(hereinafter, "USEPA"), the FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION (hereinafter,
collectively referred to hereinafter as the Parties.
WHEREAS , the Parties enter into this Memorandum of Agreement (hereinafter, "MOA'' or
"Agreement") for the purpose of implementing interagency consultation procedures for
developing a State Implementation Plan (hereinafter, "SIP") and/or revisions, regional
emissions budget comparisons and conformity determinations of Metropolitan Transportation
Plans (hereinafter, "MTP"), Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Programs (hereinafter,
"TIPs"), and Regionally Significant Projects (hereinafter, "RSP");
WHEREAS , the Parties enter into this Agreement in accordance with Section l 76(c)(4)(E) of
the Clean Air Act (hereinafter, "CAA"), as amended (42 USC 7401 et seq.) with respect to the
conformity ofMTPs, TIPs and FHWA/FTA projects, which are developed , funded or approved
by the United States Department of Transportation (hereinafter, "USDOT") and by the MPO or
other recipients of funds under Title 23 USC , or the Federal Transit Act (49 USC Chapter 53),
and Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code (hereinafter, "NCAC"), Subchapter 02D,
Section .2000 , relating to nonattainment and maintenance areas ;
WHEREAS , the MPO desires to comply with the aforementioned federal laws and regulations
and parallel state and local laws and regulations by preparing, modifying and evaluating MTPs
and TIPs (which may include RSPs) in accordance with the SIP and in order to preserve the
integrity of the SIP;
WHEREAS , NCDOT desires to comply with the aforementioned federal laws and regulations
and parallel state and local laws and regulations by assisting the MPO in its conformity
determination in accordance with the State Transportation Plan and State Transportation
Improvement Program (hereinafter, "STIP") and in order to preserve the integrity of the SIP ;
WHEREAS , NCDEQ desires to assist the MPO in its compliance with the aforementioned
federal requirements and must enforce applicable state environmental laws and regulations
regarding air quality ;
WHEREAS , USEPA desires to effectively enforce the relevant federal laws and regulations
regarding air quality and compliance with SIP requirements ;
WHEREAS, FHW A desires to effectively enforce and administer the relevant aforementioned
federal laws and regulations regarding metropolitan and statewide transportation planning and
transportation conformity ;
I of27 Rocky Mount Urban Area MOA
WHEREAS , FTA desires to effectively enforce and administer the relevant aforementioned
federal laws and regulations regarding metropolitan and statewide transportation planning and
transportation conformity; and
WHEREAS , the Parties wish to work together to perform the duties imposed upon them by law
and to coordinate among themselves for efficient and thorough planning for air quality in the
geographic area included within the MPO.
THEREFORE, in consideration of these conditions and for good and valuable consideration and
the benefits flowing to the Parties from each other, the receipt of which is hereby
acknowledged , and in further consideration of the mutual covenants, terms , conditions, and
restrictions hereinafter set forth , the Parties hereby agree as follows :
The purpose of this MOA is to satisfy the requirement in CAA Section 176(c)(4)(E) to create a
state conformity SIP containing the following three requirements of the Federal Transportation
Conformity Rule , 40 CFR, Part 93 , Subpart A: (1) 40 CFR 93.105 , which addresses
consultation procedures ; (2) 40 CFR 93.122(a)(4)(ii), which states that conformity SIPs must
require written commitments to control measures to be obtained prior to a conformity
determination if the control measures are not included in an MPO's transportation plan and TIP ,
and that such commitments be fulfilled ; and (3) 40 CFR 93 .125(c), which states that conformity
SIP s must require written commitments to mitigation measures to be obtained prior to a project-
level conformity determination, and that project sponsors comply with such commitments.
1.1 "Conformity" --refers to the status of transportation plans , programs and
projects within a region designated as nonattainment or maintenance for
transportation-related pollutants, as to whether they comply with air emission
levels and standards required by existing state and/or federal implementation
plans for that region .
1.2 "Consultation" --means when one Party confers with another identified Party,
prior to any final decision, provides all information necessary to that Party
needed for meaningful input, and considers and responds to the views of that
Party in a timely and written manner.
1.3 "Interagency Consultation Conformity Determination Meeting" --refers to a
meeting called by the MPO or its designee and open to all Parties, designed to
establish agreed upon procedures, protocols, and schedules for conducting a
conformity analysis and determination.
1.4 "Metropolitan Transportation Plan" (MTP) --means the official multimodal
transportation plan addressing no less than a 20 -year planning horizon that the
MPO develops , adopts, and updates through the metropolitan transportation
2 of27 Rocky Mount Urban Area MOA
1.5 "Transportation Improvement Program" (TIP) --means a staged, multi-year,
intermodal program of transportation projects covering a metropolitan planning
area which is consistent with the MTP and was developed pursuant to 23 CFR,
Part 450 .
1.6 "State Implementation Plan" (SIP) --means documents, including, but not
limited to, State adopted regulations , attainment demonstrations , and
maintenance plans , submitted by North Carolina to , and approved by , the
USEP A , or the most recent revision thereof, in accordance with Sections 110 ,
30l(d), and 175(A) of the CAA (42 USC 7410 , 7601 , and 7505(a)) and
regulations promulgated by USEPA pursuant to the provisions of those
1.7 "Statewide Interagency Consultation Meetings" (SICM) --refers to regularly
scheduled informational meetings, sponsored by NCDEQ to which all Parties
are invited , including all MPOs and Regional Planning Organizations
throughout the State, which are required to have air quality conformity
determinations pursuant to Title 15A NCAC Subchapter 02D, Section .2000 .
