HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_3600026_20230123_CMPL_CompRpt_ACC^'UV002.l^ SCANNED E3ARUNC. INGREDIENTS January 20, 2023 Air and EPCRA Enforcement Branch Environmental Protection Agency, Region 4 61 Forsyth Street SW Atlanta, GA 30303 Subject: 2022 Annual Title V Certifications Valley Proteins, Inc. - ID 3600026 Permit No. 03590T35 and 03590T36 Gaston County, NC Ml\l 2 32023 C ^ Enclosed please find the 2022 Annual Title V Compliance Certifications for Darling Ingredients - Gastonia Division, for the subject air permits. -2-/v/^ I certify that based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, the statements and information in the document are true, accurate, and complete. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by email at mcraumer@valleyproteins.com or at (540) 877-2590 ext. 28101. Sincerely, OOaO (UjCXU/VvvSJX Mike Craumer General Manager / 7/t.j Enclosures c: NCDAQ, Mooresville Region Director of Environmental Affairs 'Vv.s £BMB.S3EOT®WgtHAT environmental quality RECEIVED JAN 2 3 2023 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resara®isfeviLLE regional office Division of Air Quality (DAQ) division of air quality Title V Annual Compliance Certification Forms ^ Facility Name'. Facility Location _ Facility ID Nurnbei Title V Permit Nunibciu Start of Reporting Period:. End of Reporting Period:. Sc.xM^ LACiC\ 1.{f> .(Refer to first page of Title V Peimit) T3io (Refer to first page of Title V Permit) C l^r Z02 L (Month, Day, Year) bjlLtchAJbiw" Ze'Z'Z (Month, Day, Year) 3.-f - CsP^tVyl"' Compliance Statement (Check only one of the following options) During the repotting period specified above, this facility was in compliance with all terms and conditions identified m the above icfcienccd Title V Operating Peimit As such, theie weie no deviations , excess emissions events, or other rcpoitable incidents including those attributable to equipment malfunctions, breakdown, or upset conditions (please fill out the Compliance Summary Report) During the leporting period specified above, this facility was in compliance with ALL terms and conditions identified in the above referenced Title V Operating Permit, EXCEPT for the deviations identified in the Deviation Sumraaiy Report (please fill out both the Compliance Summary Report and Deviation Summary Report) Does the above compliance statement differ from what is indicated on your most recent Title V Repoit (i.e last Semi- Annual Monitoring Report, Annual Emissions Tnventoiy, etc)? Yes No Are you submitting tliis Annual Compliance Certification form to also fulfill a Title V Semi-Annual Monitoring reporting i-nqinrement? If so. this certification must be submitted by January 30. Yes Q] No Certification By Responsible Official Based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, tlie undersigned certifies under penalty of law (federal lule 40 CFR 70.5(d)) that all mfoimation and statements provided in this form (including any attachments) are true, accurate, and complete rVLk A I-9G-P3 Name: (Signature ofResponsible Official)(Date) (Type or Print) Number of Attached Pages (not including Instructions Page) t ^ ' An annual compliance cei Uficalian (ACC) inquired pursuant to jedetal rule 40 CFR 70 6(c), state rules 