoring for
PSD modeling
for coastal areas
monitoring for
PSD modeling for
northern coastal
monitoring for
PSD modeling
for sand hill
welfare related
Scale: Urban Urban Urban Regional
Suitable for
Comparison to
Yes, but only
operated for one
year at a time
Yes, but only
operated for one
year at a time
Yes, but only
operated for one
year at a time
Yes, but only
operated for one
year at a time
Meets Part 58,
Appendix A
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Meets Part 58,
Appendix C
122 EQPM-0798-122 EQPM-0798-122 EQPM-0798-
Meets Part 58,
Appendix D
Yes – not
required by
Appendix D
Yes – not
required by
Appendix D
Yes – not
required by
Appendix D
Yes – not
required by
Appendix D
Table 32 The PM10 Monitoring Network for the Valley, Piedmont and Coastal Sites that
are not in an MSA a
AQS Site Id
Number: 37-033-0001 37-107-0004 37-117-0001 37-123-0001
Site Name: Cherry Grove
Jamesville Candor
Meets Part 58,
Appendix E
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Proposal to
Move or
started on
12/18/22 and
will end
Monitoring will
resume on
Monitoring ended
on 06/30/22
Monitoring will
resume on
a All monitors use a Met One 1020 beta attenuation monitor, Air Quality System, AQS,
method code 122. All monitors use the EPA equivalent method designation EQPM-0798-122.
The Castle Hayne monitor is a Teledyne T640X monitor. The Teledyne API T640X operates
at 16.67 LPM, AQS Method Code 239, U.S. EPA equivalent method designation EQPM-
VII. Fine Particle, PM2.5, Monitoring Network
This section contains three subsections. The first discusses the network of federal reference
method, or FRM, and federal equivalent method, or FEM, fine particle monitors used to
determine compliance with the national ambient air quality standards, or NAAQS. The second
section discusses the continuous fine particle monitors used for air quality forecasting, real-time
reporting and air quality index reporting. Sixteen of these monitors are FEMs that are also part of
the FRM/FEM network. The third section discusses the fine particle manual speciation monitors.
A. The Federal Reference Method and Federal Equivalent Method Network
The DAQ currently operates 15 FRM or FEM fine particle monitoring sites, the local
programs operate six, and a tribal program operates one. The United States Environmental
Protection Agency, or EPA, has approved the monitors at these sites so DAQ can use them to
determine compliance with the NAAQS. DAQ believes this network is sufficient:
• To protect the health and welfare of the people and environment in North
Carolina, as well as
• To provide information on how fine particles are transported to and within the
• To identify the parts of the state with the highest concentrations of fine particles
• To know where fine particle concentrations do and do not exceed the NAAQS.
Data from previous years, as shown in Figure 48, indicate statewide levels of fine particles are
below the 24-hour and annual standards established by the EPA.
Figure 48. Statewide trends for fine particles
(from Air Quality Trends in North Carolina, October 2020, located at
Figure 49 through Figure 60 provides the fine-particle design values for the monitors in
North Carolina for the past 10 years. This information is important because the monitoring
regulations require a monitor to be attaining the NAAQS for the past five years before the
operating agency can shut down the monitor. See 40 CFR Section 58.14(c)(1). All the currently
operating FRM/FEM monitors meet this requirement. The regulations at 40 CFR Part 58,
Appendix D Section 4.7 requires ten monitors:
• Garinger and Remount Road in the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia MSA;
• Millbrook and Triple Oak in the Raleigh MSA;
• Mendenhall in the Greensboro MSA;
• Hattie Avenue in the Winston-Salem MSA;
• Durham Armory in the Durham MSA;
• William Owen in the Fayetteville MSA;
• Bryson City as a transport monitor; and
• Candor as a background monitor.
Two monitors, Hickory and Lexington, are required in the December 2009 Redesignation and
Maintenance Plan for Fine Particulate Matter.21
Figure 49. Measured daily fine particle design values in the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia
21 “Redesignation Demonstration and Maintenance Plan for the Hickory and Greensboro/Winston-Salem/High Point
Fine Particulate Matter Nonattainment Areas” State Implementation Plan (SIP), Dec. 18, 2009, available online at
Figure 50. Annual design values measured in the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia MSA
Figure 51. Daily fine-particle design values measured in the Raleigh-Durham CSA
Figure 52. Annual fine-particle design values measured in the Raleigh-Durham CSA
Figure 53. Daily fine-particle design values measured in the Greensboro-Winston-Salem
Figure 54. Annual fine-particle design values measured in the Greensboro-Winston-Salem
Figure 55. Daily fine-particle design values measured in western North Carolina
Figure 56. Annual fine-particle design values measured in western North Carolina
Figure 57. Daily fine-particle design values measured in central North Carolina
Figure 58. Annual fine-particle design values measured in central North Carolina
Figure 59. Daily design values measured in eastern North Carolina
Figure 60. Annual fine-particle design values measured in eastern North Carolina
The remaining ten monitors are less than 80% of the standard and may meet the
additional requirement of having less than 10% probability of exceeding 80% of the NAAQS
during the next three years, as required in 40 CFR Section 58.14(c)(1), based on design value
trends and model predictions. Thus, there are 10 monitors, two operated by local programs that
are not part of the DAQ PQAO, one operated by the tribal program, and seven operated by the
DAQ PQAO, that are not required by Appendix D of 40 CFR Part 58 or by the state
implementation plan and that could potentially meet all the requirements of 40 CFR Section
58.14(c)(1) to be shut down. DAQ reviewed the seven monitors operated by the division and
ABAQA as well as their current monitoring objectives and determined these seven monitors are
still required to meet state objectives and provide an adequate background network for
prevention of significant deterioration permitting and modeling. These seven monitors are:
• 37-021-0034 at the Board of Education in the Asheville MSA;
• 37-101-0002 at West Johnston in the Raleigh MSA;
• 37-121-0004 at Spruce Pine in Mitchell County
• 37-129-0002 at Castle Hayne in the Wilmington MSA;
• 37-131-0003 in Northampton County;
• 37-147-0006 at the Pitt County Ag Center in the Greenville MSA; and
• 37-159-0021 at Rockwell in Rowan County and the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia
DAQ and ABAQA decided to continue operating these seven monitors for the following reasons:
• The Board of Education, 37-021-0034, monitor is needed to provide AQI data and
real time data for the Asheville MSA. Also, the Asheville MSA will soon cross
the 500,000-population threshold that will require the MSA to have a monitor.
• The West Johnston, 37-101-0002, monitor is in one of the fastest-growing areas
of the state as well as the nation. Johnston County is North Carolina’s 2nd fastest
growing count percentagewise and the nation’s 45th fastest-growing county
percentagewise on an annual basis and 38th fastest-growing county in population.
• The Spruce Pine, 37-121-0004, monitor is in a mining community and monitors
potential mining activity impacts.
• The Castle Hayne, 37-129-0002, monitor is in an area where there is a great deal
of interest in the air quality because there were once plans to build a concrete
facility across the road from the monitor. DAQ believes it is important to maintain
a design value monitor at this location. In addition, nearby Pender County grew
rapidly during the past decade. Pender County is the 57th fastest-growing county
in the nation for the last year.
• The Northampton County, 37-131-0003, monitor is needed to provide background
data for Northampton County.
• The Pitt County Agricultural Center, 37-147-0006, monitor is in Greenville, one
of the largest urban areas in northern coastal North Carolina. Having a fine
particle monitor here is important when there are wildfires in the area. DAQ also
does air quality forecasting for this area.
• The Rockwell, 37-159-0021, monitor is needed to maintain adequate spatial
coverage for the fine particle monitoring network. Without it, there is a hole in
coverage for the corridor between Charlotte and Winston-Salem. DAQ needs the
data from this monitor for PSD modeling.
The reasons for continued operation of these monitors are consistent with the federal guidelines
in 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix D, Section 1.1.1, which states:
“…a network must be designed with a variety of types of monitoring sites.
Monitoring sites must be capable of informing managers about many things
including the peak air pollution levels, typical levels in populated areas, air
pollution transported into and outside of a city or region and air pollution levels
near specific sources.”
These monitors are necessary for the staff of DAQ to make informed decisions and provide air
quality information to the public to inform public health and welfare decisions.
Thus, the current network continues to meet the goals of DAQ to protect the public health
and welfare. Thus, DAQ believes the 2022 fine particle network shown in Figure 61 is an
adequate network to protect human health and environmental welfare and DAQ should continue
to operate this network in 2023 and 2024.
Figure 61. Current 2023 and proposed 2024 federal reference and equivalent method
monitoring network
Other fine particle monitors that DAQ could consider shutting down are those monitors
that exceed the minimum number of monitors required in 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix D, Table D-
5 provided in Figure 62. The latest estimated population of the metropolitan statistical area, or
MSA, and the most recent fine particle 24-hour and annual design value for the area determines
the number of required monitors for an area. Table 33 provides the 2021 population estimates for
the MSAs in North Carolina, the design values for 2020-2022, the number of required monitors
based on Appendix D and the number of current monitors operated by DAQ and the local
programs. Currently, DAQ and the local programs are operating at least the minimum number of
required monitors in all but the Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News MSA and the Myrtle
Beach-Conway-North Myrtle Beach MSA. DAQ has a written agreement with the Virginia
Department of Environmental Quality, VDEQ, Office of Air Quality Monitoring, that VDEQ
will maintain the minimum required number of monitors for the Virginia Beach-Norfolk-
Newport News MSA.22 According to the U.S. Census 2021 population estimate, the population
in the Myrtle Beach-Conway-North Myrtle Beach MSA is above the threshold, requiring one
PM2.5 monitor. The PM2.5 and the PM10 monitors have been approved by EPA to be located at
the Coastal Carolina site. In 2022, the annual and daily fine-particle design values in North
Carolina remained the same or showed some small increase, maintaining the number of required
monitors in MSAs throughout the state.
22 See Appendix H. Monitoring Agreement between Virginia and North Carolina for the Virginia Beach-Norfolk-
Newport News Metropolitan Statistical Area.
Figure 62. Title 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix D, Table D-5
Table 33 Design Values and Required Fine Particle Monitors for North Carolina
Metropolitan Statistical Areas, MSA
2021 a
2020-2022 Fine
Particle Design
Value, as percent of
Number of Monitors
operated in North
Carolina b
24-Hour Annual Required c Current
NC-SC 2,701,046 54 73 2 4
Virginia Beach-Norfolk-
Newport News, VA-NC 1,803,328 39 54 2 0 d
Raleigh, NC 1,448,411 54 70 2 3
Greensboro-High Point 778,848 46 62 1 1
Winston-Salem 681,438 54 70 1 3
Durham- Chapel Hill 654,012 46 61 1 1
Fayetteville 524,588 51 63 1 1
Myrtle Beach-Conway-North
Myrtle Beach, SC-NC 509,794 Not available 1 0
Asheville 472,341 40 48 0 1
Table 33 Design Values and Required Fine Particle Monitors for North Carolina
Metropolitan Statistical Areas, MSA
2021 a
2020-2022 Fine
Particle Design
Value, as percent of
Number of Monitors
operated in North
Carolina b
24-Hour Annual Required c Current
Hickory 366,441 51 68 0 1
Wilmington 291,833 34 37 0 1
Jacksonville 206,160 Not available 0 0
Burlington 173,877 Not available 0 0
Greenville 172,169 40 51 0 1
Rocky Mount 143,535 Not available 0 0
New Bern 122,273 Not available 0 0
Goldsboro 116,835 Not available 0 0
a Source: Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Metropolitan Statistical Areas in the
United States and Puerto Rico: April 1, 2020 to July 1, 2021 (CBSA-MET-EST2021-POP), U.S.
Census Bureau, Population Division, Released March 2022, available online at
b Includes monitors operated by DAQ and the local programs.
c Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40 Protection of the Environment, Part 58 Ambient Air
Quality Surveillance, Appendix D Network Design Criteria for Ambient Air Quality Monitoring,
Table D-5, available on the worldwide web at http://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-
d Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, VDEQ, Office of Air Quality Monitoring
operates three monitors in this MSA.
The following tables provide the information required by 40 CFR Part 58 to be included
in the network plan. Table 34 through Table 39 provide the locations of the current FRM/FEM
fine particle-monitoring sites, the monitor type, operating schedules, monitoring objectives,
scales and statement of purpose for all the current and proposed monitors in the North Carolina
fine particle monitoring network. All monitors listed in these tables are suitable for comparison
to the NAAQS. All the monitors meet the requirements of Appendices A, C, D and E of 40 CFR
Part 58.
On Oct. 1, 2020, the Durham Armory, 37-063-0015, site stopped using the EPA reference
method designation RFPS-1006-145, AQS method code 145 and started using the EPA
automated equivalent method EQPM-0308-170, AQS method code 170 (that is a Met One BAM
1020 monitor). Also, on Oct. 1, 2020, the Millbrook, 37-183-0014, site stopped using the EPA
reference method as the primary method and started using the EPA automated equivalent method
EQPM-0516-238, AQS method code 238 (that is a Teledyne T640X monitor). A collocated
FRM monitor also operates at the Millbrook site.
Table 34 The NAAQS Fine Particle Monitoring Network for the
Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia MSA a
AQS Site Id Number: 37-119-0041b 37-119-0045 b 37-119-
0048 b 37-159-0021
Site Name: Garinger Remount Road Friendship
Street Address: 1130 Eastway
902 Remount
2310 Cindy
Lane 301 West Street
City: Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Rockwell
Latitude: 35.2401 35.212657 35.281791 35.551868
Longitude: -80.7857 -80.874401 -80.851473 -80.395039
Monitor Type: SLAMS /
SLAMS SLAMS Special Purpose
Operating Schedule:
collocated with
a 1-in-3 day
Hourly, collocated
with a 1-in-12 day Hourly Hourly
Statement of Purpose:
1 of 2 required
monitors in
Near road
monitoring site.
AQI reporting.
w/NAAQS. 1 of 2
required monitors
in Charlotte-
AQI reporting.
Monitoring Objective: Population
exposure Source-oriented Population
Scale: Neighborhood Microscale Neighborho
od Neighborhood
Suitable for
Comparison to
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix A: Yes Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix C:
Yes – EQPM-
Yes – EQPM-
Yes –
Yes – EQPM-
Table 34 The NAAQS Fine Particle Monitoring Network for the
Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia MSA a
AQS Site Id Number: 37-119-0041b 37-119-0045 b 37-119-
0048 b 37-159-0021
Site Name: Garinger Remount Road Friendship
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix D:
Yes- NCore, 1
of 2 required
monitors for
the Charlotte-
Yes –near road, 1
of 2 required
monitors for the
Yes, not
required by
Appendix D
Yes, not
required by
Appendix D
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix E: Yes Yes Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or
Change: None None None
Site may be
relocated after
a All monitors that are not NCore use a Met One BAM-1022 Monitor, AQS method code 209.
The NCore monitor uses a BAM 1020, AQS method code 170. All monitors operate year-
b Mecklenburg County Air Quality, AQS reporting agency 0669, operates these monitors.
Table 35 The NAAQS Fine Particle Monitoring Network for the Raleigh MSA a
AQS Site Id
Number: 37-101-0002 37-183-0014 37-183-0021
Site Name: West
Johnston Millbrook Triple Oak Road
Street Address: 1338 Jack
Road c 3801 Spring Forest Road 2826 Triple Oak
City: Clayton Raleigh Cary
Latitude: 35.590833 35.8561 35.8654
Longitude: -78.461944 -78.5742 -78.8195
represented: Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh
Monitor Type: SLAMS SLAMS / NCore SLAMS
Operating Schedule: Hourly Hourly
Collocated w/1-in-3 day Hourly
Statement of
1 of 2 required monitors in
Raleigh MSA. AQI
reporting. Compliance
w/NAAQS. Air quality
Near road monitoring
site. AQI reporting.
exposure Population exposure Source-oriented
Scale: Neighborhood Neighborhood Micro-scale
Table 35 The NAAQS Fine Particle Monitoring Network for the Raleigh MSA a
AQS Site Id
Number: 37-101-0002 37-183-0014 37-183-0021
Site Name: West
Johnston Millbrook Triple Oak Road
Suitable for
Comparison to
Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix A:
collocated with RFPS-1006-
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix C:
Yes – EQPM-
1013-209 Yes - EQPM-0516-238 Yes – EQPM-1013-
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix D:
Yes – not
required by
Appendix D
Yes - 1 of 2 required
monitors for the Raleigh
MSA. Also required for
Yes – near road; 1 of
2 required monitors
for the Raleigh MSA.
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix E:
Yes Yes
No, but DAQ has a
waiver for trees
behind the monitor
Proposal to Move or
Change: None Monitoring method changed
on 10/1/2020 None
a The monitor at Millbrook uses a Teledyne-API T640X at 16.67 LPM, Air Quality System,
AQS method code 238. This monitor is collocated with a Thermo Model 2025i PM2.5
Sequential Monitor with a very sharp cut cyclone, Air Quality System, AQS method code 145.
The monitors at West Johnston and Triple Oak use a Met One BAM-1022 Monitor, AQS
method code 209.
Table 36 The NAAQS Fine Particle Monitoring Network for the Winston-Salem and
Greensboro-High Point MSAs a
AQS Site Id
Number: 370570002 37-067-0022b 37-067-0030 b 37-081-0013
Site Name: Lexington
Water Tower Hattie Avenue Clemmons
Middle School Mendenhall
Street Address:
938 South
1300 block of
Hattie Avenue
Fraternity Church
City: Lexington Winston-
Winston-Salem Greensboro
Latitude: 35.814444 36.110556 36.026 36.109167
Longitude: -80.262500 -80.226667 -80.342 -79.801111
represented: Winston-Salem Winston-
Salem Winston-Salem Greensboro-
High Point
Table 36 The NAAQS Fine Particle Monitoring Network for the Winston-Salem and
Greensboro-High Point MSAs a
AQS Site Id
Number: 370570002 37-067-0022b 37-067-0030 b 37-081-0013
Site Name: Lexington
Water Tower Hattie Avenue Clemmons
Middle School Mendenhall
Operating Schedule:
w/1-in-6 day
w/1-in-3 day
Collocated w/1-
in-6 day
Statement of
monitor for
area & the
AQI reporting.
monitor in
High Point
exposure /
general /
Scale: Neighborhood Neighborhood Neighborhood Neighborhood
Suitable for
Comparison to
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix A:
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix C:
Yes – EQPM-
Yes - EQPM-
Yes - EQPM-
Yes – EQPM-
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix D:
Yes- Required
monitor by
Yes – not
required by
Appendix D
Yes- Required
monitor for the
Yes - required
monitor for the
High Point
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix E:
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Table 36 The NAAQS Fine Particle Monitoring Network for the Winston-Salem and
Greensboro-High Point MSAs a
AQS Site Id
Number: 370570002 37-067-0022b 37-067-0030 b 37-081-0013
Site Name: Lexington
Water Tower Hattie Avenue Clemmons
Middle School Mendenhall
Proposal to Move or
method will
change in 2023
None None None
a The Hattie Avenue and Clemmons Middle School monitors use either a Teledyne-API T640
at 5.0 LPM or a Teledyne-API T640X at 16.67 LPM, Air Quality System, AQS method codes
236 and 238, respectively. The Lexington monitor uses a BAM 1020, AQS method code 170.
This monitor is collocated with a Thermo 2025i PM2.5 Sequential Monitor with a very sharp
cut cyclone, AQS method code 145. The monitor at Mendenhall uses a Met One BAM-1022
Monitor, AQS method code 209. All monitors operate year-round.
b Operated by Forsyth County Office of Environmental Assistance and Protection, AQS
primary quality assurance organization and reporting agency 0403
Table 37 2022-2023 NAAQS Fine Particle Monitoring Network for the
Durham-Chapel Hill, Asheville and Hickory MSAs a
AQS Site Id Number: 37-063-0015 37-021-0034b 37-035-0004
Site Name: Durham Armory Board of Education Hickory
Street Address: 801 Stadium Drive 175 Bingham Road 1501 1st Avenue, SW
City: Durham Asheville Hickory
Latitude: 36.032944 35.607500 35.728889
Longitude: -78.905417 -82.583333 -81.365556
represented: Durham-Chapel Hill Asheville Hickory
Operating Schedule: Hourly
collocated w/1-in-6
collocated with
continuous monitor
Statement of Purpose:
Design value monitor
for the Durham-
Chapel Hill MSA.
AQI reporting.
AQI reporting.
Maintenance monitor
for the Hickory MSA.
AQI reporting.
Monitoring Objective: Population exposure Population
exposure Population exposure
Scale: Neighborhood Neighborhood Neighborhood
Suitable for
Comparison to
Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix A: Yes Yes Yes
Table 37 2022-2023 NAAQS Fine Particle Monitoring Network for the
Durham-Chapel Hill, Asheville and Hickory MSAs a
AQS Site Id Number: 37-063-0015 37-021-0034b 37-035-0004
Site Name: Durham Armory Board of Education Hickory
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix C:
Yes – EQPM-0308-
Yes – EQPM-1013-
209 Yes – EQPM-1013-209
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix D:
Yes – Required
monitor for the
Durham-Chapel Hill
Yes – not required
by Appendix D
Yes – Not required by
Appendix D;
Maintenance monitor
for the Hickory MSA.
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix E: Yes Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or
Monitoring method
may change in 2023
Monitors were
moved off the roof
to the ground in
April 2023
Monitors were moved
38 meters north
a The Durham Armory monitor uses BAM 1020, AQS method code 170. The Board of
Education and Hickory monitors use a Met One BAM-1022 Monitor, AQS method code 209.
All monitors operate year-round.
b Operated by the Western North Carolina Regional Air Quality Agency, AQS reporting agency
Table 38 The 2022-2023 NAAQS Fine Particle Monitoring Network for the
Fayetteville, Wilmington and Greenville MSAs a
AQS Site Id Number: 37-051-0009 37-129-0002 37-147-0006
Site Name: William Owen Castle Hayne Pitt County Ag Center
Street Address: 4533 Raeford
6028 Holly Shelter
403 Government
City: Fayetteville Castle Hayne Greenville
Latitude: 35.041416 34.364167 35.638610
Longitude: -78.953112 -77.838611 -77.358050
represented: Fayetteville Wilmington Greenville
Operating Schedule: hourly hourly hourly
Statement of Purpose:
AQI reporting.
AQI reporting.
Monitoring Objective: Population
exposure Population exposure Population exposure
Scale: Neighborhood Neighborhood Neighborhood
Suitable for
Comparison to
Yes Yes Yes
Table 38 The 2022-2023 NAAQS Fine Particle Monitoring Network for the
Fayetteville, Wilmington and Greenville MSAs a
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix A: Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix C:
Yes – EQPM-
Yes – EQPM-0308-
Yes – EQPM-1013-
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix D:
Yes – not
required by
Appendix D
Yes – not required by
Appendix D
Yes – not required by
Appendix D
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix E: Yes Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or
Change: None None None
a The monitors at William Owen and the Pitt County Ag Center use a Met One BAM-1022
Monitor, AQS method code 209. The Castle Hayne monitor uses a BAM 1020, AQS method
code 170, collocated with a Teledyne- API T640x at 16.67 LPM, AQS method code 238. All
monitors operate year-round.
