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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_0900009_20200505_CMPL_CompRpt REVIEW OF TITLE V 2019 ANNUAL COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION Reviewer Assigned: GREG REEVES FACILITY CHEMOURS COMPANY- FACILITY NAME: FAYETTEVILLE WORKS ID: 0900009 1. Is the Certification sheet signed by the authorized/responsible official? bN 2. Print the "Summary of Violations for a Facility" report from IBEAM and attach. d 3. Are all NOD/NOV/NREs accounted for in the Deviation Summary Report? Y N / 4. If deviations are noted, did FRO address them all? (i.e. send letter)? Check paper file for any issues that may not be recorded in IBEAM Violations. Y N le 5. Discuss deviations details with Compliance Coordinator. /A 6. If there was more than one permit applicable during the year, have all the permits been addressed in this ACC? Permit Numbers 7743 rwRo Oy� N N/A 7. Do reported sources and conditions match those in the permit(s)? GY N 8. Is the Compliance Summary Report for Specific Conditions complete and accurate? 0 N 9. Is the Compliance Summary Report for General Conditions complete and accurate? 4V N 10. Is compliance with the ACC requirements indicated? a N 11. Record in IBEAM Actions/Reporting (date received, date reviewed, compliance status, comments). Completed on .�01 ;o (date) REMEMBER— Compliance determination here refers to the ACC submitting requirements (late, not submitted, incomplete, etc). Talk to the Compliance Coordinator before you code a facility in violation. 12. Initial and date the top of the ACC Certification Sheet (not this cover sheet). 56 13. File FRO copy in a"Reports" or an "ACC" folder in facility file after Compliance Coordinator review. 14. Comments: WLT"L-W z-rA0mrs5go Fty.M.rrTill. sOwLI-9 N" j4;?0tf#W-0 eejA rs 44. 015 160 w f�o uS -�M�tolt�.Fier"14 U)j W- VbruT Art EfJft ACG ��po !►D ORBS S 3 rTy� '� EPA. gag4Q) 96U IIg rra Ac-Y4909r ,9N 5bjjj,. Reviewed by: Date: q/L4-` v (initials) Coordinator Review: G Date S'"/J.6f Zd nitials) 05/26/2020 Summary of Violations Page 1 of 1 Violator: Chemours Company - Fayetteville Works Facility ID: 0900009 Letter Date(s): 04/17/2020 Violation(s): 21) .0515 Particulates from Miscellaneous Industrial Processes County: Bladen Letter Type: NOV Case#: Date Assessed: Amount Assessed: Case Closed: Total Amount Paid: $0.00 Letter Date(s): 10/27/2009 Violation(s): County: Bladen Letter Type: FYI/Facilities Case #: Date Assessed: Amount Assessed: Case Closed: Total Amount Paid: $0.00 Letter Date(s): 01/06/2009 Violation(s): NCGS 143-215.108 Control of sources of air pollution; permits required. County: Bladen Letter Type: NOV/NRE Case#: 2009-049 Date Assessed: 04/30/2009 Amount Assessed: $3,285.00 Case Closed: 05/14/2009 Total Amount Paid: $3,285.00 Letter Date(s): 11/30/2007 Violation(s): Permit Condition(s) Part II, Section 2; submit complete app within months County: Bladen Letter Type: NOV Case#: Date Assessed: Amount Assessed: Case Closed: Total Amount Paid: $0.00 Letter Date(s): 08/13/2007 Violation(s): County: Bladen Letter Type: FYI/Facilities Case#: Date Assessed: Amount Assessed: Case Closed: Total Amount Paid: $0.00 ERROR: undefined OFFENDING COMMAND: @PJL STACK: true /Collate -mark- PS error: undefined The Chemours Company Chemours RECEIVED Fayetteville Works 22828 NC Highway 87 W Fayetteville,NC 28306 M AY - 5 2020 Certified Mail: 7013 1710 0001 0250 95 �tv of AK Quality �yettevillviile Regional Office And via email to NC DAQ April 29, 2020 Mr. Gregory W. Reeves U.S. EPA Region 4 NCDEQ Division of Air Quality Air and EPCRA Enforcement Section 225 Green Street 61 Forsyth Street S.W. Suite 714 Atlanta, GA 30303 Fayetteville, NC 28301-5043 SUBJECT: 2019 Title V Air Permit—Resubmittal of Annual Compliance Certification Chemours Company—Fayetteville Works Title V Permit Number 03537T47 Facility ID: 0900009 Dear Sirs: Attached is a revised submission of the Chemours Company — Fayetteville Works' Title V Air Permit Annual Compliance Certification report for calendar year 2019. NC DAQ requested that the compliance report include every version of the Title V permit per requirement. A photocopy of this report is enclosed in the NCDEQ Division of Air Quality mailing. If you should have any questions,please call me at 910-678-1213. Sincerely, ca Christel Compton Program Manager Attachment/Enclosure cc: U.S. EPA Region 4, Air and EPCRA Enforcement Section, Atlanta, GA 09 00001i W6 RECEIVED North Carolina Department M AY - 5 2020 p ent of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality (DAQ) n of Air QualltY Title V Annual Compliance Certification Forms Fayetteville� Regional Off Pice Facility Name: Chemours Company—Fayetteville Works Facility Address: 22828 NC Highway 87 W, Fayetteville,NC 28306-7332 Facility Location: 22828 NC Highway 87 W, Bladen County,NC 28306 Facility ID Number: 0900009 Title V Permit Number: 03735T47 Start of Reporting Period: January 1, 2019 End of Reporting Period: December 31, 2019 Compliance Statement (Check only one of the following options) X During the reporting period specified above,this facility was in compliance with all terms and conditions identified in the above referenced Title V Operating Permit. As such, there were no deviations, excess emissions events, or other reportable incidents including those attributable to equipment malfunctions, breakdown, or upset conditions(please fill out the Compliance Summary Report). During the reporting period specified above, this facility was in compliance with ALL terms and conditions identified in the above referenced Title V Operating Permit, EXCEPT for the deviations identified in the Deviation Summary Report(please fill out both the Compliance Summary Report and Deviation Summary Report). Does the above compliance statement differ from what is indicated on your most recent Title V Report(i.e. last Semi-Annual Monitoring Report,Annual Emissions Inventory, etc)? Yes ❑ No 0 Are you submitting this Annual Compliance Certification form to also fulfill a Title V Semi-Annual Monitoring reporting requirement? If so,this certification must be submitted by January 30. Yes ❑ No 0 Certification By Responsible Official Based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry,the undersigned certifies under penalty of law(federal rule 40 CFR 70.5(d))that all information and statements provided in this form (including any attachments)are true, accurate, and complete. Resubmittal April 29, 2020 (Signature of Responsible Zcial) (Date) Name. Brian D. Long (Type or Print) Number of Attached Pages(not including Instructions Page) 70 Revision 3.0 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 1 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARV REPORT For Calendar Vear 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Particulates from Fuel Burning Indirect Heat Exchangers Emissions of particulate matter from the combustion Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(1)(a) AP-42 No.2 fuel oil- PS-A and of fuel oil that are discharged from the affected No NA NA emission fired boiler PS-B 03735T43-47 boilers(ID Nos.PS-A and PS-B)into the atmosphere factors shall not exceed 0.2667 pounds per million Btu heat input. 15A NCAC 2D.0503 Emissions of particulate matter from the combustion Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(1)(b) of natural gas and No.2 fuel oil that are discharged Not applicable No.2 fuel oil- PS-C from the affected boiler(ID No.PS-C)into the NA NA NA as Boiler PS-C fired boiler 03735T43-47 atmosphere shall not exceed 0.2268 pounds per has not been million Btu heat input. constructed 15A NCAC 2D.0503 Natural gas/ PS-A, 2.1(A)(1)(c)'/ If emissions testing is required,the testing shall be EmissionsBoiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B, performed in accordance General Condition JJ. No NA NA testing was not has not been fired boiler and PS-C 03735T43-47 [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] required for constructed these sources Natural gas/ PS-A, 2.1(A)(1)(d) No monitoring/recordkeeping/reporting is required for Only natural Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B, particulate emissions from the firing of natural gas or No NA NA gas was burned has not been fired boiler and PS-C 03735T43-47 No.2 fuel oil in these boiler. in 2019 constructed 15A NCAC 2 .0508 Sulfur Dioxide Emissions from Combustion Sources 0.5%Sulfur Emissions of sulfur dioxide from the affected boilers No.2 fuel oil Natural gas/ PS-A, ( )( )( ) ( ) g g equates to 2.1 A 2 a ID Nos.PS-A and PS-B when firing natural as or 0.5 lb.S02 per Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B, No.2 fuel oil,and from the affected boiler(ID No. No Yes NA lion BTU. has not been fired boiler and PS-C 03735T43-47 PS-C)when firing natural gas only,shall not exceed million 2 fuel oil constructed 2.3 pounds per million Btu heat input. [15A NCAC 2D.0516] was not burned in 2019 Emissions Natural gas/ PS-A, 2.1(A)(2)(b)'� If emissions testing is required,the testing shall be testing was not Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B, performed in accordance with General Condition JJ.. No NA NA required for has not been fired boiler and PS-C 03735T43-47 [15A NCAC 21).0508(f)] these sources constructed in 2019 Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 2 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Natural .2,A 1-PS as/ A 2 c '� No monitoring/recordkeeping is required for sulfur g ( )( )( ) dioxide emissions from natural gas or fuel oil burned Only natural Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B, No NA NA gas was burned has not been fired boiler and PS-C 03735T43-47 in these boilers. in 2019 constructed 15A NCAC 2 .0508 Control of Visible Emissions Visible emissions from the affected boiler(ID No. Ll PS-A)shall not be more than 40 percent opacity when No VE Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(3)(a) averaged over a six-minute period.However,six- deviations No.2 fuel oil- PS-A minute averaging periods may exceed 40 percent not No NA NA observed in fired boiler 03735T43-47 more than once in any hour and not more than four 2019. times in any 24-hour period. In no event shall the six- minute average exceed 90 percent opacity. 15A NCAC 213.0521 Visible emissions from the affected boiler(ID No. PS-B)shall not be more than 20 percent opacity when averaged over a six-minute period.However,six- No VE Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(3)(b)No.2 fuel oil- PS-B minute averaging periods may exceed 20 percent not No NA NA deviations fired boiler 03735T43-47 more than once in any hour and not more than four observed in times in any 24-hour period. In no event shall the six- 2019. minute average exceed 87 percent opacity. 15A NCAC 2D.0521 Visible emissions from the affected boiler(ID No. PS-C)shall not be more than 20 percent opacity when Not required 2.1(A)( )( )3 c averaged over a six-minute period when natural gas is since Boiler Natural gas- fired in the boiler.However,six-minute averaging PS-C NA NA NA PS-C has not fired boiler 03735T43-47 Periods may exceed 20 percent not more than once in been any hour and not more than four times in any 24-hour period. In no event shall the six-minute average constructed exceed 87 percent opacity. ✓ Emissions Natural gas/ PS-A, 2.1(A)(3)(d) If emissions testing is required,the testing shall be testing was not Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B, performed in accordance with General Condition JJ. No NA NA required for has not been fired boiler and PS-C 03735T43-47 [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] these sources constructed in 2019 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 3 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Natural gas/ PS-A, 2.1(A)(3)(e) No monitoring/recordkeeping/reporting is required for Only natural Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B, visible emissions from the firing of natural gas or fuel No NA NA gas was burned has not been fired boiler and PS-C 03735T43-47 oil in these sources. in 2019 constructed 15A NCAC 2 .0508 New Source Performance Standards(40 CFR 60, Subpart Dc) For the affected boiler,while firing No.2 fuel oil only,the Permittee shall comply with all applicable Not required Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(4)(a) Provisions,including the notification,testing, since Boiler recordkeeping,and monitoring requirements No.2 fuel oil- PS-C contained in Environmental Management NA NA NA PS-C has not fired boiler 03735T43-47 Commission Standard 15A NCAC 02D.0524,"New been constructed Source Performance Standards"(NSPS)as promulgated in 40 CFR 60,Subpart Dc,including Subpart A,"General Provisions." 15A NCAC 02D.0524 The maximum sulfur content of any fuel oil received Not required Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(4)(b) and fired in the affected boiler shall not exceed 0.5 since Boiler No.2 fuel oil- PS-C NA NA NA PS-C has not fired boiler 03735T43-47 Percent by weight. been [15A NCAC 2D.0524 and 40 CFR 60.42c(d)] constructed Visible emissions from the affected boiler(ID No. Not required Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(4)(c)/ PS-C)shall not be more than 20 percent opacity when since Boiler No.2 fuel oil- PS-C averaged over a six-minute period,except for one six- NA NA NA PS-C has not minute period per hour of not more than 27 percent fired boiler 03735T43-47 been opacity. constructed opacity. NCAC 2D.0524 and 40 CFR 60.43c c Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(4)(d) The opacity standards in Section 2.1 A.4.c,above, Not required since Boiler No.2 fuel oil- PS-C applies at all times when firing No.2 fuel oil,except NA NA NA PS-C has not fired boiler 03735T43-47 during periods of startup,shutdown or malfunction. been [40 CFR 60.43c(d)] constructed Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 4 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status No fuel sulfur limits or opacity limits apply under Not required Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(4)(e) 15A NCAC 02D.0524 when firing natural gas in the since Boiler No.2 fuel oil- PS-C affected boiler(ID No.PS-C). NA NA NA PS-C has not fired boiler 03735T43-47 [15A NCAC 2D.0524] been constructed If emissions testing is required,the testing shall be Not required Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(4)(f)✓ performed in accordance with General Condition JJ. since Boiler No.2 fuel oil- PS-C If the results of this test are above the limits given in NA NA NA PS-C has not fired boiler 03735T43-47 Section 2.1 A.4.b or A.4.c,above.. been 15A NCAC 2 .0508 constructed The Permittee shall conduct an initial performance test using Method 9 of Appendix A-4 of 40 CFR Part Not required Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(4)(g) 60 and in accordance with General Condition JJ to since Boiler No.2 fuel oil- PS-C demonstrate compliance with the opacity limit in NA NA NA PS-C has not fired boiler 03735T43-47 Section 2.1 A.4.c,above,and as specified in been 2.1(A)(4)(g)(i)through 2.1(A)(4)(g)(iii). constructed 40 CFR 60.47c a To assure compliance with the fuel sulfur limit in Section 2.1 A.4.b,above,the Permittee shall retain a Not required / Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(4)(h) copy of the fuel supplier certification for any fuel oil since Boiler fired at the affected boiler. The fuel supplier No.2 fuel oil- PS-C NA NA NA PS-C has not fired boiler 03735T43-47 certification shall include the information specified in been 2.1(A)(4)(h)(i)through 2.1(A)(4)(h)(iii). constructed [40 CFR 60.46c(e),40 CFR 60.48c(f)and 15A NCAC 2 .0508 After completion of the initial performance testing in Not required Section 2.1 A.4.g,above,the Permittee shall comply Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(4)(i) with visible emissions monitoring according to the since Boiler No.2 fuel oil- PS-C NA NA NA PS-C has not requirements specified in 2.1(A)(4)(i)(i)through fired boiler 03735T43-47 2 1(A)(4)(i)(ii). been constructed 40 CFR 60.47c a 1 and 40 CFR 60.47c a 2 / Not required Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(4)0) The Permittee shall record and maintain records of the since Boiler No.2 fuel oil- PS-C amounts of each fuel fired during each month. NA NA NA PS-C has not fired boiler 03735T43-47 [15A NCAC 02Q.0508(f)and 40 CFR 60.48c(g)(2)] been constructed Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 5 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Source or Records Was Deviation Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Device ID Condition Com liance Description Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? p No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status i The Permittee shall maintain records of No.2 fuel oil Not required Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(4)(k) supplier certifications as specified in Section 2.1 since Boiler No.2 fuel oil- PS-C NA NA NA PS-C has not fired boiler 03735T43-47 A.4.h.i,above. been [40 CFR 60.48c(e)(11),(f)(1)] constructed The Permittee shall keep the opacity monitoring Not required Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(4)(1) since Boiler records specified in 2.1 A 4 1 i through i p ( )( )()O g No.2 fuel oil- PS-C 2.1A41ii . NA NA NA PS-C has not fired boiler 03735T43-47 been [40 CFR 60.48c(c)(1),(2)] constructed The Permittee shall maintain records of any Not required Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(4)(m) occurrence and duration of any startup,shutdown,or since Boiler No.2 fuel oil- PS-C malfunction in the operation the affected boiler(ID NA NA NA PS-C has not fired boiler 03735T43-47 No.PS-C). been 40 CFR 60.7 b constructed Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(4)(n) No.2 fuel oil- PS-C Paragraph(n)missing from permit NA NA NA NA fired boiler 03735T43-47 All records required under Section 2.1 AAJ through Not required q J g Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(4)(o) since Boiler No.2 fuel oil- PS-C A.4.m shall be maintained by the Permittee fora NA NA NA PS-C has not fired boiler 03735T43-47 period of two years following the date of such record. been [40 CFR 60.48c(i)] constructed The Permittee shall submit a construction notification Not required Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(4)(p) of the date construction of the affected boiler(ID No. since Boiler No.2 fuel oil- PS-C PS-C)is commenced,postmarked no later than 30 NA NA NA PS-C has not fired boiler 03735T43-47 days after such date. been 40 CFR 60.7 a 1 constructed The Permittee shall submit an initial notification to Not required Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(4)(q) the Regional Supervisor within 15 days of actual since Boiler startup of the affected boiler(ID No.PS-C). The No.2 fuel oil- PS-C NA NA NA PS-C has not notification shall include the information specified in fired boiler 03735T43-47 been 2.1(A)(4)(q)(i)through 2.1(A)(4)(q)(ii). 40 CFR 60.48c a,40 CFR 60.7(a)(3)] constructed 1 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 6 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status The Permittee shall submit a semiannual summary report postmarked on or before January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July and December and July 30 of each Not required Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(4)(r)'� calendar year for the preceding six-month period since Boiler No.2 fuel oil- PS-C between January and June.All instances of NA NA NA PS-C has not fired boiler 03735T43-47 noncompliance from the requirements of this permit been and excess emissions must be clearly identified.The constructed summary report shall include information in 2.1(A)(4)(r)(i)through 2.1(A)(4)(r)(iii). 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Prevention of Significant Deterioration In order to avoid applicability of 15A NCAC 2D Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(5)(a)'� .0530(g)for major sources and major modifications, Monthly PSD No.2 fuel oil- PS-B the affected boiler shall discharge into the atmosphere No Yes NA avoidance fired boiler 03735T43-47 less than 40 tons of Nitrogen Oxide per consecutive reports 12-month period. 15A NCAC 2 .0317 In order to avoid applicability of 15A NCAC 2D Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(5)(a)/ .0530(g)for major sources and major modifications, Monthly PSD No.2 fuel oil- PS-B the affected boiler shall discharge into the atmosphere No Yes NA avoidance fired boiler 03735T43-47 less than 40 tons of Sulfur Dioxide per consecutive reports 12-month period. 15A NCAC 2Q.0317] ✓ If emissions testing is required,the Permittee shall Emissions Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(5)(b) testing was not perform such testing in accordance with General No.2 fuel oil- PS-B No NA NA required for fired boiler 03735T43-47 Condition this source in [15A NCACC 2Q.0508(f)] 2019 The Permittee shall keep monthly records of fuel Fuel Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(5)(c) usage in a logbook(written or in electronic format), No.2 fuel oil- PS-B as specified in 2.1(A)(5)(c)(i)through No Yes NA consumption fired boiler 03735T43-47 2.1(A)(5)(c)(iii). and sulfur 15A NCAC 2 .0508 content records Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 7 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status The Permittee shall calculate monthly and 12-month rolling NOx emissions from the affected boiler within Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(5)(d)V11 30 days after the end of each calendar month. Monthly PSD No.2 fuel oil- PS-B Calculations shall be recorded in a logbook(written No Yes NA avoidance fired boiler 03735T43-47 or electronic format),according to formula specified reports in 2.1(A)(5)(d)(i)through 2.1(A)(5)(d)(ii). 15A NCAC 2D.0530 The Permittee shall calculate monthly and 12-month rolling S02 emissions from the affected boiler within Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(5)(e) 30 days after the end of each calendar month. Monthly PSD No.2 fuel oil- PS-B Calculations shall be recorded in a logbook(written No Yes NA avoidance fired boiler 03735T43-47 or electronic format),according to formula specified reports in 2.1(A)(5)(e)(i)through 2.1(A)(5)(e)(ii). 15A NCAC 2D.0530 The Permittee shall submit a semi-annual summary report of monitoring and recordkeeping activities postmarked on or before January 30 of each calendar Semi-annual reports sent to Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(5)(f) year for the preceding six-month period between July No.2 fuel oil- PS-B and December,and July 30 of each calendar year for No Yes NA the fired boiler 03735T43-47 the preceding six-month period between January and Division o Air June. The report shall contain the information Quality specified in 2.1(A)(5)(f)(i)through 2.1(A)(5)(f)(iii). FRO 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Case-by-Case`Boiler"MACT The initial compliance date for the emission limitations and associated monitoring,recordkeeping, No excess and reporting requirements listed below is December � 12,2013. These conditions need not be included on emissions were Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(6)(a) noted during Boiler PS-C PS-A the annual compliance certification until after the No.2 fuel oil- No NA Yes periods of has not been fired boiler PS-B 03735T43-47 initial compliance date. These limits apply except for startup, constructed PS-C periods of startup,shutdown,and malfunction.The shutdown,or Permittee shall follow the procedures in 15A NCAC 2D.0535 for any excess emissions that occur during malfunction periods of startup,shutdown,or malfunction. 15A NCAC 2D.1109 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Q ty Page 8 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status The Permittee shall comply with this CAA§1120) This facility standard until May 19,2019. The initial compliance followed CAA date for the applicable CAA§112(d)standard for §1120) "National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air standard through Natural gas/ PS-A 2.1(A)(6)(b) Pollutants for Industrial,Commercial,and g Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B 5/19/19.Institutional Boilers and Process Heaters"is May 20, NA NA NA has not been fired boiler PS-C 03735T43-47 2019. On and after May 20,2019,the Permittee shall Starting constructed comply with Section 2.1 A.7 for boilers(ID Nos.PS- 5/20/19,the A and PS-C)and Section 2.1 A.8 for boiler(ID No. facility began PS-B). compliance [15A NCAC 2D.1109] with Section 2.1 A.7. If emissions testing is required,the Permittee shall Emissions Natural gas/ PS-A 2.1(A)(6)(c) testing was not Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B perform such testing in accordance with General No NA NA required for has not been fired boiler PS-C 03735T43-47 Condition these sources constructed [15A NCACC 2Q.0508(f)] in 2019 The Permittee shall perform an annual boiler Annual boiler inspection and maintenance on each boiler as inspections and recommended by the manufacturer,or as a minimum, tune-ups of Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(6)(d) the inspection and maintenance requirement shall boilers PS-A and Boiler PS-C PS-A No.2 fuel oil- include the requirements specified in 2.1(A)(6)(d)(i) No Yes NA has not been fired boiler PS-B P 03735T43-47 through 2.1(A)(6)(d)(iii). The Permittee shall conduct S-B were constructed PS-C completed on at least one tune-up per calendar year to demonstrate compliance with this requirement. 2/12/19 and [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] 03/18/19, respectively. Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 9 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Device ID Condition Compliance Comments Description Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? p No,(s) Number Status NA) (Yes/No) The results of any required annual burner inspections and tune-ups are The results of any required annual burner inspection maintained as and maintenance shall be maintained in a logbook pdf files on the Natural gas/ PS-A 2.1(A)(6)(e) (written or electronic format)on-site and made site's computer Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- available to an authorized representative upon request. No Yes NA server.The file has not been fired boiler PS-B 03735T43-47 The logbook shall record the information specified in contains the constructed PS-C 2.1 A 6( )( )(e)(i)through 2.1(A)(6)(e)(iii). information [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] specified in 2.1(A)(6)(e)(i) through 2.1(A)(6)(e)(iii Boiler PS-C The Permittee shall submit an initial notification has not been Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(6)(f) according to 40 CFR 63.9(b)(4)and(5)not later than constructed; No.2 fuel oil- PS-C 15 days after the actual date of startup of boiler(ID NA NA NA therefore,no fired boiler 03735T43-47 No.PS-C). initial [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] notification needed. Semiannual Summary Report. The Permittee shall submit a summary report postmarked on or before January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding Semi-annual reports Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(6)(g) six-month period between July and December,and submitted to Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-A July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six- No Yes NA the NC has not been PS-B month period between January and June. The first fired boiler PS-C 03735T43-47 summary report shall be required on January 30, Division of Air constructed 2014. The report shall include the information Quality FRO specified in 2.1(A)(6)(g)(i)through 2.1(A)(6)(g)(iv). 15A NCAC 2 .0508 Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 10 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions � Source or Records Was Deviation Method(s)of Emission Control Permit and Deviation Maintained a non- Determining Source Condition ? ? compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number Status NA) (Yes/No) 40 CFR 63,Subpart DDDDD—Boiler MACT For the boilers(ID Nos.PS-A,PS-B and PS-C),the Permittee shall comply with all applicable provisions Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(7)(a) for the"unit designed to burn gas 1 subcategory," This condition Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-A including the monitoring,recordkeeping,and No Yes NA was effective has not been PS-C reporting contained in 15A NCAC 02D.I I I I P g fired boiler 03735T43-44 on 5/20/19. constructed Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT)as promulgated in 40 CFR 63,Subpart DDDDD. 40 CFR 63.7485,63.7490 d,63.7499 1 40 CFR 63,Subpart DDDDD—Boiler MACT For the boilers(ID Nos.PS-A,PS-B and PS-C),the Permittee shall comply with all applicable provisions Natural gas/ PS-A 2.1(A)(7)(a) for the"unit designed to burn gas 1 subcategory," This condition Boiler PS-C including the monitoring,recordkeeping,and No.2 fuel oil- PS-B No Yes NA was effective has not been fired boiler PS-C 03735T45-46 reporting contained in 15A NCAC 02D.1111 "Maximum Achievable Control Technology" on 5/20/19. constructed (MACT)as promulgated in 40 CFR 63,Subpart DDDDD. 40 CFR 63.7485,63.7490 d,63.7499 1 In order for the boilers(ID Nos.PS-A,PS-B and PS- C)to be considered in the"unit designed to burn gas This condition 1 subcategory,"the Permittee shall only burn liquid was effective Natural gas/ PS-A 2.1(A)(7)(b) fuel for periodic testing of liquid fuel,maintenance, on 5/20/19. Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-C or operator training,not to exceed a combined total No Yes NA There was no has not been fired boiler 03735T43-44 of 48 hours during any calendar year,and during liquid fuel constructed periods of gas curtailment or gas supply interruptions burned in of any duration. 2019. 40 CFR 63.7575 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 11 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status In order for the boilers(ID Nos.PS-A,PS-B and PS- C)to be considered in the"unit designed to burn gas This condition 1 subcategory,"the Permittee shall only burn liquid was effective Natural gas/ PS-A 2.1(A)(7)(b) fuel for periodic testing of liquid fuel,maintenance, on 5/20/19. Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B or operator training,not to exceed a combined total No Yes NA There was no has not been fired boiler PS-C 03735T45-46 of 48 hours during any calendar year,and during liquid fuel constructed periods of gas curtailment or gas supply interruptions burned in of any duration. 2019. 40 CFR 63.7575 Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(7)(c) For the purpose of Section 2.1 TA,the definitions Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-A and nomenclature contained in 40 CFR 63.7575 shall NA NA NA NA has not been fired boiler PS-C 03735T43-44 40 CFR 63.75751constructed For the purpose of Section 2.1 TA,the definitions Natural gas/ PS-A 2.1(A)(7)(c) and nomenclature contained in 40 CFR 63.7575 shall Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B NA NA NA NA has not been fired boiler PS-C 03735T45-46 40 CFR 63.75751constructed The Permittee shall comply with the requirements of Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(7)(d) 40 CFR 63 Subpart A,General Provisions,according This condition Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-A to the applicability of Subpart A to such sources as No Yes NA was effective has not been fired boiler PS-C 03735T43-44 identified in Table 10 to 40 CFR Part 63,Subpart on 5/20/19 constructed DDDDD. 40 CFR 63.7565 The Permittee shall comply with the requirements of Natural gas/ PS-A 2.1(A)(7)(d) 40 CFR 63 Subpart A,General Provisions,according This condition Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B to the applicability of Subpart A to such sources as No Yes NA was effective has not been fired boiler PS-C 03735T45-46 identified in Table 10 to 40 CFR Part 63,Subpart on 5/20/19 constructed DDDDD. 40 CFR 63.7565 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 12 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status The Permittee shall comply with the CAA§1120) 2.1(A)(7)(e) standards in Section 2.1 A.6 through May 19,2019. paragraphs(i) i. On and after May 20,2019,the Permittee shall and(ii)are comply with the requirements of Section 2.1 effective on Natural gas/ PS-A 2.1(A)(7)(e) A.7 for the boiler(ID No.PS-A and PS-B) 5/20/19. Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- No Yes NA has not been PS-C ii. The Permittee shall comply with the Compliance fired boiler 03735T43-44 requirements of this section for boiler(ID No. with each constructed PS-C)on May 20,2019 or upon startup, condition is whichever is later. specified 40 CFR 63.7495 a and b,63.56 b below. The Permittee shall comply with the CAA§1120) 2.1(A)(7)(e) standards in Section 2.1 A.6 through May 19,2019. paragraphs(i) i. On and after May 20,2019,the Permittee shall and(ii)are Natural gas/ PS-A 2.1(A)(7)(e) comply with the requirements of Section 2.1 effective on Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B A.7 for the boiler(ID No.PS-A and PS-B) No Yes NA 5/20/19. has not been ii. The Permittee shall comply with the Compliance fired boiler PS-C 03735T45-46 requirements of this section for boiler(ID No. with each constructed PS-C)on May 20,2019 or upon startup, condition is whichever is later. specified 40 CFR 63.7495 a and b,63.56 b below. As specified in 40 CFR 63.9(b)(4)and(5),if the This condition initial startup of the boiler(ID No.PS-C)is after May was effective Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(7)(f) 20,2019,the Permittee shall submit an Initial on 5/20/19.NA Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-C Notification not later than 15 days after the actual NA NA NA as boiler PS-C has not been fired boiler 03735T43-46 date of startup of the boiler. has not been constructed 40 CFR 63.7545 c constructed. The Permittee shall submit a Notification of This condition Compliance Status for the boilers(ID Nos.PS-A,PS- was effective B and PS-C). The notification must be signed by a on 5/20/19 and Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(7)(g) responsible official and postmarked before the close Boiler PS-C Notification of No.2 fuel oil- PS-A of business within 60 days of the compliance date No Yes NA the has not been fired boiler PS-C 03735T43-44 specified in Section 2.1 A.7.e,above.The constructed notification shall contain the information specified in Compliance submitted 2.1(A)(7)(g)(i)through 2.1(A)(7)(g)(ii) 7/18/2019. 