15A NCAC Sections 2Q 050S(t) and 2Q 0608(bb), and Section 3 ^General Condition P of Ihe Title P Operating Permit A copy of your ACC is Co be submitted to both the North Carolina DAQ and the U.S EPA (Air and EPCRA Enforcement Branch, EPA, Region 4, 61 Forsyth Street, Atlanta, GA 30303) The submittal date for the ACC is specified in Section 3-General Condition P ofyour Title V permit ^ For the purposes of this foi m, the let m "deviation " means any action or cu cumstance not tn accordance with the let ms and conditions ofike Title V Operating Pet mil including those attributable to equipment malfunction, bieakdown, or upset conditions and/or excess emissions events The acknowledgement ofdeviations fi om specific permit requirements is not necessanly an acknowledgement of a violation However, failure to report any and all deviations may constitute a violation of the Title V Operating Permit and the underlying emission standaid For more information about deviations, please refer to the DA Q memorandum outlining the definition of deviation for Title V reporting on the DAQ web site (help //www ncaii oig/enf/eedmd/daq_lv_devpol pdj) Revision 2 9 Darling International, Inc. - Gastonia Permit No. 03590T36 Facility No. 3600026 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year September 16,2022 to December 31,2022 Paac 1 of _14 Emission Source Description Source or Control Terms and Conditions Deviations? Records Maintained'' (Yes/No/NA) Was Deviation a non- compliance issue? (Yes / No) Method(s) of DetermmiugCompIiance Status CommentsDevice ID Number(s)Permit Condition Number Condition Summary (Yes / No) BoiiersNo I&J ES-1 & 3 2 I A.I a Particulates not to exceed 0,29 Ibs/mmbtu [20.0501 N Y Record review Boilers No 1 & 3 ES-1 & 3 2.1. A, I b TestinRr20 0508(fil N/A N/A Record review Boilers No 1 & 3 ES-1 & 3 2.I.A.I.C No rnoriitormg requirements 120 0508(1)1 N Y Record review Boilers No L&3 ES-1 .S; 3 2.1,A2.a S02 not to exceed 2 3 Ibs/mmbtu 12D.05161 N Y Record review Boilers No. 1 & 3 ES-l & 3 2.I,A 2.b Testma 120 0508(f)l N'A N/A Record review Boilers No. 1 & 3 ES-I & 3 2 I A 2.C No monitonng requirements |2O.0508(f)l N Y Record review Boilers No 1&3 ES-1 &3 2.I.A.3 a Vr, not more tlian 20% onacitv r2D 05211 N Y Record review Boilers No i & 3 ES-i & 3 2.1 .-\.3 b Testing 120 0508(t)l N/.A N/A Record review ES-1 & 3 2.1,A.3,c.(i-ii) Monitoring of emission pomLs 120.0508(fll N Y Record review ES-I & 3 2 I.A.3 d (i-tu) Record keeping of emissior points monitoring I20.0508(fll N Y Record review ES-I &. 3 2 I.A3.e Reporting of emission points monitoring 120 0508(f)l N y Record review Boilers No 1 & 3 ES-I & 3 i 2 I A 4.a NSPS (2D 0524 & 40 CFR.60.Dc)N Y Record revicvv Darling International, Inc. - Gastonia Permit No. 03590X36 Facility No. 3600026 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year September 16, 2022 to December 31, 2022 Emission Source Description Source or Control Terms and Conditions Deviations? (Yes / No) Records Malntamed? (Ycs/No/NA) Was Deviation a non- compliancc issue? (Yes/No) Method(s) of DetemuiungCompbance Status Comments Device ID Number(s) Permit Condition Number Condition Summary Boilers No I & 3 -ES-1&3 2 l.A.4b Maxunum sulfur content 0 5 % I2D.05241 N Y Record review Boilers No 1&3 ES-1 & 3 2.1,A.4 c Testing r2Q.0508(f)l N Y Record review Boilers No I & 3 ES-1&3 2.1,A.4 d(i-iii) Momtoring offuel Sulfur content f2Q 0308(f)l N Y Record review Boilers No 1 & 3 ES-I&3 2 1,.A.4 e Recordkccpin offuel used daily r2Q,0508(f)]_! N Y_Record review Boilers No. 1 & 3 FS-1 & 3 2 l,.'