HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_0800107_20120710_ST_StkTstRpt PARTICULATE MATTER AND CARBON MONOXIDE EMISSIONS TESTING ON BIOMASS FIRED BOILERS (ID No.ESB-1,ESB-2 and ESB-3) LLONftAS Inorgy Solutions W.E.PARTNERS II,LLC 3539 Governors Road, Lewiston Woodville, North Carolina 27849 (252) 348-2700 Plant Contact Telephone Number May 10,2012 June 19,2012 Project#P-12022 ANALYTICAL TESTING CONSULTANTS, INC. 1630 Dale Earnhardt Blvd. Kannapolis,N. C. 28083 (704) 932-3193 telephone 800 733-3193 toll-free PADEP Ree.No.58-574 ( ) (704) 932-0570 facsimile tV corp(a)atc-net.net e-mail www.atc-net.net Web site L L 1 Distribution: Mr. Frankie Fox ., Qt (Three copies) # Ilifi Issue Date: Certificate#040 ° lion 6/30113 July 10, 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Introduction......................................................................................................................................3 Certificationof Results........................................................................................................3 SourceDescription...........................................................................................................................4 Particulate Emission Rate Summary................................................................................................5 CO Emission Rate Summary...........................................................................................................6 Results, Conclusions and Comments...............................................................................................7 Sampling and Analytical Procedures...............................................................................................8 References......................................................................................................................................10 Nomenclature.................................................................................................................................I I CalculationFormulae.....................................................................................................................13 Appendix........................................................................................................................................16 W.E. Partners 11, LLC (NCDENR-DAQ Compliance Test - 2012) Page 2 of 16 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of compliance particulate matter emissions testing performed on the exhaust of an Electrostatic Precipitator which services three biomass fired boilers. Facility permit 10126ROI identifies these sources as ESB-1, ESB-2 and ESB-3. Filterable particulate matter emissions were measured using US EPA reference methods 1, 2, 3a, 4, 5. The source is subject to NSPS standards contained in 40CFR60 Subpart Dc. Pursuant to Specific Condition and Limitation A.3. of Air Permit 101261101, ESB-1, ESB-2 and ESB-3 must comply with a 0.43 lb/MMBtu filterable particulate matter emission limit and 100 TPY of CO. Testing was conducted by ANALYTICAL TESTING CONSULTANTS, INC.,Kannapolis, North Carolina. Members of the test team were James Roberts,Luke Boor, Larry Kirkman, Ilya Alimov and Kent Childers. CERTIFICATION OF RESULTS "I certify under penalty of law that I believe the information provided in this document is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant civil and criminal penalties, including the possibility of fine or imprisonment or both,for submitting false, inaccurate or incomplete information." 07/10/12 KW N44u V10/12 Signature/Date Signature/Date Report Author Report Review Ilya Alimov J.Kent Childers Technical Director Sr.Project Mgr. Printed Name/Title Printed Name/Title W.E. Partners II, LLC (NCDENR-DAQ Compliance Test -2012) Page 3 of 16 SOURCE DESCRIPTION Testing was completed on three Biomass fired boilers permitted to a production/process rate of 29.4 MMBtu/hr each. Emissions from the biomass fired boiler are controlled by an electrostatic precipitator. During the emissions test the Biomass fired boilers averaged a process rate of approximately 100%. Production data collected during each emission test run is included in the Appendix. W.E.Partners II, LLC (NCDENR-DAQ Compliance Test-2012) Page 4 of 16 RESULTS SUMMARY SYSTEM W.E. Partners II, LLC Biomass Fired Boilers TEST DATE 05/10/12 PARAMETER Run #1 Run #2 Run#3 AVERAGE GENERAL QS, FLOW, ACFM 40,032 40,081 40,038 40,050 Q STD DRY, FLOW SCFM 22,062 21,838 21,782 21,894 Vm STD(ft3) 77.27 75.76 75.33 %1 94.62 93.73 93.43 PARTICULATE EMISSIONS PMRc (Ibsihr) 0.483 0.904 0.704 0.697 Cs(GR/SCFD) 0.0026 0.0048 0.0038 0.0037 PMRU(IblMMBtu) 0.0051 0.0104 0.0080 0.0079 NCDENR ALLOWABLE /b/MM Btu) 0.43 SUBPART JJJJJJ ALLOWABLE(Ib/MMBtu) 0.07 W.E. Partners II, LLC (NCDENR-DAQ Compliance Test- 2012) Page 5 of 16 Results Summary of Gaseous Emissions Testing Client: Wellons II Location: Lewiston, NC Date: 06/19/20 Source: ESP Outlet General Stack Parameters Run#1 Run#2 Run#3 Average Stack Velocity, feet per second 47.93 49.94 49.23 49.04 Actual Volumetric Air Flow Rate, 38,432 40,046 39,460 39,313 cubic feet per minute Stack moisture, percent 17.87 17.74 17.33 17.65 Stack temperature, degrees F 333.7 337.0 337.1 335.92 Standard Volumetric Air Flow Rate, dscfm 21,003 21,824 21,623 21,483 cubic feet per minute Heat Input, MMBtu/hour 88.20 91.19 88.32 89.24 Oxygen Concentration. percent 7.41 7.48 7.78 7.56 (corrected per 6c-1) Carbon Dioxide concentration, percent 13.61 13.36 13.34 13.44 (corrected per 6c-1) Measured Gaseous Pollutants Run#1 Run #2 Run#3 Average Carbon Monoxide CO, ppm v/v dry basis-corrected 413.0 412.7 453.2 426.30 CO, Ibs/hr 37.65 39.09 42.53 39.75 CO, Ibs/mmBtu 0.43 0.43 0.48 0.45 RESULTS, CONCLUSIONS AND COMMENTS W.E. Partners II, LLC (NCDENR-DAQ Compliance Test- 2012) Page 6 of 16 Results are presented in the preceding Summary. Additional information may be reviewed in the Calculations and Appendix sections of this report. During the particulate matter testing, actual velocity measurements averaged 49.95 feet per second (ft/s)through the fourty-nine and a half(49.5) inch diameter exhaust stack yielding an actual volumetric flow rate of 40,050 cubic feet per minute(acfm)for the three two hour runs. Standard flows were calculated at 21,894 scfin and were based upon an average stack moisture of 17.83%, stack temperature of 327.65'Fahrenheit, and a station (barometric)pressure of 29.70 inHg. Stack static pressure was measured at-0.25 inches of water. During the CO measurements, actual velocity measurements averaged 49.04 feet per second (ft/s)through the fourty-nine and a half(49.5) inch diameter exhaust stack yielding an actual volumetric flow rate of 39,313 cubic feet per minute(acfin) for the three one hour runs. Standard flows were calculated at 21,483 scfm and were based upon an average stack moisture of 17.65%, stack temperature of 335.920 Fahrenheit, and a station (barometric) pressure of 30.00 inHg. Stack static pressure was measured at-0.16 inches of water. Filterable particulate emissions averaged 0.697 pounds per hour(lb/hr), 0.0037 grains per dry, standard cubic foot and 0.0079 lb/MMBtu. Carbon Monoxide emissions averaged 39.75 lb/hr and 0.45 lb/MMBtu. Sampling and Data Issues No sampling, data issues or method modifications were required during this test program. W.E. Partners I1, LLC (NCDENR-DAQ Compliance Test- 2012) Page 7 of 16 SAMPLING AND ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES Particulate Emissions Sampling Particulate testing and analysis were performed according to procedures developed by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency(US EPA)and referred to as Method 5. Sampling port locations and number of test points to be used were determined according to Method 1. The above federal test methods appear in the Code of Federal Regulations(Reference 1). Test point locations and sampling port placement for velocity traverses are shown in the Appendix. Test point locations were calculated based upon a 49.5"diameter stack. Twelve points were sampled in each of the two ports for a total of twenty-four test measurement points. For particulate sampling, a standard US EPA method five all-glass sampling train(except for stainless nozzles)was utilized(probe liners and glass-to-glass connections to the impingers). Pre-tared 3" round glass fiber filters were used as the filterable particulate collection media. The condenser train consisted of four glass impingers connected sequentially; impingers 1-2 were filled with 100 mL of deionized water and impinger 3 was initially left empty and the fourth began with 300g of silica gel. The impingers were maintained at less than 68°F;All sample recovery was conducted on site. Each sample was forwarded to Enthalpy Analytical, Inc. of Durham,North Carolina for analysis. Gaseous Emissions Sampling Gaseous emissions sampling for carbon monoxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide were accomplished according to the methodologies summarized in the table below. US EPA Description Analyzer Analytical Principle Methodology Utilized 3a Instrumental determination of Servomex 02-Paramagnetic oxygen and carbon dioxide 1400B CO2-NDIR 10 Determination of carbon monoxide CAI ZRH NDIR concentrations CAI 3300A Sampling Issues There were no deviations from the planned scope of work or test methodology for this project. W.E. Partners II, LLC (NCDENR-DAQ Compliance Test-2012) Page 8 of 16 Quality Assurance Procedures The following steps were conducted to ensure the accuracy and precision of this test project. 1) All laboratory glassware was cleaned and prepped according to US EPA methodologies and ATC SOPs prior to use. 2) All sampling equipment (nozzles, pitot tubes, modules, exit gas thermometers, thermocouple bridges, etc) has primary calibrations performed on an annual schedule. 4) All sampling equipment was visually inspected prior to assembly in the shop. 5) Sampling trains were leak checked at a vacuum of no less than 15"Hg prior to the start of sampling. 6) At the conclusion of the sampling project, pitot tubes were inspected according to US EPA method 2 specifications, thermocouples calibrated, and the sampling module calibrated at test ranges. 7) All data that has been entered into an Excel spreadsheet in the field and on pre- printed ATC forms was double-checked in the office and reviewed. 8) A draft report was generated and submitted to the on-site project manager for review. W.E. Partners I1, LLC (NCDENR-DAQ Compliance Test-2012) Page 9 of 16 REFERENCES 1. CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS,Title 40, Part 60, Appendix A, July 1, 2008. W.E. Partners II, LLC(NCDENR-DAQ Compliance Test-2012) Page 10 of 16 NOMENCLATURE AN (square inches), cross sectional area of nozzle As (square feet), cross sectional area of stack Cp Pitot tube calibration coefficient, dimensionless % EA Percent excess air F (scfd/MMBtu), F factor DH (inches of water) average orifice meter reading HI (MMBtu/hr), heat input rate % I Percent isokineticity M (lb/lb mole), molecular weight of wet gas % M Percent moisture MD Mole fraction of dry gas MWD (lb/lb mole)molecular weight of dry gas N DP Number of sampling data points PATM (in Hg), local atmospheric pressure PNI (in Hg), absolute pressure in dry gas meter Ps (in Hg), absolute stack pressure Ps Gauge (inches of water), measured static stack pressure gauge PSTD (29.92 in Hg), standard pressure PMRC(lb/hr), pollutant mass rate based on concentration PMRU(lb/mmBtu), specific emission rate W.E. Partners II, LLC(NCDENR-DAQ Compliance Test-2012) Page 11 of 16 NOMENCLATURE (continued) Dp (inches of water), velocity pressure QS (ft3/min.), actual stack volume flow rate QSTD (ft3/min.), stack volume flow rate at standard Conditions Time(min) duration of test TM (°R), average dry gas meter temperature Ts (°R), average stack temperature TSTD (528 °R), standard temperature VLQ (ml), liquid volume VM (ft), sample volume measured by dry gas meter VMSTD (ft), Sample volume at standard conditions Vs (ft/sec), stack velocity WSTD (ft), volume of water vapor collected, corrected to standard conditions WT (grams), total weight of particulate collected W.E. Partners Il, LLC (NCDENR-DAQ Compliance Test- 2012) Page 12 of 16 CALCULATION FORMULAE 1. Absolute pressure lat the dry gas meter, Pm Pm =Pbo.fl dHJ 13.6 2. Absolute stack pressure, PS Ps =Pb.,± Pg (13.6) 3. Sample volume at standard conditions, Vm(Std) Oh Pbar+13.6 V.(std) =Kl X V.X Y X Tm =Yx(V.x528xP.)l(T.x29.92) _ 528°R K' 29.92inHg 4. Volume of water collected, corrected to standard conditions, Vv(std) Vv(vd) =Vv(vd)w+Vv(std)sg Vv(sd)w =0.04706 ft3 x 29.92o Hg x ml m1 528 R K(nd)g =0.04715 fy3 x 29.92o Hg x ml Jm�1 528 R 5. Total sample volume at standard conditions, Vstd Kod =V,.