40 CFR 63.7545 e 8 and 63.7530 e,and Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 13 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status The Permittee shall submit a Notification of This condition Compliance Status for the boilers(ID Nos.PS-A,PS- was effective B and PS-C). The notification must be signed by a on 5/20/19 and Natural gas/ PS-A 2.1(A)(7)(g) responsible official and postmarked before the close the Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B of business within 60 days of the compliance date No Yes NA Notification of has not been fired boiler PS-C 03735T45-46 specified in Section 2.1 A.7.e,above.The constructed notification shall contain the information specified in Compliance submitted 2.1(A)(7)(g)(i)through 2.1(A)(7)(g)(ii) 7/18/2019. 40 CFR 63.7545 e 8 and 63.7530 e ,and There was The Permittee shall submit a notification of intent to This condition no natural fire an alternative fuel within 48 hours of the gas was effective Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(7)(h) declaration of each period of natural gas curtailment curtailment No.2 fuel oil- PS-A or supply interruption.The notification shall contain No NA NA on 5/20/19.No or supply fired boiler PS-C 03735T43-44 the information specified in 2.1(A)(7)(h)(i)through alternative fuel interruption. was fired in 2.1(A)(7)(h)(v). 2019. Boiler PS-C [40 CFR 63.7545(f)] has not been constructed There was The Permittee shall submit a notification of intent to This condition no natural fire an alternative fuel within 48 hours of the was effective gas Natural gas/ PS-A 2.1(A)(7)(h) declaration of each period of natural gas curtailment curtailment No.2 fuel oil- PS-B or supply interruption.The notification shall contain No NA NA on 5 .No or supply fired boiler PS-C 03735T45-46 the information specified in 2.1(A)(7)(h)(i)through alternativeative fuel interruption. 2.1(A)(7)(h)(v). was fired in Boiler PS-C [40 CFR 63.7545(f)] 2019. has not been constructed The Permittee shall comply with the work practice This condition Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(7)(i) standards in Section 2.1 A.7.j,below at all times the was effective Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil PS-A boilers(ID Nos.PS-A,PS-B and PS-C)are No Yes NA on 5/20/19. has not been fired boiler PS-C 03735T43-44 operating. Records constructed [40 CFR 63.7500(f)and 63.7505(a)] maintained onsite. Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 14 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number Status NA) (Yes/No) The Permittee shall comply with the work practice This condition Natural gas/ PS-A 2.1(A)(7)(i)� standards in Section 2.1 A.7.j,below at all times the was effective Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B boilers(ID Nos.PS-A,PS-B and PS-C)are No Yes NA on 5/20/19. has not been fired boiler PS-C 03735T45-46 operating. Records constructed [40 CFR 63.7500(f)and 63.7505(a)] maintained onsite. The Permittee shall conduct a tune-up of the boilers This condition (ID Nos.PS-A and PS-C)as specified below.The was effective Natural gas/ PS-A 2.1(A)(7)0) Permittee shall conduct the tune-up while burning the on 5/20/19. Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- type of fuel that provided the majority of the heat No Yes NA has not been fired boiler PS-C 03735T43-44 input to the boiler of the 12 months prior to the tune- Natural gas constructed combusted in up. PS-A. 40 CFR 63.7500 a and 63.7540(a)(10)] The Permittee shall conduct a tune-up of the boilers This condition ,i (ID Nos.PS-A,PS-B and PS-C)as specified below. was effective Natural gas/ PS-A 2.1(A)(7)0) The Permittee shall conduct the tune-up while on 5/20/19. Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B burning the type of fuel that provided the majority of No Yes NA Natural gas has not been fired boiler PS-C 03735T45-46 the heat input to the boiler of the 12 months prior to combusted in constructed the tune-up. PS-A and PS- 40 CFR 63.7500 a and 63.7540 a 10 B. This condition The tune-ups for the boilers(ID Nos.PS-A and PS- was effective Natural gas/ PS-A 2.1(A)(7)(k) C)shall be conducted according to the schedule on 5/20/19. Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-C located in 2.1(A)(7)(k)(i)through 2.1(A)(7)(k)(iii). No Yes NA Tune-up was has not been fired boiler 03735T43-44 [Table 3 of Subpart DDDDD] completed per constructed [40 CFR 63.7540(a)(12),63.7515(d)] schedule in Feb 2019. This condition The tune-ups for the boilers(ID Nos.PS-A,PS-B and was effective Natural gas/ PS-A 2.1(A)(7)(k) PS-C)shall be conducted according to the schedule on 5/20/19. Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B located in 2.1(A)(7)(k)(i)through 2.1(A)(7)(k)(iii). No Yes NA Tune-ups were has not been fired boiler PS-C 03735T45-46 [Table 3 of Subpart DDDDD] completed per constructed [40 CFR 63.7540(a)(12),63.7515(d)] schedule in Feb and Mar 2019. Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 15 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status This condition If the boilers(ID Nos.PS-A and PS-C)are not was effective Natural gas/ PS-A 2.1(A)(7)(1) operating on the required date for a tune-up,the tune- on 5/20/19. Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-C up must be conducted within 30 calendar days of No Yes NA Boiler PS-A has not been fired boiler 03735T43-44 startup. did not require constructed [40 CFR 63.7515(g)and 63.7540(a)(13)] a delayed tune- up. This condition If the boilers(ID Nos.PS-A,PS-B and PS-C)are not was effective Natural gas/ PS-A 2.1(A)(7)(1) operating on the required date for a tune-up,the tune- on 5/20/19. Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B up must be conducted within 30 calendar days of No Yes NA Boilers PS-A has not been fired boiler PS-C 03735T45-46 startup. and PS-B didconstructed [40 CFR 63.7515(g)and 63.7540(a)(13)] not require a delayed tune- up. This condition At all times,the Permittee shall operate and maintain is effective on the boiler,including associated air pollution control 5/20/19.PS-A equipment and monitoring equipment,in a manner is operated and consistent with safety and good air pollution control maintained in a practices for minimizing emissions.Determination of manner Natural gas/ PS-A 2.1(A)(7)(m) whether such operation and maintenance procedures consistent with Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- No Yes NA has not been fired boiler PS-C 03735T43-44 are being used will be based on information available safety and constructed to DAQ that may include,but is not limited to, good air monitoring results,review of operation and pollution maintenance procedures,review of operation and control maintenance records,and inspection of the source. practices for [40 CFR 63.7500(a)(3)] minimizing emissions. 1 Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 16 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary_ (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status This condition At all times,the Permittee shall operate and maintain is effective on the boiler,including associated air pollution control 5/20/19.PS-A equipment and monitoring equipment,in a manner and PS-B are consistent with safety and good air pollution control operated and Natural gas/ PS-A 2.1(A)(7)(m) practices for minimizing emissions.Determination of maintained in a manner Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B whether such operation and maintenance procedures No Yes NA consistent with has not been fired boiler PS-C 03735T45-46 are being used will be based on information available safety and constructed to DAQ that may include,but is not limited to, good air monitoring results,review of operation and maintenance procedures,review of operation and pollution maintenance records,and inspection of the source. control [40 CFR 63.7500(a)(3)] practices for minimizing emissions. To demonstrate initial compliance,the Permittee shall also conduct a one-time energy assessment for the existing boilers(ID No.PS-A)performed by a This condition Energy Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(7)(n) qualified energy assessor.The energy assessment was effective Assessment PS-A must be conducted no later than May 20,2019.The on 5/20/19. was No.2 fuel oil- energy assessment must include the 32 on-site No Yes NA Records are completed fired boiler 03735T43-44 technical hours as defined in 40 CFR 63.7575 and maintained on Feb 1I- shall include the information specified in onsite. 13,2019. 2.1(A)(7)(n)(i)through 2.1(A)(7)(n)(viii) 40 CFR 63.7500 a 1 ,Table 3 To demonstrate initial compliance,the Permittee shall also conduct a one-time energy assessment for the existing boilers(ID No.PS-A and PS-B) This condition Energy Natural gas/ PS-A 2.1(A)(7)(n) performed by a qualified energy assessor.The energy was effective Assessment No Yes NA No.2 fuel oil- PS-B assessment must be conducted no later than May 20, on 5/20/19. was fired boiler 03735T45-46 2019.The energy assessment must include the 32 on- Records are completed site technical hours as defined in 40 CFR 63.7575 maintained on Feb 1 l- and shall include the information specified in onsite. 13,2019. 2.1(A)(7)(n)(i)through 2.1(A)(7)(n)(viii) 40 CFR 63.7500 a 1 ,Table 3 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 17 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019. Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status This condition Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(7)(o) The Permittee shall keep the records specified in was effective Boiler PS-C PS-A on 5/20/19. No.2 fuel oil- 2.1(A)(7)(o)(i)through 2.1(A)(7)(o)(iv). No Yes NA has not been fired boiler PS-C 03735T43-44 [15A NCAC 02Q.0508(f)] Records constructed. maintained in monthly report. This condition Natural gas/ PS-A 2.1(A)(7)(o) The Permittee shall keep the records specified in was effective Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B 2.1(A)(7)(o)(i)through 2.1(A)(7)(o)(iv). No Yes NA on 5/20/19. has not been fired boiler PS-C 03735T45-46 [15A NCAC 02Q.0508(f)] Records constructed. maintained in monthly report. This condition was effective on 5/20/19. Records are kept in Naturalas/ 2.1 A 7 The Permittee shall comply with the recordkeeping accordance g ( )( )(p) Boiler PS-C PS-A requirements specified in 2.1(A)(7)(p)(i)through with the No.2 fuel oil- No Yes NA has not been fired boiler PS-C 03735T43-44 2.1(A)(7)(p)(iii). requirements 15A NCAC 02 . constructed [ Q0508(f)] specified in conditions 2.1(A)(7)(p)(i) through 2.1(A)(7)(p)(iii Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 18 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Device ID Condition Comliance Comments Description Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? p No.(s) Number Status NA) (Yes/No) This condition was effective on 5/20/19. Records are kept in Natural gas/ PS-A 2.1(A)(7)(p)✓ The Permittee shall comply with the recordkeeping accordance Boiler PS-C requirements specified in 2.1(A)(7)(p)(i)through with the No.2 fuel oil- PS-B No Yes NA has not been fired boiler PS-C 03735T45-46 2.1(A)(7)(p)(iii). requirements constructed [15A NCAC 02Q.0508(f)] specified in conditions 2.1(A)(7)(P)(i) through 2.1(A)(7)(p)(iii The Permittee shall submit compliance reports to the DAQ every five years.The first report shall cover the Report will period beginning on the compliance date specified in be submitted Section 2.1 A.7.e,above,and ending on December 31 Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(7)(q) This condition following No.2 fuel oil- PS-A within five years after the compliance date in Section No Yes NA was effective completion fired boiler PS-C 03735T43-44 2.1 A.7.e,above.Subsequent reports shall cover the on 5/20/19. of the five-year periods from January 1 to December 31. The compliance reports shall be postmarked on or subsequent tune-up. before January 31. 40 CFR 63.7550 a, b and 63.10(a)(4), 5 The Permittee shall submit compliance reports to the DAQ every five years.The first report shall cover the Report will f period beginning on the compliance date specified in be submitted Section 2.1 A.7.e,above,and ending on December 31 Natural gas/ PS-A 2.1(A)(7)(q) This condition following No.2 fuel oil- PS-B within five years after the compliance date in Section No Yes NA was effective completion fired boiler PS-C 03735T45-46 2.1 A.7.e,above.Subsequent reports shall cover the on 5/20/19. of the five-year periods from January 1 to December 31. The compliance reports shall be postmarked on or subsequent before January 31. tune-up. 40 CFR 63.7550 a, b and 63.10 a 4 , 5 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 19 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status The Permittee shall submit the annual compliance report via the CEDRI.The Permittee shall use the appropriate electronic report in CEDRI 40 CFR Part 63,Subpart DDDDD.Instead of using the electronic This condition was effective report in CEDRI for this 40 CFR Part 63,Subpart on 5/20/19. DDDDD,the Permittee may submit an alternate Annual Natural gas/ 1,S A 2.1(A)(7)(r) electronic file consistent with the XML schema listed compliance Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- on the CEDRI Web site once the XML schema is No Yes NA has not been fired boiler PS-C 03735T43-44 available.If the reporting form specific to 40 CFR reports were constructed Part 63,Subpart DDDDD is not available in CEDRI not required at the time that the report is due,the Permittee shall during this submit the report to DAQ.The Permittee shall begin reporting submitting reports via CEDRI no later than 90 days period. after the form becomes available in CEDRI. 40 CFR 63.7550(h)(3)] The Permittee shall submit the annual compliance report via the CEDRI.The Permittee shall use the appropriate electronic report in CEDRI 40 CFR Part 63,Subpart DDDDD.Instead of using the electronic This condition was effective report in CEDRI for this 40 CFR Part 63,Subpart on 5/20/19. DDDDD,the Permittee may submit an alternate Natural as/ PS-A 2.1 A 7 r electronic file consistent with the XML schema listed Annual compliance Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B on the CEDRI Web site,once the XML schema is No Yes NA has not been fired boiler PS-C 03735T45-46 available.If the reporting form specific to 40 CFR reports were constructed Part 63,Subpart DDDDD is not available in CEDRI not required at the time that the report is due,the Permittee shall during this submit the report to DAQ.The Permittee shall begin reporting submitting reports via CEDRI no later than 90 days period. after the form becomes available in CEDRI. 40 CFR 63.7550(h)(3)] I Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 20 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number Status NA) (Yes/No) This condition was effective The Permittee shall include the information specified on 5/20/19. g ( )( )O ( )( )( )(i) g ( )( )( )( ). Annual Natural as/ 2.1 A 7 s in 2.1 A 7 s i through 2.1 A 7 s v m the Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-A annual compliance report. No Yes NA compliance has not been fired boiler PS-C 03735T43-44 [40 CFR 63.7550(a)and(c)(1),(c)(5)(i)through(iii), reports were constructed (c)(5)(xiv),(c)(5)(xvii),and Table 9] not required during this reporting period. This condition was effective The Permittee shall include the information specified on 5/20/19. g ( )( )O ( )( )( )(i) g ( )( )( )( ). Annual Natural as/ PS-A 2.1 A 7 s in 2.1 A 7 s i through 2.1 A 7 s v in the Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B annual compliance report. No Yes NA compliance has not been fired boiler PS-C 03735T45-46 [40 CFR 63.7550(a)and(c)(1),(c)(5)(i)through(iii), reports were constructed (c)(5)(xiv),(c)(5)(xvii),and Table 9] not required during this reporting period. If the Permittee has a period of noncompliance with a This condition work practice standard for periods of startup and was effective g ( )( )() g reporting p p on May 20, Natural as/ 2.1 A 7 t shutdown during the re ortin period,the compliance Boiler PS-C PS-A 2019. There No.2 fuel oil- report must also contain the information specified in No Yes NA has not been fired boiler PS-C 03735T43-44 2.1(A)(7)(t)(i)and 2.1(A)(7)(t)(ii). were no constructed [40 CFR 63.7540(b),63.7550(a)and(d)and Table periods of 9] noncompliance in 2019. This condition If the Permittee has a period of noncompliance with a was effective work practice standard for periods of startup and on May 20, Natural gas/ PS-A 2.1(A)(7)(t) Boiler PS-C shutdown during the reporting period,the compliance 2019. There No.2 fuel oil- PS-B No Yes NA has not been report must also contain the information specified in were no fired boiler PS-C 03735T45-46 2 1(A)(7)(t)(i)and 2.1(A)(7)(t)(ii). periods of constructed [40 CFR 63.7540(b),63.7550(a)and(d)and Table 9] noncompliance in 2019. Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 21 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number Status NA) (Yes/No) 40 CFR 63,Subpart Boiler MACT For the existing boiler(ID Nos.PS-B)designed to burn light liquid fuel,the Permittee shall comply with Permit Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(8)(a) all applicable provisions including the monitoring, This condition change in No.2 fuel oil- PS-B recordkeeping,and reporting contained in 15A NA NA NA was effective 03735T45 fired boiler 03735T43-44 NCAC 02D.1111 "Maximum Achievable Control on 5/20/19. removed this Technology"(MACT)as promulgated in 40 CFR 63, condition Subpart DDDDD. 40 CFR 63.7485,63.7490 d ,63.7499 and u Permit Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(8)(b) This condition change in No.2 fuel oil- PS-B Definitions and Nomenclature—40 CFR 63.7575 NA NA NA was effective 03735T45 fired boiler 03735T43-44 shall apply on 5/20/19. removed this condition Permit Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(8)(c) The Permittee shall comply with the requirements in This condition change in No.2 fuel oil- PS-B 40 CFR 63 Subpart A NA NA NA was effective 03735T45 fired boiler 03735T43-44 [40 CFR 63.7565] on 5/20/19. removed this condition This condition Permit Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(8)(d) Compliance Date.The permittee shall comply with change in No.2 fuel oil- PS-B CAA 1120)standard through May 19,2019. NA NA NA was effective 03735T45 fired boiler 03735T43-44 [40 CFR 63.7575] through removed this 5/19/19. condition Initial tune-up Permit Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(8)(e) The Permittee shall comply with tune-up and energy and energy change in No.2 fuel oil- PS-13 No Yes NA 03735T45 fired boiler 03735T43-44 assessment no later than May 20,2019. assessment removed this March 2019 condition General Compliance requirements—At all times the Permit Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(8)(f) change in Boiler is operating,the Permittee shall be in No.2 fuel oil- PS-B compliance with the emissions standards in Section No Yes NA NA 03735T45 fired boiler 03735T43-44 2.1 A.8.h,except in periods of startup and shutdown. removed this condition Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 22 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status At all times,the Permittee shall operate and maintain Permit Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(8)(g) The boiler was change in the boiler in a manner consistent with safety and No.2 fuel oil- PS-B good air pollution control practices for minimizing No Yes No operated per 03735T45 fired boiler 03735T43-44 emissions. this condition. removed this condition Permit Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(8)(h) This condition change in No.2 fuel oil- PS-B The Boiler shall meet listed emissions limits. NA NA NA was effective 03735T45 fired boiler 03735T43-44 on 5/20/19 removed this condition Permit Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(8)(i) Testing—if emissions testing is required,the testing This condition change in No.2 fuel oil- PS-B shall be performed in accordance with General NA NA NA was effective 03735T45 fired boiler 03735T43-44 Condition JJ. on 5/20/19 removed this condition Permit Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(8)0) This condition change in No.2 fuel oil- PS-B Notifications—the Permittee shall submit listed NA NA NA was effective 03735T45 fired boiler 03735T43-44 notifications. on 5/20/19 removed this condition Permit Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(8)(k) Initial Compliance Requirements—the Permittee This condition change in No.2 fuel oil- PS-B shall demonstrate CO emissions limits by developing NA NA NA was effective 03735T45 fired boiler 03735T43-44 a site-specific stack test plan. on 5/20/19 removed this condition Permit Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(8)(1) The Permittee shall demonstrate initial compliance This condition change in No.2 fuel oil- PS-B with other compounds by following the listed items. NA NA NA was effective 03735T45 fired boiler 03735T43-44 on 5/20/19 removed this condition Permit Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(8)(m) The Permittee shall establish an oxygen operating This condition change in No.2 fuel oil- PS-B limit for the oxygen trim system. NA NA NA was effective 03735T45 fired boiler 03735T43-44 on 5/20/19 removed this condition Air Quality Permit No.03 73 5T46 Page 23 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Permit Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(8)(n) The Permittee shall meet the work practices This condition change in No.2 fuel oil- PS-B requirement in 2.1 A.8.e. NA NA NA was effective 03735T45 fired boiler 03735T43-44 on 5/20/19 removed this condition Permit Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(8)(o) If the boiler combusts ultra-low sulfur liquid fuel,the This condition change in No.2 fuel oil- PS-B Permittee is not required to conduct subsequent NA NA NA was effective 03735T45 fired boiler 03735T35-44 performance tests on 5/20/19 removed this condition If the Permittee intends to use fuel other than ultra- Permit Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(8)(p) low sulfur liquid fuel,natural gas,refinery gas or This condition change in No.2 fuel oil- PS-BC NA NA NA was effective 03735T45 fired boiler 03735T43-44 other gas;the Permittee shall conduct new on 5/20/19 removed this performance tests. condition Permit Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(8)(q) Monitoring;Requirements—the Permittee shall This condition change in No.2 fuel oil- PS-B install,operate and maintain an oxygen trim system NA NA NA was effective 03735T45 fired boiler 03735T43-44 on the boiler. on 5/20/19 removed this condition Permit Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(8)(r) This condition change in No.2 fuel oil- PS-B The Permittee shall monitor the type and amount of NA NA NA was effective 03735T45 fired boiler 03735T43-44 all fuels burned in the boiler. on 5/20/19 removed this condition Work Practice Standards—the Permittee shall Permit Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(8)(s) conduct the tune-up of the boiler while burning the This condition change in No.2 fuel oil- PS-B type of fuel that provided the majority of the heat NA NA NA was effective 03735T45 fired boiler 03735T43-44 input to the boiler in the 12 months prior to the tune- on 5/20/19 removed this up. condition Permit Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(8)(t) Each tune-up of the boiler shall be conducted every This condition change in No.2 fuel oil- PS-B five years. NA NA NA was effective 03735T45 fired boiler 03735T43-44 on 5/20/19 removed this condition Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 24 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Permit Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(8)(u) Energy Assessment Requirements—the Permittee This condition change in No.2 fuel oil- PS-B shall have a one-time energy assessment performed NA NA NA was effective 03735T45 fired boiler 03735T43-44 by a qualified energy assessor for the boiler. on 5/20/19 removed this condition The Permittee shall comply with all applicable Permit Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(8)(v) This condition change in No.2 fuel oil- PS-B emissions limits at all times except during periods of NA NA NA was effective 03735T45 fired boiler 03735T43-44 start-up and shutdown. The Permittee shall meet the on 5/20/19 removed this startup work practices listed. condition The Permittee shall comply with all applicable Permit Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(8)(w) This condition change in No.2 fuel oil- PS-B emissions limits at all times except during periods of NA NA NA was effective 03735T45 fired boiler 03735T43-44 start-up and shutdown. The Permittee shall meet the on 5/20/19 removed this shutdown work practices listed. condition Permit Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(8)(x) This condition change in No.2 fuel oil- PS-B The Permittee shall keep all listed records NA NA NA was effective 03735T45 fired boiler 03735T43-44 on 5/20/19 removed this condition Permit Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(8)(y) The Permittee shall maintain records such that they This condition change in No.2 fuel oil- PS-B are easy to review and shall maintain the records for NA NA NA was effective 03735T45 fired boiler 03735T43-44 five years. on 5/20/19 removed this condition Permit Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(8)(z) This condition change in PS-B The Permittee shall submit a compliance report to the No.2 fuel oil- DAQ on a semiannual basis. NA NA NA was effective 03735T45 fired boiler 03735T43-44 on 5/20/19 removed this condition Permit Natural gas/ PS-B 2.1(A)(8)(aa) This condition change in No.2 fuel oil- The compliance report shall contain listed items. NA NA NA was effective 03735T45 fired boiler 03735T43-44 on 5/20/19 removed this condition Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 25 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Permit Natural gas/ 2.1(A)(8)(bb) Within 60 days of the date of completing each This condition change in No.2 fuel oil- PS-B performance test,the Permittee shall report the results NA NA NA was effective 03735T45 fired boiler 03735T43-44 to DAQ. on 5/20/19 removed this condition NS-A,NS- Alternative Operating,Scenarios B,NS-C, The Permittee,contemporaneously with making a NS-D-1, change from one alternative operating scenario to Alternative NS-E,NS- 2.1 (13)(1)(a) Records Operating F,NS-M, another,shall record in a logbook(written or No Yes NA maintained electronic format)the scenario under which it is Scenarios NS-N,NS- 03735T44-46 operating.The Primary Operating Scenarios(POS) onsite. 0,NS-P, are defined in 2.1(13)(1)(a)(i)through 2.1(13)(1)(a)(iii). NS-G-1 and NS-K [15NCAC 02Q.05080)] The Alternative Operating Scenario(AOS)is defined NS-A,NS- as the HFPO Process,Vinyl Ethers North Process, B,NS-C, Vinyl Ethers South Process,RSU Process,FPS NS-D-1, Liquid Waste Stabilization Process,MMF Process, Moved Alternative NS-E,NS- 2.1 (B)(1)(b) IXM Resins Process-except Fluorinator,E-2 permanently Operating F,NS-G-1, Process,TFE/CO2 Process,HFPO Product Container No Yes NA Records review to the AOS Scenarios NS-K,NS- 03735T44-46 Decontamination Process,VEN Product 12/31/19. M,NS-N, Decontamination Process,and VES Product NS-O and Decontamination Process are controlled by the NS-P Thermal Oxidizer(ID No.NCD-Q 1)in series with the 4-Stage Scrubber ID No.NCD- 2 . Under both the POS and AOS,the IXM Resins NS-G-2, / Process—Fluorinator is controlled by a caustic Alternative NS-H,NS-1, 2.1(B)(1)(c) scrubber(ID No.NCD-G2)and the IXM Membrane Operating No Yes NA Records review SW-1 and Process,IXM Membrane Coating,Semiworks Scenarios SW-2 03735T43-46 polymerization Operation,and Semiworks Laboratory hood are uncontrolled. Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 26 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number Status NA) (Yes/No) NS-A,NS- B,NS-C, The Permittee shall permanently switch to the AOS NS-D-1, r no later than December 31,2019. Once the Permittee Alternative NS-E,NS- 2.1 (13)(1)(d) begins operation under the AOS,they shall no longer Notification Operating F,NS-G-1, operate under the POS. The Permittee shall submit a No Yes NA submitted Scenarios NS-K,NS- 03735T44-46 notification to DAQ within 10 days of permanently 12/31/19. M,NS-N, switching to the AOS. NS-O and NS-P 2.1(B)(2)(a)/ Particulates from Miscellaneous Industrial Processes IXM Emission Emissions of particulate matter from the membrane No visible membrane source NS- coating NS-I 03735T46 for coating process and S03 system shall not exceed an No NA NA emissions D-2 not process and NS-D-2 S03 addition allowable emission rate as calculated by the equation observed in installed in 03735T43-46 in 2.1(B)(2)(a). 2019 2019 S03 for Coating 15A NCAC 2D.0515 IXM 2.1(13)(2)(b) Emissions Emission membrane NS-I 03735 If emissions testing is required,the testing shall be testing was not source NS- coating addition for NS-D-2 S03 addi performed in accordance with General Condition JJ. No NA NA required for D-2 not process and tion 03735T43-46 [ Q.0508(�)15A NCAC 2 these sources installed in S03 in 2019 2019 for Coating 2.1(B)(2)(c) The Permittee shall maintain production records such IXM that the process rates"P"in tons per hour,as specified Emission membrane NS-I 03735 by the formulas contained above(or the formulas FPS/IXM source NS- coating addition for NS-D-2 S03 addi contained in 15A NCAC 2D.0515)can be derived, No Yes NA Production D-2 not process and tion and shall make these records available to a DAQ Records installed in S03 for Coating authorized representative upon request. 2019 for Coating 15A NCAC 2 .0508 Air Quality Permit No. 03 73 5T46 Page 27 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Control Permit and Determining Source Device ID Condition Condition ? ? compliance Compliance Comments Description No.(s) Number Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Status NA) (Yes/No) The Permittee shall submit a summary report of monitoring and recordkeeping activities specified in IXM 2.1(13)(2)(d)� Section 2.1 B.2.c,above,postmarked on or before Emission January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding Semi-annual membrane source NS- coating NS-I 03735T46 for six-month period between July and December and No Yes NA reports sent to D-2 not process and NS-D-2 S03 addition July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six- the NC DAQ installed in S03 03735T43-46 month period between January and June. All FRO 2019 for Coating instances of deviations from the requirements of this permit must be clearly identified. 15A NCAC 2 .0508 Sulfur Dioxide Emissions from Combustion Sources AOS:Emissions of sulfur dioxide shall not exceed 2.3 Inherent 2.1(B)(3)(a) pounds per million Btu heat input. Sulfur dioxide compliance Thermal NCD- 1 formed b the combustion of sulfur in fuels wastes No Yes NA with Oxidizer Q Y t 03735T44-46 ores,and other substances shall be included when combustion of determining compliance with this standard. natural gas. 15A NCAC 02D.0516 Emission NCD-Q 1 2.1(B)(3)(b) If emissions testing is required,the testing shall be testing of Thermal started Oxidizer NCD-Q1 performed in accordance with General Condition JJ. No NA NA NCD-Q1 was operation on 03735T44-46 [15A NCAC 02Q.0508(f)] not required in 12/31/19 2019 Thermal 2.1(13)(3)(c) No monitoring or recordkeeping is required for sulfur Oxidizer NCD-Q 1 dioxide emissions from the firing of natural gas in the NA NA NA 03735T44-46 Thermal Oxidizer. Control of Visible Emissions 2.1(13)(4)(a) Visible emissions from the membrane coating IXM process,the S03 system and the outlet of the 4-Stage membrane 03735T46 for scrubber shall not be more than 20 percent opacity Emission NS-I No visible source NS- coating S03 when averaged over a six-minute period. However, process,S03 NS-D-2 03735T43-46 six-minute averaging periods may exceed 20 percent No NA NA emissions D-2 not and Thermal NCD-Q2 for Coatingnot more than once in an hour and not more than noted in 2019. installed in Y 2019 Oxidizer 03735T44-46 four times in any 24-hour period. In no event shall for TO the six-minute average exceed 87 percent opacity. 15A NCAC 213.05211 Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 28 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number Status NA) (Yes/No) 2.1(B)(4)(b),/ IXM Emissions Emission membrane NS-I 03735T46 for If emissions testing is required,the testing shall be testing was not source NS- coating NS-13-2 S03 performed in accordance with General Condition JJ. No NA NA required for D-2 not process,S03 NCD-Q2 03735T43-46 [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] these sources installed in and Thermal for Coating in 2019. 2019 Oxidizer 03735T44-46 for TO 2.1(B)(4)(c), IXM Emission membrane NS-I 03735T46 for No monitoring/recordkeeping/reporting is required source NS- coating NS-D-2 S03 for visible emissions from these sources. NA NA NA NA D-2 not process,S03 NCD-Q2 03735T43-46 [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] installed in and Thermal for Coating 2019 Oxidizer 03735T44-46 for TO Prevention of Significant Deterioration In order to avoid applicability of 15A NCAC 02D Vinyl Ethers 2.1(13)(5)(a) .530(g)for major sources and major modifications, Monthly PSD North process NS-B the Vinyl Ethers North process shall discharge into No Yes NA avoidance 03735T43-46 the atmosphere less than 68.9 tons of VOCs per reports consecutive 12-month period. 15A NCAC 2 .0317 If emissions testing is required,the Permittee shall Emissions Vinyl Ethers 2.1(B)(5)(b) perform such testing in accordance with General testing was not North process NS B 03735T43-46 Condition JJ. No NA NA required for 15A NCAC 2 .0508 this source To demonstrate compliance with the limit provided in Section 2.1 B.5.a,above,within 30 days of the end of each calendar month the Permittee shall create and 2.1(B)(5)(c) Monthly PSD Vinyl Ethers retain production records and estimate associated North process NS-B VOC emissions for the previous calendar month No Yes NA avoidance 03735T43-46 following the specified steps listed in 2.1(B)(5)(c)(i) reports through(13)(5)(c)(x). 