\.4.f Maintain records of fuel supplier certifications 120 0508(f)l N Y Record review Boileis No, 1 & 3 ES-1 &3 2.1.A,4.s(i-iiO Semi-annual summary report [20 0508(1)1 N Y Record review Boilers No 1 & 3 ES-1 4i3 2.1.A.5.a.i Boiler tune-up under 120.14107 N Y Record review Boilers No. 1 & 3 ES-1 & 3 2 I,A5 b Testing 12O.0508(f)l N/A N.'A Record review Boilers No 1 & 3 ES-1 & 3 2 1,A5 c,(t-iv.) Boiler tune-up requirements 12Q 0508(f)l N Y Record review Boller.s No I & 3 ES-1 & 3 2,l,A5.d (i-vi) Recordkeeping for tune-up requuements [2Q 0508(f)l N Y Record review ES-1 & 3 2.1,A5 « (i-iii) Recording ofinoratonng and boiler tuner-ups [20 .0508(01 N Y Record review ES-1 & 3 2 1,A.5 f Summary report for boiler fune-ups 120 0508(01 N Y ,Record review ES-1 & 3 2.1..4,6 a-c Avoidance Conditions for2Q0317 2D.1407(b) (RACT)N Y Record review Boilers No. 1 & 3 ES-1 & 3 2 l,,\.6d , Testing 120.0508(01 N Y Record review Darling International, Ina - Gastonia Permit No 03S90T36 Facility No 3600026 North Carolina Department urEnvironmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year September 16,2022 to December 31, 2022 Emission Source Description Source or Contnil Device ID Number(s) Terms and Conditions Deviatloas.' (Yes/No) Records Malobtned^ (Yes/No/NA) Was Deviation a non* compli'ince issue*^ (Yes/No) Method(5) of Detcrminln^ompliance Status Comments Permit Condition Number Condition Summary Boileraiv'o ES-2.15 & 15 2 1 3 3.a Pamcid&te emissions not to exceed 0 lbs and 0 28 Uw pw inmbtu foi ES-2,1 S ami fcS 16, respectively 120 05033 N V Record rev,eiv Boilers Ko 2»4 5,3 LS-Z15.<Sil6 213 Ub.lesttnarZOOiOSCfll N/.\N/A Rrcord tms v BodctsNo 1.4. &. 5 ES-2.15 & 16 2LBU No moniloni.j or recordkeeoina 120 0508^01 N'A K/A Record rrvj^vv Boilers No. 7 4 HS-2 15 &16 2 1 r S02 not to exceed 13 lb&%;nbtu r7D 05161 N V Record review BoaeinNo/a A &'i ES-2.15. & 16 21B2b.T-snn2f7O050?rfil N'A Kf'\Record review BoacfsNo.2 4 &5 ES-2.15. & 16 2132q No Monilonn^'RecoKlkcej/mg/ ICinoriinje I2D QSlol N r Recofti review ES-2 I5.&i6 llB2d Max S coitent shall not exceed 1.1 %[2D 0516^N Y Hi'cord review ES-2,15 it 16 11 B leXi-iv) ' Oil supplier certifications Mimmofvieoort f2Di)516l N y Record reviev. ES-2-l5.&l<>2.13 2 £ Suauncry report f200508tTil N Y Rccoid revie-v BqiIos-No.Z ES-'L15 &.i6 23 33a _ VEnotmorpt.Tan2Q'"'4 opacitv|2D 05211 N Y Record renew Boder.sNo^lA&S ES-2.15 & 16 ^.LBSK TesPna f200508fN N/A K/A Record renew ES-1.15.&16 11 33.i:.a-u) Monitoaig of cm.ssion Domts (2O.0o08ffl1 K .v Retordrewesv Ro2ersNo 14&5 ES-2.15 &!o '11 33 dfi-ml R.