Table 39 The NAAQS Fine Particle Monitoring Network for the Valley, Piedmont and
Coastal Sites that are not in an MSA a
AQS Site Id
37-121-0004 37-123-0001 37-173-0002
Site Name: Spruce Pine Candor Bryson City
Street Address: 138 Highland
Avenue 112 Perry Drive Parks & Rec Building, Center
City: Spruce Pine Candor Bryson City
Latitude: 35.912487 35.263165 35.434767
Longitude: -82.062082 -79.836636 -83.442133
represented: Not in an MSA Not in an MSA Not in an MSA
Operating Schedule: Hourly Hourly Hourly
Statement of
with NAAQS.
Required general/
monitor for North
Required transport monitor
for North Carolina;
compliance w/NAAQS; air
quality forecasting.
Welfare related
impacts/ general/
Regional transport/
population exposure
Scale: Neighborhood Regional Neighborhood
Suitable for
Comparison to
Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix A:
Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix C:
Yes – EQPM-
Yes – EQPM-0308-
170 Yes – EQPM-0308-170
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix D:
Yes – not
required by
Appendix D
Yes –required
Yes – required transport
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix E:
Yes Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or
Change: None Method will change
in 2023
Monitor will be moved in
2023 & monitor method will
change in 2023
a The Spruce Pine monitor uses a Met One BAM-1022 Monitor, AQS method code 209. The
other monitors use a Met One BAM-1020 Monitor, AQS method code 170. All monitors
operate year-round.
The monitors at the Durham Armory, 37-063-0015, Bryson, 37-173-0002, Lexington, 37-
057-0002, Candor, 37-123-0001 and Castle Hayne, 37-129-0002, use the EPA automated
equivalent method: EQPM-0308-170, AQS method code 170. The monitors at the Board of
Education, 37-021-0034, Spruce Pine, 37-121-0004, Hickory, 37-035-0004, Rockwell, 37-159-
0021; Mendenhall, 37-081-0013, Triple Oak Road, 37-183-0021; Northampton County, 37-131-
0003; Pitt County Agricultural Center, 37-147-0006 and West Johnston, 37-101-0002, use the
EPA automated equivalent method EQPM-1013-209, AQS method code 209. These 14 monitors
collect data each hour. Collocated FRM monitors operate at the Lexington and Board of
Education sites. A collocated FEM operates at the Hickory site.
All the monitors operate year-round. Table 34 through Table 39 also summarize the
status for each current and proposed monitoring site regarding whether it is suitable for
comparison to the NAAQS and meets the requirements in 40 CFR Part 58, Appendices A, C, D
and E. These tables also provide the proposed changes to the network.
DAQ evaluated each MSA operating more monitors than required by the regulations to
determine if all the current monitors in the MSA are still needed and providing valuable
information. There are seven MSAs in 2020 with more than the required number of monitors.
DAQ does not operate monitors in one of these MSAs so the division did not evaluate that MSA
and monitor. The six MSAs DAQ evaluated are the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia, Raleigh,
Winston-Salem, Hickory, Wilmington and Greenville MSAs. The monitors are the Rockwell
monitor, 37-159-0021, West Johnston monitor, 37-101-0002, the Lexington monitor, 37-057-
0002, the Hickory monitor, 37-0035-0004, the Castle Hayne monitor, 37-129-0002, and the Pitt
County Agricultural Center monitor, 37-147-0006. The West Johnston monitor is in one of the
fastest-growing areas in the state. The Lexington monitor is in a fine-particle maintenance area.
Thus, DAQ determined the Lexington monitor is necessary to demonstrate continuing
maintenance of the standard and for the staff of DAQ to make informed decisions regarding
development of state implementation plans and to provide air quality information to the public to
ensure public health and welfare. Earlier in this subsection, DAQ discussed the rationale for
keeping the Rockwell, Castle Hayne and Pitt Ag monitors. The Hickory monitor is also in a fine-
particle maintenance area. Thus, the state implementation plan requires DAQ to operate this
B. Continuous Fine Particle Monitoring Network
As shown in Figure 63, DAQ currently operates 16 continuous fine-particle monitoring
sites, the local programs operate six, and the tribal program operates one. DAQ and local
programs use these monitors to meet federal requirements for air quality forecasting, providing
real-time data to the public and meeting air quality index reporting requirements. The EPA
approved 22 of these monitors for determining compliance with the national ambient air quality
standards, or NAAQS. Six of these monitors are also required by 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix D
Section 4.7.2, which states:
“Requirement for Continuous PM2.5 Monitoring. The state, or where appropriate,
local agencies must operate continuous PM2.5 analyzers equal to at least one-half
(round up) the minimum required sites listed in Table D-5 of this appendix. At
least one required continuous analyzer in each MSA must be collocated with one
of the required FRM/FEM/ARM monitors, unless at least one of the required
FRM/FEM/ARM monitors is itself a continuous FEM or ARM monitor in which
case no collocation requirement applies.”
Based on Table 33, a continuous monitor collocated with an FRM or a continuous FEM is
required in:
• Charlotte, which is operated by the local program,
• Raleigh,
• Greensboro,
• Winston-Salem, which is operated by the local program,
• Fayetteville and
• Durham.
Figure 63. 2022-2023 Fine Particle Continuous Monitor Network
Besides being required by 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix D, Section 4.7.2, continuous fine
particle monitors are also required for real-time reporting (40 CFR Part 58, Appendix D, Section
1.1(a)), air quality forecasting and air quality index reporting (40 CFR Part 58, Appendix G,
Section 3). DAQ is required by 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix G to do air quality index reporting in
two MSAs that are not required to have a continuous monitor by 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix D:
Asheville (operated by the local program) and Hickory. Thus, DAQ needs these two continuous
monitors to meet Appendix G of 40 CFR Part 58 requirements. Of the 14 remaining continuous
monitors, 10 are FEMs - Bryson City, Spruce Pine, Lexington, Rockwell, West Johnston,
Northampton County, Castle Hayne, Triple Oak, Pitt Ag Center, and Candor - included in the
FRM/FEM network and the division evaluated them earlier as part of that network. The local
programs operate three. DAQ evaluated the remaining continuous monitor operated by the
division to determine if it still adds value to the network and should continue operating. This fine
particle monitor is at Leggett. The Leggett fine particle continuous monitor is required for air
quality forecasting in the Rocky Mount area, thus DAQ cannot shut this monitor down while air
quality forecasting continues for this area.
Table 40 through Table 45 lists the sites in the North Carolina fine-particle monitoring
network with continuous monitors, their sampling schedules, monitoring objectives, scale of
representation and statement of purpose. These tables also indicate whether the monitor is
suitable for comparison to the NAAQS, it meets 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix A, C, D and E
requirements and any proposed changes.
Table 40 The Continuous Fine Particle Monitoring Network for the
Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia MSA a
AQS Site Id Number: 37-119-0041 37-119-0045 37-119-0048 37-159-0021
Site Name: Garinger Remount Road Friendship Park Rockwell
Street Address: 1130 Eastway Drive 902 Remount Road 2310 Cindy Lane 301 West Street
City: Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Rockwell
Latitude: 35.2401 35.212657 35.281791 35.551868
Longitude: -80.7857 -80.874401 -80.851473 -80.395039
represented: Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia Charlotte-Concord-
Monitor Type: SLAMS / NCore SLAMS SLAMS Special Purpose
Operating Schedule: Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly
Statement of Purpose:
Required by Appendix D for
NCore sites. Required monitor
for the Charlotte-Concord-
Gastonia MSA. Real-time data
reporting. Fine particle
Near road
monitoring site. AQI
AQI reporting.
AQI reporting.
Monitoring Objective: Population exposure Source-oriented Population exposure General/background
Scale: Neighborhood Microscale Neighborhood Neighborhood
Suitable for Comparison
to NAAQS: Yes Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix A: Yes Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix C:
Yes – EQPM-0308-170 Yes – EQPM-1013-
Yes – EQPM-1013-
Yes – EQPM-1013-
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix D:
Yes- 1 of 1 required monitors
for the Charlotte-Concord-
Gastonia MSA. Also required
for NCore
Yes –near road Yes, not required by
Appendix D
Yes, not required by
Appendix D
Table 40 The Continuous Fine Particle Monitoring Network for the
Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia MSA a
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix E: Yes Yes Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or
Change: None None None site may move after
a The Garinger monitor uses a Met One BAM 1020 monitor. The other sites use a BAM 1022. All monitors operate year-round and
provide real-time air quality data to the public through AIRNow and the state and local program websites. Mecklenburg County Air
Quality, AQS reporting agency 0669 operates all these monitors except the Rockwell monitor.
Table 41 The 2022-2023 Continuous Fine Particle Monitoring Network for the Raleigh and Greensboro-High Point MSA a
AQS Site Id Number: 37-101-0002 37-183-0014 37-183-0021 37-081-0013
Site Name: West Johnston Millbrook Triple Oak Road Mendenhall
Street Address: 1338 Jack Road c 3801 Spring Forest
2826 Triple Oak
Road 205 Willoughby Blvd.
City: Clayton Raleigh Cary Greensboro
Latitude: 35.590833 35.8561 35.8654 36.109167
Longitude: -78.461944 -78.5742 -78.8195 -79.801111
represented: Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Greensboro-High Point
Monitor Type: SLAMS Special purpose /
Operating Schedule: Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly
Statement of Purpose:
Required monitor for
the Raleigh MSA.
Real-time AQI
reporting for the
Raleigh MSA.
Required monitor for
the Raleigh MSA.
Real-time AQI
reporting for the
Raleigh MSA.
Near road
monitoring site.
AQI reporting.
Required monitor for the
Greensboro-High Point MSA.
Real-time AQI reporting for the
High-Point CSA. Forecasting
Monitoring Objective: Population exposure Population exposure Source-oriented Population exposure / general /
Scale: Neighborhood Neighborhood Micro-scale Neighborhood
Suitable for
Comparison to
No No Yes No
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix A: Yes Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix C:
Yes – EQPM-1013-
Yes – EQPM-0516-
Yes – EQPM-1013-
209 Yes – EQPM-1013-209
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix D: Yes Yes - NCore Yes –near road Yes
Table 41 The 2022-2023 Continuous Fine Particle Monitoring Network for the Raleigh and Greensboro-High Point MSA a
AQS Site Id Number: 37-101-0002 37-183-0014 37-183-0021 37-081-0013
Site Name: West Johnston Millbrook Triple Oak Road Mendenhall
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix E: Yes Yes Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or
Change: None None None None
a Monitors at West Johnston, Triple Oak and Mendenhall use a BAM 1022 monitor. The monitor at Millbrook is a Teledyne T640X
Table 42 The 2022-2023 Continuous Fine Particle Monitoring Network for the
Winston-Salem MSA a
AQS Site Id Number: 370570002 37-067-0022b 37-067-0030 b
Site Name: Lexington Water
Tower Hattie Avenue Clemmons
Street Address: 938 South Salisbury
1300 block of Hattie
Church Road
City: Lexington Winston-Salem Clemmons
Latitude: 35.814444 36.110556 36.026000
Longitude: -80.262500 -80.226667 -80.342000
represented: Winston-Salem Winston-Salem Winston-Salem
Monitor Type: SLAMS Other SLAMS
Operating Schedule: Hourly Hourly Hourly
Statement of Purpose:
Real-time data
reporting. Fine
particle forecasting.
Required monitor for the
Winston-Salem MSA.
Real-time AQI reporting
for the Greensboro-
Point CSA.
Real-time AQI
reporting for the
High Point CSA.
Monitoring Objective: Population exposure Population exposure Population
Scale: Neighborhood Neighborhood Neighborhood
Suitable for
Comparison to
No No No
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix A: Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix C:
Yes – EQPM-0308-
170 Yes – EQPM-0516-238 Yes – EQPM-
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix D:
Yes – not required
by Appendix D Yes – required monitor
Yes – not
required by
Appendix D
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix E: Yes Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or
Monitoring method
may change None None
a The Forsyth County monitors use either a Teledyne-API T640 at 5.0 LPM or a Teledyne-API
T640X at 16.67 LPM. The Lexington monitor is a BAM 1020. All monitors operate year-
round. All monitors provide real-time air quality data to the public through AIRNow and the
state and local program websites.
b Operated by Forsyth County Office of Environmental Assistance and Protection, AQS
primary quality assurance organization and reporting agency 0403
Table 43 The 2022-2023 Continuous Fine Particle Monitoring Network for the Durham-Chapel Hill,
Asheville, Fayetteville and Hickory MSAs a
AQS Site Id Number: 37-063-0015 37-021-0034b 37-051-0009 37-035-0004
Site Name: Durham Armory Board of Education William Owen Hickory
Street Address: 801 Stadium Drive 175 Bingham Road 4533 Raeford
Water Tank 15 First
City: Durham Asheville Fayetteville Hickory
Latitude: 36.032944 35.607500 35.041416 35.728889
Longitude: -78.905417 -82.583333 -78.953112 -81.365556
represented: Durham-Chapel Hill Asheville Fayetteville Hickory
Monitor Type: Special purpose Special purpose Special purpose SLAMS
Operating Schedule: Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly
Statement of Purpose:
Required monitor for the Durham-
Chapel Hill MSA Real-time AQI
reporting for the Durham-Chapel
Hill MSA.
Air quality index
reporting. Fine
particle forecasting.
Air quality index
reporting. Fine
Air quality index
reporting. Fine particle
Monitoring Objective: Population exposure Population
exposure Population exposure
Scale: Neighborhood Neighborhood Neighborhood Neighborhood
Suitable for
Comparison to
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix A: Yes Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix C: Yes – EQPM-0308-170 Yes – EQPM-1013-
Yes – EQPM-
1013-209 Yes – EQPM-1013-209
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix D: Yes – required monitor Yes – not required
by Appendix D
Yes – not
required by
Appendix D
Yes – not required by
Appendix D
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix E: Yes Yes Yes Yes
Table 43 The 2022-2023 Continuous Fine Particle Monitoring Network for the Durham-Chapel Hill,
Asheville, Fayetteville and Hickory MSAs a
AQS Site Id Number: 37-063-0015 37-021-0034b 37-051-0009 37-035-0004
Site Name: Durham Armory Board of Education William Owen Hickory
Proposal to Move or
Monitoring method may change in
Monitors were
moved to the
ground in April
None Monitors have moved 38
meters north
a The WNC monitor, the Fayetteville monitor and the Hickory monitors are BAM 1022s. The Durham monitor is a BAM 1020. All
monitors operate year-round. All monitors provide real-time air quality data to the public through AIRNow and the state websites.
b Operated by the Asheville-Buncombe Air Quality Agency, AQS reporting agency 0779.
Table 44 The 2022-2023 Continuous Fine Particle Monitoring Network for the
Wilmington, Greenville, and Rocky Mount MSAs a
AQS Site Id
Number: 37-129-0002 37-147-0006 37-065-0099
Site Name: Castle Hayne Pitt County Ag
Center Leggett
Street Address: 6028 Holly
Shelter Road
403 Government
7589 NC Hwy 33-
City: Castle Hayne Greenville Leggett
Latitude: 34.364167 35.638610 35.988333
Longitude: -77.838611 -77.358050 -77.582778
represented: Wilmington Greenville Rocky Mount
Monitor Type: SLAMS Special purpose Special purpose
Operating Schedule: Hourly Hourly Hourly
Statement of
Real-time AQI
Real-time AQI
reporting. Fine
particle forecasting.
Real-time AQI
reporting. Fine
particle forecasting.
Scale: Neighborhood Neighborhood Urban
Suitable for
Comparison to
Yes Yes No
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix A:
Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix C:
Yes – EQPM-
Yes – EQPM-1013-
No – AQS method
code 171
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix D:
Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix E:
Yes Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or
Change: None None None
a The Castle Hayne monitor is a BAM 1020. The other monitors are BAM 1022s. The
Leggett BAM is a Met-one BAM-1022 with a PM2.5 sharp cut cyclone.
Table 45 The 2022-2023 Continuous Fine Particle Monitoring Network for the
Valley, Piedmont and Coastal Sites that are not in an MSA a
AQS Site Id
Number: 37-121-0004 37-123-
0001 37-131-0003 37-173-0002
Site Name: Spruce Pine Candor Northampton Bryson City
Street Address: 138 Highland
112 Perry
152 Hurricane
Parks & Rec
Center Street
City: Spruce Pine Candor Gaston Bryson City
Latitude: 35.912487 35.263165 36.511708 35.434767
Longitude: -82.062082 -79.836636 -77.655389 -83.442133
Not in an
Not in an
Not in an
MSA Not in an MSA
Monitor Type: Special
purpose SLAMS Special
purpose SLAMS
Operating Schedule: Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly
Statement of
site. Real-
time AQI
site for
transport site.
Low elevation,
i.e. valley,
mountain site
on the NC side
of the Great
National Park.
Scale: Neighborhood Regional Neighborhood Neighborhood
Suitable for
Comparison to
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix A:
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix C:
Yes – EQPM-
Yes –
Yes – EQPM-
Yes – EQPM-
Table 45 The 2022-2023 Continuous Fine Particle Monitoring Network for the
Valley, Piedmont and Coastal Sites that are not in an MSA a
AQS Site Id
Number: 37-121-0004 37-123-
0001 37-131-0003 37-173-0002
Site Name: Spruce Pine Candor Northampton Bryson City
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix D:
Yes – not
required by
Appendix D
Yes –
Yes – not
required by
Appendix D
Yes – required
Meets Requirements
of Part 58,
Appendix E:
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or
Change: None
method will
change in
Monitor will
move in 2023
and method will
a The Spruce Pine and Northampton monitors are BAM 1022s. The other monitors are
BAM 1020s.
C. Manual Speciation Fine Particle Monitoring Network
DAQ operates one manual speciation fine-particle monitoring site. The local
programs operate two. These monitors operate to meet federal requirements for the
speciation trend network, or STN, and for national core, or NCore, monitoring stations as
well as to provide information on the composition of fine particles in Winston-Salem.
The regulations in 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix D, Section 4.7.4, which requires the agency
to continue operating STN monitors, make the monitor at Garinger a required monitor.
The monitors at Garinger and Millbrook are required by 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix D,
Section 3(b), which lists required monitors at NCore sites.
In January 2015, the EPA ended funding for monitors in Asheville, Rockwell,
Lexington and Hickory. The operators shut down the monitors in Asheville, Rockwell
and Lexington in January 2015. The Hickory Super Speciation Air Sampling System,
SASSTM, malfunctioned during the first half of 2014 so DAQ shut it down in June 2014.
Table 46 lists the sites in the North Carolina manual speciation fine-particle monitoring
network with sampling schedules, monitoring objectives, scale of representation and
statement of purpose. Table 46 also indicates if the monitor is suitable for comparison to
the NAAQS and meets 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix A, C, D and E requirements and
proposed changes.
Table 46 The 2022-2023 Fine Particle Manual Speciation Monitoring Network for the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia, Raleigh, and Winston-
Salem MSAs a
QS Site Id Number: 37-119-0041 b 37-183-0014 37-067-0022 c
Site Name: Garinger Millbrook Hattie Avenue
Street Address: 1130 Eastway Drive 3801 Spring Forest Road 1300 block of Hattie Avenue
City: Charlotte Raleigh Winston-Salem
Latitude: 35.2401 35.8561 36.110556
Longitude: -80.7857 -78.5742 -80.226667
represented: Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia Raleigh Winston-Salem
Monitor Type: Speciation Trend Network / NCore Supplemental Speciation / NCore Supplemental Speciation
Operating Schedule: 1-in-3 day, 24-hour 1-in-3 day, 24-hour 1-in-6 day, 24-hour
Statement of Purpose: Required Monitor for NCore Required Monitor for NCore Provide speciation data for Winston-
Monitoring Objective: Population exposure Population exposure Population exposure
Scale: Neighborhood Neighborhood Neighborhood
Suitable for
Comparison to
No No No
Meets Requirements
of Part 58, Appendix
Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements
of Part 58, Appendix
No – AQS method codes 810-812,
No – AQS method codes 810-812,
No – AQS method codes 810-812, 838-
Meets Requirements
of Part 58, Appendix
Yes- NCore & speciation trend
network site Yes - NCore Yes – not required by Appendix D
Table 46 The 2022-2023 Fine Particle Manual Speciation Monitoring Network for the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia, Raleigh, and Winston-
Salem MSAs a
Meets Requirements
of Part 58, Appendix
Yes Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or
Change: None None None
a All monitors use a Met One SuperSASS for metals and ions and an URG 3000N for elemental and organic carbon.
b Operated by Mecklenburg County Air Quality, AQS reporting agency 0669
c Operated by Forsyth County Office of Environmental Assistance and Protection, AQS reporting agency 0403
VIII. Lead Monitoring Network
The DAQ currently does not operate any lead monitors. DAQ shut down the lead
monitor located at the Raleigh Millbrook National Core, also known as NCore,
monitoring site on April 30, 2016. As shown in Figure 64 statewide lead levels have
fallen and currently remain below the standard, near or below the detection limit of the
method. The 2013-2015 design values for lead in Raleigh and in Charlotte were zero.
Figure 64. Statewide 24-hour lead levels through 2019
from Air Quality Trends in North Carolina, October 2020, located at
On Nov. 12, 2008, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA,
lowered the lead national ambient air quality standard, also known as NAAQS, to 0.15
micrograms per cubic meter and expanded the lead monitoring network to support the
new standard.23 On Dec. 27, 2010, the EPA finalized changes to the lead monitoring
network.24 These changes included lowering the threshold for fence line monitoring for
lead-emitting facilities from one ton of lead per year to 0.5 ton of lead per year and
changing the population oriented monitoring from urban areas with populations greater
than 500,000 to NCore monitoring sites in urban areas with populations greater than
500,000. Fence line monitoring at facilities emitting more than one ton of lead per year or
23 National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Lead, Federal Register, Vol. 73, No. 219, \ Wednesday,
Nov. 12, 2008, p. 66964, available on the worldwide web at https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2008-11-
24 Revisions to Lead Ambient Air Monitoring Requirements, Federal Register, Vol. 75, No. 247, Monday,
Dec. 27, 2010, p. 81126, available on the worldwide web at https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2010-12-
that impact the ambient concentrations surrounding the facility such that ambient levels
are at one half of the NAAQS or greater started on Jan. 1, 2010. Fence line monitoring at
facilities emitting more than 0.5 ton of lead per year and population-oriented monitoring
at required NCore sites started on Dec. 27, 2011. On March 28, 2016, the EPA finalized
changes to ambient monitoring quality assurance and other requirements, which removed
the requirement for lead monitoring at NCore monitoring stations in urban areas with
populations greater than 500,000.25
In 2009, DAQ requested and received permission to forgo fence line lead
monitoring at three facilities, which were listed in the 2005 National Emission Inventory,
also known as NEI, or the 2007 Toxic Release Inventory, also known as TRI, as emitting
over one ton of lead per year. These facilities are:
• International Resistive Company, IRC, located in Boone,
• Nucor Steel located in Cofield and
• Carolina Power and Light Company, Progress Energy, Roxboro Steam
Station located in Semora.
