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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_1900116_20211220_EI_Apprd-EI 2020 Emissions Inventory Review / Data Tracking Form Facility Name: Daurity Springs uar Facili ID: 1900116 Facility Assigned to: Data Entry: Chatham County Classification: Dena Pittman Confidential Copy Submitted? Small ❑YES I;K0 Initial Review/Data Entry Enter date received into ED. Date Received: lk j j Zp j AF440) ❑ Assigned to appropriate individual. Date Assigned: Date Due: ❑ Paper copy submitted: One copy received with supporting documentation,certification form signed by responsible official,and appears generally complete;OR ©--I�lectronic copy submitted: All supporting documentation and certification form (with time.-date stamp)signed by responsible official has been received. Comments: #30 e Inventory Review Ur All forms and supporting documentation appear to be complete if paper submission(check ED OS data if electronic). d Contact,address, phone number changes entered into 1-BeamiFacilities if necessary. 21� All known operating scenarios,control devices,and emission release points have been entered for each emission source(permitted, insignificant,and unpermitted)or note that the emission source was not operated or not required to report. G2r Check if SCC codes for each OS are accurate and update if needed. 2r Evaluate"U" sources for significance and address according to policy. ❑' Calculations!forms appear to add up correctly. Gr All compliance issues are being addressed(e.g. Toxics limits, above TV thresholds, large emissions increasetdecrease, installation without a permit). 0" All volatile HAPsfTAPs were included in the VOC total. 11"'Calculations and control efficiencies appear correct. Emission factors are the best available and most current factors appropriate for the reporting facility(e.g. stack testing,AP-42,etc.). Rr' Review facility comments and address any issues, I' Update ED(Data Entry Main) if additional information is required(corrections due date and date received). Mr Check all ED QArQC reports. la' Comparison with previous emission inventory must be made and outliers(:.' 10%)must be investigated and explained. Put inventory review comments and summarize any changes in ED-Data Entry Main "DAQ internal comments". Date Info Requested: Date Info Received: Total ays on Hold: Date Review Complete: _l_Z 20 1 Z0 Z 1 Signature: Date Submitted to El Coordinator: 1 L/2e/202.1 Date Approved: Initials: ��� i � _ i � i � � � i � 5 � � r y ��� � � i t � This form is for Non-Title V facilities. If this facility is classified as Title V,please obtain and use the appropriate form Original COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 11/30/2021 18:51:15 Inventory Certification Form(Non-Title V) Facility Name: Daurity Springs Quarry Facility ID : 1900116 2834 S. Main Street Permit : 10372 Goldston,NC 27252 County : Chatham DAQ Region : RRO North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory-Calendar Year 2020 These forms must be completed and returned even if the facility did not operate or emissions were zero The legally defined "Responsible Official" of record for your facility is Phil Hovis This person or one that meets the definition below must sign this certification form. The official submitting the information must certify that heishe complies with the requirements as specified in Titlel5A NCAC 2Q.03040)which define the responsible official as the following: 1. For corporations,by principal executive officer of at least the level of vice-president,or his duly authorized representative, if such representative is responsible for overall operationof the facility from which the emissions described in