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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_4900180_20230110_PRMT_RescnLtr_Closed_R09ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secreta,y MICHAEL A. ABRACZINSKAS NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality Director Mr. Matt James Facility Manager Fellfab Corporation 1618 Landis Highway Mooresville, NC 28115 January 10, 2023 SUBJECT: Rescission Request -Cessation of Operations Application No. 4900180.23A Fellfab Corporation Facility ID: 4900180, Mooresville, Iredell County Permit No. 05929R09 Dear Mr. James: The Division of Air Quality initiated an application on January 5, 2023 for rescission of Permit No. 05929R09 based an inspection conducted on January 5, 2023 as well as an email you sent June 10, 2022 that indicated the facility would be permanently closing. Based on information on file and the application 4900180.23A the facility has ceased operations and no longer requires an air quality permit. Therefore, in accordance with your request, Air Quality Permit No. 05929R09 is hereby rescinded, effective the date of this letter. It should be noted that this exemption from permitting does not exempt Fellfab Corporation from complying with any applicable standards. Furthermore, should you decide to re-open the facility, and its operations result in emissions of air pollutants, including toxic air pollutants, an Air Quality Permit may be required, and you are required to notify this regional office prior to beginning these operations. This exemption from the permitting requirement is based upon your statement that this facility has been closed and is no longer operating. Please be advised that the operation of any air pollution emission sources which require a permit without first receiving a permit is in violation of 15A NCAC 2Q.0101, "Required Air Quality Permits." If this facility is required to obtain an Air Quality permit in the future because of air emissions, each day of operation of emission sources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Air Quality Mooresville Regional Office I 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 I Mooresville, NC 28115 704.663. 1699 TI 704.663.6040 F Mr. Matt James January 10, 2023 Page2 without an Air Quality Permit represents a separate violation. Such violations may be subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.114A. If you have any questions with reference to the above matter, please do not hesitate to contact Jennifer Manning at 704-235-2224. JAM c: Laserfiche Sincerely, lf~lJ~ Melinda Wolanin, Regional Supervisor Division of Air Quality, NCDEQ _RESCIND_ 20230110.docx Mannin , Jennifer A From: Foutz, Joe E Sent: To: Tuesday, October 18, 2022 3:32 PM Hayes, Denise; Manning, Jennifer A Subject: Fw: [External] Fellfab Mooresville Facility Plant Closing Denise, Jennifer Fellfab (4900180 -small facility) has shut down. I did a full inspection this summer. The facility was in the process of closing but they were still doing minimal operations (June 2022 email below). I just spoke with the Matt James by phone. He is the facility contact. Matt stated as of Aug 25 they are completely out of the building and a new owner of the building has taken over. I have driven by the facility several times and they appear closed (no cars, overgrown shrubs). I will prepare an official closure report based on earlier emails and my recent conversation with Matt. Joe Foutz Compliance Engineer NC DAQ -Mooresville Regional Office 704-235-2225 (o) From: Foutz, Joe E <> Sent: Friday, June 10, 2022 3:46 PM To: Matt James <> Subject: Re: [External] Fellfab Mooresville Facility Plant Closing Matt, Thanks. I will place an event on my calendar to touch base with you in mid-July. Before DAQ can rescind the air permit, I will need to come back to the facility to make sure the equipment is disconnected and/or removed. If the equipment stops operating before mid-July, please let me know and we can make arrangements to meet at the facility. Thanks Joe cell phone -704-231-5218 Joe Foutz Compliance Engineer NC DAQ -Mooresville Regional Office 1 704-235-2225 (o) From: Matt James <> Sent: Friday, June 10, 2022 2:21 PM To: Foutz, Joe E <> Subject: [External] Fellfab Mooresville Facility Plant Closing CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Joe, Per our conversation a couple days ago, the Fellfab location located at 1618 Landis Hwy, Mooresville, NC 28115 will be permanently closing no later than July 31, 2022. Please let me know if you need anything else from me. Matt James Plant Manager FELLFAB CORPORATION 1618 Landis Hwy Mooresville, NC 28115 Direct Line: (470) 344-2136 Main Office: (704) 663-4159 2