The EPA granted the request and did not require DAQ to monitor at any of these
facilities because none of the facilities emitted one ton or more of lead per year.
In 2011, the EPA listed eight facilities in North Carolina as emitting over 0.5 tons
of lead per year based on the 2008 NEI or the 2009 TRI. These facilities are:
• Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC - Belews Creek Steam Station, located in
Stokes County;
• Duke Energy Progress- Roxboro Plant, located in Person County;
• Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC - Marshall Steam Station, in Catawba
• U.S. Army Fort Liberty (formerly Fort Bragg), located in Cumberland
• Blue Ridge Paper Products Inc., located in Canton, in Haywood County;
• Duke Power Company, LLC - Allen Steam Station, located in Gaston
• Royal Development Co., located in High Point, in Guilford County; and
• U.S. Marine Corps Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base, located in Onslow
In addition to the eight facilities on the EPA list, DAQ identified an additional
facility, Saint-Gobain Containers, now doing business as Ardagh Glass, Incorporated,
located in Wilson, in Wilson County, with reported 2009 lead emissions greater than 0.5
As mentioned earlier, DAQ received permission not to monitor at one of these
facilities, Progress Energy - Roxboro Plant in 2009. In 2011, DAQ requested that this
25 Revisions to Ambient Monitoring Quality Assurance and Other Requirements, Federal Register, Vol. 81,
No. 59, Monday, March 28, 2016, p. 17248, available on the worldwide web at
facility and six other of these facilities be removed from the list because they emit less
than 0.5 tons per year:
• Fort Liberty,
• Camp Lejeune,
• Royal Development Co.,
• the Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC - Belews Creek Steam Station,
• the Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC - Marshall Steam Station and
• the Duke Power Company, LLC - Allen Steam Station,
The division also requested waivers for the other two, Blue Ridge Paper Products, Inc.,
and St. Gobain Containers, based on results of modeling. The EPA granted this request
and did not require DAQ to monitor at any of these facilities.26
In 2013, Fort Liberty again reported over 0.5 tons of fugitive lead emissions in the
TRI. Calculation of the 2014 fugitive lead emissions using AP-42 emission factors
resulted in 2014 emissions of less than 0.5 tons. Thus, in 2015 DAQ requested a waiver
from lead monitoring at Fort Liberty. The EPA did not grant the waiver because the lead
emissions were less than 0.5 tons. However, in 2015 the EPA did renew the waiver for
Saint-Gobain Containers even though its lead emissions are currently less than 0.5 tons.
In 2018, Fort Liberty again reported over 0.5 tons of fugitive lead emissions in the
TRI.27 As a result, DAQ requested a waiver for monitoring at the facility.28 In its
response to the 2020-2021 network plan,29 the EPA agreed with the rationale DAQ
provided; however, the EPA asked to work with DAQ and Fort Liberty to further
determine if base activities have the potential to cause elevated ambient lead
concentrations. Thus, the EPA neither required lead monitoring nor granted a waiver of
lead monitoring requirements for the area near Fort Liberty. Instead, the EPA requested
that DAQ work with the EPA to provide supplemental information in the next network
plan on whether Fort Bragg would be expected to potentially contribute to elevated lead
concentrations. DAQ met internally after receiving EPA’s request and determined we
have done all we have the authority to do regarding monitoring at Fort Liberty.
Under the 2010 lead monitoring rule, North Carolina was required to operate two
population-oriented lead monitors located at the NCore monitoring sites, in Charlotte at
Garinger High School and in Raleigh at Millbrook East Middle School. Both monitors
started operation on Dec. 27, 2011. The first sampling day was Dec. 29. These monitors
26 United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2011 State of North Carolina Ambient Air Monitoring
Network Plan, The U. S. EPA Region 4 Comments and Recommendations, p3, available at
27 United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2020). TRI Explorer (2018 National Analysis Dataset
(released November 12, 2019)) [Internet database]. Retrieved from
https://enviro.epa.gov/triexplorer/tri_release.chemical, https://enviro.epa.gov/triexplorer/, (April 11, 2020).
28 2020-2021 Annual Monitoring Network Plan for the North Carolina Division of Air Quality, Volume 1,
July 2, 2020, Section II.G.2,
https://xapps.ncdenr.org/aq/documents/DocsSearch.do?dispatch=download&documentId=14029 (accessed
May 5, 2021).
29 United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2020-2021 State of North Carolina Ambient Air
Monitoring Network Plan, The U. S. EPA Region 4 Comments and Recommendations, p14, available at
operated on a 1-in-6-day schedule and measured lead concentrations by analyzing the
filters from the low volume PM10 monitors that operated at the site. DAQ delivered the
filters to RTI in batches of 50-80 where RTI analyzed them using x-ray fluorescence,
which is the federal reference method for the low-volume PM10 lead monitoring method.
Figure 65 shows the maximum PM10 lead concentrations measured at the two sites.
Figure 65. Maximum annual lead concentrations measured at North Carolina
NCore Stations
As mentioned earlier, in 2016 the EPA finalized changes to ambient monitoring
quality assurance and other requirements to remove the requirement for lead monitoring
at NCore monitoring stations. The measured lead concentrations at the North Carolina
NCore stations are well below 50% of the standard as Figure 65 clearly demonstrates.
Because the measured lead levels were so low, EPA Region 4 granted DAQ permission
to end the lead monitoring at the Millbrook NCore station as soon as the new
requirements became effective on April 27, 2016.
IX. Urban Air Toxics Monitoring Network
The DAQ previously monitored for urban air toxics, or UAT, at four sites
operated by DAQ and at three sites operated by local programs. Currently, DAQ has been
forced to suspend the VOC portion of the UAT program due to a veteran Chemist
retirement. The Reedy Creek Laboratory supervisor is currently working to hire and train
a replacement Chemist. This suspension of the VOC program began in February of 2023
and is expected to continue for the remainder of the year. DAQ hopes to reestablish the
program in 2023 when staffing and training issues are resolved. DAQ continues to
operate the UAT Aldehydes program in conjunction with the local programs. VOC
collection involved the use of six-liter- pressurized canisters at all seven sites. The
division analyzed the samples using pre-concentration gas chromatography with mass-
spectrometric detection, or GC/MS, via the Compendium Method for Toxic Organics 15,
or TO-15, for the 66 compounds in Table 47.
Table 47 List of Measured and Reported Urban Air Toxic
Volatile Organic Compounds, VOC
Freon 12
Freon 22
Freon 114
Vinyl chloride
Freon 11
Freon 113
Methyl Iodide
Carbon Disulfide
Methylene chloride
Vinyl Acetate
Methyl Vinyl Ketone
Methyl Ethyl Ketone
Carbon Tetrachloride
trans-1,3 Dichloropropene
Methyl Isobutyl Ketone
cis-1,3 Dichloropropene
Methyl Butyl Ketone(2-h)
m- & p-Xylene
Benzyl chloride
DAQ collects aldehyde air samples on silica-2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine, or
DNPH, cartridges with potassium iodide, or KI, ozone scrubbing at Millbrook and
Candor. The cartridges are extracted and analyzed using ultra high-performance liquid
chromatography, or UHPLC, with ultraviolet, or UV, detection for the list of compounds
in Table 48. This program has been unaffected by the cessation of the UAT VOC
Table 48. List of Measured and Reported Urban Air Toxic Carbonyl Compounds
Acetaldehyde Formaldehyde Propionaldehyde
Benzaldehyde Hexaldehyde Tolualdehyde(-m)
Butyraldehyde Methacrolein Valeraldehyde
Crotonaldehyde Methyl Ethyl Ketone
The division established the UAT monitoring network in conjunction with a
national program originally proposed and designed by the EPA in 1999. DAQ has long
recognized the importance of this network and has supported the continuation of the
program. The North Carolina program had six urban sites and one rural site. The EPA
stated the following objectives for the network it proposed in 1999:
1. Measure pollutants of concern to the air toxics program;
2. Use scientifically sound monitoring protocols to ensure nationally consistent
data of high quality;
3. Collect sufficient data to estimate annual average concentrations;
4. Complement existing national and state/local monitoring programs;
5. Reflect “community-oriented,” i.e. neighborhood-scale, population exposure;
6. Represent geographic variability in annual average ambient concentrations.
DAQ developed the North Carolina network with these objectives in mind to
focus on the urban areas within the state and to work in collaboration with the three local
air quality agencies that regulate air quality programs in the metropolitan areas within
their respective jurisdictions. The network was designed to complement the air toxics
programs of each agency, to provide a “flexible approach” to address air toxics issues in
the local areas and to provide a framework to conduct more dedicated monitoring to
characterize the spatial concentration patterns of specific toxic air pollutants within an
urban area and to concentrate on problem areas.
DAQ chose the number of monitoring sites based on available funds, equipment
and personnel including those in local programs and regional offices. The division chose
the locations based on size of metropolitan statistical areas, or MSAs, in North Carolina,
existing sites in urban areas and support of local programs. DAQ established sites for the
North Carolina UAT network in urban areas as designated by the US Census Bureau,
2000 census. The EPA defines an “urban” area as a county with either a MSA population
of at least 250,000 or a county with at least 50% urbanization as described by the census.
The EPA defines a “rural” county as a county that has less than 50% urbanization as
designated by the census.
Because there are no NAAQS for UAT, the EPA does not require DAQ and local
programs to operate a minimum number of required monitors.
DAQ made the following changes during the last few years to the UAT
monitoring network:
1. DAQ moved the Asheville site from the Health and Social Services building
on Woodfin Street to a site at Asheville-Buncombe Technical College in
November 2004. Sampling for VOCs occurred at the Health and Social
Services building from Jan.1, 2002, through Nov. 2, 2004. On May 4, 2022,
DAQ replaced the walk-in shelter at the site with a smaller doghouse type
shelter large enough to accommodate the sampler and its associated
2. DAQ closed the Research Triangle Park site, shared with EPA, when a major
road project forced the EPA to move the building. When the EPA re-
established the site a safe distance from the road construction, DAQ decided
to seek other possibly better located sites for the UAT monitoring that might
be more representative of urban populations in North Carolina. This site
operated from June 26, 2004, through Dec. 31, 2009.
3. DAQ stopped monitoring for semi-volatile organic compounds, or SVOCs, by
method TO-13 at all North Carolina UAT sites.
4. DAQ monitored for carbonyl compounds by method TO-11 at all North
Carolina UAT sites from Aug. 3, 2006, through Dec. 9, 2009. However,
sampling for carbonyl compounds by TO-11a resumed in July 2013 at two
sites – Millbrook in Raleigh and Candor. The division collected carbonyl
compounds by TO-11a at the Blackstone site from Nov. 12, 2013, through
July 31, 2018.
5. DAQ upgraded one GC/MS system used for VOCs analysis by method TO-15
to lower detection limits.
6. The Blackstone site was a special-purpose monitoring site for monitoring
VOCs and aldehyde concentrations prior to any shale gas development in the
Sanford area. DAQ operated this site from Nov. 12, 2013, until July 31, 2018.
7. DAQ added a VOC monitor in Greenville at the Pitt County Agricultural
Center monitoring site in 2018.
8. DAQ started reporting 1-Brompropane (AQS parameter code 43853) to AQS
July 1, 2021, using AQS method code 150 at all UAT monitoring sites
collecting 6-liter canisters.
9. DAQ suspended the program due to the retirement of a veteran staff and have
not been able to fill the position. The program was suspended on Feb 2023.
Table 49 through Table 51 provide locations, the monitor type, operating
schedules, monitoring objectives, scales and statement of purpose of the current air toxic-
monitoring sites, as well as the status for each monitoring site regarding whether it is
suitable for comparison to the NAAQS and meets the requirements in Appendices A, C,
D and E of 40 CFR Part 58. These tables also provide any proposed changes to the
existing network. Sometime in the future DAQ may add a VOC monitoring site in
Greensboro or Durham. The division has not yet identified a specific location, so the
proposed site is not included in the table. All monitors meet the requirements of
Appendices A and E of 40 CFR Part 58. Appendix C of 40 CFR Part 58 requirements do
not apply to UAT monitoring. All monitors meet the applicable requirements in 40 CFR
Part 58, Appendix D, although this appendix does not require DAQ to operate any of
these monitors. All monitors are special purpose, non-regulatory monitors because there
are no NAAQS for air toxic compounds. All monitors operate year-round on the EPA’s
national 1-in-6-day schedule.
Table 49 The Air Toxics Monitoring Network for the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia,
Raleigh, and Winston-Salem MSAs
AQS Site Id Number: 37-119-0041 a 37-183-0014 37-067-0022 b
Site Name: Garinger Millbrook Hattie Avenue
Street Address: 1130 Eastway
3801 Spring Forest
1300 block of
Hattie Avenue
City: Charlotte Raleigh Winston-Salem
Latitude: 35.2401 35.8561 36.110556
Longitude: -80.7857 -78.5742 -80.226667
Concord-Gastonia Raleigh Winston-Salem
Monitor Type: Non-regulatory Non-regulatory Non-regulatory
Operating Schedule:
24-hour, midnight
to midnight, 1-in-
6 day
24-hour, midnight to
midnight, 1-in-6 day
24-hour, midnight
to midnight, 1-in-
6 day
Statement of Purpose: Monitor as many
HAPs as possible.
Monitor as many
HAPs as possible.
Monitor as many
HAPs as possible.
Monitoring Objective: Population
Population exposure;
general/ background
Scale: Neighborhood Neighborhood Neighborhood
Suitable for
Comparison to
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix A: Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix C:
Not applicable –
uses AQS method
code 150 c
Not applicable – uses
AQS method code 150
and 202 d
Not applicable –
uses AQS method
code 150 c
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix D:
Yes – not
required Yes – not required Yes – not
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix E: Yes Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or
VOC collection
VOC collection
suspended 02/03/23
VOC collection
a Operated by Mecklenburg County Air Quality, AQS primary quality assurance organization and
reporting agency 0669
b Operated by Forsyth County Office of Environmental Assistance and Protection, AQS primary quality
assurance organization and reporting agency 0403.
c AQS method code 150, sample collection in a stainless steel 6-liter- pressurized canister and analysis
using pre-concentration gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection, for VOCs.
d AQS method code 150, sample collection in a stainless steel 6-liter pressurized canister and analysis
using pre-concentration gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection, for VOCs and 202,
sample collection on a silica-DNPH-cartridge with KI O3 scrubber and analysis using HPLC ultraviolet
absorption, for carbonyls.
Table 50 The Air Toxics Monitoring Network for the Asheville, Wilmington and
Greenville MSAs
AQS Site Id Number: 37-021-0035 c 37-129-0010 37-147-0006
Site Name: AB Tech a Eagles Island Pitt County Ag
Street Address: AB Tech College Battleship Drive 403 Government
City: Asheville Wilmington Greenville
Latitude: 35.572222 34.235556 35.638610
Longitude: -82.558611 -77.955833 -77.358050
represented: Asheville Wilmington Greenville
Monitor Type: Non-regulatory Non-regulatory Non-regulatory
Operating Schedule:
24-hour, midnight
to midnight, 1-in-
6 day
24-hour, midnight
to midnight, 1-in-
6 day
24-hour, midnight
to midnight, 1-in-
6 day
Statement of Purpose: Monitor as many
HAPs as possible.
Monitor as many
HAPs as possible.
Monitor as many
HAPs as possible.
Monitoring Objective: Population
Scale: Neighborhood Neighborhood Neighborhood
Suitable for
Comparison to
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix A: Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix C:
Not applicable –
uses AQS method
code 150 b
Not applicable –
uses AQS method
code 150 b
Not applicable –
uses AQS method
code 150 b
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix D: Yes – not required Yes – not required Yes – not required
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix E: Yes Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or
VOC collection
VOC collection
VOC collection
a Operated by the Asheville Buncombe Air Quality Agency, AQS reporting agency 0779.
b AQS method code 150, sample collection in a stainless steel 6-liter pressurized canister and analysis
using pre-concentration gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection, for VOCs.
Table 51 The Air Toxics Monitoring Network for Areas not in MSAs
AQS Site Id Number: 37-123-0001
Site Name: Candor
Street Address: 112 Perry Drive
City: Candor
Latitude: 35.263165
Longitude: -79.836636
MSA, CSA or CBSA represented: Not in an MSA
Monitor Type: Non-regulatory
Operating Schedule: 24-hour, midnight to midnight, 1-in-6 day
Statement of Purpose: Monitor as many HAPs as possible.
Monitoring Objective: General/ background
Scale: Regional
Suitable for Comparison to NAAQS: Not applicable
Meets Requirements of Part 58,
Appendix A: Yes
Meets Requirements of Part 58,
Appendix C:
Not applicable – uses AQS method code 150
and 202 a
Meets Requirements of Part 58,
Appendix D: Yes – not required
Meets Requirements of Part 58,
Appendix E: Yes
Proposal to Move or Change: VOC collection suspended 02/02/23
a AQS method code 150, sample collection in a stainless steel 6-liter pressurized canister and analysis
using pre-concentration gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection, for VOCs and 202,
sample collection on a silica-DNPH-cartridge with KI O3 scrubber and analysis using HPLC ultraviolet
absorption, for carbonyls.
X. DAQ NCore Monitoring Network
This section provides information on the DAQ national core, or NCore,
monitoring network. For information on the NCore site operated by Mecklenburg County
Air Quality, see Appendix B. 2022 Annual Monitoring Network Plan for Mecklenburg
County Air Quality. The United States Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA,
approved the East Millbrook Middle School NCore site on Oct. 30, 2009. See Appendix
I. NCore Monitoring Plan Approval Letter.
A. Overview
The NCore site operated by DAQ is located at the East Millbrook Middle School site.
Specifics for this site are provided in Table 52.
Table 52. Specifics for the East Millbrook Middle School NCore Site
Parameter Description
A) AQS identification number 37-183-0014
B) Site Name Millbrook
C) Address 3801 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, N.C.
D) Longitude/Latitude -78.574167/ 35.856111 decimal degrees
E) Scale of Representation Neighborhood
F) Monitoring Objective Population oriented
G) Proximity to Local Emissions None within 500 meters
H) MSA Description Raleigh
I) Land Use Urban
DAQ has been operating monitors at this site since April 17, 1989, and has no plans to
relocate this site. The site is located at a school and the school has been very cooperative
in allowing DAQ to make necessary changes at the site so that the site will meet 40 CFR
Part 58, Appendix E requirements. The school property is fully developed, and the
division does not anticipate that the Wake County School System will need to develop
the area where the monitoring site is located or will evict DAQ from its property anytime
in the foreseeable future.
B. Monitor Siting Considerations
DAQ modified this site as necessary to meet the entire EPA monitor siting criteria
in 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix E. The division addressed the following issues:
1) DAQ removed or trimmed the trees such that all probe inlets are greater than
10 meters from any tree drip line.
2) All particulate matter monitors, filter-based and continuous, are located on a
16-foot by 16-foot; wooden deck constructed in 2009 and maintained as
needed. All inlets are within 1 to 4 meters of each other, all inlets are within
one meter vertically of each other, all inlets are between 2 and 15 meters
above ground and all inlets are more than 20 meters from any roadway.
3) DAQ installed all continuous gaseous monitors, SO2, NOy, CO and O3, in a
temperature-controlled walk-in shelter, which meets all EPA siting criteria.
With the changes made to the monitoring site by removing the trees and building the
deck, the site is suitable for monitoring for fine particles for comparing the measured
concentrations to the national ambient air quality standards. The platform is far enough
from the road so the site will meet the necessary neighborhood scale requirements for
population-oriented monitoring.
C. Monitors/Methods
This NCore site has the following monitors in place and operating since Jan. 1,
2011, or before, except for lead, which began Dec. 27, 2011, and ended April 30, 2016,
and nitrogen dioxide, or NO2, which began Dec. 10, 2013:
Table 53. Specifics for the East Millbrook Middle School NCore Site
Scale of
Trace level sulfur
dioxide, SO2
exposure Neighborhood
Hourly data year-
round 560
Trace level carbon
monoxide, CO
exposure Middle
Hourly data year-
round 554
Trace level reactive
oxides of nitrogen,
exposure Neighborhood
Hourly data year-
round 674
Nitrogen dioxide,
exposure Neighborhood
Hourly data year-
round 212
Ozone, O3
exposure Neighborhood
Hourly data year-
round 047
PM2.5, fine PM, filter-
exposure Neighborhood
24-hour data on a
1-in-3-day schedule
year-round 145
PM2.5, fine PM,
exposure Neighborhood
Hourly data year-
round 238
Speciated PM2.5, filter
exposure Neighborhood
24-hour data on a
1-in-3-day schedule
PM10, continuous low
volume sampler
exposure Neighborhood
Hourly data year-
round 239
PM10-2.5, coarse PM,
by difference, PM10-
exposure Neighborhood
Hourly data year-
round 240
Meteorological measurements of:
Wind speed
exposure Neighborhood
Hourly data year-
round 020
Wind direction
exposure Neighborhood
Hourly data year-
round 020
Scale of
Relative humidity
exposure Neighborhood
Hourly data year-
round 020
Ambient temperature
exposure Neighborhood
Hourly data year-
round 020
The EPA modified the monitor regulations in 2012 to remove the requirement that
all NCore sites monitor for speciated PM10-2.5, or coarse PM, filter-based. DAQ has no
plans to add a speciated PM10-2.5 monitor to the site. In 2016, the EPA modified the
monitoring regulations to remove the requirement that all NCore sites monitor for PM10
lead.30 As a result, and with EPA permission, DAQ ended the PM10 lead analysis on
April 30, 2016.
On June 1, 2021, the primary NO2 monitoring method at the site changed from a
Teledyne-API Model T200UP photolytic-chemiluminescence monitor to a Teledyne
Model T500U cavity attenuated phase shift spectroscopy monitor to accommodate the
requirements of the Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Station (PAMS) program. On
Jan. 26, 2022, the cable on the tower supporting the catalytic converter for the NOy
monitor broke. The probe was at a height of approximately 5 meters instead of the
desired 10 meters until the tower was repaired. The DAQ worked with a contractor to
obtain the necessary parts to repair the tower. On June 21, 2022, the tower was repaired
and the NOy probe was restored to a height of 10 meters above ground level.