the permit application form originates 2. for partnership or limited partnership,by a general partner 3. for a sole proprietorship,by the proprietor 4. for municipal, state federal, or other public entity, by a principal executive officer, rankingelected official, or other duly authorized employee CERTIFICATION STATEMENT: (Important: Legally Responsible Official,read and sign after all submissions are final.l I certify that I am the responsibl ficial for this facilityris described above,and hereby certify that the information contained in this air emissions report, inOfi di attached calculations and documentation, is true, accurate and complete. (Subject to legal penalties of up to$25,000 er o urrence and possib a imprisonment as outlined in G.S. § 143-215.3(a 2)) Responsible Official's ftpAurejklow (use b ue ink): Date Signed: O— Printed me: ;rrlt Woo Signature: 717 This form applies to No itle V facilities. I this facility is classified asTitle V,please telephone your regional office Emission Inventory Contact at once for proper formsand classification. Brent.wood@constructionpa Email address of Responsible Official: Information on this Form cannot be held confidential Original COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 11/30/2021 18.51.15 ua4ik NC Dept of Environmental Q ) DEC -3 2021 Raleigh Regional Office �t�+� �,_ �� - �'��, Facility Total CY 2020 Emission Summary Recorded in ED Facility ID#: 1900116 Facility Name: Daurity Springs Quarry Permit#(s): 10372R01 Green House Gases Pollutants (GHG) Actual Emissions Tons/Vr Pollutant CAS Demini- Change mus Not Not N A Reported Reported CO2 equivalent(sum of individual GHG pollutant emissiot No GHGs times their 1995 IPCC Global Warming Potential (GWP), Reported converted to metric tons) Criteria Pollutants Actual Emissions (Tons/Year) Pollutant CAS CY 2020 CY 2012 Demini- % from ED from Fees mus Change CO CO Not 0.000000 0.5 NIA Reported NOx NOx Not 0.000000 0.5 NIA Reported PM(TSP) TSP 0.850000 0.000000 0.5 NIA PM 10 PM 1 p 0.310000 0.000000 0.5 NIA PM2.5 PM2.5 0.160000 0.000000 0.5 NIA S02 S02 Not 0,000000 0.5 NIA Reported VOC VOC Not 0.000000 0.5 NIA Reported Largest Individual HAP Total HAP Emissions Largest Individual CAP PM10 0.31 tons Total CAP Emissions 0.31 tons Total TAP Emissions Total Aggregate 0.31 tons Emissions 12,'20,202 1 Page 1 of 2 DAQ's Comments Reimrdinlz Inventory There are no previous inventories to compare. Changed screen emissions to 0.34 tpy(PM),0.12 tpy (pM 10)and 0.01 tpy(PM2.5),previously listed as 0 tpy fall all three. 12120j2021 Page 2 of 2 STONE QUARRY EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION C 05/23/2011 -OUTPUT SCREEN Instructions: Enter emission source/facility data on the"INPUT"tab/screen. The air emission results and summary of input data are viewed/printed on the"OUTPUT"tablscreen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. 1• This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained. This spreadsheet is subject to continual revision and updating, It Is your responsibility to be aware of the most current information available. DENR Is NCDENRnot responsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. I FACILITY1MR INPUT SUMMARY(FRON INPUr SCREEN) COMPANY FSC 11, LLC - Daurity Springs Quarry FACILITY ID NO.: i9001 i6 PERMIT NUMBER 10372ROl FACILITY CITY Goldston FACILITY COUNTY: Chatham SPREADSHEET PREPARED BY RDHEC GRIrERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMI St IS li►IFORIAIII ACTUAL EMISSIONS wFTER CONTROLS sue TSl POTENTIAL EMSSIONS AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED Ib/hr tons/ r Ibrhr tons+ r PARTICULATE MATTER rPM) 3 39E-04 0.85 789 34.57 PARTICULATE MATTER<10 MICRONS(PM„}) 1 21E-04 0.30 2.86 