1.8 "Statewide Transportation Improvement Program" (STIP) --means a staged ,
multi-year, statewide, intermodal program of transportation projects , which is
consistent with the statewide transportation plan and planning processes and
MTPs , TIPs , and processes .
1.9 "Timely" --means within the timeframe agreed to in the schedule set at the
Interagency Consultation Conformity Determination Meeting(s).
1.10 "Transportation Providers" --means public agencies that provide transportation
services to the public, these agencies are publicly owned and operated.
1.11 "Parties" --means representatives from all signatory agencies to this
Agreement .
1.12 "Transportation Control Measures" (TCMs) --are strategies that are specifically
identified and committed to in SIPs ; and are either listed in Section 108 of the
CAA, or will reduce transportation-related emissions by reducing vehicle use or
improving traffic flow.
1.13 All other term s used herein but not defined in this Agreement shall have the
meaning given to them by the CAA, Title 23 and 49 USC 40 CFR 93.101 , other
USEPA regulations , other USDOT regulations , or ISA NCAC 02D .
3 of27 Rocky Mount Urban Area MOA
The roles and responsibilities of each Party are defined below:
2.0 .1 Each Party member shall determine which staff members will represent the
Party in the conformity process and shall take responsibility to see that the
appropriate representatives are available to ensure a cooperative process and
adequate communication among the Parties. Each Party shall choose its
representative( s) and at least one alternate staff person for interagency
consultation and provide their names and contact information to NCDEQ . It is
the responsibility of each Party to notify NCDEQ of changes in their appointed
designee(s) or contact(s).
2.0.2 All Parties shall review and provide comments to the MPO on draft MTPs,
TIPs , and conformity analyses. All Parties shall review and provide comments
to NCDEQ on draft SIP submissions. All Parties shall review and provide
comments to NCDOT and/or local project sponsors on project-level conformity
determination prepared during the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
process for FHW A/FT A projects located in the MPO jurisdiction. Parties shall
provide their written review comments, if any , to these agencies within twenty-
one (21) days of receipt of draft documents unless an alternate deadline has
been agreed upon at an interagency consultation meeting. The MPO, NCDEQ,
or NCDOT, as appropriate, shall respond in writing to all Parties to explain
how comments were addressed or why they were not addressed in the
subsequent version of the document that is distributed to all Parties .
2 .1.1 The MPO , or its designee , shall sponsor the Interagency Consultation
Conformity Determination Meetings and prepare meeting agendas
and meeting materials required for fulfillment of consultation
procedures outlined in this Agreement. Any adjacent MPO will be
invited to this meeting for purposes of coordination and consultation .
2 .1.2 The MPO, or its designee, shall prepare meeting summaries and
conclusions of said Interagency Consultation Conformity
Determination Meetings and other appropriate meetings it sponsors.
The MPO, or its designee , shall provide meeting summaries and
conclusions to all Parties within a timely manner not to exceed
fourteen (14) days after the meeting. The other Parties may provide
comments on meeting summaries/conclusions to the MPO within a
timely manner not to exceed fourteen (14) days, copying other
Parties. The MPO , or its designee , shall respond to comments from
Parties in writing in a timely manner not to exceed fourteen (14) days
of receiving comments . The MPO's response to comments shall be
distributed to all Parties.
2.1 .3 The MPO shall consult with the Parties on the development process
for MTPs , TIPs, and amendments thereto . This process will begin no
later than one year prior to when the conformity determination is
4 of27 Rocky Mount Urban Area MOA
2.1.4 Notification of the MTP and TIP revisions and amendments that add
or delete non-exempt projects.
2.1.5 Before the MPO conducts conformity analyses and determinations, as
initiated under the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the MPO,
or its designee, shall initiate and facilitate an Interagency
Consultation Conformity Determination Meeting with all Parties on
proposed procedures and protocol for conducting and performing
conformity analysis prior to making a conformity determination. This
meeting will take place preferably one year prior to, but no less than
9 months before the determination is needed .
2.1.6 The MPO, NCDOT, or its designee, shall conduct project-level
conformity analysis for MPO-sponsored projects as part of the NEPA
process for FHWA/FTA projects located in the MPO boundary. The
MPO does not have to make project-level conformity determinations.
2 .1. 7 The MPO, or its designee, shall provide information requested by
other Parties to track the implementation of TCMs funded by the
MPO, or local municipalities, and included in the SIP by the dates
agreed to in the Interagency Consultation Conformity Determination
2.1.8 The MPO shall be responsible for development and maintenance of
the travel demand model for the MPO area in consultation with the
Parties. The MPO may delegate such responsibility to a third party
through an agreement with NCDOT and/or neighboring MPOs and
associated transportation agencies to develop a regional travel
demand model. Any Party delegating responsibility to a third party
shall notify the third party, in writing, that all documentation is
subject to the applicable public records law . Responsibility for
development and maintenance of a regional travel demand model
should be established through a separate memorandum of agreement
between the affected MPOs, NCDOT, and associated transportation
2.1.9 Upon written request by the Parties, the MPO, or its designee, shall
provide all Parties with available travel data needed to determine
various transportation emissions budgets, if they are responsible for
this data.
