HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_1900104_20210916_CMPL_Fac-Ltr 3M Environment, 3M Center 0224-05-W-03 Health,and Safety St. Paul, MN 55144 September 16, 2021 Certified Mail 7020 3160 00013479 2609 Will Wike, Compliance Supervisor Raleigh Regional Office 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 Re: Notice of Violation—Unpermitted Emission Source;40 CFR 60 NSPS 000 Emission Testing Requirements; 3M Pittsboro—Industrial Mineral Products Air Permit ID No. 1900104 Dear Mr.Wike: 3M Company(3M) is in receipt of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality's Division of Air Quality(DAQ) Notice of Violation (NOV) issued on August 12, 2021.A written response was requested by September 3, 2021; however, on August 31, 2021, an extension was granted via email from the DAQ to September 17, 2021. Prior to the issuance of the recent NOV,3M Pittsboro was issued a prior NOV on December 11, 2020.Since then, 3M has initiated facility changes, completed internal reviews of its operations, equipment, and permit, and has completed a DAQ inspection held on May 28, 2021.Within this letter,3M Pittbsoro would like to take the opportunity to review all the related compliance matters associated with these actions to provide a clear understanding of the events taken place, and provide the DAQ its plan of action moving forwardwith respect to these NOVs. 1. New Pugmill Notice of Violation (12/11/2020) On December 11, 2020, 3M Pittsboro received an NOV alleging that the facility was in violation of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.108, as well as 40 CFR 60.8, NSPS Performance Tests and 40 CFR 60.675, NSPS Subpart 000, Test Methods and Procedures for the installation of an additional pugmill system.On Thursday January 14, 2021, 3M conducted a meeting with Ms. Judy Lee, Mr. Booker Pullen, and Mr. Matthew Mahler of the DEQ. During that time 3M contended it was not in violation of said regulations because it was 3M's interpretation that 3M Pittsboro complied with state permitting regulations in accordance to 15A NCAC 02Q.0503(8) and 15A NCAC 02Q.0102(h)(5),and,additionally was not in violation of 40 CFR Part 60,Subpart 000—Standards of Performance for Nonmettallic Mineral Process Plants because pugmills are not subject to the regulations.After this meeting,31VI provided a follow-up written response to the DAQ received on January 26, 2021. 3M had not received any additional correspondence on this matter until requesting follow-up from the DAQ on July 1, 2021 during a call un-related to this NOV.The DAQ communicated they would prepare a follow-up letter,which was received on July 28, 2021.The DAQ's response had not changed and the NOV would not be rescinded. While 3M still holds it's position that the pugmills are not subject to 40 CFR Part 60,Subpart 000 and did comply with state permitting regulations, 3M wishes to resolve the violation and respects the DAQ's position;therefore, 3M will conduct initial performance testing on the new pugmill unit(future ID No. F6772) in accordance to 40 CFR 60.8, NSPS Performance Tests and 40 CFR 60.675, NSPS Subpart 000, Test Methods and Procedures. 3M will submit an NSPS 000 "after the fact" notification of construction and start-up for the newly added pugmill by October 1, 2021,and will schedule NSPS 000 initial performance testing to demonstrate compliance with applicable NSPS 000 limits by December 1, 2021, pending test company availability. 2. Baghouse Total Filter Surface Area Notice of Violation (8/12/2021) In reference to the recently issued NOV,3M Pittsboro is in violation of Section 3, General Condition G, Permit Modifications of its Title V permit for not sumitting a minor modification application prior to replacing the Seneca bagfilters to BHA Parker bagfilters. In April 2021,31VI Pittsboro submitted a minor modification application to add two exhaust pickups at existing transfer points between Conveyors#22 and#23A,and Conveyors#23A and #23C.The pickups were to be routed to the Dryer Baghouse (CDB3) and Grade Silo Baghouse (CDB6) respectively.Within the application, 31VI provided control equipment forms (Form Cl)for each affected baghouse and provided the total filter surface area. Notably,the surface areas provided in the application did not match the areas stated within the permit.The information was confirmed to be out of date due to the utilization of a new bag manufacturer with slightly varying filter cloth areas. Since the application was submitted,3M Pittsboro has verifieid the total surface areas of all its baghouses and confirmed the actual surface areas of all its baghouses do not reflect the surface areas listed in its Title V permit because of the utilization of the BHA Parker bagfilters. 