D. Readiness Preparation
In preparation for the installation of the NCore monitors, DAQ addressed the
following tasks:
Parameter Status
A) Acquisition of trace level gaseous monitors Completed
B) Acquisition of low concentration gas dilution calibrators Completed
C) Certification of clean air generators Completed
D) Method detection limit studies for trace level monitors Completed
E) Installation of 10-meter NOy Tower Completed
F) Installation of filter based and continuous PM monitors Completed
G) Installation of trace level gaseous monitors Completed
H) Preparation of trace level gaseous monitor QAPP/SOPs Completed
30 Revisions to Ambient Monitoring Quality Assurance and Other Requirements, Federal Register, Vol. 81,
No. 59, Monday, March 28, 2016, available on the worldwide web at https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-
I) Meteorological tower Existing
J) Ozone monitor Existing
E. Waiver Requests
Subject to the review of the administrator, DAQ requested and received the
following waivers from the specific minimum requirements for NCore sites. Appendix I.
NCore Monitoring Plan Approval Letter provides the EPA approval letter.
1. Millbrook Meteorological Tower
The EPA designated the sampling site located at the Millbrook Middle School as
an EPA NCore site. In addition to specified monitor types, the collection of
meteorological data is also required and includes, at a minimum, wind speed, wind
direction, relative humidity, and ambient temperature. The Millbrook site has been in
operation since 1989 and the meteorological tower has the required sensors in place. The
tower is located approximately due south and 15.5 meters from the shelters that house the
various monitors, see Figure 66. The wind direction/speed sensors are located at a height
of 10 meters above ground. Starting on June 1, 2021, the relative humidity sensor was
relocated from 2 meters above ground level to 10 meters to accommodate the use of a
Met One All In One (AIO2) meteorological station. At the same time, the ambient
temperature sensor located at 2 meters as well as the delta temperature values were
discontinued. The temperature sensor at 10 meters above ground was replaced with the
AIO2. The division requested a waiver for the 2-meter height for the relative humidity
and air temperature sensors in the 2021-2022 network plan. The tower is in an open,
grassy area that is free from any obstructions in a 270º arc to the prevailing winds that
come from the south/west direction. DAQ positioned the tower 15.5 meters from the
shelters on a 3 percent uphill grade. This grade adds approximately one meter to the
height of the tower above the shelters. This siting does not meet the EPA requirement for
the tower being at a distance 10 times the height of the shelter, which is 3.7 meters. The
EPA approved the waiver for the met tower when they approved the site as an NCore
Figure 66. Millbrook NCore Site
(from City of Raleigh and Wake County iMAPS, http://maps.raleighnc.gov/iMAPS/ )
Additionally, a single tree, approximately 7 meters tall, is located 18 meters to the south
southwest of the tower.
Since the position of the meteorological tower is free from any obstructions in a 270º arc
to the prevailing winds that come from the south and west direction, DAQ is confident the
measurements provided will be representative of meteorological conditions in the area of
interest. The state, therefore, requested and the EPA granted a waiver and deemed the position of
the tower to be acceptable.
2. NOy Probe Placement
NCore probe siting guidance for NOy is a suggested probe inlet height of 10 meters. DAQ
initially mounted the NOy probe inlet at a height of 5.08 meters from the ground at the proposed
NCore site. DAQ requested and received a waiver of the 10-meter probe height requirement
primarily for safety considerations and to facilitate maintenance on the sampling inlet, that is
cleaning of the cross fitting, and to provide access for performance of calibration test points
under reduced multi-gas calibrator system pressures that are near ambient conditions.
The monitoring site is located at a middle school and elementary school and next to a day
care. The converter box for the NOy monitor is very heavy and requires a special tower to
support the weight in winds above 40 miles per hour or a tower with guy wires. Because the
tower needs to be located next to the monitoring shelter to minimize the length of tubing
involved to transport sample from the converter box to the monitor, there is no space at the site
for guy wires to stabilize the tower. The guy wires would block ingress and egress from the
monitoring shelter and create a safety hazard for the monitoring technicians. DAQ was
concerned that placing the converter box on a 10-meter tower without guy wires at this site
would be too dangerous because winds often gust to over 40 miles per hours during
thunderstorms, hurricanes and other severe weather events.
Later, the division decided to invest resources in the installation of a new tower at the
site. The difference in cost between properly grounding the existing tower and installing a new
tower rated to hold the weight of the converter box without guy wires was small compared to the
cost of properly grounding the tower. Thus, after DAQ installed the new tower in late 2010, the
height of the probe inlet was increased from 5.08 meters to 10 meters.
3. Teledyne T640x Temperature Control Daily Standard Deviation Measurement
This year DAQ requests a waiver from the requirement listed in the Teledyne T640x
Continuous PM2.5 Local Conditions and PM10 Standard Temperature and Pressure Validation
Template regarding the standard deviation for temperature control. The template states that daily
temperature control should exhibit a standard deviation of <2.1 ºC over a 24 hour period.
DAQ replaced the BAM 1020 primary particulate monitor at the Millbrook Site (37-183-0014)
with the Teledyne T640x on 10/01/20.
The placement of the T640x meets all criteria specified in the validation template in the
QA Handbook Volume II, Appendix D Revision No. 1.0 and in the manufacturer’s operations
manual. As shown below, the 24 hour standard deviation for the instrument, as recorded
between 06/22 and 01/23, exceeds the current template requirement for standard deviation over
the entire period. During this time period the T640x operated within the acceptable temperature
range of 0- 50 ºC, listed in the template. The T640x currently in use at the Millbrook site was
purchased complete from the manufacturer with the recommended outdoor enclosure.
Figure 67. Millbrook T640x Temperature Data from June 2022 to January 2023
Standard Devia�onDate
Millbrook T640x Box Temp. (○C) 24hr. Standard Devia�on
XI. Nitrogen Dioxide Monitoring Network
The DAQ currently operates four nitrogen dioxide, or NO2, monitors. Mecklenburg
County Air Quality operates two NO2 monitors and Forsyth County Office of Environmental
Assistance and Protection, or Forsyth County, operates one NO2 monitor. As shown in Figure 68
statewide NO2 levels have fallen and currently remain below the standard.
Figure 68. Statewide 1-hour and annual NO2 levels through 2019
(from Air Quality Trends in North Carolina, October 2020, located at https://www.deq.nc.gov/water-
In 2010, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA, changed the NO2
primary national ambient air quality standards, or NAAQS, from an annual to an hourly standard
of 100 parts per billion and established a new NO2 monitoring network to support the new
standard.31 On Dec. 30, 2016, the EPA removed the requirement to establish near-road NO2
monitoring stations in core-based statistical areas, or CBSAs, having populations between
500,000 and 1,000,000 persons.32 The 2010 NO2 network, as modified in 2016, has three types
of monitoring sites:
• Near-road sites – micro-scale near-road NO2 monitoring stations in each CBSA with a
population of 1,000,000 or more persons to monitor a location of expected maximum
hourly concentrations sited near a major road with high average annual daily traffic, or
AADT, counts. An additional near-road NO2 monitoring station is required for any
CBSA with a population of 2,500,000 persons or more or in any CBSA with a population
of 1,000,000 or more persons that has one or more roadway segments with 250,000 or
greater AADT counts to monitor a second location of expected maximum hourly
31 Primary National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Nitrogen Dioxide, Federal Register, Vol. 75, No. 26, Feb. 9,
2010, available on the worldwide web at https://www3.epa.gov/ttn/naaqs/standards/nox/fr/20100209.pdf.
32 United States Environmental Protection Agency, Revision to the Near-road NO2 Minimum Monitoring
Requirements, Federal Register, Vol. 81, No. 251, Dec. 30, 2016, available on the worldwide web at
• Area-wide sites – monitoring stations in each CBSA with a population of 1,000,000 or
more persons to monitor a location of expected highest NO2 concentrations representing
the neighborhood or larger spatial scales.
• Regional administrator required monitoring – additional NO2 monitoring stations
nationwide in any area, inside or outside of CBSAs, above the minimum monitoring
requirements, selected by regional administrators, in collaboration with states, with a
primary focus on siting these monitors in locations to protect susceptible and vulnerable
North Carolina has two CBSAs with 1,000,000 or more persons, not counting Virginia Beach-
Norfolk-Newport News. DAQ has a written agreement with the Virginia Department of
Environmental Quality, VDEQ, Office of Air Quality Monitoring, that VDEQ will maintain the
minimum required number of monitors for the Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News MSA.33
Thus, North Carolina is required to have near-road monitoring stations and area wide sites in the
Charlotte and Raleigh areas. Besides the near-road and area-wide sites, the Region 4
administrator selected the Hattie Avenue site, operated by Forsyth County, for regional
administrator required monitoring.34
A. Near-Road Monitoring
For information on the existing and proposed near-road monitoring site in the Charlotte
area, see Appendix B. 2022 Annual Monitoring Network Plan for Mecklenburg County Air
Quality. The discussion below describes the Raleigh area site.
The EPA approved the Triple Oak Road near-road site for the Raleigh CBSA in 2012.35
For details on the selection of Triple Oak Road and other considered locations, see the 2012
Annual Monitoring Network Plan for DAQ. Table 52 provides the 2019 traffic information for
the area from the North Carolina Department of Transportation. Figure 68 presents a map
showing the 2020 average annual daily traffic for the Raleigh MSA using assorted colors to
depict different traffic volumes. The highest traffic volumes are shown in purple and red. The
traffic volumes on the map are not adjusted for the fleet (number of diesel vehicles versus
passenger vehicles).
Table 54. Fleet Equivalent Average Annual Daily Traffic for Selected Road Segments in
the Raleigh Metropolitan Statistical Area 36
ID Route Location Station
920000319 I-40 From Exit 287 to
09MC0031 94 177,000 272,580
33 See Appendix H. Monitoring Agreement between Virginia and North Carolina for the Virginia Beach-Norfolk-
Newport News Metropolitan Statistical Area.
34 The list of NO2 monitors selected for regional administrator required monitoring is available on the worldwide
web at https://www.epa.gov/amtic/no2-monitoring-susceptible-and-vulnerable-populations.
35 United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2012 State of North Carolina Ambient Air Monitoring Network
Plan, The U. S. EPA Region 4 Comments and Recommendations, p5, available at
36 Average annual daily traffic data is available from the North Carolina Department of Transportation at
Table 54. Fleet Equivalent Average Annual Daily Traffic for Selected Road Segments in
the Raleigh Metropolitan Statistical Area 36
ID Route Location Station
920000265 I-40 From Exit 285 to
09MC0031 94 176,000 271,040
920000971 I-40 From Exit 297 to
09MC0033 92 142,000 244,240
920000522 I-40 From Exit 283 to
09MC0031 94 157,000 241,780
920000548 I-40 From Exit 284 to
09MC0031 94 153,000 235,620
920001036 US 1-
From Exit 101 to I-
10MC0009 95 149,000 216,050
920000809 I-40 From Exit 303 to
10MC0021 91 112,000 202,720
920000351 I-440 From Exit 7 to 8 09MC0048 96 149,000 202,640
Figure 69. 2020 Map of Average Annual Daily Traffic in the Raleigh MSA
NC DOT provides DAQ with hourly traffic data for a location on I-40 east of Harrison
Boulevard, between exits 287 and 289, which is about three to four miles from the monitoring
site. The average daily traffic measured by this traffic sensor for 2021 was 134,294, ranging from
a low of 67,554 on New Year’s Day, Jan. 1, 2021, to a high of 178,633 on the Friday before
Thanksgiving, Nov. 19, 2021, for 361 of the 365 days in 2021. This number is about 20,000
more than what NC DOT reported for that segment in 2020 and 40,000 less than what NC DOT
reported for that segment in 2019.
Figure 70 shows an aerial view of the location. The monitoring probe is located 18 meters
from the edge of I-40 and 4.3 meters above the ground. The monitoring station is approximately
one kilometer from I-540 and 0.5 kilometers from Airport Boulevard. The Airport Boulevard
ramp ends approximately 300 meters southeast from the monitoring site. The location is at grade
with the roadway. There are no barriers between the road and the monitoring station. There are
trees behind the monitoring station for which DAQ could not receive permission from the
property owner to cut down. The DAQ requested and received a waiver from the EPA for these
trees. More information on the waiver is available in Appendix G. Approved Waivers and Other
Requests, Waiver Renewals, Waiver renewal request for the trees at Triple Oak Road.
Figure 70 Wake County Near-Road Monitoring Station Location, red circle
B. Area wide sites
The area wide sites are located at the NCore sites in Charlotte and Raleigh. Mecklenburg
County Air Quality has operated a nitrogen dioxide monitor at the Garinger site since Nov. 12,
1999. DAQ began operating a nitrogen dioxide monitor at the Millbrook site on Dec. 10, 2013.
C. Regional Administrator Required Monitoring
For information on the Hattie Avenue regional administrator required monitoring site see
Appendix C. 2022 Annual Monitoring Network Plan for Forsyth County Office of
Environmental Assistance and Protection.
D. Other Monitoring
Besides the monitoring required by 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix D, DAQ also operated a
background monitor at the Blackstone monitoring site in Lee County as part of a shale-gas
extraction background study from Dec. 9, 2014, to Aug. 1, 2018. Because the division finished
the background study, DAQ shut down this monitor and moved it to Northampton County to
collect background data there. The Northampton County monitor started collecting data on July
29, 2019. DAQ also added a background monitor to the ozone-monitoring site at Rockwell on
Oct. 22, 2020. Figure 71 provides the location of the nitrogen dioxide monitors throughout North
Figure 71. 2022-2023 Nitrogen Dioxide Monitoring Network
Table 53 and Table 54 provide:
• The location,
• The statement of purpose,
• The status for each monitoring site regarding whether it is suitable for comparison to the
NAAQS and meets the requirements in Appendices A, C, D and E of 40 CFR Part 58 and
• A summary of proposed and planned changes to the nitrogen dioxide monitoring network
in the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia and Raleigh MSAs, respectively.
Table 55 and Table 56 provide:
• The location,
• The statement of purpose,
• The status for each monitoring site regarding whether it is suitable for comparison to the
NAAQS and meets the requirements in Appendices A, C, D and E of 40 CFR Part 58 and
• A summary of proposed and planned changes to the nitrogen dioxide monitoring network
in the Winston-Salem MSA and in other areas in North Carolina that are outside of
MSAs, respectively.
Table 55 The 2022-2023 Nitrogen Dioxide Monitoring Network for the
Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia MSA a
AQS Site Id Number: 37-119-0041 b 37-119-0045 b 37-119-0050 b 37-159-0021
Site Name: Garinger High
School Remount Equipment
Street Address: 1130 Eastway Drive 1030 Remount
301 West
City: Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Rockwell
Latitude: 35.2401 35.27831 35.212657 35.551868
Longitude: -80.7857 -80.79698 -80.874401 -80.395039
Monitor Type: SLAMS SLAMS SLAMS Special
Operating Schedule: Hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly
Statement of Purpose:
Area wide site. AQI
Near road
monitoring site.
AQI reporting.
Near road
monitoring site.
AQI reporting.
Monitoring Objective: Population exposure Highest
Scale: Neighborhood Microscale Microscale Urban
Suitable for
Comparison to
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix A: Yes Yes Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix C:
Yes – RFNA-1194-
Yes – EQNA-
Yes – EQNA-
Yes – EQNA-
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix D: Yes- area wide Yes –near road Yes –near road Yes – not
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix E: Yes Yes Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or
Method changed in
2022 None May start Jan. 1,
Converted to
a The area-wide monitor uses a Teledyne API 200 EU/501, AQS method code 599. The Remount near road monitor
uses a chemiluminescence detector with a photolytic convertor, Air Quality System, AQS, method code 200. The
Equipment Drive near road monitor uses a Teledyne Model N500, AQS method code 256, which uses Cavity
Attenuated Phase Shift Spectroscopy to measure NO2 directly. The Rockwell monitor uses a Teledyne Model
T500U, AQS method code 212, which uses Cavity Attenuated Phase Shift Spectroscopy to measure NO2 directly.
b The near-road and area-wide monitors are operated by Mecklenburg County Air Quality, AQS primary quality
assurance and reporting agency 0669.
Table 56 The 2022-2023 Nitrogen Dioxide Monitoring Network for the Raleigh MSA
AQS Site Id Number: 37-183-0014 a 37-183-0021 b
Site Name: Millbrook School Triple Oak
Street Address: 3801 Spring Forest
2826 Triple Oak
City: Raleigh Cary
Latitude: 35.8561 35.8654
Longitude: -78.5742 -78.8195
MSA, CSA or CBSA represented: Raleigh Raleigh
Monitor Type: SLAMS SLAMS
Operating Schedule: Hourly Hourly
Statement of Purpose:
Area wide site in
Raleigh MSA. AQI
reporting. Compliance
Near road monitoring
site. AQI reporting.
Monitoring Objective: Population exposure Source-oriented
Scale: Neighborhood Microscale
Suitable for Comparison to NAAQS: Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of Part 58, Appendix
A: Yes Yes
Meets Requirements of Part 58, Appendix
C: Yes – EQNA-0514-212 Yes – EQNA-0512-
Meets Requirements of Part 58, Appendix
D: Yes- area wide Yes –near road
Meets Requirements of Part 58, Appendix E: Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or Change: None None
a The Millbrook monitor uses a Teledyne Model T500U, Air Quality System, AQS, method code 212, which uses
Cavity Attenuated Phase Shift Spectroscopy to measure NO2 directly.
b The Triple Oak monitor uses a chemiluminescence detector with a photolytic convertor, AQS method code 200
Table 57 The Winston-Salem MSA Nitrogen Dioxide Monitoring Network a
AQS Site Id Number: 37-067-0022
Site Name: Hattie Avenue
Street Address: Corner of 13th & Hattie Avenue
City: Winston-Salem
Latitude: 36.110556
Longitude: -80.226667
MSA, CSA or CBSA represented: Winston-Salem
Monitor Type: SLAMS
Operating Schedule: Hourly
Statement of Purpose: Regional administrator required monitor for Region 4.
AQI reporting. Compliance w/NAAQS.
Monitoring Objective: Population exposure
Scale: Neighborhood
Suitable for Comparison to NAAQS: Yes
Meets Requirements of Part 58,
Appendix A: Yes
Meets Requirements of Part 58,
Appendix C: Yes – RFNA-1194-099
Meets Requirements of Part 58,
Appendix D: Yes – required regional administrator monitor.
Meets Requirements of Part 58,
Appendix E: Yes
Proposal to Move or Change: None
a The monitor uses a Teledyne API chemiluminescence detector with a catalytic convertor, Air Quality System,
AQS, method code 599 and is operated by Forsyth County Office of Environmental Assistance and Protection,
AQS reporting agency 0403.
Table 58 The 2022-2023 Nitrogen Dioxide Monitoring Network for Areas not in MSAs a
AQS Site Id Number: 37-131-0003
Site Name: Northampton County
Street Address: 152 Hurricane Drive
City: Gaston
Latitude: 36.511708
Longitude: -77.655389
MSA, CSA or CBSA represented: Roanoke Rapids Micro-MSA
Monitor Type: Special purpose
Operating Schedule: Hourly
Statement of Purpose: General/background site for Northampton County
Monitoring Objective: General/ background
Scale: Urban
Suitable for Comparison to NAAQS: Yes
Meets Requirements of Part 58,
Appendix A: Yes
Meets Requirements of Part 58,
Appendix C: Yes – EQNA-0512-200
Meets Requirements of Part 58,
Appendix D: Yes – not required
Meets Requirements of Part 58,
Appendix E: Yes
Proposal to Move or Change: None
a Monitor uses a chemiluminescence detector with a photolytic convertor, Air Quality System, AQS, method code
XII. Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Station, PAMS, Network
On Oct. 26, 2015, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA,
published a revised national ambient air quality standard, or NAAQS, for ozone. See 80 Federal
Register 65,291 (2015). In addition to establishing a revised NAAQS for ozone, the EPA also
finalized revisions to the photochemical assessment monitoring station, or PAMS, network
requirements. The EPA originally established the PAMS network requirements in 1993. They
required areas in certain ozone nonattainment areas to gather ambient monitoring data that would
be useful in evaluating control strategies and better understand ozone formation. See 58 Federal
Register 8452 (Feb. 12, 1993). The 2015 revisions to the PAMS monitoring requirements
significantly changed the program and imposed for the first time PAMS ambient monitoring
requirements at National Core, or NCore, sites in ozone attainment areas to begin June 1, 2019.
On Jan. 8, 2020, the EPA published a rule to provide state and local agencies an additional two
years until June 1, 2021, to implement the PAMS program requirements. See 85 Federal Register
834 (Jan. 8, 2020). The EPA needed this extension to provide all agencies the funding and
equipment necessary to implement the program.
Absent granting of a waiver, North Carolina is required to install two PAMS stations –
one in Charlotte at the Garinger NCore monitoring station, 37-119-0041, and one in Raleigh at
the Millbrook NCore monitoring station, 37-183-0014, by June 1, 2021. DAQ has continued
preparing to implement the program as funding and personnel resources allowed with the goal of
full implementation on or before June 1, 2021. Information on the Charlotte Garinger NCore
monitoring station is available in Appendix B. 2022 Annual Monitoring Network Plan for
Mecklenburg County Air Quality.
DAQ submitted a PAMS monitoring plan to the EPA regional administrator by July 1,
2018, as required by 40 CFR Section 58.10 (a) (10). The DAQ PAMS monitoring plan follows:
DAQ operates an NCore monitoring station in accordance with Section 3 of 40 CFR Part
58, Appendix D. The division’s NCore station, 37-183-0014, is in the Raleigh MSA, which has a
population of 1,000,000 or more. Title 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix D, Section 5(a) requires
PAMS at NCore stations located in core-based statistical areas with populations of 1,000,000 or
Title 40 CFR Section 58.13 (h) states “…The Photochemical Assessment Monitoring
sites required under [40 CFR part 58,] Appendix D…, section 5(a) must be physically
established and operating under all of the requirements of …part [58], including the requirements
of appendix A, C, D and E of …part [58], no later than June 1, 2021.”
A. PAMS Implementation Process
DAQ participates in the PAMS implementation process directed by the EPA and
associated EPA contractors (currently EPA and Battelle, collectively – EPA). The PAMS
implementation process consisted of a series of conference calls directed by EPA to disseminate
and discuss monitoring requirements, monitoring methods, monitoring logistics, quality
assurance requirements and general implementation processes, i.e., national contracts, funding,
etc., relevant to PAMS monitoring. EPA conducted the calls from 2016 to 2022. The PAMS
conference calls have introduced and provided a series of guidance documents, draft quality
assurance procedures and information on available systems for collecting PAMS data.
EPA has provided a PAMS gas chromatographic instrument and limited additional
funding to DAQ for operations, maintenance, other equipment, and capital expenditures in
support of the PAMS implementation. The division continues to work toward implementation of
all of the required parameters while continuing to anticipate a possible delay in establishment
and operation of some of the PAMS requirements at the DAQ NCore station.