15A NCAC 2 .0508 Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 29 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Required records shall be maintained in a logbook Monthly PSD 2.1(13)(5)(d) (written or electronic format)on-site and made avoidance Vinyl Ethers NS-B available to an authorized representative upon No Yes NA reports are North process 03735T43-46 request. posted on the [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] site's internal web a e. The Permittee shall submit a semi-annual summary report of monitoring and recordkeeping activities specified in Section 2.1 B.5.c,and d,above, postmarked on or before January 30 of each calendar Semi-annual NS-B No Yes NA the NC 2.1(B)(5)(e) reports sent to Vinyl Ethers year for the preceding six-month period between July North process 03735T43-46 and December,and July 30 of each calendar year for Division of Air the preceding six-month period between January and June. The report shall contain the information Quality FRO specified in 2.1(13)(5)(e)(i)through 2.1(13)(5)(e)(Jii). 15A NCAC 2 .0508 Prevention of Significant Deterioration In order to avoid applicability of 15A NCAC 02D .0530(g)for major sources and major modifications, 2.1(B)(6)(a) Monthly PSD IXM Resins NS-G-1 the IXM Resins Process(except Fluorinator)and the No Yes NA avoidance Process NS-G-2 03735T43-46 IXM Resins Process Fluorinator shall discharge into reports the atmosphere less than 40 tons of VOCs per consecutive 12-month period. 15A NCAC 2 .0317 2.1(B)(6)(b)'� If emissions testing is required,the Permittee shall Emissions IXM Resins NS-G-1 perform such testing in accordance with General testing was not Process NS-G-2 03735T43-46 Condition JJ. No NA NA required for 15A NCAC 2 .0508 these sources To demonstrate compliance with the limit provided in Section 2.1 B.6.a.,within 30 days of the end of each calendar month the Permittee shall create and retain 2.1(B)(6)(c) Monthly PSD IXM Resins NS-G-1 production records and estimate associated VOC No Yes NA avoidance Process NS-G-2 03735T43-46 emissions for the previous calendar month,following reports the specified steps listed in 2.1(B)(6)(c)(i)through 2.1(13)(6)(c)(vi). 15A NCAC 2 .0508 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 30 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Monthly PSD 2.1(B)(6)(d) Required records shall be maintained in a logbook avoidance IXM Resins NS-G-I (written or electronic format)on-site and made reports are Process NS-G-2 03735T43-46 available to an authorized representative upon request. No Yes NA posted on the [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] site's internal web a e. The Permittee shall submit a semi-annual summary report of monitoring and recordkeeping activities specified in Section 2.1 B.6.c and B.6.d,above, 2.1(B)(6)(e) postmarked on or before January 30 of each calendar Semi-annual IXM Resins NS-G-I year for the preceding six-month period between July reports sent to Process NS-G-2 and December,and July 30 of each calendar year for No Yes NA the NC DAQ 03735T43-46 the preceding six-month period between January and FRO June. The report shall contain the information specified in 2.1(B)(6)(e)(i)through 2.1(13)(6)(e)(iii). 15A NCAC 2 .0508 Prevention of Significant Deterioration In order to avoid applicability of 15A NCAC 02D HFPO 2.1(13)(7)(a) .0530(g)for major sources and major modifications, Monthly PSD NS-A the HFPO process shall discharge into the atmosphere No Yes NA avoidance process 03735T43-46 less than 85.3 tons of VOCs per consecutive 12- reports month period. 15A NCAC 2 .0317 2.1(13)(7)(b) If emissions testing is required,the Permittee shall Emissions HFPO NS-A perform such testing in accordance with General No NA NA testing was not process 03735T43-46 Condition JJ. required for 15A NCAC 2 .0508 this source To demonstrate compliance with the limit provided in Section 2.1 B.7.a,above,within 30 days of the end of each calendar month the Permittee shall create and 2.1(B)(7)(c) Monthly PSD HFPO retain production records and estimate associated NS-A No Yes NA avoidance process 03735T43-46 VOC emissions for the previous calendar month, reports following the specified steps listed in 2.1(13)(7)(c)(i) through 2.1(13)(7)(c)(viii). 15A NCAC 2 .0508 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 31 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Monthly PSD 2.1(13)(7)(d) Required records shall be maintained in a logbook avoidance HFPO NS-A No Yes NA(written or electronic format)on-site and made reports are process 03735T43-46 available to an authorized representative upon request. posted on the 15A NCAC 2[ Q.0508(f)] site's internal web a e. The Permittee shall submit a semi-annual summary report of monitoring and recordkeeping activities specified in Section 2.1 B.7.c and d,above, postmarked on or before January 30 of each calendar Semi-annual 2.1(B)(7)(e) year for the preceding six-month period between July HFPO reports sent to process NS-A and December,and July 30 of each calendar year for No Yes NA the NC DAQ 03735T43-46 the preceding six-month period between January and FRO June. The report shall contain the information specified in 2.1(13)(7)(e)(i)through 2.1(13)(7)(e)(iii). 15A NCAC 2 .0508 HFPO Prevention of Significant Deterioration Product ,/ In order to avoid applicability of 15A NCAC 02D Container 2.1(13)(8)(a) .0530(g)for major sources and major modifications, Monthly PSD Decontami- NS-N the HFPO Product Container Decontamination No Yes NA avoidance nation 03735T43-46 Process shall discharge into the atmosphere less than reports Process 40.0 tons of VOCs per consecutive 12-month period. 15A NCAC 2 .0317 HFPO Emissions Product If emissions testing is required,the Permittee shall 2.1(B)(8)(b) testing was not Container NS-N perform such testing in accordance with General No NA NA required for Decontami- 03735T43-46 Condition JJ. this source in nation [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] Process 2019 Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 32 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status To demonstrate compliance with the limit provided in HFPO Section 2.1 B.8.a,above,within 30 days of the end of Product each calendar month the Permittee shall create and 2.1(13)(8)(c) Monthly PSD Container NS-N retain records and estimate associated VOC emissions No Yes NA avoidance Decontami- 03735T43-46 for the previous calendar month,following the nation specified steps listed in 2.1(B)(8)(c)(i)through reports Process 2.1(13)(8)(c)(iii). 15A NCAC 2 .0508 HFPO Monthly PSD Product / Required records shall be maintained in a logbook avoidance Container 2.1(B)(8)(d) (written or electronic format)on-site and made reports are Decontami NS-N No Yes NA- available to an authorized representative upon request. posted on the nation 03735T43-46 [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] site's internal Process web a e. The Permittee shall submit a semi-annual summary report of monitoring and recordkeeping activities HFPO specified in Section 2.1 B.8.c and B.8.d,above, Product postmarked on or before January 30 of each calendar Semi-annual Container 2.1(B)(8)(e) year for the preceding six-month period between July reports sent to Decontami NS-N No Yes NA- and December,and July 30 of each calendar year for the NC DAQ nation 03735T43-46 the preceding six-month period between January and FRO Process June. The report shall contain the information specified in 2.1(13)(8)(e)(i)through 2.1(13)(8)(e)(iii). 15A NCAC 2 .0508 Prevention of Significant Deterioration The Permittee has used projected actual emissions to avoid applicability of prevention of significant The required IXM 2.1(B)(9)(a) deterioration requirements pursuant to application report was Membrane NS-I 0900009.16A for the Spray Coating Throughput No Yes NA submitted to Coating 03735T43-46 Increase Project. In order to verify the assumptions NC DAQ used in the projected actual emissions calculations, on the Permittee shall comply with the requirements in 02/14/19. Section 2.1 (13)(9)(b),below. 15A NCAC 02D.0530 u Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 33 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Source or Records Was Deviation Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status The Permittee shall perform the following: i. Maintain records of annual VOC emissions from the IXM Membrane Coating Process in tons per year,on a calendar year basis. ii. Submit a report to the director within 60 days The required after the end of each calendar year during which IXM 2.1(B)(9)(b) these records must be generated. report was submitted to Membrane NS-I iii. Make the information documented and No Yes NA DAQ Coating 03735T43-46 maintained under this condition available to the NC n Director or the general public. iv. Provide a comparison of the reported actual 02/14/2019 emissions(post-construction emissions)for each of the ten calendar years to the projected actual emissions 15A NCAC 02D.053 0 u and 02 .0308 NESHAP for Miscellaneous Organic Chemical Manufacturing NS-A, For each miscellaneous organic chemical Records NS-B, manufacturing process unit,MCPU,the Permittee maintained FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(13)(10)(a) shall comply with all applicable provisions,including onsite. Semi- processes and the notification,testing,recordkeeping,and No Yes NA annual NS-G-1 03735T43-46 monitoring requirements contained in 15A NCAC 2D Compliance NS-G-2 .I 111,"Maximum Achievable Control Technology" Report was as promulgated in 40 CFR 63,Subpart FFFF, submitted. including Subpart A,"General Provisions". 15A NCAC 2D.1111 N S-A, NS-B, Opening a safety device,as defined in§63.2550,is FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(B)(10)(b) allowed at any time conditions require it to avoid A safety device No Yes NA was not opened processes and unsafe conditions. NS-G-1 03735T43-46 [40 CFR 63.2450(p)] in 2019 NS-G-2 Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 34 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status The Permittee shall identify each pump,compressor, NS-A, agitator,pressure relief device,sampling connection Physical Site system,open-ended valve or line valve connector, NS-B, tagging in field procedure FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(B)(10)(c) and instrumentation system in organic HAP service and NG-18 is the within each MCPU. Identification of the equipment No Yes NA MON processes and 03735T43-46 does not require physical tagging of the equipment. identification MACT NS-G-2 NS-G-1 The Permittee must identify equipment as specified in drawings ng LDAR 2.1(13)(1 0)(c)(i)through 2.1(B)(10)(c)(iv). wings written plan. 40 CFR 63.2480 a,40 CFR 63.1022 Site Procedure If the Permittee designates equipment as unsafe-to- NG-18 is the NS-A, f monitor or difficult to monitor,the Permittee shall MON MACT NS-B, create written plans as specified below.The Permittee LDAR written FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(B)(1 0)(d) shall retain the written plans on-site,and make them plan that processes and available to NC DAQ for review upon request, No Yes NA identifies NS-G-1 03735T43-46 including 2.1(13)(10)(d)(i)"unsafe-to-monitor unsafe-to- NS-G-2 equipment"and 2.1(13)(10)(d)(ii)"difficult-to-monitor monitor and equipment." unsafe-to- [40 CFR 63.1022(c)(4)] repair equipment. NS-A, NS-B, Valves in Light Liquid,Gas and Vapor Service FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(B)(10)(e) The instrument reading that defines a leaking valve is processes and 500 ppm or greater. NA NA NA NA NS-G-I 03735T43-46 [15ANCAC 2D.I I11] NS-G-2 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 35 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Valves in Lightquid,Gas and Vapor Service The Permittee shall monitor valves for leaks using the NS-A, instrument monitoring methods described in 40 CFR NS-B, ✓ 63.1023(b)and(c)at the frequency specified in LDAR 2.1(B)(10)(f) 2.1(B)(10)(f)(i)through 2.1(B)(10)(f)(v). The FPS/IXM N and Permittee may choose to subdivide the valves in the No Yes NA monitoring processes d reports from 03735T43-46 applicable process units or groups of process units NS-G-I and apply the provisions above to each subgroup. If Team Inc. NS-G-2 the Permittee elects to subdivide the valves,it shall comply with the provisions of 40 CFR 63.1025(b)(4). 40 CFR 63.1022(c)(4)] NS-A, Valves in Lightquid,Gas and Vapor Service NS-B, The percentage of leaking valves,used to determine LDAR FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(B)(10)(g) the required monitoring frequency in Section No Yes NA monitoring processes and 2.1(B)(10)(f),above,shall be calculated according to reports from NS-G-1 03735T43-46 the procedures in 40 CFR 63.1025(c). Team Inc. NS-G-2 40 CFR 63.1025 c NS-A, Valves in Li hg, t Liquid,Gas and Vapor Service NS-B, 2 1(B)(10)(h) The Permittee shall create and retain a record of the Scheduled and FPS/IXM NS-C, retained via processes and monitoring schedule for each process unit. No Yes NA SAP Work 03735T43-46 [40 CFR 63. 1025(b)(3)(vi),40 CFR 63. NS-G-1 Order NS-G-2 1038(c)(1)(i)] Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 36 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Control Permit and Deviation Maintained a non- Determining Source Condition ? ? compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Valves in Light Liquid,Gas and Vapor Service If a leak is identified: i. It shall be repaired as provided in the repair provisions of Section 2.1(13)(10)(bb)through (13)(10)(cc). ii. After a leak has been repaired,the valve shall be NS-A, monitored at least once within the first 3 months NS-B, after its repair. This requirement is in addition to FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(13)(10)(i) the monitoring required to satisfy the definition Leaker Detail processes and of repaired and first attempt at repair.The No Yes NA Report from NS-G-1 03735T43-46 required periodic monitoring in Section 2.1 Team Inc. NS-G-2 B.101,above,may be used if it satisfies the timing requirement of this condition.If a leak is detected by this follow-up monitoring,the provisions in 2.1(13)(10)(i)(A)through 2.1(13)(1 0)(i)(B)must be used to determine whether the valve must be counted as a leaking valve. 15A NCAC 2D.1 I III Valves in Light Liquid,Gas and Vapor Service NS-A, ; Any valve that is designated unsafe-to-monitor Site Procedure NS-B, according to Section 2.1(13)(10)(c) above is exempt 2.1(B)(10)(j) NG-18 is the FPS/IXM NS-C, from the monitoring and repair requirements specified No Yes NA MON MACT processes and 03735T43-46 in Section 2.1(13)(10)(f)and(13)(10)(i),and the LDAR written NS-G-1 Permittee shall monitor the valve according to the plan NS-G-2 written plan in Section 2.1 (13)(10)(d). 15A NCAC 2D.1 I III Valves in Light Liquid,Gas and Vapor Service NS-A, Any valve that is designated as difficult-to-monitor NS-B, accordingto Section 2.1(13)(10)(c),above is exempt 2.1 B 10 k p The site has no FPS/IXM NS-C, from the monitoring requirements of Section q No Yes NA difficult-to- processes and 2.1(B)(10)(f)and(B)(10)(i),and the Permittee shall NS-G-1 03735T43-46 monitor the valve according to the written plan in monitor valves NS-G-2 Section 2.1(13)(10)(d). 15A NCAC 2D.1111 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 37 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status All pumps subject to the MON MACT NS-A, Pumps in Light Liquid Service are designed NS-B, '� The instrument reading that defines a leaking pump is with no 2.1(B)(10)(1) externally FPS/IXM NS-C, 1,000 ppm or greater. Repair is not required unless an NA NA NA actuated shaft processes and 03735T43-46 instrument reading of 2,000 ppm or greater is penetrating the NS-G-I detected. NS-G-2 [40 CFR 63.1026(b)(2)(iii)and(b)(3)] pump housing and therefore are exempt from 63.1026 b Pumps in Lightquid Service All pumps Each pump within the MCPUs shall be checked by subject to the visual inspection each calendar week for indications MON MACT NS-A, ✓ of liquids dripping from the pump seal. The visual are�designed NS-B, inspection shall be consistent with the methods ith no FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(13)(10)(m) described in 40 CFR 63.1023(d). The Permittee shall externally processes and document that the inspection was conducted and the No Yes NA actuated shaft NS-G-1 03735T43-46 date of the inspection. If there are indications of penetrating the NS-G-2 liquids dripping from the pump seal at the time of the pump housing weekly inspection,follow either of the procedures and therefore listed in 2.1(13)(10)(m)(i)or 2.1(13)(10)(m)(ii). are exempt [40 CFR 63.1026(b)(4),40 CFR 63.1038(c)(2)(i)] from 63.1026 b Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 38 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status All pumps subject to the Pumps in Lightquid Service MON MACT NS-A, The Permittee shall monitor affected pumps once per are designed NS-B, calendar month using the instrument monitoring with no FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(B)(1 0)(n) methods described in 40 CFR 63.1023(b)and(c). externally processes and Leaks shall be repaired as provided in Section No Yes NA actuated shaft NS-G-1 03735T43-46 2.1(B)(10)(bb)through(B)(10)(cc). The Permittee penetrating the NS-G-2 shall calculate the percent leaking pumps using the pump housing procedures specified in 40 CFR 63.1026(c). and therefore [40 CFR 63.1026(b)(1),(c)and(d)] are exempt from 63.1026 b Pumps in Light Liquid Service NS-A, Any pump that is designated as unsafe-to-monitor NS-B f according to Section 2.1 (B)(10)(c),above,is exempt FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(B)(1 0)(o) from the inspection requirements provided in Section There are no processes and 2.1(B)(1 0)(m)and(B)(10)(n),above,and the No Yes NA unsafe-to- NS-G-1 03735T43-46 Permittee shall monitor and inspect the pump in monitor pumps NS-G-2 accordance with the written plan in Section 2.1(13)(10)(d). 40 CFR 63.1026(e)(6)] Connectors in Gas and Vapor and Light Liquid Service Site elects to NS-A, ✓ The Permittee shall comply with the requirements of comply with NS-B, 2.1(B)(10)(p) 40 CFR 63.1027 for connectors in gas/vapor and light the FPS/IXM NS-C, requirements in processes and liquid service.The Permittee may elect to comply No Yes NA Section NS-G-1 03735T43-46 with the requirements in Section 2.1(B)(1 0)(q) 2.1(B)(10)(q) NS-G-2 through(B)(10)(t),below,for connectors in heavy through liquid service. (B)(10)(t) 40 CFR 63.2480(b)(4)] I Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 39 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Device ID Condition Com liance Description Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? p No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Connectors in Gas and Vapor and Light Liquid If a potential Service leak is found The Permittee shall monitor connectors in each by visual, NS-A audible ' MCPU within 5 calendar days for leaks using the ' NS-B, olfactory,etc., FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(13)(10)(q) instrument monitoring methods described in 40 CFR then the processes and 63.1023(b)and(c),as applicable,if evidence of a No Yes NA connector is NSnd 03735T43-46 potential leak to the atmosphere is found by visual, monitored NS-G-2 audible,olfactory,or any other detection method, using a red unless the potential leak is repaired according to OC Section 2.1(13)(10)(s),below. detector [40 CFR 63.1029(b)(1)] instrument within 5 days. Connectors in Gas and Vapor and Light Liquid NS-A, Service NS-B, 2.1(B)(10)(r) If an instrument reading of 500 parts per million or LDAR FPS/IXM NS-C, greater is measured as required in Section No Yes NA monitoring processes and 03735T43-46 2.1(13)(10)(q),above,a leak is detected.The Permittee reports from NS-G-I shall repair the leak according to Section 2.1 Team Inc. NS-G-2 (13)(10)(bb)through(B)(10)(cc). 40 CFR 63.1029(b)(2)] Connectors in Gas and Vapor and Light_ Liquid NS-A, ✓ Service All repairs NS-B, For equipment identified in Section 2.1 (B)(10)(q), LDAR are verified FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(B)(10)(s) above,that is not monitored by the method specified No Yes NA monitoring via use of a processes and 03735T43-46 in 40 CFR 63.1023(b)and(c),as applicable,a leak is reports from VOC NS-G-1 considered repaired once the conditions listed in Team Inc. detector NS-G-2 2.1(B)(1 0)(s)(i)through 2.1(13)(10)(s)(iii)are met. instrument 40 CFR 63.1029 c Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 40 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Connectors in Gas and Vapor and Light Liquid Service The following are special provisions for connectors: i. Unsafe-to-repair connectors.Any connector that is designated as unsafe-to-repair as Site Procedure described in Section 2.1 (13)(10)(c),above,is NG-18 is the NS-A, exempt from the repair requirements in Section MON MACT 2.1 B 10 bb .The Permittee shall monitor LDAR written NS-B, 2.1 B 10 t these connectors according to the written plan plan that ( )( )() g P FPS/IXM N and as specified in Section 2.1 (B)(10)(d),above. No Yes NA identifies processes and NS-G-I 03735T43-46 ii. Inaccessible,ceramic,or ceramic-lined unsafe-to- NS-G-2 connectors.Any connector that is inaccessible monitor and or that is ceramic-lined is exempt from the unsafe-to- monitoring requirements specified in 40 CFR repair 63.1023(b)and(c);from the leak repair equipment. requirements of Section 2.1 (13)(10)(bb);from the recordkeeping and reporting requirements in this section. 40 CFR 63.1024 e ; 40 CFR 63.1027(e)(2)] NS-A, NS-B, Agitators in Gas and Vapor and Light Liquid Service FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(B)(10)(u) The instrument reading that defines a leaking agitator NA NA NA NA processes and 03735T43-46 is 10,000 ppm or greater. NS-G-I [40 CFR 63.1028] NS-G-2 NS-A, Weekly VEN •/ Agitators in Gas and Vapor and Light Liquid Service CMT Agitator NS-B, 2.1(13)(10)(v) The Permittee shall conduct visual and instrument Inspection; FPS/IXM N inspections as provided in 2.1(13)(1 0)(v)(i)and N o Yes NA LDAR processes anndd 03735T43-46 2.1(13)(1 0)(v)(ii). monitoring NS-G-1 [40 CFR 63.1028] reports from NS-G-2 Team Inc. Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 41 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number Status NA) (Yes/No) Site Procedure NG-18 is the NS-A, Agitators in Gas and Vapor and Light Liquid Service MON MACT NS-B, '� If the Permittee designates agitator seals as either LDAR written 2.1(B)(10)(w) plan that FPS/IXM NS-C, unsafe-to-monitor or difficult-to-monitor,the No Yes NA identifies processes and 03735T43-46 permittee shall comply with the requirements unsafe-to- NS-G-1 specified in 2.1(13)(1 0)(w)(i)and 2.1(13)(1 0)(w)(ii). NS-G-2 [40 CFR 63.1028] monitor and unsafe-to- repair equipment. NS-A, Pressure Relief Valves NS-B, 21(B)(10)(x) The instrument reading that defines a leaking pressure . FPS/IXM NS-C, relief valve is 500 ppm or greater. This standard does NA NA NA NA processes and 03735T43-46 not apply during pressure releases as provided in NS-G-1 Section 2.1(13)(1 0)(y),below. NS-G-2 40 CFR 63.1030 NS-A, Pressure relief NS-B, ✓ Pressure Relief Valves valves are FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(13)(10)(y) The pressure relief device shall be monitored as exempt per 40 processes and specified in 2.1(13)(1 0)(y)(i)through No Yes NA CFR NS-G-I 03735T43-46 2.1(13)(1 0)(y)(iii). 63.1025(e), NS-G-2 [40 CFR 63.1030] 63.1030(d)and e . NS-A, NS-B, ✓ When a leak is detected using either sensory or Leaker Tags FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(B)(10)(z) instrument monitoring methods,a weatherproof and hung by Team and readily visible identification shall be attached to the No Yes NA Inc.upon processes NSnd 03735T43-46 leaking equipment. discovery of a NS-G2 [40 CFR 63.2480(a)] leak NS-A, / Leaker Tags NS-B, 2.1(13)(1 0)(aa Leak identifications that are placed on leaking removed by FPS/IXM NS-C, ) equipment may be removed as specified in No Yes NA Team Inc. processes and 2.1(B)(10)(w)(i)and 2.1(13)(1 0)(w)(ii). re- NS-G-1 03735T43-46 [40 CFR 63.1024(c)] following monitoring NS-G2 Air Quality Permit No. 03 73 5T46 Page 42 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Control Permit and Determining Source Device ID Condition Condition ? ? compliance Compliance Comments Description No.(s) Number Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Status NA) (Yes/No) The Permittee shall repair each leak detected as soon NS-A, as practical,but not later than 15 calendar days after it NS-B, 2.1(13)(1 0)(bb is detected,except where"Delay of Repair"or Leaker Detail FPS/IXM NS-C, ) "Unsafe to Repair"provisions apply. A first attempt No Yes NA Report from processes and at repair shall be made no later than 5 calendar days Team Inc. NS-G-1 03735T43-46 after the leak is detected. First attempt repairs are NS-G-2 specified in 2.1(13)(1 0)(bb)(i)and 2.1(13)(10)(bb)(ii). 40 CFR 63.2480 a,40 CFR 63,Subpart UU NS-A, Delay of repair is allowed for any of the conditions NS-B, 2.1(13)(10)(cc listed in 2.1(13)(1 0)(cc)(i)through 2.1(13)(1 0)(cc)(v). No delay of FPS/IXM NS-C, The Permittee shall maintain a record of the facts that repair incidents processes and explain any delay of repairs and,where appropriate, No Yes NA occurred in NS-G-1 03735T43-46 why the repair was technically infeasible without a 2019 NS-G-2 process unit shutdown. 15A NCAC 2D.1111 NS-A, For each leak detected,the information specified in NS-B, 2.1(13)(1 0)(dd 2 1(13)(1 0)(dd)(i)through 2.1(13)(1 0)(dd)(v)shall be Leaker Detail FPS/IXM NS-C, ) recorded and maintained. No Yes NA Report from processes and [40 CFR 63.1023(e)(2),40 CFR 63.1024(f),40 CFR Team Inc. NS-G-1 03735T43-46 63. 1038(b)] NS-G-2 All equipment NS-A, ✓ is physically NS-B, 2.1(13)(10)(ee The Permittee shall create and retain the general tagged FPS/IXM NS-C, ) records as specified in 2.1(13)(1 0)(ee)(i)through No Yes NA Site Procedure processes and 2.1(13)(1 0)(ee)(iii). NS-G-1 03735T43-46 [40 CFR 63.1038(b)] is the NS-G-2 MON MACT LDAR written plan Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 43 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Site Procedure Heat Exchanger Requirements NG-18 is the NS-A, The Permittee shall prepare and implement a MON MACT NS-B, monitoring plan that documents the procedures that LDAR written FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(B)(10)(ff) will be used to detect leaks of process fluids into No Yes NA plan processes and 03735T43-46 cooling water. The plan shall meet the requirements NS-G-1 specified in 2.1(13)(1 0)(ff)(i)through Analytical NS-G-2 2.1(13)(10)(ff)(iii). reports from [40 CFR 63.2490,40 CFR 63.104(c)] TBL Laboratory Heat Exchanger Requirements Except as allowed by the delay of repair requirements in Section 2.1(13)(10)(hh),below,if a leak is detected in any heat exchanger system,the Permittee shall be Electronic Log NS-A, �j repair the leak as soon as practical but not later than Book on NS-B, 2.1(13)(1 0)(gg 45 calendar days after the Permittee receives results Chemours FW FPS/IXM NS-C, ) of monitoring tests indicating a leak,unless the No Yes NA Intranet processes and Permittee demonstrates that the results are due to a NS-G-1 03735T43-46 condition other than a leak. Once the leak has been No leaks NS-G-2 repaired,the owner or operator shall confirm that the occurred in heat exchange system has been repaired within 7 2019 calendar days of the repair or startup,whichever is later. 40 CFR 63.2490,40 CFR 63.104 d NS-A, Heat Exchanger Requirements NS-B, 2.1(13)(10)(hh Delay of repair of heat exchange systems is allowed if No delay of FPS/IXM NS-C, the equipment is isolated from the process. Delay of repair is also allowed if repair is technically infeasible No Yes NA repairs processes and occurred in NS-G-I 03735T43-46 without a shutdown and any one of the conditions 2019 NS-G-2 listed in 40 CFR 63.104(e)(1)through(e)(2)is met. 40 CFR 63.2490,40 CFR 63.104 e Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 44 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status NS-A, NS-B, Heat Exchangerquirements FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(13)(10)(ii) For each affected heat exchanger system,the No leaks and Permittee shall retain the records specified in No Yes NA occurred in processes NSnd 03735T43-46 2.1(13)(1 0)(ii)(i)through 2.1(13)(1 0)(ii)(iv). 2019 NS-G-2 [40 CFR 63.2490,40 CFR 63.104(f)] NS-A, NS-B, The Permittee shall create and retain the records 2.1(B)(10)(jj) Records FPS/IXM NS-C, specified in 2.1(13)(10)0j)(i)through processes and 2. B vii on each affected MCPU. No Yes Nn maintained 1 03735T43-46 ( )(10)��)( ) onsite. NS-G-1 [40 CFR 63.2525(b)] NS-G-2 NS-A, / NS-B, 2.1(13)(10)(kk Create and retain a record of each time a safety device FPS/IXM NS-C, ) Safety Incident processes and is opened to avoid unsafe conditions. No Yes NA Reports NS-G-1 03735T43-46 [40 CFR 63.2525(f)] NS-G-2 NS-A, For each affected Group 2 wastewater stream,the Records NS-B, maintained in 2.1(13)(10)(11) Permittee shall retain the records specified in FPS/IXM NS-C, the processes and 2.1(13)(10)(11)(i)through 2.1(B)(10)(11)(iv). No Yes NA Notification of NSnd 03735T43-46 [Table 7 of 40 CFR Part 63,Subpart F and Compliance NS-G-2 40 CFR 63.147(b)(8)] Status Report If a Group 2 emission point becomes a Group 1 NS-A, emission point,the Permittee must be in compliance No Group 2 NS-B, 2.1(13)(10)(m with the Group 1 requirements beginning on the date emission points FPS/IXM NS-C, m) the switch occurs. An initial compliance became a processes and demonstration as specified in 40 CFR 63,Subpart No Yes NA Group 1 NS-G-I 03735T43-46 FFFF must be conducted within 150 days after the emission points NS-G-2 switch occurs. in 2019 40 CFR 63.2445 d Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 45 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status The Permittee shall submit a semi-annual compliance NS-A, report of monitoring and recordkeeping activities postmarked on or before January 30 of each calendar Semi-annual NS-B, 2.1(B)(10)(nn and year for the preceding six-month period between July reports sent to FPS/IXM N ) and December,and July 30 of each calendar year for No Yes NA the NC processes d the preceding six-month period between January and Division of Air NS-G-1 03735T43-46 June. The report shall contain the items specified in Quality FRO NS-G-2 2.1(13)(10)(nn)(i)through 2.1(13)(10)(nn)(xi). 40 CFR 63.2520 a, b and e State Only equirement(TO and Scrubber System) 2.1(B)(11)(a) No later than December 31,2019,the Permittee shall System Thermal State Only install and begin normal operations of a Thermal Compliance began Oxidizer and NCD-Q1 No NA NA Requirement Oxidizer in series with a 4-Stage Scrubber System. Testing not normal 4-Stage NCD-Q2 This system shall reduce emissions of all PFAS, required in Scrubber including Gen X Compounds by at least 99.99 2019 operations 03735T44-46 p 12/31/19 percent. 15A NCAC 02 .0519 a 7 and Consent Order 2.1(B)(11)(b) Testing System Thermal The Permittee shall conduct an initial performance Compliance Oxidizer and NCD-Q 1 State Only test of the Thermal Oxidizer System and 4-Stage Testing not began Requirement No NA NA normal 4-Stage NCD-Q2 Scrubber System and perform or provide the required in Scrubber information described in 2.1(13)(11)(b) 2019 operations 03735T44-46 15A NCAC 02 .0508 12/31/19. Within 90 days of installation of the Thermal Thermal 2.1(13)(11)(c) Oxidizer and 4-Stage Scrubber System,the Permittee System Oxidizer and NCD-Q 1 State Only shall submit a report demonstrating initial compliance Reporting not began 4-Stage NCD-Q2 Requirement with the limits in 2.1(13)(11)(a),above,using the No NA NA required in normal Scrubber results of the initial performance test conducted as 2019 operations 03735T44-46 specified in Section 2.1(13)(11)(b),above. 12/31/19. 15A NCAC 02 .0508 2.1(B)(11)(d) After the initial performance test is conducted,the System Thermal Permittee shall conduct periodic performance tests to Compliance State Only began Oxidizer and NCD-QI Requirement demonstrate compliance with the limits in Section 2.1 No NA NA Testing not normal 4-Stage NCD-Q2 B.1 l.a,above,per 2.1(B)(1 1)(d)(i)through required in Scrubber 2.1(B)(11)(d)(iii). 2019 operations 03735T44-46 15A NCAC 02 .0508 12/31/19. I I Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 46 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation ' Emission Source or Deviation Maintained anon- Method(s)of Control Permit and Determining Source Condition compliance Comment s is Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Operate During performance tests conducted according to continuous Thermal 2.State Only 1( a Only Section 2.1 B.I Lb,above,the Permittee shall monitoring System began Oxidizer and NCD-Q1 Requirement establish or confirm the operating parameters No Yes NA system. normal 4-Stage NCD-Q2 specified in Section 2.1(13)(11)(h)and(13)(11)(i), Compliance Scrubber 03735T44-46 below. testing not operations 15A NCAC 02 .0508 12/31/19. [ Q (fl] required in 2019. Monitoring Thermal 2.1(13)(11)(f) Emissions of all PFAS,including GenX compounds System Oxidizer and NCD-Q 1 State Only from specified unit operations shall be controlled by a DCS and began 4-Stage NCD-Q2 Requirement Thermal Oxidizer and 4-Stage Scrubber System. No Yes NA annual normal Scrubber Inspection and maintenance requirements are included inspections operations 03735T44-46 in 2.1(13)(11)(f)(i)through 2.1(13)(11)(f)(v). 12/31/19. 15A NCAC 02 .0508 The Permittee shall develop,and submit to NC DAQ 2.1(13)(11)(g) for approval,a site-specific monitoring plan that DCS and SAP Thermal addresses design,data collection and QA/QC State Only records.Plan Oxidizer and NCD-Q1 Requirement elements for operating each CMS installed according No Yes NA submitted to 4-Stage NCD-Q2 to Section 2.1.(B)(11)(h)and(13)(11)(i),below. The NC DAQ FRO Scrubber 03735T44-46 Plan shall address items 2.1(13)(1 1)(g)(i)through on 11/27/19. 2.1(13)(11)(g)(viii). 15A NCAC 02 .0508 The Permittee shall install,calibrate,maintain,and operate CMS for the Thermal Oxidizer(NCD-Q 1). 2.1(B)(11)(h) The CMS shall include a continuous recorder capable System Thermal of taking a measurement at least once every 15 State Only began Oxidizer and NCD-Q1 Requirement minutes.The Permittee shall operate the CMS No Yes NA DCS normal 4-Stage NCD-Q2 according to the approved site-specific monitoring Scrubber plan specified in 2.1(B)(11)(g),above to ensure the operations 03735T44-46 operational parameters in 2.1(13)(1 1)(h)(i)through 12/31/19. 2.1(13)(1 1)(h)(ii i)are maintained. 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 47 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status The Permittee shall install,calibrate,maintain,and operate CMS for the 4-Stage Scrubber System(NCD- Q2).The CMS shall include a continuous recorder Thermal 2 State 1 Only ly capable of taking a measurement at least once every System State began Oxidizer and NCD-Q1 15 minutes.The Permittee shall operate the CMS Requirement No Yes NA DCS normal 4-Stage NCD-Q2 according to the approved site-specific monitoring Scrubber plan specified in Section 2.1(B)(1 1)(g),above,to operations 03735T44-46 ensure the operational parameters in 2.1 B 11 i i 12/31/19. through 2.1(B)(1 1)(i)(iii)are maintained. 