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'\)h(kV ' • ^ MnpNORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY FIREFIGHTER TRAINING NOTIFICATION form is to be used to provide prior notification of open burning for the training of firefighting personnei in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .1903(b)(11). This notification must be submitted to the Division of Air Quality at least 10 days prior to confimancement of the burn. Submlttal of form DHHS3768 to the Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) [see directions page 2] must be submitted, and a NESHAP number assigned (from HHCU) orlor to mailing or faxing this completed term to the appropriate Division of Air Quality (DAQ) Regional Office. Fire departments in counties with local environmental control programs sfrou/d contact Iheir iMal agency listed on page 2. It Is not necessary to submit page 2 with this notification. Additional forms and information are available on the Internet at: http://www.daq.8tate.nc.us/enf/openburn. Fire Dept; / ie Lo Complete Malting Address: ft cation of Trafning Exercise (address, city, county, etc.): I Sl^ Lh [/v\oQfeju,l{^ (y~ City, State, Zip; IVi&ar^eruilU Nic. 'Zgl ir QCH nn yUHZ. '7ot.f 17? /Voprejoi/Jft^cj approve burning a previously demolished structure or salvageable items for firefightertraining. Motor vehicles may beburned over a penod of time by a training unit or by several related training units. Describe Ihe nature and the amount of materials to be burned, if a structure Is to be burned, state construction type, number of rooms, floor area, etcetera. Description: K-rs c . (cont.) ^ — stale trafning ebjeclives: Beginning date(s) and time(s) of training exerdse: f , ./-a- 'WL/L/iiH If Sf X.C2^'Z.Endingdate: ^hllZZ. Alternatddate{s)and tlme(s): postponements, and deletions, submitted in the schedule in oneS°SKhe burn regional office [air quality) supervisor of the appropriate regional office at least Remember, following one agency's regulations does not guarantee compliance with another, «herfnr f Nofth Carolina Asbestos inspector must inspect structures. Ail burned structures must be free ofIf building materials must be properly removed before the live Are training oxercise. Further hSScoS fa«,£gmB!S^and submitted >»y piall on|y (ne faxes) to the Division of Public Health, HealthHazaids Con^l Unit (HHCU), even If no asbestos was Identified In most structures, at least 10 werkinn dawt nrinr to the 'Sfcri'ft information on the required asbestos inspection and notification form DHHS3768, please contact the HHCU pS 2 of Ss nSrafion counties with local environmental control programs should contact their local agency listed on NESHAP number (assigned by HHCU); Required prior to burn; Has the structure been Inspected for asbestps^ntainlng materials? Hf"Yes Q No Does the structure have any asbestos containing materials present? □ Yes If yes, describe the materials and the removal procedures: l^^ff^^'^ysignaturetheinformatlonsubmittedonfhisnomcationtobetjmsndiGGurmtQthebestofrny,N^eW= Title: ! Signature: ; Date: lllzt/;, _J ** DAQ USE ONLY AlfTSoaBty(Revised 11/25/2014) '■^oogf^ser: yiAJJL^ 1/ ^Daterr 1 f / _ 11> /7S7 NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY FIREFIGHTER TRAINING NOTIFICATION This form Is to be used to provide prior notification of open burning for the training of firefighting personnel in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .1903(b)(11). This notification must be submitted to the Division of Air Quality at least 10 days prior to commencement of the burn. Submittal of form DHHS3768 to the Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU} [see directions page 2] must be submitted, and a NESHAP number assigned (from HHCU) prior to mailing or faxing this completed farm to the appropriate Division of Air Quality (DAQ) Regional Office. Fire departments in counties with local environmental control programs should confact their local agency listed on page 2. it is not necessary to submit page 2 with this notification. Additional forms and information areavaiiable on the Internetat; http://www.daq.state.nc.us/enf/openburn. FireDept: nriCbftfJ Complete Mailing Address: Hf? aJ /yidiw City, State, , Zip: /vc Fhone: -7^,/ FAX: Location of Training Exercise (address, city, county, etc.): / ^-AJ a/Jle 2Kfh~' t^eOe'f '}» Xn UVI Emrt: iUj, DAQ cannot approve burning a previously demolished structure or salvageable Items for firefighter training. Motor vehicles may be burned over a period of time by a training unit or by several related training units. Describe the nature and the amount of materials to be burned. If a structure Is to be burned, state construction type, number of rooms, floor area, etcetera. Description: (cont.) state training objettfves: Si Endingdate: sllllZ-2. ~ Alternate W(s)andtime(s): nes of e: Beginning date(s) and time(s) of training exercise: r Lj fj^ j ^ y faate(s) Any deviations from the dates and tlm^s of exercises, Including additions, postponements, and deletions, submitted in the schedule In the approved plan shall be communicated verbally to the regional office [air quality] supervisor of the appropriate regional office at least one hour before the burn is scheduled. Remember, following one agency's regulations does not guarantee compliance with another. A person who is accredited as a North Carolina Asbestos inspector must inspect structures. Ail burned structures must be free of asbestos. Ail asbestos containing building materials must be properly removed before the live fire training axaretee. Furfher. notification form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted fay mall only (nc faxeal to the Division of Public Heaffii, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU), even if no asbestos was identified in moat structures, at feast Ifl worfctnn daws nriai- to the burn date(s). For further information on the required asbestos inspection and notification form DHHS3768, please contact the HHCU at (919) 707-5950. Fire departments In counties with local environmental control programs should contact their local agency listed on page 2 of this notification. NESHAP number (assigned by HHCU): Required prior to burn; C$7 Has the structure been Inspected for asbestosperitainlng materials? Q No Does the structure have any asbestos containing materials present? □ Yes if yes, describe the materials and the removal procedures: /ceiiifybymysignaturetheinformationsubmittedonthisnotificationtobetrue andaccurate tothebestofrnv knowledge: ,Wame(prlnt); //y Title: ,u.,- Signature: JL. /Z^ Date: n 1-17/21 " DAQ USE ONLY yp (Revised 11/25/2014) ,^perviser: KpfTiMy ^ Mills, Ryan From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Mills, Ryan Thursday, December 9, 2021 1:51 PM Hess, Ben RE [External] RE. DAQ Firefighter Notification Approval ID #'s - 1756 & 1757 MooresvilleFD_FDTRAIN_20211209.pdf Ben, I have attached your updated permits from DAQ. Let me know if you have any further questions. I have updated our database with your new burn dates and you should be good to go on the DAQ side. Ryan Mills Environmental Specialist Mooresvilie Regional Office North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 704-235-2210 (Office) Ryan.Mills@ncdenr.gov I X-ii c :■ G'jc; J 'o /"o.'c £ .1 hi t-s.-, - f.'G -Ci P'-o c r -c Jhl. L: *. From: Hess, Ben <bhess@mooresvillenc.gov> Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2021 2.34 PM To: Mills, Ryan <ryan.mills@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] RE: DAQ Firefighter Notification Approval ID it's -1756 & 1757 CAUTION: External email Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Thank You. Ben Hess Assistant Fire Chief- Training 457 N Mam Street Mooresvilie, NC 28115 Office 704-660-7742 www mooresvillefire com DBSQD Please be aware that email sent to and/or from this email address is subject to North Carolina Public Records Low and may be 1 disclosed to ttiird parties. This message may contain confidential and/or proprietary information and is intended for the person/entityJp_whom_it was_orig]naily addressed. Any use by others is strictiy prohibited. From: Mills, Ryan <rvan.mllls@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2021 12:59 PM To: Hess, Ben <bhess@mooresvillenc.gov> Subject: [EXTERNAL] DAQ Firefighter Notification Approval ID #'s -1756 & 1757 [CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the (sender and know the content is safe. ! Mooresville Fire & Rescue Attention: Ben Hess Based on the information submitted in the attached NC Division of Air Quality Firefighter Training Notification form, (attached to this email) it appears that the open burning will be conducted in accordance with North Carolina Administrative Code 15A 2D .1900. Also, please notify us prior to any changes in the proposed training exercise. Current open burning rules include some restrictions based on ozone or particulate air quality forecasts. As part of the North Carolina Air Awareness Program, Meteorologists issue the forecasts at 3 p.m. every day for the following day in order to allow you to plan the next day's operations. Open burning is prohibited in counties on days when the Air Quality Index forecast is "code orange", "code red", or "code purple". The Division of Air Quality discourages open burning on those days in other areas of the state. On such "orange", "red" or "purple" days, there is a high potential for ozone or particulate levels to exceed the standard. Open burning is allowed on "code green" and "code yellow" days. This information is available on our website. See link in the paragraph below. This office has revised the "Firefighter Training Notification" (Revised 10/2020) form. If you did not use the form for this Firefighter Training Notification, please do so in the future. The form can be found online at https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/air-qualitv/air-qualitv-enforcement/open-buming/firefighter-information. The Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) requires prior notification of the live fire training exercise on an Asbestos Permit Application and Notification for Demolition/Renovation form (DHHS3768). Form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted at least 10 working days prior to the start date. HHCU will then assign a National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) number to your fire training exercise. According to your notification form, the NESHAP number for this training exercise is 65682 & 65683. For future reference. The Mooresville Regional Office of the Division of Air Quality will need sufficient time to approve your training approval once we receive the NESHAP number and your Fire Training form. You may submit your Firefighter Training Form without the NESHAP #, but this office will not be able to issue the approval without the NESHAP #. Please be cognizant of these time frames when planning your training exercises in order to get all of your approvals in time for your training. If you have any questions with reference to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the Mooresville Regional office at (704) 663-1699 or myself or Ryan Mills at (704) 235-2210 or Rvan.Mills@,ncdenr.gov. Ryan Mills Environmental Specialist Mooresvllle Regional Office North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 704-235-2210 (Office) Rvan.Mllls@ncdenr gov V, » V>S4 -V * £*r j.'ct/'ir'C'J-i'jfrri} ?o f.'ijtjdj.'CSi -.s s.':vvi,' tj aiu h'O-!') C.ja%i Pi/i'lc fi-CuhL- L't.vAd nar iX' cfe'cigrc. to israi ijbx.-?.. \)h^ 10^V ' ' ^ NORNORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY FIREFIGHTER TRAINING NOTIFICATION This form is to be used to provide prior notification of open burning for the training of firefighting personnel in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .1903(b)(11). This notification must be submitted to the Division of Air Quality at least 10 days prior to commencement of the burn. Submlttai of form DHHS3768 to the Health Haaards Control Unit (HHCU) [see directions page 2] must be submitted, and a NESHAP number assigned (from HHCU) prior to mailing or faxing this compieted form to the appropriate Division of Air Quaiity (DAQ) Regional Office. Fire departments In counties with local environmental control programs should OTntact their local agency listed on page 2. It Is not necessary to submit page 2 with this notification. Additional forms and information are available on the Internet at: http;//www.daq3tate.nc.usfenf/openburn. FireDept: / f< HmL ~ Complete Mailing Address: City, State, Zip: IsH CCH Cell: tVr&o r-;grmlU *2 ^ i 11 xi'i ( FAX:-70^ Location of Training Exercise (address, city, county, etc.): lyo iMcor^'j </,/(< County: ot^n Jp/Ufj e rvioorejoi/Jet/Ci DAQ cannot approve buming a previously demolished structure or salvageable items for firefighter training. Motor vehicles may be burned over a period of time by a training unit or by several related training units. Describe the nature and the amount of materials to be burned. If a structure is to be burned, state construction type, number of rooms, floor area, etcetera. Oescriptton: ,5^;, ^ (cont.) ^ ~ state training objecMires: Beginning date(s) and time(s) of training exercise: Endingdate: ~ 2-1 Alternate date(s) and time(s): Any deviations from the dates and times of exercises, including additions, postponements, and deletions, submitted in the schedule in the approved plan shall be communicated verbally to the regional office [air quality] supervisor of the appropriate regional office at least one hour before the bum is scheduled. Remember, following one agency's regulations does not guarantee compliance with another. A person who Is accredited as a North Carolina Asbestos Inspector must inspect structures. Ail burned structures must he free of asbestos. All asbestos containing building materials must be properly removed before the live fire training exercise. Further notification form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted bv mall onhr Ino faxeat to the Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU), even if no asbestos was identified in most structures, at least 10 woridnn davs nrior to the bum date(8). For further Information on the required asbestos inspection and notification form DHHS3768, please contact the HHCU at (919) 707-5950. Fire departments in counties with local environmental control programs should contact their local agency listed on page 2 of this notiflcafion. NESHAP number (assigned by HHCU); Required prior to burn: 'Containing materials? l^fves □ No Does the structure have any asbestos If yes, describe the materials and the removal procedures; Has the structure been inspected for asbes^ containing materials present? Q Yes sbestper^i If Iceiiifybymysignaturetheinformationsubmittedonthisnotificationtobettmand^cur^tothebestofmyknowledge:Name (print):Title. Pw Signature: t ciy'Mi- Date; II ** DAQ USE ONLY (Revised 11/25/2014} AfrQDallty -^opBTTiBor:..Date:, t>fi0 fPfF 1757 NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY FIREFIGHTER TRAINING NOTIFICATION This form Is to be used to provide prior notification of open burning for the training of firefighting personnel in accordance with ISA NCAC 2D .1903(b)(11}. This notification must be submitted to the Division of Air Quality at least 10 