DAQ worked with EPA through the implementation process. The division will continue
to work with EPA to implement the requirements as soon as it is practical and based on the
availability of resources and the ability to get all of the processes, procedures and equipment up
and operational so as to be able to begin operations within a reasonable timeframe for as many of
the PAMS parameters as possible.
B. Major Objectives
Listed below are major objectives from 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix D, Section 5(a) of the
PAMS program with a description of the objective and DAQ’s plan to implement the stated
1. PAMS Monitoring Location:
The PAMS monitoring location for selected PAMS parameters is the NCore station
operated by DAQ at East Millbrook Middle School, AQS ID – 37-183-0014. EPA has not
allocated all the necessary funding for required modifications and equipment for the monitoring
station, i.e. – modifying cabinetry and shelving, ventilation for auto GC, additional electrical
circuitry, etc. DAQ has worked to purchase equipment and make required modifications to the
monitoring station and as of April 17, 2023, equipment is installed and operational at the site.
The auto-GC, which was installed two years ago has suffered a series of problems which has
precluded its operation. Previous contamination issues have been resolved and, if current
staffing issues are resolved in time, it may begin operation for the 2023 PAMs season.
2. Development of a PAMS Quality Assurance Project Plan:
The EPA provided a national “PAMS Quality Assurance Project Plan,” or QAPP, for
agencies to implement. EPA distributed the QAPP to monitoring agencies in 2019 and posted it
on the AMTIC website. DAQ revised and adapted the EPA-provided QAPP for use in the DAQ
program and the EPA-approved DAQ’s QAPP on March 30, 2021. Subsequently, DAQ had to
greatly modify the EPA- approved QAPP to redress several issues. The amended QAPP has
been resubmitted and approved by LSASD on February 20, 2023.
3. Measurement of hourly averaged speciated volatile organic compounds, or VOCs:
DAQ received a Markes/Agilent autoGC in late 2018. The division installed the system
in the shelter at Millbrook in January 2021. The system has undergone extensive repair to
address contamination problems in the sample collection and delivery component of the system
and to date is operational. The auto-GC is functional but the PAMS operator resigned in
February, 2023. DAQ is short-handed currently and is in the process of hiring an operator for
the auto-GC system.
4. Three 8-hour averaged carbonyl samples per day on a 1-in-3-day schedule or hourly
averaged formaldehyde:
As of April 29, 2021, DAQ had installed the sampler and written SOPs in support of
PAMS carbonyls monitoring. DAQ currently collects 24-hour carbonyl samples at Millbrook in
support of DAQ’s urban air toxics monitoring program. To implement PAMS carbonyl
monitoring the division upgraded its carbonyl equipment. DAQ began operation of PAMS
carbonyl monitoring in the DAQ program on May 1, 2021. The DAQ has audited the mass flow
controllers in the samplers with a second source flow transfer standard to obtain an intolerance
flow and documented the results in the site logbook.
5. Hourly averaged ozone:
DAQ currently conducts ozone monitoring at the Millbrook NCore, monitoring location
in accordance with this requirement.
6. Hourly averaged nitrogen oxide, or NO, true nitrogen dioxide, or NO2, and total
reactive nitrogen, or NOy:
DAQ currently operates an NO and NOy monitor at the Millbrook NCore monitoring
location in accordance with this requirement. In May 2021, DAQ replaced the photolytic NO2
monitor at the Millbrook NCore site with a CAPS monitor and conducted the MDL study as
required in the PAMS QAPP.
7. Hourly averaged ambient temperature:
DAQ currently collects hourly averaged ambient temperatures at the Millbrook NCore
monitoring location in accordance with this requirement. On June 1, 2021, the ambient
temperature sensor was relocated from 2 meters above ground level to 10 meters above ground
level. The site does not meet the requirement for the ambient temperature and relative humidity
sensor to be 30 meters horizontally from a paved surface. The met tower at Millbrook is
approximately 12 meters from a parking lot on one side and a driveway on the other side and 21
meters from Spring Forest Road.
8. Hourly vector-averaged wind direction:
DAQ currently collects hourly vector-averaged wind direction at the Millbrook NCore
monitoring location in accordance with this requirement.
9. Hourly vector-averaged wind speed:
DAQ currently collects hourly vector-averaged wind speed at the Millbrook NCore
monitoring location in accordance with this requirement.
10. Hourly average atmospheric pressure:
The division added a Met One AIO2 sensor to the site to collect this measurement and
began reporting the data to AQS on June 1, 2021. The sensor is located 10 meters above ground
11. Hourly averaged relative humidity:
DAQ currently collects hourly averaged relative humidity at the Millbrook NCore
monitoring location. On June 1, 2021, the relative humidity sensor was relocated from 2 meters
above ground level to 10 meters above ground level. The site does not meet the requirement for
the ambient temperature and relative humidity sensor to be 30 meters horizontally from a paved
surface. The met tower at Millbrook is approximately 12 meters from a parking lot on one side
and a driveway on the other side and 21 meters from Spring Forest Road.
12. Hourly precipitation:
DAQ currently collects hourly precipitation measurements at the Millbrook NCore
monitoring location in accordance with this requirement.
13. Hourly averaged mixing-height:
As of April 29, 2021, DAQ has installed a ceilometer at the site and has written an SOP
for its operation. DAQ continues to work with the University of Maryland Baltimore County to
report the hourly averaged mixing height data.
14. Hourly averaged solar radiation:
DAQ currently collects hourly averaged solar radiation at the Millbrook NCore
monitoring location in accordance with this requirement.
15. Hourly averaged ultraviolet radiation:
As of April 29, 2021, DAQ has purchased and installed equipment to provide hourly
averaged ultraviolet radiation monitoring. DAQ will work to get the equipment up and reporting
hourly averaged ultraviolet radiation data in the DAQ program as soon as it is practical and plans
to have the equipment reporting data to AQS in time for the 2023 PAMs season.
C. Monitors/Methods
The Millbrook NCore site has the following PAMS monitors in place and operating since
Jan. 1, 2011, or before, except for NO2, which began Dec. 10, 2013:
Scale of
AQS Method
Trace level reactive
oxides of nitrogen, NOy,
including NO
exposure Neighborhood
Hourly data
year-round 674
Nitrogen dioxide, NO2,
including NO
exposure Neighborhood
Hourly data
year-round 200
Ozone, O3
exposure Neighborhood
Hourly data
year-round 047
Meteorological measurements of:
Wind speed
exposure Neighborhood
Hourly data
year-round 020
Wind direction
exposure Neighborhood
Hourly data
year-round 020
Relative humidity
exposure Neighborhood
Hourly data
year-round 020
Ambient temperature
exposure Neighborhood
Hourly data
year-round 020
Solar radiation
Maximum ozone
concentration Neighborhood
Hourly data
year-round 011
Scale of
AQS Method
Rain melt precipitation
Maximum ozone
concentration Neighborhood
Hourly data
year-round 011
XIII. Background Atmospheric Deposition Network
In 2018, the DAQ started a background atmospheric deposition network. The network consists of
seven sites generally oriented near DAQ’s regional offices as shown in Figure 72.
Figure 72. Locations of the Background Atmospheric Deposition Network
(from NC DAQ Background PFAS Rainwater Network, located at PowerPoint Presentation (nc.gov))
Table 57 and Table 58 provide:
• The location,
• The statement of purpose,
• The status for each monitoring site regarding whether it is suitable for comparison to the
NAAQS and meets the requirements in Appendices A, C, D and E of 40 CFR Part 58 and
• A summary of proposed and planned changes to the background atmosphere deposition
network in the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia and Raleigh MSAs, and Greensboro and
Asheville MSAs, respectively.
Table 59 and Table 60 provide:
• The location,
• The statement of purpose,
• The status for each monitoring site regarding whether it is suitable for comparison to the
NAAQS and meets the requirements in Appendices A, C, D and E of 40 CFR Part 58 and
• A summary of proposed and planned changes to the background atmospheric deposition
network in the Wilmington and Greenville MSAs and in other areas in North Carolina
that are outside of MSAs, respectively.
Table 59 The 2022-2023 Atmospheric Deposition Network for the
Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia and Raleigh MSAs a
Table 60 The 2022-2023 Background Atmospheric Deposition Network for the Greensboro
and Asheville MSAs a
AQS Site Id Number: 37-081-0013 37-021-0038
Site Name: Mendenhall Asheville
Street Address: 205 Willoughby Blvd. 2826 Triple Oak Road
City: Greensboro Cary
Latitude: 36.109167 35.8654
Longitude: -79.801111 -78.8195
MSA, CSA or CBSA represented: Greensboro-High Point Asheville
Monitor Type: Special purpose Special purpose
AQS Site Id Number: 37-159-0021 37-183-0014
Site Name: Rockwell Millbrook
Street Address: 301 West Street 3801 Spring Forest Road
City: Rockwell Raleigh
Latitude: 35.551868 35.8561
Longitude: -80.395039 -78.5742
represented: Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia Raleigh
Monitor Type: Special purpose Special purpose
Operating Schedule:
Weekly samples collected each
month from the first to second
Tuesday of the month
Weekly samples collected each
month from the first to second
Tuesday of the month
Statement of Purpose: General/ background monitor General/ background monitor
Monitoring Objective: General/background Population exposure; general/
Scale: Urban Urban
Suitable for Comparison to
NAAQS: No, not applicable No, not applicable
Meets Requirements of Part
58, Appendix A: Not applicable Not applicable
Meets Requirements of Part
58, Appendix C: No – not applicable No – not applicable
Meets Requirements of Part
58, Appendix D: Yes – not required Yes – not required
Meets Requirements of Part
58, Appendix E: Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or Change: None None
a These sites use N-CON Model 125-110, wet/dry deposition samplers with ETI NOAH-IV rain gauges.
Table 60 The 2022-2023 Background Atmospheric Deposition Network for the Greensboro
and Asheville MSAs a
Operating Schedule:
Weekly samples collected
each month from the first to
second Tuesday of the
Weekly samples
collected each month
from the first to second
Tuesday of the month
Statement of Purpose: General/ background
General/ background
Monitoring Objective: Population exposure;
general/ background
General/ background
Scale: Urban Regional
Suitable for Comparison to NAAQS: No, not applicable No, not applicable
Meets Requirements of Part 58,
Appendix A: Not applicable Not applicable
Meets Requirements of Part 58,
Appendix C: No – not applicable No – not applicable
Meets Requirements of Part 58,
Appendix D: Yes – not required Yes – not required
Meets Requirements of Part 58,
Appendix E: Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or Change: None None
a These sites use N-CON Model 125-110, wet/dry deposition samplers with ETI NOAH-IV rain gauges.
Table 61 The 2022-2023 Background Atmospheric Deposition Network for the Wilmington
and Greenville MSAs a
AQS Site Id Number: 37-129-0010 37-147-0006
Site Name: Eagles Island Pitt County Ag Center
Street Address: Battleship Drive 403 Government Circle
City: Wilmington Greenville
Latitude: 34.235556 35.638610
Longitude: -77.955833 -77.358050
represented: Battleship Drive Greenville
Monitor Type: Special purpose Special purpose
Operating Schedule:
Weekly samples collected
each month from the first to
second Tuesday of the
Weekly samples collected each
month from the first to second
Tuesday of the month
Statement of Purpose: General/ background
General/ background monitor
Monitoring Objective: Population exposure;
General/ background
Population exposure; General/
Scale: Urban Urban
Suitable for Comparison
to NAAQS: No, not applicable No, not applicable
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix A: Not applicable Not applicable
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix C: No – not applicable No – not applicable
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix D: Yes – not required Yes – not required
Meets Requirements of
Part 58, Appendix E: Yes Yes
Proposal to Move or
Change: None None
a These sites use N-CON Model 125-110, wet/dry deposition samplers with ETI NOAH-IV rain gauges.
Table 62 The 2022-2023 Background Atmospheric Deposition Network for Areas not in
MSAs a
AQS Site Id Number: 37-123-0001
Site Name: Candor
Street Address: 112 Perry Drive
City: Candor
Latitude: 35.263165
Longitude: -79.836636
MSA, CSA or CBSA represented: Not in an MSA
Monitor Type: Special purpose
Operating Schedule: Weekly samples collected each month from the first
to second Tuesday of the month
Statement of Purpose: General/ background monitor
Monitoring Objective: Welfare related impacts/ general/ background
Scale: Regional
Suitable for Comparison to
NAAQS: No, not applicable
Meets Requirements of Part 58,
Appendix A: Not applicable
Meets Requirements of Part 58,
Appendix C: No – not applicable
Meets Requirements of Part 58,
Appendix D: Yes – not required
Meets Requirements of Part 58,
Appendix E: Yes
Proposal to Move or Change: None
a This site uses a N-CON Model 125-110, wet/dry deposition sampler with an ETI NOAH-IV rain gauge.
XIV. EPA Approval Dates for Quality Management Plan and Quality Assurance Project
Table 61 provides the dates the United States Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA,
approved the quality management plan, or QMP, and quality assurance project plans, or QAPPs,
for the DAQ.
Table 63 Dates the EPA Approved the Quality Management Plan and
Quality Assurance Project Plans
Document Date Approved by EPA
Quality Management Plan August 12, 2019
Quality Assurance Project Plan for PM Monitoring June 16, 2022
Quality Assurance Project Plan for PAMS Monitoring February 24, 2023
Quality Assurance Project Plan for NCore Monitoring June 21, 2023
Quality Assurance Project Plan for Urban Air Toxics
December 21, 2022
Quality Assurance Project Plan for SLAMS for Sulfur Dioxide
and Nitrogen Dioxide Monitoring August 3, 2022
Near-road Monitoring QAPP November 1, 2022
Ozone QAPP March 25, 2022
PM 2.5 Speciation Jan. 16, 2002
Northampton County Background Monitoring QAPP October 3, 2022
Background Monitoring Program QAPP January 4, 2023
The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, or DEQ, submitted a QMP to
EPA Region 4 in 2019. On August 12, 2019, the EPA formally approved the QMP.
In 2023, DAQ worked on updating its QAPPs and addressed the items where the NCore
QAPP was conditionally approved. The NCore QAPP was approved on June 21, 2023 and was
the last conditionally approved QAPP belonging to the NCDAQ. The division is revising the
speciation PM2.5 QAPP to comply with the EPA’s latest guidance. DAQ is also writing a QAPP
for meteorological data collection. DAQ will submit outstanding QAPPs as resources allow.
Figure 73. Signature Page from the DEQ Quality Management Plan
Figure 74. Approval Letter for the PAMS QAPP
Figure 75. Approval letter for the NCore QAPP
Figure 76. Approval letter for the Near Road Monitoring QAPP
Figure 77. Approval Letter for the Urban Air Toxics QAPP
Figure 78. Approval letter for the Ozone QAPP
Figure 79. Approval letter for the Northampton County Background Monitoring QAPP
Figure 80. Approval letter for the Background Monitoring Program QAPP
Figure 81. Approval letter for the SLAMS Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Dioxide QAPP
Figure 82. Approval letter for the PM QAPP
XV. Equipment Condition of North Carolina Monitoring Sites
Ozone analyzers Thermo 49i and calibrators Thermo 49i-PS are in good condition. DAQ
purchased them in 2013 and 2014. The division acquired 45 each and have had them deployed to
the field since the beginning of the 2015 ozone season. Currently, DAQ operates 28 sites and
audits eight sites for the local and tribal programs. The Electronics and Calibration Branch, or
ECB, uses two 49i-PS units for primary and backup lab standards and two 49i-PS units for
primary and backup audit devices. Thermo will no longer support the i-Models after 2025.
Several 49i and 49-iPS have been damaged beyond repair and have been used for parts. DAQ
purchased one Q-model calibrator and monitor in 2021 for testing and deployment for
comparisons to the current iModels. Programming issues with the Envidas software are currently
being worked through. DAQ has applied for IRA Grant funding and the plan is to purchase 8
analyzers and 7 calibrators if the money is awarded. Future replacement of the iModels with the
Q-Models will be dependent upon funding.
Environics Model 7000 Zero Air Generators, ZAG, are in good condition. DAQ
purchased them in 2014. The ECB has five units. The division uses them in the maintenance lab
at the technician’s work benches.
API Teledyne Model 701 ZAGs are in good condition, having been purchased in 2014
and 2015. The ECB has 74 of these ZAGs and deployed them starting in 2015 to all DAQ sites
requiring zero air. The first 50 Model 701’s are no longer supported by the manufacturer and will
gradually be phased out when each unit fails beyond repair. Teledyne’s recommendation is to
upgrade to the newer supported models.
API Teledyne Model 751H Portable ZAGs are in good condition. The DAQ purchased
them in 2014 and 2015. The ECB has two of these ZAGs and uses them to conduct audits. Our
current model is no longer supported by the manufacturer and will gradually be phased out when
each unit fails beyond repair. Teledyne’s recommendation is to upgrade to the newer supported
SO2 analyzers Thermo 43i are in good condition. The DAQ purchased them in 2015. The
ECB has 11 - 43i’s and eight - 43i-TLE analyzers. They are currently supporting five year-round
sites, of which two are time-limited source-oriented sites, established to meet the data
requirement rule, four three-year rotating sites and two audit sites for the data requirements rule.
DAQ has applied for IRA Grant funding and the plan is to purchase one Q-model analyzer for
testing. Additional purchases are being considered to replace the iModels when funding will
CO analyzers Thermo 48i-TLE (three in 2007, one in 2012, two in 2015, two in 2016 and
one in 2018) are in fair to like new condition. Parts are hard to acquire for the older 48i’s. The
analyzers support two sites in DAQ and one in Mecklenburg County.
NOy Reactive Nitrogen Thermo 42i-Y analyzers (three in 2007, one in 2012) are in fair
to good condition. One additional analyzer was purchased with awarded ARP Grant money, and
we are currently waiting for delivery.
Thermo 146i calibrators used with SO2, CO and NOy are new (2015) and in good
condition. The division has 15 and replaced the last 146C model in 2017. DAQ has applied for
IRA Grant funding and the plan is to purchase one Q-model calibrator for testing. Future Q-
model calibrators are being considered to replace the iModels when funding will allow for the
NH3 Ammonia monitors - Model 17C: DAQ stopped monitoring for this pollutant in
June 2015. DAQ sent the older three pieces of equipment to surplus in 2015. The ECB has two
newer units for any future requirements.
NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide Teledyne T200UP analyzers are in good condition. The DAQ has
five units (three purchased in 2012, one purchased in 2013 and one purchased in 2014). The ECB
has 2 CAPS monitors deployed at Rockwell and Millbrook PAMS. One new unit was purchased
for the PAMS project, which allows for a spare unit at the ECB. Funding requests were made to
purchase a Teledyne N500 analyzer and were denied. Future purchases will be determined by
available funding.
NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide Teledyne T700U calibrators are in good condition. The DAQ has
eight (four in 2013, two in 2014 and two in 2018) units. The DAQ is working to purchase
additional units in the future as funding allows.
NO3 nitrate analyzers and generators – R&P Model 8400N: DAQ owns two each (2003).
The Millbrook continuous speciation site (CSS) was shut down on March 6, 2020 and both units
are at the ECB. These units are in poor condition and will be sent to surplus when time allows.
SO4 sulfate analyzers – Thermo Model 5020c: DAQ owns two (2005) and they are in
poor condition. Thermo stopped supporting them in 2015. The DAQ buys maintenance parts
annually for this equipment. The ECB replaced the Model 5020c SO4 monitor at the Millbrook
CSS with the new unit in late 2013. The Millbrook CSS site has been shut down and the unit was
removed in 2020. These units will be sent to surplus when time allows.
Anderson particulate machines: The DAQ has kept two (1987) in its inventory, they are
in poor condition and will be sent to surplus when time allows.
Total suspended particulate, TSP: The DAQ has kept six (1996) in its inventory, they are
in poor condition and will be sent to surplus when time allows.
Wedding PM10 monitors: The DAQ has kept one (1991) in its inventory and it is in poor
condition. This unit will be sent to surplus when time allows.
URG 3000N particulate monitors: The DAQ owns five (2010); two are in good condition
and the other three are used as spares to support the remaining units.
Met One SASS 9800 particulate monitors: The DAQ owns five older units and one
(2016) is in fair condition to new condition. The ECB uses the older units as spares to maintain
the remaining unit.
Met One Super SASS-110: The DAQ purchased one unit in 2018. This unit has been
deployed at Millbrook to replace a faulty unit.
Thermo Partisol 2025 PM2.5 units: DAQ owns 40 (1998 – 2001); while showing some
age, they are in poor condition. These units are no longer supported by the manufacturer and will
be gradually replaced beginning in 2017. There are no units remaining in the field. These units
will be sent to surplus when time allows.
Thermo Partisol 2025i PM2.5 units: The DAQ owns four; they are in fair condition. The
two received in 2015 do not have cold weather kits and it is too expensive to upgrade them; the
ECB will use them for spare parts. The two received in 2016; ECB installed one at the Millbrook
site and the second one went to Mecklenburg County. The DAQ has purchased seven units in
2017 and has replaced all old 2025 units.
Beta attenuation monitors, BAM, Model 1020: The DAQ owns 24; units were acquired
between 2008 and 2015; equipment is in good to new condition. Five touchscreen units were
purchased in 2021 and will be deployed as older units fail. There is a plan to gradually replace
the 1020’s with 1022’s when funding and siting criteria allows.
Beta attenuation monitors, BAM, Model 1022: The DAQ owns 18, equipment was new
(2015 and 2016) and in good condition. The DAQ purchased four additional units in 2017.
Several units have been sent back to the manufacturer for an overhaul and have been returned in
like new condition. Three new units were recently purchased through the ARP Grant and are
scheduled to replace the 1020’s at Bryson City, Lexington and Candor.
E-BAM monitors: The DAQ currently owns six E-BAMS, one is deployed at a DAQ
atmospheric deposition site and four are stored at the Reedy Creek Lab ready for deployment as
necessary and one is on extended loan at the Asheville Regional Office. Two units are older and
in good working condition, while two units were purchased in 2017 and two were purchased in
late 2020. All units are in good working condition.
Xontek 911 VOC samplers need constant reconditioning. Nearly all obsolete pumps have
been replaced. Heaters for the flow controller are in desperate need. There are 11 units that are
over 20 years old that are in service and six that DAQ purchased in 2014 for a total of 17. The
DAQ is working to purchase additional units in the future as funding allows.
ATEC 2200-1C aldehyde samplers are in good condition. The DAQ owns 4 that are in
service and one 8CH-8000 sampler to support the PAMS monitoring requirements, collecting
three 8-hour samples during a 24-hour period purchased in 2020. DAQ is working to purchase
additional units in the future.
