HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_1800419_20230202_CMPL_CompRpt_2ndsemi22Prysmian ^prysmiam Group Draka January 30, 2023 ^CANISJEE^ CERTIFIED MAIL ~ Melinda Wolanin Regional Supervisor RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality ' . / , / s. Mooresville Regional Office envirS^'^^^^nt op / 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 f '^'-Iality Mooresville, NC28115 FEB q 2 Subject: Title V Permit Semi-Annual Summary Report for '7,/x j / July 1,2022 - December 31,2022 ^^'^'^Esville rfc Title V Permit No. 07334T30 D/Ws;ow qf Prysmian Cables and Systems USA, LLC. '^^ality Claremont, North Carolina Dear Ms. Wolanin: /fit/ Prysmian Cables and Systems USA, LLC (Prysmian) is submitting the 2°'' 2022 calendar year (CY) semi-annual ^ summary report required by the Title V Permit for the Claremont facility. This summary report is being submitted on or before the required postmark date of January 31, 2023. The report includes the monitoring and recordkeeping data required by multiple permit conditions for the period from July 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022. Site complied ■with Permit No 07334T29 fr om January 1 through May 17"^, 2022 and 07334T30 fr om May 18^^ through December 31 2022. Please note that since the NESHAP Subpart ZZZZ and NESHAP Subpart DDDDD requirements are included in the permit, this report also fulfills the NESHAP semi-annual reporting requirements. This report has been developed to address the reporting requirements in Permit No. 07334T29 and T30. In accordance with General Condition 3.D of the permit, two (2) copies of the Title V permit semi-annual summary report are included. > Scrubber Monitoring and Inspections: Permit T29 - Condition 2.1.A.l.a.viii. for ES-1 and ES-18 (3WS) and Permit Condition 2.2.C.l.d Permit T30 Condition 2.1.A.2.b.xi and Permit Condition 2.2.C.l.f Prysmian must submit a semiannual report of monitoring and recordkeeping activities for the preceding six- month period. All instances of deviation fr om the requirements of this permit must be clearly identified. During the period July 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022 all maintenance & inspection requirements as required by 15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f) were followed and completed. Maintenance and calibration records are kept on fi le for your review upon request. Prysmian Cables and Systems USA, LLC PC Box 39, 2512 Penny Road, Claremont, NC 28610 Tel (828) 459-8668 Fax (828) 459-8787 Scrabber inspections and monitoring was completed each shift (2x/day). Control Device &Control Process Process ID Permit Condition ID Permit Deviations Chemical Vapor ES-1, ES-EnviroCare 3WS NONE - No permit Deposition 18 Scrubber deviations. ,(CVD),2.1.A.l.aii-vi. Cells 5-7 Xerxes Scrubber 2WS Did not operate in 2.1.A.l.a ii-vi 2022 (Removed from Permit T30). Chemical Vapor ES-1, and Wet Scrubber 3WS ES-13 did has not Deposition ES-13 2. LA. La ii-vi started up. (CVD),(Source (T29).or Cells 5-7 added in T30)Wet Scrubber 5WS 2.LA.2.aiii-vi > Baghouse Monitoring and Inspections: Permit Condition 2.1-A.l.b.vii. for ES-9 and 9a (1DS/2DS); Permit Condition 2.2.C.l.d and Permit Condition 2.3.A.l.e for IDS and 2.3.B.le for 2DS Permit Condition 2.1.A.2.c.viii for ES9, ES-9A and E12 (T30) Permit Condition 2.2.C,l.f (AOS) for ES-9 and ES-9A (T30) Permit Condition 2.3.A.l.d for IDS and 2.3.B.ld for 2DS (T30) Prysmian must submit a semiannual report of monitoring and recordkeeping activities for the preceding six- month period. All instances of deviation from the requirements of this permit must be clearly identified. During the period July 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022 all maintenance & inspection requirements as required by 15A NCAC 2Q .0508(t) were followed and completed. Maintenance and calibration records are kept on file for your review upon request. Baghouse inspections and monitoring was completed each shift (2x/day). Process Process ID Control Device & Permit Condition Control ID Permit Deviations Overcladding, Cells 