2.1.10 The MPO, or its designee, shall assist NCDEQ and NCDOT as
needed for modifications or revisions to the SIP, which includes the
assessment of effectiveness of existing TCMs and implementation of
potential TCMs for inclusion in the SIP, and providing critical input
to the SIP development process, such as vehicle miles traveled
(VMT) and speed assumptions for various road classifications.
5 of27 Rocky Mount Urban Area MOA
2.1.11 The MPO, or its designee, shall submit concurrently, upon
completion, a draft and/or final MTP and/or TIP document and
related conformity determination to the NCDOT, NCDEQ, and
FHW A. FHW A will coordinate the federal review effort and will
forward the documents to FT A and USEPA unless an alternate
coordination process is specified through interagency consultation.
The MPO shall respond in writing to comments made by the other
Parties on draft documents.
2.1.12 The MPO shall maintain procedures for public involvement in the
conformity determination process consistent with its adopted Public
Involvement Procedures including receiving and responding to public
input on conformity findings, consistent with 23 CFR 450.316(a) and
40 CFR 93. lOS(e).
2 .1.13 The MPO, or its designee, shall submit a written request for
emissions modeling results required for conformity determinations to
NCDEQ or its designee, and shall provide vehicle speed, VMT, and
other data necessary to generate the emissions modeling results.
2 .1.14 Enforceability of design concept and scope and project-level
mitigation and control measures .
2 .1.14.1 Prior to making a conformity determination on the MTP
and/or TIP , the MPO will ensure any project-level
mitigation or control measures are included in the project
design concept and scope and are appropriately identified
in the regional emissions analysis used in the conformity
analysis. The MPO shall fulfill commitments made for mitigation
measures that were required for facilitating positive
conformity determinations. Written commitments to mitigation measures must be
obtained prior to a positive conformity determination , and
project sponsors and/or operators must comply with the
agreed upon commitment obligations (in accordance with
40 CFR 93.122(a)(4)(ii)).
2.2 .1 NCDEQ shall maintain a list of current interagency consultation
members and distribute it to all members whenever a change in
membership occurs.
2 .2.2 NCDEQ shall participate in the Interagency Consultation Conformity
Determination Meetings, sponsor the SICM meeting, and other
appropriate committees/meetings established to advise the Parties on
SIP and emissions control strategies and programs particularly as
these relate to transportation issues.
6 of27 Rocky Mount Urban Area MOA
2.2.3 NCDEQ shall participate in consultations with the Parties regarding
the development process for MTPs, TIPs , and amendments thereto.
2.2.4 NCDEQ shall participate in the development and review of
transportation system and emissions modeling activities and
projection procedures to ensure consistency of air quality and
transportation system evaluations.
2 .2.5 NCDEQ shall ensure the SIP is developed using appropriate
emissions and control measures. NCDEQ is to develop the applicable
motor vehicle emissions budgets in consultation with the Parties to
ensure that accurate and up-to-date data assumptions are being used
at the initial phases of the development of the SIP by the deadline
established by NCDEQ during the consultation process . NCDEQ
shall update the SIP consistent with federal CAA requirements.
2.2.6 NCDEQ shall provide applicable transportation-related emission
budgets and revisions to the NCDOT, MPO, and USDOT (FHW A
and FTA).
2.2 .7 NCDEQ shall keep the Parties apprised of its SIP revision submittals
and USEPA's approval thereof and provide for and respond in writing
to comments made by the MPO and NCDOT and the other Parties in
transportation-related SIP development processes.
2.2 .8 NCDEQ shall obtain MPO and NCDOT approval for the inclusion of
transportation-related TCMs (for any TCM funded by the federal and
state transportation budgets or local funds and where the
implementing agency is the MPO) in the SIP.
2.2.9 NCDEQ shall provide a list of TCMs included in the SIP as well as
their SIP implementation schedules at the Interagency Consultation
Conformity Determination Meeting.
2.2 .10 Upon initiating a modification or revision to the SIP , NCDEQ shall
consult with NCDOT and the MPO, which will include the
assessment of effectiveness of existing TCMs and implementation of
potential TCMs for inclusion in the SIP. Additionally , NCDEQ will
consult with NCDOT and the MPO about what critical
transportation-related inputs for the SIP development process should
be used, such as VMT and speed assumptions for various road
classifications. A draft version of the SIP will be shared with the
Parties, at a minimum , thirty (30) days prior to the end of the public
comment period.
2.2 .11 NCDEQ shall consult and review project narratives provided by
NCDOT or appropriate project sponsor to determine ifthe project is
an air quality concern pursuant to 40 CFR, Part 93.
7 of27 Rocky Mount Urban Area MOA
2.2.12 NCDEQ, at the written request ofNCDOT or the MPO, shall provide
appropriate emissions modeling results to NCDOT or the MPO for
completion of the conformity analysis. NCDEQ shall provide a
schedule for completion of work within two (2) business days of the
written request. NCDEQ shall consult with NCDOT and/or the MPO
for the availability and appropriate use of local data in the latest
USEPA-approved emissions model.
2.2.13 NCDEQ shall review and provide comments to the MPO on draft
conformity analyses . NCDEQ shall provide timely review comments
to the MPO within twenty-one (21) days of receipt for inclusion in
the final report in accordance with the terms and conditions of this
2 .3 .1 NC DOT shall participate in the SICM, Interagency Consultation
Conformity Determination Meeting(s), and other appropriate
committees/meetings established to discuss with the Parties on the
development of a revised statewide transportation plan , including
programs and projects.