(sd)+K(vd) 6. Percent moisture in stack gas, %M %M= V"(S,d) x 100 ys d) 7. Mole Fraction of the dry gas, MD MD= (100—%M) 100 W.E.Partners I1, LLC (NCDENR-DAQ Compliance Test-2012) Page 13 of 16 CALCULATION FORMULAE (continued) 8. Molecular weight of the Dry Gas, MWD MWD=0.440(%CO2)+0.320(%02)+0.280(0/,N2+%CO) 9. Molecular weight of stack gas,wet basis,g/g-mole(lb/lb-mole), M M=Alf WDxMD+18(1—MD) 10. Stack velocity, VS F(T,-hVS =Kp X Cp Apx 11. Average stack gas dry volumetric flow rate, Qstd dry Q,s(d,y) =17.647x60xMDxVSxAx Ps TS 12. Pollutant mass rate, concentration basis, lbs/hr 0.13231b—min PMRC= x grams x Qa,d-Vs,d gram—hr 13. Percent Isokineticity I_ 100Ts[K3V,,+(V.Y/TmXPbQ,+Ah/13.6)] 60xOxVsxPSxA„ 14. %Excess Air %EA= (%OZ —0.5%CO) x 100 (0.264 x%N2)—%02+0.5 x%CO W.E. Partners 11, LLC (NCDENR-DAQ Compliance Test-2012) Page 14 of 16 CALCULATION FORMULAE (continued) 15. Dry Gas Meter Check vz Y _ 100.0319Tm V n Pbar 16. Heat Input Rate, mmBtu/hr HI— 60 min/hr x dscf/min x 20.9—%O2 dscf/mmBtu 20.9 17. Specific emission rate, lbs/mmBtu PMRU= PMRC HI 18. Modified Carrier Equation for Prediction of Stack Moisture with a Wet Bulb Thermometer (6.6911 3144 %M= 100 10` R+390.86] _(0.000367XPSXTd—T,y 1+T„,—32 P 1571 ] s 19. Correction of Gas Concentrations for Calibration Error, Equation 6c-1 Cma Cg. =r—Ca 20. VOC Emission Rate as (compound specified by molecular weight) ppmvd x M g 3 1bsC1 = g—mole x 1 x 10 mg x Q x 3.75e-06 hr 22.414 liters x 103 m3 x 293.15a K 1 x 106 ppm g stddry g—mole liter 273.150 K 3.75e-06 = 0.00221bs x g x 60min x m3 g 1000mg hour 35.315 ft3 W.E. Partners II, LLC (NCDENR-DAQ Compliance Test-2012) Page 15 of 16 APPENDIX EPA Method 205 Dilution Verification EPA Method 205 Raw Data Analyzer Calibration Records Raw CEM Data CEM Corrections PM Data Reduction Spreadsheets Field Data Sheets Laboratory Data Calibrations Reference Gas Certificates of Analysis LELAP Laboratory Accreditation Process Operating Parameters W.E. Partners II, LLC (NCDENR-DAQ Compliance Test-2012) Page 16 of 16 Dilution System Verification US EPA Method 205-40CFR51,Appendix M ATC Project No. P-12022 Client: Wellons Instrument Used: CAI 200 Location: Lewiston,NC High Level Gas Type: Oxygen in Nitrogen Date: 6/18/2012 Gas Concentration: 20.9% (Cylinder No.SX-44943 exp.8/26/13 Technicians : KC US EPA Method(s): 3A Cylinder Number Gas Type Protocol Gas Concentration Actual Reading(ppm or%) IF Average within±2% 1 2 3 Response Precision Accuracy S Mid-level audit 1" 11 10.72 1 10.68 1 10.70 IL 10.70 MFC Dilution Trial(record reading in ppm or%) Average Within+2% Dilution Number - Flowrate Concentration 1 2 3 Response Precision Accuracy 1 3,000 10.0 10.03 10.05 10.05 10.04 0.13% 0.43% 2 3,000 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.50 0.00% 0.00% 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Precision-Calculate the%difference between the average response and the individual reading that most deviates. Accuracy-Calculate the%difference between the average response and the predicted response. QA/QC Check: Completeness Legibility Accuracy Specifications Reasonableness KC 6/19/12 Signatures: Technician(Signature/Date) Project Manager(Signature/Date) ATC Form 176-version 4.0(7/13/2007) ATC @(800)733-3193 Page 1 of 3 Analytical Testing Consultants, Inc. CEM Data Parameter 02 Units 18-Jun-12 18:11:19 9.03 18-Jun-12 18:11:49 8.46 18-Jun-12 18:12:19 8.27 18-Jun-12 18:12:49 8.05 18-Jun-12 18:13:19 8.00 18-Jun-12 18:13:49 8.04 18-Jun-12 18:14:20 4.95 18-Jun-12 18:14:49 0.24 18-Jun-12 18:15:19 7.51 18-Jun-12 18:15:49 9.55 18 Jun 12 18:16.:1 9 2.59 18-Jun-12 18:16:49 5.12 18-Jun-12 18:17:20 0.68 Start Direct Calibrations 02 18-Jun-12 18:17:49 0.58 18-Jun-12 18:18:20 0.06 18-Jun-12 18:18:49 0.05 18-Jun-12 18:19:56 0.04 Direct Zero 3 18-Jun-12 18:19:57 0.04 18-Jun-12 18:20:19 4.39 18-Jun-12 18:20:49 17.83 18-Jun-12 18:21:20 21.24 18-Jun-12 18:21:49 21.34 18-Jun-12 18:22:19 20.91 02 Direct Span(26.90 18-Jun-12 18:22:49 20.93 18-Jun-12 18:2 3:19 18.84 18-Jun-12 18:2 3:4 9 15.6 0 18-Jun-12 18:24:19 12.3 8 Page 2 of 3 Analytical Testing Consultants, Inc. CEM Data Parameter 02 Units 18-Jun-12 18:24:50 15.3 2 18-Jun-12 18:25:19 15.32 18-Jun-12 18:25:49 15.32 18-Jun-12 18:26:19 15.33 18-Jun-12 18:26:49 11.17 18-Jun-12 18:2 7:2 2 10.04 18-Jun-12 18:27:49 10.04 18-Jun-12 18:2 8:19 10.42 18-Jun-12 18:28:50 10.75 18-Jun-12 18:29:32 10.75 02 Direct Mid(10.7 18-Jun-12 18:29:49 10.75 18-Jun-12 18:30:21 13.12 18-Jun-12 18:30:49 1.56 Start 205 Dilution Verticatioin Check 18-Jun-12 18:31:19 4.22 18-Jun-12 18:31:49 8.89 18-Jun-12 18:32:19 9.29 18-Jun-12 18:33:40 9.99 18-Jun-12 18:33:41 10.03 02 Dilution(10%)No 1 18-Jun-12 18:33:49 10.05 18-Jun-12 18:34:19 13.3 8 18-Jun-12 18:34:53 7.90 18-Jun-12 18:35:19 2.57 18-Jun-12 18:35:50 2.51 18-Jun-12 18:36:19 2.50 02 Dilution 18-Jun-12 18:36:50 2.50 18-Jun-12 18:37:19 3.39 18-Jun-12 18:37:49 7.08 18-Jun-12 18:38:19 9.80 18-Jun-12 18:38:49 9.98 18-Jun-12 18:39:19 10.03 18-Jun-12 18:39:50 10.05 02 Dilution(10%)No 2 18-Jun-12 18:4 0:19 10.0 6 18-Jun-12 18:40:50 9.88 18-Jun-12 18:41:19 3.91 18-Jun-12 18:41:49 2.58 18-Jun-12 18:42:19 2.52 18-Jun-12 18:42:49 2.51 18-Jun-12 18:43:20 2.50 02 Dilution(2.5%)No 2 18-Jun-12 18:43:50 2.50 18-Jun-12 18:44:19 2.62 18-Jun-12 18:44:49 5.89 18-Jun-12 18:45:19 9.64 Page 3 of 3 Analytical Testing Consultants, Inc. CEM Data Parameter 02 Units 18-Jun-12 18:45:49 9.95 18-Jun-12 18:46:19 10.02 18-Jun-12 18:46:49 10.05 02 Dilution(10%)'No 3 18-Jun-12 18:4 7:2 0 10.06 18-Jun-12 18:47:49 10.07 18-Jun-12 18:48:19 10.07 18-Jun-12 18:48:49 10.08 18-Jun-12 18:49:19 5.72 18-Jun-12 18:49:49 2.65 18-Jun-12 18:50:19 2.52 18-Jun-12 18:50:49 2.51 18-Jun-12 18:51:20 2.50 02 Dilution(2.5%)No 3 18-Jun-12 18:51:49 2.50 18-Jun-12 18:52:19 4.05 18-Jun-12 18:52:4 9 10.61 18-Jun-12 18:53:19 10.73 18-Jun-12 18:53:49 10.73 18-Jun-12 18:54:19 10.72 02(10.7%)Audit No 1 18-Jun-12 18:54:49 5.99 18-Jun-12 18:55:20 3.23 18-Jun-12 18:55:49 0.05 18-Jun-12 18:56:19 7.08 18-Jun-12 18:56:49 9.64 18-Jun-12 18:5 7:19 10.41 18-Jun-12 18:57:49 10.63 18-Jun-12 18:58:20 10.68 02(10.7%)Audit No 2 18-Jun-12 18:58:49 10.69 18-Jun-12 18:59:20 5.67 18-Jun-12 18:59:49 0.43 18-Jun-12 19:00:19 0.35 18-Jun-12 19:00:49 3.29 18-Jun-12 19:01:19 8.52 18-Jun-12 19:01:49 10.63 18-Jun-12 19:02:20 10.70 02(10.7%)Audit No 3 18-Jun-12 19:02:49 10.69 18-Jun-12 19:03:20 5.67 18-Jun-12 19:03:49 0.76 18-Jun-12 19:04:19 0.19 18-Jun-12 19:04:49 0.16 SYSTEM CALIBRATION ERROR DATA Client: Wellons Location: Lewiston,NC Date: 6/19/12 Project No.: 120 Calibration Gas: CO in N2(502 ppm) Cylinder No.:SX 50135 Exp.Date: 5/26/14 Cylinder Pressure(psi): US EPA Method: 10 Analyzer ID: CAI Was instrument stable prior to beginning calibrations?Yes Initial Analyzer Direct Calibration usin!Dilution System Dilution Target Level Instrument Direct Difference Allowable Difference Range Response Specification tppm or%) (ppm or%) (ppm or%) (am or%) Low Range(Zero) 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 t2%of span Mid Range 250.00 249.17 0.83 10.00 f2%of span-3a,6c,7e,10 High Range(S an) 500.00 498.32 0.68 10.00 f2%of Span-3a,6c,7e,10 Initial and Post System Bias and Drift Checks Instrument Direct Run Time Response System Response System Bias SNstcm Bias Calibration Drift Calibration Drift (24 Hour m or% m or% m or% ( ercent error) (ppm or'%,) ( ercent error) Clock) Zero Midscale Zero Midscale Zero Midscale Zero 5lidscale Zero Midscale Zero Jlidscale Pre 0.00 249.17 1.50 248.50 1.50 0.67 0.30% 0.13% Run 1 0.00 249.17 0.51 250.53 0.51 1.36 0.10% 0.27% 0.99 2.03 0.20% 0.41% Run 2 0.00 249.17 1.89 247.88 1.89 1.29 0.38% 0.26% 1.38 2.65 0.28% 0.53% Run 3 0.00 249.17 0.36 250.29 0.36 1.12 0.07% 0.22% 1.53 2.41 0.31% 0.48% Specification-System Bias:must be within±5%of calibration span;Calibration Drift:must be within t3%of span of previous System Response Field Notes: OA/OC Check Completeness Legibility A ccu,w i, Speclf-adons Reasonableness Kent Childers 6/19/12 Technician(Signawr&Vate) Data Review(.4ignatarelDate) F:\WORK\Client Files\Wellons\Lewiston NC CO Compliance\Wellon System Calibration Error Data CO SYSTEM CALIBRATION ERROR DATA Client: Wellons Location: Lewiston,NC Date: 6/19/12 Project No.: 12022 Calibration Gas: 02 in N2 Cylinder No.:SX 44943 Exp.Date: 8/26/13 Cylinder Pressure(psi): US EPA Method: 3A Analyzer ID: CAI Was instrument stable prior to beginning calibrations?Yes Initial Analyzer Direct Calibration using Dilution S. stem Dilution Target Level Instrument Direct Difference Allowable Difference Range Response Specification (ppm or%) (ppm or%) ( pm or%) (Rpm or%) Low Range(Zero) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 :U%of span Mid Range 10.00 10.06 0.06 0.42 t2%of Span-3a,6c,7e,10 High Ran e S an) 20.90 20.90 0.00 0.42 t2%of Span-3a,6c,7e,10 Initial and Post System Bias and Drift Checks Run Time Instrument Direct System Response System Bias System Bias Calibration Drift Calibration Drift (24 Hour Response Clock) (pp-or% m or% m or% erceuterror m or% (percent error) Zero Midscale Zero Midscale Zero Midscale Zero Midscale Zero Midscale Zero I Midscale Pre 0.00 10.06 0.02 9.98 0.02 0.08 0.10% 0.38% Run 1 0.00 10.06 0.07 9.98 0.07 0.08 0.33% 0.38% 0.05 0.00 0.24% 0.00% Run 2 0.00 10.06 0.01 10.01 0.01 0.05 0.05% 0.24% 0.06 0.03 0.29% 0.14% Run 3 0.00 10.06 0.03 10.02 0.03 0.04 0.14% 0.19% 0.02 0.01 0.10% 0.05% Specification-System Bias:must be within t5%of calibration span;Calibration Drift:must be within t3%of span of previous System Response Field Notes: OA/OC Check Conwieteness Legibility Accuracy Specifications Reasonableness Kent Childers 6/19/12 Technician(SignatureDate) Data Review(SignuturelDate) F:\WORK\Client Files\Wellons\Lewiston NC CO Compliance\Welton System Calibration Error Data 02 SYSTEM CALIBRATION ERROR DATA Client: Wellons Location: Lewiston,NC Date: 6/19/12 Project No.: 12022 Calibration Gas: CO2 in N2 Cylinder No.:SX 52242 Exp.Date: 5/17/14 Cylinder Pressure(psi): US EPA Method: 3A Analyzer ID: CAI Was instrument stable prior to beginning calibrations? Yes Initial Analyzer Direct Calibration usine Dilution System Dilution Target Level Instrument Direct Difference Allowable Difference Range Response Specification (ppm or%) (ppm or%) (ppm or%) (opm or%) Low Range Zero) 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.39 t2%of Span Mid Range 10.00 9.98 0.02 0.39 f2%of Span-3a,6c,%10 High Range(Span) 19.60 19.60 0.00 0.39 t2%of Span-3a,6c,7e,10 Initial and Post System Bias and Drift Checks Instrument Direct Run Time Response System Response tiystcm Bias System Bias Calibration Drift Calibration Drift (24 Hour m or% m or%) m or% ( ercent error) ( i im or%) (percent error) Clock) Zero Midscale Zero Midscale Zero Midscale Zero Midscale Zero Midscale Zero 'Midscale Pre 0.01 9.98 0.03 10.02 0.02 0.04 0.10% 0.20% Runt 1 0.01 9.98 0.07 9.95 0.06 0.03 0.31% 0.15% 0.04 0.07 0.20% 0.36% Rum 2 0.01 9.98 0.00 10.01 0.01 0.03 0.05% 0.15% 0.07 0.06 0.36% 0.31% Zen 3 0.01 9.98 0.06 10.06 0.05 0.08 0.26% 0.41% 0.06 0.05 0.31% 0.26% Specification-System Bias:must be within f5%of calibration span;Calibration Drift:must be within t3%of span of previous System Response Field Notes: OA/OC Check Conrpteleners Legibmuy Accuracy Specifications Reasonablenec, Kent Childers 6/19/12 Technician(Signalure/Dale) Data Review(Signatare4hite) F:\WORK\Client Files\Wellons\Lewiston NC CO Compliance\Wellon System Calibration Error Data CO2 Page 1 of 12 Analytical Testing Consultants, Inc. Wellons CEM Data Lewiston,NC Parameter 02 CO2 CO Units % % ppm 19-Jun-12 10:40:08 20.13 0.18 8.25 19-Jun-12 10:40:25 20.79 0.18 8.24 19-Jun-12 10:40:55 20.79 0.18 8.34 19-Jun-12 10:41:26 20.73 0.08 8.11 19-Jun-12 10:41:55 15.68 -0.03 7.91 19-Jun-12 10:42:25 20.53 0.01 7.39 19-Jun-12 10:42:56 9.93 -0.07 7.53 19-Jun-12 10:43:26 0.25 -0.12 7.35 Begin Direct Calibrations 19-Jun-12 10:43:55 0.03 -0.09 7.39 19-Jun-12 10:44:25 0.00 -0.01 4.81 19-Jun-12 10:44:56 0.00 -0.01 1.87 Direct 02 CO CO2 Zero 19-Jun-12 10:45:25 0.32 -0.01 1.11 19-Jun-12 10:45:55 14.75 0.07 1.31 19-Jun-12 10:46:25 19.43 0.00 1.89 19-Jun-12 10:46:55 20.75 -0.01 1.93 19-Jun-12 10:47:25 20.90 -0.01 2.07 Direct 02 Span(20.9%) 19-Jun-12 10:47:55 20.93 0.00 2.18 19-Jun-12 10:48:25 12.16 -0.01 2.01 19-Jun-12 10:48:55 10.08 -0.01 2.00 19-Jun-12 10:49:25 10.06 -0.01 1.87 Direct 02 Mid(10.0%) 19-Jun-12 10:49:55 13.29 0.03 2.04 19-Jun-12 10:50:29 11.56 6.87 2.46 19-Jun-12 10:50:55 0.30 20.63 1.89 19-Jun-12 10:51:25 0.00 19.48 2.01 19-Jun-12 10:51:55 -0.04 19.60 2.22 Direct CO2 Mid(19.6%) 19-Jun-12 10:52:25 2.50 17.10 2.33 19-Jun-12 10:52:55 0.18 12.43 1.93 19-Jun-12 10:53:25 -0.03 9.67 1.47 19-Jun-12 10:53:55 -0.03 9.64 1.51 19-Jun-12 10:54:25 -0.03 9.96 1.45 19-Jun-12 10:54:55 -0.03 9.98 1.37 Direct CO2 Mid(10.0%) �, ` 19-Jun-12 10:55:25 11.58 3.85 1.47 19-Jun-12 10:55:55 18.60 1.80 1.24 19-Jun-12 10:56:25 12.15 1.81 185.47 19-Jun-12 10:56:55 2.51 0.28 496.75 19-Jun-12 10:57:25 0.00 0.04 511.44 19-Jun-12 10:57:56 0.00 0.02 498.32 Direct COS an 5Q0 m 19-Jun-12 10:58:25 0.94 0.03 498.69 19-Jun-12 10:58:55 0.17 0.03 363.16 19-Jun-12 10:59:25 -0.01 0.02 251.13 19-Jun-12 10:59:56 -0.01 0.02 249.17 Direct CO Mid(250 ppm) x 19-Jun-12 11:00:25 17.10 0.12 249.27 19-Jun-12 11:01:34 20.73 0.14 249.21 19-Jun-12 11:01:35 20.73 0.13 249.21 Start System Calibrationsmm 19-Jun-12 11:01:56 15.56 0.07 105.93 19-Jun-12 11:02:25 9.55 0.06 106.49 19-Jun-12 11:02:55 1.24 0.04 214.09 19-Jun-12 11:03:25 0.50 0.03 236.28 19-Jun-12 11:03:56 0.30 0.03 231.39 19-Jun-12 11:04:25 0.17 0.03 235.07 19-Jun-12 11:04:55 0.13 0.03 235.70 19-Jun-12 11:05:26 0.18 0.03 236.24 Page 2 of 12 Analytical Testing Consultants, Inc. Wellons CEM Data Lewiston,NC Parameter 02 CO2 CO Units % % ppm 19-Jun-12 11:05:56 0.11 0.03 239.10 19-Jun-12 11:06:25 0.05 0.03 240.39 19-Jun-12 11:06:55 0.03 0.03 240.67 19-Jun-12 11:07:26 0.03 0.03 240.70 19-Jun-12 11:07:55 0.03 0.03 245.23 19-Jun-12 11:08:25 0.02 0.03 248.50 System 02/CO2 Zero/CO Mid(250 ppr 19-Jun-12 11:09:16 0.02 0.03 246.77 19-Jun-12 11:09:25 9.95 0.06 125.31 19-Jun-12 11:09:55 9.24 0.05 81.85 19-Jun-12 11:10:25 9.27 0.04 18.35 19-Jun-12 11:10:55 9.56 0.04 9.90 19-Jun-12 11:11:25 9.87 0.04 6.68 19-Jun-12 11:11:55 9.95 0.04 4.95 19-Jun-12 11:12:25 9.97 0.04 4.27 19-Jun-12 11:12:55 9.98 0.04 3.93 System 02 Mid(10.0%) 19-Jun-12 11:13:25 9.28 1.13 3.37 19-Jun-12 11:13:55 2.64 7.57 2.19 19-Jun-12 11:14:25 0.55 9.36 1.56 System Zero CO 19-Jun-12 11:14:55 0.17 9.92 1.56 19-Jun-12 11:15:25 0.07 10.02 1.50 System CO2 Mid(10%) y 19-Jun-12 11:15:55 0.03 10.04 1.57 19-Jun-12 11:16:25 0.01 10.02 1.76 19-Jun-12 11:16:55 0.05 5.94 1.91 19-Jun-12 11:17:25 0.02 0.96 2.48 19-Jun-12 11:17:55 1.77 0.49 2.50 19-Jun-12 11:18:25 15.90 0.45 2.86 19-Jun-12 11:18:55 19.87 0.27 2.97 19-Jun-12 11:19:25 20.38 0.20 2.85 19-Jun-12 11:19:55 20.49 0.19 2.90 19-Jun-12 11:20:26 20.56 0.18 2.77 19-Jun-12 11:20:55 20.60 0.16 2.59 19-Jun-12 11:21:25 20.28 0.70 14.24 19-Jun-12 11:21:55 11.61 9.57 230.42 19-Jun-12 11:22:26 8.03 12.84 326.72 19-Jun-12 11:22:55 7.58 13.33 302.57 19-Jun-12 11:23:25 7.54 13.38 324.11 19-Jun-12 11:23:55 7.58 13.36 346.14 19-Jun-12 11:24:26 7.56 13.38 364.37 19-Jun-12 11:24:55 7.49 13.45 397.78 19-Jun-12 11:25:25 7.45 13.49 346.38 19-Jun-12 11:2555 7.42 13.52 354.18 Stara Run 1 (11:25) 19-Jun-12 11:26:26 7.40 13.54 