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W^w\cf\4.1^1 NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY NORTH CAROLINA ^ FIREFIGHTER TRAINING NOTIFICATION Depaitmefli of EoYirwxncntal OuaOty This form is to be used to provide prior notification of open burning for the training of firefighting personnel in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .1903(b)(11). This notification must be submitted to the Division of Air Quality at least 10 days prior to commencement of the bum. Submittal of form DHHS3768 to the Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) [see directions page 2] must be submitted, and a NESHAP number assigned (from HHCU) prior to mailing or faxing this completed form to the appropriate Division of Air Quality (DAQ) Regional Office. Fire departments in counties with local environmental control programs should contact their local agency listed on page 2 It is not necessary to submit page 2 with this notification Additional fomis and information are available on the Intemet at httos //dea nc qov/openburnina Fire Dept: Llncointon Fire Department Complete Mailing Address- PO Box 617 ciw, state, Lincolnton, NC 28092 Phone: (704) 736-8920 FAX: 704-736-8929 Location of Training Exercise (address, city, county, etc): 4026 Randleman Road Iron Station, NC 28080 County: LInCOin (980) 241-5565 Email- rreynolds@lincolntonnc.org DAQ cannot approve buming a previously demolished structure or salvageable items for firefighter training. Motor vehicles may be burned over a period of time by a training unit or by several related training units Describe the nature and the amount of materials to be burned If a structure is to be burned, state construction type, number of rooms, floor area, etcetera Description: Training on a wood frame 1174 sqaure foot home that was built in 1947. This house will provide (cent.) niuitiple rooms of fire attacks. State training objectives: Interior Live Fire Training Beginning date(s) and time(s) of training exercise: December 5, 2020 @ 0800-1700 Ending date: December 5, 2020 Alternate date(s) and time(s)- Any deviations from the dates and times of exercises, including additions, postponements, and deletions, submitted in the schedule in the approved plan shall be communicated verbally to the regional office [air quality] supervisor of the appropnate regional office at least one hour before the burn is scheduled Remember, following one agency's regulations does not guarantee compliance with another. A person who is accredited as a North Carolina Asbestos Inspector must inspect stmctures. All bumed stmctures must be free of asbestos All asbestos containing building materials must be properly removed before the live fire training exercise. Further, notification form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted bv mail onlv (no faxes) to the Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU), even if no asbestos was identified in most structures, at least 10 working days prior to the burn date(s). For further information on the required asbestos inspection and notification form DHHS3768, please contact the HHCU at (919) 707-5950 Fire departments in counties with local environmental control programs should contact their local agency listed on page 2 of this notification NESHAP number (assigned by HHCU): Required prior to burn: 62085 Has the structure been inspected for asbestos containing materials? 0 Yes Q No Does the structure have any asbestos containing materials present? Q Yes 0 No If yes, describe the materials and the removal procedures; I certify by my signature the information submitted on this notification to be true and accurate to the best ofmy knowiedge: Name (print); Rusty Reynolds Title: Chief of Training Signature: Date: 11/8/2020 DAQ USE ONLY (Revised 10.12 2020) Supervisor:. 2> NORTH CAROLINA "X *Dcparttvent ol Cntrsnmeatsl Qoafity^^ General Infyrmation NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY FIREFIGHTER TRAINING NOTIFICATION *** It Is not necessary to submit this page (page 2) with your notification Rule 15A NCAC 2D. 1903(b){11) allows open burning for instructing and training of firefighting personnel that does not qualify for coverage under 15A NCAC 2D. 1903(b)(9) and (10). Burning is permissible only as a fire training exercise with the fire department present during the burning. Permission shall not be given for the burning of salvageable items, such as insulated wire and electnc motors, or for the primary purpose of disposal of synthetic materials or refuse by fire Permission shall not be given to burn previously demolished structures. A "bulldozed" pile of rubble is not a legitimate source of fire training, and permission shall not be granted to burn such material If a structure cannot be entered and fire set, extinguished, and reset multiple times, then the fire training value is questionable The burden of demonstrating that any proposed burning exercise is legitimate training, and is therefore permissible, lies with the certified iive bum instructor and fire department. If the appropriate regional air quality supervisor believes the training is not the primary goal of the exercise, he/she may deny permission to bum. Fire training open burning is prohibited on code orange, red, or purple days in the counties that are in the air quality forecast areas. The Division recommends no burning throughout the rest of the state on code orange, red, or purple days. The Division will issue air quality forecasts for all 100 counties of the state. The forecasts are available on the Internet at- vww ncair.org (Air Quality Forecasts button) You may also contact your Division of Air Quality Regional Office for forecasts or more infomriation. Visit httos //deg.nc aov/openburnina for more information Asbestos Before a structure is burned, the asbestos requirements of 40 CFR 61.145 and any other applicable asbestos requirements in 40 CFR Part 61, Subpart M must be met Asbestos information may be obtained by contacting the Health Hazards Control Unit at their physical address NO DHHS, Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit, 5505 Six Forks Road, 2nd Floor, Raleigh, NO 27609, or by their mailing address, 1912 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1912, or by phone/fax at P; (919) 707-5950, F: (919) 870-4808 for requirements Either the owner of the structure(s) or the fire department must obtain and file notification form DHHS3768 and document properly the structure(s) to be burned is/are asbestos free or not covered under the asbestos rules. Under 40 CFR 61.145(c)(1Q), if a facility is demolished by intentional burning, all regulated asbestos-containing materials (RACM), including Category I and Category II nonffiable asbestos-containing material must be removed according to the NESHAP regulations prior to buming. Furthermore, intentional burning of a facility constitutes demolition; therefore, proper notification must be completed and submitted to the Health Hazards Control Unit. Regional Offices Completed Notification of Open Buming for the Training of Firefighting Personnel forms must be mailed or faxed to the appropnate Division of Air Quality, regional supervisor at the following locations. If you do not know the regional office that serves your location, please contact the office nearest you for clarification Asheville Regional Office 2090 US Hwy 70 Swannanoa, NC 28778 Phone: (828) 296-4500 Fax- (828) 299-7043 Fayetteville Regional Office 225 Green Street, Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301 