15A NCAC 02 .0508 2.1(B)(11)0)'� Shutdown and Malfunction System Thermal Except as specified in Section 2.1(B)(11)(k) below, State Only began Oxidizer and NCD-Ql Requirement the Permittee shall operate the Thermal Oxidizer and No Yes NA DCS normal 4-Stage NCD-Q2 4-Stage Scrubber System at all times when specified Scrubber processes are operating. operations 03735T44-46 15A NCAC 02 .0508 12/31/19. Prior to operation of the Thermal Oxidizer and 4- Stage Scrubber System,the Permittee shall develop and submit to NC DAQ for approval,a detailed shutdown and malfunction plan for the Thermal ✓ Oxidizer and 4-Stage Scrubber System that contains Thermal Plan submitted 2.1(B)(11)(k) specific procedures for initiating the shutdown of System State Only process emission sources during periods of control began Oxidizer and NCD-Q1 Requirement device shutdown and malfunction,and a program of No Yes NA to NC DAQ normal 4-Stage NCD-Q2 corrective action for malfunctioning processes,and FRO on operations Scrubber 03735T44-46 control systems used to comply with limits in Section 12/18/19. 12/31/19. 2.1(B)(1 1)(a),above.The Permittee shall keep a copy of the approved plan onsite and perform the information in 2.1(B)(11)(k)(i)through 2.1(13)(11)(k)(iii). 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Thermal 2.1(13)(11)(1) Recordkeeping/Reporting System Oxidizer and NCD-Q 1 State Only The Permittee shall record the information in began 4-Stage NCD-Q2 Requirement 2.1(B)(1 1)(1)(i)—2.1(B)(1 1)(1)(iv)monthly in a No Yes NA DSC and SAP normal Scrubber logbook(written or electronic). operations 03735T44-46 15ANCAC 02 .0508 12/31/19. Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 48 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number Status NA) (Yes/No) The Permittee shall retain all results of performance testing conducted in accordance with 2.1 B(11)(b)and 2.1(B)(11)(m) (B)(11)(c),above,including development of operating System Thermal parameters,as specified in Section 2.1(B)(11)(h)and State Only No compliance began Oxidizer and NCD-Q1 Requirement (13)(11)(i)above,and the calculation of the Thermal No NA NA testing required normal 4-Stage NCD-Q2 Oxidizer and 4-Stage Scrubber System control in 2019. operations Scrubber 03735T44-46 efficiency with respect to control of all PFAS, 12/31/19. including GenX Compounds,from emission sources contained in 2.1(B)(11)(m). 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Thermal 2.1(B)(11)(n)/ Oxidizer and NCD-Q 1 State Only The Permittee shall keep all records on file for a Records O Stage NCD-Q2 Requirement minimum of five years. No Yes NA maintained Scrubber [15A NCAC 02Q.0508(f)] onsite. 03735T44-46 The Permittee shall submit a quarterly summary report,acceptable to the Regional Air Quality Supervisor,of monitoring and recordkeeping / activities specified in Section 2.1(B)(11)(f)through 2.1(B)(11)(o) (B)(11)(n),above,postmarked on or before January Reports not To be Thermal 30 of each calendar year for the preceding three- State Only required to be submitted in Oxidizer and NCD-Q1 Requirement month period between October and December;April No NA NA submitted in Jan,April, 4-Stage NCD-Q2 30 of each calendar year for the preceding three- 2019 for these July and Oct Scrubber 03735T44-46 month period between January and March;July 30 of sources. each year. each calendar year for the preceding three-month period between April and June;and October 30 of each calendar year for the preceding three-month period between July and September. 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Gaseous and mist emissions from the Polymer Polymer ,/ Processing Aid process shall be controlled by a wet Processing ACD-Al 2.1(C)(1)(a) scrubber. The Permittee shall ensure the proper Aid Wet performance of the scrubber by monitoring the No Yes No DCS Scrubber 03735T43-46 operational parameters in 2.1(C)(1)(a)(i)and 2.1(C)(1)(a)(ii) 15A NCAC 02D.1100 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 49 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Recordkeeping Polymer The Permittee shall record the results of inspections in Processing ACD-AI 2.1(C)(1)(b) a scrubber log,which shall be kept on site and made No Yes No SAP Aid Wet 03735T43-46 available to the Division of Air Quality personnel Scrubber upon request. 15A NCAC 02D.1100 The Permittee shall not operate the wastewater treatment area without implementing management Wastewater WTS-A, 2.1(D)(1)(a) practices or installing odor control equipment Treatment WTS-B, sufficient to prevent odorous emissions from the No Yes NA Area records WTS-C 03735T43-46 facility from causing or contributing to objectionable odors beyond the facility's boundary. 15A NCAC 02D.1806 2.1(D)(1)(b)WTS-B, ✓ Odorous emissions from the wastewater treatment Wastewater sludge dryers shall be controlled by an impingement- Treatment WTS-C and type scrubber with caustic injection(WTCD-1). No Yes NA Area records WTCD-1 03735T43-46 15A NCAC 02D.1806 Monitoring and Recordkeeping To ensure that maximum efficiency of the scrubber is maintained,the Permittee shall perform periodic inspections and maintenance as recommended by the Wastewater 2.1(D)(1)(c) scrubber manufacturer.As a minimum,the inspection Treatment WTS-A and maintenance program shall include inspection of No Yes NA SAP 03735T43-46 spray nozzles,packing material,chemical feed system (if so equipped),and the cleaning/calibration of all associated instrumentation. 15A NCAC 02D.1806 The Permittee shall record the results of inspections in Wastewater 2.1(13)(1)(d) a scrubber logbook(written or electronic format)that WTS-A shall be kept on site and made available to NC DAQ No Yes NA Area Records Treatment 03735T43-46 personnel upon request. 15A NCAC 02D.1806 Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 50 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number Status NA) (Yes/No) Particulates from Fuel Burning Indirect Heat Natural Exchangers A rental Gas/No.2 2.1(E)(1)(a) Emissions of particulate matter discharged into the boiler was fuel oil-fired PS-Temp atmosphere from the combustion of No.2 fuel oil in NA NA NA NA temporary 03735T43-46 the temporary boiler shall not exceed 0.2426 pounds not site 2019. boiler per million Btu heat input. in 201 15A NCAC 2D.0503 Natural / A rental Gas/No.2 2.1(E)(1)(b) If emissions testing is required,the testing shall be boiler was fuel oil-fired PS-Temp performed in accordance General Condition JJ. NA NA NA NA temporary 03735T43-46 [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] not on-site in 2019. boiler Natural ✓ No monitoring/recordkeeping/reporting is required for A rental Gas/No.2 2.1(E)(1)(c) particulate emissions from the firing of fuel oil in this boiler was fuel oil-fired PS-Temp NA NA NA NA source for this regulation. not on-site temporary 03735T43-46 boiler [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] in 2019. Sulfur Dioxide Emissions from Combustion Sources Natural Emissions of sulfur dioxide from the temporary boiler Gas/No.2 2.1(E)(2)(a) shall not exceed 2.3 pounds per million Btu heat A rental fuel oil-fired PS-Temp input. Sulfur dioxide formed by the combustion of NA NA NA NA boiler was temporary 03735T43-46 sulfur in fuels,wastes,ores,and other substances not on-site boiler shall be included when determining compliance with in 2019 this standard. 15A NCAC 2D.0516 Natural ✓ A rental Gas/No.2 2.1(E)(2)(b) If emissions testing is required,the testing shall be boiler was fuel oil-fired PS-Temp performed in accordance with General Condition JJ. NA NA NA NA temporary 03735T43-46 [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] not site 2019. boiler in 201 Natural A rental Gas/No.2 2.1(E)(2)(c)✓ No monitoring/recordkeeping is required for sulfur boiler was fuel oil-fired PS-Temp dioxide emissions from the firing of natural gas or NA NA NA NA temporary 03735T43-46 fuel oil in this source. [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] not on-site in 2019. boiler Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 51 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number Status NA) (Yes/No) Control of Visible Emissions Visible emissions from the temporary boiler shall not Natural be more than 20 percent opacity when averaged over A rental Gas/No.2 2.1(E)(3)(a) a six-minute period. However,six-minute averaging boiler was fuel oil-fired PS-Temp periods may exceed 20 percent not more than once in NA NA NA NA not on-site temporary 03735T43-46 any hour and not more than four times in any 24-hour in 2019. boiler period. In no event shall the six-minute average exceed 87 percent opacity. 15A NCAC 2D.0521 Natural / Emissions A rental Gas/No.2 2.1(E)(3)(b) If emissions testing is required,the testing shall be testing was not boiler was fuel oil-fired PS-Temp performed in accordance with General Condition JJ. NA NA NA required for not on-site temporary 03735T43-46 [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] this source in in 2019. boiler 2019 Natural No monitoring/recordkeeping/reporting is required for A rental Gas/No.2 2.1(E)(3)(c) visible emissions from the firing of natural gas or fuel boiler was fuel oil-fired PS-Temp NA NA NA NA ' temporary 03735T43-46 oil in this source. not on-site 15A NCAC 2D.0524 in 2019. boiler [ ] Prevention of Significant Deterioration Natural ,/ In order to avoid applicability of 15A NCAC 02D A rental Gas/No.2 2.1(E)(4)(a) .0530(g)for major sources and major modifications, boiler was fuel oil-fired PS-Temp the temporary boiler shall discharge into the NA NA NA NA not on-site temporary 03735T43-46 atmosphere less 40 tons of sulfur dioxide per in 2019. boiler consecutive twelve-month period. 15A NCAC 2 .0317 Natural / A rental Gas/No.2 2.1(E)(4)(b) If emissions testing is required,the testing shall be boiler was fuel oil-fired PS-Temp performed in accordance with General Condition JJ. NA NA NA NA temporary 03735T43-46 [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] not 01site 2 boiler in 2019. Natural ' The Permittee shall keep monthly records of fuel A rental Gas/No.2 2.1(E)(4)(c) usage in a logbook(written or in electronic format), boiler was fuel oil-fired PS-Temp NA NA NA NA temporary 03735T43-46 as specified in 2.1(E)(4)(c)(i)and 2.1(E)(4)(c)(ii). not on-site boiler [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] in 2019. Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 52 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status The Permittee shall calculate monthly and 12-month Natural ✓ rolling S02 emissions from the temporary boiler A rental Gas/No.2 2.1(E)(4)(d) within 30 days after the end of each calendar month. boiler was fuel oil-fired PS-Temp Calculations shall be recorded in a logbook(written NA NA NA NA 01 temporary 03735T43-46 or electronic format),according to formulas specified not site boiler in 2.1(E)(4)(d)(i)and 2.1(E)(4)(d)(ii). in 2 2019. 15A NCAC 2 .0317 The Permittee shall submit a semi-annual summary report,acceptable to the Regional Air Quality Supervisor,of monitoring and recordkeeping Natural ./ activities postmarked on or before January 30 of each A rental Gas/No.2 2.1(E)(4)(e) calendar year for the preceding six-month period boiler was fuel oil-fired PS-Temp between July and December,and July 30 of each NA NA NA NA temporary 03735T43-46 calendar year for the preceding six-month period not on-site boiler between January and June. The report shall contain in 2019. the information specified in 2.1(E)(4)(e)(i)through 2.1(E)(4)(e)(iii). 15A NCAC 2 .0508 Avoidance Condition—Case-by-Case MACT for Natural Boilers Gas/No.2 2.1(E)(5)(a) Prior to May 20,2019,in order to avoid the A rental fuel oil-fired PS-Temp applicability of 15A NCAC 02D.1109,the temporary NA NA NA NA boiler was temporary 03735T43-46 boiler shall not remain on site for more than 180 not on-site boiler consecutive days.The Permittee shall retain records in 2019. of the number of consecutive days the boiler is onsite. 15A NCAC 2 .0317 Natural / If this boiler remains on site for longer than 180 A rental Gas/No.2 2.1(E)(5)(b) consecutive days,the Permittee shall notify the boiler was fuel oil-fired PS-Temp Regional Office in writing within ten days of NA NA NA NA temporary 03735T43-46 exceeding the 180-day period. not on-site boiler 15A NCAC 2 .0317 in 2019. Natural The Permittee shall submit a startup notification to the A rental Gas/No.2 2.1(E)(5)(c)� Fayetteville Regional Office within 15 days of startup boiler was fuel oil-fired PS-Temp No NA NA NA of the temporary boiler. not on-site temporary 03735T43-46 boiler [15A NCAC 2Q.0317] in 2019 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 53 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status /- Particulates from Miscellaneuous Industrial Processes System did 2.1(F)(1)(a) Emissions of particulate matter from the Lime Silo not operate Lime Silo and NS-RI and Lime Slaker shall not exceed an allowable NA NA NA NA in 2019. Slaker NS-R2 03735T44-46 emission rate,per the calculation in 2.1(F)(1)(a). System [15A NCAC 02D.0515] started up on 1/4/20. System did Testing not operate Lime Silo and NS-RI 2.1(F)(1)(b) If emissions testing is required,the testing shall be NA NA NA NA in 2019. Slaker NS-R2 03735T44-46 performed in accordance with General Condition JJ. System [15A NCAC 02Q.0508(f)] started up on 1/4/20. Monitoring and Recordkeeping System did 2.1(F)(1)(c)f Particulate emissions from the Lime Slaker shall be not operate Lime Slaker NS-R2 controlled by the Wet Particulate Scrubber(NCD-R2) NA NA NA NA in 2019. 03735T44-46 and the Permittee shall comply with requirements System detailed in 2.1(F)(1)(c). started up on 15A NCAC 02 .0508 1/4/20. ✓ If the scrubber liquid flow rate readings recorded as System did 2.1(17)(1)(d) required,are observed to be below the minimum rate not operate Lime Slaker NS-R2 specified in Section 2.1(F)(1)(c),above,the Permittee NA NA NA NA in 2019. 03735T44-46 shall inspect the scrubber(s)for malfunctions and System clean or repair,as necessary. started up 15A NCAC 02 .0508 01/04/20. Particulate matter emissions from the Lime Silo shall be controlled by the bagfilter(NSD-RI). The Permittee shall perform inspections and maintenance System did ✓ as recommended by the manufacturer.In addition to 2.1(F)(1)(e) the manufacturer's inspection and maintenance not operate 019. Lime Silo NS-R1 recommendations,or if there are no manufacturer's NA NA NA NA in 03735T44-46 inspection and maintenance recommendations,as a System started up minimum,the inspection and maintenance O1/04/20. requirement shall include the information contained in 2.1(F)(1)(e)(i)and 2.1(17)(1)(e)(ii). 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 54 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status The results of inspection and maintenance activities in System did Section 2.1(F)(1)(c)through 2.1(F)(1)(e),above,shall not operate 2.1(F)(1)(f) be maintained in a logbook(written or electronic Lime Silo and NS-RI format)on site and made available to an authorized NA NA NA NA in System 2019. Slaker NS-R2 03735T44-46 representative of DAQ upon request.Containing the started up information in 2.1(F)(1)(f)(i)through 2.1(F)(1)(f)(iv). 01/04/20. 15A NCAC 02 .0508 / Reporting System did 2.1(F)(1)(g) The Permittee shall submit the results of any not operate Lime Silo and NS-RI in 2019. Slaker NS-R2 maintenance performed on any control device within NA NA NA NA System 03735T44-46 30 days of a written request by DAQ. [15A NCAC 02Q.0508(f)] started up 01/04/20. The Permittee shall submit a summary report of the monitoring and recordkeeping activities specified in System did Section 2.1(F)(1)(c)through(F)(1)(f),above, not operate 2.1(F)(1)(h) postmarked on or before January 30 of each calendar Lime Silo and NS-RI year for the preceding six-month period between July NA NA NA NA in System 2019. Slaker NS-R2 03735T44-46 and December and July 30 of each calendar year for started up the preceding six-month period between January and 01/04/20. June. 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Control of Visible Emissions Visible emissions from the Lime Silo and Lime System did ✓ Slaker shall not be more than 20 percent opacity when 2.1(F)(2)(a) averaged over a six-minute period.However,six- not operate Lime Silo and NS-RI in 2019. Slaker NS-R2 minute averaging periods may exceed 20 percent not NA NA NA NA System 03735T44-46 more than once in any hour and not more than four started up times in any 24-hour period.In no even shall the six- 01/04/20. minute average exceed 87 percent opacity. 15A NCAC 02D.0521 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 55 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status System did 2.1(F)(2)(b) Testiny, not operate Lime Silo and NS-RI If emissions testing is required,the testing shall be NA NA NA NA in 2019. Slaker NS-R2 03735T44-46 Performed in accordance with General Condition JJ. System [15A NCAC 02Q.0508(f)] started up 01/04/20. Monitoring To ensure compliance,once a week the Permittee shall observe the emission points of the Lime Silo and Lime Slaker for any visible emissions above normal. System did 2.1(F)(2)(c) The weekly observation must be made for each week not operate Lime Silo and NS-RI of the calendar year period to ensure compliance with NA NA NA NA in 2019. Slaker NS-R2 03735T44-46 this requirement.The Permittee shall establish System "normal"for the Lime Slaker in the first 30 days started up following the beginning operation.The Permittee 01/04/20. must follow the guidelines in 2.1(17)(2)(c)(i)and 2.1(17)(2)(c)(ii)in order to comply. 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Rccordkeeping The results of the monitoring shall be maintained in a System did not operate 2.1(F)(2)(d) logbook(written or electronic format)on-site and Lime Silo and NS-RI Slaker NS-R2 System made available to an authorized representative upon NA NA NA NA in 03735T44-46 request containing the information in 2.1(17)(2)(d)(i) started up through 2.1(F)(2)(d)(iii). 01/04/20. 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Reporting The Permittee shall submit a summary report of the Semiannual monitoring activities specified in Section 2.1(F)(2)(c) reporting. System did 2.1(F)(2)(e) and(d) above,postmarked on or before January 30 of Lime Silo and NS-RI each calendar year for the preceding six-month period NA NA NA NA not operate Slaker NS-R2 019. 03735T44-46 between July and December and July 30 of each in calendar year for the preceding six-month period System started up between January and June. O1/04/20. 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 56 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Prevention of Significant Deterioration Boiler PS-C In order to avoid applicability of 15A NCAC 02D has not been Natural gas/ PS-A 2.2(A)(1)(a) .0530(g)for major sources and modifications,the Monthly PSD constructed. No.2 fuel oil- PS-B affected boilers shall discharge into the atmosphere No Yes NA Avoidance A rental fired boilers Pe 03735T43-46 Tess than 702.5 tons of S02 per consecutive 12-month Report boiler was PS-Temp period. not on-site 15A NCAC 2 .03171 in 2019. Boiler PS-C ,/ PS-A If emissions testing is required,the Permittee shall Emissions has not been Natural gas/ 2.2(A)(1)(b) testing was not constructed. PS-B perform such testing in accordance with General No.2 fuel oil- PS-C Condition JJ. No NA NA required for A rental fired boilers 03735T43-46 these sources boiler was PS-Temp [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] in 2019 not on-site in 2019. Fuel Consumption Boiler PS-C PS-A The Permittee shall keep monthly records of fuel Records and has not been Natural gas/ PS-B 2.2(A)(1)(c) usage in a logbook(written or in electronic format), Certificates of constructed. No.2 fuel oil- PS-C as specified in 2.2(A)(1)(c)(i)through No Yes NA Analysis from A rental fired boilers PS-Temp 03735T43-46 2.2(A)(1)(c)(iii). Oil Supplier. boiler was [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] Fuel oil not not on-site combusted in in 2019. 2019. The Permittee shall calculate monthly and 12-month Boiler PS-C PS-A / roiling S02 emissions from the affected boilers within has not been Natural gas/ PS-B 2.2(A)(1)(d) 30 days after the end of each calendar month. Monthly PSD constructed. No.2 fuel oil- PS-C Calculations shall be recorded in a log(written or No Yes NA Avoidance A rental fired boilers PS-Temp 03735T43-46 electronic format),according to the formulas specified Report boiler was in 2.2(A)(1)(d)(i)and 2.2(A)(1)(d)(ii). not on-site 15A NCAC 2 .03171 in 2019. Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 57 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status The Permittee shall submit a semi-annual summary report,acceptable to the Regional Air Quality Supervisor,of monitoring and recordkeeping Boiler PS-C PS-A activities postmarked on or before January 30 of each Semi-annual has not been Natural gas/ 2.2(A)(1)(e) calendar year for the preceding six-month period constructed. PS-C the NC DAQ No.2 fuel oil- PS-B between July and December,and July 30 of each No Yes NA reports sent to A rental fired boilers PS-Temp 03735T43-46 calendar year for the preceding six-month period FRO boiler was between January and June. The report shall contain not on-site the information specified in 2.2(A)(1)(e)(i)through in 2019. 2.2(A)(1)(e)(iii). 15A NCAC 2 .0508 2.1 B In Permit No.03735T46,the reservation of Section Note Reserve 2.1 B was removed and section 2.1 C now became Removed 2.1 B,etc. No substantive changes,only numbering. Toxic Air Pollutant Emissions Limitations and 2.1(B)(1)(a)/ Requirements ate Enforceable Pursuant to 15A NCAC 02D.1100 and in accordance All Sources All Sources Only With the approved application for an air toxic No Yes NA Site records compliance demonstration,the permit limits in the 03735T43-46 table under 2.1(B)(1)(a)shall not be exceeded. 15A NCAC 02D.1100 Recordkeeping For compliance purposes,the Permittee shall maintain records of production rates,throughput,material 2.1(B)(1)(b) usage,periods of excess emissions,failure of air State pollution control equipment to operate in a normal Enforceable and usual manner,and other process operational All Sources All Sources Only information,that allows for evaluation for compliance No Yes NA Site records with the toxic air pollutant limits.These records shall 03735T43-46 be retained for a minimum of three years from the date of recording,and access to these records shall be provided to the Division of Air Quality staff upon request. 15A NCAC 02D.1100 Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 58 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number Status NA) (Yes/No) Reporting 2.1(Bate)(c)✓ For compliance purposes,within thirty(30)days after TAP reports each calendar year quarter the information contained Enforceable submitted All Sources All Sources in 2.1(B)(1)(c)(i)through 2.1(B)(1)(c)(iv)shall be No Yes NA Only reported to the Regional Supervisor,Division of Air quarterly to the Quality. NCDAQ FRO 03735T43-46 15A NCAC 02D.1100 2.2(B)(2)(a) Toxic Air Pollutant Emissions Limitations and Primary NEP-Hdr-1 State / Requirements Enforceable Pursuant to 15A NCAC 02D.1100,emissions of Operating AEP-Al Only hydrogen fluoride from these sources shall not exceed No Yes NA Site records Scenario EP- 7.281b/hr or 52.45 lb/day. 03735T43-46 15A NCAC 02D.1100 2.2(B)(2)(a) Alternative NEP-Hdr-1 State r Pursuant to 15A NCAC 02D.1100,emissions of Enforceable hydrogen fluoride from these sources shall not exceed Operating NEP-Q2 Only 7.281b/hr or 52.45 lb/day. No Yes NA Site records Scenario AEP-Al [15A NCAC 02D.1100] 03735T44-46 2.2(B)(2)(a) Primary State ✓ Pursuant to 15A NCAC 02D.1100,emissions of Operating and All other Enforceable hydrogen fluoride these sources shall not exceed 2.7 No Yes NA Site records Alternative sources Only lb/hr or 19.4 lb/day. Scenario [15A NCAC 02D.1100] 03735T44-46 2.2(B)(2)(b)(i Monitoring POS:Ensure proper performance of the Baffle Plate- POS Primary NCD-Hdr-1 State Type Tower Scrubbers by monitoring the injection followed for Operating NCD-Hdr-2 Enforceable liquid flow rate(minimum of 7,000 kg/hr,averaged No Yes NA IP-21 2019 until Scenario Only over 3-hours) 12/31/19 03735T43-46 [15A NCAC 02D.1100] Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 59 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status 2.2(B)(2)(b)(i i) AOS:Ensure the proper performance of the Thermal Alternative State NCD-Q1 Oxidizer and 4-Stage Scrubber System by complying AOS started Operating NCD-Q2 Enforceable with the requirements specified in Section 2.1(B)(11). No Yes NA 1 P-21 12/31/19 Scenario Only [15A NCAC 02D.1100] 03735T44-46 2.2(B)(2)(c)(i Recordkeeping ✓ POS:Record the results of inspections of the Baffle POS Primary State Plate-Type Tower Scrubbers in a logbook(written or followed for Operating Hdr-1 Enforceable electronic records)that shall be kept on site and made No Yes NA SAP 2019 until Scenario Hdr-2 Only available to the Division of Air Quality personnel 12/31/19 upon request. 03735T43-46 15A NCAC 02D.1100 2.2(B)(2)(c)(ii AOS:Record the results of inspections of the Thermal Alternative State Operating NCD-Q1 Enforceable Oxidizer and 4-Stage Scrubber System as specified in No Yes NA SAP AOS started Scenario NCD-Q2 Only 2.1(B)(11),above. 12/31/19 [15A NCAC 02D.1100] 03735T43-47 Any variance from the manufacturer's 2.2(B)(2)(c)(ii recommendations or the permit monitoring requirements,or the failure of the air pollution control Primary and Hdr-1 i) equipment to operate in a normal and usual manner, Alternative Hdr-2 State Enforceable shall be investigated with corrections made and dates No Yes NA Site records Operating NCD-Q 1 orc orc of action recorded in the log book.The inspection and Scenarios NCD-Q2 y maintenance activities,as well as required monitoring 03735T44-46 for scrubbing liquid flow rates,and scrubber pressure drops,if appropriate,shall be recorded. 15A NCAC 02D.1100 Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 60 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number Status NA) (Yes/No) The Permittee shall maintain records of production rates,throughput,material usage,periods of excess emissions,failure of air pollution control equipment 2.2(B)(2)(d) to operate in a normal and usual manner,and other Primary and State ✓ process operational information,that allows for Alternative Enforceable evaluation for compliance with the toxic air pollutants Operating All sources Only specified in 2.2(B)(2)(a),above.These records shall No Yes NA Site records Scenario be retained for a minimum of three years from the 03735T44-46 date of recording,and access to these records shall be provided to the Division of Air Quality staff upon request. 15A NCAC 02D.1100 2.2(B)(2)(e) Reporting Primary and State ✓ For compliance purposes,within thirty(30)days after TAP reports Alternative Enforceable each calendar year quarter the information contained submitted Operating All sources Only in 2.2(13)(2)(e)(i)through 2.2(B)(2)(e)(iii)shall be No Yes NA quarterly to the Scenario reported to the Regional Supervisor,Division of Air NCDAQ FRO 03735T44-46 Quality. 15A NCAC 02D.1100 Risk Management Pro rg ams Accidental 2.2(B)(3)(a) The Permittee is subject to Section 112(r)of the Clean RMP Release All sources Air Act and shall comply with all applicable No Yes NA submitted to 03735T43-46 requirements in 40 CFR Part 68. EPA 7/24/19. 40 CFR Part 68 Recordkeepin Reporting Accidental 2.2(B)(3)(b) The Permittee submitted a Risk Management Plan RMP Release All sources � (RMP)to EPA pursuant to 40 CFR 68.150 on August NA NA NA submitted to 03735T43-46 18,2014. EPA 7/24/19. 40 CFR Part 68 and 15A NCAC 02 .0508 The Permittee shall revise and update the RMP submitted under 40 CFR 68.150 by August 31,2019, RMP Next All sources Accidental 2.2(B)(3)(c) and at least once every five years after that date or No Yes NA submitted to submission Release 03735T43-46 most recent update required by 40 CFR 68.1890(b)(2) EPA 7/24/19. due August through(b)(7),whichever is later. 31,2024. 40 CFR Part 68 and 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 61 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Control of Emissions from Abrasive Blasting The Permittee shall ensure that any abrasive blasting operation conducted outside a building or conducted 2.2(B)(4)(a) indoors and vented to the atmosphere is performed in Outdoor State accordance with the requirements set forth in 15A Abrasive Abrasive Enforceable NCAC 02D.0521,Control of Visible Emissions.Any No NA NA NA Blasting Blasting and Only visible emissions reading for abrasive blasting I-08 performed outside a building shall be taken at a spot 03735T43-46 approximately one meter above the point of abrasive blasting with a viewing distance of approximately five meters. 15A NCAC 02D.0541 Abrasive Outdoor 2.2(B)(4)(b) Blasting Abrasive State ✓ All abrasive blasting operations shall be conducted Blasting and Enforceable within a building except as provided in 2.2(B)(4)(b)(i) No NA NA NA I-08 Only and 2.2(B)(4)(b)(ii). [15A NCAC 02D.05411 03735T43-46 Any abrasive operation conducted outside a building, as provided in Section 2.2(B)(3)(b)(i)or(ii),above, 2.2(B)(4)(c) shall take appropriate measures to ensure that the Outdoor State fugitive dust emissions created by the abrasive Abrasive Abrasive Enforceable blasting operation do not migrate beyond the property No NA NA NA Blasting Blasting and Only boundaries in which the abrasive blasting operation is I-08 being conducted.Appropriate measures to be taken 03735T43-46 are included in 2.2(B)(4)(c)(i)through 2.2(B)(4)(c)(vi). 15A NCAC 02D.0541 Control and Prohibition of Odorous Emissions 2.2(B)(5)✓ The Permittee shall not operate the facility without WWTP has Odorous Odorous State implementing management practices or installing and odor control Enforceable operating odor control equipment sufficient to prevent technology Emission Emission Only odorous emissions from the facility from causing or No NA NA NA that is Sources Sources contributing to objectionable odors beyond the addressed 03735T43-46 facility's boundary. elsewhere. 15A NCAC 02D.1806 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 62 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Control Permit and Deviation Maintained a non- Determining Source Condition ? ? compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Option for Obtaining Construction and Operation Permit Chemours will As required under 15A NCAC 02Q.0501(b)(2),the file the Thermal Thermal / Permittee shall have one year from the date of required Oxidizer/Scr Oxidizer/Scru NCD-Q 1 2 2(C)(1)(a) beginning normal operation of the Thermal Oxidizer application ubber bber System, N (ID No.NCD-Q1),the 4-Stage Caustic Scrubber(ID No Yes NA within one year System Lime Silo and NS-R1-R1 NS-R2 03735T44-46 No.NCD-Q2),the Lime Silo(ID No.NS-RI),or the of the began Lime Slaker Lime Slaker(ID No.NS-R2),whichever is first,to operation of operation file an amended application following the procedures the emission 12/31/19 of Section 15A NCAC 02Q.0504. units. 15A NCAC 02 .0504 d The NC DAQ FRO was notified on Reporting 12/31/2019 Thermal ,/ The Permittee shall notify the Regional Office,in that the TO Oxidizer/Scru NCD-Q 1 2 2(C)(1)(b) writing,of the date of beginning normal operation of System began bber System, NCD-Q2 the Thermal Oxidizer(ID No.NCD-Q1),the 4-Stage No Yes NA normal NS-R 1 Caustic Scubber(ID No.NCD-Q2),the Lime Silo(ID operation on Lime Silo and NS-R2 03735T44-46 No.NS-RI),or the Lime Slaker(ID No.NS-R2), 12/31/19.The Lime Slaker postmarked no later than 30 days after such date. Lime Slaker [I 5A NCAC 02Q.0504(f)] and Lime Silo did not begin operation in 2019. Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 63 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status (i)Permittee shall demonstrate compliance with the GenX Compounds emission limit of 23.027 pounds per year by calculating annual emissions each calendar month for the previous 12 months. (ii)The Permittee shall reduce emissions of GenX compounds by 99.99 percent of specified unit operations emissions by installing,operating and maintaining a Thermal Oxidizer and 4-Stage Scrubber System,as required in Section 2.1(13)(11),above. 2.2(D)(1)(a) Facility State (iii)The Permittee shall reduce emissions of GenX Enforceable compounds from the Polymer Processing Aid and Records Facility Wide Wide No Yes NA maintained Only Vinyl Ethers North Indoor Fugitives by installing, operating and maintaining Carbon Adsorbers as onsite 03735T44-46 required in Section 2.2(D)(1)(b)through(g),below. (iv) The Permittee shall reduce emissions of GenX Compounds from process equipment by complying with the enhanced LDAR program as specified in Section 2.2(D)(1)(h),below. (v)The Permittee shall comply with the recordkeeping and reporting requirements specified in Section 2.2(D)(1)(i)through(m),below. 15A NCAC 02 .0519 a 7 and Consent Order Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 64 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number Status NA) (Yes/No) Testing—Carbon Adsorbers The Permittee shall conduct performance tests for GenX compounds emissions from the PPA Carbon 2.2(D)(1)(b) Adsorber and VEN Indoor Fugitives Carbon State Adsorber.The Permittee shall conduct emissions Carbon ACD-A2 Enforceable testing in accordance with General Condition JJ and Testing Adsorbers NCD-Q3 Only in accordance with a testing protocol approved by NC No Yes NA conducted DAQ at least 45 days prior to conducting the 03735T44-46 performance test.During each performance test,the Permittee shall collect production data and hours of operation. 