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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_0900009_20200922_PRMT_PmtApp_22F The Chemours Company `'� Chemours- Fayetteville Works 22828 NC Highway 87 W Fayetteville,NC 28306 September 16, 2020 ,eceived Ms. Heather Sands Environmental Engineer Division of Air Quality, NCDEQ 1641 Mail Service Center Atr Er�r►tt ��� Raleigh, NC 27699-1641 Re: Additional Information Request Application No. 0900009.20A Chemours Company - Fayetteville Works Facility ID: 0900009, Fayetteville, Bladen County Permit No. 03735T48 Dear Ms. Sands, While evaluating a response to your March 27, 2020 email and Additional Information Request letter to Chemours regarding the IXM Filmtruder permit application, Chemours determined that the project had the capability of also increasing actual production in other areas of the facility that were originally thought to be unchanged. Therefore, we are resubmitting the permit application to address the potential emission increases in other areas of the facility due to debottlenecking (see Attachment A). In addition, Chemours is providing responses to your questions detailed in the Additional Information Request letter received on March 27, 2020. IXM Filmtruder 1. Question/Comment: Do the VOC emissions in form B include the new filmtruder? Please fill in the emissions for this form, rather than an approximation of emissions. Response:An updated Form B for the new Filmtruder is included in Appendix A of the enclosed revised Filmtruder permit application. The estimated emission depicted on Form B include emissions from the new Filmtruder and existing operations in NS-G Resins. 2. Question/Comment: The VOC emissions in Form C3 (0.21 Ib/hr) are lower than the VOC emissions in the detailed emission calculation in Appendix C (10,717 Ib/yr which is equivalent to 1.22 Ib/hr); please clarify or correct. Response: The value referenced from Appendix C (10,717 Ib/yr) included both process and fugitive emissions. Appendix C has been updated as part of the revised permit application. The emissions shown on Form C3 are from the thermal oxidizer exhaust and include all sources vented to the thermal oxidizer. 3. Question/Comment: Form D5 is not signed Response:An updated form D5 is included in Appendix A of the enclosed revised Filmtruder permit application. 4. Question/Comment: Are the pieces of equipment in Appendix B just the new equipment? Is it the polymerizer that is vented to the oxidizer? Response—Appendix B of the revised Filmtruder application provides a diagram of the existing and new equipment. 5. Question/Comment: Please provide sample calculations for HF and CO2 in Appendix C. Response:Attachment B includes sample calculations for the HF and CO2 generated by the thermal oxidizer and controlled by the scrubber from the new IXM Filmtruder and existing equipment in NS-G Resins. 6. Question/Comment: In the THE calculation, where did the methanol composition come from? Response: The methanol composition used in the THE calculations were obtained from the original MON determination submitted in 2005. The value is assumed to be either from samples taken as part of the original MON determination or from ASPEN modeling data. This project will not affect methanol concentration in the recirculation tank; however, as discussed below that value has been updated to be consistent with air emission inventory calculations. 7. Question/Comment: How does this compare to the data used in the forms and emissions calculations? Response: For the annual emission inventory, the composition of the methanol in the vapor space was estimated based on the concentration of E2, PSEPVE and methanol in the liquid composition. The vapor space composition of methanol is estimated to be 57,000 ppmv. The THE calculations have been recalculated using this value and are included as Appendix D to the revised Filmtruder permit application. If you have additional questions, please contact Christel Compton: 910-678-1213 or christel.e.compton(&, Sincerely, n Christel Compton Chemours Fayetteville Environmental Manager 2 US 1658381241 The Chemours Company Chemours- Fayetteville Works 22828 NC Highway 87 W Fayetteville,NC 28306 ATTACHMENT A- REVISED FILMTRUDER PERMIT APPLICATION ATTACHMENT B - SAMPLE EMISSION CALCULATIONS FOR HF, CO2 AND SO2 FORMED IN THE THERMAL OXIDIZER AND CONTROLLED BY THE SCRUBBER FROM THE NEW FILMTRUDER AND EXISTING EQUIPMENT IN NS-G-1 RESINS Emissions from the IXM Resins Process (except Fluorinator) (ID No. NS-G-1)will be sent to the thermal oxidizer/scrubber system (NCD-Q1/Q2). The thermal oxidizer will generate HF and CO2 emissions due to combustion of the volatile organic compounds (VOC) in the vent stream. The thermal oxidizer will control VOC emissions by 99.99%. The emissions from the thermal oxidizer are then vented to the scrubber, which will control HF and CO2 emissions generated in the Thermal Oxidizer by 99.95%. An example calculation showing the HF emissions generated from the destruction of Perfluoro(4-methyl- 3,6-dioxaoct-7-ene)sulfonyl fluoride(PSEPVE) emissions is shown below. Future Controlled Potential HF Emissions(from destruction of PSEPVE): Where, EHF-future controlled potential HF emissions (lb/yr) Ex- uncontrolled potential stack emission rate of fluorinated compound x(lb/yr) [26,145 Ib/yr for PSEPVE] CEx-control efficiency of thermal oxidizer for compound x(%) [99.99%] NFx- number of fluoride atoms in compound x[14 for PSEPVE] MWHF-molecular weight of HF (g/mol) [20.006] MWx-molecular weight of compound x(g/mol) [446.103.11 for PSEPVE] CEHF control efficiency of HF in the scrubber(%) [99.95%] EHF = 26,145 x 99.99%x 14 x 20.006 x (1—99.95%) = 8.20 lb 446.103 yr Emissions of CO2 are calculated in a similar manner with the following exceptions: (1)the molecular weight of CO2 is 44.008 g/mol and (2)the control efficiency of CO2 in the scrubber is assume to be zero. An example calculation showing the CO2 emissions generated from the destruction of PSEPVE emissions is shown below. Future Controlled Potential CO2 Emissions(from destruction of PSEPVE): 44.008 ECO2 = 26,145 x 99.99%x 7 x 446 103 x (1—0%) = 18,052 lb y US 165838124v1 The Chemours Company Fayettville Works Chemours- 22828 NC Highway 87 W 9 Fayetteville,NC 28306 Table 1 provides the emission estimates for the conversion of VOC in the thermal oxidizer and control by the scrubber. Table 1.Potential Emissions of HF,CO2,and S02 Nafton® Molecular #Fluoride #Carbon #Sulfur Uncontrolled Future Controlled Future Controlled Future Controlled Compound CAS Chemical Name CAS No. Weight Atoms Atoms Atoms Future Stack VOC Potential HF Potential CO2 Potential SOz Emissions(lb/yr) Emissions(Iblyr) Emissions(lb/yr) Emissions(Iblyr) PSEPVE Perfluoro(4-methyl-3,6-dioxaoct-7-ene)sulfonyl fluoride 16090-14-5 446.10 14 1 7 1 26,145 8.20 18,052 1.88 EVE Propanoic acid,3-[l-[difluoro[(trifluoroethenyl oxy]methyl]- 63863-43-4 423.09 13 9 0 3,275 1,2,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy]-2,2,3,3-tetrafluoro-,methyl ester 1.01 3 066 0.000 TFE Tetrafluoroethylene 116-14-3 100.01 4 2 0 111,180 44.46 97835 0.000 E 1 Propane,1,1,1,2,2,3,3-heptafluoro-3-(1,2,2,2- 3330-15-2 286.04 11 5 0 0.837 tetrafluoroetho 0.00 0.644 0.000 E-2 2H-perfluoro(5-methyl-3,6-dioxanonane) 3330-14-1 452.05 17 8 0 47,351 17.81 36,874 0.000 HFPO Dimer 2 3,3,3-Tetrafluoro-2-(heptafluoropropoxy)propanoyl fluoride 2062-98-B 332.03 12 6 0 7.80 Acid Fluoride 0.00 6.20 0.000 McOH Methanol 67-56-1 32.04 0 1 0 929 0.00 1,276 0.000 Total 188,889 71.5 157110 1.88 Air PermitApplication Chemours- Installation of Wiped Film Evaporator in IXM Resins Process September 2020 Pr . 0527584 vuaa�uo A•ruurr-+ ■V r■rr1�.�..� ■\NrNriJ� it N.`al■Ar• ra,Ya Vur V iii.'\erv�1 - business . I September 2020 Air Permit Application Installation of Wiped Film Evaporator in IXM Resins Process Jeffrey Twaddle, PE Christy Richardson, PE Partner Senior Consultant, Engineer Kevin Eldridge Project Manager ERM NC, Inc. ®Copyright 2020 by ERM Worldwide Group Ltd and/or its affiliates("ERM"). All rights reserved.No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, or by any means,without the prior written permission of ERM. Version:2.0 Project No.:0527584 Client:Chemours September 2020 K:1Confidential Projects10527584 Chemours Company 2019 ExpansionFayetteville.KElApol 2020 RevisionslEvaporator Permit Application 09142020.docx AIR PERMIT APPLICATION CONTENTS Installation of Wiped Film Evaporator in IXM Resins Process CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................1 2. FACILITY AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION.......................................................................................2 2.1 Current Facility Description...................................................................................................................2 2.2 Requested Permitting Actions...............................................................................................................2 3. PSD APPLICABILITY AND PROJECT EMISSION ESTIMATES.....................................................4 3.1 New Source Review Significant Emission Rates..................................................................................4 3.2 Project Emissions.................................................................................................................................5 3.3 Debottlenecked Emissions....................................................................................................................7 3.4 PSD SER for the Filmtruderrm Project..................................................................................................7 4. AIR REGULATORY APPLICABILITY ANALYSIS............................................................................9 4.1 Federal Requirements..........................................................................................................................9 4.1.1 Permitting Programs............................................................................................................9 4.1.2 New Source Performance Standards,40 CFR Part 60........................................................9 4.1.3 National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants,40 CFR Part 61 and 40 CFRPart 63.......................................................................................................................10 4.1.4 Compliance Assurance Monitoring(CAM),40 CFR Part 64..............................................10 4.2 State of North Carolina Regulations...................................................................................................10 4.2.1 15A NCAC 02D.1111 —Maximum Achievable Control Technology..................................10 4.2.2 15A NCAC 02D.0521 —Control of Visible Emissions........................................................11 4.2.3 15A NCAC 02D.0530—Prevention of Significant Deterioration........................................11 4.2.4 15A NCAC 02Q.0300—Construction and Operation Permits...........................................11 4.2.5 15A NCAC 02Q.0500—Title V Procedures......................................................................11 4.2.6 15A NCAC 02Q. 0700—Toxic Air Pollutant Procedures and 15A NCAC 02D.1100— Control of Toxic Air Pollutants............................................................................................11 APPENDIX A NC DEQ AIR PERMIT APPLICATION FORMS AND ZONING CONSISTENCY APPENDIX B PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM APPENDIX C DETAILED EMISSION CALCULATIONS APPENDIX D MON APPLICABILITY AND PRE-COMPLIANCE REPORT List of Tables Table 2-1. List of Equipment and Description...............................................................................................3 Table 3-1. PSD Significant Emission Rate Thresholds.................................................................................5 Table 3-2. Project Emissions Changes for NS-G-1 ......................................................................................6 Table 3-3. Source Emissions Increase Due to the Project...........................................................................7 Table 3-4. Project Emissions Compared to PSD SERs................................................................................8 Version:2.0 Project No.:0527584 Client:Chemours Seplember2020 Page i K:1Confidential Projects10527584 Chemours Company 2019 ExpansionFayettmalle.KElApril 2020 RevisionslEvaporator Permit Application 09142020.docx AIR PERMIT APPLICATION CONTENTS Installation of Wiped Film Evaporator in IXM Resins Process Acronyms and Abbreviations Name Description BAE Baseline Actual Emissions CFR Code of Federal Regulations Chemours The Chemours Company FC, LLC CO carbon monoxide CO2 carbon dioxide CO2e carbon dioxide equivalent HAP hazardous air pollutant HFPO-DAF HFPO Dimer Acid Fluoride H2SO4 sulfuric acid LDAR Leak Detection and Repair MACT Maximum Achievable Control Technology MON Miscellaneous Organic NESHAP NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards NCAC North Carolina Administrative Code NC DAQ North Carolina Division of Air Quality NC DEQ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality NESHAP National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants NOx nitrogen oxides NNSR Non-Attainment New Source Review NSPS New Source Performance Standards NSR New Source Review PM10 particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than 10 microns PM2.5 particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 microns PSD Prevention of Significant Deterioration PTE Potential to Emit SER Significant Emission Rate S02 sulfur dioxide THE Total Resource Effectiveness tpy tons per year VOC Volatile Organic Compounds WWT'P Waste Water Treatment Plant Version:2.0 Project No.:0527584 Client:Chemours September2020 Page ii K:1Confidential Projects10527584 Chemours Company 2019 ExpansionFayetteville.KMApol 2020 Revisions\Evaporator Permit Application 09142020.docx AIR PERMIT APPLICATION INTRODUCTION Installation of Wiped Film Evaporator in IXM Resins Process 1. INTRODUCTION The Chemours Corporation (Chemours) owns and operates a chemical manufacturing facility located at 22828 NC Highway 87 West, Fayetteville, Bladen County, North Carolina(Chemours Company— Fayetteville Works, or the facility). The facility operates under Air Quality Permit 03735T48, effective on 12 July 2020 and expiring on 31 March 2021. The facility is a major source of criteria pollutants under the Part 70 (Title V) Operating Permit Program and a major source of Hazardous Air Pollutants(HAPs). Chemours is requesting authorization to construct an additional Wiped Film Evaporator(FilmtruderTM)to be located in the IXM Resins Process area (ID No. NS-G-1). The new FilmtruderTM will allow for an approximate 30% increase in IXM Resin Process production. The proposed change may also result in increased production rates in other process areas and, therefore, an increase in associated actual emissions. The proposed modification will not change the status of the facility with respect to the applicability of Title V or National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) programs. The proposed emission increases will not exceed the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Significant Emission Rates (SER) and therefore will not trigger PSD review. Chemours requests that the NC Division of Air Quality(DAQ) process this 15A NCAC 02Q .0300 permit application using the two step permitting process outlined in 15A NCAC 02Q .0501(b)and 15A NCAC 02Q .0504. To satisfy the requirements of 15A NCAC 02Q .0501(b)(2), Chemours will submit the Part 2 permit application within twelve(12) months after commencing operation of the new FilmtruderT'", to request incorporation of the new sources into the Title V Permit and associated permit shield. Chemours requests the opportunity to review the draft permit before it is issued for public comment. This application is organized as follows: ■ Section 2.0 includes a description of facility processes and permit actions requested in this application. Section 3.0 includes emission estimates as well as a description of emission estimation methodologies and PSD applicability evaluation. r Section 4.0 includes an air regulatory applicability analysis. ■ Appendix A includes NC DAQ Permit Application Forms and Zoning Consistency. e Appendix B contains a process flow diagram of the proposed equipment. ■ Appendix C presents the emission calculations for the proposed modification and affected sources. ■ Appendix D discusses MON applicability and the MON Pre-Compliance report. Version:2.0 Project No.:0527584 Client:Chemours September 2020 Page 1 AIR PERMIT APPLICATION FACILITY AND PROJECT 3ESCRIPTION Installation of Wiped Film Evaporator in IXM Resins Process 2. FACILITY AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 Current Facility Description The Chemours Company—Fayetteville Works facility is located near Duart Township in Bladen County, North Carolina. The facility is located approximately 15 miles southeast of the City of Fayetteville on NC Highway 87, south of the Bladen-Cumberland county line. Currently, the facility manufactures plastic sheeting,fluorochemicals, and intermediates for plastics manufacturing. Specific materials produced at the Fayetteville facility are: Ira ChemoursTM Nafion(D Membrane(plastic film) used in the chloroalkali industry and in electrochemical fuel cells. m ChemoursTM Nafion®Polymer Dispersions used in the fabrication of thin films and coating formulations for fuel cells membranes, catalyst coatings, sensors, and a variety of electrochemical applications. * HFPO monomer and Vinyl Ether monomers used to manufacture various fluorochemical products such as ChemoursTM Teflon@. Fluorocarbon intermediates for Nafion@ membranes and other fluorocarbon products, and A Fluoropolymer Processing Aids (PPA) used in the manufacturing of fluoropolymers and fluorinated telomers. In addition to the manufacturing operations, Chemours operates two natural gas-fired boilers and a wastewater treatment plant(WWTP)for the treatment of process and sanitary wastewaters from Chemours, Kuraray, and DuPont(both Kuraray and DuPont are also located on the site). However, no wastewater is discharged currently from the Chemours facility to the WWTP, except reject water from making filtered, deionized/degassed water at the power plant.At this time, all process wastewater generated from the Chemours Company—Fayetteville Works manufacturing facility is collected and shipped off-site for disposal. 