days prior to commencement of the burn. Submlttal of form DHHS3768 to the Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) {see directions page 2] must be submitted, and a NESHAP number assigned (from HHCU) prior to mailing or faxing this completed fbrm to the appropriate Division of Air Quality (DAQ) Regional Office. Fire departments in counties with local environmental control programs should contact their local agency listed on page 2. it is not necessary to submit page 2 with this notification. Addllionai forms and information are available on the internet at: littp://www.daq.state.nc.us/enf/openburn. FireDept: fine Complete Altailing Address: H f? fj ^7- City, State, Zip: /i^orvsyj}{te. NC Phone: FAX: Location of Training Exercise (address, city, county, etc.): / Hi /»a 7 A! </or>sj (j/Jle g /naom/k >c/c, DAQ cannot approve buming a previously demolished structure or salvageable Hems for firefighter training. Motor vehicles may be burned over a period of time by a training unit or by several related training units. Describe the nature and the amount of materials to be burned, if a structure is to be burned, state construction type, number of rooms, floor area, etcetera. (cont.) State training objectives: p,„ . Beginning date(s) and time{s) of training exercise: Endlngdate: 17/^7/^,/ Alternate date(s) and time(s): Any deviations from the dates and times of exercises, including additions, postponements, and deletions, submitted in the schedule in the approved plan shall be communicated verbally to the regional office (air quality] supen/isor of the appropriate regional office at least one hour before the burn is scheduled. Remember, following one agency's regulations does not guarantee compliance with another. A person who is accredited as a North Carolina Asbestos inspector must inspect structures. All burned structures must be free of asbestos. AH asbestos containing building materials must be properly removed before the live flra training exentsa. Further, notificatton form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted fav mall onlv fna faxaal to the Ofvfslon of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU), even If no asbestos was Identified In most structures, at least 10 working dava prior to the burn date(s). For further information on the required asbestos inspection and notification form DHHS3768, please contact the HHCU at (919) 707-5950. Fire departments in counties with local environmental control programs should contact their local agency listed on page 2 of this notification. NESHAP number (assigned by HHCU): Required prior to burn: Has the structure been Inspected for a8bestos.pefftalnlng materials? Q'Ym'qNo Does the structure have any asbestos containing materials present? Q Yes Q'No If yes, describe the materials and the removal procedures: Icertifvbvmvsianaturetheinformationsubmittedonthisnotificationtobetrue andaccurate tothebBstofmv knowledge: , Name(print): Title; r,.. Signature: O&te: if/i?/?/ z DAQ USE ONLY (Revised 11/25/2014)/A/J7 f lll2Sl;^OZl VH lA ^ 17^3 ' NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY FIREFIGHTER TRAINING NOTIFICATION ,0,™ IS ,0 .s ussd » p™.lde ^nomadsn ». opan Prtng for^a Si'« NCAC 2D .1903(b)(11). the Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) [see directions page 2]SLTSrsTbml^dl^^ndTNESI^P numberappropriate Division .2l'^agen??llld J?lSl'r?t S"ornSsS?/TS£S pSe?jrthrno»^ and fnformation are available on the Internet at: http://www.daq.state.nc.us/enf/openbum. Fire Dept t/ni Complete Mailing Address: t?<7 fo yjfl Phone: ZiO 0 2^/^ Cell: Oql/ Email: J-j/C. CO/>^ Location of Trainlijg Exercise {address, city, county, etc.); Il7 J7csJ~ DAQ cannot approve burning a previously demolished structure or salvageable items for firefighter training. Motor vehicles may be burned over a period of time by a training unit or by several related training units. Describe the nature and the amount of materials to be burned. If a structure is to be burned, state construction type, number of rooms, floor area, etcetera. (cont) State training objectives: , J^/JfA/lj rpnfitJh/^ Beginning date(s) and time(s) of training exercise: Q/, xoZ! ' -hJf MdOry^}Jni^t dl'XeZLEnding date: Any deviations from the dates and times of exercises, including additions, postponements, and deletions, submitted in the schedule in the approved plan shall be communicated verbally to the regional office [air quality] supervisor of the appropriate regional office at least one hour before the bum is scheduled. Remember, following one agency's regulations does not guarantee compliance with another. A person who is accredited as a North Carolina Asbestos Inspector must inspect structures. All bumed structures must be free of asbestos. All asbestos containing building materials must be properly removed before the live fire training exercise. Further, notification form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted by mall ogly (nn fay*''?) to the Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU), even if no asbestos was identified in most structures, at least 10 working davs prior to the burn date(s). For further information on the required asbestos inspection and notification form DHHS3768, please contact the HHCU at (919) 707-5950. Fire departments in counties with local environmental control programs should contact their local aqencv^listed on pageZofthisnotltication. * ^ ^ NESHAP number (assigned by HHCU): Required prior to burn: Has the structure been inspected for asbestos containing materials? 0 Yes Q No Does the structure have any asbestos containing materials present? Q Yes No If yes, describe the materials and the removal procedures; andaccurate tot>iPhp,i-„fm),Name(pL): ^ Title: Signature: ^'53 From: Mills, Ryan Sent: Friday, November 12, 2021 12'48 PM To: TimFrye ill^n Subject: DAQ Firefighter Notification Approval ID #" " * Attachments: FlarmonyVFD_FDTRAIN_20211112 Harmony Volunteer Fire Department Attention- Timothy Frye Based on the information submitted in the attached NC Division of Air Quality Firefighter Training Notification form, (attached to this email) it appears that the open burning will be conducted in accordance with North Carolina Administrative Code 15A 2D .1900. Also, please notify us prior to any changes in the proposed training exercise. Current open burning rules include some restrictions based on ozone or particulate air quality forecasts As part of the North Carolina Air Awareness Program, Meteorologists issue the forecasts at 3 p.m. every day for the following day in order to allow you to plan the next day's operations. Open burning is prohibited in counties on days when the Air Quality Index forecast is "code orange", "code red", or "code purple". The Division of Air Quality discourages open burning on those days in other areas of the state. On such "orange", "red" or "purple" days, there is a high potential for ozone or particulate levels to exceed the standard Open burning is allowed on "code green" and "code yellow" days. This information is available on our website. See link in the paragraph below This office has revised the "Firefighter Training Notification" (Revised 10/2020) form If you did not use the form for this Firefighter Training Notification, please do so in the future. The form can be found online at https://dea.nc.gov/about/divisions/air-qualitv/air-qualitv- enforcement/open-burning/firefighter-information. The Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) requires prior notification of the live fire training exercise on an Asbestos Permit Application and Notification for Demolition/Renovation form (DHHS3768). Form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted at least 10 working days prior to the start date. HHCU will then assign a National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) number to your fire training exercise. According to your notification form, the NESHAP number for this training exercise is 65718. For future reference. The Mooresville Regional Office of the Division of Air Quality will need sufficient time to approve your training approval once we receive the NESHAP number and your Fire Training form. You may submit your Firefighter Training Form without the NESHAP #, but this office will not be able to issue the approval without the NESHAP #. Please be cognizant of these time frames when planning your training exercises in order to get all of your approvals in time for your training. If you have any questions with reference to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the Mooresville Regional office at (704) 663-1699 or myself or Ryan Mills at (704) 235-2210 or Rvan.Mills@ncdenr.gov. Ryan Mills Environmental Specialist Mooresville Regional Office North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 704-235-2210 (Office) Rvan.Millsiancdenr.gov /" ff.v. pv'-PM 10^ '''^1^ NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY FIREFIGHTER TRAINING NOTIFICATION This form is to be used to provide ptior notification of open buming for the training of flreflghtlng personnel In accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .1903(b)(11). This notification must be submitted to the Division ofoAIr Quality at least 10 days prior to commencement of the bum. Subminal of form DHHS3768 to the Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) [see directions page 21 must be submitted, and a NESHAP number assigned (from HHCU) prior to mailing or faxing this completed form to the appropriate Division of Air Quaiity (DAG) Regional Office. Fire departments In counties with local environmental control programs should contact their local agency listed on page 2. It Is not necessary to submit page 2 with this notification. Additional forms and information are available on the Intemet at; http://www.daq.state.nc.usfenf/openburn. jJafmniy //aI Complete Mailing Address: ^|ty,State, '2.10 O FAX: Location of Training Exercise (address, city, county, etc.); Cell:Email: PAlfr/e/^ DAQ cannot approve buming a" previously demolished structure or salvageable Items for firefighter training. Motor vehicles may be burned over a period of time by a training unit or by several related training units. Describe the nature and the amount of materials to be burned. If a structure is to be burned, state construction type, number of rooms, floor area, etcetera. <Lv /OOO.^^ (cont.) State training objectives: / Beginning date(s) and time(s) of training exercise: ^ 4-J Ending date: QccC^n^C/' 7)1- XoX"^ Alternate date(s)andtime(s): Any deviations from the dates and times of exercises, including additions, postponements, and deletions, submitted in ttie schedula in the approved plan shall be communicated verbally to the regional office [air quality] supervisor of the appropriate regional office at least one hour before the bum is scheduled. 7 Remember, following one agency's regulations does not guarantee compliance with another. A person who is accredited as a North Carolina Asbestos inspector must inspect structures. All burned structures must be free of asbestos. All asbestos containing building materials must be properly removed before the live fire training exercise. Further, notification form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted bv mall only (no faxes) to the Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU), even If no asbestos was Identified In most structures, at iOSSt 10 WPrHlng dsyt prior to the bum date(s). For fijrther Information on the required asbestos inspection and notification form DHHS3768. please contact the HHCU at (919) 707-5950. Fire departments in counties with local environmental control programs should contact tiieir local agency listed on page 2 of this notification. NESHAP number (assigned by HHCU): Required prior to burn; Has the structure been Inspected for asbestos containing materials? Kl D structure have any asbestos containing materials present? []] Yes No If yes, describe the materials and the removal procedures. I certify by my signature the Information submitted on this notification to be true_ and accurate to the best of my knowledge: // " y Name (print): / /¥!. ^ Title; hcc ^ Signature:/K Date; //-//'/oXf ** DAQ USE ONLY (Revised 11/25/2014) Air Quality Supervisor:Date: ll(l2.jZr)Z^ From: Mills, Ryan Sent: Friday, November 12, 2021 12.37 PM To: TimPrye ^ Subject: DAQ Firefighter Notification Approval ID # \lAttachments: HarmonyVFD_FDTRAIN_20211112 ^ ]'7^^ Harmony Volunteer Fire Department Attention: Timothy Frye Based on the information submitted m the attached NC Division of Air Quality Firefighter Training Notification form, (attached to this email) it appears that the open burning will be conducted in accordance with North Carolina Administrative Code 15 A 2D . 1900 Also, please notify us prior to any changes in the proposed training exercise. Current open burning rules include some restrictions based on ozone or particulate air quality forecasts. As part of the North Carolina Air Awareness Program, Meteorologists issue the forecasts at 3 p.m. every day for the following day in order to allow you to plan the next day's operations. Open burning is prohibited in counties on days when the Air Quality Index forecast is "code orange", "code red", or "code purple" The Division of Air Quality discourages open burning on those days in other areas of the state. On such "orange", "red" or "purple" days, there is a high potential for ozone or particulate levels to exceed the standard. Open burning is allowed on "code green" and "code yellow" days. This information is available on our website. See link in the paragraph below. This office has revised the "Firefighter Training Notification" (Revised 10/2020) form. If you did not use the form for this Firefighter Training Notification, please do so in the future. The form can be found online at https ://deq .nc. gov/about/divisions/air-gualitv/air-qualitv- enforcement/open-buming/firefighter-information. The Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) requires prior notification of the live fire training exercise on an Asbestos Permit Application and Notification for Demolition/Renovation form (DHHS3768). Form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted at least 10 working days prior to the start date. HHCU will then assign a National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) number to your fire training exercise According to your notification form, the NESHAP number for this training exercise is 65708 For future reference. The Mooresville Regional Office of the Division of Air Quality will need sufficient time to approve your training approval once we receive the NESHAP number and your Fire Training form. You may submit your Firefighter Training Form without the NESHAP #, but this office will not be able to issue the approval without the NESHAP #. Please be cognizant of these time frames when planning your training exercises in order to get all of your approvals in time for your training. If you have any questions with reference to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the Mooresville Regional office at (704) 663-1699 or myself or Ryan Mills at (704) 235-2210 or Ryan.Mills@,ncdenr.gov. Ryan Mills Environmental Specialist Mooresville Regional Office North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 704-235-2210 (Office) Rvan.Mills(ancdenr.gov Pfif Ih-tt- /7% north CAROLINA DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY FIREFIGHTER TRAINING NOTIFICATION ^mmonM^entlfL bLirm SuLtttat cf fomi DHHS3J68 lo fomplrtoS'fe^^trthi Sr^SugenS 2. i. nol naccBsary io M pagb 2 wi'lh 1.