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NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY FIREFIGHTER TRAINING NOTIFICATION SCANNED This form Is to be used to provide prior notification of open burning for the training of firefighting personnel in accordance vrith 15A NCAC 2D .1903(b)(11). This notification must be submitted to the Division of Air Quality at least 10 days prior to commencement of the bum. Submlttal of form DHHS37G8 to the Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) [see directions page 21 must be submitted, and a NESHAP number assigned (from HHCU) prior to mailing or faxing this completed form to the appropriate Division of Air Quality (DAQ) Regional Office. Fire departments in counties vrith local environmental control programs should contact their iocai agency listed on page 2. It is not necessary to submit page 2 with this notification. Additional forms and information are avaiiable on the Intemet at; http://www.daq.stato.nc.us/enWopenburn. Fire Dept: City of Conover Fire Department Complete Mailing Address; P.O. Box 549 Conover, NC 28613City, State, Zip: Phone: 828-464-1295 FAX: 828-464-1253 Location of Training Exercise (address, city, county, etc.): 3557 Rock Barn Road NE i Conover, NC 28613 OF S£e_ County; Catawba 2202^ Cell: 828-217-1304 Email: mark.stafford@conovernc.gov ^ DAQ cannot approve burning a previously demolished structure or salvageable items for firefighter training. Motor vehicles may be burned over a period of time by a training unit or by several related training units. Describe the nature and the amount of materials to be burned. If a structure is to be burned, state construction type, number of rooms, floor area, etcetera. Description: 1324 square foot wood frame, 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom, vacant residential dwelling. (cont.) State training objectives: Live Fire Training Evolutions Beginning date(s) and time(s) of training exercise; November 1,2022 08:00am-17:00pm Ending date: November 30,2022 Aiternate date(s) and time(s): Any deviations from the dates and times of exercises, including additions, postponements, and deletions, submitted in the schedule in the approved plan shall be communicated verbally to the regional office [air quality] supervisor of the appropriate regional office at least one hour before the bum is scheduled. Remember, following one agency's regulations does not guarantee compliance with another. A person who Is accredited as a North Carolina Asbestos Inspector must inspect structures. All bumed structures must be free of asbestos. All asbestos containing building materials must be properly removed before the live fire training exercise. Further, notification form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted by mail onlv (no faxes) to the Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU), even if no asbestos was Identified in most structures, at least 10 working days prior to the bum date(s). For further information on the required asbestos inspection and notification form DHHS3768, please contact the HHCU at (919) 707-5950. Fire departments in counties with local environmental control programs should contact their local agency listed on page 2 of this notification. NESHAP number (assigned by HHCU): Required prior to burn: Has the structure been inspected for asbestos containing materials? 0 Yes Q No Does the structure have any astiestos containing materials present? □ Yes No If yes, describe the materials and the removal procedures; I certify by my signature the information submitted on this notification to be true and accurate to the best of my knowledge: Name (print): Mark R. Stafford Title: Assistant Fire Chief Signature:Date: 09/20/2022 " DAQ USE ONLY /b, ^ (Revised 11/25/2014) Supervisor // LLlaAv —.Date:0 -1 > - gt:2 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Cook, Donna Tuesday, October 18, 2022 7:07 PM 'mark.stafford(a)conovernc.gov' Mills, Ryan DAQ Firefighter Training Notification Approval ID #1801 NC DAQ Firefighter Training Notification.pdf; CityofConverFD_FDTRAIN_20220922.pdf City of Conover Fire Department Attention: Mr. Mark R. Stafford, Assistant Fire Chief Based on the information submitted in the attached NC Division of Air Quality Firefighter Training Notification form, (attached to this email) it appears that the open burning will be conducted in accordance with North Carolina Administrative Code ISA 2D .1900. Also, please notify us prior to any changes in the proposed training exercise. Current open burning rules include some restrictions based on ozone or particulate air quality forecasts. As part of the North Carolina Air Awareness Program, Meteorologists issue the forecasts at 3 p.m. every day for the following day in order to allow you to plan the next day's operations. Open burning is prohibited in counties on days when the Air Quality Index forecast is "code orange", "code red", or "code purple". The Division of Air Quality discourages open burning on those days in other areas of the state. On such "orange", "red" or "purple" days, there is a high potential for ozone or particulate levels to exceed the standard. Open burning is allowed on "code green" and "code yellow" days. This information is available on our website at