15A NCAC 02 .0508 The Permittee shall conduct performance tests on a quarterly basis,beginning May 13,2019,to develop a carbon replacement schedule for each Carbon Adsorber based on hours of operation,production rate,or another approved parameter,to be approved by NC DAQ. Once the carbon replacement schedule has been approved,the Permittee shall conduct 2.2(D)(1)(c) subsequent performance tests on an annual basis. The State Permittee shall conduct additional performance tests Three quarters Carbon ACD-A2 Enforceable within 90 days whenever permanent changes are No Yes NA of testing have Adsorbers NCD-Q3 Only made in production capacity,process feedstock type, been or whenever there is a replacement,removal,or completed 03735T44-46 addition of an emission source or control device. Following this performance test,the Permittee shall conduct quarterly performance tests for one year to determine whether the process changes result in a different carbon replacement schedule.After the revised replacement schedule is determined,the Permittee shall resume annual performance testing 15A NCAC 02 .0508 I Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 65 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Inspections—Carbon Adsorbers The Permittee shall perform annual inspections and 2.2(D)(1)(d) maintenance as recommended by the manufacturer.In State addition to the manufacturer's inspection and Annual maintenance recommendations,or if there are no Carbon ACD-A2 Enforceable manufacturer's inspection and maintenance No Yes NA inspections Adsorbers NCD-Q3 Only conducted in recommendations,as a minimum,the annual inspection and maintenance shall include the Oct 2019 03735T44-46 information specified in 2.2(1))(1)(d)(i)and 2.2(D)(1)(d)(ii) [I 5A NCAC 02 .0508 2.2(D)(1)(e)✓ Shutdown and Malfunction—Carbon Adsorbers State Except as specified in Section 2.2(D)(1)(g),below, Carbon ACD-A2 Enforceable the Permittee shall operate the Carbon Adsorber at all Adsorbers NCD-Q3 Only times when the PPA Process is operating and the No Yes NA IP-21 Carbon Adsorber at all times when the VEN Process 03735T44-46 is operating. 15A NCAC 02 .0508 The PPA Adsorber system shall be equipped with a differential pressure monitor on the primary blower and the scrubber blower. The VE North Indoor Fugitives Carbon Adsorber system shall be equipped with a differential pressure monitor on the blower and 2.2(D)(1)(f) the tower.Each monitor shall trigger an alarm in the State control room when the differential pressure indicates Carbon ACD-A2 Enforceable improper operation of the carbon bed blower.The No Yes NA IP-21 Adsorbers NCD-Q3 Only Permittee shall develop and submit to NC DAQ for approval a site-specific monitoring plan that addresses 03735T44-46 design,data collection,and QA/QC elements for operating each CMS installed on the carbon adsorbers.The monitoring plan shall include,at a minimum,address the information contained in 2.2(1))(1)(f)(i)through 2.2(1))(1)(f)(viii). 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 66 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Source or Records Was Deviation Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- e Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number Status NA) (Yes/No) No later than April 13,2019,the Permittee shall develop and submit to DAQ for approval,a detailed shutdown and malfunction plan for the PPA and VEN Indoor Fugitive Carbon Adsorbers that contains specific procedures for initiating the shutdown of 2.2 D 1)(g) process emission sources during periods of control Submissions ( )( Carbon ACD-A2 device shutdown and malfunction,and a program of No Yes NA 4/15/2019. Adsorbers NCD-Q3 03735T44-46 corrective action for malfunctioning processes and (04/13/19 was control systems used to comply with the limits in on a Saturday) Section 2.2(D)(1)(a),above.The Permittee shall keep a copy of the approved plan onsite and,at a minimum, contain the information in 2.2(D)(1)(g)(i)through 2.2(D)(1)(g)(iv). 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Inspection and Monitoring—Enhanced LDAR No later than May 13,2019,the Permittee shall develop,and submit to NC DAQ for approval,an Applicable Applicable 2.2(D)(1)(h) enhanced leak detection and repair program. The Submission LDAR LDAR Permittee shall conduct inspections and monitor to No Yes NA made May 8, sources Sources 03735T44-46 detect leaks from equipment identified in the 2019 approved program and shall address the information contained in 2.2(D)(1)(h)(i)through 2.2(13)(1)(h)(vi). 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Compliance Demonstration The Permittee shall demonstrate initial compliance Emissions 2.2(D)(1)(i) with the emission limitation specified in 2.2(D)(1)(a), calculations to Facility Wide Facility above,by submitting a report to NC DAQ by NA Yes NA be performed Wide February 28,2021. The report shall include in 2020.First 03735T44-46 information in 2.2(D)(1)(i)and 2.2(D)(1)(ii)for the report due 12-month period beginning December 31,2019. 2/28/21 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 67 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Emission Source or Deviation Maintained anon- Method(s)of Control Permit and � ,� Determining Source Condition compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status After the initial compliance report specified in Section 2.2(D)(1)(i),above,the Permittee shall demonstrate continuous compliance with the emissions limitation Quarterly in 2.2(D)(1)(a),above,by submitting quarterly reports reports Facility 2.2(D)(1)0) summarizing the information specified in Section First report due thereafter— Facility Wide Wide 2.2(13)(1)(i),above.The continuous compliance NA NA NA 4/30/21 July,Oct, 03735T44-46 reports shall be submitted in accordance with the Jan and schedule specified in Section 2.2(D)(1)(m),below, April of and the first report shall be postmakred on or before each year. April 30,2021. 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Recordkeeping / The Permittee shall record the following information Facility 2.2(D)(1)(k) monthly in a logbook(written or electronic format) Facility Wide Wide containing the information in 2.2(D)(1)(k)(i)through No Yes NA IP-21 and SAP 03735T44-46 2.2(D)(1)(k)(vi),that shall be maintained on-site and made available to NC DAQ,upon request. 15A NCAC 02 .0508 The Permittee must keep each entry in the log and all required records on file for a minimum of five years. Facility 2.2(D)(1)(1) In addition to the records identified in Section Facility Wide Wide 2.2(D)(1)(k),above,the Permittee shall also keep the No Yes NA IP-21 and SAP 03735T44-46 records specified in 2.2(D)(1)(1)(i)through 2.2(D)(1)(1)(iii). 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 68 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Source or Records Was Deviation Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit and Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Reports The Permittee shall submit a quarterly summary report,acceptable to the Regional Air Quality Supervisor,of monitoring and recordkeeping activities specified in Section 2.2(D)(1),above, postmarked on or before January 30 of each calendar 2.2(D)(1)(m) year for the preceding three-month period between Reports Facility January and March;July 30 of each calendar year for submitted Facility Wide Wide the preceding three-month period between April and No Yes NA 7/30/19 and 03735T44-46 June;and October 30 of each calendar year for the 10/30/19 preceding three-month period between July and September.All instances of deviations from the requirements of this permit must be clearly identified and the report contain the information specified in 2.2(D)(1)(m)(i)and 2.2(1))(1)(m)(ii). 15A NCAC 02 .0508 The Permittee shall have an ongoing duty to disclose 2.2(D)(1)(n) Records Facility to NC DAQ the information detailed in Facility Wide No Yes NA maintained Wide 03735T44-46 2.2(1))(1)(n)(i)and 2.2(1))(1)(n)(ii). onsite 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Permit Shield for Non-applicable Requirements The NSPS for Small Industrial-Commercial- Natural ✓ Institutional Steam Generating units(40 CFR Part 60, Gas/No.2 2.3(A)(1) Subpart Dc)and 15A NCAC 02D.0524 are not A rental fuel oil-fired PS-Temp applicable to the natural gas/No.2 fuel oil-fired NA NA NA NA boiler was temporary 03735T43-46 temporary boiler because the boiler is a temporary not on-site boiler boiler,as defined in§60.41c,provided the criteria in 2019 specified in 2.3(A)(1)(a)through 2.3(A)(1)(d)are met. 15A NCAC 02 .0512 a 1 B Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 69 of 69 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Control Permit and Deviation Maintained a non- Determining Source Condition ? ? compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number Status NA) (Yes/No) Permit Shield for Non-applicable Requirements The National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Major Sources:Industrial,Commercial, Natural and Institutional Boilers and Process Heaters(40 CFR A rental Gas/No.2 2.3(A)(2) Part 63,Subpart DDDDD)and 15A NCAC 02D boiler was fuel oil-fired PS-Temp .1111 are not applicable to the natural gas/No.2 fuel NA NA NA NA 01 temporary 03735T43-46 oil-fired temporary boiler because the boiler is a not site boiler temporary boiler,as defined in§63.7575,provided in 2 2019. the criteria in Section 2.3(A)(1)through(A)(4)are met. 15A NCAC 02 .0512 a 1 B The Permittee shall maintain the records specified in Natural 2.3(A)(3)(a)through 2.3(A)(3)(d)documenting that Gas/No.2 2.3(A)(3) the natural gas/No.2 fuel oil-fired temporary boiler A rental fuel oil-fired PS-Temp meets the criteria for a temporary boiler. These NA NA NA NA boiler was temporary 03735T43-46 records shall be maintained in a logbook(written or not on-site boiler electronic format)on-site and made available to an in 2019. authorized representative upon request- 15A NCAC 02 .0512 a 1 B Natural / The Permittee shall submit a startup notification to the A rental Gas/No.2 2.3(A)(4) Fayetteville Regional Office within 15 days of startup boiler was fuel oil-fired PS-Temp of the temporary boiler. NA NA NA NA not on-site temporary 03735T43-46 [I5ANCAC 02Q.0512(a)(1)(B)] in 2019. boiler The Chemours Company Chemours- RECEIVED Fayetteville Works 22828 NC Highway 87 W Fayetteville,NC 28306 IAA 420 'vision of Air ouality Certified Mail: 7013 1710 0001 0250 # teville Regional office e March 2, 2020 Mr. Gregory W. Reeves U.S. EPA Region 4 NCDEQ Division of Air Quality Air and EPCRA Enforcement Section 225 Green Street 61 Forsyth Street S.W. Suite 714 Atlanta, GA 30303 Fayetteville,NC 28301-5043 SUBJECT: 2019 Title V Air Permit—Annual Compliance Certification Chemours Company—Fayetteville Works Title V Permit Number 03537T47 Facility ID: 0900009 J 'v Dear Sirs: tA {� 3 Attached is the Chemours Company Fayetteville Works' Title V Air Permit Annual Compliance p Y— Y p Certification report for calendar year 2019. The required photocopy of this report is enclosed in the NCDEQ Division of Air Quality mailing. If you should have any questions,please call me at 910-678-1213. ,G Sincerel j Y Christel Compton Program Manager Attachment/Enclosure cc: U.S. EPA Region 4, Air and EPCRA Enforcement Section, Atlanta, GA North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality (DAQ) Title V Annual Compliance Certification Forms Facility Name: C_hemours Company—Fayetteville Works Facility Address: 22828 NC Highway 87 W, Fayetteville,NC 28306-7332 Facility Location: 22828 NC Highway 87 W, Bladen County,NC 28306 Facility ID Number: 0900009 Title V Permit Number: 03735T47 Start of Reporting Period: January 1, 2019 End of Reporting Period: December 31, 2019 Compliance Statement (Check only one of the following options) X During the reporting period specified above,this facility was in compliance with all terms and conditions identified in the above referenced Title V Operating Permit. As such, there were no deviations, excess emissions events, or other reportable incidents including those attributable to equipment malfunctions, breakdown,or upset conditions(please fill out the Compliance Summary Report). During the reporting period specified above, this facility was in compliance with ALL terms and conditions identified in the above referenced Title V Operating Permit, EXCEPT for the deviations identified in the Deviation Summary Report(please fill out both the Compliance Summary Report and Deviation Summary Report). Does the above compliance statement differ from what is indicated on your most recent Title V Report(i.e. last Semi-Annual Monitoring Report,Annual Emissions Inventory, etc)? Yes ❑ No ❑x Are you submitting this Annual Compliance Certification form to also fulfill a Title V Semi-Annual Monitoring reporting requirement? If so,this certification must be submitted by January 30. Yes ❑ No ❑x Certification By Responsible Official Based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry,the undersigned certifies under penalty of law(federal rule 40 CFR 70.5(d))that all information and statements provided in this form (including any attachments)are true, accurate,and complete. March 2, 2020 (Signature of Resp ible Of a (Date) Name: Brian D. Long (Type or Print) Number of Attached Pages(not including Instructions Page) 64 Revision 3.0 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 1 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Control Permit Determining Source Condition ? ? compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Particulates from Fuel Burning Indirect Heat Exchangers Natural gas/ Emissions of particulate matter from the combustion AP-42 No.2 fuel oil- PS-A and 2.1(A)(1)(a) of fuel oil that are discharged from the affected No NA NA emission fired boiler PS-B boilers(ID Nos.PS-A and PS-B)into the atmosphere factors shall not exceed 0.2667 pounds per million Btu heat input. 15A NCAC 2D.0503 Emissions of particulate matter from the combustion Natural gas/ of natural gas and No.2 fuel oil that are discharged Not applicable No.2 fuel oil- PS-C 2.1(A)(1)(b) from the affected boiler(ID No.PS-C)into the NA NA NA as Boiler PS-C fired boiler atmosphere shall not exceed 0.2268 pounds per has not been million Btu heat input. constructed 15A NCAC 2D.0503 Natural gas/ PS-A, If emissions testing is required,the testing shall be EmissionsBoiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B, 2.1(A)(1)(c) performed in accordance General Condition JJ. No NA NA testing was not for has not been fired boiler and PS-C [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] requiredconstructed these sources Natural as/ PS-A, No monitoring/recordkeeping/reporting is required for g particulate emissions from the firing of natural gas or Only natural Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B, 2.1(A)(1)(d) N o NA NA gas was burned has not been fired boiler and PS-C No.2 fuel oil in these boiler. in 2019 constructed 15A NCAC 2 .0508 Sulfur Dioxide Emissions from Combustion Sources 0.5%Sulfur Emissions of sulfur dioxide from the affected boilers No.2 fuel oil Natural as/ PS-A, equates to g (ID Nos.PS-A and PS-B)when firing natural gas or 0.5 lb.S02 per Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B, 2.1(A)(2)(a) No.2 fuel oil,and from the affected boiler(ID No. No Yes NA lion BTU. has not been fired boiler and PS-C PS-C)when firing natural gas only,shall not exceed million 2 fuel oil constructed 2.3 pounds per million Btu heat input. was not burned [15A NCAC 2D.0516] in 2019 Emissions Natural gas/ PS-A, If emissions testing is required,the testing shall be testing was not Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B, 2.1(A)(2)(b) performed in accordance with General Condition JJ.. No NA NA required for has not been fired boiler and PS-C [15A NCAC 2D.0508(f)] these sources constructed in 2019 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 2 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Control Permit Determining ,, � Source Condition compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Natural gas/ PS-A, No monitoring/recordkeeping is required for sulfur Only natural Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B, 2.1(A)(2)(c) dioxide emissions from natural gas or fuel oil burned No NA NA these boilers. gas was burned has not been fired boiler and PS-C 15 in NCAC 2 .0508 in 2019 constructed Control of Visible Emissions Visible emissions from the affected boiler(ID No. PS-A)shall not be more than 40 percent opacity when No VE Natural gas/ averaged over a six-minute period.However,six- deviations No.2 fuel oil- PS-A 2.1(A)(3)(a) minute averaging periods may exceed 40 percent not No NA NA observed in fired boiler more than once in any hour and not more than four 2019. times in any 24-hour period. In no event shall the six- minute average exceed 90 percent opacity. 15A NCAC 2D.0521 Visible emissions from the affected boiler(ID No. PS-B)shall not be more than 20 percent opacity when Natural gas/ averaged over a six-minute period.However,six- No VE No.2 fuel oil- PS-13 2.1(A)(3)(b) minute averaging periods may exceed 20 percent not No NA NA deviations fired boiler more than once in any hour and not more than four observed in times in any 24-hour period. In no event shall the six- 2019. minute average exceed 87 percent opacity. 15A NCAC 2D.0521 Visible emissions from the affected boiler(ID No. PS-C)shall not be more than 20 percent opacity when Not required averaged over a six-minute period when natural gas is since Boiler Natural gas- PS-C 2.1(A)(3)(c) fired in the boiler.However,six-minute averaging NA NA NA PS-C has not fired boiler periods may exceed 20 percent not more than once in been any hour and not more than four times in any 24-hour period. In no event shall the six-minute average constructed exceed 87 percent opacity. Emissions Natural gas/ PS-A, If emissions testing is required,the testing shall be testing was not Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B, 2.1(A)(3)(d) performed in accordance with General Condition JJ. No NA NA required for has not been fired boiler and PS-C [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] these sources constructed in 2019 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 3 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Control Permit Deviation Maintained a non- Determining � � Source Condition compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number Status NA) (Yes/No) No monitoring/recordkeeping/reporting is required for Natural gas/ PS-A, Only natural Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B, 2.1(A)(3)(e) visible emissions from the firing of natural gas or fuel No NA NA gas was burned has not been fired boiler and PS-C oil in these sources. in 2019 constructed 15A NCAC 2 .0508 New Source Performance Standards(40 CFR 60, Subpart Dc) For the affected boiler,while firing No.2 fuel oil only,the Permittee shall comply with all applicable Not required provisions,including the notification,testing, Natural gas/ since Boiler No.2 fuel oil- PS-C 2.1(A)(4)(a) recordkeeping,and monitoring requirements NA NA NA PS-C has not fired boiler contained in Environmental Management been Commission Standard 15A NCAC 02D.0524,"New Source Performance Standards"(NSPS)as constructed promulgated in 40 CFR 60,Subpart Dc,including Subpart A,"General Provisions." 15A NCAC 02D.0524 The maximum sulfur content of any fuel oil received Not required Natural gas/ d since Boiler No.2 fuel oil- PS-C 2.1(A)(4)(b) an fired in the affected boiler shall not exceed 0.5 NA NA NA PS-C has not fired boiler percent by weight. been [15A NCAC 2D.0524 and 40 CFR 60.42c(d)] constructed Visible emissions from the affected boiler(ID No. Not required Natural gas/ PS-C)shall not be more than 20 percent opacity when since Boiler No.2 fuel oil- PS-C 2.1(A)(4)(c) averaged over a six-minute period,except for one six- NA NA NA PS-C has not minute period per hour of not more than 27 percent fired boiler been opacity. constructed 15A NCAC 2D.0524 and 40 CFR 60.43c c The opacity standards in Section 2.1 A.4.c,above Not required Natural gas/ since Boiler No.2 fuel oil- PS-C 2.1(A)(4)(d) applies at all times when firing No.2 fuel oil,except NA NA NA PS-C has not fired boiler during periods of startup,shutdown or malfunction. been [40 CFR 60.43c(d)] constructed Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 4 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Source or Records Was Deviation Method(s)of Emission Control Permit Deviation Maintained a non- Determining,� � Source Condition compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number Status NA) (Yes/No) No fuel sulfur limits or opacity limits apply under Not required Natural gas/ 15A NCAC 02D.0524 when firing natural gas in the since Boiler No.2 fuel oil- PS-C 2.1(A)(4)(e) affected boiler(ID No.PS-C). NA NA NA PS-C has not fired boiler [15A NCAC 2D.0524] been constructed If emissions testing is required,the testing shall be Not required Natural gas/ performed in accordance with General Condition JJ. since Boiler No.2 fuel oil- PS-C 2.1(A)(4)(f) If the results of this test are above the limits given in NA NA NA PS-C has not fired boiler Section 2.1 A.4.b or A.4.c,above.. been 15A NCAC 2 .0508 constructed The Permittee shall conduct an initial performance test using Method 9 of Appendix A-4 of 40 CFR Part Not required Natural gas/ 60 and in accordance with General Condition JJ to since Boiler No.2 fuel oil- PS-C 2.1(A)(4)(g) demonstrate compliance with the opacity limit in NA NA NA PS-C has not fired boiler Section 2.1 A.4.c,above,and as specified in been 2.1(A)(4)(g)(i)through 2.1(A)(4)(g)(iii). constructed 40 CFR 60.47c a To assure compliance with the fuel sulfur limit in Section 2.1 A.4.b,above,the Permittee shall retain a Not required Natural gas/ copy of the fuel supplier certification for any fuel oil since Boiler No.2 fuel oil- PS-C 2.1(A)(4)(h) NA fired at the affected boiler. The fuel supplier NA NA PS-C has not fired boiler certification shall include the information specified in been 2.1(A)(4)(h)(i)through 2.1(A)(4)(h)(iii). constructed [40 CFR 60.46c(e),40 CFR 60.48c(f)and 15A NCAC 2 .0508 After completion of the initial performance testing in Not required Section 2.1 A.4.g,above,the Permittee shall comply Natural gas/ since Boiler with visible emissions monitoring according to the No.2 fuel oil- PS-C 2.1(A)(4)(i) requirements specified in 2.1(A)(4)(i)(i)through NA NA NA PS-C has not fired boiler 2.1(A)(4)(i)(ii). been constructed 40 CFR 60.47c a 1 and 40 CFR 60.47c a 2 Not required Natural gas/ The Permittee shall record and maintain records of the since Boiler No.2 fuel oil- PS-C 2.1(A)(4)0) amounts of each fuel fired during each month. NA NA NA PS-C has not fired boiler [15A NCAC 02Q.0508(f)and 40 CFR 60.48c(g)(2)] been constructed Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 5 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Control Permit Determining Source Device ID Condition Condition ? ? compliance Compliance Comments Description No.(s) Number Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Status NA) (Yes/No) The Permittee shall maintain records of No.2 fuel oil Not required Natural gas/ supplier certifications as specified in Section 2.1 since Boiler No.2 fuel oil- PS-C 2.1(A)(4)(k) NA NA NA PS-C has not fired boiler A.4.h.i,above. been [40 CFR 60.48c(e)(11),(f)(1)] constructed The Permittee shall keep the opacity monitoring Not required Natural gas/ records specified since Boiler No.2 fuel oil- PS-C 2.1(A)(4)(1) fied in 2.1(A)(4)(1)(i)through 2.1(A)(4)(1)(ii). NA NA NA PS-C has not fired boiler [40 CFR 60.48c(c)(1),(2)] been constructed The Permittee shall maintain records of any Not required Natural gas/ occurrence and duration of any startup,shutdown,or since Boiler No.2 fuel oil- PS-C 2.1(A)(4)(m) malfunction in the operation the affected boiler(ID NA NA NA PS-C has not fired boiler No.PS-C). been 40 CFR 60.7 b constructed Natural gas/ No.2 fuel oil- PS-C 2.1(A)(4)(n) Paragraph(n)missing from permit NA NA NA NA fired boiler All records required under Section 2.1 AA j through Not required Natural gas/ A since Boiler No.2 fuel oil- PS-C 2.1(A)(4)(0) .4.m shall be maintained by the Permittee for NA NA NA PS-C has not fired boiler period of two years following the date of such record. been [40 CFR 60.48c(i)] constructed The Permittee shall submit a construction notification Not required Natural gas/ of the date construction of the affected boiler(ID No. since Boiler No.2 fuel oil- PS-C 2.1(A)(4)(p) PS-C)is commenced,postmarked no later than 30 NA NA NA PS-C has not fired boiler days after such date. been 40 CFR 60.7 a 1 constructed The Permittee shall submit an initial notification to Not required Natural gas/ the Regional Supervisor within 15 days of actual since Boiler No.2 fuel oil- PS-C 2.1(A)(4)(q) startup of the affected boiler(ID No.PS-C). The NA NA NA PS-C has not fired boiler notification shall include the information specified in been 2.1(A)(4)(q)(i)through 2.1(A)(4)(q)(ii). constructed 40 CFR 60.48c a,40 CFR 60.7(a)(3)1 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 6 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Control Permit Determinin Source Device ID Condition Condition ? ? compliance Compliance Comments Description Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue. No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status The Permittee shall submit a semiannual summary report postmarked on or before January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July and December and July 30 of each Not required Natural gas/ calendar year for the preceding six-month period since Boiler No.2 fuel oil- PS-C 2.1(A)(4)(r) between January and June.All instances of NA NA NA PS-C has not fired boiler noncompliance from the requirements of this permit been and excess emissions must be clearly identified.The constructed summary report shall include information in 2.1(A)(4)(r)(i)through 2.1(A)(4)(r)(iii). 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Prevention of Significant Deterioration In order to avoid applicability of 15A NCAC 2D Natural gas/ .0530(g)for major sources and major modifications, Monthly PSD No.2 fuel oil- PS-B 2.1(A)(5)(a) the affected boiler shall discharge into the atmosphere No Yes NA avoidance fired boiler less than 40 tons of Nitrogen Oxide per consecutive reports 12-month period. 15A NCAC 2 .0317 In order to avoid applicability of 15A NCAC 2D 0530(g)for major sources and major modifications Natural gas/ Monthly PSD No.2 fuel oil- PS-13 2.1(A)(5)(a) the affected boiler shall discharge into the atmosphere No Yes NA avoidance fired boiler less than 40 tons of Sulfur Dioxide per consecutive reports 12-month period. 15A NCAC 2 .0317 If emissions testing is required,the Permittee shall Emissions Natural gas/ testing was not perform such testing in accordance with General No.2 fuel oil- PS-B 2.1(A)(5)(b) No NA NA required for fired boiler Condition JJ. source in sour this [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] sour 2019 The Permittee shall keep monthly records of fuel Fuel Natural gas/ usage in a logbook(written or in electronic format), consumption No.2 fuel oil- PS-13 2.1(A)(5)(c) as specified in 2.1(A)(5)(c)(i)through No Yes NA and sulfur fired boiler 2.1(A)(5)(c)(iii). 15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f) content records I Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 7 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Control Permit Determining Source Condition ? ? compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status The Permittee shall calculate monthly and 12-month rolling NOx emissions from the affected boiler within Natural gas/ 30 days after the end of each calendar month. Monthly PSD No.2 fuel oil- PS-B 2.1(A)(5)(d) Calculations shall be recorded in a logbook(written No Yes NA avoidance fired boiler or electronic format),according to formula specified reports in 2.1(A)(5)(d)(i)through 2.1(A)(5)(d)(ii). 15A NCAC 2D.0530 The Permittee shall calculate monthly and 12-month rolling S02 emissions from the affected boiler within Natural gas/ 30 days after the end of each calendar month. Monthly PSD No.2 fuel oil- PS-B 2.1(A)(5)(e) Calculations shall be recorded in a logbook(written No Yes NA avoidance fired boiler or electronic format),according to formula specified reports in 2.1(A)(5)(e)(i)through 2.1(A)(5)(e)(i i). 15A NCAC 2D.0530 The Permittee shall submit a semi-annual summary report of monitoring and recordkeeping activities Semi-annual postmarked on or before January 30 of each calendar reports sent to Natural gas/ year for the preceding six-month period between July the NC No.2 fuel oil- PS-B 2.1(A)(5)(f) and December,and July 30 of each calendar year for No Yes NA Division of Air fired boiler the preceding six-month period between January and Quality June. The report shall contain the information FRO specified in 2.1(A)(5)(f)(i)through 2.1(A)(5)(f)(iii). 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Case-by-Case`Boiler"MACT The initial compliance date for the emission limitations and associated monitoring,recordkeeping, No excess and reporting requirements listed below is December 12,2013. These conditions need not be included on emissions were Natural gas/ noted during Boiler PS-C PS-A the annual compliance certification until after the No.2 fuel oil- PS-B 2.1(A)(6)(a) initial compliance date. These limits apply except for No NA Yes periods of has not been fired boiler startup, constructed PS-C periods of startup,shutdown,and malfunction.The shutdown,or Permittee shall follow the procedures in 15A NCAC 2D.0535 for any excess emissions that occur during malfunction periods of startup,shutdown,or malfunction. 15A NCAC 2D.1109 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 8 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status The Permittee shall comply with this CAA§1120) This facility standard until May 19,2019. The initial compliance followed CAA date for the applicable CAA§112(d)standard for §1120) "National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air standard Natural gas/ PS-A Pollutants for Industrial,Commercial,and through Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B 2.1(A)(6)(b) Institutional Boilers and Process Heaters"is May 20, NA NA NA 5/19/19. has not been fired boiler PS-C 2019. On and after May 20,2019,the Permittee shall Starting constructed comply with Section 2.1 A.7 for boilers(ID Nos.PS- 5/20/19,the A and PS-C)and Section 2.1 A.8 for boiler(ID No. facility began PS-B). compliance [15A NCAC 2D.1109] with Section 2.1 A.7. If emissions testing is required,the Permittee shall Emissions Natural gas/ PS-A testing was not Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B 2.1(A)(6)(c) perform such testing in accordance with General Condition No NA NA required for has not been fired boiler PS-C these sources constructed [15A NCACC 2Q.0508(fj] in 2019 The Permittee shall perform an annual boiler Annual boiler inspection and maintenance on each boiler as inspections and recommended by the manufacturer,or as a minimum, tune-ups of Natural gas/ the inspection and maintenance requirement shall boilers PS-A and Boiler PS-C PS-A No.2 fuel oil- 2.1(A)(6)(d) include the requirements specified in 2.1(A)(6)(d)(i) No Yes NA has not been fired boiler PS-B through 2.1(A)(6)(d)(iii). The Permittee shall conduct PS-B were constructed PS-C at least one tune-up per calendar year to demonstrate completed on compliance with this requirement. 2/12/19 and [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] 03/18/19, respectively. Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 9 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Control Permit Determining Source Condition ? ? compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status The results of any required annual burner inspections and tune-ups are The results of any required annual burner inspection maintained as and maintenance shall be maintained in a logbook pdf files on the Natural gas/ PS-A (written or electronic format)on-site and made site's computer Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B 2.1(A)(6)(e) available to an authorized representative upon request. No Yes NA server.The file has not been fired boiler PS-C The logbook shall record the information specified in contains the constructed 2.1(A)(6)(e)(i)through 2.1(A)(6)(e)(iii). information [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] specified in 2.1(A)(6)(e)(i) through 2.1(A)(6)(e)(iii Boiler PS-C The Permittee shall submit an initial notification has not been Natural gas/ according to 40 CFR 63.9(b)(4)and(5)not later than constructed; No.2 fuel oil- 11'S-C 2.1(A)(6)(f) 15 days after the actual date of startup of boiler(ID NA NA NA therefore,no fired boiler No.PS-C). initial [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] notification needed. Semiannual Summary Report. The Permittee shall submit a summary report postmarked on or before January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding Semi-annual six-month period between July and December,and reports Natural gas/ submitted to Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-A 2.1(A)(6)(g) July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six- No Yes NA the NC has not been PS-B month period between January and June. The first fired boiler PS-C summary report shall be required on January 30, Division of Air constructed 2014. The report shall include the information Quality FRO specified in 2.1(A)(6)(g)(i)through 2.1(A)(6)(g)(iv). 15A NCAC 2 .0508 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 10 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status 40 CFR 63,Subpart DDDDD—Boiler MACT For the boilers(ID Nos.PS-A,PS-B and PS-C),the Permittee shall comply with all applicable provisions Natural gas/ PS-A for the"unit designed to burn gas I subcategory," This condition Boiler PS-C including the monitoring,recordkeeping,and No.2 fuel oil- PS-B 2.1(A)(7)(a) No Yes NA was effective has not been reporting contained in 15A NCAC 02D.I I I I fired boiler PS-C "Maximum Achievable Control Technology" on 5/20/19. constructed (MACT)as promulgated in 40 CFR 63,Subpart DDDDD. 40 CFR 63.7485,63.7490 d,63.7499 1 In order for the boilers(ID Nos.PS-A,PS-B and PS- C)to be considered in the"unit designed to burn gas This condition 1 subcategory,"the Permittee shall only burn liquid was effective Natural gas/ PS-A fuel for periodic testing of liquid fuel,maintenance, on 5/20/19. Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B 2.1(A)(7)(b) or operator training,not to exceed a combined total No Yes NA There was no has not been fired boiler PS-C of 48 hours during any calendar year,and during liquid fuel constructed periods of gas curtailment or gas supply interruptions burned in of any duration. 2019. 40 CFR 63.7575 For the purpose of Section 2.1 7.A,the definitions Natural gas/ PS-A and nomenclature contained in 40 CFR 63.7575 shall Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B 2.1(A)(7)(c) NA NA NA NA has not been fired boiler PS-C 40 CFR 63.75751constructed The Permittee shall comply with the requirements of Natural gas/ PS-A 40 CFR 63 Subpart A,General Provisions,according This condition Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B 2.1(A)(7)(d) to the applicability of Subpart A to such sources as No Yes NA was effective has not been fired boiler PS-C identified in Table 10 to 40 CFR Part 63,Subpart on 5/20/19 constructed DDDDD. 