12.53 PARTICULATE MATTER<2 5 MICRONS(PM; ,� 6 31E-05 0.16 1 34 587 (OXIDE S02 OXIDES NOx ONOXIDE CO IC COMPOUNDS VOC EAD TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONTOTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS ONTROLS 13WOEVCONTROLS AFMEMS L)NTROLS/LIMITS Ib/mmBtu US AIR POLLUTANT NUMBER Ib/hr I tons! r Iblhr tons! r I Ib/hr tonstyr incontrolle control! TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITATIONS EMISSION FACTOR IblmmBtu POLLUTANT CAS Num. lb/hr Ib/da lh4r uncontrolle contrail Quarry Emission Spreadsheet- Daurity UPDATt$9EW2&R7 119RW2).xIsx 1 of 2 pages STONE CRUSHING EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION C 05/2312011 EMISSIONS INVENTORY INPUT SCREEN NOTICE: This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does D6 V not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained. This spreadsheet is Zk JAE M& subject to continual revision and updating. It is your responsibility to be aware of NCDENR the most current information available. DENR is not responsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. Instructions: 1.Use this sheet for EMISSION INVENTORY PURPOSES ONLY. 2.For each product fill in all SLUE cells. Company Name: FSC II,LLC-Daurity Springs Quarry Facility ID No.: 1900116 Permit No.: 10372R01 Facility City: Goldston Facility County: Chatham Spreadsheet Prepared by:1 RDHEC Actual plant hours of operation:1 2500 hours How many products did you produce?I 1 Facility-wide Emissions Summa - yearly actual yearly actual yearly actual rly pot a yearly potential yearly potential TSP emissions PMIQ emissions PM2.5 emissions emi PM70 emissions PM2.5 emissions (tpy) (tpy) (tpy) ) (tpy) 1.6 0.6 0.4 5.5 2.0 1.2 IX.- 20Z9 Quarry Emission Spreadsheet- Daurity UPDATE'mM&R7-II' RW2).xlsx 1 of 2 pages Quarry Emission Spreadsheet - Daurity 1JPDATRUEW2MR7 NRU32).xlsx 2 of 2 pages Product Product A Process Information Actual annual production of A: 98,108 tons CRUSHERS Information No.of primary crushers with no suppression: 0 No.of primary crushers with wet suppression: 1 No.of secondary 1 tertiary crushers with no suppression: 0 No_of secondary 1 tertiary crushers with wet suppression: 1 No.of fines crushers with no suppression-I 0 No.of fines crushers with wet suppression: 0 SCREENS Information No.of normal screens with no suppression: 0 No.of normal screens with wet suppression: 4 No.of fines screens with no suppression: No.of fines screens with wet suppression: CONVEYOR TRANSFER POINTS Information *No.of conveyor transport points with no:uppre::ion: uppreion: *No.of conveyor transport points with wet 19 *NOTE:Each conveyor will have only one transfer point,the point where a conveyor drops product,not recieves product. Do not include conveyors that drop to screens or crushers. The transfer points to the crushers and screens are already accounted for in the emission factors for these units. Product A Emissions Summary A product crushers TSP emissions: 0.1 tons A product screens TSP emissions: 0.4 tons A product conveyor transfer points TSP emissions: 1.0 tons A product total TSP emissions: 1.6 tons A product crushers PM10 emissions: 0.1 tons A product screens PM10 emissions: 0.1 tons A product conveyor transfer points PM10 emissions: 0.4 tons A product total PM10 emissions: 0.6 tons A product crushers PM2.5 emissions: 0.0 tons A product screens PM2.5 emissions: 0.0 tons A product conveyor transfer points PM2.5 emissions: 0.3 tons A product total PM2.5 emissions: 0.4 tons Quarry Emission Spreadsheet- Daurity UPDATEPOE fPmRg R9R0102) xlsx 2 of 2 pages Quarry Emission Spreadsheet-Daunly UPDATED 2021-12-19(0021.Asx: crusher output 1 of 1 pages Crusher Calculations and Output Company Name: FSC A.LIC usumv