https://xapps.ncdenr.org/aq/ForecastCenterEnvista. inis orrice nas revisea nter i raining ivoTiricaiion jnevi:mmmmwm. if you did not use nlines-ti iformaii the form for this Firefighter Training Notification, please do so in the future, [fhe form < pm e: ife^opv oT tngtireTigntas'fioltfication form tor your The Division of Public Health, Health Hazards Control Unit (HHCU) requires prior notification of the live fire training exercise on an Asbestos Permit Application and Notification for Demolition/Renovation form (DHHS3768). Form DHHS3768 must be completed and submitted at least 10 working days prior to the start date. HHCU will then assign a National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) number to your fire training exercise. According to your notification form, the NESHAP number for this training exercise is 68081. For future reference. The Mooresville Regional Office of the Division of Air Quality will need sufficient time to approve your training approval once we receive the NESHAP number and your Fire Training form. You may submit your Firefighter Training Form without the NESHAP #, but this office will not be able to issue the approval without the NESHAP #. Please be cognizant of these time frames when planning your training exercises in order to get all of your approvals in time for your training. If you have any questions with reference to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the Mooresville Regional office at (704) 663-1699 or myself or Ryan Mills at (704) 235-2210 or Rvan.Mills(Sncdenr.gov. iDonna CaaH Donna Cook Environmental Specialist I Division of Air Quality, Mooresville Regional Office North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 704 235-2213 (Office) 704 663-8040 (Fax) Donna.Cook@ncdenr.aov 610 E. Center Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties .s NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY FIRfiFIGHTER TRAIWNG NOTIFICA'nON SCANNED T^Si 'orm is to be uwd to provide floMcailcn c-t ooeei btnwK ftr '^e beniiig uf RceSghrri} pencniei In accarrl^ioe wlh ISA NCAr. 70 .l9CybX1i). TIM nolMcelton mmt be eutmiOed to tw Olvteten el Ak QtteHty at leeat Ifl daye erw te conimaficenMiii Of btf burn. Submnial of form DHN&sres to Oie Heaibi Hatenle control unit tHHCU) toee d[recU<kt>t pege 21 mufrt be submitted, end a NE9HAP numbci eestgned (from KHCUl (vior to tnalirtg or (exUfig this competed fom to »e apppoprute DtetelMi o( Air QuelUy Regional OHtee Firs cteptrTner^ in :ojmics with oce. env'ui-rutrhal ccnto^ pfOfren-s iheMid coiitao: VMir Ixel egcnty llstec on page 2 H ie i ut nvoeswrv eubnut oepe 2 vt4V> Ihs ro(iS<stt:n. AdrtHlnRni terRs sno mftetneson ere iNdJitbd the internet at http:#www.dag.atate.nc^terd^op«nbttrA HfoiiteX: CftyofCwwverRreOdpartnietH Cumpeeteteeaisg Acdmi: P.O. Boat 549 Locattsn of TTAlrtop CmfdM {sMms, ^y. LOJRty. etc.); Conover,NC2»;3 Cono¥W.NC2861dZee P^tore 828-466-1295 =Ak: 828 464 1253 ^jounty: Catate^ .AtiLi-g. CefJ. 828-217-l»4 Sir^ mark^tidlordtfconcvcmc.gov DAQ oanrot aoprcnv thirr^ e nrwisuely deieollahed etfueture or talvaoeebte heme lor firelignter vetrw^ Motor t>e buf-ed over a prrind of Htw tty e felrtno unA or by eewere redted irairfng -jnte. Deecrlbe the rotjre erd ltd ^anoint of nMctele te be bomeo. 9 « a(ru:uire te to be bjmed. cSMs conation type, nurteer of roctns Boo' areA. etrnure. Dctcrtption; 1524 square foot wood hranrm. A bdrkoom, 1 barhrootrv Viicoot refidontiol dweUbtg. State trairving nl^xrrives: Fire Training Evolutions B«9innbtg^te(9) and rirrict^) of training cx^cise; Novafrfcer'. M22 O&QOam-l TaOOpm Ending daiir: I4uveniber 30. 2022 Aitefnateoatt(s) and nrne(i4: A'ly devietons from the dalen end thrvn </ mvntrim*, inrhidirQ odditevs. pwaponemenB end deobons. ftutmAM m te rcftedue In Bia aporcwed ulw teuiH Irs suiirtriu):i>:gted verbairr K ihs nsgnnai ofo» jek qutlr^l mpervteor cr ntn cppropriate regicrtii criice ai >n<c* dftd boiH biHbfc bstrr* is ocficdutod. Remember, foltowiog one agnnoy'e reguietione doee not guarantee complteriee viltb another. A ps*scn 'rffhc b rji a Mo»fi C»*0lh".5 Astoslc* Inspac©; must rreaect rructuraft. A." n .ythxJ s'l-jcfji^s miitl be Tee of asbostor Ail aebeetoe containing buncHng meteiieia muet be property wfiiovud before the live lire trslntrvg cierclee. Further, notification tomi DHrfS37e4 mwt be comploied and submitted by reail only (no feMeei to flto OivteMn of Puhtk Reeifh HeeM Haxanb Control Unit (HHCU), even d no asbettoa was lOeoblieO in moat atnicteree. at laest tc woming fleye prior to the burn dalefs). For kjrtner infbnretcn on the racuired astoKDS inepectlor aid t Kiiriuilkin lorni DHHS376& please ccntac' llyt sr. |916;> 707 SfiKHi r ifo dacortrrmte in aourvifts wrh 'oca! cnsirormontal contro) programs aiiouti csntsa their local ^rcy iitteu ort c^a 2 of fiis rotifcation. h^SHAP -luii:Lvt(4^gtujd by HHCJ): Requir«d priortobtirn: Hea tbaatructurabaan Inapeeiadfbr aabeatoa eonatMr^ malartele? [3^ Ooes Vmafrucbmhave any aabaMM :»nain.tgfTtetenal)praserf? □ Yes [x No !fya«.do«ci^ihariaftir«sandtharvTwiyalproefiogres / ce,t'fy by my signcture the informotfon submitted on thii notifkation to betrue and ocf^qtB to thebeitofmy knov/te^: NaiTic (piint): Mark R. Stafford Title; AssUlant F.re Chief Sgnature:Date: (»/2a'2022 •*DAQ USE ONLY ("tCMMtf y.tZStiQM)Oal»:It - IT- -;3a L