HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_GEN_RO_20220913_MISC_FireTrnNot_MRO_HICKNORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY FIREFIGHTER TRAINING NOTIFICATION This form Is to be used to provide ortor notifkalion of open burning for the traWng of ffrefightlng personnel in accordance with ISA NCAC 20 .t903(b)(11) TM« notiflcirtfon must be submitted to the Dtvlston of Air Quality at least 10 days prior to commencMnent of the btm SubmlttsI of fonri DHHSST^ to the Health Haarda Control Unit (HHCU) (bee directione pegs 2} must be submitted, and a NESHAP number assigned (from HHCU) orior to mNHng or faxing this complstsd fomn to the appn^ats Division of Air Quality (DAQ) Rs^onal CMce. Fire depadments in counties local environmental progrwns shouW contact ttieir local agency listed on page 2. It Is not nacessaiy to submit page 2 with this notification. Addtlonal fcams aaxi btfonnalion are available on the Internet ah httos://dfto.nc.Qov/ODenburnino RrePeofc Hjckory Rre Depattment complete Mailing Address: 19 2nd Street Drive NE Hickory, NC 28601 Phone: 828-323-7420 FAX: Location of Training Exercise (atWress, city, county, etc.): 2714 9th Avenue Drive NW, Hickory, NC 2704 9th Avenue Drive NW, Hickory, NC Catawba EmaH: mrogers262@cvcc.eclu DAQ cannot approve burning a previousV dsmoltehed structure or salvage^le ttsms for tveflgMer trafei^. Moior vehicles may be burned over a period of time by a trainfrig unit or by several related training units. Descrltie the nature and t)» amount d maieriys to be burned. If a structure is to tre bixned, state conslnictlon type, number of rooms, floor area, etcetera. Description: CteiawtwVaBsyC^xninuiVtyCoRage In on^noHonwIlb the HldiocyFlriD^iaiimant wilt bsbumtng houses for IralrWio. State tr^ning objectives: T raining Beginning date{s) and tlme<s) of training exerdse: September 17th & Octobef 7th respectively Entfingdate; NA Alternate ifalels) and tlme(s): NA Any devidlons from tee dates and times of sxerctsas, ItdiKing sdtttlons, postponemenls, and deletions, subinmsd in the schedide ti the approved plan shall be communicated verbally to the rsglonat offlce [airquagty] supervtscr of the approprtate regiond cfflca te least one hour before tee bum te scheduled. Rememiier, foilowlr^ one agency's regulatlona does not guarantee compHance wtth another. A person who is a(yn»dtprt as a North Carolina Asbestos Inspector must Inspect sbwitxes. All burned structures must be tree of Ail ssbastos containing buitding matsriais mi«l be property removed btfore the live fire training exereieei. Fttfihar, notmcaHon form DHHS9768 must be completed and submitted bv midl onlv (no toea) to the Olvialon of Pufoltc Healtl^ HeaWi Hazards Control Unit (HHCU), even If no asbestos vms Identifted In most structures, at least 10 vrorMna davs orior to ttw bum datsfs). For further information on the required asbestos Inspection and notfflcatlon form DHHS3768, please contect the HHCU at (919) 707-6950. Fire departments in counties wtth local envlronmentei corted programs should contatX their local agency listed on page 2 of this notification. NESHAP number (assigned by HHCU): Required prior to burn: ^NESHAP number (assigned by HHCU): Required prior to burn: Jh-i ) 4 Hae Ills ilnicbirebaanlnapscled for aMisatoa confining matarlals? D QNo Dom the sirudura have any asbasim oontalnteg materials present? B Yes □ No If yes, dsscrttte the materWs and the removal prooedwas: I certify by my signature the informaaon submitted on this notlflcobon to betrve and accurate tothebestofmy knowledge:Name (print): Matthew Rogers Title: L.\< ^ signature: Pate: 9' /^ •• OAQ USE ONLY (Revised 10.12.2020) Air Quality ASupervisor // From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Mills, Ryan Tuesday, September 13, 2022 12:15 PM Matthew Scott Rogers Steven C Rhodarmer Hickory Fire Department / Catawba Valley Community College Firefighter Training Notification Approval HickoryFD_OB_FDT_20220913.pdf Hickory Fire Department / Catawba Valley Community College Attention: Matthew Rogers / Steven Rhodarmer Based on the information submitted in the attached NC Division of Air Quality Firefighter Training Notification form, (attached to this email) it appears that the open burning will be conducted in accordance with North Carolina Administrative Code 15A 2D .1900. Also, please notify us prior to any changes in the proposed training exercise. Current open burning rules include some restrictions based on ozone or particulate air quality forecasts. As part of the North Carolina Air Awareness Program, Meteorologists issue the forecasts at 3 p.m. every day for the following day in order to allow you to plan the next day's operations. Open buming is prohibited in counties on days when the Air Quality Index forecast is "code orange", "code