„b nbtiRc^lior.. Addifcnsl forms and irrformatiaji am avaSlable ore ffio Inlerrtflt nJ- ht(pr(/«™w,daq.»lafo"n'=-''8®""''P°"'""'n- Hroltepl: La^xtfi r-r ynfc. o Cbmplete Mailing Address: ).S 1i2 y _<r k li r4- w. 5-tate. /Cfly, State, . ^ zfp. I .nf,. Nsr zmlX Location of Training Exorcise faddress, city, county, etc.); J{? 7 /-yrfV.'Ug. g rf^y/He \Af Ls\]7 County; XrfipS ' DAQ cannai approve burning a prewiousiy demolisiiBii structure or sslvageablo Itoms for"fir^hlar iraining Molar vohicfos ntay be burned over a period cf lime by a trsinireg unit or by several rslaied training units. Dosaibe the nature and the amaunl of materiala to be bunted, if a structure is to bo bumed, stale construciion type, number of rooms, floor area, etcetera. Z -SV..W ^.-,..1.. -C,^W rf<.. (cent.) y / State training objectives: 1 ' ' ^ rJI^C-jQrs. T-irg.. sc\ Beginning datefs) and Cimels) of training exercise: i TZ 7/7-/-Z\ O^-.^o — \7:ociEndingdate: }T-00 Alternatedatefs)andtime{s); j -IT/nr. itay devlahCTS from iho crates and tiroes of exerclsos. inclutfireB additions, postponomerrts. and deletions, submitted In ihe schedule In Remember, foliwrfna one agency's regulations does not guarantee compliance wJlh another. I-««Of Er'r,^: ,isgrssfew page 2 of this riflJllication. control programs should cantacl their local agency listed on NESHAP number (assigned by HHCU); Required prior to burn; containingmaien^rs''^a"S^No^ ""Tyerdrarr?enyasbestosU If yes, dascnbe (he msterials and the fiffiova) procedures: i andamumte tothebestofmy agnature. ZT kjt'j - DAQ US^NLY (Revised 11/25)2014) Air Qualify Supervisor; ^ontlafK SpJ / ^5 Pate: ^I^O^f Mills, Ryan From: Mills, Ryan Sent: Monday, September 27,2021 10.33 PM ^ To: 'donclarksfd153@gmail com' Cc: 'dclark@lknvfd org' Subject: DAQ Firefighter Notification Approval ID# -1736 Attachments: LakeNormanVFD_OB_FDT_20210927 pdf Lake Norman Volunteer Fire Department Attention: Donald Clark, Deputy Chief of Training Based on the information submitted in the attached NC Division of Air Quality Firefighter Training Notification form, (attached to this email) it appears that the open burning will be conducted in accordance with North Carolina Administrative Code 15A 2D .1900. Also, please notify us prior to any changes in the proposed training exercise. Current open burning rules include some restrictions based on ozone or particulate air quality forecasts. As part of the North Carolina Air Awareness Program, Meteorologists issue the forecasts at 3 p.m. every day for the following day in order to allow you to plan the next day's operations. Open burning is prohibited in counties on days when the Air Quality Index forecast is "code orange", "code red", or "code purple". The Division of Air Quality discourages open burning on those days in other areas of the state. On such "orange", "red" or "purple" days, there is a high potential for ozone or particulate levels to exceed the standard. Open burning is allowed on "code green" and "code yellow" days. This information is available on our website. See link in the paragraph below. This office has revised the "Firefighter Training Notification" (Revised 10/2020) form. If you did not use the form for this Firefighter Training Notification, please do so in the future. The form can be found online at https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/air-qualitv/air-qualitv-enforcement/open-buming/firefighter-information. The Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) requires prior notification of the live fire training exercise on an Asbestos Permit Application and Notification for Demolition/Renovation form (DHHS3768). Form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted at least 10 working days prior to the start date. HHCU will then assign a National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) number to your fire training exercise. According to your notification form, the NESHAP number for this training exercise is 65397. For future reference. The Mooresville Regional Office of the Division of Air Quality will need sufficient time to approve your training approval once we receive the NESHAP number and your Fire Training form. You may submit your Firefighter Training Form without the NESHAP #, but this office will not be able to issue the approval without the NESHAP #. Please be cognizant of these time frames when plarming your training exercises in order to get all of your approvals in time for your training. If you have any questions with reference to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the Mooresville Regional office at (704) 663-1699 or myself or Ryan Mills at (704) 235-2210 or Rvan.MilIs@,ncdenr.gov. Ryan Mills Environmental Specialist Mooresville Regional Office North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 704-235-2210 (Office) ryan.mills@ncdenr gov "liCt >vjror'i",'; ,r,.r L 1,'. W! QsslV NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF AIR OUALITY FIHEFIOHTER; Tl^iNING NOTIFICATION This form is to bff u^ed to provide firior Notification of open .burning foFtheTraining of firefighting personnej in afecordance 'with '15A NCKG 2D ;1903(b)(11). This- notification must be submitted; to, the; Division of Air Quality at least 10 days prior to commehcement of the burn. Siibmittal of form DHyS3768 to the Health Hazards Control Onit (HHCU) [see directions page 2J must be submitted^ and a NESHAP number assigned (from" HHCU) prior to mailing or faxing this completed fprrti to the appfppriate Division of, Air-Quality (DAQ) Regional Cffic,e. .Firo d.eg.ai1riipntsi,in counties .with localenvirohihental cort should contact their local :agehcy: listed ;oh page 2; it js not necessary" to submit page 2 with this riptification. Additional forms and ififprmOtion'are availaBle on-the'lhtemet at -https.//dea:nc aov/openburnina South Jredell Fire-Rescue Location of Training Exercise (address, city,;county, etcr);FIre.D'ept: Coropjefte li/laiiing-Address: 651 Brumley' Road MoofeSvilleNC28l15 Phone:"' 704-90.Q2-3060 .FAX; 308 Alexander Acres Road Moore^vilie NG 28i15 Osupty: I red e l l Cell: 704-9024066 Email: ftih[|cal|5ih(grn.odresvlte DACJ cannot approve burnjng a previously deriiolished structure or salvageable items for firefighter training. Motor vehicles may be burned overa period of'time:by a training unit or by. several related.training units, Describe the riature:and"tHe amount of materialsjto be burned.. If alstfucture is.tp behurhed, state..cons{ructiQh type, purn'bef of rppms, flpor'area, etcetera, D/sc/iptiort: Manfacjured home 9„6J S'cf feet ^ ^ , ' ' . Ml ,1 1. .j _ (com) State training objectives; Fire control practices Beginning"date(s)' arid time(s) of training exefdSe":' 08/28/2Q2;1 ;0.860 Ending date: OB/28/2024 Alternate-datejs) and time(s): 06/04/2021 Q800 Ariy 'deyiatidns-frorn the dates, and .tim.es of exe'rcisesKiacluding addittons, postponements,'an.d dele'tions^ submitted ih .the" schedule in the approved:plan shall be communicated verbally fo.tiie regional office [air quality] supervisor-.of 'the appropriate reglonal office at least .one hour before the burn is scheduied. jRomember;foilqwihg.pn.e, agency's regulations does' not guarante§;gbmpJiahc>wit^ another. A,p.ersdn,-w[idus accrMdited, as "a Noifth Carpliha Asbesto,s.1,nspectdr mUst ih'sped' structures. Alj.burned structured must be free-.of asbestos. AILasbesto's cpritajh'hg building rnaterjals rnust be-prpperjy removdid before the jive fire training exercise. Further, notification form pHHS3768 must be completed and submitted"bv'mail only (no faxes) to the.Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU), even if no. asbestos was identified in-most structures, at least 10 wdrkind davs prior to this bum' da'te{s).'For .fuhfier iri(drthat on'the, required asbestos Inspection and nptificdtipn forni.DHHS3768,'pleajfeuqhtact'the HHCU at-(9t9) _707-59,50. fire depa.rtments in cdunties"with Ipcal enyironrnent'ahcontrpi'programs should contact, their focal agency listedfon pageZdfthis.notificatlon.. ' ^) f> , / C'-i -"7 C 0 ANFSHAP hurhbejF (adsigrfed by HHCU,): Required p'fld'r to burn':: ^ 3 Iz^l 2^! .HasJKe 'stiucture'qeeri'ihspictedfdrdsbestos^cqntainijig 'm'ateH.ata? [B] Yes [T] No Does the structure have any asbestos Contafnihg^materiaidpresent? Q Yes, [j No Ifyes, describethe materials and the removal procedures: f cliffy by mysigngtuj knowledge: Name:(prJnt): (Vlatt J e ihefhformation.submfyedpn tij ^cAlplh. h notifi'catibn4o:be.true andaccurate to the best of my Tftle; .fnltrHCitaf . Siqnatufe:'^3^'S0r ■Datei'08/i:3i2O2-1 ' " . f ^ _ - - - **l>AQUSEbNuf^ (Reyis:egjp^;(2j2p20) AirGuqlity // SupenAsor;-.Bale-. 9 26-^1 : / From: Cook, Donna Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2021 12-57 PM To: McAlpin, Matt Subject: DAQ Firefighter Training Notification Approval - ID #1731 Attachments: SouthlredellFD_OB_FDTRAIN_20210823.pdf South Iredell Fire-Rescue Attention: Mr. Matt McAlpin, Instructor Based on the information submitted in the attached NC Division of Air Quality Firefighter Training Notification form, (attached to this email) it appears that the open burning will be conducted in accordance with North Carolina Administrative Code 15A 2D .1900. Also, please notify us prior to any changes m the proposed training exercise Current open burning rules include some restrictions based on ozone or particulate air quality forecasts As part of the North Carolina Air Awareness Program, Meteorologists issue the forecasts at 3 p.m. every day for the following day in order to allow you to plan the next day's operations Open burning is prohibited m counties on days when the Air Quality Index forecast is "code orange", "code red", or "code purple" The Division of Air Quality discourages open burning on those days in other areas of the state. On such "orange", "red" or "purple" days, there is a high potential for ozone or particulate levels to exceed the standard Open burning is allowed on "code green" and "code yellow" days. This information is available on our website. See link m the paragraph below. The Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) requires prior notification of the live fire training exercise on an Asbestos Permit Application and Notification for Demolition/Renovation form (DHHS3768) Form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted at least 10 working days prior to the start date. HHCU will then assign a National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) number to your fire training exercise According to your notification form, the NESHAP number for this training exercise is 65275. For fLiture reference. The Mooresville Regional Office of the Division of Air Quality will need sufficient time to approve your training approval once we receive the NESHAP number and your Fire Training form. You may submit your Firefighter Training Form without the NESHAP #, but this office will not be able to issue the approval without the NESHAP #. Please be cognizant of these time frames when planning your training exercises in order to get all of your approvals in time for your training If you have any questions with reference to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the Mooresville Regional office at (704) 663-1699 or myself or Ryan Mills at (704) 235-2210 or Rvan.MiHs@ncdenr gov. Donna Cook Environmental Specialist I Division of Air Quality, Mooresville Regional Office North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 704 235-2213 office 704 663-7579 fax Donna Cook@ncdenr gov 610 East Center Avenue Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Email correspondence to and from ihis address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may he disclosed to thud parties ') *'! W NORTH GAROLIMAOIVISJOM -Of AIR QUALITY Fl's^feFliiHTER TRAI^INS NptlPlcATiPN fciTtT w 11? be Ii9flri t<i'pfqukl6. jgyfti; ro3'''lc««T Cf Opsn burning fof Ihe. bd\(\:n^ /i ^CC^t«^^^''ca^K^^n ^iC]AC 9Cr Tnfa bs -EUblxlStted the BfaiHlon pf QOgJI-y at 10- de^» ptfer to of tl>» h^Jm. 0f rario tz^ Ih^ (^llfi H^kthr Ukirt (HH^U) jses: [ilrdctroii& pane ^)[ mAsiti* submitted, and el ffeSKAP nuin^^ (from Dn«5r tft W fexipjy Jtik Aipinplfttpd form to tho ap'pltil^rJat^ ipi ft^r^u^Irty (PAQl Rotfdnd Of?icft. rkedeji^ATfiBjika ^iR3qriMQ&.-^Vti tecal ^^-wipjniGrtUii^Dnttgr preir^j?^ w""4?^. !h2i'" kcuJ i^n pa&^ 2-, Is ',ti ^ "--vH'-i 'hpi 'Adilics' ft*nS spdIfnifTnflt^^l^■£^^ ^SatSe tV: lltfr lUMrtst li%>a l^i' c .ti P '^fod ^ nb tfrn h q ncjAjJepti ■South Fif&rResGLie Ccmrre^E riiaEiiii AtWsiii 65'f Bruhrigy- ROgd P4oGreisviitsMG5g116"Zip' Phar^704^9002-3060 t^ii. TDMog-sogo l£ddl^f Lt^'OdU^T^-d'Dj 3DS Ate>can!to' Acres Sfciad te Qr-e$^il^,,MC 2-S1 ^-"jTi'- -iradgfl tiu-i< mmcaip i n@JUpa(Bs>/i)!eti o^-gov pic^ eSnh!^ 2g(5rt«VO pr<^|34qly<iSWi(llisli«<l,?taK:tMre trSmlirg. f^aluT'/eKdeSmiayb: burtVSJ O'fifj] rcra?fl ofjnicbv □ Wrenq unfl/* bi^£a'6reLF^fprlrBtiln^uri,fe, Deserts llis ostne-eaJ'tlTeairagetp'^tDaiSHplitt! tia.^-TTwd ff4-5i^ruPtLTfi-5 BtetezCtiEti^j'^iF^n y^ii, rWh'tDe' a n^uit^xy^' tcoiir; ManraatUfeiJ hdjiie gS7 gq fhgt «tatatj-aHtii:i6 Fife QontcoL pracliGes ■b'^HnE(ifedatei^aiid'ifciie|4|6fu&[r.(jis?«ei'c^? 06/^6/202'! 08,00 SrnHnedS)U OS'gRjfgQ^l 'Allern^tE [l3(c^) &r>ifirns;^- ^9/04/202'! 0800 ftiiii- (l'i> iir^f ^^C5i3b3f1p,;jv.dlj>i a^cTr^Srs^ p=«SfSJnefi^i)>Ifli dr^ii'tfefet'bna. eabrtfted n1ta~BcfiB<jLlB irKKr^bVad.^h ahbll hE-iaVnltiLncdtad Pstbally fc rfin regTsaal oitica .ai* qi»3ltt)| eupa^iren-xsf'WiiVpfOfMlatariaEibral'off'Cai^^ftStIbP SfBr4Vsd_ en? hS^CetV'etbp bem b<sjlb''d:{Ei°d ft ps;a4ri '*ti!S IS ai^^moa' 133 a Nair^C^rdrfi^ hiiiSJ, -JiLrt^sps AF t;iWE<l sUutluii^' Lnj 3;k b*> fasb^i %iI<ltF3S'[3)aiift{|aN ItiMab raiupvatt before Ve pVe qr« training axerelBB. FuiIIh),, nottdtaSDH ionn DHHara?6?ar3«il te eaniitoed,and auhnlltadtiv riT^l wifg Mo-fai«ii3 to {ha Dlvlsfim cf Fabjlit'haRW^HazarHitGoittfal Llnb-lUHCtli, Bvon jf-ro.sffitieataa viabidetHWad ift meSF airTMSiirhff, *tll«M{ {Q wartiitria dabS.pM^ Iq DiebirSa Fs^'^riftellrfotTelKsT b'rttbb fistfofdid aab^al:^ in3p^etitr> srD fh^n pf«j8feb-&rIa!K'i'a hl-tOlJat Flia ^e^i!SHs)arSB il eajrUi^VAb Ixsjl abmtcrii^niiDlbriijIfpi srnjf^nis 5hai^ tontgct ItWir'jCel JhtlcyficMonftEeese'if^rihtiffeaifcrt. ' __ £f •, , j a 3-NESHA'P'tilnber by Di-KU^-Rt^iUpsd tJrfW^qiuinS CS Z ! I t3a;^tF^fl,js5ruE(iif6 |>BBitlj!!ap^!j^f<ir»Bt)^b(<{S;i?ntaUiIng-75flteri*k' ^7%; Nn DwaPj<i.'i^uc!iJ'fl'''a3'>sr(s'fla3esls3 ■eonfel'Ing'rilaiB'-JM praSari ^ If yBS, fl aso'bs t'lfi nistBr1f{rarditierfc-mo(,'al p-at»dt.roOi Jce<tl/(^i!ym>>j|'£(ni3tu;Bftt5i3/3/TWoij'orf fwirriftf^el^intte ttaUfkaSati to be frw gfKJggcirnrfe fiyjfif bgstp/'tiy titan)^ tpttr?t){ M< MdAlpm Tltlg: In^^ructar ^iln^tyfe':;2' DAq usfe Qraly'''^^ iRfwk^e ic,i3,2a3iij AjrOuafity ffctwrvied',. // ::£„ /, V^> A •"'.