1-4 and Cell 5a ES-9 Mikropul Baghouse 2. LA. Lb ii-vi. and 2.3.A.Lc and 2.1A.c.iii-vi (T30) IDS NONE-No permit deviations. Prysmian Cables and Systems USA, LLC PO Box 39, 2512 Penny Road, Claremont, NC 28610 Tel (828) 459-8668 Fax (828) 459-8787 Process Process ID Control Device & Permit Condition Control ID Permit Deviations Overcladding, Cells 5b-7 ES-9a BHA Baghouse- 2.1.A. Lb ii-vi. and 2.3.B.1.C and 2.1A.c.iii-vi (T30) 2DS NONE-No permit deviations. Over-cladding Units- Deposition Machines ES-12 (T30) and 2.1.A.c.iii- vi (T30) IBH, 2BH, 3BH, and 4BH Or IDS ES-12 has not started up ES-12 did not operate in the semi annual period of July 1'^ 2022 - December 31®* 2022 Prysmian stopped injecting lime into baghouses on May 20*'', 2022. > Visible Emission Inspections: Permit Condition 2.1.A.2.a.v for ES-9, ES-9A (1DS/2DS) Permit Condition 2.1.A.3.f for Nos. ES-9 and ES-9a and ID Nos. ES-12 and ES-13 (T30) Prysmian conducted daily (required weekly) visible emissions observations of the emission sources as required by 2D .0521 (Visible Emissions). All daily observations were completed, and the emission sources were in compliance with the permit condition. Abnormal Checked Daily Visible with Process Emissions Operating Emission Control Noted (YorN) Process Process IDs Points *Device (YorN) Overcladding ES-9 EP-18 Mikropul YesBaghouseNO (IDS) ES-9a EP-19 BHA Baghouse (2DS) NO Yes Prysmian Cables and Systems USA, LLC PO Box 39, 2512 Penny Road, Claremont, NC 28610 Tel (828) 459-8668 Fax (828) 459-8787 Process Process IDs Emission Points * Control Device Abnormal Visible Emissions Noted (YorN) Checked Daily with Process Operating (Y or N) Over- cladding Units - Deposition Machines ES-12 IBH, 2BH, 3BH, and 4BH Or IDS NO ES-12 has not started up > Permit Condition 2.2.A.l.i. for ES-9 (excluding ceil 5 units), two 8.76 MMBtu/hr heat input NG fired boilers, and Insignificant Sources (0.75 MMBtu/hr hot water boilers, sludge dryer, emergency fire pump, emergency generator, parts washer, and AHU) Permit Condition 2.2.B.l.i for ES-2, ES-9A, ES-9 (cell 5 units), two 8 MMBtu/hr boilers, two 10 MMBtu/hr SCR flue gas re-heaters, and two 1 MMBtu/hr SCR ammonia injection dilution heaters. > Permit Condition 2.2.A.l.j. (T30) for ES-9 (excluding cell 5 units), two 8.76 MMBtu/hr heat input NG fired boilers, and Insignificant Sources (0.75 MMBtu/hr hot water boilers, sludge dryer, emergency fire pump, emergency generator, parts washer, and AHU) Permit Condition 2.2.B.l.j (T30) for ES-2, ES-9A, ES-9 (cell 5 units), two 8 MMBtu/hr boilers, two 10 MMBtu/hr SCR flue gas re-heaters, and two 1 MMBtu/hr SCR ammonia injection dilution heaters. Prysmian must submit a semiannual report for the preceding six-month period: i) Monthly NOx emissions for each of the previous 17 calendar months; and ii) 12-month rolling NOx emissions for each consecutive 12-month period ending in the previous six months. A summary report of NOx emissions is attached. > T29 and T30 - 2.1.D.4.i (ES-boiler 1 - ES-boiler 4), 2.1.E.4.h. (ES-WB-3) and 2.I.F.4. h(ES-SB) The facility became a major HAP source with the issuance of permit T28. The two NESHAPs that apply to the facility are 40 CFR 63 Subpart DDDDD (Boiler MACT) and 40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZZ (RICE MACT) as follows: Boiler MACT • ES-boilerl through boiler4 and ES-WB3 Periodic Compliance Reporting-The boilers are subject only to a requirement to conduct a biennial tune- up, and not subject to emission limits or operating limits, therefore Prysmian can submit only a biennial compliance report, as applicable, instead of a semi-annual compliance report [§63.7750(b)]. • ES-SB Prysmian Cables and Systems USA, LLC PO Box 39, 2512 Penny Road, Ciaremont, NC 28610 Tel (828) 459-8668 Fax (828) 459-8787 Prysmian Cables and Systems USA, LLC PO Box 39, 2512 Penny Road, Claremont, NO 28610 Tel (828) 459-8668 Fax (828) 459-8787 Periodic Compliance Reporting-The boiler is subject only to a requirement to conduct a tune-up every five years, and not subject to emission limits or operating limits, therefore