2.2 Requested Permitting Actions Chemours is submitting this permit application to install a second Wiped Film Evaporator(FilmtruderTM) into the existing IXM Reins Process (ID No. NS-G-1). The proposed FilmtruderTM is similar to the existing film evaporator except it is larger and will be installed in parallel with existing equipment. It is a two square meter jacketed LCI FilmtruderTM used in a continuous process to isolate vinyl ether polymers. This project will also install equipment to process the vapor and polymer exiting the isolation unit, and a new electric heating system. The project will include installation of the new FilmtruderTM with vapor condenser, a polymer processing system, and a hot oil system. The primary business objectives for this project are to increase polymer capacity of the Resins area by—30%. The new equipment will be installed as an extension to the polymer production area of building 456. The existing FilmtruderTM with vapor and polymer processing associated equipment will remain in place. Heating to the new equipment will be supplied by an electric heated hot oil unit.Vapor that exits the new Filmtruderrm unit will be condensed in a new brine supplied condenser. The Condenser bottoms will be connected to the existing recirculation tank.A new eductorjet and pump to pull vacuum on the existing and new FilmtrudersTM will replace the existing eductor and pump. Table 2-1 provides a detailed listing of the equipment to be installed. Chemours will continue to manufacture existing products in compliance with the existing permit.The proposed modification will not result in changes to the current permitting status of the facility as a major Title V source of criteria pollutants and a major source of HAPs. Version:2.0 Project No.:0527584 Client:Chemours Septem6er2020 Page 2 AIR PERMIT APPLICATION FACILITY AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of Wiped Film Evaporator in IXM Resins Process Table 2-1. List of Equipment and Description Equipment to be Description Installed I FilmtruderTm The polymer isolation vessel will be a wiped film evaporator that vaporizes solvent and unreacted monomer from polymer slurry. Slurry feed will enter the Filmtruderrm through a tangential feed inlet above the top thermal section.A distribution ring on the agitator rotor will sling the slurry around the circumference of the unit.As gravity draws the slurry downward, the agitator blades will spread the slurry over the Filmtruder'STM internal surface area,and progressively push it downward where volatile components will be rapidly evaporated and pulled from the top.Vapor will travel upward, and be drawn out of the FilmtruderTM and through the vapor filter and brine condenser by a vapor eductor. The melt pump will push solid polymer through the transition piece and into the Polymer Processing System. Polymer Processing Solid polymer will exit the melt pump and transition piece and then be pushed through System the Pelletizer Die and out the die holes. Polymer exiting the die holes will enter the water box area where it is cut into pellet form by the pelletizer rotating knives and cooled by demineralized water.The die will be heated by eight heating elements.Water from the Quench Tank System will cool the molten cubes and transfer them to a forced air dryer. Heated Oil A new electric heated oil recirculation system will be used to provide heating to the Recirculation System equipment.The overall capacity of the heating system will be 80 kW.The unit will be self-contained system with dual heating elements, circulation pump and fluid reservoir. The entire system including the expansion tank is to hold approximately 35 gallons of heat transfer oil during normal operation. Vapor Condenser Vapors from the FilmtruderTM will vent through a Vapor Filter to capture any entrained polymer from the vapor line before it enters the Brine Condenser. The Brine Condenser condenses any vinyl ethers(VE)and solvent vapors.VE and solvent vapors will enter the top, condense, and drain to the existing Recirculation Tank. Non-condensable TFE, N2, or 02 vapors will be vented from the system to the Filmtruder Jet Eductor and then to the existing Recirculation Tank which will vent to the existing Thermal Oxidizer/Scrubber system. Version:2.0 Project No.:0527584 Client:Chemours September2020 Page 3 AIR PERMIT APPLICATION PSD APPLICABILITY AND PROJECT EMISSION ESTIMATES Installation of Wiped Film Evaporator in IXM Resins Process 3. PSD APPLICABILITY AND PROJECT EMISSION ESTIMATES The manufacturing process at the Chemours—Fayetteville Works facility emits various criteria pollutants and HAPs to the atmosphere. This section describes the methodology used to quantify project emissions and assess PSD permitting applicability for the proposed modifications. Detailed emission calculations are presented in Appendix C. Chemours is located in Bladen County which has been classified as"attainment/unclassifiable"for all criteria pollutants.As such, any new construction or modifications that result in emission increases are potentially subject to the PSD permitting regulations. PSD applicability depends on the existing status of the facility (i.e. major or minor source) and the net emissions increase associated with the project. Chemours is considered an existing major source under the PSD permitting program for purposes of New Source Review(NSR)as it belongs to one of the 28 PSD listed source categories (as listed in 40 CFR 51.166(b)(1)(iii)(t)) and has the potential to emit(PTE)greater than 100 tons per year(tpy) of NSR pollutants. Therefore, the emission increases from the modifications proposed in this application must be evaluated against PSD major modification SERs for each NSR pollutant to determine PSD permitting applicability. A description of the methodologies used to determine the pollutant emission rates for the proposed modification are detailed throughout this section. Baseline actual emissions (BAE)for this comparison are based on the period of January 2018 to December 2019. Based on the emissions detailed in this section, the proposed modification will not be subject to PSD review for any applicable pollutant as the emissions increases associated with the proposed modification are less than the PSD SERs. 3.1 New Source Review Significant Emission Rates There are three criteria for determining whether the proposed FilmtruderTM project will be subject to PSD. The first is to determine if the project is significantly large enough to be classified as a major modification. The second criterion is that the source be located in an attainment or unclassified area. As previously detailed, Chemours is located in an attainment/unclassified area. The third criterion is whether the net emission changes result in an increase in excess of the NSR SER thresholds. For example, if the project emission increases are significant, then an evaluation of net emissions (sum of contemporaneous and creditable emission increases and decreases) is conducted. To address the first criterion, a project is considered a major modification if it emits a regulated NSR pollutant in amounts equal to or greater than specified significant increases. Regulated NSR pollutants include: Any pollutant for which a NAAQS has been developed and any constituents or precursors identified by the USEPA; Any pollutant regulated under a New Source Performance Standard (NSPS); e Any material identified as contributing to the depletion of stratospheric ozone; ri Any other material regulated under the CAA except for Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs); and n Greenhouse gases (GHG). The significant thresholds as defined in 40 CFR 51.166(b)(23)(i)for each regulated NSR pollutant are presented in Table 3-1. The significance thresholds are established by the PSD regulations, as the level of increase that would trigger PSD review at an existing major stationary source. However, it is not the emissions increase from the new or modified equipment or emission sources alone that determines PSD applicability. Other emission sources at the facility must also be evaluated to determine whether emission increases could occur because of the addition of the new or modified emission sources. If the project is www.erm.corn Version:2.0 Project No.:0527584 Client:Chemours September 2020 Page 4 AIR PERMIT APPLICATION PSD APPLICABILITY AND PROJECT EMISSION ESTIMATES Installation of Wiped Film Evaporator in IXM Resins Process determined to result in a significant emissions increase, the increase may be combined with other emissions increases and decreases made at the facility contemporaneously with the specific project. Then if the net result is greater than the significant amount, the specific project is determined to result in a significant net emissions increase and is subject to PSD. If the first step does not result in a significant emissions increase, then it is not necessary to determine the net emissions increase. The proposed FilmtruderTM and associated equipment will be installed as part of the existing IXM Resins Process (ID No. NS-G-1) and is expected to result in a 30% increase in production in the Resins Process. It has also been determined that other process areas at the Chemours—Fayetteville Works facility may be affected by the increase in production in the Resins Process.As such, the emission increases from the Resins Process as well as other affected areas were evaluated to determine if this project would increase emissions in excess of the SERs and therefore trigger PSD review.As shown in Table 3-1, for the FilmtruderTM project, the emissions review included criteria pollutants, carbon dioxide equivalent(CO2e), and sulfuric acid mist(H2SO4). Table 3-1. PSD Significant Emission Rate Thresholds Pollutant SERa Emitted from the Associated (tpy) Project Emission Increase PM 25 No Yes PM10 15 No Yes PM2.5 10 direct(40 SO2/NOx precursors) No Yes S02 40 No Yes NOx 40 No Yes Ozone 401 or NO2) Yes Yes CO 100 No Yes Lead 0.6 No Yes Fluorides(inorganic) 3 No No Sulfuric Acid Mist 7 No Yes Total Reduced Sulfur 10 No No (TRS), including H2S Ozone Depleting Any Increase No No Substances Greenhouse gases 75,000 CO2e Yes Yes a Does not include listing for municipal waste combustors or municipal solid waste landfills. 3.2 Project Emissions Production rates and actual emissions will increase because of the installation of the new FilmtruderTM which is vented through the condenser to the FilmtruderTM eductor jet and then to the existing recirculation tank. The recirculation tank currently vents to the Thermal Oxidizer/Scrubber System (CD No. NCD-Q1 and NCD-Q2)and will continue to vent there following installation of the new equipment. For this project, the potential emissions will increase by 30% over the existing potential emissions from the Resins Process (ID No. NS-G-1). The existing maximum production rate was multiplied by 30% in order to determine the post-project production capacity. Likewise, the post-project potential emissions Version:2.0 Project No.:0527584 Client:Chemours September 2020 Page 5 AIR PERMIT APPLICATION PSD APPLICABILITY AND PROJECT EMISSION ESTIMATES Installation of Wiped Film Evaporator in IXM Resins Process were calculated by scaling up the CY20181 emissions by the ratio of the CY2018 production to the post- project maximum production rate and applying a thermal oxidizer control efficiency of 99.99%for process vent VOCs. Emissions Of S02 and CO2 generated by the thermal oxidation of compounds containing carbon and sulfur were also calculated.A scrubber control efficiency of 99.95%was utilized for calculating potential S02 emissions. The detailed emission calculations are included in Appendix C. BAE are defined as the average rate of emissions, in tons per year, from a source that actually occurred over any consecutive 24-month period. The 24-month period must fall within a specific timeframe before the project commences construction. BAE are used as the starting point for determining the magnitude of changes associated with the proposed project in order to determine if the change will be subject to PSD. For the FilmtruderTM project, past BAE were calculated by taking the average of the CY2018 and CY2019 actual emissions. The periods used for BAE were prior to the installation of the Thermal Oxidizer since the Thermal Oxidizer was not installed to control VOC but rather under the Consent Order2 to control perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).As such, the VOC emission reductions due to the installation of the Thermal Oxidizer/Scrubber system are considered "surplus"and creditable emissions'. Table 3-2 shows the actual 2018/2019 average emissions and post-project potential emissions for the Resins Process (ID No. NS-G-1). Detailed calculations are included in Appendix C. Table 3-2. Project Emissions Changes for NS-G-1 Pollutant 2018/2019 Post Project Increase in Actual Potential Emissionsa Emissions Emissions (tpy) (tpy) (tpy) PM 0 0 0 PM10 0 0 0 PM2.5 0 0 0 S02 0 0 0 NOx 0 0 0 VOC 27.81 6.41 -21.41 CO 0 0 0 Lead 0 0 0 Sulfuric Acid Mist 0 0 0 Ozone Depleting Substances 0 0 0 Greenhouse gases 19,049 11,115 -7,934 a BAE to PTE. 1 FY2018 was used as it had the larger production rate and emissions of either FY2018 or FY2019. 2"Consent Order"means the Consent Order entered on February 25,2019,in State of North Carolina,ex rel.,Michael S.Regan, Secretary,North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality v.The Chemours Company FC, LLC, 17 CVS 580(Bladen County). 3 Memorandum from John S.Seits,Director,Office of Ai Quality Planning and Standards to Bob Hannesschlager,Acting Director, Multimedia Planning and Permitting Division,Region VI, 12 November 1997 Version:2.0 Project No.:0527584 Client:Chemours September 2020 Page 6 AIR PERMIT APPLICATION PSD APPLICABILITY AND PROJECT EMISSION ESTIMATES Installation of Wiped Film Evaporator in IXM Resins Process 3.3 Debottlenecked Emissions The increase in production in the Resins Process may also impact the emissions from many other areas of the facility, which supply raw materials, further finish the Resins product, or supply additional steam demand. Chemours evaluated each area individually and determined the potential increase in production for the affected process units as shown in Table 3-3. The increase in steam demand will result in an increase in criteria pollutants other than VOC. Emissions of CO2e will occur with thermal conversion of the organic fluorinated compounds in the thermal oxidizer resulting from the increased emissions associated FilmtruderTM project. Table 3-3. Source Emissions Increase Due to the Project Emission Source Percent Increase NS-A HFPO 5 NS-B Vinyl Ethers North(PSEPVE only) 30 NS-D-1 RSU (Except S03 System) 30 NS-D-2 RSU Process S03 System. 30 NS-M TFE/CO2 Separation 30 NS-K E-2 30 PS-A Boiler A 5.8 PS-B Boiler B 5.8 Post-project emissions associated with each process area were determined by taking the maximum emissions from either CY2018 or CY2019 and scaling up by the percentages shown in Table 3-3 and applying a thermal oxidizer control efficiency of 99.99% for process vent VOCs. Emissions of S02 and CO2 generated by the thermal oxidation of compounds containing carbon and sulfur were also calculated for each affected process area.A scrubber control efficiency of 99.95%was utilized for calculating potential S02 emissions. These future projected actual emissions were compared to the baseline actual emissions for PSD evaluation. Detailed calculations for each affected process area are included in Appendix C. 3.4 PSD SER for the FilmtruderTm Project Table 3-4 shows a comparison of the project emissions, including increases associated with the Resins Process and those other affected sources,to the SERs for each criteria pollutant, CO2e, H2SO4 and ozone depleting substances(ODS).As depicted in the table, the proposed project will not result in an increase in emissions in excess of the SER for any NSR pollutant. Therefore, the proposed project does not trigger PSD review. Version:2.0 Project No.:0527584 Client:Chemours September 2020 Page 7 AIR PERMIT APPLICATION PSD APPLICABILITY AND PROJECT EMISSION ESTIMATES Installation of Wiped Film Evaporator in IXM Resins Process Table 3-4. Project Emissions Compared to PSD SERs Pollutant 2018/2019 Post-Project Project SERs Major Actual Emissions Increase/Decrease (tpy) Modification (tpy) (tpy) (tpy) Triggered? NOX 63.96 70.81 6.85 40 No CO 29.32 32.75 3.43 100 No S02 0.22 0.24 0.020 40 No PM 0.30 0.38 0.074 25 No PMta 0.19 0.21 0.021 15 No PM2.5 0.15 0.17 0.019 10 No VOC 107.98 13.84 -94.14 40 No CO2e 604,546 74,850 -529,696 75,000 No H2SO4 0.10 0.51 0.41 7 No ODS 0.00 0.00 0.00 Any No increase Version:2.0 Project No.:0527584 Client:Chemours September 2020 Page 8 AIR PERMIT APPLICATION AIR REGULATORY APPLICABILITY ANALYSIS Installation of Wiped Film Evaporator in IXM Resins Process 4. AIR REGULATORY APPLICABILITY ANALYSIS The applicability determinations made for potentially applicable federal and state air quality regulations are described in this section for the modifications proposed in the IXM Resins Process(ID No. NS-G-1). Federal regulations are reviewed first, followed by North Carolina regulations. A summary detailing applicability of each regulation is provided throughout this section. 4.1 Federal Requirements 4.1.1 Permitting Programs 4.1.1,1 Title V Operating Permit Program, 40 CFR 70 A Title V(Part 70) operating permit is required for facilities that meet the definition of a major source according to 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 70.2.A facility with criteria pollutant emissions greater than 100 tpy or 10 tpy of a single HAP or 25 tpy of a combination of HAPs is considered a major source under the Title V permitting program. The Chemours facility is considered a major source with respect to the Title V permitting program and operates under Permit 03735T48. Chemours will submit the Part 2 permit application within twelve (12) months after commencing operation of the proposed FilmtruderTM, to request incorporation of the new sources into the Title V Permit. Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD), 40 CFR 52.21 The federal PSD program, codified in 40 CFR Part 52.21, requires any new major stationary source of air pollutants to obtain a major source air construction permit before commencing construction. North Carolina has incorporated the federal PSD program in 15A NCAC 2Q .0300. The PSD program applies to a facility if potential emissions exceed applicable major source thresholds. The facility is considered a chemical process plant, which is one of the 28 listed PSD source categories specified in §52.21(b)(1)(i)(a) with a 100-tpy PSD major source threshold for regulated New Source Review(NSR) pollutants. Since the existing facility is a major source with respect to the PSD program, modifications at the facility must undergo major source review if the proposed project will increase emissions of one of the PSD regulated pollutants in excess of the applicable pollutant SER threshold. As detailed in Section 3,the emission increase of each NSR regulated pollutant associated with the proposed project is less than the applicable SER. Therefore, the project will not trigger PSD review. Since the administration of the Federal NSR program has been delegated to the NC DEQ,the application will be processed in compliance with the state rules described in Section 4.2 below. Nonattainment Area New Source Review (NNSR), 40 CFR 52121 NNSR is applicable to construction of a new major stationary source or a project that is a major modification at an existing major stationary source in an area designated as nonattainment for the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS).The Chemours facility is located in Bladen County which is classified as an attainment or unclassifiable county for all NSR pollutants. Thus, the facility is not subject to NNSR. 4.1.2 New Source Performance Standards, 40 CFR Part 60 New Source Performance Standards (NSPS), codified in Title 40 CFR Part 60, establish pollutant emission limits and monitoring, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements for various emission sources based on source type and size. The NSPS apply to new, modified, or reconstructed sources as defined Version:2.0 Project No.:0527584 Client:Chemours September202O Page 9 AIR PERMIT APPLICATION AIR REGULATORY APPLICABILITY ANALYSIS Installation of Wiped Film Evaporator in IXM Resins Process by particular NSPS. North Carolina has incorporated the federal NSPS in 15A NCAC 02D .0524. The proposed FilmtruderTM and associated equipment will not be subject to any NSPS regulations. 