„,.tefo. ^UlhlJLL NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY FIREFIGHTER TRAINING NOTIFICATION This fbrm Is to l}e used to provide Drier rvitilicallon of open burning Ibr the training of fiiiefighllng personnel in accordance virith 15A NCAC 2D .1903{b){11) This noUflcallon muat bs submitted to the Division of Air Quality at least 10 days prior to cominsncament of the bum. SubmHtal of form DHHSSTOa to the Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) [see directions pai^ 23 must be submitted, and a NESHAP number OBBlgned (from HHCU) prior to mailing or faxing this ccunploted form to tlie appropriate Division of Air Quality (DAQ) Reolonst Office. Fire departments In counties with local envlronmerdal control programs should contact their local agency listed on page 2. it Is not necessary to submit page 2 with this notlfli^tion. Addltjonal forms and Information are available on the Internet at- httpsif/deo nc.qov/oDanburnlna Fire Dept.- ) V>1. Complete MailinH Address: RrT>.^r-|fV fscv.If y aty, state, Zip: Phone; /He -ol- FAX: Location of Training Exercise (address, city, county, etc.): -Xil Ccfirc w.\ County: cell;Email: DAQ cannot approve burning a previously dtmollehed structure or salvageable Items fbr^fighter training. Motor vehicles may tte burned over a period of lime by a training unB or by several related training units. Describe the nature and the amount of materials to 1)6 burned. If a structure is to be burned, state construcBlon type, numtier of rooms, floor area, etcetera. I/escnption; (cont) Beginning datefs) and time(s) of training exercise; Ending date:Aiternate date(s) and time(s): U}^U\ (s) and time(s): ^ andfimes of exercises, including additions, postponements, and deletions, submitted in the schedule In R6meffll)er, following wie agency's regulations does not guarantee compliance with another. ® Carolina Asbestos inspector must inspect structures. All burned slmcfurea minst he ft*» nf bum Fbr fLrther information on the required asbestos inspection and notiflcatiGn form NESHAP number (assigned by HHCU): Required prior to burn: Has the structure been Inspe^ for aste^ containing materials? Q No Does the stiuclure have any asbestoscontaining materials preser^? □ Yes If yes. describe the materials and the removal procedures ondgCQfratg toftetestpfmy Signature m '21Date ** DAQ USE ONLY (Revised 10.12.2020)Air Quality Supervlson kJlkL^OZDato: 19 099 ^0/. L - ~ WOOHA¥a- . QM Mm- 1^93D- From: Mills, Ryan Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2021 3:34 PM To: dclark@ll<nvfd.org Subject: DAQ Firefighter Training Notification Approval - ID # 1726 Attachments: LakeNormanFD_FDTRAIN_20210616.pdf Mr. Clark, Based on the information submitted m the attached NC Division of Air Quality Firefighter Training Notification form, (attached to this email) it appears that the open burning will be conducted in accordance with North Carolina Administrative Code 15A 2D .1900. Also, please notify us prior to any changes in the proposed training exercise Current open burning rules include some restrictions based on ozone or particulate air quality forecasts. As part of the North Carolina Air Awareness Program, Meteorologists issue the forecasts at 3 p.m. every day for the following day in order to allow you to plan the next day's operations. Open burning is prohibited in counties on days when the Air Quality Index forecast is "code orange", "code red", or "code purple". The Division of Air Quality discourages open burning on those days in other areas of the state. On such "orange", "red" or "purple" days, there is a high potential for ozone or particulate levels to exceed the standard. Open burning is allowed on "code green" and "code yellow" days. This information is available on our website See link in the paragraph below. This office has revised the "Firefighter Training Notification" (Revised 10/2020) form. If you did not use the form for this Firefighter Training Notification, please do so in the future. The form can be found online at https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/air-qualitv/air-qualitv- enforcement/open-buming/firefi ghter-information. The Division of Public Flealth, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) requires prior notification of the live fire training exercise on an Asbestos Permit Application and Notification for Demolition/Renovation form (DHHS3768). Form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted at least 10 working days prior to the start date. HHCU will then assign a National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) number to your fire training exercise. For future reference. The Mooresville Regional Office of the Division of Air Quality will need sufficient time to approve your training approval once we receive the NESHAP number and your Fire Training form. You may submit your Firefighter Training Form without the NESHAP #, but this office will not be able to issue the approval without the NESHAP #. Please be cognizant of these time frames when planning your training exercises in order to get all of your approvals in time for your training. If you have any questions with reference to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the Mooresville Regional office at (704) 663-1699 or myself Ryan Mills Environmental Specialist Mooresville Regional Office North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 704-235-2210 (Office) rvan.mills@ncdenr.gov z' ^7/ ^ NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY FIREFIGHTER TRAINING NOTIFICATION This form Is to be used to provide prior notification of open burning for the training of firefighting personnel in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .1903(b)(11). This notification must be submitted to the Division of Air Quality at least 10 days prior to commencement of the bum. Submittal of form DHHS3768 to the Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) [see directions page 2] must be submitted, and a NESHAP number assigned (from HHCU) prior to mailing or faxing this completed fbmi to the appropriate Division of Air Quality (DAQ) Regional Office. Fire departments in counties with local environmental control progreans should contact their local agency listed on page 2. It is not necessary to submit page 2 with this notification. Additional forms and information are available on the Internet at: https://deQ.nc.QOv/openburninq Rre Oept:Mooresviile Fire-Rescue Complete Mailing Address: 457 N. Main Street Cijr, state, Mooresville NC 28117 Zip. Phone: 704-664-1338 FAX: Location of Training Exercise (address, city, county, etc.); 238 S. Main Street Mooresviile NC 28117 County: Iredeli Cell: 704-902-3060 Emaii: mmcalpini^mooresviiienc.gov DAQ cannot approve buming a previously demolished structure or salvageable items for firefighter training. Motor vehicles may be burned over a period of time by a training unit or by several related training units. Describe the nature and the amount of materials to l)e burned. If a structure is to be bumed, state construction type, number of rooms, floor area, etcetera. Description: Single story 1400 sq ft residence (cent.) State training objectives: Fire ContrOl PraCtlceS Beginnii^ date(s) and time(s) of training exercise: 06/21/2021 0800-1700 Ending date: 06/21/2021 Alternate date(s) and time(s): 06/22/2021 0800-1700 Any deviations from the dates and times of exercises, including additions, postponements, and deletions, submitted in the scheduie in the approved plan shall be communicated verteily to the regional office [air quality] supervisor of the appropriate regionai office at ieast one hour before the bum te scheduled. Remember, following one agency's regulations does not guarantee comptiance with another. A person who is accredited as a North Caroiina Asbestos Inspector must inspect stnjctures. Ali bumed structures must be free of asbestos. Ali asbestos containing building materiais must be properly removed before the live fire training exercise. Further, notification form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted bv mail onhr (no faxes) to the Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU), even if no aslwstos was identified in most structures, at least 10 workina davs prior to the bum date(s). For further information on the required asbestos inspection and notification form DHHS3768, piease contact the HHCU at (919) 707-5950. Fire departments in counties with local environmental control programs should contact their local agency listed on page 2 of this notification. NESHAP number (assigned by HHCU); Required prior to burn: 64498 Has the structure been inspected for asbestos containing materials? H] [D No Does the structure have any asbestos containing materials present? □ Yes |1J No If yes, describe the matenals and the removal procedures- / certify by my signature the information submitted on this notification to be true and accurate to the best of my knowledge:Name (print): Matthew McAlDjte=>^—Title: instructor Signature: Air Quality Supervisor Date: 06/03/2021 ** DAQ USE ONLY (Revised 1012.2020) Mills, Ryan From: Mills, Ryan Sent: Friday, June 4, 2021 2 50 PM To: McAlpin, Matt Subject: DAQ Firefighter Training Notification Approval - ID 1719 Attachments: Mooresvil!e_FDTRAIN_20210604 pdf Mr. McAlpin, Based on the information submitted in the attached NC Division of Air Quality Firefighter Training Notification form, (attached to this email) it appears that the open burning will be conducted in accordance with North Carolina Administrative Code 15A 2D .1900. Also, please notify us prior to any changes in the proposed training exercise. Current open burning rules include some restrictions based on ozone or particulate air quality forecasts. As part of the North Carolina Air Awareness Program, Meteorologists issue the forecasts at 3 p.m. every day for the following day in order to allow you to plan the next day's operations Open burning is prohibited in counties on days when the Air Quality Index forecast is "code orange", "code red", or "code purple". The Division of Air Quality discourages open burning on those days in other areas of the state. On such "orange", "red" or "purple" days, there is a high potential for ozone or particulate levels to exceed the standard. Open burning is allowed on "code green" and "code yellow" days This information is available on our website. See link in the paragraph below This office has revised the "Firefighter Training Notification" (Revised 10/2020) form. If you did not use the form for this Firefighter Training Notification, please do so in the future. The form can be found online at https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/air-qualitv/air-qualitv-enforcement/open-buming/firefighter-information. The Division of Public Flealth, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) requires prior notification of the live fire training exercise on an Asbestos Permit Application and Notification for Demolition/Renovation form (DHHS3768). Form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted at least 10 working days prior to the start date. HHCU will then assign a National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) number to your fire training exercise. For future reference. The Mooresville Regional Office of the Division of Air Quality will need sufficient time to approve your training approval once we receive the NESHAP number and your Fire Training form. You may submit your Firefighter Training Form without the NESHAP #, but this office will not be able to issue the approval without the NESHAP #. Please be cognizant of these time frames when planning your training exercises in order to get all of your approvals in time for your training. If you have any questions with reference to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the Mooresville Regional office at (704) 663-1699 or myself. Ryan Mills Environmental Specialist Mooresville Regional Office North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 704-235-2210 (Office) rya n. m 11 Is (5) ncd e n r.go V ^DEQ?. Cs^Sn'SKWeil ^ iSedfi^As^e 1^- a'"^ ' < " J" ■_ ' i ' " ' t -t ' ' j/rr . ,.v . '•..ii*''!'.,'.^.: NORTH CAROLJNA DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY ^ CIDCCir^UTCD TD AIMIKir^ Mr^TICI/^ ATir\M—X FIREFIGHTER TRAINING NOTIFICATIONr«}i/«;p,iia{C-7fl(Pv^''WDuaaiy^L This form is to be used to provide prior notification of open burning for the training of firefighting personnel in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .1903(b)(11) This notification must be submitted to the Division of Air Quality at least 10 days prior to commencement of the bum. Submittal of form DHHS3768 to the Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) [see directions page 2] must be submitted, and a NESHAP number assigned (from HHCU) prior to mailing or faxing this completed form to the appropriate Division of Air Quality (DAQ) Regional Office. Fire departments in counties with local environmental control programs should contact their local agency listed on page 2, It is not necessary to submit page 2 with this notification Additional forms and information are available on the Intemet at: httosV/dea nc.oov/oDenburning Fire Dept:Mooresville Fire-Rescue Complete Mailing Address. PO Box 878 City, State, Moofesvllle NC 28115 Zip: Phone: 704-664-1338 FAX: Location of Training Exercise (address, city, county, etc.) 421 Ridge Ave Mooresville NC 28115 County; Iredell Cell 704-902-3060 email. mmcalpin(^mooresvillenc.gov DAQ cannot approve burning a previously demolished structure or salvageable items for firefighter training. Motor vehicles may be burned over a penod of time by a training unit or by several related training units Describe the nature and the amount of materials to be bumed If a structure is to be burned, state construction type, number of rooms, floor area, etcetera. Description: 900 Sq foot hoiTie With 3 metal roof (cent.) State training objectives' LiVG Fir© PratiCSS Beginning date(s) and tlme(s) of training exercise: 05/27/2021 0800 Ending date; 05/27/2021 Alternate date(s) and time(s): 05/28-06/04/21 Any deviations from the dates and times of exercises, including additions, postponements, and deletions, submitted in the schedule in the approved plan shall be communicated verbally to the regional office [air quality] supervisor of the appropriate regional office at least one hour before the burn is scheduled. Remember, following one agency's regulations does not guarantee compliance with another. A person who is accredited as a North Carolina Asbestos Inspector must inspect structures. All burned structures must be free of asbestos. All asbestos containing building materials must be properly removed before the live fire training exercise. Further, notification form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted by mail onlv fno faxes) to the Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU), even if no asbestos was identified in most structures, at least 10 working davs prior to the burn date(s). For further information on the required asbestos Inspection and notification form DHHS3768, please contact the HHCU at (919) 707-5950. Fire departments in counties with local environmental control programs should contact their local agency listed on page 2 of this notification. NESHAP number (assigned by HHCU)' Required prior to burn: 64463 Has the structure been inspected for asbestos containing materials? [B] Yes Q No Does the structure have any asbestos containing materials present? Q Yes [Hi No If yes, describe the materials and the removal procedures: I certify