40 CFR 63.7565 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 11 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019. Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Control Permit Deviation Maintained a non- Determining Source Condition ? ? compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status The Permittee shall comply with the CAA§1120) 2.1(A)(7)(e) standards in Section 2.1 A-6 through May 19,2019. paragraphs(i) i. On and after May 20,2019,the Permittee shall and(ii)are comply with the requirements of Section 2.1 effective on Natural gas/ PS-A Boiler PS-C 7 for the boiler(ID No. PS-A and PS-B) . No.2 fuel oil- PS-B 2.1(A)(7)(e) No Yes NA 5/20/19 has not been fired boiler PS-C ii. The Permittee shall comply with the Compliance constructed requirements of this section for boiler(ID No. with each PS-C)on May 20,2019 or upon startup, condition is whichever is later. specified 40 CFR 63.7495 a and b,63.56 b below. As specified in 40 CFR 63.9(b)(4)and(5),if the This condition initial startup of the boiler(ID No.PS-C)is after May was effective Natural gas/ Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-C 2.1(A)(7)(f) 20,2019,the Permittee shall submit an Initial NA NA NA on 5/20/19.NA has not been fired boiler Notification not later than 15 days after the actual as boiler PS-C constructed date of startup of the boiler. has not been 40 CFR 63.7545 c constructed. The Permittee shall submit a Notification of This condition Compliance Status for the boilers(ID Nos.PS-A,PS- was effective B and PS-Q. The notification must be signed by a on 5/20/19 and Natural gas/ PS-A responsible official and postmarked before the close Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B 2.1(A)(7)(g) of business within 60 days of the compliance date No Yes NA the Notification of has not been fired boiler PS-C specified in Section 2.1 A.7.e,above.The constructed notification shall contain the information specified in Compliance submitted 2.1(A)(7)(g)(i)through 2.1(A)(7)(g)(ii) 7/18/2019. 40 CFR 63.7545 e 8 and 63.7530 e,and There was The Permittee shall submit a notification of intent to This condition no natural fire an alternative fuel within 48 hours of the was effective gas Natural gas/ PS-A declaration of each period of natural gas curtailment curtailment No.2 fuel oil- PS-B 2.1(A)(7)(h) or supply interruption.The notification shall contain No NA NA on 5 .No or supply fired boiler PS-C the information specified in 2.1(A)(7)(h)(i)through alternativeative fuel interruption. was fired in 2.1(A)(7)(h)(v). 2019. Boiler PS-C [40 CFR 63.7545(f)] has not been constructed Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 12 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Control Permit Deviation Maintained a non-� Determining ,, Source Condition compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status The Permittee shall comply with the work practice This condition Natural gas/ PS-A standards in Section 2.1 A.7.j,below at all times the was effective Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B 2.1(A)(7)(i) boilers(ID Nos.PS-A,PS-B and PS-C)are No Yes NA on 5/20/19. has not been fired boiler PS-C operating. Records constructed [40 CFR 63.7500(f)and 63.7505(a)] maintained onsite. The Permittee shall conduct a tune-up of the boilers This condition (ID Nos.PS-A,PS-B and PS-C)as specified below. was effective Natural gas/ PS-A The Permittee shall conduct the tune-up while on 5/20/19. Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B 2.1(A)(7)0) burning the type of fuel that provided the majority of No Yes NA Natural gas has not been fired boiler PS-C the heat input to the boiler of the 12 months prior to combusted in constructed the tune-up. PS-A and PS- 40 CFR 63.7500 a and 63.7540 a 10 B. This condition The tune-ups for the boilers(ID Nos.PS-A,PS-B and was effective Natural gas/ PS-A PS-C)shall be conducted according to the schedule on 5/20/19. Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B 2.1(A)(7)(k) located in 2.1(A)(7)(k)(i)through 2.1(A)(7)(k)(iii). No Yes NA Tune-ups were has not been fired boiler PS-C [Table 3 of Subpart DDDDD] completed per constructed [40 CFR 63.7540(a)(12),63.7515(d)] schedule in Feb and Mar 2019. This condition If the boilers(ID Nos.PS-A,PS-B and PS-C)are not was effective Natural gas/ PS-A operating on the required date for a tune-up,the tune- on 5/20/19. Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B 2.1(A)(7)(1) up must be conducted within 30 calendar days of No Yes NA Boilers PS-A has not been fired boiler PS-C startup. and PS-B did constructed [40 CFR 63.7515(g)and 63.7540(a)(13)] not require a delayed tune- up. Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 13 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Device ID Condition Compliance No.(s) Number Description Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Status NA) (Yes/No) This condition At all times,the Permittee shall operate and maintain is effective on the boiler,including associated air pollution control 5/20/19.PS-A equipment and monitoring equipment,in a manner and PS-B are consistent with safety and good air pollution control operated and practices for minimizing emissions.Determination of maintained in a Natural gas/ PS-A manner Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B 2.1(A)(7)(m) whether such operation and maintenance procedures No Yes NA consistent with has not been fired boiler PS-C are being used will be based on information available safety and constructed to DAQ that may include,but is not limited to, good air monitoring results,review of operation and maintenance procedures,review of operation and pollution maintenance records,and inspection of the source. control [40 CFR 63.7500(a)(3)] practices for minimizing emissions. To demonstrate initial compliance,the Permittee shall also conduct a one-time energy assessment for the existing boilers(ID No.PS-A and PS-B) This condition Energy Natural gas/ PS-A performed by a qualified energy assessor.The energy was effective Assessment No.2 fuel oil- PS-B 2.1(A)(7)(n) assessment must be conducted no later than May 20, No Yes NA on 5/20/19. was fired boiler 2019.The energy assessment must include the 32 on- Records are completed site technical hours as defined in 40 CFR 63.7575 maintained on Feb 1l- and shall include the information specified in onsite. 13,2019. 2.1(A)(7)(n)(i)through 2.1(A)(7)(n)(viii) 40 CFR 63.7500 a 1 ,Table 3 This condition Natural gas/ PS-A The Permittee shall keep the records specified in was effective Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B 2.1(A)(7)(o) 2.1(A)(7)(o)(i)through 2.1(A)(7)(o)(iv). No Yes NA on 5/20/19. has not been fired boiler PS-C [15A NCAC 02Q.0508(f)] Records constructed. maintained in monthly report. Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 14 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Source or Records Was Deviation Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status This condition was effective on 5/20/19. Records are kept in The Permittee shall comply with the recordkeeping accordance Natural gas/ PS-A ( Boiler PS-C requirements specified in 2.1(A)(7)(p)(i)through with the No.2 fuel oil- PS-B 2.1 A)(7)(P) 2.1(A)(7)(p)(iii). No Yes NA requirements has not been fired boiler PS-C [15A NCAC 02Q.0508(f)] specified in constructed conditions 2.1(A)(7)(P)(i) through 2.1(A)(7)(p)(iii The Permittee shall submit compliance reports to the DAQ every five years.The first report shall cover the Report will period beginning on the compliance date specified in be submitted Natural gas/ PS-A Section 2.1 A.7.e,above,and ending on December 31 This condition following No.2 fuel oil- PS-B 2.1(A)(7)(q) Within five years after the compliance date in Section No Yes NA was effective completion fired boiler PS-C 2.1 A.7.e,above. Subsequent reports shall cover the on 5/20/19. of the five-year periods from January 1 to December 31. The compliance reports shall be postmarked on or subsequent before January 31. tune-up. 40 CFR 63.7550(a),(b)and 63.10(a)(4), 5 Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 15 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Control Permit Determining Source Condition ? ? compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status The Permittee shall submit the annual compliance report via the CEDRI.The Permittee shall use the appropriate electronic report in CEDRI 40 CFR Part This condition 63,Subpart DDDDD.Instead of using the electronic was effective report in CEDRI for this 40 CFR Part 63,Subpart DDDDD,the Permittee may submit an alternate on 9. Natural gas/ PS-A electronic file consistent with the XML schema listed Annual compliance Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B 2.1(A)(7)(r) on the CEDRI Web site,once the XML schema is No Yes NA has not been fired boiler PS-C available.If the reporting form specific to 40 CFR reports were constructed Part 63,Subpart DDDDD is not available in CEDRI not required at the time that the report is due,the Permittee shall during this submit the report to DAQ.The Permittee shall begin reporting submitting reports via CEDRI no later than 90 days period. after the form becomes available in CEDRI. 40 CFR 63.7550(h)(3)] This condition was effective The Permittee shall include the information specified on 5/20/19. g ( )( )( )(i) g ( )( )( )( ) Annual Natural as/ PS-A in 2.1 A 7 s i through 2.1 A 7 s v m the Boiler PS-C No.2 fuel oil- PS-B 2.1(A)(7)(s) annual compliance report. No Yes NA compliance has not been fired boiler PS-C [40 CFR 63.7550(a)and(c)(1),(c)(5)(i)through(iii), reports were constructed (c)(5)(xiv),(c)(5)(xvii),and Table 9] not required during this reporting period. If the Permittee has a period of noncompliance with a This condition work practice standard for periods of startup and was effective Natural gas/ PS-A shutdown during the reporting period,the compliance on May 20, Boiler PS-C There No.2 fuel oil- PS-B 2.1(A)(7)(t) report must also contain the information specified in No Yes NA 2019. has not been fired boiler PS-C 2.1(A)(7)(t)(i)and 2.1(A)(7)(t)(ii). were no constructed [40 CFR 63.7540(b),63.7550(a)and(d)and Table periods of 9] noncompliance in 2019. I Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 16 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Control Permit Deviation Maintained a non- Determining Source Condition ? ? compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status NS-A,NS- Alternative Operating Scenarios B,NS-C, The Permittee,contemporaneously with making a NS-D-1, change from one alternative operating scenario to Alternative NS-E,NS- Records Operating F,NS-M, 2.1 (B)(1)(a) another,shall record in a logbook(written or No Yes NA maintained electronic format)the scenario under which it is Scenarios NS-N,NS- operating.The Primary Operating Scenarios(POS) onsite. 0,NS-P, are defined in 2.1 B 1 a i through 2.1 B 1 a iii . NS-G-1 and ( )( )( )(�) g ( )( )( )(...) NS-K [15NCAC 02Q.05080)] The Alternative Operating Scenario(AOS)is defined NS-A,NS- as the HFPO Process,Vinyl Ethers North Process, B,NS-C, Vinyl Ethers South Process,RSU Process,FPS NS-D-1, Liquid Waste Stabilization Process,MMF Process, Moved Alternative NS-E,NS- IXM Resins Process-except Fluorinator,E-2 permanently Operating F,NS-G-1, 2.1 (13)(1)(b) Process,TFE/CO2 Process,HFPO Product Container No Yes NA Records review to the AOS Scenarios NS-K,NS- Decontamination Process,VEN Product 12/31/19. M,NS-N, Decontamination Process,and VES Product NS-O and Decontamination Process are controlled by the NS-P Thermal Oxidizer(ID No.NCD-Q 1)in series with the 4-Stage Scrubber ID No.NCD- 2 . Under both the POS and AOS,the IXM Resins Alternative NS-G-2, Process—Fluorinator is controlled by a caustic Operating NS-H,NS-I, 2 1 (B)(1)(c) scrubber(ID No.NCD-G2)and the IXM Membrane No Yes NA Records review Scenarios SW-1 and Process,IXM Membrane Coating,Semiworks SW-2 Polymerization Operation,and Semiworks Laboratory hood are uncontrolled. NS-A,NS- B,NS-C, The Permittee shall permanently switch to the AOS NS-D-1, no later than December 31,2019. Once the Permittee Alternative NS-E,NS- Notification Operating F,NS-G-1, 2.1 (B)(1)(d) begins operation under the AOS,they shall no longer No Yes NA submitted operate under the POS. The Permittee shall submit a Scenarios NS-K,NS- notification to DAQ within 10 days of permanently 12/31/19. M,NS-N, switching to the AOS. NS-O and NS-P Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 17 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Control Permit Determining Source Condition ? :' compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Particulates from Miscellaneous Industrial Processes IXM Emission Emissions of particulate matter from the membrane No visible membrane source NS- coating NS-I 2.1(B)(2)(a) coating process and S03 system shall not exceed an No NA NA emissions D-2 not process and NS-D-2 allowable emission rate as calculated by the equation observed in installed in S03 in 2.1(13)(2)(a). 2019 2019 15A NCAC 2D.0515 IXM Emissions Emission membrane NS-I If emissions testing is required,the testing shall be testing was not source NS- coating 2.1(B)(2)(b) performed in accordance with General Condition JJ. No NA NA required for D-2 not process and NS-D-2 [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] these sources installed in S03 in 2019 2019 The Permittee shall maintain production records such IXM that the process rates"P"in tons per hour,as specified Emission membrane NS-I by the formulas contained above(or the formulas FPS/IXM source NS- coating 2.1(B)(2)(c) contained in 15A NCAC 2D.0515)can be derived, No Yes NA Production D-2 not process and NS-D-2 and shall make these records available to a DAQ Records installed in S03 authorized representative upon request. 2019 15A NCAC 2 .0508 The Permittee shall submit a summary report of monitoring and recordkeeping activities specified in Section 2.1 B.2.c,above,postmarked on or before IXM Emission January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding Semi-annual membrane source NS- coating NS-I 2.1(B)(2)(d) six-month period between July and December and No Yes NA reports sent to D-2 not process and NS-D-2 July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six- the NC DAQ installed in S03 month period between January and June. All FRO 2019 instances of deviations from the requirements of this permit must be clearly identified. 15A NCAC 2 .0508 Sulfur Dioxide Emissions from Combustion Sources AOS:Emissions of sulfur dioxide shall not exceed 2.3 Inherent Thermal pounds per million Btu heat input. Sulfur dioxide compliance NCD-Ql 2.1(B)(3)(a) formed by the combustion of sulfur in fuels,wastes, No Yes NA with Oxidizer ores,and other substances shall be included when combustion of determining compliance with this standard. natural gas. 15A NCAC 02D.0516 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 18 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Source or Records Was Deviation Method(s)of Emission Control Permit Deviation Maintained a non- Determining� � Source Condition compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Emission NCD-Q1 If emissions testing is required,the testing shall be testing of Thermal started NCD-Q 1 2.1(B)(3)(b) performed in accordance with General Condition JJ. No NA NA NCD-Q 1 was Oxidizer [15A NCAC 02Q.0508(f)] not required in operation on 2019 12/31/19 Thermal No monitoring or recordkeeping is required for sulfur Oxidizer NCD-QI 2.1(13)(3)(c) dioxide emissions from the firing of natural gas in the NA NA NA Thermal Oxidizer. Control of Visible Emissions Visible emissions from the membrane coating IXM process,the S03 system and the outlet of the 4-Stage Emission membrane NS-I scrubber shall not be more than 20 percent opacity No visible source NS- coating when averaged over a six-minute period. However, process,S03 NS-D-2 2.1(B)(4)(a) six-minute averaging periods may exceed 20 percent No NA NA emissions D-2 not and Thermal NCD-Q2 not more than once in any hour and not more than noted in 2019. installed in Oxidizer four times in any 24-hour period. In no event shall 2019 the six-minute average exceed 87 percent opacity. 15A NCAC 2D.0521 IXM Emissions Emission membrane NS-I If emissions testing is required,the testing shall be testing was not source NS- coating NS-D-2 2.1(13)(4)(b) performed in accordance with General Condition JJ. No NA NA required for D-2 not process,S03 NCD-Q2 [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] these sources installed in and Thermal in 2019. 2019 Oxidizer IXM Emission membrane NS-I No monitoring/recordkeeping/reporting is required source NS- coating NS-13-2 2.1(13)(4)(c) for visible emissions from these sources. NA NA NA NA D-2 not process,S03 NCD-Q2 [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] installed in and Thermal 2019 Oxidizer Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 19 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Control Permit Determining Source Condition ? ? compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Prevention of Significant Deterioration In order to avoid applicability of 15A NCAC 02D Vinyl Ethers .530(g)for major sources and major modifications, Monthly PSD North process NS-B 2.1(B)(5)(a) the Vinyl Ethers North process shall discharge into No Yes NA avoidance the atmosphere less than 68.9 tons of VOCs per reports consecutive 12-month period. 15A NCAC 2 .0317 If emissions testing is required,the Permittee shall Emissions Vinyl Ethers perform such testing in accordance with General testing was not North process NS-B 2.1(B)(5)(b) Condition JJ. No NA NA required for 15A NCAC 2 .0508 this source To demonstrate compliance with the limit provided in Section 2.1 B.5.a,above,within 30 days of the end of each calendar month the Permittee shall create and Monthly PSD Vinyl Ethers retain production records and estimate associated North process NS-B 2.1(B)(5)(c) VOC emissions for the previous calendar month, No Yes NA avoidance following the specified steps listed in 2.1(B)(5)(c)(i) reports through(13)(5)(c)(x). - 15A NCAC 2 .0508 Required records shall be maintained in a logbook Monthly PSD (written or electronic format)on-site and made avoidance Vinyl Ethers NS-B 2.1(B)(5)(d) available to an authorized representative upon No Yes NA reports are North process request. posted on the [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] site's internal web a e. The Permittee shall submit a semi-annual summary report of monitoring and recordkeeping activities specified in Section 2.1 B.5.c,and d,above, postmarked on or before January 30 of each calendar Semi-annual reports sent to Vinyl Ethers year for the preceding six-month period between July NS-B 2.1(B)(5)(e) No Yes NA the NC North process and December,and July 30 of each calendar year for Division of Air the preceding six-month period between January and June. The report shall contain the information Quality FRO specified in 2.1(13)(5)(e)(i)through 2.1(13)(5)(e)(iii). 15A NCAC 2 .0508 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 20 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Control Permit Determining,, � Source - Condition compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Prevention of Significant Deterioration In order to avoid applicability of 15A NCAC 02D .0530(g)for major sources and major modifications, Monthly PSD IXM Resins NS-G-I the IXM Resins Process(except Fluorinator)and the Process NS-G-2 2.1(B)(6)(a) IXM Resins Process Fluorinator shall discharge into No Yes NA avoidance the atmosphere less than 40 tons of VOCs per reports consecutive 12-month period. 15A NCAC 2 .0317 If emissions testing is required,the Permittee shall Emissions IXM Resins NS-G-1 perform such testing in accordance with General testing was not Process NS-G-2 2.1(B)(6)(b) Condition JJ. No Nn NA required for 15A NCAC 2 .0508 these sources To demonstrate compliance with the limit provided in Section 2.1 B.6.a.,within 30 days of the end of each calendar month the Permittee shall create and retain Monthly PSD IXM Resins NS-G-1 production records and estimate associated VOC Process NS-G-2 2.1(B)(6)(c) emissions for the previous calendar month,following No Yes NA avoidance the specified steps listed in 2.1(B)(6)(c)(i)through reports 2.1(13)(6)(c)(vi). 15A NCAC 2 .0508 Monthly PSD Required records shall be maintained in a logbook avoidance IXM Resins NS-G-1 (written or electronic format)on-site and made reports are Process NS-G-2 2.1(B)(6)(d) available to an authorized representative upon request. No Yes Nil posted on the [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] site's internal web a e. The Permittee shall submit a semi-annual summary report of monitoring and recordkeeping activities specified in Section 2.1 B.6.c and B.6.d,above, postmarked on or before January 30 of each calendar Semi-annual IXM Resins NS-G-1 year for the preceding six-month period between July reports sent to Process NS-G-2 2.1(B)(6)(e) and December,and July 30 of each calendar year for No Yes NA the NC DAQ the preceding six-month period between January and FRO June. The report shall contain the information specified in 2.1(13)(6)(e)(i)through 2.1(13)(6)(e)(iii). 15A NCAC 2 .0508 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 21 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019. Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Control Permit Determining Source Device ID Condition Condition ? ? compliance Compliance Comments Description No.(s) Number Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Status NA) (Yes/No) Prevention of Significant Deterioration In order to avoid applicability of 15A NCAC 02D HFPO .0530(g)for major sources and major modifications, Monthly PSD NS-A 2.1(B)(7)(a) the HFPO process shall discharge into the atmosphere No Yes NA avoidance process less than 85.3 tons of VOCs per consecutive 12- reports month period. 15A NCAC 2 .0317 If emissions testing is required,the Permittee shall Emissions HFPO perform such testing in accordance with General testing was not process NS-A 2.1(B)(7)(b) Condition JJ. No NA NA required for 15A NCAC 2 .0508 this source To demonstrate compliance with the limit provided in Section 2.1 B.7.a,above,within 30 days of the end of each calendar month the Permittee shall create and Monthly PSD HFPO retain production records and estimate associated process NS-A 2.1(B)(7)(c) VOC emissions for the previous calendar month, No Yes NA avoidance following the specified steps listed in 2.1(B)(7)(c)(i) reports through 2.1(13)(7)(c)(viii). 15A NCAC 2 .0508 Monthly PSD Required records shall be maintained in a logbook avoidance HFPO NS-A 2.1(B)(7)(d) (written or electronic format)on-site and made No Yes NA reports are process available to an authorized representative upon request. posted on the [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] site's internal web a e. The Permittee shall submit a semi-annual summary report of monitoring and recordkeeping activities specified in Section 2.1 B.7.c and d,above, postmarked on or before January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July Semi-annual HFPO reports sent to NS-A 2.1(B)(7)(e) and December,and July 30 of each calendar year for No Yes NA process the preceding six-month period between January and the DAQ F June. The report shall contain the information FRO specified in 2.1(13)(7)(e)(i)through 2.1(13)(7)(e)(iii). 15A NCAC 2 .0508 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 22 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Control Permit Deviation Maintained a non- Determining ,, � Source Condition compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number Status NA) (Yes/No) HFPO Prevention of Significant Deterioration Product In order to avoid applicability of 15A NCAC 02D Container. .0530(g)for major sources and major modifications, Monthly PSD Decontami- NS-N 2.1(B)(8)(a) the HFPO Product Container Decontamination No Yes NA avoidance Process shall discharge into the atmosphere less than reports nation 40.0 tons of VOCs per consecutive 12-month period. Process 15A NCAC 2 .0317 HFPO Emissions Product If emissions testing is required,the Permittee shall testing was not Container perform such testing in accordance with General Decontami- NS-N 2.1(B)(8)(b) Condition JJ. No NA NA required for this source in nation [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] 2019 Process To demonstrate compliance with the limit provided in HFPO Section 2.1 B.8.a,above,within 30 days of the end of Product each calendar month the Permittee shall create and Monthly PSD Container retain records and estimate associated VOC emissions Decontami- NS-N 2.1(B)(8)(c) for the previous calendar month,following the �O Yes NA avoidance nation specified steps listed in 2.1(B)(8)(c)(i)through reports Process 2.1(13)(8)(c)(iii). 15A NCAC 2 .0508 HFPO Monthly PSD Product Required records shall be maintained in a logbook avoidance Container NS-N 2.1(B)(8)(d) (written or electronic format)on-site and made No Yes NA reports are Decontami- available to an authorized representative upon request. posted on the nation [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] site's internal Process I I web a e. Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 23 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Control Permit Determining Source Condition ? ? compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status The Permittee shall submit a semi-annual summary report of monitoring and recordkeeping activities HFPO specified in Section 2.1 B.8.c and B.8.d,above, Product postmarked on or before January 30 of each calendar Semi-annual Container year for the preceding six-month period between July reports sent to Decontami- NS-N 2.1(B)(8)(e) and December,and July 30 of each calendar year for No Yes NA the NC DAQ nation the preceding six-month period between January and FRO Process June. The report shall contain the information specified in 2.1(13)(8)(e)(i)through 2.1(13)(8)(e)(iii). 15A NCAC 2 .0508 Prevention of Significant Deterioration The Permittee has used projected actual emissions to avoid applicability of prevention of significant The required IXM deterioration requirements pursuant to application report was 0900009.16A for the Spray Coating Throughput submitted to Membrane NS-I 2.1(B)(9)(a) Increase Project. In order to verify the assumptions No Yes NA NC DAQ Coating used in the projected actual emissions calculations, on the Permittee shall comply with the requirements in 02/14/19. Section 2.1 (B)(9)(b),below. 15A NCAC 02D.0530 u The Permittee shall perform the following: i. Maintain records of annual VOC emissions from the IXM Membrane Coating Process in tons per year,on a calendar year basis. ii. Submit a report to the director within 60 days The required after the end of each calendar year during which IXM these records must be generated. report was submitted to Membrane NS-I 2.1(13)(9)(b) iii. Make the information documented and No Yes NA Coating maintained under this condition available to the on NC DAQ Director or the general public. iv. Provide a comparison of the reported actual 02/14/2019 emissions(post-construction emissions)for each of the ten calendar years to the projected actual emissions 15A NCAC 02D.0530 u and 02 .0308 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 24 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status NESHAP for Miscellaneous Organic Chemical Manufacturing NS-A, For each miscellaneous organic chemical Records NS-B, manufacturing process unit,MCPU,the Permittee maintained FPS/IXM NS-C, shall comply with all applicable provisions,including onsite. Semi- processes and 2.1(13)(10)(a) the notification,testing,recordkeeping,and No Yes NA annual NS-G-1 monitoring requirements contained in 15A NCAC 2D Compliance NS-G-2 .l 111,"Maximum Achievable Control Technology'" Report was as promulgated in 40 CFR 63,Subpart FFFF, submitted. including Subpart A,"General Provisions". 15A NCAC 2D.1111 NS-A, NS-B, Opening a safety device,as defined in§63.2550,is A safety device FPS/IXM NS-C, allowed at any time conditions require it to avoid processes and 2.1(B)(10)(b) unsafe conditions. No Yes NA was not opened in 2019 NS-G-I [40 CFR 63.2450(p)] NS-G-2 The Permittee shall identify each pump,compressor, NS-A, agitator,pressure relief device,sampling connection Physical Site stem open-ended valve or line valve connector, Procedure NS-B, system, p tagging in field and instrumentation system in organic HAP service NG-18 is the FPS/IXM NS-C, and processes and 2.1(B identification )(10)(c) within each MCPU. Identification of the equipment No Yes NA MON does not require physical tagging of the equipment. MACT NS-G-2 NS-G-1 The Permittee must identify equipment as specified in drawings ng LDAR 2.1(B)(10)(c)(i)through 2.1(B)(10)(c)(iv). wings written plan. 40 CFR 63.2480 a,40 CFR 63.1022 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 25 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Control Permit Deviation Maintained a non- Determining Source Condition ? ? compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Site Procedure If the Permittee designates equipment as unsafe-to- NG-18 is the NS-A, monitor or difficult to monitor,the Permittee shall MON MACT NS-B, create written plans as specified below.The Permittee LDAR written FPS/IXM NS-C, shall retain the written plans on-site,and make them plan that processes and 2.1(13)(10)(d) available to NC DAQ for review upon request, No Yes NA identifies NS-G-I including 2.1(13)(1 0)(d)(i)"unsafe-to-monitor unsafe-to- NS-G-2 equipment"and 2.1(13)(1 0)(d)(ii)"difficult-to-monitor monitor and equipment." unsafe-to- [40 CFR 63.1022(c)(4)] repair equipment. N S-A, NS-B, Valves in Light Liquid.Gas and Vapor Service FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(13)(10)(e) The instrument reading that defines a leaking valve is NA NA NA NA processes and 500 ppm or greater. NS-G-I [15A NCAC 2D.I 111] NS-G-2 Valves in Light_Liquid.Gas and Vapor Service The Permittee shall monitor valves for leaks using the NS-A, instrument monitoring methods described in 40 CFR NS-B, 63.1023(b)and(c)at the frequency specified in LDAR FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(13)(1 0)(f)(i)through 2.1(13)(1 0)(f)(v). The monitoring processes and 2.1(13)(10)(f) Permittee may choose to subdivide the valves in the No Yes NA reports from NS-G-I applicable process units or groups of process units Team Inc. NS-G-2 and apply the provisions above to each subgroup. I1' the Permittee elects to subdivide the valves,it shall comply with the provisions of 40 CFR 63.1025(b)(4). 40 CFR 63.1022(c)(4)] NS-A, Valves in Li hg_t Liquid.Gas and Vapor Service NS-B, The percentage of leaking valves,used to determine LDAR FPS/IXM NS-C, the required monitoring frequency in Section monitoring processes and 2.1(B)(10)(g) No Yes NA 2 1(13)(10)(f),above,shall be calculated according to reports from NS-G-1 the procedures in 40 CFR 63.1025(c). Team Inc. NS-G-2 40 CFR 63.1025 c Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 26 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Source or Records Was Deviation Method(s)of Emission Control Permit Deviation Maintained a non- Determining ,, � Source Condition compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status NS-A, Valves in Light Liquid,Gas and Vapor Service NS-B, The Permittee shall create and retain a record of the Scheduled and FPS/IXM NS-C. retained via processes and 2.1(13)(10)(h) monitoring schedule for each process unit. No Yes NA SAP Work [40 CFR 63. 1025(b)(3)(vi),40 CFR 63. NS-G-1 Order NS-G-2 1038(c)(1)(i)] Valves in Light Liquid,Gas and Vapor Service If a leak is identified: i. It shall be repaired as provided in the repair provisions of Section 2.1(B)(10)(bb)through (B)(10)(cc). ii. After a leak has been repaired,the valve shall be NS-A, monitored at least once within the first 3 months NS-B, after its repair. This requirement is in addition to FPS/IXM NS-C, the monitoring required to satisfy the definition Leaker Detail processes and 2.1(13)(10)(i) of repaired and first attempt at repair.The No Yes NA Report from NS-G-1 required periodic monitoring in Section 2.1 Team Inc. NS-G-2 B.101,above,may be used if it satisfies the timing requirement of this condition.If a leak is detected by this follow-up monitoring,the provisions in 2.1(B)(10)(i)(A)through 2.1(13)(1 0)(i)(B)must be used to determine whether the valve must be counted as a leaking valve. 15A NCAC 2D.1111 Valves in Light Liquid,Gas and Vapor Service NS-A, Any valve that is designated unsafe-to-monitor NS-B, according to Section 2.1(B)(10)(c),above,is exempt Site Procedure FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(B)(10)(j) from the monitoring and repair requirements specified N No Yes NA MON MACT is the processes and in Section 2.1(13)(10)(f)and(13)(10)(i),and the LDAR written NS-G-1 Permittee shall monitor the valve according to the plan NS-G-2 written plan in Section 2.1 (B)(10)(d). 15A NCAC 2D.1111 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 27 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Control Permit Determining Source Device ID Condition Condition ? ? compliance Compliance Comments Description No.(s) Number Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue. Status NA) (Yes/No) Valves in Light Liquid,Gas and Vapor Service NS-A, Any valve that is designated as difficult-to-monitor NS-B, according to Section 2.1(13)(10)(c),above,is exempt The site has no FPS/IXM NS-C, from the monitoring requirements of Section 2.1(B)(10)(k) No Yes NA difficult-to- processes and 2.1(13)(10)(f)and(13)(10)(i),and the Permittee shall NS-G-1 monitor the valve according to the written plan in monitor valves NS-G-2 Section 2.1(13)(10)(d). 