4.1.3 National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants, 40 CFR Part 61 and 40 CFR Part 63 National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP)are generally applicable to sources of HAP. The NESHAP regulations in 40 CFR 61 are pollutant-specific while the NESHAP regulations in 40 CFR 63 are established based on Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) determinations for particular source types. None of the NESHAP regulations in 40 CFR 61 apply to the facility; however the facility is a major source, of HAP as defined in 40 CFR 63.2. Several operations at the existing facility are subject to 40 CFR 63 MACT requirements including NS-G-1 which is subject to the requirements of 40 CFR 63, Subpart FFFF, "National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Miscellaneous Organic Chemical Manufacturing" (also referred to as the Miscellaneous Organic NESHAP, or MON). Appendix D includes a detailed MON applicability for the new sources proposed in this application. Chemours will also identify any components subject to the requirements of 40 CFR§63.2480 for Equipment Leaks and add those components to the Leak Detection and Repair(LDAR) program that is already being conducted in the NS-G-1 area for existing equipment. The MON also requires submittal of a Pre-compliance Report as specified in 40 CFR§63.2520(c)for new sources with the application for approval of construction. This report is included in Appendix D. In addition, as required by 40 CFR§63.2520(a), a notification of compliance status (NOCS) report is required to be submitted no later than 150 days after startup of the new equipment and a Compliance Report is required to be submitted semi-annually. 4.1.4 Compliance Assurance Monitoring (CAM), 40 CFR Part 64 Under 40 CFR Part 64, Compliance Assurance Monitoring (CAM), facilities are required to prepare and submit monitoring plans for certain emission units with certain Title V permit applications. Specifically CAM applies to any unit that meets all three of the following criteria: ■ be subject to an emission limitation or standard, ■ use a control device to achieve compliance, and ■ have pre-control emissions that exceed or are equivalent to the major source threshold. The proposed modifications will occur as part of the Resins area (ID No. NS-G-1)that vents to the Thermal Oxidizer/Scrubber system.A CAM plan for the Thermal Oxidizer/Scrubber system will be submitted as part of the next Title V permit renewal application. 4.2 State of North Carolina Regulations Potentially applicable standards under 15A North Carolina Administrative Code(NCAC) Chapter 02, Environmental Management are discussed in the following section. 4.2.1 15A NCAC 02D .1111- Maximum Achievable Control Technology This rule implements the federal MACT standards. Compliance with the federal MACT standards is discussed in Section 4.1.3 Version:2.0 Project No.:0527584 Client:Chemours September 2020 Page 10 AIR PERMIT APPLICATION AIR REGULATORY APPLICABILITY ANALYSIS Installation of wiped Film Evaporator in IXM Resins Process 4.2.2 15A NCAC 02D .0521 - Control of Visible Emissions This rule applies to"industrial processes where an emission can reasonably be expected to occur". For sources installed after July 1, 1971, visible emissions are limited to no more than 20 percent opacity when averaged over a six-minute period. Visible emissions are not expected from the FilmtruderTM process and Chemours will continue to comply with the rule as applicable throughout the facility. 4.2.3 15A NCAC 02D .0530— Prevention of Significant Deterioration As discussed in section,the current facility is a major source with respect to the PSD regulations. As such, the increase in emissions associated with any modification at the facility must be assessed against the appropriate SER. As detailed in Section 3, the emission increase of each PSD regulated pollutant associated with the proposed project is less than the applicable SER. Therefore, the project will not trigger PSD review. Chemours requests to maintain the current PSD avoidance limit for NS-G-112 as specified in permit condition Section 2.1(B)(6). Chemours also requests to maintain the current PSD avoidance limits for other applicable affected sources. The requested permit modification will not be a major modification with respect to PSD. 4.2.4 15A NCAC 02Q .0300— Construction and Operation Permits The owner or operator of a new, modified, or existing facility or source is required by 15A NCAC 02Q .0300 to apply for and obtain a construction permit. This application is a request to modify the existing permit by adding the FilmtruderTM and associated equipment as part of the existing IXM Process (NS-G1). As stated previously, Chemours is requesting that NC DAQ process this application using the two step permitting process outlined in 15A NCAC 02Q .0501(b) and 15A NCAC 02Q .0504. This application initiates the request for the permit modification. 4.2.5 15A NCAC 02Q.0500— Title V Procedures As noted in the Federal Regulations section, the Title V permitting program does apply to the Chemours Fayetteville Works that currently operates under Title V permit number 03735T48. 4.2.6 15A NCAC 02Q. 0700- Toxic Air Pollutant Procedures and 15A NCAC 02D.1100- Control of Toxic Air Pollutants The Toxic Air Pollutant Procedures require a permit for any facility with emissions of an Air Toxic Pollutant listed 15A NCAC 02D .1104 in excess of the applicable Toxic Pollutant Emission Rates (TPER) Requiring a Permit presented in 15A NCAC 02Q. 0711. The current permit for the Chemours facility contains facility- wide emission limits for each of the applicable pollutants emitted at the facility[Permit Condition 2.2(B)(1) and 2.2(B)(2)]. The installation of the proposed FilmtruderTM and associated equipment will not result in an increase in emissions of any regulated air toxic compound in excess of the permitted rates. Version:2.0 Project No.:0527584 Client:Chemours September 2020 Page 11 APPENDIX A NC DEQ AIR PERMIT APPLICATION FORMS AND ZONING CONSISTENCY The business of sustainability ERM FORM A GENERAL FACILITY INFORMATION REVISED 09/22/16 NCDEQ/Division of Air Quality-Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate A NOTE-APPLICATION WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT THE FOLLOWING: Local Zoning Consistency Determination(new or Appropriate Number of Copies of modification only) ❑ p Application Q Application Fee(if required) ❑� Responsible Official/Authorized Contact Signature Q P.E.Seal(if required) GENERAL INFORMATION Legal CorporatelOwner Name: The Chemours Company FC,LLC Site Name: The Chemours Company-Fayetteville Works Site Address(911 Address)Line 1: 22828 NC Highway 87 West Site Address Line 2: City: Fayetteville State: North Carolina Zip Code: 28306-7332 County: Baden CONTACT INFORMATION Responsible OfficiallAuthorized Contact: Invoice Contact: Name/Title: Brian D.Long/Plant Manager Name/Title: Christel Compton/Program Manager Mailing Address Line 1: 22828 NC Highway 87 West Mailing Address Line 1: 22828 NC Highway 67 West Mailing Address Line 2: Mailing Address Line 2: City: Fayetteville State: North Carolina Zip Code: 28306-7332 City: Fayetteville State: North Carolina Zip Code: 28306-7332 Primary Phone No.: 910.678.1415 Fax No.: 910.678.1247 Primary Phone No.: 910.678.1213 Fax No.: 910.678.1247 Secondary Phone No.: Secondary Phone No.: Email Address: Email Address: Faci/ityl/nspection Contact., PermitlTechnical Contact., Name/Title: Christel ComptonlProgram Manager NamelTitle: Christel Compton/Program Manager Mailing Address Line 1: 22828 NC Highway 87 West Mailing Address Line 1: 22828 NC Highway 87 West Mailing Address Line 2: Mailing Address Line 2: City: Fayetteville State: North Carolina Zip Code: 28306-7332 City. Fayetteville State: North Carolina Zip Code: 26306-7332 Primary Phone No.: 910.678.1213 Fax No.: 910.678.1247 Primary Phone No.: 910.678.1213 Fax No.: 910.678.1247 Secondary Phone No.: Secondary Phone No.: Email Address: Email Address: APPLICATION IS BEING MADE FOR New Non-permitted Facility/Greenfield ❑� Modification of Facility(permitted) ❑Renewa!Title V ❑ Renewal Non-Title V ❑Name Change ❑ Ownership Change ❑Administrative Amendment ❑Renewal with Modification FACILITY CLASSIFICATION AFTER APPLICATION(Check Only One) Ll General U Small LJ Prohibitory Small LJ Synthetic Minor 4 Title V FACILITY(Plant Site)INFORMATION Describe nature of(plant site)operation(s): Manufacturer of chemicals,plastic resins,plastic sheeting and plastic film. Facility ID No. 900009 Primary SIC/NAICS Code: 326113 Current/Previous Air Permit No- 03735T47 Expiration Date: 31-Mar-2021 Facility Coordinates: Latitude: 34.843934 Longitude: -78.836834 Does this application contain "`If yes,please contact the DAQ Regional Office prior to submitting this application.— confidential data? ❑ YES ❑.r NO (See Instructions) PERSON OR FIRM THAT PREPARED APPLICATION Person Name: Kevin Eldridge Firm Name: ERM NC,Inc. Mailing Address Line 1: 4140 ParklakeAvenue Mailing Address Line 2: Suite 110 City: Raleigh State: NC Zip Code: 27612 County: Wake Phone No.: 919.233.4501 Fax No.: Email Address: SIGNATURE OF RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAUAUTHORIZED CONTACT Name(typed): Brian D.Long Title: Plant Manager X Signature(Blue Ink): Date: Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary oawwed Page 1 of 2 raw O'0n FORM A (continued, page 2 of 2) GENERAL FACILITY INFORMATION REVISED 09/22/16 NCDEO1Division of Air Quality-Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate A SECTION AAt-APPLICATION FOR NON-TITLE V PERMIT RENEWAL (Company Name)hereby formally requests renewal of Air Permit No. There have been no modifications to the originally permitted facility or the operations therein that would require an air permit since the last permit was issued. Is your facility subject to 40 CFR Part 68"Prevnetion of Accidental Releases"-Section 112(r)of the Clean Air Act? ❑ YES ❑ NO ff yes,have you already submitted a Risk Manage Plan(RMP)to EPA? ❑ YES ❑ NO Date Submitted: Did you attach a current emissions inventory? ❑ YES ❑ NO If no,did you submit the inventory via AERO or by mail? ❑ Via AERO ❑ Mailed Date Mailed: _ - - SECTION AA2-APPLICATION FOR TITLE V PERMIT RENEWAL In accordance with the provisions of Title 15A 2Q.0513,the responsible official of (Company Name) herebyformally requests renewal of Air Permit No. (Air Permit No.)and further certifies that: (1) The current air quality permit identifies and describes all emissions units at the above subject facility,except where such units are exempted under the North Carolina Title V regulations at 15A NCAC 2Q.0500; (2) The current air quality permit cits all applicable requirements and provides the method or methods for determing compliance with the applicable requirements; (3) The facility is currently in compliance,and shall continue to comply,with all applicable requiremetns. (Note: As provided under 15A NCAC 20.0512 compliance with the conditions of the permit shall be deemed compliance with the applicable requirements specifically identified in the permit); (4) For applicable requirements that become effective during the term of the renewed permit that the facility shall comply on a timely basis; (5) The facility shall fulfill applicable enhanced monitoring requirements and submit a compliance certification as required by 40 CFR Part 64. The responsible official(signature on page 1)certifies under the penalty of law that all information and statements provided above,based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry,are true,accurate,and complete. SECTION AA3-APPLICATION FOR NAME CHANGE New Facility Name: Former Facility Name: An official facility name change is requested as described above for the air permit mentioned on page 1 of this form. Complete the other sections if there have been modifications to the originally premitted facility that would requie an air quality permit since the last permit was issued and if ther has been an ownership change associated with this name change. SECTION AA4-APPLICATION FOR AN OWNERSHIP CHANGE By this application we hereby request transfer of Air Quality Permit No. from the former owner to the new owner as described below. The transfer of permit responsibility,coverage and liability shall be effective (immediately or insert date.)The legal ownership of the facility described on page 1 of this form has been or will be transferred on (date). There have been no modifications to the originally permitted facility that would require an air quality permit since the last permit was issued. Si nature of New B er Responsible Official/Authorized Contact as typed on Page 1 : X Signature(Blue Ink): Date: New Facility Name: Former Facility Name: Signature of Former ISelleri Resaonsible Official/Authorized Contact: Name(typed or print): Title: X Signature(Blue Ink): Date: Former Legal Corporate/Owner Name: In lieu of the seller's signature on this form,a letter may be submitted with the seller's signature indicating the ownership change SECTION AA5-APPLICATION FOR ADMINISTRATIVE AMENDMENT Describe the requested administrative amendment here(attach additional documents as necessary): Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary Page 2 of 2 FORMS A2, A3 EMISSION SOURCE LISTING FOR THIS APPLICATION -A2 112r APPLICABILITY INFORMATION -A3 REVISED 09/22/16 NCDEQ/Division of Air Quality-Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate A2 EMISSION SOURCE LISTING: New, Modified, Previously Un ermitted, Replaced, Deleted EMISSION SOURCE EMISSION SOURCE CONTROL DEVICE CONTROL DEVICE ID NO. DESCRIPTION ID NO. DESCRIPTION Equipment To Be ADDED By This Application(New, Previously Unpermitted,or Replacement) Existing Permitted Equipment To Be MODIFIED By This Application NS-G-1 IXM Resins Process(Except Fluorinator) NCD-Q1 and Thermal Oxidizer/Scrubber NCD-Q2 Equipment To Be DELETED By This Application 112(r)APPLICABILITY INFORMATION A3 Is your facility subject to 40 CFR Part 68"Prevention of Accidental Releases"-Section 112(r)of the Federal Clean Air Act? A Yes U No If No,please specify in detail how your facility avoided applicability: If your facility is Subject to 112(r),please complete the following: A. Have you already submitted a Risk Management Plan(RMP)to EPA Pursuant to 40 CFR Part 68.10 or Part 68.150? ❑ If submitted, RMP submittal date: Original 8 Lune 1999 Yes No Specify required RMP submittal date: 30 June 1999 last update 24 July 2019. B. Are you using administrative controls to subject your facility to a lesser 112(r)program standard? ❑ Yes Q No If yes,please specify: C. List the processes subject to 112(r)at your facility: PROCESS LEVEL MAXIMUM INTENDED PROCESS DESCRIPTION (1,2,or 3) HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL INVENTORY(LBS) SO,7 Process 3 sulfur trioxide 59,400 TFE Process 1 tetrafluoroethylene 61,000 Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary FORM 6 SPECIFIC EMISSION SOURCE INFORMATION (REQUIRED FOR ALL SOURCES) REVISED 09/22/16 NCDEQ/Division of Air Quality-Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate B EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: (except fluoronator) EMISSION SOURCE ID NO: NS-0-7 CONTROL DEVICE ID NO(S): NCD-01 and Q2 OPERATING SCENARIO 1 OF 1 EMISSION POINT(STACK)ID NO(S): NEP-02 DESCRIBE IN DETAILTHE EMISSION SOURCE PROCESS(ATTACH FLOW DIAGRAM): The membrane manufacturing area produces several final products including plastic film used in the chloroalkali industry and in electrochemical fuel cells. This project involves the construction of an additional filmtruder in the NS-G-1 process area. TYPE OF EMISSION SOURCE(CHECK AND COMPLETE APPROPRIATE FORM 131-139 ON THE FOLLOWING PAGES): ❑ Coal,wood,oil,gas,other burner(Form B1) ❑ Woodworking(Form 134) ❑ Manuf.of chemicals/coatings/inks(Form 137) ❑ Int.combustion engine/generator(Form 132) ❑ Coating/finishing/printing(Form 135) ❑ Incineration(Form B8) Liquid storage tanks(Form 133) ❑ Storage silos/bins(Form B6) Other(Form B9) START CONSTRUCTION DATE: Filmtruder- Estimated by October 1,2020 DATE MANUFACTURED: N/A MANUFACTURER/MODEL NO.: FilmtruderTM -HS-0200 I EXPECTED OP.SCHEDULE:_24_HR/DAY _7_DAY/WK 50_WK/YR IS THIS SOURCE SUBJECT TO? U NSPS(SUBPARTS?): -1 NESHAP(SUBPARTS?): FFFF PERCENTAGE ANNUAL THROUGHPUT(%): DEC-FEB 25 MAR-MAY 25 JUN-AUG 25 SEP-NOV 25 CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION FOR THIS SOURCE SOURCE OF EXPECTED ACTUAL POTENTIAL EMISSIONS EMISSION (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED FACTOR Ib/hr I tons/yr Ib/hr I tons/yr Ib/hr tons/yr PARTICULATE MATTER(PM) PARTICULATE MATTER<lo MICRONS(PM,o) PARTICULATE MATTER<2.5 MICRONS(PM2.5) These polllutants are not emitted from NS-G SULFUR DIOXIDE(S02) NITROGEN OXIDES(NOx) CARBON MONOXIDE(CO) VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS(VOC) 3 1.46 2.46 23.01 100.8 1.46 6.41 LEAD Other: OTHER HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION FOR THIS SOURCE SOURCE OF EXPECTED ACTUAL POTENTIAL EMISSIONS EMISSION (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT CAS NO. FACTOR Ib/hr tons/yr Ib/hr tons/yr Ib/hr tons/yr methanol 67-56-1 0.073 0.12 0.18 0.78 0.073 0.32 -ie 7664-39-3 3 0.0082 0.014 NA NA 0.0082 0.036 TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION FOR THIS SOURCE SOURCE OF EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITATIONS EMISSION TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAS NO. FACTOR Ib/hr lb/day Ib/yr Air toxics will not r,xceed the current permit limits for air toxics as the result of the — filmtruder project. Attachments:(1)emissions calculations and supporting documentation;(2)indicate all requested state and federal enforceable permit limits(e.g.hours of operation,emission rates)and describe how these are monitored and with what frequency;and(3)describe any monitoring devices,gauges,or test ports for this source. COMPLETE THIS FORM AND COMPLETE AND ATTACH APPROPRIATE B1 THROUGH B9 FORM FOR EACH SOURCE Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary Expected actual was calculated by multiplying the potc.