371.59 19-Jun-12 11:26:55 7.48 13.45 399.25 19-Jun-12 11:27:25 7.56 13.38 346.29 19-Jun-12 11:27:56 7.52 13.42 336.03 19-Jun-12 11:28:26 7.51 13.42 357.47 19-Jun-12 11:28:55 7.61 13.33 368.03 19-Jun-12 11:29:25 7.64 13.30 349.53 19-Jun-12 11:29:56 7.63 13.31 370.08 19-Jun-12 11:30:25 7.59 13.35 385.48 19-Jun-12 11:30:55 7.55 13.39 389.09 19-Jun-12 11:31:25 7.47 13.47 403.03 Page 3 of 12 Analytical Testing Consultants, Inc. Wellons CEM Data Lewiston,NC Parameter 02 CO2 CO Units % % ppm 19-Jun-12 11:31:55 7.39 13.54 424.95 19-Jun-12 11:32:25 7.38 13.55 453.12 19-Jun-12 11:32:55 7.45 13.48 413.92 19-Jun-12 11:33:25 7.54 13.40 363.83 19-Jun-12 11:33:55 7.51 13.43 392.59 19-Jun-12 11:34:25 7.49 13.44 422.59 19-Jun-12 11:34:55 7.65 13.27 449.58 19-Jun-12 11:35:25 7.86 13.08 399.71 19-Jun-12 11:35:55 7.85 13.09 409.77 19-Jun-12 11:36:25 7.88 13.07 437.46 19-Jun-12 11:36:55 7.85 13.09 431.02 19-Jun-12 11:37:25 7.72 13.23 426.35 19-Jun-12 11:37:55 7.41 13.54 437.07 19-Jun-12 11:38:25 7.32 13.62 458.37 19-Jun-12 11:38:55 7.30 13.63 470.48 19-Jun-12 11:39:25 7.37 13.56 422.02 19-Jun-12 11:39:55 7.41 13.53 464.47 19-Jun-12 11:40:25 7.39 13.53 393.79 19-Jun-12 11:40:55 7.44 13.50 385.29 19-Jun-12 11:41:25 7.40 13.55 448.51 19-Jun-12 11:41:55 7.42 13.51 455.37 19-Jun-12 11:42:25 7.48 13.48 459.03 19-Jun-12 11:42:56 7.53 13.42 448.74 19-Jun-12 11:43:25 7.44 13.52 455.36 19-Jun-12 11:43:55 7.33 13.62 435.45 19-Jun-12 11:44:25 7.26 13.70 473.53 19-Jun-12 11:44:56 7.27 13.68 416.04 19-Jun-12 11:45:25 7.30 13.66 455.62 19-Jun-12 11:45:55 7.25 13.70 459.54 19-Jun-12 11:46:25 7.29 13.67 421.19 19-Jun-12 11:46:56 7.40 13.57 377.05 19-Jun-12 11:47:25 7.46 13.51 374.22 19-Jun-12 11:47:55 7.41 13.56 411.87 19-Jun-12 11:48:25 7.47 13.49 392.82 19-Jun-12 11:48:56 7.51 13.47 359.89 19-Jun-12 11:49:25 7.55 13.43 412.94 19-Jun-12 11:49:55 7.45 13.52 407.78 19-Jun-12 11:50:26 7.46 13.53 337.20 19-Jun-12 11:50:56 7.35 13.64 361.23 19-Jun-12 11:51:25 7.26 13.72 383.03 19-Jun-12 11:51:55 7.20 13.77 432.83 19-Jun-12 11:52:26 7.26 13.71 362.07 19-Jun-12 11:52:55 7.29 13.68 392.75 19-Jun-12 11:53:25 7.30 13.67 418.90 19-Jun-12 11:53:55 7.37 13.60 418.63 19-Jun-12 11:54:25 7.45 13.55 439.47 19-Jun-12 11:54:55 7.34 13.65 430.73 19-Jun-12 11:55:25 7.40 13.59 403.42 19-Jun-12 11:55:55 7.38 13.61 403.75 19-Jun-12 11:56:25 7.45 13.54 409.79 19-Jun-12 11:56:55 7.50 13.51 394.56 19-Jun-12 11:57:25 7.39 13.61 380.35 Page 4 of 12 Analytical Testing Consultants, Inc. Wellons CEM Data Lewiston,NC Parameter 02 CO2 CO Units % % ppm 19-Jun-12 11:57:55 7.37 13.63 401.93 19-Jun-12 11:58:25 7.40 13.60 399.85 19-Jun-12 11:58:55 7.45 13.54 415.65 19-Jun-12 11:59:25 7.56 13.43 405.37 19-Jun-12 11:59:55 7.77 13.22 399.71 19-Jun-12 12:00:25 7.83 13.16 458.47 19-Jun-12 12:00:55 7.75 13.24 457.65 19-Jun-12 12:01:25 7.79 13.20 405.61 19-Jun-12 12:01:56 7.82 13.17 459.00 19-Jun-12 12:02:25 7.92 13.07 469.28 19-Jun-12 12:02:55 7.88 13.13 480.28 19-Jun-12 12:03:25 7.69 13.32 484.50 19-Jun-12 12:03:55 7.55 13.45 427.40 19-Jun-12 12:04:25 7.48 13.53 365.89 19-Jun-12 12:04:55 7.40 13.61 383.73 19-Jun-12 12:05:25 7.29 13.72 382.88 19-Jun-12 12:05:55 7.20 13.80 446.06 19-Jun-12 12:06:25 7.13 13.86 417.23 19-Jun-12 12:06:55 7.04 13.95 415.30 19-Jun-12 12:07:25 7.03 13.96 349.79 19-Jun-12 12:07:55 6.89 14.11 390.29 19-Jun-12 12:08:25 6.96 14.03 384.22 19-Jun-12 12:08:55 7.04 13.95 362.87 19-Jun-12 12:09:25 7.21 13.78 372.89 19-Jun-12 12:09:55 7.31 13.69 345.93 19-Jun-12 12:10:25 7.31 13.69 316.51 19-Jun-12 12:10:55 7.44 13.55 346.76 19-Jun-12 12:11:25 7.50 13.51 310.83 19-Jun-12 12:11:55 7.58 13.42 349.46 19-Jun-12 12:12:25 7.72 13.27 442.02 19-Jun-12 12:12:55 7.81 13.18 424.46 19-Jun-12 12:13:25 7.72 13.30 376.42 19-Jun-12 12:13:55 7.51 13.49 419.93 19-Jun-12 12:14:25 7.52 13.49 444.19 19-Jun-12 12:14:55 7.45 13.55 495.72 19-Jun-12 12:15:25 7.26 13.75 500.79 19-Jun-12 12:15:55 7.13 13.87 468.96 19-Jun-12 12:16:25 7.03 13.97 475.43 19-Jun-12 12:16:55 6.83 14.18 429.49 19-Jun-12 12:17:25 6.82 14.19 420.69 19-Jun-12 12:17:55 6.76 14.25 451.03 19-Jun-12 12:18:25 6.86 14.14 417.50 19-Jun-12 12:18:55 6.83 14.19 385.63 19-Jun-12 12:19:25 6.86 14.14 380.04 19-Jun-12 12:20:01 7.06 13.93 413.33 19-Jun-12 12:20:26 7.22 13.77 425.50 19-Jun-12 12:20:55 7.38 13.62 389.60 19-Jun-12 12:21:25 7.56 13.45 400.51 19-Jun-12 12:21:55 7.65 13.37 424.16 19-Jun-12 12:22:26 7.60 13.42 448.85 19-Jun-12 12:22:55 7.57 13.45 431.05 19-Jun-12 12:23:25 7.56 13.46 375.77 Page 5 of 12 Analytical Testing Consultants, Inc. wellons CEM Data Lewiston,NC Parameter 02 CO2 CO Units % % ppm 19-Jun-12 12:23:55 7.35 13.68 358.18 19-Jun-12 12:24:26 7.14 13.87 440.68 Run 1 Averages 19-Jun-12 12:24:55 7.07 13.93 523.71 02 CO2 CO 19-Jun-12 12:25:25 7.06 13.95 458.20 7,41 13,57 411.58 .02 3 19 Jun-12 12:25:55 7 1 .98 453.46 End Run 1 19-Jun-12 12:26:25 7.07 13.94 492.80 19-Jun-12 12:26:55 7.12 13.88 397.29 19-Jun-12 12:27:25 7.06 13.95 451.93 19-Jun-12 12:28:03 7.07 13.94 426.44 19-Jun-12 12:28:26 7.27 13.74 404.34 19-Jun-12 12:28:55 7.31 13.63 382.11 19-Jun-12 12:29:25 3.15 4.94 134.36 19-Jun-12 12:29:55 0.46 1.07 26.53 19-Jun-12 12:30:25 0.28 0.79 18.56 19-Jun-12 12:30:55 0.23 0.73 16.25 19-Jun-12 12:31:25 0.18 0.63 13.29 19-Jun-12 12:31:55 0.14 0.56 11.01 19-Jun-12 12:32:25 0.11 0.20 9.28 19-Jun-12 12:32:55 0.10 0.17 8.02 19-Jun-12 12:33:25 0.07 0.12 6.01 02 Zero 19-Jun-12 12:33:55 0.06 0.07 1.30 CO2 Zero 19-Jun-12 12:34:25 0.05 0.08 2.04 19-Jun-12 12:34:55 0.04 0.04 0.51 CO Zero 19-Jun-12 12:35:27 0.94 1.92 67.83 19-Jun-12 12:35:55 0.69 7.57 38.00 19-Jun-12 12:36:25 0.19 9.03 10.28 19-Jun-12 12:36:55 0.09 9.31 3.91 19-Jun-12 12:37:26 0.04 9.40 0.97 19-Jun-12 12:37:55 0.01 9.58 -0.90 19-Jun-12 12:38:25 -0.01 9.94 -1.90 19-Jun-12 12:38:55 -0.02 9.95 -2.45 19-Jun-12 12:39:25 -0.02 9.95 -2.68 CO 2 Mid(10%) 19-Jun-12 12:39:55 2.06 8.81 53.64 19-Jun-12 12:40:38 7.87 1.98 10.75 19-Jun-12 12:40:55 9.50 0.50 0.67 19-Jun-12 12:41:25 9.62 0.37 -0.14 19-Jun-12 12:41:55 9.71 0.25 -0.75 19-Jun-12 12:42:25 9.76 0.19 -0.99 19-Jun-12 12:42:56 9.81 0.13 -1.28 19-Jun-12 12:43:25 9.89 0.08 -1.90 19-Jun-12 12:43:55 9.98 0.03 -2.28 02 MId(10%) .3y ..a 19-Jun-12 12:44:25 9.99 0.01 -2.44 19-Jun-12 12:44:56 9.85 -0.01 -2.70 19-Jun-12 12:45:25 4.50 1.73 56.72 19-Jun-12 12:45:55 3.01 3.16 106.51 19-Jun-12 12:46:25 0.21 0.11 242.80 19-Jun-12 12:46:56 0.11 0.75 251.76 19-Jun-12 12:47:25 0.58 0.69 250.53 CO Mid(250 ppm)' 19-Jun-12 12:47:55 4.72 6.94 258.29 19-Jun-12 12:48:25 7.62 13.16 327.47 19-Jun-12 12:48:55 7.56 13.29 449.97 19-Jun-12 12:49:25 7.40 13.47 441.75 19-Jun-12 12:49:55 7.33 13.54 494.33 19-Jun-12 12:50:25 7.35 13.51 500.03 19-Jun-12 12:50:55 7.37 13.50 475.01 19-Jun-12 12:51:25 4.31 7.21 232.73 Page 6 of 12 Analytical Testing Consultants, Inc. Wellons CEM Data Lewiston,NC Parameter 02 CO2 CO Units % % PPm 19-Jun-12 12:51:55 3.73 7.01 228.79 19-Jun-12 12:52:25 2.19 4.01 126.77 19-Jun-12 12:52:55 5.73 11.52 388.20 19-Jun-12 12:53:25 3.50 6.35 256.41 19-Jun-12 12:53:55 4.30 8.67 259.95 19-Jun-12 12:54:25 6.82 12.83 384.13 19-Jun-12 12:54:55 7.16 13.32 427.96 19-Jun-12 12:55:25 7.35 13.36 454.79 19-Jun-12 12:55:55 7.41 13.38 461.38 19-Jun-12 12:56:25 7.34 13.48 459.12 19-Jun-12 12:56:55 7.28 13.55 409.56 19-Jun-12 12:57:25 7.29 13.55 412,13 19-Jun-12 12:57:55 7.19 13.66 464.80 19-Jun-12 12:58:25 7.15 13.69 426.90 19-Jun-12 12:58:55 7.19 13,66 384.56 19-Jun-12 12:59:25 7.13 13.71 433.11 19-Jun-12 12:59:55 6.98 13.86 382.79 19-Jun-12 13:00:25 6.96 13.87 356.85 19-Jun-12 13:00:55 7.01 13.81 383.11 19-Jun-12 13:01:25 7.16 13.67 438.05 19-Jun-12 13:01:55 7.23 13.60 414.20 19-Jun-12 13:02:25 7.28 13.54 385.66 19-Jun-12 13:02:55 7.43 13.40 452.58 19-Jun-12 13:03:25 7.56 13.26 405.57 19-Jun-12 13:03:55 7.70 13.13 414.79 19-Jun-12 13:04:25 7.74 13.10 445.88 19-Jun-12 13:04:55 7.59 13.24 462.28 19-Jun-12 13:05:26 7.62 13.21 466.59 19-Jun-12 13:05:55 7.58 13.25 448.79 19-Jun-12 13:06:25 7.44 13.40 427.41 19-Jun-12 13:06:55 7.27 13.56 458.15 19-Jun-12 13:07:26 7.27 13.56 470.42 19-Jun-12 13:07:55 7.23 13.60 478.33 19-Jun-12 13:08:25 7.15 13.68 488.16 19-Jun-12 13:08:55 7.08 13.74 521.53 19-Jun-12 13:09:26 7.11 13.71 472.80 19-Jun-12 13:09:55 7.17 13.66 473.10 19-Jun-12 13:10:25 7.17 13.65 521.93 19-Jun-12 13:10:55 7.16 13.66 515.16 19-Jun-12 13:11:31 7.19 13.63 487.84 19-Jun-12 13:11:58 7.35 13.48 399.37 19-Jun-12 13:12:25 7.30 13.53 486.42 19-Jun-12 13:12:55 7.28 13.54 436.79 19-Jun-12 13:13:25 7.28 13.51 418.31 19-Jun-12 13:13:55 4.91 8.35 255.65 19-Jun-12 13:14:25 2.97 5.53 194.02 19-Jun-12 13:14:55 6.15 11.59 426.12 19-Jun-12 13:15:25 7.19 13.05 532.38 19-Jun-12 13:15:55 7.49 13.14 495.01 Start,Run 2(13:15) 19-Jun-12 13:16:25 7.67 13.07 481.31 19-Jun-12 13:16:55 7.74 13.05 477.75 19-Jun-12 13:17:25 7.59 13.22 465.38 19-Jun-12 13:17:55 7.37 13.45 450.94 19-Jun-12 13:18:25 7.27 13.54 469.27 19-Jun-12 13:18:55 7.29 13.52 473.02 19-Jun-12 13:19:25 7.33 13.50 453.42 19-Jun-12 13:19:55 7.28 13.55 422.52 19-Jun-12 13:20:25 7.19 13.64 450.69 Page 7 of 12 Analytical Testing Consultants, Inc. Wellons CEM Data Lewiston,NC Parameter 02 CO2 CO Units % % ppm 19-Jun-12 13:20:55 7.20 13.62 398.49 19-Jun-12 13:21:25 7.29 13.54 349.66 19-Jun-12 13:21:55 7.26 13.57 380.87 19-Jun-12 13:22:25 7.25 13.58 392.29 19-Jun-12 13:22:55 7.14 13.69 398.09 19-Jun-12 13:23:25 7.09 13.73 382.64 19-Jun-12 13:23:55 7.18 13.64 405.09 19-Jun-12 13:24:25 7.25 13.57 419.68 19-Jun-12 13:24:55 7.27 13.56 383.53 19-Jun-12 13:25:25 7.26 13.57 351.02 19-Jun-12 13:26:07 7.23 13.59 371.36 19-Jun-12 13:26:25 7.26 13.56 346.58 19-Jun-12 13:26:55 7.23 13.60 371.27 19-Jun-12 13:27:25 7.23 13.60 341.15 19-Jun-12 13:27:56 7.16 13.67 350.23 19-Jun-12 13:28:25 7.11 13.70 417.71 19-Jun-12 13:28:55 7.23 13.57 437.84 19-Jun-12 13:29:25 7.42 13.40 404.12 19-Jun-12 13:29:56 7.39 13.44 403.74 19-Jun-12 13:30:25 7.40 13.42 338.49 19-Jun-12 13:30:55 7.46 13.38 319.18 19-Jun-12 13:31:25 7.42 13.41 311.96 19-Jun-12 13:31:56 7.43 13.41 325.98 19-Jun-12 13:32:25 7.33 13.50 388.77 19-Jun-12 13:32:55 7.41 13.40 374.83 19-Jun-12 13:33:25 7.56 13.25 376.41 19-Jun-12 13:33:55 7.61 13.19 378.29 19-Jun-12 13:34:25 7.71 13.10 330.43 19-Jun-12 13:35:04 7.68 13.14 416.76 19-Jun-12 13:35:25 7.64 13.17 423.88 19-Jun-12 13:35:56 7.66 13.15 404.28 19-Jun-12 13:36:25 7.61 13.21 355.72 19-Jun-12 13:36:55 7.60 13.21 370.24 19-Jun-12 13:37:25 7.63 13.19 397.52 19-Jun-12 13:37:55 7.50 13.33 386.29 19-Jun-12 13:38:27 7.37 13.45 390.33 19-Jun-12 13:38:55 7.40 13.41 382.89 19-Jun-12 13:39:31 7.49 13.31 388.42 19-Jun-12 13:39:55 7.54 13.28 387.49 19-Jun-12 13:40:25 7.62 13.19 387.61 19-Jun-12 13:40:55 7.67 13.15 380.27 19-Jun-12 13:41:25 7.60 13.21 391.30 19-Jun-12 13:41:55 7.64 13.17 386.05 19-Jun-12 13:42:25 7.63 13.18 396.54 19-Jun-12 13:42:55 7.70 13.10 430.50 19-Jun-12 13:43:25 7.78 13.03 376.07 19-Jun-12 13:43:55 7.75 13.07 342.57 19-Jun-12 13:44:25 7.60 13.22 379.73 19-Jun-12 13:44:55 7.43 13.38 389.10 19-Jun-12 13:45:25 7.32 13.50 357.14 19-Jun-12 13:45:55 7.21 13.60 370.40 19-Jun-12 13:46:25 7.16 13.64 390.42 19-Jun-12 13:46:55 7.29 13.50 421.98 19-Jun-12 13:47:25 7.38 13.42 382.65 19-Jun-12 13:47:55 7.43 13.38 391.81 19-Jun-12 13:48:25 7.47 13.33 407.02 19-Jun-12 13:48:55 7.53 13.27 424.67 19-Jun-12 13:49:25 7.59 13.21 376.04 19-Jun-12 13:49:55 7.66 13.15 397.56 Page 8 of 12 Analytical Testing Consultants,Inc. Wellons CEM Data Lewiston,NC Parameter 02 CO2 CO Units % % ppm 19-Jun-12 13:50:26 7.72 13.09 394.27 19-Jun-12 13:50:55 7.75 13.05 404.10 19-Jun-12 13:51:25 7.75 13.06 381.85 19-Jun-12 13:51:55 7.71 13.10 340.10 19-Jun-12 13:52:26 7.61 13.19 430.90 19-Jun-12 13:52:55 7.63 13.16 453.62 19-Jun-12 13:53:25 7.60 13.21 389.37 19-Jun-12 13:53:55 7.50 13.30 424.77 19-Jun-12 13:54:26 7.40 13.42 429.63 19-Jun-12 13:54:55 7.34 13.46 434.45 19-Jun-12 13:55:25 7.41 13.38 482.46 19-Jun-12 13:55:55 7.52 13.27 457.47 19-Jun-12 13:56:25 7.55 13.23 492.76 19-Jun-12 13:56:55 7.65 13.14 458.52 19-Jun-12 13:57:25 7.57 13.23 467.05 19-Jun-12 13:57:55 7.53 13.27 420.30 19-Jun-12 13:58:25 7.45 13.34 466.15 19-Jun-12 13:58:55 7.45 13.34 431.07 19-Jun-12 13:59:25 7.38 13.42 376.56 19-Jun-12 13:59:55 7.32 13.48 389.81 19-Jun-12 14:00:25 7.21 13.59 362.41 19-Jun-12 14:00:55 7.15 13.64 415.03 19-Jun-12 14:01:25 7.23 13.53 496.38 19-Jun-12 14:01:55 7.42 13.34 458.97 19-Jun-12 14:02:25 7.54 13.24 454.44 19-Jun-12 14:02:55 7.60 13.17 447.78 19-Jun-12 14:03:25 7.67 13.11 406.99 19-Jun-12 14:03:55 7.77 13.01 419.37 19-Jun-12 14:04:25 7.75 13.04 437.25 19-Jun-12 14:04:55 7.71 13.06 475.27 19-Jun-12 14:05:25 7.73 13.03 476.39 19-Jun-12 14:05:55 7.80 12.96 430.92 19-Jun-12 14:06:25 7.75 13.03 468.09 19-Jun-12 14:06:55 7.74 13.02 453.29 19-Jun-12 14:07:25 7.81 12.95 435.14 19-Jun-12 14:07:55 7.84 12.93 415.04 19-Jun-12 14:08:25 7.76 13.02 432.93 19-Jun-12 14:08:55 7.68 13.10 394.46 19-Jun-12 14:09:25 7.65 13.13 425.09 19-Jun-12 14:09:55 7.65 13.12 491.38 19-Jun-12 14:10:25 7.63 13.14 480.27 19-Jun-12 14:10:55 7.56 13.21 495.45 19-Jun-12 14:11:25 7.56 13.21 473.83 19-Jun-12 14:11:55 7.51 13.27 400.29 19-Jun-12 14:12:25 7.41 13.38 410.98 19-Jun-12 14:12:56 7.23 13.55 477.04 19-Jun-12 14:13:25 7.25 13.51 452.64 19-Jun-12 14:13:55 7.39 13.38 409.13 19-Jun-12 14:14:25 7.47 13.30 375.21 Run 2 Averages 19-Jun-12 14:14:56 7.49 13.27 405.94 02 CO2 CO 19-Jun-12 14:15:25 7.46 13.31 379.80 7.48 13.32 410.57 19-Jun-12 14:15:55 7.38 13.39 424.08 End Run 2 19-Jun-12 14:16:25 7.46 13.29 392.75 19-Jun-12 14:16:56 7.55 13.22 351.02 19-Jun-12 14:17:25 7.52 13.24 376.45 19-Jun-12 14:17:55 7.49 13.26 382.12 19-Jun-12 14:18:25 3.89 5.99 166.31 19-Jun-12 14:18:55 0.73 1.12 31.87 Page 9 of 12 Analytical Testing Consultants, Inc. Wellons CEM Data Lewiston,NC Parameter 02 CO2 CO Units % % ppm 19-Jun-12 14:19:25 0.30 0.46 13.96 19-Jun-12 14:19:55 0.20 0.30 7.26 19-Jun-12 14:20:25 0.16 0.22 0.99 19-Jun-12 14:20:55 0.15 0.19 0.78 19-Jun-12 14:21:25 0.13 0.13 1.01 19-Jun-12 14:21:55 0.01 0.02 1.43 02 Zero 19-Jun-12 14:22:25 0.03 0.00 1.14 CO2 Zero 19-Jun-12 14:22:55 0.08 0.01 1.89 CO Zero 19-Jun-12 14:23:25 0.07 -0.01 2.22 19-Jun-12 14:23:55 0.04 -0.08 0.82 19-Jun-12 14:24:25 0.15 0.21 7.97 