by my signature the information submitted on this notification to be true and accurate to the best of my knowiedge: Name (print): Matthew McAlpin Title: Instructor Signature: 05/14/2021 ♦* DAQ USE ONLY Air Quality (Revised 10 12 2020) Supervisor:Date' Sfnfzf From: Mills, Ryan Sent: Monday, May 17, 2021 12'32 PM To: 'mmcalpin@nnooresvillenc gov' Subject: DAQ Firefighter Training Notification Approval - ID # 1713 Attachments: MooresvilleFD_FDTRAIN_20210517 pdf Mr. McAlpin, Based on the information submitted in the attached NC Division of Air Quality Firefighter Training Notification form, (attached to this email) it appears that the open burning will be conducted in accordance with North Carolina Administrative Code 15A 2D .1900. Also, please notify us prior to any changes in the proposed training exercise. Current open burning rules include some restrictions based on ozone or particulate air quality forecasts. As part of the North Carolina Air Awareness Program, Meteorologists issue the forecasts at 3 p.m. every day for the following day in order to allow you to plan the next day's operations. Open burning is prohibited in counties on days when the Air Quality Index forecast is "code orange", "code red", or "code purple". The Division of Air Quality discourages open burning on those days in other areas of the state On such "orange", "red" or "purple" days, there is a high potential for ozone or particulate levels to exceed the standard. Open burning is allowed on "code green" and "code yellow" days. This information is available on our website. See link in the paragraph below. This office has revised the "Firefighter Training Notification" (Revised 10/2020) form. If you did not use the form for this Firefighter Training Notification, please do so in the future The form can be found online at https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/air-qualitv/air-qualitv-enforcement/open-buming/firefighter-information. The Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) requires prior notification of the live fire training exercise on an Asbestos Permit Application and Notification for Demolition/Renovation form (DHHS3768). Form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted at least 10 working days prior to the start date. HHCU will then assign a National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) number to your fire training exercise. For future reference. The Mooresville Regional Office of the Division of Air Quality will need sufficient time to approve your training approval once we receive the NESHAP number and your Fire Training form. You may submit your Firefighter Training Form without the NESHAP #, but this office will not be able to issue the approval without the NESHAP #. Please be eognizant of these time frames when planning your training exercises in order to get all of your approvals in time for your training. If you have any questions with reference to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the Mooresville Regional office at (704) 663-1699 or myself. Ryan Mills Environmental Specialist Mooresville Regional Office North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 704-235-2210 (Office) ryan.mills@ncdenr.gov b'!.' 1 ' J' ."t • n '-■'jp-r Ts' 'j'tlri'i},, .1 ; !•'' i; Mcr^^^ ia DepAftuienl of EiririiOfvncfllQ) Duofity^ VftG lO NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY FIREFIGHTER TRAINING NOTIFICATION This form is to be used to provide prior notification of open burning for the training of firefighting personnel in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D 1903(b)(11) This notification must be submitted to the Division of Air Quaiity at ieast 10 days prior to commencement of the burn. Submittai of form DHHS3768 to the Health Hazards Controi Unit (HHCU) [see directions page 2] must be submitted, and a NESHAP number assigned (from HHCU) prior to mailing or faxing this completed form to the appropriate Division of Air Quality (DAQ) Regional Office. Fire departments in counties with local environmental controi programs should contact their local agency listed on page 2 it is not necessary to submit page 2 with this notification Additional forms and information are available on the Internet at httDsV/deo no oov/openburninQ Fire Dept:Troutman Fire & Rescue Complete Mailing Address' PO Box 22 Troutman NC, 28166 Phone' 704-902-0543 fax Cell; 704-902-0543 Location of Training Exercise (address, city, county, etc) 124 N Eastway Drive, Troutman NC, 28166 County Iredell Email' hgarris(gsftfr.net DAQ cannot approve burning a previously demolished structure or salvageable items for firelighter training Motor vehicles may be burned over a period of time by a training unit or by several related training units Describe the nature and the amount of materials to be burned If a structure is to be burned, state construction type, number of rooms, floor area, etcetera Description: A vacant and cleaned out 2 stoty home, 7 rooms, built in 1924, wood frame (cont.) State training objectives Teaching new firefighters, to NFPA 1403,1142, 1584, and 1001 Standards. Beginning date(s) and time(s) of training exercise 05/22/2021 8am-5pm Ending date. 05/22/2021 Alternate date(s) and time(s) 05/29/2021 8am-5pm Any deviations from the dates and times of exercises, including additions, postponements, and deletions, submitted in the schedule in the approved plan shall be communicated verbally to the regional office [air quality] supervisor of the appropriate regional office at least one hour before the burn is scheduled Remember, following one agency's regulations does not guarantee compliance with another. A person who is accredited as a North Carolina Asbestos Inspector must inspect structures All burned structures must be free of asbestos All asbestos containing building materials must be properly removed before the live fire training exercise. Further, notification form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted bv mail only (no faxes) to the Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU), even if no asbestos was identified in most structures, at ieast 10 working days prior to the burn date{s). For further information on the required asbestos inspection and notification form DHHS3768, please contact the HHCU at (919) 707-5950. Fire departments in counties with local environmental control programs should contact their local agency listed on page 2 of this notification NESHAP number (assigned by HHCU); Required prior to burn: 64415 Has the structure been inspected for asbestos containing materials? [I] Yes Q No Does the structure have any asbestos containing materials present"? □ Yes [■] No If yes, desCTibe the materials and the removal procedures I certify by my signature the information submitted on this notification to be tn^ and accurate to the best of my knowledge: Name (print): Houston Garris Title: Fire Training Instructor signature;Date; 05/17/2021 " DAQ USE ONLY (Revised 10 12 2020) Air Quality Supervisor.Date From: Mills, Ryan Sent: Monday, May 17, 202112'24 PM To: 'Houston Gams' Subject: DAQ Firefighter Training Notification Approval - ID # 1712 Attachments: Troutman_FDTRAIN_20210517.pdf Importance: High Mr. Gams, Based on the information submitted in the attached NC Division of Air Quality Firefighter Training Notification form, (attached to this email) it appears that the open burning will be conducted in accordance with North Carolina Administrative Code 15A 2D .1900. Also, please notify us prior to any changes in the proposed training exercise. Current open burning rules include some restrictions based on ozone or particulate air quality forecasts. As part of the North Carolina Air Awareness Program, Meteorologists issue the forecasts at 3 p.m. every day for the following day in order to allow you to plan the next day's operations. Open burning is prohibited in counties on days when the Air Quality Index forecast is "code orange", "code red", or "code purple". The Division of Air Quality discourages open burning on those days in other areas of the state. On such "orange", "red" or "purple" days, there is a high potential for ozone or particulate levels to exceed the standard. Open burning is allowed on "code green" and "code yellow" days. This information is available on our website. See link in the paragraph below. This office has revised the "'Firefighter Training Notification" (Revised 10/2020) form. If you did not use the form for this Firefighter Training Notification, please do so in the future. The form can be found online at https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/air-qualitv/air-qualitv- enforcement/open-burning/firefighter-information. The Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) requires prior notification of the live fire training exercise on an Asbestos Permit Application and Notification for Demolition/Renovation form (DHHS3768). Form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted at least 10 working days prior to the start date. HHCU will then assign a National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) number to your fire training exercise. For future reference. The Mooresville Regional Office of the Division of Air Quality will need sufficient time to approve your training approval once we receive the NESHAP number and your Fire Training form. You may submit your Firefighter Training Form without the NESHAP #, but this office will not be able to issue the approval without the NESHAP #. Please be cognizant of these time frames when planning your training exercises in order to get all of your approvals m time for your training. If you have any questions with reference to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the Mooresville Regional office at (704) 663-1699 or myself. Ryan Mills Environmental Specialist Mooresville Regional Office North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 704-235-2210 (Office) rvan mills(5)ncdenr.gov ' L i' .7-.\ t>M 10 f mk NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY X FIREFIGHTER TRAINING NOTIFICATION This form is to be used to provide prior notification of open burning for the training of firefighting personnel in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .1903(b)(11} This notification must be submitted to the Division of Air Quality at least 10 days prior to commencement of the burn. Submittal of form DHHSSTOS to the Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) [see directions page 2] must be submitted, and a NESHAP number assigned (from HHCU) prior to mailing or faxing this completed form to the appropriate Division of Air Quality (DAQ) Regional Office. Fire departments in counties with local environmental control programs should contact their local agency listed on page 2^ It is not necessary to submit page 2 with this notification. Additional forms and information are available on the Internet at https.//deq.nc"oov/openburnina Tire Dept:. Mooresville Fire-Rescue Complete Mailing Address: PO Box 878 City, State, QOfesvllie NC 28115 Phone- 704-664-1338 FAX: Location of Training Exercise (address, city, county, etc.)' 417 Ridge Ave Mooresville NC 28115 County Iredell Cell: 704-902-3060 Emaii mmcalpin(gmooresvillenc.gov DAQ cannot approve buming a previously demolished structure or salvageable items for firefighter training. Motor vehicles may be burned over a period of time by a training unit or by several related training units. Describe the nature and the amount of materials to be burned. If a structure is to be burned, state construction type, number of rooms, floor area, etcetera Description: QQQ Sq foot hOITie With 3 metal fOOf (cent.) State training objectives: LiVe Fife PratiCSS Beginning date(s) and time(s) of training exercise: 05/27/2021 0800 Ending date: 05/27/2021 Alternate date(s} and time(s): 05/28-06/04/21 Any deviations from the dates and times of exercises, including additions, postponements, and deletions, submitted in the schedule in the approved plan shall be communicated verbally to the regional office [air quality] supervisor of the approp'riate regional office at least one hour before the burn is scheduled. Remember, following one agency's regulations does not guarantee compliance with another. A person who is accredited as a North Carolina Asbestos Inspector must inspect structures. All burned structures must be free of asbestos. All asbestos containing building materials must be properly removed before the live fire training exercise. Further, notification form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted bv mail only fno faxes) to the Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU), even if no asbestos was identified in most structures, at least 10 working davs prior to the burn date(s). For further information on the required asbestos inspection and notification form DHHS3768, please contact the HHCU at (919) 707-5950. Fire departments in counties with local environmental control programs should contact their local agency listed on page 2 of this notification. NESHAP number (assigned by HHCU); Required prior to burn: 64462 Has the structure fieen inspected for asbestos containing materials? H Yes Q No Does the structure have any asbestos containing materials present"? Q Yes [B] No If yes, describe the materials and the removal procedures I certify by my signature the information submitted on this notification to be true and accurate to the best ofmy knowledge: Name (print): Matthew McAlpin Title: instructor Si.n.tur.: Date: 05/14/2021 ** DAQ USE ONLY Air Quality (Revised 10.12 2020) Supervisor:Date:.Shsfzozy From: Mills, Ryan Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2021 3 01 PM To: McAlpin, Matt Subject: DAQ Firefighter Training Notification Approval - ID # 1716 Attachments: MooresvilleFD_FDTRAIN_20210514 pdf Mr. McAlpin, Based on the information submitted in the attached NC Division of Air Quality Firefighter Training Notification form, (attached to this email) it appears that the open burning will be conducted in accordance with North Carolina Administrative Code 15A 2D .1900. Also, please notify us prior to any changes in the proposed training exercise. Current open burning rules include some restrictions based on ozone or particulate air quality forecasts. As part of the North Carolina Air Awareness Program, Meteorologists issue the forecasts at 3 p.m. every day for the following day in order to allow you to plan the next day's operations. Open burning is prohibited in counties on days when the Air Quality Index forecast is "code orange", "code red", or "code purple". The Division of Air Quality discourages open burning on those days in other areas of the state. On such "orange", "red" or "purple" days, there is a high potential for ozone or particulate levels to exceed the standard. Open burning is allowed on "code green" and "code yellow" days. This information is available on our website. See link in the paragraph below. This office has revised the "Firefighter Training Notification" (Revised 10/2020) form. If you did not use the form for this Firefighter Training Notification, please do so in the future. The form can be found online at https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/air-qualitv/air-qualitv- enforcement/open-burning/firefighter-information. The Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) requires prior notification of the live fire training exercise on an Asbestos Permit Application and Notification for Demolition/Renovation form (DHHS3768). Form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted at least 10 working days prior to the start date. HHCU will then assign a National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) number to your fire training exercise For future reference. The Mooresville Regional Office of the Division of Air Quality will need sufficient time to approve your training approval once we receive the NESHAP number and your Fire Training form. You may submit your Firefighter Training Form without the NESHAP #, but this office will not be able to issue the approval without the NESHAP # Please be cognizant of these time frames when planning your training exercises in order to get all of your approvals in time for your training. If you have any questions with reference to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the Mooresville Regional office at (704) 663-1699 or myself. Ryan Mills Environmental Specialist Mooresville Regional Office North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 704-235-2210 (Office) rvan.millsOncdenr gov , I I'.'i s' / ; f,5 ' » .1 ' " ■< V ^ ^' K ■'' ( u I ''t ' - 'iff- /7^ NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY FIREFIGHTER TRAINING NOTIFICATION ENVIHUNMtN IAL UUAUIY RECEIVED APR 0 1 2021 Ml This form is to be used to provide prior notification of open burning for the training of firefighting personn^|^in ^accordanc^wffl NCAC 2D .1903(b)(11). This notification must be submitted to the Division of Air Quaiity atMleSt''l6'naaji!