Sp'".Quarry 1.02 Os6 0.09 e.17 2.01 0.37 0.06 0.03 0.00 F."Ift ID No.. 1000r 16 Perms No.: t91.1 neely potenwl aerie polandal 11our1y patendal Y. Potential yearly pOMn" yeah p0sinael y"My actual yearly actual yearly actual FSMIYCey: Gegslm TSP emisMms PMp amisalons PM2.5 emissions TV emissions PM a emissions PM2.5 emisabna TSP amlelan. PM,r emissions PM2.5 emissions TSP amaawn PM„a.nssron PM2 5 ona&*n Focally Ceumy: 1101hr] IIOm1r! i�mr! ItPltl (tpyl ttPyl i4+y) 1tPY1 11pY1 IOeMr Scnenl faces Icnenl lance tarony Primary CnuWr IC Jim CR'1 weh wet sutaeaslan I Maximum RUN Capacity 175 tonameur 0.411 0.2025 0.0575 1.OT7 0.6005 0.16e26 0.0261169765 0.01660 169a OA0VIIAIAT &0012 0MOM" 0.0001 Actual..nest d1ro00hput 43.M tons Sew4arya Ternary Cruallerig No.CRSH-2 we em n t sup—Mm I Maximum Rated Capacity 475 tonsemur 0.57 0.2555 0.0a7s te9 066 1 12se7 0.20806 0.03249*35 0.61402766 0,002761253 0,0012 0.0005a 0A001 to Actual amwl dlroupmput "AN ns Quarry Emission Spreadsheet Daurity UPDATED 2021-12-19(D02)xlsx CNOW wlpurl 1 011 POW Quarry Emission Spreadsheet-baunty UPDATED 2021-12-19(002).xlsx screens output 1 of 1 pages Screens Calculations and Output CetndNtyPMV IDNMne: FSC N.LLc.ownry swim,Ourry 7.27 1.09 O.p7 11.11 l71 -14 O.L 0.12 0.01 Fa No.: te001 ie Pern01 N0: 19372MI Maly Pe " burly P-t-t l Maly pot." Yeasty Po tw yearly Polim" ywly Pa tW Y-ty ac1W yowty acRMl Factory W. GOM110n TSPwv",M a PM.'-d k- PM,IMWppns TSPe0lealMn PMgenWebns PMS.SMMeetMe TSPe"..0- PM.e .Iwl P11112.5-4.0 a TSP emeM6n PM enMevl PM2S- F.MrycduOq: Cmemm Ila'ttrl WWI PlNlr) 1W 11PY1 IIPYI (W [NYV ItPY) Ne (1»M r.cmr flwn fii m(4'lon N-21 amen ID No.aCP SCRN1 w0t wet wpnwslM MuetltRn Raba Capaclry 27s IM.Uw 0.023 e.277S 0.41975 3.9135 1.21545 IK"2125 0.067011235 9.01MIA6M O.00tOM07{ 0.0022 0.00P74 Cam$ ACCW w-W*-Whwl 43,293 cane - N-0 Sween ID N0.SCRN 1 with wet euPmelM MulPNen RMN ck ety MO IMMlOw 10 4.37 0.025 {A16 1162" 0.10" DAWNS O.04737495 6.003065876 0.0022 OAOW{ O.OMOs A.,..W an"I hPA 122,636 M. I N.-M down ID Nw scRN 2wNh wet euP-.I- MewlnwM Raw c."try 475 NnNnw I 1.0{6 0.3016 OA1376 {.3771 1.SU57 O.IO{OS! 0.1211036T3 o.O131o6707 0.002e1231/ 0.0022 0.0007{ 0.000os AMW en-W 6NarghFA 116.593 1*" _ NexmM Seen ID Na SCRN 3 with I lupnaaloe Mu.ii-Ift 1 Cap Jty 119 mmnwir 4.21/0 o.osm Comes 1.1N4M 0.]FS70a 6.926001 0.032103N3 0.0107910233 0.001129676 0.0072 0.00074 PA0005 A6fuM MUMM V-"hput 26.117 1on1 Quaky Emission Spreadsheet-DPunty UPDATED 2021-12-19(002).xlsx screens output 'M 1 P1g06 1 � d d d g g 3 g g g $d ! e e rl g ` eeee x a I a ! a � i { I s l s s Qs i s g s i s R ka it It it 8 Wl i. l ._ Ill I _ i i i i g i g i i i III i 5 i 55i i i iE 8 F F F F F III,gj Ili 111 iA, h.4 g.z ,Fc '1_c :5 SA!,A €4j IAk 24IAk Ink -'a �s �`_� .. � '=pC`R d'iiA-ate »a - � e ] � Q Q Qi Q gggg F F Cq{qQF Q 3 � Q{{ii Q Q�` Q Qkk Q Q Q¢= 8 Facility Total CY 2020 Emission Summary Recorded in ED Facility ID #: 1900116 Facility Name: FSC 1I, LLC - Daurity Springs Quarry Permit#(s): 10372ROI Green House Gases Pollutants (GHG) Actual Emissions Tons/Yr Pollutant CAS Demini- Change mus Not Not NIA Reported R ¢orted CO2 equivalent(sum of individual GHG pollutant emissioi No GHG times their 1995 IPCC Global Warming Potential (GWP), Repo d converted to metric tons) Criteria Pollutants Actual Emissions {Tons/Year) Pollutant CAS CY 2020 CY 2012 Demini- % from ED from Fees gnus Change CO CO Not 0.000000 0.5 NIA Reported NOx Ox Not 0.000000 0.5 NIA Reported PM(TSP) TSP 0.510000 0.000000 0.5 NIA PM 10 PM 1 p 0.190000 0.000000 0.5 NIA PM2.5 PM2.5 0.150000 0.000000 0.5 NIA S02 S02 Not 0.000000 0.5 NIA Reported VOC VOC Not 0.000000 0.5 NIA Reported Largest Individual HAP Total HAP Emissia Largest Individual CAP PM10 0.19 tons l3Ytg�^ Total CAP Emissions 0.19 tons lr�o Qw Total TAP Emissions Total Aggregate 0.19 tons Emissions 1118..,2021 Page 1 of DAO's Comments Regarding Inventory There are no previous inventories to compare. 