HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_1900039_20230206_CMPL_CompRpt_semi (2)January 26, 2023 Raleigh Regional Office 3800 Barrett Drive, Suite 101 Raleigh, NC 27609 VENEER SPECIALTY PRODUCTS Re: Southern V eneer Specialty Products , LLC -Moncure Moncure, NC-Chatham County Title V Semiannual Summary Report -Revised Facility ID: 1900039; Permit No. 03424T29 Please find the attached referenced report. The report is submitted in accordance with 15A NCAC 2Q .0508 (f) regarding the reporting requirements for a semiannual summary of monitoring and recordkeeping activities . The reporting period is from 01 July 2022 -31 December 2022 . I certify under penalty oflaw that based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, the statements and information contained in these documents are true, accurate, and complete. If there are any questions or if more information is required, please call me at 910-605-9258 . Sincere! _/(, /It Thomas Reams EHS Coordinator Enclosures: Semiannual Compliance Summary Report -2H 2022 Rolling 12 consecutive month total emissions ~ ~~ ~a ~ -0 ~ ~ ;:s;,, "i;rC/o ~ ~ Semiann u al Summary Report Southern Veneer Specialty Products, LLC -Moncure Permit No. 03424T29 Facility ID: 1900039 Period Covered: 07/01/22 -12/31/22 Per 15A NCAC 2Q .0508(/), and our Title V Permit No. 03424T29 , the Southern Veneer Specialty Products Facility submits the following semiannual activity summary report. The summary includes an identification of each Section and condition, the compliance method, h th h d"f h d d d "d 'fi f fi 1' we er sue con 1 10n a ev1at10ns an 1 entl 1ca 10n or comp 1ance. Condition Compliance Method Deviations Section 2.lA Wood Burninl( Indirect Heat Exchanl(ers ISA NCAC 2D .0S1S Particulate 15ANCAC 2D.0515 1 (c-d) Monitoring & 1) Monthly external Insp ections of system's duct Re cordkeeping work and control devices 2) Annual internal inspection of multicyclones None structural integrity 3) Results of in spections and maintenance performed in logbook 15A NCAC 2D.0515 l (e-f) Reporting 1) Report within 30 days per request of DAQ 2) Submittal of semiannual reports of monitoring and None recordkeeping ISA NCAC 2D.0S16 Sulfur Dioxide 15A NCAC 2D .0515 2 (c) Monitoring & No monitoring, record-keeping or reporting is required N I A Recordkeeping ISA NCAC 2D.0S21 Visible Emissions 15A NCAC 2D.0521 3 (c-d) Monitoring & Maintain log book of daily observations and results of None Recordkeeping any corrective actions performed 15A NCAC 2D.0521 3 (e) Reporting Submittal of semiannual report None ISA NCAC 2D.0524: NSPS 40 CFR PART 60 SUBPART De 15A NCAC 2D .0524: NSPS 40 CFR PART 60 Record / maintain records of the amount of wood fuel SUBPART De : 4 (b) Recordkeeping fired in the source each month None Semiannual Summary Report Sou thern Vene er Specialty P roducts, LLC -M on cure Pe rmit No. 03424T29 Fa cility ID: 1900039 Pe riod Cove red: 07 /01/22 -12/31/22 ~~ # Co nd iti on Compli ance Method Section 2.lA Wood Buming Indirect Heat Exchangers lSA NCAC 2D.0 61 4 Compli anc e Ass ur ance Mon itorin 2 15A NCAC 2D.0614 5 (c) Monitoring Approach I. Differential Pressure monitored dai ly via a differentia l pressure gauge. 