«:ord keeping ofemission po jUs rnoratonns 1200508(31 K -Y R,ci-a»d review Darling International, Inc. - Gastonia Permit No. 03590T36 Facility No. 3600026 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Divbion of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year September 16,2022 to December 31, 2022 Page 4_ of 14__ Enussian Source Description Source or Control Device ID Number(s) Terms and Conditions Denahons? (Yes / No) Records Maintained? (Ycs/No/NA) Was Demtion a non- compliance issue? (Yes/No) Mc(hod(s) of DeterminmgComphance Status Comments Permit Condition Number Condition Summary Boilers No 2, 4, & 5 ES-2,15, & 16 2 1 B 3.e - Reporting of eimssion points monitoring f20 0508(£)1 N Y Record review Boilers No 5 ES-16 2 1 B.4 a Tenyioraiy Boiler [2D 0524, 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart Dc, Subpart A1 N Y Record review Boilers No. 5 ES-16 21B4b Sulfur content not to exceed 0 5 percent f2D 05241 N Y Record review Boilers No 5 ES-16 2 1 B,4 e (i-n) Momtonng Emissions f2Q OSOSftll N/A N/A Record review Boilers No 5 ES-16 21B4d Recordkeepmg for fiiel burned r2Q 0508(f)l N Y Record review Boilers No 5 ES-16 2 1 B.4.e.i Reportmg [2Q .0508(f)l N Y Record rovrcvv Boilers No 1, 2, 3, 4,5 ES-1, 2. 3. 15, 16 21B5ai. Boiler tune-up lequirements f2D 1407]N Y Record review Darling International, Inc. - Gasstonia Permit No 03590X36 Facility No. 3600026 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Diviiion of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year September 16,2022 to December 31, 2022 Pa«o 5 of 14 Emission Source Description Source or Control Device ID Number(s) Terms and Conditions Deviations? (Yes/No) Records Maintained^ (Yes/No/NA) Was Deviation a non- compJiance issued (V es / No) Method (s) of DetcrmmingCompIiance Status Comments Permit Condition Number Condition Summary Boilers No 1,2,3,4,5 BS-, 16 2.1 B 5 b TestinKf200508(fll N/A N'A Record review Boilers No 1,2,3,4,5 ES-1. 2,3, 15, 16 2 1.B 5 c(i-iv)Moiiitorina [20 0508(D1 N Y Record review Boilers No 1.2,3,4.5 fcS-1.2.3,15. 16 2 I B.5 d(i-vi) Recordkeeping for tunc-up requirements [20 .050S(f)l N Y Record renew BoilcisNo 1,2,3,4.5 ES-1. 2,3, 13, 16 2 1.B 5 e(i-iu) Rccordmg; of monitoring and boiler tuner-nps [20.0508(f)l N Y Recoid review Boilers No 1,2,3.4,3 ES-1. 2, 3, 13, 16 2 IB 5f Suitunary Keport [20 0508®!N Y Record review Boilers No,5 ES-1.2,3. 13.16 2 1 B 6 a-c •Avoidance conditions for [2D 1407(b), 2Q .0317] (8AC1)N Y Recoid review Boilers No 1,2,3,4,5 ES-1,2,3,15, 16 2 1 B.6 d Testm)'[20 0508(t)1 N<A Record review Darling International, Inc. - Gastonia Permit No 03590T36 Facility No. 3600026 North Caroiina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year September 16, 2022 to December 31, 2022 Emission Source Dcscnption Source or Control Device ID Numbcr(s) Terms and Conditions Deviations? (Yes/No) Records Maintained'' (Yes/No/NA) Was Deviation a non- compliance issue'' (Yes/ No) Method(s) of DeterminmgCompliance Status Comments Permit Condition Number Condition Summary Boilers No 5 ES-16 2.1 B.7 a Avoidance condition for 2D 0531 [2Q 03171 N Y Record review BoileisNo 5 ES-i6 2 IB7b lestinjT [2Q 050S(f)l NtA N/A Record review Boilen> No 5 BS-16 2.1B7.C Record monthly fiiel combustion [20.0508Cf)]N Y Record revicv/ BoileisNo 5 ES-16 2 1 B 7.d Recordkeepins ofNOX emissions [20 050S(f)l N Y Record review Boilers No. 5 ES-16 2 1B.7p Recordkeeping of NOX emissions [20 0508ff)l N Y Recoid review Boilers No 5 ES-16 2 I.B 7 h<i-ii) Summary report for NOX emissions (2Q 050S(f)l N Y Recoid leview Darling International, Inc. - Gastonia Permit No. 03590T36 Facility No. 3600026 