2.3 .2 NCDOT shall consult with the Parties to develop the STIP and
amendments thereto. Furthermore, NCDOT shall keep the Parties
apprised of the status and content of statewide transportation plans
and the STIP.
2.3.3 NCDOT shall consult with the Parties to develop MTPs, TIPs, and
amendments thereto by the dates agreed to in the Interagency
Consultation Conformity Determination Meeting.
2.3.4 NCDOT shall participate in the development and review of
transportation system emissions modeling activities and projection
procedures to ensure consistency of air quality and transportation
system evaluations.
2.3.5 NCDOT shall review and provide comments to the MPO on draft
conformity analyses by the dates agreed upon in the Interagency
Consultation Conformity Determination Meeting unless NCDOT has
authored said conformity analysis report.
2.3 .6 NCDOT shall also provide information requested by other Parties to
track the implementation of TCMs included in the SIP by the dates
agreed to in the Interagency Consultation Conformity Determination
2 .3.7 NCDOT shall assist NCDEQ and the MPOs as needed for
modifications or revisions to the SIP, which will include the
assessment of effectiveness of existing TCMs and implementation of
potential TCMs for inclusion in the SIP.
8 of27 Rocky Mount Urban Area MOA
2.3.8 NCDOT shall conduct project level confonnity analysis for NCDOT
sponsored projects as part of the NEPA process for FHW A/FT A
projects located in the MPO boundary.
2.3 .9 Enforceability of design concept and scope and project-level
mitigation and control measures.
2.3.9 .1
2 .3 .9.2
2.3 .9.3
The NCDOT shall obtain written commitments from the
project sponsor and/or operator to fulfill and complete all
of the projects and operations identified by the project-
level NEPA mitigation or control measures with respect to
local hot-spot analysis.
The NCDOT shall fulfill commitments made for
mitigation measures that were required for facilitating
positive conformity detenninations.
Written commitments to mitigation measures must be
obtained prior to a positive conformity determination, and
project sponsors and/or operators must comply with the
agreed upon commitment obligations.
2.4.1 FHW A and FTA shall consult with the Parties regarding the SICM,
the lnteragency Consultation Confonnity Detennination Meetings,
and other appropriate committees/meetings established to advise the
Parties on the development of transportation plans , programs, and
projects, particularly as these relate to air quality-related issues.
2.4 .2 FHW A and FTA shall advise the Parties of changes to USDOT
technical, regulatory, and policy guidance as it relates to the planning
process and conformity .
2.4.3 FHW A and FT A shall assist NCDEQ, NCDOT, and the MPOs as
needed for modifications or revisions to the SIP, which will include
the assessment of effectiveness of existing TCMs and
implementation of potential TCMs for inclusion in the SIP.
2.4.4 FHWA and FTA shall assess the MPO's compliance with public
participation policy and procedures that meet the requirements of 23
CFR 450.316(a) and 40 CFR 93.1 OS(e).
2.4.5 FHW A and FT A shall provide written comments to the other Parties
concerning both draft and final confonnity findings in accordance
with the tenns of this Agreement. The final confonnity finding made
by FHWA shall be consistent with the requirements of the national
confonnity memorandum of understanding .
9 of27 Rocky Mount Urban Area MOA
2.4.6 FHW A shall review and provide timely approval or rejection , in
writing , of the final conformity determination report by the MPO of
an amended and/or adopted transportation plan, program , or project
subject to conformity analysis and determination according to this
Agreement by the dates agreed to in the Interagency Consultation
Conformity Determination Meetings.
2 .4 . 7 The FHW A will coordinate the federal review effort and will forward
copies of the draft or final MTP and/or TIP document and related
conformity determination to the FT A and USEP A unless an alternate
coordination process is specified through interagency consultation .
2.4 .8 In accordance with 40 CFR 93 .125(c), prior to making a project-level
conformity determination for a transportation project, FHW A must
obtain from the project sponsor and/or operator written commitments,
as defined in 40 CFR 93.101 , to implement any project-level
mitigation or control measures in the construction or operation of the
project identified as conditions for NEPA process completion . The
written commitments to implement those project-level mitigation or
control measures must be fulfilled by the appropriate entities .
2.4.9 FHW A shall be responsible for final approval or rejection of project-
level conformity determinations on FHW A projects .
2 .5.1 USEPA shall participate in the SICM , the Interagency Consultation
Conformity Determination Meetings , and other appropriate
committees/meetings established to advise the Parties on the
development of transportation plans , programs, and projects,
particularly as these relate to air quality-related issues.
2.5 .2 USEPA shall , in a timely fashion , advise the Parties of changes to
US EPA policy, regulation , and guidance related to air quality and
conformity .
2 .5.3 U SEPA shall review and comment, in writing to FHWA and the
MPO, on draft and final conformity analyses in accordance with the
terms of this Agreement and consistent with the requirements of the
national conformity memorandum of understanding within twenty-
one (21) days of receipt.
2.5.4 USEPA shall assist NCDEQ, NCDOT, and the MPOs as needed for
modifications or revisions to the SIP , which will include the
ass essment of effectiveness of existing TCMs and implementation of
potential TCMs for inclusion in the SIP.
10 of27 Rocky Mount Urban Area MOA
2 .5 .5 USEP A shall review the adequacy of the motor vehicle emissions
budgets, and determine the approvability determination of submitted
SIPs, including the Conformity SIP (the subject of this MOA) and
any subsequent revisions, and of control strategy SIPs and any
revisions. USEPA's determination of approvability shall be published
in the Federal Register .