red", or "code purple". The Division of Air Quality discourages open buming on those days in other areas of the state. On such "orange", "red" or "purple" days, there is a high potmtial for ozone or particulate levels to exceed the standard. Open buming is allowed on "code green" and "code yellow" days. This information is available on our website. See link in the paragraph below. This office has revised the "Firefighter Training Notification" (Revised 10/2020) form. If you did not use the form for this Firefighter Training Notification, please do so in the future. The form can be found online at https://deq.nc.uov/about/divisions/air-uuaiitv/air-qualitv- enforcement/oncn-buming/fireflehter-information. The Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) requires prior notification of the live fire training exercise on an Asbestos Permit Application and Notification for Demolition/Renovation form (DHHS3768). Form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted at least 10 working days prior to the start date. HHCU will then assign a National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) number to your fire training exercise. According to your notification form, the NESHAP numbers have been obtained for these two training exercises. For future reference, The Mooresville Regional Office of the Division of Air Quality will need sufficient time to approve your training approval once we receive the NESHAP number and your Fire Training form. You may submit your Firefighter Training Form without the NESHAP #, but this office will not be able to issue the approval without the NESHAP #. Please be cognizant of these time frames when planning your training exercises in order to get all of your approvals in time for your training. If you have any questions with reference to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the Mooresville Regional office at (704) 663-1699 or myself or Ryan Mills at (704) 235-2210 or Rvan.Mills@ncdenr.gov. Ryan Mills Environmental Specialist Mooresville Regional Office North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 704-235-2210 (Office) 704-663-1699 (Operator) Emat (xnosponcieix:c to ctx) ths xkit' •^hedsdoemcito itwd parties (, If; im Pubk: Roccnjs Lm and From: Matthew Scott Rogers <mrogers262(5)cvcc.edu> Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2022 10:33 AM To: Mills, Ryan <rvan.mills(5'ncdenr.gov> Cc: Steven C Rhodarmer <srhodarmer@cvcc.edu> Subject: Re: [External] House Burn UTIdN: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verff achment to Report Spam. suspicious email as arti From: Matthew Scott Rogers <mrogers262@cvcc.edu> Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2022 7:26 AM To: Mills, Ryan <rvan.mills(5)ncdenr.gov> Cc: Steven C Rhodarmer <srhodarmer(5)cvcc.edu> Subject: Re: [External] House Burn Sorry we had a busy shift and I didnt realize you replied back. I only have 1 neshap for the first bum the 2nd should be eoming any day. What would you like me to do about the 2nd one? Matt Rogers CVCC Fire Academy Coordinator 828-851-0100 On Sep 7,2022 at 3:55 PM, Mills, Ryan <rvan.mills@ncdenr.gov> wrote: Please fill out the NESHAP Numbers and sign and date this and send back to me. Ryan Mills Environmental Specialist Mooresville Regional Office North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 704-235-2210 (Office) Ryan.Mills(S)ncdenr.gov tmatcarosporKkirKM !o jr'i ^ /■ "r'tii North QmitmlKiUcRaooaisLavif and From: Matthew Scott Rogers <mrogers262@cvcc.edu> Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2022 3:10 PM To: Mills, Ryan <ryan.mills@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Steven C Rhodarmer <srhodarmer@cvcc.edu> Subject: Re: [External] House Burn hot click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all i^lMciouS'eii^jl as ah attachment to Report Spam. .? Yes sir. We have the negative abestos report and neshap all completed. Matt Rogers CVCC Fire Academy Coordinator 828-851-0100 On Sep 6, 2022 at 1:59 PM, Mills, Ryan <ryan. I'll issue a letter just so that you are covered. • wrote: Have these houses been checked for Asbestos? From: Matthew Scott Rogers <mrogers262(5)cvcc.edu> Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2022 12:13 PM To: Mills, Ryan <rvan.mills(S)ncdenr.Bov> Cc: Steven C Rhodarmer <srhodarmer@cvcc.edu> Subject: [External] House Burn drify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Catawba Valley Community College is burning a house in conjunction with the Hickory Fire Department on Sept 17**^ at 2714 9^^ Ave DR NW and another house on October 7*^ at 2704 9^^ Ave DR NW. CVCC will be the delivery agency on both burns. Do I need to fill out the form and fax it in or if notifying you with this email enough? They should both start around 8:30 am each day Thank you