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year September 16,2022 to December 31,2022 Pngtt 7 of 14 Emission Source Description Source or Control Device ID Numberfs) Terms and Conditions Deviations? (Yes / No) Records Mamtained' (Yes/No/NA) Was Deviation a non- compliance issue? (Yes/No) Method(s) of DeterminingComphance Status 1 Comments Permit Condition Number Condition Summary , Processing ES-1,2,3,4,9,15, CD- 9d, 10a, 10c 2 1,C 1 a Particiilate emissions from processes f2D 05151 N Y Record review CD-lOa not installed Processing ES-1.2,3,4.9,15, CD- 9d,10a,10c 2 1,C1 b Testing r2Q 0508(f)l N/A N/A Record review CD-10a not installed PrnccssuiE ES-1,2.3,4,9,15, CD- 9d. 10a, 10c 2.1.C.l.c.(i-v) Momtoring of control devices [20 0508(f)l N Y 1 Record review CD-lOa not installed Processing ES-1.2,3,4,9.15, CD- „ 9d, 10a. 10c 2 1 C1 d (i-iv) Recordkeepmg for control devices f2D 0515]N Y Record review CD-10a not installed Prucosbuig ES-4,9 CD- 9d,10a,10c 2 1 C 1 e (i-iii) Venturi monitormg and rccordkeeping of parameters r2D 0515]N Y Record review CD-lOa not installed Processing ES-1.2,3,l.'i 2 1 C.l f. Thermal oxidation parameters for boilers (20 0515)N Y Record review Processing ES-1,2.3,15 2 101?,. 'Ihermal oadalion parameters lor boilers (20 0515)N Y Record review Processing ES-4,9 CD- 9d,10a,10c 2 1 C.l h i(A-B) Packed bed operations ' (20 0515)N Y Record review CD-lOa not installed Processing ES-4,9 CD- 9d,10a.l0c 2.1,0.1 i Suramaiy report upon request by 0.4Q r2O.0508(f)l N Y Record review CD-10a not installed Processuig ES-.4.9. CD- 9d, 10a, 10c 2 1 C 1 1 Summary report of momtormg/recordkeeprag (20 0508(01 N Y Record review CD-10a not installed Darling International, Inc. - Gastonia Permit No. 03590X36 Facility No. 3600026 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year September 16,2022 to December 31,2022 I'iiae S of M Emission Source Description Source or Control Device ID Number(s) Terms and Conditions Deviations? (Yes/No) Records Maintained'' (Yes/No/NA) Was Deviation a non- compliance issue? (Yes / No) Method(s) of DeterminingCompliance Status Comments Permit Condition Number Condition Summary Processma ES-4,9 CD- 9d. 10a, 10c 2 l.C.2.a VE not to exceed 20% 120.05211 N Y Record review CD-lOa not installed Processing ES-4,9 CD- 9d,10a,10o 2 1 C.2 b Teslma r2O.0508(£)l N/A N/A Record review CO-lOa not installed Processing ES-4.9 CD- 9d,10a.l0c 2.LC.2 Ui-u) Momtonng - Obsen'ations of emission points [20 050S(f)1 N Y Record review CD-1 Oa not installed Processing ES-4.9 CD- 9d. 10a. 10c 2 1 C.2.d.(i-iii) Record keeping of emission points observations [20 0508(fll N .Y Record review CD-10a not installed Processing ES-4.9 CD- 9d,10a,10e 2 1 C.2 e Summary Report of emission points observations r20.0508(f)l N Y Record review CD-10a not installed Processing ES-1,2,3,6.15CD- 9d, 10b, 10c 2 ID.l.a Paiticulate emissions from nroccsses |2D 05151 N Y Record rev lew Processma ES-1.2,3,6,15,CD- 9d. 10b, 10c 21Dlb Testing 120.0508(111 N/A N/A Record review Processing ES-1,2,3,6,15. CD- 9d. 10b. 10c 2J,D l,c.