2.5.6 USEPA shall be consulted with and will review compliance for
hotspot requirements related to individual FHW AIFTA projects and
provide comment in writing .
The MTP/TIP , programs, and/or projects to be analyzed for conformity shall meet the
requirements of the current federal transportation authorizing legislation , and the most
current USDOT and USEPA regulations. At the time that a new or revised
transportation plan is proposed , the MPO, in cooperation with NCDOT and local
transportation planning agencies , shall prepare a list of new or modified transportation
projects and services included in the transportation plan and identify the time frame
each new project or service is expected to become operational.
Conformity determinations for MTP and TIPs shall follow the specific public
involvement process established by the MPO , consistent with the requirements of 23
CFR, Part 450 , which provides opportunity for public review and comment prior to
formal action on a conformity determination . The public review must provide
reasonable public access to technical and policy information considered by the affected
parties in making the conformity determination.
Conformity determinations in rural portions of nonattainment and maintenance areas
outside and adjacent to the MPO boundaries shall follow the specific public
involvement process established by NCDOT, consistent with the requirements of 23
CFR, Part 450 , which provides opportunity for public review and comment prior to
formal action to update the STIP.
Any charges imposed for public review and copying should be consistent with
applicable fee schedules including but not limited to 49 CFR 7.43 and North Carolina
General Statute 13 2-6.2.
NCDEQ shall sponsor a SICM meeting on a regular basis for the purpose of keeping all
Parties and all MPOs abreast of new information concerning transportation planning
generally and as it relates to conformity analysis and determination.
11 of27 Rocky Mount Urban Area MOA
SICM shall be held monthly unless otherwise agreed upon by all Parties. Meeting dates
shall be determined by NCDEQ after consultation with the Parties . The meeting shall
consist of updates and other pertinent information provided by each Party .
IfNCDEQ determines, in consultation with other Parties, a need for an unscheduled
SICM meeting and there is a consensus among the Parties to have an unscheduled
meeting, NCDEQ must provide prior notice to all Parties, at least fourteen (14) days in
advance of the meeting . However, the Parties may waive the fourteen (14) day advance
notice requirement if all Parties agree that an earlier scheduled meeting is in the best
interest of the Parties .
The SICM meeting location shall be determined based upon convenience and
agreement by the Parties . NCDEQ shall provide all Parties, including all Statewide
MPOs, advanced notice of the meeting time, location, and agenda. If necessary and
convenient, the SICM meeting need not be a face-to-face meeting but may occur by
telephone, video, or some other practical electronic means.
NCDEQ shall use the SICM meeting as an opportunity to update the Parties on SIPs
under development and SIP revisions submitted to USEPA. NCDEQ shall allow the
Parties to review and comment on transportation-related SIP issues and respond to said
comments. See Section 2.0.2 for the general process for commenting and responding to
The Parties shall make conformity determinations and consultations consistent with this
Agreement and in accordance with the conditions described in 40 CFR, Part 93 for
MTPs, TIPs, and FHW A/FT A projects.
5.1 .1 Notification of Exempt Status Required --The MPO shall notify the
Parties of adoption or approval of projects determined to be exempt
by the MPO and provide a basis for such exempt status . Notification
by the MPO shall also be made when the MTP or TIP is revised to
add or delete exempt projects as defined in 40 CFR 93.126 , 93.127 ,
and 93 .128. Notification of deleted projects does not have to be made
prior to an MPO action .
5 .1.2 Objection to Exempt Determination --If the Parties disagree with the
MPO's finding that the amendment to the MTP or TIP contains only
exempt projects, the objecting Party shall notify all Parties in writing .
See Section 9.0 for conflict resolution procedures.
12 of27 Rocky Mount Urban Area MOA
When the need for conformity analysis and determination is initiated in accordance with
this Agreement and aforementioned regulations, the MPO, or its designee, shall call an
Interagency Consultation Conformity Determination Meeting to which all Parties of this
Agreement shall be invited by the MPO, or its designee. The Interagency Consultation
Conformity Determination Meeting shall be held prior to performing any conformity
analysis or determination and shall address the specific processes outlined in 40 CFR
93 .105( c ). The purpose is to coordinate early with the Parties on information regarding
the choice of some major parameters of the conformity analysis and to determine the
schedule of preparation and review of the analysis. All of the information agreed upon
by the Parties will be documented in the pre-analysis plan. If during the meeting a
conflict arises, the Parties shall follow the conflict resolution procedures as outlined in
Section 9.0 of this document.
The MPO, or its designee, shall provide at least fourteen ( 14) days prior written notice
to the Parties that an Interagency Consultation Conformity Determination Meeting has
been scheduled. Said prior notice shall also be given to local transportation providers
represented by the MPO. However, the Parties may waive the fourteen (14) day
advance notice requirement if all Parties agree that an earlier scheduled meeting is in
the best interest of the Parties.
The meeting shall be scheduled at a time and location that allows representatives from
the Parties to participate. The MPO, or its designee, shall distribute to the Parties draft
agenda and meeting materials at least five (5) business days prior to the meeting. The
Parties shall have the opportunity to add agenda items and will be responsible for
presenting them. If it is agreed among the Parties that additional meetings are required
the MPO, or its designee, may schedule such additional meetings.