15A NCAC 213.11111 All pumps subject to the MON MACT NS-A, Pumps in Light Liquid Service are designed NS-B, The instrument reading that defines a leaking pump is with no FPS/IXM NS-C 1 000 ppm or greater. Repair is not required unless an externally processes and 2.1(13)(10)(1) instrument reading of 2,000 ppm or greater is NA N A NA actuated shaft NS-G-1 detected. penetrating the NS-G-2 [40 CFR 63.1026(b)(2)(iii)and(b)(3)] pump housing and therefore are exempt from 63.1026 b Pumps in LightLiquid Service All pumps Each pump within the MCPUs shall be checked by subject to the visual inspection each calendar week for indications MON MACT NS-A, of liquids dripping from the pump seal. The visual are designed NS-B, inspection shall be consistent with the methods with no FPS/IXM NS-C, described in 40 CFR 63.1023(d). The Permittee shall externally processes and 2.1(13)(10)(m) document that the inspection was conducted and the No Yes NA actuated shaft NS-G-1 date of the inspection. If there are indications of penetrating the NS-G-2 liquids dripping from the pump seal at the time of the pump housing weekly inspection,follow either of the procedures and therefore listed in 2.1(13)(10)(m)(i)or 2.1(13)(10)(m)(ii). are exempt [40 CFR 63.1026(b)(4),40 CFR 63.1038(c)(2)(i)] from 63.1026 b Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 28 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions �� Source or Records Was Deviation Method(s)of Emission Control Permit Deviation Maintained a non- Determining � � Source Condition compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number Status NA) (Yes/No) All pumps subject to the Pumps in Lightquid Service MON MACT NS-A, The Permittee shall monitor affected pumps once per are designed NS-B, calendar month using the instrument monitoring with no FPS/IXM NS-C, methods described in 40 CFR 63.1023(b)and(c). externally processes and 2.1(13)(10)(n) Leaks shall be repaired as provided in Section No Yes NA actuated shaft NS-G-1 2.1(13)(10)(bb)through(B)(10)(cc). The Permittee penetrating he NS-G-2 shall calculate the percent leaking pumps using the pump housing procedures specified in 40 CFR 63.1026(c). and therefore [40 CFR 63.1026(b)(1),(c)and(d)] are exempt from 63.1026 b Puml2s in Light Liquid Service NS-A, Any pump that is designated as unsafe-to-monitor NS-B, according to Section 2.1 (13)(10)(c),above,is exempt FPS/IXM NS-C, from the inspection requirements provided in Section There are no processes and 2.1(13)(10)(o) 2.1(13)(10)(m)and(13)(10)(n),above,and the N o Yes NA unsafe-to- NS-G-1 Permittee shall monitor and inspect the pump in monitor pumps NS-G-2 accordance with the written plan in Section 2.1(13)(10)(d). 40 CFR 63.1026(e)(6)] Connectors in Gas and Vapor and Light Liquid Service Site elects to' NS-A, The Permittee shall comply with the requirements of comply with NS-B, the 40 CFR 63.1027 for connectors in gas/vapor and light FPS/IXM NS-C. requirements in processes and 2.1(B)(10)(p) liquid service.The Permittee may elect to comply No Yes NA Section NS-G-I with the requirements in Section 2.1(13)(10)(q) 2.1 B 10(q) NS-G-2 through(B)(10)(t),below,for connectors in heavy through liquid service. (13)(10)(t) 40 CFR 63.2480(b)(4)] i Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 29 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Methods)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Control Permit Determining Source Device ID Condition Condition ? ? compliance Compliance Comments Description No.(s) Number Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Status NA) (Yes/No) Connectors in Gas and Vapor and Light Liquid If a potential Service leak is found The Permittee shall monitor connectors in each by visual, NS-A audible ' MCPU within 5 calendar days for leaks using the ' NS-B, olfactory,etc., FPS/IXM NS-C, instrument monitoring methods described in 40 CFR then the processes and 2.1(B)(10)(q) 63.1023(b)and(c),as applicable,if evidence of a No Yes NA connector is NSnd potential leak to the atmosphere is found by visual, monitored NS-G-2 audible,olfactory,or any other detection method, using a red unless the potential leak is repaired according to OC Section 2.1(13)(10)(s),below. detector [40 CFR 63.1029(b)(1)] instrument within 5 days. Connectors in Gas and Vapor and Light Liquid NS-A, Service NS-B, If an instrument reading of 500 parts per million or LDAR FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(B)(10)(r) greater is measured as required in Section No Yes NA monitoring processes and 2.1(13)(1 0)(q),above,a leak is detected.The Permittee reports from NS-G-I shall repair the leak according to Section 2.1 Team Inc. NS-G-2 (13)(10)(bb)through(13)(10)(cc). 40 CFR 63.1029(b)(2)] Connectors in Gas and Vapor and Lightquid NS-A, Service All repairs NS-B, For equipment identified in Section 2.1(13)(10)(q), LDAR are verified FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(B)(10)(s) above,that is not monitored by the method specified No Yes NA monitoring via use of a processes and in 40 CFR 63.1023(b)and(c),as applicable,a leak is reports from VOC NS-G-I considered repaired once the conditions listed in Team Inc. detector NS-G-2 2.1(13)(10)(s)(i)through 2.1(13)(1 0)(s)(iii)are met. instrument 40 CFR 63.1029 c Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 30 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit Condition ? ? compliance Determining Device ID Condition Compliance Comments Description No.(s) Number Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue. Status NA) (Yes/No) Connectors in Gas and Vapor and Light Liquid Service The following are special provisions for connectors: i. Unsafe-to-repair connectors.Any connector that is designated as unsafe-to-repair as Site Procedure described in Section 2.1(13)(10)(c),above,is NG-18 is the NS-A, exempt from the repair requirements in Section MON MACT NS-B, 2.1 (13)(10)(bb).The Permittee shall monitor LDAR written FPS/IXM NS-C, these connectors according to the written plan plan that processes and 2.1(13)(10)(t) as specified in Section 2.1 (13)(10)(d),above. No Yes NA identifies NS-G-I ii. Inaccessible,ceramic,or ceramic-lined unsafe-to- NS-G-2 connectors.Any connector that is inaccessible monitor and or that is ceramic-lined is exempt from the unsafe-to- monitoring requirements specified in.40 CFR repair 63.1023(b)and(c);from the leak repair equipment. requirements of Section 2.1 (13)(10)(bb);from the recordkeeping and reporting requirements in this section. 40 CFR 63.1024 e ; 40 CFR 63.1027(e)(2)] NS-A, NS-B, Agitators in Gas and Vapor and Light Liquid Service FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(13)(10)(u) The instrument reading that defines a leaking agitator NA NA NA NA processes and is 10,000 ppm or greater. NS-G-1 [40 CFR 63.1028] NS-G-2 NS-A, Weekly VEN NS-B, Agitators in Gas and Vapor and Lightquid Service CMT Agitator FPS/IXM NS-C, The Permittee shall conduct visual and instrument Inspection; processes and 2.1(13)(10)(v) inspections as provided in 2.1(13)(10)(v)(i)and No Yes NA LDAR NS-G-I 2.1(13)(1 0)(v)(ii). monitoring NS-G-2 [40 CFR 63.1028] reports from Team Inc. Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 31 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Control Permit Determining Source Device ID Condition Condition ? ? compliance Compliance Comments Description Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? P No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Site Procedure NG-18 is the NS-A, Agitators in Gas and Vapor and Light Liquid Service MON MON MACT written NS-B, If the Permittee designates agitator seals as either LDAplan that FPS/IXM NS-C unsafe-to-monitor or difficult-to-monitor,the processes and 2.1(13)(10)(w) permittee shall comply with the requirements No Yes NA identifies NS-G-1 specified in 2.1(13)(10)(w)(i)and 2.1(13)(10)(w)(ii). unsafe-to- NS-G-2 [40 CFR 63.1028] monitor and unsafe-to- repair equipment. NS-A, Pressure Relief Valves NS-B, The instrument reading that defines a leaking pressure FPS/IXM NS-C, relief valve is 500 ppm or greater. This standard does processes and 2.1(B)(10)(x) not apply during pressure releases as provided in NA NA NA NA NS-G-1 Section 2.1(13)(10)(y),below. NS-G-2 40 CFR 63.1030 VNS-A, Pressure relief NS-B, Pressure Relief Valves valves are FPS/IXM NS-C, The pressure relief device shall be monitored as exempt per 40 and 2.1(13)(10)(y) specified in 2.1(B)(10)(y)(i)through No Yes NA CFR processes NSnd 2.1(B)(10)(y)(iii). 63.1025(e), NS-G-2 [40 CFR 63.1030] 63.1030(d)and e . NS-A, When a leak is detected using either sensory or Leaker Tags NS-B, instrument monitoring methods,a weatherproof and hung by Team FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(13)(10)(z) readily visible identification shall be attached to the No Yes NA Inc.upon processes and leaking equipment. discovery of a NS-G-1 [40 CFR 63.2480(a)] leak NS-G2 NS-A, NS-B, Leak identifications that are placed on leaking r eemoovvaker Tags red by FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(13)(10)(aa equipment may be removed as specified in No Ycs NA Team Inc. processes and ) 2.1(13)(1 0)(w)(i)and 2.1(B)(10)(w)(ii). NS-G-I [40 CFR 63.1024(c)] following re- NS-G2 monitoring Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 32 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Control Permit Deviation Maintained a non- Determining Source Condition ? ? compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status The Permittee shall repair each leak detected as soon NS-A, as practical,but not later than 15 calendar days after it NS-B, is detected,except where"Delay of Repair"or Leaker Detail FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(13)(10)(bb "Unsafe to Repair"provisions apply. A first attempt No Yes NA Report from processes and ) at repair shall be made no later than 5 calendar days Team Inc. NS-G-1 after the leak is detected. First attempt repairs are NS-G-2 specified in 2.1(13)(1 0)(bb)(i)and 2.1(13)(10)(bb)(ii). 40 CFR 63.2480 a,40 CFR 63 Subpart NS-A, Delay of repair is allowed for any of the conditions NS-B, listed in 2.1(13)(10)(cc)(i)through 2.1(13)(10)(cc)(v). No delay of FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(13)(1 0)(cc The Permittee shall maintain a record of the facts that repair incidents processes and ) explain any delay of repairs and,where appropriate, No Yes NA occurred in NS-G-1 why the repair was technically infeasible without a 2019 NS-G-2 process unit shutdown. 15A NCAC 2D.11 III NS-A, For each leak detected,the information specified in NS-B, 2.1(13)(10)(dd)(i)through 2.1(13)(1 0)(dd)(v)shall be Leaker Detail FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(13)(10)(dd recorded and maintained. No Yes NA Report from processes and ) [40 CFR 63.1023(e)(2),40 CFR 63.1024(f),40 CFR Team Inc. NS-G-1 63. 1038(b)] NS-G-2 All equipment NS-A, is physically NS-B, The Permittee shall create and retain the general tagged FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(13)(1 0)(ee records as specified in 2.1(13)(10)(ee)(i)through No Yes NA Site Procedure processes and ) 2.1(13)(10)(ee)(iii). NG-18 is the NS-G-1 [40 CFR 63.1038(b)] MON MACT NS-G-2 LDAR written plan Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 33 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Control Permit Determining Source Device ID Condition Condition ? ? compliance Compliance Comments Description No.(s) Number Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Status NA) (Yes/No) Site Procedure Heat Exchangerquirements NG-18 is the NS-A, The Permittee shall prepare and implement a MON MACT NS-B, monitoring plan that documents the procedures that LDAR written FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(B)(10)(ff) will be used to detect leaks of process fluids into No Yes NA plan processes and cooling water. The plan shall meet the requirements NS-G-I specified in 2.1(B)(10)(ff)(i)through Analytical NS-G-2 2.1(B)(10)(ff)(iii). reports from [40 CFR 63.2490,40 CFR 63.104(c)] TBL Laboratory Heat Exchanger Requirements Except as allowed by the delay of repair requirements in Section 2.1(13)(10)(hh),below,if a leak is detected in any heat exchanger system,the Permittee shall be Electronic Log NS-A, repair the leak as soon as practical but not later than Book on NS-B, 45 calendar days after the Permittee receives results Chemours FW FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(B)(10)(gg of monitoring tests indicating a leak,unless the No Yes NA Intranet processes and ) Permittee demonstrates that the results are due to a NS-G-1 condition other than a leak. Once the leak has been No leaks NS-G-2 repaired,the owner or operator shall confirm that the occurred in heat exchange system has been repaired within 7 2019 calendar days of the repair or startup,whichever is later. 40 CFR 63.2490 40 CFR 63.104 d NS-A, Heat Exchanger Requirements NS-B, Delay of repair of heat exchange systems is allowed if No delay of FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(B)(10)(hh the equipment is isolated from the process. Delay of repairs processes and ) repair is also allowed if repair is technically infeasible No Yes NA occurred in NS-G-1 without a shutdown and any one of the conditions 2019 NS-G-2 listed in 40 CFR 63.104(e)(1)through(e)(2)is met. 40 CFR 63.2490,40 CFR 63.104 e Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 34 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 � Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Control Permit Determining Source Device ID Condition Condition ? ? compliance Compliance Comments Description No.(s) Number Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue. Status NA) (Yes/No) NS-A, Heat Exchanger Requirements NS-B, For each affected heat exchanger system,the No leaks FPS/IXM NS-C. 2 1(13)(10)(ii) Permittee shall retain the records specified in No Yes NA occurred in processes and 2.1(B)(I 0)(ii)(i)through 2.1(13)(10)(ii)(iv). 2019 NS-G-1 [40 CFR 63.2490,40 CFR 63.104(f)] NS-G-2 NS-A, NS-B, The Permittee shall create and retain the records FPS/IXM NS-C, specified in 2.1(B)(10)0j)(i)through Records processes and 2.1(B)(10)(jj) 2 1(B)(10)([j)(vii)on each affected MCPU. No Yes NA maintained NS-G-I [40 CFR 63.2525(b)] onsite. NS-G-2 NS-A, NS-B, Create and retain a record of each time a safety device FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(13)(1 0)(kk Safety Incident processes and ) is opened to avoid unsafe conditions. No Yes NA Reports NS-G-1 [40 CFR 63.2525(f)] NS-G-2 NS-A, For each affected Group 2 wastewater stream,the Records NS-B, maintained in Permittee shall retain the records specified in FPS/IXM NS-C, the processes and 2.1(13)(10)(11) 2.1(B)(10)(11)(i)through 2.1(B)(10)(11)(iv). No Yes NA Notification of NS-G-1 [Table 7 of 40 CFR Part 63,Subpart F and Compliance NS-G-2 40 CFR 63.147(b)(8)] Status Report If a Group 2 emission point becomes a Group I NS-A, emission point,the Permittee must be in compliance No Group 2 NS-B, with the Group I requirements beginning on the date emission points FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(13)(10)(m the switch occurs. An initial compliance No Yes NA became a processes and m) demonstration as specified in 40 CFR 63,Subpart Group 1 NS-G-I FFFF must be conducted within 150 days after the emission points NS-G-2 switch occurs. in 2019 40 CFR 63.2445 d Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 35 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Source or Records Was Deviation Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Method(s)of Control Permit Determining � � Source Condition compliance Comments Device ID Condition Compliance Description Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? p No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status The Permittee shall submit a semi-annual compliance NS-A, report of monitoring and recordkeeping activities NS-B, postmarked on or before January 30 of each calendar Semi-annual FPS/IXM NS-C, 2.1(13)(10)(nn year for the preceding six-month period between July reports sent to processes and ) and December,and July 30 of each calendar year for No Yes NA the NC NS-G-1 the preceding six-month period between January and Division of Air June. The report shall contain the items specified in Quality FRO NS-G-2 2.1(13)(10)(nn)(i)through 2.1(B)(1 0)(nn)(xi). 40 CFR 63.2520 a, b and e State Only Requirement(TO and Scrubber System) No later than December 31,2019,the Permittee shall System Thermal 2.1(B)( )11 a install and begin normal operations of a Thermal Compliance began Oxidizer and NCD-Q 1 State Only y Oxidizer in series with a 4-Stage Scrubber System. Testing not g No NA NA normal 4-Stage NCD-Q2 Requirement This system shall reduce emissions of all PFAS, required in operations Scrubber including Gen X Compounds by at least 99.99 2019 12/31/19 percent. 15A NCAC 02 .0519 a 7 and Consent Order Testing System Thermal )( )O 2.1(B 11 b The Permittee shall conduct an initial performance Compliance began Oxidizer and NCD-Q 1 test of the Thermal Oxidizer System and 4-Stage Testing not g State Only No NA NA normal � 4-Stage NCD-Q2 Requirement Scrubber System and perform or provide the required in operations Scrubber information described in 2.1(B o s )(11)(b) 2019 peration 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Within 90 days of installation of the Thermal Thermal Oxidizer and 4-Stage Scrubber System,the Permittee System Oxidizer and NCD-Q1 2.1(B)(11)(c) shall submit a report demonstrating initial compliance Reporting not began 4-Stage NCD-Q2 State Only with the limits in 2.1(B)(1 1)(a),above,using the No NA NA required in normal Scrubber Requirement results of the initial performance test conducted as 2019 operations specified in Section 2.1(13)(11)(b),above. 12/31/19. 15A NCAC 02 .0508 After the initial performance test is conducted,the System Thermal 2.1(B)(11 d Permittee shall conduct periodic performance tests to Compliance began State Only Oxidizer and NCD-Q1 )y demonstrate compliance with the limits in Section 2.1 Testing not g No NA NA normal 4-Stage NCD-Q2 Requirement B.11.a,above,per 2.1(B)(1 1)(d)(i)through required in operations Scrubber 2.1(B)(1 1)(d)(iii). 2019 15A NCAC 02 .0508 12/31/19. Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 36 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit Condition ? ? compliance Determining Device ID Condition Compliance Comments Description Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue,�. No.(s) Number Status NA) (Yes/No) Operate During performance tests conducted according to continuous System Thermal )( )2.1(B 11 a Section 2.1 B.I Lb,above,the Permittee shall monitoring began State Only Oxidizer and NCD-Q1 y g establish or confirm the operating parameters system.No Yes NA normal 4-Stage NCD-Q2 specified in Section 2.1(13)(11)(h)and(13)(11)(i), Compliance Scrubber Requirement below. testing not operations [15A NCAC 02Q.0508(f)] required in 12/31/19. 2019. Monitoring Thermal Emissions of all PFAS,including GenX compounds System Oxidizer and NCD-Q1 2.1(13)(11)(f) from specified unit operations shall be controlled by a DCS and began 4-Stage NCD-Q2 State Only Thermal Oxidizer and 4-Stage Scrubber System. No Yes NA annual normal Scrubber Requirement Inspection and maintenance requirements are included inspections operations in 2.1(13)(11)(f)(i)through 2.1(13)(11)(f)(v). 12/31/19. 15A NCAC 02 .0508 The Permittee shall develop,and submit to NC DAQ for approval,a site-specific monitoring plan that DCS and SAP Thermal addresses design,data collection,and QA/QC 2.1(B)(11)(g) records.Plan Oxidizer and NCD-Q1 State Only elements for operating each CMS installed according No Yes NA submitted to 4-Stage NCD-Q2 Requirement to Section 2.1.(B)(11)(h)and(13)(11)(i),below. The NC DAQ FRO Scrubber plan shall address items 2.1(13)(1 1)(g)(i)through on 11/27/19. 2.1(13)(1 1)(g)(viii). 15A NCAC 02 .0508 The Permittee shall install,calibrate,maintain,and operate CMS for the Thermal Oxidizer(NCD-Q 1). The CMS shall include a continuous recorder capable System Thermal )( )2.1(B 11 h g of taking a measurement at least once every 15 began State Only Oxidizer and NCD-Q1 y minutes.The Permittee shall operate the CMS No Yes NA DCS normal 4-Stage NCD-Q2 according to the approved site-specific monitoring Scrubber Requirement plan specified in 2.1(B)(11)(g),above,to ensure the operations 12/31/19. operational parameters in 2.1(B)(11)(h)(i)through 2.1(13)(1 1)(h)(iii)are maintained. 15A NCAC 02 .0508 III Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 37 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Source or Records Was Deviation of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Determining Method(s) Control Permit Source Condition ? ? compliance Determiningg Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status The Permittee shall install,calibrate,maintain,and operate CMS for the 4-Stage Scrubber System(NCD- Q2).The CMS shall include a continuous recorder System Thermal 2.1 B i capable of taking a measurement at least once every ( )(11)O began Oxidizer and NCD-Q 1 15 minutes.The Permittee shall operate the CMS No State Only No Yes NA DCS normal 4-Stage NCD-Q2 Requirement according to the approved site-specific monitoring Scrubber q plan specified in Section 2.1(B)(11)(g),above,to operations ensure the operational parameters in 2.1 B 11 i i 12/31/19. through 2.1(B)(1 1)(i)(iii)are maintained. 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Shutdown and Malfunction System Thermal 2.1 B Except as specified in Section 2.1(B)(1 1)(k),below, ( )(11)(1) began Oxidizer and NCD-Q1 State Only the Permittee shall operate the Thermal Oxidizer and No Yes NA DCS normal 4-Stage NCD-Q2 4-Stage Scrubber System at all times when specified Scrubber Requirement processes are operating. operations 15A NCAC 02 .0508 12/31/19. Prior to operation of the Thermal Oxidizer and 4- Stage Scrubber System,the Permittee shall develop and submit to NC DAQ for approval,a detailed shutdown and malfunction plan for the Thermal Oxidizer and 4-Stage Scrubber System that contains Thermal Plan submitted specific procedures for initiating the shutdown of System 2.1(B)(11)(k) process emission sources during periods of control began Oxidizer and NCD-Q1 State Onlydevice shutdown and malfunction and a program of No Yes NA to NC DAQ normal , P g 4-Stage NCD-Q2 Requirement corrective action for malfunctioning processes,and FRO on operations Scrubber control systems used to comply with limits in Section 12/18/19. 12/31/19. 2.1(B)(1 1)(a),above.The Permittee shall keep a copy of the approved plan onsite and perform the information in 2.1(B)(11)(k)(i)through 2.1(B)(11)(k)(iii). 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Thermal Recordkeeping/Reporting System Oxidizer and NCD-Q 1 2.1(B)(11)(1) The Permittee shall record the information in began 4-Stage NCD-Q2 State Only 2.1(B)(1 1)(1)(i)—2.1(13)(11)(1)(iv)monthly in a No Yes NA DSC and SAP normal Scrubber Requirement logbook(written or electronic). operations 15A NCAC 02 .0508 12/31/19. Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 38 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Control Permit Deviation Maintained a non- Determining Source Condition ? ? compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status The Permittee shall retain all results of performance testing conducted in accordance with 2.1 B(11)(b)and (B)(11)(c),above,including development of operating System Thermal parameters,as specified in Section 2.1(B)(11)(h)and 2.1(B)(11)(m) No compliance began Oxidizer and NCD-Q1 State Only (B)(11)(i)above,and the calculation of the Thermal No NA NA testing required normal 4-Stage NCD-Q2 Requirement Oxidizer and 4-Stage Scrubber System control in 2019. operations Scrubber efficiency with respect to control of all PFAS, 12/31/19. including GenX Compounds,from emission sources contained in 2.1(B)(1 1)(m). 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Thermal 2.1(B)(11)(n) The Permittee shall keep all records on file for a Records Oxidizer and NCD-Q 1 State Only minimum of five years. No Yes NA maintained 4-Stage NCD-Q2 Requirement 15A NCAC 02 0508 Scrubber q Q (fll onsite. The Permittee shall submit a quarterly summary report,acceptable to the Regional Air Quality Supervisor,of monitoring and recordkeeping activities specified in Section 2.1(13)(11)(f)through (13)(11)(n),above,postmarked on or before January Reports not To be Thermal 30 of each calendar year for the preceding three- 2.1(B)(11)(0) required to be submitted in Oxidizer and NCD-Q1 State Only month period between October and December;April No NA NA submitted in Jan,April, 4-Stage NCD-Q2 Requirement 30 of each calendar year for the preceding three- 2019 for these July and Oct Scrubber month period between January and March;July 30 of sources. each year. each calendar year for the preceding three-month period between April and June;and October 30 of each calendar year for the preceding three-month period between July and September. 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Gaseous and mist emissions from the Polymer Polymer Processing Aid process shall be controlled by a wet Processing ACD-Al scrubber. The Permittee shall ensure the proper Aid Wet 2.1(C)(1)(a) performance of the scrubber by monitoring the No Yes No DCS Scrubber operational parameters in 2.1(C)(1)(a)(i)and 2.1(C)(1)(a)(ii) 15A NCAC 02D.l 100 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 39 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Source or Records Was Deviation Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Control Permit Determining Source Device ID Condition Condition ? ? compliance Compliance Comments Description No.(s) Number Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Status NA) (Yes/No) Recordkeeping Polymer The Permittee shall record the results of inspections in Processing ACD-A 1 2 a scrubber log,which shall be kept on site and made Aid Wet .1(C)(1)(b) available to the Division of Air Quality personnel No Yes No SAP Scrubber upon request. 15A NCAC 02D.1100 The Permittee shall not operate the wastewater treatment area without implementing management Wastewater WTS-A, practices or installing odor control equipment Treatment WTS-B, 2.1(D)(1)(a) sufficient to prevent odorous emissions from the No Yes NA Area records WTS-C facility from causing or contributing to objectionable odors beyond the facility's boundary. 15A NCAC 02D.1806 WTS-B, Odorous emissions from the wastewater treatment Wastewater WTS-C and 2.1(D)(1)(b) sludge dryers shall be controlled by an impingement- No Yes NA Area records Treatment WTCD-1 type scrubber with caustic injection(WTCD-1). 15A NCAC 02D.1806 Monitoring and Recordkeeping To ensure that maximum efficiency of the scrubber is maintained,the Permittee shall perform periodic inspections and maintenance as recommended by the Wastewater WTS-A 2.1(D)(1)(c) scrubber manufacturer.As a minimum,the inspection No Yes NA SAP Treatment and maintenance program shall include inspection of spray nozzles,packing material,chemical feed system (if so equipped),and the cleaning/calibration of all associated instrumentation. 15A NCAC 02D.1806 The Permittee shall record the results of inspections in Wastewater a scrubber logbook(written or electronic format)that Treatment WTS-A 2.1(13)(1)(d) shall be kept on site and made available to NC DAQ No Yes NA Area Records personnel upon request. 15A NCAC 02D.1806 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 40 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Control Permit Deviation Maintained a non- Determining Source Condition ? ? compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Particulates from Fuel Burning Indirect Heat Natural Exchangers Gas/No.2 Emissions of particulate matter discharged into the A rental boiler was fuel oil-fired PS-Temp 2.1(E)(1)(a) atmosphere from the combustion of No.2 fuel oil in NA NA NA NA not temporary the temporary boiler shall not exceed 0.2426 pounds 01site 2 boiler per million Btu heat input. in 2019. 15A NCAC 2D.0503 Natural A rental Gas/No.2 If emissions testing is required,the testing shall be boiler was fuel oil-fired PS-Temp 2.1(E)(1)(b) performed in accordance General Condition JJ. NA NA NA NA temporary [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] in 201 not 2019. site boiler Natural No monitoring/recordkeeping/reporting is required for A rental Gas/No.2 particulate emissions from the firing of fuel oil in this boiler was fuel oil-fired PS-Temp 2.1(E)(1)(c) NA NA NA NA temporary source for this regulation. not on-site boiler [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] in 2019. Sulfur Dioxide Emissions from Combustion Sources Natural Emissions of sulfur dioxide from the temporary boiler Gas/No.2 shall not exceed 2.3 pounds per million Btu heat A rental fuel oil-fired PS-Temp 2.1(E)(2)(a) input. Sulfur dioxide formed by the combustion of NA NA NA NA boiler was temporary sulfur in fuels,wastes,ores,and other substances not on-site boiler shall be included when determining compliance with in 2019 this standard. 15A NCAC 2D.0516 Natural A rental Gas/No.2 If emissions testing is required,the testing shall be boiler was fuel oil-fired PS-Temp 2.1(E)(2)(b) performed in accordance with General Condition JJ. NA NA NA NA not on-site temporary [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] in 2019. boiler Natural A rental Gas/No.2 No monitoring/recordkeeping is required for sulfur boiler was fuel oil-fired PS-Temp 2.1(E)(2)(c) dioxide emissions from the firing of natural gas or NA NA NA NA 01 temporary fuel oil in this source.[15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] not site boiler in 2 2019. Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 41 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Source or Records Was Deviation Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Method(s)of Source Control Permit Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Control of Visible Emissions Visible emissions from the temporary boiler shall not Natural be more than 20 percent opacity when averaged over A rental Gas/No.2 a six-minute period. However,six-minute averaging fuel oil-fired PS-Temp 2.1(E)(3)(a) periods may exceed 20 percent not more than once in NA NA NA NA boiler was temporary any hour and not more than four times in any 24-hour not 01site 2 boiler period. In no event shall the six-minute average in 419. exceed 87 percent opacity. 15A NCAC 213.0521 Natural Emissions A rental Gas/No.2 If emissions testing is required,the testing shall be testing was not boiler was fuel oil-fired PS-Temp 2.1(E)(3)(b) performed in accordance with General Condition JJ. NA NA NA required for temporary [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] this source in not 019. site 2 in 201 boiler 2019 Natural No monitoring/recordkeeping/reporting is required for A rental Gas/No.2 visible emissions from the firing of natural gas or fuel boiler was fuel oil-fired PS-Temp 2.1(E)(3)(c) NA NA NA NA oil in this source. not on-site temporary boiler [15A NCAC 2D.05241 in 2019. Prevention of Significant Deterioration Natural In order to avoid applicability of 15A NCAC 02D A rental Gas/No.2 .0530(g)for major sources and major modifications, boiler was fuel oil-fired PS-Temp 2.1(E)(4)(a) the temporary boiler shall discharge into the NA NA NA NA temporary atmosphere less 40 tons of sulfur dioxide per not 019. site 2 in 201 boiler consecutive twelve-month period. 15A NCAC 2 .0317 Natural A rental Gas/No.2 If emissions testing is required,the testing shall be boiler was fuel oil-fired PS-Temp 2.1(E)(4)(b) performed in accordance with General Condition JJ. NA NA NA NA temporary [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] not on-site boiler in 2019. Natural The Permittee shall keep monthly records of fuel A rental Gas/No.2 usage in a logbook(written or in electronic format), boiler was fuel oil-fired PS-Temp 2.1(E)(4)(c) as specified in 2.1(E)(4)(c)(i)and 2.1(E)(4)(c)(ii). NA NA NA NA not on-site temporary 15A NCAC 2 . boiler [ Q0508( ] in 2019. Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 42 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Control Permit Deviation Maintained a non- Determining Source Condition ? ? compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status The Permittee shall calculate monthly and 12-month Natural rolling S02 emissions from the temporary boiler A rental Gas/No.2 within 30 days after the end of each calendar month. boiler was fuel oil-fired PS-Temp 2.1(E)(4)(d) Calculations shall be recorded in a logbook(written NA NA NA NA temporary or electronic format),according to formulas specified not on-site boiler in 2.1(E)(4)(d)(i)and 2.1(E)(4)(d)(ii). in 2019. 15A NCAC 2 .0317 The Permittee shall submit a semi-annual summary report,acceptable to the Regional Air Quality Supervisor,of monitoring and recordkeeping Natural activities postmarked on or before January 30 of each A rental Gas/No.2 calendar year for the preceding six-month period boiler was fuel oil-fired PS-Temp 2.1(E)(4)(e) between July and December,and July 30 of each NA NA NA NA temporary calendar year for the preceding six-month period not on-site boiler between January and June. The report shall contain in 2019. the information specified in 2.1(E)(4)(e)(i)through 2.1(E)(4)(e)(iii). 15A NCAC 2 .0508 Avoidance Condition—Case-by-Case MACT for Natural Boilers Gas/No.2 Prior to May 20,2019,in order to avoid the A rental applicability of 15A NCAC 02D.1109,the temporary boiler was fuel oil-fired PS-Temp 2.1(E)(5)(a) boiler shall not remain on site for more than 180 NA NA NA NA not on-site temporary consecutive days.The Permittee shall retain records in 2019. boiler of the number of consecutive days the boiler is onsite. 15A NCAC 2 .0317 Natural If this boiler remains on site for longer than 180 A rental Gas/No.2 consecutive days,the Permittee shall notify the boiler was fuel oil-fired PS-Temp 2.1(E)(5)(b) Regional Office in writing within ten days of NA NA NA NA temporary exceeding the 180-day period. not 01site 2 boiler 15A NCAC 2Q.03171 in 2019. Natural The Permittee shall submit a startup notification to the A rental Gas/No.2 Fayetteville Regional Office within 15 days of startup boiler was fuel oil-fired PS-Temp 2.1(E)(5)(c) No NA NA NA temporary of the temporary boiler. not on-site boiler [15A NCAC 2Q.03171 in 2019 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 43 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Control Permit Deviation Maintained a non- Determining Source Condition ? ? compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Particulates from Miscellaneuous Industrial Processes System did Emissions of particulate matter from the Lime Silo not operate Lime Silo and NS-R1 2.1(F)(1)(a) and Lime Slaker shall not exceed an allowable NA NA NA NA in 2019. Slaker NS-R2 System emission rate,per the calculation in 2.1(F)(1)(a). [15A NCAC 02D.0515] started up on 1/4/20. System did Testing not operate Lime Silo and NS-R1 If emissions testing is required,the testing shall be in 2019. Slaker NS-R2 2.1(F)(1)(b) performed in accordance with General Condition JJ. NA NA NA NA System [15A NCAC 02Q.0508(f)] started up on 1/4/20. Monitoring and Recordkeeping System did Particulate emissions from the Lime Slaker shall be not operate Lime Slaker NS-R2 2.1(F)(1)(c) controlled by the Wet Particulate Scrubber(NCD-R2) NA NA NA NA in 2019. and the Permittee shall comply with requirements System detailed in 2.1(17)(1)(c). started up on 15A NCAC 02 .0508 1/4/20. If the scrubber liquid flow rate readings recorded as System did required,are observed to be below the minimum rate not operate Lime Slaker NS-R2 2.1(F)(1)(d) specified in Section 2.1(F)(1)(c),above,the Permittee NA NA NA NA in 2019. shall inspect the scrubber(s)for malfunctions and System clean or repair,as necessary. started up 15A NCAC 02 .0508 01/04/20. Particulate matter emissions from the Lime Silo shall be controlled by the bagfilter(NSD-RI). The Permittee shall perform inspections and maintenance System did as recommended by the manufacturer.In addition to the manufacturer's inspection and maintenance not operate 019. Lime Silo NS-R1 2.1(F)(1)(e) recommendations,or if there are no manufacturer's NA NA NA NA in inspection and maintenance recommendations,as a System started up minimum,the inspection and maintenance 01/04/20. requirement shall include the information contained in 2.1(F)(1)(e)(i)and 2.1(F)(1)(e)(ii). 