12'l8-2021 Page 2 of 2 Quarry Emission Spreadsheet- Daurity.xlsx INVENTORY INPUT 1 of 2 pages STONE CRUSHING EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION C 06/23/2011 EMISSIONS INVENTORY INPUT SCREEN NOTICE: This spreadsheet Is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the Information contained. This spreadsheet is `74* subject to continual revision and updating. It Is your responsibility to be aware of A& WDENR the most currant information available. DENR is not responsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. Instructions: 1.Use this sheet for EMISSION INVENTORY PURPOSES ONLY. 2.For each product fill In all BLUE cells. Company Name: FSC II,LLC-Daurity Springs Quarry Facility ID No.: 1900116 Permit No.: 10372R01 Facility City: Goldston Facility County: Chatham Spreadsheet Prepared by:1 RDHEC Actual plant hours of operation: 2500 hours How many products did you produce?1 1 Facility-wide Emissions Summary yearly actual yearly actual yearly actual yearly potential yearly potential yearly potential TSP emissions PMIG emissions PM2.5 emissions TSP emissions PM�o emissions PM2.5 emissions t 1.6 0.6 0.4 5.5 2.0 1.2 NC Dept of Environmental Quality DEC - 3 2021 Raleigh Regional Office Quarry Emission Spreadsheet- Daurity.xlsx INVENTORY INPUT 1 of 2 pages F��F �of�" ,i —i +, Quarry Emission Spreadsheet- Daurity.xlsx INVENTORY INPUT 2 of 2 pages Product Product A Process Information Actual annual production of A:[- 98,108 tons CRUSHERS Information No.of primary crushers with nQ suppression: 0 No.of primary crushers with wd suppression: 1 No.of secondary 1 tertiary crushers with ng suppression: 0 No.of secondary I tertiary crushers with Ag suppression: 1 No.of fines crushers with n2 suppresslon: 0 No.of fines crushers with ll M suppresslon: 0 SCREENS Information No.of normal screens with j22 suppression: 0 No.of normal screens with rwA suppression: 4 No.of fines screens with D2 suppression: 0 No.of fines screens with WM suppression: 0 CONVEYOR TRANSFER POINTS Information *No.of conveyor transport points with Dg suppression: 6 No.of conveyor transport points with yW suppresslon: 19 *NOTE:Each conveyor will have only one transfer point,the point where a conveyor drops product,not recieves product. Do not include conveyors that drop to screens or crushers. The transfer points to the crushers and screens are already accounted for in the emission factors for these units. Product A Emissions Surnmary A product crushers TSP emissions: 0.1 tons A product screens TSP emissions: 0.4 tons A product conveyor transfer points TSP emissions: 1.0 tons A product total TSP emissions: 1.6 tons A product crushers PM10 emissions: 0.1 tons A product screens PM10 emissions: 0.1 tons A product conveyor transfer points PM10 emissions: 0.4 tons A product total PM10 emissions: 0.6 tons A product crushers PM2.5 emissions: 0.0 tons A product screens PM2.5 emissions: 0.0 tons A product conveyor transfer points PM2.5 emissions: 0.3 tons A product total PM2.6 emissions: 0.4 tons i iit!p. (,i t.nv+rorimentai Quality DEC -3 W ,. ;i,h Rrj!inna) Off}Ce Quarry Emission Spreadsheet- Daurity.xlsx INVENTORY INPUT 2 of 2 pages It It it NC Dept of Fn�ironmeT►ta1 Qua►!t• DEC -3 2021 Raleigh pegional Office 8 0 ��.+i. �� ,� . , - r ,� .� - f 9 I I MET O O O O 3 NC ept of Environmental mental Quality DEC -3 2021 Raleigh Regional Office 0 .. i 5 �! ► \ b � tpl , § 6 .6 , 11 il j 11 j � 11 11 1 I c ado- i 11 H 11 11 11 __ � _ � +}I rl. _�',�� . } i f� #� { t�i.. - ..�y �+ ,. � �y. ��__ ��