Attendance at the Interagency Consultation Conformity Determination Meeting may be
by telephone or teleconference so long as all the Parties agree. If some Parties are
unable to attend the Interagency Consultation Conformity Determination Meeting(s),
the MPO or its designee shall consider whether meaningful consensus can be reached
with the available Parties. If the MPO or its designee determines the overall Party
representation to be adequate, it shall document the meeting and provide all Parties with
a summary of the important discussions and conclusions.
13 of27 Rocky Mount Urban Area MOA
The MPO, or its designee, shall outline, in the pre-analysis plan, the proposed
methodologies to be used in the conformity analysis and share the pre-analysis plan
with the Parties for comment at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting unless
otherwise agreed upon by all Parties .
6.3 .1 Interagency Consultation Procedures --The issues listed in 40 CFR
93 .105( c) shall be reviewed and discussed at this meeting, including
but not limited to, the following activities :
6.3 .1.l
6 .3.1.3
6.3 .1.6
6.3 .1.7
Evaluating and choosing an appropriate model (or
models) and associated methods and assumptions to be
used in hot-spot analyses and regional emissions analyses ;
Determining which minor arterial and other transportation
projects should be considered RSPs for the purpose of
regional emissions analysis, (in addition to those
functionally classified as principal arterials or higher or
fixed guideway systems or extensions that offer an
alternative to regional highway travel);
Evaluating whether projects otherwise exempted from
meeting the requirements of 40 CFR 93 .126 and 93 .127
should be treated as non-exempt in cases where potential
adverse emissions impacts may exist;
Discussing whether or not adopted TCMs are on schedule
and performing as anticipated, as required by 40 CFR
93 .113. If TCMs are not on schedule, Parties shall discuss
whether 40 CFR 93 .113( c )( 1) can be met and what will
occur if 40 CFR 93 .l 13(c)(l) cannot be met;
Choosing conformity tests and methodologies for areas
outside the MPO boundary but within the nonattainment
or maintenance area as required by 93.109(g)(2)(iii);
Consulting on emissions analysis for transportation
activities which cross MPO, nonattainment area, or air
basin boundaries;
For the metropolitan planning area that does not include
the entire nonattainment or maintenance area, the MPO
and NCDOT will work to provide cooperative planning
and analysis for the purposes of determining conformity
of all projects outside the metropolitan area and within the
nonattainment or maintenance area through interagency
consultation meetings ;
14 of27 Rocky Mount Urban Area MOA Ensuring that plans for construction ofRSPs, that are not
FHW A/FT A projects, are disclosed to the MPO on a
regular basis and any changes to those plans disclosed in
writing to the MPO; NCDOT and the MPO, or its designee, will consult on the
design, schedule and funding of research and data
collection efforts and regional transportation model
development through interagency consultation meetings; As defined in Section 2 .1.10, the MPO, or its designee
will provide final documents and supporting information
to each applicable Party after adoption or approval;
6.3 .1.11 Latest planning assumptions for developing emissions
modeling results for the conformity analysis;
6.3 .1.12 Projects without a determined design concept and scope
shall be discussed at the Interagency Consultation
Conformity Determination Meeting; and
6.3 .1.13 Parties must agree on sufficient details of the design
concept and scope for the project to be included in the
conformity analysis and determination.
6.3.2 TCM Analysis and Implementation --The Interagency Consultation
Conformity Determination Meeting shall be used for assuring
implementation of TCMs, which shall be a joint responsibility of
NCDEQ, the MPO, and NCDOT. NCDEQ shall submit (at the
Interagency Consultation Conformity Determination Meeting) a list
of the TCMs and their implementation schedules included in the
applicable SIP, to be included in the MTP or TIP.
6.3 .3 Scheduling Implementation --The MPO or its designee shall provide
a list of transportation system elements from the most recent
conforming MTP for inclusion in the current TIP to be completed in
the time frame established in the MTP. NCDEQ or its designee (at
the request of the MPO) shall provide the emissions modeling results
to the MPO within a time agreed upon during the interagency
consultations and to allow the MPO sufficient time to complete the
conformity analysis on schedule. Additional meetings to address
schedule changes or modifications shall be scheduled as needed. Due
to the difficulty in assembling all Parties at one time, subsequent
meetings may involve various subsets of the larger group. However,
pertinent information discussed in these sub-meetings shall be shared
with the other Parties as defined in Section 2.1.2.
15 of27 Rocky Mount Urban Area MOA
6.3.4 TIP Conformity Analysis and Determination --The MPO shall also
discuss the TIP as it relates to conformity-related issues . If the TIP is
a subset of a currently conforming MTP , the discussion of the TIP
conformity analysis and determination may be made via e-mail or
postal mail unless a Party member identifies sufficient reasons for
including such discussions in a scheduled face-to-face meeting. If e-
mail or postal mail is used, the MPO shall outline the manner in
which the upcoming TIP conformity determination is to be carried
out. The MPO shall inform the Parties of any proposed changes in
procedure from the last TIP Conformity Analysis and Determination.
The review and commenting procedures are outlined in Section 2.0.2 .
The draft conformity analysis report shall be circulated to the Parties defined during the
Interagency Consultation Conformity Determination Meeting for their review prior to
releasing said draft report for public review as required by Title 15A NCAC 02D .2003.