„ �ximum actual production in 2018 or 2019 to the maximum potential production rate(312,000 kg/yr)times a 30%increase. FORM B9 EMISSION SOURCE (OTHER) REVISED 09/22/16 NCDEQ/Division of Air Quality-Application for Air Permit to ConstructlOperate B9 EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: 1XM Resins Process EMISSION SOURCE ID NO: NS-G-1 CONTROL DEVICE ID NO(S): NCD-1 and NCD-2 OPERATING SCENARIO: 1 OF 1 EMISSION POINT(STACK)ID NO(S): NEP-Q2 DESCRIBE IN DETAIL THE PROCESS(ATTACH FLOW DIAGRAM): The membrane manufacturing area produces several final products including plastic film used in the chloroalkali industry and in electro chemical fuel cells. MATERIALS ENTERING PROCESS-CONTINUOUS PROCESS MAX.DESIGN REQUESTED CAPACITY TYPE UNITS CAPACITY(UNIT/HR) LIMITATION(UNIT/HR) MATERIALS ENTERING PROCESS - BATCH OPERATION MAX.DESIGN REQUESTED CAPACITY TYPE UNITS CAPACITY(UNIT/BATCH) LIMITATION(UNIT/BATCH) SR Polymer NA CR Polymer NA MAXIMUM DESIGN(BATCHES/HOUR): REQUESTED LIMITATION(BATCHES/HOUR): (BATCHES/YR): FUEL USED: TOTAL MAXIMUM FIRING RATE(MILLION BTU/HR): MAX.CAPACITY HOURLY FUEL USE: REQUESTED CAPACITY ANNUAL FUEL USE: COMMENTS: FORM C3 CONTROL DEVICE (THERMAL OR CATALYTIC) REVISED 09/22/16 NCDEQ/Division of Air Quality-Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate C3 AS REQUIRED BY 15A NCAC 2Q.0112,THIS FORM MUST BE SEALED BYA PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER(P.E.)LICENSED IN NORTH CAROLINA. CONTROL DEVICE ID No: NCD-Q1 ICONTROLS EMISSIONS FROM WHICH EMISSION SOURCE ID NO(S): See list below EMISSION POINT(STACK)ID NO(S): NEP-Q2 POSITION IN SERIES OF CONTROLS NO. 1 OF 2 UNITS MANUFACTURER: Linde MODEL NO: LV-10 OPERATING SCENARIO: Max.Permit Design Basis TYPE AFTERBURNER ❑ REGENERATIVE THERMAL OXIDATION ❑ RECUPERATIVE THERMAL OXIDATION ❑ CATALYTIC OXIDATION EXPECTED LIFE OF CATALYST(YRS): N/A I METHOD OF DETECTING WHEN CATALYST NEEDS REPLACMENT:N/A CATALYST MASKING AGENT IN AIR STREAI HALOGEN C SILICONE L PHOSPHOROUS COMPOUND Lj HEAVY METAL ❑ SULFUR COMPOUND ❑ OTHER(SPECIFY) ❑J NONE TYPE OF CATALYST: N/A CATALYST VOL(FT3):N/A VELOCITY THROUGH CATALYST(FPS):N/A SCFM THROUGH CATALYST: N/A DESCRIBE CONTROL SYSTEM,INCLUDING RELATION TO OTHER CONTROL DEVICES AND SOURCES, AND ATTACH DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM: FW fluorocarbon vent destruction unit is a natural gas-fired Thermal Oxidizer(model number LV-10 with a nominal rating of 10 MMBtu/hr burner heat release)rated for up to 11.6 MMBtu/hr max heat release with vapor feeds. The combustion chamber is followed by use of an SGL corporation rapid quench system followed by a series of packed bed scrubbing towers with the final scrubbing tower(final control device) consisting of a packed bed scrubber contact of the flue gas with dilute caustic,pH controlled. Note: The scrubbing efficiency and resulting emissions after scrubbing are reported on a separate C-9 form. POLLUTANT(S)COLLECTED: VOC BEFORE CONTROL EMISSION RATE(LB/HR): Z098 CAPTURE EFFICIENCY: 100 % % % % CONTROL DEVICE EFFICIENCY: 99.99 % % % % CORRESPONDING OVERALL EFFICIENCY: 99.99 % % % % EFFICIENCY DETERMINATION CODE: 0 TOTAL AFTER CONTROL EMISSION RATE(LB/HR): 0.21 PRESSURE DROP(IN.HZO) MIN MAX OUTLET TEMPERATURE(°F): MIN 1 800 MAX INLET TEMPERATURE(°F): MIN MAX RESIDENCE TIME(SECONDS):>1.2 INLET AIR FLOW RATE (ACFM): (SCFM): COMBUSTION TEMPERATURE(°F):>1,800 COMBUSTION CHAMBER VOLUME(FT3): INLET MOISTURE CONTENT(%): %EXCESS AIR: 10% CONCENTRATION(ppmv) INLET OUTLET TOTAL MAXIMUM FIRING RATE(MILLION BTU/HR): 10 MMBtu/hr(11.6 with AUXILIARY FUEL USED:Natural Gas vapor feeds DESCRIBE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES: DESCRIBE ANY AUXILIARY MATERIALS INTRODUCED INTO THE CONTROL SYSTEM: COMMENTS: The following emission units will be vented to the thermal oxidizer.NS-A HFPO;NS-B VEN;NS-C VES;NS-D RSU; NS-E Liquid Stabilization;NS-F MMP;NS-G IXM Resins;NS-K E2;NS-M TFE/CO2;NS-N HFPO Decon;NS-O VEN Decon;NS-P VES Decon. Before control emission rate was determined based on highest-case hourly emissions from all applicable sources. Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary FORM C9 - Thermal Converter Flue Gas Scrubber CONTROL DEVICE (OTHER) REVISED 09/22/16 NCDEQ/Division of Air Quality-Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate C9 CONTROL DEVICE ID NO: NCD-Q2 CONTROLS EMISSIONS FROM WHICH EMISSION SOURCE ID NO(S): NCD-Q1 EMISSION POINT(STACK)ID NO(S): NEP-Q2 POSITION IN SERIES OF CONTROLS: NO. 2 OF 2 UNITS OPERATING SCENARIO: Max.Permit Design Basis I P.E.SEAL REQUIRED(PER 2Q.0112)? ✓ YES Fj NO DESCRIBE CONTROL SYSTEM: The combustion flue gas from the thermal oxidizer is rapidly quenched using a SGL Diabon open pipe spray quencher to rapidly drop the temperature of the combustion gases from 1800 deg F(nominal)to 150 deg F(nominal). The quenched flue gas is introduced into the bottom of a Liquid Mist Separator which consists of a packed bed scrubber containing 10 feet of packing height with primary purpose to remove liquid mist from the SGL Diabon open pipe spray quencher discharge. The flue gas exiting the Liquid Mist Separator is scrubbed by counter current contact with<1 wt%HF in Stage 1 packed bed,followed by counter current scrubbing with<0.1 wt%HF in Stage 2, and 0.01 wt%HF in Stage 3 followed by counter-current scrubbing contact with dilute caustic in Stage 4 scrubber. The Stage 4(caustic scrubber)is POLLUTANT(S)COLLECTED: HF SOZ BEFORE CONTROL EMISSION RATE(LB/HR): 1,518 3.8 CAPTURE EFFICIENCY: 100 % 100 % % % CONTROL DEVICE EFFICIENCY: 99.95 % 99.95 % % % CORRESPONDING OVERALL EFFICIENCY: 99.95 % 99.95 % % % EFFICIENCY DETERMINATION CODE: 4 4 TOTAL AFTER CONTROL EMISSION RATE(LB/HR): 0.77 0.002 PRESSURE DROP(IN.H20): MIN MAX BULK PARTICLE DENSITY(LB/FT3) INLET TEMPERATURE(°F): MIN MAX OUTLET TEMPERATURE(°F): MIN MAX INLET AIR FLOW RATE(ACFM): OUTLET AIR FLOW RATE(ACFM): INLET AIR FLOW VELOCITY(FT/SEC): OUTLET AIR FLOW VELOCITY(FT/SEC): INLET MOISTURE CONTENT(%): ❑ FORCED AIR ❑ INDUCED AIR COLLECTION SURFACE AREA(FTZ): FUEL USED: FUEL USAGE RATE: DESCRIBE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES: DESCRIBE ANY AUXILIARY MATERIALS INTRODUCED INTO THE CONTROL SYSTEM: DESCRIBE ANY MONITORING DEVICES,GAUGES,TEST PORTS,ETC: ATTACH A DIAGRAM OF THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE CONTROL DEVICE TO ITS EMISSION SOURCE(S): See flow diagram in enclosed report. COMMENTS: The thermal oxidizer is vented to the scrubber to control acid gas,HF and SO p. Attach manufacturer's specifications,schematics,and all other drawings necessary to describe this control. Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary FORM D1 FACILITY-WIDE EMISSIONS SUMMARY REVISED 09/22/16 NCDEQ/Division of Air Quality-Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate D1 CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION-FACILITY-WIDE EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS (AFTER CONTROLS I (BEFORE CONTROLS/ (AFTER CONTROLS I LIMITATIONS) LIMITATIONS) LIMITATIONS) AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED tons/yr tons/yr tons/yr PARTICULATE MATTER PM <2 >100 <36 PARTICULATE MATTER<10 MICRONS(PM,,) <2 <100 <20 PARTICULATE MATTER<2.5 MICRONS(PM2.5) <2 <100 <15 SULFUR DIOXIDE(S02) <0.50 <2 <2 NITROGEN OXIDES(NOx) <100 >100 >100 CARBON MONOXIDE(CO) <50 <100 <100 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS(VOC) >100 >100 >100 LEAD <1 <1 "1 GREENHOUSE GASES(GHG)(SHORT TONS) <75,000 00,000 000 OTHER EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS (AFTER CONTROLS/ (BEFORE CONTROLS I (AFTER CONTROLS I LIMITATIONS) LIMITATIONS) LIMITATIONS) HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED CAS NO. tons/ r tons/yr tons/yr toluene 108-88-3 <0.2 v.a <0.5 ethyl benzene 100-41-4 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 xylene 1330-020-7 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 methanol 67-56-1 <20 <20 <20 benzene 71-43-2 <0.01 <0.03 <0.03 methylene chloride 75-09-2 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 acetenitrile 75-05-8 <0.2 <1 <0.3 hd ro en chloride 7647-01-0 <0.5 <20 <20 hydrogen fluoride 7664-39-3 <0.5 NA' <1 sulfuric acid 7664-93-9 <0.5 <0.5 <1 other HAPs <1 >25 <2 Total HAPs <20 >25 >25 TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION-FACILITY-WIDE INDICATE REQUESTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITATIONS. EMISSIONS ABOVE THE TOXIC PERMIT EMISSION RATE(TPER)IN 15A NCAC 2Q.0711 MAY REQUIRE AIR DISPERSION MODELING. USE NETTING FORM D2 IF NECESSARY. Modeling Required? TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED `CAS NO. Ib/hr Ib/day lb/year Yes No Toxic air pollutant emissions will not increase above permitted limits with this project. COMMENTS: 'The thermal oxidizer will create hydrogen fluoride by the chemical conversion of the fluoronated hydrocarbons being controlled by the thermal oxidizer.The hydrogen fluoried produced in the thermal oxidzer will be controlled by the scrubber. Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary FORM D5 TECHNICAL ANALYSIS TO SUPPORT PERMIT APPLICATION REVISED 09/22/16 NCDEQIDivision of Air Quality-Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate Drj PROVIDE DETAILED TECHNICAL CALCULATIONS TO SUPPORT ALL EMISSION,CONTROL,AND REGULATORY DEMONSTRATIONS MADE IN THIS APPLICATION. INCLUDE A COMPREHENSIVE PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM AS NECESSARY TO SUPPORT AND CLARIFY CALCULATIONS AND ASSUMPTIONS. ADDRESS THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC ISSUES ON SEPARATE PAGES: A SPECIFIC EMISSIONS SOURCE(EMISSION INFORMATION)(FORM B and B1 through 139)-SHOW CALCULATIONS USED,INCLUDING EMISSION FACTORS,MATERIAL BALANCES,AND/OR OTHER METHODS FROM WHICH THE POLLUTANT EMISSION RATES IN THIS APPLICATION WERE DERIVED. INCLUDE CALCULATION OF POTENTIAL BEFORE AND,WHERE APPLICABLE,AFTER CONTROLS. CLEARLY STATE ANY ASSUMPTIONS MADE AND PROVIDE ANY REFERENCES AS NEEDED TO SUPPORT MATERIAL BALANCE CALCULATIONS. B SPECIFIC EMISSION SOURCE(REGULATORY INFORMATION)(FORM E2-TITLE V ONLY)-PROVIDE AN ANALYSIS OF ANY REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO INDIVIDUAL SOURCES AND THE FACILITY AS A WHOLE. INCLUDE A DISCUSSION OUTING METHODS(e.g.FOR TESTING AND/OR MONITORING REQUIREMENTS)FOR COMPLYING WITH APPLICABLE REGULATIONS,PARTICULARLY THOSE REGULATIONS LIMITING EMISSIONS BASED ON PROCESS RATES OR OTHER OPERATIONAL PARAMETERS. PROVIDE JUSTIFICATION FOR AVOIDANCE OF ANY FEDERAL REGULATIONS (PREVENTION OF SIGNIFICANT DETERIORATION(PSD),NEW SOURCE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS(NSPS),NATIONAL EMISSION STANDARDS FOR HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANTS(NESHAPS), TITLE V),INCLUDING EXEMPTIONS FROM THE FEDERAL REGULATIONS WHICH WOULD OTHERWISE BE APPLICABLE TO THIS FACILITY. SUBMIT ANY REQUIRED INFORMATION TO DOCUMENT COMPLIANCE WITH ANY REGULATIONS. INCLUDE EMISSION RATES CALCULATED IN ITEM"A"ABOVE,DATES OF MANUFACTURE,CONTROL EQUIPMENT,ETC.TO SUPPORT THESE CALCULATION . C CONTROL DEVICE ANALYSIS(FORM C and C1 through C9)-PROVIDE A TECHNICAL EVALUATION WITH SUPPORTING REFERENCES FOR ANY CONTROL EFFICIENCIES LISTED ON SECTION C FORMS,OR USED TO REDUCE EMISSION RATES IN CALCULATIONS UNDER ITEM"A"ABOVE. INCLUDE PERTINENT OPERATING PARAMETERS(e.g.OPERATING CONDITIONS,MANUFACTURING RECOMMENDATIONS,AND PARAMETERS AS APPLIED FOR IN THIS APPLICATION)CRITICAL TO ENSURING PROPER PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTROL DEVICES). INCLUDE AND LIMITATIONS OR MALFUNCTION POTENTIAL FOR THE PARTICULAR CONTROL DEVICES AS EMPLOYED AT THIS FACILITY. DETAIL PROCEDURES FOR ASSURING PROPER OPERATION OF THE CONTROL DEVICE INCLUDING MONITORING SYSTEMS AND MAINTENANCE TO BE PERFORMED. D PROCESS AND OPERATIONAL COMPLIANCE ANALYSIS-(FORM E3-TITLE V ONLY)-SHOWING HOW COMPLIANCE WILL BE ACHIEVED WHEN USING PROCESS,OPERATIONAL,OR OTHER DATA TO DEMONSTRATE COMPLIANCE.REFER TO COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS IN THE REGULATORY ANALYSIS IN ITEM"B"WHERE APPROPRIATE. LIST ANY CONDITIONS OR PARAMETERS THAT CAI J BE MONITORED AND REPORTED TO DEMONSTRATE COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE REGULATIONS. E PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SEAL- PURSUANT TO 15A NCAC 2Q.0112"APPLICATION REQUIRING A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SEAL," A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER REGISTERED IN NORTH CAROLINA SHALL BE REQUIRED TO SEAL TECHNICAL PORTIONS OF THIS APPLICATION FOR NEW SOURCES AND MODIFICATIONS OF EXISTING SOURCES. (SEE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FURTHER APPLICABILITY). I, Jeff Twaddle attest that this application for installation of a fllmtruder in NS-G-1 and associated equpment to be controlled by the existing thermal oxidizer(NCD-Q1 and Q2) has been reviewed by me and is accurate,complete and consistent with the information supplied in the engineering plans,calculations,and all other supporting documentation to the best of my knowledge. I further attest that to the best ofmy knowledge the proposed design has been prepared in accordance with the applicable regulations. Although certain portions of this submittal package may have been developed by other professionals,inclusion of these materials under my seal signifies that I have reviewed this material and have judged it to be consistent with the proposed design. Note., In accordance with NC General Statutes 143-215.6A and 143-215.6B,any person who knowingly makes any false statement,representation,or certification in any application shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor which may include a fine not to exceed$10,000 as weft as civil penalties up to$25,000 per violation. (PLEASE USE BLUE INK TO COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING) PLACE NORTH CAROLINA SEAL HERE NAME: Jeff Twaddle,P.E. DATE: COMPANY: ERM ADDRESS: 5000 Meridian Blvd-,Sulte 300,Franklin,TN 37067 TELEPHONE: 615-656-4636 SIGNATURE: PAGES CERTIFIED: C forms for NCD-Q1 and 02 (IDENTIFY ABOVE EACH PERMIT FORM AND ATTACHMENT THAT IS BEING CERTIFIED BY THIS SEAL) Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary T° rs- 16 September 2020 Greg Elkins Planning Director Bladen County 450 Smith Circle Drive PO Box 2336 Elizabethtown, NC 28337 Dear Mr. Elkins On behalf of The Chemours Company, FC LLC, I am writing to inform you that we modifying our facility located at 22828 NC Highway 87 West in Fayetteville and Bladen County. I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge, Bladen County is the only local government having jurisdiction over any part of the land on which the facility and its appurtenances are to be located. In accordance with § 143-215.108(f)'of the North Carolina General Statutes, we hereby request that you issue a determination as to whether your municipality has in effect a zoning or subdivision ordinance that is applicable to the proposed facility. Additionally, please issue a determination as to whether the proposed use would be consistent with applicable zoning or subdivision ordinances. For your convenience, I have included a form with which you may remit your determination and a copy of the draft air permit application. As a means of demonstrating proof of transmittal, please sign, title, stamp, and date the enclosed form and mail to both the facility mailing address and the checked air quality office at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. If you have any questions regarding this request, please contact me at 910-678.1213. Sincerely, Christel Compton Program Manager The Chemours Company—Fayetteville Works Enclosures: Zoning Consistency Determination Form Draft Air Permit Application Reeved Zoning Consistency Determination Facility Name The Chemours Coin any, FCLLC Facility Street Address 22828 NC Highwat, 87 West, Fayetteville,NC 28306-7332 Facility City Faj,etteville Manufacturer of chemicals plastic resins,plastic sheeting Description of Process and lastic film. SIC/NAICS Code 326113 Facility Contact _ Christel Compton Phone Number 910-678-1213 Mailing Address 22828 NC Highway 87 West Mailing City, State Zip Faretteville,NC 28306-7332 Based on the information given above: I have received a copy of the air permit application(draft or final) AND... r There are no applicable zoning ordinances for this facility at this time The proposed operation IS consistent with applicable zoning ordinances 1 The proposed operation IS NOT consistent with applicable zoning ordinances (please include a copy of the rules in the package sent to the air quality office) 1' The determination is pending further information and can not be made at this time 1— Other: Agency Name of Designated Official Title of Designated Official Signature Date Please forward to the facility mailing address listed above and the air quality office at the appropriate address as checked on the back of this form. Courtesy of the Small Business Environmental Assistance Program 877-623-6748 All PSD and Title V Applications f— Attn: William Willets, PE DAQ—Permitting Section 1641 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1641 Local Programs f— Attn: David Brigman r- Attn: William Minor Barnette Western NC Regional Air Quality Agency Forsyth County Office of Environmental 49 Mount Carmel Road Assistance and Protection Asheville,NC 28806 201 N. Chestnut Street (828)250-6777 Winston-Salem,NC 27101-4120 (336) 703-2440 f— Attn: Leslie Rhodes Mecklenburg County Air Quality 700 N. Tryon Street, Suite 205 Charlotte,NC 28202-2236 (704) 336-5430 Division of Air Quality Regional Offices F Attn: Paul Muller F Attn: Robert Fisher Asheville Regional Office Washington Regional Office 2090 U.S. Highway 70 943 Washington Square Mall Swannanoa,NC 28778 Washington,NC 27889 (828) 296-4500 (252) 946-6481 X Attn: Heather Carter r Attn: Brad Newland Fayetteville Regional Office Wilmington Regional Office 225 Green Street, Suite 714 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Fayetteville,NC 28301 Wilmington,NC 28405 (910)433-3300 (910) 796-7215 f— Attn: Ron Slack f Attn: Lisa Edwards, PE Mooresville Regional Office Winston-Salem Regional Office 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 450 West Hanes Mill Road, Suite 300 Mooresville,NC 28115 Winston-Salem,NC 27105 (704) 663-1699 (336) 776-9800 r Attn: Patrick Butler, PE Raleigh Regional Office 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1628 (919) 791-4200 Courtesy of the Small Business Environmental Assistance Program 877-623-6748 APPENDIX B PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM The business of sustainability ERM New Nafwn—Polymem I Equipment procm Flow Wmgam Modified JRE ui ment Euaporr 11 a Diwxar Filmtru LtTFE TFE L — W, Urye way.r �aae Separato F Fi ~ E spun or 111 Ma e1 (LRhtig j Fil mtr ar) abler xov •� Quench Tank TDi 1 w�r aly arizet xj f DP Raw S Feed Polymer JJl Tan K. ek ut LT Racycla -0 Tank TFE The business of sustainability ERM APPENDIX C DETAILED EMISSION CALCULATIONS The business of sustainability ERM 2018119 Average Post-Project Project SERs Major Modification Pollutant Actual Emissions Increase/Decrease Triggered? tpy tpy tpy tpy NO. 63.96 70.81 6.85 40 NO CO 29.32 32.75 3.43 100 NO SOZ 0.22 0.24 0.02 40 NO PM 0.30 0.38 0.07 25 NO PM,, 0.19 0.21 0.02 15 NO PM2.1 0.15 0.17 0.02 10 NO VOC 107.98 13.84 -94.14 40 NO CO2e 604,545.83 74,849.94 -529,695.89 75,000 NO H2SO4 0.10 0.51 0.41 7 NO VOC(TPY) Ares 2018 Actual 2019 Actual 2018119 2018 wl 2019 w/ Post-project Delta(Post Project Delta(Past Project Actual Assumed TO Assumed TO Increase minus Average wl Average Control control by Area Estimated minus Average Emissions Actual) Assumed TO Control) NS-A Hexafluoropropylene 35.01 47.37 41.19 1.74 1.79 5% 1.88 -39.31 0.11 oxide HFPOprocess Vinyl Ethers North Process 14.61 15.20 14.90 1.43 124 30% 1.57 -13.33 0.23 Process NS-D-1 RSU Process(except 1.22 2.11 1.66 0.18 0.26 30% 0.34 -1.32 0.12 S03 system) NS-D-2 RSU Process S03 System:S03 Storage Tank, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% 0.00 0.00 0.00 Vaporizer,S03 Truck Unloading,Reservoir Tank NS-M TFE/CO2 separation 2126 17.61 19.44 0.13 0.10 30% 0.17 -19.27 0.05 process NS-K E-2 Process 0.48 0.10 0.29 0.26 0.06 30% 0.37 0.08 0.20 SW-1/2 Semiworks polymerization 0.57 0.96 0.77 - -- fi% 0.96 0.20 0.20 operation/Semiworks laboratory hood NS-G IXM Resins Process" 29.83 25,80 27.81 1.89 1.79 - 6.41 -21.41 1 4.56 PS-A Natural gas/No.2 fuel oil- fired boiler(139.4 million Btu per hour maximum heat input) 1.84 1.70 1.77 -- -- 5.8% 1.94 0.18 0.18 equipped with an oxygen trim ss stem PS-B Natural gas/No.2 fuel oil- fired boiler(88.4 million Btu per hour maximum heat input) 0.11 0.19 0.15 -- -- 5.8% 0.20 0.05 0.05 equipped with an oxygen trim system Total of Affected Areas 104,92 111.03 107.98 5.66 1 5.25 13.84 -94.14 5.70 •Post project emissions are potential to emit emissions,detailed calcs located: P:\Confidenlial Projects\0527584 Chemours Company 2019 ExpansionFayetteville.KElApril 2020 RevisionslResins Calcs CO2e(TPY) 201 aft 2018 w/ 2019 w/ Post-project Delta(Post Project Delta(Post Project Area 2018 Actual 2019 Actual Actual Assumed TO Assumed TOil Estimated minus Average minus Average w/ TO Average Control control Emissions Actual) Assumed)Control)NS-A Hexafiuoropropylene 359.786.15 547,627.12 453,706.63 5,302.19 5,342.145,60925 -448.097.38 287.08 oxide HFP01 rocess NS-B Vinyl Ethers North 83,049.06 85,486.56 84,267.81 4,178.95 3,792.844,583.30 -79,684.51 597.40 Process NS-D-1 RSU Process(except 45.64 61.35 53.50 7.84 11.44 30% 14.87 -38,62 5.23 S03 system) NS-D-2 RSU Process S03 System:S03 Storage Tank, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% 0.00 0.00 D.00 Vaporizer,S03 Truck UnloadiQU,Reservoir Tank NS-M TFEtCO2 separation 0.28 0.24 0.26 18.66 15.64 30% 24.51 24.26 7.27 process NS-K E-2 Process 1,988.39 429.26 1,208.83 1,108.35 235.48 1 30% 1,440.85 232,03 768.94 SW-1/2 Semiworks polymerization 3156.22 5164.86 4,150.54 -- -- 0% 5,164.86 1,004.32 1.004.32 operation/Semiworks laboratory hood NS-G IXM Resins Process" 25,007.71 13,090.34 19.049.02 3,287.97 3,107.15 -- 11,114.75 -7,934.28 7,917.19 PS-A Natural gas/No.2 fuel oil- fired boiler(139.4 million Btu per hour maximum heat input) 40,199.59 37,196.65 38,598.12 - -- 5.8% 42.531.17 3,833,05 3,833.05 equipped with an oxygen trim system PS-B Natural gas/No.2 fuel oil- fired boiler(88.4 million Btu per hour maximum heat input) 2,675.23 4,12T01 3,401.12 -- - 5.8% 4,366.38 965.26 965.26 equipped with an oxygen trim s stem Total of Affected Areas J 515,908.27 690 183.39 604,545.83 13 904.16 12,504.69 74,849.94 -529,695.89 15,385.73 "Post project emissions are potential to emit emissions,detailed calcs located: P:1Confidential Projects10527584 Chemours Company 2019 ExpansionFayetteville.KEVAphl 2020 RevisionsU2esins Calcs NO.