Prysmian can submit only a five-year compliance report, as applicable, instead of a semi-annual compliance report [§63.7750(b)]. Prysmian submitted the NOCS for the above boilers on May 17,2022. The NOGS covered the compliance period from 5/19/2019-5/17/2022. The next tune-ups are due in November of 2023 for all boilers except ES-SB which is due in November of 2026. RICE MACT The facility operates the following stationary reciprocating intemal combustion engines (RICE) at the facility that are subject to 40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZZ: • I-FP - fire pump - Full inspection, oil change and belts checked/replaced if necessary - 1/21/2022 and 6/8/2022 The RICE emissions sources are listed as insignificant activities in the permit. There are no semiannual reporting requirements for emergency engines in Table 7, thus a semiannual report is not required for lES I- FP Based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, the statements and information in this report are true, accurate and complete. Please contact me at (828) 459-8457 or Jeff Roseberry at (828) 459-8668 if you have any questions concerning this report. Best Re Glenn Peterson Plant Director Prysmian Cables and Systems USA, LLC PO Box 39, 2512 Penny Road, Claremont, NC 28610 Tel (828) 459-8668 Fax (828) 459-8787 Q3 - Q4 2022 Air Emissions Report - NOx Prysmian Group - Claremont, North Carolina Air Permit 07334T30, Effective on May 18,2022 Facility ID 3/18/00419 Report formatted for Semi Annual reporting requirements under subject Title V Permit, 17 months data and current 12-month rolling sums 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Month Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Ncv-21 Dec-21 Jan-22 Feb-22 Mar-22 Apr-22 May-22 Jun-22 Jul-22 Aug-22 Sep-22 Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Pre-Expansion Expansion Cells 1-4,Cells 5-7, Cells 1-4 NOx 12-month NOx rolling Ceils 5-7 NOx 12-month NOx rolling (tons/month)sum (tpy)(tons/month)sum (tpy) Limit = 250 Limit = 250 7 392 81.278 17 540 198.547 7 398 81.510 16 800 198.014 7 168 81.754 16 983 198.830 7 446 81.891 17 243 199.190 7 374 82.705 17 151 201.053 5 881 83.976 13.215 200.541 6 291 83.287 15 995 197.140 6.212 82.610 15 400 197.276 6.510 81.983 17.011 197.637 6 483 81.359 17 072 198.508 6 876 81.249 17 713 198.906 6 709 81.740 16 974 199.097 8 014 82.362 17 541 199.098 8 384 83.348 17 549 199.847 8 330 84.510 ■16 452 199.316 9 360 86.424 16 441 198.514 8 432 87.482 16 531 197.894 7 540 89.141 13 483 198.162 Updated March 2017 up to June 2019 and removed MEK MEK no longer ^AP since 2006 Report prepared by 'Jeffrey A Roseberry, Environmental Manager VOCs - tracking only Insignificant under Title V 12-Month VOC VOC (tons/month)rolling sum (tpy) 2 019 28/382 2 521 28.553 2 545 28.893 3 060 27.556 1 306 27.039 0 900 25.802 1 089 25.922 1 578 26.127 2 364 25.746 2 712 25.814 2 493 25.141 2 856 25.443 2 076 25.500 2 526 25.505 2 557 25.517 3 072 25.529 1 231 25.454 1 937 26.491 Date NOx emissions are calculated from equipment hours, fuel use and 2007 & 2008 source testing data for unit emission rates VOC emissions are calculated from material mass balance and VOC content of process chemicals, plastics and inks CVD process of glass preform manufactunng ended 19 Jul 2002, no Chlonne or Hydrogen Chlonde-related HAP emissions after Jul 2002 Monitoring and Recordkeeping Requirements 22Alg &22B1g _22Alh &22BIh Reporting Requirements Calibrate and utilize continuous NO and N02 emission analyzers Calculate monthly NOx emissions 2 2 A 11 & 2 2 B 11 Submit a semiannual summary report, acceptable to the Regional Air Quality Supervisor, of monitonng and recordkeeping activities postmarked on or before July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between January and June I Monthly NOx emissions for each of the previous 17 calendar months, and II 12-month rolling NOx emissions for each consecutive 12-month penod ending in the previous six months ^ ^ t-U ^ . * "v^'4l* i !:X' •Fscciieflifl ; '"''-kLi! 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