19-Jun-12 14:24:55 2.81 2.67 66.95 19-Jun-12 14:25:25 8.02 0.71 17.21 19-Jun-12 14:25:55 9.53 0.13 3.51 19-Jun-12 14.26.25 9.83 -0.01 0.62 19-Jun-12 14:26:55 9.94 -0.05 -0.44 19-Jun-12 14:27:25 10.01 -0.03 -1.20 02 Mid(10%) 19-Jun-12 14:27:55 10.06 -0.02 -1.36 19-Jun-12 14:28:25 10.10 -0.06 -1.52 19-Jun-12 14:28:55 8.11 3.51 47.00 19-Jun-12 14:29:25 2.39 8.01 14.81 19-Jun-12 14:29:55 0.79 9.21 2.97 19-Jun-12 14:30:25 0.28 9.59 2.37 19-Jun-12 14:30:55 0.10 9.85 4.14 19-Jun-12 14:31:25 0.04 10.01 3.19 CO2 Mid(10%) 19-Jun-12 14:31:55 0.00 10.04 5.07 19-Jun-12 14:32:25 -0.02 6.05 4.90 19-Jun-12 14:32:55 0.26 10.21 22.71 19-Jun-12 14:33:25 4.68 11.78 247.86 CO Mid(250 ppm) 19-Jun-12 14:33:55 7.25 12.56 248.02 19-Jun-12 14:34:25 7.83 12.83 250.15 19-Jun-12 14:34:55 7.99 12.94 535.15 19-Jun-12 14:35:26 8.02 13.08 516.96 19-Jun-12 14:35:55 7.76 13.38 446.33 19-Jun-12 14:36:25 7.64 13.51 479.84 19-Jun-12 14:36:55 7.66 13.51 508.27 19-Jun-12 14:37:26 7.54 13.64 521.13 19-Jun-12 14:37:55 7.54 13.63 505.07 19-Jun-12 14:38:25 7.62 13.56 429.88 19-Jun-12 14:38:57 7.56 13.63 562.98 19-Jun-12 14:39:26 7.63 13.56 543.86 19-Jun-12 14:39:55 7.60 13.60 452.96 19-Jun-12 14:40:25 7.58 13.61 476.60 19-Jun-12 14:40:55 7.68 13.51 441.28 19-Jun-12 14:41:25 7.74 13.45 552.02 19-Jun-12 14:41:55 7.68 13.52 573.45 19-Jun-12 14:42:25 7.68 13.52 485.10 19-Jun-12 14:42:55 7.76 13.42 558.42 19-Jun-12 14:43:25 7.86 13.32 494.57 19-Jun-12 14:43:55 7.87 13.32 434.73 19-Jun-12 14:44:25 7.84 13.35 488.97 19-Jun-12 14:44:55 7.90 13.29 510.87 19-Jun-12 14:45:25 7.83 13.37 425.98 19-Jun-12 14:45'55 7.82 13.38 471.62 Start Run 3 (14,46) 19-Jun-12 14:46:25 7.76 13.43 432.71 19-Jun-12 14:46:55 7.77 13.42 471.59 19-Jun-12 14:47:25 7.77 13.42 483.12 19-Jun-12 14:47:55 7.85 13.34 488.61 19-Jun-12 14:48:25 8.02 13.16 442.70 Page 10 of 12 Analytical Testing Consultants,Inc. Wellons CEM Data Lewiston,NC Parameter 02 CO2 CO Units % % ppm 19-Jun-12 14:48:55 8.01 13.17 502.29 19-Jun-12 14:49:25 7.98 13.22 447.96 19-Jun-12 14:49:55 7.89 13.31 468.91 19-Jun-12 14:50:26 7.84 13.35 563.95 19-Jun-12 14:50:55 7.88 13.29 421.69 19-Jun-12 14:51:25 7.97 13.20 454.81 19-Jun-12 14:51:55 7.99 13.19 473.51 19-Jun-12 14:52:25 8.04 13.14 445.14 19-Jun-12 14:52:55 8.05 13.13 461.26 19-Jun-12 14:53:25 8.05 13.15 459.73 19-Jun-12 14:53:55 7.88 13.32 462.02 19-Jun-12 14:54:25 7.78 13.42 486.11 19-Jun-12 14:54:55 7.53 13.67 467.69 19-Jun-12 14:55:28 7.41 13.77 441.96 19-Jun-12 14:55:55 7.40 13.80 452.23 19-Jun-12 14:56:26 7.32 13.88 433.01 19-Jun-12 14:56:55 7.47 13.71 407.92 19-Jun-12 14:57:29 7.61 13.56 458.86 19-Jun-12 14:57:56 7.60 13.57 459.31 19-Jun-12 14:58:25 7.75 13.42 411.86 19-Jun-12 14:58:55 7.78 13.40 470.51 19-Jun-12 14:59:25 7.72 13.46 413.83 19-Jun-12 14:59:56 7.78 13.39 409.79 19-Jun-12 15:00:25 7.97 13.19 421.71 19-Jun-12 15:00:55 7.98 13.18 477.93 19-Jun-12 15:01:25 7.92 13.23 442.77 19-Jun-12 15:01:56 7.97 13.19 402.53 19-Jun-12 15:02:25 7.94 13.24 420.89 19-Jun-12 15:02:55 7.92 13.24 429.10 19-Jun-12 15:03:25 7.92 13.25 489.26 19-Jun-12 15:03:55 7.87 13.31 475.85 19-Jun-12 15:04:25 7.70 13.49 431.92 19-Jun-12 15:05:00 7.43 13.76 417.25 19-Jun-12 15:05:25 7.34 13.84 391.08 19-Jun-12 15:05:57 7.30 13.88 397.64 19-Jun-12 15:06:25 7.33 13.83 444.44 19-Jun-12 15:06:55 7.46 13.72 498.68 19-Jun-12 15:07:25 7.50 13.69 389.69 19-Jun-12 15:07:55 7.52 13.67 417.33 19-Jun-12 15:08:25 7.59 13.60 466.34 19-Jun-12 15:08:56 7.63 13.56 416.75 19-Jun-12 15:09:25 7.64 13.54 426.47 19-Jun-12 15:09:55 7.69 13.49 455.59 19-Jun-12 15:10:25 7.70 13.48 465.05 19-Jun-12 15:10:55 7.70 13.48 447.62 19-Jun-12 15:11:25 7.61 13.58 450.28 19-Jun-12 15:11:55 7.50 13.67 456.83 19-Jun-12 15:12:25 7.60 13.58 454.06 19-Jun-12 15:12:55 7.66 13.53 450.02 19-Jun-12 15:13:25 7.74 13.44 487.32 19-Jun-12 15:13:55 7.85 13.32 433.37 19-Jun-12 15:14:25 8.04 13.15 412.90 19-Jun-12 15:14:55 7.90 13.29 481.15 19-Jun-12 15:15:25 7.76 13.42 488.87 19-Jun-12 15:15:55 7.80 13.37 496.33 19-Jun-12 15:16:42 7.89 13.28 471.03 19-Jun-12 15:17:01 7.97 13.22 443.94 19-Jun-12 15:17:25 7.87 13.32 439.01 19-Jun-12 15:17:55 7.60 13.60 484.13 Page 11 of 12 Analytical Testing Consultants, Inc. Wellons CEM Data Lewiston,NC Parameter 02 CO2 CO Units % % ppm 19-Jun-12 15:18:25 7.44 13.74 452.71 19-Jun-12 15:18:55 7.53 13.66 447.18 19-Jun-12 15:19:25 7.54 13.65 428.30 19-Jun-12 15:19:55 7.50 13.68 448.26 19-Jun-12 15:20:44 7.44 13.75 473.13 19-Jun-12 15:20:55 7.37 13.82 479.82 19-Jun-12 15:21:25 7.38 13.82 408.76 19-Jun-12 15:21:55 7.37 13.82 416.12 19-Jun-12 15:22:26 7.42 13.77 379.16 19-Jun-12 15:22:55 7.50 13.68 413.48 19-Jun-12 15:23:25 7.62 13.56 434.84 19-Jun-12 15:23:55 7.64 13.55 445.77 19-Jun-12 15:24:26 7.86 13.31 493.28 19-Jun-12 15:24:55 8.03 13.14 494.72 19-Jun-12 15:25:25 8.09 13.08 408.43 19-Jun-12 15:25:55 8.09 13.09 489.35 19-Jun-12 15:26:25 8.10 13.08 453.43 19-Jun-12 15:26:55 8.14 13.04 448.06 19-Jun-12 15:27:25 8.10 13.09 444.97 19-Jun-12 15:27:55 8.02 13.17 436.13 19-Jun-12 15:28:25 7.78 13.43 431.95 19-Jun-12 15:28:55 7.71 13.48 471.77 19-Jun-12 15:29:25 7.69 13.50 396.83 19-Jun-12 15:29:55 7.63 13.56 455.92 19-Jun-12 15:30:25 7.58 13.61 443.21 19-Jun-12 15:30:55 7.62 13.57 474.35 19-Jun-12 15:31:25 7.62 13.58 408.23 19-Jun-12 15:31:55 7.56 13.63 417.55 19-Jun-12 15:32:25 7.58 13.61 429.91 19-Jun-12 15:32:55 7.64 13.53 478.79 19-Jun-12 15:33:25 7.72 13.46 445.23 19-Jun-12 15:33:55 7.76 13.42 460.00 19-Jun-12 15:34:25 7.76 13.42 464.50 19-Jun-12 15:34:55 7.77 13.42 476.47 19-Jun-12 15:35:25 7.69 13.49 478.16 19-Jun-12 15:35:55 7.70 13.48 489.29 19-Jun-12 15:36:25 7.77 13.41 411.60 19-Jun-12 15:36:55 7.73 13.46 462.71 19-Jun-12 15:37:25 7.67 13.50 482.30 19-Jun-12 15:37:55 7.94 13.19 477.14 19-Jun-12 15:38:25 8.20 12.95 450.84 19-Jun-12 15:38:55 8.26 12.88 498.03 19-Jun-12 15:39:25 8.29 12.86 440.86 19-Jun-12 15:39:55 8.41 12.73 419.91 19-Jun-12 15:40:25 8.18 13.00 472.84 19-Jun-12 15:40:55 8.00 13.17 450.67 19-Jun-12 15:41:25 7.96 13.19 462.21 19-Jun-12 15:41:55 8.14 13.01 458.75 19-Jun-12 15:42:25 8.22 12.94 416.74 19-Jun-12 15:42:56 8.28 12.86 445.83 19-Jun-12 15:43:25 8.31 12.84 440.43 19-Jun-12 15:43:55 8.26 12.89 459.13 19-Jun-12 15:44:25 8.33 12.83 479.29 Run 3 Averages 19-Jun-12 15:44:56 8.27 12.88 440.99 02 CO2 CO 19-Jun-12 15:45:25 8.26 12.89 458.82 7.80 13.38 450.62 19-Jun-12 15:45:55 8.21 12.94 437.62 End Run 3 19-Jun-12 15:46:25 8.19 12.96 454.84 19-Jun-12 15:46:56 8.04 13.13 464.74 Page 12 of 12 Analytical Testing Consultants, Inc. Wellons CEM Data Lewiston,NC Parameter 02 CO2 CO Units % % ppm 19-Jun-12 15:47:25 7.98 13.18 491.88 19-Jun-12 15:47:55 5.80 11.86 358.02 19-Jun-12 15:48:27 1.83 10.20 77.05 19-Jun-12 15:48:55 1.11 9.80 26.94 19-Jun-12 15:49:25 0.22 9.88 5.72 19-Jun-12 15:49:55 0.03 9.95 0.36 021 CO2 Zero 19-Jun-12 15:50:25 -0.16 10.06 1.23 CO 2 Mid(10%) 19-Jun-12 15:50:55 0.06 9.90 10.19 19-Jun-12 15:51:25 0.83 9.79 29.59 19-Jun-12 15:51:55 4.89 5.80 57.58 19-Jun-12 15:52:25 9.06 1.07 6.09 19-Jun-12 15:52:55 9.74 0.37 1.69 19-Jun-12 15:53:25 9.85 0.22 3.14 19-Jun-12 15:53:55 9.99 0.06 4.41 CO2 Zero 19-Jun-12 15:54:25 10.02 0.03 4.99 02 Mid(10%) 19-Jun-12 15:54:55 7.09 -0.01 34.27 19-Jun-12 15:55:25 1.14 0.05 99.80 19-Jun-12 15:55:55 0.98 0.68 171.62 19-Jun-12 15:56:25 0.02 0.03 247.57 19-Jun-12 15:56:55 0.09 0.10 250.29 CO Mid(250'ppm) 19-Jun-12 15:57:25 0.02 0.10 145.70 19-Jun-12 15:57:55 8.01 3.20 84.78 19-Jun-12 15:58:25 13.12 0.11 34.92 19-Jun-12 15:58:55 17.25 0.97 7.36 19-Jun-12 15:59:25 19.49 0.08 7.01 CEM BIAS CORRECTION - 02 Client: Wellons II Location: Lewiston, NC Source: ESP Outlet Date: 6/19/12 Run One Time Unit Concentration Comments in percent 7.41 Uncorrected Average for Run#1 1 7.41 Data corrected for Pre-/Post-Calibrations 7.41 Run Two Time Unit Concentration Comments in percent 7.48 Uncorrected Average for Run#2 1 7.48 Data corrected for Pre-/Post-Calibrations 7.47 Run Three Time Unit Concentration Comments in percent 7.80 Uncorrected Average for Run#3 1 7.80 Data corrected for Pre-/Post-Calibrations 1 7.78 CEM BIAS CORRECTION - CO2 Client: Wellons II Location: Lewiston, NC Source: ESP Outlet Date: 6/19112 Run One Time Unit Concentration Comments in percent 13.57 Uncorrected Average for Run#1 1 13.57 Data corrected for Pre-/Post-Calibrations 13.611 F�l Run Two Time Unit Concentration Comments in percent 13.32 Uncorrected Average for Run#2 1 13.32 Data corrected for Pre-/Post-Calibrations 13.36 Run Three Time Unit Concentration Comments in percent 13.38 Uncorrected Average for Run#3 1 13.38 Data corrected for Pre-/Post-Calibrations 1 13.34 Carbon Monoxide Emission Rate Calculation Run One Client: Wellons II Location: Lewiston, NC Source: ESP Outlet Date: 6/19/12 Time Unit Concentration Comments in parts per million 411.58 Uncorrected Average for Run#1 1 411.58 Data corrected for Pre-/Post-Calibrations L 413.04 Run Two Time Unit Concentration Comments in parts per million 410.57 Uncorrected Average for Run#2 1 410.57 Data corrected for Pre-/Post-Calibrations 412.661 E�A Run Three Time Unit Concentration Comments in parts per million 450.62 Uncorrected Average for Run#3 1 450.62 Data corrected for Pre-/Post-Calibrations 1 453.19 ANALYTICAL TESTING CONSULTANTS, INC. Initial Source Survey Test Date 05/10/12 Company W.E. Partners II, LLC Address City,State Lewiston Woodville, NC Process Tested Biomass Fired Boilers Specific Source ESB 1-3 Air Pollution Controls ESP Test Methods 1-5 Method 1 -Sampling and Velocity Traverses for Stationary Sources p 9 Y rY (Circular Stack) Conversion Table for Decimal to Inch Fraction 1/16 1/8 3/16 1/4 5116 3/8 Distance- Far Wall to Outside of Port(in) 58.00 0.06 0.13 0.19 0.25 0.31 0.38 Distance-Near Wall to Outside of Port(in) 8.50 Port Length PROBE MARKINGS Inside Diameter of Stack(in) 49.50 Decimal Inches Number of Traverse Points on a Diameter Traverse Point Port Diameter-For Ref. Only(in) 4.00 Number 2 4 6 8 10 12 1 15.73 11.82 10.68 10.08 9.79 9.54 Distance to Upstream Disturbance(ft) 17.17 2 50.77 20.88 15.73 13.70 12.56 11.82 Distance to Downstream Disturbance (ft) 7.83 3 45.63 23.15 18.10 15.73 14.34 Diameters Upstream 4.16 4 54.68 43.35 24.49 19.69 17.26 Diameters Downstream 1.90 5 50.77 42.01 25.43 20.88 6 55.82 48.40 41.07 26.12 Minimum Distance to Stack Wall 1.00 7 52.80 46.81 40.38 (Default is 1.0 inch) 8 56.42 50.77 45.63 9 53.94 49.24 10 56.71 52.16 11 54.68 12 56.96 PARTICULATE EMISSION RATE CALCULATION LOCATION: W.E.Partners 11,LLC SOURCE: Biomass Fired Boilers DATA Run#1 Run#2 Run#3 AVERAGE DATE 05/10/12 05/10/12 05/10/12 RUN TIME(min) 120.00 120.00 120.00 Dn(in) 0.275 0.275 0.275 An(ft2) 4.12E-04 4.12E-04 4.12E-04 AVG DH(in H2O) 1.63 1.59 1.60 1.61 P ATM(in Hg) 29.70 29.70 29.70 Pm(in Hg) 29.82 29.82 29.82 Ps(GAUGE) -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 Ps(IN HG) 29.68 29.6E 29.68 TM(F) 75.33 77.58 81.13 Tm(R) 535.02 537.27 540.82 Vm(ft3) 79.68 78.46 78.52 Vm STD(ft3) 77.27 75.76 75.33 VLQ(MI) 349.50 352.00 349.00 W STD(ft3) 16.48 16.60 16.46 V STD(ft3) 93.76 92.37 91.79 Y..M 17.58 17.97 17.93 17.83 %SVP 1 100.00 100.00 100.00 MD 0.824 0.820 0.821 MWD 30.41 30.31 30.33 M 28.23 28.09 28.12 Ts(F) 323.63 328.88 330.46 327.65 Ts(R) 783.32 788.57 790.15 787.34 SUM SQRTDP 17.26 17.18 17.15 N DP 24.00 24.00 24.00 AVG SQRT DP 0.72 0.72 0.71 CP 0.84 0.84 0.84 Vs(ft/s) 49.92 49.99 49.93 49.95 Ds(in) 49.50 49.50 49.50 As(ft2) 13.36 13.36 13.36 QS,FLOW,ACFM 40.032 40,081 40,038 40,050 Q STD(ft3/min) 26,769 26,623 26,542 26,645 Q STD DRY,FLOW SCFM 22,062 21,838 21,782 21,894 WT(9m) 0.0128 0.0237 0.0184 0.0183 WT(gm)-Organic Condensable WT(gm)-Inorganic Condensable %I 94.62 93.73 93.43 %CO2 13.26 12.39 12.57 12.74 %02 7.20 8.10 7.90 7.73 %CO 0.00 0.00 0.00 1'.N2 79.54 79.51 79.53 PMRc(Ibs/hr) 0.483 0.904 0.704 0.697 Cs(GR/SCFD) 0.0026 0.0048 0.0038 0.0037 PMRc(Iblhr)-Organic Condensable PMRc(Ib/hr)-Inorganic Condensable F FACTOR 92.400 92.400 92.400 HI(MMBtu/hr) 93.909 86.B47 87.978 89.58 PMRU(Ib/MMBtu) 0.0051 ,.6;0}p4 r 0,0080, 0.0079 NCDENR Allowable(Ib/MMStu) GACT(Subpart JJJJJJ)Allowable 0.07; Theoretical amount of moisture thatTs can hod. If%M>%SVP,%SVP will be utilized in calculations. MOISTURE DATA ESB 1-3 5/10/2012 Run#1 1st Imp. 2nd Imp. 3rd Imp. 4th Imp. TOTALS BEGINNING 100 100 0 300.0 ENDING 328 174 21 326.5 NET 228 74 21 26.5 349.5 Run#2 1st Imp. 2nd Imp. 3rd Imp. 4th Imp. TOTALS BEGINNING 100 100 0 300.0 ENDING 331 180 20 321.0 NET 231 80 20 21.0 352.0 Run#3 1st Imp. 2nd Imp. 3rd Imp. 4th Imp. TOTALS BEGINNING 100 100 0 300.0 ENDING 308 191 25 325.0 NET 208 91 25 25.0 349.0 ISOKINETIC SAMPLING RATE CALCULATION The following equation establishes the relationship between the velocity head pressure differential and the desired critical orifice pressure drop. OH = KxOp The constant,K,is determined by the following equation. OH =1846.72 x D„ X OFI� X c2 (1-Bws)2 x M`'T„Ps Ms x Op T.P W.E.Partners II,LLC 5/10/2012 Run#1 Run#2 Run#3 Module ID ATC 5 ATC 5 ATC 5 Dn 0.275 0,275 0.275 dH@ 1.921 1.921 1.921 Y,gamma factor 0.986 0.986 0.986 CP 0.84 0.84 0.84 Bw(FRACTION,NOT%) 0.,20 0.20 0,20 Md 29.0 29.0 29.0 Pbar 29.70 29.70 29.70 PS(GAUGE) -0.25 -0,25 -0,25 Ps 29.68 29.68 29.68 Tm,F 75 80 85 Tm,R 534.69 539.69 544.69 Ms 26.80 26.80 26.80 Ts,F 310 325 325 Ts,R 769.69 784.69 784.69 Pm 29.81 29,82 29.82 K 3.1442 3.1119 3.1410 Terminology Ms=APPARENT STACK GAS MOLECULAR WEIGHT =Md(1-Bw)+18Bw Md=DRY GAS MOLECULAR WEIGHT(29)OR =(0.44*%CO2)+(0.32`%02)+(0.28`(%N 2+%CO)) Ps GAUGE=STACK STATIC PRESSURE(IN.H20) Ps=ABSOLUTE STACK PRESSURE(IN.Hg) Pm=METER ABSOLUTE PRESSURE(IN.Hg) =Pbar+(avg dH/13.6) 'The method 5 sampling train is intended to operate at a sampling rate of 0.75 cfm of dry air at 68 of and 29.92 in.Hg. The orifice meter pressure differential that would produce such a sampling rate through the orifice is designated as OH,A. The theoretical nozzle calculation is optional. If the tester feels comfortable choosing the nozzle size through other means(experience,prior testing,etc.),this is also acceptable. Dn(theoretical)is calculated on the assumption that a 0.75 cfm flowrate is achieved at 68°F and 29.92 in. Hg. ISOKINETIC