(TPY) 2018/19 2018 w/ 2019 WI Post-project Delta(Post Project Delta(Post Project Aroa 2018 Actual 2019 Actual Actual Assumed TO Assumed TO `7e Increase Estimated minus Average minus Average wl Average Control control by Area Emissions Actual) Assumed TO Control NS-A Hexafiuoropropylene 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5% 0.00 0.00 0.00 oxide(HFPO)process NS-B Vinyl Ethers North 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% 0.00 0.00 0.00 Process )Process(except S03 system) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% 0.00 0.00 0.00 S03 sy NS-D-2 RSU Process S03 System:S03 Storage Tank, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% 0.00 0.00 0.00 Vaporizer,S03 Truck Unloading,Reservoir Tank NS-M TFE/CO,separation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% 0.00 0.00 0.00 process NS-K E-2 Process 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% 0.00 0.00 0.00 SW-1/2 Semiworks Polymerization operationlSemiworks laboratory 0.00 0.00 0.00 -- - 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 hood NS-G IXM Resins Process' 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -- 0.00 0.00 0.00 PS-A Natural gas/No.2 fuel oil- fired boiler(139.4 million Btu per hour maximum heat input) 63.50 58.75 51.13 - - 5.8% 67.18 6.05 6.05 equipped with an oxygen trim system PS-B Natural gas/No.2 fuel oil- fired boiler(88.4 million Btu per hour maximum heat input) 2.24 3.43 2.84 - - 5.8% 3.63 0.79 0.79 equipped with an oxygen trim system Total of Affected Areas 1 65.74 62.19 63.96 0.00 0.00 70.81 6.85 6.85 Post project emissions are potential to emit emissions,detailed talcs located: PAConfidential Projects10527584 Chemours Company 2019 Expansion Fayetteville.KElApol 2020 RevisionslResins Calcs CO(TPY) 2018/19 2018 w! 2019 w! Post-project Delta(Post Project Delta(Post Project At" 2016 Actual 2019 Actual Actual Assumed TO Assumed TO %Increase Estimated minus Average minus Average w! Average Control control by Area Emissions Actual) Assumed TO Control) NS-A HexaOucropropylene 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5% 0.00 0.00 0.00 oxide(HFPO?process NS-B Vinyl Ethers North 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% 0.00 0.00 0.00 Process NS-D-1 RSU Process(except 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% 0.00 0.00 0.00 S03 system) NS-D-2 RSU Process S03 System:S03 Storage Tank, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% 0.00 0.00 0.00 Vaporizer,S03 Truck Unloading,Reservoir Tank NS-M TFE/CO2 separation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% 0.00 0.00 0.00 process NS-K E-2 Process 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% 0.00 0.00 0.00 SW-1/2 Semiworks polymerization 0.00 0.00 0.00 - -- 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 operaflon/Semiworks laboratory hood NS-G IXM Resins Process' 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -- 0.00 0.00 0.00 PS-A Natural gas/No.2 fuel oil- fired boiler(139.4 million Btu per hour maximum heat input) 28.07 25.98 27.02 - -- 5.8% 29.70 2.68 2.68 equipped with an oxygen trim s stem PS-B Natural gas/No.2 fuel oil- fired boiler(88.4 million Btu per hour maximum heat input) 1.72 2.88 2.30 - -- 5.8% 3.05 0.75 0.75 equipped with an oxygen trim system Total of Affected Areas 29.79 28.86 29.32 0.00 0.00 32.75 3.43 3.43 Post project emissions are potential to emit emissions,detailed talcs located: P:\Confidential Projects\0527584 Chemours Company 2019 ExpansionFayetteville.KElApril 2020 Revisions\Resins Calcs SO,JPY) 2018119 2018 w/ 2019 w/ Post-project Delta(Post Project Delta(Post Project Area 2018 Actual 2019 Actual Actual Assumed TO Assumed TO %Increase Estimated minus Average minus Average w/ Average Control control by Area Emissions Actual) Assumed TO Control) NS-A Hexaftuoropropylene 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5% 0.00 0.00 0.00 oxide HFPOprocess NS-13 Vinyl Ethers North 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% 0.00 0.00 0.00 Process NS-D-1 RSU Process(except 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% 0.00 0.00 0.0002 S03 system) NS-D-2 RSU Process S03 I System:S03 Storage Tank, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% 0.00 0.00 0.00 Vaporizer,S03 Truck Unloading,Reservoir Tank NS-M TFE/CO2 separation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% 0.00 0.00 0.00 process NS-K E-2 Process 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% 0.00 0.00 0.00 SW-1/2 Semiworks polymerization 0.00 0.00 0,00 - -- 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 operation/Semiworks laboratory hood NS-G IXM Resins Process" 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 PS-A Natural gas/No.2 fuel oil- fired boiler(139.4 million Btu per hour maximum heat input) 0.20 0.19 0.19 -- - 5.8% 0.21 0.02 0.02 equipped with an oxygen trim s stem PS-13 Natural gas/No.2 fuel oil- fired boiler(88.4 million Btu per hour maximum heat input) 0.01 0.02 0.02 -- - 5.8% 0.02 0.00 0.00 equipped with an oxygen trim s stem Total of Affected Areas 1 0.22 0.21 0.22 1 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.02 0.02 Post project emissions are potential to emit emissions,detailed calcs located: P:1Confidential Projects10527584 Chemours Company 2019 ExpansionFayetteville.KEVApril 2020 RevisionslResins Calcs PM(TPY) 2018119 2018 wl 2019 w/ Post-project Delta(Post Project Delta(Post Project Area 2018 Actual 2019 Actual Actual Assumed TO Assumed TO %Increase Estimated minus Average minus Average wl Average Control control by Area Emissions Actual) Assumed TO Control NS-A Hexafluoropropylene 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5% 0.00 0.00 0.00 oxide HFPO process NS-B Vinyl Ethers North 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% 0.00 0.00 0.00 Process NS-D-1 RSU Process(except 0.08 0.12 0.10 0.07 0.10 30% 0.13 0.04 0.05 SO3 system) NS-D-2 RSU Process SOS System:SOS Storage Tank, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% 0.00 0.00 0.00 Vaporizer,SOS Truck Unloading,Reservoir Tank NS-M TFEtCO2 separation 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% 0.00 0.00 0.00 process NS-K E-2 Process 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% 0.00 0.00 0.00 SW-1/2 Semiworks polymerization 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 operation/Serriworks laboratory hood NS-G IXM Resins Process' 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -- 0.00 0.00 0.00 PS-A Natural gas/No.2 fuel oil- fired boiler(139.4 million Btu per hour maximum heat input) 0.17 0.16 0.17 - - 5.8% 0.18 0.02 0.02 equipped with an oxygen trim system PS-B Natural gas/No.2 fuel oil- fired boiler(88.4 million Btu per hour maximum heat input) 0.06 0.02 0.04 - - 5.8% 0.06 0.02 0.02 equipped Wth an oxygen trim system Total of Affected Areas 0.31 0.30 1 0.30 0.07 1 0.10 0.38 0.07 0.09 Post project emissions are potential to emit emissions,detailed calcs located: P:1Confidential Projects10527584 Chemours Company 2019 Expansion Fayetteville.KElApril 2020 Revisions'Resins Calcs PM10 JPY) 2018/19 2018 wl 2019 w/ Post-project Delta(Post Project Delta(Post Project Area 2018 Actual 2019 Actual Actual Assumed TO Assumed TO %Increase Estimated minus Average minus Average w/ Average Control control by Area Emissions Actual) Assumed TO Control) NS-A Hexa0uoropropylene 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5% 0.00 0.00 0.00 oxide LHFPOprocess NS-B Vinyl Ethers North 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% 0.00 0.00 0.00 Process NS-D-1 RSU Process(except S%system) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% 0.00 0.00 0.00 NS-D-2 RSU Process S03 System:S03 Storage Tank, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% O.DO 0.00 0.00 Vaporizer,S03 Truck Unloading,Reservoir Tank NS-M TFEICO2 separation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% 0.00 0.00 0.00 process NS-K E-2 Process 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% 0.00 0.00 0.00 SW-1/2 Semiworks polymerization 0.00 0.00 0.00 -- -- 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 operation/Semiworks laboratory hood NS-G IXM Resins Process' 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -- 0.00 0.00 0.00 PS-A Natural gas/No.2 fuel oil- fired boiler(139.4 million Btu per hour maximum heat input) 0.17 0.16 0.17 -- - 5.8% 0.18 0.02 0.02 equipped with an oxygen trim system PS-B Natural gas/No,2 fuel oil- fired boiler(88.4 million Btu per hour maximum heat input) 0.02 0.02 0.02 -- - 5.8% 0.03 0.00 0.00 equipped with an oxygen trim system Total of Affected Areas 1 0.20 1 0.18 1 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.02 0.02 •Post project emissions are potential to emit emissions,detailed calcs located: PAConfidential Projects10527584 Chemours Company 2019 Expansion Fayetteville.KEVipril 2020 Revisions\Resins Calcs PM,.,(TPY) Delta(Post Project 2018/19 2018 w! 2019 w/ Post-project Delta(Post Project Arad 2018 Actual 2019 Actual Actual Assumed TO Assumed TO °7e Increase Estimated minus Average minus Average wl TO Average Control control by Area Emissions Actual) Assumed Control) NS-A Hexafluoropropylene 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5% 0.00 0.00 0.00 oxide HFPO rocess NS-B Vinyl Ethers North 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% 0.00 0.00 0,00 Process NS-D-I RSU Process(except 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% 0.00 0.00 0.00 S03 system) NS-D-2 RSU Process S03 System:S03 Storage Tank, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% 0.00 0.00 0.00 Vaporizer,SO3 Truck Unloadinc.Reservoir Tank NS-M TFEICO2 separation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% 0.00 0.00 0.00 process NS-K E-2 Process 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% 0.00 0.00 0.00 SW-112 Semiworks polymerization 0.00 0,00 0.00 -- - 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 operation/Semiworks laboratory hood NS-G IXM Resins Process` 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -- 0.00 0.00 0.00 PS-A Natural gas/No.2 fuel oil- fired boiler(139.4 million Btu per hour maximum heat input) 0.14 0.13 0.14 -- - 5.8% 0.15 0.01 0.01 equipped with an oxygen trim system PS-B Natural gas/No.2 fuel oil- fired boiler(88.4 million Btu per hour maximum heat input) 0.01 0.01 0.01 •- - 5.8% 0.02 0.01 0.01 equipped with an oxygen trim s stem Total of Affected Areas 1 0.15 1 0.15 1 0.15 0.00 0.00 1 0.17 0.02 0.02 `Post project emissions are potential to emit emissions,detailed calcs located: PAConfidential Projects10527584 Chemours Company 2019 ExpansionFayetteville.KEVApril 2020 RevisionslResins Calcs H2SO4 JPY) 2018119 20"w/ 2019 wl %Increase Post-project Delta(Post Project melta(Post Project nus Average w/ Area 2018 Actual 2019 Actual Actual Assumed TO Assumed TO by Area Estimated minus Average Assumed TO Average Control control Emissions Actual) Control) NS-A Hexafluoropropylene 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5% 0.00 0.00 0.00 oxide HFPOprocess NS-B Vinyl Ethers North 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% 0.00 0.00 0.00 Process NS-D-1 RSU Process(except S03 system) 0.08 0.12 0.10 0.07 0.10 30% 0.13 0.04 0.05 NS-D-2 RSU Process S03 System:S03 Storage Tank, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% 0.38 0.38 0.38 Vaporizer,S03 Truck Unloacring,Reservoir Tank NS-M TFE/CO=separation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% 0.00 0.00 0.00 process NS-K E-2 Process 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30% 0.00 0.00 0.00 SW-1/2 Semiworks polymerization operation/Semiworks laboratory 0.00 0.00 0.00 -- - 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 hood NS-G IXM Resins Process* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -- 0.00 0.00 0.00 PS-A Natural gas/No.2 fuel oil- fired boiler(139.4 million Btu per hour maximum heat input) 0.00 0.00 0.00 -- - 5.8% 0.00 0.00 0.00 equipped with an oxygen trim stem PS-B Natural gas/No.2 fuel oil- fired boiler(88.4 million Btu per hour maximum heat input) 0.00 0.00 0.00 - -- 5.8% 0.00 0.00 0.00 equipped with an oxygen trim system Total of Affected Areas t 0.08 0.12 1 0.10 0.07 0.10 1 0.51 1 0.41 0.42 Post project emissions are potential to emit emissions,detailed calcs located: P:1Confidential Projects10527584 Chemours Company 2019 ExpensionFayettevilie.KEWpril 2020 RevisionslResirs Calcs NS•M TFE/CO2 separation process Greenhouse Gas Emissions R018 wl 2019 wl 2018 Tdal 1119 Total Assumed TO Assumed TO 2018 wl 2111 wl Global 2078 Aclual 2019 Actual Zj CAS Chemical Name CAB No. Warming VOC VOC Contra Total Codrd Tetal CO2e CO2e Assumed TO Assumed TO Emissions Emissions VOC VOC Contra CO2e Control CO2e Potential (1sl (Ibs) Emissions Emissions (tons) (tons) (tons) µohs( Ibs Tetrailuomethylene 11614-3 COM 42,521.70 35,221.37207.62 0.09 0.07 0.00Carbon dioxide 124J&9 1 389.49 329.92 37,711.30 31,269.74 V. 0.16 t6.1% 15.63 Totals 42911.19 35,551.30 j 37,973.69 1 31,477.36 0.28 O.24 18.88 75.64 'Not a VOC bN b s GHG polWntwilh a global warming poteMhl NS-K E-2 Process Greenhouse Gas Emissions _ 2018 Total 2019 Tate[ Assumed TO Assumed TO 2018 WI 2019 WI GIOWI 2018 Aetual 2019 Aetual Naflon® CAS Chemical Name CAS No. Warming VOC VOC Control Total Control Total CO2e CO2e Assumetl TO ASsumetl TO Compountl potential Emisslons Emission VOC VOC (tons) (tons( Conn 2e Conn I Ole (Ihs) (Ibs) s Emisslons Emisslons .A6a) 1,1,1,2,2,3,3-Hepta0uoro-3- E1 (1,2,2,24etrsfluoroeft y)- 3330-15.2 6.490 454.02 9931 235.69 51.24 1,473.29 322.25 764.83 166.26 propane 2H-penI ma(5-methyl-3.6- dlaxanorone) 3330.141 2,OW 486.81 101.52 319.17 64.61 486.81 101.52 319.17 64.61 E0 2H-perllwro5,8-dimethy1-3,6,9- 331M1 5,700 9.93 1.92 8.49 1.61 28.29 5.. 24.20 4.58 bioxadodecane HFPO Dlmer 2,3,3,3-TM.ftom-2- Acld Fluodtle (hepta0uoropropoxy)pmpanoyl 2062-96.8 2,000 - 0.01 - 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0umide CO2• Carbon diozide 174-38-9 1 299.64 65.99 0.00 0.00 0.15 c.03 Totals 950.75 202.76 682.99 183.44 988.09 129.28 1,10835 205.48 'Not a VOC but b a GHG NIMent with a global warming-o;.ntal _a= §\2) (\�� }§§[ ! ) ) B K ■■ ■ |;|§ e, Er ��!# R■B# @ ! 2 m ■ ~ m ®! ' 2 n'■ |€ Jn■■ : R ! § R § ##� 00 � =e ( §§§\ § | p ! ,«G # a S 7 ! ) !!! § 8 15 ; G ,, IA |k !9] #f !, a�9| ! )k |k !|§� !� !_ ■_ !E !` ._ !!°° !i |'!■ Dr O a s s o a ss8 a 88 o 13 g� eau° o„ � e $ a 888 8 888 8 R p o g g m g IQ au o $ PQ 91 0 g m aoo o `e' 8 ° 8868 8 888 r muej800 '&N o X o m ea 8g'.8 o g 6 R g g . ao n p ggg8 f$� 8 8 g B g m 8 � � � � �,° 8 SIN � ,- � �{ Yau 8 m ne is s�E$ $ sgW a s.aeN x a o o Fir: �e 0 3tx v ri 8 o s v �. rs T € �� a �_ s ° "c E ena� a.�g� �,o4woo80 .��FF yvg -y`rm �x ��gQ%gEoSgvE�E�Leddeg� �g� 9�T 2�� 31 ° P90�$ ovs Q a _� � ;` !��, •.�2|f " / � } k a , ] ¥: ._ KH (�\\` E; ( ;§ ; ■ §; \ /T § k 2 E § \ -a§ / ;# s ■ r �/!. � ■ 2 ; K ! 2§ƒ § ] § 7 5 § \ k cl e# . •;��|.@ R / ; @ , . E!;- 14 � |a �§ # ! § / 7 § �!■ l \ i '12 !f � � }k�ƒ \ ! ® ■ $ § §2\ _ � 7 ! !, R a ! * ! \} �/ | () |M NS-8 Vinyl Ethers North Process(PSEPVE Only) Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2018 w/ 2019 wl Global Assumed TO Assumed TO 2018 w/ 2019 w/ Nafion® CAS Chemical Name CAS No. Warming Control Total Control Total Assumed TO Assumed TO Compound Potential VOC VOC Control CO2e Control CO2e Emissions Emissions (tons) (tons) lbsI Ilbsl HFP Hexafluoroproplyene 116-15.4 0.05 29.15 35.45 0.00 0.00 HFPO Hexafluoropropylene oxide 428-59-1 10,000 134.65 163.82 673.24 819.11 HFPO Dimer Perfluoro-2-propoxy propionyl 2062-98-8 2,000 13.58 1.57 13.58 1.57 Acid Fluoride fluoride Propanoic acid,3-[1-[difluoro[ EVE (trifluoroethenyl oxy]methyl]- 63863-43-4 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,2,2,24etmfluoroelhoxy]- 2,2,3,3-tetrafluoro-,methyl ester PPVE Perfluoropropyl vinyl ether 1623-05-8 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Perfluoro-2-(2- PSEPVE Fluorosulfonylethoxy)Propyl 16090-14-5 2,000 262.19 318.84 262.19 318.84 Vinyl Ether PPF Perfluompropionyl fluoride 422-61-7 2,000 1.23 1.50 1.23 1.50 iFE Tetrefluoroethylene 11&14-3 0 0.04 0.06 0.00 0.00 C4 Perfluorc-2-butene 360-89-4 2 20.13 24.51 0.02 0.02 CS Perfluoropentene 376-87-4 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Diglyme Diethylene glycol dimethyl ether 111-96-6 0 66.73 81.15 0.00 0.00 AN Acetonitrile 75-05-8 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ADN Adiponitrile 111-69-3 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TTG Tetraglyme 143-24-8 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tetrafluoro-2[hexafl uoro-2- DA (tetrafluoro-2- 4089-58-1 2,000 246.39 299.63 246.39 299.63 {fluorosulfony¢ethoxy)propoxy propionyl fluoride Tetrafluoro-2-[tifluoro-2-(1,2,2,2 Hydro-PSEPVE tetra-fluoroethoxy)-1- 75549-02-9 2,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (trifluoromethyl)ethoxy]-ethane sulfonyl fluoride Telrafl uoro-2-[tetrafluoro-2- MA (fluorosulfonyl)ethoxy]- 4089-57-0 2,000 110.13 133.93 110.13 133.93 propanoyl fluoride MAE Methyl perfluoro(5- (fluorofornyl)-4-oxahexanoate) 69116-72-9 2,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DAE Methyl perfloro(8-(fluorofor yl)- 69116-73-0 270 0.00 0.00 D.00 D.DO 5-methyl-4,7-dioxanonanoate) Methyl perfluoro(11- TAE (fluoroformyl)-5,8-dimethyl- 69116-67-2 270 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,7,10-trioxadodecanoate) 3-[1-[difl uoro(1,2,2,2- tetrafluoroethoxy)methyl]- hydro-EVE 1,2,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy]- 660857-95-4 2.