Magee Scientific Aethalometer AE33 is in storage at the ECB. The unit is in poor
condition because of a bad pump. No Aethalometers are currently deployed in the field.
API T640x: The DAQ owns three monitors purchased between 2016 and 2017. DAQ is
testing one unit at Millbrook and one at Castle Hayne. Two spare units at the ECB in good
condition. One to two new units were requested to be purchased in 2022 to replace some of the
BAM Coarse sites or old PM10 sites.
Met One AIO2 sensors were purchased in 2018. 11 units were purchased for WS, WD,
BP, AT, RH, SG. Currently these units are being tested alongside current Met Towers and
sensors for performance and data comparisons. Several units have been deployed and software
programming with different versions have caused issues with other types of equipment. An audit
procedure is currently being worked on for future use.
N-CON Model 00-120, wet/dry deposition samplers: The DAQ owns 14 samplers, 13 are
deployed at 12 atmospheric deposition sites across NC and one is a spare stored at the DAQ
Reedy Creek Lab. There are 2 Model 00-125 at mercury deposition sites that were purchased in
2014. The model 00-120 were purchased in 2018 and 2019. All are in good working condition.
ETI NOAH-IV rain gauge: The DAQ owns 15 units, 12 are deployed at 12 atmospheric
deposition sites across NC, two are deployed at mercury deposition sites, and one is stored at the
DAQ Reedy Creek Lab. Mercury rain gauges were purchased in 2014; all others were purchased
in 2018 and 2019. All are in good working condition.
Ceilometer: The DAQ owns one (1) Vaisala CL-51 Ceilometer and accessories purchased
in 2020. The ceilometer is deployed at the PAMS site in Raleigh, NC. It is in excellent
AutoGC: The DAQ owns one (1) Markes-Agilent automated gas chromatograph with
dual flame ionization detectors to support PAMS monitoring. The unit was purchased by the
EPA and delivered at the end of 2018. It was installed at the Reedy Creek Laboratory in 2019 for
system development, training, and shakedown. In January 2021, it was deployed at the PAMS
monitoring site in Raleigh, NC. A contamination problem occurred with the instrument and was
repaired and put back into service in January 2023. The chemist responsible for the operation left
state service February 2023 and hiring a replacement chemist has been difficult. The instrument
is operational and idled at this time until a chemist and/or contractor can be brought on board to
operate the system.
Pyranometers: The DAQ owns one (1) MetOne Li-200R solar radiator sensor and one (1)
Kipp & Zonene CUV-5 UV radiation sensor. These sensors are deployed at the PAMS
monitoring site in Raleigh, NC. They are in good condition.
DAQ also owns one (1) Cooper Environmental Xact 625i Ambient Metals Monitoring
System and accessories purchased in 2020. It is in good condition.
DAQ also owns one (1) Fluke Calibration Molbox and accessories. It is in good
DAQ has purchased 40 Alicat FP-25 Flow Calibrators for Particulate Air Samplers with
awarded ARP grant money to replace the aging Tetracals. Deployment will take place after
testing and procedures can be verified, and a new SOP implemented.
XVI. Resources
1. Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 58, Ambient Air Quality Surveillance. Part 58 and
Part 58 Amended: Federal Register/Vol. 71 No. 200/Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2006/Rules and
2. Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 58, Ambient Air Quality Surveillance. APPENDIX A
NATIONAL AMBIENT AIR QUALITY STANDARDS: Electronic Code Of Federal Regulations,
Aug. 22, 2019, available at https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-
3. Title 40: Protection of Environment, PART 58—AMBIENT AIR QUALITY
SURVEILLANCE, Appendix D to Part 58—Network Design Criteria for Ambient Air
Quality Monitoring, available at https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-
4. State of North Carolina, Department of Transportation. Traffic Count Information.
https://connect.ncdot.gov/resources/State-Mapping/Pages/Traffic-Volume-Maps.aspx 1500
Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC, 27699-1500.
5. List of Designated Reference and Equivalent Methods. Issue Date: Dec. 15, 2022.
https://www.epa.gov/system/files/documents/2022-12/List_of_FRM_and_FEM.pdf. United
States Environmental Protection Agency, National Exposure Research Laboratory, Human
Exposure & Atmospheric Sciences Division (MD-D205-03), Research Triangle Park, NC
6. Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) on Criteria Monitoring Between SCDHEC and
NCDENR DAQ, July 1, 2015, Available on the worldwide web at
7. Office of Management and Budget, OMB BULLETIN NO. 13-01: Revised Delineations of
Metropolitan Statistical Areas, Micropolitan Statistical Areas and Combined Statistical Areas
and Guidance on Uses of the Delineations of These Areas, Feb. 28, 2013, available at
accessed May. 18, 2017.
8. Office of Management and Budget, OMB BULLETIN NO. 15-01: Revised Delineations of
Metropolitan Statistical Areas, Micropolitan Statistical Areas and Combined Statistical Areas
and Guidance on Uses of the Delineations of These Areas, July. 15, 2015, available at
accessed May 18, 2017.
9. Office of Management and Budget, OMB BULLETIN NO. 17-01: Revised Delineations of
Metropolitan Statistical Areas, Micropolitan Statistical Areas and Combined Statistical Areas
and Guidance on Uses of the Delineations of These Areas, Aug. 15, 2017, available at
17-01.pdf, accessed May 05, 2022.
10. Office of Management and Budget, OMB BULLETIN NO. 18-04: Revised Delineations of
Metropolitan Statistical Areas, Micropolitan Statistical Areas and Combined Statistical Areas
and Guidance on Uses of the Delineations of These Areas, Sept. 14, 2018, available on the
worldwide web at https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Bulletin-18-
04.pdf, accessed April 25, 2020.
11. Data Requirements Rule for the 2010 1-Hour Sulfur Dioxide Primary National Ambient Air
Quality Standard, Federal Register of Aug. 21, 2015, (80 FR 51052) (FRL-9928-18-OAR),
2015-20367, available at https://www.govinfo.gov/app/details/FR-2015-08-21/2015-20367.
12. SO2 NAAQS Designations Source-Oriented Monitoring Technical Assistance Document,
U.S. EPA, Office of Air and Radiation, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Air
Quality Assessment Division, December 2013, Draft.
13. Notification of Change – Addendum to the “2015 Annual Monitoring Network Plan for
Mecklenburg County Air Quality” - Relocation of County Line (37-119-1009) Ozone
Monitoring Station to 35.314158, -80.713469 (proposed site name: University Meadows),
Feb. 10, 2016, available at
14. 42 U.S.C. United States Code, 2013 Edition Title 42 - THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND
SUBCHAPTER I – PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES Part C - Prevention of Significant
Deterioration of Air Quality subpart i - clean air Sec. 7475 - Preconstruction requirements,
available at
15. 2011 State of North Carolina Ambient Air Monitoring Network Plan, The U. S. EPA Region
4 Comments and Recommendations, available at
16. 2015 State of North Carolina Ambient Air Monitoring Network Plan, The U. S. EPA Region
4 Comments and Recommendations, available at
17. U.S. EPA AirData, Air Quality Index Report, available at https://www.epa.gov/outdoor-air-
18. NC DAQ - North Carolina Point Source Emissions Report, available at
19. “Redesignation Demonstration and Maintenance Plan for the Hickory and
Greensboro/Winston-Salem/High Point Fine Particulate Matter Nonattainment Areas” State
Implementation Plan (SIP), Dec. 18, 2009, available at http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/air-
20. “Carbon Monoxide (CO) Limited Maintenance Plan for the Charlotte, Raleigh/Durham &
Winston-Salem CO Maintenance Areas”, Aug. 2, 2012, available at
21. National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Lead, Federal Register, Vol. 73, No. 219, \
Wednesday, Nov. 12, 2008, p. 66964, available at https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2008-
22. Revisions to Lead Ambient Air Monitoring Requirements, Federal Register, Vol. 75, No.
247, Monday, Dec. 27, 2010, p. 81126, available at https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-
23. Revisions to Ambient Monitoring Quality Assurance and Other Requirements, Federal
Register, Vol. 81, No. 59, Monday, March 28, 2016, p. 17248, available at
24. Primary National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Nitrogen Dioxide, Federal Register,
Vol. 75, No. 26, Feb. 9, 2010, available at
25. Duke Energy Progress, Sutton Plant implosion showcases Duke Energy transition to cleaner
energy in the Carolinas, Nov. 9, 2016, available at https://news.duke-
cleaner-energy-in-the-carolinas, accessed May 12, 2017.
26. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, 2012 Annual Monitoring Network
Plan for The North Carolina Division of Air Quality, available at
27. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 2016-2017 Final Network Monitoring
Plan, Appendix D. Duke Energy Roxboro Siting Analysis and Additional Site Information,
July 1, 2016, available on the worldwide web at
73; Appendix E. Evergreen Packaging Canton Siting Analysis and Additional Site
Information, July 1, 2016, available on the worldwide web at
37; Appendix K. PCS Phosphate, Inc. - Aurora Siting Analysis and Additional Site
Information, July 1, 2016, available on the worldwide web at
49; Appendix L. CPI Southport Siting Analysis and Additional Site Information, Sep.1,
2016, available on the worldwide web at
5; and Addendum 2 Duke Progress Energy Skyland Siting Analysis and Additional Site
Information, Dec, 28, 2016, available on the worldwide web at
28. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 2019-2020 Final Network Monitoring
Plan, Volume 1 Network Descriptions, Addendum 1 Wade Relocation Siting Analysis and
Site Information, March 31, 2020, available on the worldwide web at
29. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 2019-2020 Final Network Monitoring
Plan Volume 1 Network Descriptions, Addendum 2. Skyland Data Requirements Rule
(DRR) and Semora DRR Data Analysis for Shutting Down the DRR Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
Monitors, April 8, 2020, available on the worldwide web at
30. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 2020-2021 Annual Monitoring
Network Plan for the North Carolina Division of Air Quality, Volume 1, July 2, 2020,
029 (accessed May 5, 2021).
31. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Air Quality Trends in North Carolina,
available at https://www.deq.nc.gov/water-quality/planning/air-quality-trends-north-carolina-
32. United States Census Bureau, Population Division. Cumulative Estimates of Resident
Population Change and Rankings for Metropolitan Statistical Areas in the United States and
Puerto Rico: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2019. Released March 2020, available online at
33. United States Census Bureau, Population Division. Resident Population Estimates for the
100 Fastest-Growing U.S. Counties with 10,000 or More Population in 2010: April 1, 2010
to July 1, 2019 (CO-EST2019-CUMGR), Release Date: March 2020.
34. United States Census Bureau, Population Division. Resident Population Estimates for the
100 Fastest-Growing U.S. Counties with 10,000 or More Population in 2018: July 1, 2018 to
July 1, 2019 (CO-EST2019-ANNGR), Release Date: March 2020.
35. United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2011 National Emission Inventory, NEI,
Data, available at https://www.epa.gov/air-emissions-inventories/2011-national-
36. United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2012 State of North Carolina Ambient Air
Monitoring Network Plan, The U. S. EPA Region 4 Comments and Recommendations, p5,
available at
37. United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2014 National Emission Inventory, Version
1, All Sectors: National-County/Tribe aggregated, Released December 2016, available at
Accessed Jan. 4, 2017.
38. United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2016 State of North Carolina Ambient Air
Monitoring Network Plan, The U. S. EPA Region 4 Comments and Recommendations, Dec.
16, 2016, p 2-5, available at
38. United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2017 National Emission Inventory,
February 2020 Version: The August 2019 point sources have been improved to include rail
yards, offshore sources, and other minor updates. The released NEI now also includes
nonroad sources (except commercial marine and rail lines), wildfires, and prescribed burning,
available online at https://www.epa.gov/air-emissions-inventories/2017-national-emissions-
inventory-nei-data. Accessed April 25, 2020.
39 United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2017 State of North Carolina Ambient Air
Monitoring Network Plan, The U. S. EPA Region 4 Comments and Recommendations, p7,
available at
40. United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2020-2021 State of North Carolina Ambient
Air Monitoring Network Plan, The U. S. EPA Region 4 Comments and Recommendations,
available at
40. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Near-road NO2 Monitoring Technical
Assistance Document, available at https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2020-
41. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Outdoor Air Quality Data, Air Quality
Index Report, available at https://www.epa.gov/outdoor-air-quality-data/air-quality-index-
42. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Revision to the Near-road NO2 Minimum
Monitoring Requirements, Federal Register, Vol. 81, No. 251, Dec. 30, 2016, available on
the worldwide web at https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2016-12-30/pdf/2016-31645.pdf.
43. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Susceptible and Vulnerable Populations -
NO2 Monitoring, available at https://www.epa.gov/amtic/no2-monitoring-susceptible-and-
44. United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2020). TRI Explorer (2018 National
Analysis Dataset (released November 12, 2019)) [Internet database]. Retrieved from
https://enviro.epa.gov/triexplorer/tri_text.background, (April 11, 2020).
45. Primary National Ambient Air Quality Standard for Sulfur Dioxide, Final Rule, Federal
Register, Vol. 75, No. 119, Jun. 22, 2010, available at
https://www3.epa.gov/ttn/naaqs/standards/so2/fr/20100622.pdf, accessed on May 23, 2020
46. Ambient Air Monitoring Network Assessment Guidance, Analytical Techniques for
Technical Assessments of Ambient Air Monitoring Networks, United States Environmental
Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Air Quality Assessment
Division, Research Triangle Park, NC; available at
Appendix A. Summary of Monitoring Sites and Types of Monitors
Table A-1 Summary of Monitoring Sites and Types of Monitors
Site ID
Site Name
NO2 O3
PAMS PM10 PM10-2.5 PM2.5 Meteorology
Linville Falls X SR
Bayview Ferry X X X X
Bent Creek X
370210034 a
Board of Ed P P X X
370210035 a
AB Tech College VOC
Asheville X
Lenoir X X
Cherry Grove X X
Hickory Water
Wm Owen
Honeycutt X X
Wade School
Table A-1 Summary of Monitoring Sites and Types of Monitors
Site ID
Site Name
NO2 O3
PAMS PM10 PM10-2.5 PM2.5 Meteorology
Lexington Water
Durham Armory X X X X X
Leggett X X
Hattie Ave. X X X X X X X X SR VOC
370670030 b
Clemmons X X X
370671008 b
Union Cross X X AT
Joanna Bald X
Butner X
Mendenhall X X P X SR X
Waynesville E.S. X
Canton DRR X
Fry Pan X
Purchase Knob X
West Johnston X X
Lenoir Community
Table A-1 Summary of Monitoring Sites and Types of Monitors
Site ID
Site Name
NO2 O3
PAMS PM10 PM10-2.5 PM2.5 Meteorology
Crouse X
Jamesville X X X
371190041 d
Garinger X X X X X X P X X X X X X X X X X X VOC
371190045 d
Remount Rd X X X X
371190047 d
Ramblewood Park X
371190048 d
Friendship Park X
371190050 d
Equipment Drive P
Spruce Pine
Candor X X X X X VOC
Castle Hayne X X P X
Eagles Island VOC X
Northampton X X
Bushy Fork X
Pitt Co Ag Cen X X VOC X
Table A-1 Summary of Monitoring Sites and Types of Monitors
Site ID
Site Name
NO2 O3
PAMS PM10 PM10-2.5 PM2.5 Meteorology
Bethany X X
Rockwell X X X X X X SR X
Bryson City X X X X X
Monroe M. S. X P P P P
Millbrook X X X X X P X X X X X X X X X X X X VOC
Triple Oak Rd X X X
Mt Mitchell X
CO = Carbon monoxide SO2 = Sulfur dioxide
NOy = Reactive oxides of nitrogen NO2 = Nitrogen dioxide
O3 = Ozone PM2.5 = Fine particles
X = monitor operating at site E = monitor at site will end
P = monitoring proposed to start at site R = 43i monitor for SO2 M = 2025 or 2025i Sequential C = BAM1020 or 1022 or T640 or T640X
PM10 = Particles of 10 micrometers or less in aerodynamic diameter
T = 48i-TLE or Teledyne API (TAPI) 300EU monitor for CO, 43i TLE monitor for SO2
S = Met One SASS monitor and URG 3000N
WS/WD = Wind speed & direction
AT/RH = air temperature & relative humidity
RF = Rainfall BP = barometric pressure
SR/UVR = solar radiation & ultraviolet radiation
CM = ceilometer UAT = Urban air toxics
ADN = atmospheric deposition network
VOC = Volatile organic compounds
ALD = Aldehydes and ketones
a Operated by the Western North Carolina Regional Air Quality Agency
b Operated by the Forsyth County Office of Environmental Assistance and Protection
c This monitor is owned by the United States Forest Service and operated by the North Carolina Division of Air Quality
d Operated by the Mecklenburg County Air Quality
Appendix B. 2022 Annual Monitoring Network Plan for Mecklenburg County Air Quality
Available at:
Appendix C. 2022 Annual Monitoring Network Plan for Forsyth County Office of
Environmental Assistance and Protection
Available at:
Appendix D. Current Air Quality Monitor Locations and Potentially Underserved
The purpose of this analysis is to determine the current locations of Air Quality monitors across
North Carolina and how many of those monitors are within potentially underserved block
groups. The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is committed to the
principles of environmental justice, including ensuring equitable ambient air quality monitoring
in communities across North Carolina, especially in underserved and overburdened communities.
The following analysis looks at the locations of all regulatory air monitors across North Carolina
to begin identifying potential gaps in locations of air quality monitors. This analysis has not been
The demographic data overlaid with the locations of air monitors for this analysis is the
American Community Survey (ACS), 2019 block group level data. The selected block groups
identified as Potentially Underserved meet the following definition/criteria:
• Racial composition:
Share of nonwhites is over fifty percent OR
Share of nonwhites is at least ten percent higher than county or state share
• Poverty rate:
Share of population experiencing poverty is over twenty percent AND
Share of households in poverty is at least five percent higher than the county or
state share
Two different geospatial analyses were conducted. The first selected only monitors located
within an underserved block group. The second selected monitors located both within the block
group and within 1-mile of the block group.
A total of 108 air quality monitors across the state were included in this analysis. Of those, there
are 11 types of monitors: atmospheric deposition, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), reactive oxides of
nitrogen (NOy), ozone, fine particles (PM2.5), particles with aerodynamic diameters of 10
microns or less (PM10), Urban Air Toxics, sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), Clean
Air Status and Trends Network (CASTNET), and Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual
Environments (IMROVE).
Out of the 108 total monitors, 26 (24%) of them are located within a potentially underserved
block group. When the analysis was expanded to also include any monitors within a potentially
underserved block group or within 1-mile of potentially underserved block groups, the number of
monitors considered to represent air quality in or near underserved communities increased to
62% (67 of the 108). The following figure shows the locations of those monitors, sorted out by
type, across the state.
The following sections include the demographic data (obtained through EJScreen) by type of air
monitor. Data included is for the one-mile radius surrounding the air monitor. Low-Income in
these tables shows percent with an income level below $25,000 37.
Background Atmospheric Deposition Network
For air monitors across the state that monitor background atmospheric deposition, 4 out of 7, or
57%, of the monitors are within one mile of a potentially underserved community (Table 64).
Table 64. Demographic overview for Background Atmospheric Deposition Monitors in
North Carolina Potentially Underserved Communities
Monitoring Station County
Speak English
“Less than very
Eagles Island New Hanover 37% 34% 1%
Mendenhall Guilford 22% 15% 5%
Millbrook Wake 75% 18% 15%
37 Low-Income data obtained through EJScreen is a different dataset than the Poverty data set used for the
potentially underserved communities’ definition so discrepancies may occur.
Table 64. Demographic overview for Background Atmospheric Deposition Monitors in
North Carolina Potentially Underserved Communities
Monitoring Station County
Speak English
“Less than very
Pitt County Ag
Center Pitt 75% 46% 5%
For air monitors across the state that monitor NO2, 5 out of 9, or 55%, of the monitors are within
one mile of a potentially underserved community (Table 65).
Table 65. Demographic overview for NO2 Ambient Air Monitors in North Carolina
Potentially Underserved Communities
Monitoring Station County
Speak English
“Less than very
Hattie Ave. LP
Ozone Forsyth 95% 57% 4%
Garinger Mecklenburg 65% 26% 14%
Remount Road Mecklenburg 58% 24% 2%
Millbrook Wake 75% 18% 15%
Northampton Northampton 78% 48% 0%
For air monitors across the state that monitor NOy, 2 out of 2, or 100%, of the monitors are
within one mile of a potentially underserved community (Table 66).
Table 66. Demographic overview for NOy Ambient Air Monitors in North Carolina
Potentially Underserved Communities
Station County
Speak English
“Less than very
Millbrook Wake 75% 18% 15%
Garinger Mecklenburg 65% 26% 14%
For air monitors across the state that monitor Ozone, 14 out of 33, or 42%, of the monitors are
within one mile of a potentially underserved community (Table 67).
Table 67. Demographic overview for Ozone Ambient Air Monitors in North
Carolina Potentially Underserved Communities
Station County
Speak English
“Less than very
Liledoun Alexander 28% 28% 3%
Table 67. Demographic overview for Ozone Ambient Air Monitors in North
Carolina Potentially Underserved Communities
Station County
Speak English
“Less than very
Lenoir Caldwell 23% 22% 2%
Honeycutt Cumberland 50% 18% 4%
Durham Armory Durham 63% 25% 0%
Hattie Ave. LP
Ozone Forsyth 95% 57% 4%
Butner Granville 52% 22% 0%
Mendenhall Guilford 22% 15% 5%
Lenoir Community
College Lenoir 45% 14% 0%
Jamesville Martin 44% 23% 0%
Garinger Mecklenburg 65% 26% 14%
Meadows Mecklenburg 61% 34% 5%
Pitt County Ag
Center Pitt 75% 46% 5%
Monroe Union 67% 28% 18%
Millbrook Wake 75% 18% 15%
For air monitors across the state that monitor PM2.5, 14 out of 22, or 63%, of the monitors are
within one mile of a potentially underserved community (Table 68).
Table 68. Demographic overview for PM2.5 Ambient Air Monitors in North Carolina
Potentially Underserved Communities
Monitoring Station County
Speak English
“Less than very
Board of Education
Bldg Buncombe 30% 35% 12%
Hickory Water Tower Catawba 50% 43% 11%
William Owen School Cumberland 55% 30% 5%
Durham Armory Durham 63% 25% 0%
Hattie Ave. LP Ozone Forsyth 95% 57% 4%
Lexington Water
Tower Davidson 59% 44% 9%
Mendenhall Guilford 22% 15% 5%
Remount Road Mecklenburg 58% 24% 2%
Spruce Pine Hospital Mitchel 14% 37% 5%
Garinger Mecklenburg 65% 26% 14%
Northampton Northampton 78% 48% 0%
Table 68. Demographic overview for PM2.5 Ambient Air Monitors in North Carolina
Potentially Underserved Communities
Monitoring Station County
Speak English
“Less than very
Pitt County Ag Center Pitt 75% 46% 5%
Friendship Park Mecklenburg 95% 30% 6%
Millbrook Wake 75% 18% 15%
For air monitors across the state that monitor PM10, 10 out of 13, or 76%, of the monitors are
within one mile of a potentially underserved community (Table 69).