2. Differential Pressure range 4 " -13" WC 3. No more than ( I 0) excursion in ( 6) six months 4. dP gauge system sha ll be operated per manu fact ure' s recommendations 5. D ifferential pressure monitored conti nuous ly and recorded dai ly 6. Results of monitoring action recorded 15A NCAC 2D .0614 5 (d) Recordkeeping I. Record date, time and results of all monitoring activities 2. Information on the number, duration , and cause of excursions, or exceedances and corrective action taken 3. Maintenance records of the differential pressure gauge 4. Written OIP if required 15A NCAC 2D .0614 5 (e) Reporting I. Summary information on excursions or exceedances 2. Summary information on downtime incidents of the differential pressure gauge 3. OTP implementation if applicable Deviation s None None None SemiannualSummary Report Southern Veneer Specialty Products; LLC --Moncure · · Permit No. 03424T29 · Facility ID: 1900039 Period Covered: 07/01/22-12/31/22 (Se~tiQ'i,i i)fay{Jf~llan~ous/W!iiti,rProiluc:t#JJ!Jltlshi~.iil~;fpf p_·_::--.:r,~~::;:,.1.:~'\>:/0 ' .·--:' '.-"{ij'.\~Ii~:;:0>·:<:t.~\\;fftzi;\~:;,",,, '·-~J¥~~tf::i:, ...... ;<·/,;-,<st?0 :/\ ,. : ··\'.{ti~,:/;~ ~Jt,,\)~i~li?ri; 15A NCAC 2D.0512 Particulate 15A NCAC 2D.0512 1 (b) Monitoring 1. Monthly external inspection of ductwork, cyclones & bag filters None 2. Annual internal inspection of baghouses, cyclones, & multicyclones 15ANCAC 2D.0512 1 (c) Recordkeeping Record the ttme, date, and results of inspections and None maintenance performed in logbook 15A NCAC 2D.0512 l.(d-e) Reporting 1. Report within 30 days per request of DAQ 2. Submittal of semiannual reports of monitoring and None recordkeeping 15A NCAC 2D.0521 Visible Emissions 15A NCAC 2D.0521 2 (c-d) Monitoring & Maintain logbook of weekly observations and any None Recordkeeping corrective actions performed 15ANCAC 2:0.0521 2 (e) Reporting Submittal of semiannual report None 15A NCAC 2D.0614 Compliance Assurance Monitorin2 15A NCAC 2D.0614 3 (c) Monitoring Approach 1. Visible emissions from each bag filter oudet will ~ be monitored daily 2. Measurements taken at the emissions point None 3. Results of monitoring action is recorded 15A NCAC 2D.0614 3 (d) Recordkeeping 1. Date, time and results of all monitoring activities recorded. 2. Information on the number, durati_on and cause of None excursion 3. Written QIP if necessary 15A NCAC 2D.0614 3 (e) Reporting 1. Summary inform~tion on the number, duration and cause of excursion None 2. Description of actions taken to implement a QIP if necessary ·semiannuaI·Summary Report. Southern Veneer Specialty Products, LLC -Moncure · · · · · · Permit No. 03424T29 · · · · · Facility ID: 1900039 . Period Covered: 07/01/22-12/31/U 15A NCAC 2D.11 l l (b) Monitoring/Recordkeeping The facility shall maintain HAP emissions records . . accordin . to the formulas in the ermit. 15A NCAC 2D. ll 11 ( c) Reporting · • 1. Submitta1 of seiniatinual report 15A NCAC 2D.1100 Control of Toxic Air Pollutants 2.·. Submittal ofmonthly and 12 month rolling avera e methanol emissions 15A NCAC iD.1100 2(b) No monitoring, recordkeeping, or reporting is required. Monitorin · · · None . None None Emission Source Source or Control Description Device ID Number (s) None . Semiannual Summary Report Southern Veneer Specialty Products, LLC -Moncure · Permit No. 03424T29 Facility ID: 1900039 Period Covered: 07/0i/22-12/31/22 · DEVIATION SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2022 Deviation Deviation Suspected Cause of the Pollutant Deviation Descriptiqn Date(s) Duration Deviation J Corrective Action Taken Dryer/Boller Methanol Dryer Monthly Emissions (Eq . 