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,2,3,3-tetmfluoro-,methyl ester propanoi acid iso-EVE Methyl perfluoro-6-methyl-4,7- dioxanon-8 eneoate 73122-14-2 2,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MMF Methyl-2, r oromalonyl fluoride 69116-71-8 2,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 fluor HFPO Trimer Perfluoro-2,5-dimethyl-3,6- p841-34-1 2,000 5.61 6.82 5.61 6.82 dioxanonancyl fluoride Perfluoro-l-methyl-2-(2 ]so-PSEPVE fluorosulfonyl ethoxy)ethyl vinyl 34805-584 2,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ether 2,3,3,3-Telrafl uom-2- [1,1,2,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2- TA 11.1,2,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2- 4628-44-8 2,000 8.99 10.94 8.99 10.94 [1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-2- (fluorosulfonyl)ethoxy]propoxy]p ropoxy]propanoyl fluoride RSU 2,2-Difluoro-2-(fluorosulfonyl) 677-67-8 2,000 0.90 1.10 0.90 1.10 acetyl fluoride GOT Carbon dioxide 124.38-9 1 51,082.77 68,361.28 25.54 34.18 Totals 51,982.49 69,440.58 1,347.83 1,627.63 Not a VOC but is a GHG pollutantwith a global warming potential NS-M TFE/CO2 separation process 2018 Summary w/TO Controls A. VOC Emissions by Compound Point Fugitive Accidental Total VOC Nafion® CAS Chemical CAS No. HAP/TAP Source Emissions Emissions Emissions Compound Name Emissions (Ibs) (Ibs) (Ibs) tlbs TFE Tetrafluoroeth lene 116-14-3 -- 4.23 258.2 0 262 1 Total VOC Emissions(Ibs) 262 Total VOC Emissions(tons) _ 0.1 B.Toxic Air Pollutant Summary Point Nafion® CAS Chemical Source Fugitive Accidental Total VOC Compound Name CAS No. HAPITAP Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Ibs (Ibs) (Ibs) (Ibs) HF Hydrogen Fluoride 7664-39-3 H,T 16.90 0 0 16.9 Fluo(des* Fluorides 16984-48-8 T 16.90 0 0 16.9 "Note: NCDAQ requires that HF be reported as'Fluorides"as well as HF on the annual AFRO database. B. Additional Emissions by Compound Point Fugitive Accidental Total Nafion® CAS Chemical CAS No. HAP/TAP Source Emissions Emissions Emissions Compound Name Emissions (Ibs) (Ibs) (Ibs) Ibs CO2 Carbon dioxide 124-38-9 -- 37,453 258.2 0 37,711 S02 Sulfur dioxide 7446-09-5 -- 0 0 1 0 0 `Fugitive/equipment emissions will vary from CY2018 AEI,because the updated equipment count(verified during late 2019)was incorporated into this CY2018 emission caiculation.Also accounted for equipment emissions downstream of the TFE/CO2 mass meter. C. Total Point Source Emission Summary TO Control Uncontrolled Uncontrolled EfficiencyTO Controlled TO Controlled Compound Emissions Emissions (°�0) Emissions Emissions Name (kg/yr) (lb/yr) (kg/yr) (lb/yr) A. TFE 19,170.6 42,263.5 99.99% 1.92 4.23 B. ICO2 59.6 131.3 0.00% 59.57 131.32 TOTAL VOCt't 19,170.6 42,263.5 -- 1.92 4.23 (1)VOCs are denoted in blue. D. HF Point Source Emission Summary_ The thermal oxidizer generates Where, hydrogen fluoride(HF)from the 1 Ex=uncontrolled emission rate of fluorinated compound x, combustion of organic fluoride Cx=TO control efficiency of compound x containing hydrocarbons,which j NFx=number of fluoride atoms in compound x are controlled by the scrubber. HF MWHF=molecular weight of HF(20) generation and emissions are MWx=molecular weight of compound x calculated as follows: CHF=scrubber control efficiency of HF �x MWHF _CHF j "'HF=1 iz 100 zN MW x[1 1 to) Molecular HF Generated ScrubberControlled HF #of F Atoms in Weight of in TO Control Emissions Compound Compound (Ib/yr) Efficiency° (Iblyr) /°Compound ( Name A. ITFE 4 100.012 33,803.39 99.95% 16.90 B. ICO2 1 0 44.008 0.00 99.95% 0.00 Total HF Emissions -- -- -- 16.90 E. S02 Point Source Emission Summary The thermal oxidizer generates sulfur dioxide(S02)from the combustion of organic sulfur containing hydrocarbons,which are controlled by the scrubber.S02 generation and emissions are calculated using the #of S Atoms Molecular S02 Generated Scrubber Controlled Compound Weight of in TO or Control S02 Name in Compound Compound Process Efficiency Emissions A. TFE 0 100.012 0.00 99.95% 0.00 B. ICO2 0 44.008 0.00 99.95% 0.00 Total S02 Emissions I -- I -- I -- 1 0.00 F. CO2 Point Source Emission Summary The thermal oxidizer generates carbon dioxide(CO2)from the combustion of hydrocarbons,which is not assumed to be controlled by the scrubber. CO2 generation and emissions are calculated using the same Molecular CO2 Scrubber Controlled Compound #of C Atoms Weight of Generated in Control CO2 Name in Compound Compound TO or Process Efficiency Emissions A. TFE 2 100.012 37,190.49 0.00% 37,190.49 B. ICO2 1 44.008 131.32 0.00% 131.32 Total CO2 Emissions -- -- -- 37,453.14 (1)Total CO2 emissions include CO2 generated from process NS-K E-2 Process 2018 Summary wl TO Controls A.VOC Emissions by Compound and Source Point Source Fugitive Equipment Accidental Total VOC Compound CAS Chemical Name CAS No. HAP/TAP Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs 1,1,1,2,2,3,3-Heptafluoro-3- E1 (1,2,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)- 3330-15-2 128 90.2 17.6 0.0 236 propane E2 2H-perfluoro(5-methyl-3,6- 3330-14-1 98.2 69.3 151.7 0.0 319 dioxanonane) E3 2H-perfluoro-5,8-dimethyl-3,6,9- 3330-16-3 0.84 0.6 7.1 0.0 8.49 trioxadodecane TOTAL 227 160 176 0.00 563 TOTAL(tons) 0.28 B.Toxic Air Pollutant Summary Point Source Fugitive Equipment Accidental TotaITAP Compound CAS Chemical Name CAS No. HAPITAP Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions fibs) Ibs IbsI (Ibs) (Ibs HF Hydrogen Fluoride 7664-39-3 H,T 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 Fluorides" Fluorides 16984-48-8 T 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 "Note: NCDAQ requires that HF be reported as"Fluorides"as well as HF on the annual AERO database. C.Criteria Air Pollutant Summary PointSource' Fugitive Equipment Accidental Total Compound CAS Chemical Name CAS No. HAP/TAP Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Ibs Ibsfibs) fibs) Ibs S02 Sulfur dioxide 7446-09-51 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CO2 Carbon dioxide 124-38-9 1 299.64 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 299.64 "Fugitive/equipment emissions will very from CY2018 AEI,because the updated equipment count(verified during late 2019)was incorporated into this CY2018 emission calculation. D. Total Point Source Emission Summary Uncontrolled Uncontrolled TO Control Total Total Compound Emissions Emissions Efficiency Emissions Emissions Name (k I r) (lb/yr) (%)(1) (kg/ r)I'I (Ib/ r)t'I A. E1 157.01 346.16 99.99% 57.98 127.83 B. E2 120.57 1 265.80 1 99.99% 44.52 98.16 C. E3 1.03 2.27 99.99% 0.38 0.84 TOTAL VOCI'I 278.61 614.23 -- 102.89 226.83 (1)The Interface Tank and 55 gal.drum are uncontrolled sources that vent to building exhaust,only the Transfer Tank is controlled by the TO.The equation used to calculate these emissions reflects this information. (2)VOCs are denoted in blue E. HF Point Source Emission Summary The thermal oxidizer generates hydrogen Where, fluoride(HF)from the combustion of EX=uncontrolled emission rate of fluorinated compound x, organic fluoride containing hydrocarbons, Cx=TO control efficiency of compound x which are controlled by the scrubber. HF NFx=number of fluoride atoms in compound x generation and emissions are calculated MWHF=molecular weight of HF(20) as follows: MWx=molecular weight of compound x CHF=scrubber control efficiency of HF EHF=E z lObYN MWrF r(1 lMF Scrubber Molecular HF Generated Control Controlled HF Compound #of F Atoms Weight of in TO Efficiency Emissions Name in Compound Compound (Ib/ r)t'i (%) Ib/ r t'I A. E1 11 286.035 167.92 99.95% 0.08 B. Era 1 17 1 452.052 126.09 99.95% 0.06 C. E3 23 618.069 1.07 99.95% 0.00 Total HF Emissions -- -- -- 0.15 (1)Only the Transfer Tank is controlled by the TO,therefore,HF will only be produced from the combustion of emissions from this source. F. S02 Point Source Emission Summary ^The thermal oxidizer generates sulfur dioxide(S02)from the combustion of organic sulfur containing hydrocarbons,which are controlled by the scrubber.S02 generation and emissions are calculated using the same methodology as HF,above. Molecular S02 Scrubber Controlled Compound #of S Atoms Weight of Generated in Control S02 Name in Compound Compound TO or Process Efficiency Emissions A. E1 0 286.035 0.00 99.95% 0.00 B. JE2 0 452.052 0.00 99.95% 0.00 C. JE3 0 618.069 0.00 99.95% 0.00 Total S02 Emissions I -- -- I -- 1 0.00 (1)Only the Transfer Tank is controlled by the TO,therefore,HF will only be produced from the combustion of emissions from this source. G. CO2 Point Source Emission Summary The thermal oxidizer generates carbon dioxide(CO2)from the combustion of hydrocarbons,which is not assumed to be controlled by the scrubber. CO2 generation and emissions are calculated using the same methodology as HF,above. Molecular CO2 Scrubber Controlled Compound #of C Atoms Weight of Generated in Control CO2 Name in Compound Compound TO or Process Efficienc Emissions A. E1 5 286.035 167.95 0.00% 167.95 B. JE2 8 452.052 130.56 0.00% 130.56 C. JE3 11 618.069 1.12 0.00% 1.12 Total CO2 Emissions I -- I -- I -- 1 299.64 (1)Only the Transfer Tank is controlled by the TO,therefore,HF will only be produced from the combustion of emissions from this source. NS-D-1 RSU Process(except SO3 system) 2018 Summary w/TO Controls A.VOC Emissions by Compound and Source Nafion® Paint Source Fugitive Equipment Accidental TmaIVOC Compound CAS Chemical Name CAS No. HAP/TAP Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions (Ibs) (Ibs) (Ibs) (Ibs) (Ibs) TFE Telrafluoroethylene 116-143 0.20 0.00 337.35 0.00 338 PAF Pedluoroacetyl fluoride 354-34-7 0.14 0.00 2.08 0.00 22 RSU 2,2-difluoro-2-(fluorosulfonyll acetyl fluoride 877-67-8 0.05 0.00 0.71 0.00 0.75 SU 3,3,4,4-tetrafluoro-1,2-oxathietane 2,2.dio)ide 697-18-7 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.07 EDC 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 H,T 0.00 16.20 OM O.OD 16.2 COF2 Carbonyl fluoride 353-50-4 -- 0.07 D.00 1.04 O.OD 1.10 AJF o vent (n=1 TAF) Pernuaro-3,5-dioxahexanoyl fluoride 21703-43-5 0.2 0.00 1.04 0.00 1.2 Total for Will 0.66 16.2 342 0.00 359 Tons 0.18 B.Toxic Air Pollutant Summary Nafion® Point Source Fugitive Equipment Accidental Total TAP Compound CAS Chemical Name CAS No. HAPrrAP Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions (lb.) (Ibs) (Ibs) (Ibs) (Ibs) HF Hydrogen Fluoride 7664-39-3 H,T 1.83 0.00 4423 0.00 46.1 Fluorides" Fluorides 16984-48-8 T 1.83 0.00 44.23 0.00 = 46.1 H2SO4 Sulfuric Acid 7664-93-9 T 0.97 138.92 O.o0 0.00 140 EDC 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 H,T 0.00 16.20 0.00 0.00 16.2 "Note:NCDAQ requires that HF be reported as"F/uorfdes"as well as HF on the annual AERO database. C.Criteria Air Pollutant Summary Nafion® Point Source Fugitive Equipment Accidental TotaISO2 Compound CAS Chemical Name CAS No. HAPITAP Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions (Ibs) (Ibs) (Ibs) (Ibs) (Ibs) 502 Sulfur dioxide 7446-09-5 0.46 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 CO2 Carbon tlioxitle 124-38-9 4,934 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,934 I. Total Point Source Emission Summary Uncontrolled Uncontrolled TO Control TO Controlled TO Controlled Emissions Emissions Efficiency Emissions Emissions Compound Name k / r Ib r % r Ib/ r) A. jTFE 926.56 2,042.69 99.99% 0.09 0.20 B. IPAF 633,88 1,397.45 99.99% 0.06 0.14 C. RSU 215.21 474.44 99.99% 0.02 0.05 D. SU 19.86 43.79 99.99% 0.00 0.00 E. S02 333.37 734.95 0.00% 333.37 734.95 F. S03 717.61 1,582.05 0.00% 717.61 1,582.05 G. COF2 295.75 652.01 99.99% 0.03 0.07 H. TAF 887.25 1,955.03 99.99% 0.09 0.20 TOTAL VOCt'1 2,978.51 6,566.41 - 0.30 0.66 (1)VOCs are denoted in blue. J. I.HF Point Source Emission Summer_ The thermal oxidizer generates hydrogen Where, fluoride(HF)from the combustion of E.=uncontrolled emission rate of fluorinated compound x, organic fluoride containing hydrocarbons, C,=TO control efficiency of compound x which are controlled by the scrubber. HF NF,=number of fluoride atoms in compound x generation and emissions are calculated as MWHr=molecularweight of HF(20) folloslc MW,=molecular weight of compound x CNr=scrubber control efficiency of HF Scrubber Control Controlled HF #of F Atoms Molecular Weight of HF Generated in TO Efficiency Emissions Compound Name in Compound Compound (Ib/yr) % (Ib/yr) A. TFE 4 100.01 1633.79 99.95% 0.82 B. PAF 4 116.01 963.57 99.95% 0.48 C. RSU 4 180.07 210.76 99.95% 0.11 D. SU 4 180.07 19.45 99.95% 0.01 E SOS - - 0.00 - 0.00 F SO, - - 0.00 - 0.00 G COF2 1 66.01 197.54 99.95% 0.10 H. TAF 4 248.02 630.86 99.95% 0.32 Total HF Emissions 1.83 K. S02 Point Source Emission Summary .__... The thermal oxidizer generates sulfur dioxide(S02)from the combustion of organic sulfur containing hydrocarbons,which are controlled by the scrubber.S02 generation and emissions are calculated using the same methodology as HF,above. _.__..._....... __... ___- _______ _._ ........... _....____.._...................................__---.. ........ ---_. S02 Generated in Scrubber Control Controlled S02 #of S Atoms Molecular Weight of TO or Process Efficiency Emissions Compound Name in Compound Compound Ib/ % Ib/ r A. TFE 0 100.01 0.00 99.95% 0.00 B. PAF 0 116.01 0.00 99.95% 0.00 C. RSU 1 180.07 168.76 99.95% 0.08 D. SU 1 180.07 15.58 99.95% 0.01 E. S02 - -- 734.95 99.95% 0.37 F. S03 - -- - -- 0.00 G. COF2 0 66.01 0.00 99.95% 0.00 H. JTAF 0 248.02 0.00 99,95% 0.00 Total S02 Emissions - 0.46 L. CO2 Point Source Emission Summary. _ ......... ......... ._ ...___... .._._...._._._ The thermal oxidizer generates carbon dioxide(CO2)from the combustion of hydrocarbons which is not assumed to be controlled by the scrubber. CO2 generation and emissions are calculated using the same methodology as HF,above. CO2 Generated in Scrubber Control Controlled CO2 #of C Atoms Molecular Weight of TO or Process Efficiency Emissions Compound Name in Compound Compound (Ib r) % Ib/ r A. I TI-E 2 100.01 1787.50 0.00% 1,797.50 B. PAF 2 116.01 1060.12 000% 1,060.12 C RSU 2 180.07 231.87 0.00% 231.87 D SU 2 180.07 21.40 0.00% 21.40 E, SO; -- - - 0.00% 0.00 F. S03 -- - - 0.00% 0.00 G. COF2 1 66.01 434.68 0.00% 434.68 H. TAF 4 248.02 1388.15 0.00% 1,388.15 Total CO2 Emissions -- 4,933.72 M. H2SO4 Point Source Emission Summary 03 H2SO4 Scrubber Control Controlled s Emissions Controlled H2SO4 Controlled H2SO4 Potential Efficiency (kg/yr) Emissions Emissions Compound Name (kg/k ) _ (kg/yr) lb/ r F. S% 1.2250 1 99.95% 0.36 0.44 0.97 F. IH2SO4 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total H2SO4 Emissions - 0.36 0.44 0.97 'S03 and H2SO4 are assumed to be unchanged in the TO/Sorubber system. 'Since S03 could convert to H2SO4 in the presence or water.H2SO4 emissions are also assumed from this conversion. NS-A Hexafluoropropylene oxide(HFPO)process 2018 Summary w/TO Controls A.VOC Compound Summary Point Source and Maintenance Accidental Total Nafion®Compound CAS Chemical Name CAS No. HAPITAP Equipment Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions (Ibs) (Ibs) (Ibs) (Ibs) HFPO Hexaflucropropylene oxide 428-59-1 919.0 0.10 6.063 925.2 HFP Hexafluor lene 116-15-4 1,851 0.03 7.094 1859 COF2 Carbonic Difluodde 353-50-4 144.2 0.002 1.430 145.6 PAF Tnfluoroac I Fluoride 354-34-7 11724 0.002 0.502 117.75 4 TFF) a oro uo is aci A/F Solvent n= - 21703.48-0 _ 39.32 0.06 0.000 39.39 ( undecefluoro-2,4,6,8-tetraoxanon-l-1 ester A/F Solvent(n=1 TAF) I uoro(tnfluoromethoxy)methoxy]difluoro acetyl 21703-43-5 7.966 0.001 0.000 7.967 fluoride A/F Solvent(n=2 TAF)([difluoro(tdfluoromethoxy)methoxy]difluorometh axdifluoro-acetyl fluoride 21703-45 7 17265 0.001 0.000 17.286 A/F Solvent(n=3 TAF)1,1,1,3,3,5,5,7,7,9,9-undecafluoro-2,4,6,8- 21703-47-9 6.128 0.001 0.000 8.128 tetraoxadecan-10-a I fluoride A/F Solvent(n=4 TAF)1,1,1,3,3,5,5,7,7,9,9,11,11-tridecafluoro- 21703-49-1 7.966 0.001 0.000 7.967 2 4 6 8 10- entaoxadodecan-1 2-oyl fluoride Benzene Benzene 71-43-2 H T 2.737 - 0.000 2.737 Toluene IMegy1benzene 10888-3 H,T 349.8 0.02 0.000 349.8 Other A/F Compounds Other A/F Compounds not s eciated N/A - 3.58 - 0.000 3.576 Total VOC Emissions(lbsj 3,482 Total VOC Emissions(tonal 1.741 B.Toxic Air Pollutant Summary Nafion®Compound CAS Chemical Name CAS No. HAP/TAP Emissions Source Emissions Emissions HF Hydro, en Fluoride 7664-39-3 H T 261.82 123.9 0.4 386.1 Fluorides• Fluorides(sum of at fluoride compounds 163EL1.46-8 H,T 261.82 123.9 0.4 386.1 Benzene Benzene 71-43-2 H.T 0.000 2.7 0.0 2.737 MetyJane Chloride Meth:fene Chloride 75-09-2 HT 0.000 0.0 0.0 0.000 Toluene Meth rhenzene 10b E6-3 H T 0.000 519.9 0.0 519.9 •Note:NCDAQ requires that HF be reported as"Fluorides"as well as HF on the annual AERO database. C.Criteria Air Pollutant Summary Point Sourcea Accidental otal Nafion®Compound CAS Chemical Name CAS No. HAPITAP Emissions Emissions Emissions fibs) Ibs Ibs S02 Sulfur dioxide 7446-09-5 0.00 0.000 0.000 CO2 Carbon dioxide 124-38-9 571,920 0.000 571,920 G. Total Point Source Emission Summary Uncontrolled Uncontrolled TO Control TO Controlled TO Controlled Emissions Emissions (e l Emissions Emissions (kg/yr) (Iblyr) Efficiencyk (kgtyr) (Ib/yr) Cc m ound Name A. VOr2 128,914 284,203 99.99% 12.891 28.420 B, PAP 93,880 206.988 99.99% 9.388 20.697 C. TFF 42,180.256 92,990.592 99.99% 4.218 1 9.299 n=2 TAF 42.180.256 92,990.592 99.99% 4.218 9.299 D. HFP 12,041 26,545 99.99% 1.204 2.654 E. HFPO 14,684 32,373 99,99% 1.468 3.237 Other A,F F. Co rands 16,221 35,761 99.99% 1.622 3.576 G. PMCP 7,622 16,B03 99.95% 3.811 8.401 H. Fluomform 6,1139 13,314 99,95% 3.020 6,657 TOTAL V0C(11 350,100 771.830 35.010 A 77.183 (1)VOCs mo donated in blue H. HF Point Source Emission Summary The thermal oxidizer generates hydrogen fluoride(HF)from Where, the combustion of organic fluoride containing hydrocarbons, Ex=uncontrolled emission rate of fluorinated compound x, which are controlled by the scrubber.HF generation and CR=TO control efficiency of compound x emissions are calculated as follows: NFx=number of fluoride atoms in compound x MWHF=molecular weight of HF(20) EHF=E�X-LMt xr cos MW„=molecular weight of compound x loozNF MW s(1-1�) CHF=scrubber control efficiency of HF #of F Atoms in Molecular Weight HF Generated in Scrubber Control Controlled HF Compound of Compound (ITOyr) Efficiency E lisssions Corapound Name A. C0F2 2 66.0 172,214 99.95% 8611 B. PAF 4 116 142,709 99.95% 71.354 C. TFF 12 396 56,348.030 99.95% 28.174 n=2 TAF 10 314 59,218.850 99.95% 29.609 D. HFP 6 150 21,231 99.95% 10.616 E. HFPO 6 166 23,397 99.95% 11.70 OtrFer F. Compoundsrll 6.67 201 23,678 99.95% 11.84 G. PMCP 8 200 13,434 99.95% 8.72 H. Fluoroforn 3 70 11,404 99.95% 5.70 Total HF Emissions 261.62 (1)Assumed#of An=in wmpw d end mWecularmighl wma average or other VOC compounds I. S02 Point Source Emission Summary The thermal oxidizer generates sulfur dioxide(SO2)from the combustion of organic sulfur containing hydrocarbons,which are controlled by the scrubber.S02 generation and emissions are calculated using the same methodology as HF,above. #of S Atoms in Molecular Weight 802 Generated in Scrubber Control Controlled S02 Compound of Compound TO or Process Efficiency Emissions Compound Name (Iblyr) A. JCOF2 0 66.0 0.000 99.95% 0.000 B. I PAF 0 116 0.000 99.95% 0.000 C. TFF 0 398 0.0DD 99.95% 0.000 n=2 TAF 0 314 0.000 99.95% C.000 D. HFP 0 150 O.ODO 99.95% O.000 E. HFPO 0 168 0.O00 99.95% O.00D OtherAfF F. Compounds"' 0 201 0.0D0 99.95% 0.000 G. PMCP 0 200 0.000 99.95% 0.000 H. Fluorafortn 0 70 O.ODD 99.95% 0.000 Total S02 Emissions 0.000 (1)Assumed#ofAtoms in mmpeund andmotecu/arweight were average of other V0C compounds J. CO2 Point Source Emission Summary ---------------- -The thermal oxidizer generates carbon dioxide(CO2)from the combustion of hydrocarbons,which is not assumed to be controlled by the scrubber. CO2 generation and emissions are calculated using the same methodology as HF,above. #of C Atoms in Molecular Weight CO2 Generated in Scrubber Control Controlled CO2 Compound of Compound TO or Process Efficiency Emissions Compound Name (Ib/yr) (lbtyr) A. C0F2 1 66.D 189,470 0.000% 189,470 B. PAF 2 its 157,008 0.000% 157,008 C. TFF 6 395 61,994.10 0.000% 61,994.102 n=2 TAF 5 314 65.152.58 0.000% 65,152.579 D. HFP 3 150 23,359 0.000% 23,359 E. HFPO 3 166 25,742 0.000% 25,742 er F. Compounds(" 3.33 201 26,051 0.000% 2fi,051 G. PMCP 4 200 14 780 0.000% 14,780 H. Flucroform 1 70 8,365 0.000% 8,365 Total CO2 Emissions 571,920 (1)Assumed#&Atoms in compound andmateoulerweight ware everage of other VOC compounds 02 0D g..o I m a �N S: mo 8 $ o eg -m>m�m r M.o� �� a< T 0 3 m m 5 ilE nm OR aKvv m R: H a aU&I I to 3 � a N� a ;a 13 fi3 s u 8 e N o Am v 9 S u m �C _Pm �.P w�v 3$ p s o p o pog „e ~'s Ap n n era ss m eg a� s s s s 's s s s s s s s 88 88888 s s s ss $x3 s - ��-off $og _ _ 5 �« o« 888 8 8r 88888s888e °E—$ IBa000r Id $ dT ae ae x N xxaexae E :d aaas� £ d RRRRaa>s a g �d E =w a z s 9� 8 'A�� tea; a 9 a�����za� aw O W 8 2 -: 2 W B a 2 it e� ae ae ae ae s� s '',e m o w e � 8 ma i gB wo 8 ma 888�� E 8 "So88m� s`€ Iv m m 6� � a a dg�a& ' E� � � saz �a so , � gasp p �. 