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 44 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Source or Records Was Deviation Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status The results of inspection and maintenance activities in Section 2.1(F)(1)(c)through 2.1(F)(1)(e),above,shall System did not operate be maintained in a logbook(written or electronic Lime Silo and NS-RI Slaker NS-R2 2.1(F System )(1)(f) format)on site and made available to an authorized NA NA NA NA in representative of DAQ upon request.Containing the up information in 2.1(F)(1)(f)(i)through 2.1(F)(1)(f)(iv). started Ol/04/20. 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Reporting System did The Permittee shall submit the results of any not operate Lime Silo and NS-R1 in 2019. Slaker NS-R2 2.1(F)(1)(g) maintenance performed on any control device within NA NA NA NA System 30 days of a written request by DAQ. [15A NCAC 02Q.0508(f)] started up 01/04/20. The Permittee shall submit a summary report of the monitoring and recordkeeping activities specified in System did Section 2.1(F)(1)(c)through(17)(1')(f),above, postmarked on or before January 30 of each calendar not operate Lime Silo and NS-R1 Slaker NS-R2 2.1(F System )(1)(h) year for the preceding six-month period between July NA NA NA NA in and December and July 30 of each calendar year for started up the preceding six-month period between January and 01/04/20. June. 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Control of Visible Emissions Visible emissions from the Lime Silo and Lime System did Slaker shall not be more than 20 percent opacity when averaged over a six-minute period.However,six- not operate Lime Silo and NS-RI Slaker NS-R2 System 2.1(F)(2)(a) minute averaging periods may exceed 20 percent not NA NA NA NA in more than once in any hour and not more than four started up times in any 24-hour period.In no even shall the six- 01/04/20. minute average exceed 87 percent opacity. 15A NCAC 02D.0521 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 45 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Control Permit Determining Source Device ID Condition Condition ? ? compliance Compliance Comments Description Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? p No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status System did Testing not operate Lime Silo and NS-R1 If emissions testing is required,the testing shall be in 2019. Slaker NS-R2 2.1(F)(2)(b) performed in accordance with General Condition JJ. NA NA NA NA System [I 5A NCAC 02Q.0508(f)] started up 01/04/20. Monitoring To ensure compliance,once a week the Permittee shall observe the emission points of the Lime Silo and Lime Slaker for any visible emissions above normal. System did The weekly observation must be made for each week not operate Lime Silo and NS-Rl 2 1(F)(2)(c) of the calendar year period to ensure compliance with NA NA NA NA in 2019. Slaker NS-R2 this requirement.The Permittee shall establish System "normal"for the Lime Slaker in the first 30 days started up following the beginning operation.The Permittee 01/04/20. must follow the guidelines in 2.1(F)(2)(c)(i)and 2.1(F)(2)(c)(ii)in order to comply. 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Recordkeeping System did The results of the monitoring shall be maintained in a not operate Lime Silo and NS-R1 logbook(written or electronic format)on-site and in 2019. Slaker NS-R2 2.1(F)(2)(d) made available to an authorized representative upon NA NA NA NA System request containing the information in 2.1(F)(2)(d)(i) started up through 2.1(F)(2)(d)(iii). 01/04/20. 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Reporting The Permittee shall submit a summary report of the Semiannual monitoring activities specified in Section 2.1(F)(2)(c) reporting. System did and(d),above,postmarked on or before January 30 of Lime Silo and NS-R1 not operate Slaker NS-R2 2.1(F)(2)(e) each calendar year for the preceding six-month period NA NA NA NA in 2019. between July and December and July 30 of each System calendar year for the preceding six-month period up between January and June. started O1/04/20. 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 46 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Prevention of Significant Deterioration Boiler PS-C PS-A In order to avoid applicability of 15A NCAC 02D has not been Natural gas/ PS-B .0530(g)for major sources and modifications,the Monthly PSD constructed. No.2 fuel oil- PS-C 2.2(A)(1)(a) affected boilers shall discharge into the atmosphere No Yes NA Avoidance A rental fired boilers PS-Temp less than 702.5 tons of SO2 per consecutive 12-month Report boiler was period. not on-site 15A NCAC 2Q.03171 in 2019. Boiler PS-C PS-A If emissions testing is required,the Permittee shall Emissions has not been Natural gas/ testing was not constructed. No.2 fuel oil- PS-B 2 2(A)(1)(b) perform such testing in accordance with General No NA NA required for A rental fired boilers PS-C Condition JJ. these sources boiler was PS-Temp [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(o] in 2019 not on-site in 2019. Fuel Consumption Boiler PS-C PS-A The Permittee shall keep monthly records of fuel Records and has not been Natural gas/ PS-B usage in a logbook(written or in electronic format), Certificates of constructed. No.2 fuel oil- PS-C 2.2(A)(1)(c) as specified in 2.2(A)(1)(c)(i)through No Yes NA Analysis from A rental fired boilers PS-Temp 2.2(A)(I)(c)(iii). Oil Supplier. boiler was [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] Fuel oil not not on-site combusted in in 2019. 2019. The Permittee shall calculate monthly and 12-month Boiler PS-C PS-A rolling SOz emissions from the affected boilers within has not been Natural gas/ PS-B 30 days after the end of each calendar month. Monthly PSD constructed. No.2 fuel oil- PS-C 2.2(A)(1)(d) Calculations shall be recorded in a log(written or No Yes NA Avoidance A rental fired boilers PS-Temp electronic format),according to the formulas specified Report boiler was in 2.2(A)(1)(d)(i)and 2.2(A)(I)(d)(ii). not on-site 15A NCAC 2 .03171 in 2019. Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 47 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Control Permit Determining,, � Source Condition compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status The Permittee shall submit a semi-annual summary report,acceptable to the Regional Air Quality Supervisor,of monitoring and recordkeeping Boiler PS-C PS-A activities postmarked on or before January 30 of each Semi-annual has not been Natural gas/ calendar year for the preceding six-month period reports sent to constructed. PS-C the NC DAQ No.2 fuel oil- PS-B 2.2(A)(1)(e) between July and December,and July 30 of each No Yes NA A rental fired boilers PS-Temp calendar year for the preceding six-month period FRO boiler was between January and June. The report shall contain not on-site the information specified in 2.2(A)(1)(e)(i)through in 2019. 2.2(A)(1)(e)(iii). 15A NCAC 2 .0508 Toxic Air Pollutant Emissions Limitations and 2.1(B)(1)(a) Requirements State Pursuant to 15A NCAC 02D.1100 and in accordance All Sources All Sources Enforceable with the approved application for an air toxic No Yes NA Site records Only compliance demonstration,the permit limits in the table under 2.1(B)(1)(a)shall not be exceeded. 15A NCAC 02D.1100 Recordkeeping For compliance purposes,the Pennittee shall maintain records of production rates,throughput,material usage,periods of excess emissions,failure of air 2.1(B)(1)(b) Pollution control equipment to operate in a normal State and usual manner,and other process operational All Sources All Sources information,that allows for evaluation for compliance No Yes NA Site records Enforceable with the toxic air pollutant limits.These records shall Only be retained for a minimum of three years from the date of recording,and access to these records shall be provided to the Division of Air Quality staff upon request. 15A NCAC 02D.1100 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 48 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Control Permit Deviation Maintained a non- Determining � ,, Device ID Condition Compliance Source Condition compliance Comments � Description No.(s) Number Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue. Status NA) (Yes/No) Reporting 2.1(B)(1)(c) For compliance purposes,within thirty(30)days after TAP reports State each calendar year quarter the information contained submitted All Sources All Sources in 2.1(B)(1)(c)(i)through 2.1(B)(1)(c)(iv)shall be N o Yes NA Enforceable quarterly to the Onlyreported to the Regional Supervisor,Division of Air NCDA FRO Quality. Q 15A NCAC 02D.1100 Toxic Air Pollutant Emissions Limitations and Primary NEP-Hdr-1 2.2(B)(2)(a) Requirements Operating NEP-Hdr-2 State Pursuant to 15A NCAC 02D.I 100,emissions of No Yes NA Site records Scenario AEP-Al Enforceable hydrogen fluoride from these sources shall not exceed Only 7.28 lb/hr or 52.45 lb/day. 15A NCAC 02D.1100 Alternative NEP-Hdr-1 2.2(B)(2)(a) Pursuant to 15A NCAC 02D.1100,emissions of State hydrogen fluoride from these sources shall not exceed Operating NEP-Q2 E No Yes NA Site records Enforceable 7.281b/hr or 52.45 lb/day. Scenario AEP-Al Only 15A NCAC 02D.1100 Primary 2.2(B)(2)(a) Pursuant to 15A NCAC 02D.1100,emissions of Operating and All other State hydrogen fluoride these sources shall not exceed 2.7 No Yes NA Site records Alternative sources Enforceable lb/hr or 19.4 lb/day. Scenario Only 15A NCAC 02D.1100 2.2(B)(2)(b)(i Monitoring Primary ) POS:Ensure proper performance of the Baffle Plate- POS Operating NCD-Hdr-1 State Type Tower Scrubbers by monitoring the injection No Yes NA IP-21 followed for NCD-Hdr-2 liquid flow rate(minimum of 7,000 kg/hr,averaged 2019 until Scenario Enforceable over 3-hours) 12/31/19 Only 15A NCAC 02D.1100 2.2(B)(2)(b)(i AOS:Ensure the proper performance of the Thermal Alternative i) NCD-Q 1 Oxidizer and 4-Stage Scrubber System by complying AOS started Operating NCD-Q2 State with the requirements specified in Section 2.1(B)(11). No Yes NA IP-21 12/31/19 Scenario Enforceable [15A NCAC 02D.1100] Only Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 49 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Source or Records Was Deviation Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Method(s)of Control Permit Determining Source Device ID Condition Condition ? ? compliance Compliance Comments Description No.(s) Number Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Status NA) (Yes/No) Recordkeeping 2.2(B)(2)(c)(i POS:Record the results of inspections of the Baffle POS Primary ) Plate-Type Tower Scrubbers in a logbook(written or followed for Operating Hdr-1 State electronic records)that shall be kept on site and made No Yes NA SAP 2019 until Scenario Hdr-2 Enforceable available to the Division of Air Quality personnel 12/31/19 Only upon request. 15A NCAC 02D.1100 2.2(B)(2)(c)(ii AOS:Record the results of inspections of the Thermal Alternative NCD-Q1 ) Oxidizer and 4-Stage Scrubber System as specified in AOS started Operating State No Yes NA SAP Scenario NCD-Q2 Enforceable 2.1(B)(11),above. 12/31/19 Enforceable [15A NCAC 02D.1100] Only Any variance from the manufacturer's recommendations or the permit monitoring 2.2(B)(2)(c)(ii requirements,or the failure of the air pollution control Primary and Hdr-1 equipment to operate in a normal and usual manner, Alternative Hdr-2 1) shall be investigated with corrections made and dates State No Yes NA Site records Operating NCD-Q 1 Enforceable of action recorded in the log book.The inspection and Scenarios NCD-Q2 Only maintenance activities,as well as required monitoring for scrubbing liquid flow rates,and scrubber pressure drops,if appropriate,shall be recorded. 15A NCAC 02D.1100 The Permittee shall maintain records of production rates,throughput,material usage,periods of excess emissions,failure of air pollution control equipment to operate in a normal and usual manner,and other Primary and 2.2(B)(2)(d) process operational information,that allows for Alternative All sources State evaluation for compliance with the toxic air pollutants No Yes NA Site records Operating Enforceable specified in 2.2(B)(2)(a),above.These records shall Scenario Only be retained for a minimum of three years from the date of recording,and access to these records shall be provided to the Division of Air Quality staff upon request. 15A NCAC 02D.1100 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 50 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Control Permit Deviation Maintained a non- Determining Source Condition ? ? compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number Status NA) (Yes/No) Reporting Primary and 2.2(B)(2)(e) For compliance purposes,within thirty(30)days after TAP reports each calendar year quarter the information contained Alternative State submitted Operating All sources Enforceable in 2.2(B)(2)(e)(i)through 2.2(B)(2)(e)(iii)shall be No Yes NA quarterly to the Scenario Only reported to the Regional Supervisor,Division of Air NCDAQ FRO Quality. 15A NCAC 02D.1100 Risk Management Programs Accidental The Permittee is subject to Section 112(r)of the Clean RMP Release All sources 2.2(B)(3)(a) Air Act and shall comply with all applicable No Yes NA submitted to requirements in 40 CFR Part 68. EPA 7/24/19. 40 CFR Part 68 Recordkeeping Reporting Accidental The Permittee submitted a Risk Management Plan RMP Release All sources 2.2(B)(3)(b) (RMP)to EPA pursuant to 40 CFR 68.150 on August NA NA NA submitted to 18,2014. EPA 7/24/19. 40 CFR Part 68 and 15A NCAC 02 .0508 The Permittee shall revise and update the RMP submitted under 40 CFR 68.150 by August 31,2019, RMP Next Accidental All sources 2 and at least once every five years after that date or No Yes NA submitted to submission Release .2(B)(3)(c) most recent update required by 40 CFR 68.1890(b)(2) due August EPA 7/24/19. through(b)(7),whichever is later. 31,2024. 40 CFR Part 68 and 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Control of Emissions from Abrasive Blasting The Permittee shall ensure that any abrasive blasting operation conducted outside a building or conducted indoors and vented to the atmosphere is performed in Outdoor 2.2(B)(4)(a) accordance with the requirements set forth in 15A Abrasive Abrasive State NCAC 02D.0521,Control of Visible Emissions.Any No NA NA NA Blasting Blasting and Enforceable visible emissions reading for abrasive blasting I-08 Only performed outside a building shall be taken at a spot approximately one meter above the point of abrasive blasting with a viewing distance of approximately five meters. 15A NCAC 02D.0541 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 51 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Control Permit Determining Source Condition ? ? compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Abrasive Outdoor 2.2(B)(4)(b) All abrasive blasting operations shall be conducted Blasting Abrasive State within a building except as provided in 2.2(B)(4)(b)(i) No NA NA NA Blasting and Enforceable and 2.2(B)(4)(b)(ii). I-08 Only 15A NCAC 02D.0541 Any abrasive operation conducted outside a building, as provided in Section 2.2(B)(3)(b)(i)or(ii),above, shall take appropriate measures to ensure that the Outdoor 2.2(B)(4)(c) fugitive dust emissions created by the abrasive Abrasive Abrasive State blasting operation do not migrate beyond the property No NA NA NA Blasting Blasting and Enforceable boundaries in which the abrasive blasting operation is I-08 Only being conducted.Appropriate measures to be taken are included in 2.2(B)(4)(c)(i)through 2.2(B)(4)(c)(vi). 15A NCAC 02D.0541 Control and Prohibition of Odorous Emissions The Permittee shall not operate the facility without WWTP has Odorous Odorous 2.2(B)(5) implementing management practices or installing and odor control State operating odor control equipment sufficient to prevent N technology Emission Emission Enforceable odorous emissions from the facility from causing or o NA NA NA that is Sources Sources Only contributing to objectionable odors beyond the addressed facility's boundary. elsewhere. 15A NCAC 02D.1806 Option for Obtaining Construction and Operation Permit Chemours will As required under 15A NCAC 02Q.0501(b)(2),the file the Thermal Thermal Permittee shall have one year from the date of required Oxidizer/Scr Oxidizer/Scru NCD-Q 1 beginning normal operation of the Thermal Oxidizer application ubber y NCDR1 2 2(C)(1)(a) (ID No.NCD-QI) the 4-Stage Caustic Scrubber ID No Yes NA within one year System bber System, g ( y y NS-R1 Lime Silo and NS-R2 No.NCD-Q2),the Lime Silo(ID No.NS-RI),or the of the began Lime Slaker Lime Slaker(ID No.NS-R2),whichever is first,to operation of operation file an amended application following the procedures the emission 12/31/19 of Section 15A NCAC 02Q.0504. units. 15A NCAC 02 .0504 d Air Quality Permit No. 03735T46 Page 52 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status The NC DAQ FRO was notified on Reporting 12/31/2019 Thermal The Permittee shall notify the Regional Office,in that the TO Oxidizer/Scru NCD-Q 1 writing,of the date of beginning normal operation of System began NCD-Q2 the Thermal Oxidizer(ID No.NCD-Q 1),the 4-Stage normal bber System, NS-Rl 2.2(C)(I)(b) Caustic Scubber(ID No.NCD-Q2),the Lime Silo(ID No Yes NA operation on Lime Silo and NS-R2 No.NS-RI),or the Lime Slaker(ID No.NS-R2), 12/31/19.The Lime Slaker postmarked no later than 30 days after such date. Lime Slaker [15A NCAC 02Q.0504(f)] and Lime Silo did not begin operation in 2019. Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 53 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Source or Records Was Deviation Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Control Permit Determining Source Device ID Condition Condition ? ? compliance Compliance Comments Description No.(s) Number Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue. Status NA) (Yes/No) (i)Permittee shall demonstrate compliance with the GenX Compounds emission limit of 23.027 pounds per year by calculating annual emissions each calendar month for the previous 12 months. (ii)The Permittee shall reduce emissions of GenX compounds by 99.99 percent of specified unit operations emissions by installing,operating and maintaining a Thermal Oxidizer and 4-Stage Scrubber System,as required in Section 2.1(13)(11),above. Facility 2.2(D)(1)(a) (iii)The Permittee shall reduce emissions of GenX State compounds from the Polymer Processing Aid and Records Facility Wide Wide Enforceable Vinyl Ethers North Indoor Fugitives by installing, No Yes NA maintained Only operating and maintaining Carbon Adsorbers as onsite required in Section 2.2(D)(1)(b)through(g),below. (iv) The Permittee shall reduce emissions of GenX Compounds from process equipment by complying with the enhanced LDAR program as specified in Section 2.2(D)(1)(h),below. (v)The Permittee shall comply with the recordkeeping and reporting requirements specified in Section 2.2(D)(1)(i)through(m),below. 15A NCAC 02 .0519 a 7 and Consent Order Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 54 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit Condition ? ? Device ID Condition Compliance compliance Determining Comments Description No.(s) Number Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue. Status NA) (Yes/No) Testing—Carbon Adsorbers The Permittee shall conduct performance tests for GenX compounds emissions from the PPA Carbon Adsorber and VEN Indoor Fugitives Carbon 2.2(D)(1)(b) Adsorber.The Permittee shall conduct emissions Carbon ACD-A2 State testing in accordance with General Condition JJ and No Yes NA Testing Adsorbers NCD-Q3 Enforceable in accordance with a testing protocol approved by NC conducted Only DAQ at least 45 days prior to conducting the performance test.During each performance test,the Permittee shall collect production data and hours of operation: 15A NCAC 02 .0508 The Permittee shall conduct performance tests on a quarterly basis,beginning May 13,2019,to develop a carbon replacement schedule for each Carbon Adsorber based on hours of operation,production rate,or another approved parameter,to be approved by NC DAQ. Once the carbon replacement schedule has been approved,the Permittee shall conduct subsequent performance tests on an annual basis. The 2.2(D)(1)(c) Permittee shall conduct additional performance tests Three quarters Carbon ACD-A2 State within 90 days whenever permanent changes are No Yes NA of testing have Adsorbers NCD-Q3 Enforceable made in production capacity,process feedstock type, been Only or whenever there is a replacement,removal,or completed addition of an emission source or control device. Following this performance test,the Permittee shall conduct quarterly performance tests for one year to determine whether the process changes result in a different carbon replacement schedule.After the revised replacement schedule is determined,the Permittee shall resume annual performance testing 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 55 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Source or Records Was Deviation Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Control Permit Determinin Source Device ID Condition Condition ? ? compliance Com liance Comments Description No.(s) Number Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue. Status NA) (Yes/No) Inspections—Carbon Adsorbers The Permittee shall perform annual inspections and maintenance as recommended by the manufacturer.In 2.2 D 1 d addition to the manufacturer's inspection and ( )( )( ) Annual Carbon ACD-A2 State maintenance recommendations,or if there are no manufacturer's inspection and maintenance No Yes NA inspections Adsorbers NCD-Q3 Enforceable conducted in recommendations,as a minimum,the annual Only inspection and maintenance shall include the Oct 2019 information specified in 2.2(1))(1)(d)(i)and 2.2(D)(1)(d)(ii) 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Shutdown and Malfunction—Carbon Adsorbers 2.2(D)(1)(e) Except as specified in Section 2.2(D)(1)(g),below, Carbon ACD-A2 State the Permittee shall operate the Carbon Adsorber at all Adsorbers NCD-Q3 Enforceable times when the PPA Process is operating and the No Yes NA IP-21 Only Carbon Adsorber at all times when the VEN Process is operating. 15A NCAC 02 .0508 The PPA Adsorber system shall be equipped with a differential pressure monitor on the primary blower and the scrubber blower. The VE North Indoor Fugitives Carbon Adsorber system shall be equipped with a differential pressure monitor on the blower and the tower.Each monitor shall trigger an alarm in the 2.2(D)(1)(f) control room when the differential pressure indicates Carbon ACD-A2 State improper operation of the carbon bed blower.The No Yes NA IP-21 Adsorbers NCD-Q3 Enforceable Permittee shall develop and submit to NC DAQ for Only approval a site-specific monitoring plan that addresses design,data collection,and QA/QC elements for operating each CMS installed on the carbon adsorbers.The monitoring plan shall include,at a minimum,address the information contained in 2.2(1))(1)(f)(i)through 2.2(1))(1)(f)(viii). 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 56 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Source Control Permit Condition ? ? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number Status NA) (Yes/No) No later than April 13,2019,the Permittee shall develop and submit to DAQ for approval,a detailed shutdown and malfunction plan for the PPA and VEN Indoor Fugitive Carbon Adsorbers that contains specific procedures for initiating the shutdown of Submissions process emission sources during periods of control made Carbon ACD-A2 device shutdown and malfunction,and a progra of m Adsorbers NCD-Q3 2.2(D)(1)(g) corrective action for malfunctioning processes and No Yes NA 4/15/2019. control systems used to comply with the limits in (04/13/19 was on a Saturday) Section 2.2(D)(1)(a),above.The Permittee shall keep a copy of the approved plan onsite and,at a minimum, contain the information in 2.2(D)(1)(g)(i)through 2.2(D)(1)(g)(iv). 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Inspection and Monitoring—Enhanced LDAR No later than May 13,2019,the Permittee shall develop,and submit to NC DAQ for approval,an Applicable Applicable enhanced leak detection and repair program. The Submission LDAR LDAR 2.2(D)(1)(h) Permittee shall conduct inspections and monitor to No Yes NA made May 8, sources Sources detect leaks from equipment identified in the 2019 approved program and shall address the information contained in 2.2(D)(1)(h)(i)through 2.2(D)(1)(h)(vi). 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Compliance Demonstration The Permittee shall demonstrate initial compliance Emissions with the emission limitation specified in 2.2(D)(1)(a), calculations to Facility above,by submitting a report to NC DAQ by be performed Facility Wide Wide 2.2(D)(1)(i) February 28,2021. The report shall include NA Yes NA in 2020.First information in 2.2(D)(1)(i)and 2.2(D)(1)(ii)for the report due 12-month period beginning December 31,2019. 2/28/21 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 57 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Control Permit Determining Source Condition ? ? compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status After the initial compliance report specified in Section 2.2(1))(1)(i),above,the Permittee shall demonstrate continuous compliance with the emissions limitation Quarterly in 2.2(1))(1)(a),above,by submitting quarterly reports reports Facility summarizing the information specified in Section First report due thereafter— Facility Wide Wide 2.2(D)(1)O) 2.2(D)(1)(i),above.The continuous compliance NA NA NA 4/30/21 July,Oct, reports shall be submitted in accordance with the Jan and schedule specified in Section 2.2(D)(1)(m),below, April of and the first report shall be postmakred on or before each year. April 30,2021. 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Recordkeeping The Permittee shall record the following information Facility monthly in a logbook(written or electronic format) Facility Wide Wide 2.2(D)(1)(k) containing the information in 2.2(1))(1)(k)(i)through No Yes NA IP-21 and SAP 2.2(D)(1)(k)(vi),that shall be maintained on-site and made available to NC DAQ,upon request. 15A NCAC 02 .0508 The Permittee must keep each entry in the log and all required records on file for a minimum of five years. Facility In addition to the records identified in Section Facility Wide Wide 2.2(D)(1)(1) 2.2(D)(1)(k),above,the Permittee shall also keep the No Yes NA IP-21 and SAP records specified in 2.2(D)(1)(1)(i)through 2.2(D)(1)(1)(iii). 15A NCAC 02 .0508 Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 58 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Control Permit Deviation Maintained a non- Determining � ,� Source Condition compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Reports The Permittee shall submit a quarterly summary report,acceptable to the Regional Air Quality Supervisor,of monitoring and recordkeeping activities specified in Section 2.2(D)(1),above, postmarked on or before January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding three-month period between Reports Facility January and March;July 30 of each calendar year for submitted Facility Wide Wide 2.2(D)(1)(m) the preceding three-month period between April and No Yes NA 7/30/19 and June;and October 30 of each calendar year for the 10/30/19 preceding three-month period between July and September.All instances of deviations from the requirements of this permit must be clearly identified and the report contain the information specified in 2.2(13)(1)(m)(i)and 2.2(13)(1)(m)(ii). 15A NCAC 02 .0508 The Permittee shall have an ongoing duty to disclose Facility to NC DAQ the information detailed in Records Facility Wide Wide 2.2(D)(1)(n) 2 2(D)(1)(n)(i)and 2.2(D)(1)(n)(ii). No Ycs NA maintained 15A NCAC 02 .0508(f)] onsite Permit Shield for Non-applicable Requirements The NSPS for Small Industrial-Commercial- Natural Institutional Steam Generating units(40 CFR Part 60, Gas/No.2 Subpart Dc)and 15A NCAC 02D.0524 are not A rental fuel oil-fired PS-Temp 2.3(A)(1) applicable to the natural gas/No.2 fuel oil-fired NA NA NA NA boiler was temporary temporary boiler because the boiler is a temporary not on-site boiler boiler,as defined in§60.41c,provided the criteria in 2019 specified in 2.3(A)(1)(a)through 2.3(A)(1)(d)are met. 15A NCAC 02 .0512 a 1 B Air Quality Permit No.03735T46 Page 59 of 59 TITLE V AIR PERMIT COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Records Was Deviation Source or Method(s)of Emission Deviation Maintained a non- Control Permit � Determining � Source Condition compliance Comments Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/ issue? Compliance No.(s) Number NA) (Yes/No) Status Permit Shield for Non-applicable Requirements The National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Major Sources:Industrial,Commercial, Natural and Institutional Boilers and Process Heaters(40 CFR A rental Gas/No.2 Part 63,Subpart DDDDD)and 15A NCAC 02D boiler was fuel oil-fired PS-Temp 2.3(A)(2) .I 111 are not applicable to the natural gas/No.2 fuel NA NA NA NA not on-site temporary oil-fired temporary boiler because the boiler is a in 2019. boiler temporary boiler,as defined in§63.7575,provided the criteria in Section 2.3(A)(1)through(A)(4)are met. 15A NCAC 02 .0512 a 1 B The Permittee shall maintain the records specified in Natural 2.3(A)(3)(a)through 2.3(A)(3)(d)documenting that Gas/No.2 the natural gas/No.2 fuel oil-fired temporary boiler A rental fuel oil-fired PS-Temp 2.3(A)(3) meets the criteria for a temporary boiler. These NA NA NA NA boiler was temporary records shall be maintained in a logbook(written or not on-site boiler electronic format)on-site and made available to an in 2019. authorized representative upon request. 15A NCAC 02 .0512 a 1 B Natural The Permittee shall submit a startup notification to the A rental Gas/No.2 Fayetteville Regional Office within 15 days of startup boiler was fuel oil-fired PS-Temp 2.3(A)(4) NA NA NA NA temporary of the temporary boiler. not on-site boiler [I5ANCAC 02Q.0512(a)(1)(B)] in 2019. I Permit 03735T47 Pagel of 3 COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT FOR GENERAL CONDITIONS For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Was Deviation Method(s) Records anon- of Permit Deviations? Maintained? compliance Determining Comments Condition Condition Summary (Yes/No) (Yes/No/NA) issue? Compliance Number Yes/No Status 3.A General Provisions No Yes NA Records review 3.13 Permit available at facility No Yes NA Records review 3.D Submissions of reports to regional office No Yes NA Records review 3.G Permit modifications and applications No Yes NA Records review PPA Distillation Column and 3.H Changes not requiring permit modifications No Yes NA Records review timing of emissions report for TO and carbon beds. 3.I.A, Reporting requirements for excess emissions and permit No excess emissions or 3.I.13 deviations No Yes NA Records review permit deviations in 2019 Permit renewal application to 3.K Permit renewal every five years No Yes NA NA be submitted before September 2020. Permit ex ires March 31,2021. 1 Operations and meteorological data provide 3.M Duty to Provide Information(submittal of information) No Yes NA Records review to DAQ every two wee during 2019. Rain sa data also submitted i 3.N Duty to supplement No NA NA NA No supplemental info submitted in 2019 3.0 Retention of records No Yes NA Records review 3.P Compliance certification No Yes NA Records review 3.Q Certification by responsible official No Yes NA Records review Permit 03735T47 Page 2 of 3 COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT FOR GENERAL CONDITIONS For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Was Deviation Method(s)of Permit Deviations? Records a non- Determining (Yes/No) Maintained. compliance Compliance Comments Condition Condition Summary (Yes/No/NA) issue?o) p Number Yes/No Status 3.T Insignificant activities records available at facility No Yes NA Records review 3.V Inspection and entry No Yes NA DAQ annual inspection 3.W Annual fee payment No Yes NA Records review 3.X Annual emission inventory requirement No Yes NA Records review 3.Y Confidential information No NA NA NA EPA requested no confidential information 32 Construction and operation permits No Yes NA Records review 3.AA Standard application form and required information No Yes NA Records review 3.CC Refrigerant requirements No Yes NA Records review 3.DD Prevention of accidental releases—Section 112(r) No Yes NA Records review 3.EE Prevention of accidental releases—Section 112(r)(1) No NA NA NA Facility is required to register a 112(r)RMP 3.1I Ambient air quality standards No Yes NA Gaussian Dispersion Model Emissions testing of VEN, 3.JJ Emission testing and reporting requirements No Yes NA Records review PPA carbon adsorbers conducted in 2019. 3.LL Reporting requirements for non-operating equipment No Yes NA Records review 3.NN Specific permit modifications No Yes NA Records review Permit 03735T47 Page 3 of 3 COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT FOR GENERAL CONDITIONS For Calendar Year 2019 Terms and Conditions Was Deviation Method(s)of Permit Deviations? Records a non- Determining (Yes/No) Maintained. compliance Compliance Comments Condition Condition Summary (Yes/No/NA) issue? p Status Number Yes/No A permittee has no influence 3.00 Third Party Participation and EPA Review No NA NA NA with the EPA review or any 3ra partyartici ation