HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_1900135_20210923_CMPL_NOV (4) ROY COOPER =_ Governor ELIZABETH S.BISER Secretary MICHAEL ABRACZINSKAS NORTH CAROLINA Director Environmental Quality September 23, 2021 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Bobby Branch, Owner C & D Materials Recovery Facility - Goldston 2111 South Main Street Goldston,North Carolina 27252 SUBJECT: Notice of Violation—NSPS Subpart EEEE Testing and Reporting Requirements Pinnacle Waste, LLC dba C & D Materials Recovery Facility - Goldston Goldston, Chatham County,North Carolina Air Permit No. 10656G00 Facility ID No. 1900135 Fee Class: Title V (General) Dear Mr. Branch: During an air quality compliance inspection on September 15, 2021, it was discovered that your facility had not submitted a notification of intent to construct or a planned initial startup date for your air curtain incinerator located at your facility in Goldston,North Carolina. An EPA Method 9 test had also not been completed for the air curtain incinerator. C & D Materials Recovery Facility— Goldston is required by Air Permit No. 10656G00 to submit the aforementioned information prior to commencing construction of your air curtain incinerator, and to perform an initial and ongoing annual EPA Method 9 tests. The intent of this letter is to remind you of the specific reporting requirements outlined in your air permit. Section 2.1 A.2.g.i of your air quality permit reads as follows: i. Prior to commencing construction on your air curtain incinerator, submit the three items described in subparagraphs (i)(1) through (3) below. (1) Notification of intent to construct the air curtain incinerator. (2) Planned initial startup date. (3) Types of materials you plan to burn in your air curtain incinerator. Additionally, Section 2.1 A.2.d of your air quality permit reads as follows: d. Within 60 days after your air curtain incinerator reaches the charge rate at which it will operate, but no later than 180 days after its initial startup, the Permittee shall conduct the following performance tests: i. Use Method 9 of Appendix A of 40 CFR Part 60 and in accordance with General Condition JJto determine compliance with the opacity limitations. ii. Conduct an initial test for opacity as specified in 40 CFR 60.8. D E Q � North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Air Quality Raleigh Regional Office 1 3800 Barrett Drive I Raleigh,North Carolina 27609 NOFTiH GPROLINA OapaIM-of Enrl—bl QWnry 919.791.4200 T 1919.881.2261 F C & D Materials Recovery Facility - Goldston September 23, 2021 Page 2 During the September 15, 2021 inspection, the air curtain incinerator was not in operation and with no intent to restart it any time soon. Although the initial test for opacity is past due, we are not requiring you to restart the air curtain incinerator just to perform the initial test for opacity. However, if the air curtain incinerator is restarted, then the initial test for opacity is expected to be performed at the restart. After the restart, results of the initial test for opacity are required to be submitted to DAQ within 30 days of the restart date. Also note that a notification of intent to test must be provided at least 10 days prior to allow a Division of Air Quality staff to plan to observe the initial test for opacity. This letter represents a Notice of Violation for failure to provide initial notifications and to perform an initial test for opacity as required by your current air permit. This violation and any future violation(s) of air quality regulations are subject to the assessment of civil penalties as per North Carolina General Statute 143-215.114A. By October 15, 2021,please submit the following to this office: • The construction date and initial startup date of the air curtain incinerator and the types of materials you have burned and plan to burn. • Whether the facility intends to continue to operate the unit (and conduct a planned EPA Method 9 test upon restarting of the unit) or an air permit rescission request following the removal of the air curtain incinerator from your facility. • A written response describing actions taken by your company to ensure future compliance with your air permit testing and reporting requirements. This office also recommends that you or a designated company representative review your air permit to ensure that you understand all the specific and general permit conditions. Please note the monitoring, record keeping, and reporting requirements, and make the necessary provisions to ensure that these requirements are met within the specified time frames. As an additional reminder, this Notice of Violation is required to be referenced in your facility's Annual Compliance Certification (ACC),in accordance with General Condition 3.P of your Title V permit. Your 2021 ACC is due by March 1, 2022. Your cooperation is this matter is appreciated. If you have any questions,please do not hesitate to call Sindy Huang, Environmental Engineer, or Will Wike, Compliance Supervisor, at(919) 791-4200. Sincerely, --J 74q—b" Taylor Hartsfield, EIT, CPM Raleigh Regional Supervisor Division of Air Quality,NC DEQ cc: RRO Files �CLINAI Nprth Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Air Quality Raleigh Regional Office 1 3800 Barrett Drive I Raleigh,North Carolina 27609 NOFTiH G 0..rM_4 n,&.1—W.QWnry 919.791.4200 T 1919.881.2261 F