Phone: (910)433-3300 Fax: (910) 485-7467 Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Ave , Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone: (704)663-1699 Fax (704) 663-6040 Raleigh Regional Office 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 Phone: (919) 791^200 Fax (919)881-2261 Washington Regional Office 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 Phone: (252) 946-6481 Fax: (252) 975-3716 Local Environmental Programs Buncombe County Western NC Regional Air Quality Agency 49 Mount Carmel Road Asheville, NC 28806 Phone: (828) 250-6777 Fax: (828) 255-5226 Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone: (910)796-7215 . Fax: (910) 350-2004 Forsyth County Environmental Affairs Department 537 N. Spruce Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Phone: (336) 703-2440 Fax (336) 703-2456 Winston-Salem Regional Office 450 West Hanes Mill Road, Suite 300 Winston-Salem, NC 27105 Phone. (336) 776-9800 Fax. (336) 776-9797 Mecklenburg County Dept of Environmental Protection 700 N. Tryon Street, Suite 205 Charlotte, NC 28202 Phone: (704) 336-5430 Fax: (704) 336-4391 Division of Air Quality Web Page: www.ncair.org (Revised 10 12 2020)Page 2 From: Mills, Ryan Sent: Monday, November 9,2020 12:34 PM To: 'Rusty Reynolds' Subject: DAQ Firefighter Training Notification Approval - ID # 1687 Attachments: LincolntonFD_FDTRAIN_20201108.pdf Mr. Reynolds, Based on the information submitted in the attached NC Division of Air Quality Firefighter Training Notification form, (attached to this email) it appears that the open burning will be conducted in accordance with North Carolina Administrative Code 15 A 2D .1900. Please notify this office prior to any changes in the proposed training exercise. Current open burning rules include some restrictions based on ozone or particulate air quality forecasts. As part of the North Carolina Air Awareness Program, Meteorologists issue the forecasts at 3 p.m. every day for the following day in order to allow you to plan the next day's operations. The Charlotte forecast area includes Cabarrus, Gaston, Iredell South of Interstate 40, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Rowan, Union, and York Counties. The Hickory forecast area includes Alexander, Burke, Caldwell, and Catawba Counties. Open burning is prohibited in the above noted counties on days when the Air Quality Index forecast is "code orange", "code red", or "code purple". The Division of Air Quality discourages open burning on those days in other areas of the state. On such "orange", "red" or "purple" days, there is a high potential for ozone or particulate levels to exceed the standard. Open burning is allowed on "code green" and "code yellow" days. This information is available on the Internet at https://deq.nc.gov/ (click on the Air Quality Forecasts button). This office has revised the "Firefighter Training Notification" (Revised 10/2020) form. If you did not use the form for this Firefighter Training Notification, please do so in the future. The form can be found online at https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisionsMir-qualitv/air-qualitv- enforcement/open-burning/firefighter-information. The Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) requires prior notification of the live fire training exercise on an Asbestos Permit Application and Notification for Demolition/Renovation form (DHHS3768). Form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted at least 10 working days prior to the start date. HHCU will then assign a National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) number to your fire training exercise. For future reference, The Mooresville Regional Office of the Division of Air Quality will need sufficient time to approve your training approval once we receive the NESHAP number and your Fire Training form. You may submit your Firefighter Training Form without the NESHAP #, but this office will not be able to issue the approval without the NESHAP #. Please be cognizant of these time frames when plarming your training exercises in order to get all of your approvals in time for your training. If you have any questions with reference to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the Mooresville Regional office at (704) 663-1699 or myself. Ryan Mills Environmental Specialist I Mooresville Regional Office Division of Air Quality 704-235-2210 rvan.mills@,ncdenr.gov 610 East Center Avenue Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 '■rfn>ir.Ai-g>_rvA OtparteHl ed UwrotmcnVd Heeti' Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties -09-10- 20 07:31 FROM-T-039 P0002/0002 F-180 NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY FIREFIGHTER TRAINING NOTIFICATION This form is to be used to provide prior notification of open burning for the training of firefigttting personnel in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D 1903(b)(11). This nofincatfon most be submitted to the Division of Air Quality at least 10 days prior to commencement of the bum. Submittal of form DHHS3768 to the Heaith Hastards Control Unit (HHCU) [see directions page 2] must be submitted, and a NESHAP number assigned (from HHCU) prior to mailing or faxing this completed form to the appropriate Division of Air Quality (DAQ) Regional Office. Fire departments In counties with local environmental control programs should contact their local agency listed on page 2, it is not necessary to submit page 2 with this notification. Additional forms and information are available on the Internet at http://www.daq.state.nc.us/enf/openbum. FireDept: Lincolnton Fire Department Complete Mailing Address: PQ Box 617 2^: Lincolnton, NC 28092 Phone: 980-525-6888 FAX: 704-736-8929 Locattori of Training Exercise (address, city, county, etc.): 704 Sherrill Ave Lincolnton, NC 28092 County: Lincoln Cell: 980-525-6888 Email: rustyreynolds(gcL!incolnton.nc.us DAQ cannot approve burning a previously demolished structure or salvageable items for firefighter training Motor vehicles may be burned over a period of time by a training unit or by several related training units. Describe the nature and the amount of materials to be burned If a structure is to be burned, state construction type, number of rooms, floor area, etcetera Description: Training on a wood framed,1428 square foot home that was built 100 years ago. 3 rooms will have interior (cont.) operations. State training obj^tives: Interior live fire recruit training Beginning date(s) and time(s) of training exercise; 10-23-2020 0800-1700 Ending date: 10-26-2020 Alternate date{s) and time(s): Any deviations from the dates and times of exercises, including additions, postponements, and deletions, submitted in the schedule in the approved plan shall be communicated verbally to the regional office [air quality] supervisor of the appropriate regional office at least one hour before the bum is scheduled. Remember, following one agency's regulations does not guarantee compliance with another. A person who is accredited as a North Carolina Asbestos Inspector must inspect structures All bumed structures must be free of asbestos All asbestos containing building materials must be properly removed before the live fire training exercise. Further, notification form DHH83768 must be comniefed and submitted bv mail onlv /no faxes) to the Division of Pufoiic Health. Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU). even if no asbestos was identified in most structures, at least 10 working davs prior to the burn date(s). For further information on the required asbestos inspection and notification form DHHS3708, please contact the HHCU at (919) 707-5950. Fire departments in counties with local environmental control programs should contact their local agency listed on page 2 of this notification. NESHAP number (assigned by HHCU): Required prior to burn: 61680 Has the structure been inspected for asbestos containing materials? 171 Tes LD No Does the structure have any asbestos containing materials present? Q Yes 0 No if yes. describe the materials and the removal procedures, Icertifybymysignaturetheinformationsubmittedonthisnotificationtobetrueandaccuratetothebestofmy knowledge: Name (print): Rusty L. Reynolds _ , Title: Chief of Training^ Signature:Date: 9/10/2020 "DAQ USE ONLY (Revised 11/25/2014) Air Quality Supervisor.Date:H 09-10-'20 07:31 FROMr T-039 P0001/0002 F-180 n '-V r-^ " / /^ /TD/y} pt pA-i^T^^t/W 1piJ,oM . riiit 7f'/- 756 n ' , -. Uv^ ifv/'S"hyi^£'yvi ^ ^'o to ^i\ tyf J ^ w 9^1 V2020 Mail - Mills, Ryan - Outlook DAQ Firefighter Training Notification Approval - ID#1667 Mills, Ryan <Tyan.miIls@ncdenrgov> Fn 9/11/2020 1 26 PM To rustyreynoIds@a.lincclnton ncus <rustyreyno!ds@a lmcolnton.ncus> Cc Ingle, Bruce <bruceingIe@ncdenrgov>. Fcutz, Joe <joefoutz@ncdenrgov> i 1 attachments (761 KB) LincolntonFD_OB_Burn_20200910pdf, Mr Reynolds, Please respond and venfy that you get this email Based on the information submitted in the attached NC Division of Air Quahty Firefighter Tiaimng Notification form, (attached to this email) it appears that the open burmng ISiM be conducted m accordance vnlh Noilh Carolina Admmistrative Code 15A 2D 1900 Please notify this office pnor to any changes in the proposed tiammg exercise Current open bummg rules include some restrictions based on ozone or particulate air quahty forecasts As part of the North Carolina Air Awareness Program, Meteorologists issue the forecasts at 3 p m everyday for the foUowmg day m order to allow you to plan the next day's operations The Charlotte forecast area includes Cabarrus, Gaston, Iredell South of Interstate 40, Lmcoln, Mecklenburg, Rowan, Umon, and York Counties The Hickory forecast area mcludes Alexander, Burke, Caldwell, and Catawba Counties Open burmng is prahibitcd m the above noted counties on days when the Air Quahty Index forecast is "code orange", "code red", or "code purple". The Division ofAir Quahty discourages open burmng on those days in other areas of the slate On such "orange", "red" or "purple" days, there is a high potential for ozone or particulate levels to exceed the standard. Open bummg is allowed on "code green" nnd "code yellow" days. This information is available on the Internet at htlps.//dea.nc.gov/ (chck on the An Quality Forecasts button) This office has revised the "Firefighter Trammg NotificaUon" (Revised 11/25/2014) form. If you did not use the form for this Firefighter Training Notiflcadon, please do so in the future The form can be found onlmo at https//deq.nc.gov/abnut/divisions/air-aualitv/air-qiialitv-cnforceincnt/QPCn-buriima/iilsfiRhtcr-Hifortnat|ori The Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Umt (HHCU) requires pnor notification of the live fire trammg exercise on an Asbestos Permit Application and Notification for Dcmohtion/Renovation form (DHHS3768) Form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted at least 10 working days pnor to the start date HHCU will then assign a National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) number to your fire trammg exercise For future reference. The Mooresville Regional Office of the Division of Air Quality will need sufficient time to approve your trammg approval once we receive the NESHAP number and your Fire Trammg form. You may submit your Firefighter Trammg Form without the NESHAP #, but this office will not be able to issue the approval without the NESHAP # Please be cognizant of these time flames when plannmg your trammg exercises in order to get all of your approvals m time for your trammg If you have any queshons with reference to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the Mooresville Regional office at (704) 663-1699 or myself —— R\ an Mills Emironmmta} Specialist 1 Dhiuon o/Atr Quaitt} North Carolina Department of Entironmectal Qualitt 7W.23522I0 (Office) R^amMiUsggncdenr eo\ "T" fx' '3.\ https"//outlook.office365 com/mail/deeplink''version-20200907002.03&popoutv2-1 1/1 1FI(oQ>'3 ^"nitftfonn fs to be used to provide pijor nofiRcation of open burning far me training of tirefighfing persormei In accordance vrfth 15A i~NQAC 2D .1903(b)(11). This notification must be submitted to the Division of Air Quality at least 10 days prior to commencement of tiie bum. Sufomittal of form DHHS3768 to the Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) [see directions page 23 must be submitted, and a NESHAP number assigned (from HHCU) prior to mailing or faxing this completed form to the appropriate Division of Air Quality (DAQ) Regional Office. Fire departments in counties vwth local enwonmental control programs , should (intact their local agency listed on page Z It is not necessary to sutxnit page 2 with this notification. Additional forms and infonmation ate available on the Internet at littpdfvvww.daq.state.nc.usfentiopenbum. Una, 28037 Phone 70 115 FAX; 1-888-245-1518 CsH:0-16 FireDept Denver Rre Department Complete Mailing Address; Post OfRce Box 122 G^.state, Denver, North Location ofTraining Exerdse (addr^ dty, county, etc): nSTl 'pEtUQOfeBBL AJi No^trafARTMEfiroF "Z-cSSSBb'hlMEhrrAt nirAi^yy - REOfK'ED CounQr: Lincoln County - JUL 2-4-2020- - Emait nicarpenter@denverfd.eom '^ooresville regional office DAQ cannot Aprmp burning a previously demolished structure or salvageable ttems for firefighter trainCng^'iSlSSr be burned over sKawl of time by a tialning unit or by several related training units. Describe the nature and the amount materials to be burned, if lajnictuie is to tie burned, state construction type, number of rooms, floor area, etcetera. Description. O^gE. WouO CoTTAQE- Foug, L(/? ATorAr, (COnt) S(pO fUST't State training objectives: S^Ti^g<,a:fes /W> T^tcc^s J^rez>iL Beginning date(s) and time(s) oftraining exercise:-<?&*>-:, no© Ending date:/<? -3 - 20ZO - I Soo Alternate date(s) and time(s): OZoa-noo Any deviations fiom the dates and times of exerdses, including additions, postponements, and deletions, submitted In the sdiedule in the approved plan shall be communicated verbally to the regional office [afr quality] supenrisor of the appropriate regional office at least Nione hour before the bum Is scheduled. ^-'Remember, fbliowlng one agency's regufations does not guarantee compliance with another. A person who is accredited as a North Carolina Asbestos Inspector must Inspect structures. All burned stnictures must be free of astiestos. All asbestos containing bufldlng materials must be praperiy removed before the live fire training exercise. Further, nofificatlon form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted by mail only (no faxes) to the Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit .(HHCU), even if no asbestos was Identified in most structures, at least 10 working days prior to the bum (tote(s). For further information on the quired asbestos inspection and notification form DHHS3768. please conlacl the HHCU at (919) TOT-BSSO. Rre departments in counties vrith local enwonmental control pn^tams should ctxitact tiieir local agency listed on page 2 of this notification. ; NESH/^ number (assigned by Has the structure been Inspected for asbe^s containing materials? Q'^s Q No Does the structure have any asbestos ' containing materials present? Q Yes if yes, describe the materials and the removal procedures: / certify by my signature the information submitted on this notification to be true and accurate to the best of my knowledge:Name (print): Mict^lHc^^^arpenfc^ Title: Deputy Chief Signature: "DAQ USE ONLY ti^eifeed 07/1012009) Air Qualij^ Supsiryi^r.Data' From: Mills, Ryan Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2020 2:51 PM To: Michael Carpenter <mcarpenter@deTiverfd.com> Cc: Cook, Donna <donna.cook@ncdenr.gov>; Foutz, Joe <joe.foutz@ncdenr.gov>; Ingle, Bruce {bruce.lngle(5)ncdenr.gov) <bruce.ingle@ncdenr.gov> Subject: DAQ Firefighter Training Notification Approval - ID # 1663 Mr. Carpenter, Ba^d on the information submitted in the attached NC Division of Air Quality Firefighter Training Notification form, (attached to this email) it appears that the open burning will be conducted in accordance with North Carolina Administrative Code 15A 2D .1900. Please notify this office prior to any changes in the proposed training exercise. Cun%nt open burning rules include some restrictions based on ozone or particulate air quality forecasts. As part of the North Carolina Air Awareness Program, Meteorologists issue the forecasts at 3 p.m. every day for the following day m order to allow you to plan the next day's operations. The Charlotte forecast area includes Cabarrus, Gaston, Iredell South of Interstate 40, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Rowan, Union, and York Coimties. The Hickory forecast area includes Alexander, Burke, Caldwell, and Catawba Coimties. Open burning is prohibited in the above noted counties on days when the Air Quality Index forecast is "code orange", "code red", or "code purple". The Division of Air Quality discourages open burning on those days in other areas of the state. On such "orange", "red" or "purple" days, there is a high potential for ozone or particulate levels to exceed the standard. Open burning is allowed on "code green" and "code yellow" days. This information is available on the Internet at https://deq.nc.gov/ (click on the Air Quality Forecasts button). This office has revised the "Firefighter Training Notification" (Revised 11/25/2014) form. If you did not use the form for this Firefighter Traimng Notification, please do so in the future. The form can be found onhne at https://deq.nc gov/about/divisions/air-quality/air-quality-enforcement/open-buming/firefighter- information. The Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) reqmres prior notification of the live fire training exercise on an Asbestos Permit Application and Notification for Demolition/Renovation form (DHHS3768). Form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted at least 10 working days prior to the start date. HHCU will then assign a National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) number to your fire training exercise. For flitm-e reference. The Mooresville Regional Office of the Division of Air Quality will need sufficient time to approve your ti'aining approval once we receive the NESHAP number and your Fire Training form. You may submit your Firefighter Training Form without the NESHAP #, but this office will not be able to issue the approval without the NESHAP #. Please be cognizant of these time frames when planning your training exercises in order to get all of your approvals in time for your training. If you have any questions with reference to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the Mooresville Regional office at (704) 663-1699 or one of the staff listed below. Ryan Mills ,/ fV-.- s Environmental Specialist I Mooresville Regional Office Division of Air Quality 704-235-2210 rvan.mills@ncdenr. gov 610 East Center Avenue Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 2? Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties ^ NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY FIREFIGHTER TRAINING NOTIFICATION This form is to be used to provide prior notification of open burning for the training of firefighting personnel in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D 1903(b)(11) This notification must be submitted to the Division of Air Quality at least 10 days prior to commencement of the burn. Submittal of form DHHS3768 to the Health Hazards Control Unit (HHGU) [see directions page 2] must be submitted, and a NESHAP number assigned (from HHGU) prior to mailing or faxing this completed form to the appropriate Division of Air Quality (DAQ) Regional Office. Fire departments in counties with local environmental control programs should contact their local agency listed on page 2 It is not necessary to submit page 2 with this notification Additional forms and information are available on the Internet at; http://www.daq.state.nc.us/enf/openburn. Fire Depf Denver Fire Department Complete Mailing Address. Post Office Box 122 City, State, North Carolina, 28037 Phone- 704-483-5115 FAX 1-888-245-1518 Location of Training Exercise (address, city, county, etc.). nSTl (l&M^ TT " IMC DEPARTMENT OFiMc__ "7-g£)B<B0NMEMTAl oi iahtY - RFCF'VED -Jdb-2-4-2020--county. Lincoln County Cell: 704-400-1601 Email: mcarpenter@denverfd.eom ^ooRESville regional office DAQ cannot approve burning a previously demolished structure or saivageabie items for firefighter training^ burned over a period of time by a training unit or by several related training units Describe the nature and the amount of materials to be burned If a structure is to be burned, state construction type, number of rooms, floor area, etcetera Description. (!)fvjE. Sro/Zyy LjoviQ CoTrAC>£- Foug-<2co/v\s. y^iakcajc,. ciP AiorAr. (cont.) ^ S (pQ setuvyig- State training objectives: cP J^r£Xj>iL am Beginning date(s) and time(s) of training exercise: 0^2.Z'2otO o&o--j'-joo Endingdate: iSoQ Alternatedatefs)andtime(s): O^ca-jloo Any deviations from the dates and times of exerases, including additions, postponements, and deletions, submitted in the schedule in the approved plan shall be communicated verbally to the regional office [air quality] supervisor of the appropriate regional office at least one hour before the bum is scheduled Remember, foiiowing one agency's regulations does not guarantee compliance with another. A person who is accredited as a North Carolina Asbestos Inspector must inspect structures All burned structures must be free of asbestos All asbestos containing building materials must be properly removed before the live fire training exercise. Further, notification form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted by mail only (no faxes) to the Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Gontroi Unit (HHGU), even if no asbestos was identified in most structures, at least 10 working days prior to the burn date(s). For further information on the required asbestos inspection and notification form DHHS3768, please contact the HHGU at (919) 707-5950 Fire departments in counties with local environmental control programs should contact their local agency listed on page 2 of this notification NESHAP number (assigned by HHCU): Required prior to burn: 9=^) .jciOG Has the structure been inspected for asbestos containing materials? Q No Does the structure have any asbestos containing materials present? Q Yes Q^o If yes, describe the materials and the removal procedures I certify by my signature the information submitted on this notification to be true and accurate to the best