9 �v .31 a E c9 E E�� ' o` 82 E` aE m g:.m gE a •'b z w W 'E 2 m oon o i �E �m�z�u t3 ° °Ifl us€9 88e8 oE uxas 1i1f�ikl�l�zpS -mo[m- myo y 3 xnmmonmA�, es r -x�r moo m A n �a F y'-- xci mon m A oIzA'L' G68m�'n $ n o n= oa'u - O1 3Baga ^fa go? a � ' sq 4sp B8.8 '52 ' 2 s Al mQ5� qq pp� qq ffi ffi 8 ys .21B 8 $ 2 3� m �ao�N�.i •'.gQpA °p �e� IoK25`° `off 3 Yd S� egxs-a I uiu36i Bit �_ SBi88888888 ;, 25 a a use � o Sgig SS88 ,6. 8u,88�88�� `3$ tRlRB;Bi8;� 8 8 . 8 s �a�aea��ae���r o', se'', AIM �� 8 �s ;a "3 �• a o 0 ��' o a a sssssssssss K s' _ ��$ m g g a ss ti g ti - o Qs E $ $ c$r5$oso sb $$ $ $ o — o E T Q o o i de 3e 3e dR de de 2Q`ee e$$$$$m$ $ a tag9 99991 9 '�-Lum ���sr���,�i, 1 sssss s ssss VF 'a oo E nW �i�ISi S'i 8i 8i�i 8i�im�i�' g IaW S'i sis S+'.1 aW`�oo a ull 8 2 B 2 g 2 L F E n yr IA xe xx ���ae:zx ag 8e g o d. �s s��511at Sa€=E dp£"s"'�^s s $$ p $$$s$$"g $$ $ ��w �a$o�s�$ U� `tea �� ae €oae�0000mo�000 0�;5`_ °w sa.=gym 8 '0o to ',Y' :moo m° eaaB �o a9 xE e9. 9 £o o E E� fs Ec $.6 ; 5�`a Gg m E e '_ 4So oo�0 6s ¢$m ?E a m L@ s ��8 LL OEm n $ p$ S a `oU c S —��„ 8e `op w # Ella w w ei w H L W $ E B LL 8a pdT TJ: a ❑ui LLaT).�,Ca)N2�wY�o'�[fUz }F S O 'D�-S�5s,E8.x5�y® zU,a2da2vi¢ti ci,,WRwE~O heiAa o bqq 8i mu aEe E E ywN l �qbq nV'SE$2Um VE xxp UaSr 2yo wpB'°O20EON Oo 8pE Oq OppEc dLL0S ,1 O 4 191 z _cjY E U cpbgqi Wtiz_>>[_;�z dim pdm Wca x._-;YJEx a!�8 dmtidWLL�Y-; o o n I n � 3 I 8 addid d Mo -in�'w mOtio 3 N� OO�g DDiv QT2 �` :p y �pti°3 �D>>6 v0�23.,H mnN U m O -1 O 3 ° �O>3 TOy9 g 0A9I9a�!8 mmti >3 �DD 2 3 �m � yD3 Yg Z G G -i y y 3 Zy D D Z ° 3 _ 4 LIz 3+TiO0Tz �G'..8 a fe �Inm TC 4]z �omTz In 111 In Z 6ag Sa'',g � o T s ^g aU OR OR S ' 3 an o" T4•o"I� .i m m 3n ns a�..�� wwwwowo 3� C� m 0 000tim ;N Ca d z 12 N Ygo �rnw �u �ni ..'Wjo N'm a+tiN—°9�° be' �000000000w �C Sf �'i A N �m�o Qti� a33'mG" m��B��pJ;mgS�is N,S�d>,g, 3: aE, 88$N88888885tN�68$8$88$$ d m .' ��� 3 t 0, Q $ sssss�;g °; ;8-aea a �,'978 aeaeaeae�����a a s�a aeaeaexxae��� x�x� x a a� x x x r *xx x�� 0 $ o ��. 5-3 �Q'I IN 'g,w S,Ww'wN No�-'� N>;���"n o ° �' —3d NS-M TFE/CO2 separation process 2019 Summary w/TO Controls A. VOC Emissions by Compound Point Fugitive Accidental Total VOC Nafion® CAS Chemical CAS No. HAP/TAP Source Emissions Emissions Emissions Compound Name Emissions (Ibs) (Ibs) (Ibs) Ibs TFE ITetrafluoroethylene 1 116-14-3 1 -- 3.50 204.1 0 208 Total VOC Emissions(Ibs) 208 Total VOC Emissions(tons) 0.1 B.Toxic Air Pollutant Summary Point Fugitive Accidental Total VOC Nafion® CAS Chemical CAS No HAPITAP Source Emissions Emissions Emissions No.Name Emissions (Ibs) (Ibs) (Ibs) Ibs HF Hydrogen Fluoride 7664-39-3 H,T 14.00 0 0 14.0 Fluorides* Fluorides 16984-48-8 T 14.00 0 0 14.0 'Note: NCDAQ requires that HF be reported as"Fluorides"as well as HF on the annual AFRO database. B. Additional Emissions by Compound Point Fugitive Accidental Total Nafion® CAS Chemical CAS No. HAPITAP Source Emissions Emissions Emissions Compound Name Emissions (Ibs) (Ibs) (Ibs) Ibs CO2 Carbon dioxide 124-38-9 -- 31,066 204.1 0 31,270 S02 Sulfur dioxide 7446-09-5 -- 0 0 1 0 1 0 C. Total Point Source Emission Summary Compound Uncontrolled Uncontrolled TO Control TO Controlled TO Controlled Emissions Emissions Efficiency Emissions Emissions Name (kg/yr) (Ib/yr) (%) (kglyr) (lb/yr) A. ITFE 15,883.7 35,017.3 99.99% 1.59 1 3.50 B. ICO2 57.1 125.8 0.00% 57.07 125.81 TOTAL VOCi11 15,883.7 35,017.3 -- 1.59 3.50 (1)VOCs are denoted in blue. D. HF Point Source Emission Summary _ _ iThe thermal oxidizer generates Where, hydrogen fluoride(HF)from the Ex=uncontrolled emission rate of fluorinated compound x, combustion of organic fluoride Cx=TO control efficiency of compound x containing hydrocarbons,which NFx=number of fluoride atoms in compound x are controlled by the scrubber. HF MWHF=molecular weight of HF(20) generation and emissions are MWx=molecular weight of compound x calculated as follows: CHF=scrubber control efficiency of HF i Cx.. MWHF _CHF Pxr-B x 100xNP MW x(1 1011 Molecular HF Generated ScrubberControlled HF #of F Atoms in Weight of in TO Control Emissions Compound Compound (lb/yr) Efficiency (Ib/yr) Compound M Name A. TFE 4 100.012 28,007.64 99.95% 14.00 B. CO2 0 44.008 0.00 99.95% 0.00 Total HF Emissions -- -- -- 14.00 E. S02 Point Source Emission Summary The thermal oxidizer generates sulfur dioxide(S02)from the combustion of organic sulfur containing j hydrocarbons,which are controlled by the scrubber.S02 generation and emissions are calculated using the ___._ ._,,..- _.. _,._.___ -- - _--_----.---__ _.r #of S Atoms Molecular S02 Generated Scrubber Controlled Compound in Compound Weight of in TO or Control S02 Name Compound Process Efficiency Emissions A. ITFE 0 100.012 0.00 99.95% 0.00 B. ICO2 0 44.008 0.00 99.95% 0.00 Total S02 Emissions -- -- -- 0.00 F. CO2 Point Source Emission Summary The thermal oxidizer generates carbon dioxide(CO2)from the combustion of hydrocarbons,which is not assumed to be controlled by the scrubber. CO2 generation and emissions are calculated using the same Molecular CO2 Scrubber Controlled Compound #of C Atoms Weight of Generated in Control CO2 Name in Compound Compound TO or Process Efficiency Emissions A. TFE 2 100.012 30,814.01 0.00% 30,814.01 B. CO2 1 44.008 125.81 0.00% 125.81 Total CO2 Emissions I -- r -- I -- 1 31,065.62 (1)Total CO2 emissions include CO2 generated from process NS-K E-2 Process 2019 Summary w/TO Controls A.VOC Emissions by Compound and Source Point Source Fugitive Equipment Accidental Total VOC Compound CAS Chemical Name CAS No. HAP/TAP Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Ibs Ibs Ibsfibs) fibs) 1,1,1,2,2,3,3-Heptafluoro-3- E1 (1,2,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)- 3330-15-2 - 28 19.9 3.2 0.0 51 propane E2 2H-perfluoro(5-methyl-3,6- 3330-14-1 21.6 15.3 27.7 0.0 65 dioxanonane E3 2H-perfluoro-5,8-dimethyl-3,6,9- 3330-16-3 0.18 0.1 1.3 0.0 1.61 trioxadodecane 2,3,3,3-Tetrafl u o ro-2- HFPO Dinner (heptafluoropropoxy)propanoyl 2062-98-8 1.42E-06 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 Acid Fluoride fluoride TOTAL 50 35 32 0 117 TOTAL(tons) 0.06 B.Toxic Air Pollutant Summary Point Source Fugitive Equipment Accidental Total TAP Compound CAS Chemical Name CAS No. HAP/TAP Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions ObsI ObsiIbs Mal jibsI HF Hydrogen Fluoride 7664-39-3 H,T 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 Fluorides' Fluorides 16984-48-81 T 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 "Note:NCOAQ requires that HF be reported as"Fluorides"as well as HF on the annual AERO database. C.Criteria Air Pollutant Summary Point Source Fugitive Equipment Accidental Total Compound CAS Chemical Name CAS No. HAP/TAP Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Ibs Ibs Ibsjib Ibs S02 Sulfur dioxide 744609-5 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CO2 Carbon dioxide 124-38-9 - 65.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 65.99 D. Total Point Source Emission Summary Uncontrolled Uncontrolled TO Control Total Total Emissions Emissions Efficiency Emissions Emissions Compound Name k f r) (Ib/ r) (%)11) k r)(1) Ib r (1) A. E1 34.57 76.22 99.99% 12.77 28.15 B. E2 26.55 58.52 99.99% 9.80 21.61 C. E3 0.23 0.50 99.99% 0.08 0.18 D. IHPFO DAF 0.01 1 0.01 99.99% 0.00 0.00 TOTAL VOCi1l 61.35 1 135.26 -- 22.65 49.94 (1)The Interface Tank and 55 gal.drum are uncontrolled sources that vent to building exhaust,only the Transfer Tank is controlled by the TO.The equation used to calculate these emissions reflects this information. (2)VOCs are denoted in blue E. HF Point Source Emission Summary The thermal oxidizer generates hydrogen Where, fluoride(HF)from the combustion of Ex=uncontrolled emission rate of fluorinated compound x, organic fluoride containing hydrocarbons, C.=TO control efficiency of compound x which are controlled by the scrubber. HF NFx=number of fluoride atoms in compound x generation and emissions are calculated as MWHF=molecular weight of HF(20) follows: MWx=molecular weight of compound x CHr=scrubber control efficiency of HF ear=E<x ObxNF Ayw.MW�rx(1 100) Scrubber Molecular HF Generated Control Controlled HF #of F Atoms Weight of in TO Efficiency Emissions Compound Name in Compound Compound (Ib/ r)(1) (%) Ib r (1) A. E1 11 286.035 36.97 99.95% 0.02 B. E2 17 452.052 27.76 99.95% 0.01 C. E3 23 618.069 0.24 99.95% 0.00 D. HPFO DAF 12 332.034 0.01 99.95% 0.00 Total HF Emissions -- -- -- 0.03 (1)Only the Transfer Tank is controlled by the TO,therefore,HF will only be produced from the combustion of emissions fmm this source. F. S02 Point Source Emission Summary The thermal oxidizer generates sulfur dioxide(S02)from the combustion of organic sulfur containing i hydrocarbons,which are controlled by the scrubber.S02 generation and emissions are calculated using the same methodology as HF,above. Molecular S02 Scrubber Controlled #of S Atoms Weight of Generated in Control S02 Compound Name in Compound Compound TO or Process Efficiency Emissions A. E1 0 286.035 0.00 99.95% 0.00 B. E2 0 452.052 0.00 99.95% 0.00 C. E3 0 618.069 0.00 99.95% 0.00 D. HPFO DAF 0 332.034 0.00 99.95% 0.00 Total S02 Emissions (1)Only the Transfer Tank is controlled by the TO,therefore,HF will only be produced from the combustion of emissions from this source. G. CO2 Point Source Emission Summary The thermal oxidizer generates carbon dioxide(CO2)from the combustion of hydrocarbons,which is not assumed to be controlled by the scrubber. CO2 generation and emissions are calculated using the same methodology as HF,above. Molecular CO2 Scrubber Controlled #of C Atoms Weight of Generated in Control CO2 Compound Name in Compound Compound TO or Process Efficiency Emissions A. E1 5 286.035 36.98 0.00% 36.98 B. E2 8 452.052 28.75 0.00% 28.75 C. E3 11 618.069 0.25 0.00% 0.25 D. HPFO DAF 1 6 332.034 0.01 0.00% 0.01 Total CO2 Emissions -- 85.99 (1)Only the Transfer Tank is controded by the TO,therefore,HF will only be produced from the combustion of emissions fmm this source. NS-D-1 RSU Process(except S03 system) 2019 Summary w/TO Controls A.VOC Emissions by Compound and Source Nafion® Point Source Fugitive Equipment Accidental Total VOC Compound CAS Chemical Name CAS No. HAPITAP Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions (Ibs) (Ibs) (lb.) (Ibs) jibs) TFE Tetrafluoroethylene 116-14-3 0.36 0.00 490.29 0.00 491 PAP Perfluoroacetyl fluoride 354-34.7 0.25 0.00 3.02 0.00 3.3 RSU 2,2-difluaro-2-(fluorosulfanyl)acetyl fluoride 677-67-8 0.08 0.00 1.02 0.00 1.11 SU 3,3,4,4-tetmfluoro-1,2-oxathietane 2,2-dioxide 697-18-7 0.01 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.10 EDC 1,2-Dichlomethane 107-06-2 H,T 0.00 23.54 0.00 0.00 23.5 COF2 Carbonyl fluoride 353-50-4 - 0.07 0.00 1.51 0.00 1.57 (rro vent b ;- Perfluoro-3,5-dioxahemnoyl fluoride 21703-43.5 0.2 0.00 1.51 0.00 1.7 Total for 2019 0.97 1 23.5 497 0.00 522 Tons 0.26 B.Toxic Air Pollutant Summary Point Source Fugitive Equipment Accidental Total TAP Nafion® CAS Chemical Name CAS No. HAPrrAP Emissions Emissions Emissions Compound Emissions Emissions (Ibs) (Ibs) (Ibs) (Ibs) (lb.) HF Hydrogen Fluoride 7664-39-3 H,T 2.93 0.00 64.28 0.00 67.2 Fluorides• Fluorides 16984-48-8 T 2.93 0.00 64.28 0.00 67.2 H2SO4 Sulfuric Acid 7664-93-9 T 1.7 201.89 0.00 0.00 204 EDC 1,2-Dichlomethane 107-06-2 H,T 0.00 23.54 0.00 0.00 23.5 Note:NCDAQ requires that HF be mpoded as"Fluorides"as well as HF on the annual AERO database. C.Criteria Air Pollutant Summary Nafion® PointSourcel Fugitive Equipment Accidental Total S02 Compound CAS Chemical Name CAS No. HAP/TAP Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions (Ibs) (Ibs) (lb.) (Ibs) (Ibs) S02 SulfurdioAde 7446-09.5 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.82 CO2 Carbon dioxide 124-38-9 7,364 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,364 I. Total Point Source Emission Summary Uncontrolled Uncontrolled TO Control TO Controlled TO Controlled Emissions Emissions Efficiency Emissions Emissions Compound Name (kg/yr) (lb/ r) % r lh/y rl A. TFE 1,650.46 3.638.60 99.99% 0.17 0.36 B. PAF 1,129.11 2,489.24 99.99% 0.11 0.25 C. RSU 383.34 845.11 99.99% 0.04 0.08 D. SU 35.38 78.00 99.99% 0.00 0.01 E. S02 593.83 1,309.16 0.00% 593.83 1,309.16 F. S03 1.278.27 2,818.07 0.00% 1,278.27 2,818.07 G. COF2 295.75 652.01 99.99% 0.03 0.07 H. TAF 88% 1,956.03 99.99% 0.09 0.20 TOTAL VOCt1l 4,381.29 9,658.99 0.44 0.97 (1)VOCs are denoted in blue. J. HF Point Source Emission Summary The thermal oxidizer generates hydrogen Where, fluoride(HF)from the combustion of E,=uncontrolled emission rate of fluorinated compound x, organic fluoride containing hydrocarbons, C,=TO control efficiency of compound x which are controlled by the scrubber. HF NF,=number of fluoride atoms in compound x generation and emissions are calculated as MWHF=molecular weight of HF(20) foil-' MW,=molecular weight of compound x ! E,.,- =n-o> CHF=scrubber control efficiency of HF Scrubber Control Controlled HF #of F Atoms Molecular Weight of HF Generated in TO Efficiency Emissions Compound Name in Compound Compound Ibl r % Ib/ r A. ITFE 4 100.01 291024 99.95% 1.46 B. PAF 4 116.01 1716.38 99.95% 0.86 C. RSU 4 180.07 375.41 99.95% 0.19 D. SU 4 180.07 34.65 99.95% 0,02 E. SOz -- -- 0.00 - 0.00 F. S03 -- -- 0.00 - 0.00 G. COF2 1 66.01 1JT.54 99.95% 0.10 H. TAF 4 1 248.02 630.86 99.95% 0.32 Total HF Emissions 2.93 K. S02 Point Source Emission Summary The thermal oxidizer generates sulfur dioxide(S02)from the combustion of organic sulfur containing hydrocarbons,which are controlled by the scrubber.S02 generation and emissions are calculated using the same methodology as HF,above. S02 Generated in Scrubber Control Controlled S02 #of S Atoms Molecular Weight of TO or Process Efficiency Emissions Compound Name in Compound Compound Ib/ r 1% (Iblyr) A. TFE 0 100.01 0.00 99.95% 0.00 B. PAF 0 116.01 0.00 99.95% 0.00 C. RSU 1 180.07 300.61 99.95% 0.15 D. SU 1 180.07 27.74 99.95% 0.01 E. S02 -- -- 1309.16 A 99.95% 0.65 F. S03 -- - - 0.00 G. COF2 0 66.01 0.00 99.95% 0.00 H. TAF 0 248.02 0.00 99.95% 0.00 Total 802 Emissions - 0.82 L. CO2 Point_Source,Emission„Summary The thermal oxidizer generates carbon dioxide(CO2)from the combustion of hydrocarbons which is not assumed to be controlled by the scrubber. CO2 generation and emissions are calculated using the same methodology as HF,above. CO2 Generated in Scrubber Control Controlled CO2 #of C Atoms Molecular Weight of TO or Process Efficiency Emissions Compound Name in Compound Compound Ib % Ib r A. TFE 2 100.01 3201.84 0.00% 3.201 84 B. PAF 2 116.01 1888.37 0.00% 1.68837 C. RSU 2 180.07 413.03 0.00% 41303 D. SU 2 180.07 38.12 0.00% 3B.12 E. S02 -- -- - 0.00% 0.00 F. S% -- - - 0.00% 0.00 G. COF2 1 66.01 434.68 0.00% 434.68 H. TAF 4 248.02 1388.15 000% 1,388.15 Total CO2 Emissions 7,364.18 M. H2SO4 Point Source Emission Summary H2SO4 Scrubber Control Controlled S03Controlled H2SO4 Controlled H2SO4 Potential Efficiency Emissions Emissions Emissions Co ound Name /k (kglyr) k r Ib! r F. S03 1.2250 99.95% 0.64 0.78 1.73 F. H2SO4 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total H2SO4 Emissions - 0.64 0.78 1.73 'S03 and H2SO4 ara.--ad to be unchanged in the TOrScrubber system. *Since S03 could convert to H2SO4 in the presence of water,H2SO4 emissions are also assumed from this conversion. NS-A Hexafluoropropylene oxide(HFPO)process 2019 Summary w/TO Controls A.VOC Compound Summary Point Source and Maintenance Accidental Total Naflon®Compound CAS Chemical Name CAS No. HAPITAP Equipment Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Ibs) I Ibs Ibs HFPO Hexafluoro ro lene oxide 428-59-1 919.2 0.33 3.000 922.5 HFP Hexafluoro ro lene 116-15-4 1,853 0.67 9.256 1,863 COF2 Carbonic Difluonde 353-50-4 132.2 0.002 0.930 133.1 PAF Trifluoroacetyri Fluoride 354-34-7 106.90 1.89 0.500 109.29 A/F Solvent(n=4 TFFi Carbonofluoddic acid,1,1,3,3,5,5,7,7,9,9,9- 21703-48-0 30.03 0.002 0.760 30.79 A/F Solvent(n=1 TAF) [di uoro(trifluorome oxy)me hoxy]difluoro a 21703-43-5 _ 7.966 0.443 0.000 8.409 ces 1 fluoride A/F Solvent(n=2 TAF) [[difluoro(trifluorom.thoxy)methoxy]difluommeth 21703-45.7 7.966 0.127 1.010 9.103 oxyldifilioro-acetyl fluoride A/F Solvent(n=3 TAF) 1,1,1,3,3,5,5,7,7,9,9-undecafluoro-2,4,6,8• 21703-47-9 6.128 0.062 0.000 6.190 tetraoxadecan-10-o I fluoride A/F Solvent(n=4 TAF) 1,1,1,3,3,5,5,7,7,9,9,11,11-tridecafluoro- 21703-49-1 7,966 0.062 0.000 8.028 2,4 6 8 10- entaoxadodecan-l2-o I fluoride Benzene Benzene 71-43-2 H T 2.952 - 0.000 2.952 Toluene Meth(benzene 108-88-3 H,T 432.1 0.02 1.000 433.1 Other A/F Com ounds Other A/F Co ounds not eciated NIA 56.08 0.000 56.062 Total VOC Emissions(lbs)l 3,58 Total VOC Emissions(tons)l 1.791 B.Toxic Air Pollutant Summary Point Source on-po nt Accidental Total Naflon®Compound CAS Chemical Name CAS No. HAPITAP Emissions Source Emissions Emissions (Ibs) Emissions (lbs) (Ibs) HF H dro en Fluoride 766439-3 H,T 212.30 123.9 0.5 336 7 Fluondes' Fludrides Isurn oral fluonde communds 16984-48-8 H,T 212.30 123.9 0.5 3W.7 Benzene Benzene 71-43-2 H,T 0.000 3.0 0.0 2 952 Mem/ene Chloride Math lene Chloride 75-09-2 H,T 0.000 0.0 7.0 7 004 Toluene eth Ibel6tene 108-883 ti T 1 0.000 602.2 1.0 603.2 Note:NCDAQ requires that HP be reported as"Fluorides'as well as HF on the annual AERO database. C.Criteria Air Pollutant Summary Point Source on-po Accidental Total Naflong Compound CAS Chemical Name CAS No. HAPITAP Emissions Source Emissions Emissions (Ibs) Emissions bs (Ibs) (Ibs) S02 Sulfur dioxide 7446-09-5 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 CO2 Carbon dioxide 12438-9 463,061 0.000 0.000 463,061 G. Total Point Source Emission Summary Uncontrolled Uncontrolled TO Control TO Controlled TO Controlled Emissions Emissions Efficiency Emissions Emissions Compound Name (kglyr) (Ibtyr) (kglyr) (Ibtyr) A. CM 74.539 164,329 99.99% 7.454 16.433 B. PAF 46,962 103,532 99.99% 4.696 10.353 C. TFF 0.000 0,000 99.99% 0.000 0,000 7=2 TAF 0.000 0.000 99.99% 0.000 0.000 D. HFP 1 19,153 42,226 99.99% 1.915 4.223 E. HFPO 15,569 34.324 99.99% 1.557 3.432 Other A)F F. Com tends 98164 216.411 99.99% 9.816 21.641 G. PMCP 23,061 50,840 99.95% 11.530 25.420 H. Flucraform 5,882 12,968 99.95% 2.941 6.484 TOTAL VOC`I 254,387 560,822 25.439 50.08 (1)VOCs ere denotedm blue H. HF Point Source Emission Summary The thermal oxidizer generates hydrogen fluoride(HF)from -Where, the combustion of organic fluoride containing hydrocarbons, - Ex uncontrolled emission rate of fluorinated compound x, which are controlled by the scrubber. HF generation and C,=TO control efficiency of compound x emissions are calculated as follows: NFa=number of fluoride atoms in compound x MWHF=molecularweight of HF(20) �. Mf✓xs oar MW„=molecular weight of compound EtF=E�x 100 xNf ffW x(3-100) CIF=scmbber control efficiency of HF #of F Atoms in Molecular Weight HF Generated in Scrubber Control Controlled HF Compound of Compound TO Efficiency Emissions (Ibtyr) (Ib/yr) Compound Name A. 1COF2 2 66.0 99,578 99.95% 49.79 B. PAF 4 116 71,387 99.95% 35.694 C. TFF 12 396 0.000 99.95% 0.000 n=2 TAF 10 314 0.000 99.95% 0.000 D. HFP 6 150 33,773 99.95% 16.887 E. HFPO 6 166 24,807 99.95% 12.40 Other A F. Compounds(" 6.67 201 143292 99.95% 71.65 G. PMCP 8 200 40,647 99.95% 20.32 H. Fluoroform 3 70 11.108 99.95% 5.55 Total HF Emissions 212.30 (r)Assumed#c{Abms in campoantl antl molecular weiAhf were average of other VOC ecmpounds I. 302 Point Source Emission Summary The thermal oxidizer generates sulfur dioxide(S02)from the combustion of organic sulfur containing hydrocarbons,which are controlled by the scrubber.S02 generation and emissions are calculated using the same methodology as HF,above. - .