(i-v) Momtonng of control devices 120.0508(f)l N Y Recoi d review Processing ES-l,2,3.6.15, CD- 9d,10b,10c 2,1.D Ed/i-ivl Recordkeepmg for control devices 120.05151 N Y Record review Processing ES-6, CD-9d,10b,10c 2,1.D l.e fi-iiil Vcnturi momtonng and recordkeepmg of parameters 12D 05151 N Y Record review Processing ES-1,2,3,15 2,l.D.l.f Tliermal oxidation parameters for boilers (20 05151 X Y Record review Darling International, Inc. - Gastonia Permit No 03S90T36 Facility No. 3600026 North Carolma Department of Enviroiuncntal Quality Division of Air Quahty COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year September 16, 2022 to December 31, 2022 Pitgii 9.... of.... ^ Emission Source DescnpCion Source or Control Device ID Number(s) Terms and Conditions Deviations? (Yes/No) Records Maintained? (Yes/No/NA) Was Deviation a non- compliance issue'' (Yes / No) Method(5) of DeterminingCompliance Status Comments Permit Condition Number Condition Summary Processing ES-1,2,3.15 2 ijDa.i? nieimal oxiuation pardinclcrs for boilers (2D.0515)N Y Record review ?roces..mg ES-1.2,3,6,1S,CD- ' 9di0b,10c _ 2,1.D IdifMi) Packed osd parameters (2Dd)515)N Y Record review Processing ES-1.2,3.C.I5,Ci:)- 9d 10b,10c 2.1 .aij Summaiy report upon nwyiesi bYDAO[2O.05QOT N y Record review Processins ES-1.23.C.15. CD- 9d.l0bJ0c . 2 1 DJ.i Summaiy report or monitoring, rccordkeepirg r2Q,0508Cf)l N Y Record review Proccssmc; ES-1,2,3A15,CD- , 9d.l0b.l0c 2-iaia VE not to exceed 20% f?lW2n N Y Record review PiOveshing ES-i.2,3.6,l5.CD- 9d.l0b,10c 2 lX),Zb Testing [2Q.0508Cf)l K'A K/A Recoid review Proccssmp ES ],2.3,C,15.CD- 9fll0b„10c 2 ED7,r(w]) Momtf/fing - Observations cf emission points (2Q 0508(01 H Y Record review Processing tS-1,7 3A15,CD- 9d,10ba0c 2 1 D,2.dfMu) Record keeping of emission pomes obsei:vatio.is [20 0508(01 N Y Record rcvitnv ES-1,2.3A15, CD- 9d.l0b,10c 2.1 D2e Summary Report of emission poin'^s oDscrwilTons [20.0508(111 H Y Recoidieviev/ ES-UZ315JO 2.2.A.1 a A-voidcjice of PSD |.?J),05i0 2O.03171 K y Reconi n'view ES-l.2,3.15.16 Z2,A,l.b Tt-stmg [20 OSOSa")!N/A N/A Record review Boileib ES-l.Z3J5at;2ZAa,c S02 and CO emissions less than 250 ton:i aiinuaHy [20 0508(f)l N y Record review Darling International, Inc. - Gastonia Permit No 03590X36 Facili^ No. 3600026 North Carolina Department of EnMronmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year September 16, 2022 to December 31,2022 Page 10 of U Emission Source Descnption Source or Control Terms and Conditions Deviations? CVes/No) Records Maintained' (Ym/No/NA) Was Deviation a non- compliance issue*' (Yes/No) Mcthod(s) of DeterminlngCompliance Status CommentsDe^ce ID NumberCs)Permit Condition Number Condition Summary EoiIvts SS-l-i3 li 16 2 2.A/1 Momionng^recordkeeprng of fuelosefaO 0508ff)]H Record review BoHsis ES-1.2.3 15 IC Z2Ale S02 and CO calcuU'aoiis (rorii fucluser2D 05301 N Y Record rev-.cw Boilers EStI 2,3.15.16 A1 iTj-m) Reporting of fuel and enufuor.sr20 0508C01 N Y Record review EoOers r.S-I.2,3 15 2 2A2,a Boiler .MACr Apciicabiiity [2D nin N Y Record review Boilers ES-1 2.3 15 2 2 A 2 b DeEnibons and Non'e«clarJrer2D-l Illl N Rcccpi review Bcdien ES-1,23.15 2.2 A.^c General Provisions r2D lllil N "V Record review Boilers EE-1.2,3.15 2 2.A.2 d. CompLonco Dates [2D.1235 40 CFR 63 1119Cfa¥m N Y I Boilers BS-L2,3.13 '2 lA-2.e{i-»i) Notific2t.oii of Coinpbaiicc Status [2D 12251 N Y Record review Boilers ES 1 2.3,15 2.2A2f. General Compliance Reauncments F2Q.050S(b")l N . Y Record revaew Boilsr*ES-1 2 3 15 2.2A.