After the Parties' twenty-one (21) day review period , or review period agreed upon by
all Parties, the MPO shall provide public review and comments of the draft report in
accordance with the MPO's public participation policies and procedures. The MPO shall
not make a conformity determination or plan adoption or approval until after the agency
review is completed or the required review period has ended and after public
The conformity analysis shall document all assumptions and relevant information used
to determine the impact of the MTP, TIP , or FHWA/FTA project on travel and
emissions in the region .
Contents of the Regional Conformity Analysis Report --The conformity analysis report
shall include , but not be limited to , the following documentation:
7 .1.1 Forecasts of population, households, and employment in the analysis
shall be either mentioned or referenced in report;
7 .1.2 Mobile model inputs and outputs used to develop road network
emissions modeling results ; and
7 .1.3 VMT and average speed for each federal functional classification.
The Parties may comment upon the analysis results after receiving the results of the
draft conformity analysis and report. The results shall also be made available to the
public for review and comment in accordance with the MPO's public participation
policy and procedures and 23 CFR 450.316(a) and 40 CFR 93.105(e).
16 of27 Rocky Mount Urban Area MOA
7 .2.1 Evaluation of Comments from the Public --After the completion of
the public comment period, the comments received from the public
on the conformity analysis shall be addressed in the final report and
may be raised in an additional meeting between the Parties.
Comments may be addressed individually or in summary form at the
discretion of the MPO.
7 .2.2 Evaluation of Comments from the Parties --If the Parties disagree
with the conclusions of the analysis, the MPO shall convene a
meeting or consult with the Parties via an electronic communication
means (telephone, teleconference, e-mail, etc.) if agreed to by the
Parties, to consider and discuss the comments and determine
whether further conformity-related analysis is needed.
The MPO may make a conformity determination and approval/adoption of the MTP,
TIP , RSP , or applicable transit project after addressing conformity-related objections
and concerns raised by both the public and the Parties.
The MPO shall provide FHW A and NCDOT with written notification of a conformity
determination by MPO resolution within the time period agreed upon during
interagency consultation meetings. The MPO shall include , along with the notification,
a copy of the final conformity analysis and report. FHW A will be responsible for
distribution of the final conformity analysis and report to the USEPA and FTA for
formal review.
If NCDEQ objects to the MPO's conformity determination , NCDEQ may appeal the
MPO determination within fourteen (14) days of receiving notification of the MPO's
determination . The appeal process and procedure to be followed shall be in accordance
with the Conflict Resolution Section of this Agreement. Notwithstanding NCDEQ's
right of appeal, NCDEQ may waive its right to object, in writing, at any time during the
fourteen (14) day appeal period.
USDOT may reject the MPO determination within forty-five (45) days of receiving
notification of the MPO's determination. The MPO may appeal the rejection to the
Secretary of the USDOT. If no written approval or rejection has been received from
USDOT after forty-five (45) days , the Secretary ofNCDOT, the Chairperson of the
MPO or the Secretary of NCDEQ may provide a written request of review by the
Secretary of the USDOT seeking a resolution among the FHW A and FT A . The
rejection of conformity determination and appeal procedure and process shall be in
accordance with the Conflict Resolution Section of this Agreement.
17 of27 Rocky Mount Urban Area MOA
The purpose of this Agreement is to ensure that necessary conformity analyses and
determinations are made efficiently and with limited conflict. The Parties believe this
Agreement establishes a means and protocol for consultation and document review that
will avoid conflicts and disagreements among the Parties regarding final conformity
determinations. Nevertheless, a means must be established to address the possibility
that certain conflicts may arise that cannot be resolved among the designated
representatives of the Parties. It is the purpose of this Section to address such situations.
9 .1.1 Conflicts Arising Prior to Conformity Determination --Any conflict
or disagreement between NCDOT, NCDEQ, and the MPO causing a
lack of consensus among the state Parties as to acceptance of MPO
conformity analysis may be resolved in the manner described below.
If NCDOT or NCDEQ objects to the proposed conformity analysis
prior to the MPO making a conformity determination by resolution,
the issue may be resolved by the following procedure:
9 .1.1.2
Level I Resolution --After the objecting Party gives five
(5) days written notice to the other Party members
explaining the reasons for objection, each staff level
Party member shall forward written objections to the
Level I Resolution Negotiators who are defined as
NCDOT --the Transportation Planning Branch Manager
NCDEQ --the Division of Air Quality Director
MPO --the Chair of Technical Coordinating Committee
or his or her designee.
The Level I Resolution negotiators shall have five (5)
business days, from notice, to resolve the matter by
mutually agreed upon meeting forum, including, but not
limited to, face-to-face meetings, telephone , and e-mail.
Level II Resolution -If the Level I Resolution
Negotiators are unable to resolve the dispute, it may be
raised to Level II Resolution negotiators who are defined
as follows:
NCDOT --The Secretary of the NCDOT
NCDEQ--The Secretary ofNCDEQ
MPO --the Chair of the MPO or his/her designee.
The Level II Resolution Negotiators shall have ten (10)
business days to resolve the matter by mutually agreed
upon meeting forum , including, but not limited to face-
to-face meetings, telephone, and e-mail.
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9 .1.2 Conflicts Arising After MPO Regional Conformity Determination --
After the MPO has made its conformity determination by resolution
and adoption/approval, NCDEQ may appeal said conformity
determination by resolution and adoption/approval to the Governor
of North Carolina within fourteen (14) days of confirmation that
NCDEQ received notice . If NCDEQ appeals to the Governor, the
final conformity analysis and determination must have the
concurrence of the Governor of North Carolina. NCDEQ shall
provide written notice of appeal under this Subsection to the
Chairperson of the MPO, the Secretary ofNCDOT, the FHWA
North Carolina Division Administrator, and the USEPA and FTA
Region 4 Administrators. Notwithstanding NCDEQ's right of
appeal , if NCDEQ supports the final conformity determination ,
NCDEQ may voluntarily waive its right of appeal , in writing.