3M is in process of preparing an additional minor modification application and intends to add these changes within the contents of this application. Updated C1 Forms will be provided as well as a Professional Enginering(PE) certification included as necessary for any baghouse with an exhaust flow rate greater than 10,000 ACFM. 3M expects to have this application submitted by October 31, 2021. 31VI understands a minor modification will be required if any of its baghouse's total filter surface areas change in the future. 3. Unpermitted Equipment Notice of Violation(8/12/2021) In reference to the recently issued NOV,31VI Pittsboro is in violation North Carolina General Statute 143-215.108,as well as 40 CFR 60.8,NSPS Performance Tests and 40 CFR 60.675, NSPS Subpart 000, Test Methods and Procedures for installing, operating and failing to perform initial performance tests on two unpermitted emission sources, including a portable backup conveyor (future ID No. IS-32) and Waste Stacker Conveyor#25A. In a 2003 application,the portable backup conveyor was submitted as IA5 and was identified as an insignificant unit not subject to 15A NCAC 02Q.0102(b)(2)(E)(i) and.0503(7). IS-32 is not currently listed in the Title V permit. Conveyor 25 (F72) is an encosed permitted conveyor and is further controlled by wet suppression and feeds Conveyor 25A which transfer waste material to the outside waste piles. IS-32 and Conveyor 25A are required to be permitted due to being subject to 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart 000. In July 2021, 3M prepared and submitted the appropriate minor modification application to the DAQ.The DAQ deemed the application (Appplication No. 1900104.21B) complete on July 28, 2021. 3M will continue to work with the DAQ if there are any additional questions throughout the application process. NSPS 000 initial performance testing of the portable back-up conveyor was completed on June 2,2021. Please note that in the August 12, 2021 NOV, DAQ incorrectly states that Conveyor 25A had initial performance testing conducted on June 2,2021. 31VI will conduct initial performance testing on Conveyor 25A(future ID No. IS-32) in accordance to 40 CFR 60.8, NSPS Performance Tests and 40 CFR 60.675, NSPS Subpart 000, Test Methods and Procedures, prior to December 1, 2021, pending test company availability. 4. Title V Permit#.09006T06, General Condition F. Circumvention Deviation (7/30/2021) On July 30, 2021, 3M Pittsboro disclosed a deviation in in its Semiannual Deviation Report in accordance to General Condition F, Circumvention of its Title V permit regarding its permitted Megatex Screens.3M discussed this deviation in depth on Wednesday September 15, 2021 with DAQ personnel including: Ms.Taylor Hartsfield, Ms.Judy Lee, Ms. Heather Sands, Mr. Booker Pullen,and Mr. Mark Ciulla. During the call, 3M discussed its commitment to rectifying this non- compliance event and communicated it's in process of considering a number of viable options— specifically installing an inner liner hose within each of the ducts. Knowing the duct lines are not adding exhaust load in comparison to the duct's original design, 3M Corporate Environmental believes 31VI Pittsboro can begin this work immediately and qualify as actions and changes considered to be exempt from permit requirements in accordance to 15A NCAC 02Q.0102(g)(1)(a): maintenance,structural changes, and repairs activities that do not increase the capacity of such process and do not cause any change in the quality or nature or an increase in quantity of an emission of any regulated air pollutant. 3M requests guidance from the DAQ on its position that these changes can begin immediately as an exemption from permitting requirements.Additionally, 3M and the DAQ has agreed that 3M will follow-up with an additional disclosure letter identifying additional information for the DAQ to provide proper guidance on the next steps. 3M continues to evaluate its processes and operations and continues to strive in achieving a world class EHS program. 3M thanks the DEQ again for its time to meet and discuss both Notice of Violations and deviation.We look forward to any future discussions as needed. Please contact myself or Ryan Navis at rnavis@mmm.com or at 651-230-4776 if there are any additional questions or information needed. Sincerely, Blake Arnett Plant Director (blarnett@mmm.com) cc(electronically) Judy Lee, Division of Air Quality Permitting Section (judy.lee@ncdenr.gov) Booker Pullen, Division of Air Quality Permitting Section (booker.pullen@ncdenr.gov) Taylor Hartsfield, Division of Air Quality(taylor.hartsfield@ncdenr.gov) Heather Sands, Division of Air Quality(heather.sands@ncdenr.com) Mark Cuilla, Division of Air Quality Permitting Section (mark.cuilla@ncdenr.gov) Ryan Navis,Advanced Environmental Engineer(rnavis@mmm.com) Andrew Miller, EHS Supervisor(amillerl0@mmm.com) Della Hasan, Environmental Engineer(dhasan2@mmm.com) Connor Doede, EHS Engineer, (cjdoede@mmm.com) Andrea Russell,Senior Environmental Scientist(arusse114@mmm.com) Troy Jordan,Air Quality Compliance Manager(tjordan@mmm.com)