__-_.._......_,.... .... _-_.___ _...,.... ,. _�................... .........,__.__ #of S Atoms in Molecular Weight 502 Generated in Scrubber Control Controlled$02 Compound of Compound TO or Process Efficiency Emissions Compound Name (Iblr) A. COF2 0 66.D 0.000 99.95% 0.000 B. PAF 0 116 0.000 99.95% 0.000 C. TFF 0 396 0.000 99.95% 0.000 n=2 TAF O 314 0.00o 99.95% 0.000 0. HFP 0 150 0.000 99.95% 0.000 E. HFPO 0 155 0.000 99.95% 0.000 5ffe F. Com oundsltl D 201 0.000 99.95% 0.000 G. PMCP 0 200 0.000 99.95% 0.000 H. Fluoroform 0 70 0.000 99.95% 0.000 Tahr SQ2 Farrisslons 0,000 (1)Assumed#of Abms in-pound end molecular weight wore average of other VOC compounds J. CO2 Point Source Emission Summary 1 The thermal oxidizer generates carbon dioxide(CO2)from the combustion of hydrocarbons,which is not assumed to be controlled by the scrubber. CO2 generation and emissions are calculated using the same methodology as HF, above. ............ ...__..____.....___...................... ......__ _.__ __.__.___. ......_.............. .. .._.... __....___._.. .,_ ...........: #of C Atoms in Molecular Weight CO2 Generated in Scrubber Control Controlled CO2 Compound of compountl TO or Process Efficiency Emissions Compound Name (Iblr) (Ibtyr) A. COF2 1 66.0 109,554 0.000% 109,554 B. PAF 2 116 78,540 0.000% 78,540 Cr TFF 6 396 0.00 0.000% 0.000 n=2 TAF 5 314 ool) 0.000% 0.000 D. HFP 3 150 37,157 0.000% 37157 E. HFPO 3 166 27,293 0.000% 27,293 Other A)F F. Co oundsl" 3.33 201 157650 0.000% 157,650 G. PMCP 4 200 44,720 0.000% 44,720 H. Fluoroform 1 70 8,147 0.000% 8147 Total CO2 Emissions 463.061 (1)Assumatl#ofAfoms in compound and molecular weight were average o7other VOC compounds q asss8s88 8 E a a a a a a 8 8 s q ss d d a�PW� uW 9q WW- a luE wa & a In 2 a a t II 6 d I I < II I I I Illll lx I I I I I I 1 1 1 I I n - 2 _ 3 w e 9yL�e E �6 a8 ° T°uy c F. �' ^I�E g a c'E u `u ge. e8 oe 9-'Aa9 �� 4 J p z0 E EgEEWE EEw== aePd� Stst o�dY r�'io�' �c iHg$ P c = ��° os'ggsa�a�o $a3 � �i�E�a� ed -o �u iT e � a N Wj F ' cS '� 2 c TZ EasE u W¢ m z'o E e aO m8 8 8 $°„` R 88888r y= 588,888888e $_« ��^ 68 G ow �a p s 4 8 emu^, ae :R ac 2 63 N 12 ae vs,Nae F:R, ERL�929l69969t96� 1 cm s� ooa00000a '� ' 8 a w S'i �'$'B'i g'lgi lg 9-9 9 9 u°E $ a 5 T' 2w e„ X lTl S 0H v- 1 E 3 g SSgs88m 1 E 3 g Ssgs�prvr 9 tg 8 8 FJA s ' E8� B R 8 a 90M 8pe r E ° u =9 E, E:� 6 ° a e E c 82 E` 22 ss a S�'� 3 g n aSc �l!l '.ITEM c f E z w E$�R 9E o a o ao ob tgy Ui"il-2�� °dmtid Wdc�Y- J�~ dm tidui° — LL L g Z-218 8888s8 n FiEG1s@f o $a a nU E 3= �i, �� �i��i " 02 6969�� $g88 8,$ va aw F g 8 2 2 2 S` • ;�� S 8i sS Q° 88.8888888s odeod000 gg8& 8 s s s l ao u=� �pm S m2. e egE:a =OC S �SoSgBs Es 'SSgs888g8 e= p`S 393 3s @�° 3E $ g9$ a$� I oss�ae$� os30 xl g 8 G� eDy " SE fO�m FJ� ''.9 Y.,i Y ¢o :G qE 0000000000 0�, uE mmm .-"mod ou° E c v #U E i n 8 'cZ c>a 2 fi� LL a low s � � a o ����s���-E RIN uW 8 u HER ;����999 x �� � ❑ g 2w B '.2w � Ew o g=._gQEg_g=y �A s A A . . �E - x _ .RFN�91� 0—o oot9 N � E sg`^a8 as s �a �$ as aO65ss�8$F���5. '.Es E99 _ea I doe 'c a ����A1 N �. E ,.,e��� ,a8 �g E ;a aE. c!EB! aS" B'm w o _ °E oF"'V' � �m •� `ou �'3y `o � -m°�i6m' `off '�6 of yS W e�`�? y w E e6 #❑ EE E c E S � .•$ a E b a .� f gg �•.+ o yy � � a d 6 qq r= a o e. q° n Q�Ci�rryrf{{ f S '.EE'Ea � O � o ¢`n❑E p''E` aau w a ohdE E n w a EEO F Ul:�� �T_ ❑1 O ., eE�j u ou �d9�a D r]i'¢m z�¢9�ud. 0,,,,�m a w �Q j•LL❑pF U F SHE US of LLU2 ❑ xOU Em Oi nwM1� ❑2-2 U:mE a22d Fa U2 ❑ S U E z ❑dm d dui �i t�i_-;YJ�z d Qm ddui iid _�YJEi n m duiddui�i YJfi d'`B �daiddui u:l7i_�YJfi �Wg i E U c� de de de de de de de de '� '� de 3e '� ie 'JI '� dR ie iF :R�iF DQ E^ �j�Y�zR IR iR d'•:Rded'•:R de DQ de de:R de de de de de de de de de �S � ��S S����� �����S6S��8S 298 x Ew g$ Ew IBa : 2 MEEM so�sD�' leiIAMM � �yv6 R }$ R `�rie� 5a od0000000�e o,a �a oadm No�voo N6nddo��aii 1 a�E ag1�1�1° �a $^$HO��R� e�S Em as TiRR a e i w Me2ailF Y Eccpv' agaa a r a w ' o g$ o', � aoLLE S o � Eo mod o'�€,! mom yl�u�UF a wr _ HIS 1 i1111111111 o 111 s E 0 u as E Z p QQ J QQ11��a > W Y Resin Manufacturing Pracess(NS-G) Potentlal[Past Proiecti Emissions with Thermal Oxidizer I Scrubber.%stem Emission rQD(tgt{ A.VOC Compound Summary Maximum Throughput Capaary - ug y OT Uncontrolled Process TO Control Controlled Process Controlled Total Naflon® CAS Chemical Name CAS No. Total Emissions• Emissions' Emissions Efliclency Emissions Emissions Ca ntl Ibs) Obs I °/a jlbsj (lbs) PSEPVE Perfluor 4-me -36-dioxaoct-7-ene sulforXIfluodde 16090-14-5 31,485 5,340 26,145 99.99% 2.81 5,343 EVE Pmpanoic add,3{1-[difluora[(tdfluomethenyl oxy]methyl] g3883�3-0 3,275 0 3,275 99.99% 0.33 0.328 1,2,2,2-tetraflucroethoxy]-2,2,3,3-tetrafluoro-,methyl ester TFE Tetrafluome lene 11&14-3 11 306 1126 111180 99.99% 11.12 1137 E 1 Propane,1,1,1,2,2,3,3-heptduoro-3-(1,2,2,2- 3330-15.2 0.84 0.00 0.84 99.99% 0.00 0.000 IN-. "U roethox - E-2 2H erfluoroi 5-m -3,6-dloxanomm 3330-14-1 53039 5688 47.351 99.99% 4.74 5693 IWKDvlmer ci I ,3-"etrafluaro--hepta uoropropmy)propanoyl 2062 Z 7.80 0.00 7.80 99.99% 0.00 0.007 Fluodde de McOH Methanol 675fi-1 1567 838 929 98.99% 0.09 538 Total VOC Emissions(Ibs) 201 882 12793 iB 889 — 18.89 1 812 100.8 6.40 94.44 1 6.41 'Using mass belenre approach r Assumes 2018 emissions multiplied by maximum capacity(preanodi6cefion)of 240,000 kg/yr divided by 2018 production o192,296 kgyr. Resin.Manufacturing Process(NS-G) B.HF Paint Soume Emission Summary The thermal oxidizer generates hydrogen fluoride Where, (HF)from the combustion of organic fluoride E,=uncontrolled emission rate of fluorinated compound x, containing hydrocarbons,which are controlled by C,=TO control efficiency of compound x the scmbber. HF generation and emissions are NFr=number of fluoride atoms in compound x calculated as follows: MW�=molecular weight of HF(20) t',rn=8..x�':NF,NI="`r(t-0=`) MW„=molecular weight of compound ta0 MrJ; 1oa CIF=scrubber control efficiency of HF Compound Name 0 of F Atums In Molecular Weight of TO EfBclenc...... ions Compound Compound .% I 14 44fi.103 9PSEPVE 6 9 s 8.20 EVE 13 423.092 2012.51 99.95% 1.01 TFE 4 100.012 88924.73 99.95% 44.46 -1 11 286.035 0.84 99.95% 0.00 E-2 17 452.052 35 510.32 99.95% 17.81 HFPO Oimer Acid Fluontle 12 332.034 5.64 99.95% 0.00 McOH 0 32.041 0.00 99.95% 0.00 Total HIP Emissions 71AS C.S02 Point Source Emission Summary The therma ortl¢er generatessulfur dioxide(S02)from the combustion of organic sulfur containing hydrocarbons,which are controlled by the scrubber S02 generation and emissions am calculated using the same methodology as HF,above. fFolSAtomsin Molecular Welghtof Compound Name TO Compound Compound ar Prolao cess Eficlency EMssions I PSEPVE 1 446.103 3753.96 99.95% 1.86 EVE 0 423.092 0.00 99.95% 0.00 TFE 0 100.012 0.00 99.95% 0.00 E-1 0 286.035 0.00 99.95% 0,00 E-2 0 _ __452.052 _ 0.00 99.95% C,00 HF-PO Dimer Acid Fluoride 0 332.034 0.00 89.95% I 0,00 MCC:H 0 --- 32.041 --��-0.00 99.95% 1 0.00 TOW B02 rNsslur•s 1.88 M.CO2 Point Source Emission Summary he thermal oxidizer generates carbon dioxide(CC2)from the combustion of hydrocarbons,which is not assumed to be controlled by the scrubber. CO2 generation and emissions are calculated using the same methodology as HF,above- Compound of CAtoms In Molecular Welghtc! ,pare. Compountl Name Compound Compound TO or Process Efficiency Emissions IWin- f�L- _ LIM. PSEPVE 7 446.103 18052.31 0.00 18052.31 93DO- 3 O6.76 O.00 3065.76 2 100.012 97 834.99 0.00 97 834.99 -1 5 286.035 0.64 0.00 .64 E-2 8 452.052 36 873.B5 0.00 36 873.85 HFPO Dimar Acld Fluoride 6 332.034 6.20 0.00 6.20 MaCH 1 _ 32.041 1276.25 0.00 1 25 Total CO2 Emissions 157.110.01 APPENDIX D MON APPLICABILITY AND PRE-COMPLIANCE REPORT The business of susfainabilify ERM 40 CFR 63 Subpart FFFF-NESHAP: Miscellaneous Organic Chemical Manufacturing The NS-G-1 process uses one HAP, methanol in trace amounts(parts per million)to control polymer properties and then it is used in larger quantities (1%-2% by weight)to terminate the polymerization chain and stop the reaction. Methanol is entrained in the gas phase of the first separation phase and is removed by the subsequent scrubbing operation and directed with the effluent to the facility wastewater system. Some methanol is also carried over in the liquid phase with the recycled solution and is then removed using molecular sieves in a later purification process. The use of a HAP and the nature of the operation make this process subject to the MON. Table D-1 lists the proposed process equipment and the related compliance status. None of the new equipment will be subject to emission limits or control requirements and the status of existing equipment will remain as is. The installation and operation of the proposed new equipment will not require "reconstruction" as defined in 40 CFR 63.3 of the existing process equipment. The compliance status for the existing equipment was addressed in a notification submitted to the North Carolina Division of Air Quality in 20084. The fugitive components (valves, pumps, connectors, agitators, pressure relief devices, and open ended lines)associated with the expansion project are subject to the work practice standards for equipment leaks specified in Table 6 to Subpart FFFF of Part 63. Chemours will identify each new component containing methanol in excess of 5% (excluding equipment in vacuum service) as the project design is finalized. The identified components will be incorporated into the existing LDAR program. Monitoring of pumps and valves are conducted at the frequencies specified in§63.1025(b)(3)and §63.1026(b)(1). Table D-1. MON Applicability Equipment or Emission MON Equipment Control Device Compliance Basis Point Classification Status Recirculation Tank Process Vessel—Group 2 Not Required In Compliance THE=67.24> 1.9a (Existing) Continuous Process Vent THE=67.24>5 New FilmtruderTrm Process Vessel N/A Not Subject Vents to Recirculation Tank Polymer Processing - N/A Not Subject Solid polymer System Heated Oil Recirculation - N/A Not Subject Ancillary non-HAP process System Vapor Condenser Process Vessel—Group 2 Not Required Not subject Vents to Recirculation Tank Continuous Process Vent a THE calculations are shown in the following section. To be classified as a Group 2 Continuous Process Vent,the THE for an existing process vent must exceed 1.9 as specified in 40 CFR 63.2550. 4 Letter to Mr. Steven F.Vozzo, NCDENR—Division of Air Quality from Karen B.Wrigley, DuPont Company— Fayetteville Works, "Submittal of the Notification of Compliance Status Report Miscellaneous Organic Chemical Manufacturing NESHAP("MON")", 2 October 2008. The business of sustainability ERM The THE of the existing Recirculation Tank was re-evaluated to verify that under the new process conditions the vent would remain a Group 2 Continuous Process Vent with a THE above 1.9. Group 2 Continuous process vents are subject to the control requirements of Table 1 to Subpart FFFF of Part 63. That table requires no additional controls for a Group 2 continuous process vent at an existing source with a THE greater than 5. Therefore, based on the THE calculated below, no further controls are required for this process vent. THE Calculation THE for the Recirculation Tank(an existing Group 2 continuous process vent) is calculated based on 40 CFR 63.115(d)(3)(1)as: THE = (1IEHAP)(a+b(QS) + (c(Ht)+d(Eta,)) Where, THE = total resource effectiveness index value, EHAP= kilograms per hour(kg/hr)of total organic HAPs, Qs=vent stream flow rate(standard cubic meters per minute) at 20°C, Ht= net heating value of sample([MJ/Nm3]), EToc= kg/hr of TOC, a,b,c,d = Coefficients are presented in table D-2 for existing sources. Table D-2.THE Coefficients for Existing Sourcesa Control Devices Basis a b c d Flare 1.935 3.66E-01 -7.69E-03 -7.33E-04 Thermal Incineration (0 heat recover) 1.492 6.27E-02 3.18E-02 -1.16E-03 Thermal Incineration (70 percent heat recovery) 2.519 1.18E-02 1.30E-02 4.79E-02 a Table 1 of 40 CFR 63 Subpart G-National Emission Standards For Organic Hazardous Air Pollutants From The Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry For Process Vents, Storage Vessels,Transfer Operations, And Wastewater. The emission rate of total organic hazardous air pollutants (HAP) is calculate according to 40 CFR 63.115(d)(2)(iv) as: [n� EHAP = K2 * [Y'(Cj)(Mj)] *Qs j=1 Where, EHAP= kilograms per hour(kg/hr) of total organic HAPs, K2 =2.494E-06, C;= parts per million by volume (ppmv) of organic compound j on a dry basis, M;= molecular weight of compound j (grams/gram-mole [g/g-mole]). The business of sustainability ERM The emission rate of total organic compounds (TOC) is calculated according to 40 CFR 63.115(d)(2)(iv)as: Et., = K2 * [J(Cj)^)] *Qs Where, EToc= kg/hr of TOC, K2 = 2.494E-06, Q= ppmv of organic compound j on a dry basis, M;= molecular weight of compound j (g/g-mole). The net heating value is calculate according to 40 CFR 63.115 (d)(2)(ii)as: n Ht=Kl* [ . j)(Hj)] * (1—B.,) j=1 Where, Ht= net heating value of sample (mega-joules per normal cubic meter[MJ/Nm3]), K1 = 1.740E-07, Q= ppmv of organic compound j on a dry basis, Bsw=water vapor content by volume (i.e., mole fraction) H;= net heat of combustion of compound j, (kilo calories/g-mole [kcal/g-mole]at 25°C and 1 atmosphere. The following values specified in Table D-3 were used to calculate the THE for the Existing Recirculation Tank. Table D-3.Vent Stream Compositis. Compound MW TOC HAP Heat of Concentration Concentration Combustion (ppmv dry) (ppmv dry) (kcallg-mole) Nitrogen 28.0 0 0 0 Methanol 32.0 57,000 57,000 170 PSEPVE 446.1 120,383 - 200 EVE 442.1 15,080 - 200 TFE 100.0 511,921 - 200 E-1 286.0 3.87 I - f 200 E-2 452.1 218,025 - 200 HFPO Dimer 332.0 3.59E+01 - 200 Acid Fluoride Total VOC- - 865,448 - 200 Methanol Gas flow rate(Qs)= 0.151 scfm=0.0043 m3/min x 130% = 0.0056 m3/min Water vapor content by volume(i.e., mole fraction)= 0.03 for the Recirculation Tank The business of sustainability ERM EHAP=2.494E-06*(57,000*32)*0.0056= 0.0252 VEHAP= 39.61 Ems=2.494E-06* (57,000*32.0+ 120,383*446.1 +15,080*442.1 +511,921*100.0+3.87*286.0+ 218,027*452.1 +35.91*332.0) *0.0056 =2.93 Ht= 1.74E-7*(865,448*200+57,000*170)*(1-0.03)= 30.85 Table D-4 shows the calculated THE values for each specified control scenario. Table D-4.THE Calculations by Control Devi Control Devices Basis VEHAP Ht Etoc THE Flare 39.61 30.85 2.93 67.24 Thermal Incineration (0 heat recover) 39.61 30.85 2.93 97.80 Thermal Incineration (70 percent heat recovery) 39.61 30.85 2.93 121.23 The business of sustainability ERM MON Pre-Compliance Report 40 CFR§63.2520(a) requires the submittal of a Pre-compliance Report as specified in 40 CFR §63.2520(c). The Pre-compliance Report for new sources is required to be submitted with the application for approval of construction. As shown above, none of the process equipment will be required to meet any of the emission limits or install controls. Therefore, only fugitive leaks will need to be addressed for compliance with 40 CFR 63 Subpart FFFF. The regulated equipment will be identified and incorporated into the LDAR program already in existence for this area. (c)(1) Requests for approval to set operating limits for parameters other than those specified in §§63.2455 through 63.2485 and referenced therein.Alternatively, you may make these requests according to§63.8(f). Chemours will not be required to set operating limits for any of the new equipment to be installed. (c)(2) Descriptions of daily or per batch demonstrations to verify that control devices subject to §63.2460(c)(5) are operating as designed. Based on the preliminary review of the equipment that will be subject to MON and the previous analysis of similar existing equipment in NS-G-1, a control device will not be required. (c)(3)A description of the test conditions, data, calculations, and other information used to establish operating limits according to§63.2460(c)(3). Based on preliminary review of equipment that will be subject to MON and previous analysis of similar equipment in NS-G-1, there will be no operating limits required. (c)(4) Data and rationale used to support an engineering assessment to calculate uncontrolled emissions in accordance with§63.1257(d)(2)(ii). This requirement does not apply to calculations of hydrogen halide and halogen HAP emissions as specified in §63.2465(b), to determinations that the total HAP concentration is less than 50 ppmv, or if you use previous test data to establish the uncontrolled emissions. Applicability and emission rate calculations, where applicable are included in tables in this Appendix. (c)(5)The pollution prevention demonstration plan required in§63.2495(c)(1), if you are complying with the pollution prevention alternative. Chemours is not planning to use the pollution prevention alternative to comply with the MON requirements. (c)(6) Documentation of the practices that you will implement to minimize HAP emissions from streams that contain energetics and organic peroxides, and rationale for why meeting the emission limit specified in Tables 1 through 7 to this subpart would create an undue safety hazard. Based on preliminary calculations and previous assessment, the requirements of Tables 1 through 5 and 7 will not apply to the equipment. Table 6 of 40 CFR 63 Subpart FFFF requires a new source to comply with 40 CFR 63 Subpart UU. Components in the HAP service that are required to meet the requirement of Table 6 will be identified and incorporated into the existing MON program at Chemours. The business of sustainability ERM (c)(7) For fabric filters that are monitored with bag leak detectors, an operation and maintenance plan that describes proper operation and maintenance procedures, and a corrective action plan that describes corrective actions to be taken, and the timing of those actions, when the PM concentration exceeds the set point and activates the alarm. Chemours is not required to install fabric filters under 40 CFR 63, Subpart FFFF. The business ofsustainability ERM