Table 69. Demographic overview for PM10 Ambient Air Monitors in North Carolina
Potentially Underserved Communities
Monitoring Station County
Speak English
“Less than very
Taylorsville Liledoun Alexander 28% 28% 3%
William Owen School Cumberland 55% 30% 5%
Durham Armory Durham 63% 25% 0%
Hattie Ave. LP Ozone Forsyth 95% 57% 4%
Mendenhall Guilford 22% 15% 5%
Garinger Mecklenburg 65% 26% 14%
Lenoir Community
College Lenoir 45% 14% 0%
Jamesville Martin 44% 23% 0%
Ramblewood Park Mecklenburg 99% 33% 12%
Millbrook Wake 75% 18% 15%
Urban Air Toxics
For air monitors across the state that monitor Urban Air Toxics, 6 out of 7, or 85%, of the
monitors are within one mile of a potentially underserved community (Table 70).
Table 70. Demographic overview for Urban Air Toxics Ambient Air Monitors in North
Carolina Potentially Underserved Communities
Monitoring Station County
Speak English
“Less than very
AB Tech College Buncombe 34% 40% 1%
Eagles Island New Hanover 37% 34% 1%
Millbrook Wake 75% 18% 15%
Hattie Ave. LP Ozone Forsyth 95% 57% 4%
Pitt County Ag Center Pitt 75% 46% 5%
Garinger Mecklenburg 65% 26% 14%
For air monitors across the state that monitor SO2, 8 out of 10, or 80%, of the monitors are within
one mile of a potentially underserved community (Table 71).
Table 71. Demographic overview for SO2 Ambient Air Monitors in North Carolina
Potentially Underserved Communities
Station County
Speak English
“Less than very
Lenoir Caldwell 23% 22% 2%
Honeycutt Cumberland 50% 18% 4%
Durham Armory Durham 63% 25% 0%
Hattie Ave. LP
Ozone Forsyth 95% 57% 4%
Canton DRR Haywood 9% 26% 5%
Jamesville Martin 44% 23% 0%
Garinger Mecklenburg 65% 26% 14%
Millbrook Wake 75% 18% 15%
For air monitors across the state that monitor CO, 3 out of 4, or 75%, of the monitors are within
one mile of a potentially underserved community (Table 72).
Table 72. Demographic overview for CO Ambient Air Monitors in North Carolina
Potentially Underserved Communities
Monitoring Station County
Speak English
“Less than very
Remount Road Mecklenburg 58% 24% 2%
Garinger Mecklenburg 65% 26% 14%
Millbrook Wake 75% 18% 15%
The last two types of ambient monitoring station for CASNET and IMPROVE do not have any
stations within one mile of a potentially underserved community. CASNET has 0 out of 4
monitors and IMPROVE with 0 out of 3 monitors.
Appendix E. Hickory Data Analysis For Relocating the Fine Particle Monitors on the Site
In the future, Highway US 321 going past the site will be widened. Construction will dictate
some temporary changes and rerouting of traffic lanes, closure of an overpass near the site, as
well as the striking of new rights-of-way near the site on the two roads that border the water
tower property. The road itself will not increase, just the right-of-way distance, and maybe some
sidewalk/improvements area would increase. On May 12, 2021, the City of Hickory contacted
DAQ about moving the monitors approximately 38 meters to the north towards 1st Avenue SW
as shown in Figure 83. The monitors will remain at least 17 meters from the nearest travel lane
on all sides. DAQ has staked out the new location for the platform and is working on getting
electricity to the site.
Figure 83. Aerial view of the Hickory fine particle monitoring site showing relative positions of the current
location and proposed location
The monitors affected by this relocation are 37-035-0004-88101-3 and 37-035-0004-88101-4.
The DAQ operates these monitors to ensure the air in the Hickory area complies with the
national ambient air quality standards. Both fine particle monitors are suitable for comparison to
the annual fine particle national ambient air quality standard. Figure 84 shows a view of the new
location relative to the existing location at the site. Views from the proposed site looking north,
south, and west are shown in Figure 85 through Figure 87.
Figure 84. New monitoring location
Figure 85. Looking north from proposed
Figure 86. Looking west from the new
location Figure 87. Looking south from the new
Detailed Siting Information on the Proposed Location
There are no trees within 30 meters of the new location. There are two buildings 35 meters east
of the new site. One building is 6 meters tall and the other is 3 meters tall so they will also not be
an obstacle to air flow. The nearest road is 15th Street SW, approximately 18 meters east
southeast of the new location. 1st Avenue SW is approximately 26 meters north northwest of the
new location. US 321 is approximately 135 meters east northeast of the new location. As shown
in Figure 88, in 2019 the average annual daily traffic (AADT) count was 4,100 to the north
northeast of the new location on 1st Avenue SW, 3,200 to the southeast of the new location on 2nd
Avenue SW, and 39,500 to the southeast of the new location on US 321. The inlet heights at the
new location will be the same as the inlet heights for the current monitoring location,
approximately 2.3 meters.
Figure 88. 2019 Traffic count map for Hickory (from DOT)
The Air Quality System identification number and street address for the site will remain the
same: 37-035-0004 and 1501 1st Avenue, SW, Hickory, North Carolina 28602. The new latitude
and longitude will be 35.729358 and -81.365685 (subject to change slightly depending on the
exact placement of the monitors). The sampling and analysis methods (AQS codes 209) and
operating schedules (hourly) will remain the same. The monitoring objective for both monitors
will continue to be population exposure. Figure 89 shows the location of the monitoring station
relative to the population center of Hickory. Based on the wind roses in Figure 90 through Figure
94, the predominate winds are from the south southwest throughout the year except for in the fall
when the predominate winds are from the west northwest. The spatial scale of representativeness
for both monitors will remain neighborhood based on the location of the roadways and the
amount of traffic on those roads. (See Figure 94.)
Figure 89. Location of the proposed monitoring station relative to the population of
Figure 90. Wind rose for Hickory using last six years of data (from NC State Climate
Figure 91. Hickory springtime wind rose
(from NC State Climate Office)
Figure 92. Hickory summertime wind
rose (from NC State Climate Office)
Figure 93. Hickory fall-time wind rose
(from NC State Climate Office)
Figure 94. Hickory wintertime wind rose
(from NC State Climate Office)
Figure 95. Figure E-1 from Appendix E used to determine spatial scale of
representativeness for particle monitors
These two monitors are representative of air quality in the Hickory metropolitan statistical area.
Table 73 summarizes other factors DAQ evaluated when choosing the new location for the
monitors. Location of permitted facilities are shown in Figure 96.
Table 73. Other considerations in site selection
Factor Evaluation
Long-term Site Commitment The City of Hickory is willing to provide DAQ with a
long-term lease agreement and does not plan to develop
the current area any time in the near future
Sufficient Operating Space 30 plus meter diameter open area free of trees and
Access and Security Current monitors have not been vandalized while within
the fenced in area. The monitors will remain inside the
locked fence at their new location.
Safety Appropriate electrical permits will be obtained.
Power Power is readily accessible from the nearby power poles.
Environmental Control Both monitors are designed to operate in situ, so no
environmental control is required at this time.
Table 73. Other considerations in site selection
Factor Evaluation
Exposure The monitoring station will be at least 17 meters from the
roadways, 20 meters from the driplines of trees and will
not be near any trees or buildings that could be an
obstacle to air flow. The monitors will be placed such
that the water tower will not block the predominate
winds from the south and west.
Distance from Nearby
There are six facilities with air permits within 2 km of
the proposed location. Traditions Woodcarvings and
Frames, Inc., is located 960 meters to the northeast and
reported no emissions of fine particles in 2014. Century
Furniture Plant 1 is located 1090 meters to the north
northeast and reported 2020 emissions of fine particles of
11 tons. Century Furniture Plant 11 is located 2
kilometers to the west northwest and did not report any
pollutants. Unifour Finishers, Inc. is located 1.87
kilometers to the west and did not report any fine particle
emissions. Synthetics Finishing Longview is located
1160 meters to the southwest and reported 0.3 tons of
fine particle emissions in 2013. TSG Finishing, LLC –
Combeau Industries is located 1230 meters to the south
southwest and reported no emissions of fine particles in
Proximity to Other
The proposed monitoring station is located 2.45
kilometers southeast from the Hickory Regional Airport.
Figure 96. Location of new monitoring location relative to facilities regulated by DAQ
DAQ is requesting EPA’s approval for relocating this site on the Town of Hickory property
where the current site is located. This relocation of the monitors on the site property is necessary
to get them out of the way of future DOT construction plans. Plus, the new location on the
property meets all the necessary siting criteria in Appendices A, D and E of 40 Code of Federal
Regulations Part 58. Because the proposed location is remaining on the same property and will
retain the same AQS identification number, there will be no impact on the ability to determine
fine particle design values for the Hickory Metropolitan Statistical Area. Thus, there are no
negative impacts expected based on relocation of the monitors and only positive impacts for the
community and regulatory agencies involved. If the monitors are not relocated on this property,
they will need to be moved to an alternate location in Hickory. Based on past searches for
alternate monitoring sites near this location, DAQ does not expect to find alternate locations that
better meet the siting criteria.
Appendix F. Bryson City Data Analysis for Relocating the Fine Particle Monitor on the
During the 2021 annual network review, Mr. Steve Ensley noted that the tree located
10.97 meters to the southwest of the continuous fine particle monitor inlet would soon become
an obstacle to air flow. As a result, Mr. Ensley investigated the possibility of relocating the
monitor elsewhere on the property. In the fall of 2022, DAQ plans to relocate the continuous fine
particle monitor from its current location to a new location at the site placing it between the met
tower and the rain gage to move the monitor further away from the dripline of a nearby tree as
shown in Figure 97. When the monitor is relocated, DAQ may also change the continuous fine
particle monitoring method from a BAM 1020 to a BAM 1022, if a BAM 1022 is available at
that time. This relocation will not require a change in AQS identification number or address
because the monitor is remaining on the same property.
Figure 97. Relocation of the continuous fine particle monitor at Bryson City
The monitor affected by this relocation is 37-173-0002-88101-3. The DAQ operates this monitor
as a transportation monitor to monitor the air leaving and entering the state and ensure the air
quality complies with the national ambient air quality standards. This fine particle monitor is
suitable for comparison to the annual fine particle national ambient air quality standard. Figure
98 shows a view of the current monitor inlet with the tree in the background and Figure 99 shows
the new platform relative to the trees and current monitor location. A view of the new fine
particle monitoring location looking west is shown in in Figure 100 and views looking northwest
with and without the new platform are shown and Figure 101 and Figure 102.
Figure 98. Current fine particle monitor location with trees in the background
Figure 99. Location of new platform
relative to current platform and trees of
Figure 100. Looking west at the new fine
particle monitoring location
Figure 101. Looking northwest at the new
Figure 102. Location of new platform
relative to roadway
Detailed Siting Information on the Proposed Location
The closest tree dripline will be 17.37 meters west of the relocated fine particle monitor. This
tree’s approximate height is 6.61 meters so this tree will not be an obstacle to air flow. The
dripline of the taller tree behind it is 21 meters away. There are no buildings within 80 meters of
the site. The nearest road is Recreation Park Road, 25 meters east of the monitor location. West
Deep Creek Road is 96 meters northeast of the site. US 19 is 416 meters south southeast of the
site. As shown in Figure 103, in 2019 the average annual daily traffic (AADT) count was 1,500
to the southeast of the site on West Deep Creek Road, and 7200 in 2018 to the south of the site
on US 19. The inlet height for the new monitoring location will be the same as for the current
monitoring location, approximately 2.39 meters above ground level.
Figure 103. Traffic count map (from DOT)
The Air Quality System identification number and street address for the site will remain the
same: 37-173-0002 and 30 Recreation Park Drive, Bryson City, North Carolina 28806. The
latitude (35.43804) and longitude (-83.442195) for the site will not change. The sampling and
analysis method AQS code 170 for the BAM 1020 will remain the same until it is replaced with
the BAM 1022, which has the method code 209. The operating schedule (hourly) will remain the
same. The monitoring objective for the monitor will continue to be regional transport. Figure 104
shows the location of the monitoring station relative to the population center of Bryson City.
Based on the wind roses in Figure 105, the predominant winds are from the north northeast and
west. The spatial scale of representativeness for the monitor will be neighborhood based on the
location of the roadways and the amount of traffic on those roads. (See Figure 106.)
Figure 104. Location of the monitoring station relative to the population of Bryson City
Figure 105. Wind rose for Bryson City using last five years of data
Figure 106. Figure E-1 from Appendix E used to determine spatial scale of
representativeness for particle monitors
This fine particle monitor is DAQ’s required transport monitor.
Table 74 summarizes other factors DAQ evaluated when choosing the proposed location
for the fine particle monitoring station. Location of permitted facilities are shown in
Figure 107.
Table 74. Other considerations in site selection for Bryson monitor relocation
Factor Evaluation
Long-term Site
The Swain County Recreation Park is willing to provide DAQ
with a long-term lease agreement and does not plan to develop
the current area any time soon
Sufficient Operating
17-meter diameter open area free of trees and buildings
Access and Security Current monitors at this site have not been vandalized at this
site and there is no reason to expect them to be vandalized in
the future.
Safety Appropriate electrical permits will be obtained.
Power Power is readily accessible from the nearby meter.
The current monitor requires a temperature controlled shelter
which can be accommodated at this location.
Table 74. Other considerations in site selection for Bryson monitor relocation
Factor Evaluation
Exposure The monitoring station will be at least 17 meters from the
driplines of trees and will not be near any trees or buildings that
could be an obstacle to air flow.
Distance from
Nearby Emitters
There are three facilities with air permits within 4 km of the
Swain County Recreation Park. Consolidated Metco, Inc. –
Bryson City is located 3.28 kilometers to the south southwest.
Beasley Flooring Company, Inc. – Bryson City Division is
located 2.91 kilometers to the south southwest. Fortner
Contracting Incorporated is located 3.15 kilometers to the south
southwest. None of these facilities report emitting fine particles.
Proximity to Other
The new fine particle monitoring site is located 1.71 kilometers
northeast from Sossamon Field in Bryson City.
Figure 107. Location of monitoring location relative to facilities regulated by DAQ
DAQ is requesting EPA’s approval for relocating this site at the Swain County
Recreation Park where the current site is located. This relocation will benefit DAQ and
EPA by providing a location where the fine particle monitor will be less impacted by
nearby trees. The new location meets all the necessary siting criteria in Appendices A, D
and E of 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 58. Because the proposed location is
remaining on the same property and will retain the same AQS identification number,
there will be no impact on the ability to determine fine particle design values for the
Swain County area. Thus, there are no negative impacts expected based on relocation of
the monitor and only positive impacts for the community and regulatory agencies
Appendix G. Approved Waivers and Other Requests
Every five years DAQ is required to request that the EPA renew any existing
waivers. The first part of this subsection lists all of the waiver requests that DAQ asked
the EPA to renew in 2020 and that the EPA renewed that continue to be applicable in
2023 and 2024. The second part of this subsection contains 2020 requests for waivers and
other actions that the EPA approved in 2020.
1. Waiver Renewals
In 2020, DAQ requested, and the EPA renewed, the following waivers:
• Waiver for the second PM10 monitor in Raleigh;
• Waiver request of the siting requirements for the meteorological tower at
the Millbrook NCore site;
• Waiver request for a late start of the ozone season at remote sites;
• Waiver for the trees behind the monitoring station at Triple Oak
• A waiver to install the relative humidity and ambient temperature sensors
at 10 meters at the Millbrook NCore site;
Waiver for the Second PM10 Monitor in Raleigh
In 2015, DAQ requested the EPA renew the waiver for the second PM10 monitor
in Raleigh. Other than changing to a low volume method in 2009 to meet NCore
requirements and a low-volume continuous method in 2016, nothing changed with PM10
in the Raleigh area within the past decade. As shown in Figure 108, all the measured
concentrations are less than 80 percent of the NAAQS and all but three concentrations
measured in the past 15 years are less than 40 percent of the NAAQS. As such, there is
no danger of exceeding the NAAQS.
Figure 108. PM10 concentrations measured in Raleigh from 2004 through 2020
In addition, as shown in Table 75, PM10 has not been responsible for determining
what the air quality index will be in the Raleigh MSA during 2011 through 2019.38 Thus,
the division does not expect the PM10 concentrations in Raleigh to cause any harm to
people’s health and wellbeing. The DAQ point source emission inventory for PM10
reports 107 facilities in the Raleigh MSA emitting 882.4 tons of PM10 in 2018. Figure
109 shows the fluctuation of PM10 emissions and facilities reporting PM10 emissions from
2008 to 2018.39 Although the number of facilities reporting PM10 emissions is down, the
38 Air quality index summary information is available on the worldwide web at
39 North Carolina DAQ - North Carolina Point Source Emissions Report, Available online at
Table 75 Raleigh Air Quality Index (AQI) Summary for 2011 to 2019
AQI Good Moderate
Groups Unhealthy
AQI 90th
Number of Days
CO NO2 O3 PM2.5 PM10
2011 365 202 139 22 2 156 87 47 . . 203 162 .
2012 366 240 117 8 1 177 67 45 . . 183 183 .
2013 365 246 119 . . 97 64 44 . . 129 236 .
2014 365 215 150 . . 100 64 47 . 3 140 222 .
2015 365 228 134 3 . 105 67 46 . 2 175 188 .
2016 366 231 132 3 . 135 66 46 . . 164 202 .
2017 365 242 123 . . 100 61 45 . 2 156 207 .
2018 361 240 121 . . 90 63 45 1 . 136 224 .
2019 365 239 126 . . 93 61 46 1 . 161 203 .
CO = carbon monoxide
NO2 = nitrogen dioxide
O3 = ozone
PM2.5 = fine particles
PM10 = particles with aerodynamic diameters of 10 microns or less
Figure 109. PM10 Emissions in the Raleigh MSA from 2008 to 2018
PM10 emissions have remained about the same as they were in 2008. For these reasons, as
well as because the state is working with limited resources to meet additional monitoring
requirements for PAMS in 2021, DAQ requests that the waiver for the second PM10
monitor in the Raleigh MSA be renewed for five more years. The EPA granted a waiver
of the requirement for a second PM10 monitor in the Raleigh MSA in 2015 because the
PM10 levels have been significantly lower than the NAAQS for many years.40
Waiver Request for Millbrook Meteorological Tower
As in 2015, DAQ again requests that the waiver for the meteorological tower at the East
Millbrook Middle School NCore and PAMS site be renewed. This site has been in
operation since 1989. The tower is located approximately due south and 15.5 meters from
the shelters that house the various monitors, see Figure 110. The wind direction/speed
sensors are located at a height of 10 meters above ground. Currently the relative humidity
sensor is located at 2 meters but it will be moved to 10 meters when DAQ switches to
using an all-in-one meteorological sensor. Ambient temperature sensors are currently
located at 2 meters and 10 meters above ground, but the 2-meter sensor will end when
DAQ switches to using an all in one meteorological sensor. The tower is in an open,
grassy area that is free from any obstructions in a 270º arc to the prevailing winds that
come from the south/west direction. The tower is positioned 15.5 meters from the shelters
40 United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2015 State of North Carolina Ambient Air Monitoring
Network Plan, The U. S. EPA Region 4 Comments and Recommendations, p7, available at
on a 3 percent uphill grade. This grade adds approximately one meter to the height of the
tower above the shelters. This siting does not meet the EPA requirement for the tower
being a distance 10 times the height of the shelter, which is 3.7 meters. Additionally, a
single tree, approximately 7 meters tall, is located 18 meters to the south southwest of the
tower. Since the position of the meteorological tower is free from any obstructions in a
270º arc to the prevailing winds that come from the south and west direction, DAQ is
confident the measurements are representative of meteorological conditions at the site.
The state, therefore, requests that the EPA renew the waiver and deem the position of the
tower to be acceptable.
Figure 110. Millbrook NCore Site
(from City of Raleigh and Wake County iMAPS, http://maps.raleighnc.gov/iMAPS/ )
Waiver Request for March 1 Start of the Ozone Season at Remote Sites
The 2016 ozone monitoring season for North Carolina was April through October.
EPA's 2015 ozone rule extended this season from March through October. In 2016, North
Carolina requested that the ozone season for the high elevation mountain sites remain in
April through October. The EPA approved DAQ’s request and granted a waiver due to
accessibility issues and since temperatures are typically colder in March at these sites
than at other sites in the network.41 However, the EPA requested that the division begin
monitoring at these sites as soon as access and weather permits but no later than April 1
of each year.
Although DAQ has successfully installed the monitors and had them up and
operational by March 1 for the 2017 through 2020 ozone season, DAQ requests that this
waiver be renewed. DAQ’s concern is that the remote high elevation sites might not be
accessible for a March start date. The roads are sometimes not passable or closed by
federal or local authorities well into March due to winter weather conditions, e.g., ice,
snow, fallen trees or rocks, damage to the driving surface, etc. The earlier start date
would require DAQ to get to the mountain tops in February to calibrate equipment and
perform other quality assurance, or QA, functions. Depending on the weather, it may be
possible in some years. In other years, it is questionable whether it could be done safely,
if at all.
The specific sites covered by this request and their elevations above sea level:
• Linville Falls, AQS site 37-011-0002, 3,238 feet.
• Joanna Bald, AQS site 37-075-0001, 4,688 feet;
• Frying Pan, AQS site 37-087-0035, 5,200 feet;
• Purchase Knob, AQS site 37-087-0036, 5,085 feet;
• Mt. Mitchell, AQS site 37-199-0004, 6,502 feet.
The current regulation, 40 CFR Part 58. Appendix D, Section 4.1(i) gives Region
4 the authority to approve a deviation to the ozone monitoring season.
In EPA’s "Guideline for Selecting and Modifying the Ozone Monitoring Season
Based on an 8-hour Ozone Standard" (EPA-454R-98-001), it is noted:
“For the initial formulation of the ozone monitoring season … The basic
premise was that areas with monthly mean maximum temperatures
predominantly below 55 degrees Fahrenheit (F) are expected to have
hourly concentrations less than 0.08 ppm…”
North Carolina used to operate meteorology stations at two of the five sites, Joanna Bald
and Linville. The monthly mean maximum temperature for March for 2007 to 2011 was
53 degrees F at Joanna Bald and 55 degrees F at Linville, the lowest elevation of the five
sites. Additionally, data from the North Carolina State Climate Office show the highest
monthly mean maximum temperatures are about 9 degrees Fahrenheit colder in February
41 United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2016 State of North Carolina Ambient Air Monitoring
Network Plan, The U. S. EPA Region 4 Comments and Recommendations, Dec. 16, 2016, p 2-5, available
at http://xapps.ncdenr.org/aq/documents/DocsSearch.do?dispatch=download&documentId=8964.
when DAQ would be accessing these remote mountain areas to recalibrate equipment and
perform other QA functions.