-2 Perfonnancc Tone-'ip Reouircinentsi )2OAO508fbll N Record reviaw ES- 2 2.A.2 Wi-vicl Energy Asicssmenl Reaojreinents [20 0308(611 N Y RjrOld review EkS-1 2 3.15 2 ZA 21 ft-iv) Recrrdkttcpuig Reqiuremcnti [20 050«ffll N Y Kecoiti teviev,' Bolsrs ES-1.2 3 15 2 2,A 2 Record Availabli^ f2O-0508.'m N Y Record review ES- ? 7^\ XkA-vm") Reporting RequiremenL^ I20 ososfni K It Record rcviow In,3,raiific?Jit 'XoUvities IES-12, 13, l-s, 16, 17.LQad,IHS 3 Source Deanpbon (2Q 0508(811 N Y Recnrd review InfonTMtioxEisl Darling International, Inc. - Gastonia Permit No. 03590X36 Facility No. 3600026 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year September 16, 2022 to December 31,2022 _U of 14 Emission Source Description Source or Control Device ID Numbcr(s) Terms and Conditions Deviations? (Yes/No) Records Maintained? (Yes/No/NA) Was Deviation a non- compliance issue? (Yes/No) Method(s) of DetcrminingCompIiance Status Comments Permit Condition Number Condition Summary Facility All 4,A(1-6) Informational provisions [NOGS 143-215 & 2Q.0508(i)(16)1 N/A N/A N/A Facililv All 4.B Peraiit availability [2Q 0507(k) & 0508(iK9)(B)l N Y Record review Facility All 40 Sevcrabilily clause |20 0508fi)(2)1 N/A N/A Record review Facilitv All 4D Submis-sions [2Q 0307(c) & 2O.0508('i)(16)l N Y Record review Facility •All 4E Duty to comply [2O,0508(i)(3)l N Y Record review Facility .All 4F.Circumvention (State onlv)N/A N/A Record review Facility All 4.0.(1-5) Permit moditicalions [2Q 0514, 0524 &.0505 0515, .0516, 0517]N Y Record review Facility All 4H.(1-1) Changes not requiring permit modifications [20 0508(f)l N Y Ifecord review Facility All 4IA(l-3) Reporting excess emissions f2D 0535(f), 20.0508(f)(2)l N Y Record review Facility All 4IB.(l-2) Reporting Deviations f2D,0535(f). 20 0508(f)(2)l N Y Record review Facility All 4.C,Otlier Requnenients 12D.05351 N Y Record review Facility All 4J(l-5) Emergency provisions r40CFR70 6(e)l N y Record review Facility All 4.K Pennit renewal [20.0508(e). 20,0513(b)l N Y Record review Darling International, Inc. - Gastonia Permit No. 03590T36 Facility No. 3600026 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year September 16,2022 to December 31, 2022 Page 12 of M Emission Source Description Source or Control Terms and Conditions Deviations? Records Maintained? (Ycs/No/NA) Was Deviation a non- compliance issue? (Yes / No) Method(s) of DeterminingCompliance Status Comments Device ID Number(s) Permit Condition Number Condition Summary (Yes/No) Facilitv All A.l Need to halt or reduce activit) [20 0508(i)(4)l N/A NA Record review Facililv All 4M(l-2) Dutv to provide mformatiou [20 050Sa)f9)1 N/A N'A Record review Facility All 4N Duty to Supplement [2O.0507ff)l N/A N/A Record review Facilitv All 4.0 Retention of records [2O.050S(f)(l)l N Y Record review - Facility All 4P.fI-6I Compliance certification |2O.0508Ci:)l N Y Record review Facility All 4 0. Certification by responsible official [20 05201 N Y Record review Facility All 4R.(l-4)Permit shield [20.05121 N'A N/A Record review Facility All ,S, Termmation, modification, revocation of permit [2O.05191 N'A K/A Record review Facility All 4.T. Insignificant activities [20 05031 N/A N/A Record review All 4U.Property rinhls [20 0508]N/A N/A Record rev lew All 4 V.