^j(MMr to commencement of the bum. Submittal of form DHHS3768 to the Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) [see directions page 2] must be submitted, and a NESHAP number assigned (from HHCU) prior to mailing or faxing this completed form to the appropriate Division of Air Quality (DAQ) Regional Office. Fire departments in counties with local environmental control programs should contact their local agency listed on page 2. it is not necessary to submit page 2 with this notification. Additional forms and information are available on the internet at: http://www.daq.state.nc.us/enf/openburn. Fire Dept Cool Springs Volunteer Fire Department Complete Mailing Address: 672 Mocksvllle Hwy. Statesvllle, NO. 28625 Phone: 704-872-3221 FAX: Location of Training Exercise (address, city, county, etc.): )y/9 l-Qne.P\oe- . KiC County: iredeii Cell: 828-381-0882 Email: avi/ebster(gcoolspringsvfd.org DAQ cannot approve burning a previously demolished structure or salvageable Items for firefighter training Motor vehicles may be burned over a period of time by a training unit or by several related training units. Describe the nature and the amount of materials to be bumed. if a structure is to be bumed, state construction type, number of rooms, floor area, etcetera. . seNien . (cent.) State training objectives: Live Fire Training 8:00am Alternate date(s) and time(s): Beginning date(s) and time(s) of training exercise: 04/03/21 - 4/24/21 Ending date: 4/30/21 Any deviations from the dates and times of exercises, including additions, postponements, and deletions, submitted in the schedule in the approved plan shall be communicated verbally to the regional office [air quality] supervisor of the appropriate regional office at least one hour before the burn is scheduled. Remember, following one agency's regulations does not guarantee compliance with another. A person who Is accredited as a North Carolina Asbestos inspector must inspect structures. All burned structures must be free of asbestos. All asbestos containing building materials must be properly removed before the live fire training exercise. Further, notification form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted bv mail onlv (no faxes) to the Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU), even if no asbestos was identified in most structures, at least 10 working days prior, to the burn date(s). For further information on the required asbestos inspection and notification form DHHS3768, please contact the HHCU at (919) 707-5950. Fire departments in counties with local environmental control programs should contact their local agency listed on page 2 of this notification. NESHAP number (assigned by HHCU): Required prior to burn: 83930 Has the structure been inspected for asbestos containing materials? [El Yes □ No Does the structure have any asbestos containing materials present? D Yes No If yes, describe the materials and the removal procedures- I certify by my signature the information submitted on this notification to be true and accurate to the best of my knowledge: Nc department ofName (print): Jonathan league _ Title: Assistant Chief environment^qualitv Date: 3-29-21Signature:APR 0 1 2021 ** DAQ USE ONLY (Revised 11/25/2014) Air Quality Supervisor:I I MOORESVILLE regignai_[ Date:' divisiom op j.j m m m s i North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health Health Hazards Control Unit Demolition Notification Permit #:N/A Facility: Location: 179 Lane Pme Road NESHAP#:63930 Contact:Andy Webster County:h-edell Address:179 Lane Pine Road Statesville , NC 28625- Date Issued:03-12-2021 Size:1,800 sf # of Floors: 1 Age:50 Removal Start: End: Owner: Kenson Homes LLC 185 Shelburae Place Mooresville, NC 28117- Contact: Kash Vessels Phone- (919)438-0311 Operator: Demolition Start: 03-12-2021 End: 04-12-2021 Removal Contractor: Contact- Phone- Contact: Days: MTUWTHFSASU Hours: 8:00 AM - 5-00 PM Demolition Contractor: Cool Springs Valunteer Fire Dept 672 Mocksville HWY Statesville, NC 28625 Contact- Andy Webster Phone: (704) 872-3221 Phone: Transporter:Transporter:Landfill: Contact: Phone. Supervising Air Monitor: Contact: Phone: Designer: Contact: Phone: Inspector: MARK A EARLE - #12508 Samples Collected Work Practices: Live Bum Training RACM: Signatory: Andy Webster Cool Springs Valunteer Fire Dept 672 Mocksville HWY Statesville, NC 28625- Any revisions to this Permit/Notification must be submited to the Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) Waste Shipment Records (WSR) shall also be submitted to the HHCU These forms must be submitted, m writing, on a form provided or approved by the HHCU within the time limits prescribed by the rules governing the HHCU Program Failure to submit these forms may result m the mitiation of enforcement actions Ed Norman Program Manager, HHCU NCDHHS - Division of Public Health 1912 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1912 Phone: (919) 707-5950 Fax. (919) 870-4808 REMOVAL PERMITS MUST BE POSTED FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT Cook, Donna From: Mills, Ryan Sent: Friday, April 2, 2021 12:43 PM To: awebster@coolspringsvfd.org Cc: Sherer, Sandra; Cook, Donna Subject: DAQ Firefighter Training Notification Approval - ID # 1706 Attachments: CoolSpringsVFD_FDTRAIN_20210401 .pdf Importance: High Mr. Teague, Based on the information submitted in the attached NC Division of Air Quality Firefighter Training Notification form, (attached to this email) it appears that the open burning will be conducted in accordance with North Carolina Admimstrative Code 15A 2D .1900. Also, please notify us prior to any changes in the proposed training exercise. Current open burning rules include some restrictions based on ozone or particulate air quality forecasts. As part of the North Carolina Air Awareness Program^ Meteorologists issue the forecasts at 3 p.m. every day for the following day in order to allow you to plan the next day's operations. Open burning is prohibited in counties on days when the Air Quality Index forecast is "code orange", "code red", or "code purple". The Division of Air Quality discourages open burning on those days in other areas of the state. On such "orange", "red" or "purple" days, there is a high potential for ozone or particulate levels to exceed the standard. Open burning is allowed on "code green" and "code yellow" days. This information is available on our website. See link in the paragraph below. This office has revised the "Firefighter Training Notification" (Revised 10/2020) form. If you did not use the form for this Firefighter Training Notification, please do so in &e future. The form can be found online at https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/air-qualitv/air-qualitv-enforcement/open-buming/firefiphter-information. 1 The Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) requires prior notification of the live fire training exercise on an Asbestos Permit Application and Notification for Demolition/Renovation form (DHHS3768). Form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted at least 10 working days prior to the start date. HHCU will then assign a National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) number to your fire training exercise. For future reference. The Mooresville Regional Office of the Division of Air Quality will need sufficient time to approve your training approval once we receive the NESHAP number and your Fire Training form. You may submit your Firefighter Training Form without the NESHAP #, but this office will not be able to issue the approval without the NESHAP #. Please be cognizant of these time firames when planning your training exercises in order to get all of your approvals in time for your training. If you have any questions with reference to this Ryan Mills Environmental Specialist I Mooresville Regional Office Division of Air Quality 704-235-2210 i"van.inills@,ncdem".gov 610 East Center Avenue Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 EQSi Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties SCANNED U/^l f~ll I I I Wl ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY RECEIVED NORTH CAROLINA DIVISIQN QF AIR QUALITY APR 0 1 2021 FIREFIGHTER TRAINING NOTIFICATION This form is to be used to provide prior notification of open burning for the training of firefighting perMnRel^n^accor^nce^'[h^ffiP^ NCAC 2D 1903(b)(11) This notification must be submitted to the Division of Air Quality at'^^i§!P''16"ijii(^'^yWtir*'to commencement of the burn. Submittal of form DHHS3768 to the Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) [see directions page 2] must be submitted, and a NESHAP number assigned (from HHCU) prior to mailing or faxing this completed form to the appropriate Division of Air Quality (DAQ) Regional OfTice. Fire departments in counties with local environmental control programs should contact their local agency listed on page 2 It is not necessary to submit page 2 with this notification Additional forms and information are available on the Internet at http://www.daq.state.nc.us/enf/openburn. Fire Dept: Cool Springs Volunteer Fire Department Complete Mailing Address- 672 Mocksville Hwy Statesville, NO, 28625 Phone 704-872-3221 FAX Location of Training Exercise (address, city, county, etc.)- kIc. County ~ ' iredeli Cell- 828-381-0882 Email awebstertgcooispnngsvfd.org DAQ cannot approve burning a previously demolished structure or salvageable items for firefighter training Motor vehicles may be burned over a period of time by a training unit or by several related training units Describe the nature and the amount of materials to be burned If a structure is to be burned, state construction type, number of rooms, floor area, etcetera Description: (cont) State training objectives: Live Fire Training Beginning date(s) and time(s) of training exercise: 04/03/21 - 4/24/21 8:00am Alternate date(s) andtime(s):Ending date: 4/30/21 Any deviations from the dates and times of exercises, including additions, postponements, and deletions, submitted in the schedule in the approved plan shall be communicated verbally to the regional office [air quality] supervisor of the appropriate regional office at least one hour before the burn is scheduled Remember, following one agency's regulations does not guarantee compliance with another. A person who is accredited as a North Carolina Asbestos Inspector must inspect structures All burned structures must be free of asbestos All asbestos containing building materials must be properly removed before the live fire training exercise. Further, notification form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted by mail only (no faxes) to the Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU), even if no asbestos was identified in most structures, at least 10 working days prior to the burn date(s). For further'information on the required asbestos inspection and notification form DHHS3768, please contact the HHCU at (919) 707-5950 Fire departments in counties with local environmental control programs should contact their local agency listed on page 2 of this notification NESHAP number (assigned by HHCU): Required prior to burn: 63930 Has the structure been inspected for asbestos containing materials? 0 Yes Q No Does the structure have any asbestos containing materials presenf O Yes No If yes, describe the materials and the removal procedures I certify by my signature the information submitted on this notification to be true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. mq department of Name (print): Jonathan Teague Title: Assistant Chief environmental quality nCCEIVED Signature:Date: 3-29-21 APR 01 2fl;i ** DAQ USE ONLY (Revised 11/25/2014) Air Quality Supervisor Date mooresville regignai division QFAIR QU/1 OFFICE .ITY (D f a tNVinuiNlvIci'tini.v^urT"' ' received MAR 08 2021NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY FIREFIGHTER TRAINING NOTIFICATION MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE This form is to be used to provide prior notification of open burning for the training of firefighting peg|q^g|gjnno?()pipr^&l!WSlVith 15A NCAC 2D .1903(b)(11) This notification must be submitted to the Division of Air Quality at least 10 days prior to commencement of the burn. Submittal of form DHHS3768 to the Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) [see directions page 2] must be submitted, and a NESHAP number assigned (from HHCU) prior to mailing or faxing this completed form to the appropriate Division of Air Quality (DAQ) Regional Office. Fire departments in counties with local environmental control programs should contact their local agency listed on page 2. It is not necessary to submit page 2 with this notification. Additional forms and information are available on the Internet at; http://www.daq.s(ate.nc.usfenf/openburn. Fire Dept. Coo! Springs Volunteer Fire Department Complete Mailing Address: 672 Wlocksville Hwy. Statesville, NO, 28625 Phone; 704-872-3221 FAX; Location of Training Exercise (address, city, county, etc): 242 Chestnut Grove Rd - Statesville, NC 28625 County: Iredell Ce!!L_828r3JEL1.z0882_.Email, awebstert^coolsprlnqsvfd.org DAQ cannot approve burning a previously demolished structure or salvageable items for firefighter training. Motor vehicles r^ai^be' burned over a period of time by a training unit or by several related training units Describe the nature and the amount i .• "'neiis> to be bumed. If a structure is to be burned, state construction type, number of rooms, floor area, etcetera. Description: Approx. 