DAQ does operate three of these sites year-round, Purchase Knob, Joanna Bald
and Frying Pan. However, DAQ cannot always get to the sites to perform QA functions
during the winter, so DAQ does not report or certify the off-season data. The monitors
run simply to provide raw, invalidated data for public information on the National Park
Service’s Great Smoky Mountains National Park and U.S. Forest Service’s websites.
Based on these considerations, DAQ requests that Linville Falls, Joanna Bald,
Frying Pan, Purchase Knob and Mount Mitchell continue to be exempt from ozone
monitoring earlier than April. This waiver to the ozone monitoring requirements will
ensure a measure of safety to DAQ staff and assist DAQ in planning and managing
limited resources.
Waiver renewal request for the trees at Triple Oak Road
DAQ requests a waiver for the trees that are on the northeast side of the building
because they are an obstruction to air flow. The waiver is necessary because the trees are
on private property belonging to an out-of-state trust and the owner has not provided
permission to DAQ to remove the trees.
Figure 111 is an aerial photograph of the site showing the location of the monitor
with regards to the surrounding trees. The building to the southeast has been removed.
The trees are 20 meters from the monitoring location to the southeast and northwest and
there are no trees between the monitor and the roadway.
Figure 111. Site diagram showing locations of trees relative to the fine particle
monitoring location.
The monitor is 11 meters from the trees to the northeast. These trees are 30 meters
tall. The inlet of the PM2.5 monitor is 4.9 meters from the ground. Thus, the trees would
need to be 50.2 meters away to not act as an obstruction.
Predominant winds at the site are from the southwest most of the year. Figure 112
provides a wind rose using the 2015 to 2019 wind data from the Raleigh Durham Airport,
which is about 2.5 Kilometers northeast of the site. Based on the wind rose, the winds
come from the south, southwest and west almost half of the time and from the north,
northeast and east less than a third of the time.
Figure 112. Wind Rose for the Raleigh-Durham Airport for 2015-2019.
Figure 112 show the trees to the north of the site. This tree line is 30 meters in
height and located 11 meters from the PM 2.5 inlet. There is a berm that starts to rise
about approximately 7 meters from where the monitoring station is located. The trees are
growing on top of this berm. They are an obstruction because (a) they are less than twice
the distance, 50.2 meters, from the monitor inlet than the difference between the height of
the probe, 4.9 meters, and the height of the trees, 30 meters and (b) they obstruct more
than 90 degrees.
Because the site is a source-oriented site and the trees do not create an obstruction
between the source, that is the roadway and the inlet, the trees should not impact the
ability of the site to monitor fine particle emissions from the interstate highway. Thus,
DAQ requests a waiver of siting criteria regarding the trees to the northeast of the site.
The other trees meet siting criteria and do not require a waiver. They are shown in Figure
114 through Figure 116.
Figure 113. Trees to the north of the site.
Figure 114. Taken from the fine particle monitor towards the east, showing trees
and access road.
Figure 115. Taken from fine particle monitor. Shows the trees to the south and the
interstate highway.
Figure 116. Taken from the fine particle monitor towards the west.
Waiver Renewal Request to Install the Ambient Temperature and Relative
Humidity Sensors at 10 Meters at the Millbrook NCore and PAMS site
DAQ requests permission to install the ambient temperature and relative humidity
sensors at the Millbrook NCore and PAMS site at 10 meters instead of 2 meters. The
division needs to make this change to the meteorological equipment because DAQ
changed to a new electronic data acquisition system, or DAS, in 2017. The new DAS is
not compatible with the meteorological equipment DAQ was using. Thus, DAQ decided
to purchase new all-in-one meteorological sensors that can be directly interfaced with the
new DAS. However, because these sensors are all-in-one, all the meteorological
components must be installed at the same height. Rather than install two all-in-one units
at the Millbrook site, one at 10 meters for wind speed and wind direction and one at 2
meters for relative humidity and ambient temperature, DAQ requests a waiver so that one
all-in-one unit at 10 meters could be used at the site.
Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations 58, Appendix D states only that sites must
measure relative humidity and ambient temperature:
3(b) The NCore sites must measure, at a minimum, PM2.5 particle mass using
continuous and integrated/filter-based samplers, speciated PM2.5, PM10-2.5
particle mass, O3, SO2, CO, NO/NOY, wind speed, wind direction, relative
humidity and ambient temperature.
5(b) PAMS measurements include:
(5) Hourly averaged ambient temperature; …
(9) Hourly averaged relative humidity;
The regulation does not state at what height the relative humidity and ambient
temperature should be measured.
Since the 2-meter height for measuring relative humidity and ambient temperature
is provided in EPA guidance and not in the regulations, DAQ requests a waiver for
measuring relative humidity at 2 meters so that one all-in-one unit may be used at 10
2. Approved 2020 Requests
DAQ requested approval to combine data from the sites listed in Table 75 for
calculating a design value for a relocated site in accordance with 40 CFR Part 50,
Appendix U(2)(c):
“In certain circumstances, including but not limited to site closures or
relocations, data from two nearby sites may be combined into a single site
data record for the purpose of calculating a valid design value. The
appropriate Regional Administrator may approve such combinations after
taking into consideration factors such as distance between sites, spatial
and temporal patterns in air quality, local emissions and meteorology,
jurisdictional boundaries and terrain features.”
The EPA reviewed and approved or has previously approved all the NC DAQ’s requested
O3 data site combinations, except for the combination of data from the Farmville (AQS
ID 37-147-0099) and Pitt Agricultural Center (AQS ID 37-147-0006) sites. 42 The EPA
believes that the monitors from these two sites may have measured slightly different
airsheds based on their distance from each other (about 14 miles) and the differences in
land use near each site. The Farmville site was in a small town more than ten miles
outside of Greenville, NC, whereas the Pitt Agricultural Center is located near the city
center of Greenville, NC, a city of almost 100,000 people. Table 75 lists the sites
numerically by county so the following discussion will follow the order in the table.
Taylorsville area in Alexander County
As shown in Figure 117, DAQ has operated three sites in the Taylorsville area,
Taylorsville, Waggin Trail and Taylorsville Liledoun. All three sites are within 3
kilometers of one another. The monitors at Taylorsville and Waggin Trail operated
simultaneously from Aug. 11, 2004 through Oct. 30, 2004, and the monitors at Waggin
Trail and Taylorsville – Liledoun operated simultaneously from Aug. 2, 2013 through
Oct. 30, 2013. Figure 118 and Figure 119 demonstrate that these three monitors are
representative of the same air shed in the Hickory area. Thus, the relocation of these
monitors meet the relocation requirements of 40 CFR § 58.14(c)(6) and the data from
these three sites should be eligible to be combined for design value calculations as
described in 40 CFR § 50 Appendix U(2)(c).
42 United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2020-2021 State of North Carolina Ambient Air
Monitoring Network Plan, The U. S. EPA Region 4 Comments and Recommendations, p14, available at
Table 76 Sites to be Combined for Ozone Design Value Calculations
Original Site
Monitor ID
Dates of
New Site Name New Monitor ID Cutover Date Status
Taylorsville 37-003-0003-
May 1, 1982 to
Oct. 31, 2004
Waggin Trail 37-003-0004-
Nov. 1, 2004 Done
Waggin Trail 37-003-0004-
Aug 11, 2004 to
Oct. 31, 2013
Taylorsville -
Nov. 1, 2013 Done
Linville Falls Site 37-011-0001-
April 24, 1998 to
July 31, 1999
Linville Falls 37-011-0002-
Aug. 1, 1999 Done
Hope Mills Police
April 1, 1989 to
Oct. 31, 1996
Golfview 37-051-1003-
April 1, 1997 Not done
Golfview 37-051-1003-
April 1, 1997 to
Oct. 31, 2014
Elementary School
May 9, 2015 Done
Cooleemee 37-059-0002-
April 15, 1996 to
Oct. 31, 2009
Mocksville 37-059-0003-
March 30,
Duke Street 37-063-0013-
April 1, 1993 to
Oct. 31, 2006
Durham Armory 37-063-0015-
April 1, 2007 Done
McLeansville 37-081-0011-
Jan. 1, 1979 to
July 6, 2005
Mendenhall 37-081-0013-
April 15,
Haywood County
Health Department
April 1, 1999 to
Oct. 31, 2010
April 1, 2011 Done
West Johnston –
Highway 301
Jan. 1, 1983 to
Oct. 31, 1994
West Johnston –
Jack Road
Jan. 1, 1995 Not done
SR1315 37-109-0099-
Jan. 1, 1982 to
Oct. 31, 1993
Crouse 37-109-0004-
Nov. 1, 1993 Not done
Table 76 Sites to be Combined for Ozone Design Value Calculations
Original Site
Monitor ID
Dates of
New Site Name New Monitor ID Cutover Date Status
Bushy Fork Site 37-145-0099-
Jan. 1, 1982 to
Oct. 31, 1997
Bushy Fork 37-145-0003-
April 1, 1998 Done
Farmville 37-147-0099-
Jan. 1, 1982 to
Oct. 31, 2007
Pitt County
Agricultural Center
April 1, 2008 Not done
Mount Mitchell –
State Highway 128
May 6, 1992 to
May 31, 2006
Mount Mitchell
Education Center
June 2, 2006 Done
Figure 117. Relationship between the Taylorsville, Waggin Trail and Taylorsville
Liledoun Sites
Figure 118. Comparison of Maximum 8-Hour Averaged Ozone Concentrations at
Waggin Trail and Taylorsville
Figure 119. Comparison of maximum daily 8-hour ozone concentrations
Linville Falls in Avery County
As shown in Figure 120, DAQ has operated two sites in Linville Falls. The two sites were
within about 40 meters of one another. Unfortunately, it was not possible to operate the
two monitors simultaneously. However, due to the limited distance of the move, the
relocation of this monitor meets the relocation requirements of 40 CFR § 58.14(c)(6) and
the data from these two sites should be eligible to be combined for design value
calculations as described in 40 CFR § 50 Appendix U(2)(c).
Figure 120. Location of the Linville Falls Site (old site) and Linville Falls (new site)
Hope Mills area in Cumberland County
As shown in Figure 120, DAQ has operated three sites in the Hope Mills area, the
Hope Mills Police Department, Golfview and Honeycutt Elementary School. All three
sites are within 4.5 kilometers of one another. Because of the timing of the evictions and
the time it took to get approval for the new sites and get the sites up and operational, the
division could not operate the monitors simultaneously. However, the three monitors are
representative of the same air shed in the Hope Mills area based on distance between
sites, spatial and temporal patterns in air quality, local emissions and meteorology,
jurisdictional boundaries and terrain features. Thus, the relocation of these monitors meet
the relocation requirements of 40 CFR § 58.14(c)(6) and the data from these three sites
should be eligible to be combined for design value calculations as described in 40 CFR §
50 Appendix U(2)(c).
Figure 121. Location of Honeycutt, Golfview and Hope Mills Police Department
Cooleemee and Mocksville in Davie County
As shown in Figure 122, DAQ operated three sites in Davie County over the
years. The Mocksville site was located within 10 Kilometers of the Cooleemee site.
Because of the timing of the request and the time it took to get approval for the
Mocksville site and get the site up and operational, the division could not operate the two
monitors simultaneously. However, the two monitors are representative of the same air
shed in Davie County based on distance between sites, spatial and temporal patterns in air
quality, local emissions and meteorology, jurisdictional boundaries and terrain features.
Thus, these two sites meet the relocation requirements of 40 CFR § 58.14(c)(6) and the
data from these two sites should be eligible to be combined for design value calculations
as described in 40 CFR § 50 Appendix U(2)(c).
Figure 122. Location of the Fork Recreational Center, Cooleemee and Mocksville
Duke Street and Durham Armory in Durham County
As shown in Figure 123, the Durham Armory site is within 300 meters of the
Duke Street site. Because of the timing of the request and the time required to obtain
permission and set up the new site, the division could not operate the two monitors
simultaneously. However, the two monitors are representative of the same air shed in the
Durham area based on distance between sites, spatial and temporal patterns in air quality,
local emissions and meteorology, jurisdictional boundaries and terrain features. Thus, this
request meets the relocation requirements of 40 CFR § 58.14(c)(6) and the data from
these two sites should be eligible to be combined for design value calculations as
described in 40 CFR § 50 Appendix U(2)(c).
Figure 123. Locations of the Durham Armory and Duke Street sites in Durham
McLeansville and Mendenhall in Guilford County
As shown in Figure 124, the Mendenhall site is within 8 Kilometers of the
McLeansville site. The monitors operated simultaneously from April 15, 2005 through
July 5, 2005, and as shown in Figure 125 are representative of the same air shed in the
Greensboro area. Thus, these two monitors meet the relocation requirements of 40 CFR §
58.14(c)(6) and the data from these two sites should be eligible to be combined for design
value calculations as described in 40 CFR § 50 Appendix U(2)(c).
Figure 124. Locations of the Mendenhall and McLeansville sites in Guilford County
Figure 125. Comparison of 8-Hour Averaged Daily Maximum Concentrations at
Mendenhall and McLeansville
Haywood County Health Department and Waynesville School in Haywood County
As shown in Figure 126, the Waynesville School site is within 150 meters from
where the Haywood County Health Department site was located. Because of the timing
of the eviction and the time involved in establishing a new site, the division could not
operate the two monitors simultaneously. However, the two monitors are representative
of the same air shed in Waynesville based on distance between sites, spatial and temporal
patterns in air quality, local emissions and meteorology, jurisdictional boundaries and
terrain features. Thus, this request meets the relocation requirements of 40 CFR §
58.14(c)(6) and the data from these two sites should be eligible to be combined for design
value calculations as described in 40 CFR § 50 Appendix U(2)(c).
Figure 126. Locations of the Haywood County Health Department and Waynesville
School sites
West Johnston Sites in Johnston County
As shown in Figure 126, the West Johnston site on Jack Road is within 25
kilometers from where the West Johnston site on Highway 301 was located. Because of
the time involved in establishing a new site, the division could not operate the two
monitors simultaneously. However, the two monitors are representative of the same air
shed in west Johnston County based on distance between sites, spatial and temporal
patterns in air quality, local emissions and meteorology, jurisdictional boundaries and
terrain features. Thus, these two monitors meet the relocation requirements of 40 CFR §
58.14(c)(6) and the data from these two sites should be eligible to be combined for design
value calculations as described in 40 CFR § 50 Appendix U(2)(c).
Figure 127. Locations of the West Johnston Site on Highway 301 (old site) and West
Johnston Site on Jack Road (new site)
State Route 1315 and Crouse Sites in Lincoln County
As shown in Figure 128, the Crouse site is 9 kilometers west from where the State
Route 1315 site was located. The monitors operated simultaneously from July 11, 1993
through Oct. 30, 1993, and as shown in Figure 129 are representative of the same air shed
in the Lincolnton area. Thus, these two monitors meet the relocation requirements of 40
CFR § 58.14(c)(6) and the data from these two sites should be eligible to be combined for
design value calculations as described in 40 CFR § 50 Appendix U(2)(c).
Figure 128. Relationship between State Route 1315 site and Crouse Site
Figure 129. Comparison of 8-Hour Averaged Ozone Concentrations at the Crouse
and State Route 1315 Sites
Bushy Fork Sites in Person County
As shown in Figure 131, Bushy Fork is 4.3 kilometers from where the old Bushy
Fork site was located. Because of the time involved in establishing a new site, the
division could not operate the two monitors simultaneously. However, the two monitors
are representative of the same air shed in the Hurdle Mills area of Person County based
on distance between sites, spatial and temporal patterns in air quality, local emissions and
meteorology, jurisdictional boundaries and terrain features. Thus, these two monitors
meet the relocation requirements of 40 CFR § 58.14(c)(6) and the data from these two
sites should be eligible to be combined for design value calculations as described in 40
CFR § 50 Appendix U(2)(c).
Figure 130. Locations of the Bushy Fork Site (old site) and Bushy Fork (new site)
Farmville and Pitt County Agricultural Center Sites in Pitt County
As shown in Figure 131, the Pitt County Agricultural Center site is 23 Kilometers
from where the Farmville site was located. Because of the time involved in establishing a
new site, the division could not operate the two monitors simultaneously. However, the
two monitors are representative of the same air shed in Pitt County based on distance
between sites, spatial and temporal patterns in air quality, local emissions and
meteorology, jurisdictional boundaries and terrain features. Thus, two monitors meet the
relocation requirements of 40 CFR § 58. I 4(c)(6) and the data from these two sites
should be eligible to be combined for design value calculations as described in 40 CFR §
50 Appendix U(2)(c).
Figure 131. Location of Farmville and Pitt County Agricultural Sites
Mount Mitchell Sites in Yancey County
As shown in Figure 18, the Mount Mitchell site is 3 kilometers from where the
State Highway 128 site was located. Because of the timing of the request to relocate the
monitor, the division could not operate the two monitors simultaneously. However, the
two monitors are representative of the same air shed in the Mount Mitchell area based on
distance between sites, spatial and temporal patterns in air quality, local emissions and
meteorology, jurisdictional boundaries and terrain features. Thus, these two monitors
meet the relocation requirements of 40 CFR § 58.14(c)(6) and the data from these two
sites should be eligible to be combined for design value calculations as described in 40
CFR § 50 Appendix U(2)(c).
Figure 132. Locations of the State Highway 128 Site (old site) and Mount Mitchell
(new site)
Appendix H. Monitoring Agreement between Virginia and North Carolina for the
Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News Metropolitan Statistical Area
Appendix I. NCore Monitoring Plan Approval Letter
Appendix J. 2010 Network Plan EPA Approval Letter
Appendix K. Monitoring Agreement for the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia
Metropolitan Statistical Area
Appendix L. Scale of Representativeness
Each agency must describe each station in the monitoring network in terms of the
physical dimensions of the air parcel nearest the monitoring station throughout which
actual pollutant concentrations are reasonably similar. Area dimensions or scales of
representativeness used in the network description are:
a) Micro-scale - defines the concentration in air volumes associated with area
dimensions ranging from several meters up to about 100 meters.
b) Middle scale - defines the concentration typical of areas up to several city blocks
in size with dimensions ranging from about 100 meters to 0.5 kilometers.
c) Neighborhood scale – defines concentrations within an extended area of a city
that has relatively uniform land use with dimensions ranging from about 0.5 to 4.0
d) Urban scale - defines an overall citywide condition with dimensions on the order
of 4 to 50 kilometers.
e) Regional Scale - defines air quality levels over areas having dimensions of 50 to
hundreds of kilometers.
Closely associated with the area around the monitoring station where pollutant
concentrations are reasonably similar are the basic monitoring exposures of the station.
There are six basic exposures:
a) Sites located to determine the highest concentrations expected to occur in the area
covered by the network.
b) Sites located to determine representative concentrations in areas of high
population density.
c) Sites located to determine the impact on ambient pollution levels of significant
sources or source categories.
d) Sites located to determine general background concentration levels.
e) Sites located to determine the extent of regional pollutant transport among
populated areas.
f) Sites located to measure air-pollution impacts on visibility, vegetation damage or
other welfare-based impacts and in support of secondary standards.
The design intent is to match the area dimensions represented by the sample of monitored
air with the area dimensions most appropriate for the monitoring objective of the station.
When siting monitoring stations, the following relationship of the objectives and scales of
representativeness are appropriate:
Table J1. Site Type Appropriate Siting Scales
1. Highest concentration Micro, middle, neighborhood, sometimes urban
or regional for secondarily formed pollutants
2. Population oriented Neighborhood, urban
3. Source impact Micro, middle, neighborhood
4. General/background & regional transport Urban, regional
5. Welfare-related impacts Urban, regional
Appendix M – 2023 Annual Report for EPA’s Data Requirements Rule to
Demonstrate Attainment with the 2010 1-Hour SO2 NAAQS
A copy of this report is available for public inspection at
plan/annual-monitoring-network-plan-for-north-carolina-air-quality. The report is also
available for public inspection at 217 West Jones Street, Raleigh, NC 27603.
Appendix N. Public Notice of Availability of Network Plan
Public notice of availability of the network plan was provided on the North
Carolina Division of Air Quality website from May 25th to June 26th, 2023. In addition,
notification was sent out via public e-mail distribution lists maintained for permitting and
Appendix O. Public Comments Received and Response
No public comments were received. The following changes were made to the
monitoring plan after it went out for public comment:
• Appendices N and O were added.
• The NCore QAPP had been approved since the public comment period closed and
the approval date was updated. A Table was removed that listed this QAPP as
conditionally approved.
• Fort Bragg was changed to Fort Liberty.
• Rockwell was corrected to the classification of a special monitoring site.
ADN – atmospheric deposition network
AMS – Ambient Monitoring Section
AQS - air quality system
AQI - air quality index
ARM - approved regional method
BAM - beta attenuation monitor
CSS - continuous speciation site
CO - carbon monoxide
CFR - Code of Federal Regulations
DHEC – Department of Health and Environmental Concerns
DRR – Data Requirements Rule
ECB – Electronics and Calibration Branch
EPA – United States Environmental Protection Agency
F - Fahrenheit
FEM – federal equivalent method
FRM - federal reference method
GSMNP – Great Smokey Mountains National Park
IMPROVE - Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments
MCAQ – Mecklenburg County Air Quality
MMIF – Mesoscale Model Interface
MOA – Memorandum of Understanding
MSA - metropolitan statistical area
NAAQS - national ambient air quality standards
DAQ - North Carolina Division of Air Quality
NCore - national core ambient monitoring network station
NO2 - nitrogen dioxide
NOy – reactive oxides of nitrogen
O3 – ozone
PAMS – photochemical assessment monitoring station
Pb - lead
PM - particulate matter
PM 2.5 - fine particulate or particles with aerodynamic diameters of 2.5 microns and
PM 10 - particles with aerodynamic diameters of 10 microns and below
PSD - prevention of significant deterioration
PWEI – population weighted emission index
QA – Quality Assurance
RRO – Raleigh Regional Office
SASSTM – Speciation Air Sampling System
SEMAP – Southeastern Modeling, Analysis and Planning
SIP – state implementation plan
SLAMs - state and local air monitoring station
SO2 - sulfur dioxide
SPM - special purpose monitor
TECO - Thermo Environmental, Incorporated
TEOM - tapered element oscillating microbalance
TLE - trace level enhanced (monitor)
TSP – total suspended particulate
UCI – Upper Confidence Interval
URG – University Research Glass
VDEQ - Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
WINS - well impactor ninety-six, a type of PM 2.5 separator
WRF - Weather Research and Forecasting
ZAG – zero air generator
ZAS – zero air supply