(l-21 Inspection and entry [2Q 0508(1), NCOS 143- 215 3ta)f2)l N Y Facility always available for inspection bv DAO Facility All 4VV. Annual fee payment [2O.0508fi)(10)l N Y Record review Darling International, Inc. - Gastonia Permit No. 03590T36 Facility No. 3600026 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year September 16,2022 to December 31, 2022 Page 13 of 14 Emission Source Description Source or Control Terms and Conditions Deviations? Records Maintained? (Ves/No/NA) Was Deviation a non- compliance issue? (Yes/No) }Comments Device ID Numbcr(s) Permit Condition Number Condition Summary (Yes/No) Facihlv All 4.x Annual emission mycntoiy 120 02071 N Y Record review r acilitv All 4.Y. Confidential info [2Q 0107, 0508(i)(911 N/A N/A Record review Facilits'All 4Z. Construction and operation permits 120,0100. ,03001 N Y Record review FacilitN'All 4AA. Standard application form ant required information [20 0505. 0507J N Y Record review Facility All 4.BB Financial responsibility and compliance history [20 0507(01(3)1 N/A N/A Record review Facility All 4.00.(1-3) Refrigerant requirements [20.0501(4)1 N y Record review Facility All 4DD Prevention of accidental releases- Section 112r [2O.0508(h)l N/A N/A Record review All 4JiK.Asbestos Standard [20.1110'N Y Record review Facility All 4.FF. Title IV allowances [20 0508(i)(l)l N Y Record review All 4,GG Am pollution emergency episodes [2D 03001 N/A N/A Record review- All 4m-i Registration of air pollution sources |2D,0202|N/A N/A Record review- Facility All 4.11 Ambient air quality standards t2D0501(cll N Y Record review Darling International, Inc. - Gastonia Permit No. 03S90T36 Facility No. 3600026 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Divisioa of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year September 16,2022 to December 31,2022 Pag<;__14 of 14 Emission Source Description Source or Control Device ID Number(s) Terms and Conditions Deviations? (Yes / No) Records Maintained'' (Yes(No/NA) Was Deviation a non- compliance issue'' (Yes/No) Method(s) of DeterminingCompliancc Status Comments Permit Condition Number Condition Summary Facility'All 4..TJ(l-4) General emissions testing anc reoortms 120-0508(1X16)1 N/A N/A Record review FaciUtv .All 4,KK.(l-4) Reopening for cause 120 05171 K Y Record review I aciUtv All 4LL. Reporting requirements for non-opeiating equipment 120.050S(i)(16)l N Y Record review FacUitv All 4MN-I Fugitive Dust Control Renuirement |2D 05401 N Y Record review Slate Enfoiceablc Only Facility All 4 NN.(l-3) Modificalions [2Q 0501, 05231 N Y Record revieiv Facility All 4.00. Third Party Participation, F.PA Review [2Q .0521, ,0522, 0525(7)1 N Y Record review North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Valley Proteins, Gastonia Division Permit No. 03590X36 Facility No. 3600026 DEVIATION SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year September 16, 2022 to December 31, 2022 Page 1 of 1_ Emission Source Description Source or Control Device ID Numberfsl Pollutant Deviation Description Deviation Date(s)Deviation Duration Suspected Cause of Deviation Corrective Action Taken No Deviations Revision 3 0