of my knowledge:Name (print): MiGh^ Hc^^Carpent^ Title: Deputy Chief Signature: Date: DAQ USE ONLY Air Quality (Revised 07/10/2009) Supervisor' Date From: Mills; Ryan Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2020 2:51 PM To: Michael Carpenter <mcarpenter@denverfd.com> Cc: Cook, Donna <donna.cook@ncdenr.gov>; Foutz, Joe <joe.foutz@ncdenr.gov>; ingle, Bruce (bruce.ingle@ncdenr.gov) <bruce.ingle@ncdenr.gov> Subject: DAQ Firefighter Training Notification Approval - ID # 166^ Mr. Carpenter, Based on the information submitted in the attached NC Division of Air Quality Firefighter Training Notification form, (attached to this email) it appears that the open burning will be conducted in accordance with North Carolina Administrative Code 15A 2D .1900. Please notify this office prior to any changes in the proposed training exercise. Current open burning rules include some restrictions based on ozone or particulate air quality forecasts. As part of the North Carolina Air Awareness Program, Meteorologists issue the forecasts at 3 p.m. every day for the following day in order to allow you to plan the next day's operations. The Charlotte forecast area includes Cabarrus, Gaston, Iredell South of Interstate 40, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Rowan, Union, and York Counties. The Hickory forecast area includes Alexander, Burke, Caldwell, and Catawba Counties. Open burmng is prohibited in the above noted counties on days when the Air Quality Index forecast is "code orange", "code red", or "code purple". The Division of Air Quality discourages open burning on those days in other areas of the state. On such "orange", "red" or "purple" days,' there is a high potential for ozone or particulate levels to exceed the standard. Open burning is allowed on "code green" and "code yellow" days. This information is available on the Internet at https://deq.nc.gov/ (click on the Air Quality Forecasts button). This office has revised the "Firefighter Training Notification" (Revised 11/25/2014) form. If you did not use the form for this Firefighter Training Notification, please do so in the future. The form can be found online at https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/air-quality/air-quality-enforcement/open-burmng/firefighter- information. The Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) requires prior notification of the live fire training exercise on an Asbestos Permit AppUcation and Notification for Demolition/Renovation form (DHHS3768). Form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted at least 10 working days prior to the start date. HHCU will then assign a National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) number to your fire training exercise. For future reference, The Mooresville Regional Office of the Division of Air Quality will need sufficient time to approve your training approval once we receive the NESHAP number and your Fire Training form. You may submit your Firefighter Training Form without the NESHAP #, but this office will not be able to issue the approval without the NESHAP #. Please be cognizant of these time fi-ames when planning your training exercises in order to get all of your approvals in time for your training. If you have any questions with reference to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the Mooresville Regional office at (704) 663-1699 or one of the staff fisted below. Ryan Mills I ^ ] Li>^ f^e^C- eJisj LITY FIREFtGHTER TRAINING NOTIFICATION NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 7/2^/^0 2.0 This form is to be used to provide prior notification of open buming for the training of firefighb'ng personnel in accordance vrith 15A NCAC 20 .ig03(b)(11). This notification must be submitted, to the Division of Air Quality at least 10 days prior to commencement of the bum. Submitlal of form DHHS3768 to the Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) [see directions page 23 must be submitted, and a NESHAP number assigned (from HHCU) prior to mailing or faxing this'completed form to the appropriate Division of Air Quality (DAQ) Regional Office, Fire departments in counties virith local environmental control programs should contact their local agency listed on page 2. it is not necessary to submit page 2 with this notification. Additional forms and infonmation are available on the Intemet at: htfo:/hwww.daq.state.nc.us/ehf/openbum. Fire Dept: Denver Rre Department Complete Mailing Address; Post Office Box 122 Denver, North Carolina, 28037 Phone: 704-483-5115 FAX: 1-888-245-1518 Location ofTrainlng Brerdse (address, dty. county, etc): nsTl DetuiMfeBB- riv Ti NC DEPARTMENT OFDEiMueg, "ZjiOaHoNMFWTAr oitAtiTv - RECFVED counQc Lincoln Counfy JUL 2 4-2020 Celt 704-400-1601 Email: mcarpenter@denverfd.eom MooRESViLif regional office DAQ cannot approve buming a prettiousiy demolished structure or salvageable Hems for firefighter tralnlng?'&(^r tie burned over a period of time by a training unit or, by several related training units. Descn'be the nature and the amount of materials to be bumed. If a structure Is to be bumed, state construction type, number of rooms, floor area, etcetera. Descnption: L/otiO CoTTAQg- fSsug. (ZcomS. yv»AK-CArc> u/g Ansnlf. (cont.) ^ Setu^yue.ffiB.r'* 2 State training objectives: Torres cJ^ JtireXfiL Beginning date(s) and time(s) of training exercise: ^-7.2-202.0 offio-nco Ending date: /0-3-^oZo iSoQ Alternatedate{s)andtime(s): Ot?co-/Too Any deviations flrom the dates and times of exerdses, including additions, postponements, and deletions, submitted In the schedule in the approved plan shall be communicated verbally to the regional offlce [air quality] supervisor of the appropriate regional office at least one hour before the bum is scheduled. •y Remember, foltovulng one agency's regulations does not guarantee compliance with another. I A person who is accredited as a North Carolina ^bestos Inspector must inspect structures. All bumed structures must be free of asbestos. All asbestos containing building materials must be property removed before the live fire training exercise. Further, notification form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted by mail only (no faxes) to the Divfolon of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit .(HHCU), even If no asbestos .was identified in most structures, at least 10 working days prior to the burn date(s). For further information on the required asbestos inspection and notification form DHHS3768, please contact the HHCU at (919) 707-5950. Fire departments in counties vrilh local environmental control prc^rams should contact their local agency listed on page 2 of this notification. NESHAP number (assigned by HHCU): Required prior to burn: PgN VBSflAf*- Has tiie structure been Inspected for asbi^os containing materials? Q No Does the stmcture have any asbestos containing materials present? O Yes QTio If yes, describe the materials and tfie removal procedures: I certify by my signature the information submitted on this notification to be true and accurate to thebestofmy knowiedge: Name (print): Michael Hosea Carpenter. Title: Deputy Chief Signature: ' Ddlc. —-^1" "DAQ USE ONLY Air Quality (Revised07;i0/2009) Supervisor: Date:, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health Health Hazards Control Unit Demolition Notification Permit #:~ N/a ,Facility:Spivey Cottage - 7571 Dellinger Road Location: NESHAP #:61442 Contact:Drew Rivals County: Lincoln Address:7571 Dellinger Road Denver, NC 28307- Date Issued:07-29-2020 Size:560 sf # of Floors; I Age: 50 R Demolition Start: End: 08-22-2020 08-30-2020 Removal Contractor: emoval Start: End: Owner: David Reid Spivey & Julie Custred Spive 1716 Wilmore Diive Charlotte, NC 28203 Contact: Drew Rivals Contact: n Phone: (704) 280-3934 Phone: Operator: Michael Carpenter of Denver Contact' Michael Carpenter 3956 North Hwy 16 Denver, NC 28037 Transporter: Transporter: Days: SA Hours: 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM Demolition Contractor: Denver Fire Department 3956 North HWY, 16 Denver, NC 28037 ' . t Contact' Michael Carpenter Phone: (704)400-1601 Phone: (704)400-1601 Landflll: Contact: Phone. Inspector: WILLIAM P DAVIS - #11236 Sahaples Collected Work Practices: Live Bum Training RACM; , Signatory: Michael Carpenter Denver Fire Department Contact: Phone. Supervising Air Monitor: Contact: Phone: Designer: P.O.Box 122 Denver,NC 28037- Any revisions to this Permii/Nolification musi be sulimiicd to ilie lleiilili lln'/nrds Conirol Unit (IIUCU). Waste Shipment Records (WSR) .shall also be suhmitied to the llllCl), Tlic.sc forms must be submitted, m writing, on .i fonn provided or approved by tlic IIUCU within the time limits prescribed by the nilcs governing the IIIICU I'rogram. Fiilltire to submit these forms may result in the initiation ofenforecineitl actions, Ed Momian Program Mtui.'tger, IIHCU NCDl II IS - Divisioirof Public I Icaiilt 1912 M.nil Service Center Raleigh, NC 2 "699-1 <^11 Photte: (9|0) 707-5'5.60 Fii.x; (919) S70-4S08 removal permits must be POSTliD FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT i NC DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ROY COOPER. Governor WIANDY COHEN, MD, MPH . Secretary RAARK T. BENTON . Assistant Secretary for Public Heaith, Division of Public Health July 29. 2020 Michael Carpenter Deputy Chief D^ver Fire Department P O. Box 122 Denver NC 28037- SUBJECT; Demolition Notification NESHAP No. 61442 Spivey Cottage - 7571 Dellinger Road 7571 Dellinger Road ! Dear Michael Carpenter: ^ The above-referenced Demolition Notification was received and accepted by the Heaith Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) on July 24, 2020. The Notification indicates the demolition, by Denver Fire Department, will begin on August 22, 2020, and end on August 30, 2020. Any revisions to the above Notification shall be submitted, in writing, to the HHCU within the time iimits prescribed by the rules governing the HHCU program Failure to submit timely revisions may result in the initiation of an enforcement action If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call our office at (919) 707-5955. Sincerely, Ed Norman Program Manager Health Hazards Control Unit Attachment cc: permit File NC DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES . DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH LOCATION' 5505 SI* Fo(ka Road, Building I. Ralolgli, NC 27000 MAILING ADDRESS: 1012 M-lll Seivico Cdnlor, Rnloigh, NC 27000.1012 wiww ncdhha.gou. TEL, 010-707.5050 , TAX; 010-870-1008 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY / ArriRMATWE ACTION EMPLOYER Cook, Donna From: Sent: To: Subject: Michael Carpenter <mcarpenter@denverfd.com> Tuesday, July 28, 2020 5:25 PM Cook, Donna [External] Re: Fire Training Notification Form Received Thank you Mrs Cook. I received your email and I will send you an email with NESHAP number when I receive it. On Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 5:22 PM Cook, Donna <donna.cook@ncdenr.ebv> wrote: Hello Mr. Carpenter, Per our conversation, your notification has all the requirements for air quality purposes. If you are following the open burning rules, there will not be an issue with air quality. The "official" approval will be issued in an email format from air quality once you obtain the NESHAP from the asbestos agency, HHCU, in Raleigh. When you receive the NESHAP # from them, email it to me. I will send you the "official" approval by email. Have any further questions or concerns, please email me or call me at (704) 607-9448 (state issued phone) or leave me a message at the office direct line # (704) 235-2213. Good luck to you I Stay well and safe. Have a great day. Donna Cook Donna Cook Environmental Specialist I Division of Air Quality, Mooresville Regional Office North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 704 235-2213 (Office) 704 663-7579 (Fax) Cook, Donna From: Elledge, Lisa H Sent: Tuesday,"July 28, 2020 4:50 PM To: Cook, Donna Subject: fire training Attachments: DenverFD_FiRE_TRAIN_20200727.pdf Sent from Mail for Windows 10 Cook, Donna From: Cook, Donna Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2020 4:30 PM To: Michael Carpenter Subject: Fire Training NEWER Form Attachments: DAQ-Firefighter—Finalized.pdf Hello Mr. Carpenter, I was looking at the form that you submitted. For future reference: Please discard old notification forms that have Revised 07/10/2009 on them. USE the form attached above Revised 11/25/2014 for future use (ATTACHED). You can find the form at: https://dea.ncgov/about/divisions/air-qualitv/air-qualitv-enforcement/open-burning/firefighter-information Any questions, please call or email. Good luck with your training. Donna Donna Cook Environmental Specialist I Division of Air Quality, Mooresville Regional Office North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 704 235-2213 (Office) 704 663-7579 (Fax) Donna Cook@ncdenr qov 610 E Center Ave , Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 ' / nrFTTH Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties Cook, Donna From: Mills, Ryan Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2020 3:48 PM To: Cook, Donna ' Subject: RE: DAQ Firefighter Training Notification Approval - ID # 1663 Attachments: DenverFD_FDTRAIN_20200822.pdf; Lincoln_DenverFD_FDTRAiN_20200724.pdf They are attached that way it is easier to print out just add the NESHAP # of 61442. From: Cook, Donna <donna.cook@ncdenr.gov> ^ Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2020 3:30 PM To: Miils, Ryan <ryan.mills@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: DAQ Firefighter Training Notification Approval - ID # 1663 Hello Ryan, Thank you for taking care of the fire training approval for Denver. I will place the original paperwork in the Lincoln County files at the office for you. Have a good afternoon. Donna From: Mills, Ryan <rvan.mills(5)ncdenr.gov> Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2020 2:51 PM To: Michael Carpenter <mcarpenter(5)denverfd.com> Cc; Cook, Donna <donna.cook(5)ncdenr.gov>: Foutz, Joe <ioe.foutz@ncdenr.gov>: Ingle, Bruce <bruce.ingle(5)ncdenr.gov> Subject: DAQ Firefighter Training Notification Approval - ID # 1663 > Mr. Carpenter, Based on the information submittM in the attached NC Division of Air Quality Firefighter Training Notification form, (attached to this email) it appears that the open burning will be conducted in accordance with North Carolina Administrative Code 15A 2D .1900. Please notify this office prior to any changes in the proposed training exercise. Current open burning rules include some restrictions based on ozone or particulate air quality forecasts. As part of the North Carolina Air Awareness Program, Meteorologists issue the forecasts at 3 p.m. every day for the following day in order to allow you to plan the next day's operations. The,Charlotte forecast area includes Cabarrus, Gaston, Iredell South of Interstate 40, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Rowan, Union, and York Counties. The Hickory forecast area includes