1) Year Month Production (lb/mo) (msl) Pine Hardwood Emis ■ion Total Factors• Pine Hardwood 0.040 0.0100 (lb/mo) (lb/MSF) Jan 7.256 0 290.24 0 .00 290.24 Feb 8.181 0 327 .24 0 .00 327 .24 Mar 548 0 2 1.92 0 .00 21 .92 Apr 8,759 0 350 .36 0 .00 350 .36 May 7,661 0 306 .44 0 .00 306.44 2022 Jun 10,508 0 420 .32 0 .00 420 .32 Jul 6,729 0 269 .16 0.00 269 .16 Auo 9,147 0 365 .88 0 .00 365.88 Sep 10,523 0 420 .92 0 .00 420 .92 Oct 7,528 0 301 .12 0 .00 301 .12 No v 8,022 0 320 .88 0 .00 320 .88 Dec 4,430 0 177.20 0 .00 177.20 So uthern Veneer Specialty Products, LLC -Moncure Permit o. 03424T29 Facility ID : 1900039 Monthly and 12-Month Rolling Methanol Emi ss ion s Dryer Cooling Section Press Methanol Emissions Val Methanol Emissions Press Monthly (Eq . 2) Monthly Production (lb/mo) (lb/mo) Production (msl) (msl) Pine Hardwood Pine Hardwood Total Total 0.013 0 .0010 (lb/mo) P ine Hardwood 0 .11 0 .110 (lb/mo) Monthly 94.33 0 .00 94 .33 4 .106 0 451 .66 0.00 451 .66 9 .068 106.35 0 .00 106.35 4.239 0 466.29 0.00 466.29 9 ,740 7.12 0 .00 7 .12 39 0 4.29 0.00 4.29 1,804 113.87 0 .00 113.87 3 ,947 0 434 .17 0.00 434 .17 9 ,952 99 .59 0 .00 99 .59 3 ,586 0 394 .46 0.00 394.46 8 ,782 136.60 0 .00 136.60 4,489 0 493.79 0.00 493 .79 11 .012 87.48 0.00 87 .48 3,626 0 398 .86 0.00 398 .86 7 ,994 118.91 0 .00 11 8 .91 3,677 0 404 .47 0.00 404 .47 10 ,056 136.80 0 .00 136.80 4,052 0 445.72 0.00 445 .72 11,428 97.86 0 .00 97 .86 3,217 0 353.87 0.00 353 .87 8 ,205 104.29 0 .00 104 .29 3,515 0 386 .65 0.00 386 .65 9 ,790 57 .59 0 .00 57 .59 2,849 0 313 .39 0.00 313 .39 5,570 Sander T&G Vat Sander T&G Total Monthly Rolling Softwood Softwood Methanol Methanol Methanol Methanol 12-Month Monthly Monthly Emission Emission Emission Emissions Methanol Production Production s(Eq. 3) s (Eq . 3) s (Eq. 3) (Eq .1 + Eq.2 + Total• (msl) (msl) (lb/mo) (lb/mo) (lb/mo) Eq.3) Monthly Monthly 0 .0073 0 .0077 0 .0068 lb/mo ton/mo tpy 0 0 66.20 0 .00 0 .00 902.42 0 .5 6.0 0 0 71.10 0.00 0.00 970 .99 0.5 6.2 0 0 13.17 0.00 0.00 46.50 0.0 5.5 0 0 72 .65 0.00 0 .00 971 .05 0 .5 5.4 0 0 64 .11 0.00 0 .00 864 .60 0.4 5 .2 0 0 80.39 0.00 0 .00 1131 .10 0 .6 5 .1 0 0 58 .36 0.00 0 .00 813 .85 0 .4 5 .2 0 0 73.41 0.00 0 .00 962 .67 0 .5 5 .1 0 0 83.42 0 .00 0 .00 1086.86 0 .5 5.1 0 0 59 .90 0 .00 0 .00 812 .75 0.4 5.1 0 0 71 .47 0.00 0 .00 883 .28 0.4 5.1 0 0 40 .66 0 .00 0 .00 588 .84 0 .3 5.0 Dryer Pine Production -The amount of pine veneer was calculated by taking the tons of pine logs used for the month , divding it by the forced recovery for the month, and multiplying that by 1000. To this number was added the amount of green pine veneer purchased for the month . Pre ss Pine Production -The amount of pine ve neer was calculated by taking the tons of pine logs used for the month , divding it by the forced recovery for the month , and multiplying that by 1000, to this number was added the amount of pine veneer purchased for th e month , minus the amount of pine veneer sold for the month . Val production is calculated by taking the log consu mption for the month, divid ing it by the forced recovery for the month and multiplying that by 1000.