DATA AND CALCULATIONS DATE 05/10/12 SOURCE Biomass Fired Boilers Run#1 K= 3.1442 POINT# TM Ts dp dH SQRT DP %02 %CO2 Fuel Factor Fo Al 68 318 0.48 1.51 0.693 #DIV/0! A2 68 318 0.50 1.57 0.707 A3 69 319 0.51 1.60 0.714 #DIV/0! A4 70 320 0.52 1.63 0.721 A5 70 320 0.52 1.63 0.721 #DIV/0! A6 71 322 0.52 1.63 0.721 A7 71 324 0.52 1.63 0.721 #DIV/0! A8 72 324 0.51 1.60 0.714 A9 72 324 0.51 1.60 0.714 #DIV/01 A10 74 325 0.50 1.57 0.707 All 76 325 0.50 1.57 0.707 #DIV/0! Al2 76 325 0.50 1.57 0.707 B1 77 325 0.53 1.67 0.728 #DIV/0! B2 78 326 0.53 1.67 0.728 B3 78 326 0.54 1.70 0.735 #DIV/0! B4 78 326 0.54 1.70 0.735 B5 79 326 0.51 1.60 0.714 #DIV/0! B6 79 326 0.51 1.60 0.714 B7 80 325 0.52 1.63 0.721 #DIV/0! B8 80 325 0.52 1.63 0.721 B9 80 325 0.52 1.63 0.721 #DIV/0! B10 80 325 0.52 1.63 0.721 Bll 81 325 0.54 1.70 0.735 #DIV/0! B12 81 323 0.54 1.70 0.735 75.33 323.63 1.63 17.256 7.20 13.26 1.03 Vm(M) Initial 331.84 Final 411.52 Total 79.68 ISOKINETIC DATA AND CALCULATIONS DATE 05/10/12 SOURCE Biomass Fired Boilers Run#2 K= 3.1119 POINT# TM Ts dp dH SQRT DP %02 %CO2 Fuel Factor Fo Al 76 328 0.52 1.62 0.721 #DIV/01 A2 76 329 0.52 1.62 0.721 A3 76 329 0.53 1.65 0.728 #DIV/0! A4 76 329 0.53 1.65 0.728 A5 76 329 0.54 1.68 0.735 #DIV/01 A6 77 330 0.54 1.68 0.735 A7 77 330 0.54 1.68 0.735 #DIV/01 A8 77 330 0.51 1.59 0.714 A9 77 329 0.50 1.56 0.707 #DIV/0! A10 78 329 0.50 1.56 0.707' All 78 329 0.51 1.59 0.714 #DIV/0! Al2 78 328 0.51 1.59 0.714 B1 78 327 0.47 1.46 0.686 #DIV/0! B2 78 328 0.49 1.52 0.700 B3 78 330 0.51 1.59 0.714 #DIV/0! B4 78 331 0.51 1.59 0.714 B5 78 331 0.51 1.59 0.714 #DIV/0! B6 78 330 0.51 1.59 0.714 B7 78 330 0.52 1.62 0.721 #DIV/0! B8 78 329 0.52 1.62 0.721 B9 79 327 0.51 1.59 0.714 #DIV/0! B10 79 327 0.50 1.56 0.707 Bll 79 327 0.50 1.56 0.707 #DIV/0! B12 79 327 0.50 1.56 0.707 77.58 328.88 1.59 17.179 8.10 12.39 1.03 Vm(ft3) Initial 412.26 Final 490.72 Total 78.46 i' ISOKINETIC DATA AND CALCULATIONS DATE 05/10/12 SOURCE Biomass Fired Boilers Run#3 K= 3.1410 POINT# TM Ts dp dH SQRT DP %02 %CO2 Fuel Factor Fo Al 79 330 0.49 1.54 0.700 #DIV/01 A2 80 331 0.49 1.54 0.700 A3 80 331 0.52 1.63 0.721 #DIV/0! A4 80 332 0.52 1.63 0.721 A5 81 332 0.53 1.66 0.728 #DIV/0! A6 81 332 0.53 1.66 0.728 A7 81 332 0.54 1.70 0.735 #DIV/0! A8 81 332 0.50 1.57 0.707 A9 81 332 0.48 1.51 0.693 #DIV/0! A10 82 332 0.48 1.51 0.693 All 82 330 0.48 1.51 0.693 #DIV/0! Al2 82 330 0.47 1.48 0.686 B1 82 332 0.51 1.60 0.714 #DIV/0! B2 82 332 0.51 1.60 0.714 B3 82 332 0.52 1.63 0.721 #DIV/0! B4 82 331 0.52 1.63 0.721 85 82 330 0.52 1.63 0.721 #DIV/0! B6 81 329 0.52 1.63 0.721 B7 81 329 0.53 1.66 0.728 #DIV/0! B8 81 328 0.53 1.66 0.728 89 81 328 0.52 1.63 0.721 #D V/0! B10 81 328 0.52 1.63 0.721 B11 81 328 0.52 1.63 0.721 #DIV/0! B12 81 328 0.51 1.60 0.714 81.13 330.46 1.60 17.150 7.90 12.57 1.03 Vm(w) Initial 493.03 Final 571.55 Total 78.52 SAMPLE CALCULATIONS W.E. Partners ll, LLC Lewiston Woodville, NC Run #1 1) ABSOLUTE PRESSURE IN DRY GAS METER Pm=P ATM+AVG DH/13.6 T STD= 528 DEG R. P STD= 29.92 IN.HG P ATM Avg.DH Pm 29.70 1.63 29.82 2) ABSOLUTE STACK PRESSURE Ps=P ATM+Ps(GAUGE)/13.6 P ATM Ps(GAUGE) PS 29.70 -0.25 29.68 3) SAMPLE VOLUME AT STANDARD CONDITIONS VM STD=(VM)'(Y)'(T STD/TM)'(PM/P STD) Vm Tm Y Vm STD R 79.68 535.02 0.986 77.27 ft3 Y' 4) VOLUME OF WATER COLLECTED,CORRECTED TO STANDARD CONDITIONS 1� W STD=W STDw+WSTDSg r� W STDw=(.002673)'(VLQw)'(T STD/P STD) W STDsg=(.002668)'VLQsg)'(T STD/P STD) WHERE 0.002673=0.04707 FT3/ML'IN.HG/17.64 DEG.R. WHERE 0.002668=0.04715 FT3/G'IN.HG/17.64 DEG.R. VLQ(w) VLQ(sg) W STD 323.00 26.50 16.48 ft3 5) TOTAL SAMPLE VOLUME AT STANDARD CONDITIONS V STD=Vm STD+W STD= 93.76 ft3 6) PERCENT MOISTURE IN STACK GAS %M=(100)'(W STD)N STD= 17.58% 7) MOLE FRACTION OF DRY GAS MD=(100-%M)/100= 0.824 SAMPLE CALCULATIONS (continued) W.E. Partners ll, LLC Lewiston Woodville, NC Run #1 8) MOLECULAR WEIGHT OF THE DRY GAS MWD=(%CO2*0.44)+(02*0.32)+((%CO+%N2)*0.28) %CO2 %02 %CO %N2 MWD 13.3 7.2 0.0 79.5 30.41 9) MOLECULAR WEIGHT OF THE WET GAS M=(MWD)*(MD)+18(1-MD)= 28.23 WHERE 18=MOLECULAR WEIGHT OF WATER,G/G-MOLE 10) STACK VELOCITY VS=(85.49)*(CP)*((TS/(PS)(M))Al/2*((SUM SORT DP)/N DP)) where 85.49=ft/sec*[lb/lb-mole*in.Hg)/(deg.R*in H20)]A0.5 CID Ts(R) SUM SORT N DP VS 0.84 783.32 17.26 24 49.92 11) STACK VOLUMETRIC FLOW RATE QS=(60)*(VS)*(AS) AS(inlet) QS 13.36 40,032 12) STACK VOLUMETRIC FLOW RATE,STANDARD CONDITIONS INCLUDING MOISTURE Q STD=Q STD DRY/MD 26,769 13) STACK VOLUME FLOW RATE STANDARD CONDITIONS DRY Q STD DRY=17.647*60*Md*Vs*A*(Ps/Ts(R))= 22,062 14) POLLUTANT MASS RATE,CONCENTRATION BASIS PMRC=(.1323)*(WT)*(Q STD)N STD WHERE 0.1323=COMBINED CONVERSION FACTOR(60 MIN/HR*0.00220 LBS/GRAM) WT(GRAMS) PMRC 0.0128 0.483 15) PERCENT ISOKINETIC %I=(0.09450*Ts*Vm std)/(Ps*Vs*An*Time*Md) Run Time Area of Nozzle %I 120 4.12E-04 94.62 16) CONCENTRATION,GR/SCFD Cs=15.43 gr/gm*WTNm STD Cs= 0.0026 SAMPLE CALCULATIONS (concluded) W.E. Partners ll, LLC Lewiston Woodville, NC Run #1 17) HEAT INPUT,mmbtu/hr HI=(60min/hr/l00)(scfm)(20.9-%O2)/(F-factor'20.9) F-factor %02 SCFM HI 92.4 7.20 22,062 93.909 18) PROCESS RATE RELATED EMISSION RATE,LBS/MMBTU PMRU=PMRC/HI PMRU= 0.005 AIRC ISOKINETIC SAMPLING DATA SHEET CLIENT ` DATE I() Za1Z -Pb. Of. 70 Module No. LOCATION SOURCE :j5Q PS --O.Z2: Filter No. TEST TEAM L1�, RUN # Methods h-$' Pitot No. j MODULE LEAK RATE Comments (list other personnel on site) : star t@�,D "Hg ❑H@ �.�ZA NOZZLE P.2?5-( 3 Z �2 endQ.(3�519 3�5 ��Hg � H2o -7�?_ �Zn"f" Pitot Leak Check: Ts' Cal. Factor 2� start end A `� " A ✓ "H2O Md Pm ��j ATC Project No. B " B ✓ "H2O K �j- \1AIA2 Xc — Start Finish i Time Point Line TH Ts TP Te Ti ❑P 3H VM REMARKS Vacuum OF OF °F OF OF a Ft3 (in.)HZO (in.)H20 oAl I I.C) 69 2 + 0.14t r. 33l.83 (07 ems" .s? 5-. 1$ 1 9.5I �S- h o z I 0.5-z z I3 -z ZZ- �'i- �i5" zy 0 "?Z .51 A (90 3S� 52- c v zs- " I 15 `y I.5 It 2 Z5� i O.SD 1_ CQAD S? Z &v -71 17, 1 22 1 z! 1 0,5 0 &5 77 3zb t -�' ( JO-53 z$ Toasater temperature T,=stack temperature Tpprobe temperature Te-filter temperature, e(ft3)_gas sample Volume T.-exhaust temperature of st impinger, OP,=Velocity head differential pressure pH pressure differential across the orifice meter QA/QC Chec plet e s Legibility Accuracy Specifications Reasonableness Checked b 2, ule Oper t r (Signature/Date) Data Review (Signature/Date) ATC Form 16-revision 5.1 11/13/07) A7C F 1-800-733-3193 F:\Nork\All Forms-Field Data Sheets,Ulc Formula@,No nclatute,etc\Field\16-Isokinetid Sampling Data Slleet.dot i AiRC i ISOK,INETIC SAMPLING DATA SHEET CLIENT `��Q�l�}�4 DATE �-4//o hz- Pbar Module No. / LOCATION f ��C- SOURCE -C� Pg Filter No. TEST TEAM L RUN #$ Met. S Pitot 011. MODULE LEAK RATE SAN2T.TVM PA F, SETUPComments (list other personnel on site) : Start @ g ❑H@ NOZZLE (# } end @ "Hg Tm - x?o Pitot Lea Check: Ts Cal. Fac r start and A A "H2C Md Pm ATC Protect No. B B "hzC KZ Y Start Finish Time Point Line T� TS Tv T= Tl ❑P, L;H �M REMARKS Vacuum °F °F °E' OF OF (i s (in.)H10 n.}H2p Ft - o 1. o -76 37-f, 7 �' -7--7 " 1,70 .j Z $b `� -72 � � �� �2-z .5--� l•too ���. �� f ,j JoS r0 V.SZ- /.lam 0(, bZ 10 �- :,,=meter temperature ,=stack temperature Tv--probe temperature Tt=filter temperature, vm(ft')=gas sample volume T;=exhaust temperature of -8 'linger, ❑P,=Velocity head differential pressure 11U=pressure differential acres. the orifice meter QA/QC Check plet es Legibility Accuracy Specifications Reasonableness Checked by odule Opera o (Signature/Date) Data Review (Signature/Date) ATC Form 16-revision .1 ( /13/01) ATC $ 1-B00-733-3193 F:\Fork\All Forma-Field Data sheets,caic Formalao,Nomenclature,etc\Field\16-Isok ine tic sampling Data Sheet.dot AMC ISOKINETIC SAMPLING DATA SHEET CLIENT We& DATE 511 C' )Z Pbar 9 7© Module No. LOCATION SOURCE Lf S Ps -�® L.� Filter No. TEST TEAM 1.{C. RUN # Methods Pitot No. MODULE LEAK RATE 10, Comments (list other personnel on site) : star p3 @ O "Hg []$@ Z) NOZZLEQ1 -7Jf ( ) end0.002@ ,o "Hg Tm % H2O 0'2'0 Pitot Leak Check: TS Z Cal. Factor start Z'H20 d A ,/ A Md % Pm 1.�'� ATC Project No. B `/11 B��"H2O K Yo -- -- ' Start 1620 Finish 117,ii Time Point Line TM Ts Tp TF T; 0P ❑H VM REMARKS Vacuum °F °F °F °F °F a Ft (in.)H20 (in.)H20 O Z SZI.&Z Z. ZSLQ z 3-Z I r.(o?- !� -7& 3 9 7 �) o s"3 to (g.g df �G7 1 z7 �z t t .5- '7(, 319 Z5' --1,z l Z5 2 7 550 51- Z-C> �' s zS 5 30 2' v �z 1 Leg 3 . SD `'2 v ILI S? Os /5-9 F .� -,7 d.s �31 79 ��' zv .Y-1 J-{ q51 . qo 62s' Z- -7�'S ryz, �°r 1 �2 O4 Ta-meter temperature T,=stack temperature T.-probe temperature Tf-filter temperature, ,(£t3)=gas sample volume Ti-exhaust temperature of last impinger, OP,=velocity head differential pressure OH--pressure differential across the orifice meter QA/QC Check- plete s Legibility Accuracy Specifications Reasonableness Checked by I o 7i o ul Oper to (Signature/Date) Data Review (Signature/Date) ATC Form 16-revision 5.1 (7/13/07) ATC 8 1-800-733-3183 F:\Work\A.11 Forms-Field Data Sheate,Calc Formulao,t4 m nclatura,etc\Fiald\16-l60kinetia Sampling Data Shaet.dot me IS KINETIC SAMPLING DATA SHEET CLIENT ��'r _DATE loll Z-- _ Phar " Module No. J.- LOCATION SOURCE Fs / Filter No. TEST TEAM j RUN # 'Z le.,AjT' Me ods Pitot MODULE LEAK RATE SAMPT.TVrZ RATE SET Comments (list other personnel on site) ; start @ If LH@ NOZZLE end @ If Fig Tm Pitot Lea Check: Tg Cal. Fact 'r start end A A ,H2O Md p i ATC Project No. B B Hz0 --- y Start Finish Tim s pT; Vacu 04 ❑pa CH Vs REMARKSe Point Li TM Ti'17 ( n ) 2 a r33 1, o -7 v 2 { 0 ?mod o .52- /.6'Z 0. 9 T9 o,s- &Iz . 0- loo 5 z0 &-V O. 1 /Sri l 7 . , ) 1 1 `7 'y 71 z�l 7�t '� 0.6 Tm--meter temperature T,=stack temperature To probe temperature Tf=finer temperature, V„(ft')=gas sample volume T,=exhaust temperature of last impirger, ❑P,=Velocity head differential pressure D2I=pressure differential across the orifice meter QA/QC Check o plet c s Legibility y_ _ Accuracy Specifications Reasonableness Checked by: �v cdule Qperat r (Signature/Date) Data Review (Signature/Date) Arc Corm 16-revision 5.1 ms (7/i3/07) A2C ( ;-600-733-3i93 F:\Fork\All For -Field Data shsats,Calc rormcl ae,Nonxncla tune,etc\Field\26-2sokinatic 5ampling Data shoot.dot MC ` 140r,INETIC SAMPLING DATA SHEET CLIENT \,� DATE S Jo / Pb.. Zc/ 70 Module No. 'G- LOCATION (L SOURCE �� Ps ��,Z Filter No. TEST TEAM Ltd RUN # Methods /-j" Pitot No. MODULE LEAK RATE SAMPLING .RATE SETUP Comments (list other personnel on site) : start.p� "Hg OH@ -J NOZZLEO.Z-]S (# ) � end . @ 3. Hg % HZo D.To Pitot Leak Check: Ts. 25 Cal. Factor-19-29ue L13- �nd "Hz0 Md (� Pm Z ATC Project No. B "H2O K f D Yc r- ----- Start t� Finish ZDOZ- Time Point Line Tm Ts Tp Tf Tl ❑p Vn REMARKS Vacuum OF OF OF OF °F a (in.)H20 (in.)H20 Ft 1.0 - 7 2�30 37, -lL V, a fl3 - � � SZ-, r , zs I 33z� ?7z' 7�� S�3 l.& i 30 37-- O S^ 1• 70 35- $ i ?iZ t D 5-P i•5 " g? �a `7 �j�12-- �77i t �•J`�� 14. Z .41L IQ z Iz1 (P-Z, 6) .sJ 12 53 sv t ► gz �Z(o zo & . S'1 zs. s tizo � v 7-1 &` 1,7 t Z. 3 ''�Z/ <7 19.5-1 ).t00 5 57-. q0 Ta-qnetar temperature T,=stack temperature TD=probs temperature Tf—filter temperature, „(fts)agas sample volume T1=exhaust temperature of last impinger, JP,=Velocity head differential pressure CH pressure differential across the orifice meter QA/QC Check: plete 1 1, Legibility Accuracy Specifications Reasonableness Checked by: 1-5110104, Module Opera o (Signature/Date) Data Review (Signature/Date) ATC Form 16-revision 5.1 (7/13/07) ATC A 1-800-733-3193 F:\Work\Ail Forma-Field Data Shaats,Calc Formulae,Nomenclature,etc\Field\16-Isokinatic sampling Data Sheet.dot MC ISGKINETIC SAMFLING DATA SHEET CLIENT DATE`lx'll l- PbarModule No LOCATION SOURCE P, -� Filter TEST TZAM RUN ## Met ds Pito o. MODULE LEAK RATE P Comments (list other personnel on site) : start @ g _]H@ NOZZLE (# ) end @ "Hg Tm H2O Pitot Le Check: Ts Cal. Fac oz star end f Ate_" A "H20 Md z Pm7 ATC Project No. B B "Hz0 K y' Start Finish Time Point Line T Ts Tv Te Ti LFK OH REDS Vacuum F of (in. Ft3 (in.)H20 )H20 7-Z_ 6 2 i to zz 40 ? 1 2 �z5� zZ os z_ Ito t t 1 Zg Zz � (( 17- Z9 "'7 7iZ, (1 Z 1 %,meter temperature 'r,==stack temperature Tv=probe temperature Trufilter temperature, V„(ft')=gas sample volume T,=exhaust temperature oY las.'impinger, DP,=Velocity head differantial pressure DH�ressure differential across the or fice meter gA/gC Chec o leten s� gibility Accuracy Specifications Reasonableness Checked by. { odule perato �Sigrature/Date) Data Review (Signature/Date) A':.' Poem 16-revision�5.1 i/13/07) ATC 6 1-60C-733-3193 F:\Work\All forms-Field Data Sheets,Calc Formulao,Nomerclature,eto\Field\16-Isokinetic sampling Cata Sheet.dot ANAL'. bICAL TESTING CONSULZ&LdTS, INC RANNAPOLIS, N.C. Project No. 20 71 IMPINGRR DAT SHES UNIT � G�CLIENT LOCATION t RIIN# DATE IMPINGER CONTENTS TOTAL CONDENSATE led f d 1 2 3 4 (VLQ) REMARKS f START D F9D END Y dV 2 Z 7J-1 21 2�,-5� 3�f9: .� ML START END Ob �Z-j dV Z- � Gr 1 7 V L/ ML START END / dV ?js� ML START END dV ML START END dV ML START END dV ML Data y ` Approved by Date i D. Date FORM No. ATC 11 ATC ® 1-800-733-3193 F:\WORK\All Forms-Field Data Sheets_\\il-Impinger Data Sheet-blank.doc ver 5.0 January 2001 Dilution System Verification US EPA Method 205-40CFR51, Appendix M ATC Project No. Client: ( J rry Instrument used: CAI Model ZRH f Location: j =•J(,r�; ti,�_ High Level Gas Type: Carbon Dioxide in N2 1 Date: i Gas concentration: 18.0%(Cylinder No.SX-10515 exp. 12115/2013) Technician(s): _ u<4 US EPA Method(s): 3A Actual Reading(ppm or%) Average Within+2% Cylinder Number Gas Type Protocol Gas ConcentrationIF � 4 2 3 Response 11 Precision Accuracy '`s +�i??3��i t�•level audit ��_ /Q•'i('Sy 1�; i w, ,�L.. t �,j L- i J.SO (J.�'� U, MFC —J Dilution Trial(record reading in ppm or%) Averago Within+2% Dilution Number FioWrdte Concentration 1 2 3 Response Precision Accuracy 1 � 10.0% 2 Sy�<.L 5.0% {.ei ( .ctS� 'et k "T( 3 f 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Preci sic n-Calculate the%difference between the average response and the individual reading that most deviates. Accuracy-Calculate the%difference between the average response and the predicted response. QA/QC Check: _ Completeness Legibility Accuracy Specifications Reasonableness �1 ! Signatures: Technician(Signature/Date) Project Manager(Signature/Date) ATC Form 17G-version 4.0(7/13/2007) ATC (800)733-3193 SYSTEM CALIBRATION ERROR DATA FOR INSTRUMENTAL ANALYSES Client: )YLL�1t� Location: t- j r ` Date: Project No: (2,o Calibration Gas: )? t Cylinder No.: S +j 5 Exp. Date: 1 .� Cylinder Pressure(PSI): /emu US EPA Method: t Analyzer II); A.1_.Z(e 44 Was Instrument stable prior to beginning calibration? Initial6aulzer Direct • li ti>nDilution Target Level lust rument"Respollse Difference Allowable Difference' Range Specification (ppm or%) (ppm or%) (Ppm or%) ( in or%) Low Range(Zero) � � G S n o ±2%of Span t v +2%of Spau-3a,6c,7e,10 Mid Range ,rt R 0,0 z 0.-ZC3 -t Higb Range(Span) ±2%of Span-3a,6c,7e,10 Initial and Post System Bias and D i t heel Run Direct Response System Response System Bias System Bias Calibration'Drift Calibration Drift Time (ppm,or 1% (ppm or'%F) (ppm or°!o) (percent error) Cppm or%) percent error) (24 Hour - Clock Zero Midscale Zero Midscale . Zero Midscale Zero Midscale Zero Midscale. Zero Midscale Pre l 0 .0 - 0,U,- c...Ao Cti ` Run l l`7 !.c) v Li .`c O•i;`i C. C�•�Z G, C . Runt I e> 01 S-C ( a 3 0 0.G C} G oz cs ,v y 6"-f�' Run 3 ~ G> U lr C` 0,0z cy ,0 x i^ U C%.1-1 Run 4 Run 5 Specification-System Bias: must be within+5%of actual gas value;Calibration Drift: must be within+3%of span of previous System Response Field Notes (record system response time here): QAJQQ Check Completeness Legibifi Accuracy Specifications Reasonableness per'+ 7 �1.�� r•Z. Technician(Signature/Date) project Manager(Signature!Datc) Dpcumenu ATC u!1-800-73.3-3193 «ETC Form No.18a-version 2.1(4/24108) SYSTEM CALIBRATION ERROR DATA. FOR INSTRUMENTAL ANALYSES Client: �i el_t ar.l Location: a. 'r I'a Q I �J c Date: -s Ite I I? _ Project No: f z, , z Calibration Gas: ' t1 r"V2 Cylinder No.: _x r �,ar Exp. Date: `�( �j�.� Cylinder Pressure(PSI): US EPA Method: Analyzer ID: r 4 _Z 1 F� Was Instrument stable prior to beginning calibration? r/ Initial Analv.er Direct Calibration Dilution Target Level lnstrulnent Response Aifference Allowable:Difference Rangc'i Specification (PPm or%) (Ppm or%) ( Pm"or"/U) (PP or%) . Low Range(Zero) ±2%of Span Mid Range +2%of Span-3a,6c,7e,LO .� �--.� � �. �' cy � I c� L1 Ia i4;Range(Span) Ci 4� ±2%of Span-3a,Gc,%3U g C9 i.J Initial d Post , and Drift Cbse Run Direct Response SysteLn.Response;. System 13Las System Bias Calibration llrift Calibration D rif# Time (ppm or%) (ppm or,%) (pPm or%) (percent error) (ppm or%) (percent error) (24.Hour Zero Midscale Zero ; ""Midscale Zero:."Midscale zero Midscalc' Zerol Midscale Zero dseate.'`. Clock)_ ... Pre 2 'C �> ; a yt � r I .,> . Run 1 j y l ( S o't (o 2,6,ci C_n c Ga Run a 5.2 7- o ri C, 2.S oci 6 0-20 G- 7 v ca Run 3 -26 0 S" G Z a O 92j cs f d C7 G z� Run 4 Run 5 Specification-System Bias: must be within+5%of actual gas value;Calibration Drift: must be within+3% of span of previous System Response Field Notes (record system response time here): QA/QC Check Completeness Legibilit Accuracy Specifications Reasonableness Technician(Signature/Date) Project Manager(Signature/Date) Mammal .ATC(p;1-800-7333193 ATC Form No.18a-vemion 2.1(4f14108) Analytical Testing Consultants Inc. 1630 Dale Earnhardt Blvd. Kannapolis, NC 28083 Wellons Analytical Report (0512-71 ) EPA Method S Particulate Matter Enthalpy Analytical, Inc. Phone:(919)850-4392 / Fax: (919)850-9012 / www.enthalpy.com 800-1 Capitola Drive Durham,NC 27713-4385 ate..... General Page 18 I certify that to the best of my knowledge all analytical data presented in this report: • Have been checked for completeness • Are accurate, error-free, and legible • Have been conducted in accordance with approved protocol, and that all deviations and analytical problems are summarized in the appropriate narrative(s) This analytical report was prepared in Portable Document Format(.PDF)and contains 11 pages. c QA Rev im Performed by: Michael Step en Scha;pira Report Issued: 5/29/12 )7O .... EA#0512-71 Page 2 of 11 General Page 19 Summary of Results EA#0512-71 Page 3 of 11 General Page 20 Company ATC Client# Wellons Analyst KTH/JMD Job# 0512-71 Parameters EPA Method 5 #Samples 3 Samples+Blanks Compound Sample ID/ Particulate Matter PM Weight m Wellons-MS-R1 Wellons-MS-R2 Wellons-M5-R3 Net Filter Catch 11,1 15.3 15.1 Net Front Rinse 1.7 8.4 3.4 Total Particulate 12.8 23.7 18A Wellons-MS-RS Net Filter Catch 0.5 0512-71 results m5 FA#0512-71 Page 4 of 11 5/2912012 General Page 21 Results EA#0512-71 Page 5 of 11 General Page 22 EPA Afellrnd 5-Purticulate Determination-Data AnulJ'41s Company ATE Client# Wellons Analyst KTH 1 JMD Job# 0512-71 Parameters EPA Method 5 9 Samples 3 Samples+Blanks Anati,sic c f Purficulufe Recurerl, Sample ID1 it eflow-11541 W"eAnns-31.1-R' 11 ellons-;L/3-R3 fli>Ilntrt-,115.R1f Filter ll) .1997 Dates 1988 Dates 7) ) Dates 4591 Dates 1'`lhCrtare(fit) I1.3�1!) 4'IS-I1 0.?R4fi 9-'15t1 ().3tt82 l 1�'I1 0.3i9tb 6u2111 Final wt (It) Is1 0. 9a1 5"„-1-' 9P 04002 ;5r22112 91) 0,4035 s�2 t i '1P 1)�40 '2,t.'l,'. 911 Tillalu't (g,)2txi 0.3');0 5.=2� 1- IIA t)40o1 i23�'12 11A t).4n;' ;;�:1?)2 II:L o..40 ?;;13 11A Net filter catch(mg) 11.1 15.3 Bcaker number 7427 Dates 1428 Dates 7429 Dates Final wt(g) 1st 2.21696 5i22`12 10A 2.22450 522'12 7P _'21572 5 22'12 10A frinal wt(g)2nd 2 21 66t 1 5i1-21 12 711 2.22424 5 2;.i 2 11 A '_?154i S:22.'12 711 Beaker tare(g) 2.21301 5'1.1 12 2,21409 S 1112 2,21055 5 11�12 Acetone Monk(g) 0,0019 0.0017 0 0015 Acetone vol tent_) 242 21it I'k) NLI 1:rtntf ritwe(nig) 1.7 R.4 14 Total particulate{mg) I'`• ?t.7 1S.d _ Blank Acetone Analpsis Blank beaker numbs 7 4 il) 1')ates Blankwitune(m1.y 18S D;,t': Final wAlittll.t 2.20907 12 WA Beaker fare(a) 2.2071 11 12 Brunt wt I c)2nd 2.20897 Max acetone residue(g) tv0015 Aceuxie residue(g) 0.(XI 1 S In-House Blank Acetone Analpis Blank lvaker nuintxr 7431 Uu1ss Blank volume(tnL) 200� Dues Final wl QO 1 st 1 2.20759 5 22 12 .I O,A Beaks tare(g) 2,2069 5,1 l r l2 Final w-t l it)2nd 1 °207.(5 N'lax aetuaw rexidtic(p 1 11,0016 Artitawtc residua i u- 1).00tI EA#0512-71 Page 6 of 11 General Page 23 Narrative Summary EA#0512-71 Page 7 of 11 General Page 24 1"Inthalpy Analytical Narrative Summary Company Analytical Testing Consultants Client# Wellons Analyst KT14 1 JMD Job# 0512-71 Parameters EPA Method 5 #Samples 3 and Blanks Custody Lindsey Chatterton received the samples on 5 1 1 r 12 after being, relinquished by Analytical Testing Consultants Inc. The samples were received at ambient temperature in good condition without Chain of Custody documentation. Prior to, during,and after analysis, the samples were kept under lock. with access only to authorized personnel by Endialpy Analytical,Inc. Analysis The samples were analyzed for particulate matter using the analytical procedures in EPA Method 5, Determination of Particulate Matter Emissions from Stationary Sources(40 CFR Part 60,Appendix A). The filter fractions were weighed on Balance 2 (Mettler Model AB265- S, serial # 1125163272) and the rinse fractions were weighed on Balance 8 (Sartorius Model ME 5-F, Serial # 23104965). Each balance is certified by Mettler Toledo through July 30.2012. QC Notes The catch weights were adjusted by a corresponding reagent blank correction value. A mathematically determined (theoretical) maximum value was calculated and compared with the actual value measured for the blank. The tower of the two values was used as the blank correction value, which was then factored by the sample volume divided by the blank volume,and subtracted from the sample catch weight. Reporting Notes Gravimetric analyses are considered to be accurate to 10.5 mg. Therefore,negative catch weights between 0 and--03 mg are set to zero and no investigation is undertaken. Negative catch weights less than -0.5 mg are investigated. There were no fractions with negative catell weights for this set of EPA Method 5 samples. These analyses met the requirements of the NELAC Standard. Any deviations from the requirements of the reference method or NELAC Standard have been previously noted in the report narrative. The results presented in this report are representative of the samples as provided to the laboratory. Y)O EA# 0512-71 Page 8 of 11 General Page 25 General Reporting Notes The following are general reporting notes that are applicable to all Enthalpy Analytical. Inc. data reports,unless specifically noted otherwise. • The acronym ;V1DL represents the Minimum Detection Limit. Below this value the laboratory cannot determine the presence of the analyte of interest reliably. • The acronym LOQ represents the Limit of Quantification_ Below this value the laboratory camtot quantitate the analytc of interest within the criteria of the method. • The acronym AD following a value indicates a non-detect or analytical result below-the MDL. • The letter J following a value indicates an analytical result between the MDL and the LOQ.A J flag indicates that the laboratory can positively identify the analyte of uticrest as present, but the value should be considered an estimate. • The letter E following a value indicates an analytical result exceeding i00%of the highest calibration point.The associated value should be considered as an estimate. • The acronym DF represents Dilution Factor,This number represents dilution of the sample during the preparation and'or analysis process. The analytical result taken froth a laboratory instrument is multiplied by the DF to determine the final undiluted sample results. • The addition of JLV to the Sample ID represents a Matrix Spike. An aliquot of an actual sample is spiked with a known amount of analyte so that a percent recovery value can be determined.This shows what effect the sample matrix may have on the target analyte,i.e. whether or not anything in the sample matrix interferes with the analysis of the analyte(s). • 'file addition of VSD to the Sample ID represent,-, a Matrix Spike Duplicate, Prepared in the s.'mte manner as an MS, the use of duplicate matrix spikes allows further confirmatiou of laboratory quality by showing the consistency of results gained by performing the same steps multiple times. • The addition of LD to the Sample iD represents a Laboratory Duplicate. The analyst prepares an additional aliquot of sample for testing and the results of the duplicate analysis are compared to the initial result.The result should have a difference value of within Ur of the initial result(if the results of the original analysis are greater than the LOQ). • The addition of AD to the Sample ID represents an ,Alternate Dilution. The analyst prepares an additional aliquot at a different dilution factor (usually double the initial factor). This analysis helps confirm that no additional compound is present and coeluting or sharing absorbance with the analyte of interest,as they would have a different response/absorbance than the analyte of interest. • The Sample ID LC.S represents a Laboratory Control Sample.Clean matrix,similar to the client sample matrix, prepared and analyzed by the laboratory using the same reagents- spiking standards and procedures used liar the client samples. The LCS is used to assess the control of the laboratory's analytical system. Whenever spikes arc prepared for our client projects, two extra spikes are prepared. The extras(randomly chosen)arc labeled with the associated project number and kept in-house at the appropriate temperature conditions. When the project samples are received for analysis. the LCSs are analyzed to confirm that the analyte could be recovered from the media, separate from the samples which were used on the project and which may have been affected by source matrix,sample collection and/or sample transport. lr' EA# 0512-71 Page 9 of 11 General Page 26 General Reporting Dotes icontinued) • Significant Figures: %'here the reported value is much greater than unity(I AJ)to the units expressed, the number is rounded to a whole number of units, rather than to 3 significant figures. For example.a value of 10.456.45 ug catch is rounded to 10,456 ug.There are five significant digits displayed,but no confidence should he placed on more than two significant digits. • Manual Inttirration: The data systems used for processing will flag manually integrated peaks with an'N". There are several reasons a peak may be manually integrated, These reasons will be identified by the following two Icuer designations. The peak was,rot into,rated by the software-NI",the peak was integrated Meorrect1j, by the software ~II" or the wrong peak was integrated by the sollware *INVP", These codes will accompany the. analyst's manual integration stain laced next to the p 3 � p p compound name. I �a VW P EA# 0512-71 Page 10 of 11 General Page 27 This Is The Last Page Of This Report. A� EA# 0512-71 Page 11 of 11 General Page 28 POST TEST MODULE CALIBRATION CALCULATION Date: 5/14l2012 12022 Client Project Number Pbar: 29.22 17562 Wet Test Serial No.or DGM 9 Module ID:LKIATC 5 0.986 Pre-test Calibration Factor Calibration by: RKMAN Acceptable Post-test Calibration Acceptable?' Orifice Vac,"H9 Vw Vd Tw Td Time dH 1.60 1.00 7.33 7.51 60.0 62.0 10.0 1.690 0.976 1.60 1.00 7.29 7.48 61.5 64.5 10.0 1.710 0.976 1.60 1.00 7.28 7.51 62.0 65.5 10.0 1.715 0.972 Specifications(QA Handbook-Vol III CD5-1,9130/94) 1)The average post-test meter calibratlon factor(Yi)shall be within t5% 1 1.705 0.975 of the pre-test calibration factor,as stated by the equation below. 'Requirement-40CFR60 App A Method 5 VyP,(t, +459.69) Legend Y, = Vw= Volume of Wet Test Meter,ft3 jr� P! {ttit +459. 9} Vd= Volume of Dry Gas Meter,ft3 13.6 Tw= Temperature of Wet Test Meter,°F Td= Temperature of Dry Gas Meter,°F dH@i= Pressure differential across the orifce meter, in. H2O 0.95 x Y < Y,, < 1 .05 x Y Yi= Dry Gas Meter Calibration Coefficient,dimensionless 0.0319AH P + dH @ _ n 13.6 (t,,, +459.69)0 (td +459.69) V,R QA/QC Check. Completeness Le 1 'Ity Accuracy Specifications Reasonableness ��- Signatures. Technician(Sgnatur Date) Project Manager(Signature/Date) The above equations may be found in EPA/600/R-941038c,Quality Assurance Handbook,Volume 11I-CD5-1 C:0ocuments and SetdngslLKirkmanWy Documentstworkt Thermocouple Post-test Calibration Data Form according to Alternative Method 2 Procedures (ALT-011) Client: mst�L Test Date: 7, Test Location: t5 i�>Z'c-L Calibration Date / Ambient Temp.,OF o Thermocouple Number Technician Reference Thermometer(List ID#)' Source' Reference Thermocouple Temperature Thermocouple (Specify) Temperature Potentiometer Difference OF Temperature,OF °F3 Stack Ambient II-i Probe Ambient'` 0 3�cs � ' Reference thermometer-mercury in glass 'May be ambient air or other 'Difference must be 2 OF or less. QA/QQC Check Completeness Legibility Accuracy Specifications Reasonableness CheckedW_- 3LZ_ _1 "�yr�z- li ation Technician Test Team Leader (Signature/Date) (Signature/Date) ATC Form 210-Post-test Thermocouple Calibration Record FAWorkWl Forms-...QI O-Post-test thermocouple Calibrations.xls version 2.1 May 2009 ATC(800)733-3193 Analytical Testing Consultants, Inc. Post-test Type S Pitot Tube Inspection Sheet ! Level and Perpendicular? \ 2 Obstruction 9 �m 3 Damaged? 4 ai (-100<al<+10°) o Degree indicating level position for determining a,and az. S a2 (1 p°<a2<+100) / - Bat•a� r W��3 9 � ` x Degree indicated level position for determining 01 and 02. 10 Z/4 tan Y (<0.12.5'q t,D4 11 `y A tan ©(<0.03125 12 Dr(3116"<Dr <318')FO Degree indicating level position for 13 A ' determining of& 14 ` A/2Dr (1.05 <PAID, < 1-50) {, IS If temperature sensor is flush with pltot 8 tube opening, is Z>'/"? ----==� �`- 16 If temperature sensor is set back from - e pilot tube opening,is W>2"? Is >%"'forDn=Y22» Degrees indicating level position for determiningy 17 then calculate � Z. IS Is impact side ofpitot tube even with or above nozzle entiy plane? 19 Is Y>3"for 3116"<Lit<318"? QA 1QC Check Completeness Legibility Accuracy Specifications Reasonableness Certification I certify that the Type S pitot tube/probe ID# 5 1 14- meets or exceeds all specifications criteria and/or appl' le design features and is hereby assigned a pitot tube calibration factor CP of 0.84'. Certified y: 2." Personnel igna re/Dote) Team Leader(Signature/Date) f z_z-- ' This certification also applies to the specifications of EPA Method 2,section regarding inter-component spacing of pitot tube-sampling probe assemblies. Refer to the figures on the reverse side of this page for specifics. ATC Form 36-Post-test S-type Pitot Tube Calibrations-version 3.0 September 2007 ATC©(800)733-3193 SYSTEM CALIBRATION ERROR DATA. Protocol Gases Client: Date: f r r ]Location: ��_ Q ��y � Method: Analyzer: C- ,Q- f _ �? E ( Technician: L1- ATC Project No.: ( 7,3 7 -2 Instrument stable prior to calibrations? f - PR TOC L GAS DATA Protocbl>Gas D1 11f10t Cylinder Concentration; 1'oltutanf Gus Expiicatton Date - Gas Number I0.50%o carbon Nitrogen / Dioxide sac t(3�7� 2 Xiy ( T_ 18.00% Carbon Nitrogen >,- ict 5 ! Dioxide i z/,2 t 18.00% Span Value(100%of high range calibration gas) INITIAL CALIBRATION Cy lender C lender Systertt y Difference Calsbrat�on+Error ~` 12A1sIGE Pressure. ;Value.? Respogsg () . 10j ZERO f c C) 0.0 0, O Z 0 1 MID HIGH r l ca c9 18.0 Specification-Methods 3a,bc,7e c& 10=+2% of span value Field Notes: _Analyst: Date: Data Reviewed by: Date: ANALYTICAL THING CONSULTANTS,INC. FORM 31-Version 7-21512009 ATC 62) 1-B00.1;3- 3193 F',WOILK',AII Forms-Field Data Sheets,Calc Formulae,Nomencisture,etdrieldO I-Protocol Gas Cal Data Big Trails doc Primary Module Calibration Calculation Date: 101412011 Calibrations by: KIRKMAN Pbar: 29.22 Wet Test Meter Serial No.: 17662 Module ID: ATC 5 Pre-test Calibration Factor 0.940 Orifice Vw,fta Vd,ft3 Tw,°F Td,°F AH(inches Initial Ending Initial Ending Initial Ending Initial Ending H2O 0.50 73.750 77.513 231.105 234.982 66 66 68,0 72.0 1.00 77.513 82.899 234.982 240.537 66 67 72.0 75.0 1.50 82.899 89.491 240,537 247.310 67 68 75.0 78.0 2.00 89.491 97.244 247.310 255.234 68 70 78.0 81.0 3.001 97.244 106.834 255.234 265.076 701 70 81.01 84.0 4.001 106.834 117.949 265.076 276.471 701 71 84.01 86.0 Orifice Time, dH@a YI minutes QH(inches H2O 0.50 10.0 2.014 0.977 1.00 10.0 1.959 0.980 1,50 10.0 1,961 0.986 2.00 10.0 1.8931 0.993 3.00 10.0 1.8571 0.990 4.00 10.01 1.8431 0,992 1.921 0.9861 Specifications(QA Handbook-Vol III CDS-1,9/30194) 1)No value of AH@i shall vary from the average AH@ by more than 0.20. 2)No value of Yl shall vary from Yavg by more than 0.02. 0.0319AH Pb+ OH 2 V,P6(t, + 459.69) 13.6)[(t,,+459.69)0 Y; - dH@=- td+459.69 P,Ph Vd Pb+ 3.13.6 (tw + 459.69) QA1QC Check Completeness L yi ility Accuracy Specifications Reasonableness Checked by. l( f o `{ P rsonne (Signat re ate) Team Leader (Signature/Date) ATC Form 34c-Primary Module Ca9bralion Record F:%Wwk%All F-t-Reld Data ShMs,Calc Fwmuae...13a.Pftaty M.W.C.0wwlon Record elank.o version 4 0 November 2009 ATC(800)733-3193 The above equations may be found in EPAI6001R•941038c,Quathy Assurance Handbook.Volume IIICD5-1 C:%oocumenls and setlings%ti iriananwy DocumenwWork%Od201 l Module Primaries% POST TEST MODULE CALIBRATION CALCULATION Date: 6/2612012 12022 Client Project Number Pbar; 29.05 17562 Wet Test Serial No. or DGM# Module ID: ATC 4 0.978 Pre-test Calibration Factor Calibration by: Kirkman Acceptable Post-test Calibration Acceptable?' Orifice Vac,"Hg VW Vd TW Td Time dH@ V 2.00 1.00 7.61 7.79 85.5 84.0 10.0 2.084 0.969 2.00 1.00 7.64 7.75 86.5 88.0 10.0 2.060 0.984 2.00 1.00 7.59 7.76 87.0 90.5 10.0 2.081 0.979 Specifications(QA Handbook-Vol III c05-1,9/30/94) 1)The average post-test meter calibration factor(Yi)shad be within t5% 2,075 0.977 of the pre-test calibration factor,as stated by the equation below. 'Requirement4DCFR60 App A Method 5 V,,,Pb(td + 459.69) Legend y, Vw= Volume of Wet Test Meter,ft3 V (P,+ ©H (t,, +459.69) Vd= Volume of Dry Gas Meter,ft3 , 13.6 Tw= Temperature of Wet Test Meter,OF Td= Temperature of Dry Gas Meter,OF AH@i= Pressure differential across the orifce meter, in. H2O 0.95 X G vg C 1 .OS x Y Yi= Dry Gas Meter Calibration Coefficient, dimensionless 0.0319AH .Pb + 2 dH @ _ _ 13.6)[(tw +459.69)0. td +459.69 V R QA/QC Check: Completeness Will Accuracy Specifications Reasonableness �� ( SignaZ Technician(Signature/Date) " Project Manager(Signature/Date) The above equations may be found in EPA O R-W038c,Duality Assurance Handbook.Volume III-CDS-1 C:kDocuments and SetlingslLOkman"Documents\WorMUsefuR Analytical Vesting Consultants, Inc. Post-test Type S Not Tube Inspection Sbeet �`r "' 1 Level and Perpendicular? 2 Obstruction? 3 Damaged? ' 4 of (-10°<a1<+1o°) 3° Degree indicating level position for determining a,and ax. 5 a2 (_1(j° <a2<+I V) � D •ej 8 Y Jy r 9 ® �© Degree indicated level position for determining 61 and p=. l0 Z A tan y(<0.1259 0.o9( it =A tan a(<0.03125") 0,000 A --` 12 Dr(3116"<D, <3/811) .77y 13 Degree indicating level position for A J ) determining of®. 14 A/2D, (1.05<P.*ID,<1.50) I.27 15 If temperature sensor Is flash with pitot �rz tube opening,is Z>:Y4"? ----- -- 16 If temperature sensor is set back from ° 1tot tube opening,Is W>2"7 Degrees indicating level position for detemnining y then calculate 17 Is X?,-for Dn—Y:" Z. 18 Is impact side of pilot tube even with or above nozzle entry lane? 19 Is Y>3"for 3116"<D1<318"? 'Q 1QC Check Completeness Legibility Accuracy Specifications Reasonableness Certification I certify that the Type S pitot tube/probe ID# }� meets or exceeds all specifications,criteria and/or applicabl design features and is hereby assigned a pitot tube calibration factor Cr of 0.84'. Certifie by: Personnel(Signs Date) Team Leader(Signature/Date) 7,- /-,7 0�Z ' This certification also applies to the specifications of EPA Method 2,section regarding inter-component spacing of pitot tube-sampling probe assemblies. Refer to the figures on the reverse side of this page for specifics. ATC Form 36-Post-test S-type Pitot Tube Calibrations-version 3.0 September 2007 ATC®(800)733-3193 Thermocouple Post-test Calibration Data Form according to Alternative Method 2 Procedures(AL T-011) Client: LWQ Test Date: 1 � Test Location: u?t C Calibration Date & Ambient Temp., OF Thermocouple Number S_/41 Technician / Reference Thermometer(List ID#}' Source Reference Thermocouple Temperature Thermocouple (Specify) Temperature Potentiometer Difference OF Temperature,OF °F' Stack Ambient° �70 Ambient U `' Probe Reference thermometer-mercury in glass 2May be ambient air or other 3Difference must be 2 OF or less. QA/QC Check Completeness Legibility Accuracy Specifications Reasonableness Checked y: li ation Technician Test Team Leader (Signature/Date) (Signature/Date) ATC Form 210-Post-test Thermocouple Calibration Record FftWorkWl Forms-...12t0-Post-test thermocouple Calibrations.xis version 2.1 May 2009 ATC(800)733-3193 TESTING/CALIBRATION: AMERICANd WET'VEST METER AL19917562 Analytical Testing Consultants 01-16-12 Kannapolis NC Conditions of Test: Flow hate 1 CFM CF per ruin 2 CF(8 runs) Room Temp 68.5F Air Temp/Meter 69.75F Air pressure 1.5"WC Barometric pressure 30.55" Meter perfectly level Readings at final test run: Wet Test Meter---2.00CF, Prover---2.00CF. Meniscus adjusted according to these results. As tested on RW 5CF Prover#81. Certified Tape#26727. Douglas P Miller---SGM Primary Module Calibration Calculation Date: 10/4/2011 Calibrations by: KIRKMAN Pbar: 29.22 Wet Test Meter Serial No.: 17562 Module ID: ATC 5 Pre-test Calibration Factor 0.940 Orifice Vw,ft3 Vd,ft3 Tw,eF Td,°F AH(inches Initial Ending initial Ending Initial Ending Initial Ending H2O 0.50 73.750 77.513 231.105 234.982 66 66 68.0 72.0 1.00 77.513 82.899 234.982 240.537 66 67 72.0 75.0 1.50 82.899 89.491 240.537 247.310 67 68 75.0 78.0 2.00 89.491 97.244 247.310 255.234 68 70 78.0 81.0 3.00 97-244 106.834 255.234 265.076 701 70 -81.01 84.0 4.00 106.834 117.949 265.076 276.471 701 71 84.01 86.0 Orifice Time, dH@i Yt minutes AH(inches H2O 0.50 10.0 2.014 0.977 1.00 10.0 1.959 0.980 1.50 10.01 1.9611 0.986 2.00 10.0 1.893 0.993 3.00 10.0 1.857 0.990 4.00 10.0 1.843 0.992 1.921 0.986 Specifications(qA Handbook-Vol III CD5-1,9130194) 1)No value of AH@i shall vary from the average AH@ by more than 0.20. 2)No value of Yi shall vary from Yavg by more than 0.02. 0.0319aH Ph + V14,Pb(t�, + 459.69) 13.6 (t,,,+459.69)0 Y; - dH _- trt +�t59.69 Ux, Vd Ph+ �H (tH + 459.69) 13.6 OA1QC Check Completeness Lent ility Accuracy Specifications 1 Reasonableness Checked by. P rsonnel(Signat re ate) Team leader (Signature/Date) ATC Form 34c-Primary Module calibration Record FAMWAII Falr-a 6d Oete Seeet,Calt FttmWae...4'4-Primary Motlda CNlbatl Record elenk.p version 4 0 November 2009 ATC(000)733-3193 The above equations may be found in EPA18MIR•9"38c,0ustity Assurance Handbook,volume IIICD5-1 CMocuments and settings\LKrkmanwY DocumentsMork\0cf2011 Module Primaries+. Primary Module Calibration Calculation Date:1 1115120111 Calibrations by: F(IRKMAN Pbar: 29.26 Wet Test Meter Serial No.: 17562 Module ID: ATC 4 Pre-test Calibration Factor 0.978 Orifice Vw,ft' Vd,ft' Tw,eF Td,OF AH(inches Initial Ending Initial Ending Initial Ending Initial Ending H2O) 0.50 23,573 27.400 918.188 922.214 67 68 69.0 74.0 1,00 27,400 32.700 922.214 927.764 68 69 74.0 78.0 1,50 32.700 39.078 927.764 934.450 69 70 78.0 81.0 2.00 39.078 46.531 934.450 942.179 70 72 81.0 83.0 3.00 46.531 55.614 942.179 951.590 721 74 83.0 86.0 4.00 55.614 66,058 951.590 962.369 741 75 86.01 88.0 Orifice Time, dH@i y minutes AH(inches H2Q 0.50 10.0 1.950 0.957 1.00 10.0 2.026 0.966 1.50 10.0 2.696 0.968 2.001 10.0 2.0511 0.979 3.001 10.01 2.0831 0.979 4.001 10.01 2.1081 0.982 2.052 0.972 Specifications(QA Handbook-Vol Ili CD5-1,9130194) 1)No value of AH@i shall vary from the average AH@ by more than 0,20. 2)No value of Yi shall vary from Yavg by more than 0.02. 0.0319AH Ph +AH 2 V P (td + 459.69) 13.6 (r,,+459.69)9 Y; - dH@= t, +459.69 ',�Pb vd Ph+ AH (t11, + 459.69) 13.6 QA/QC Check Completeness Le ii'ty Accuracy Specifications Reasonableness Checkedby: D ff (U l Vj P rsonn Signatur 1D te) Team Leader (Signature/Date) ATC Form 34c-Artmery Module Calibration Record F:1WorkWl Forms•FMd Dau SMea,Cak Fo'mul-Wl Primuy Nodule C.W.5oh R-d 91ank.W. version 4.0 November 2000 ATC(000)733.3193 The above equations may be found in EPA/000111-941030c,Quality Assurance Handbook,Votun III-005-1 C:1Documenis and 3aUinpsVJGrkmanWty nocumenl1%Work%0g2011 Module Primariest Thermocouple Primary Calibration Data Form Calibration Date ' ( �� ( Thermocouple Number 2 ` Ambient Temp., °F "'� ... � � Barometric Pressure, inches Hg ,7�, Technician n Reference Thermometer(List ID#)t -I Reference Source2 Reference Thermocouple Temperature Point (specify) Temperature Potentiometer Difference,% Number OF Temperature,OF (calculate in Kelvin)' (� v 1Ambient Air �. . `> �� .2. i 2 Ice Bath Z-0 u t c) 3 3 Thelco Oven �=' { �1 ' Reference thermometer-mercury in glass 'Type of calibration system used '=[(Ref Temp, C+273) -Test Temp., C + 273)IRef Temp, C + 273j*100<1.5% Kelvin =(519) * (F-32) +273.15 QAIQC Check Completeness ' "Legibility �� Accuracy ✓Specifications �!�F2easonableness Checked b!/: .ta ibr tion Technician Test Team Leader (Signature/Date) (Signature/Date) ATC Form 209-Primary Thermocouple Calibration Record FAWorkWl Form s-...t2o90-Primary thermocouple Calibrations-xis version 2.1 May 2009 ATC(800)733-3193 Analytical Testing consultants, Inc. Primary Type S Pitot Tube Inspection Sheet Level and Perpendicular? Obstruction? Damaged? r al (-10°<a1<+10°) Degree indicating level position for determining a,and az. a2 (40°<az<_+IQ°) O //1, (_V< X :5 +r) 0 Q�!*vq N2(-r< Q2 < +V) i �p 19 Degree indicated level position for determining 0,and(i;. z—A ran y(<n.12s") ®r p y+q u� O 4-1 W=A tan (O(<0.03125'9 Dr(3116"<Dr <3/8'9 Degree indicating level position for A �< 4 determining of O. � ;v Al2D, (L 05<Pi IDt <1.50) If temperature sensor is flush with +t t" pilot tube opening,is Z?:314 1f temperature sensor is set back from pitot tube opening,is W>2"? Degrees indicating level position for determining y then calculate Is X>4"for Du=%" Z. Is impact side of pilot tube even with or above nozzle enity plane? QA/QC Check Is Y>3"for 3116"<Dt<318"? Completeness ✓� Legibility �/"' Accuracy ✓^ Specifications Reasonableness Certification I certify that the Type S pitot tube/probe 1D 4 meets or exceeds all specifications,criteria and/or"cable design features and is hereby assigned a pitot tube calibration factor Cp of 0.84'. ZA r Certified biy: -- Personnel(Signature/Dale) Team leader(Signature/Date) ' This certification also applies to the specifications of EPA Method 2,section regarding inter-component spacing of pitot tube-sampling probe assemblies. Refer to the figures on the reverse side of this page for specifics. ATC form 206-Primary S-type Not Tube Calibrations-version 3.1 May 2009 ATC©(800)733-3193 ...................... I a!!niut uu>aittntuwuwudwwau _�. IMP.e uluiyrLw+ 1 . Il t,r»�e!u!wnV'M@Ip4�MN�+I"�INM. 1` -' 111nGlNiia! I 1�1 r aMUNiNi1�l � h t. �! ,MI a fi I� L 1 1 ai�l !!,: Report on Calibration of Field Barometers The following barometers were calibrated: By: Akzmw / Date: / 9 �r Barometer ID Pre-Calibration Reading Adjustment Needed ATC #1 Z, 20 ATC #2 Z 9. 190 O- 1 ATC #3 z / 7 c 0. o& ATC #4 2 . S-g c 1 1 D. 10u 1 Barometer adjusted to reading obtained from National Weather Service website. Reading adjusted for elevation of 814 ft. National Weather Service Barometer reading, actual Elevation Adjustment ATC Office=814 ft Adjusted Station Pressure for correction of ATC Barometers ATC Fonn 53-Barometer C: libiations version 1.1 February 2007 / Analytical Testing Consultants,[ne. (800)733-3193 STEEL NOZZLE CALIBRATION DATA FORM Red: Box 1 DATE: 12/1/2011 Black: Box 2 CALIBRATED BY: Luke Boor Initials: LAB SERIES: All NOZZLE NOZZLE DIAMETER* DIAMETER AVERAGE I.D. D1 D2 D3 DIFF.** DIA.*** NO. INCHES INCHES INCHES INCHES INCHES 0.123 0.121 0.124 0.003 0,123 0.122 0.123 0.124 0.002 0.123 0.127 0.125 0.127 0.002 0.126 0.125 0.126 0.126 0.001 0.126 0.127 0.127 0.128 0.001 0.127 • 0.127 0.126 0.127 0.001 0.127 0.132 0.132 0.130 0.002 0.131 0.151 0.151 0.151 0.000 0.151 0.151 0.153 0.152 0.002 0.152 0.172 0.174 0.171 0.003 0.172 0.177 0.177 0.178 0.001 0.177 0.189 0.186 0.188 0.003 0.188 0.210 0.211 0.209 0.002 0.210 0.213 0.213 0.213 0.000 0.213 0.241 0.241 0.240 0.001 0.241 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.000 0.250 0.275 0.276 0.275 0.001 0.275 0.276 0.276 0.277 0.001 0.276 0.301 0.303 0.301 0.002 0.302 0.301 0.302 0.303 0.002 0.302 0.307 0.309 0.306 0.003 0.307 0.312 0.311 0.311 0.001 0.311 0.327 0.325 0.326 0.002 0.326 0.335 0.332 0.331 0.004 0.333 0.369 0.367 0.369 0.002 0.368 0.369 0.367 0.368 0.002 0.368 0.370 0.368 0.368 0.0021 0.369 0.3691 0.3701 0.371 0.0021 0.370 where: '= Measure each nozzle three times in different orientations each time. Measure to the closest 0.001 inch. '=Maximum difference between any two diameters must be less than or equal to 0.005 inches Average of three diameters F:\Work\AII Forms-Field Data Sheets,Calc Formulae... ATC Form 149-Primary Nozzle Calibration Record \149-Primary Nozzle Calibration Record.xls version 1.0 January 2006 ATC(800)733-3193 Cherokee Instruments, Inc FLOW CONTROLLER CALIBRATION SIAEET Description.: MFC-1 Size: 10 SLM K-factor: 1.0 Model: Tylan FC-280AV Barometric 30.0 in.Hq. Serial Number: AW9410211 Calibration Temperature: 75 F Range: 10000 cc/min Positioning: HESD Calibration Gas: N2 Conv. Factor: 1.0 This flow controller was calibrated using a CM2-C1 a MIST traceable Primary Flow Standard Calibration System.This calibration is referenced to dry air at a temperature of 32 degrees F and a pressure of 30.0 in.HG (760 Tarr). Bench Flow Inst Flow % Difference (cc/min) (cc/min) 5% 500 502 0.4 10% 1000 1003 0.3 20% 2000 2003 0.2 30% 3000 3001 0.0 40% 4000 3999 0.0 50% 5000 5001 0.0 60% 6000 6002 0.0 70% 6995 7000 0.1 80% 8000 8000 0.0 90% 9000 9000 0.0 100% 10000 9998 0.0 Verified by: Jim Kree4er Date: 4/6/2012 Cherokeo Instruments, Inc FLOW CONTROLLER CALIBRATION SHEET Description: MFC-2 Size: 10 SLM K-factor: 1.0 Model: TYlan FC-280AV Barometric 30.0 in. Hg• Serial Number: AW9410208 Calibration Temperature: 75 F Range: 10000 cc/min Positioning: HESD Calibration Gas: N2 Conv. Factor: 1_0 This flow controller was calibrated using a CM2-C1 a NIST traceable Primary Flow Standard Calibration System.This calibration is referenced to dry air at a temperature of 32 degrees F and a pressure of 30.0 in.HG(760 Torr). Bench Flow Inst Flow % Difference (cclmin) (cc/min) 5% 500 496 -0.8 10% 1000 997 -0.3 20% 1990 1994 0.2 30% 3000 2996 -0.1 40% 4000 3996 -0.1 50% 5000 4996 -0.1 60% 6000 5996 -0.1 70% 7000 6993 -0.1 80% 7990 7999 0.1 90% 8990 8998 0.1 100% 9980 9985 0.1 Verified by: Jim Kreeger Date: 4/6/2012 Cherokee Instruments, Inc FLOW CONTROLLER CALIBRATION SHEET Description: MFC-3 Size: 1000 K-factor: 1.0 Model: FC-280 AV Barometric 29.9 in. Hg. Serial Number: AW9410187 Calibration Temperature: 75F Range: 1000 cc/min Positioning: HESD Calibration Gas: N2 Conv. Factor: 1_0 This flow controller was calibrated using a CM2-C1 a MIST traceable Primary Flow Standard Calibration System. This calibration is referenced to dry air at a temperature of 32 degrees F and a pressure of 29.92 in.HG (760 Torr). Bench Flow Inst Flow % Difference (cc/min} (cc/min) 5% 50 50 0.0 10% 100 100 0.0 20% 200 200 0.0 30% 299 300 0.3 40% 399 400 0.3 50% 500 500 0.0 60% 600 600 0.0 70% 699 699 0.0 80% 799 800 0.1 90% 901 900 -0.1 100% 1000 999 -0.1 Verified by: Jim Kreeger Date: 4/6/2012 Cherokee Instruments, Inc FLOW CONTROLLER CALIBRATION SHEET Description: MFC-4 Size: 100 sccm K-factor: 1.0 Model: Environics 202 Barometric 30.2 in• Hg. Serial Number: not found Calibration Temperature: 75F Range: 100 cc/min Positioning: HESD Calibration Gas: N2 Conv. Factor: 1_0 This flow controller was calibrated using a CM2-Cl a NIST traceable Primary Flow Standarc Calibration System.This calibration is referenced to dry air at a temperature of 32 degrees F and a pressure of 29.92 in.HG(760 Torr). Bench Flow Inst Flow %Difference (cc/min) (cc/min) 5% 4.9 4.89 -0.2 10% 9.9 9.8 -1.0 20% 20.1 19.93 -0.8 30% 30 29.95 -0.2 40% 39.85 39.95 0.3 50% 49.75 49.94 0.4 60% 59.7 59.96 0.4 70% 69.6 69.93 0.5 80% 79.5 79.94 0.6 90% 89.5 89.94 0.5 100% 98.7 99 0.3 Verified by: Jim Kreeger Date: 4/6/2012 Cherokee Instruments, Inc FLOW CONTROLLER CALIBRATION SHEET Description:MFC-5 Size: 10 SCCM K-factor: 1.0 Model: Tylan FC-280AV Barometric 30.2 in.H Serial Number: AV9406002 Calibration Temperature: 75F Range: 10 SCCM Positioning: HESD Calibration Gas: N2 Conv. Factor: 1.0 This flow controller was calibrated using a CM2-Cl a NISI traceable Primary Flow Standard Calibration System.This calibration is referenced to dry air at a temperature of 32 degrees F and a pressure of 29.92 in.HG(760 Torr). Bench Flow Inst Flow %Difference (cclmin} (ccJmin) 0% 0.5 0.497 0.0 10% 1.0 1.0 0.0 20% 2.0 2.0 0.5 30% 3.0 3.0 0.3 40% 4.0 4.0 0.3 50% 5.0 5.0 0,2 60% 6.0 6.0 0.0 70% 6.99 7.0 0.1 80% 7.9 7.99 1.1 90% 8.9 8.99 1.0 100% 9.9 9.9 0.0 Verified by: Jim Kreeger Date: 4/612012 4 1650 ENTERPRISE PKWY TeRI-GAS CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS-EPA PROTOCOL MIXTURE TWINSBURG,OHIO 44087 b MATHESON :sk...rn.r s�F"oWaU- 215-6464000 Customer: ANALYTICAL TESTING CONSULTANTS, INC. Protocol: Reference# Lot# Cylinder Number. SX-52242 G1 556416 109-16-05322 Cylinder pressure: 2000 psi9 Last Analysis date: 5/17/2011 Expiration Date: 5/17/14 r ? C REPLICATE RESPONSES Date: 5117/2011 Date: Component: Carbon Dioxide 19 7% Certified Conc: 19.6%t 1%rel 19.7% 19.5% BALANCE GAS: Nitrogen REFERENCE STANDARDS Component: Carbon Dioxide SRM#: SRM-2745 Sample#: 9-C-12 Cylinder M. CAL-016083 Concentration: 15.633% CERTIFICATiON INSTRUMENTS Component: Carbon Dioxide Make/Model: Nicolet 560 Serial Number: ACN-9402192 Measurement Principle: FTiR Last Calibration: 5/16/2011 Notes: T156960 This certification was performed according to EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay &Certification of Gaseous Calibration Standards September 1997,using procedure GI and/or G2. U.S.EPA Vendor ID No.:D42011, PGVP Participation Date:04/12/11 PGVP Renewal Date 0110V12 Analyst SIGNATURE ON FILE Date 5/1 8120 1 1 ON 0410 TRI-GAS ast--.7he Gas ft.kul—&4` 'EPA. 9tT0C©L GAS ANALYSIS. C1!L Aff3tfRE3ER: Sx449, LOMPCWWTNAM£ MEAN CONC£NMATiON ;LAB REFERENCE#': 5388( Rx, 9en LOT NUMBER. 1050617"1! SIZE: 1R CGA:590 Volume: 140 cult Pressure: 2000 psig @ 70F This mixture has been analyzed according to EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay and Balance Gas: Nitrogen Certification of Gaseous PROCEDURE:G1 ASSAY DATE: 8426110 Calibration Standards revised epterberp1997 h EXPIRATION DATE: 8l2W/ NOTE:.t"'s mixture should not.be usod ! analyst s name when the pressuro faits b_low,160 psig. J1 tnforma!ion:eantinued on other side.oF"thls.tac MATHESON 1650 ENTERPRISE PKWY TRI-GAS CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS-EPA PROTOCOL MIXTURE TWINSBURG,OHIO 44087 Wxk...The WSPraftW—%k` 215-648-4000 Customer. ANALYTICAL TESTING CONSULTANTS,INC. Protocol: Reference# Lot# Cylinder Number: SX-50135 G1 566416 i09-16-05323 Cylinder pressure: 2000 psig Last Analysis date: 5/26/2011 Expiration Date: 5/26/14 � � REPLICATE RESPONSES Date: 5119/2011 Date: 5/26/2011 Component: Carbon Monoxide 499 ppm 509 ppm Certifled Conc: 502 ppm t 1%rel 499 ppm 504 ppm 502 ppm 498 ppm BALANCE GAS: Nitrogen REFERENCE STANDARDS Component: Carbon Monoxide SRM#: SRM-1680b Sample#: 2-J-58 Cylinder#: CAL-018076 Concentration: 490A ppm CERTIFICATION INSTRUMENTS Component: Carbon Monoxide Make/Model: Nicolet 550 Serial Number: ACN-9402192 Measurement Principle: FTIR Last Calibration: 5/11/2011 Notes: T156960 This certification was performed according to EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay&Certification of Gaseous Calibration Standards September 1997, using procedure G1 and/or G2. U.S.EPA Vendor ID No.:D42011, PGVP Participation Date:04/12/11 PGVP Renewal Date 01/01/12 Analyst SIGNATURE ON FILE Date 5127/2011 99 MATHESON 1650 ENTERPRISE PKINY TRI*GAS CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS-EPA PROTOCOL MIXTURE TWINSBURG,OHIO 44087 .k...Thc Gn P.fts K 215-648-4000 Customer. ANALYTICAL TESTING CONSULTANTS Protocol: Reference# Lot# Cylinder Number: SX-26150 G1 566416 109-16-05320 Cylinder pressure: 2000 psig a � Last Analysis date: 5/19/2011iSR>~ �1R ,�v 'Sf Expiration Date: 5/19114 REPLICATE RESPONSES Date: 5/1 912 0 1 1 Date: Component: Oxygen 10.7% Certifled Conc: 10.7%t 1% REL 10.7% 10.7% BALANCE GAS: Nitrogen REFERENCE STANDARDS Component: Oxygen SRM#: SRM-2658a Sample#: 72-D-30 Cylinder#; CAL-016828 Concentration: 9.918% CERTIFICATION INSTRUMENTS Component: Oxygen Make/Model: Rosemount 755 Serial Number: 2002832 Measurement Principle: Paramagnetic Last Calibration: 4/29/2011 Notes: T 156960 This certification was performed according to EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay&Certification of Gaseous Calibration Standards September 1997,using procedure G1 and/or G2. U.S.EPA Vendor ID No.-D42011, PGVP Participation Date:04/12/11 PGVP Renewal Date 01/01/12 Analyst _ SIGNATURE ON FILE Date 511912011 STATE OF LOUISIANA a�a Enviroo DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY t \� 0 Is hereby granting a Louisiana Environmental Laboratory Accreditation to LEr A n, r L E ,C, \v Quo LOUISIANA Analytical Testing Consultants Inc �'�itatio�` 1630 Dale Earnhardt Blvd Kannaholis, North Carolina 28083 Agency Interest No. 94216 According to the Louisiana Administrative Code,,Title 33,Part I,Subpart 3, LABORATORY ACCREDITATION,the State of Louisiana formally recognizes that this laboratory is technically competent to perform the environmental analyses listed on the scope of accreditation detailed in the attachment. The laboratory agrees to perform all analyses listed on this scope of accreditation according to the Part I, Subpart 3 requirements and acknowledges that continued accreditation is dependent on successful ongoing compliance with the applicable requirements of Part I. Please contact the Department of Environmental Quality,Louisiana Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program(LELAP)to verify the laboratory's scope of accreditation and accreditation status.' Accreditation by the State of Louisiana is not an endorsement or a guarantee of validity of the data generated by the laboratory. To be accredited initially and maintain accreditation,the laboratory agrees to participate in two single-blind, single-concentration PT studies,where available,per year for each field of testing for which it seeks accreditation or maintains accreditation as required in LAC 33:I.4711. L-11ti Certificate Number: 04044 Lourdes Iturralde,Administrator Expiration Date: June 30,2013 Notifications and Accreditation Section Issued On: July 1, 2012 Public Participation&Permit Support Services Division 6/19/2012 Run#1 Run#2 Run#3 Steam Time Flow Rate Time Steam Steam Time Flow Rate Flow Rate (PPH) 11:30 61,660 13:15 61,640 14:45 61,820 11:45 61,670 13:30 61,750 15:00 62,010 12:00 61,590 13:45 61,660 15:15 61,940 12:15 61,510 14:00 61,610 15:30 61,670 12:30 61,650 14:15 61,730 15:45 61,940 Average 61,616 Average 61,678 Average 61,876 Run#1 Run#2 Run#3 Steam Flow ESP Steam Flow ESP Steam Flow ESP Rate(PPH) kW Rate kW Rate kW 12:00 63,300 3.4 15AS 67,090 3.4 18:00 64,350 3.4 12:15 64,500 3.4 15:30 68,600 3.5 18:15 62,370 3.4 12:30 63,860 3.3 15:45 68,940 3.5 18:30 63,860 3.5 12:45 65,780 3.3 16:00 69,220 3.4 18:45 64,930 3.4 13:00 64,330 3.4 16:15 68,020 3.5 19:00 64,540 3.3 13:15 62,450 3.4 16:30 67,450 3.3 19:15 63,240 3.4 13:30 62,010 3.5 16:45 66,040 3.4 19:30 62,340 3.4 13:45 61,460 3.4 17:00 67,230 3.4 19:45 64,340 3.5 14:00 62,080 3.4 17:15 66,340 3.5 20:00 62,340 3.5 14:15 63,070 3.5 17:30 66,560 3.5 20:15 63,890 3.4 Average 63,284 3.4 Average 67,549 3.4 Average 63,620 3.4 _1 This I* s the last page of this report .