HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_6600167_20221026_ST_RvwLtrROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary MICHAEL ABRACZINSKAS NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality Director October 26, 2022 Greg Rhodes Plant Manager Enviva Pellets, LLC -Northampton Plant 309 Enviva Boulevard Garysburg, NC 2783 I Subject: Enviva Pellets, LLC -Northampton Plant Garysburg, Northampton County, North Carolina Facili ty lD 6600167, Permit No. 10203T09 Emissions testing: Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (CO-RTO-1) and Regenerative Catalytic Oxidizer (CD-RCO-2) Performed June 29 -30, 2022 Tracking No. 2022-l 37ST Dear Mr. Rhodes: The results of the subj ect emissions testing have been reviewed by the Division of A ir Quality's Stationary Source Compliance Branch. The testing of the regenerative thermal oxidizer (CD- RTO-1) and regenerative catalytic oxidizer (CD-RCO-2) included the following methods: EPA Method 5/202 fo r total particulate matter (PM), EPA Method 20 I A for PM I 0/PM2.5, EPA Method 7E for nitrogen oxides (NOx)[RTO-1 only], EPA Method IO for carbon monoxide (CO)[RTO-1 only], EPA Method 25A for VOC as propane to determine VOC emissions in accordance with OTM 26, and EPA Method 320 for methane, acetaldehyde, acrolei n, methanol, propionaldehyde, formaldehyde, and phenol emissions. The test results indicated compliance with the applicable regulations for ail pollutants except formaldehyde on RT0-1. The test results indicated the emissions of formaldehyde from CD-RTO-1 stack al 0.39 pounds per hour. The emissions limit established in your current permit for compliance with air toxics (NCAC 20 .1100) for formaldehyde is 0.35 pounds per hour, thus demonstrating non-compliance for this pollutant. The tested emissions source, regenerative thermal oxidizer (CD-RTO-1 ), is the control device fo r emissions from the five green hammermills, direct heat wood-fired dryer, eight dry hammermills with integral cyclones and the dry shavings hammermills I and 2. The tested emi ssions source, regenerative catalytic oxidizer (CD-RCO-2) is th e control device for em issions from the six pellet coolers (each with a high efficiency cyclone). The regenerative thermal oxidizer (CD- RTO-1) and the regenerative catalytic oxidizer (CD-RCO-2) are subject to 15A NCAC 2D .0515 Particulates from Miscellaneous Industrial Processes, which limits total PM based on actual production rate. 15A CAC 2Q .0317 Avoidance Conditions for 15A NCAC 02D .0530 Prevention of Significant Deterioration applies; the permit specifies the facility-wide emissions limits for PM/PM I 0/PM2.5 and VOC as 250 tons per consecutive 12-month period, each. 15A North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Air Quality Raleigh Regional Office I 3800 Barrett Drive I Raleigh. North Carolina 27609 919,791.4200 T I 919.571.4718 F Enviva Pellets, LLC -Northampton Plant October 26, 2022 Page 2 of2 NCAC 2Q .0317 Avoidance Conditions for I SA NCAC 02D .1112 MACT apply and limit HAPs to less than 25 tons per year (tpy) for combined HAPS and less than IO tpy for each single HAP. 15A NCAC 020.1100 Control o_[Toxic Air Pollutants also applies, and the permit specifies emissions limits for acrolein and formaldehyde. Detailed emissions are summarized in tables one through fou r in the attached memorandum. Compliance was demonstrated fo r all pollutants except formaldehyde. Please see the attached memorandum dated September 2 1, 2022, for more details on the test results and emi ssions limits. The memo also includes a contact number for the test reviewer. A notice concerning the noncompliance fo r formaldehyde will be sent under separate cover. If you have any questions for the Raleigh Regional Office, please feel free to contact Dawn Reddix, Environmental Engineer, or me at (919) 791-4200. Attachment cc: RRO Files Sincerely, William T. Wike, Jr. Compliance Supervisor Division of Air Quality, Raleigh Regional Office