1500 sq. ft. single stoiy, wood frame, residential structure, four to five rooms (cont) State training objectives: Live Fire Train ing Beginning date(s) and time(s) of training exercise: 3/20/21 8:00am Ending date: 3/31/21 Alternate date(s) and time($): 3/20/21 - 3/31/21 Any deviations from the dates and times of exercises, including additions, postponements, and deletions, submitted in the schedule in the approved plan shall be communicated verbally to the regional office [air quality] supervisor of the appropnate regional office at least one hour before the burn is scheduled. Remember, following one agency's regulations does not guarantee compliance with another. A person who Is accredited as a North Carolina Asbestos Inspector must inspect structures. Ail bumed structures must be free of asbestos. All asbestos containing building materials must be properly removed before the live fire training exercise. Further, notification form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted by mail only (no faxes) to the Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU), even if no asbestos was Identified in most structures, at least 10 workino days prior to the burn date(s). For further information on the required asbestos inspection and notification form DHHS3768, please contact the HHCU at (919) 707-5950 Fire departments in counties with local environmental control programs should contact their local agency listed on page 2 of this notification. NESHAP number (assigned by HHCU): Required prior to burnt 63846 Has the structure been inspected for asbestos containing materials? [x] Yes Q No Does the structure have any asbestos containing materials present? □ Yes No If yes, describe the materials and the removal procedures: / certify by my signature the information submitted on this notihcation to be true and accurate to the best of my knowiedge: Name (print): Jonathan Teague Title: Assistant Chief Date: 3-3-21Signature: " DAQ USE ONLY (Revised 11/25/2014) Air Quality Supervisor Date: From: Mills, Ryan Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2021 12 53 PM To: awebster@coolspringsvfd org Subject: DAQ Firefighter Training Notification Approval - ID # 1700 Attachments: CoolSpringsVFD_FDTRAIN_20210308.pdf Importance: Fligh Mr. Teague, Based on the information submitted in the attached NC Division of Air Quality Firefighter Training Notification form, (attached to this email) it appears that the open burning will be conducted in accordance with North Carolina Administrative Code 15A 2D .1900. Also, please notify us prior to any changes in the proposed training exercise. Current open burning rules include some restrictions based on ozone or particulate air quality forecasts. As part of the North Carolina Air Awareness Program, Meteorologists issue the forecasts at 3 p.m. every day for the following day m order to allow you to plan the next day's operations. The Charlotte forecast area includes Cabarrus, Gaston, Iredell South of Interstate 40, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Rowan, Union, and York Counties. The Hickory forecast area includes Alexander, Burke, Caldwell, and Catawba Counties. Open burning is prohibited in the above noted counties on days when the Air Quality Index forecast is "code orange", "code red", or "code purple". The Division of Air Quality discourages open burning on those days in other areas of the state. On such "orange", "red" or "purple" days, there is a high potential for ozone or particulate levels to exceed the standard. Open burning is allowed on "code green" and "code yellow" days. This information is available on the Internet at httr)s://deq.nc.gov/ (click on the Air Quality Forecasts button). This office has revised the "Firefighter Training Notification" (Revised 10/2020) form. If you did not use the form for this Firefighter Training Notification, please do so in the future. The form can be found online at https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/air-qualitv/air-qualitv- enforcement/open-burning/firefiighter-information. The Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) requires prior notification of the live fire training exercise on an Asbestos Permit Application and Notification for Demolition/Renovation form (DHHS3768). Form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted at least 10 working days prior to the start date. HHCU will then assign a National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) number to your fire training exercise. For future reference. The Mooresville Regional Office of the Division of Air Quality will need sufficient time to approve your training approval once we receive the NESHAP number and your Fire Training form. You may submit your Firefighter Training Form without the NESHAP #, but this office will not be able to issue the approval without the NESHAP #. Please be cognizant of these time frames when planning your training exercises in order to get all of your approvals in time for your training. If you have any questions with reference to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the Mooresville Regional office at (704) 663-1699 or myself. Ryan Mills Environmental Specialist I Mooresville Regional Office Division of Air Quality 704-235-2210 rvan.mil ls@.ncdenr. gov 610 East Center Avenue Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY FIREFIGHTER TRAINING NOTIFICATION This fonn Is to be used to provide prior notification of open burning for the training of firefighting personnel in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .1903(b)(11). This notification must be submitted to the Division of Air Quality at least 10 days prior to commencement of the burn. Submittai of form DHHS3768 to the Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) Isee directions page 2] must be submitted, and a NESHAP number assigned (from HHCU) prior to mailing or faxing this completed form to the appropriate Division of Air Quality (DAQ) Regional Office. Fire departments In counties with local environmental control programs should contact their local agency listed on page 2 It Is not necessary to submit page 2 with this notification. Additional forms and Information are available on the intemet at. http://www.daq.state.nc.us/enf/openbum. FlrePepf//^^^^,/^ Complete Mailing Address- Po /So / If? City, State, Zip: Location of Training Exercise (address, city, county, etc.) /Y\rj\/bc^ry RJ County.Phone: 70^- FAX: ri^4,^'fC'XCSi' Cell: 7^-^^7 ®— / "V 73 ! uo:> ! r/iirrvf^ ^ ^ DAQ cannot approve buming a previously demolished structure or salvageable items for firefighter training. Motor vehicles may be bumed over a period of time by a training unit or by several related training units. Describe the nature and the amount of materials to be bumed if a structure Is to be bumed, state construction type, number of rooms, floor area, etcetera Description: .jT^ 'jpo (cont.) State training objectives- L ue. Jo/"^ Beginning date(s) and time(s) of training exercise: /</ o2-/ f]Aapc.l ' ')a%lEnding date:Alternate date(s) and time(s)-. Any deviations from the dates and times of exercises, including additions, postponements, and deletions, submitted In the schedule inthe approved plan shall be communicated verbally to the regional office [air quality] supervisor of the appropnate regional office at least one hour before the bum is scheduled. Remember, following one agency's regulations does not guarantee compliance with another. A person who is accredited as a North Carolina Asbestos Inspector must inspect structures. All bumed structures must be free of asbestos. All asbestos containing building materials must be properly removed before the live fire ^'"'"9notification form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted by mal| only (no faxes) to the Division of Public He^ft, Heafth Ha-^arrie rnnfml Unit /HHCU) even if no asbestos was Identified in most structures, at ieqst 10 worKInq days prior to fte bum date(s). For further infomatlon on the required asbestos Inspection and notification form DHHS3768, pleaseat (919) 707-5950 Fire departments in counties with local environmental control programs should contact their local agency listed on page 2 of this notification. NESHAP number (assigned by HHCU): Required prior to burn: IX- - Has the structure been inspected for asbestos containing materials? Yes □ No Does the structure have any asbestoscontaining materials present? □ Yes J^iNo If yes, describe the materials and the removal procedures: I certify by my signature the information submitted on this notification to be true, and accurate to the best of my knowledge: 11 ^Name (print): // /y/tg- Title: S^c/fr& Date: 7-iP MlSignature: " DAQ USE ONLY (Revised 11/25/2014) Air Quality Supen/isor:Date;, From: Mills, Ryan Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2021 11:16 PM To: tmfrye@twc com Subject: DAQ Firefighter Training Notification Approval - ID # 1698 Attachments: FlarmonyFD_FDTRAIN_20210225.pdf Mr. Frye, Based on the information submitted m the attached NC Division of Air Quality Firefighter Training Notification form, (attached to this email) it appears that the open burning will be conducted in accordance with North Carolina Administrative Code 15A 2D .1900. Also, please notify us prior to any changes in the proposed training exercise. Current open burning rules include some restrictions based on ozone or particulate air quality forecasts. As part of the North Carolina Air Awareness Program, Meteorologists issue the forecasts at 3 p.m. every day for the following day m order to allow you to plan the next day's operations. The Charlotte forecast area includes Cabarrus, Gaston, Iredell South of Interstate 40, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Rowan, Union, and York Counties. The Hickory forecast area includes Alexander, Burke, Caldwell, and Catawba Counties. Open burning is prohibited in the above noted counties on days when the Air Quality Index forecast is "code orange", "code red", or "code purple" The Division of Air Quality discourages open burning on those days in other areas of the state On such "orange", "red" or "purple" days, there is a high potential for ozone or particulate levels to exceed the standard. Open burning is allowed on "code green" and "code yellow" days. This information is available on the Internet at https://deq.nc.gov/ (click on the Air Quality Forecasts button). This office has revised the "Firefighter Training Notification" (Revised 10/2020) form. If you did not use the form for this Firefighter Training Notification, please do so in the future. The form can be found online at https://deq.nc gov/about/divisions/air-qualitv/air-qualitv- enforcement/open-burning/firefighter-information The Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) requires prior notification of the live fire training exercise on an Asbestos Permit Application and Notification for Demolition/Renovation form (DHHS3768). Form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted at least 10 working days prior to the start date. HHCU will then assign a National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) number to your fire training exercise. For future reference. The Mooresville Regional Office of the Division of Air Quality will need sufficient time to approve your training approval once we receive the NESHAP number and your Fire Training form. You may submit your Firefighter Training Form without the NESHAP #, but this office will not be able to issue the approval without the NESHAP #. Please be cognizant of these time frames when planning your training exercises in order to get all of your approvals in time for your training. If you have any questions with reference to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the Mooresville Regional office at (704) 663-1699 or myself. Ryan Mills Environmental Specialist I Mooresville Regional Office Division of Air Quality 704-235-2210 rvan.mills@.ncdenr gov 610 East Center Avenue Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law ana may be disclosed to third parties c2/3lzf M NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY .... . -V FIREFIGHTER TRAINING NOTIFICATION This form Is to be used to provide prior notification of open burning for the training of fireflghting personnel in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .1903(b)(11). This notification must be submitted to the Division of Air Quality at least 10 days prior to commencement of the burn. Submittai of form DHHS376S to the Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) [see directions page 2] must be submitted, and a NESHAP number assigned (from HHCU) prior to mailing or faxing this completed form to the appropriate Division of Air Quality (DAQ) Regional Office. Fire departments in counties with local environmental control programs should contact their local agency listed on page 2. It is not necessary to submit page 2 with this notification. Additional forms and information are available on the Internet at: httPs://deQ.nc.aov/oDenburnino nPDf Ebenezer Fire DepartmentP Location of Training Exercise (address, city, county, etc.): 196 Eleanor LaneComplete Mailing Address: 1002 Turnersburg Hwy StatesvIHe NC 28625 Phone; 704-876-3756 FAX; Hamptonvllle NC 27020 County: Iredeli Cell; 704-902-3060 Emaii; evfd1332@hotmail.eom DAQ cannot approve buming a previously demolished structure or salvageable items for firefighter training. Motor vehicles may be burned over a period of time by a training unit or by several related training units. Describe the nature and the amount of materials to be burned. If a structure is to be burned, state construction type, number of rooms, floor area, etcetera. Description; 1900 sq foot wood frame structure with a tin roof (cent) State training objectives; Fire COntrol prSCticeS Beginning date(s) and time{s) of training exercise: 02/06/2021 0800-1700 Ending date: 02/06/2021 Alternate date(s) and time(s); 02/20/2021 Any deviations from the dates and times of exorcises, including additions, postponements, and deletions, submitted in the schedule in the approved plan shall be communicated verbally to the regional office {air quality] supervisor of the appropriate regional office at least one hour before the burn is scheduled. Remember, following one agency's regulations does not guarantee compliance with another. A person who is accredited as a North Carolina Asbestos Inspector must inspect stniclures. All burned structures must be free of asbestos. All asbestos containing building materials must be properly removed before the live fire training exercise. Further, notiflcatlon form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted bv mail only fno faxes! to the Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU), even if no asbestos was identified in most structures, at least 10 working davs prior to the burn date(s). For further information on the required asbestos inspection and notification form DHHS3768, please contact the HHCU at (919) 707-5950. Fire departments in counties with local environmental control programs should contact their local agency listed on page 2 of this notification. NESHAP number (assigned by HHCU): Required prior to burn: 62475 Has the structure been inspected for asbestos containing materials? H Yes [] No Does the structure have any asbestos containing materials present? □ Yes ^ No If yes, describe the materials and the removal procedures: I certify by my signature the information submitted on this notification to be true and accurate to the best of my knowledge:Name (print): Matthew A. McAlpin Title: Chief ~ Pat.: 01/26/2021 ** DAQ USE ONLY „ (Revised io.ia.2020) Supervisor: Date: _^ z 2o2:J From: Mills, Ryan Sent: Wednesday, February 3, 2021 12'39 PM To: Matt McAlpin Subject: DAQ Firefighter Training Notification Approval ID# -1695 Attachments: EbenezerFD_FDTRAIN_20210203.pdf Mr. McAlpin, Based on the information submitted in the attached NC Division of Air Quality Firefighter Training Notification form, (attached to this email) it appears that the open burning will be conducted in accordance with North Carolina Administrative Code 15A 2D .1900. Please notify this office prior to any changes in the proposed training exercise. Current open burning rules include some restrictions based on ozone or particulate air quality forecasts. As part of the North Carolina Air Awareness Program, Meteorologists issue the forecasts at 3 p.m. every day for the following day in order to allow you to plan the next day's operations The Charlotte forecast area includes Cabarrus, Gaston, Iredell South of Interstate 40, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Rowan, Union, and York Counties. The Hickory forecast area includes Alexander, Burke, Caldwell, and Catawba Counties. Open burning is prohibited in the above noted counties on days when the Air Quality Index forecast is "code orange", "code red", or "code purple". The Division of Air Quality discourages open burning on those days in other areas of the state. On such "orange", "red" or "purple" days, there is a high potential for ozone or particulate levels to exceed the standard. Open burning is allowed on "code green" and "code yellow" days. This information is available on the Internet at https://deq.nc.gov/ (click on the Air Quality Forecasts button). This office has revised the "Firefighter Training Notification" (Revised 10/2020) form. If you did not use the form for this Firefighter Training Notification, please do so in the future. The form can be found online at https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/air-qualitv/air-qualitv- enforcement/open-burning/firefighter-information. The Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) requires prior notification of the live fire training exercise on an Asbestos Permit Application and Notification for Demolition/Renovation form (DHHS3768). Form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted at least 10 working days prior to the start date. HHCU will then assign a National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) number to your fire training exercise. For future reference. The Mooresville Regional Office of the Division of Air Quality will need sufficient time to approve your training approval once we receive the NESHAP number and your Fire Training form. You may submit your Firefighter Training Form without the NESHAP #, but this office will not be able to issue the approval without the NESHAP #. Please be cognizant of these time frames when planning your training exercises in order to get all of your approvals in time for your training. If you have any questions with reference to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the Mooresville Regional office at (704) 663-1699 or myself. Ryan Mills Environmental Specialist I Mooresville Regional Office Division of Air Quality 704-235-2210 rvan.mills@,ncdenr.gov 610 East Center Avenue Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 a3? Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties FIREFIGHTER TRAINING NOTIFICATION This form is to be used to provide prior notification of open buming for the training of firefighting personnel in accordance w NCAC 2D .1903(b)(11). This notification must be submitted to the Division of Air Quality at least 10 days p commencement of the bum. Submlttal of form DHHS3768 to the Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) [see directions { ihust be submitted, and a NESHAP number assigned (from HHCU) prior to mailing or faxing this completed form appropriate Division of Air Quality (DAQ) Regional Office. Fire departments in counties with local environmental control p: should contact their local agency listed on page 2. It is not necessary to submit page 2 with this notification. Additional foi information are available on the intemet at: http:/Aivww.daq.state.nc.us/enf/openbum. Fire Dept:•Q'eiOiiJ/hiPi Complete Mailing Address: I //i^y &0 Y- Phone: Location of Training Exercise (address, city, county, etc): - AJ' Cell: DAQ cannot approve burning a previously demolished structure or salvageable Items for firefighter training. Motor vehicle burned over a period of time by a training unit or by several related training units. Describe the nature and the amount of m be burned. If a structure is to be burned, state construction type, number of rooms, floor area, etcetera. ^ ^.,tl f/ous,!. V/■.,/, V 3 iOOinJ-f ! (cont.) State training objectives: U Beginning date(s) and time(s) of training exercise: Ending date:Alternate date(s) and time(s): Anv deviations from the dates and times of exercises, including additions, postponements, and deletions, submitted in thethe approved plan shall be communicated verbally to the regional office [air quality] supervisor of the appropnate regional o1 one hour before the bum is scheduled. Remember, following one agency's regulations does not guarantee compliance with another. A oprson who is accredited as a North Carolina Asbestos inspector must inspect structures. Ail bumed stmctures mu^asbestos All asbestos containing building materials must be properly removed before the live fireSirfnSon fe ™ must be coiimleted.and submitted bv mail onlv (no faxes) to the Division of Public He,c"oS™ SIJmS was idantmed In mos. s,™c^,nshum datefsl For further information on the required asbestos inspection and notification form ■ P. , iat (919) 707-5950. Fire departments in counties with local environmental control programs should contact their local agei page 2 of this notification. NESHAP number (assigned by HHCU): Required prior to burn; . . ■ * I i»o (71 Yes n No Does the structure haveHas the structure been Inspected for asb^tos containing materials? ^ LJcontaining materials present? □ Yes ^No if yes, describe the materials and the removal procedures: I certify by my signature the information submitterl on this notification to betrug.andgccuraSS. to the 'rSSSne <.*. „ ^ Signature: ** nAO ilfiF ONLY d Pate: hXh From: Mills, Ryan Sent: Thursday, January 21, 202111 12 AM To: tmfrye@twc com Subject: DAQ Firefighter Training Notification Approval - ID# 1693 Attachments: HarmonyFD_FDTRAlN_20210121.pdf Mr. Frye, Based on the information submitted in the attached NC Division of Air Quality Firefighter Training Notification form, (attached to this email) it appears that the open burning will be conducted in accordance with North Carolina Administrative Code 15A 2D . 1900 Please notify this office prior to any changes in the proposed training exercise. Current open burning rules include some restrictions based on ozone or particulate air quality forecasts. As part of the North Carolina Air Awareness Program, Meteorologists issue the forecasts at 3 p.m. every day for the following day in order to allow you to plan the next day's operations. The Charlotte forecast area includes Cabarrus, Gaston, Iredell South of Interstate 40, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Rowan, Union, and York Counties. The Hickory forecast area includes Alexander, Burke, Caldwell, and Catawba Counties. Open burning is prohibited in the above noted counties on days when the Air Quality Index forecast is "code orange", "code red", or "code purple". The Division of Air Quality discourages open burning on those days in other areas of the state. On such "orange", "red" or "purple" days, there is a high potential for ozone or particulate levels to exceed the standard. Open burning is allowed on "code green" and "code yellow" days. This information is available on the Internet at https://dea.nc.gov/ (click on the Air Quality Forecasts button) This office has revised the "Firefighter Training Notification" (Revised 10/2020) form. If you did not use the form for this Firefighter Training Notification, please do so in the future. The form can be found online at https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/air-qualitv/air-qualitv- enforcement/open-burning/firefighter-information. The Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) requires prior notification of the live fire training exercise on an Asbestos Permit Application and Notification for Demolition/Renovation form (DHHS3768). Form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted at least 10 working days prior to the start date. HHCU will then assign a National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NBSHAP) number to your fire training exercise. For future reference. The Mooresville Regional Office of the Division of Air Quality will need sufficient time to approve your training approval once we receive the NESHAP number and your Fire Training form. You may submit your Firefighter Training Form without the NESHAP #, but this office will not be able to issue the approval without the NESHAP #. Please be cognizant of these time frames when planning your training exercises in order to get all of your approvals in time for your training. If you have any questions with reference to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the Mooresville Regional office at (704) 663-1699 or myself. Ryan Mills Environmental Specialist I Mooresville Regional Office Division of Air Quality 704-235-2210 rvan millsfSncdenr.gov 610 East Center Avenue Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY FIREFIGHTER TRAINING NOTIFICATION This form is to be used to provide prlei notification of open burning for the training of firefighting personnel m accordance wim 15A NCAC 2D 1903(bl(11) This notification must be submitted to the Division of Air Quality at least 10 days prior to commencement of the bum. Submittal of form DHHS3768 to the Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) [see dirertlons page^ must be submitted, and a NESHAP number assigned (from HHCU) pdet to mailing or faxing this completed form to trie apDroDriate Division of Air Quality (DAQ) Regional Office. Fire departments in counties with local environmental control programsS local agen^^ on page 2. it is not necessary to submit page 2 with this notification Additional forms and Information are available on the Intemet at http://www.daq.state.nc.us/enf/openburn. ""'••eDept: HatrmOA]/ iMfutxjte iT ^)e/Vri Complete Mailing Address. .??57 //^/ Phone; lo'j ^ ^ Cell:Email: /m Location of Training Exercise (address, city, county, etc). 9^/ /W I //t^y County. PrYe. /SJ f\ (. ^kp.ora nollshed structure or salvageable Items forTir be burned, if a stnicture is to be burned, state construction type, number of rooms, floor area, etce Description: Shck % flpbr (cont) State training objectives; / iV<e-Mate training oujci.iivcj. ^ nyg- , ifui'-r r n , /■ Beginning date(s) and time(s) of training exercise: /f. Zjox! <?hl/i hH c ji I o/ Alternate date(s) and time(s): ^Ending date: p'-^J ^0 lo2/ T . ^ , . one hour before the bum is scheduled Hazards Control Unit (HHCU). even if M asbe^os was notification form DHHS3768, please intact the HHCUbum date(s). For ^rther ,o2l environLntal control programs should contact their local agency listedat (919) 707-5950. Fire departments In counties wim page 2 of this notlficaUon.page 2 of this notlficaUon. ,• n un^, NESHAP number (assigned by HHCU): Required pnorto burn: >>^7 . . ITTI Viic I I Mo' ',, . R?1 Yes riNo Does the structure have any asbestos knowledge:knowledge: ^ ^Title;Name (print): /:/yxnThy M. h-f Date: M u ZcZ-lmlM-** DAQ USE ONLY Air Quality Supervisor Date (Revised 11/25/2014) Signature; From: Mills, Ryan Sent: Thursday, January 7, 20214 53 PM To: tmfrye@ncshp.org Cc: tmfrye@twc com Subject: DAQ Firefighter Training Notification Approval - ID# 1692 Attachments: HarmonyVFD_FDTRAIN_20210107 pdf Mr. Frye, Based on the information submitted in the attached NC Division of Air Quality Firefighter Training Notification form, (attached to this email) it appears that the open burning will be conducted in accordance with North Carolina Administrative Code 15A 2D .1900. Please notify this office prior to any changes in the proposed training exercise. Current open burning rules include some restrictions based on ozone or particulate air quality forecasts. As part of the North Carolina Air Awareness Program, Meteorologists issue the forecasts at 3 p.m. every day for the following day in order to allow you to plan the next day's operations. The Charlotte forecast area includes Cabarrus, Gaston, Iredell South of Interstate 40, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Rowan, Union, and York Counties The Flickory forecast area includes Alexander, Burke, Caldwell, and Catawba Counties Open burning is prohibited in the above noted counties on days when the Air Quality Index forecast is "code orange", "code red", or "code purple". The Division of Air Quality discourages open burning on those days in other areas of the state. On such "orange", "red" or "purple" days, there is a high potential for ozone or particulate levels to exceed the standard. Open burning is allowed on "code green" and "code yellow" days. This information is available on the Internet at httpsV/deq.nc.gov/ (click on the Air Quality Forecasts button). This office has revised the "Firefighter Training Notification" (Revised 10/2020) form. If you did not use the form for this Firefighter Training Notification, please do so in the future. The form can be found online at https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/air-qualitv/air-qualitv- enforcement/open-burning/firefighter-information. The Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) requires prior notification of the live fire training exercise on an Asbestos Permit Application and Notification for Demolition/Renovation form (DHHS3768). Form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted at least 10 working days prior to the start date. HHCU will then assign a National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) number to your fire training exercise. For future reference. The Mooresville Regional Office of the Division of Air Quality will need sufficient time to approve your training approval once we receive the NESHAP number and your Fire Training form. You may submit your Firefighter Training Form without the NESHAP #, but this office will not be able to issue the approval without the NESHAP #. Please be cognizant of these time frames when planning your training exercises in order to get all of your approvals in time for your training. If you have any questions with reference to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the Mooresville Regional office at (704) 663-1699 or myself. Ryan Mills Environmental Specialist I Mooresville Regional Office Division of Air Quality 704-235-2210 rvan.milIs@,ncdenr.gov 610 East Center Avenue Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 llfpsslsnrtlCf thti. Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties