HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_0800107_20110926_PRMT_PmtApp ' 1836 Eastchester Dr, �f L LO� Suite 108 Energy SolutionsHigh Point,NC 27265 Group 0: 360.750.3583 F. 360.750.3483 I' Mr. Robert Fisher Sept 23, 2011 Regional Air Quality Supervisor Washington Regional Office NCDENR- Division of Air Quality 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 RE: Addition of alternative fuels,an ESP and biomass tonnage increase to Permit#10126R00 issued December 29, 2010 to W.E. Partners II, LLC Dear Mr. Fisher, Per your guidance, we are submitting the attached information to obtain a pen-nit modification to Permit #10126R00 allowing for; • The inclusion in our approved solid fuels to include cotton gin residues, soybean hulls and peanut hulls, • The addition of an electrostatic precipitator, 7a 6av • The resulting increase in the voluntary fuel limitation of 58,000 tons to 7�A89 tons annually. As we discussed, this facility is currently under construction and will be built adjacent to the Perdue Agribusiness site in Lewiston, North Carolina. W.E. Partners Il, LLC, a subsidiary of Wellons Inc., will be the operator of the facility. Please see enclosed forms A-1, B-1 and B. In addition, we have provided the fuel data analysis which was conducted by an independent laboratory. As well, we have previously submitted for review a copy of the solid waste evaluation fonn in December which attempted to address the 10 questions that you have provided for evaluating solid fuels. We hope that you concur with the requested permit modifications. Should you have additional questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate in contacting me at the number above. Irely,. ottrell CUP t5 U W E President Wellons Energy SolutionsLLC. 2 6 2011 DAQ WARO 1 I Pa 1 N FAA kLLONS Energy Solutions Group Contents Article I. Permit Modification Request Summary............................................................................ 3 ArticleII. NCDEQ Forms .............................................................................................................. 7 Article III. Fuel Analysis Reports.................................................................................................. 24 Article IV. City Zoning Consistency Determination..................................................................... 28 Article V. County Zoning Consistency Confirmation.................................................................. 29 Article VI. CISWI Determination Confirmation........................................................................... 33 21Page Article I. Permit Modification Request Summary W.E. Partners II, LLC, a North Carolina based limited liability company and a wholly owned subsidiary of Wellons Energy Solutions, LLC, has submitted an air permit application to the North Carolina Division of Air Quality(NCDAQ)for the green field installation of three(3)29 MMBtu/hr biomass fired boilers to be located at 3539 Governors Rd, North Carolina. Lewiston is located in Bertie, County. The project is a biomass cogeneration facility and as such will provide saturated steam to the adjacent facility, which is owned by Perdue Agribusiness LLC, and provide electricity to Dominion Power. The facility will be a self qualified small generation facility and will be certified with the North Carolina Utility Commission as a new Renewable Energy Facility. Per your guidance, we are submitting the attached information to obtain a permit modification allowing our facility to • The inclusion in our approved solid fuels to include cotton gin residues, soybean hulls and peanut hulls, • The addition of an electrostatic precipitator, -7010V0 • The resulting increase in the voluntary fuel limitation of 59,000 tons to 7 ;OW tons annually. Based on our review of the laboratory analysis of the above materials, we do not expect to see any variation of the emissions profile for the facility with the addition of the above materials to our permitted solid fuel list. The below material are vegetative based material with similar chemical and organic properties as our permitted biomass(trees and tree topvlimbs,bark and leaves)feedstock. Cotton Gin Residues Cotton is an agricultural product that is grown on a vertical plant stock. During the picking process, the combine will perform a preliminary screen of the material, separating the cotton from the stalk and depositing the cotton residues on the ground for the material to be re-absorbed into the ground as a fertilizer. The picked cotton is then transported to the processing facility where the material is introduced to the cotton gin process whereby the cotton seeds and other foreign material are separated from the cotton fibers. The residues include sticks,hulls and cotton seeds. Cotton seeds are extracted for shipment to an oil processing center and the other vegetative material can be transported back to the farm for land application as a fertilizer. Wellons Energy is proposing that the biomass residuals have a higher value as a biomass fuel supplement and be incorporated in our permit application. Cotton Gin residues consists of the plant material that is part of the cotton"ball'. During the mechanized picking process, the combine will separate the majority of the excess plant material and leave on the ground as part of the nutrient replenishment process. There are no chemical differentiations of the material from the plant make-up. Soybean Hulls Perdue Agribusiness operates a soybean and corn processing facility in Cofield, North Carolina. This facility is adjacent to the biomass cogeneration facility and will be accepting steam for the production 3 1 P a g e process. During the picking process, the combine will perform a preliminary screen of the material, separating the soybean pod from the stalk and depositing the soybean residues on the ground for the material to be re-absorbed into the ground as a fertilizer. Once the picked soybeans arrive on site, the material is sent through a preliminary screening process to remove sticks, shells and other vegetative material. The vegetative residual material can be transported back to the farm for land application as a fertilizer. Wellons Energy is proposing that the biomass residuals have a higher value as a biomass fuel supplement and be incorporated in our permit application. Soybean hulls consists of the plant material that is part of the soybean plant. During the mechanized picking process, the combine will separate the majority of the excess plant material and leave on the ground as part of the nutrient replenishment process. There are no chemical differentiations of the material from the plant make-up. Peanut Shells Peanuts grow within a hard, outer shell. During the picking process,the hard shell remains on the peanut and is transported to a processing center. Once the peanuts arrive on site, the material is sent through a preliminary screening process to remove sticks, shells and other vegetative material. In addition, depending on the type of finished product(in the shell or out of the shell), mechanical separation of the peanut from the hull may occur. The vegetative residual, sticks and peanut shells, material can be transported back to the farm for land application as a fertilizer or be used as a bedding material for chicken and/or turkey farms. Wellons Energy is proposing that the biomass residuals have a higher value as a biomass fuel supplement and be incorporated in our permit application. Peanut Shells consists of the plant material that is part of the peanut plant and is comprised of a hard, outer shell which protects the peanut during the growing process. During the mechanized picking process, the combine will separate the majority of the excess plant material and leave on the ground as part of the nutrient replenishment process. There are no chemical differentiations of the material from the plant make-up. Electrostatic Precipitator With the promulgation of the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Area Sources: Industrial, Commercial,and Institutional Boilers as of February 21, 2011, the Lewiston Facility will be identified as an Area Source for Hazardous Air Pollutants. As summarized below, the NESHAP regulation for new biomass boilers of less than 30MMBtu/Hr is 0.07 lb/MMBtu for particulate matter. This performance requirement can only be achieved with the inclusion of a secondary emissions control device such as a bag house, wet scrubber or electrostatic precipitator. While a bag house can be effective at particulate control, the inherent fire hazard and ongoing maintenance needs eliminate this option of control. A wet scrubber, while also effective at eliminating airborne particulate matter, has an ongoing emissions challenge of addressing the resulting water discharge and this option was eliminated. Wellons' has designed, manufactured and installed numerous ESP's and has determined that this method of emission controls offers the best long-term solution to meeting the 0.07 lb/NEWBtu requirement. III. Summary of This Final Rule A. Do these standards apply to my source? This rule applies to you if you own or operate a boiler combusting solid fossil fuels, biomass, or liquid fuels located at an area source. The standards do not apply to boilers that are subject to another standard under 40 CFR part 63 or to a standard developed under CAA section 129. This rule applies to you if you own or operate a boiler combusting natural gas, located at an area source, which switches to combusting solid fossil fuels, biomass, or liquid fuel after June 4, 2010. 4 1 P a g e B. What is the affected source? This final rule affects industrial boilers, institutional boilers, and commercial boilers. The affected source is the collection of all existing boilers within a subcategory located at an area source facility or each new boiler located at an area source facility. C. When must I comply with these standards? The owner or operator of an existing source subject to a work practice or management practice standard of a tune-up is required to comply with this final rule no later than March 21, 2012. The owner or operator of an existing source subject to emission limits or an energy assessment requirement is required to comply with this final rule no later than March 21, 2014. The owner or operator of a new source is required to comply on May 20, 2011 or upon startup of the facility, whichever is later. Owners and operators subject to 40 part CFR 60, subpart CCCC or subpart DDDD who cease combusting solid waste must be in compliance with this subpart on the effective date that the unit ceased combusting solid waste, consistent with 40 CFR part 60, subpart CCCC or subpart DDDD. D. What are the MACT and GACT standards? Emission standards are in the form of numerical emission limits for new and existing area source boilers. The MACT emission limits for mercury and CO (as a surrogate for POM) are presented, along with the GACT emission limits for PM (as a surrogate for urban metals), in Table 1 of this preamble. The units are pounds of PM or mercury per million British thermal units(lb/MMBtu)and ppm for CO. Table 1--Emission Limits for Area Source Boilers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heat input Subcategory (MMBtu/h) Pollutants Emission limits ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New biomass-fired boiler...... >=30 Particulate 0.03 lb per MMBtu of heat input. Matter. >=10 and<30 Particulate 0.07 lb per MMBtu of heat input. Matter. Voluntary Fuel Limitation Modification Wellons Energy is submitting this modification request to increase our proposed voluntary fuel input restriction of 58,000 tons per year to 70,000 tons per year. As originally submitted, the boiler size did not require a secondary emissions control device and the facility's expected Particulate emissions were 0.38 lb/MMBtu. Therefore, to be permitted as a synthetic minor, W.E. Partners agreed to a voluntary fuel limitation of 58,000 tons. With the recent promulgation of the NESHAP and the requirement for an ESP, carbon monoxide is now the limiting factor in establishing voluntary fuel limitations. After several discussions with the boiler equipment manufacturer, Wellons Inc. has agreed to a new CO limitation guarantee of 0.32 lb/MMBtu. On a 100% utilization basis, the anticipated yearly green biomass fuel input is calculated as 88,300 tons per year. With the maximum run rate of 70,000 tons per year of biomass fuel, the yearly facility wide emissions for criteria pollutants are maintained at less than 100 tons 5 1 ai on an annual basis. Therefore, W.E. Partners is requesting that the facility be permitted as a synthetic minor source with a modified annual fuel intake limit of 70,000 tons. As we have discussed, based on the individual boiler size of 29.4 MMBtu/hr and the projected emissions profile, it is anticipated that the facility will be classified as a synthetic minor by the NCDAQ. As such, per our original permit application, the following criteria pollutants were summarized in Form B: Source of Criteria Pollutant Individual Boiler Facility Wide Emission Source of Potential After Expected After Expected After Emission Factor Controls lb/NIMBtu Controls lb/Hr Controls/Limits Tons CO Manu. Data 0.320 9.408 98.00 NOx Manu. Data 0.300 8.820 92.08 VOC AP-42 0.017 .500 5.21 SO2 AP-42 0.025 .735 7 71 PM Manu. Data 0.070 2.058 21.44 As noted above, no single criteria pollutant (CO, NOx, PM, SO2 and VOC) for each boiler and as a whole on a facility wide basis, emissions would not subject the facility to a PSD Review. 6 � � << PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT Korth Carolina Bertie County Kimberly Hill-Modlin affirms that She is Administrative Assistant of the Bertie Ledger-Advance, a newspaper published weekly at Windsor. Bertie County, North Carolina, and that the advertisement, a true copy of which is hereto attached,entitled: LEGAL Public Notice ►OTICE W r Pa"nets ,I UvC. W.E.Parters, II, LLC, Lewiston Lowwor, has SuOrn t, led a E to the No Or t.^.. Was published in said the Berne Ledger- Sion Ol AA MaUly W MOCAty the Advance on the following date(s): existing a.*= permit 10126ROO (larditp 10 OSM107).tW Sept. 28 the indusion of oeanul hullo,soybean hulls and wn gn WL*$as approved And that the said newspaper in which such oA ss► 1 l notice, paper, document or legal tion, ta(Ss""M t:ag nerahots advertisement was published, was at the be installing an time of each and every publication. a ' precliamwhsr p e ' newspaper meeting all of the requirements contra.on tt,a blotrass WOWS and qualifications of Chapter 1, Section 597 rar1ad- of the General Statutes of North Carolina ar .c. acot"n, Ism Eastchesw Dili", and was a qualified newspaper within the SAft toiit,1+0 P„NC meaning of Chapter 1, Section 597 of the 27 {:general Statutes of North Carolina, Sept 28 Affirmed and su�5" r bed before me this Day of; - N r Notary Putil14��J.�r�' My Comr"ioll PUBLIC ti h �r''/fM��h1JA 1N111�1'l Article II. NCDEQ Forms WOODWASTE COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION I-INPUT SCREEN Instructions: Enter emission source/faciltty data on the"INPUT'tabiscreen. The air emission results and summary of Input data are viewed/printed on the"OUTPUT'tab/screen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. Amil. This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution,DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the NCQENR information contained. This spreadsheet is subject to continual revision and updating. It is your responsibility to be aware of the most current information available. DENR is not responsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. Directions:Enter and select information in the boxes in the column on the right: FIELDS SELECTIONS COMPANY NAME: W.E. Partners II LLC FACILITY ID NUMBER: PERMIT NUMBER FACILITY CITY: Lewiston Woodville FACILITY COUNTY: Bertie SPREADSHEET PREPARED BY: Garald B.Cottrell EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: 3 MAXIMUM HEAT INPUT(MILLION BTU PER HOUR): 88.20 MMBTU/HR TYPE OF BOILER: STOKER E] TYPE OF FUEL: BARK AND WET WOOD Q FUEL HEATING VALUE FUEL HEATING VALUE(BTU/LB): 4375 BTU/LB 8.75 MM BTLYTON DEFAULT IS AS FOLLOWS(not used for Greenhouse Gas calcs—See below for GFIG c 8000 BTU/LB DRY WOOD 4500 BTU/LB WET WOOD (TYPE OVER NUMBER AT ABOVE RIGHT IF YOU HAVE SITE SPECIFIC DATA) OTHER SOURCE-SPECIFIC DATA ACTUAL YEARLY FUEL USAGE(TONS PER YEAR): 70 000.00 ];Y CALCULATED POTENTIAL YEARLY USAGE(TONS PER YEAR) 88300.80 REQUESTED ANNUAL LIMITATION(TONS PER YEAR) 70 000.00 TPY (TYPEOVER IF NECESSARY-DEFAULT IS POTENTIAL) TYPE OF PARTICULATE CONTROL: ELECTROSTATIC PRECIPITATOR O NOX CONTROL IF PRESENT(DEFAULT IS ZERO) 0 % SITE SPECIFIC STACK TEST DATA FOR PARTICULATE: tB/MMBTU (IF AVAILABLE:OUTLET FILTERABLE PARTICULATE ONLY) LEAVE AS ZERO IF NO DATA AVAILABLE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR GREENHOUSE CAS IGHGI EMISSIONS ENTER CALCULATION TIER from EPA Mandatory Reporting Rule(MRR)Subpart C- TIER I: DEFAULT WGH HEAT VALUE AND DEFAULT EF www.epa.gov/chmatechangetemissions/ghgrulemakkV.hb,ni NOTE: EF is"Errission Factor" SINCE TIER 3 IS NOT BEING USED �- 0.500 (decimal fraction) DO NOT ENTER FUEL CARBON CONTENT HIGH HEAT VALUE(HHV)FOR GHGs FOR TIER 1 and TIER 3,the FUEL HEATING VALUE entered above is overriden with the EPA DEFAULT: 15.38 MMBTU/TON This default HHV is from EPA's MRR,Table C-1,"Wood and Wood Residuals" FOR TI ER 2,the FUEL HEATING VALUE entered above is used. The value entered must be the annual average HFN of the fuel determined using procedures in the EPA MRR(see 98.33(a)(2)) NOTE: Using Tier 1 therefore the EPA default HHV will be used for all GHG calculations CO2 CH4 and N20 71Page Form D5,section A Assumptions: Number of Boilers 3 units Boiler Input(all boilers installed as part of the installation) 29.4 mmbtu/hr Potential annual hours of operations 8760 Hours Expected annual hours of operations 7344 Hours Allowable emission limit for particulate matter per 15A NCAC 02D.0504: E= 1.16988 x(1/(Btu input*A.2230; E= 0.43 Ib/MMBtu The AP—42 factor for bark(the worst case)with mechanical collector is.54#/mmbtu For this permit application,the following outlet emissions factor will be used. Lb/MMBtL PM before Controls PM= 10.29 Ib/hr PM After Controls PM= 2.058 Ib/hr Particle size distribution predicted in the exhaust gas from the wood-fired combustion system with no controls: <10 to 2.5 micron—65%PM <2.5 micron—15%PM PMIO total before controls: PMIo= 8.23 Ib/hr PMIo total after controls: PMIo= 1.89 lb/hr PM2,5 total before controls: PMZ.5= 1.54 Ib/hr PM2.5 total after controls: PM2.5= 1.03 Ib/hr PM 2.05 Ib/hr Emission factors:#/mmbtu sO2 0.T- Ib/hr Nox 8.84 Ib/hr CO 9.408 Ib/hr VOCs 0.5 Ib/hr 8 Page FORM Al FAMITY(General Inforrttation) REVISED 11/01/02 NCDENRIDivision of Air quality-Application for Air Permit to ConstruebOpe rate A1 NOTE-APPLICATION WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT THE FOLLOWING: u Local Zoning Consistency Determination(if required)U Facility Reduction 8 Recycling Survey Form(Form Ad pplication Fee U Responsible OlScial/Author¢ed Contact Signature W Appropriate Number of Copies of Application UP.E.Seal(if required) GENERAL INFORMATION Legal CorporawVwncv Name. W.E Partners 11,LLC Site Name: W.E.panniers I,LLC Site Address(911 Address)Line 1: 3539 Governors Rd. Site Address Line 2: Lewiston Woodville State: NC Zip Code: 276d9 County: Bertie CONTACT INFORMATION Perm/tlTe<hnkal Contact Fa iljryftspecdon Contact NamelTdle: Garald B.Cottrell,Manager Name/Thle: Gerald B.Cottrell,Manager Mailing Address Line 1: 1836 Eastchester Drive,Ste 108 Mailing Address Line 1: 1936 Easbhesler Drive,Ste 108 Mailing Address Line 2: Mailing Address Line 2 City: High Point State: NC Z p Code 27265 City: High Poirot State: IIC Zip Code. 27285 Phone No.(area code) 360.750.3583 Fax No.(area code) 380.750.3483 Phone No.(area code) 360.750.3583 lFax No.(ores tootle) 360.750.3483 Email Address: rald.cottrell Wellomcom Email Address: ggra1d.cotIre11CcDm11ons.c9M Responsible OlficiaLlAuniorized Contact btvolee Contact Name/Title: Gerald B.Cottrell,Manager NamelTrtle: Gerald A Collmll,Merrager Mailing Address Line 1: 1836 Eastchester Drive,Ste 108 Mailing Address Line 1: 1836 Easlchester Drive,Ste 108 Mailing Address Line 2: Mailing Address Line 2: City: Nigh Point State: NC Zip Code: 27266 City: High Point State: KC Zip Code: 27265 Phone W.(area code) 360.750.3583 IFax Kb-(area code) 360.750.340 Phone W.(area code) 360.750.3593 lFax No.(area code) 360.750.3493 Email Address: rald.cottr II wellons.com jEmail Address: arald.cottrell Ilons.com APPLICATION IS BEING MADE FOR I� New Non-permitted Facility/Greenfield U Modification of Facility(permitted) Lf Renewal with Modification Li Renewal(IV Only) FACILITY CLASSIFICATION AFTER APPLICATION Check On Otte Lpeneral U Small L'rohidtory Small W Synthetic Minor U Title V FACILITY(Plard Ske INFORMATION Describe nature of(plant site)operation(s). Facility ID No. WE Parhrem Il.LLC is a bbahasa cogeneration facility Mstwgl be constructed to pmvide mdun*W sbam farthe Pardue Farces Ineorpaaated facilitiesat Lewidoo HC ant ebel follyto Dominion Power.Facility will owned by an independent enttlylhat has no common ownership with Penloo or Dominion Power. Primary SICINAICS Code: 4961 CLnent/Preeious Air Permit No. Expiration Date: Facility Coordinates: Latitude: 36,08'23'N Longitude: 77,13W W Does this application contain confidential data? U YES M NO PERSON OR FIRM THAT PREPARED APPLICATION Person Name Gerald Cottrell Firm Name: Wellons Energy Solutions,LLC Mailing Address Line 1: 1936 Eastchester Drive,Ste 108 Mailing Address Line 2 City: High Point State. NC Zip Cade: 27265 County: Guilford Phone No.(area code) 31rti1.T50.3583 Fax W.(area code) 360.T50.3483 Email Address SIGNATURE OF RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAUAUTHORIZED CONTACT Name[typed): Garaid IL Cc Title. Manager,Wellons Ener gy rgy Solutions,LLC X Signature(Blue Ink): Date: 9 1 P a g e 1 FORMS A2, A3 EMISSION SOURCE LISTING FOR THIS APPLICATION - A2 112r APPLICABILITY INFORMATION - A3 REVISED 04/10/07 NCDENR/Division of Air Quality-Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate EMISSION SOURCE LISTING: New, Modified, Previously Unpermitted, Replaced, Deleted EMISSION SOURCE EMISSION SOURCE CONTROL DEVICE CONTROL DEVICE ID NO DESCRIPTION ID NO. DESCRIPTION Eq ui ment To Be ADDED By This Application New,Previously Unpermittecl,or Replacement) ESP-1 Electrostatic Precipitator ESP-1 Electrostatic Precipitator Existing Permitted Equipment To Be MODIFIED gy This Application Equipment To Be DELETED By This Application 112(r) APPLICABILITY INFORMATION A3 Is your facility subject to 40 CFR Part 68"Prevention of Accidental Releases"-Section 112(r)of the Federal Clean Air Act? Yes/ No If No,please specify in detail how your facility avoided applicability: If your facility is Subject to 112(r),please complete the following: A. Have you already submitted a Risk Management Plan(RMP)to EPA Pursuant to 40 CFR Part 68.10 or Part 68.150? Yes 6 No 4 Specify required RMP submittal date If submitted,RMP submittal date: B Are you using administrative controls to subject your facility to a lesser 112(r)program standard? Yes A No m If yes,please specify: 10 Form B,1 SOURCE/FACIU➢Y/USER INPUT SUMMARY OM INPUT S COMPANY. . E. Partners II, LIC FACILITY ID NO.: PERMIT NUMBER EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: Biomass Boiler FACILITY CITY: Lewiston Woodville EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: I ESB-1 FACILITY COUNTY: Bertie PARTICULATE CONTROL DEVICE: Multi-clone POLLUTANT CONTROL EFF. SPREADSHEET PREPARED BY: Garald Cottrell FUEL HEAT VALUE: 4375 BTU/LB I NOX 0 ACTUAL FUEL THROUGHPUT: 1 70 000.00 TONIYR HW Used for GHGs MdBTU/TON): 0.00 PM 80 POTENTIAL FUEL THROUGHPUT: 88 300.80 TOWYR BOILER TYPE: Stoker PM10 77 REQUESTED MAX.FUEL THRPT: 70,000.00 TOWYR NO STACK TEST DATA USED Pw.5 33 METHOD USED TO COMPUTE ACTUAL GHG EMISSIONS: 0 CARBON CONTENT USED FOR GHGS AS A FRACTION): CARBON CONTENT NOT USED FOR CALCULATION TIER CHOSEN CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFOIWA77ON FOR TWS SOURCE SOURCE OF EXPECTED ACTUAL POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION (AFTERCONTROLs I LMrrs) (BEFORECONTROLSILMRS) (AFTER CONTROLS I LMTS) AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED FACTOR INhr tonstyr Ib/hr tons/yr Ib/hr tonstyr PARTICULATE MATTER(PM) Manu.Data 2.06 7.15 10.29 45.o7r 2.06 9.01 PARTICULATE MATTER<O MICRONS(PM.) Manu Data 1.89 6.57 8.23 3s.osr 89 8.29 PARTICULATE MATTER¢5 MICRONS(PM,.) Manu Data 1.03 3.59 1.54 6.76 1.03 4.53 SULFUR DIOXIDE(S02) AP 42 0.74 2.57 0.74 124 0.74 3.24 NITROGEN OXIDES(NOx)1 Manu.Data 1 8-84 30.69 8.84 3IL72 8.84 38.72 CARBON MONOXIDE(CO) Manu.Data 9A1 32.67 9.408 41.21 9.41 41.21 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS(VOC) AP 42 0.50 1.74 0.50 Z19 0.50 2.19 LEAD 0.00 0.00 0.00141 0.01 0.00 0.01 OTHER HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION FOR THIS SOURCE ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS (AFTER CONTROLS/LWTS) (BEFORECOWROLS/LMRS) (AFTER CONTROLS I LMTS) Ib/mmBtu TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT NUMBER Ih+hr Ihlyr Ibfhr Ib/ r Ibfhr Ib/ r uncontrolled/controlled Acetaldehyde(TH) 75070 1.93E-02 169.5 2.44E-02 213.76 2.44E-02 213.76 8.30E-04 8.30E-04 Acetophenone(H) 98862 7.46E-08 0.0 9.41E-08 0.00 9.41E-0B 0,00 320E-09 3.20E-09 Acrolem(TH) 107028 9.32E-02 816.7 1.18E-01 1030.18 1.18E-01 1030.18 4.00E-03 4.00E-03 Antimony&Compounds (H) SBC 1.84E-04 1.6 2.32E-04 2.03 2.32E-04 2-03 7.90E-06 7.90E-06 Arsenic&Compounds (TH) ASC 5.13E-04 4.5 6.47E-04 5.67 6.47E-04 5.67 2.20E-05 2.20E-05 Benzene(TH) 71432 9.79E-02 857.5 1.23E-01 1081.68 1.23E-01 1081.68 4.20E-03 4.20E-03 Benzo(a)pyrene IT) 50328 6.06E-05 0.5 7.64E-05 0.67 7.64E-05 0.67 2.60E-06 2.60E-06 Beryllium metal(un-reacted) (Also include in BEG)IT/H) 7440417 2.56E-05 0.2 3.23E-(Y 0.28 3.23E-05 0.28 1.10E-06 1.10E-06 Cadmium Metal(elemental unteacted)-(Add w/CDC)(T/H) 7440439 9.56E-05 0.8 1.21E-04 1,06 1.21E-04 1.06 4.10E-06 4.10E-06 Carbon tetrachloride(TH) 56235 1.05E-03 9.2 1.32E-03 11.59 1.32E-03 11.59 4.50E-05 4.50E-05 Chlorine(TH) 7782505 1.84E-02 161.3 2.32E-02 203A6 2.32E-02 203.46 7.90E-04 7.90E-04 Chlorobertzene(TH) 108907 7.69E-04 6.7 9.70E-04 8.50 9.70E-04 8.50 3.30E-05 3.30E-05 Chloroform(TH) 67663 6.53E-04 5.7 8.23E-04 7.21 8.23E-04 7,21 2.80E-05 2.80E-05 Chromium-Other compds(H)(add w/chrom acid to get CRC) 4.08E-04 3.6 5.15E-04 4.51 5.15E-04 4.51 1.75E-05 1.75E-05 Chromic acid(VI)(Add as camp.of solOR6 and CRC)(T/H) 7738945 8.16E-05 0.7 1.03E-04 0.90 1.03E-04 0.90 3.50E-06 3.50E-06 Cobalt compounds(H) ODC 1.51E-04 1.3 1.91E-04 1,67 1.91E-04 1.67 6.50E-06 6.50E-06 Dinitrophenol,2,4-(H) 51285 4.20E-05 0.0 5.29E-06 0.05 529E-06 0.05 1.80E-07 1.80E-07 Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate(DEHP)(TH) 117817 1.10E-06 0.0 1.38E-06 0,01 1.38E-06 R01 4.70E-08 4.70E-08 Ethyl benzene(H) 100414 7.23E-04 6.3 9.11E-04 7.98 P5,59E-01 7.98 3.10E-05 3.10E-05 Ethylene dichloride(1,2dichloroethane)(TH) 107062 6.76E-04 5.9 8.53E-04 7.47 7.47 2.90E-05 2.90E-05 Formaldehyde(TH) 500DO 1.03E-01 898.3 1.29E-01 1133.19 1133.19 4.40E-03 4.40E-03 Hexachlorodibenzo-pdioxin 1,2,3,6,7,8 M 57653857 7.41E-10 0.0 9.35E-10 0.00 0.00 3.18E-11 3.18E-11 Hydrogen chloride(hydrochloric acid)(TH) 7647010 4.43E-01 3879.2 5.59E-01 4893.34 489334 1.90E-02 1.90E-02 Lead and Lead compounds(H) PBC 1.12E-03 9.8 1.41E-03 12.36 12,36 4.80E-05 4.80E-05 Manganese&compounds(TH) MNC 3.73E-02 326.7 4.70E-02 412.07 4.70E-02 412.07 1.60E-03 1.60E-03 Mercury,\epor(Include in Mercury&Compds)(T/H) 7439976 8.16E-05 0.7 1.03E-04 0,90 1 1.03E-04 0.90 1 3.50E-06 3.50E-06 Methyl bromide(H)(bromomethane) 74839 3.50E-04 3.1 4.41E-04 3.86 4.41E-04 3,86 1.50E-05 1.50E-05 Methyl chloride(H)(chloromethane) 74873 5.36E-04 4.7 6.76E-04 5.92 6.76E-04 5.92 2.30E-05 2.30E-05 Methyl chloroform(TH)(1,1.1 tdchloroethane) 71556 7.23E-04 6.3 9.11E-04 7.98 9.11E-04 7,98 3.10E-05 3.10E-05 Methyl ethyl ketone(1) 78933 1 1.26E-04 1.1 1 1.59E-04 1.39 1.59E-04 1.39 5.40E-06 5.40E-06 Methylene chloride(TH)(dichkromethane) 75092 6.76E-03 59.2 8.53E-03 74.69 8.53E-03 74.69 2.90E-04 2.90E-04 Naphthalene (H) 91203 2.26E-03 19.8 2.85E-03 24.98 2.85E-03 24.98 9.70E-05 9.70E-05 Nickel metal(Component of Nickel&Compounds)(TM) 7440020 7.69E-04 6.7 9.70E-04 8,50 9.70E-04 8.50 3.30E-05 3.30E-05 Nitrophenol,4-(H) 100027 2.56E-06 0.0 3.23E-06 0.03 3.23E-06 0.03 1.10E-07 1.10E-07 11 - Page Form Bj Continued Pffda&krophapl(TH) 87D65 1.19E-06 0.0 1.50E-06 0.01 1.50E-06 0.01 5.10E-05 5,IDE08 PachlaoetWy (teondlloroellytab)(TH) 127184 8.86E-04 7.0 1.12E-03 9.79 1.12E-03 9.79 3.80E-05 3.80E-05 Phand(TFO 108962 1.19E-03 10.4 1.50E-0Ci 13.13 1.50E-03 13.13 5,1DE05 5.10E-0S Phospho Metal,Yellow a lMlte(H) 7723140 629E-01 5.5 7.94E-04 695 7.94E-04 695 270E-05 270E-05 PdycNakated blpharyls(TH) 1336363 1.90E-07 Mo 240E-07 0.00 240E-07 0.60 8.15E-09 8.15E-09 Pdycydlc Orgaric Matter(H) POMTV 291E-03 25.5 368E-03 3219 3.68E-03 32.19 t25E-04 1.25E-04 P aleldehyde(H) 123386 1.42E-3 125 1.79E-03 15.71 1.79E-03 15.71 6.10E-05 6.10E-05 Pr" dcHande IN(1,2 dct4aeplopale) jd75W4 8875 7.65E-04 S.7 9.70E-04 &50 9.70E-01 8.50 3.30E-05 3.30E-05 Sda*"camPaulds(H) EC 6.53E-05 0.6 8.23E-05 0.72 8.23E-05 0.72 280E-06 280E-06 Styrene(TK 00425 4.43E-02 397.9 5.59E-02 489.33 5.59E-02 489.33 1.90E-03 1.9DE-03 Tetrachlaodbenzop4mm.2,3,78.(TH) 746016 200E-10 0.0 253E-10 0.00 253E-10 DOD 8.60E-12 8.60E-12 Toll-a(Th) 08883 2.14E-02 187.8 270E-02 236.94 270E-02 236,94 9.27E-04 9.20E-04 TACHacetlrylare(TF♦) 9016 6.99E-01 &I 8.82E-04 773 682E-04 7.73 3.00E-05 3.ODE-05 TAd4aoAuaanetharie(CFC 111)(7) 9.56E-01 B,4 1.21E-03 10.5E 1.21E-03 10.56 4.10E-05 4.10E-05 TAdYaapheld,2,4,E(H) 8062 5.13E-07 0.0 647E-07 Got 647E-07 001 221E-08 220E-08 VMyl d4alde(TH) 75D14 4.27E-01 5.7 529E-04 4.64 5.29E04 4.64 t80E-05 1.50E-05 41au(TH) 1330207 5.83E-04 5.1 7.35E-04 6.44 7.35E-04 6,44 250E-05 250E-05 Total RAPS 0.91 7,936 1.14 10,011 1.14 10.011 0.0389 0.0389 TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFOi>yMA770M PEWff77NG PU)FO EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS I LIMITATIONS(FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES) EMISSION FACTOR IbhnmBtu TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAS NBn. ICRf Way W9 unc0111(a0ed rnWONd AcdWdd"(TH) 75D70 1.93E-02 4.64E-01 1%5 8.30E-01 8.30E-04 Acrdw(TH) 107023 9.32E-02 2.24E+00 816.7 4.00E-03 4.00E-03 Arsaic S CmVoultls(TH) ASC 5.13E-04 1.23E-02 4.5 220E05 220E-05 Sa"(TH) 71432 9.79E-02 2.35E+00 857.5 4.20E-03 4.20E-03 Beao(apyrale(n 60328 6.06E-05 1.45E-03 0.5 260E-06 260E-06 Beryllium metal(rnleected)(Also Induce In BEC)(TA1) 7440417 2.56E-05 6.15E-04 0.2 1.10E06 1.10E-06 Cadnlum Metal(eleme4el uHeacted)-(Add wi=)(TIH) 7440439 9.56E-05 2.29E-03 0.8 410E-06 4.10E-6 Ceibm teaacNo dde(TH) 56235 1.05E-03 2.52E-02 9.2 4.50E-05 4.50E-05 Chonm(TH) 778256E 1.84E-02 4.42E-01 161.3 79DE04 7.90E-04 Chlomber.-(TM 108907 7.69E-04 1.85E-02 6.7 3.30E-05 3.30E-05 ChWolorm(1H) 67663 6.53E-04 1.57E-02 5.7 280E05 280E-05 OI(2elhy1h"Xllalalate(OEHP)(TH) 117817 1.10E-06 2.63E-05 0.0 4.70E-06 4.70E-0B Ellylele dchlodde(1,2-OcNmoetivre)(TH) 107062 6.76E-04 1.62E-02 5.9 2.90E-05 290E-05 SdrLle C hwate Cmpds,as Ch a e(%n)(TH) SOLCR6 8.16E-05 1.96E-03 0.7 3.50E-06 350E-06 Fmnaldehyde(TH) 50000 1.03E-01 2.46E+00 898.3 4.40E-03 4.40E-3 He7<achlaodb-p-damn,8 IT) 57653857 7.41E-10 1.78E-08 0.0 3.18E-11 3.18E-11 hydogen cl4aitle(hydmcNo do add)(TH) 7647010 4.43E-01 1.06E+01 3,879.2 1.90E-02 1.90E-02 M-W-It-Poulds IN MNC 3.73E-02 8.95E-01 326.7 1.60E-03 1.60E-03 Mercuy,%epor(Mude In MeaayBCwpdeXTIH) 7439976 8.16E-05 1.96E-03 0.7 3.50E-06 3.50E-06 Me51yl ddorokml(TH)(1,1,1 VIChW06thane) 71566 7.23E-04 1.73E-02 6.3 3.10E-05 3.10E-05 Methyl"ketone IT) 78933 1.26E-04 3.02E-03 1.1 5.40E-06 5.40E-06 Methylene Otordde(TH)(dUYaome81a1e) 75092 6.76E-03 1.62E-01 59.2 290E-04 290E-04 N&el metal(Componem dNdcel S Campoulds)(TM) 744DO20 7.69E-04 1.85E-02 6.7 3.30E-05 3.30E-05 Pa4achlaapherld(TH) 87865 1.19E-06 2.85E-05 0.0 5.10E-0B 5.10E-0tS Perulo,vetiv ne(tft-Nana"-)(TH) 127184 8.86E-04 2.13E-02 7.8 3.80E-05 3.80E-05 Pharol(TH) 108952 1.19E-03 285E-02 10.4 610E-05 5.10E-05 Polychlod-ted liphayls(TH) IM6363 1.90E-07 4.56E-06 0.0 8.15E-09 8.15E-9 Styr (TM 1OD425 4.43E-02 1.06E+00 387.9 1.90E-03 1.90E-03 TelmcNaaAOe¢"4=n,$3,7.8-(TH) 1746016 2.00E-10 4.81E-09 0.0 8.60E-12 8.60E-12 704uena(TH) 10B883 2.14E-C2 5.15E-01 16T8 9.21E-04 9.20E-4 TdcNa wftylene(TFg 79016 6.99E-04 1.68E-02 6.1 300E-05 3.00E-06 TllchkroRuaome0ene(CFC 111)(T) 75694 9.56E-04 2.29E-02 8.4 4.10E-05 4.10E-05 Vayl cNaide(TH) 75014 4.20E-04 1.01E-02 3.7 1,80E-05 1.80E-05 )glene(TH) 1330207 5.83E-04 1.40E-02 5A 250E-05 250E-05 GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS INFOOWATION BN/SSIONS/NVBVTORY GREENhNXW GAS EU/SSIONS-POTSMAL TO A IT ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS-utilize max POTENTIAL EMISSIONS With heat input capacity and EPA MRR Requested Emission Limitation-utilize EPA MRR CALCULATION METHOD:TIER/ Emission Factors reauested fuel limit and EPA MRR GREENHOUSE GAS metric tors r metric tonstyr, short tonstyr short tonstyr short to r short tonstvr short tonstyr, CARBON DIOXIDE 002 - 0.00 zero' 0.00 26 629.19 zero' 0.00 zero METHANE NTRCUS OXIDE TOTAL 0.00 TOTAL 0.00 TOTAL 0.00 BIOGENIC CO2 has 0 CO2e NOTE:The DAQ Air Emissions Reporting Online(AERO)system requires short tore NOTE: CO2e means CO2 equivalent The EPA MRR requires metric tons 1211) a �� e Form B,2 SOURCE/FACILITY USER INPUT SUMMARY FROM INPUT SCR COMPANY.W. E. Partners II, LLC FACILITY ID NO.: PERMIT NUMBER EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: Biomass Boiler FACILITY CITY: Lewiston Woodville EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: I ESB-2 I FACILITY COUNTY: Bertie PARTICULATE CONTROL DEVICE: Multi-clone POLLUTANT CONTROL EFF. SPREADSHEET PREPARED BY: Garald Cottrell FUEL HEAT VALUE: 4375 UGLY. NOX 0 ACTUAL FUEL THROUGHPUT: 70 000.00 TON/YR HHV Used Tor GHGs(MMBTUlrON): 0.00 PM 80 POTENTIAL FUEL THROUGHPUT: 88 300.80 TON(YR BOILER TYPE: Stoker PM10 77 REQUESTED MAX. FUEL THRPT: 70,000.00 TON/YR NO STACK TEST DATA USED PM2.5 33 METHOD USED TO COMPUTE ACTUAL GHG EMISSIONS: 0 CARBON CONTENT USED FOR GHGS AS A FRACTION): CARBON CONTENT NOT USED FOR CALCULATION TIER CHOSEN CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMA770M FOR THIS SOURCE SOURCE OF EXPECTED ACTUAL POTENTIAL EMISSIONS EMISSION (AFTER CONTROLS/EMITS) (aEFORECONTROLS/LMIrS) (AFTEROONTROLS/LMIrS) AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED FACTOR IWhr tonstyr IWhr I tor,/yr Ibfhr tons/yr PARTICULATE MATTER(PM) Manu.Data 206 7.15 10.2E 45.07 208 9.01 PARTICULATE MATTER<1J MICRONS(PM,,) Manu.Data 1.89 6.67 8.23 36.061 1.89 8.29 PARTICULATE MATTERQ.5 MICRONS(PM: Mani.Data 1.03 3.59 1.641 6.761 1.03 4.63 SULFUR DIOXIDE(S02) AP 42 0.74 267 0.74 3.241 0.74 3.24 NITROGEN OXIDES(NOx)j Manu.Data 1 8.84 30.69 8.841 38.721 8.84 38.72 CARBON MONOXIDE(CO) Marv.Data 9.41 3287 9.41 41.21 9.41 41.21 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS(VOC) AP 42 0.60 1 1.74 1 0.60 2-19 0.60 219 LEAD 0.0014 MODS 0.0014 0.0062 0.001 0.0082 OTHER HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMA770N FOR THIS SOURCE ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL Eu1SSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS (AFTER CONTROLS/LMTS) (BEFORECONTROLS/LMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/EMITS) IWmmBtu TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT NUMBER IWhr ILVyr Whir Ib r Ib/hr lbtyr uncontrolled/controlled Acetaldehyde(TH) 75070 1.93E-0Z 189.5 2.44E-02 213.76 2.44E-02 213.76 8.30E-04 8.30E-04 Acetopl-ienone(H) 98%2 7.46E-08 0.0 9.41E-08 0.00 9.41E-08 0.00 3.20E-09 3.20E-09 Acrolein(rH) 107028 9.32E-02 816.7 1.18E-01 1030.18 1.18E-01 1030.18 4.00E-03 4.00E-03 Antimony&Compounds (H) SBC 1.84E-04 1.6 2.32E-04 203 2.32E-04 2,03 7.90E-06 7.90E-06 Arsenic&Compounds (TH) ASC I 5.13E-04 4.5 6.47E-04 5.67 6.47E-04 5.67 2.20E-05 2.20E-05 Benzene(TH) 71432 9.79E-02 867.5 1.23E-01 1081.68 1.23E-01 1081.68 4.20E-03 4.20E-03 Benzo(a)pyrene M 50328 6.06E-05 0.5 7.64E-05 0.67 7.64E-05 0.67 260E-06 2.60E-06 Beryllium metal(Lr-reacted) (Also include in BEC)(T/H) 7440417 2.56E-05 0.2 3.23E-05 0.28 3.23E-05 0,28 1.10E-06 1.10E-06 Cadmium Metal(elemental un-feacted)-(Add w/CDC)(TM) 7440439 9.56E-05 0.8 1.21E-04 1.06 1.21E-04 1.06 4.10E-06 4.10E-06 Carbon tetrachloride(TH) 56235 1.05E-03 9.2 1.32E-03 11.59 1.32E-03 11.59 4.50E-05 4.50E-05 Chorine(TH) T782505 1.84E-02 161.3 2.32E-02 203.46 2.32E-02 203,46 7.90E-04 7.90E-04 Chlorobenzene 014) 108907 7.69E-04 1 6.7 9.70E-04 8.50 9.70E-04 8.50 3.30E-05 3.30E-05 Ctlorofoml(TH) 67663 6.53E-04 5.7 8.23E-04 7.21 8.23E-04 7,21 2.80E-05 280E-05 Ctromiurn-Other compds(4(add w/chrom acid to get CRC) 4.08E-04 3.6 5.15E-04 4.51 5.15E-04 4.51 1.75E-05 1.75E-05 Ctrorruc acid(VI)(Add as comp.of soICR6 and CRC)(T/H) 7736945 8.16E-05 0.7 1.03E-04 0.90 1.03E-04 0.90 3.50E-06 3.50E-06 Cobalt compounds(H) COC 1.51E-04 1.3 1.91E-04 1.67 1.91E-04 1.67 6.50E-06 6.50E-06 Dinitrophenol,2,4-(H) 51285 4.20E-06 0.0 5.29E-06 0.05 5.29E-06 0.05 1.80E-07 1.80E-07 Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate(DEHP)(hQ 117817 1.10E-06 0.0 1.38E-06 0,01 1.38E-06 0.01 4.70E-08 4.70E-08 Ethyl benzene(H) 100414 7.23E-04 6.3 9.11E-04 7.98 9.11E-04 7,98 3.10E-05 3.10E-05 Ethylene dichloride(1,2-dichloroethane)(TH) 107062 6.76E-04 5.9 1 8.53E-04 7.47 8.53E-04 T47 290E-05 2.90E-05 Formaldehyde(TH) 50000 1.03E-01 898.3 1 1.29E-01 1133.19 1.29E-01 1133.19 4.40E-03 4.40E-03 Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 1,2,3,6,7,8 m 57653857 7.41E-10 0.0 9.35E-10 0.00 9.35E-10 0.00 3.18E-11 3.18E-11 Hydrogen chloride(hydrochloric acid)(TH) 7647010 4.43E-01 3879.2 5.59E-01 4893.34 5.59E-01 4893.34 1.90E-02 1.90E-02 Lead and Lead compounds(H) PBC 1.12E-0:i as 1.41E-03 12.36 1.41E-03 12.36 4.80E-05 4.80E-05 Manganese&compourds(TH) MNC 3.73E-02 328.7 4.70E-02 41207 4.70E-02 412.07 1.60E-03 1.60E-03 Mercury,vapor(Include in Mercury&Gbmpds)(T/H) 7439976 8-16E-05 M7 1.03E-04 0.90 1.03E-04 Q90 3.50E-06 3.50E-06 Mettryt bromide(H)(bromomethane) 74839 3.50E-04 3.1 4,41E-04 3.86 4.41E-04 3,86 1.50E-05 1.50E-05 Methyl chloride(H)(chloromethane) �71556. 4873 5.36E-04 4.7 6.76E-04 5.92 6.76E-04 5.92 2.30E-05 2.30E-05 Methyl choroform FI-Q(1,1,1 trichloroethare) 7.23E-04 6.3 9.11E-04 7,98 9.11E-04 7.98 3.10E-05 3.10E-05 Mettryl ettryl ketone(n 8933 1.26E-04 1.1 1.59E-04 1.39 1.59E-04 1.39 5.40E-06 5.40E-06 Methylene chloride(TH)(dichoromethane) 75092 6.76E-03 69.2 8.53E-03 74.69 8.53E-03 74.69 2.90E-04 2.90E-0 1 Naphthalene (H) 91203 226E-03 19.8 285E-03 1 24.98 285E-03 24,98 9.70E-05 9.70E-05 Nickel metal(Component of Nickel&CompauWs)(T/H) 7440Q20 7.69E-04 6.7 9.70E-04 8.50 9.70E-14 &50 3.30E-05 3.30E-05 Nitropherd,4-(H 02 ) 1007 2.56E-06 0.0 3.23E-06 0.03 3.23E-66 Qo3 1.10E-07 1.10E-07 13 1 1' Form B, 2 Continued PmtacHaopherd(TH) 87W5 1.19E-06 QO 1.50E-06 0.01 1.50E-06 0,01 5.10E-0B 5.10E-0B PMNaroe"Iy (tetracHaoeUrylene)(TH) 127184 8.86E-04 7.3 1.12E-03 9.79 1.12E-03 9.79 3.80E-06 3.80E-05 Phend(TH) 108952 1.19E-03 104 1.50E-0Li 13.13 1.50E-03 13.13 5.10E-05 5.10E-05 Ptasphonu Metal.Yellm a Write(H) T723140 629E-04 &S 7.94E-04 6.95 7.94E-04 6A5 270E-06 270E-05 Pdydialnetedbiphetryls(TH) 1336363 1.90E-07 QO 240E-07 Goo 240E-07 0.00 815E-09 &15E-09 Pciycyclic Orgwk Matter(H) POMTV 291E-03 25.5 368E-03 3219 3.69E-03 3219 125E-04 1.25E-04 Prcpiareldehyde(M 123386 1.42E-03 125 1.79E-03 15.71 1.79E-03 15.71 6.10E-05 &10E-06 Propylene ddiodde(H)(1.2 acN=Pmpane) 78875 7.69E-04 6.7 9.70E-04 8.50 9.70E-04 8.50 3.30E-05 330E-05 Seleium conpwnds(H) SEC 6.53E-05 as 8.23E-05 0.72 8.23E-05 0.72 280E-06 280E-06 Sty-(TH) 100425 4.43E-02 387.9 5.59E-02 489.33 5.59E-02 489.33 1.90E-03 1.90E-03 Tettachlaodb""-di-In,2.3,7,8-(TH) 1746016 200E-10 0.0 253E-10 0,00 253E-10 0.00 8.60E-12 8.60E-12 Tatuerle(TH) IDaW3 214E-02 187.8 270E-02 236.94 270E-02 236.94 9.21E-04 9.20E-04 Trill croothylene(TH) 7%16 6.99E-04 &1 &82E-04 7.73 882E-04 7,73 3.00E-05 300E-05 TncHaWluaorne0rene(CFC 111)(T) 75694 9.56E-04 &4 1.21E-03 10.56 1.21E-03 10.66 4.10E-05 4.10E-05 TncHaophend,2,4,6-(H) 88062 5.13E-07 00 6.47E-07 0.01 6.47E-07 0,01 220E-08 2.20E-0B Vin)d chloride(TH) 75014 4.20E-04 3.7 5.29E-04 4.64 5.29E-04 4.64 1.80E-05 1.80E-05 )Yl (TH) 1330207 5.83E-04 &1 7.35E-04 6.44 7.35E-04 6.44 250E-06 250E-05 'Flglest HAP(Ftydmgen chlalde(hyUachlo is add)(TH)) 7647010 4.43E-01 387&2 5.59E-01 4893.34 5.59E-01 4893.34 1.90E-02 1.90E-02 Total HAPs 1 1.35 7.926 1,14 9.998 1.14 9,998 0.0388 0.03B8 TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION R PERUrMNG PURPOSES EXPECTED ACTUAL BAISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITATIONS(FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES) EMISSION FACTOR Ib/mmBtu TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAS F4Lm. Ib/1r lb/day Miyr mconbdled caNdled Acetaldehyde(TH) 75070 1.93E-02 4.64E-01 169 8.30E-04 8.30E-04 Aadein(TH) 107028 9.32E-02 2.24E-00 817 4.(DE-03 4.00E-03 Ars &Canp%nds(TH) ASC 5.13E-04 1.23E-02 4 2.20E-05 220E-05 Benzene(TH) 71432 9.79E-02 2.35E+00 858 4.20E-03 420E-03 Benzo(e)pyrene(T) 50328 6.06E-05 1.45E-03 1 260E06 260E-06 Beryllium metal(m-reac[ad)(Also include in BEC)(TAR) 7440417 2.56E-05 6.15E-04 0 1.10E-06 1.1(E-06 Cadmiun Metal(eleneltal m4eected)-(Add w/CDC)(T/H) 7440439 9.56E-05 2.29E-03 1 4.10E-06 4.10E-06 Cwbm tdracHalde(7H) 56235 1.05E-03 2-52E-02 9 4.50E-05 4.50E-06 Chodm(TH) 7782505 1.84E-02 4.42E-01 161 7.90E-04 7.90E-04 CNaoberaene(TH) 108907 7.69E-04 1.85E-02 7 3.30E-05 3.30E-05 Chlaolorm(TH) 67653 6.53E-04 1.57E-02 6 280E-05 28DE-06 Di(2�"Ihayl)phthelate(DEFP)(TH) 117817 1.10E-06 2.63E-05 0 4.70E-08 4.70E-0B Ethylene dcticride(1,2dcHaoeOmne)(TH) 107062 6.76E-04 1.62E-02 6 290E-05 290E-05 Sd Wle Chromate Cmpds,as Chr a(VI)(TH) SOLC!T 8.16E-05 1.96E-03 1 3.50E-06 3.50E-06 Formaldehyde(TH) 60000 1.03E-01 2.46E+00 898 4.40E-03 4.40E-03 HexacNomdibenzoy-dioxin 1,2,3,6,7,8(T) 57653857 7.41E-10 1.78E-08 0 318E-11 3.18E-11 Hydnxlm cHcnde(hrytrochlork acid)(TH) 7647010 4.43E-Oi 1.06E-01 3,879 1.90E-02 1.90E-02 Mexprlese&camps ds(TH) MNC 3.73E-02 8.95E-01 327 1.60E-03 1.60E-03 Mmmy,lapor(Include in Mercay&CompdSXT/H) 7439976 8.16E-05 1.96E-03 1 3.50E-06 3.50E-06 Methyl cNomform(TH)(1,1,1 trichlaoe0me) 71556 7.23E-04 1.73E-02 6 3.10E-05 3.10E-05 Me"e"I ketae(1) 78933 1.26E-04 3.02E-03 1 5.40E-06 5.40E-06 Merrylane cHalde(TH)(did4d methane) 75M 6.76E-03 1.62E-01 59 290E-04 290E-04 FAckd metal(Compmenl of tided&Campourlds)(TM) 744002D 7.69E-04 1.85E-02 7 3.30E-05 3.30E-05 Pmta,td- hepl(TH) 87866 1.19E-06 285E-05 0 5.10E-08 5-IOE-0-8 PemHaoehylene(tetr-hbormOryleie)(TH) 127184 8.86E-04 2.13E-02 8 3.80E-05 3.80E-05 Phenol(TH) 108952 1.19E-03 2.85E-02 10 5.10E-05 5.10E-05 Pdych dwineted b#myls(TH) 1336363 1.90E-07 4.56E-06 0 8.15E-09 8.15E-09 Sty-(TH) 1OD425 4.43E-02 1.06E-00 388 1.90E-03 1.90E-03 Tsbachla06benz0pd0xin,2,3,7,8-(TH) 1746016 2.00E-10 4.81E-09 0 8.60E-12 B.SOE-12 Tduem(TH) 108883 2.14E-02 5.15E-01 188 9.20E-04 9.20E-04 Tndiaoe0rylene(TH) 79016 6.99E-04 1.68E-02 6 3.00E-05 3.00E-05 TdMoroluaomdharne(CFC 111)M 75694 9.56E-04 2.29E-02 8 4.10E-05 4.10E-05 Vinyl chloride(TH) 75014 4.20E-04 1.01 E-02 4 1.80E-05 1.80E-05 Xylme(TH) 1330207 5.83E-04 1.40E-02 5 2.50E-05 2.50E-05 GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS INFORMATION FOR EMISSIONS INVENTORY GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS-POTEYTIAL TO EMIT ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS-utilize max POTENTIAL EMISSIONS With heat input capacity and EPA MRR Requested Emission Limitation-utilize EPA MRR CALCULATION METHOD:TIER 1 Emission Factors reauested fuel Omit and EPA MRR GREENHOUSE GAS metric ton r metric torts r short tons r short tons r short tons short torls r short to CARBON DIOXIDE - 0.00 zero' 0.00 266,19 zero 0.00 zero' METHANE C NTROUS OXIDE N20 TOTAL 0.00 TOTALI 0.00 TOTAL 0.00 BIOGENIC CO2 has 0 CO2e NDTE:The DAQ Air Errissions Reporting Online(AERO)system requires short torts NOTE: CO2e means CO2 equivalent The EPA MRR requires metric tons 1411) 1i ', L i Form B,3 SOURCE/FACILITY/USER INPUT SUMMARY FROM INPUTS COMPANYW. E. Partners II, LLC FACILITY ID NO.: PERMIT NUMBER: EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: Biomass Boiler FACILITY CITY: Lewiston Woodville EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: F ESB-3 FACILITY COUNTY: Bertie PARTICULATE CONTROL DEVICE: Mufti-clone POLLUTANT CONTROL EFF. SPREADSHEET PREPARED BY: Garald Cottrell FUEL HEAT VALUE: 4375 BTU/LB NOX 0 ACTUAL FUEL THROUGHPUT: 70 000.00 TOWYR HW Used for GHGs(MMBTU/TON): 0.00 PM 80 POTENTIAL FUEL THROUGHPUT: 88 300.80 TOWYR BOILER TYPE: Stoker PM10 77 REQUESTED MAX. FUEL THRPT: 70,000.00 TOWYR NO STACK TEST DATA USED PW 5 1 33 METHOD USED TO COMPUTE ACTUAL GHG EMISSIONS: 0 CARBON CONTENT USED FOR GHGS AS A FRACTIO : CARBON CONTENT NOT USED FOR CALCULATION TIER CHOSEN CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFMMA77ON FOR THIS SOURCE SOURCE OF EXPECT®ACTUAL POTENTIAL EMISSIONS EMISSION (AFTER CONTROLS/LMfS) (BEFORECONTROLS/LMRS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LMRS) AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED FACTOR Ib/hr tors/yr Iblhr tors/yr Ib/hr tons/yr PARTICULATE MATTER(PM) Mara.Data 2.08 7.16 10.29 4&07 2.06 9.01 PARTICULATE MATTER<>)MICR m(pm,,) Mara.Data 1.8E &U &23 3&08 1.88 8.2E PARTICULATE MATTERQ5 MICRONS(pMxs) Mara Data 1.03 3A9 1 1.54 &76r 1.03 4.53 SULFUR DIOXIDE(SO2) AP 42 0.74 2.57 0.74 3-2AI 0.74 3.24 NITROGEN OXIDES(NK)x)l Manu.Data &84 30.09 8.84 38.72 &84 38.72 CARBON MONOXIDE(CO) Manu.Data 9.41 32-87 9.41 41.21 9.41 41.21 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS(VOC) AP 42 0.60 1.74 0.60 2.19 0.60 2.19 LEAD 0.0014 0.005 0.0014 0.0082 0.00 0.0082 OTHER HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION FOR THIS SOURCE ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS (AFTER CONTROLS/LMRS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LMRS) Ib/mmBtu TOXIC/NAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT NUMBER Ib/hr Ib/yr Ib/hr Ib/ r Ib/hr Ib/ r uncontrolled/controlled Acetaldehyde(TH) 75070 1.93E-02 169.5 244E-02 213.76 2.44E-02 213.76 8.30E-04 8.30E-04 Acetophenone(H) 98862 7.46E-08 0.0 9.41E-08 0.00 9.41E-08 0.00 3.20E-09 3.20E-09 Acrolein(TH) 107028 9.32E-02 816.7 1.18E-01 1030,18 1.18E-01 1030.18 4.00E-03 4.00E-03 Artimorry&Compounds (H) SBC 1.84E-04 1.6 2.32E-04 2.03 2.32E-04 203 7.90E-06 7.90E-06 Arsenic&Compounds (TH) ASC 5.13E-04 4.5 6.47E-04 5.67 6.47E-04 5.67 2.20E-05 2.20E-05 Benzene(TH) 71432 9.79E-02 857.5 1.23E-01 1081.68 1.23E-01 1081.68 4.20E-03 4.20E-03 Benzo(a)pyrere ('T) 50328 6.06E-05 0.6 7.64E-05 0,67 7.64E-05 0,67 2.60E-06 2.60E-06 Beryllium metal(un-reacted) (Also include in BEC)(TM) 7440417 2.56E-05 0.2 3.23E-05 0.28 3.23E-05 0.28 1.10E-06 1.10E-06 Cadmium Metal(elemental un-reacted)-(Add w/CDC)(TM) 7440439 9.56E-05 0.8 1.21E-04 1.06 1.21E-04 1,06 4.10E-06 4.10E-06 Carbon tetrachloride(TH) 56235 1.05E-03 9.2 1.32E-03 11.59 1.32E-03 11.59 4.50E-05 4.50E-05 Chlorine(TH) 7782505 1.84E-02 161.3 2.32E-02 203.46 2.32E-02 20146 7.90E-04 7.90E-04 Ctiorobenzene(TH) 108907 7.69E-04 &7 9.70E-04 &50 9.70E-04 8.50 3.30E-05 3.30E-05 CNoroform(TH) 67663 6.53E-04 6.7 8.23E-04 7.21 8.23E-04 7.21 2.80E-05 2.80E-05 Chromium-Other compds(H)(add w/chrom acid to get CRC) 4.08E-04 3.6 5.15E-04 4.51 5.15E-04 4.51 1.75E-05 1.75E-05 Chromic acid(VI)(Add as comp.of soICR6 and CRC)(T/H) 7738945 8.16E-05 0.7 1.03E-04 0.90 1.03E-04 0.90 3.50E-06 3.50E-06 Cobalt compounds(H) COC 1.51E-04 1.3 1.91E 04 1.67 1.91E-04 1.67 6.50E-06 6.50E-06 Dinitropherol,2,4-(H) 51285 4.20E-06 0.0 5.29E-06 0.05 5.29E-06 0.05 1.80E-07 1.80E-07 Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate(DEHP)MA) 117817 1.10E-06 0.0 1.38E-06 0.01 1.38E-06 0.01 4.70E-W 4.70E-08 Ethyl benzene(H) 1OD414 7.23E-04 6.3 9.11E-04 7,98 9.11E-04 7.98 3.10E-05 3.10E-05 Ethylene dichloride(1,2-dichloroethane)(1" 107062 6.76E-04 &9 8.53E-04 7.47 8.53E-04 7.47 2.90E-05 2.90E-05 Formaldehyde(TH) 50000 1.03E-01 896.3 1.29E-01 1133A9 1.29E-01 1133.19 4.40E-03 4.40E-03 Hexachlorodibenzo-pdioxin 1,2,3,6,7,8 M 57653857 7.41E-10 0.0 9.35E-10 0�00 9,35E-10 0.00 3.18E-11 3.18E-11 Hydrogen chloride(hydrochloric acid)(TH) 7647010 4.43E-01 38T&2 5.59E-01 4893.34 5.59E-01 4893.34 1.90E-02 1.90E-02 Lead and Lead compounds(H) PBC 1.12E-03 9.8 1.41E-03 12.36 1.41E-03 12.36 4.80E-05 4.80E-05 Manganese&compounds(TH) MNC 3.73E-02 326.7 4.70E-02 412.07 4.70E-02 412.07 1.60E-03 1.60E-03 Mercury,vapor(Include in Mercury&Compds)(T/H) 7439976 8.16E-05 0.7 1.03E-04 0.90 1.03E-04 0.90 3.50E-06 3.50E-06 Methyl bromide(H)(bromomethane) 74839 3.50E-04 3.1 4.41E-04 3.86 4.41E-04 3,86 1.50E-05 1.50E-05 Methyl chloride(H)(chloromethane) 74873 5.36E-04 4.7 6.76E-04 5,92 6.76E-04 5.92 2.30E-05 2.30E-05 Methyl chloroform("(1,1,1 Mchloroethare) 71556 7.23E-04 6.3 9.11E-04 7.98 9.11E-04 7.98 3.10E-05 3.10E-05 Methyl ethyl ketone(n 78933 1.26E-04 1.1 1.59E-04 1.39 1.59E-04 1.39 5.40E-06 5.40E-06 Methylene chloride(TH)(dichloromethane) 75092 6.76E-03 1 59.2 8.53E-03 74.69 8.53E-03 74.69 2.90E-04 2.90E-04 Naphthalene (H) 91203 2.26E-03 19.8 2.85E-03 24.98 285E-03 24.98 9.70E-05 9.70E-05 Nickel metal(Component of Nickel&Compounds)(T/M 7440020 7.69E-04 &7 9.70E-04 8.50 9.70E-04 8.50 3.30E-05 3.30E-05 Nitrophenol,4-(H) 100027 2.56E-06 0.0 3.23E-06 0.03 3.23E-06 0.03 1.10E-01 1.10E-07 151Page Form B,3 Continued Pentechlomphenol(TH) 87865 1.19E-06 0.0 1.50E-06 0,01 1.50E-06 0,01 5.10E-08 5.IOE-08 P-rdcroelhylene(teftwhianattrylene)(TH) 127184 8.86E-04 7.8 1.12E-03 979 1.12E-03 9.79 3.80E-05 3.80E-05 P11end(TH) 108952 1.19E-03 10.4 1-50E-03 13.13 1.50E-03 13.13 5.10E-05 5.10E-05 Phosphorus Metal.YOM a WN1e(H) 7723140 6.29E-04 8s 7.94E-04 6,95 7.94E-04 6.95 270E-05 270E-05 PdycHaMated blpharyls(TH) 1396363 1,90E-0/ a 240E-17 000 240E-07 DOD 815E-09 815E-09 Pdycychc OrpNc Matter(H) POMTV 291E-03 2&5 168E-03 3219 3,68E-03 3219 1.25E-04 1.25E-04 PMPlmaldehyda(M 123386 1.42E-03 125 1.79E-03 15.71 1.79E-03 15.71 6.10E-06 6.10E-06 Propylene ad4aide(H)(1,2 dcHaropropene) 78875 7.69E-04 6.7 9.70E-04 8,50 9.70E-04 8.50 3.30E-06 3.30E-05 Selenum compounds(H) SEC 6.53E-05 as 8.23E-05 0.72 823E-05 0.72 250E-06 280E-06 Styrero(TH) 100425 4.43E-02 387.9 5.59E-02 489.33 r 5.59E-02 48933 1.90E-03 1.90E-03 Tetrachlaodibe "d-in,2.3,7,8-(h) 1746016 200E-10 0.0 253E-10 0..00 2.53E-10 0.00 8.60E-12 8.60E-12 Tdl en (TH) 108883 214E-M 187.8 2711E-02 236.94 270E-02 236.94 9.27E-04 9.20E-04 TdchlaoeMylena(TH) 79016 6.99E-04 81 882E-04 7.73 8.82E-0l 7.73 3.00E-05 3.00E-05 TdcNadluorome0mne(CFC 111)IT) 75(0 9.56E-04 &4 1.21E-03 10.56 1.21E-03 10.56 4.10E-05 4.10E-05 TdcHaaph-1.2,4,6-(H) 88062 5.13E-07 80 6.47E-07 0.01 6.47E-07 0.01 22)E-08 220E-M Vinyl cNaide(TH) 75014 4.20E-04 17 5.29E-04 4.64 5.29E-04 4.64 1.80E-05 1.80E-05 Xy1ene(TH) 1330207 5.83E-04 51 7.35E-04 6.44 7.35E-04 6.44 250E-OS 250E-05 Frghest HAP(Ftydrogen chlatde(hyaochlaic acid)(TH)) 7647010 4.43E-01 3879Lz 5.59E-01 489:1.34 6.59E-01 4893.34 1.90E-02 1.90E-02 •Total HAPs 1 1 1.35 7,9261 1.14 9,998 1 1,14 9,998 I 3.88E-02 a88E-02 TOX11C AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIOM#4FOWATVN PERMITTING PURPOSESI EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITATIONS(FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES) EMISSION FACTOR Ib/mmstu TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAS Wm. 1w Iblday Ib/yr rncartdled cmtrdled Acetaldehyde(TH) 75070 1.93E-02 4.64E-01 169 8.30E-04 8.30E-04 Acrdein(TH) 107028 9.32E-02 2.24E+00 817 4.00E-03 4.00E-03 Ar c&Canpands(TH) ASC 5.13E-04 1.23E-02 4 220E-05 220E-05 Benzene(TH) 71432 9.79E-02 2.35E+00 858 4.20E-03 420E-03 B-o(e)pyrene(T) 50328 6.06E-05 1.45E-03 1 260E-06 2.60E-06 Bayllium metal(m4+ -ted)(Also include in SEC)(TM) 7440417 2.56E-05 6.15E-04 0 1.10E-06 1.10E-06 Cadmium Metal(elemental m-reeRed)-(Add w/CDC)(T(H) 7440439 9.56E-05 2.29E-03 1 4.10E-06 4.10E-06 Carom tetrwNalde(TH) 56236 1.05E-03 2.52E-02 9 4.50E-05 4.50E-05 Ch c,Im(TH) 7782505 1.84E-02 4.42E-01 161 7.90E-04 7.90E-04 CNaabalzene(TH) 108907 7.69E-04 1.85E-02 7 3.30E-05 3.30E-05 CHaobrm(TH) 67663 6.53E-04 1.57E-02 6 280E-05 280E-05 D(2-ebVhm l)phthelete(DEFP)(TH) 117817 1.10E-06 2.63E-05 0 4.70E-08 4.70E-0B E"km dicHaride(1,2dcHaroelhana)(TH) 107062 6.76E-04 1.62E-02 6 290E-05 2.90E-05 Soluble Chromate Cmpds,m Onme(VI)(TH) SOLCR6 8.16E-05 1.96E-03 1 3.50E-06 3.50E-06 Famaldehyde(TH) 50000 1.03E-01 2-46E+00 S98 4.40E-03 4.40E-03 Flexachlaatibenzo"min 1,2,3,6,7,8(T) 57653857 7.41E-10 1.78E-08 0 3.18E-11 3.18E-11 HydMgrn cHcrlde(hy*vcHaic add)(TH) 7647010 4.43E-01 1.06E+01 3,879 1.90E-02 1.90E-02 Merlger�ese&campatnds(TH) Mw- 3.73E-02 8.95E-01 327 1.60E-03 1.60E-03 Mercuy,lepa(Irdude in Mercuy&CaripdsXT/H) 7439976 8.16E-05 1.96E-03 1 3.50E-06 3.50E-06 Me"cNavWM(TH)(1,1,1 bichlaroahane) 71556 7.23E-04 1.73E-02 6 3.10E-5 3.10E-05 Me"I ethyl km-(T) 78933 1.26E-04 3.02E-03 1 5.40E-06 5.40E-06 Metfyl cNa de(TH)(Olchlaa WH ) 75092 6.76E-03 1.62E-01 59 290E-04 290E-04 Mckel metal(Canpmad of Mckel&Canpourids)(TM) 7440020 7.69E-04 1.85E-02 7 3.30E-05 3.30E-05 PmtwHoraphmol(TH) 87865 1.19E-06 2.85E-05 0 5.10E-08 5.10E-OB Pmhlooe"I"(tehwrl=elhyiene)(TH) 127184 8.86E-04 2.13E-02 8 3.80E 3.80E-05 Pherd(TH) 108952 1.19E-03 285E-02 10 5.10E-05 5.111E-05 PdycHalnatedblpI*m"s(TH) 133M 1.90E-07 4.56E-06 0 8.15E-09 8.15E-09 sty-(TM) 1OD425 4.43E-02 1.06E+00 388 1.90E-03 1.90E-03 TebachlaDdbenzopamdn,2,3,7,8(TH) 1746016 2.00E-10 4.81E-09 0 860E-12 8.60E-12 Tduene(TH) 1OBB93 2.14E-02 5.15E-01 188 9.20E-04 9.20E-04 TncNcrcethylene(TH) 79016 6.99E-04 1.68E-02 6 3.00E-05 3.00E-05 TncHarcf o etherle(CFC 111)IT) 75694 9.56E-04 2.29E-02 8 4.10E-05 4.10E-05 Vinyl chlWde(TH) 75014 4.20E-04 1.01E-02 4 1.80E-05 1.80E-05 Xylene(TH) 1330207 5.83E-04 1.40E-02 5 2.50E-05 250E-05 GREBMUSE GAS EMISSIONS INFORMATION R EMISSIONS INVENTORY GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS-POTENTIAL TO EMIT ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS-utilize max POTENTIAL EMISSIONS With heat input capacity and EPA MRR Requested Emission Limitation-utilize EPA MRR CALCULATION METHOD:TIER 1 Emission Factors requested fuel limit and EPA MRR GREENHOUSE GAS metric tonstyr metric tons , short tonstyr shorttons r short tons , short tons r I short tons/ , CARBON DIOXIDE 0.00 zero' 0.00 26629.19 zero' O.OD zero' METHANE C NITROUS OXIDE TOTAL 0.00 TOTALI 0.00 TOTALI 0.00 ' BIOGENIC CO2 has 0 CO2e NOTE:The DAQ Air Emissions Reporting Online(AERO)system requires short tons NOTE: CO2e means CO2 equivalent The EPA MRR requires metric tuns 161 Page 1 Form B1-1 FORM B1 EMISSION SOURCE(WOOD, COAL, OIL, GAS, OTHER FUEL-FIRED BURNER) REVISED 12/01/01 NCDEWDivision of Air Quality-Application for Air Permit to Consirtm;uOperate B'I EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: Green Wood Fired Steam Boiler EMISSION SOURCE ID NO: ESB-1 CONTROL DEVICE ID NO(S): CDMC-1,ESP-1 OPERATING SCENARIO: 1 OF 1 EMISSION POINT(STACK)ID NO(S): EPS-1 DESCRIBE USE: X PROCESS HEAT SPACE HEAT X ELECTRICAL GENERATION X CONTINUOUS USE STAND BY/EMERGENCY OTHER(DESCRIBE): HEATING MECHANISM: X INDIRECT DIRECT MAX FIRING RATE(MMBTU/HOUR): 294 WOOD-FIRED BURNER WOOD TYPE: X BARK X WOODIBARK X WET WOOD DRY WOOD OTHER(DESCRIBE): PERCENT MOISTURE OF FUEL: 45 UNCONTROLLED CONTROLLED WITH FLYASH REINJECTION X CONTROLLED W/O REINJECTION FUEL FEED METHOD: Stoker HEAT TRANSFER MEDIA: X STEAM AIR OTHER METHOD OF TUBE CLEANING: Soot BloWng CLEANING SCHEDULE: BI-Annual COAL-FIRED BURNER TYPE OF BOILER IF OTHER DESCRIBE: PULVERIZED OVERFEED STOKER UNDERFEED STOKER SPREADER STOKER FLUIDIZED BED ❑WET BED UNCONTROLLED UNCONTROLLED UNCONTROLLED CIRCULATING ❑DRY BED CONTROLLED CONTROLLED FLYASH REINJECTION RECIRCULATING NO FLYASH REINJECTION METHOD OF LOADING: CYCLONE HANDFIRED TRAVELING GRATE OTHER(DESCRIBE): METHOD OF TUBE CLEANING: CLEANING SCHEDULE: OIUGAS-FIRED BURNER TYPE OF BOILER: ❑ UTILITY ❑ INDUSTRIAL ❑ COMMERCIAL ❑ RESIDENTIAL TYPE OF FIRING: ❑NORMAL ❑TANGENTIAL ❑ LOW NOX BURNERS ❑NO LOW NOX BURNER METHOD OF TUBE CLEANING: CLEANING SCHEDULE: OTHER FUEL-FIRED BURNER TYPE OF FUEL: PERCENT MOISTURE: TYPE OF BOILER: ❑ UTILITY ❑ INDUSTRIAL ❑ COMMERCIAL ❑ RESIDENTIAL TYPE OF FIRING: TYPE OF CONTROL(IF ANY): FUEL FEED METHOD: METHOD OF TUBE CLEANING: CLEANING SCHEDULE: FUEL USAGE(INCLUDE STARTUPBACKUP FUELS) MAAMUM DESIGN REQUESTED CAPACITY FUEL TYPE UNITS CAPACITY(UNrr/HR) LIMITATION(UNMHR) Unadulterated Green wood, Ibs 6300 6300 peanut hulls,soybean hulls and cotton gin residues FUEL CHARACTERISTICS(COMPLETE ALL THAT ARE APPLICABLE) SPECIFIC SULFUR CONTENT ASH CONTENT FUEL TYPE BTU CONTENT (%BY WEIGHT) (%BY WEIGHT) Unadulterated Green Wood 4375 0.06 11 Peanut hulls 7,483 0.16 4,48 Soybean hulls 7,394 0.32 7.32 Cotton gin residues 7.171 0.13 3.72 SAMPLING PORTS,COMPLIANT WITH EPA METHOD 1 WILL BE INSTALLED ON THE STACKS: XYES NO 171Pag? e Form B1-2 FORM B1 EMISSION SOURCE(WOOD, COAL, OIL, GAS, OTHER FUEL-FIRED BURNER) REVISED 12/01/01 NCDEWDivision of Air Quality-Application for Air Permit to ConstructlOperate BI EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: Green Wood Fired Steam Boiler EMISSION SOURCE ID NO: ESB-2 CONTROL DEVICE ID NO(S): CDMC-2.ESP-1 OPERATING SCENARIO: 1 OF_I_ EMISSION POINT(STACK)ID NO(S): EPS-1 DESCRIBE USE: X PROCESS HEAT SPACE HEAT X ELECTRICAL GENERATION X CONTINUOUS USE STAND BY/EMERGENCY OTHER(DESCRIBE): HEATING MECHANISM: X INDIRECT DIRECT MAX FIRING RATE(MMBTU/HOUR): 29.4 WOOD-FIRED BURNER WOOD TYPE: X BARK X WOODIBARK X WET WOOD DRY WOOD OTHER(DESCRIBE): PERCENT MOISTURE OF FUEL: 45 UNCONTROLLED CONTROLLED WITH FLYASH REINJECTION X CONTROLLED W/O REINJECTION FUEL FEED METHOD: Stoker HEAT TRANSFER MEDIA: X STEAM AIR OTHER METHOD OF TUBE CLEANING: Soot BloWng CLEANING SCHEDULE: Bi-Annual COAL-FIRED BURNER TYPE OF BOILER IF OTHER DESCRIBE: PULVERIZED OVERFEED STOKER UNDERFEED STOKER SPREADER STOKER FLUIDIZED BED ❑WET BED UNCONTROLLED UNCONTROLLED UNCONTROLLED CIRCULATING ❑DRY BED CONTROLLED CONTROLLED FLYASH REINJECTION RECIRCULATING NO FLYASH REINJECTION METHOD OF LOADING: CYCLONE HANDFIRED TRAVELING GRATE OTHER(DESCRIBE): METHOD OF TUBE CLEANING: CLEANING SCHEDULE: OILIGAS-FIRED BURNER TYPE OF BOILER: ❑ UTILITY ❑ INDUSTRIAL ❑ COMMERCIAL ❑ RESIDENTIAL TYPE OF FIRING: ❑NORMAL ❑TANGENTIAL ❑LOW NOX BURNERS ❑NO LOW NOX BURNER METHOD OF TUBE CLEANING: CLEANING SCHEDULE: OTHER FUEL-FIRED BURNER TYPE OF FUEL: PERCENT MOISTURE: TYPE OF BOILER: ❑ UTILITY ❑ INDUSTRIAL ❑ COMMERCIAL ❑ RESIDENTIAL TYPE OF FIRING: TYPE OF CONTROL(IF ANY): FUEL FEED METHOD: METHOD OF TUBE CLEANING: CLEANING SCHEDULE: FUEL USAGE(INCLUDE STARTUP/BACKUP FUELS) MAXIMUM DESIGN REQUESTED CAPACITY FUEL TYPE UNITS CAPACITY(UNITIHR) LIMITATION(UNIT/HR) Unadulterated Green vood, Ibs 6300 6300 peanut hulls,soybean hulls and cotton gin residues FUEL CHARACTERISTICS(COMPLETE ALL THAT ARE APPLICABLE) SPECIFIC SULFUR CONTENT ASH CONTENT FUEL TYPE BTU CONTENT (%BY WEIGHT) (%BY WEIGHT) Unadulterated Green Wood 4375 0.06 11 Peanut hulls 7,483 0,16 4.48 Soybean hulls 7,394 0.32 7.32 Cotton gin residues 7,171 0.13 3.72 SAMPLING PORTS,COMPLIANT WITH EPA METHOD 1 WILL BE INSTALLED ON THE STACKS: X YES NO 1 V I a g e Form B1-3 FORM B1 EMISSION SOURCE(WOOD, COAL, OIL, GAS, OTHER FUEL-FIRED BURNER) REVISED 12/01/01 NCDENR/Division of Air Quality-Application for Air Permit to ConstrucUOperate BI EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: Green Wood Fired Steam Boiler EMISSION SOURCE ID NO: ESB3 CONTROL DEVICE ID NO(S): CDMC3,ESP1 OPERATING SCENARIO: 1 OF 1 EMISSION POINT(STACK)ID NO(S): EPS-1 DESCRIBE USE: X PROCESS HEAT SPACE HEAT X ELECTRICAL GENERATION X CONTINUOUS USE STAND BY/EMERGENCY OTHER(DESCRIBE): HEATING MECHANISM: X INDIRECT DIRECT MAX FIRING RATE(MMBTU/HOUR): 29.4 WOOD-FIRED BURNER WOOD TYPE: X BARK X WOOD/BARK X WET WOOD DRY WOOD OTHER(DESCRIBE): PERCENT MOISTURE OF FUEL: 45 UNCONTROLLED CONTROLLED WITH FLYASH REINJECTION X CONTROLLED WIO REINJECTION FUEL FEED METHOD: Stoker HEAT TRANSFER MEDIA: X STEAM AIR OTHER METHOD OF TUBE CLEANING: SootBlowincl CLEANING SCHEDULE: Bi-Annual COAL-FIRED BURNER TYPE OF BOILER IF OTHER DESCRIBE: PULVERIZED OVERFEED STOKER UNDERFEED STOKER SPREADER STOKER FLUIDIZED BED ❑WET BED UNCONTROLLED UNCONTROLLED UNCONTROLLED CIRCULATING ❑DRY BED CONTROLLED CONTROLLED FLYASH REINJECTION RECIRCULATING NO FLYASH REINJECTION METHOD OF LOADING: CYCLONE HANDFIRED TRAVELING GRATE OTHER(DESCRIBE): METHOD OF TUBE CLEANING: CLEANING SCHEDULE: OIUGAS-FIRED BURNER TYPE OF BOILER: ❑ UTILITY ❑ INDUSTRIAL ❑ COMMERCIAL ❑ RESIDENTIAL TYPE OF FIRING: ❑NORMAL ❑TANGENTIAL ❑ LOW NOXBURNERS ❑NO LOW NOXBURNER METHOD OF TUBE CLEANING: CLEANING SCHEDULE: OTHER FUEL-FIRED BURNER TYPE OF FUEL: PERCENT MOISTURE: TYPE OF BOILER: ❑ UTILITY ❑ INDUSTRIAL ❑ COMMERCIAL ❑ RESIDENTIAL TYPE OF FIRING: TYPE OF CONTROL QF ANY): FUEL FEED METHOD: METHOD OF TUBE CLEANING: CLEANING SCHEDULE: FUEL USAGE(INCLUDE STARTUP/BACKUP FUELS) MAXMAUM DESIGN REQUESTED CAPACITY FUEL TYPE UNITS CAPACITY(UNITIHR) LIMITATION(UNIT/HR) Unadulterated Green wood, Ibs 6300 peanut hulls,soybean hulls and cotton pin residues FUEL CHARACTERISTICS(COMPLETE ALL THAT ARE APPLICABLE) SPECIFIC SULFUR CONTENT ASH CONTENT FUEL TYPE BTU CONTENT (%BY WEIGHT) (%BY WEIGHT) Unadulterated Green Wood 4375 0.06 1.1 Peanut hulls 7,483 0.16 4A8 Soybean hulls 7,394 0.32 7.32 Cotton gin residues 7.171 1 0.13 3.72 SAMPLING PORTS,COMPLIANT WTTH EPA METHOD 1 WILL BE INSTALLED ON THE STACKS: XYES NO 191 Pa �L, FORM B6 EMISSION SOURCE (STORAGE SILO/BINS) REVISED 12/01/01 NCDENR/Division of Air Quality-Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate B6 EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: Below Grade Fuel Bunker EMISSION SOURCE ID NO: ESSB-1 CONTROL DEVICE ID NO(S): none OPERATING SCENARIO: 1 OF 1 EMISSION POINT(STACK)1D NO(S): none DESCRIBE IN DETAIL THE PROCESS(ATTACH FLOW DIAGRAM). 85.5 w x 60'1 x 13'storage height concrete fuel bunker(approx 35,800 cu ft) MATERIAL STORED: Green Wood Boiler fuel DENSITY OF MATERIAL(LB/FT3):24 CAPACITY CUBIC FEET: 35,8W TONS: 430 DIMENSIONS(FEET) HEIGHT: 13 DIAMETER (OR) LENGTH: 60 WIDTH: 85.5 HEIGHT: 13 ANNUAL PRODUCT THROUGHPUT(TONS) ACTUAL 72,000 MAXIMUM DESIGN CAPACITY: 430 Tons PNEUMATICALLY FILLED MECHANICALLY FILLED FILLED FROM BLOWER SCREW CONVEYOR RAILCAR COMPRESSOR BELT CONVEYOR MOTOR HP: TRUCK OTHER: BUCKET ELEVATOR STORAGE PILE X OTHER Self unloading trailers OTHER: NO.FILL TUBES: MAXIMUM ACFM: MATERIAL IS FILLED TO: BY WHAT METHOD IS MATERIAL UNLOADED FROM SILO? Hydralically operated scrapes pull biomass material from bunker to a lateral screw corneyor. MAXIMUM DESIGN FILLING RATE OF MATERIAL(TONS/HR): 100 MAXIMUM DESIGN UNLOADING RATE OF MATERIAL(TONS/HR): 12 COMMENTS: See drawings as attached. 20 ' age i Form C-1 ESP FORM C2 CONTROL DEVICE(Electrostatic Precipitator) REVISED 12(01/01 NCDENRfMvision of Air Quality-Application for Air Permit to ConstructfOpe rate CZ CONTROL DEVICE ID NO ESP-1 CONTROLS EMISSIONS FROM WHICH EMISSION SOURCE ID NC CDMC-1,2&3 EMISSION POINT(STACK)ID NO(S): POSITION IN SERIES OF CONTROLS: NO. 2 OF 2 UNITS MANUFACTURER: Wellons Inc MODEL NO. 2W-091-0919 MANUFACTURE DATE: Sep-11 PROPOSED OPERATION DATE: 31-Dec-11 OPERATING SCENARIO: PROPOSED START CONSTRUCTION DATE: May-11 1 OF 1 P.E.SEAL REQUIRED(PER 2Q.0112)? YES O NO EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS jGAs D6TRIBLMON GRIDS: X YES NO TYPE: WET X DRY X SINGLE-STAGE TWO-STAGE TOTAL COLLECTION PLATE AREA(Fr):: NO.FIELDS 2 NO.COLLECTOR PLATE PER FIELD: 15 COLLECTOR PLATES SIZE(FT): LENGTH: 15 WIDTH:86T SPACING BETWEEN COLLECTOR PLATES(INCHES): 12 TOTAL DISCHARGE ELECTRODE LENGTH(Fr): 3,192' GAS VISCOSITY(POISE): 0.046 Ib/cu ft. NUMBER OF DISCHARGE ELECTRODES: 168 NUMBER OF COLLECTING ELECTRODE RAPPERS: 6 MAXIMUM INLET AIR FLOW RATE(ACFM): 42,700 PARTICLE MIGRATION VELOCITY(Fr/SEC): 0.1 MINIMUM GAS TREATMENT TIME(SEC): 6.48 BULK PARTICLE DENSITY(LB/Fr): 10 FIELD STRENGTH(VOLTS)CHARGING: 60,000 COLLECTING:60,000 ICORONA POWER(WATTS/1000 CFM): 436 ELECTRICAL USAGE(kw/HOUR): 30 CLEANING PROCEDURES: El RAPPING PLATE VIBRATING WASHING OTHER OPERATING PARAMETERS IPRESSURE DROP(IN.H20): MIN 0 5 MAX 10 WARNING ALARM? X YES NO RESISTIVITY OF POLLUTANT(OHM-CM): 10 E9th GAS CONDITIONING: YES X NO TYPE OF AGENT(IF YES): INLET GAS TEMPERATURE(°F): MIN 275 MAX350 OUTLET GAS TEMPERATURE(09: MIN 275 MAX350 VOLUME OF GAS HANDLED(ACFM): 42,700 INLET MOISTURE PERCENT: MIN 0 MAX24 POWERREQUIREMENTSS IS AN ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM USED? 0 YES d NO FIELD NO. NO.OF SETS C HARGdVG EA CH TRANSFORMER(kVA) EACH RECTIFIER Kv A ve(Peak Ma Dc 1 1 x 500 MA 60000 V 426 60KV/1000 MA 1 x 500 MA 60000 V 42.6 60KV/1000 MA POLLUTANT(S)COLLECTED: Solid Particulate BEFORE CONTROL EMISSION RATE(LB/HR): 22.1(=0.251b/MMBtu input) CAPTURE EFFICIENCY: 100% % % % CONTROL DEVICE EFFICIENCY: 72% % % % CORRESPONDING OVERALL EFFICIENCY: 72% % % % EFFICIENCY DETERMINATION CODE: TOTAL EMISSION RATE(LB/HR): 6.18(=0.071b/MMBtu input) PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION DESCRIBE STARTUP PROCEDURES: SIZE WEIGHT% CUMULATIVE See Operations and Maint.Manual Summary is that turn on heaters and rappers (MICRONS) OF TOTAL % before firing boiler Energize T-R once stack temp exceed 300 degrees. 0-1 30 30 DESCRIBE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES: 1-10 70 100 See O&M Manual.Summary.Turn off ESP and boiler.Lock out equip.and utilize ESP 10-25 Safety key interlock provided prior to performing maint. 25-50 DESCRIBE ANY AUXILIARY MATERIALS INTRODUCED INTO THE CONTROL 50-100 SYSTEM: >100 TOTAL=100 DESCRIBE ANY MONITORING DEVICES,GAUGES,OR TEST PORTS AS ATTACHMENTS: T-R Control, KV, MA,Arrip, Vohs. Spark Rate,Purge Air Ternp,.Stack Te , Stack Test Ports. ATTACH A DIAGRAM OF THE TOP VIEW OF THE ESP WITH DIMENSIONS(include at a minimum the plate spacing and wire spacing and indicate the electrode type),AND THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE CONTROL DEVICE TO ITS EMISSION SOURCE(S): Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary Rigid discharge electrode With 12"collection plate spacing 21 ( Page t .....-... ,.«. ar Lit'" Ira tf w.f{aaewa • . k lk�.._' t � ��r�w.na.'.wr�.w..�s.•rww•�ia~Y�i�+M.�1wn++ . a � t � l s «.u�r w•.w'.N •w v.a��n era a'r a f���hYw1 a •f )�' S.- �4 - ` 4r.a��a mar r �!..w ww mar. .• mr� aaa.1. a dn•..w�{iiYe..a.aa •a~+ y v i..Tf� y�y..Yy.a�.Aa,lir 1 t.iNo♦_ ... ��Vw•..ter.w wr a N N I r FORM C4 CONTROL DEVICE(CYCLONE, MULTICYCLONE, OR OTHER MECHANICAL) REVISED 12/01/01 NCDENR/Division of Air Quality-Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate C4 CONTROL DEVICE ID NO: CDMC-1 CONTROLS EMISSIONS FROM WHICH EMISSION SOURCE ID NO(S): ESB-1 EMISSION POINT(STACK)ID NO(S):EPS-t POSITION IN SERIES OF CONTROLS NO. 1 OF 1 UNITS MANUFACTURER Wellons MODEL NO: DATE MANUFACTURED: PROPOSED OPERATION DATE: 3/1/2012 OPERATING SCENARIO: PROPOSED START CONSTRUCTION DATE: 11/1/2010 1 OF 1 P.E.SEAL REQUIRED(PER 20.0112)? YES X NO DESCRIBE CONTROL SYSTEM: Multi-cyclone collector POLLUTANT(S)COLLECTED: TSP PM-10 PM-2.5 BEFORE CONTROL EMISSION RATE(LB/HR): 10.29 8.23 1.54 CAPTURE EFFICIENCY: 100% 100% 100% % CONTROL DEVICE EFFICIENCY: 80% 77% 33% % CORRESPONDING OVERALL EFFICIENCY: 80% 77% 33% % EFFICIENCY DETERMINATION CODE: Mfg. Mfg. Mfg._ TOTAL EMISSION RATE(LB/HR): 2.058 1.89 1.03 PRESSURE DROP(IN.H20): MIN 2.5 MAX 3.5 WARNING ALARM? YES X NO INLET TEMPERATURE M: MIN 276 MAX 325 OUTLET TEMPERATURE(OF): MIN275 MAX 326 INLET AIR FLOW RATE(ACFM): 14,775 BULK PARTICLE DENSITY(LB/FT): 36 POLLUTANT LOADING RATE(GR/FT): .1 SETTLWG CHAMBER CYCLONE MLLTICYCLONE LENGTH(INCHES): INLETVELOGTY(FT/SEC): d CIRCULAR d RECTANGLE NO.TUBES: 18 WIDTH(INCHES): DiAENSIONS(INCHES)See instructions IF WET SPRAY UTILIZED DIAMETER OF TUBES: 9" HEIGHT(INCHES): H: Dd: LIQUID USED: HOPPER ASPIRATION SYSTEM? VELOCITY(FT/SEC.): W: Lb: FLOW RATE(GPM): YES X NO NO.TRAYS: De: Lc: MAKE UP RATE(GPM): LOWERS? NO.BAFFLES: D: S: YES X NO TYPE OF CYCLONE: CONVENTIONAL X HIGH EFFICIENCY OTHER DESCRIBE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES: PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION Annual inspection and routine monitoring of pressure drop SIZE WEIGHT% CUMULATIVE (MICRONS) OF TOTAL % DESCRIBE INCOMING AIR STREAM: 0-1 Exhaust gases at 300-M degrees F.from wood fired combustion after leaving the boiler and 1-10 after passing thru the combustion air preheater. 10.25 2550 50-100 >100 TOTAL=100 DESCRIBE ANY MONITORING DEVICES,GAUGES,TEST PORTS,ETC: Multiple cone collector will be provided with pressure test ports on the inlet and outlet. 231Pa,! c Article III. Fuel Analysis Reports Laboratory Report for Peanut Hulls IN 241Page TECHNICAL LABORATORIES, INC. SIS CHEROKEE BLVD LEWIS E CAIN CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE 37405 4231265-4533 Preside-it ACCOUST HG. 6518-001 DATE ZANUARY 28, 2011 RWRIVEn FROM WR'-L.CW9 KNENCY SOLVPIONS, :836 RASTCHIISTSR DRIVR, SUITE 100. HIGH MR. OSRALL S. COTTRSLL POINT. FOR7d CAWLIJRA 27265 RWRIVED DATN 01/24/11 HATB{RIAL FUEL K RR M GROUND PEMUT WIJUC (SLMICTM) IN A SEALED CONTAIMM LASORATORY NO. S13.1i ASH c AS Day MOISTURE A8 L3A Y2ED BASIS PRSS RICIIYVZD mciacure 3.08 t 4.09 % 0.0C % 12.78 t VUlit2-e 72.16 75.07 79.:4 161.46 =:xcd tar'non 19.:9 19.79 :C.86 17.26 Ash 4.98 S.14 0.00 4.48 Sul fvz 0.17 0.12 0.19 C.16 Btu S,J16 8,580 9,045 7.4$3 78CHN:CA1. jAHCRArZ;R18S, INC. �� LENZ., CA.'if Prer.ider.t Supplement Data: Laboratory Report for Cotton Gin Residues 251Page TECHNICAL LABORATORIES, INC. 515 CHEROKEE BLVD. LEW$E.CAIN CHATTANOOGA.TENNESME 37405 423t265.4533 President ACCOfi1fT NO. 6518 CO1 DATE JANUARY 28. 2011 VAgf M 1ROM WELLCNS BNSRGY SOLUTIONS, 2936 3ASZCHESTIR DRIVI, SUITS 108, HIGH Eat. GERA= a. corrREL.L polbtT. NoRRTH rAAALSNA 27265 iR8 M"D OAT8 0112 4111 IMTI IAL PVEL max]= C07TM GZN R86:DUE8 :SUFk!:7'imu 2N A SEALED CONTAINER1 LABOI ATORiT 90. 513,712 ASH G AS DRY M023TURS AS AKALYZED BASLS _FRBH _ RECE — moisture 4.81 t 0.00 t 0.00 t 9.43 t Volatile 57.R'7 71.31 7►.59 64.S9 (rued Carbon 19.61 20.61 22.42 18.66 Ash 7.69 9.09 0.CO 7.32 Sulfur 0.33 0.3S 0.38 0.32 Btu 7.516 7.910 0.6:4 7.171 TECF1;7c?.i. LASORATORMS, SNC. i.FftI3 S. CAM Bresidet.L 261Page Supplement Data: Laboratory Report for Soy Bean Residues TECHNICAL LABORATORIES, INC. 515CHEROKEE BLVID. LEWIS E. CA1N CtiATTANOOGA 7ENNESSEE 37405 42312654533 President 11CCOU ff NO. 6 S 1 S-0 9: DAT3 :ANUARY 26, 2 01. RXCEIVED FROM WELWNC MERCY SOUnLCN3, 1a35 SA.;TCH$ZTSR PRI'M. SUITU ice, HIGH MR. �11ERA:S' B. COTTAELL POTW7, NORTH CAROLINX 77265 RZCZrVED DATZ 01/24!11 MA79RIAL FUEL MARKED SCY HEM HULLS (SUV%U1!ZV 1N A SEALED CCNTAINBR) LAIORATORY 310. 513, 711 Asti 16 AS DRY wQI ST1::i E AS AWALY8 BA-113 FREE k&CUI VED Moisture 4.54 11 3.0-0 12.54 Volatile 76.20 73.92 83.36 69.81 Fixed Carbon 15.20 15.95 16.44 :3.93 Ash 4.06 4.25 0.00 3.72 sultur 0.14 0.15 3.16 0.13 Btu 8,070 8,4154 8.829 7,194 it TECHNICAL L.74WRATCRLEf, :NC. LEWIS E. CA-IN Arra i drr;t 27 Page Article IV. City Zoning Consistency Determination Zoning ( on.i+tenc% Determination Fa<:ilin'NWe W+.Partrtcr► I.LLC Facility Street Ackirrs+ 242 Perdue RowL Cofithi.11C 2N2-1. Fsk ilin Ciq C'irf►eld.NV ["-rirnion of Process lii.+m&<A fisekkl o6mbiW heat and row'er'�tlattt til(':�,�IC SC'txk 49? 21 l I9 F arih I} t(ter act David llatnhardi lyh)w Number L�h11'lY{1}3�8� "sl;tiliag A�dtcss 1#30 F %tct Buff Dirkc.Suite 198 ktsiliag 01e-4,10.0 Zip Ift9hPuin[. NC 27265 Bu&W un the information ven atone F✓ I ht+ye weii,edacop�ofdw mrprnmtapplicauim ldrsitior(inali AND.- There are lams awle3bte ANti t,uNifuixt s for this fie 045 art in%d me I he pturmctl operation IS cormisurd with a►pplicat►lr mriong viditumca The prod used operation{S N r)7 c�neiste nt w Ath ap{+li�nttlr inning ordinarxcs ipl.ease include a t.,T)of the ruk-s in the pscksgx sent to the air yualit,.offikc i r The dwirsirution is ptiliding firftr inkmmatiun and can its;tic inrde at this time r ether: N irne 4f Dmm ,itgs9(All rx1 HLIriwa Title of 1Xmiansted(kwrial ;_.._..___t 3"_r N-ax f,,rsyunl to the fAevhtl t►t illtig Wtcss hStai aiK-s%e attd the 31r allalit, office nt the a +mpn:atc addrv%.a,chn-Led -at dw bwk u(dii s tur¢n. ( atttrte4q fit Ike Strial I Btmtw%%;FiliwarvnenUl Assist,arwe Pm�rarn toll fine at t-fl'7•{123di'Itl nr tin the m,4 lu�a a.cr y h tnr;t sh 281Page Article V. County Zoning Consistency Confirmation The project location, 3539 Governors Road, Lewiston Woodville,NC is currently outside the city limits and resides within the jurisdiction of the county of Bertie. This area does not currently have zoning regulations in-place. Therefore,the following applies: 15A NCAC 02Q .0113 NOTIFICATION IN AREAS WITHOUT ZONING (a) State and local governments are exempt from this Rule. (b)Before a person submits a permit application for a new or expanded facility in an area without zoning, he shall provide public notification as setout in this Rule. (c)A person covered under this Rule shall publish a legal notice as specified in Paragraph(d)of this Rule and shall post a sign as specified in Paragraph(f)of this Rule. (d)A person covered under this Rule shall publish a legal notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the area where the source is or will be located at least two weeks before submitting the permit application for the source. The notice shall identify: (1)the name of the affected facility; (2)the name and address of the permit applicant; and (3)the activity or activities involved in the permit action; (e)The permit applicant shall submit with the permit application an affidavit and proof of publication that the legal notice required under Paragraph(d)of this Rule was published. (f)A person covered under this Rule shall post a sign on the property where the new or expanded source is or will be located. The sign shall meet the following specifications: (1)It shall be at least six square feet in area; (2)It shall be set off the road right-of-way,but no more than 10 feet from the road right-of- way. (3)The bottom of the sign shall be at least six feet above the ground; (4)It shall contain the following information: (A)the name of the affected facility; (B)the name and address of the permit applicant; and (C)the activity or activities involved in the permit action; (5)Lettering shall be a size that the sign can be read by a person with 20/20 vision standing in the center of the road; and (6)The side with the lettering shall face the road, and sign shall be parallel to the road. The sign shall be posted at least 10 days before the permit application is submitted and shall remain posted for at least 30 days after the application is submitted. 291Page Pictures of Sign: Posted Property prior to August 5, 2010 4— WE. Partners, LLC- W.E. Partners, LLC FFO1 9 7+ 1836 Eastchester Dr,, Suite 108 . High Point, NC 27265 o r � °r A Application to the NCDAQ for a minor r source air permit for the construction y of a biomass coggneration facility.o l 301 Article VI. CISWI Determination Confirmation From: Twisdale, Jeff Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 20119:18 AM To:Evans, John;Huddleston, Betsy Cc:Paterson, Fern Subject:FW.• CISWI determination -Alternative fuels for W.E. Partners 1 FYI—evidently this was done last month ... DSW just didn't let us know til now for some reason ...anyway, not a waste! From:Lorscheider, Ellen Sent:Monday, March 21, 20114:32 PM To: Twisdale, Jeff Subject:FW.- CISWI determination-Alternative fuels for W.E. Partners I Jeff, I apologize for the delay, We did make the Wellons'determination last month and it should have been sent on to you. The determination (see below) was that it was not a waste. Ellen Ellen Lorscheider, Planning and Programs Branch Head NCDENR Division of Waste Management-Solid Waste Section Phone 919-508-8499 Fax 919-733-4810 See our website at http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wm/sw E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From:Lorscheider, Ellen Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 20114:05 PM To:Matthews, Dexter Subject:FW.- CISWI determination-Alternative fuels for W.E. Partners I Dexter, I have reviewed the document which was forwarded to me by Jeff Twisdale at the Division of Air Quality: Addition of cotton gin residues,peanut and soybean hulls to Permit#1064R00 issued June 30, 2010 to W.E. Partners I, LLC. This document, dated January 14, 2011, is from Garald B. Cottrell, President of Wellons Energy Solutions LLC in response to Mr. Twisdale's request for CISWI determination information. As long as the management of this material is consistent with the description in this document, I agree that the material is not a waste. Ellen 331Page Ellen Lorscheider, Planning and Programs Branch Head NCDENR Division of Waste Management-Solid Waste Section Phone 919-508-8499 Fax 919-733-4810 See our website at http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wm/sw E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Twisdale, Jeff Sent:Friday, February 11, 20114:17 PM To:Lorscheider, Ellen Subject:FW.• CISWI determination-Alternative fuels for W.E. Partners I FYI—see attached e-submittal by Wellons for further documentation. Please let me know if you need more. Please note that my new e-mail address is mailto.jeff.twisdale@ncdenr.gov Jefferson (Jeffi T. Twisdale, E.I.T. Environmental Engineer NC DENR-Division of Air Quality Permits Section -PSD Branch 1641 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1641 Phone: (919) 715-6260 Fax: (919) 715-6554 Internet: www.ncair.org 341Page FORM C4 CONTROL DEVICE(CYCLONE, MULTICYCLONE, OR OTHER MECHANICAL) REVISED 12/01/01 NCOENR/Division of Air Quality-Application for Air Permit to Construd/0perate C4