9 .1.2 .1 Resolution ofNCDEQ Appeal --The Governor may
delegate his or her role in thi s appeals process to another
official or agency within the State, but not to the head or
staff of NCDEQ, NCDOT, MPO , the North Carolina
Board of Transportation, or an y agency that has
responsibility for any one of these function s.
If the NCDEQ does not appeal to the Governor within
fourteen (14) days of the MPO's notification of
conformity on the MTP or TIP , the MPO may continue
submission of its conformity determination to USDOT
for their final review and conformity determination . The
MPO does not have to make conformity determinations
on projects .
It is the affirmative responsibility of FHW A and FTA to raise issues prior to the end of
any agreed upon review period . If FHW A or FT A determines there is a significant
issue , it is that agency's affirmative responsibility to arrange a meeting with the Parties
to resolve the issue prior to writing negative comments or finding that the MTP or TIP
in que stion does not conform to the intent of the SIP .
If, after the fourteen (14) day prior notice of the MPO's final conformity determination
by resolution and approval/adoption, NCDEQ has not appealed said final conformity
determination (or waived it's right to appeal earlier), FHW A and FTA may provide
written approval or rejection of the final conformity determination within forty-five
(45) day s of notice of the final conformity determination.
9.2 .1 Consensus Among Federal Agencies --If, within the forty-five (45)
day period the FHW A and FT A are in disagreement over the
approval or rejection of the conformity determination , the FHWA
and FT A may escalate the conflict among their respective agencies
in an attempt to resolve the issue within the forty-five ( 45) days'
time period .
19 of27 Rocky Mount Urban Area MOA
9.2.2 Rejection by the Federal Agencies --If the FHWA and FTA reject
the conformity determination, the MPO, NCDOT, or NCDEQ may
appeal said rejection to the Secretary of US DOT.
9.2.3 No Action after Forty-Five ( 45) Days --If after forty-five (45) days,
no written approval or rejection has been provided from FHW A and
FTA, the Secretary ofNCDOT, the Chairperson of the MPO, or the
Secretary of NCDEQ may provide a written request of review by the
Secretary of the USDOT seeking a resolution among the FHW A and
10.1 The Parties may propose revision(s) to this MOA, and request that Parties meet
to consider such a revision. A change in duties will require this MOA to be
10.2 The NCDEQ may make administrative amendments if necessary to preserve the
accuracy and integrity of this MOA. The following administrative amendments
shall not require the Parties to sign a new MOA:
Change information that is readily available to the public, such as
when an organization or position is renamed ;
Correct a citation to a referenced law or regulation when the citation
has become inaccurate because of the repeal or reorganization of the
cited text; or
Correct a typographical error.
If an administrative amendment is made, documentation of the change shall be
submitted to each of the Parties . If no Party provides objections to the revision
within twenty-one (21) days of receipt, the revised Agreement shall be adopted
as final.
If a Party provides objections to the administrative amendment within twenty-
one (21) days of receipt, the NCDEQ shall attempt to resolve the issue . If
consensus cannot be obtained by the Parties, the revised Agreement shall not be
adopted as final.
20 of27 Rocky Mount Urban Area MOA
11.1 This MOA does not change any of the requirements and obligations contained
in any existing law or regulation , including but not limited to CAA,
transportation conformity regulations ( 40 CFR, Parts 51 and 93), NEPA, or
15A NCAC . In the event of conflict between the provisions of this Agreement
and an existing regulatory provision , the regulatory provision shall prevail.
11.2 Upon its execution by the Parties this MOA supersedes any and all previous
Agreements between the signatories with respect to matters addressed herein .
11.3 This MOA does not create any, nor does it affect any existing, administrative or
judicial right of the Parties.
11.4 If any provision of this MOA is rendered or declared invalid by any final court
action or decree , or by reason of preemptive legislation , the remaining Sections
of this MOA shall remain in full force and effect for the duration of the MOA.
11.5 Unless otherwise specified, in computing any period of time prescribed or
allowed in this MOA, Rule 6 "Time" of the North Carolina Rules of Civil
Procedure shall apply.
21 of27 Rocky Mount Urban Area MOA
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this AGREEMENT on this
the sixteenth day of November, 2020.
Name: _W_._1t3_.~B~v.~\ \~o~c..._K~--
22 of27 Rocky Mount Urban Area MOA
Rocky Mount Urban Area MOA 23 of27
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this AGREEMENT on this
the _________________ day of _________________, 2021.
By: _______________________________
Name: _______________________________
Title: _______________________________
J. Eric Boyette
Secretary, NCDOT
0%$0* (0*0º/0%0*$,'/00
#00 $$ "0
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Date: 2023.01.27 19:06:20 -05'00'
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this AGREEMENT on
this the _______ dayof _______ ,2021.
26 of27 Rocky Mount Urban Area MOA
9th March
John F. Sullivan III
Division Administrator
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this AGREEMENT on
this the 9th day of March, 2021.
Name: Yvette Taylor PhD
Title: Regional Administrator
27 of27 Rocky Mount Urban Area MOA