Alexander, Burke, Caldwell, and Catawba Counties. ^ Open burning is prohibited in the above noted counties on days when the Air Quality Index forecast is "code orange", "code red", or "code purple". The Division of Air Quality discourages open burning on those days in other areas of the state. On such "orange", "red" or "purple" days, there is a high potential for ozone or particulate levels to exceed the standard. Open burning is allowed on "code green" and "code yellow" days. This information is available on the Internet at https://deq.nc.gov/ (click on the Air Qualify Forecasts button). I This office has revised the 'Tirefighter Training Notification" (Revised 11/25/2014) form. If you did not use the form for this Firefighter Training Notification, please do so in the future. The form can be' foimd online at https://dea.nc.gov/about/divisions/air-qualitv/air-qualitv-enforcement/open-buming/firefighter-information. The Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) requires prior notification of the live fire training exercise on an Asbestos Permit Application and Notification for Demolition/Renovation form (DHHS3768). Form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted at least 10 working days prior to the start date. HHCU will then assign a National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) number to your fire training exercise. For future reference, The Mooresville Regional Office of the Division of Air Quality will need sufficient time to approve your training approval once we receive the NESHAP number and your Fire Training form. You may submit your Firefighter Training Form without the NESHAP #, but this office will not be able to issue the approval without the NESHAP #. Please be cognizant of these time jframes when planning your training exercises in order to get all of your approvals in time for your training. If you have any questions with reference to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the Mooresville Regional office at (704) 663-1699 or one of the staff listed below. Ryan Mills Environmental Specialist I Mooresville Regional Office Division of Air Quality 704-235-2210 rvan.mills@,ncdenr.gov 610 East Center Avenue Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Kit trnvQBfBrntd Owliti' 9 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties ir> M^l z/^y/ , a(n NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY 1^" FIREFIGHTER TRAINING NOTIFICATION This form is to be used to provide prior notification of open burning for the training of fireflghting personnel in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D 1903{b)(11). This notification must be submitted to the Division of Air Quaiity at ieast 10 days prior to commencement of the burn. Submittai of form DHHS3768 to the Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) [see directions page 21 must be submitted, and a NESHAP number assigned (from HHCU) prior to mailing or faxing this completed form to the appropriate Division of Air Quaiity (DAQ) Regional Office. Fire departments in counties with local environmental control programs should contact their local agency listed on page 2 It is not necessary to submit page 2 with this notification Additional forms and information are available on the Internet at http://www.daq.state.nc.us/enf/openburn. o a 5S tn < z S 2 Location of Training Exercise (address, cit>0co™ty, eted; Q S Op Q \ K. ^ m S County. ■< 5 II § m Complete Mailing Address; \^3.T Ami 4^ C.UtATcU 2cL Phone. ~}a^■.'73S^^2.1i FAX: IPH-l3S"bOb2, TOH- SIS Fmail: \\a^oC Co AA DAQ cannot approve burning a previously demolished structure or salvageable items for firefighter training Motor vehicles may be burned over a period of time by a training unit or by several related training units Describe the nature and the amount of materials to be burned If a structure is to be burned, state construction type, number of rooms, floor area, etceteraDescription. QotJa\&, locAp, ^ ^ ^ (cont.) State training objectives: Uv/e. -Lrtxv/M-y.^ Beginning date(s) and time(s) of training exercise:~ cXJcO V^i .OCC> ftJVA Ending date: 0*2,-25^ ^ TJS'Z o Alternate date(s) and time(s): Any deviations from the dates and times of exercises, including additions, postponements, and deletions, submitted in the schedule in the approved plan shall be communicated verbally to the regional office [air quality] supervisor of the appropriate regional office at least one hour before the burn is scheduled Remember, foilowing one agency's regulations does not guarantee compliance with another. A person who is accredited as a North Carolina Asbestos Inspector must inspect structures All burned structures must be free of asbestos AM asbestos containing building materials must be properly removed before the live fire training exercise. Further, notification form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted by mail oniv (no faxes) to the Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Uni^(HHCU), jven if no asbestos was identified in most structures^ at ieast 10 working days prior to the ^Bufif'd^(s)T^FofTurthgrinfSfthitioTTofftheTequifed'asiresto^inTpection'and notification form'DHPIS3768, please cdntactrthe HHCU- at (919) 707-5950 Fire departments in counties with local environmental control programs should contact their local agency listed on page 2 of this notification NESHAP number (assigned by HHCU): Required prior to burn; IqQ'ZJ^S Has the structure been inspected for asbestos containing materials? Q No Does the structure have any asbestos containing matenals present? Q Yes If yes, describe the materials and the removal procedures / certify by my signature the information submitted on this notification to be true and accurate to the best of my knowiedge:Name (print): Tcilrr^r ™e: Signature; ^ —u, Date: Z.-13-rorO Air Quality Supervisor Date. us LY (Revised 07/10/2009) From: Cook, Donna Sent: Monday, February 24, 2020 4 45 PM To: Steven Bridges Subject: DAQ Firefighter Training Notification Approval ID 1646 Hello Mr Bridges, Thank you for sending the entry statement as requested. Based on the information submitted in the attached NC Division of Air Quality Firefighter Training Notification form, (attached to this email), it appears that the open burning will be conducted m accordance with North Carolina Administrative Code ISA 2D 1900 Please notify this office prior to any changes in the proposed training exercise Current open burning rules include some restrictions based on ozone or partlculate air quality forecasts As part of the North Carolina Air Awareness Program, Meteorologists issue the forecasts at 3 p.m. every day for the following day in order to allow you to plan the next day's operations The Charlotte forecast area includes Cabarrus, Gaston, Iredell South of Interstate 40, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Rowan, Union, and York Counties. The Hickory forecast area includes Alexander, Burke, Caldwell, and Catawba Counties. Open burning is prohibited in the above noted counties on days when the Air Quality Index forecast is "code orange", "code red", or "code purple". The Division of Air Quality discourages open burning on those days in other areas of the state. On such "orange", "red" or "purple" days, there is a high potential for ozone or particulate levels to exceed the standard Open burning is allowed on "code green" and "code yellow" days This information is available on the Internet at httpsV/deq nc gov/ (click on the Air Quality Forecasts button) This office has revised the "Firefighter Training Notification" (Revised 11/2S/2014) form. 1 have enclosed a copy of the new form which should be used in the future It is also available on the Internet at https //deq nc.gov/about/divisions/air-aualitv/air-qualitv-enforcement/open-burning/firefiehter- information. Please note that the notification form should be submitted at least ten davs prior to proposed open burning training (a FAX is acceptable). The Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) requires prior notification of the live fire training exercise on an Asbestos Permit Application and Notification for Demolition/Renovation form (DHHS3768) Form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted at least 10 working days prior to the start date HHCU will then assign a National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) number to your fire training exercise. According to your notification form, the NESHAP number for your training exercise is 60265. For future reference. The Mooresville Regional Office of the Division of Air Quality will need sufficient time to approve your training approval once we receive the NESHAP number and your Fire Training form You may submit your Firefighter Training Form without the NESHAP #, but this office will not be able to issue the approval without the NESHAP # Please be cognizant of these time frarnes when planning your training exercises in order to get all of your approvals in time for your training. If you have any questions with reference to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the Mooresville Regional office at (704) 663-1699 or one of the staff listed below Donna Cook Environmental Specialist I Donna Cook@ncdenr.gov 704-235-2213 Sandra Sherer Environmental Specialist I Sandra Sherer@ncdenr gov 704-235-2212' Ryan Mills Environmental Specialist I Ryan Mills@ncdenr gov 704-235-2210 Donna Cook Environmental Specialist I Division of Air Quality, Mooresville Regional Office North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 704 235-2213 office 704 663-7579 fax Donna CooktS)ncdenr gov 610 East Center Avenue Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Caiolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties From: Steven Bridges <5bridges@pumDkincenterfd com> Sent: Monday, February 24, 2020 4:08 PM ^ To: Cook, Donna <donna cook@ncdenr gov> ; Subject: [External] Re. Fire Training of Mobile Home - Entry Statement Needed External erhail': Do not click links or open attachments umie¥s"yp,u-verify. Send^all suspicious ernajfas'an attachment to rebort.spam(5)nc.Eov '' '' .' 1' ....' 7 :,Xr" Ms Cook We plan on using the acquired structure located on Stagecoach Rd in Iron Station to conduct interior firefighting training under live fire conditions. This training will be conducted as training for new firefighters and a refresher for experienced firefighters. These activities will include fire suppression, ventilation, and salvage operations. I hope you have a great day. On Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 3.47 PM Cook, Donna <donna cookt^ncdenr gov> wrote, i Hello Mr. Bridges, j Thank you for your time today on the telephone regarding the upcoming mobile home fire training ! exercise Per our conversation, you indicated that interior firefighting techniques will be the training objective for the mobile home. Please respond to this email with an entry statement for this training Appreciate your help in this matter, ' Donna Cook : Donna Cook ! Environmental Specialist I ! I Division of Air Quality, Mooresville Regional Office j i I ! North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 704 235-2213 office 704 663-7579 fax ! Donna Cook@ncdenr qov i j 610 East Center Avenue [ Suite 301 j Mooresville, NC 28115 I Email coi respondence to and from this address is subject to the Noifh Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to thud parties Steven N. Bridges Fire Chief Ore Bank Pumpkin Center FD ui^ rr, H^i! ^jifj NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY FIREFIGHTER TRAIKIINQ NOTIFICATION T.-e xar IE to ba ueoO to pravlde wior i>j-ilieEtfen of opsn tx^ming for tte Iralfig c.' irEEgbllrg peiKtinsf E acoccdHnoa y lii ^CVC 2D TOb nofifitatlcin muit bt Sutonittod to fhe Olvfelon of Air Qiialfty at teaat ID iS*ft prior to cornmBnoeimnt of tho bum. Sutnilttal of forni DHHS3T60 to the Health HazsnJa Ccntrol Unit (HHCU) [sao directkinB page q iriirat IK; sKihilttoa, and a HESHAP nimtar aefllgned jlrom HHCU) phot to rMllIng or fenpoq tins oonipleted fcon to Iho apprppristo Dtoieion of Air QtHlhy (DAfJ) (togionil t>ffico. Firo tteparinants' i ctonlHS 'afh local emlroinanlal ^orfrd p"ogrtra OTCuld Qjiitart 1ha r l(xa=l rgeoi) IookI ot paga 2 tt ie tot reoaaaarj' to aubnlt pace 2 vdh IhiE nfj|iliceboi- jAddma-al 'cmK ,mO infCOiiBlw I anasv-alsbJeon die IntaicEt at http'Jfwww daq stale rKuietenHopenhurr. ft 'a. FlreDep'I^Crtjjfr- t/f=rp I LDcaaQnslTfalnlnpEjsrcris.idt-i>..,iJiSxrjfii/,Etcoi 5 ' S r= 'M :p t.□Cullpfeiahtjilir^AoJica ^ytrUlr''TjtlTo k Agc-^ Z ^ "A^ n ^ -rj fAA'if-ki f'.iAd/rLi _Xfan hteLre-i, kJ(^ N-l" ' ,S ■•'Ti--1uty.fltaH ^ r ? a Vdo fi ^ kJ>ya ■% .:I ,,p . Kjf..f''* 7uJf-T35-kOtaZ. , ^ '70H- sns J\-^e3Jtoor S^^gMoViliNeiyrh-h'i-'rA {•oziA DAQ ca-nat appTivO b-ming e pre.'cue / damoiihtd ofrueturs Or aaJraijiablc items fcf irofip-Joriraiir^ Motor MVhJws nav ba bjred war a pa-cci o'tlne hy a Ire niria unit or SFr'erel reived fainirg unta. Uaarnte Ihe natore and lha snot'it of ra atarlala to b^ hiiriod "8 Slrvdara letu be burned siBta tKOEtruttcn type, number of roams Itrcr arr.a olrotcrsDescrlotlon uj.cAp_ , j. ^ <1 n-: 5.d a training objettt/a L-vrr Ai-cs,a.>ia Eeginn Ing f lal f-(i) ? nd ijiiidb] oft-airlng e-ttipdiu-O^-ZA-^O^O -Ohn c,.M FndiriryUato; C^'rl-??i,- 7£s-?Cj AJternatedat<Hf 1 JnittlH: Any Cfc-tviio 15 iictri Ihs daltrs arc trtec of aierdaea, Inidud ng sidttonE noErsmammbi a id dclstcosi submrltsb r the Erhs»-..ul» in tdo rpprbipsa plan Ehall be orruTunltsfed roitjal > to 1*^ regisnsl or.ir.it [air quality] s.pBmEcr cftha apprDthEca nbdonsl offlca at leaer ore Ivxjr before "ty: taim Ksrtiupjled Remetrtbor, to llbmnB rjnc ancnov's regulaboos does not guaranteeCMtipllflnce vrtth znothsr. A psreco yrhb is tctracitec se a Mirlh fSsncllna AabBEtoE Inspartor rriiaf ncpod sir (.tjrcs AJf tur'ad Etiumrea ti«I bs free of Efiteatoe All aeheatoa containing trnldirg materials rnust be propeiiy removed baftra ihe INa tire bskilnq e.aerciea Further, nolltlcaOon fonw DHHSJ76S muet be cemptetad and auhmlttHd by mall nnty to o faycol to the Diviaton of Public tfosHli, Haalth Hiaarda Cantrol Unit (HHCU), even if no oabosfos W5 iifcntiFutd in most afrttoluraa, at least 16 utominq days nrlrv to (he bum rfele(s). Torlurhal" irtn-ffSltri on ihe requrad aEtJOBtos inEpedon and nod" EsSon rO'n DHK"5J700, pi,aaB o^itam ""e IHCU at (910) 7q7-5t?dC Fii e dapeitmEnta n counties 'ztlih Itxia am/irbTiiantal mmtrol rmgriTi! Etculd contest tlier lost atsntrr listed en sege 2 of this bolificaliQn NESH AP ntirtl bor (aisignad by HHCU] I Bequlr»il prior to burn: ^rfO TApS Has the structure been inspacTad for aabeatoe containing mafertaUT Qj No Duiss Ific c-r.,t7L-a have arr Sdrcmtos bootermnsi nnterials prosb-t? U ^ci [pJjo If Sfiea, describe thenvrrnlsls airJ flis rsmc'/al prosadu.'ea j rvnt/jr by my Jigratu/e l!tc snfomaUcfi submitted on f/i/d ffo&tcotlon fobemte antf om/rafp Co fftf b^sfofrtty jirjoivfpc^^e'Name(prm» TtK iF" Htlfe; CcroV,r,-^ Signature;"2 iJate: 7-I.g~Fopr-r " DAQ USE duLY Air Duality ■,R=riiKf DT.'iCVidilCj Suporvtaor Dato